Volume III. Number 122. ZG8a SAN LITIS OlilSPO, CALIFORNIA . Friday, March 21, 1941 Poly Royal ag Batin’ in with Cal Poly’s own Boogie \Voogie Quartet rriend of ex-pres. Hoover show features will speak to studentbody

A nationally known author and public reations counsel stock judging who rated a full page in “ Time” magazine a year ago, and who is probably closer to ex-President Herbert Hoover than any The agricultural shows of the 1941 Poly Royal will stress fitting, other living individual, will address the California Polytechnic showing, and judging of beef cat­ school student assembly April 9 In tle, sheep, and swine. a special associated student meet­ The organization of the shows ing. will be handled by competent men Hort club’s Mother NEWS WRITER who are outstanding in their spec­ The speaker, Ben S. Allen, v u ialized field of work heie at Cali­ Goose dance to be a famed newspaper columnist and world traveler during the previous fornia Poly. March 29 th BARNETT IN CHARGE held war, and was Associated Press cor­ respondent in London during that The beef show will be ably taken care of by George Barnett of Ma­ ...... By Glenn Arthur...... time. He became acquainted with Herbert Hoover when the latter dera, a third year student who Little Bo Peep and Little Jack has considerable experience with Horner will come to life at the next was Belgian food administrator, purebred beef. Barnett has shown studentbody dance on March 29. and was convinced of the ezeeutirs prize beef at county, state, and in­ This dance with a Nursery Rhyme ability of the man. ternational livestock shows. Plans theme is sponsored by the Hort Although Mr. Allen emphatically are already being put into effect club. denies the suggestions o f “Tims’* to insure the best beef show in all TO BE DIFFERENT that his publicity campaign “hu­ Poly Royal history. On exhibition As this is a studentbody dance manized” Hoover the engineer into will be Poly’s own shorthorn bull, a date will be required. Fellows, a presidential candidate and ac­ Balmuchy Hope, sire of the reserve get your best girl to make you a tually paved the way for the suc­ grand champion of the Chicago In­ costume resembling a nursery cessful political campaign, this vsr- ternational Livestock Show last rhyme character and come along to sion is currently accepted. It ie known that Mr. Hoover’s speeches year. the dance. The Hort club is noted for the type of dances they spon­ and writings during the campaign, BULLS ADDED and in subsequent public appear­ There will also be shown three sor. So for the students that are ances, have been closely followed yearling Hereford bulls which have getting bored with the everyday by his friend Ben Allen. been added to the college breeding events, come to this dance; it will stock to improve the present herd. Thumping out a of that popular type of music is the Boogie Woogie Quartet. These four bays have en­ be different. SEES PROPAGANDA The most steer projects in the his­ tertained large groups this year at dances, meetings, and over the air. Left to right they are: Kenny Haw­ MORE FUN Mr. Allen had an opportunity tory of the college will be fitted kins, guitar; Bob Sullivan, drums; “ Boogie” Polk, piano, Hal Greinetz, clarinet. Entertainment will be provided during the previous war, to aee the and shown by the meat animal for everybody. For those who want propaganda methods used to bring students and competition will be to forget their age, sand piles and the United States into sympathy keen when the time arrives to de­ Sure as fate ! slides will be handy, and for the and finally into actual participa­ termine which animals are the top A h! A h! Call out Mr. Dies; more sophiscated, dance music tion with the Allied cause. Hia talk ones in their respective classes. another Collegiate will be played by the Collegians. will tell how these same methode Alex McDonald of the University There will be worthwhile prizes are being currently employed In of California at Davis will be the Club dance tonight given to the student couple with World War No. 2. , judge of all the beef cattle, and subversive activities round the best costumes. So next week ASSISTS HOOVER the meat animal department feels busy and hunt through a Mother The speaker is at presant as­ Tonight’s Collegiate club dance sisting Mr. Hoover in his human­ greatly honored to have such an Three men sat huddled' over a the 'man pushed back his chair Goose book for some ideas on cos­ should be especially enjoyable as tumes. istic program to secure approval outstanding personage, for he is desk in the basement of the old and said in a 'low voice, “ That considered one of the best livestock far as music is concerned. The Col­ FACULTY INVITED of a plan to send food to tho fWo building. Spi’ead out before them ‘much* is' don'e, boys. I’ll take sec- small democracies—Central Poland, judges in the nation. legians are ready to do their best Now this is confidential and not was a map of the city. Very de­ ii»vi one. .John, you -tuko' section for publication but the entire fac­ Norway, Belgium, Holland, and DAVIS HANDLES SHEEP tonight after a successful job at The sheep show will be very ex­ liberately one of the men drew out two; and Maurice, you can do the ulty will be invited and costumes Finland. President Julian A. Me- King City last weekend where they Phee, of Polytechnic is local chair­ pertly handled by Wilbur “ Bud” what looked to be, in the fading dirty work in. section three.” will be required. So come along and Davis, a third year student from were highly complimented. The plans were well laid, there laugh at your favorite instructor. man of a group working with Mr. light, a swastika across the face Hoover’s national committee. (Continued on page four) SMOOTH TUNES could be no possibility of a slip-up. The faculty couple with the best of the map. The three men knew what they costume will also receive a prize. In addition to addressing tho- Among the new tunes to b3 DIVIDE CITY had to do, knew how they had to NOW DON’T FORGET MARCH students at a special assembly, Mr. Ye who shall not played by the band for the first Quickly numbering three of the do it. Shaking hands, they gath- 29. A GOOD TIME IS GUAR­ Allen plans to secure material for time tonight will be arrangements four sections of the divided city, • (Continued on page four) ANTEED. an article on California Polytechnic register on time - - $2.00 of “I Met You Then” and “Walk­ for a national magazine. He will ing By The River.” Both of these visit all of the laboratories and Due to their failure to turn in arrangements are really smooth, projects while on the campus. registration cards that were due and everyone will want to hear North American trainer wings way over Texas March 20, 22 students will be com­ them. pelled to shell out $2 each. That old favorite, “ 720 In The “ The $2 fee has been publicized Books,” with Hal Grienetz’s beau­ Poly boys sell more this quarter than ever before tiful alto sax licks and Kenny due to student complaints in the Hawkins’ super rhythm on the meat animals to past that they didn’t know about drums, will be featured. it,” said Dean Lucksinger. Students suffering from the $2 complaint DESERVES CREDIT Swift & Company are also referred to page 12 in the Ad ling to the enjoyment of tho tudont.s will be Don Wiston’s work college catalog which states, “ A Poly’s first commercial beaf pro­ as floo. . Wiston deserves fee of $2 will he charged all stu­ ject of this year was completed a lot of credit for his contribution dents who have not turned in their last Monday with the purchase Lo the success of the Collegiate o f cards 10 days after the date on 20 head of fed steers by Swift A club dances. which they register.” Co. of Los Angeles. Tha ataara were fed by a group of freshman meat animals students and aold for 11 cents a pound. They wara pat . . . after ei ght years of Poly Royal on feed in November with an aver­ age weight of 600 pounds and aver­ (Continued from last week) Wiley were prominent in the book­ aged 808 pounds in tha Loe An­ FIFTH POLY ROYAL let. Miss Edna Cave was the Poly geles stockyards last Monday. The program for the fifth an­ Royal queen and Marcel E. Layous, PAYS 12.1 CENTS nual Poly Royal featured Senator now a King City rancher, was gen­ The top cattle price in Los Aa- Chris L. Jespei’sen, and contained eral superintendent as well as stu­ jeles last Monday was paid for a dentbody president. a message from him, as well as Soad of 1100 pound steers from SEVENTH ANNUAL ROYAL from President McPhce. The new Nebraska which sold for 12.1 ooata For the seventh annual show in dairy unit had been started by that per pound. Lyman Btennion, who 1939, the printed program was re­ time, and Dick Barrett had won 1hc accompanied the Poly steera to tha grand championship in barrows the duced to 16 pages, but the student- Speeding through the air in his low w:ng monoplane, this Flying Cadet at Randolph Field, Texas, is one of market said the demand for lifhter previous spring at South San Fran­ body had by then appropriated 410 to complete the basic phase of their flight training at the "West Point of the Air.” Takeoffs and land­ steers is not so great since the cisco, so got his picture in the pro­ funds for its publication and no ings, instrument ’flying and aerial acrobatics, phis an intensive ground school course, has prepared these advent of army camps with large gram. General superintendent was advertising was solicited. The “ ger­ pilots-to-be for a final “ polishing up" at an Advanced training school. Ten weeks from now they will be groups to feed. Bernard Butcher, now a vocational man band” led by Lloyd Dille, made commissioned as 2nd Lieutenants in the Army Air Coip and will be ready for a tour of duty as flying teacher at Downey, near Los An­ its first appearance. Honors for the The boys who fed the steers wars officers with the G. II. Q. Air Force.-.During training these future pilots are paid $75 a month plus food, geles. Miss Fern Porter was elected year were divided between C. B. the guests of the Stockyards Com­ queen, to reign over the 1938 show. Voorhis and his son, Congressman clothing, quarters. W hen,commissioned, their pay will jump to $203. pany at luncheon last Monday and 1937 POLY SHOW Jerry Voorhis, who had given the then returned to school with Mr. The printed program for the college its horticultural unit; and Bennion. On the trip baek they sixth annual Poly Royal in 1938 L. E. Wrasse, Fresno philanthro­ stopped at Warner Brother’s raneh featured a black and gold cover, pist, who had donated the $25,0100 SPECIAL NOTICES and Greenfield Farm at Camarilla and was dedicated to Walter 1'. Wrasse student loan fund. The slo­ Daugherty to graduate from where the Thoroughbred bona Dexter, new state superintendent gan “ A Country Fair on a College The office has announced that Soon Over is at stud. of schools, who prepared a welcom­ Campus” made its first appear­ grades in Tractor Skills and also HOGS SELL LOWER ing message. It featured new band ance. General superintendent was army training base in lexas Electrical grades will be out about A shipment of hogs fed aa pro­ Leo Fitzgerald, now with the Stock- jackets just issued to the varsity next Monday. jects accompanied the steers to tha ton stockyards. Miss Betty Lou music group, while so many cam­ market. They sold at 9.15 cants a pus changes had taken place that Aleixo was named queen for that Coveted “wings,” emblem of commissioned officers in the The honor roll is to be published pound which was slightly below the a printed map was revived. The year. Army Air Corps, are only-one step away.for two former Cal in the next edition of the El Mus­ top of 9.25 cents paid for a lead tennis courts, which were located SHOW HONORS VERNON Poly Flying Cadets, members of the largest- class ever to tang. To be on the honor roll a of hogs fed by Bishop and Glavae near where the tree has crushed The eighth Poly Royal was held of Porterville. The Poly hogs add has crushed the football fense, had in 1940, with an entirely new for­ graduate from Randolph Field, Texas, the “West Point of the student must carry 15 units and just been moved to their new site. mat for the printed program. The Air.” 410 student pilots have com- weeks of training at advanced fly- make twice as many grade points. lower because they were a little This was the last year of the old plan of electing a queen during the plUed 10 weeks at the nation's :it a-haneed fifing base.-. under the desired weight. arena back of the aeronautics current year was established, and , , , . . * These “ aviators' of tomorrow” Senior announcements and per­ largest basic training center. On • c ,, shop. Captain A. H. Hardy and Miss Jeanne Defosset was an­ b arc as follows: • , sonal cards must be ordered by Boys who have zookigy Bote* daughter Kay gave a sharpshooting nounced as the choice of the §tu- Friday, March 14, they will depart Francis L. Daugherty, Jr., Al- April 15. They may be secured books please get them fro m Dr. demonstration. Illustrations by Ed (Continued on page four) for their final 10 weeks of training (Continued on page four) from the student store. McCapes, at his office. Pago Two THE CALIFORNIA POLYTECHNIC EL MUSTANG Friday, March 21, 1941 Harpc/s bizarre ...... STYLES BY SHEA ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

