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1951 The Oracle, 1951 Bangor High School

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Students of Today­ Citizens of Tomorrow

The "Oracle" is approved by the

Bangor Chamber of Commerce as ......

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====~1951 ____. Dedication

In dedicating the 1951 Oracle, the members of t.he staff u.1·ish to express their gratitude anil appreciation to their pri.ncipal, Mr. Joseph B. Chaplin, for all he has done to .m:ake the .class of 1951 what it is; and to commemorate his election as president of t.he National Association of Seco"YY!d'ary School Principals.

His untiring devotion to his position and .his students has more tham fixe•d him in the he:arts of those w.ho have followed .his leadership. Always impartial, forever understanding, Mr. Chaplin will long be remembered by the Class of 1951. For over a decade Mr. Chaplin has guided and directed Bangor· High Schoo.l, and it is hoped that this dedication wi.ll convey t.he feeling the faculty, students, and Oracle staff have f.or him. li'irst r·ow, left to r·ight: Mr. Norman C. Perkins, Mrs. Janice M. Burton, Miss Jessie L. Fraser, Mr. Robert L. Harlow, Miss M. Catherine Mullen, Prin. Joseph B. Chaplin, Mr. Clarence H. Drisko, Miss Marion A. Du Bourdieu, Capt. Arthur P. Wade, Mr. Robert McKinney. Second row: Miss Bernice W. Hopkins, Mlle. Estelle I. Beaupre, Miss Mary M. Hodg­ son, Miss Mary T. Quinn, Mrs. Gladys B. Bridges, Miss Ruth V. Belknap, Miss Mary L. Copeland, Mrs. Mary 0. Devitt, Mrs. Dorothy E. Coiley, Miss Mildred E. McGuire. Third ro·w: Mr. Malcolm 0. Willis, Mr. Frederick W. Pinkham, Mr. W. Edward Trowell, Mrs. Margaret M. Carroll, Miss Stella J. Borkowski, Miss Paulene M. Dunn, Mr. Frederick K. Barry, Mr. Gunnar M. Lytikainen. Pour·th row: Mr. Harry S. Hopkins, Mr. G. Vincent Cuozzo, Mr. Frank W. Bartlett, Jr., Mr. Ernest H. Legere, Mr. Mark R. Shedd, Mr. Ivie Mann.


The men and women pictured above and on the right are the people who for three years have shaped the lives of the Bangor High School senior class. Much credit is due them for their long, sometimes .trying, experiences in attempting to make the boys and girls of the Class of 19&1- into men and women. The students of B. H. S. whole heartedly extend their thanks to them.

DEAN RACHEL CONNOR Dean Rachel Connor, beloved dean of girls for many years at Bangor High School, recently resigned from her faculty position because of ill health, but she can never resign the position she holds in the hearts of the students . and faculty of B. H. S. The Class of 1951 has an added feeling for their Dean because it was she who took them in hand during those first hectic weeks in the fall of 1948. Soon the class will be graduating and one by one the memories of high school will fade away, but never the memory of Dean Rachel Connor and her charming, inspiring way with boys and girls.


During the past school year the Oracle Board has had as its endeavor the publishing of a yearbook that would serve to recall pleasant memories to the students of Bangor High School. Following the custom of preceding staffs, the Oracle has been changed in small ways to meet the demands of a deserving student body.

The members of the 1951 Oracle Board started the year's work by the planning and carrying out of an extensive supscrip­ tion campaign. The drive was highlighted by the Oracle-Orascope assembly, always one of the year's outstanding programs. The publication of the December literary magazine provided an out­ let for talented members of tqe staff and also the members of the student body. The poems, stories, pictures, and features were a welcome diversion from the hustle and bustle of the fall term.

In January the staff seriously began prepaPtng the year's major task-the 1951 Oracle. With its publication the staff has a feeling of achievement, mingled with a feeling of sorrow be­ cause the pubJication also marks the close of the school year~ and the end of three glorious years in Bangor High School.

In closing, the Oracle wishes to thank all those who made its publication possible.





Treasurer Secretary WALTER LURO NANCY BRYANT To the Class of '51

The class of 1951 is presenting itself for the last time as a unified body. For three years the class has functioned as a single unit and, during the last year it has been foremost in the minds of the pupils, faculty, and parents.

Now we are going on, leaving behind the sometimes happy, sometimes troubled days of our high school career. What the future holds for us no one can tell. For some it means college, for others it means going out to meet the world and to earn their living, and for still others it means preparing for marriage and homemaking.

No matter what the future may bring, the class of 1951 will be an integral part of the American way of life, for we are The Students of Today-The Citizens of Tomorrow. Graduating Members of The Class of Nineteen Fifty~One

Alexander, Hildred ''Hildy'' Course: Business Education Destination: Husson College Activities: Commercial Club (3, 4), Vice President (4).

Alexander, Lee Course: Business Education Destination: U. S. Air Force

Annis, Eleanor Frances ''Ellie" Course: Business Education Destination: Secretary Activities: Chorus (2, 4); Dramatic Club (3); Junior Chorus (3); Commercial Club (3, 4); Plays (3).

Arnold, Joan "Jo" Course: Distributive Education Destination: Clerk Activities: Chorus (2); Girls' Volleyball (2).

Arsenault, Christina Lois Course: Business Education Destination: Telephone Company Activities: G. A. H. C. (3, 4); Commercial Club (3); Girls' Hockey (2, 3, 4); Girls' Basketball (2, 3); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3); Cheerleaders (2).

Atkins, Alan " Spanky" Course: College Preparatory Destination: University of Maine Activities : Latin Club (2) ; Alpha Hi-Y (4) . Bacon, Jane N.e-alley ''Janie'' Course: College Preparatory Destination: Colby Junior College, New London, N. H. Activities: G. A. H. C. (4); Latin Club (2, 3, 4), Secr etary (3); Class Officers (2), Secretary; Junior Chorus (3); Girls' Hockey (2, 3, 4) ; All-Bangor Hockey ( 4) ; Girls' Basketball (2, 3, 4), Captain (2, 3, 4), ( 4) ; Girls' Volleyball (2, 3, 4), Captain (3); Art Club (2); Spanish Club (3, 4), Treasurer (4); Usher (4); Penobscot Valley Ski Club; Bas­ ketball Referee (2, 3) ; Bangor-Bapst Hi Club (2).

Baker, Lloyd Edward Course: General Activities: B-Club (2, 3, 4); Junior Chorus (3); Beta Hi-Y (3, 4); (2, 3), Captain (3).

Baker, Maynard E "Red" "Bake" C'ourse: Industrial Destination: Milkman Activities: Boys' Rifle Club ( 4), Treasurer; Football (2) ; Officers' Club ( 4) .

Baughman, Barbara Jean Course : Business Education Destination: Business School or work Activities: Chorus (2) ; Commercial Club ( 4) ; Girls' Hockey (3); Girls' Basketball (2, 3, 4); Girls' Volleyball (3, 4); Spanish Club ( 4).

Beal, Ruth ''Ruthie'' Course: College Prepar atory Destination: University of Maine Activities: Chorus (2); Girls' Rifle Club (3); G. A. H. C. (3, 4); Junior Chorus (3); Debate Club (2); Girls' Ho~key (.3); Girls' Basketball (2, 4); Girls' Volleyball (3); French Club (2, 3, 4), Secretary (4); Oracle Board (4).

~laisdell, Eugene F . ''Gene'' Course : General Destination: U. S. Air Force Activities: Spanish Club ( 4) ; Driver Training ( 4).

Blethen, Hubert B. ~'Hugh'' ''Hubby'' Course: General Destination: U. S. Army Activities: J. V. F ootball (2).

Blomberg, Jean C. '~Jeanne" Course: Busine:;;s Education Destination : Navy or Marines .; Bowden, Gordon Lord "Thumpin' Theodore" Course: General Destination: Unknown Activities: Junior Chorus (3).

Braley, Ernestine B. ''Teenie'' Course: Business Education Destination: College Activities: Junior Chorus (3); Commercial Club (3, 4); Lunch Room (2, 3, 4) ; Oracle Board ( 4).

Brawn, Freeman G. Course: Industrial t Destination: Bangor

Brown, Richard H. ''Dick'' · Course: College Preparatory Destination: Navy Activities : B-Club (4); Baseball (3); Track (2); Boys' Basketball (3, 4); Football (2, 3, 4); Gamma Hi-Y (4).

Brown, Sandra ''Sandy' ' Course: Business Education Destination: Dancing Teacher Activities: Twirlers (3, 4).

Bryant, Nancy "Nan" Course: College Preparatory Destination: University of Maine Activities: Student Council (2, 4); G. A. H. C. (3, 4); Treasurer ( 4) ; La tin Club ( 2) ; Class Officers ( 4) , Sec­ retary; Usher (4); Girls' Basketball (2); French Club · (4); Oracle Board (4) ;' Candidate for the D. A. R. Good Citizenship Award; National Honor Society (4),

Bubar, Carol Jeanne Course: General Activities: Chorus (2); Girls' Rifle Club (3); G. A. H. C. (3, 4) ; Dramatic (2, 3) ; Public Affairs Club ( 4), Treasurer; Junior Chorus (3); Plays (3); Dramatic Club Wor k Shop (3); Girls' Hockey (2, 3, 4), Coach (4) (4); Girls' Basketball (2, 3, 4), Captain (2), Coach (4); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3, 4), Captain (3) ; French Club (2, 3) ; Oracle Board ( 4) ; All Bangor Hockey Team (4); Basketball Usher (4); Girls' Basketball Ref eree (3); Senior Play (4); National Honor Society ( 4).

