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1957 The Oracle, 1957 Bangor High School

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We, the class of 1957, ~vish to dedicate this edition of the ORACLE to Miss Mario:n DuB:xurdieu, in appreciation for all her outstanding work here at Bangor HiJgh. Miss DuBo.urdieu, who joined our faCiUlty in Septem­ ber of 1921, .has been heO!d of the mathematics depwrtment for twelve years. During this period, the department has grown to a position outranked by rnone in the state. Her nul(Jnetic personality and her untiring devotion to her positiorn have wom for her admiration a'Y/Jd respect. Those of .us w:ho have bee,n fortunate enough to have her for a teacher ·will always be grateful for the fine background she has given us.. A frie,nd to all who know her, Miss DuBourdieu will long .be remembered in the hearts of students: and faculty alike.


K1nOW'led,ge lendeth light to see truth.

Down through the years. man's goal has been the at­ tainment of knowledge. Parallel with this aim has been the quest for truth. Only by an unceasing search for knowledge can the feigned he separated from reality.

The aim of true education is enlightment.-the step­ ping from the darkness of ignorance into the light of true knowledge. Education is not only book-learning but also the wisdom which is gained from actual experience.

Thus, having completed only part of our education, we, the class of 1957, still have before us, the light of knowl­ edge, gleaming faintly in the distance. To exemplify this light, we selected the sun for the theme of the 1957 Oracle. The Oracle will serve as a reminder of what has passed, but the sun, glowing brightly in the sky, will keep ever present in our hearts the desire to advance into the future.

~- Seniors gazing at the dawn of the future.

First row: Barbara Stevens, Louenna Kostenbauder, M argaret Mednis, Patricia Robinson, Dorothy John, Han­ nah Goodman, Dawn Turner, Betty Beverly, Celeste Caulfield, Jane Goode. Second row: Paula Parent, Sandra Jacques, Eugenia Buckley, Ronald Cilley, Richard Jordan, Andrew M ac­ Ewen, Phoebe Bragg, Sonja Brown, Lillian McEachern, Miss Jessie Fraser, Sandra V an Aken, R egina Murphy, Mary Jay Osler, Elizabeth Denihan, Carol Davenport, Judy Foss, Gregory Kelley.

ORACLE With the blast of rockets from the first rocket ship to soar to outer space, two re­ porters, Greg Kelley of the Oracle and Pris cilia Grossman of the Orascope, began their nevvs trip to the planets of the solar system. With the launching of this space rocket was begun the annual Oracle-Orascope campaign. After news reports from the various pl anet.s, four little girls from the audience were called upon to give their reaction to' the "first news first" report. The girls, "Patience" Brown, "Prudence" Goodman, "Faith" Osler, and "Hope" Caulfield, burst into song praising the Oracle and Orascope and telling the audience that "They can be­ long to you." With this the race among the homerooms for one hundred per cent sub­ scription began. Room 210 was the first to reach the one hundred per cent mark. On April 2, group pictures were taken for the Orade by an alumnus, David Sclair, who during the year took many pictures for the yearbook. The Oracle this year was under the leadership of Sonja Brown, editor; Hannah Goodman, associate editor; and Miss Jessie L. Fraser, faculty adviser. I !II/ I I Superintendent of Schools Lawrence A. Peakes ; Chairman of the Superintending School Committee, Mrs. Grace Overlock, and Secretary to the Superintendent, Miss Charlotte Mulherin.

A Tribute to the Administration To the Bangor SchoJl Board, Mrs. Grace Overlock, chairman; to Mr. Lawrence A. Peakes, superintendent of Bangor schools; and to Mr. Joseph B. Chaplin, principal of Bangor High School; we the class of 195,7 wish to express our appreciation for all the help and cooperation you have given us throughout our school career. You, assisted by your competent office staffs, have made our excellent education a reality.

Submaster R odney Bartlett, Secretary Mrs. Alfreda Stevenson, and Principal Joseph B. Chaplin. A Message to the Class of 1957


The ·class of 1957 leaves Bangor High School on June 14 with a very creditable record of achievement. I commend you for your past performances, but I caution you that sustained effort is essential to success; in the highly competitive, adult society which you are to enter after graduation. Your high school record will be helpful in getting you a job or in securing admission to an institution of higher learning, but the importance of your school record in determining success in your new work will be overshadowed by willingness to work, dependability, and character.

I hope that you approach adulthood with a firm belief that no job, however menial, is below the dignity of a high school graduate. You must prove yourself through doing rela­ tively small jobs. well before you have a right to expect to be trusted with positions of real responsibility. Resolve to give your employer a full, honest day's work in any job that you accept. Such a procedure will cause you to stand out in favorable contrast to the many em­ ployees today who expect higher pay, fewer hours, and more coffee breaks.

Dependability is essential to advancerrnen t anywhere. To be classed as dependable you must keep your re,cord of absenteeism at a minimum, work conscientiously when you are not under supervl.sion and get to work on schedule.

The above qualities coupled with good character will go far toward insuring your suc­ cess in adult life. I have confidence in your class, and I shall follow your individual achieve­ ments with interest and pride.

First row: Mr. Frank Myers, Miss Jessie Fraser, M r. Robert H arlow, Miss Marion DuBourdieu, Mrs. Rubena Pressey, Mr. Richard Klain, Miss M. Catherine Mullen, Capt. William Schwartz, M rs. Barbara Browne, Mr. Norman Perkins, Mr. Samuel Harris. Second row: Miss Paulene Dunn, Mrs. Louise Hammons, Miss M ary Quinn, Miss Ruth Belknap, Mrs. Gladys Bridges, Mrs. Katherine Butler, Miss Bernice Hopkins, M r. R odney Bartlett, Principal Joseph B. Chaplin, Miss Lillian Kelly, Miss M ary L. Copeland, Mrs. Viola Woodward, Mrs. Dorothy Coiley, Mr. !vie Mann, Mr. Lloyd Rhodes. Third row: Mr. Frederick Pinkham, Mr. Frederick K . Barry, Mr. Gerald Covert, Mr. Worth L. Noyes, Mr. G. Vincent Cuozzo, Mr. Donald Drossel, Mrs. Stella Patten, Miss Barbara Hobbs, Mr. Richard Russell, M r. Granville MacMillan, Mr. Efthim Econ:mm, Mr. Douglas Stafford, Mr. Ronald Pooler, Sgt. Leo Allie, sp 2 Robert Blanchard.


Bangor High is indeed most privileged in its outstanding faculty. Each member is not only .an expert in his or her chosen field, but also a living example of the highest qualities · of teachers-honor, dedication, patience, and love. Led by Principal Joseph B. Chaplin, the faculty has continuously strived to instill in every pupil the qualifications necessary for a successful life. We of the Class of 1957 feel both grateful and hon­ ored to have ha:d the opportunity to study under what we consider the fi nest group of teachers yet assembled.

Miss Marion DuBourdieu, Mr. Richard Klain, Mrs. Gladys Bridges, Mrs. Viola Woodward, and Mr. Frank Myers, put the inevitable ranks on the office sheets.

''""""'------'- ~-····-"""~ SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS Louenna Kostenbauder, Secretary; Sonja Brown, Vice-pres. ; Sandra Van Aken, Treasurer, and John Lyons, President. Class of Nineteen Fifty-seven

Knowledge lendeth light to see truth

Alexander, Lois Ann Sweet am! quiet Lois will someday be the backbone of a busy office. Course: Distributive Education Destination: Undecided

Arnold, Carole Carole's cheerful voice will be a welcome sound next _year, as she becomes a telephone operator. Course: General Destination: Telephone Operator Activities: Band (3, 4); Chorus (2)

Barker, Charlotte N . "Charley" Domestically inclined Charlotte will make a fine horne for her lucky husband. Course: Distribu tive Education Destination: Housewife Activities: F. B. L. A. (2).

Barrett, Bradford R . "Brad" In future years Brad will be apprehending delinquent dri­ vers. Course: College Activities: B-Club (3, 4); Beta Hi-Y (2, 3, 4), Vice Pres. (4); Intramural Volleyball (2, 3); Intramural Basketball (2, 3, 4); TTack (2, 3); Varsity Football (2, 3, 4), Capt. (4); Office1·s' Club (4); Stetson Rifle (3).

Bates, Gloria Mae Gloria's efficien t and dependable qualities typify the excellen t secretary, which she is sure to be. Course: Business Destination: College Activities: Ushers (3); F. B. L. A. (3).

Beaver, Laura "Lolly" "Lolly's" familiar smile and wonderful sense of humor were greatly missed when she moved to New Jersey. Course: College Destination: College Activities; Chorus (3, 4); Student Council (4); Dramatic Club (2, 3, 4); Latin Club (2, 3); J r. Chorus (3); Plays (2, 3); Stetsonettes (3). Bell, Mary Ellen "Mel" "l\fel's" sunny smile greets us every clay from behind the lunch counter. Course: General Destination: Reno Activities: Lunch Room (3, 4).

Bernstein, Stephen "Steve" "Steve's" quiet, efficient ways h ave made him outstanding at B. H. S. Course: College Destination: College Activities: Debate Club (2) .

Beverly, Betty Betty's excellent leadership as captain of the cheerleaders has been a great asset to school spirit. Course: College Destination: College Activities: Student Council (2, 3), Secretary (3); G. A. H. C. (4); Jr. Ex. (3); Orascope (3); Girls' Hockey (2, 3, 4); Girls Basketball (2, 3, 4), (4); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3, 4); Cheer­ leaders (2, 3, 4), Capt. (4); Nat'! Honor Soc. (3, 4), Treas. (4); Oracle Board (4); Latin Club (2); French Club (2, 3, 4); All Bangor Hockey Team (4); Spear Contest (3); B.H.S. Scholar.

Bigelow, Rita In her office work, quiet, hardworking Rita is sure to excel. Course: Business Education Destination: Office Work Activities: F. B. L. A. (2, 3, 4); Nat'l Honor Soc. (3, 4)

Blomberg, Bat·bara "Bobby" An active business student, "Bobby" should have no trouble becoming a good secretary. Coune: Business Education Destination: Secretary Activities: F. B. L. A. (2, 3, 4); Lunch Room (4); Girls' Drill Team (3); Stetsonettes (3); Nat'! Honor Soc. (4) .

Bowen, Jacqueline "Jac" "Jac's" quiet, winning way will certainly make her a favor­ ite as a medical secretary after her graduation from Bryant Coll ege. Course: College Destination: Bryant College Activities: Orchestra (4); Chorus (4).

Bradsell, GeOl'gia "Skeeter" A charming nurse Georgia will be with h er quiet, friendly, efficient, and pleasant ways. Destination: Nursing Activities: Jr. Chorns (3); French Club (2).

Brag·g, Phoebe "Pheb" 'With her pleasing smile and warm personality, "Pheb" will be the perfect nurse. Course: College Destination: College Activities: Orchestra (4); Music Council (3, 4); Chorus (2, 3, 4); G. A. H. C. (3, 4); Jr. Chorus (3); Girls' Hockey (2, 3, 4); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3, 4); French Club (2, 3, 4), Corresponding Secretary (4); Oracle Board (4); Latin Club (2, 3, 4), Consul (4); All Bangor Hockey (3, 4). Brown, Charleen "Carli" With Charleen's quick wit for words, many a worried patient will be reassured when she becomes a nurse. Course: College Destination: College Activities: Latin Club (2).

Brown, Sonja Sonja's participation in many activities made her invaluable to B. H. S. Course: Colleg·e Destination: University of Maine Activities: Chorus (2, 3, 4); Student Council Alt. (3, 4); G. A. H. C. (3, 4); Jr. Chorus (3); Orascope (3), Assistant Editor (3); Class Pres. (2); Class Vice Pres. (4); Usher (3, 4); Nat'! Honor Soc. (3, 4), Vice Pres. (4); French Club (2, 3, 4); Oracle Board (4), Editor (4); A. F. S. Scholarship (3); Latin Club (2, 3, 4), Treas. (3); B. H. S. Scholar; All Bangor Hockey (3, 4); Girls' Hockey (2, 3, 4), Captain (3), Coach (4); Girls' Basketball (2, 3, 4), Captain (3), Coach (5); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3, 4).

Buckley, Eugenia "Gingee" "Gingee's" pleasing personality will be admired as much next year at Maine as it was at B. H. S. Comse: College Destination: University of Maine Activities: Band (3 , 4); Chorus (2, 3, 4); Jr. Chorus (3); Girls' Basketball (3); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3, 4); French Club (3, 4); Oracle Board (4); Latin Club (2, 3, 4).

Buzzell, Judith Ann "Buzzy" "Judy" "Judy's" vivacious personality has won her many friends in her short stay at B. H. S. Course: General Destination: College Activities: (Brunswick) Girls' Hockey (3, 4); Girls' Basket­ ball (3, 4); Girls' Volleyball (3, 4); Biology Club (2, 3).

Carr, Wendall "Windy" Wendall can certainly fulfill his ambition of becoming a radio announcer in the near fu ture. Course: General Destination: Armed Forces Activities: Boys' Rifle Club (2).

Caulfield, Celeste Talent and personality make Celeste a sure bet to be out­ standing in college. Comse: College Destination Trinity College Activities: JT. Chorus (3); Orascope (3); Girls' State Alt. (3); French Club (3, 4); Oracle Board (4).

Chaison, Paul D. An avid chemist1·y experimenter, Paul may someday gain world-wide fame. Course: General Destination: College Activities: Jr. Chorus (3); Gamma Hi-Y (3, 4); Intramural Basketball (2, 3, 4); Varsity Football (2, 3, 4); Spanish Club (3).

Chaloux, Nancy "Nance" "Nance" wants to be a journalist, and, without a doubt, she'll be the biggest little writer ever. Course: Business Education Destination: College Activities: G. A. H. C. (4); Usher (4); F. B. L. A. (4); Girls' Hockey (3, 4); Girls' Basketball (2, 3, 4); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3); Library Club (4); '"'estbrook Forum (4); Nat'! Honor Soc. (4). Christmas, Dewey Jr. Dewey, equipped with ambition and personality-plus, will someday be well-known in the field of medicine. Course: College Destination: CoUege Activities: Student Council (4).

Cilley, Ronald "Ron" It's encouraging to know that our country's future will lie in the hands of competent military men like "Ron." Course: College Destination: College Activities: Boys' Chorus (2); Boys' Rifle Club (2, 3, 4), Vice­ Pres. (3), Pres. (4); Boys' Rifle Team (2, 3, 4), Capt. (4); Gamma Hi-Y (3, 4), Pres. (3, 4); Boys' State (3); Intramural Volleyball (2); Intramural Basketball (2, 3,); Officers' Club (4), Vice-Pres. (4); Oracle Board (4); Stetson Rifle Drill Team (2, 3, 4), Commander (4); Stetson Rifle Club (2, 3, 4), Pres. (4); Latin Club (2, 3); R . 0. T. C. Honor Soc. (3, 4).

Clish, Francis, "Fran" "Fran's" success in mastering Latin will provide a good back­ ground for the attainment of his goal to become a Latin tea­ cher. Course: College Destination: College Activities: Latin Club (3, 4); Speech-Drama (4).

Clukey, Sharon "Sherry" Conscientious, hard-working "Sherry" is sure to be the favorite nurse of all her patients. Course: General Destination: Eastern Maine General Hospital Activities: French Club (3).

Cole, Joanna "Jo" "Jo's" taste in color combinations and her interest in sewing will prove helpful in her interior decorating career. Course: General Destination: College Activities: Jr. Chonts (3); Ushers (3); Cheerleaders (3, 4).

Colford, Marilyn "Shorty"

Marilyn, clelin~ring attendance bulletins, is a familiar sight to all at B. H. S. Course: General Destination: ' .YAFS Activities: Library Club (4).

Collins, Rosalie Ann "Rose" Some lucky boss will have efficient Rose as his secretary. Course: General Destination: Undecided

Colton, William "Bill" "Bill" is already well on his way to a lasting career in the wholesale business. Course: Distributive Education Destination: '"'ork in the wholesale business Activities: Intramural Basketball (2, 3); (2); Intra­ mural Volleyball (2, 3). Cook, Ronald "Cookie" "Cookie's" amateur radio work will give him the experience to be a successful radio engineer. Course: General Destination: Electronic School Activities: Queen City Coin Club, Current Events Award.

Cookson, Ressie Husson College will have the p leasure of training Ressie to be the secretary of some fortunate senator. Course: General Destination: Husson College Activities: Jr. Chorus (3); Girls' Volleyball (3); Library Club (3, 4).

Cormier, Anne "Annie" Anne will be of great value to some employer next year. Course: Business Destination: Undecided Activities: Stetsonettes (3).

Cox, Dale "Spike" ''\Then "Spike" achieves his goal, he'll be the head of a boom­ ing business concern. Course: General Destination: Husson College Activities: Officers' Club (4).

Craven, John H. "Stretch" ''Anchors aweigh" is the song "Stretch" will be singing next year. Course: General Destination: Service Activities: Chorus (2); Jr. Chorus (3); F. B. L. A. (2) ; Intra­ mural Basketball (2); Baseball (2); Intramural Volleyball (2): Track (2); Cross Country (2); Varsity Football (2); Olliccrs' Club (3).

Crombie, Vaughn "Crom" Anyone who sees Vaughn's drawings will agree that he is qualified to be the designer of tomorrow's cars. Course: College Destination: Art School Activities: Intramural Basketball (4); Spanish Club (-J).

Davis, Patricia Nadine "Pat" "Pat" is neat and efficien t, so she'll be the ideal secretary Course: Distributive Education Destination: Bangor Activities: F. B. L. A. (2, 3).

Davenport, Carol A. Carol's friendly smile is sure to be the of the college can1pus. Course: College Destination: Simmons College Activities: Girls' Rifle Club (2, 3); Student Council (3); Latin Club (2, 3, 4); Jr. Chorus (3); Ushers (2); French Club (3, 'J.); Oracle Board (4); Nat'! Honor Soc. (-1) . Day, Herbert "Skip" "Skip" plans to exercise his talent at mechanical drawing and become a skilled draftsman. Course: General Destination: Service Activities: Intramural Volleyball (2, 3); Track (2, 3).

Day, Penelope "Penny" "Penny's" tops in Library Club and anything else she at­ tempts. Course: Business Destination: Coilege Activities: Chorus (4); Jr. Chorus (3); French Club (2); Library Club (2, 3, 4), Treas.; F. B. L. A. (3, 4.).