If there was only some way I NUMBER 1 ROOTER FOR THE cauyeiuna etyreoumc When the last quarter ended, I whether it be snow togs or swim­ thought I could then escape the ming trunks, it’s entirely up to you. could think of an original opening BASKETBALL TEAM. No kid- Published Weekly by for this column everything would ding, “ Doc” has really been an ar­ evils of our editor and staff and FANCY TRUNKS Students of the Journalism Claes ef California Polytechnic College bid my column goodbye. But, the be swell, but right now I’m at a dent fan and was always out there San Lab Obispo, California Swimming and beach going loss. Yes, I admit it, 1 can’t think cheering his all for the boys on the press must go on and after miss­ should prove popular from now un­ of a nice juicy opening, one that hardwood. So an orchid or three to ing last week’s issue, I thought til fall. Reports from various would be befitting the high you “ Doc,” long may you cheer!! ■BfMMNTM NATIONAL A»VSIIT1«IM« best; so here I am again. sources say that the multi-colored standard that my column sets for L. A. GALS LOVE IT! National Advertising Service, Inc. RAINED OUT flower patterned trunks are going Fmklitbtn Xtprti—Utk* •journalism. But to get on!!!! It looks like our little “ rain” in­ to be quite popular. These colorful It has been asked of me by a 4 * 0 Mabiion AVI. New York. N. Y. Last Friday, while a number of certain party, whose name shall re­ UIMM * MtlM • L*« AMliM • 111 rilKHM cident is somewhat rained out, and trunks originated in the south sea £—r------rsarri— -irTgr^..- the boys were cavorting with main a secret, that I start putting fair weather is in store for us, at island groups and have been seen Bacchus, the basketball team fin­ my talents to use in another way KI)lTOtt ...... ROY BROPHY least for a while. So it’s kind of at the beaches and resorts for the ished up their season with a bang! that shall also be beneficial to BUSINESS MANAGER ...... BOB MILLS hard to say anything about what past few seasons. They are usually They won the Arroyo Grande In­ man and womankind. The party .Wally Hughling the styles of the season are. A made out of material that Dorothy vitational and brought bacg a suggested “ advice to the lovelorn,” ff+Mtnrm F.ditAr ...... A1 Smith week ago Sunday I went to the Lamour’s sarong is made of. beautiful trophy for the school and and so it shall be!! From this day snow at Mt. Wilson, near Los An­ If any of you have any questions each man on the team gets a gold on there shall be a column within Reporters: Bob Blank, John Carrieaburu, Wallace H lighting, Don Mc- geles; the temperature hovered pertaining to beach clothes, just basketball for him to give his girl. a column. I shall call it, “ Harpo’s Nees, EH Santos, John Shea, Ralph Stein, Cy Perkins, Peter Weber, Bob about 80 degrees F. and everybody ask “ War Chant” Raymond, re­ BOWLS FOB A CHANGE Helpful Hints for Happiness.” Himmelmsn, Bob Snllimn, Walter Dougherty, Bill Norris, Wes Rankin, was in their shirt sleeves. It was cently of the Islands. You can find Anyone wishing advice on this so hot, the beaches beckoned and, him at Pismo or Avila every Sun­ While on the subject of “ Casaba Bek Milla, and Mike Janigian. subject, do not hesitate to write over a six mile front, there were day afternoon with “ Margie” and Chasers” I want to award “ Doc” Mechanical Department: Roy Brophy, Buddy Dosa, Takeshi Kubota, and to me in care of this paper or to about 90 rescues from the surf. So “Cross-town.” Bowls with his newr title as the Michael Janigian. Jespersen. I assure you the best Adviser, Mr. Kennedy; Linotypist, Mr. Soper. of advice, as I have graduated, post graduated, and post post CROSSING THE BAR BOOS AND graduated from Adam Lazonga’s NOW IS THE TIME FOR ALL GOOD MEN correspondence course. Write now BOUQUETS BY for your advice!!!! Perhaps you will be one of the many boys who, in three BROPHY . . . I HAVE SUCTION months, will be handed a bundle of brown clothes, given a Why do I mention “ Doc” Eaton rifle, and assigned to one of a row of hundreds of tents. Per­ in my column so much? ThiB ques­ . Several days ago we were dis­ tion has been fired at me more haps this town in which you will be serving your year of mili­ cussing the financial status of the times than I have fingers and toes, tary service, under the selective service act, will be as strange paper with a certain individual on so here is my answer to your the campus when he made a state­ query: Winchell has his Bernie, to you as a trap is to a mouse. Perhaps the local people will ment that surprised us, in fact it Benny has his Allen, Scotch has look at your army khaki brown and exclaim, “ Sorry, no men literally floored us. I had asked its soda, and I, I have my Eaton. in uniform are allowed here, or here, or here!" About this • this person what he thought “ Doc” (Voesn’t mind, at leant I should be done about the red don’t think he does, he’s a good time you will begin to feel a bit lonely— won’t you? marks on the F.l Mustang ledger. egg. Say “ Doc,” did that cigar I Three miles northwest of here are camped several thous­ “ Discontinue the dar nthing,” he gave you leave any powder burns exclaimed vehemently, “ no one on your face? and army boys; boys from the city and the farm ; boys fresh reads it anyway!” REGULAR BURLESQUE LIN* from college where their education was interrupted by the It was the morning after a night OH! There’s something about • call to service; masses of boys who think, talk and are just ONE OF RADIO’S best bets is the ensemble singing of of no-sleep due to the necessary soldier------. This will soon be the E XA C TLY like any one of us. But because this is peace time cradling a paper needs before it Fred Waring’s Glee Club, feature of Chesterfield’s “Pleasure theme song of many a Poly man can be put “ to bed.” The linotype and because these boys wear the army colors, they are not Time” broadcasts five nights weekly over N. B. C. stations. when Uncle Sam opens the door had broken down, the press ink­ allowed the same privileges and in many cases the same re­ Waring, who originated Hie organ-like technique used uni­ and they get caught in the draft. ing system wasn’t inking, we had Left, right, left, right, snap into spect that civilians receive. In times when war is raging they versally with glee clubs, professional and scholastic,''spends • been short of copy due to regis- it you dumbjohns and get the lead are affectionately known as “ our boys” but when the nation is hours in the arrangement of each ensemble number. The whole - tration, and then someone says, out of your b------, er-ah, feet. Ah band is drilled to perfection in these vocal get-togethers. “ Aw, what’s the use? No one reads not at war these same men are looked on as “ those rough-neck yes, there is something about a it anyway.” soldiers.” soldier. Ballroom in Los Angeles and will Well, I’ve been accused fre­ CHEERIO!! Totalitarian nations may have race prejudice, but at ike talk by be heard six times weekly in broad­ quently of not being able to take least they are not “khaki prejudiced.” When you see an army a’ joke very well and if this was casts from the favorite dancing ' intended to be one then I’ll show man on the street break out with a “ hello” and you may be ike janigian spot of the southern town . . .Tom­ you that I can laugh as long and certain it will be returned. These boys want to get acquainted my Riggs and Betty Lou have sig­ as loud as anyone. Still if this be heptadajive » » MCharles Holland, brilliant Negro — help them out. Due to age similarities in most of the draftee nified their inteneions of return­ a truth that the self-appointed in­ By Boogie Polk tenor, will be soloist on the “ Music cases, we, at