Buchanan, JaneL. Course: General Activities : C'horus (2, 3); Public Affairs Club (4); Girls' Volleyball (2); Junior Chor us (3) ; Library Club ( 4). Burke, Gary F. ''Duff'' Cours;,: College Preparatory Destination : College Activities: Student Council (2, 3); B-Club (2, 3, 4); Junior Chorus (3); Class Officers (2); Plays (2, 3, 4); Alpha Hi-Y (2, 3, 4) ; Baseball (2, 3, 4) ; Captain ( 4) Basketball (2, 3, 4) ; Football (2, 3, 4) ; Spanish Club ( 4).

Burton, Janet Lee Course: College Preparatory Activities: Chorus (2); Dramatic Club (3); Girls' Hockey (2, 3, 4); Girls' Basketball (2, 3, 4); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3); Art Club (2); French Club (2, 3, 4).

Cahoon, Annette M. ' 'Anne' ' Course: General Destination: Boston Activities: Chorus (2); Girls' Rifle Club (2); Junior Chorus (3); Commercial Club (3, 4); Spanish Club ( 4); Outing Club (3).

Campbell, Vivian Maxine ''Viv'' Course: Distributive Education Destination: New York City

Canning, Lorra,ine M. Course: Business Education Activities: Orchestra (2, 3); Chorus (2, 3); Junior Cho-rus (3) ; Commercial Club (3, 4) ; Girls' Hockey (2) ; Girls' Basketball (3); Cheerleaders (2, 3, 4); National Honor Society (3, 4) Treasurer; Bangor High Scholar.

Carr, Ralph T. Course: General DestinatipT Air Force Activities: B-Club ( 4) ; Alpha Hi-Y (2, 3) ; Boys' Basket­ ball J. V. (2); Football (2, 3, 4) .

Carter, George L. ''Fish'' Course: Business Education Destination: U. S. Navy Activities: Junior Chorus (3); Commercial Club (3); Football (2); Gamma Hi-Y (4) Treasurer.

Ca,ry, Lawrence c. "Larry" "Sharkie" Course: General Destination: U. S. Navy Activities: Boys' Rifle Club (2) ; Gamma Hi-Y (4). CasiWell, Christine Estelle ' 'Chris' ' CourBe : General Destination: Train for Nurse Activities: C'horus (3) ; Public Affairs Club (3, 4); Dramatic Club (3); Junior Chorus (3); Girls' Hockey (3, 4); Girls' Volleyball ( 3, 4) ; Spanish Club ( 4).

Chason, Sewall G. ''Sewie'' ''Pringle'' Course: College Preparatory Destination: College Activities: Band (2, 3, 4) ; Orchestra (2, 3); Public Affairs Club ( 4) ; Latin Club (2); Junior Exhibition (3); Base­ ball (3); French Club (2) ; Photography Club (4) Sec­ retary and Treasurer.

Cilley, Elinor F. "El" ) Course: College Preparatory Destination: Photography School Activities: Chorus (2, 3, 4); Student Council (3, 4), Secretary (4); Dramatic Club (2, 3); G. A. H. C. (2, 3, 4); Latin Club (2, 3); Public Affairs Club (2, 3, 4); Girls' Hockey (2, 3, 4); Junior Chorus (3); Girls' Basketball (2, 3. 4); Girls' Volley­ bflll (2, 3, 4); Cheerleaders (3, 4); Lunch Room (3); Photog­ raphy Club ( 4); Plays (3, 4).

Clark1 Carolyn Ann "Cally" Course: General Destination: Eastern Maine General Hospital Activities: Chorus (2, 3); Girls' Rifle Club (3, 4); Dramatic Club (2); Junior Chorus (3); Girls' Hockey (2); Girls' Basketball (2); Girls' Volleyball (2).

Clark, Rosalie Ann ''Rosie'' Course: General Destination: Boston

Clukey, J o Ann Marie ' 'Jo' ' Course : General Destination: Eastern Maine General Hospital Activities: Dramatic Club (2); Junior Chorus (3); Com­ mercial Club (2).

Colburn, Edwin W. "Eddie" "Sonny" Course : General Destination: School Activities: B-Club (3, 4); Alpha Hi-Y (3, 4) Track (3, 4); Football (3, 4); Ski Club (2, 3, 4).

Cole, Jane Ruth Course : General • Activities: Girls' Rifle Club (2) ; Junior Chorus (3) ; Girls' Hockey (3, 4); Girls' Basketball (3); Spanish Club (3, 4). Coffin, L. Earl ' 'Curly'' Crook Course: Distributive Education Co\ Destination: Air Force Act ( Activities: Track (2) ; French C~ub (2).

Connelly, Edward, Jr. ''Eddie' ' c Course: College Preparatory Destination: University of Maine Activities: Band (2, 3, 4) ; Orchestra (2, 3) ; Dramatic Club (2, 3, 4); Junior Exhibition (3); Junior·Chorus (3); Debate Club (2, 3, 4); Bowdoin Forum (4); Varsity Debate (4); Radio Workshop (4); Junior Exhibition Honorable Mention ( 3).

Connelly, Paul Raymond

Course: General Crow Destination: Norwich University Co Activities: Band (2); Orchestra (2) ; Latin Club (2) ; OfficP.r s' De Club ( 4) ; Science Club (2). Ac

Crabtree, Hazel Course: College Preparatory Destination: Central Bible Institute, Springfield, Missouri Activities: Chorus (2, 3, 4), Pianist; Junior C'horus (3, 4), Pianist; French Club (2, 3, 4) ; Public Affai1·s Club (3, 4) ; Senior Essay Winner ( 4) .

Craig, Ethel Mae Course : College Preparatory Activities: Girls' Volleyball (3).

Crombie Alan C. Course: General Activities: Art Club (2) ; Spanish Club ( 4).

Cromwell, Mary Jane ''Rusty'' ''Red'' Day Course : Colleg e Preparatory C Destination : New York D Activities: Chorus (2); Girls' Rifle Club (3, 4); Dramatic Club A (2); Junior Chorus (3); Girls' Basketball (2); Bangor High Scholar.

Cronkhite, Meryle ' ' Cronk'' Course: College P r eparatory Destination: University of Maine Activities: Boys' Rifle Club (2) ; Track (2, 3, 4); Boys· Basketball (2). / Crook, Elizabeth Ann: ''Betty'' Course: Distributive Education Activities: Chorus (2, 3); Junior Chorus (3); Plays (2); Homec Club (2, 3).

Crook, E. Priscilla "Cilla" Course: Distributive Education Destination: Chicago Activities: Chorus (2, 3); Junior Chorus (3); Homec Club Club (2, 3), Treasurer (3).

Crowell, E . ' ' Hank'' Course: General Destination: Unknown Activities: Band (2, 3); Orchestra (2, 3).

Cunningham, Gloria Madeline ' ' Glory' ' Course: D'jstributive Education Destination: College Activities: Dramatic Club (3).

Daggett, Walter W. Course: Industrial Destination: Unknown

Daigle, Paul H. Course: Industrial Destination: Army Activities: Officers' Club ( 4) ; Ski Club (2) ; Stetson Rifles

(3, 4) 0

Day, Clarence Course : General Destination: U. S. Army Activities: Boys' Rifle Club (2, 3, 4), President ( 4) ; Commercial Club (3); Officers' Club (4); Stetson Rifles (3, 4), Leader (4).

Day, June ' 'Junie' ' C'ourse: College Preparatory Destination: University of Maine Activities: Dramatic (2, 3); Latin Club (2, 3), Aedile (3); Junior Chorus (3); Girls' Hockey (2, 3. 4); All-Bangor Hockey ( 4) ; Girls' Basketball (2) ; Girls' Volleyball (2, 3, 4). Dean, Priscilla A. ' 'Pril' ' Course: General Destination: Business College Activities: Chorus (2) ; Dramatic Club (2, 3) ; Public Affairs Club (2); Junior Chorus (3); Plays (3); Dramatic Club Work Shop (3, 4); Girls' Basketball (2, 3, 4); Girls' Volley­ ball (2, 3, 4); Radio Workshop (4).

Dearing, David ''Clem'' ''Yeobright'' Course: College Preparatory Activities: Chorus (3, 4); Student Council (3, 4); B-Club (3, 4); Dramatic Club (4); Public Affairs Club (3, 4); Latin Club (2) ; President of Public Affairs Club ( 4) ; Junior Exhibition (3); Junior Chorus (3); Orascope (3); Class Officers ( 4), Vice-President; Plays (2, 3, 4) ; Dra­ matic Club Work Shop (4); Beta Hi-Y (2, 3, 4), Secre­ tary (3, 4); Track (2, 3, 4); Cross Country (3, 4), Capt. ( 4) ; Boys' Basketball ( 2, 3, 4) ; Football ( 2) ; Officers' Club (4); Lunch Room (2, 3); Spanish Club (3, 4); Oracle Board (4); Championship Volleyball Team (3, 4); Boys' Glee Club ( 4) ; Rep. to State Older Boys' Conference E (3); Rep. to State Hi-Y Legislature (3, 4); Anti-T. B. Speaker (4); Community Red Cross Speaker (4); Class History ( 4).