Dean, Ray Kay's dexterity with a needle and thread is almost as well known as her peppy cheering. Course: Business Destination: Good Job. Activities: Student Council Alt. (2, 4); Class Officer (3); Girls' Volleyball (3); Cheerleaders, (2, 3, 4).

Dearborn, Richard "Dick" "Dick" has decided to become a forester; he is bound to be one of the best. Course: College Destination: College Activities: Band (2, 3, 4); Orchestra (2); Chorus (2, 3); Boys' Rifle Club (2, 3); Spanish Club (2, 3, 4).

Delahunt, Jo Anne "Jo" Jo Anne's pleasant and quiet disposition will be an asset in any office. Course: Business Destination: Undecided Activities: Jr. Chorus (3); F. B. L. A. (2, 3, 4), Treas. (4); Li­ brary Club (2 , 3, 4).

Delano, Rodney "Rod" Hun:ing and fishin; are tops with "Rod." Course: General Destination: Navy

Denihan, Elizabeth "Beth" "Beth's" glowing personality and writing ability will surely bring her great success. Course: College Destination: College Activities: Dramatic Club (3); Latin Club (2, 3, 4); Debate Club (2, 3, -!), PTes. (4); Orascope (3); Nat'! Honor Soc. (3, 4); French Club (2, 3, 4); Oracle Board (4); Westbrook Forum (4); U. of M. Speech Festival (4); Girls' State Alt. (3); Senior Essay (4); B. H . S. Scholar (4).

Dolley Michael "Mike" "Mike" is noted for his fine acting ability and terrific sense of humor. Course: College Destination: College Activities: Band (4); Chorus (2, 3, 4); Student Council (4); Dramatic Club (2, 3, 4); Latin Club (2); Jr. Ex. (3); Plays 2, 3, 4); French Club (2); Senior Essay (4); Darma Award. Doyle, Janice "Jan" "Jan's" generosity makes her an ideal person for her chosen field of social work. Course: General Destination: College

Dudley, Gerald "Dud" "Duel's" success in the world is assured by his sense of humor. Course: College Destination: Unclecidecl Activities: Beta Hi-Y (4); Intramural Basketball (2, 3, 4); Intramural Volleyball (2); Varsity Football (3); Spanish Club (3).

Dunbar, Sherry Sherry's interest in athletics and home ec. has kept her busy at B. H. S. Course: Business Destination: Work Activities: Girls' Rifle Club (2); Jr. Chorus (3); Girls' Hockey (2); Girls' Basketball (2); Girls' Volleyball (2); Lunch Room (2).

Empie, Diane Diane's good nature and friendly manner aTe appreciated by all. Course: General Destination: Undecided

England, Betty Friendly Betty would grace any office with her quiet eff-iciency. Course: General Destination: Off-ice Work Activities: Chorus (3); Jr. Chorus (3); Ushers (3, 4); Girls' Bas­ ketball (3).

Epstein, Eleanor "Ellie" "Ellie's" talent in varied fields is shown by her success in so many activities. Course: College Destination: College Activities: Chorus (2, 3, 4); Latin Club (2, 3); Jr. Chorus (3); Orascope (3), Editor; Girls' Hockey (2, 3, 4); Girls' Bas­ ketball (2, 3, 4); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3, 4); French Club (2, 3, 4); Oracle Board (4); All Bangor Hockey Team ('1).

Farnham, Arthur H. "Artie" "Art's" interest in the field of electronics and chemistry pro­ vides a good background for the future. Course: College Destination: Post Graduate-B. H. S. Activities: Latin Club (2, 3, 4).

Feeney, Jane Marie "Toby" The qualities that have made Jane a good friend of all will be a great asset to her as an airline stewardess. Course: Business Destination: Airline School Activities: Jr. Chorus (3); Ushers (3, 4); F. B. L. A. (3); LibTary Club (4). Fish, Allon Richard "Lonnie" "Lonnie," who will be a man of the "Blue" in '58, is a boy who deserves much respect. Course: Distributive Education Destination: Undecided Activities: Student Council (4); Intramural Basketball (2, 3)-

Fisher, Mary Mary's enthusiasm for many activities has won her the ad­ miration of teachers and friends. Comse: College Destination: Coliege Activities Chorus (2, 3, 4); G. A. H. C. (3, 4); Class Pres. (2) ; Jr. Chorus (3); Cheerleader (2); Spanish Club (3, 4); Girls' Hockey (4); Girls' Basketball (3, 4); Girls' Volleyball (3, 4); Nat'! Honor Soc. (4).

Foss, Judith "Judie" As a typist on the Oracle Board, "Judie" has demonstrated an ability which will be a benefit in her future career. Course: Business Destination: Office job Activities: Chorus (2, 3, 4); Jr. Chorus (3); Usher (3, '1); F. B. L A. (3, 4), Secretary (3); Girls' Basketball (2 , 3); Girls' Volleyball (2 , 3, 4); Lunch Room (3); French Club (2); Oracle Board (4); Stetsonettes (3).

Fox, Nickolas "Nick" "Nick's" help in delivering food to the lL!nch tables this year has made him familiar to all at B. H. S. Course: Business Destination: Undecided Activities: Boys' Rifle Club (2, 3); Lunch Room (4).

!'reese, Andrew Jacl

Goode, Jane "Janie" 'janie's" bubbling personality and characteristic laug·h have made her a favorite at B. H. S. with teachers and students alike. Course: College Desti nation: College Activities Band (2, 3, 4); Ensemble (3) ; Student Council (3), AIL (2 , ·!); G. A. H. C. (2 , 3, 4), Pres. (4); Latin Club (2, 3, 4), tribune (3), Proctor (4); Orascope (3); Girls' State Alt. (3); Girls' Hockey (2 , 3, 4) , Capt. (2) , Assist. Mgr. (3), Coach (4); All-Bangor Hockey (3, 4), Mgr. (4); Girls' Basketball (2 , 3, 4), Capt. (2) , Coach (4); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3, 4); Nat'! Honor Soc. (3, 4); French Club (~. 3, 4); Oracle Boanl (4); Officials Club (2, 3, 4); B. H. S. Scholar.

Goodman, Hannah As an able assistant Oracle Editor and Le Cet·cle Francais President, popular Hannah does a wonderful job. Course: College Destination: College Activities: Chorus (2, 3, 4); Latin Club (2, 3), Aedile (3); Orascope (3); Nat'! Honor Soc. (3, 4); French Club (2, 3, 4), Treas. (3) , Pres. (4) ; Oracle Board (4), Assistant Editor (4); B. H. S. Scholar. Gordon, Herbert A. "Herb" 'i<\lith his witty and winning ways, "Herb" has kept us all amused at B. H. S. Course: College Destination: M. I. T. Activities: Latin Club (2); Jr. Ex. (3); French Club (2, 3); Stetson Rifle (2); Nat'! Honor Soc. (4); Merit Certificate.

Gott, Ellen Pauline "Polly" Next year Polly will be brightening the halls of Husson Col­ lege with her quiet ever-ready smile. Course: General Destination: Husson College

Griffin, Eleanor A- ''Suzie" 'With her flair for shorthand Eleanor will make an efficient secreta1·y. Course: Business Destination: Husson Activities: Jr. Chorus (3) ; F. B. L. A. (2, 3, 4), Reporter (4); Library Club (2, 3, 4); Stetsonettes (3, 4), Secretary (4).

Haliotis, Sylvia How can anyone forget Sylvia's regal stature and the fash­ ionable styles of this ever smiling girl. ' Course: General Destination: Mount Ida Activities: Girls' Rifle Club (2); Girls' State (3); Girls' Vol­ leyball (2).

Hall, Dona Quiet Dona's friendly manner has made a lasting impression on her fellow-students. CouTSe: Business Destination: Business College

Hammond, Sandra "San" Our tiniest cheerleader, Sandra proves the old adage that "good things come in small packages." Course: Business Destination: Junior College Activities: Chorus (3): Student Council Alt. (2 , 3); Jr. Chorus (3); Girls' State (3); Girls' Basketball (2. 3, 4); Girls' Volley­ ball (2, 3, 4); Cheerleaders (3 , 4); Nat'! Honor Soc. (4).

Hanson, Wanda Lee " Wendy" V\Tanda's quiet, pleasing· personality h as won h er many friends at B. H . S. Course: General Destination: Junior College Activities: Chorus (3, 4); Jr. Chorus (3); Girls' Hockey (-1); Girls' Volleyball (3, 4).

Hartstone, Fr,ed "Stone" "Stone's" forceful personality is bound to make him a suc­ cess in whatever trade h e chooses. Course: General Destination: Boston Trade Activities: Baseball (4); Intramural Volleyball (3); Varsity Football (3). Hassen, Lloyd "Haas" The records of Lloyd's achievements in track and cross-coun­ try meets serve as an incentive to many beginners in these sports. Course: General Destination: Prep School Activities: B-Club (2, 3, 4); Beta Hi-Y (3, 4); Intramural Bas­ ketball (3); Intramural Volleyball (2, 3); Track (2, 3, 4); Cross­ country (2, 3, 4); Older Boys' Conference (3); ]. V. Basketball (2); New England Cross-Country (4); New England Track (2, 3).

Hastings, Sylvia Ann "Syl" In Florida we're sure "Syl" will make as many friends as she has here at B. H. S. Course: General Destination: Florida Activities: Chorus (3); Jr. Chorus (3); Girls' Hockey (3); Girls' Basketball (2).

Hay, Richard "Dick" Good-looking "Dick" came to us from M. C. I., improving the corridors at B. H. S. with his quiet, pleasing ways. Course: General Destination: College

Herndon, Tom Tom's well-earned reputation on the gridiron won him the envied position of "All Eastern Maine End." . Course: General Destination: U. S. Air Force Activities: B-Club (4); Jr. Chows (3); Plays (3); Beta Hi-Y (3, 4); Intramural Basketball (4); Varsity Football (3, 4).

Hersey, Rick E. Rick's calm, easy manner has made him well liked at B. H. S. Course: College Destination: University of Maine Activities: Student Council Alt. (4); Plays (4); Alpha Hi-Y (2, 3, 4); Intramural Basketball (2, 3); Track (2); Cross-Coun­ try (2, 3, 4).

Hodgdon, Linda Jean "Lin" At the Bangor Hydro next year, "Lin's" secretarial ability and loyalty will make her a valuable employee. Course: Secretarial Destination: Employee of Bangor Hydro Activities: Jr. Chorus (3); Girls' Basketball (2, 3); Stetson­ ettes (3).

Hollis, Winston "Winnie" "\

Holyoke, Wayne "lggy" Wayne's terrific power behind a bat will soon bring him a spot in the Big Leagues. Course General Destination: Undecided Activities: Intramural Basketball (2); Baseball (2, 3); Varsity Football (2, 3). Honey, Maureen E. "Mo" "Mo," with h er extTa special friendliness, is tops with every­ one. Destination: Telephone Operator Activities: Jr. Chorus (3); Ushers (3, 4), Head Usher (4); Li­ brary Club (4) .

Hopkins Rosemary "Rosey" "Rosey," the B. H. S. nominee for the D. A. R. good citizen, typifies the all-Tound teen-age girl. Course: General Destination: Undecided Activities: Student Council (2, 3, 4); Jr. Chorus (3); Class Pres. (3); Cheerleader (2, 3, 4).

Hoyt, Warren Charles "Duke" "Duke's" success in the Army is assured with his R. 0. T. C. background. Course: General Destination: Army Activities: Chorus (3, 4); Jr. Chorus (3); Intramural Basket­ ball (2, 3); Intramural Volleyball (2, 3); Officers' Club (4).

Hunt, Lyman, Jr. "Tink" Lyman wants to own a business, and he'll make the grade in any competition. Course: College Destination: College Activities: Boys' Rifle Club (2, 3); Latin Club (2); Gamma Hi-Y (3, 4), Pm. (4).

Ingalls, John Besides being .a basketball whiz, John has an unrivalled sense of humor. Course: College Destination: College Activities: Student Council (2), Alt. (3); Intramural Basketball (3); Intramural Volleyball (3, 4); Cross-Country (2, 3); J . V. Basketball (2); Varsity Basketball (4); Officers' Club (4); French Club (2, 3, 4); Track (2); "B" Club (4).

Inman, Juanita Ann Any boss will welcome the secretarial ability of this d epend­ able g·irl. Course: Business Education Destination: Husson College Activities: Jr. Chorus (3); Ushers (3, 4); F. B. L. A. (3); Li­ brary Club (4).

Jacques, Sandra "Sandy" Sandra, always friendly and dependable, will make a fine teacher. Course: College Destination: College Activities: Latin Club (2, 3, 4); Girls' Hockey (2); Girls Basketball (2, 3); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3, 4); French Club (2, 3, 4); Oracle Board (4); Nat'! Honor Soc. (4).

John, Dorothy "Dottie" "Zealous of good works" is a good motto for "Dottie", suc­ cessful in activities as well as studies. Course: College Destination: College Activities: Chorus (2, 3, 4); G. A. H. C. (3, 4), Vice-Pres. (4); Latin Club (2, 3, 4), Treas. (4); Jr. Chorus (3); Ora· scope (3); Class Treas. (2, 3); Usher (3, 4); Girls' Hockey (2, 3, 4), Coach (4); Girls' Basketball (2, 3, 4), Co-Capt. (4), Coach (4); GiTls' Volleyball (2, 3, 4), Capt. (2); Jay vee Cheerleader (3); Nat'! Honor Soc. (3, 4), Sec. (4); French Club (2, 3, 4); Oracle Board (4); Officials' Club (2, 3, 4); All Bangor Hockey (3, 4). Johnson, Carlene Carlene, adept in every athletic skill, is Bangor High's Sports Queen. Course: College Destination: University of Maine Activities: Girls' Rifle Club (3); G. A. H . C. (2, 3, 4); Jr. Chorus (3); Ushers (3, 4); Girls' Hockey (2, 3, 4); Girls' Bas­ ketball (2, 3, 4) , Capt. (4); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3, 4); French Club (2, 3, 4); Spanish Club (3, 4); Officials' Club (2, 3, 4)

Jordan, Gladys Friendly Gladys's spare time is spent perfecting house­ keeping skills which will aiel her in married life. Course: Business Destination: Marriage Activities: Jr. Chorus (3).

Jordan, lone " Onie" "Onie's" skill in typing and her liking for shorthand will serve as the basis of a successful business career. Course: Business Destination: Work Activity: F. B. L. A. (3).

Jordan, Richard "Dick" If "Dick's" success in speech work at B. H. S. is a fore­ shadowing, he is slated to become one of the best in the theater world. Course: General Destination: College Activities: Chorus (3, 4); B-C iub (4); Jr. Ex. (3); Play (4); Boys' State (3); Intramural Basketball (3, 4); Baseball (2); Varsity Football (2, 4), Mgr. (4); Oracle Board (4); U. of M. Speech Festival (3); Spear Contest (3); One Act Play Contest (4).

Keaten, Rosalie "Tootsie" "Fasten your seat belts" will be a common expression to Rosa­ lie when she becomes an airline hostess. Course: General Destination: Eastern Academy of Beauty Culture

Kelley, David Arnold "Dave" How can anyone forget " Dave's" good humor and his jovial spirit-a combination which made him a great favorite! Course: General Destination: Co ll ege Activities: B-Club (3, 4); Plays (2); Alpha Hi-Y (3, 4); Intra­ mural Basketball (2, 3, 4); Baseball (3, 4); Int1·amural Vol­ leyball (2, 3, 4); Stetson Rifle (2) .

Kelley, David Arthur "Dave" ''Dave" has been very active in 4-H work, a background which will make him a fine dairy fanner. Course: General Destination: University of Maine Activities: Intramural Basketball (2, 3, 1); Intramural Volley­ ball (2).

Kelley, Gregory "Greg" "Greg's destination next year is Penn. State where he will make use of his N. R. 0. T. C. Scholarship. Course: College Destination: College Activities: Band (2, 3, 4); B-Club (4); Jr. Chorus (3); Gamma Hi-Y (3, 4), Chaplain (4); Intramural Basketball (3); Intra­ mural Volleyball (3, 4); Track (3); Cross Country (2); Var­ sity Basketball (2, 3, 4); Officers' Club (4); French Club (2, 3, 4), Treas. (4); Oracle Board (4); Stetson Rifle (3, 4); N. R. 0. T. C. Scholarship. Kenney, Barbara "Barb" "Barb's" sweet reserved manner will make her well liked at the U. of M. next year. Course: College Destination: College Activities: Latin Club (2, 3); Girls' Hockey (2); French Club (2, 3).

King, Elizabeth "Betty" "Betty's" coiffures of the future will be the "new look" of 1960. Course: Business Destination: Eastern Academy of Beauty Culture Activities: Library Club (4).

Kostenbauder, Louenna Louenna's gt·ace as an actress has brought B. H. S. fame and fortune. Course: College Destination: University of Maine Activities: Dramatic Club (3, 4); Jr. Ex. (3); Plays (3, 4); Class Officer (4); Girls' State (3); One Act Play Contest (4); Choral Speaking (3); U. of M. Speech Festival (3), Medalist (3); French Club (2, 3, 4), Vice-Pres. (4); Oracle Board (4); Nat'! Honor Soc. (4).

Lapane, Marshall "Marsh" :'Marsh's" easy going manner will aid him in his ambition to be a millionaire. Course: General Destination: Undecided

La Rochelle, Gail Gail has demonstrated an outstanding talent as a painter, and she has a bright future before her. Course: General Destination: Jackson, Mississippi

Le Bel, Steve "Steve" The expression, "Great Caesar's Ghost," is a good indication that Steve is in the vicinity. Course: General Destination: Undecided

Leighton, Roberta "Bobbi" "Bobbi" will be a welcome addition at the Eastern 1\fainc General Hospital next year. Course: College Destination: Eastern Maine General Hospital Activities: French Club (3, 4).

Le San, Patt·icia "Bl'impy" Patricia's sketching and oil painting skill will be an asset in decorating h er own home. Course: General Destination: Going on to school Activities: Latin Club (2); F. H. A. (2); French Club (2); Prize Speaking (2). Libby, Edwin "Ed" "Ed's" good humor will follow him everywhere-hunting, around cars, and to the University of Maine. Course: General Destination: University of Maine-Mechanical Engineering Activities: Boys' Rifle Club (2, 3).