the Polytechnic college, can do much in making ing to radio following their sigtiing former spoke, then let more of you For Listening” program to be pre­ say it and once more the cobwebs their stay here a little more enjoyable. a contract with the makers of Old And now as we throw our last sented from Hollywood Radio City will grow on the presses at the Remember you, yourself may be in brown shoes like his Gold cigarettes . . . Bob Hope will bottle out of the window and sit via NBC, Sunday at 4:45 p. b. . . . California State Polytechnic col­ back in a delightful stupor, feel­ in a few months. — The Editor. introduce Una Merkel as his guest lege. T h e Dixieland ing marvelously inspired by our Swingster, Bob star on the Pepsodent show for EXPENSES HEAVY playinng of “ Intermezzo.” Don’t WONT HELP BUT HERE GOES Expenses have been heavy this Crosby will hop Tuesday and Myrna Loy will ap­ get the wrong idea though. During year largely due to the spirit of “Hey, where will I trow dis box a’papers?” aboard the Fitch pear on the Bing Crosby show in the longest part of the violin solo, Bandwagon with the local merchants who seem to “ Aw, dump them outta da windder, let da ground boys the same capacity later in the week. we spin the record twice as fast his vocalist Eliz­ feel that now that the camp work­ . . . people as usual giving it a siren effect. pick ’em up.” abeth Tilton and ers are here and supplying them This enables us to think twice as Mary Livingston turned poet af­ with all the business they can han­ Perhaps a bit extreme but the principle is there never­ his band. Crosby fast. In that way we write this ter her trip to Palm Springs and dle, Poly can just be thought of was a walkathon column, or something. theless. With only a month to go until we are hosts to several as a result we are able to print as a “former necessary means of singer until his GOODMAN GOOD thousand guests at the ninth annual Poly Royal, it is time discovery by An­ of her offerings: revenue.” These men down town Oh take a trip to old Palm Springs And now getting down to the that we begin to get in practice on the inevitable Kampus son Weeks and Bernie forget that the workers are not In the desert oh so sandy, excuse for getting this nonsense Kleanup Kampaign that takes place prior to the event. after two years permanent and that there will al­ But don’t forget your rubbers— into the paper, we are going to with Weeks’ orchestra he joined ways be a Poly. We seem to have When you drop a cigarette package, a candy wrapper, You will find they come in handy. review a rather old biscuit. Yea, Dorgey Brothers orchestra as fea­ wandered from the subject but the How I love your Tahquitz Falls whether you have heard it or not, or any type of refuse in a public place, do you stop to consider condensed fact is that without ad­ tured vocalist and six months later And your Indians whom I talk- ditional moral and financial sup­ we are going to cram it down your who will end up picking up your leavings? The ground de­ he was heading his own orchestra witz. throats. Benny Goodman’s platter port from the studentbody, the pa­ partment has enough to do without having to play janitor which soon became a national fav­ I love your canyons and your of “ Opus % ” backed by “ Sugar” is per is washed up. This next week to a bunch whose paralyzed legs cannot carry them over to orite . . . A bit cactus is the fatal week that tells whether really a fine example o f how a garbage can to deposite their refuse.— The Editor. from a script But fooey on all the movie actus! or not El Mustang will be granted swing should be played in a subtle session with Bing manner without a lot of unneces­ Moral to this?— The Editor. the assistance from the SAC that Crosby and Bob All improvement begins with it has asked for. sary bleating. The personnel on WHEN THE COLLEGIATE CLUB CAME TO POLY Hope as the self-improvement. IT’S UP TO YOU this disc consists of B. G., clarinet; characters . . . The decision is up to you, stu­ Jess Stacy, piano; Lionel Hamp­ RECIPE: Take ten men in tux’s, an assortment of brass, Crosby: “Let’s dents of Poly, if you want the pa- ton, vibraharp, and Buddy Schuts, reed, and rhythm instruments, a dozen score young people, chop out this . per say so; give us something drums. word ‘small’ and and mix well in a large gymnasium. What does it make? physical that we may present to LOCAL PATTER make it ‘infini­ BAY'S support our claim that a student Mr. X. Frothingstein Davidson, Here at Poly it makes the Collegiate club, although many tesimal’.” Hope: newspaper on the campus of a col­ president of the State Street places it would just make “another dance.” ‘Infinites i m a 1 ? Morgan lege this size is indespensable. Per­ Chowder Outing and Marching Great Scot, man, Complete Food When the Collegiate Club was organized, some two years haps you don’t vote at studentbody Society, has been wworking his no wonderyou have to have a one Market elections, maybe you don’t attend boys overtime to perfect an up and ago, it started out with one purpose in mind— to keep the hour program. It takes you that studentbody meetings, and possi­ coming smooth number entitled students of the college entertained on their own campus long to pronounce the words.” Sells for Less bly you don’t read the paper. If “ Walking by the River.” Etaoin weekends, and it has succeeded. The college’s dances have . . . programs Marsh and Broad St. this is true, then say so. Drop a A special remote control broad­ Shrdlu says that this piece la well not only served this purpose well but they have done another letter into the mail box, no stamp on its way to an upper berth on cast from the Westwood campus SAN LUIS OBISPO is necessary, and tell us what you the hit parade. You will probably thing of greater importance. These dances have raised the of U. C. L. A. will feature Trom­ would do if you were in the edi­ hear this super rendition within the feeling toward Poly by the local people to a new and higher bonist Glenn Miller (heard regu­ torial staff’s shoes. A card, a slip next few weeks and we guarantee larly for Chesterfield cigarettes scale. Today the Collegiate Club dances are known and ap­ IN SAN LUIS IT’S of paper, or an envelope will do that you will be beat right down three times weekly over NBC sta­ just so the task is dne. Be crude, plauded all over the Central Coast area. to the socks when you bend an ear tions) and his band. The broadcast E. C. Loomis & Sons be frank, but be honest in your around it. Biggest factor of success the “Collegiate W ay” has been will be eminating from Kerchoff statements and don’t, please don’t in the manner that the weekly dances were supervised. The Hall, the scene of the annual Jun­ For Better Feeds let personalities alter your decis­ Most of us get an even break, majority of the officiating was done by students, and was, ior-Senior Prom. May 5 Miller and 147 High St. San Luis Obispo ions. Thanks, men. but that isn’t enough. his band open at the Palladium for the most part, even more extreme than, like measures that might be taken by faculty intervention. By excluding some, HOT DOGS! MEN’S the club has brought many through its doors. SAM-MJRGERS! BUCKET HATS Perhaps it would seem strange to outsiders to under­ Get Them Red Hot 98c stand how such an equal division of girls could be obtained at a dance in a strictly men’s college. The answer again lies in the face that these dances are well known and well liked 782 HIGUERA STREET by the community. S A M ’S FOR ROUGH RIDER CORDS AND TROUSERS W e are proud of the Collegiate Club and of the very defi­ Also Serving Penneys Breakfasts and Dinners nite effect it has made upon California State Polytechnic INTERWOVEN SOCKS - ARROW SHIRTS 1057 Monterey St. College's social life. May it be as much an existing tradition Next to Chevrolet Garage San Luis Obispo as is the college itself.— The Editor. COOPER’S JOCKEY SHORTS Friday, March 21, 1041 THE CALIFORNIA POLYTECHNIC EL MUSTANG Page Three horsehiders win games Jumpin* Jackie” comes to Poly Poly victors in tourne