Dorsky, Joanne E. '' Jody'' Course: C'ollege Preparatory Destination: University of Maine Activities: G. A. H. C. (4); Junior Chorus (3); Girls' Hockey (2, 3, 4); Girls' Basketball (2, 3, 4); Girls' Volleyball (2, 4); Lunch Room (2); Spanish Club (2, 4); Captain Girls' Hockey; Captain Girls' Basketball.

Downs, Dorothy ' 'Dottie' ' Course: Business Education Destination: Business School Activities: Commercial Club (3, 4).

Dudley, Edward "Ed" Course: College Preparatory Destination: University of Maine Activities: B-Club (2, 3, 4); Beta Hi-Y (2, 3, 4), President; Football (2, 3, 4).

Duffy, Francis "Duff" Course : General Destination: Unknown

Je·anette Beatrice ''Nettie'' Course: Business Education Activities: Commercial Club (2, 3, 4); Girls' Hockey (2, 3); Girls' Basketball (2, 3) ; Girls' Volleyball (2, 3).

Eckert, Doris P . ''Dozy'' Course: General Destination: Work in Bangor Activities: Girls' Rifle Club (3) ; Junior Chorus (3) ; Lunch Room (3); French Club (2). Eleftheriou, Basil E. ''Lefty'' Course: College Preparatory Destination: University of Maine

Ellis, Elizabeth ''It-a-bit'' Course: College Preparatory Destination: University of Maine Activities: Chorus (2, 3); Latin Club (2, 3); Twirlers (2, 3, 4); Junior Chorus (3); Plays (2); Girls' Hockey (3, 4); Girls' Basketball (2, 3, 4); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3, 4); Head Drum Majorette; All-Bangor Hockey.

Emerson, Eugene ''Gene'' Course : General Destination: California Activities: B-Club (3, 4); Junior Chorus (3); Plays (2); Beta Hi-Y (3, 4); Boys' Basketball (2); Football (2, 3); Science Club (3) .

Emery, Anne E. ''Slow-Poke'' Course : General Destination: Husson College Activities: Dramatic Club (3); Junior Chorus (3); Plays (3); Commercial C'lub (3, 4); French Club (3, 4).

Ertha, Frances A. ''Kitty'' Course: College Preparatory Destination: College Activities: Dramatic Club (4); Junior Exhibition (3) ; Debate Club (4); Dramatic Club Work Shop (4), Secretary; Girls' Hockey (2, 3); Girls' Basketball (2); Girls' Volleyball (2); Spanish Club ( 4).

Everett, Richard ' 'Dick' ' Course: Industrial Destination: Korea Activities: Baseball Manager (2, 3, 4) ; Boys' Basketball (2, 3, 4); Lunch Room (3).

Farnsworth, Patricia Ann ''Pat'' Course : General Destination: Not certain Activities: Chorus (2, 3) ; Girls' Rifle Club (2) ; Dramatic Club (2, 3, 4) ; Public Affairs Club (2) ; Junior Chorus (3) ; Dra­ matic Club Work Shop ( 4).

F arr, Sidney Weymouth "Sid" Course: College Preparatory Destination: Colby College Activities: Band ( 4); Orchestra (2, 3, 4); Dramatic Club (3, 4); Latin Club (2, 3, 4), Consul (3); Junior Exhibi­ tion (3); Junior Chorus (3); Orascope (3); Plays (3); Baseball (3, 4) ; Officers Club ( 4) ; Stetson Rifles (3, 4). Farrar, Virginia ''Ginny'' C'ourse: General Destination: Unknown Activities: Public Affairs Club (3) .

Faulkner, James B. ''Jim'' Course: General Destination: 'The U. S. Army

Feeney, Geraldine M. ''Jerrie'' Course: General Destination: Lewiston General Hospital .or the Telephone Co. Activities: Student Council (2); Dramatic Club (2, 3); Usher (2); Girls' Basketball (2); French Club (2).

Flagg, Phillip A. ' 'Flip' ' Course: General Destination: Navy Activities: B-Club ( 4) ; Football (3, 4) .

Frati, Orlando ''Hawk'' Course: Distributive Education Destination: To work in Frati's Jewelry Store.

French, Marian Mae ''Squirt'' Course: Business Education Destination: Office work Activities: Chorus (2, 4); Public Affairs Club (3); Junior C'horus (3); Commercial Club (4); F1·ench Club (2); Secretary of Commercial Club ( 4).

Gagnon, Daniel ' 'Dan' ' ' 'Danny' ' Course: Preparatory Destination: University of Maine Activities: Boys' Rifle Club (2); Orascope (3); Alpha Hi-Y (3, 4); Baseball (3); National Honor Society (3, 4).

George, Virginia Mae ''Ginny'' Course: Business Education Destination: Clerk Typist Activities: Chorus (3); Junior Chorus (3); Commercial Club (3, 4); Girls' Hockey (2); Lunch Room (4). George, William E. ''Billy'' Course: General Destination: College

Geyer, Glenn R. "Chop-Chop" Course: College Destination: To study interior· decorating and design. Activities: Chorus (2) ; Dramatic Club (2) ; Latin Club (2, 3, 4); Junior Exhibition (3); Junior Chorus (3); Count and Coed (Chorus) (3); Girls' Hockey (3, 4); All-Bango1· Hockey (4); Girls' Basketball (2, 3); Spanish Club (3, 4), Secretary (4); Radio Workshop (4); Usher ( 4).

Gilmore, Myron L. Course: General Destination: Prep School Activities: Chorus (4); Junior Chorus (3); Boys' Glee Club (4).

Gotldard, Raymond ' 'S01my' ' Course: Distributiv·e Education ' Destination: Navy Activities: Student Council (2); Gamma Hi-} (4).

Goodman, Ronda ''Ronnie'' Course: College Destination: College Activities: Dramatic Club (3); Latin Club (2, 3); Orascope (3); Girls' Hockey (3, 4); Girls' Volleyball (3); Girls' Basket­ ball (2, 3, 4); National Honor Society (4); French Club (2, 3, 4) ; Oracle Board ( 4).

Goodridge, Robert "Bob" "Boog" Course: Distributive Education Destination: U. S. Navy

Goss·, Nancy E. ''Nanc'' Course: Business Education Destination: Office work Activities: Girls' Hockey (2) ; Girls' Basketball (2) ; Cheer­ leaders ( 3, 4).

Green, CarlL. ''Carlie'' Course: General Destination: Air Force Activities: B-Club (3, 4) ; Baseball (2, 3, 4). Griffin, William Henry ''Bill'' Course: General Destination: To see the Country Activities: Chorus ( 3, 4) ; Public Affairs Club ( 3, 4) ; French Club (3, 4).

Hall, W. Lawrence ''LaiTy'' Course: General Destination: To start getting rich Activities: B-Club (2, 3, 4) ; Latin Club (2, 3) ; Alpha Hi-Y (3); Football (2, 3, 4).

Henriksen, Alvera M. ''Vera'' Course: General Destination: Post Graduate at Bangor High School. Activities: Girls' Rifle Club ( 4) ; Public Affairs Club ( 4) ; Girls' Hockey ( 4) ; Girls' Basketball (2) ; French Club (2).

HeiWeS, Edward A. ''Ed'' Course: General Destination: To finish school Activities: Boys' Rifle Club (2).

Hill,. Ellen Ann Course : College Destination: . University of Maine Activities: Dramatic C1ub (2, 3); Junior Chorus (3); Girls' Hockey (2, 3, 4); Girls' Basketball (3, 4); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3, 4) ; French Club (2, 3, 4) ; Sophomore Assembly, (2).

• Hollis, Frank L. ' 'Red' ' Course: Business Education Destination: Husson College or Navy Activities: B-Club ( 4) ; Football (2, 3, 4).

Holmes, Donna P. Course: Business Education Destination: Office work Activities: Chorus (2, 3); Dramatic Club (2); Junior Exhibition (3); Junior Chorus (3); Orascope (3, 4); Class Officers (3); Plays (2, 3); Commercial Club (3, 4); Girls' Hockey (3, 4); All Bangor H()ckey (4); Girls' Basketball (2, 3); Girls' Volley­ ball (2, 3); Cheerleaders (2, 3, 4); National Honor Society ( 3, 4) ; Oracle Board ( 4) ; All Bangor Scholar ( 4) .

Holyoke, Vernon L. ''Vern'' Course : General Destination: Unknown Activities: Student Council (Alternate) (2) ; B-Club (3, 4); Beta Hi-Y (4); Track (3, 4), Captain; Cross Country (3; 4); Intramural Basketball (2, 3, 4); Football (2); Lunch Room (4). Horton, Edith Valda "Edi" Course: Distributive Education Destination: Salesclerk Activities: Commercial Club (3).

Humphrey, Susan B. ''Sue'' Course: College Destination: University of Maine Activities: Chorus (2); Student Council (3), Secretary (3); G. A. H. C. (4); Dramatic Club (2); Junior Exhibition; Orascope (3), Assistant Editor (3); Class Officer (3); Secretary (3); Plays, Count and the Coed (3); Girls' Hockey (3, 4); All Bangor Hockey (4); Girls' Basketball (2, 3, 4); Girls' VollE(yball (3, 4); National Honor Society (3, 4); Secretary (4'); French Club (2, 3, 4); Correspond­ ing Secretary (3), President (4); Oracle Board (4), Assistant Editor ( 4) ; Secretary of State Association of Student Councils ( 4) ; Usher ( 4) ; Student Legislature (3); B. H. S. Scholar (4).

