. Hornsby's Crew Clinch Pennant By Whipping New "Happy" GriSWOld May Start Cassidy About Decided on Lineup For First Giants While Cincinnati Reds Were r. Game Several Changes in Positions Effected Dur. York Splitting 31f Tftmftrpnw 5EVEREI0 Header With Philadelphia-Tea- ms to Meet mm ing the Past WeekContest Will Be a Practice On Cleveland Loses Game Locals Show Much PoYer in in Last Game of Year Sunday The lineups: Practice Se- to Athletics While Yankees Are Idle. Eritains Holyokc Profs. ssionsTeam Followers Expect a Victory. Holzhelmer le Robert Politls It Thompson CLEVELAND N'anfeldt Powers The fly the Aisoctated PfM. P.O. Ig New Britain High school of St. All. It. h c PENNOCK MAT SET The the . 1 5 B. Lavierrc football team will the Suffield lona; uphill light Rogers FRAN play IOUis Cardinals 10 lann a :i .4 n l 1 Humphries rg McCarthy it Preparatory school team In that in the Mound City speaker, t .4 rt SNYDER town this afternoon in the league pennant 4 Murphy Tagg opening and llurns, lb 11 of the 1926 will is crowned with victory today s 4 3 Connelly, Brink .re Brown game season. It .1. be baseball multitudes that have Summa, rf 4 Hunt qb Berry a practice session for both teams the k struggle of l c ...3 Thompson llib McDonald as the real season does not open the Cards and Cincinnati for su- I.utzk.-- 3b :! Pturm rhh Teese until a week from today. The of- p 3 (I Yankee Twirler Has Cbance to premacy can now turn their atten-, Davis fb Schneider ficials who will be in charge of tha 33 1 :: ! will be from tion to possibilities. Totiiln it Klckoft at 2:30 p. m. Officials: game picked anions The Cards clinched the flag be- rhllailcliilila ') 3 the Suffield men. elan-- .001 :' Clesson and of error by .'. ()o l Harry Ginsburg, Tarker According to the way in which yond chance yesterday Tun hafle lilts Jenkins 12), Jnmieson. 6 to Dave the team has been In whipping the New York Giants lialln'.vav, p'reneh. Left on Mahoney. lining up th 4, while the Reds were dropping the l.nfon I' S, Cleveland 5. Bio Following a stiff practice drill at New York, Sept. 23 (P The world practice sessions under the direc- of a double header with ..n halls off rule 3. Mruik out-- by Item-e- n series record of live victor- tion of Head Coach George M. Cas- first game 2, I'lilo 2. Wild Rommel. Vm-pl- the state armory last night Coach pitching 9 to 2. The Ueds piuh ies and no sidy, plenty of power should ba Philadelphia, ( C'oniialty, Owens. Time satisfaction with defeats, held by the old Hayes expressed . shown the local in braced against tho in the Colby Cannonader, John Wesley by squad its first The to- second contest, winning 8 to 4, but the form displayed by the Coombs, is menaced by only one gridiron tilt. lineup for Britain team. Considerable time was will be as fol- the damage was done and for the man. , in the ap- day's game probably in drilling-"Happy- lows: McGrath. first time In baseball history, the NATIONAL LEAGUE spent by the coach proaching baseball championship center; Erickson, Cards have fought their way into Griswold, the local boy classic. And it would take three tri- and Bruce, guards; Ar.selmo and series. who is battling for a place in the! by the Yankee Rromberg. tackles: Zehrer and Gor-de- n, the world ST. LOUIS umphs frail, willowy ends: When word that the pennant was AB. R. H. P.O. A. E. backfield. southpaw to equal the mark of Col- Fengler, quarterback; clinched reached St. Louis, the city 4 0 0 2 i 0 The former Ranger thunderbolt by Jack. Claire and Zaleskl, half backs and in ut!i'v..rtl.. rf 5 1 0 4 0 0 power at the full- Chief Matulis, fullback. broke spontaneously the greatest Zb 5 n 4 0 displayed great Bender, old teammate of lloniKtiy. and it is A number of changes have been celebration it has seen since the !...t.tomley, lb 4 1 121 is n o back position, probable Coombs on the Athletics, holds the 1 effected in the team because of tha armistice In 191S. St. Louis fans, Hell, lb 4 that Griswold will start against the distinction of gaining the most 4 a 0 0 shown of 3S of for a win- llarey. If 1110 Holyoke Professionals Sunday after- world series six, but the development by several