Green and C o ld nine Track season Mustangs host Polymen defeats N Y defeats Bakersfield J.C . opens for Poly and H i Merest to gain . / to mermen from in season s opener first place in tourney with Salinas J.C. S.B. on Saturday Showing a tremendous improve­ Ringing down the curtain for th( ment over their last start, the Cali­ The Poly track team will tra­ Santa Barbara’s mermen will in­ current season, the Mustangs cul fornia Poly varsity journeyed to vel to Salinas on March 22 to vade the Poly campus this Satur­ minated five nights of play by be the valley over the weekend and compete in a dual meet with Sa­ day at 2 p. m. in the first swim ing crowned champions of Sari administered two sound lacings to linas J. C. As many of you already meet the two schools have had to­ Luis Obispo County. valley clubs. Saturday the Mus­ know, Salinas is the home of one gether. The meet is open to the START SLOW tangs defeated Bakersfield J. C. Hal Davis, at the present time public with admission being 25 Playing their fourth tournament 6-4. After the Bakersfield game considered one of the fastest hu­ cents. Students 10 cents. game in five nights the local col­ the club travelled to Atwater of mans in the world. Whether or not The Mustang swimmers have legians downed the Hillcrest Farm their own free accord and engaged ho will compete remains to be seen. been training hard in the hope of team by a 34-26 score. Poly the Atwater Packers of the Cali­ The track team has been handi­ duplicating their win over the started the game off rather fornia State League in a game on capped this season by inclement Santa Maria Athletic club last slowly, being unable to find the Sunday. When the dust had weather conditions. At the present week. They will have to better range of the basket during the! cleared in the ninth inning Poly time no trials have been run and their record times which have been first half. At half time O’Daniels' was on t,he long end of a 9-2 consequently no predictions can be made this season in order to de­ charges trailed by a score of 17-14. score. The game Friday afternoon made as to the outcome of the feat the Dons who have been or­ RUN UP POINTS with Taft J. C. was rained out. meet Saturday. ganized recently, according to Don However, during the second half MII.ICH PITCHES Pereira and Vandling found the go­ However, many of th s year’s DeRosa, the Mermen . Augie Milich hurled steady ball ing more to their liking and they team have established reputa­ The Poly swim team will be com­ Saturday, limiting the Bakersfield managed to run up 21 points be­ tions for themselves bofo:e coming posed of Burger, who will swim the team to 7 hits. Arthur hit safely tween them. Vandling took high to Poly. Perhaps the outstandin •; 50 yard and 100 yard freestyle twice in four trips to the plate to point honors with 11 points to his individual on this year’s team is sprints; Morgan and Horne, in the garner h'tting honors for the day. Goldsmith. T art year while com­ 220 yard and 440 yard freestyle; credit. Sunday, a highly favored Atwa­ Lineups and scorres: peting in the Fresno Relay, High Chapman, doing the backstroke in ter team fell before the slants of Cal Poly FG FT PF Pts. School division, he won the 190 the 150 yard event; Hughling, Joe Soroka. Soroka had the “ In­ Pereira, f ...... 4 2 3 10 yard dash over a fast field. He swimming breaststroke in the 200 dian sign” on the Packers and they Mikuriya, f ...... 0 0 0 0 also runs the 220 yard dash. yard race. The medley team will be . .. .Jackie Robinson, above, the only University of California at Los ■were unable to hit. Following is the team roster and Burger, freestyle; Chapman, back- Hale, f ...... 1 1 0 3 Angeles athlete who made letters in four major sports has been ap­ IKEDA STARS some of their best performances: stroke; Hughling, breaststroke. Trillius, f ...... 2 2 2 6 Striven Ikeda played sensation­ pointed assistant athletic director to Pat Ahern at the resident NYA ...... 0 0 0 0 Mile—C. Caldwell. For the 400 yard relay, Poly will Focacci, f ally at shortstop for the local col­ camp situated on the California Polytechnic compus. Vandling, c ...... 4 3 0 11 440—Pagan (52.6). be represented by Morgan, Horne, legians, his sensational catch in the Robinson was the leading scorer in the southern division of the 100—Goldsmith (9.9). Chapman, and Wolf, who will also Beban, c-g ...... 0 0 3 0 third inning brought a round of Pacific Coast basketball conference this year. (He a!|> topped the 120 High Hurdles—Goold. do the diving. Picton, g ...... 0 2 3 2 applause from the fans in the league in point getting in 1940. One of the best broad jumpers (An the Katayama, g .... 1 0 3 2 880— F. Caldwell. This will be the first of the col­ coast, his best mark being 25 feet, 6 inches, he plans to start working Canclini, g ...... 0 0 0 0 grandstand. 220—Goldsmith (21.5). lege swim meets the local mermen Ikeda, Milich, Vanoncini, and out on the Poly oval daily at 2 p. m. Ahern states that Robinson will ...... 12 10 14 34 220 Low Hurdles—Goold. have scheduled this season with re­ Totals Pereira led the Mustangs in hit­ be entered in a number of invitational meets Joon. Hillcrest FG FT PF Pts. High Jump—Vandling. turn dates to be held at later dates. ting, each getting three hits. Due to financial difficulties, Robinson had to leave U. C. L. A. They opened the season last week Gats, f ...... 3 2 3 8 Javelin—Vandling. He plans to further his education at a later date. Broad Jump—Coops (23’ ). with a 47 to 19 victory over the McNeil, f ...... 1 0 2 2 POLY VS. BAKERSFIELD J. C. A. Marsalek.f . . . 2 3 2 7 Discus— Ash. swimmers from Santa Maria who AB R H O A E Poly Shotputt—J. Owens, Berger. have defeated the Mustangs in T. Marsalek, c .. . 1 1 4 3 Ikeda, ss ...... 2 1 0 2 1 every previous meet during the M. Thompson, c-g 1 0 3 2 Watanabe, 2b . 4 0 1 5 3 0 sporting week . . . Poly battlers past three years. D. Thompson, g .. 1 2 2 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 Arthur, If .... . 