Hunter, Jane A. Course: College Destination: University of Maine Activities: Latin Club (2, 3); Orascope (3); Girls' Hockey (2,. 3, 4) ; Girls' Basketball (2, 3) ; Girls' Volleyball (2, 3) ; French Club ( 4) ; Oracle Board ( 4).

Jellison, Nancy Lee Course: Distributive Education Destination: To live in Orrington

Jung, Herta Course: College Destination: After graduation go back to Germany. Activities: G. A. H. C. (4); Honorary Member; French Club (4).

Karam, Gary ''Kram'' Course : College Destination: College Activities: Photography Club, President (4); Outing Club, Vice President ( 4) ; Football ( 4) .

Katen, Charles ''Charlie'' • Course: Industrial Destination : Unknown Activities: Boys' Rifle Club (2) ; Track (2); Cross Country, · Manager (3, 4); Football, Assistant Manager (2).

Kealiher, Carolyn ' 'Carrie' ' Course: College Destination: Gordon College Activities: Band (3, 4); Chorus (4); Latin Club (2); Junior Chorus (3); French Club (3, 4). Kealiher, Marilyn "Twinnie" "Marne" Course: College Destination: Gordon College Activities: Band (2, 3, 4) ; Chorus ( 4) ; Latin Club (2) ; Junior Chorus (3); French Club (3, 4) .

Kelley, Sheila D. "Midge" Course: College Destination: University of Maine Activities; Chorus (2, 3); Dramatic Club (2, 3); Girls' • Basketball (2, 3); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3); French Club (2, 3, 4).

King, Angela ''Peg'' ''Pe,ggy'' Course: College Destination: Northern Conservatory of Music Activities: Chorus (2, 3, 4) ; Latin Club (2, 3, 4) ; Treasurer (4); Junior Chorus (3); Girls' Basketball (4); Girls' Volley­ ball (3, 4); French Club (3, 4).

Kopelow, Elaine M. Course: College Destination: Beth Israel Hospital Activities: Dramatic Club (2, 3, 4); Junior Chorus (3); Girls' Basketball (2) ; French Club (2, 3, 4) .

Lagerquist, Joyce E. "Jo" Course: College Destination: Eastern Maine General Hospital Activities: Spanish Club (3); Homec. Club (2) .

Lane, Helen Ruth ' ' Honey'' Course: Distributive Education Destination: To become a Beautician Activities: Homec. Club (2).

Leavitt, Harv.ey '''Kosh'' • Course: College Destination: University of Maine Activities: Band (2, 3, 4) ; Orchestra (2, 3, 4) ; Chorus ( 4) ; Latin Club (2); Baseball (2, 3); Officers' Club (4); French Club (2, 3); Stetson Drill (3, 4); Operetta (4); P.enobscot County Orchestra.

Leighton, Carolyn Mae ''Toots'' Course: General Destination: Homemaker Activities : Chorus (2, 3); Junior Chorus (3). Leighton, Margaret ''Peg'' Course: General De3tination: England

Lenfest, Anne Marie ' 'Annie'' Course: Business Education Destination: Office Work Activities : Chorus (2); Student Councili (3); G. A. H. C. (3, 4), Secretary (4); Dramatic Club (2, 3); Junior Chorus (3); Orascope (4); Plays Operetta (Dancing) (3, 4) ; Commercial Club (3, 4), Treasurer (4); Girls' Hockey (3, 4); All Bangor Hockey (4); Girls' Basketball (2, 3) ; Girls' Volleyball (2, 3, 4) ; J. V. Cheerleader (2) ; National Honor Society (4); Oracle Board (4); Usher (3, 4); Girls' Basketball Coach (4).

Levitt, Howard Course: General Destination: Unknown

Lobley, Carlene G . . Course: College Destination: University of Maine Activities : Student Council (Alternate) (4); G. A. H. C. (3, 4); Dramatic Club (2); Junior Chorus (3); Orascope (3); Girls' Hockey (2, 3, 4), Coach (4); Girls' Basket­ ball (2, 3), Coach (4); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3, 4); National Honor Society (3, 4); French C'lub (2, 3); Oracle Board (4); Basketball Usher (3, 4); All Bangor Scholar (4); All Bangor Hockey Team (4); Girls' Basket­ ball Coach ( 4).

Loring, Patricia Ann ''Patsy'' ''Patty'' Course: B.lsiness Education Destination: Unknown Activities: Commercial Club (2); Girls' Basketball (3) ; Girls' Volleyball (3); Cheerleaders (2); Ski Club (3) .

Luro, Walter . ''Walt'' Course: College Destination: University of Maine Activities: B-Club (3, 4); Public Affairs Club (4); Class Officer (4); Alpha Hi-Y (3, 4); Cross Country (3, 4); Boys' Basketball (2, 3, 4) ; Spanish C1ub ( 4).

MacLeod, Patricia Ann ''Pat'' Course: General Destination: To train to become a nurse Activities: Student Council (2); Latin Club (2); Junior Chorus (3); Spanish Club (3, 4).

Marder, Marian Course: College Destination: Emerson College Activities: Dramatic Club (2, 3, 4); Public Affairs Club (2); Dramatic Club Work Shop (3); French Club (2, 3); Radio Workshop ( 4) . Martin, Willis L., Jr. Course: Industrial Destination: Navy

McEachern, Joan "Joanie" Course: College Destination: Husson College Activities: G. A. H. C. (2, 3, 4), President ( 4) ; Latin Club (2) ; Girls' Hockey (2, 3, 4), Captain (3, 4) ; Girls' Basketball (2, 3, 4), Captain ( 4) ; Girls' Volleyball (2, 3, 4); Captain (3); Usher (3, 4); All Bangor Hockey (4), Captain (4).

McElwee, Clarence A. ' 'Alex' ' Course: General Destination: University of Maine Activities: Orascope (3, 4); Beta Hi-Y (4); Track (4); Cross Country (4); Oracle Board (3, 4); Science Club (2, 3); Ski C1ub (2, 3, 4).

McHale, Mary ''Kinsy' ' Course: Business Education Destination: Secretary Activities: Chorus (2); All Girls' Speaking Choir (4); Dramatic Club (4); Junior Chorus (3); Commercial Club (4).

McHale, Susan Eleanor ''Sue'' Course: General Destination: Probably Business College Activities: Dramatic Club (3); Public Affairs Club (3, 4); Junior -Chorus (3).

McKinley, Janet D. ''Jan'' Course: College Destination: Telephone Office

McTigue, Erwin "Mack" "Jack" Course: Business Education Destination: Navy

Merrjman, Frank A. ' ' Gus' ' ' 'Al' ' Course: College Destination: College Activities: Junior Chorus (3); Alpha Hi-Y (3, 4); Boys' Chorus ( 4) ; Intramural Basketball (3, 4). Mooney, Charlie ' 'Chuck' ' Course : General Destination: Maine Maritime Academy Activities: B-Club (2, 3, 4) ; Boys' Basketball (2, 3, 4), Captain (4) .

Morrow, Je•a.nnine E. ''Jen'' Course: Business Education Destination: Working as a Secretary (Private) Activities: Chorus (2, 3, 4) ; Dramatic Club (2, 3) ; Junior C'horus (3); Public Affairs Club (2, 3); Plays (2, 3); Commercial Club (3, 4); Girls' Basketball (2); Girls' Volleyball (2) ; French Club (2) ; Oracle Board ( 4).

Morton, Joanne "Jo" Course: Distributive Education Destination: Clerk Activities: Chorus (2) ; Junior Chorus (3) ; Homec. Club (2, 3).

Nadeau, Paul E. Course: General Destination: Norwich University, Northfield, Vermont Activities: Band (2, 3); Orchestra (3); Boys' Rifl·e Club (2, 3); Alpha Hi-Y (3, 4); 'Track, Manager (3, 4); Boys' Basketball, Intramural (2) ; Football ( 4) ; Officers' Club ( 4) ; Stetson Rifles ( 3, 4).

Nash, Edith E. ''Bibber'' Course: Distributive Education Destination: Join the Marines Activities: Chorus (2).

Pearson, James Franklin ''Gov'' Course : General Destination: Navy Activities: Gamma Hi-Y, Secretary (4); Boys' Basketball (2, 3, 4) ; Football (3, 4).

Pearson, Philip Lewis '·'Phil'' Course: College Destination: Korea Activities: B-Club (3, ·4); Alpha Hi-Y (4); Baseball (2, 3); Intramural Basketball (2, 4) ; Volleyball (2).

Pels, Ruth ''Ruthi&'' Course: College Destination: Beth Israel Hospital Activities: Chorus (2, 3); Dramatic Club (3, 4); Latin Club (2, 3, 4); Junior Chorus (3); Debate Club (3, 4); Plays (3); Dramatic Club Work Shop (2); All Girls' Speaking Choir ( 4). Perkins, Elaine 1\:'I. Course : College Destination: New England Conservatory Activities: Chorus (2); Student Council (3); Junior Chorus (3); Orascope (3) ; Plays (2, 4); French Club (2, 3, 4); Oracle Board (4); Girls' State (3); Student Council Alternate (2, 4).