th after years waiting c 4 1 13: 3 3 o victories, news im- ii'FarrUl, noon. famous sev- candidates. Bruce has been shifted ner, greeted the with Thevenow, s 4 1 Chippewa Indian tasted backfield man in back to guard where he starred last promptu parades, the roaring of l'hom. p 0 Another new eral defeats. Coobs' perfect record T year. Coach Cassidy was bombs, whistles, and whatever Tf.nrcer, t !the person of Dickerson, formerly of was achieved as the result of three trying SI erilfcl, p 2 w ill be him out at tackle and shifted noise-make- happened to be at the University of Virginia, victories in 1910 and one In 1911 in backfield. to guard, but he finds now hand. Motorists with horns shriek- seen in action the X, ? K with the Athletics, his fifth coming Yale in the that the change would not be pf a ing, tied up traffic in all directions NEW YORK Dickerson played against jje in 1918 when he had transferred benefit to the team. Zaleski has as crowds poured from downtown AH, II. P.O. A. E. Bowl about two years ago, and his his allegiance to Brooklyn. Mu.ll.-r- If 1 1 1 o 0 replaced Carlson in the backfield, buildings, deserting their labors for work was impressive. He handled Coombs' murk of three victories Mxorc. If . 3 o 2 0 dis- ' Zaleski has shown a lot of stuff in more 3 4 2 3 himself well last night, ana M in one series is shared three oth- the important rejoicing. I.lnclv.ron', b 2 0 sit? by the scrimmages and much is ex- Cin- 4 iy ymk Cb 0 in the The St. l.ouis margin over I'rlm h, 5 played ability booting pigskin. er mound heroes, the late Christy of 142 pected him this year. Erickson cinnati Is three games with Kelly, lb .. 3 2 0 Another new man who has signed Mathewson. who gave added lustre today Terry, rf . . has replaced Scully at guard, duo two to The x of with the locals. Is Nanfeldt, former .. to his 1905 feat all of hut play. Tyson, cf . . BII.LY EVANS) jj by making to his work the great past come-o- whose shut-out- during the nerve breaking season will Je'kSen. Bl Connecticut Aggies lineman, his games s against the week. o the season Norwich the Declaration of when Cincinnati plays a Florence, e work was the outstanding feature of Only five catchers now pcrform-th- today against Independence Athletics; Babe Adams, who regis- The Sunday n 0 of game this afternoon will start tho in the Mcquillan, 'f-- Haven Blues in the open-- i incr in the. niEiiors have worked in without the services the great was here. single game with Cards 1 signed tered three triumphs for the Pirates .'alter, sxx ' ib. rl.'iinler, whose flashing open at 2:30 o'clock with the New Britain nam..-- , . . 1 He will more their over in final match of the year. p 0 ling game last Sunday. play i.qoo or games during Normal municipal pulse beats Detroit 1909; and Stanley team leaving at. 12 noon. Thosa Karrell. MX held down last week field runs and unerring: forward three-tim- e The standing today: d! In the position major league careers. of Coveloskie, victor for who have been the prac- ft arm the Hanover In- were hastened by the departure following V I. To play lVt 'iree'nflold, p Kerr. "Cy Perkins, veteran star passing swept Cleveland over in 1920. ett, z by Ralph to a at the of the Brooklyn tice sessions engaged In. are eager S! - will Jum - joined dians place top the principals in the big bout. St. Louis .. jse The locals give "Young jof'the Philadelphia Athietics, Kd-ii- "Covey" had a chance last fall to to last Tho of e watch the toam go through a . (16 2 .T,(!6 4 at one of the other ranking year. was to Cincinnati S6 TutalJi 36 13 27 14 0 bo" of Berlin a chance the select circle the day. Jack Dempsey the first tie or surpass Coombs' mark but game and for that reason, are likely x the who won such "Death" I'ooley, quarter- The St. Louis season trails off flattud f.,r I'liem In Ind. guard positions. This boy tips Theother four have krive, slipping Inst night to was beaten in both of his starts for to Accompany the team on its .l back, absent from College for a year away one more the xx I!att-- for M"MU!laln 1m JikI. 218 every ounce of distinction are Kay Hchalk Ol 111" the Pirates. with game against