Libby, Sue "Susie" Sue's great ability in all branches of Home Ec. points to her being a fine homemaker of the future. Course: General Destination: Undecided Activities: Jr. Chorus (3).

Little, David "Dave" Friendly, hard-working "Dave" is certain to be a great favorite with his fellow-students at San Diego College. Course: Business Destination: San Diego California College Activities: Gamma Hi-Y (3, 4); Boys' State Alt. (3).

Loftus, Pierrette "Pete" "Pete's" school spirit is shown by her varied activities at B. H. S. Course: College Destination: Massachusetts General School of Nursing Activities: Chorus (3); Student Council (4), Alt. (3); .Jr. Chorus (3); Girls' Basketball (2, 3, 4); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3, 4); French Club (2, 3, 4).

Lynch, Bonita "Bonnie" Our J. V. captain of cheerleading can't be surpassed in spirit, pep, or personality. Course: General Destination: Telephone Company Activities: Latin Club (2); JL Chorus (3); Girls' Hockey (2, 3); Girls' Basketball (2, 3); Girls' Volleyball (2); Cheerleader (2 , 3, 4), J. V. Capt. (3, 4); Spanish Club (3, 4), Vice Pres. (4). Lynch, Lucinda "Cindy" "Cindy" will definitely become one of the best nurses pos· sible. Course: College Destination: College Activities: Band (3, 4); Chorus (2, 3, 4); G. A. H. C. (3, 4); Latin Club (2, 3); Jr. Ex. (3); Plays (4); Girls' Hockey (2, 3, 4), Coach (4); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3, 4); Girls' Basket­ ball (2, 3, 4), Coach (4); Spanish Club (3 4), Sec. (4); Ofii.. cials Club (2, 3, 4). Lyons, John "Johnny" "Johnny", our active class president, is the perfect example of the boy "most likely to succeed." Comse: College Destination: Colleg·e Activities: Chorus (2, 3); Dramatic Club (2, 3, 4); Jr. Ex. (3); Class Pres. (4); Plays (2); Intramural Basketball (2, 3, 4); Intra­ mural Volleyball (3); Cross Country (3, 4); T. B. Radio Pro· gram (2); A Capella Chorus (2); Nat'l Honor Soc. (4). MacEwen, Andt'eW Andy is sure to be one of the "Great Minds" of the future, whether he is addressed as "Your Honor," or "Mr. Einstein." Course: College Destination: Harvard Activities: Orchestra (2); Chorus (2, 3, 4); Student Council (2, 3, 4), Pres. (4); Latin Club (2, 3, 4); Orascope (3); Boys' State (3); Nat'! Honor Soc. (3, 4), Pres. (4); Officers' Club (4); Oracle Board (4); Harvard Book Prize (3); R. 0. T. C. Honor Soc. (3, 4); National Merit Scholarship; HonOl'ary National Honor Society Scholarship; B. H. S. Scholar. Mansur, }an1es "Jitn" "Jim's" sense of responsibility makes him dependable at all times. Course: General Destination: M. P. Reserves

Maunder, Lyle Lyle's active participation in sports at B. H. S. will provide a solid foundation on which to build his coaching- career. Course: General Destination: Navy Activities: B-Club (2 , 3, 4); Beta Hi-Y (2, 3, 4); Intramural Basketball (2, 3, 4); Cross Country (2, 3, 4).

Maunder, Wayne Wayne plans to travel next year under the auspices of the United States Navy. Course: General Destination: Navy Activities: B-Ciub (3, 4); Beta Hi-Y (4); Intramural Basketball (2, 3, 4); Baseball (2, 3); Varsity Football (3)

McClay, Constance Jean "Connie" Red-haired " Connie" has been the mainstay of the Library Club in her three years at B. H. S. <::o urse: Business Destination: Husson Activities: Lunch Room (2, 3); F. B. L. A. (2, 3, 4); French Club (2); Library Club (2, 3, 4); Stetsonettes (3).

McEachern, Lillian "Lil" In years to come ''Nurse L il's" patients will be g-reatly im­ pressed by h er charming bedside manner. Course: College Destination: N ursing School Activities: Chorus (2, 3, 4); Girls' Rifle Club (2, 3), Vice-Pres. (3); Student Council (-!); G. A. H . C. (3, 4); Latin Club (2, 3); Jr. Chorus (3); Orascope (3); Girls' Hockey (2, 3, 4); Girls' Bas­ ketball (2, 3, 4); Girls' Voll eyball (2, 3, 4): Nal'l Honor Soc. (3, 4); French Club (3, 4); Oracle Board (4); B. H. S. Scholar.

McEwen, Frederick Jr. "Uncle Tom" "Uncle Tom's" pleasing· personality and sparkling sense of humor have earned him a special place in the hearts of his fellow students. Comse: College Destination: College Activities: Latin Club (2); Debate Club (3,

McLean, John Likeable John is quiet and unassuming; these characteris­ tics will benefit him always. Course: General Destination: Undecided

McNulty, Jon "Mac" "Mac's" interest in basketball and his calm, patient manner will produce an outstanding coach. Course: Colleg·e Destination: University of Maine Activities: Boys' State (3); Intramural Basketball (3, 4); In­ tramural Volleyball (3, '1); Officers' Club (4); J. V. Basketball (2). Mednis, Margaret Margaret's hobby is the elrama, and she deserves applause as one of the Great Thespians in B. H. S. history. Course: College Destination: University of Maine Activities: Chorus (2); G. A. H. C. (3, 4), Sec. (4); .Jr. Ex. (3); Plays (2, 3, 4); Dramatic Club (2, 3, 4); Latin Club (2, 3, 4); Girls' Hockey (2, 3, 4), Coach (4); Girls' Basketball (2, 3, 4), Capt. (3), Coach (4); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3, 4); Nat'! Honor Soc. (3, 4); French Club (2, 3, 4), Sec. (4); Oracle (4); All Bangor Hockey Team (4); T. B. Radio Play (2); Usher (4).

Melin, Margareta "Margo" Margm·eta, our exchange student from Sweden, has endeared herself to us all with her sweet, cheerful manner. Course: College Destination: Sweclen- 3 years of school Activities: Chows (4); G. A. H. C. (4); Latin Club (4); Girls' Hockey (4).

Merrill, Janice "Jan" Quiet "Jan" with her pleasant smile will be a welcome ad­ dition to any office staff. Course: Business Destination: Office work Activities: Chows (3, 4); Jr. Chorus (3); F. B. L. A. (3).

Messer, Jacqueline "Jackie" "Jackie's" summers spent in Bible work provides a good background for her goal of being a missionary. Course: General Activities: F. B. L. A.

Mitchell, Elizabeth "Betsy" "Betsy", an outdoor enthusiast, will be right at home in sunny California next year. Course: General Destination: California

Moody, Clyde "Clem" "Clem's" interest in metal work is indicative of his success at· the Pratt-Whitney School next yeaT. Course: General Destination: Pratt-Whitney School Activitity: Intramural Basketball (2).

Morrill, Jeanine "Jeanie" 'Whatever "Jeanie" may do in the future, her conscientious work for the Business Course will stand her in good stead. Course: Business Destination: Job Activities: Jr. Chorus (3); F. B. L. A. (4).

Murphy, Regina The music department next year will find it hard to replace Regina, their invaluable accompanist. Course: College Destination: University of Maine Activities: Band (3, 4); Chorus (2, 3, 4); Latin Club (2, 3, 4), Aeclile (4); Jr. Chants (3); Orascope (3); Girls' Basketball (3); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3); Nat'!. Honor Soc. (3, 4); French Club (3, 4); Oracle (4); B. H. S. Scholar. Naugler, Paig·e "Naugie" Paige's spontaneous wit delights her many friends. Cour~e: College Destination: New York-College Activities: Dramatic Club (4); Plays (4); Ushers (3, 4); Girls' Basketball (4); Girls' Volleyball (4); Lunch Room (4); Library Club (4); Future Homemakers of Tomorrow Award (4).

Nealley, Margo Popular Margo is well-liked and fun to be with anywhere Course: College Destination: Secretarial School Activities: Chorus (3, 4); Student Council Alt. (2, 4); Jr. Chorus (3); Girls' Basketball (2); Girls' Volleyball (2); Cheer­ leader (2, 3); French Club (2, 3, 4); Library Club (4).

Nowell, Rachel "Twinkle" "Twinkle" is a sports enthusiast and does all her teams proud. Course: College Destination: College Activities: Chorus (3); Girls' Rifle Club (2, 3), Pres. (3); Latin Club (2); Usher (4); Girls' Hockey (2, 3, 4); Girls' Basketball (2, 3, 4); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3, 4); Lunch Room (2, 3); French Club (3).

Osler, Mary Jay Mary Jay, in years to come, is certain to possess that much coveted Oscar. Course: College Destination: Syracuse University A(tivities: Chorus (2, 3, 4); Student Council Alt. (2); Dra­ matic Club (2, 3, 4); Latin Club (2); Jr. Ex. (3); Orascope (3) ; Plays (2, 3, 4); French Club (2, 3, 4); Oracle Board (4); American Legion Oratorical Contest (2); Voice of Democracy Contest (2, 4); U. of M. Speech Festival (2, 3, 4); Nat'l High School Institute (3); All State Chorus (3, 4); Nat'! Honor Soc. (4); Merit Certificate; Dra•na Award.

Palmer, Betty "Queenie" Betty's domestic ability assures some man of a perfect wife. Course: General Destination: Marriage Activities. Jr. Chorus (3).

Palmer, Wendell "Hot Rod" As his nickname implies, "Hot Rod" likes working with cars. Course: General Destination: Marine Corps

Parent, Patricia P. "Paula" "Paula's" efficiency in the business field will make her a very dependable secretary. Course: Business Destination: Strayer Business College, iVashington, D. C. Activities: Chorus (3, 4); Jr. Chorus (3); F. B. L. A. (3 , 4); Girls' Hockey (4); Girls' Basketball (4); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3, 4); Oracle Board (4); Stetsonettes (3); Nat'! Honor (4).

Parson, Melvin "Mel" "Mel" is conscientious and hard wmking and will be an ideal employee. Course: Industrial Destination: Job Peabody, Sarah "Sally" In future years our children wiJI learn their 3 R's from ''Sally", a dedicated teacher. Course: CoJlege Destination: College Activities: Latin Club (2, 3, 4); Jr. Chorus (3); Ushers (-±); GiT!s' State (3); Stetsonettes (3).

Peavey, Dolores "Little Bite" Dolores' interest in sewing and design have made her out· standing in Home Ec. Course: General Destination: Undecided

Peavey, Sandra "Sandy" Sandra's smartly styled clothes illustrate an excellent taste in fashion. Course: General Destination: College Activities: Girls' Rifle Club (2;- 3); Chorus (3); Jr. Chorus (3); Usher (4); Girls' Basketball (2, 3); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3); French Club (3).

Perkins, Alan "AI' "AI" rates a plus one in anybocly's book for his warm smile and pleasing personality. Course: College Destination: University of Maine Activities. B-Ciub (4); Beta Hi-Y (3, 4), Treas. (4); Intra­ mural Basketball (2, 3, 4); Cross Country (2); Varsity Foot­ ball (2, 3, 4); Older Boys' Conference (3, 4).

Perkins, Howanl "Grant" "Grant's" interest in business is topped only by his enthusiasm for baseball. Course: General Destination: Sears & Roebuck Activities: F. B. L. A. (3); Intramural Basketball (2, 3).

Perkins, Julia "Julie" ''Julie" is traveling· to New York next year to seek her fo1·· tune, and she is certain to find success. Course: General Destination: New York Activities: Girls' Basketball (2, 3); Girls' Volleyball (3).

Perry, l\•laureen. "Mo" Sportsmanship and personality will follow "Mo" to Boston College, winning endless friends for her. Course: College Destination: Boston College Activities: Band (2, 3, 4); Orchestra (3, 4); Music Council (4); Girls' Rifle Club (2, 3); Student Council Alt. (3); G. A. H. C. (2, 3, 4), Treas. (4); Jr. Chorus (3); Girls' Hockey (3, 4); Girls' Basketball (2, 3, 4); French Club (2, 3, 4); Spanish Club (4); Coach, l'ield Hockey and Basketball (4); Gil'ls' Volleyball (2, 3, 4).

Perry, Micheal "Mike" Maine Maritime Academy will be getting an experienced Jeade1· in "Mike." Course: General Destination: Maine Maritime Academy Activities: Band (3); Track (2). Philbrick, Barbara "Babs" "Babs" is sure to be the best private secretary with her busi­ ness training and varied interests. Course: Business Destination: College Activities: Chorus (3); Jr. Chorus (3); F. B. L. A. (3); Stetson­ ettes (3).

Pt·essey, Theresa "Tenie" Smiling "Terrie" will be a gracious and sympathetic nurse to all her patients and a welcome addition to any hospital. Course: College Destination: College Activities: Chorus (2, 3, 4); Girls' Rifle Club (2); Student Council (2, 3), Alt. (4); Dramatics (3); Latin Club (2); Jr. Chorus (3); Plays (3); Girls' Hockey (2, 3, 4); Girls' Basket­ ball (2, 3, 4); French Club (2, 3); Stetsonettes (3); Nat'] Honor (4).

Price, John "Sleepy" John's ambition is to be a professional baseball player, but he has always demonstrated a keen interest in every sport. Course: Industrial Destination: Service

Rand, Clifford "Cliff" "~ !iff' , who possesses an intense math interest, will make a top-flight accountant. Course: College Destination: College

Rand, Marion "Mim" Fun-loving Marion is certain to make the grade as a highly­ valued school teacher. Course: General Destination: College Activities: Jr. Chorus (3); French Club (3); Spanish Club (4).

Ranney, Wilbur "Fiddley" ·wilbur hopes to make a career of the Nm·y, and he's sure to be a fine officer. Course: Distributive Education Destination: Navy Activities: Beta Hi-Y (3, 4); Intramural Basketball (2, 3); Track (3).

Rapaport, Elinor "Ellie" "Ellie" has proven herself to be one of B. H. S.'s star debaters. Course: College Destination: College Activities: ChoTUs (4); Dramatic Club (3); Latin Club (2); De­ bate Club (2, 3, 4), Vice-Pres. (3); Plays (3); Library Club (2, 3, 4); U. of M. Debate Tourney (2, 3, 4); U. of M. Speech Festival (2, 3); Bates League Discussion Tourney (2, 3, 4); Bates League Debate Tourney (2, 3, 4); Westbrook Forum (4).

Redman, Mary Rose Quiet Mary's many friends are proof of her sweet person­ ality. Course: College Destination: Undecided Activities: French Club (2); Spanish Club (4). Rich, Sarah "Sarah Jane" Sarah is well-known for her quiet and friendly manner. Course: Business Destination: Bangor Activities: Girls' Basketball (4).

Richards, Myrtle Myrtle's many acquaintances will vouch foT her staunch friendship and pleasing ways. Course: General Destination: Eastside Beauty School

Richards, Nancy "Nan" Nancy will make the perfect secretary with her quiet ways. Course: Business Destination: Office ·work Activities: F. B. L. A. (3, 4); Library Club (2, 3, 4), Pres. (+).

Rines, Richard "Dick" Skilled in industrial labors, "Dick" pTOmises to be an out­ standing· mechanic after graduating from trade school. Course: Industrial Destination: Trade School

Robel'tson, Sandra "Sandy" "Sandy's" interest in bookkeeping will be an incentive to her as a secretary. Course: General Destination: iVOTk Activities: Jr. Chorus (3).

Robinson, Betty For New .Jersey Betty is bound and as a typist will be a good luck piece in any office. Course: Dist1·ibutive Education Destination. New Jersey

Robinson, Patricia "Pat" Through her hard work as president of F. B. L. A., "Pat" has contributed much to the club and B. H. S. Course: Business Destination: Secretarial job Activities: Chorus (3, 4); Jr. Chorus (3); G. A. H. C. (4); Usher (-!); F. B. L. A. (3, 4), Vice-Pres. (3), Pres. (4); Girls' Hockey (2, 3, 4); All-Bangor Hockey (4); Girls' Basketball (2, 3, 4), Coach (4); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3, 4); Oracle Board (4); Stet­ sonettes (3), Sec. (3); Nat'! Honor Soc. (4).

Rolnick, Gerald "Jerry" We shall always remember "Jerry" for his wonderful ver­ bosity. Cotnse. General Destination: University of Maine Activities: Boys' Rifle Club (2); Debate Club (2). Round, Michael "General" Mike's interest in R. 0. T. C. and his dependability will always be remembered by his many friends at B. H. S. Courses: General Destination. Undecided Activities: Boys' Rifle Club (2, 3, 4), Vice-Pres. (4); Boys' State (3); Intramural Volleyball (4); Intramural Basketball (2, 3); Track (4); Officers' Club (4); Stetson Rifle (3, 4), Vice-Pres. (4); R. 0. T. C. Honor Soc. (3); R. 0 . T. C. yearbook and paper (3, 4).

Rowe, Annette Annette, recognized by her tininess, is by no means "little" in her ability to play the violin. Course: Business Destination: Undecided Activities: Orchestra (2, 3, 4); Jr. Chorus (3); F. B. L. A. (4); Library Club (2, 3, 4); Nat'! Honor Soc. (4).

Rush, Dorothy "Dottie" Conscientious and efficient "Dottie" has contributed much to B. H. S. in the secretarial field and is a most trusted employee at the Eastern Trust & Banking Company. Course: Business Destination: Eastern Trust & Banking Company Activities: Girls' Rifle Club (2, 3), Sec.-Treas. and Squad Capt. (3); Jr. Chorus (3); Girls' State (3); Choral Reading (2); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3); Nat'l Honor Soc. (3, 4); Lunch Room (2, 3, 4); Latin Club (2); Westbrook Forum (4); Typist for R. 0. T. C. Yearbook (3); B. H. S. Scholar.

Russell, Jane "Janie" Jane's modesty surely doesn't hold back her pleasing qual­ ities, and as a nurse she will be a comfort to all her patients. Course: General Destination: Eastern Maine General Hospital Activities: French Club (2, 3).

Russell, Richard "Dick" "Dick" is sure to be a top flight cartoonist; perchance another Al Capp. Course: General Destination: Finish School

Savage, Barbara "Barb" Barba-ra is envied by many girls for her extensive wardrobe and good taste in clothes. Course: General Destination: New York

Sawyer, James "Jim" Friendly "Jim" likes outdoor sports and excells in boating·. Course: College Destination: Traveling Activities: Chorus (2, 3); Boys' Rifle Club (2, 3); Student Coun­ cil Alt. (3); Jr. Chorus (3); Gamma Hi-Y (3, 4), Sec.-Treas. (4); Intramural Volleyball (2); Officer·s' Club ('1), Sec.-Treas. (4).