Perkins, Genevieve A. ' 'Gen' ' Course: Business Education Destination: Office Work Activities: Chorus (2) ; B. H . S. Scholar; Commercial Club (3, 4).

Perkins, Stephen Louis " Steve" Course: College Destination: College or Navy Activities: Band (2, 3); Student Council (4), Vice P resident (4); Dramatic Club (2, 3); Latin Club (3); Junior Chorus (3); Plays (2, 3, 4); Alpha Hi-Y, Treasurer (2, 3, 4); National Honor Society (3, 4), President ( 4); Officers' Club (4); French Club (3); Boys' Glee Club (4); Dirigo Boys' State (3).

Peters, 1\-Iary "May" Course: General Destination: To train for a nurse Activities: B. H. S. Scholar.

Pettie, Ralph P. Course : Colle,ge Destination: Uncertain Activities: Dramatic Club (3, 4); Public Affairs Club (3, 4); French Club (3, 4); Driver Training (4).

Philbrook, Julia ''Nina'' Course: Distributive Education Destination: Geneva, New York Activities: Junior Chorus (3).

Plummer, FranCiis W. Course: General Destination: Service Activities: Boys' Rifle Club (2); T rack (2); Football (2); Cross Country ( 3).

Plummer, William ' 'Bill' ' Course : Business Education Destination: Uncertain Activities: Chorus (2, 3, 4) Dramatic Club (2, 3, 4) ; Public Affairs Club (3, 4) Junior Chorus (3) ; Plays (3); Commercial Club (3) Cross Country ( 4) . Purvis, Helen I. ''Spotty'' ''Spots'' Course : General Destination: U ncertain

Richards, Constance Elaine ' 'Connie' ' Course: General Destination: Telephone Company Activities: Chorus (2, 3) ; Girls' Rifle Club (2) ; Dramatic Club (2); Junior Chorus (3); Girls' Hockey (2); Cheer­ leaders (4).

Rimbach, Joan M. "Joanie" Course: Business Education Destination: Business College Activities: Commel'Cial (3, 4).

Robinson, Jacqueline B. "Jackie" "course: General Destination: Unknown Activities: Band (2); Junior Chorus (3); Girls' Basket­ ball (2).

Rolnick, Charlotte Lois "Chari" Course: College Preparatory Destination: College Activities: Orchestra ( 4); Chorus (3); Dramatic Club (2, 3, 4); Junior Chorus (3); Debate Club (2, 3, 4); Plays (2, 3, 4); Dramatic Club Work Shop (2, 3, 4); Radio Workshop (4); French Club (2, 3) . ·

Rosen, Eleanore C. ''El'' Course: College Preparatory Destination: College · Activities: Dramatic Club (3) ; Latin C1ub (2, 3); Orascope (3); Girls' Hockey (2, 3, 4); Girls' Basketball (2, 3, 4); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3); National Honor Society (3, 4); French Club (2, 3, 4); Oracle Board (4); Art Club (2); Bangor High Scholar (4); All Bangor Hockey.

Rosen, Janice E. ''Jan'' Course: General Destination: Emerson College Activities: Band (3); Orchestra (3); Chorus (2); Dramatic Club (3, 4); Public Affairs C1ub (3); Junior Exhibition (3); Junior Chorus (3); Dramatic Club Work Shop (3); Radio Work Shop (4); Girls' Basketball (2); Outing Club (3); Ski Club (2).

Rudnicki, Marion A. '!Moncio" " Rud" Cours-e: Industrial Destination: Farming Activities: T rack (2, 4); Football (4); Stetson Rifles Drill Platoon (3). Russell, George E. "Rip" Course: General Destination: Air For ce Activities: Gamma Hi-Y (4); Cross Country (3) ; Boys' Basket­ ball (2, 3, 4).

Salls, Jolm ''Johnny'' Course: Distributive Education Destination: Air Force

Savage, Betty Elissa ' ' Bet'' Course: Business Education l)estination: Office Job Activities: Chorus (2).

Savage, Nadene Joan ''Deanie'' Course: Distributive Education Destination: Unknown Activities : Chorus (2) ; Student ( 4) .

Sawyer, Donald ''Skin' ' Course: General Destination: Unknown Activities: Boys' Rifle Club (2) ; Boys' Basketball (2) ; Lunch Room (4).

Sawyer, Sherwood E. ''Doc'' Course: Distributive Education Destination: Navy

Sclair, Evelyn Ruth ''Evie'' Course: General Destination: Univer sity of Maine Activities: Junior Chorus (3).

Scripture, Raymond ''Ray'' ' ' Scrip'' Course: General Destination: Navy_ Searles, Paul David C'ourse : College Destination: Yale University Activities: Student Council (2, 3, 4) ; President ( 4) ; B-Club (2, 3, 4); Dramatic Club (2, 3, 4); Latin Club (2, 3) Consul (3); Junior Exhibition (3); Junior Chorus (3); Orascope (3), Editor (3); Class President (2, 3, 4); Plays (2, 3, 4); Alpha Hi-Y (2, 3, 4); V. President (3); President (4); Harvard Book Award (3); Officers Club (4); Older Boys Conference (2, 3, 4); Track (2, 3, 4); Boys' Basketball (2, 3, 4); Football (2., 3, 4); Captain (4); National Honor Society (3, 4), V. President ( 4); Lunch Room (2, 3); Spanish Club (3, 4); Oracle Board (4); Editor (4); Boys' State (3); Eastern Maine One-Act Play Contest (3); V. President Older Boys' Conference ( 4) ; Naval R. 0. T. C. Scholarship, Yale University (4); Senior Play (4); Parting Address (4); R.O.T.C. Tactics Medal (4); Champion Volleyball Team (3, 4).

Seger, Reginald James ''Reggie ~ ' Course: Industrial Destination: Marines Activities: Boys' Rifle Club (2, 3); Cross C'ountry (2, 3).

Seger, Robert John "Bob" - Course: Industrial Destination : Marines Activities: Boys' Rifle Club (2); Cross Country (2).

Severance, Lucille E. ''Lucy'' Course: College Preparatory Destination: Who Knows? Activities: Chorus (2, 3); Public Affairs C'lub (2, 3, 4); Twirlers (2, 3); Plays (4); Radio Workshop (4); Girls' Hockey (2); Girls' Basketball (2); French Club (2); Science Club (2); Junior Chorus (3) .

Seymour, Arlen D. ''Dick" Course: College Preparatory Destination: Unknown Activities: Officers' Club ( 4) .

Shaw, Patricia ''Pat' • Course: General Destination: Marriage Activities: Girls' Rifle Club (3, 4); Junior Chorus (3); Girls' Hockey (2); Girls' Basketball (2); Art Club (2) .

Shepard, Robert Tyler ''Bob' ' Course : Industrial Destination: Unknown Activities: Boys' Rifle Club (2, 3); Art Club (2).

Shumake·r, Barbara J. Course : General Destination : Working Simp'3on, Gerald. L. ''Gerry'' Com·se: General Destination: Ask Truman Activities: Plays (3); Track (4); Cmss Country (3, 4); Lunch Room (3, 4).

Simpson, Robert "Bob" Course: General Destination: Unknown Activities: B·Clnb (3, 4); Alpha Hi-Y (2, 3, 4); Baseball (2, 3, 4) ; Boys' Basketball (2, 3, 4); Lunch Room (2, 4); Spanish Club ( 4).

Smith, Barbar a .Jean " Barb" " Barbie" " Smitty" Course: Business Education Destination: In some office Activities: Student Council (2, 3); Junior Chorus (3); Commer­ cial Club (3, 4); Girls' Basketball (2, 3); Girls' Volleyball (3); Lunch Room (2, 3); Outing C'lub (3); National Honor Society ( 4).

Smith, Carolyn T. ''Carol'' Course: Business Education Destination: Unknown Activities: Commercial Club (3, 4); Outing Club (3).

Spencer, Charles W. ''Charlie'' Course: Industrial Destination: Navy Activities: Cross Country ( 4).

Springer, Diana ''Di''

Course: College Prepar~J. tory Destination : Un i~ersity of Maine Activities: Chor us (2, 3); Public Affairs Club (2, 3); Junior Chorus (3); Orascope (3); Bangor High Scholar (4); National Honor Society (4); French Club (2, 3, 4); Oracle Board ( 4) ; Student C'ouncil Alternate ( 4).

Steeves, Robert ''Big Bob'' Course: General Destination: Army, Navy or Air Force Activities: Boys' Rifle Club (2); Outing Club (4); Photo.graphy Club ( 4) ; Art Club (2) ; Ski Club ( 4).

Stevenson, Robett E. " " Course: College Preparatory Destination: Unive1·sity of Maine Activities: B-Club (3, 4); Orascope (3); Alpha Hi-Y (3, 4); Boys' Basketball (2); Football (2, 3, ~); Lunch Room (2, il); Spanish Club (2, 3, 4) V. P resident (4); Oracle Board ( 4) . St. Onge, Dorothy "Dotty" Course: College Preparatory Destination: University of Main2 Activities: G. A. H. C. (2, 3, 4); Junior Chorus (3); Orascope (3); Girls' Hockey (2, 3, 4); Girls' Basketball (2, 3, 4); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3, 4); French Club (3, 4); Oracle Board (4); All Bangor Hockey (4}; Usher (3, 4).

