,;s; I I ;AMKiLS NEWS COMPLETELY COVERED BY i>EPA*TMENT OF JOURNALISM STUDENTS Exams Exams Here is Again Here THE SKIFF TCU Again Your School—Your Paper—And Your News FORT WORTH, TEXAS. WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1929 NUMBER 82. Annual Spring Scni0 r T spe d kSWE SEE $850* «^r For r.Class Gifr - JExam f^ Schedule „ Art Exhibit To Announcedt For /THINGS 192 Graduates to Be Assessed Open On May 27 $6 Each for Bronze Horned RAYMOND n. COPBLAND. -» Frog, Spring Semester ME back a letter was Display Will Be Held in The senior class of '29 will spend May 31 to Junii 5 to Oc- sent to editors of college paper $850 on their class gift. This was J DtpartmcntTor Two decided in a class meeting after chapel cupy Underclass- them to tell what they Weeks. IF YOU MAPPFN last Friday. The 192 graduates will tmen's Time. about their four' years of TO APPROACH A be assessed $8 each. Allowances have life, and especially wanting BLANKET AND A been made for some 50 students being' SELECTED WORK SHOWN OOW AND ARROW, r if they thought it was unable to pay in full. SENIORS' TESTS EARL* DON'T OE *FRAIO ' The class gift is to be composed of: while, and if they had found rra P«OO\.Y A GIRL an eight-foot foundation, a 1,000-j Class of '29 to Complete Work rth while, how and why. Need- 'More and Rotter Work This WITH A WAA AWARD pound granite stone, and a bronze | on May 28—Week Set , to say his bit of questioning Year Than Ever Before," horned frog, which will be placed1 Says I'rof. Ziefjler. Aside for Others. ■ from the hand of the noted Qfl top. All graduates are to pay the re- srican Mercury editor; no other Final examinations for the spring quired sum as soon as possible to . would be prying into the pri- The annual spring art exhibition ^f AS FOR semester at T. -C. U. have been an- ■ 1- anyone on the class gift committee the T.- C. U. art department will be KNOWLEDGE/ nounced by Registrar E. R. Tucker, i business of college editors, of which Sid Latham is chairman. held in the art rooms for two weeks, to take place from May 81 to June I it, very few would think that HOW A FRfSMM/tW A class organization committee will starting M.:y in, according to Pro. WTlB WMfN MC 5 for underclassmen, and for seniors. be selected at the close of the year th of them. 3. P. Zeigler, head of the department. May 24-28. to take care of any surplus that The exhibition will consist of Classes which regularly recite at might be had. selected work done by the art stu- 8 o'clock Monday, Wednesday and it ont thinj to say a thing and dents, anil the woVk of every class in Friday, will have the examination ft it a far harder thing to the department will be represented. fra<n 8 to 10:30, Friday, May 81; s Jain it after you have said it. This will include painting, sketching, A aiPf 010 A.G€ IS William Balch In 9 o'clock rlasi.es. M. W. F., from >i public school art and commercial art. NOTHING TO s«Ae AnOUT- to 10:30, Monday June 3; 11 o'clock rned from long hour* of class coHjiocn rut rec'i "We have turned out more and classes, M. W. F„ 10:30 to 1 o'clock, i explanations) But anyway, Recital Tuesday better work in the department this Monday, June 3; 12 o'clock classes, ii a brief sketch of my at- year than ever before and the stand- M. W. F., 8 to 10:30 o'clock, Wednes- pted explanation. I have found ard is greatly improved," said Prof. Will Be 165th Program day, June 5. it? worth while because it has Zeigler, in commenting on the work Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ■in things that cannot be o'o- to be presented. "One of the most He Has Presented classes will have examinations as ■ed anywhere else, knocks. noticeable features is the fine color for T. C. U. follows: 8 o'clock classes, from 8 to instance. (There are enough work, for this year we have taken up 10:30 o'clock Thursday, May 30; 9 tss in college to make, up color as a scientific study." •tow'/A.