xxx beam at pounds, in 1 f 2 4 . will Washington against journey. con IlHtierl for Ilames In 7th. Strobioh. White Sox, Yv'ally of after s' nsational play Atlantic City. Giants before the Cincinnati 7. It In strength. "Buffalo" Chicago Pehang Pennock got his first baptism of Ilafted for Greenfield In 9th. help offset the loss of Oheilandcr follows He was test. The Reds I'hiladeipnia sr. i.ouis 050 00.1 of the Falcons is coming the St. Louis Browne, Hank hevereil Tunney today. world series fire in 1914 when he MATCH POSTPONED play 1005 formerly and other regulars. New York to tndav. The Cards, New Vork 300 000 01 at. a form, and he of the nndj going home to give was a with the Athletics Los 25 Wl nln resting: ---- 04 along satisfactory elevens the youngster Angeles, Sept. Tha of -.; Bel on Sun- - Frank of the other Major taking Manhattan at noon a first hand of in- after their strenuous program the T; - mavnlso get into the fray Snyder, formerly Held are Cornell, where hut it consisted only three match between Joe Steelier and Ed lose a out. now wun i;ie v aiuiiuiia. today of the first world's heavy- as past few weeks, can both (ranu- Hoii. , -- Terry,WKouthworth. ' uiants, Gil" obic has the glimpse nings' work a relief twirler. His "Strangler" Lewis for the world's i.,tuul,y. ac- - "Gloomy again wuu- - n - team will he It is a rather peculiar coincidence weight champion it has had a effort was in 1923, when he while Cincinnati is uuung io Dauhit. sacri- The HolyoUe nucleus of a powerful eleven, Penn- big heavyweight wrestling title which out their leadership. ii'es lliiure, KIicm1i. Left on bases companied'here by a biff delegation that the names of these four per-- ; right 10 call its own. the Yankees to two victor- was to be held here October 6. has endangering New Yi.rk 8. S. in 'West pitched would be: St. I.oui Basil on balls i formers begin with the letter "S." sylvania, strong leterans, It was considered that thl ies over The final standing then -- off 2, of fanSi likely the Giants and helped clinch been cancelled because Lewis broka name, OreennM stru,k out of into the Virginia, Prown, Rutgers, Amherst, new W I. M' 1. l The enlry Perkins list' calm of the cham- the world series for the a in ivt by LJulllati ftanir 1. I Williams, I'ern State, Pittsburgh, interprid Hugmen. small bone his left arm whlla x'l C"' Winning piteljer-Shep- kl. LoIm .,i,..i,,1 break.s the spell of that letter. he for the on world St. Louis .Syracuse, Washingl on pion may penetrated Outstanding facts series training. MeQiiiiinn. r:lBler - been with the Ath-- ! Georgetown, Cincinnati ...... S Cii ..".71 I'niplres and Ilear- Perkins has and in the first time. Calm almost to tho pitching follow: KENSINGTON MEETS letics nine years, which meant he Jefferson, Lafayette of in The new National league cham- don. a'st. point nonchalance training Ed. Ruelbach of the Chicago Cubs Tiu;i- !- ;:,. better than 1 On only three of whom, pitcher ila, averaired games and and a human icicle in the ring, the allowed the "hitless wonders," the pions, season back of the bat. California. I.eland Stanford Grover Alexander, Outfielder Billy C'hi tin: ul Mil iiflfl r.f(; per of Southern Cali- plaudits of the home folk may White Sox of 190(1, only one . a stretch of five ex- - the University Southworth and 'oach Killefer, fjS - SUNDAY! Over years, in finally wreck the composure that There have been five two-h- it ;.) FALCONS to fornia, will steal the limelight the s, tending from j!t2n 19L Perkins, not him in trial and of have played with f v est while most of the has deserted games pitched by Ed Walsh the previously :!: nNii r;AMi; worked harder than any of tiie larger Action mad" short work of the CINCINNATI institutions await nest triumph. White Sox. of tie score-hoar- other veterans over the same period. Giants yesterday. When the d AB. rt. if. P.O. A. E. Saturday before answering th'1 call Tunmy left his New York home Cubs. Eddie Plank of the Athletics, showed the Phillies had Ciirlx. t,m n, T 4 il 5 0 0 Game oil a and former marine Bill James of the Braves and Waite that 6 1 0 Teams to Fourth of tho gridiron. challenger .gg WalliiT. rf 0 Play in , of taken the measure of Cincinnati I'll-!.