Stuart, Beatrice Ann ''Be·e'' Course: General Destination: Unknown Activities: Commercial Club (3).

Tandy, Elisabeth ''Betsy'' Course: College Preparatory Destination: Wellesley Activities : Orchestra (2, 3) ; Chorus (2) ; G. A. H. C. (3, 4) ; V. President (4); Latin Club (2, 3); Aedile (3); Junior Chorus (3}; Orascope (3}; Usher (3, 4); All Bangor Scholar (4); All Bangor Hockey Team (4); Girls' Hockey (2, 3, 4); Girls' Basketball (2, 3, 4); Girls' Volleyball (2, 3, 4); National Honor Society (3, 4); Lunch Room (3); French Club (2, 3, 4) ; V. President ( 4) ; Oracle Board ( 4).

Terrill, A vis M'arie Course: Distributive Education Destination: Unknown Activities: None

Thibodeau, William L. "Bill" Course: Industrial Destination : Navy Activities: Student Council (3); Treasurer (3); B-Club (4); Class Officers (2); Beta Hi-Y (3); Track (2, 3); Cross Country ( 4) ; Boys' Basketball (2, 3, 4) ; Football (2, 3}.

Thomas, Richard A. ''Dick'' ''Tommy'' Course: College Preparatory Destination: Army Activities: Boys' Rifle Club (2, 3, 4) ; V. President ( 4) ; Drill Team (3, 4); Boys' Basketball Intramural (2); Officers' C1ub ( 4).

Thompson, Elizabeth Ann ''Betty'' Course: College Preparatory Destination: University of Maine Activities: Chorus (4}; Girls' Basketball (4}; Girls' Volleyball ( 4) ; French Club ( 4) ; Photography Club ( 4).

Thompson, Sandra Ann ''Sandy'' Course : College Destination: Westbrook Junior College Activities : Latin Club (2, 3) ; Junior Chorus (3); Orascope (3); Spanish Club (3, 4); Omcle Board (4). Tilly, Constance Anita ''Connie'' Course: Distributive Education Destination: Massachusetts Beautician School Activities: Junior Chorus (3).

Tooier, Marilla Anne ''Annie'' C'ourse: Business Education Destination: Unknown Activities: Junior Chorus (3) ; Commercial Club (3, 4); President (4); Lunch Room (3, 4).

Tracy, Arline Lorraine Course: Business Education Destination: Unknown Activities: None

Treadwell, Douglas I. ''Doug'' Course: General Destination: Armed Forces Activities: B-Club (4); Baseball (4); Track (2, 3, 4); Boys' Basketball Intramural (2, 3, 4) ; Football (2, 3, 4) ; Officers Club ( 4).

Trenholm, Helene Adell ''Pug'' Course: General Destination: Central Maine General Hospital, Lewiston, Maine Activities: None

Trundy, Robert J. "Bob" Course: Distributive Education Destination: W. S. Emerson Company Activities: None

Tulloch, Barbara Helen ''Barb'' ''Bobby'' Course: C'ollege Preparatory Destination: Deaconess Hospital in Boston Activities: Chorus (2) ; Girls' Rifle Club (3) ; Latin Club (2, 3, 4); Twirlers (3, 4); Junior Chorus (3); Plays (4); Girls' Basketball (2, 4); Girls' Volleyball (2, 4); Lunch Roorr (3, 4) ; Art Club (2) ; Spanish Club (3, 4) ; Girls' Drill Team ( 4) ; President ( 4); Leader ( 4).

Turner, Patricia May ''Pat'' Course: Business Education Destination: Burdett College Activities: Girls' Rifle Club (3); Junior Chorus (3); Commercial Club (3, 4); Cheerleaders (4); Lunch Room (2, 3). Vafiades, Athena Vassor "Stinky" "Tena" Course: College Preparatory Destination: University of Maine Activities: Chorus (2); Dramatic Club (2); Latin Club (2, 3); Junior Chorus (3); Debate Club (2); Orascope (3); All Bangor Hockey Team ( 4) ; Girls' Hockey (2, 3, 4) ; Girls' Basketball (2, 3) ; Girls' Volleyball (2, 3, 4) ; Lunch Room

(3) ; French Club ( 4) ; Oracle Board ( 4) o

Vafiades, Stephen ''Steve' ' Course: Industrial Destination: Air Force Activities: Boys' Rifle Club (4); Student Council (2);

Cross Country (2, 3, 4) ; Officers' Club ( 4) 0

Vose, Robert ''Bob'' Course: College Preparatory Destination: Bowdoin College Activities: Boys' Rifle Club (2); B-Club (4); Orascope (3); Beta Hi-Y (4); National Honor Society (3, 4); French Club

(2, 3, 4) ; Oracle Board ( 4) ; Basketball Manager (2, 3, 4) o

Walsh, June Course : General Destination: WAFS Activities: Band (2, 3) ; Chorus ( 4) ; Girls' Rifle Club (3, 4); Dramatic Club (2); Junior Chorus (3); Girls' Hockey (3, 4); Girls' Basketball (2, 3, 4); Girls' Volley­ ball (2, 3, 4); French Club (2); Science Club (2); Plays

(3, 4); T·ennis Club (3) o

Walsh, Nina Jane Course : General Destination: Telephone Company Activities: Junior Chorus (3); Lunch Room (2, 3, 4); French

Club (2, 3) 0

Wardwell, Jacqueline Ann "Jackie" Course: College Destination: University of Maine Activities: Latin Club (2, 3); Junior Chorus (3); Girls' Hockey (2, 3, 4); Girls' Basketball (2, 3, 4); Girls' Volley­ ball (2, 3, 4); French Club (3); All Bangor Hockey 'Team (4)o

Webb, Jacob "Jake" Course: General Destination: Korea Activities: Track (2, 3, 4); Boys' Basketball (3, 4)o

Welch, Alice Joanne Course: Business Education Destination: Unknown

Activities: Commercial Club (3, 4) 0 Wibby, John H., Jr. "Jack" "Wib" Course: C'ollege Destination: Maine or Maine Maritime Academy Activities: Chorus (3); Dramatic Club (3); Junior Exhibition (3); Junior Chorus (3); Plays (4); Alpha Hi-Y (3, 4); Track (2, 3); Cross Country (3); Officers' Club (4); French Club (3, 4); Outing Club (4); President (4); Boys' Basket­ ball (2, 3).

Wilbur, Nancyann ''Nan'' Course: General Destination: Marriage Activities: Chorus (2); Lunch Room (3).

Willey, Hortense Ellen ''Tensie'' ''T.ennie'' Course: General Destination: Unknown Activities: Public Affairs Club ( 4).

Woodman, Earle W. "Woody" "Senor" C'ourse: General Destination: Navy Activities: Band (2, 3, 4) ; Orchestra (2, 3) ; Boys' Rifle Club (2); Gamma Hi-Y (4); Track (3, 4); Cross Country (3); Boys' Basketball Intramural (2, 3, 4).

Zoidis, Katherine, Evelyn ''Kay'' Course: College Preparatory Destination: College Activities: Dramatic Club (3); All Bangor Hockey Team (4); Girls' Hockey (3, 4); Girls' Basketball (2, 3, 4); Girls' Volleyball ( 2, 3, 4); French Club (2, 3, 4).

Zoidis, Thomas D. Course: College Destination: College Activities: Boys' Chorus ( 4) ; Student Council ( 4) ; Treas­ urer ( 4) ; B-C'lub (2, 3, 4) ; Dramatic Club ( 4) ; Public Affairs Club (3, 4); Treasurer (3); V. President (4); Latin Club (4); Junior Chorus (3); Orascope (3); Class Officers (3); Beta Hi-Y (2, 3); V. President (3); Track (2, 3); Football (2, 3, 4); Lunch Room (2, 3); Spanish Club (3); Oracle Board (4); American Legion "Dirigo Boys' State (3); Senior Essay Winner (4); Championship Volleyball (2, 3); Junior Chorus Senior Play (4). Seniors Whose Pictures Do Not Appear

Ahearn, Daniel R. ' 'Dan' ' Down.s, William

Course : General Cburse : General Destination: Army Activities: Alpha Hi-Y (3, 4); Baseball (3, 4). Activities: Officers' Club ( 4). Fitz, Lena Mae Allen, Donald E. Course : General Course: Distributive Education Destination: Marriage Destination: Armed Service Activities: Boys' Rifle Club (2), Treasurer. Gabriel, Simon I. "Si"

Arsenault, John Course : General Course : General Destination: U. S. Navy Activities: B-Club (3, 4); Baseball (3, 4); Boys' Basketball (2, 3, 4). Leathers, Carl ''Bob''