Schneider, Stanley "Stan" Happy-go-lucky "Stan", outstanding in Jr. Ex., is bound to be a success at B. U. next fall. Course: College Destination: Boston University Activities: Jr. Ex. (3); Stetson Rifle (2, 3). Shaw, Evelyn "Evy" "Evy" has a talent for rollerskating and an even greater talent for making friends. Course: Business Destination: College Activities: F. B. L. A. · (4).

Sherrard, Deanna "Dee" After college "Dee" wants to be a medical secretary, a job in which she can use the pleasant personality she has dis­ played at B. H. S. Course: General Destination: College Activities: Chorus (3, 4); Jr. Chorus (3); Gids' Hockey (4); Girls' Basketball (2, 3, 4); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3, 4); French Club (2, 3).

Shuman, Barry "Buz" At the U. of M. good-natured "Buz" will be the hit of the campus as he has been at B. H. S. Course: General Destination: College

Silsby, Barbara "Barbie" Barbara is quiet, attractive, and conscientious-all qualities which will make her a competent nurse. Course: College Destination: College Activities. Latin Club (2, 3, 4); Jr. Chorus (3); Girls' Basket­ ball (4); Girls' Volleyball (3, 4); F1·ench Club (3, 4).

Singer, Ruth "Ruthie" "Ruthie" has a certain quality which attracts children, a characteristic indicative of an excellent elementary teacher. Course: College Destination: College Activities: Jr. Chorus (3); Ushers (3); Latin Club (2, 3); Girls' Hockey (2, 3); Girls' Basketball (2); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3); French Club (2, 3, 4).

Smart, Christian "Chris" "Chris" will be sailing the ocean blue next year when he enters the U. S. Navy. Course: General Destination: Navy Activities: Intramural Basketball (2, 3).

Smith, Anthony Hugh "Tony" "Tony's" ambition is to be a forest ranger in South America. Course: College Destination: Undecided Activities: Boys' Rifle Club (2, 3); Boys' State Alt. (3); Spanish Club (3, 4).

Smith, Donald "Don" "Don's" enthusiasm for everything he does has made him appreciated at B. H. S. Course: College Destination: College Activities: Boys' Rifle Club (2, 3); Student Council (3, 4), Alt. (2); Jr. Chorus (3); Officers' Club (4); R. 0. T. C. year­ book, editor (3, 4); Latin Club (2); Westbrook Forum (4); 1956 R. 0. T. C. Distinguished Cadet (3); R. 0. T . C. Honor Soc. (3). Smith, Richard B. "Rickey" With his great interest in radio we are sure "Rickey" will be a fine radio technician. Course: General Destination: Navy

Smith, Wayne "Smitty" "Smitty's" interests are displayed by his good work in all sports. Course: Distributive Education Destination: Business Activities: Intramural Basketball (2, 3); Track (2); Var,ity Football (3).

Snow, Carl H., JL "Carl" Carl's at home playing any sport; especially on the cinder track. Course: College Destination: College Activities: Intramural Basketball (2, 3, 4); Intramural Volley­ ball (2, 3, 4); Track (2, 3); Cross Country (2, 3, 4); Latin Club (~'); Queen City Coin Club (3, 4).

Spencer, Alverda "Bubbles" Alverda's infectious good humor has lifted the dampened spirits of her friends many times. Course: General Destination: Travel

Stevens, Barbara "Barb" Although "Barb" has been at B. H. S. only a year and a half, she has participated in many activities and made many friends. Course: General Destination: Boston University Activities: Chorus (3, 4); Student Council Alt. (4); G. A. H . C. (4); Jr. Chorus (3); Plays (4); Girls' Hockey (4); Girls' Basket­ ball (4); Girls' Volleyball (4); Spanish Club (3); Oracle Board (4); Boston University Scholarship Four-Year Full Tuition: Nat'! Honor Soc. (4). Stuart, Peter "Pete" "Pete's" ability on the gridiron and his sense of humor are two qualities which will give him an outstanding place in the minds of all who know him. Course: General Destination: College, Armed Service Activities: Band (2); B-Club (4); Beta Hi-Y (2, 3, 4); Intra­ mural Volleyball (2); Intramural Basketball (3, 4); Track (2); Varsity Football (2, 3, 4) J. V. Basketball (2). Swenson, Walter C. Jr. "Tony" "Tony" has demonstrated an outstanding interest in military and political fields. Course: General Destination: Bentley School of Accounting and Finance Activities: B-Club (4); Gamma Hi-Y (4); Boys' State (3); Intra­ mural Basketball (3, 4); Varsity Football (2, 3, 4); Officers' Club (4); Stetson Rifles (3, 4); R. 0 . T . C. Yearbook (3, 4), Assistant Editor (3, 4); R. 0. T . C. Honor Soc. (3, 4); Nat'] Honor (4). Tasker, Reta Marie "Chi-Chi" Reta seems to succeed in whatever she does; especially in the art and sport departments. Course: General Destination: X-ray technician school Activities: Chorus (3, 4); Jr. Chorus (3); Ushers (3, 4); Girls' Basketball (3); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3, 4); French Club (2, 3, 4); Spanish Club (4). Taylor, Robert "Bob" "Bob will always be remembered for his athletic ability. Course: General Destination: Navy Activities: B-Club (3, 4); Beta Hi-Y (3, 4); Track (3, 4); Var· sity Football (3, 4).

Thayer, Ida "Ide" "Ide's" sweet smile generates a quiet friendliness known to all at B. H. S. CouTSe: General Destination: Traveling Activities: Student Council Alt. (4).

Townsend, John "Johnny" "Johnny's" flaming red hair has been his trademark at B. H. S. Course: General Destination: College-Air Force Activities: B-Club (4); Beta Hi-Y (2, 3, 4), Pres. (4); Intra­ mural Volleyball (2); Intramural Basketball (2, 3); Track (3); Varsity Football (2, 3, 4); Latin Club (2); J. V. Football (2).

Tozier, Suzanne "Suzie" "Suzie" wants to be a nurse, and with her pleasant person· ality, how can she fail? Course: General Destination: N ursing School

Travis, Charles "Charlie" "Charlie's" math ability shown at B. H. S. is proof that he will someday be a competent electrical engineer. Course: Co ll ege Destination: College Activities: Orchestra (2); Chorus (4); Jr. Chorus (3); Orascope (3); Plays (2); Gamma 1-li-Y (3, 4), Sec. (3), Vice-Pres. (4); Of­ ficers ' Club (~); French Club (3, 4); Stetson Rifles (3, 4), Sec. (4); Latin Club (2, 3, 4); Charles-Palmer-Davis Current Events Medal (3) . Tnmdy, Josephine "Jody" When "']ocly" attains her goal, she will be doing secre­ tarial work of the highest calibre. Course: Distributive Education Destination: Secretarial ·work Turner, Dawn In her three years at B. H. S. Dawn, an avid debater, has made an outstanding scholastic record which guarantees her success. Course: Col lege Destination: Boston University Activities: Student Council Alt. (3); Jr. Chorus (3); Debate Club (2, 3, 4), Treas. (3, 4); Orascope (3); Girls' State (3); U. of M. Debate Tournament (2, 3, 4); Nat'l Honor Soc. (3, 4); French Club (2, 3, 4); Oracle Board (4); Latin Club (2, 3, 4); U. of M. Speech Festival (4); Bates League Debating (2, 4); B. 1-l. S. Scholar; Montgomery Speaking (4); Boston University Scholarship, 17om-Year Full Tuition; Merit Certifi~ate. Van Akcn, Sandra "Sandy" '\lhen "Sandy" becomes a teacher, she is bound to be a favorite of students and fellow faculty members alike. Course: College Destination: College Activities: Student Council Alt. (2); Jr. Chorus (3); Orascope (3); Class Treas. (-1); Usher (4); Girls' State (3); Girls' Bas­ ketball (2, 3, 4); Girls' Volleyball (3, 4); Cheerleaders (2, 3, '1); French Club (2); Oracle Board (4); Girls' Nation (3). Viner, Sandra "Sandy" "Sandy's" many friends not only enjoy h er company but also envy h er vast record collection. Course: General Destination: Junior College Activities: Usher, (4); Oracle Board (4); Orascope (4); Library Club (3, 4).

Viola, Ralph "Ralphie" "Ralphie's" woTk in the band has been outstanding, and his musical background will enrich his life always. Course: College Destination: Husson College-Navy Activities: Band (2, 3, 4); Orchestra (2); Music Council (~); Student Council (2, 3, 4); Jr. Chorus (3); Plays (2); Alpha Hi-Y (2, 3, 4), Pres. (4); Intramural Basketball (2, 3); Latin Club (2, 3, 4), Consul (4); J. V. Football (2).

Wallace, Helen Mary Quiet and friendly Helen will certainly be a welcome addition to any campus. Course: College Destination: College Activities: French Club (2, 3); Latin Club (2).

Wallace, Norman J- "Dick" , Ta!J, friendly "Dick's" many friends will miss him next year while he's at Oklahoma U. & M. Course: General Destination: College Activities: Junior Varsity (3).

'\>\'are, Elizabeth "Bettye" "Bettye's" athletic ability has won many games for her teams in girls' sports. Course: General Destination: Nursing Activities: Band (4); Jr. Chorus (3); Girls' Hockey (2, 3, 4); Girls' Basketball (2, 3, 4); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3, 4); Lunch Room (2).

Webb, Jon N. Jon's ability as a marksman is known throughout B. I-I. S. Course: General Destination: U ndecided Activities: Boys' Rifle Club (2, 3, 4); J r. Chorus (3); Off•cers' Club (3) .

White, Archie "Arch" Archie's skill in woodworking h as been appreciated at B. H. S. Course: General Destination: Travel Activities: Officers' Club (3, 4).

Williams, R eginald "Reg" ·when we think of cars and we need rides, we'll remember "R eg". Course: General Destination: Air Force Wilson, Jane "Janie" "Janie's" sense of humor and her happy-go-lucky spirit made her first with her friends at B. H. S. Course: College Destination: College Activities: Chorus (2, 3, 4); Jr. Chorus (3); Girls' Hockey (2, 3, 4); Girls' Basketball (2, 3, 4); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3, 4); Spanish Club (3, 4), Pres. (4); Stetsonettes (3).

Winship, Richard "Dick" "Dick" will always be remembered as a loyal, uncritical friend to all at B. H . S. Course: College Destination: Traveling Activities: Boys' Rifle Clul:J (2); Gamma Hi-Y (3), Treas (4); Boys' State (3); Officers' Club Pres. (4); Stetson Rifle Treas. (2, 3, 4).

Withee, Linda "Lindy" "Lindy's" generosity will long be remembered by her friends. Course: Distributive Education Destination: Homewife

Woods, Dorothy "Dotty" "Dotty's" interest in public welfare will benefit our com­ munity in the futu-re. Course: General Destination: Work and Study Activities: Band (4); Chorus (2, 4); Jr. Chorus (3); French Club (2, 3, 4).

Young, Barrett L. "Brad" Barrett's sunny disposition has brightened many a dark day for his fellow-students. Course: College Destination: College:: Activities: Band (2, 3, 4); B-Club (3, 4); Plays (2, 3); Alpha Hi-Y (3, 4); Intramural Volleyball (2, 3); Intramural Basket­ ball (3, 4); Track (2, 3, 4); State Track Meet (2, 3). Seniors Whose Pictures Do Not Appear

Averill, Terence C. "Terry" Emery, Clarence "Clem" "Terry's" fine record in cross country meets will be long re· Bangor's gain was M. C. I.'s loss when Clem came to B. H . S. membered. Course: College Course: General Destination: Service Destination: Undecided Harlow, Carrol "Carlos" Activities: Boys' Rifle Club (2, 3); B-Club (3, 4); Jr. Chorus (3); Beta Hi-Y (2); Intramural Basketball (3); Track (2, 4); Next year, Carroll will answer the call, "Go west, young man" Cross Country (2, 3, 4); Officers' Club (4). when he starts for his destination in California. Course: General Distributive Education Bailey, Harold "Beetle" Destination: California The armed forces will be gaining· a very enthusiastic member Activities: Intramural Volleyball (2, 3) in "Beetle" next year. Joslyn, Donald "Josh" Course: Business "Josh's" art ability will be a great asset to him when he be­ Destination: U. S. A. F. comes a draftsman. Activities: Gamma Hi-Y (3, 4). Course: General Destination: Navy Bernard, H. Shennan "Sherm" Activities: Intramural Basketball (2); Intramural Volleyball (2). "Sherm's" flashy plays on the grid iron will go clown in B. H. S. history. Lane, Richard "Dick" Course: General The outdoor life is for Dick; as he will pursue a career in the Destination: Marine Corps agricultural field. Activities: Chorus (2); B-Club (3, 4); Jr. Chorus (3); Beta Course: Industrial Hi-Y (3, 4); Intramural Basketball (2, 3); Track (2, 3, 4); Var­ Destination: Undecided sity Football (2, 3, 4); Officers' Club (4); Stetson Rifles (3, 4). Activities: Boys' Rifle Club (2). Ryan, Philip "Ozzie" "Tex" Bragg, Ruel Jr. "Bragy" "Bragy's" intere>t at B. H . S. lies in the Military Department, "Ozzie," who plans to be a professional Navy man, will soon and perhaps he'll someday be a tough top sergeant. be seen clad in the white uniform of a Maine Maritime Cadet. Course: General Course: General Destination: Undecided Destination: Maine Maritime Academy Activities: Oflicers' Club (3). Sawyer, William "Billy" "Billy's" enthusiasm for playing basketball will be greatly ap­ Brown, Franklin "Frank" preciated at college next year. An outdoor life seems to be the thing for "Frank", since he Course: General likes to hunt and fish. Destination: College Courses: Distributive Education Activities: Intramural Volleyball (2, 3, 4); Intramural Basket­ Destination: Undecided ball (2, 3, 4).

Burke, Neil . Schoolcraft, Cecelia "Celia" Neil and his motorcycles Tate high with everyone. A career as a diplomat and journalist will be a big job, but "Celia" can fill the positions. Course: Industrial Course: College Destination: Undecided Destination: College Activities: Cross Country (2). Activities: Choms (3); Latin Club (2); Jr. Chorus (3); Girls' Basketball (3); French Club (3, 4); Spanish Club (4); Library Corson, Carole Club (3); Stetsonettes (3); Nat'! Honor Soc. !.4). Carole has added a touch of Paris to B. H. S. these past months and lighted many a classroom with her bright smile. Scott, Judith E. "Judy" Course: General When "Judy" attains her ambition, she'll be making some Destination: Marriage young man a fine wife. Activities: (Paris, France) Chorus (2, 3); Sec. Dramatic Club Course: General (3); Latin Club (2); Class Sec. (3); Cheerleader (3, 4), Co-Capt. Destination: Housewife (4). Activities: Latin Club (2); Girls' Hockey (2); Girls' Basketball (2); Girls' Volleyball (2); Lunch Room (2). Curry, Dale J. Thibodeau, Fred "Tib" Rugged Dale has sparked our football squad for two seasons, Fred's skill in woodworking has been clearly indicated by his and will do the same at prep school next fall, we're sure. proficiency in shop at B. H. S. Course: General Course: Industrial Destination PTep School Destination: Cape Cod Activities: Student Council (2); B-Club (3, 4); Intramural Bas­ ketball (2, 3, 4); Track (3, 4); Varsity Football (3, 4); Nat'! Tinkham, Glen T. "Tink" Honor Soc. (3, 4). "Tink's" personable ways have made him a friend to all. Course: General Danico, Joyce Destination: Undecided Fortunate indeed will be the man whom domestic-minded Joyce decides to wed. Walker, Jane Bradshaw Course: Distributive Education Jane's love for typing assures her employer of a speedy secre­ Destination: Marriage tary. Activities: Chorus (2); Girls' Basketball (2); Lunchroom Course: Business (2. 3, 4). Destination: Housewife M argareta M elin, our exchange student, smiles graciously, as she poses before a map of her native land.


Bangor High School has been very blessed and fortunate this year to have as a member of the senior class, Margareta Melin, an exchange student. Margareta has been here this year from Goteborg, Sweden under the American Field Service Program. While at Bangor High, Margareta has given many speeches and par­ ticipated in schoo1 activities. These .activities include the chorus, Latin Club, G.A.H.C., hockey, and volleyball. She has spoken to various church groups, school clubs, Y -groups, the Girl Scouts, the Rotary Club, and at the Farmington State Normal School. Margareta says that the things. that she enjoys most here are "the long weekends," for in Sweden she goes to school on Saturday. Upon returning to Sweden, Margareta will have three more years in school. After completing these, she pl'ans to attend a university, where she will major in archeology.

Although Marga r~ta feels American students do n ot have to study so much as Swedish students, she does her share of home work. GRADUATION SPEAKERS Seated: Herbert Gordon, class history ; Elizabeth Denihan, senior essay; Richard Jordan, parting address; standing, Michael Dolley, senior essay. Senior Essays Elizabeth Denihan Michael Dolley Jane Goode Walter Swenson Lucinda Lynch Michael Round Margaret Mednis John Lyons Eleanor Epstein Andrew MacEwen

Dramatic Awards Current Events National Merit Recognition Mary Jay Osler Ronald Cook Herbert Gordon Michael Dolley Mary Jay Osler Dawn Turner Scholarships CAMILLA DUNN: AJmerican Field Service Scholarship for summer residence in Germany. GREGORY KELLEY: ROTC scholarship at Penn State. ANDREW MACE.WEN: National Merit Scholarship-choice, four-year schol­ arship to Harvard. The scholarship is the highest honor conferred by Harvard on an incoming Freshman. BARBARA STEVENS: Four-year scholarship to Boston University. DAWN TURNER: Four-year scholarship to Boston University.