4 1 2 1 0 0 Cerro, rf ...... By Cy Perkins Chapman is the only veteran Baxter, g ...... 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Bonta, 3b . . . . . 5 0 1 2 2 0 Derdivani, rf-p 2 0 0 swimmer for the local squad. He Totals ...... 9 8 16 26 0 0 0 Milich, p ...... 3 0 0 2 4 0 Valencia, fr . . . 1 1 0 square off with has been swimming backstroke for Officials: Frank Holt and Bill 2 0 0 Tommy Guerrero, Santa Barbara Fisher, lb ....,. 5 0 1 2 0 0 Cook, If ...... 3 1 1 the past two years. The new boys Cottle. Roy Carter, timer, and 0 State's great forward, received a Seaman, cf ...,. 4 0 1 1 0 1 Nishimura, ss . 4 0 0 0 0 have all broken previous pool rec­ Harold Westlund, scorer. 1 2 0 Salinas J. C. Mallory, rf ... . 3 1 0 0 0 1 Porter, ss ...... 1 0 0 forward berth on the mythical All- ords and show great possibilities Sohrakoff, c . . 3 2 1 7 1 1 America basketball five picked by in producing an outstanding team for Poly this season. 4 7 27 13 1 Total ...... 37 coaches and writers who were pres­ California Poly’s six man boxing Total ...... 34 6 8 27 12 4 Score by innings: Poly ...... 00203100 0—6 ent at the Kansas tournament. team goes on the road next Fri­ Bakersfield AB R H O A E Bakersfield 10000000 3—4 Local fight fans may have a day, the 28th. The Mustang bat­ Santa Barbara invaded by Cal Poulgania, cf . 5 1 2 3 0 0 Summary: Two base hits: Ikeda. chance to see Joe Louis when he tlers will square off with the Wachol, 2b .. . 4 0 1 0 5 1 Three base hit: Seaman. Left on collides with Bob Pastor at Gil­ highly touted Salinas aggregation. bases: Poly 10, Bakersfield 9. Poly hurlers for two game series Audap, c .... . 5 0 0 8 0 0 more stadium on the 15th of next Bouts are scheduled to go on at McWhorter, 3b . 4 0 2 2 2 0 Wild pitch: Murray. Struck out by month. Promotor Tom Gallery 2 p. ni. as a feature attraction of Murray, p-rf . . 4 0 0 0 2 0 Milich, 7; by Murray, 4. Bases on Fresh from their two decisive starting to hit the ball. The en­ the Salinas anniversary celebra­ Wakefield, lb . 2 1 1 10 1 0 (Continued on page four) hinted that a $5.00 top would be victories in the Valley, the Mus­ tire squad played good ball both on tion. the limit. tang baseball team journeys to the field and o nthe bases. WELL COACHED TRACK STARS Santa Barbara to tackle the Gau- CLASSY INFIELD These bouts will mark Poly’s chos of Santa Barbara State. The Poly will put the proverbial “ air­ BEHIND THE PLAYS . . . The three greatest trackmen in initial 1941 appearance in the in­ Staters have a well rounded team tight infield on the diamond Fri­ the country are enrolled in Cali­ day. At third will be Chet Bonta, The store room door opened and the city league. Earlier we had the tercollegiate boxing ranks. Prev­ but the Polyites are gunning for fornia Jaysees. Joe Batiste, Sacra­ who played superb ball in the At­ a hand reached out and grabbed a gridders ending their season with ious to this time our boys have them and will be playing heads-up water game. Serien Ikeda, a classy bundle. Another season came to an a grand finale. Now our ball toss- mento; Harold Davis, Salinas; and made appearances at the local ball. fielder and tricky base runner, will end as the basketball suits were ers have started out, by winning Eddie Morris, Santa Ana speed de­ stadium, and all made favorable POLY PITCHERS cover the shortpatch. Frank Wata- piled up with the shoulder pads and their first two games oYi their mon. These three athletes will vie impressions. For the baseball team, the Gau- schedule in defeating the Bakers­ cho contest is the “ big game” and nabe will round out the keystone helmets. Some one hollered, “ Gim­ at the annual Long Beach relays Comparatively little is known of field nine, and on their own hook, every member of the squad has combination. Watanabe is a little me a size 31 shorts,” announcing this Saturday. the Salinas team other than that taking down the Atwater Packers. been pointing for this game. Augie fellow but carries a powerful swat the opening of the track season. EARLY PREDICTION they are well coached, well condi­ This Saturday will see them hold­ Milich, the slow ball artist, and at the plate. Mark Fisher will cover SWIM MEET tioned, and seeking bigger and bet­ This may be a very early pre­ Joe Soroka, a curve ball specialist, the first sack. He played good ball ing their own against the Dons at ter things in the way of fights and Bats and mits were handed out diction, but 'we’re picking Califor­ are the twirlers that will be used in that position over the weekend. Santa Barbara. The trackmen in­ fighters. to the horsehiders as they marked vade Salinas to meet the fieldmen nia to cop the West Coast foot­ against the Santa Barbara club. . The catching will fall to John up two wins for a starter. Then from San Jose and Salinas J. C. in ball diadem next fall. Those Golden WINNERS AWARDED HITTING IMPROVES Sohrakoff; “Sac” is a player that we hear a splash. Upon investiga­ their first meet. Another event Bears are headed for great things, Our team is composed of Tom Capt. J. C. Deuel, team coach, never gets tired. Even though this tion we find the mermen preparing scheduled for Saturday is the and then there’s Bob Reinhard. Shirakawa, in the flyweight di­ was well pleased with the team’s is his first year behind the plate for their second meet. Altogether swimming meet here at Poly be­ The scribes think very highly of vision; Jimmy Anderson, in the performance in the Valley games. he is performing like a veteran. the Cal Poly athletic season for tween the Santa Barbarans and El Lou Novikoff. Wrigley can’t lose lightweight division; Nathan The 26 hits garnered by the Mus­ The outfield will be picked from the spring quarter has started out Mustangs. on this deal. He bought “ Larruping Schustan, welterweight; Bob Ryan, tangs in the two games over the Glenn Arthur, Amaro Pereira, with a bang. We are rolling, spreading our Lou” from his own club. This cor­ middleweight; Bob Powell, light weekend shows that the team is Stan Seaman, and Bob Mallory. The hoopsters finished their sea­ fame far and wide and building ner thinks the Russian will be heavyweight; and Cy Perkins in son by winning the Arroyo Grande up good will among the colleges another Bambino. the heavyweight division. These tournament and the J. V’s. taking on the coast through our athletes. CUPID AGAIN fighters have been working hard for the past two weeks and real Angelo “ Hank” Luisseti was fi­ contests are in the offing. Win­ nally stopped, but it took Dan Cu­ ners in these bouts will be P e p Cream ery pid to do it. Yes, Hank’s giving awarded belt buckles; with this in 785 Higuera up the game for a home, a fire­ mind the boys will have something side, and some roses. to shoot at. Suden State Apple Pie a la Mode . . 10c COM PANY, LT ». OPEN ALL NIGHT Don’t expect any special privi­ A good way to make a man keep leges from Nature. his word is not to take it. ■ ■ 1 1 1 1