Bachelder, Calvin ''Cal'' Course: General Course : General Leeman, Roger W. ''Doc'' Destination: Farming Course: General Baldiwin, Richard Destination: U. S. Air Force Course: Industrial Activities: Gamma Hi-Y ( 4) ; Boys' Basketball Intramural ( 4). B'Rells, Gerald B. "Jerry" McClusk.ey, Louis A. "Dugan" "Lou" " Louie" Course: College Preparatory Destination: University of Maine Course : General Activities: Boys' Rifle Club (2, 3) . Destination: Navy Activities: B-Club ( 4) ; Gamma Hi-Y ( 4), Call, Galen N. "Gale" President; Track (2, 3, 4) ; F ootball (2, 3, Course: Industrial 4) ; Officers' Club ( 4) ; Science Club (2) ; Boys' Glee Club ( 4) ; Boys' Drill Team (3, 4). Coffin, Carl E. "Curly" Mullaney, Stanley ''Stan'' Course: Distributive Education Destination: Air Force Course: College Preparatory Activities: Boys' Rifle Club (2, 3); Science Destination: College • Club (2). Activities: Latin Club (2, 3, 4) ; C1ass Officers (3); Alpha Hi-Y (2, 3, 4); Boys' Basketball Connors, Keith ' 'Moon'' (2, 3, 4); Art Club (3, 4). Course : General Destination: Armed Services Sinclair, Barbara ' 'Barbie'' Activities: B-Club (2, 3, 4) ; Track (2, 3, 4) ; Football (2, 3); Ski Club (2). Course: Business Education Destination: Fisher Business School or mar­ Crabtree, David ''Dave'' riage. Activities: Girls' Rifle Club (3) ; Commercial Course: College Preparatory Club (4). Destination: Central Bible Seminary, Spring­ field, Missouri. Wakefield, Rita ''Sham'' Denkewitz, Lisbeth Anne ''Lizz'' Course: General Course: Business Education Destination: Marriage or California Student Directory

Senior Class Officers Alpha Hi-Y Club President ...... David Searles President ...... David Searles Vice President ...... David Dearing Vice President ...... Stanley Mullaney Secretary ...... Nancy Brya·nt Secretary ...... Daniel Gagnon Treasurer ...... Walter Luro Treasurer ...... Stephen Perkins Junior Class Officers Gamma Hi-Y Club President ······································-··········· Murray Billington Vice President ...... Stanley Furrow President ...... Louis McCluskey Secretary ...... Herbert Hammons Vice President ...... James Pearson Treasurer ...... Jerry Pangakis Secretary ...... Raymond Goddard Sophomore Class Officers Treasurer ...... George Carter President ...... James Hamilton Public Affairs Club Vice President...... Joseph Gould President David pearing Secretary ·····-··· ...... Kadimah Freedman Vice President . Thomas Zoidis Treasurer ...... Ronald Atkins Secretary .. Rhoda Rudman Student Council Treasurer ...... Carol Bubar President ...... David Searles Vice President ...... Stephen Perkins Girls' Athletic Honor Council Secretary ...... Eleanor Cilley President ...... Joan McEachern Treasurer ...... Thomas Zoidis Vice President ...... Elizabeth "Tandy National Honor Society Secretary ...... Ann Lenfest President ...... Stephen Perkins Treasurer ...... Nancy Bryant Vice President ...... David Searles Secretary ...... Susan Humphrey R. 0. T. C. Battalion Staff Treasurer ... Lorraine Canning Battalion Comm ...... Cadet Lieut. Col. Clarence Co-mmercial Club L. Day, J r. President ...... Ann Tozier Exec. Officer ...... Cadet Lieut. Col. Sidney W. Farr Vice President ...... Mildred Alexander Adjutant Cadet Capt. Arlen D. Seymour Secretary ...... Lois Arsenault Sergeant-Maj ...... Cadet M/ Sgt. J ohn T. Frawley Treasurer .... . ············ ...... Ann Lenfest Supply Sergeant...... Cadet Sgt. 1/ cl. Malcolm W. Program Chairman...... Jeannine Morrow Kitchen Social Chairman Barbara Baughman Color Sergeants...... Cadet Sgt. 1/ cl. Theodore H. Rifle Club Ware, Cadet Sgt. Harvard R. Bellatty ...... Clarence Day Color Cpls...... C'adet Cpl. Jenness N. Buck President ...... Cadet Cpl. Thomas H. Chase Vice President Richard Thomas Secretary ...... Maynard Baker Orascope Treasurer ...... Kent Newey Ex-Officer ...... Alden Head Editor-in-Chief ...... Herbert Hammons Assistant Editor ...... Ruth Bowles Speech Department Composition ...... Jerry Pangakis Dramatic Club ...... { executive board elected Business Staff ...... Pauline Hamilton, Jerry Debate Club ...... h th Pangakis, Richard Rand, Freida Smith Radio Workshop ...... eac mon Pictorial Department...... Murray Leavitt L e Cercle Francais Alex McElwee President ...... Susan Humphrey Feature ...... Marilyn Clark, Judy Fineson, Vice President ...... John Wibby Elizabeth Rand Secretary ...... Ruth Beal Sports...... Raymond Adams, Stanley Furrow, Treasurer ...... Jane Vose Geraldine Neal Corresponding Secretary ...... Rhoda Rudman Reporters...... Barbara Dearborn, Joyce Everett, Latin Club Betty Harkness, Nicholas Khoury, Carolyn Consuls-Stanley Furrow, Floyd Warren Moor, Elaine Stevensen, Evelyn Tribunes-Jerry Pangakis, Anita Ramsdell Stevenson Craetor-Arthur Zalkan Typists...... Jeannine Morrow, Donna Holmes, Quaestor-Gweneth Bryant Ann Lenfest, Ernestine Braley Aediles-Ruth Bowles, Estelle Gotlib, Bernard Miller, Elizabeth Rand Oracle Orchestra Editor-in-Chief ...... David Searles Concertmistress ...... Sally Rand Assistant Editor ...... Thomas Zoidis Spanish Club Literary Editors...... Ruth Beal, Nancy Bryant, President ...... Walter Luro Carol Bubar Sports ~~itor ·····················:························-.. ·· David Dearing Vice President ...... Robert Stevenson Composibon...... David Searles Thomas Zoidis Secretary ...... Glenn Geyer Columnists...... Ruth Beal, Rond~ Goodman, Jane Treasurer ...... •...... Jane Bacon Hunter, Carlene Lobley, Diana Springer, Outing Club Dorothy St. Onge, Sandra Thompson, President ...... John Wibby Susan Humphrey, Athena Vafiades Vice President ...... Gary Karam Business Staff...... Ronda Goodman Elaine . Perkins, Ro~ert Stevenson, Bets; Tandy ¥~~~~~:! ...... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ii~b;r~ ~t~~~~~ Artists...... Geraldm~ Neal, Murray Leavitt, Beta Hi-Y Club Elame and Evelyn Stevenson, President ...... Edward Dudley Eleanor Rosen Vice President ...... •..... Murray Billington Typists...... Ernestine Braley, Donna Holmes, Secretary ...... David Dearing Anne Lenfest, Jeannine Morrow Treasurer ...... Walter Luro Staff Photographers. .. Alex McElwee, Robert Vose ,•,irst r·ow, left to right: Carolyn Clark, Nadine Savage, Eleanore Rosen, Lorraine Can­ ning, Donna Holmes, Mary Peters. Second row: Mary Jane Cromwell, Susan Humphrey, Diana Springer, Robert Vose, Genevieve Perkins, Carlene Lobley, Betsy Tandy. All Bangor Scholars

'l'he ninth annual Scholarship Recognition assembly was held on May 18. On this occasion sixty-five students were honored for their academic achievement, including thirteen seniors who were named Bangor High Scholars. These thirteen, from a class of 220, had maintained a rank of 85 or better for five consecutive semesters in every major subject. Prin­ cipal Joseph B. Chaplin presented Scholarship Recognition certificates to Mary Peters, Eleanore Rosen, Donna Holmes, Carlene Lobley, Susan Humphrey, Diana Springer, Elizabeth Tandy, Carolyn Clark, Lorraine Canning, Robert Vose, Genevieve Perkins, Mary-Jane Cromwell, and Nadene Savage. Tentative lists of juniors al}d sophomores who thus far have main­ tained a rank of 85 or better were also read by Mr. Chaplin. Sixteen candidates for this honor in the junior class were as follows: Raymond Adams, Selma Bell, Ruth Bowles, Barbara Dearborn, Stanley Furrow, Herbert Hammons, Nicholas Khoury, Patricia Leahy, Murray Leavitt, Geraldine Neal, Norma Osgood, Elizabeth Rand, Leigh Smith, Frieda Smith, Evelyn Stevenson, and Jane Vose. Twenty from the class of 1953 received this recognition. The sopho­ mores named were Ronald Atkins, Suzanne Bockus, Lucille Byard, Doug­ lass Campbell, Thomas Chase, :Patricia Duffy, Sandra Eslin, John Hardy, Herbert Hicks, Barbara Hitchcock, Martha Johnson, Charles Low, Eugene Merrill, Henry Page, John Ranlett, Lois Severance, David Ward, Jean White, Judith White, andEleanor Zoidis. - National Honor Society

In continuing to uphold its high standards of scholarship, character, leadership and service, the National Honor Society functioned this year as the only scholastc society at Bangor High School. Under the guidance of Miss Ruth Belknap the club participated in All-Bangor Night, sponsored several cup cake sales, and held formal initiations for juniors and seniors in the spring of 1951.

The officers of this year's organization are Stephen Perkins, presi­ dent; David Searles, vice president; Susan Humphrey, secretary; and Lorraine Canning, treasurer.