Alumni Honors John Ranlet.t: Fulbright Scholarship to study at Bedford College Univer­ sity of London-only member of senior class at Bowdoin College to receive straight A's for four years. All A's at the University of Maine: Gene Cartel\ Judith Kittredge. N eai Mathetai : Marie Ifill. Phi Beta Kappa, University of Maine: Jane Brown, Jane E.rnst, Melvin McClure, Mary Mincher, Jean White. Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, University of Maine: Jane Brown, Jane Ernst, Kathleen Vickery, Mary Murray. First row: Margaret Mednis, Hannah Goodman, Dorothy John, Mrs. Viola Woodward, Sonja Brown, Betty Beverly, Regina Murphy. Second row: Dawn Turner, Elizabeth Denihan, Lillian McEachern, Andrew MacEwen, Dale Curry, Jane Goode, Dorothy Rush, Rita Bigelow.


The main project of the National Honor Society this year was the revision of the Bangor High School Handbook, '.vhich 'vas last put out in 1934. The Handbook will be printed this summer and will be distributed to the incoming sophomores next fall. In addition to this, the National Honor Society members continued their program of aiding students and welcoming newcomers to the schoJl. Early in April a cupcake sale was held. On April 18th the Society spon­ sored its annual assembly, at which sixteen seniors and eleven juniors were initiated. Superintendent of Schools Lawrence A. Peakes was the guest speaker. In May, a supper party was held at the school to welcome new mem­ bers. This year's -oftl.cers were President, Andrew MacEwen; Vice-President, Sonja Brown; Secretary, Dorothy John; .and Treasurer, Betty Beverly. The adviser was Mrs. Viola Woodward. First row: Sonja Brown, Hannah Goodman, Betty Beverly, Lillian McEachern. Second row: Dawn Turner, Dorothy Rush, Andrew MacEwen, Regina Murphy, Jane Goode.


The fifteenth .annual Scholarship Recognition Assembly was held May 10. Nine members. of the ·senior class were named Bangor High School Scholars; that is, each of these persons has maintained a rank of 85 or better in every subject for five semesters. Scholarship certificates were presented to Betty Beverly, Sonja Brown, Jane Goode, Hannah Goodman, Andrew MacE-wen, Lillian McE-achern, Regina Murphy, Doro­ thy Rush, and Dawn Turner. Also announced were the names of the sophomores and juniors who are eligible to be Bangor High School Scholars. The juniors were Joe Bell, Mary Deems, Marcia Dolley, Sandra Keef, and Elizabeth Paul'. The sophomore list carried the names of Franklin Bragg, Regina Cook, Raymond Dauphinee, William Demaso, GaileUen Fletcher, Mary Lee Grant, Sally Hill, Lawrence Johnson, Guy M-cChesney, Robert McClure, Ronald Moores, Frederic Newman, Clive Nickerson, David Parker, James Sawyer, Gary Slep, Gloria Smith, Katherine Smith, Maxine StapTes, Mari­ lyn Stern, and Nancy Todtman. 0 GJ ..,.,-b ~ ~· ~0) ~ ~ I'.... n :s.... 1:1'-" -- ~ ;z 0 CL f) s::- "1 -s ~- ;f- ? o- d c.$- <]. 0 ~ ~·(> 111 ~ (:) ')( ~ ~ l> 0 ;r" ~(\ -.,....F ...,.; 0 .... yo;) il cr- ~ ~ ... ~ ~ ~ ..;-- ,:. !!/ 41) .... 0 o- ~"'j.. ::s •• I I I ;;' ~ I ii" 0 ii I I t..!!!..

~ .,~ ~ g 1 First row: Orrin Merrill, Sandra Hebert, Gail Drummond, Priscilla Grossman, Be.tsy Paul, Miss J essie Fraser, Mary Deems, Joy Fisher, Susan Benoit, Shirley L awrence, Lucille Gilbert, Paul L aCrosse. Second row: Paula Parent, Patricia Robinson, Judy Foss, Patricia Farrell, Jean Anderson, Sandra Zoidis, Avis Harkness, Barbara Kane, Philippa Guerrette, Sandra Keefe, Marcia Dolley, Judy Pearson, Camilla Dunn, Reginald Libby.

ORASCOPE The Orascope started the year off with an assembly based on inter-planetary travel to open its subscription campaign. This year under the direction of Mary Deems, edi­ tor; Joy Fisher, assistant. editor; and Miss Jessie L. Fraser, faculty adviser twenty-four members of the junior class edited and published five issues of the paper. The Christmas assembly, suggested by the Oras·cope, was sponsored by the combined Oracle-Orascope staffs. Cartoons, commemorating special events and holidays were featured in several editions. The Orascope was awarded a certificate of honor for its editorial on tuberculosis. The editorial was one of the top one hundred out of a thousand submitted by schools all over the country. The award was given by the National Tuberculosis Association and the Columbia Scholastic Press Association.

Journalists in the making SPEECH AND DRAMA

The Speech-Drama department under the direction of Mrs. Barbara M. Browne, had a very successful year. The first presentation in December of 1956 was a one-act adaptation of THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST. The cast included Franklin Bragg, Chester Clark, Michael Dolley, Sallie Downey, Philip Inforati, Richard Jordan, Louenna Kosten­ bauder, Mary Jay Osler, and Barbara Stevens. THE IMPORTANCE< OF BE,ING EARNEST was entered in the one­ act play contest. It won both the sectional and regional contests and was awarded a cup. At the state finals, held at Bo,vdoin College Mary ,T ay Osler was named best actress. Mary Jay Osler won the area and state Voice of Democracy Contests and traveled to Washington, D. C., to compete in the national contest. Joanne Leek won the regional Spear contest and participated in the state finals held in Augusta on April 25, 1957. Participating in the University of Maine Speech Festival were the following students: Wendall Carr, Elizabeth Denihan, Louenna Kosten­ bauder, Joanne Leek, Mary Jay Osler, Davvn Turner, and Milton Vose, Jr. The Senior Play for 1957 was Our Hearts Were Y,oVJng and Gay.

First row: Marilyn Stern, Louenna Kostenbauder, Beth Denihan, Dawn Turner, Mary Jay Osler, M rs. Barbara Browne, Philippa Guerette, Lucinda Lynch, Paige Nauglcr, Margaret Mednis, M arcia Dolley, Sally Downey. Second row: David Schiro, Ronald Booker, Lawrence Thompson, Roy Vose, Rick H ersey, Mary Deems, Bar­ bara Kane, Barbara Stevens, Wendall Carr, Chester Clark III, Sandra Keefe, Philip Inforati, Dick H ammons, Dick Jordan, M arilyn Blanchard, Franklin Bragg II, Michael Dolley. First row: Philip Ingeneri, Philip Inforati, Sandra Smith, Dawn Turner, Mrs. Barbara Browne, Carolyn Allen, Elinor Rapaport. Second row: Mindy Michelson, Marcia Dolley, E lizabeth Denihan, Marilyn Stern.


The Debate Club, under the direction of Mrs. Barbara Browne, has enjoyed a very active year debating this year's national question: "Resolved: That the prices of major agricultural products should be supported at not less than 90% of parity." The varsity debating teams o.f Roger Doane, Dawn Turner, E.Iizabeth Denihan, Eli­ nor Rapaport; Marcia Dolley, S-andra Smith and the novice team of Marilyn Stern, Philip Inforati participated in the University of Maine Debate Tournament. Taking part in the preliminaries of the Bates League Debate Tiournament were the affirma­ tive team of Dawn Turner and Roger Doane and the negative team of E.Iinor Rapaport and Elizabeth Denihan. The club also participated in a practice tournament at John Bapst and the Bates League Discussion Clinic at Old ·Town. Early in the fall, in order to become familiar with the topic for debate, the de­ baters heard speeches on the subject delivered by Miss Mary Quinn, Mr. Frank Myers, and Mr. Reginald Ricker. A practice debate was held with John Bapst. As its major project for the year, in addition to its regular debate activities, the club drew up and adopted a constitution and by-laws. The group -sponsored a booth at All-Bangor Night and held a dance early in the year. The officers elected for the year were President, E.lizabeth Denihan; Vice-Presi­ dent, Thomas McEwen; Secretary, Marcia Dolley; Treasurer, Dawn Turner; Librar­ ian, Sandra Smith; and Publicity, Elinor Rapaport. Pre-Exhibilion Conference

Honors Galore!

Speech-Drama Department Enjoys Successful Year I. The Importan ce of Being Earnest III. lllaine Speech F estival-April 20 A. Bangor High-December 7 A. Superior ratings-medalist (With Christmas music by Louenna Kostenbauder-­ Music Department) poetry B. One-A ct Play Contest E lizabeth Deniha.n----'(].iscussion Robert Ta lbot- public address 1. Sectional- March 22-­ Brewer High B. Excellent ratings (Won over Brewer, John Roy Vase-humorous prose Bapst) Joanne Leek-serious prose 2. Regional-April 1-Brewer Dawn Turner----extemporane.. Hig'h ous speaking (Won over Ellsworth, Dover­ Mary Jay Osier-original ora­ Foxcroft, Castine) tory 3. State Finals-April 13- Bowdoin College IV. Voice of Democracy Contest a. cup as .Kegional Winner b. Mary J ay Osier-best act­ A. Local contest- November ress award Mary Jay Osler won over II. Spear Speaking Contest Brewer and John Bapst A. R egional Contest-U. of M. B. State Finals Joanne Leek- 1st place for Mary J ay Osler-lst place­ girls-medal trophy and expense-paid trip B. State Finals-State House­ to WasMngton, D. C. Augusta Joanne Leek-2nd place-$25 check JUNIOR EXHIBITION -1957 First row: Richard Jordan, M argaret Mednis, Stanley Schneider, Cindy Lynch, John Lyons. Second row: Betty Beverly, H erbert Gordon, Louenna Kostenbauder, Mrs. Barbara Browne, Michael Dolley, Mary Jay Osler. JUNIOR EXHIBITION-1957 The Class of 1958 performed a very impressive Junior Exhibition on March 29 in the B.H.S. auditorium. Carrying out the one-year-old-tradition, the speakers and participating members of the junior class marched to their respective seats. The orchestra played ihe processional music and also several selections during the evening. M arilyn Blanchard, the first speaker began the exhibition with a cutting from the light comedy "The R eluctant Dragon" -Grahame. A hilarious cutting from " See H ere, Pvt. Hargrave"-Hart, was rendered by L awrence Thompson. Sandra Zoidis gave a dramatic reading from " M ary of Scot land"-Anderson. Then followed a marvelous display of ora­ tory with a comedy cutting frQm "Family Life in America"-Benchley, by Milton Vose, Jr., a light dramatic cutting from " School for Scandal"- Sheridan, by Dianne Fish, a very dramatic: cutting from " Sea of Glory"-Thornton, orated by D avid Schiro, and a moving cutting from "The Small One"--Tazwell, by J oanne Leek. At this point in the program the Junior Chorus sang "While Hearts Are Singing"-Stra us-Ades. The final speakers were remarkable with Ronald Booker giving a cutting from "First-Catch Your Criminal"-Bench­ ley, Priscilla Grossman telling the delightful fairy tale of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"-Grimm, and Robert Tal­ bot climaxed the event with the effective oration " I Speak for D emocracy"-Evans. At the end of the successful program Principal Joseph B. Chaplin presented the ten speakers with Charles E. French ;medals for their fine work and outstanding performance. The speakers were coached by Mrs. Barbara Browne, the chorus was under the direction of M rs. Myrle Coffey, and the orchestra was conducted by Mr. Samuel Harris. JUNIOR EXHIBITION -1956 First row: Roy Vose, Mrs. Barbara Browne, Joanne Leek. Second row: Robert T albot, Ronald Booker, Lawrence Thompson, David Schiro. Third row: Dianne Fish, M arilyn Blanchard, Sandra Zoidis. Top: Priscilla Grossman. Student Cou nci I The Student Council is very proud to have been host to the State Student Council Association this year. A great deal of work was involved in preparing to re­ ceive the hundreds of students who participated in the convention; Student leaders hard at work but, thanks to the efficiency of the COIIlllllittee workers, the program was a big success. In March the Student Council sponsored its annual tag day. More than five hun­ dred dollars was raised to help bring a foreign student to Bangor High School next fall. Later in the month the officers and Fred Bailey, and Judy Purinton, accompanied by Mr. Douglas Stafford, attended the Student Council Regional Conference in Orono. Sally Weatherbee of Bangor was elected Regional Secretary. The next major event of the school year was. All-Bangor Night, held in April. Each club decorated a booth to carry out the theme which was "The Art · of Tele­ vision." After trying their luck at various games, the students watched an excellent program of entertainment in which members of the student body and faculty partici­ pated. The memorable evening was ended with dancing. The Council also paid for the ROTC medals and sponsored two assemblies. Faculty advisers were Mrs. Eleanor Patterson and Mr. Douglas Stafford. Officers were: President, Andrew MacEwen; Vice-President, Rosemary Hopkins; Secretary, Pierret.te Loftus; and Treasurer, Sally Weatherbee.~ Laura Beaver was Secretary until she moved to New Jersey.

First row: Gary Lawton, Dewey Christmas, Wayne Lawton. Second row: Gailellen Fletcher, Gail Drummond, Judy Purinton, Sally Weatherbee, Mr. Douglas Stafford, Pierrette Loftus, Sandra Zoidis, Regina Crook, Sally Hill. Third row: John Thomas, Ralph Viola, Michael Dolley, Donald Smith, Lillian McEachern, Rosemary Hopkins, David Schiro, Charles Gerrish, George Predaris, Andrew MacEwen, Orrin Merrill, George Calloway, Robert Sloane, Fred Bailey. First row: Franklin Bragg II, Michael Dolley, Ralph Viola, Larry Johnson, John Feeley, Jimmy McDonald, David Libby, Bettye Ware, Gregory Kelley, Ronald Booker, Peter Polk, Harry Tabenken. Second row: William Bowler, Robert Leathers, James Sawyer, Jean Anderson, Cindy Lynch, Regina Murphy, Eugenia Buckley, Helen Conway, Jane Good ~, Maureen Perry, Marilyn Blanchard, Suzanne Wiley, Linda Mandelbaum, Barbara Jordan, Marion Roberts, Mr. Samuel Harris. Third row: Dorothy Woods, Chester Clark III, Lois Brown, Carolyn \.Yilley, Barrett Young, Roy Vose, Ronald Moores, Bruce Wentworth, Camilla Dunn, Robert Clukey, Guy M c­ Chesney, Richard Dearborn, Onalee Johnson, Bonnie Bennett. I

BAND In 1956-57 the Bangor High School Band, under the direction of Mr. Samuel Harris, began rehearsing a week before school was officially opened. The band played in holiday parades, football and basketball games, and at one performance at Brewer. Be­ sides participating in school assembJies, the band put on a "Pops" concert in May. The Bangor High School Band was one of the eight bands chosen from central Maine to play at the Civic Center for the purpose of raising money to help send the Brewer Band to Washington, D. C. for the Cherry Blossom Festival. The representatives to All State Music Festival chosen from the school band were William Bowler, Jane Goode, Guy McChesney, Maureen Perry, and Ralph Viola. The band completed a successful season by participating in the Northern Maine Music Festival held at Old Town in May.

With a toot and a whistle and a dunk and a boom! First ro;_u: Stephen Kinney, Daniel Fenner, Charles Travis, Phoebe Bragg, Annette Rowe, Betty Callison, Lynda Babcock, J ackie Bowen, M ary-Ellen D enihan. Second row: Da vid Libby, M r. Samuel Harris, M ary Lee Grant, Joanne L eek, Franklin Bragg II, Maureen Perry, Bob Clukey, William Bowler, Sally Hill, Ronald Budden, Caroline Perkins, Roy Vosc, Bruce Wentworth, Chester Clark III, John Feeley J ames McDonald, Sue Benoit, and Sandra Gass.

ORCHESTRA The orchestra, under the direction of Mr. Samuel Harris, has performed at many activities this year, including Junior Exhibition, National Honor Society Assembly, May Spring Concert at Fifth Street, and Eastern Maine Music Festival. Four members of the orchestra-Franklin Bragg, Phoebe Bragg, Daniel Fenner, and James McDon­ ald-attended the All State Music Festival in Auburn, Maine. MUSIC COUNCIL The music council is made up of representatives from the different music organ­ izations. The group includes two members from band and orchestra, i.hree members from .girls' chorus, and one from boys' chorus. The council sets up rules of conduct at rehearsal, decides on standardized music l etters, and deals with individual problems concerning members in any of the groups. The advisers are Mrs. Myrle Coffey and Mr. Samuel Harris.

First row: Phoebe Bragg, Joanne Leek, Ralph Viola, Carolyn Allen, Barbara K ane, Mr. Samuel H arris. Second row: Maureen Perry, Guy McChesney. First row: Jane Wilson, Terrie Pressey, Judy Rasey, Mary Lee Grant, Patricia Fa rrell, Onalee Johnson, Bonnie Bennett, Richard Jordan, Franklin Bragg II, Mrs. Merle Coffey, Wil­ liam Higgins, Stephen Kinney, Glenda WeHman, Penny Day, Judith Mills, D eidra Camp­ bell, Nancy Todtman, Katherine Mason, Marilyn Stern, Bena Smith, Lillian Raymond, Susan Bell. Second row: Bruce Wentworth, Shirley Lawrence, Jackie Bowen, Mary Fisher, Sally Chris­ toffersen, Judith Pearson, Lucille Gilbert, Joanne Leek, Lynda Babcock, Joanne Little, Elinor R apaport, Pat Robinson, Paula Parent, Judy Foss, Mary ] ay Osler, H annah Goodman, Cindy Lynch, Eleanor Epstein, Dorothy John, Eugenia Buckley, R egina Murphy, Susan Braveman. Third ro w : Mary Deems, Barbara Kane, Jimmy Ross, Ann V an D eBogart, Chester Clark III, Margareta Melin, Sonja Brown, Marcia Dolley, Andrew M acEwen, Warren Hoyt, Ronnie Moores. Fourth row : Guy McChesney, Lillian McEachern, Barbara Stevens, Dorothy Woods, Phoebe Bragg, Sandra Keefe, Rodrick McClure, Jimmy McDonald, Bob Clukey, Sandra Gass, Sally Downey, Gretchen Donchecz, Brenda Noble, Joy Fisher, Amy Cole, Avis H arkness, Janice Merrill, Donna Randall, Wanda Lee Hanson, Deanna Sherrard, Elizabeth Gallison, Carolyn Allen, Caroline Perkins, M arcia Dolley, Philippa Guerrette.