&WTTA'fse The senior recital of William Ba'ch, o'clock classes, from 8 to 10:30 o'clock any that you might have A list of students who will have tenor, a student of Prof. Paul Kl.n- on Saturday, June 1; 10 o'clock ). Among these things are work on display during the two gstedt, May 28, at 8:15 p. m. in the classes, from 10:30 to 1 o'clock on s, association with teamed weeks' exhibition includes: Misses school auditorium, will mark Batch's Saturday, June 1; 11 o'clock classes, •le, of learning people, and the Maxine Alexander, Virginia Carmen, seventeenth recital in four years, and from 10:30 to 1 o'clock on Tuesday. ty to tram your mind. Flora Finnegan, Mary Gaudin, Mar- the 166th program which he has pre- June 4. and 12 o'clock classes, 8 to THI5 IS A GENERAL IDEA AS TO THE sented in the name of T. C. U. 10:30 o'clock, Tuesday, June 4. gueryte Graltcr, Mildred (Juinn, Mar- *: ~ garet Irvine, Kmily Jackson, Cath- APPEARANCE OF THE SENIORS GIFT. At T. C. U Exceptions to the above may be AND HOW HP RETLS found en the bulletin board. you could get these things out- erine Kail, Elizabeth Ruff, Evelyn THE SENIORS REALIZE THAT CARS WILL during t hi ■ide college, then you could get a Potter, Sarah Smith, Grace King, past fout OBSTRUCT THE VIEW DURING THE DAY —_^ ' college education, but even Cornelia Kitchen, l.esbia Word, Osic years Balch college I* so welt adapted to Blackwell. AND THEY WILL PROVIOE A LIGHT AT NK3HT/ has been an ■**z^ Two To Receive Art ■f them to you. that it is hard Mary Bradley, Lillian Earnest, active member beat. However, let's look them Leona Moore, Dorothy Wagner, Allene of the orches- Certificates In June snd sea tf they will not come Allen, Virginia ,Dowell, Theresa COVATCR" 11 a„ band i to supplying us wish wsapsas rtiurpf, Viririni-i Unihwrr, Margaretf- Men's Glee Mrs. Lucille Richhsrt and Qninn light these hard knocks of life Johnson. Cus: ic Lee Jones, Elva club and the Buck to Exhibit Work To- much better than just ex- Keoppe, Joe Ella Krct.iingcr, Mildred Horned Frog morrow Afternoon. eating the hard knocks them- Matrhettc, Jessie Pumphrey, Mona Who Is Discipline quartet, as Schuler Is Again Armstrong Heads Mrs. Lucille Richhart, special art for this is what a man says Roliin.ion, Elisabeth Rowell and the second Committee ? We'll student, and Quinn Buck, senior art ■ he says that this education Elizabeth Siruill, Units Lucille Rich- most a c t i V e student, will receive art certificates been one of experience. He hart and Clyde Kraft. Class '32 Head Pi Kappa Delta man o n the Bite,NowWhols? from T. C. U. in June, after having just learned to do something Messrs. Charles Heath, Henry Mc- campus in stu- completed three years of art work in to keep from experiencing the LelUnd, Wenwcll Scholar, Quinn dent activities. Miss Marion Smith as Certain freshmen are still in some Hellman and Brown Are the University, as announced by Prof. t feeling—a pure matter of trial Buck, Robert Gray, Jerry Harwell, doubt about the T. C. U. discipline In addition to his' school work, 8. P. Ziegler, head of the department error. Carl Huff, Ralph Dean, Tom Hudson, Secretary-Treasurer New Members of committee. Also, they are a bit dubi- Balch has been active in outside They will give an open exhibition Lon Lloyd, Kenneth Moore, Dudley Only New Officer. Organization. music wor!:. He hat been choir di- if their work, to which the public is Peacock, Marcus-Rcincra, Evan Rout- ous about Professor Ballard's being US if we acquire the ability rector at the Hempbill Presbyterian invited, in the T. C. U.' art rooms to- zong and L.iuiince Coulter. Wendell Schuler was re-elected the head of said committee. It all Lloyd Armstrong was elected presi- to train our minds, and to think church. Central Methodkt church morrow, from 2 to 5 o'clock in the president of the sophomore class for 'happened this way— There were dent of Pi Kappa Delta at a meeting that training, we are already and the Hemphill Heights Methodist afternoon. The exhibition will con- 1929-'30 in the election of class offi- of that organisation Wednesday morn- I of the experience idea. Then some minutes until time for the church. He h*s served a3 orchestra sist of about 30 pictures and sketches, I Miss Stow to Attend cers held last week. Noel Roberts was ing. Other officers elected are Stew- ! can surround this, training French class in Brite so a grfup of director at the Magnolia Avenue including regular still life studio re-elected vice-president and Miss art Hellman, vice-president and Hugh Christian church, and has been chair- association with people who School of Gymnastics congenial fish gathered around the paintings and school room charcoal Marion Smith was elected secretary- Quinn Buck, secretary and treasurer. man of the city church committee studies from elementary and advanced also doing the same thing, we I .
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