- & a 7 (i He returns today a cham- Hoyt the. Yankees. lb l whileTnl;s:kpKan,e,in the four years that private. the first game, the Cards unlimited llrF4n. r.h 4 1 3 0 pion with the rgiht to wear the Walter Johnson of the Senators Quick If 3 n n Series at St. in 141. 14S. US' their and battered y.it7.matm. i i 3 Mary's he caught bar of a marine lieutenant in 1924 Ed Walsh's 1906 heavy artillery 3 2 of GOES BACK just equalled box "rltz. il) 0 2 3 0 and 12S contests, maUinir a total CHAMP one McQuillan from the Giant C f.round the corner. lie will soon be record for in game, Hugh Ifaturrave, c 4 3 0 n 70S an of 142 for. or average . in second 4 naniw, wl twelve on tho of nith a five run rally the '"''- 1' of commissioned. opening day When You Need It! 3 n The and Falcon teams the five years play. Giants-Senato- 1 inning. Little Lefty Sherdel, w ho l.u.ine. p l a l a Kensington The newest and greatest cham- the series, a The Ford Re- Lie as, l i o f, afternoon at It Is also a rather interesting fact TO HISHOME TOWN best equipped a j will clash tomorrow tlu-- battle. succeeded Flint Rhem after rocky field "91.9"! pion of all devoted a part of a 2:30 o'clock sharp at St. Mary's that Perkins celebrated game Coombs Issued pair Shop in the County! first that gave the Giants Totals S 57 1 tho first after his ill Jack fourteen inning ii 11 game, of the series by catching the great "Lefty" day victory three run toyed with the PltII.Al.i;i.l'IU, in the fourth but his book shelf was. passes in the 1910 series, nine of The biggest and most com- bad, I ever reading, H. between he two teams. This will Grove in the lirst big league lilt thereafter while his mates All. i;. I'.O. A. E not disturbed. He had hundreds of them in one game. plete stock of Genuine Ford ,1 i - ft base- in on tiumiay. to Tumultuous Annan, lb j be the. clash of clashes for the played Philadelphia Tuniiey Receive of al- wcro the pennant safe for l:l' .11. 4 0 I) cable and of the Giants has making 5 2 will draw-mor- a timely hit by "Cy" grams telegrams Parts in the State. n .. ball fans of the city and Incidentally, 31 on In St. Louis with brilliant support. 'miliar... l o a won lo scan. The letters lowed bases balls the four 1 il is than any the game. and Courteous The Phillies completed Williams, rf a 0 a a interest, thought in New York w. re on list. series in which he has appeared. Prompt yesterday 4 0 Aside from one of the Greeting placed the waiting, rf a 3 j a other game this year. The teams being very, wild Service destruction of Cincinnati hopes, - j tele- had three the f 4 ; 2 , , few modern catchers to take in Many of the cables and have three games already part ts bat- started last week by another second "'! "li. i f 4 a 0 played pitches in the Red one the 1,000 or more game.s, Perkins holds grams were from posts of the in two leiiiiar.l, 3 2 2 with each winning hut third, (Pi The tles of 1912. division club, the Giants, ' it another endurance that Philadelphia, Sept. American Legion and Veterans of l'i :i. 4 a n 2 a went record may' Automotive games in a row to New played a week ago last Sunday, marines have landed and all is The. late Wild Bull Donovan hit Sales dropped K'eKar, P 3 0 2 r, tied nt 4 he questioned as an honor, Foreign Wars, the champion being York with the loss of three in innines with the score r. to its three batsmen in the series of 1907 coupled furth-- It is a certainty that during his iltiiet. Philadelphia turned a member in good standing in each prae-tncal- darkness j to the Boston Braves, 10 27 19 all until prevented Per-- between the Tigers and Cubs. straight - 'nine years with Philadelphia, ! sesquicentennial today. organization, ended the stubborn resist- - Iran, d f,.r 111.- in Srii. er play. Four have suffered five "m- kir.H has handled the deliveries of After furnishing a battleground "What are the chances of pitchers Co. Inn itl ..12 011- - So teams matched. your Service ance for most of the sea- evenly are the settle-men- defeats in the baseball classics, the leaders III. la. loli, Ida man . 1 tu.'