MIXED CHORUS Eighty-four students, directed by Mrs. Myrle Coffey, composed this year's mixed chorus. A performance at the Christmas assembly was well received by the student body and faculty. The mixed chorus also entertained at the Pe­ nobscot County Teachers' Convention with a group of song-s including "White E,vening" and selections from "Carousel." Ten students represented the Bangor High School chorus at the All­ State Concert Festival in Auburn, Maine April 3rd through the 6th. ThE.) entire chorus attended the Eastern Maine Music Festival in Old Town. The final performance was a formal concert in May. The girls' and boys' choruses performed individually and as one group. i;i u; c. iLl£ ~. :-·· a• .£ say, isn't this something?

First row: Ronald Cilley, O akman Hurd, H ayden Schultz, Sherman Bernard, Michael R ound, George Calloway, Carl Fagan, Gre(\"OW K elley. Second row: Tom D anley, D avid Luce, Ronald Pratt, Robert Sloane, M /Sgt. Paul Sutherland, Fred Clarke, Bruce Sproul, K en Phil­ brick, Warren Hurd. Third row: Clarence Bujol, Paul Noyes, M elvin Mills, D avid Parker, J erry Stra tton, Richard Bailey, Barry Fraser, J ohn M errill.

STETSON RIF LES Under the direction of M/ Sgt. Paul Sutherland, the Stetson Rifle Drill Team per­ formed at seven events this year. The team was led by Commander Ronald Cilley. They marched at the Federal In­ spection, and at the annual Field Day at Garland Street Field. They marched in two parades : The Eastern Maine Music Festival Parade at Old Town and the Armed Forces Day Parade. Also in connection with Armed Forces Day, they appeared on tele­ vision from Dow Air Force Base. The precision drill team gave an exhibition at the Mili­ tary Ball, another annual' RO.T.C. event; and had the honor of presenting. colors at the opening of the new Y.M.C.A. Pool. Letter·s are awarded to deserving members who have completed two years with the team. Lettermen this year are Richard Bailey, Sherman Bernard, Clarence Bujol, Ronald Cilley, Michael Round, Bruce Sproul, Walter Swenson, and Richard Winship. The Guidon bearer this year was Clarence Bujol.

Tramp, Tramp, Tramp! First row : William Higgins, Michael Round, Ronald Cilley, Kenneth Day, George Burr, Jack Lagerquist. Second row: Capt. Wm. C. Schwartz, Willard Foss, James Sawyer, John K arnes, For­ rest Peavey, Guy McChesney, Charles Berry, R eginald Barnes, Edward Thomp­ son, Sgt. Leo P. Allie. BOYS ' RIFLE TEAM The Boys' Rifle Team has completed a very successful year under the coaching of Master Sgt. Paul V. Sutherland, assisted by Sgt. Leo P. A. Allie. The team consisted of about twelve members. Officers for the year were President, Ronald Cilley; and Vice-President, Michael Round. The team fired in many postal matches and in competition with other high schools. Letters were awarded to the following members: Ronald Cilley, Captain; Michael Round, Kenneth Day, George Burr, and Ja ~k Lagerquist. GIRLS ' RIFLE TEAM Under the direction of Lt. Col. Wilbur J. Boegli, the Girls' Rifle Club learned the .art of manipulating a rifle. Every Wednesday, and voluntarily on Saturday mornings and during vacations, the girls met to imprJYe their marksmanship. The girls com­ pete four times during a school year in the National Rifle Association postal matches. Again this year the annual Sectional Tournament was held in Bangor in April. The girls' team No. ·1 placed third in competition with boys' teams from this section. The cl'ub was composed of twelve girls ranging from the rank of pro-marksman to distinguished rifle­ man. One of these girls, Cynthia Gould, was state champion in the girls' division last year. Officers for the club were as follows: president, Sue Benoit; secretary-treasurer, Cynthia Gould.

First row: D eborah Burr, Cynthia Gould, Sue Benoit, Babara Bridgham. Second row: Capt. Wm. Schwartz, Josephine Craig, J ackie H amlin, Carol Sabin, Caro­ lyn Hanson, Vicky Lovering, Ada H ersey, Sharon Lancaster, Sgt. Leo Allie, Sharon Nason. Col. Wilber Boegli was absent when the picture was First row: Richard Winship, Andrew MacEwen, Michael Round, Ronald Cilley, Tony Swen­ son, Gregory K elley, Donald Smith, Capt. William C. Schwartz. Second row: D ale Cox, Jon McNulty, Warren Hoyt, John Ingalls, Archie White, Brad Bar­ rett, Jimmy Sa wyer, John Craven, Charles Travis, Terry Averill, Sherman Bernard.


The Annual Field Day and Military Ball were this year largely under the supervision of the Officers' Club. Field Day was held May 23, and the Military Ball May 24.

Each officer was required to solicit a number of ads in order to help bring out the R.O.T.C. Yearbook.

The officers of this year's club were Richard Winship, president; Ronald Cilley, vice-president; and James Sawyer, secretary-treasurer. The adviser was Captain William C. Schwartz, Professor of Military Science and Tactics. First row: Mr. Richard Russell, Rick Hersey, Ralph Viola, Roy Vose, Barrett Young, Frank· lin Bragg II. Second row: George Vomvoris, David O'Brien, James MacDonald, Cliff McReavey, Carl Morin, Ronald Moores. Third row: Robert Averill, Harold Luro, Charles Gerrish, Boyd Osler, George Christakos, Ted Leadbetter.

ALPHA H 1-Y Every Monday night this ye-ar under the spons·orship of the Y.M.C.A., Alpha Hi-Y held their meetings at the Y.M.C.A. When Mr. John Parker left Bangor to go to Lincoln, Mr. Richard Russell took his place as adviser. Alpha sponsored many dances. this year to raise money for World Service Projects and for local charities.

Alpha sent members to the Older Boys' Conference .and represented the United States at the model United Nations at the University of Maine.

The offi.cers for this past. year were: president, Ralph Viola; vice­ president, Roy Vose; secretary, Rick Hersey; treasurer, Barrett Young; chaplain, Franklin Bragg II. Seated: Tom H erndon, Lloyd H assen, Bill Varney, Albie Whitmore, Sherman Bernard, Lyle Maunder, Alan Perkins, Lloyd M aunder, Ned Hodgins, D avid M arley, R andall Soldati. Standing: Earsel Goode, Wayne M aunder, J ohn Townsend, Bill Huston.

BETA HI -Y Beta Hi-Y, sponsored by the Y.M.C.A., met every Tuesday night this year at the Y.M.C.A. with its adviser, Mr. Dana Giggey.

Following many of the football and basketball games this year, Beta sponsored dances to raise funds for charity and World Service Projects.

Last November, many of Beta's members went to the Older Boys' Conference, and in April Beta represented Greece at the mock United Nations in Orono.

Serving as officers for Beta this year were: president, John Townsend; vice-president, Lyle Maunder; secretary, Sherman Bernard; treasurer, Alan Perkins; chaplain, Wayne Maunder. GAMMA HI-Y

Gamma Hi-Y, under the direction of its adviser Mr. Rodney H. Bart.­ lett, meets every Wednesday evening at the Y.M.C.A. Established last year by the combined efforts of both Alpha and Beta Hi-Y's, Gamma Hi-Y has steadily been rising to the efficiency l'evel of the other two "Y"-sponsored clubs. The Hi-Y clubs are primarily service clubs, and this year Gamma has taken its place with its :founders in contributing funds to charitable organizations. The club has donated funds raised from post-basketball game dances to such organizations as the March of Dimes Campaign, Salvation Army Christmas Drive, and World Service. This year Gamma sent delegates to the Older Boys' Conference at Waterville, State Hi-Y .and Tri-Y Council in Bangor, and the Model United Nations held at the University of Maine. Officers of the cluh are elected twice during the school year, once in September and again in February. The present officers are president, Lyman Hunt; vice-president, Paul LaCrosse; secretary, John Bastey; treasurer, Paul Chaison; chaplain, Gregory Kelley.

First row: Dick Hammons, J ack Loftus, Brian Griffin, James Sawyer, John Bastey, Paul Chaison, Charles T ravis, R oderick McClure, Arthur D ean, R obert Sloane. Second Tow: Larry Johnson, Bob Leathers, David Luce, Larry Sproul, David Little, Mr. Rodney Bartlett, Lyman Hunt, Paul LaCrosse, Gregory Kelley, Walter Swenson, Ronald Cilley, Jackson Freese, William Bowler, Richard Wi.nship. First row: Judy Purinton, Glenda Wellman, Roberta Leighton, Jane Goode, Maureen Perry, Eleanor Epstein, Sandra Zoidis, Jeanne Wallace, Carol Bennington, Regina Crook, Margaret Mednis, Hannah Goodman, Louenna Kostenbauder, Phoebe Bragg, Gregory K elley, Nancy Todtman, Marilyn Stern, Priscilla Grossman, M ary Sawyer, Sandra Hebert, Linda Ma ndelbaum, K ay M ason, M arion Roberts. Second row: Susan Braveman, Ann DeGrasse, Judy R asey, Jill Lyons, Rita T asker, Shirley Lawrence, Sharon Nason, Linda Frost, Dorothy Woods, Nancy Withe rley, M ary Carlisle, Callie Allen, Gingie Nealley, Sally Weatherbee, Nancy Lobley, Betsy Paul, Sue Wainwright, Lucy Gilbert, Philippa Guerette, Bonnie Flagg, Dorothy J ohn, Regina Murphy, Eugenia Buckley. Third row: J ohn Ingalls, Sonja Brown, John Thomas, Orrin M errill, Gary Slep, Clive Nickerson, Roselle Dyer, M ary D eems, Barbara K ane, Sue Benoit, Lillian M cEachern, Camilla Dunn, Chester Clark III, K atherine Smith, Sandra Keef, Roderick McClure, Guy M cChesney, Charles Travis, Robert Clukey, Avis Harkness, Gretchen Donchecz, Sandra Gass, Mr. Efthim Economu. Fourth row: Mrs. Viola Woodward, Catherine Patterson, Vickie Lovering, Carlene Johnson, Barbara Silsby, M arcia Dolley, Pierrette Loftus, Carol D avenport, Marlene K aufman, Sandra Jacques, Beth Denihan, D awn Turner, Barbara Roberts, Ann Cutler, Helen Conway, H arry T abenken, Betty Beverly, Celeste Caulfield, M ary J ay Osler, M arilyn Blanchard, D eborah Burr. LE CERCLE FRANCAIS Under the guidance of Monsieur Efthim E.conomu and Madame Vi-ola Woodward, Le Cercl'e Francais enjoyed a very successful year. In January new members were initiated; games were played and refreshments were served. Captain William C. Schwartz of the Bangor R.O.T.C. spoke of his experiences in the French Foreign Legion at the April meeting which was attended by guests fr01m John Bapst High School and Brewer High School. At All-Bangor Night, Le Cercle Francais sponsored the booth "Art Linkletter's Ping Pong Party." Orffi·cers for next year were elected in May. In the spring Le Cercle Francais was the guest of the Brewer High School French Club; The officers for this year were president, Hannah Goodman; vice-president, Lou­ enna Kostenbauder; recording secretary, Margaret Mednis; corresponding secretary, Phoebe Bragg; treasurer, Gregory Kell'ey. The climax of this busy year for Le Cerele Fr.ancais was the glorious trip to Quebec on May 29. Senior, junior, and sophomore students packed their suitcases and left for a weekend of adventure and culture in the historic city of Quebec.

Dreams of Paris First row: Regina Crook, Carol Bradbury, Ba rbara Jordan, Nancy Todtman, Eugenia Buckley, R egina Murphy, Marilyn Blanchard, Philippa Guerette, Ralph Viola, Miss Mary Copeland, Phoebe Bragg, Dorothy John, J ane Goode, Camilla Dunn, Roselle Dyer, Marilyn Stern, Gail Drummond, Mary L ee Grant. Second row: Barbara Roberts, Elaine Pooler, Margaret Mednis, Gingie Nealley, Sally Hill, Mary Carlisle, Ann DeGrasse, Donna Paulette, Sally Peabody, Carol D avenport, Sandra J acques, Elizabeth Denihan, D awn Turner, William Higgins, Fra nklin Bragg II, Bob Clukey, Gordon L ewis, Priscilla Grossman, Betsy Paul. Third row : Daniel Fenner, Sonja Brown, M argaret Melin, Barbara K ane, Fred Newman, Gary Slep, Clive Nickerson, Chester Clark III, Ann Va nDeBogart, Guy McChesney, Charles Travis, J ames McDonald, Francis Clish, Lois Brown, Johanna Hunt, Sally Christofferson, Judith Pearson, Marcia Dolley, Catherine Patterson, Rene Severance, Betty Morrison.


The Latin Club, under the able direction of Miss Mary L. Copeland, has completed a very enjoyable and profitable year of .activities. Early in the fall, the group was enter­ tained by Phoebe Bragg and Sonja Brown, who spoke on their vacation in Europe during the past summer. Following an informal initiation in November, an impressive formal ceremony was held at the Christmas Party. Speaker at the meeting was Margaret Melin, exchange student from Sweden. At later meetings the members played Latin games and presented original skits. Other important events were the annual banquet in May and the Open House in June. During the banquet, keys were awarded to the group's outstanding senior mem­ bers. The Latin Club sponsored a booth, "Beat the Clock," at All-Bangor Night. Officers for the year were as follows: Consuls, Phoebe Bragg, Ralph Viola; Praetor, Jane Goode; Quaestor, Dorothy John; Aediles, Marilyn Blanchard, Camilla Dunn, Roselle Dyer, Regina Murphy; Tribunes, Philippa Guerrette, Ruth Rankin.

Great Caesar's Ghost! First row: Dick Hammons, Cindy Lynch. Second row: Reginald Libby, Harold Luro, Jean Wallace, Carlene Johnson, Jane Wilsoi1, Bonnie Lynch, Gretchen Donchecz, Priscilla Butler, Byron Dresner, Jerome Gotlieb. Third row: Joy Fisher, Joyce Prouty, Helen Wallace, Mary Redman, Patricia Farrell, Mary Sawyer, Maureen Perry, Bonnie Flagg, Marion Rand, Rita Tasker, Mary Fisher, Sally Christofferson.


Hola, mis amigos!

Initiation of new members, a Christmas party which included a ca~ baking contest won by a senior boy, a joint meeting with French, Latin, and Library Clubs, slides on Cuba, and a Spanish valentine contest were programs of this year's Spanish Club.

The club was led by president, Jane Wilson; vice-president, Bonnie Lynch; secretary, Cindy Lynch; and treasurer, Richard Hammons. The adviser was Miss Margaret Estes. Library Club The Library Club, with fifty-nine members, is com­ posed ·of students who take charge of the many duties pertaining to the library; namely, charging books, pre­ senting exhibits, and checking· overdue books. The .adviser is Miss Paulene Dunn, librarian. This year, for the first time, the monthly meetings were held directly after school in the library and were high­ lighted by a luncheon. Let's have a party

For National Book Week the club presented an inspiring display in the main bookcase illustrating the theme "It's Always Book Time." Dur­ ing the year the showcase outside the library contained many colorful and clever displays created by Judy Lamson, a club member. At the traditional Christmas party, money was collected for the Fire­ men's Toy fund. At All-Bangor Night, the club combined with the Spanish Club and sold fudge at a gaily decorated booth representing the "Hit Parade." The offi.cers for the year were Nancy Richards, president; Sue Jordan, vice president; Kay Dean, secretary; Penny Day, treasurer; and Judy Lamson, publicity chairman.

First row: Joyce Prouty, Evelyn Shaw, Anita Mishio, Ernestine Mitchum, Marilyn Colford, Jane LaFountain, Mary-Ellen Denihan, Kay Dean, Suzanne Jordan, Miss Paulene Dunn, Nancy Richards, Penny Day, Julia O'Loughlin, Lillian R aymond, Barbara McLain, Judith Roberts, Annette Rowe, Nancy Chaloux. Second row: Maureen Honey, Anne Guerin, Lynda Babcock, Eleanor Seavey, Judith Lamson, Judith Higgins, Ann Cutler, Helen Conway, Mindy Michelson, Jacqueline H amlin, Marlene K aufman, Sandra Smith, Jo Anne Delahunt, Judith Pearson, Susan ·wainwright, Deborah Burr. Third row: Catherine McClay, Eleanor Griffin, Carolyn Willey, Constance McClay, Brenda Noble, Amy Cole, Sylvia Haliotis, Jayne Carter, Juanita Inman, Jane Feeney, Katherine H aliotis, Betty King, Helen Lakeman, Margo Nealley, Paige Naugler, Elinor Rapaport. Gym class antics This should fix it Preparing for the rush Anybody hungry?

Future Business Leaders of America

The motto of FBLA is SERVICE, EDUCATION, PROGRESS; this year special at­ tention was given to Service. The first meeting was the supper party which has become a yearly event. Next came the fonnal installation of chapter officers with State Legislature Representative James ~tanley as speaker. FBLAers gave a great deal of time and effort and also had a great deal of fun in the preparation of a float for the Christmas Parade sponsored by the Chamber of Com­ merce. December activities included a visit to the City Hospital with the distribution :of gifts and the singing of Christmas carols and the annual Christmas party for members and their friends. Guest speakers at the January and February meetings were Mr. Carl Delano, personnel director of the Bangor and Aroostook R. R., and the Reverend E.. Charles Dartnell. The special event for April was the trip to Augusta and the State House. The annual banquet and conferring of degrees ended the year's activities. The money making projects for the year were the sale of ball point pens in Bangor High School colors and cup· calce· sales. The theme of the FBLA booth for All-Bangor Night was "Beat the Clock." Mrs. Dorothy E. Coiley was the faculty sponsor. Officers for the year wer e presi­ dent, Patricia Robinson; vice president, Bena Smith; secretary, Constance McClay ; treasurer, JoAnne Delahunt; reporter, E.lep.nor Griffin.

First row : D onna Spearing, Pa tricia H arriman, J eanine Morrill, Jo Anne D elahunt, Bena Smith, Mrs. D orothy Coiley, Pat Robinson, Eleanor Griffin, Connie M cClay, Elizabeth D emmons, Annette R owe, N ancy Chaloux. Second row : Penny Day, Sandra Stewart, M argaret Gott, Nancy Dion, Beverly K endall, Sally Betters, Evelyn Shaw, Judith Shaw, Suzanne Jordan, Carolyn W at son, H erbert Rogan. Third row : Carolyn Davis, Paula Parent, .Judy Foss, B arbara Blomberg, Rita Bigelow, Nancy Richards, Caro­ lyn Willey, Jayne Carter, Joe Bell, Catherine M c Clay.