ERMS^j LOAFER JACKETS Tasty Coffee Shop $5.95 Takken’s 895 Higuera # 5 0 c Featuring a Colors in Tans, Browns, Blues AtVEEKjl Shoe Shop 30c Daily Merchants Lunch Maddalena’s Service 1027 Morro St. and 1001 Higuera Street Complete 35c Dinner GUILD RECAPS Repairing to Fit W ickenden’s GENERAL AND U. S. Evenings Any Type of Also TIRES Men’s Outfitters from Head to Foot Wheel Alignment Shoe Reasonable Fountain Brake Service Service 837 Monterey St. San Luis Obispo


Robinson appears Ah! ah! call out Mr. Dies Instructors course Crop students to El Rodeo ready for subversive activities found N Y A News on Poly Broadcast is opened by C A A take Civil Service (Continued from page one) printer when sports yesterday afternoon to certain Polymen exam for summer work The latest arrival to the super­ pictures are complete ered up the papers on the desk visors’ rank at the N. Y. A. Resi­ “ Johnny Gets His Story,” the and quietly left the basement, each dent Unit is Jackie Robinson, who going in a different direction . . . Graduates of the advanced CAA Thtre will be some straining weekly radio program, was pre­ will take over the duties of as­ According to Jim Pappas, El training program are now eligible minds tomorrow as four members sented again this week but without FIFTH COLUMN sistant recreational director. Rodeo editor, Poly’s annual will go for a student instructor course to of the crops department compete Johnny. Johnny Carricaburu, who “ Ah,” said the reader to him­ HERE AT POLY to the printers as soon as pictures be completed June 30, 1941. Upon for honors in a civil service exam takes the part of Johnny in the self as he read the above lines, Robinson, former Pasadena J. C. for baseball and track are secured. completion of this training the stu­ which is to be given at 9 a. m. in program, was abed with a sore “ it’s a fifth column plot on our and U. C. L. A. star athlete, left These pictures will be taken as dents will then be eligible for a room 102. throat. Mr. Kennedy, college pub­ fair city.” U. C. L. A. this past term after soon as the two sports are com­ summer course in cross-country in­ licity director and advisor of the Ah, but the reader was wrong. STUDENT AID JOB the expiration of the basketball pletely organized, so El Rodeo will program, prepared the script and ’Twas no dastardly plot. These strument flying. The examination is given by the season during which time he led soon be on the presses. was in charge of details. three men were upright, honest ACT NOW state to get student aid for the all players in scoring in the entire Pappas wants to remind clubs Crop Department of the state. This Pacific Coast Conference. His ath­ ROBINSON TALKS citizens. They weren’t planning to According to the letter received again that they must pay for their The program presented Jackie creep up on the city in the dead by Dean Knott, all students having job is open to students who haven’t letic ability is not confined to bas­ pages in the yearbook by March Robinson, the famous UCLA ath­ of the night . . . no, no . . . their completed the restricted commer­ completed their college course but ketball alone because on the foot­ 28, or they will be among the lete, who is residing at the local work could be done in broad day­ cial (advanced) training are urged have completed at least a two year ball field he is rated as one of the missing when the annual is com­ NYA unit. He will assist Pat light. In fact, some of it could be to apply immediately for the stu­ major in Botany and Agronomy. greatest players ever to see action pleted. The work, which is for the sum­ in the Coast Conference and on the Ahern, the present NYA athletic done on Broad street, some on Hi- dent instructor course. To date only The photography for this year’s mer months, w’ill pay $100 per director, coach track and baseball. guera, Torro, Morro, etc. 130 such trainees have enrolled, al­ track and field side he is NCAA El Rodeo is being handled in part month. broad jump champ and holder of Arram Rejebian, KVEC program ADVERTISING though the quota for this region is by Darrel Davidson. He has al­ Qualifications will be based on the national junior college broad director and former classmate of If you haven’t guessed it, here’s 374. Only graduates of the student ready shown his worth by obtain­ the education, expei’ience, personal jump record. Jackie, interviewed both Robinson the answer. The El Rodeo adver­ instructor course are eligible for ing many valuable shots of Poly’s traits and fitness for the work. and Ahern. However, before Reje­ tising campaign started off in ser­ the cross-country and instrument PROTECTS STANDING team and band during last Fall’s Those planning on taking the bian started his interview he thank­ iousness Monday, when Cliff flying courses contemplated for He plans to compete for the N. Y. football campaign. There are many test are: Kenneth Holmes, Ray ed “ Johnny gets his story” Ken­ Brown, John Shea, and Maurice this summer. Seven students here A. squads in baseball and track activities of students which are Schwab, David Dundus, Henry nedy for the introduction that Ken­ Freidson started combing their re­ at Poly are eligible for this course in order to protect his amateur not covered by the staff photo­ Warren. nedy had given him. spective districts of the city for and it is requested that they make standing so that he may enter U. graphers; therefore, if any stu­ advertisers. Equipped with illus­ immediate application to the Civil C. L. A. in the fall, possibly where dents have some interesting candid DUDLEY QUERIES trated mimeographed folders tell­ Aeronautics Administration, 1508 Poly defeats Bakersfield he has two more years before grad­ shots it would be appreciated if Rejebian’s cross - examination ing prospective customers the ad­ Fourth Street, Santa Monica, Cali­ uation and one year of athletic they would submit them for use brought out the many records that vantages of advertising in the El fornia. J. C. in season opener eligibility remaining. in the annual. Robinson has broken in his ath­ Rodeo, and with a real service to (Continued from page 3.) “ I like the set-up here, as much letic career. Asked why he, Rob­ sell in the form of photographs in of it as I have seen; the school, of newly acquired assistant of recre­ inson, was not selected on the All- the advertising section, the three- balls: off Milich 4; off Murray 5; which I have heard plenty about ation will take over the duties of Coast basketball team, Jackie said, man crew should be able to sell Book on Far off Derdivini, 1. Stolen bases: before, coming here; and especially coaching the track and field squad “ I’m sure I don’t know and was a enough advertising to keep the Ikeda, 2; Arthur, 2. the students at the project because and since Robinson will probably little disappointed.” yearbook in the black. Eastern situation they are more or less of my own compete as a team member, the Ahern mentioned that Jackie LEADS WANTED POLY VS. ATWATER PACKERS age,” stated Robinson earlier in prospects are enlightening for a would be working out every after­ However, any student who can received by library Poly AB R H O A E the week. successful season. noon to get in shape for the broad give the annual advertising depart­ Ikeda, s s ...... 