!iei inai for the of a dispute head becoming enlarged as a re- son had made to the St. Louis i that, it is the hardest thin: ill the' Plank, Mathewson, ,iv I'lpj.. - rras perrormea un'ler lire nig leiu. over the world's heavyweight sult, of the change in your status?" I' l.a.,1. Hem., to a i.acn- and Deal-y- s parade. v, pick winner, inc With I.aM Place Teams championship the city was recov- Gdio was asked. Joe Bush. Ford man- .stel.n l.a.e r'l. iaerin 03 - of both teams are convinced that To Horn.sby, playing . Ill I'rl'z, ers j most of his Mathewson holds the record for New Rogers 11, Kli!! t. ell ...... During career with ering its composure. Gene Tunney's ".V very long shot, I should Britain lias?; 11., fe II, f. l.fttlei. e r who lost his ' ill'.: leuui .1,. .10 int. nith. r, world series mound work ager and doming 'lie lruu.ll .,, Ph!! ieiphia J. iini he Athletics tho club was a over Jack Dempsey stirr. d say." he have no 248 Elm St. Tel. 2701 . hi victory replied, adding,"! 3 bat-- t ans, 1. 1: v. ill .gaiu-- 103 In Uadership of all major league i.u.ina KiiiKht 2. F;ru ai ing, win ine In an fi'ort to g.-- no since innings four series; also - e 2. hopeless. Philadelphia as had event high hat." rs In the wild drive to place his larqim WimiiiiK Iioi- I.u-.t- t for Sunday's game have not yet been .somewhere. Connie Mack the most for one series, 2 9 Morin an.l r,r that. Man - team on Kip, murt most of the - picked, but it is thought ,nr.,ltci wjth (.Try piu.lK.r tnat was redit for the triumphant march of ager Joe Veniskl will pick "Ginger" recommended to him. It was up to 'he Cardinals. The lighting leader Cleary while Buckley will pick Perkins to do the TOUGH catching, Ain't It a Grand and Glorious BRIGGS has provided the .spark that mad-th- mi CONTENDERS "Farmer" llucholz. If these two go The sensational showing of the Feeling By St. Loui combination a driving in, they will resume the battle which rookie , , power with the punch to oui;;aiiie end. d without a decision In the tie last season, both In Hie field and at Nine and outaLst more expi rivals. loot ball rliampkm, law stur- a week ago last, Sunday. the bat. temporarily thrust Perkins His pitching staff of Rhem. Sle rdel, The. Falcons are hot after this into the background. He dy I ocs On die Gridiron caught Keen, Haiips and Ri inhart have This series. So warm have the backers only 65 games In 1923. This year In con.eistaut hurl- will he is as well ns turned the most ( liming Scasni. of the become that they going ever again. SVWIeA TW5 why---You're-- , FoR JWimI ing performances In the league. bet. their shirts tomorrow that the Perkins is hopeful of ca'ching In 'cSAlLlfJC FOR .SAIt.leJ6 You'll fcR a feva .WW - at S00 J - While ih- "a.f,s v.. re d. riding Vork. .Sept. 2;, (P xi,, P(m. 'team will come through. Still, Ken least more games and ) To to- The channel im Chan nbl s. francs furopc weexs the issue in Hie :ilion;il ;irii' , lef. lice. s,.rvj(-.(- has been so riled up over wouldn't, he surprised if he f r sington kept (- - Ynrk Yank'-r- crept within a I. ions 01 the football world face this series which is proving to be one Slng for another 1,000. 1 hnirhr' ath of the Aim re.aii Hag .sturdy fo.s this season In attempts of the best ever played In this city, 'i hen the CI Indians lost a to hold honors gained by outstand- Berlin bank VZy thst th" entire Savings close conflict to Philadelphia, 3 to ing play iast ye:.r. Severn of the will be. moved to St. Mary's field to- COLLEGES OPEN OP I. Rain hali'd tli" Yankee scrim- champions start their campaigns to- morrow. vy mage witli St. I.niils, but the half day whl!.. others the McKeon lpJ delay openinr; Mike I.ynrh and "Flipper" game added to the New York lead until t Sa'iir.iay. The lift of 1925 have been selected as the umpires through the Indian defeat, placed rs follow: for the game. "Mike" will be be- FOOWEiluON the Yankee ;in,i ;i Klf gumes lh; Tin Princeton. Princeton hind the bat while McKeon will be X. .1 in front Willi only four to play. on bases. The:o t.w o are expected to W, stern I ti The standing of the riders today: Con', Ten) officiate in their usual efficient man- - 100 Teams Hear Referee's Y I. To play I'd Michigan, Ann Ail.or. Mich. and thr.t me; ns that a real base- - I rn Kw York . :.t l .:,:?. coll. v.