Front row: Sherman Bernard, George Hillman, Richard Smith, Frederick Hartstone, Robert T aylor, D avid K el­ ley, Lyle M aunder, R ay Cormier, Albert Whitmore, Rich ard Jordan, Fred Bailey, Joe Taylor. £eft curve to center: T errence Averill, vVayne Lawton, Brad Barrett, Alan Perkins, Winston Hollis, D ale Curry, Peter Stuart, Tommy Herndon, William Huston, Lloyd H assen, Walter Swenson, John Townsend. Right curve from center to outside: Gregory K elley, Philip Babineau, Wayne M aunder, Frederick Leadbetter, D avid Schiro, J ohn Ingalls, Barrett Young, George Predaris, Fred Philbrick, Boyd Osler, D ave O 'Brien, Bill Bowler, J ohn Bastey, Clarence Bujol.

"B" CLUB The "B" club is an honorary group comprised of boys who have recei'ved "B" let­ ters in their respective sports. Under the guidance of Mr. Norman Perkins, the club, al­ though n ot organized like other groups, possesses among its ranks a cross-section of B.H.S. athletes. Membership eligibility is determined by the number of times the student represents B.H.S. on the field of competition. This num her varies with the individual sports. The coveted award, the "B" letter is obtained with ease by some, but for others it means three long years of hard work and devotion. , Membership in the "B" club is the ultimate goal of all sports-minded boys who r epresent B.H.S.

At the fall Sports Banquet

Coach " Cy" Perkins First row, left to. right: Ray Cormier, Terence Averill, Philip Babineau, Capt. Lyle Maunder, Lloyd Hassen, Albert Whit,niore, David O'Brien. Second row: Stan Hunter, ; Bruce Wentworth, Richard Hammons, Boyd Osler, Carl Snow, Rick Hersey, Coach Vincent Cuozzo. Third row: Larry Sproul, Brian Hathaway, John Lyons, Earsel Goode, William Bowler.

CROSS COUNTRY This season the cross country, coached by Mr. Vincent Cuozzo, maintained its usual high standard with a record of fiv~ wins and two losses during their regular season. It also took second place in both the regional and state meets. In the New England contest the team received a very good rating of 7th,largely because of Phil Babineau's placing 20th. Seniors departing from the squad are Terry Averill; Lloyd Hassen; and Lyle Maun­ der, a standout during the past year. Although this is a surprisingly low number, each of the boys will leave a large gap in the squad. Lettermen returning f.or another year will be Phil Babineau, Bill Bowler, Ray Cormier, Dave O'Brien, Boyd Osler, and AI hie Whitmore. J. V. FOOTBALL The J. V. football team, coached by Mr. Douglas Stafford, gained much valuable experience this year. They defeated the junior high squads in four games. They also split with the Old Town Jayvees, each team winning once, but lost toM. C. I. In a successful ·scrimmage with Higgins, the boys made an excellent ·showing.

Many members of the squad should move up to the varsity next year, helping to strengthen Coach Cy Perkins' squad.

Kneeling: Michael Gellerson, Melvin Mills. First row: John Laforge, Peter, Wayne K~mball, Ned Hodgins, Robert Hill, J etry Stratton, John Simpson, T errence Fitzpatrick. Second row: Coach, Douglas Stafford; manager, Robert Talbot; Ray Dauphinee, Archie Tracy, Forrest Peavey, Fred Newman, Richard Bean, Reginald Libby, David Marley. First row: Thomas Herndon, Sherman Bernard, Peter Stuart, Robert T aylor, Bradford Bar­ rett, Walter Swenson, Dale Curry. Second row: Manager, Robert Averill; Mark Reno, Fred Philbrick, Robert Sloan, Carl Morin, Randall Soldalti, John Townsend, George Predaris, William Huston, Coach Norman "Cy" Perkins. Third row : Richard Jordan, Manager; Joseph T aylor, R eginald, George Hillman, · Clarence Bujol, Alan Perkins, John Bastey, Frederick Bailey, Richard Smith, Coach Frederick "Red" Ba rry.

VARSITY FOOTBAL L This year's varsity football team, under the coaching of Norman "Cy" Perkins, wound up its season with a two and six record. The Ram squad was primarily a building team for next year. Co-captains this year were Brad Barrett and Robert Taylor. The team will be hit with an eight man loss at graduation. Returning lettermen for next year are Fred Bailey, John Bastey, Clarence Bujol, George Hillman, Bill Huston, Fred Philbrick, George Predaris, Richard Smith. Next year's team should be among the tops in the state with strong reserves coming up from the junior varsity team.

First row: Wayne Lawton, Frederick Leadbetter, William Cohen, Winston Hollis, Captain; David Schiro, John Ingalls, Joseph Taylor. Second row: Coach "Red" Barry, Robert Talbot, Ass't Mgr.; Charles Murray, Charles Gerrish, Dave O'Brien, Earsel Goode, Ronald Cormier, Bill Varney, Gregory Kelley, Mgr. VARSITY BASKETBALL Bangor High's basketball Rams finished the regular 1956-57 season with a record of eleven victories and six losses, which gave them fourth position in the Eastern Maine Tournament. Bangor's only returning letterman was junior Bill Cohen. Bangor's six losses were in the first half of the season and four of them were by a total of nine points. With the return of Win Hollis, the Rams caught fire and took their last six games over John Bapst, Brewer, Waterville, EJlsworth, Old Town, and Berlin, New Harrnpshire. The Rams overwhelmed the Indians by overcoming a 22 point half­ time deficit to become the only tea:m in the state to defeat them. Get that Basket With this six game winning streak, Ban­ gor entered the tourney and met Waterville whom they defeated 87-49. They next met Old Town and almost turned the trick again but were downed 65-50. In the consolation game, Caribou's hustle proved too much and they were victorious. So ended a good year for the Rams. The high points were Bangor's victory over Old Town and their sixteenth str-aight Eastern Maine Tourney appearance. Coach Fred Barry's Rams should be one of the top teams next year as ten of this year's team including seven with starting experience return next year. Only Captain Win Hol1is and John Ingalls are departing, while Bill Cohen, Ron Gomnier, Chuck Gerrish, Earsel Goode, Wayne Lawton, Ted Leadbetter, Dave O'Brien, Dave Schir o, Joe Taylor, and Bill Varney will be back to form Bangor's hopes for next year. Well-guarded

There it goes! · J. V. BASKETBALL The principal purpose of the junior varsity basketball program is to provide experience and training for the varsity. This year's squad, coached by Mr. Donald Drossel, sent one man, Bill Varney, up to the varsity, and developed several other good prospects !

A}though the won-loss record for the season was not too impressive, many of the squad's defeats caJrne in very close games. They lost to Husson and Brewer by narrow margins and defeated Hermon and Waterville. The Jayvees gained valuable experience by playing the Class S teams, Easton and East Corinth.

Get that rebound! State Championship Track Tearn This year's track team, under the coaching of Nornnan "Cy" Perkins, has captured the state trophy. The trophy is kept by the team who has won it three times. Last year Deering High School edged the Rams out of the competition and won the trophy for the second time. The Rams, who are unusually strong in the weight events, retired the trophy to our showcase, by winning it for the third time. Bangor's trackmen competed against each other in an interclass track meet last May. The junims ran away with a sweeping victory over both the sophomore and senior classes. The Rams this year were weaker in the running events, but the run­ ners came thnugh with outstanding performances in the state meet to gain the championship. The 'veight throwers, as a group, were outstand- ing in state competition. ·

S eated, left to right, first row: Earsel Goode, George Christakas, John Ingalls, J ackson Freese, Barrett Young, D ale Curry, R onald Cormier, T erence Averill, Sherman Bernard, William Bowler, Albert Whitmore, Ronald Moores. S econd row: Asst. Coach G. V. Cuozzo; Fred Bailey, Fred Philbrick, James Ross, David Mar­ ley, Roy Vose, John Simpson, Norman Wallace, Philip Babineau, Boyd Osler, Clarence Bujol, Carl Morin, Clifford McReavey, Dave O'Brien, Coach Perkins. Third row: M anager, Richard Hammons; Asst. Manager, Bruce Wentworth; George Hillman, Franklin Bragg, Paul Chaison, D avid Parker, Warren Wallace, Robert Sloane, Fred Newman, Larry Johnson, Roderic M cClure, Thomas D anley, John Bastey, Warren Hurd, Asst. M anager. First row: Wayne Lawton, Richard S,mith, James Vanidestine, Frederic H artstone, Joseph Taylor, Raymond Cormier, Lyle M aunder. Second row : Roderic Stevenson, Lawrence Sproul, William Varney, Dale Blackwell, R ay­ mond Dauphinee, Gary Lawton, Benjamin Na ugler, George VQmvoris. Third row: Arthur Dean, Manager; Coach Frederick Barry; William Cohen, George Predaris, Frederic Leadbetter, David Schiro, Charles Gerrish, Frederic Lawrence, Manager. BASEBALL At the time of this writing Bangor High School's varsity baseball team, coached by "Red" Barry, had played two of their regular scheduled games. The first game was with Ellsworth High School in which the Rams lost a close-fought contest. The second brought an overwhelming victory to the Rams over their worthy basketball opponents, Old Town, by a score of seven to two. Coach Barry had an unusually versatile baseball team this year in so much as the majority of his team were returning veterans and Tetter win­ ners of other sports. The team roster, as was the basketball roster, was studded with sophomore and junior ballplayers. The Rams had only two seniors on their active playing list, Fred Hartstone and Lyle Maunder. Because of this fact the team was hit lightly by graduation, and the team promises to be one of the top contenders in the state next year. This year the Rams had scheduled games with Ellsworth, Brewer, Old Town, John Bapst, Husson Gollege, and the Maine Freshmen. CHEERLEADERS The varsity cheerleading squad consisting of Captain Betty Beverly, Joanna Cole, Kay Dean, Sandra Hammond, Rosemary Hopkins, Brenda MacNamara, Cle:> Noddin, and sub­ stitutes Joy Fisher and Sandra VanAken, be­ gan the year by choosing the Jayvee cheer­ leaders who were as follows: captain, Bonnie Lynch; Joyce Brown, Gailelien Fletcher, San­ dra Lowe, Debbie Munce, Nancy Witherly and Sandra Zoidis. The varsity squad cheered at all the home football and basketball, several out of town basketball games, and supported the team. in the E,astern Maine Large School First row : Kay Dean, Cleo Noddin, Rosemary Hopkins, Basketball Tournament. The cheerleaders Sandra Hammond. also conducted many rallies before.the games Second row: Brenda MacNamara, Betty Beverly, Cap­ tain; Joanna Cole. at the high school.

During the year the varsity cheerleade1rs helped to make money for the Polio Drive by participating in a contest for "Miss Polio of 1957" at the Y.M.C.A. Cleo Noddin was the contest winner. A final banquet was held at the Oronoka on April2. The Jayvee cheerleaders were in charge of arrangements. Gifts of appreciation were presented to the advisers, Mrs. Louise Hammons and Mrs. Rubena Pressey by the captain, Betty Beverly. On April12 at All Bangor Night the 1956-57 Varsity Cheerleaders ended a success­ ful season. Awards were presented to the senior girls on the squad by Mrs.. Pressey, and the new varsity cheerleaders were announced. They are as follows: Joy Fisher, Gailelfen Fletcher, Ada Hersey, Debbie Munce, Nancy Witherly, and co-captains Brenda Mac­ Namara and Cleo Noddin; and substitutes, Joyce Brown and Sandra Zoidis.

J. V. CH EERLEADERS D eborah Munce, Gailellen Fletcher, Nancy Witherly, Bonnie Lynch, Captain; Sandra Zoidis, Sandra Lowe, Joyce Brown. Front row: Ruth Rankin, Lucia and Carmen Solorzano, Mascots; Nancy Chaloux. Second row: Patricia Robinson, Lucinda Lynch, Margaret Mednis, Secretary; Jane Goode, President; Maureen Perry, Treasurer; Dorothy John, Vice President; Philippa Guerette. Third row: Catherine Patterson, Betty Beverly, Nancy Witherly, Mary Fisher, Joy Fisher, Barbara Kane, Sonja Brown. Fourth row: Phoebe Bragg, Carlene Johnson, Lillian McEachern, Barbara Stevens, Camilla Dunn, Margareta Melin. GIRLS' ATHLETIC HONOR COUNCIL The Girls' Athletic Honor Council concluded a successful year with the annual Girls' Athletic Banquet at the Oronoka. All girls who have participated in any sport during the year were invited. At this banquet nine-sport chenille B's were awarded to several senio!'s who had played every sport. Also, officers for the coming year were installed; four new members were initiated and basketball and volleyball awards were given. The council began the new year by operating concessions at the home football games for the athletic department. Other fall activities included coaching field hockey for the senior council members and sponsoring the hockey party for girls who had played hockey. At the hockey party Margareta Melin, Swedish exchange student, and five senior·s and juniors were initiated into the council. They were seniors, Betty Beverly, Nancy Chaloux, and Patricia Robin­ son; juniors, Philipa Guerrette and Barbara Kane. As basketball season rolled around, the seniors were again coaching-this time bas­ ketball teams. Some members of the council also ru;sis ted Mrs. Betty Solorzano with the officiating of the intramural games. In connection with the athletic department, council members helped usher at all the home games of the varsity basketball team. At the G. A. H. C. assembly in February, the council presented a skit pointing out the desirable qualities of an honor council member. Following the skit, four members were initiated: senior, Barbara Stevens; juniors, Camilla Dunn and Catherine Patter­ son; sophomore, Nancy \Vitherly. All honor council activities were under the direction of Miss Mildred McGuire, ad­ viser and Supervisor of Girls' Physical Education, and the officers: Jane Goode, presi­ dent; Dorothy John, vice-president; Margaret Mednis, secretary; and Maureen Perry, treasurer. First row: Eleanor Epstein ; Lucia and Carmen Solorzano, M ascots ; Nancy Chaloux. Second ro w : J ane Wilson, R achel N owell, M argaret M ednis, M aureen Perry, Captain ; J ane Goode, M anager ; Phoebe Bragg, Lucinda Lynch. T hird row : Catherine Pa tterson, Pa tricia Robinson, Philippa Guerette, Betty Beverly, Doro­ thy John. Fourth row: Theresa Pressey, Bettye Wa re, Lois Brown, Lillia n McEachern, Carlene Johnson, Sonja Brown, M argaret M elin. L aura Bea ver was absent when picture was taken.

Gl RLS ' HOCKEY Ground, sticks, ground, sticks! After this cry had died down at the end of the hockey season, the senior team appeared the victor. The junior and sophomore teams, however, played very well. The winning team was captained by Maureen Perry. Mem­ bers of the team were Betty Beverly, Sonja Brown, Phoebe Bragg, Judy Buzzell,. Nancy Chaloux, Eleanor Epstein, Mary Fisher, Jane Goode, Dorothy John, Carlene Johnson, Lucinda Lynch, Lillian McEachern, Margaret Mednis, Margaret Melin, Rachel Nowell, Maureen Perry, Theresa Pressey, Patricia Robinson, Barbara Stevens, Elizabeth Ware, and Jane Wilson. The junior team was captained by Lucille Gilbert. Alberta Cole captained the soph­ omore team. At the annual hockey banquet eighteen seniors and three juniors were named to the Honorary All-Bangor Field Hockey Team. This honor is given to girls who have faithfully played hockey for at least. two sea sons.

------. ---- Front row : Sandra Hammond, R achel Nowell, Lucia Solorzano, M ascot; Carlene Johnson, Captain; Carmen Solorzano, Ma scot; Lucinda Lynch, Margaret M ednis, Judith Buzzell. Back row : Pierrette Loftus, Betty Beverly, Lillian M cEachern, Sonja Brown, Sarah Rich, Patricia Robinson, Paula Parent. GIRLS' BASKETBA LL One of the most thrilling games of the tournament brought to a close the very -successful basketball season. The Senior White Team assured it­ self of first place in the Girls' Interclass Basketball Tournament by beating the Senior Red Team 20-16. From the first it was nip and tuck as each team fought for the lead, held it for a short time, and again relinquished it to the opposition. . Only in the last few minutes of the game did the Senior White, coached by Pat Robinson and Lillian McE,achern, hold on to its four point lead to clinch the title. The Sophomore Blue showed terrific spirit in upsetting the Junior Red 20-19 to secure second place in the tournament. Another exciting game was played between the Junior Red and Senior Red teams. Neither team was able to surpass the other as they both dis­ played excellent shooting and guarding ability. The game ended in a 22-22 tie. Throughout the tournament, good ball handling and sportsmanship was the rule. The teams were coached by members of the Girls' Athletic Honor Society, and members of the Officials' Club helped to officiate at the games. Members of the Officials' Club are Carol Bradbury, Barbara Bridg­ ham, Nancy Chaloux, Jane Goode, Carolyn Hanson, Sandra Hebert, Judith Higgins, Johanna Hunt, Dorothy John, Carlene Johnson, Helen McKinney, Catherine Patterson, Caroline Perkins, Maureen Perry, Barbara Roberts, and Sandra Smith. ( ------~------CHECK WHAT YOU WANT:

Good starting salary D with regular raises Pleasant work with other D girls and young men Prestige of a responsible job with D a well-known and respected company

If your list shows three checks, then you should check into what the Telephone Company has to offer you. Smart girls are doing it now, before they graduate from high school. Come in and see our employment interviewer soon. You'll enjoy talking with her. Act now, and you can say with pride, "I'm all set! I'm going to work with the Telephone Company!" See the Guidance Counselor at your school, and talk first with her about when and where to apply• . .


--- .. - - - - ~ - - ~ ~------~~ ~-


From the Press of Furbush-Roberts Printing Co., Inc.