6 1 3 3 2 0 jump of which he holds the na­ ment a tip which leads to the sale Henry Lash, librarian, has just Watanabe 2b . G 1 1 0 0 0 SPORTS GOOD GAMES tional junior college record. He will of an advertisement, will be Arthur, I f ...... 5 1 1 1 0 0 Baseball and track took on a new At present no schedule of games enter track meets carrying the col­ received some books concerning the awarded a vauable prize to be present world situation in regard Vanoncini, c .. 6 2 2 6 0 0 brilliance as practice in both sports are worked out for the baseballers ors of the California NYA units. purchased at the student store. Milich, rf ...... 4 1 3 0 0 0 began in earnest with the closing although contact has been estab­ He also will be the playing coach to the wars. One of them which concerns the Far Eastern problem Bonta, 3b ...... 5 0 1 3 5 1 of the NYA basketball season, dur­ lished with some of the best J. C. of the NYA baseball team. Daugherty to graduate is the book titled “ Goal of Japan­ Fisher, l b ...... 4 0 0 9 2 0 ing which the Colts won 25 games and independent teams in California MUSIC DEPARTMENT ese Expansion,” by Kawai. Seaman, lb .... 1 0 0 3 1 0 Coach Pat Ahern is drilling his for games to be played in a season from base in Texas Pereira, cf . . . . 5 3 3 0 0 0 baseball aspirants in throwing and that will probably continue on Next Thursday, H. P. Davidson GUNTHER’S BOOK will present his Glee Club and Col­ (Continued from page one) Soroka, p ...... 4 0 1 1 3 0 fielding at present and will have through the summer. The track and “ The Chronology of Failure” has the squad ready for intra squad field squad will compete in open legiate dance band. These organ­ to do with the downfall of the hambra, Calif., ’37-’40, track, Total ...... 45 9 16 26 13 1 games within a week or two. Ellis meets in the county and the state izations will give a preview of what French nation. Another educational swimming, yell leader '39, Sigma Poly ...... 23001300 0—9 T. Snyder, assistant youth person­ with no dual meets mapped out will be presented on their annual book is “ Inside Europe,” by John Phi Kappa. Atwater .. 02000000 0—2 nel director, and Jackie Robinson, tour. The progi-am will be between Gunther. A book of agricultural as yet- William F. Nolan, San Diego, 1:30 and 1:45 p. m. It is hoped that interest which just came out is V. Calif., ’32-’35, football, track, as many students as possible will titled “ The American Farmers in tennis. listen to this program. the World Crisis,” by Schmidt. They are among the 12,000 new Other participants in this week’s The library has many books of Air Corps officers to be added to program wrere Roy Brophy, who the “ self help” type which are so the national defense during the took the part of the editor, and written and constructed as to help current year. Glenn Arthur, the regular student the reader in his attempt to be­ announcer. NATIONAL DEFENSE come a success. The latest of these In 30 weeks time Uncle Sam is “ How to Win What You Want” Poly Royal ag show takes young men between 20 and by Kenneth Goode, who is a suc­ 27 years of age— many of whom cessful New York advertising man. features stock judging never have ridden in an airplane— RELIGIOUS BOOK and transforms them into full- (Continued from page one) For those who are interested in fledged pilots. religion, “ Genes and Genesis,” as Puente. Show business is nothing the name implies, trys to combine new for Bud either, for he and the . . . after eight vears the thoughts of the bible and sci­ late Bill Caldwell fitted and show­ of Poly Royal ence in regard to how the world ed the Grand Champion Pen of was formed. Lambs at the Great Western Live­ (Continued from page one) During the month of February stock Show in Los Angeles in 1939. the number of students that used Last fall at the same show Bud dents prior to the 1940 show. The the library was 4480. The circula­ Ihose clean white Chesterfield packages came through again and displayed program consisted of two pictorial tion of books for the month was have everything a smoker likes and wants. his ability by winning not only newspaper. Honor guest of the year 748. Grand Champion Pen of Lambs supplements to the student weekly Pull the red tab — take out a Chesterfield but Grand Champion Individual was W. W. Vernon, watchman and Lamb as well. employeesince 1918. First pictures Royal since its inception, includ­ . . . and light it. You’ll like the COOL w a y ing Carl G. Beck, time adviser for Davis is so well qualified that of the Voorhis unit appeared in this Chesterfields smoke . . . you’ll like their he has been in charge of the fit­ issue, including scenes at the this event, admit that the affair is growing each year. But they ting and showing of sheep £or the “ Poly Vue” held in 1939. BETTER TASTE . . . and you’ll find them DEFI­ maintain that it was never to close oollege at all of the livestock shows Plans are now shaping up ra­ pidly for the 1941 Poly Royal— to the students themselves as dur­ NITELY MILDER— not strong, not flat attended by California Poly for the ing the early, struggling years, last two years. Many of the meat the ninth annual event. A pictorial issue will be published shortly. when there were no funds, only the That's why Chesterfield is animal students are already work­ beginnings of the present attrac­ ing on their sheep and hope that Committees are working on the called the smoker's cigarette— various exhibits. More permanent tive campus, and many other ob­ they will have their animals in the quarters arc being sought for the stacles but a “ world of enthusiasm the cigarette that SATISFIES . condition that is so characteristic rodeo. Thousands of guests will be and determoination.” of Davis’ work. Alex McDonald will invited by newspaper articles, ra­ also judge the various classes of dio programs, and thte pictorial. sheep. Those who have followed Poly DIDIER ASSISTS Obispo Theater The swine show is to be admin­ STARTS SUNDAY', MARCH 23 istered by Jerry Didier, another Vigneau Jewelry Puente man, who has been under the able guidance of Ed Maxson, San Luis Obispo, Calif. 867 Monterey student assistant in charge of the FRANCES BURKE Telephone 598-J swine unit here at California Poly­ Mi*s America 1940-41 technic. Jerry also lias had tastes of championships as well as his valuable experience in the swine industry. Quality Phone 236 Service Wed-Thur-Fri -Sat. Established 1902 Phone 301 I ERROL FLYNN I SchYvafel’s Shoe Shop i FIRST CLASS WORK Strongs Cleaning Best Materials Used I One block N. of Postoffice / 1023 Marsh, San Luis Obispo Works i /V THE DARK { H. M. FRIESEN, Prop. 659 Higuera Street San Luis Obispo, Calf. Brenda Marshall Wilson’s Flower Shop Flowers for Every GREEN BROS. Occasion 871 MONTEREY ST. Phone 622 1110 Garden STYLE CENTER FOR San Luis Obispo SPORT CLOTHES Copyright 1941, Liccitt & Mrras T obacco C o.