- Iiartmouth. In all i ball game will be progress the i . s T f, I .1 I.. rm X. H. on iveland ,i") time. Whistle Gridiron Today i oust And' Cleveland sllll ha:i a hatir.- to Conference I', Both teams have held th? Illusion, S- practice grab the flag by ulnitiii the a'tle, Wash. s week sslons .luring the prist and X.-- -- Ih-i- South, in 'on allies mi sehnlnle if fen lire Tulane rs are York, Sept. 2;.. fP) A hun- iinn.-r.-iiy- X.-- both man:ig say their squads lo. Men- wur. Tii' final I.:i.. and 1'. dred and universities from The lin.-up- will be prac- - colleges lli n le Alabama, Tmva loosa. Ala Maine to mild jot' (tied). as been California made today the Army-.V.n- y - Itlcally the same they have W . p,-- Army, Went Point, opening of the 1026 football season N. V. In the la.'t few gam.-- with the I 'leVeland .... li I :.M with half as many games to thrill - - ' of Joe Kanla on the Falcon 7-- when ComsS time N. w Ynrk v 'i.'. f.T-- i Valley Conference Mis- - crowds of soason r7 it early enthusiasts. Yps-t- m Meh you on DHAix : Joe has but j ,.M 0:111. '1, in ,i i squad. entered college a few yES Ves To Go A8oSRD. Koniniel, Inn lue; ,t .1 Although scattered schools s. alv "'"" i 1. Iw.VI.a .Ml. , &OT M ' f ' ,n ' .1..,. v, R3R. THb 5AILII-J- ANOTHER downed I hi.- the. In- '.Or iV '..,;-- Cf.lrtrr,.lA tl in.l opened heir schedules last SAILING FOti 1 iiAll and him. Neither can week, It Aggl.-s- Ci.llln.s, Col. place pad and the big three of the east dians in a tiuht ront.M. was - along li w Its lln. up without (he of for- "I hie la Clei i land and before Soul rn Conference Texas penally with the Army and Xavy elevens, lea" a certified check for $l"Ci a crow! of home fans who pr Aggl.-s- College Station. Tex. felling have their starting conflicts next which has been deposited with the a 1 him with Hi.- ' Saturday, majority of the coll. ge L I I unions tokens Indian of As Suppose? GloR- rios . editor the "Herald." teams of s. teran made :t bailie ffur-- to b. at lo fports the country are answering .:W J Tl Rangers Open Season both have submitted a LrS v-. FFEUN Ills r eord of I'll wins lor- the managers the referee's whistle for the first 123 In 'J$fJ---(-( season. Three Athletic hiis after Against Meriden Team list of players, any vacancies time today. r) t the absence of the of The ino were out. in th" third rol The Hangers football team will permission sensational upsets and start- the o: her must he tilled him rf his opportunity. open the '.;i; season against the ling overthrows of oul;tandJng Falcon A. i'., of Meriden In the Pil-w- r from this list. teams by supposedly lesser rivals AMERICAN LEAGUE City tomorrow. The Hangers A record rrowd for the series If that marked a thrilling season of lost a gam.- to the Meriden team expected to turn out to watch the play la'.', y. ar can again he expected hist a clotie ore In time. with at- PHU.AI.KI.rillA ,ear by score but teams action for the fourth sneriaiijf., forward passing Ail It. II. I O. A out for revenge tomorrow. Coach tacks offsetting superior brawn nnd I" Mt. Ik 4 1 ( Harry Ilonney will put his charges R. OP C. ni SFH AT NOON bulk. The great forward strides rf 4 n. stiff session at St. Dinner will be served nt 12 mad" the of the Hud- 4 0 through practl.'o o'clock, development iTkir.l ,, 000 Mary s field tomorrow nnd noon, at old dle which Hl!. 114t 1 morning the fashioned clambake system, eliminates the 8 mrnwl el ...4 t 1 A the team will leave tho Church to be hld tomorrow by Paly Coun- - danger of missed signals, has add- Pool- -, lh 4 1 I t strpot club rooms by bus at 1:45 Knights of Columbus, at Moun ed much to the power of the small- C'!-.r-n- e 4 4 (I . t o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Grove. set er elevens when re- J 4 sharp tain The time has been facing their C!l'.r;-- I s.t E;nr-tl- , & 3 t 0 1 1, noon so thst those who so desire nowned opponents. ! mar re'urft to the city to base, I1...... V ..II 11.. IXU VOIR HAMS ball or football games. j outstanding teams last fear opens A t