The Only Complete Offset Plant in Eastern Maine


8~J~/aW8~ MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK OF BANGOR MORE THAN A CENTURY OF SERVICE Founded in 1850, Mer chants National Bank has, provided sound banking service for the people of Bangor, and surrounding towns for well over a century. While Merchants is Bangor's Oldest Bank it is one of Maine's most. modern banking institutions offering complete commercial and family banking services in three convenient locations. ~ ... ~{Ufe~~d M ERCHANTS N ATIONAL B ANK 3~L(~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 25 BROAD STREET 77 NORTH MAIN STREET , BANGOR. MAINE BREWER, MAINE

111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 EXPERT SHOE, RE,P AIRING M. L. COFFIN PALMER SHOE MFG. Everything for & REPAIRING CO. the FARM and HOME P arcel Post Work Receives Prompt Attention 725 Broadway Bangor

35 CEiN'IRAL S'T. Bangor Telephone 8289

"AL" WHITLEY'S FAIRMOUNT MARKET "For a choice selection of quality" General Tires MEATS- GROCERIES Mule B attetries FRUITS- VEGETABLES

662 Hammond St. "Near to Dow" Broadway Bangor Dial 7338 - Bangor

Brockway's DAVID BRAIDY Flower Shoppe Showing a Fine Selection of COATS, SUITS and DRESSES 15 Central Street Moderately Priced

Bangor, Maine 14 BROAD ST. BANGOR

BROWN & WHITE Melvin's Music Stores PAPER CO. EVEIRYTHING IN MUSIC High Fidelity Phonographs

PAPER MERCHANTS Records, Sheet Music, and Ra;dios White Sewing Machines

73 Broad St. Bangor, Me. BANGOR - ELLSWORTH


Distribu torrs 583 Broadway Tel. 3938 U.S. ROYAL TIRES BAR-B-Q CHICKENS NOYES RETREADING 244 Harlow Street Bangor CHICKEN 'N BASKET Dial8277

PRIEST DRUG CO. LIEBERMAN'S out of the high rent district 136 Exchange Street Whether it's a pair of SLACKS a pair of SHOES Bangor, Maine a SHIRT or JACKET Across the street from the You Can Always SAVE at LIEBERMAN'S Penobscot Exchange 93 Exchange St. Bangor, Maine

McLAUGHLIN & PENOBSCOT PAINT VARNEY'S PRODUCTS CO. STATE STREE,T WALLPAPER GULF SERVICE Inlaid Linoleum - Artjsts' Supplies Telephone 4181 151 STATE STREET 191 Exchange Street Bangor, Maine Bangor

LOUGEE and FREDERICK'S, INC. FLORISTS DINETT E "Always the finest in flowers" OPPOSITE THE 699 Broadway Tel. 4521 Visit Our Garden Center HIGH SCHOOL and Power Equipment Division It's the FRBSHEST, SWBETEST MILK You've ev·e1· tasted! Bangor Furniture Company

M e·mber Grand Rapids Guild



For Home Delivery 84-88 Hammond Street Call Your N earest Ban~or GRANT'S DAIRY

Maine's timberlands are the state's greatest natural resource.

The wood-using industries exercise careful forest management in order that there may always be wood in abundance.

Maine forests will continue to be a haven for hunters and fisher­ men and for all those who enjoy the beauties of the State, if FIRE is kept from them.

Be careful of fire and remind others to do so.


Great Northern Paper Company


~--~~ . - . - ~ ------


Your 4-Stores-in-1 in Bangor





6-16 Central Street, Bangor, Maine

GOING TO COLLEGE? The West Agency Take Along REAL ESTATE APPRAISALS Luggage INSURANCE See from William F. West, Class 1913 or Utterback's Danforth E. West, Class 1938

of the Complete Assortment

Always Available Pearl & Dennett Company 6 STATE STREET BANGOR Tel. 2-0053 44 BROAD STREET BANGOR Knight Auto Sales Co. Hollis & Elkin "Your Studebaker Dealer"

THE BEST USED CARS LENNOX BURNERS Our Reference- AND Anyone You Meet FUEL OILS Telephone 2-1505

54 Cumberland Street Dial 7983 Bangor, Maine

Queen City Dye House Park Shopper's Center

E. EARLE BROWN, Pr.o([n-ietor "Northeastern Maine's First and Largest" 1& Clinton St. Tel. 5167 DISCOUNT HOUSE, BANGOR., MAINEi Corner State and Park Streets

CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES Steam Heated Radio ( All Kinds of Special Order Work) Kitchenettes Franklin Drapery Shop Veazie Tourist Court Modern Cabins Open Year Round Miss Inez A. Eldredge MRS. BASIL A. STEVENS Mrs. Frances Philbrick, Assistant M.R.B., Box 133 Bangor, Maine 17 Columbia Street Veazie, Maine Tel. 7897 Dial 4167 Bangor, Maine 4 Y2 miles north o£ Bangor FOR CLASS PICTUR,ES SHOES FOR THE FAMILY

THE FARRINGTON Endicott-Johnson Shoe STUDIO Company 214 Hammond St. 49 Main Street Bangor, Maine Bangor

Louis KIRSTEIN & Sons Jay's Youth Center Our 64th Anniversary For Distinctive Children's Wear in Real Estate and "Children A re Our Specialty" Insurance Service 56 Main Street Bangor Tel. 5092 Kirstein Building 44 Central St.

Radio Supply Penobscot Savings Bank Company 7 4 Hammond Street Bangor, Maine



and M ortgage Loans Collateral Loans

RECORDING TAPE Christmas Clubs Travelers Cheques

Bank M oney Orders 151 Center Street Bangor Banking By Mail Telephone 6416 5,000 WATTS

620 K. C. ------




Old Town, Maine Machias, Maine


Corner Fern and State Streets


Corner Hammond and Allen Streets





73 Central Street Bangor, Maine DODGE CLOTHES Those tlw,t know- buy For Men and Young Men

FACTORY TO YOU Wise Potato Chips 89 Main Street Bangor

"SMART SHOES" Gray Stone Farm Motel THE ENTERPRISE 4 Miles North of Bangor U.S. Route 2 60 MAIN STREET Free TV Fire Proof Bangor Reasonable Rates

Fairmount Hardware

WE -STOCK THE "BEST" BETTS BOOK STORE Try us. You've tried the rest GLIDDEN PAINTS 16 State Street HOUSEWARES HARDWARES 569 H ammond Street Bangor , Maine Telephone 2-3201 W e give S&H Green Stamps


Corner State and Grove Streets GROCErRIES AND MEATS

We specialize in Motor ·TIUne-up For a choice selection of quality Dial2-6041 MURRAY MOTOR MART

Distributors of


STORAGE Iron Fireman 24-Hour Service Industrial Burners We give Oil Burner Service Bangorr C?'Yitrnunity Stamps 24 STATE STREET Bangor 112 Franklin Street Dial 4571

ARCTIC Smith's Specialty Shop REFRIGERATION SERVICE The Signature of Smartness 42 Central Street Commercial Refrigeration We have every season a striking Air Conditioning collection of D resses, Suits, 36 Patten Street Millinery and Sportswear for Misses, Women and Junior Sizes Bangor, Maine Moderate Prices

LEO K. SARGENT Peter's Restaurant 15 Main Street

158 Main Street M,anufacturing Jet~ elers Eye Glass Frames Repaired Watches Repaired Bangor, Maine Work Guaranteed Complete Jewelry Repa-i?·s N. H. BRAGG & SONS

Bangor, Me.

Industrial Supply Distributors

Automotive Parts Equipment S ALES - APPRAISALS - LEASES


Tel. 7309 Welding Supplies 19 State Street Bangor, Maine

If it's [.o1· the ho.rn,e YANKEE SHOE REPAIR You will find it at the SHOE REPAIRING Home Rad io and J ackets refinished, c.uffs and bottoms attached Furniture Co. Complete zipper repairs and installed 40 Broad Street Luggage repaired and refinished Bangor 11 Water Street Bangor, Maine

CHARLES D. CROMBIE Lawn Mowers- Used Bikes SENTERS Outboard Motors Sales and Service "Where you shop with cornfide:nce" We Buy Raw Furs and Deerskins

Cor. Garland St. and Forest Ave. 99· Main Street Bangor, Maine Tel. 2-4527 Bangor, Maine STEVENS STUDIO Bangor, Maine


Engineered Kitchens, Inc. GOSSELIN'S BAKERY 91 Franklin Street 445 Main Street Bangor, Maine Bangor, Maine T€lephone 5015 DONUTS - PIES Authorized Dealer for St. Charles Kitchens PASTRY

Smith's Cash Market. KELLEY'S CENTER STREET. 422 Center Street, Bangor SERVICE STATION GROCERIES - MEATS Sales ESSO Service FROZEN FOODS 146 Center Street, Bangor Open Evenings and Sunday Tel. 3093 Telephone 7255 Telephone 9494 "MARK EVERY GRAVE" VINER'S MUSIC CO. FLETCHER & BUTTERFIELD "N ew England's Largest and COMPANY M:J

The Kinney Co., Inc. Smartest Young Men's SUITS Linoleum - Wall Covering Short or Tall, Big or Small JOHN PAUL Phone 7174 Fits 'Em All 167 State Street Bangor 55 Pickering Square Bangor

BANGOR Frank's Bake Shop, Inc.

TIRE 199 State Street

COMPANY Bangor, Maine

C. E. LEACH & SONS C. D. Merrifield Co., Inc.

"MEA'TS AND PR'OVISIONS" Office and School Supplies

266 Hammond St. 23 CENTRAL STREET Bangor, Maine Bangor Telephone 6697 DEWEY A CHRIST MAS Boyd & Noyes RUG SHOP 54 Columbia Street JEWELERS BANGOR, MAINE We carry a c01nplete line of Oriental - Domestic RUGS - CARPETS FINE STERLING Rug Cleaning 25 Hammond Street Bangor Repairing and Appraisals

The Picture & Gift Shop Fuel Oils Can Now Be Obtained 13 Hammond Street J. F. WOODMAN & CO. Bangor RANGE and POWER BURNERS Bangor's Largest Selecti'Jn of Greeting Cards 9 HAMMOND STREET for Every Occasion Tel. 2-0043

"Gocd Luck to the HAPPY HOURS FOR SALE

Senior Class'' HOBBY'S HOBBY CENTER Tel. 4608 ALLEN'S DRUG CO. 22 Franklin Street BANGOR, MAINE 32 State Street Manning Hobbs, Prop.


11 Central Street, Bangor Tel. 6478 Timken Silent Automatic Oil Burners Heating Contractors Mobilflame Bottle Gas Eagle-Picher Aluminum Storm and Screen Windows

Sweet's Drug Store


SINCE 1875



Davenport Brothers


199 Ohio Street Bangor, Maine



Air Conditiyned

Telephone 8004 169 EXCHANGE: STREErr BANGOR W . C. Bryant & Son THA YERS' PHOTO SHOP I ncorporated The "Maine" Shop for Color Diamond Merchants and Jewelers For Three Generations Processing and Printing The Store of Beautiful Gifts 169 State St. Bangor, Me. 46 Main Street Bangor Phone 2-8735

Best .of Luck to BANGOR OPERA Class of '57 HOUSE Mayfair Restaurant LATEST IN THE,ATRE JUST WONDERFUL FOOD ENTERTAINMENT 30 Central St. Bangor, Me.



We give S&H Green Stamps


. .... is our business

We believe in Maine . . . Maine people . . . Maine business. We are continually striving to give each and every customer the best in financial service . .. both personal and busi­ ness. We'd like to help you on your way to success.

Merrill Trust Company


Serving Eastern Maine

with offices at:

Belfast Dexter J onesport Old Town

Bucksport Dover-Foxcroft Machias Orono

Calais Eastport Milo Searsport HUSSON COLLEGE Maine's Largest School of Business Training An Institution of Character and Distinction

FALL TERM OPENING: September 9, 1957

Our Catalog Is Free Tuition $112.50 per Quarter

Terminal Courses: Secretarial, Stenographic, Office Clerical, Business Administration, Accounting, Medical Secretarial, Legal Secretarial and others. These are of one and two years' duration.

Degree Courses: B.S. in Secretarial Science, B.S. in Accounting, B.S. in Business Administration, B.S. in Business Education. These are of four years' duration.

NOTE: Husson College is the only school in Maine which offers the degree of B.S. in Accounting. C. H. HUSSON, President


"Education is cheap. It's i,gnorance GfYI;d incompetence that cost dearly."-Wilhoit. DILLINGHAM'S BEMIS

EXPRESS Book Binders

35 MARKET STRE.ET 29 Franklin Street

Telephone 5697


Bangor House




Telephone 7321 Bangor, Maine

BE RIGHT- BUY AT WIGHT'S Congratulations on Your Fine Yearbook WIGHT'S SPORTING GOODS WE FEATURE Johnson Outboards - Spalding Athletic Goods

54 State Street \iYllolesale-R.etail MILLER'S RESTAURANT


Across from the New Auditorium

Plenty of F1·ee Easy Parlcino

(See you Graduation)

Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada vVhen you see Kelley don't think of life insurance btd When you think of life insurance see Kelley M. J. KELLEY, Agent 39 Beecher Park Bangor Telephone 2-4708

Friedman DAKIN'S Furniture "Ym(!r Specialists 'in Spor t" :>Iaine's Largest- Company New England's Finest Everything in Athletic MAINE'S LARGEST Equipment FURNITURE STORE Fishing Tackle - Photo Supplies

Camping Equipment Serving Converse Footwear Northeastern Maine for the Cramer Chemicals past 45 years 154 EXCHANGE STREET DAKIN'S Bangor Bangor Waterville Clarion Stove Supply For the Best in E nter~ainm ent

Company Visit the

213 Exchange Street Bangor BIJOU THEATRE Stove Parts and Repairs Park Amusement Co. Fireplace Equipment


Diam,onds - W atc.hes DRUG STORE J en·elry and Silverware 257 STATE. STRE E-T

11 Hammond Street BANGOR, MAINE, "Next to Fire Station" Bangor

Day .or Night for Heat Kinney Duplicator Co. That's Right 15'9 State Street Bangor, Maine STICKNEY & BABCOCK • A. B. Dick Products • R10yal Typewriter·s COAL COMPAN.Y • Victor Adding Machines • Steel Office Furniture 17 Hammond Street Bangor • Maine Made Paper Telephone 5664 - 2-0623 • Eastman-Kodak "Verifax"

Since 1931 Oriental Restaurant SOUTHARD of BANGOR DELICIOUS CHINESE FOODS 19·5 E,xchange Street Modern Store Equipment 209 Exchange Street Life-Time Al'uminum Boats OUTBOARn MOTORS Bangor CHAIN SAWS FOX & GINN, INC. "Wood is Go.:;d for the Sole"

MOTOR EXPRESS LINES WOOD'S SHOE FIXERY L9cal and Long Distance Movers SHOE and ZIPPER SERVICE' 119 Franklin Street 12 Ho·ward Lane Phone 5608 Bangor Bangor Parcel Post Given Prompt Attention

"Everything for the Window" S. G. MURRAY & SON Bangor Window Shade Oriental and Domestic Company RUGS Sales and Service Merrill R. Kittredge, Prop. Tel. 6319 78 Palm Street Bangor 37 Columbia Street Bangor Telephone 9704

H. P. Snowman, Printer

Posters - Program.s - Tickets STANDARD ELECTRIC Rubber Stamps 27 FRANKLIN STRE.ET


RANDALL'S TAXI QUALITY BAKERY Dial 7213 or 4100 HOME; MADE. PASTRIE S We Specialize in Out-of-Town BIRTHDAY CAKES Trips and Anywherre - Anytime WEDDING CAK:ES CHE.CKER TAXI CO. (Avis Licensee) 216 Hammond Street Call Bangor 9481 Car Rentals Bangor Sportswear

for Young Men BRASS RAIL,

Sport Goats - Slacks - Sport Shirts

S'A·eaters -Neckwear - Footwear 202 EXCHANGE STREET Timely Suits- Arrow Shirts

v\rembl'ey Ties - Freeman Shoes





Congratulations and Sincere Good Wishes As You Reach This Im­ portant Milestone On the Road to Your Career. Blake, Barrows & HANES Brown, Inc. T-SHIRTS AND * BRIEFS INSURANCE Get more than you bargained for

SURETY BONDS See your favorite retailer

* W. S. EMERSON CO., INC. 84 Harlow St.. Bangor, Maine Bangor, Maine Telephone 8295



.,_.._,--- Ready Kilowatt

Your Electric Servant


43 Main Street USE,D CARS Bangor, Maine Bought and Sold Q·uality in Fashion for Tel. 7763 Junion, Misses, Women 502 Main Street Bangor

DON LEWIS' Walter E. Hersey & Son Arctic Refrigeration Real Estate - Insurance Service Over 31 Years Television 26 Harlow St. Bangor Air Conditioning 36 Patten St. Bangor, Me. Tel. '9532


Safety Specialists PHARMACY Paul E. Knowles, R. Ph. 3-!-46 French Street Phone 3079 Bangor, Maine 198 Hammond St. Bangor, Me.


TO SAVE Share A Plan for Saving what you wish SAVINGS WHERE Savings Accounts when you wish. INSURED SAVING • UP TO Systematic Save $1, $5, $10 or more regularly PAYS Monthly Shares each month. $10,000 All ou r saving.s This guaranteed accounts pay g en­ • proteetion of your erous semi-a nnual I Investment Type May be bought at any time at savings is free of dividends. "d h $200 per s'hare. charge to you. Prepa1 S ares The Bangor loan and Building Association A Savings and Loan Association 92 CENT RAL STREET TEL EPHONE 3143 BANGOR, MAINE When You Guys And Gals Buy REAL RatpJt ~'fe~~-, !"-· ESTATE CALL 2-5544 Yes See 61 STATE STREET, BANGOR

BANGOR OFFICE SUPPLY, INC. 18 Post Office Square Tel. 2-5511 Bangor, Maine


Dietzgen - Pickett and Eckel' Slide Rules - Portable Typewriters Penobscot Hotel BANGOR, MAINE A Landmark of Hospitality


THE CLASS OF 1957 The National Cash Register Co.


146 Exchange Street Bangor, Maine \ STANLEY LEEN COMPANY



T el. 2-48 17 Open All Year Eddie's Grocery STUCCO LODGE MOTEL 1382 State Street 95 Center Street M.R.B., Bangor, M aine TV and T elephone Bangor, Maine Route 2, 4 Miles North of Bangor Proprietor, GEORGE STEVENS


our own Bangor-Orono Road IC8 CREAM all delicious flavors f orr

Bangor-Orono Road "Food You'll Remember"

Lancaster's Market OTIS' {;roceries - Afeats TRAILER PARK Fr!Uits - Vegetables Chase Road Member Associated Grocers Veazie, Maine State Road Dial 4738 Veazie, Maine Large Lots - On Bus Line Lobsters (Live and Boiled) Open Year Round

6'~ I_ /1---- - ? :J 7'