First ro·w, left to right: Lorraine Canning, David Searles, Stephen Perkins, Miss Ruth Belknap, Susan Humphrey, Donna Holmes. Second row: Eleanore Ros·en, Carlene Lobley, Daniel Gagnon, Robert Vose, David Douglas, Betsy 'Tandy. Alumni Honors

Bangor High's recent alumni have really brought honor to their alma mater during the past year, as was brought out by the Scholarship Recognition Assembly held recently. More than fifty graduates in eight colleges-Bates, Bowdoin, Harvard, M. I. T., Simmons, Smith, The Uni­ 'lersity of Maine, and Wellesley-have been cited for academic distinction within the last semester. Approximately twenty four per cent of the B. H. S. graduates attend­ ing the University of Maine were on the dean's list last semester. Four of the eleven freshman girls at the U. of M. to be named members o£ Neai J\1athetai, a scholarship society which selects the highest ranking freshman v;omen for membership, were in the class of 1950 from Bangor High. They were Mary Jean Chapman, Helen Fox, Judy Phillips, and Patricia Wilson. Ross St. Germain, Roland Mann, and Harold Nichols, seniors at the U. of Maine, were elected to Phi Beta Kappa this spring. Margaret Howatt and Jean Hopkins were named to the Sophomore Eagles, and .Joseph Bernard and Mark Lieberman were elected to the Sophomore Owls. Membership in both of these organizations is based on scholarship, leadership, and par­ ticipation in outside activities. At a schola!ship recognition assembly held at the U. of M. recently, twelve B. H. S. alumni won thirteen scholarship awards. They were Faith Canty, Su:?an Chase, Helen Fox, Robert Goodell, Richard Gray, Robert Hamilton (two scholarship awards), Janet Heal, Barbara Hobbs, Margaret Howatt, Patricia Nash, Richard Searl€s, and Patricia Wilson. Harvey Ginsberg, a junior at Harvard, has been named president of the Advocate, the oldest literary college publication in the United States. Mary Grace Eames, a Phi Beta Kappa at Smith College, has been awarded a Fellowship for the graduate study of Engiish. Becaus€ of the composite record made by recent graduates of Bangor High atM. I. T., the committee on admissions will upon the recommenda­ tion of the principal, waive during the coming year the usual entrance test requirements for students graduating in the highest fifth of the class. Three graduates of the class of 1'950, Paul Brountas, Ronald Gray, and Charles Ranlett, all now at Bowdoin, won the Abraxas Cups for Bangor High. Not only are they outstanding scholars but they are dis­ tinguishing themselves in other fields as well. They participate in prize­ speaking contests, journalism, and many other college activities. These are only a few of the honors that recent graduates have been bringing to themselves and to their high s·chool; these examples should serve to illustrate the unbeatable record made by graduates of Bangor High in many colleges throughout the country. Recognition A wards

The Scholarship Recognition Assembly also revealed the Senior Essay winners, Graduation .Parts, scholarships, and awards, as well as honoring the Bangor High Scholars. The assembly was turned over to Professor Albert Thayer of Bowdoin College who presented the Abraxas Cup to the school. This cup, won by Paul Brountas, Ronald Gray, and Charles Ranlett, is awarded to the school having in the freshman class. at Bowdoin three or more representatives who secure the best grades for the first semester. This is the fourth time Bangor High has won this honor since 1916. Principal Chaplin then announced the essay winners, scholarship winners, the results of the election for graduation parts, and the winner of the medal for the social studies test on current problems. This medal was awarded for the first time this year.

SENIOR ESSAY WINNERS-GIRLS 1. Hazel Crabtree-"M usic in Life" 2. Ruth Beal-"Our Summer Immigrants" 3. Marilyn Kealiher-"Meeting Tomorrow Successfully" 4. Helene Trenholm-"A Woman Named Liberty" 5. Avis Terrill-"Shall We Give Europe to Stalin?"

SENIOR ESSAY WINNERS-BOYS l. Thomas Zoidis-"What Exa-ctly is War?" 2. Robert Vose-"World Government" 3. Sidney Farr-"A Step Toward Peace" 4. Daniel Gagnon-"Peace Time Uses of Atomic Energy" 5. John Arsenault-"About Our Auditorium"

SCHOLARSHIPS Elizabeth Tandy, Wellesley College, $300. David Searles, Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps-Yale University, $5,000

SOCIAL STUDIES MEDAL WINNERS 1. Barbara Dearborn 2. Ruth Bowles 3. Kadimah Friedman 4. Betty Harkness 5. Eugene Blaisdell Activities First row, left to right: Eleanor Rosen, Athena Vafiades, Donna Holmes, David Searles, Miss' Jessie Fraser, Betsy Tandy, Elaine Perkins, Jeannine Morrow. Second row: Jane Hunter, Ernestine Braley, Susan Humphrey, Ruth Beal, Nancy Bryant, Carlene Lobley, Dorothy St. Onge, Sandra Thompson. Third row: Anne Lenfest, David Dearing, Robert Vose, Alex McElwee, Robert Steven­ son, Thomas Zoidis, Diana Springer. Oracle ln publishing the 1951 June Oracle, the staff has worked hard and long to uphold the standards set by preceding Oracle Boards. This year the staff weeded out the out-dated material and replaced it with more interesting topics. The staff would like to express its appreciation to the Furbush-Roberts Printing Co., the Modern Photo Engravers, the advertisers, the Bangor High School faculty, the photographers, and all others who contributed to the success of the Oracle.

Oracle pictorial staff at work Orascope members take part in Oracle Assembly Or as cope

The Orascope, whose staff is composed exclusively of juniors, is edited by Herbert Hammons, assisted by Ruth Bowles. They, along with the members of the staff, and with the help of Miss Jessie L. Fraser, have done a splendid job in keeping up with the high standards established by the paper. Founded in 1945, and issued five times during the school year, the Orascopc was brought into being in order to give a newspaper to the students of Bangor High School, and to keep the students informed of the many activities. At this time, it might be noted, school newspapers had become quite popular with the larger high schools throughout the country. The members of the staff have not only secured experience in editing a paper; but won, in 1950, the Echo-Lovejoy Trophy for the best high school newspaper of its class in Maine.

First row, left to right: Betty Harkness, Jerry Pangakis, Herbert Hammons, Miss Jessie Fraser, Stanley Furrow, Judith Fineson, Richard Rand, Ruth Bowles. Second row: Evelyn Stevenson, Jeannine Morrow, Marilyn Clark, Joyce Everett, Freida Smith, Elaine Stevenson, Caroline Moor, Donna Holmes. Third row: Pauline Hamilton, Geraldine Neal, Nicholas Khoury, Alex McElwee, Ray­ mond Adams, Murray Leavitt, Barbara Dearborn, Elizabeth Rand. First row, left to ?-ight: Donna Wilkey, Eleanor Cilley, John Ranlett, Jerry Pangakis, Thomas Zoidis, Steve Perkins, David Searles, Yovanne McMinn, Marie Cox. Secontl raw: Jean Mcinnis, Mary-Anne O'Donnell, Freida Smith, Judy White, Mr. Claude Lovely, Kadimah Freedman, Nancy Bryant, Sandra Dailey, Nadine Savage. Third row: David Dearing, Walter Luro, Robert Johnson, Raymond Adams, Roy John­ son, Ernest Sementilli, Ronald Atkins, Stanley Furrow.

Student Council

The Student Council of Bangor High has completed another successful year, despite the fact that all work had to be done after school hours. A food sale which was held in December started things rolling. After that, the Student Council worked on various pro-· jects, such as setting up a schedule for clubs, revising the point system, and working out plans for better assembly programs for next year. In March, Bangor High had the privilege of acting as host to the State Student Council Session. The members of the Student Council did a fine job of showing people around and taking care of the regis­ tration. Of course the main event of the year was All-Bangor Nite. An amusing program of entertainment was presented in the form of a Dude Ranch in which much hidden tal­ ent was brought out. Part of the profit from this year's All-Bangor Nite will be used to send a representative to the National Conference of Student Councils, which is to be held at Wellesley, Massachu­ setts. Another part of it will Two years project completed be used toward better assem­ bly programs in 1951-52. The officers for the Student Council this year were David Searles, President; Steve Per­ kins, Vice President; Elinor Cilley, Secretary; and Tom Zoidis, Treasurer. Mr. Claude Lovely acted as adviser for the council. Commercial Club officers plan outing Commercial Club One of the highlights of the Bangor High Commercial Club was a hot dish supper held in October. Donna Holmes played selections on the accordion, and everyone had a good time. At the January meeting, Mr. William A. Wood, General Manager of Dun & Bradstreet, gave an interesting talk on the history of Dun & Bradstreet. During the Christmas season, a very delightful Christmas party was held for all Commercial Club members. Among the soloists were Sondra McKusick, Donna Holmes, Jeannine Morrow, and Marion French. Presents were exchanged by members. The club officers are Anne Tozier, President; Hildred Alexander, Vice President; Marion French, Secretary; Anne Lenfest, Treasurer. To complete the year, a banquet was held at the Pilots Grill. The club advisers are Mrs. Burton, Mrs. Coiley, and Mr. Mann.

First row, left to right: Robert Perkins, Barbara Jenkins, Barbara Baughman, Marion French, Mrs. Janice Burton, Anne Tozier, Roland McClure, Hildred Alexander, Anne Lenfest, Jeannine Morrow, Mary McHale, Delmont Spencer. Second row: Ethel Crossman, Barbara Sinclair, Patricia Turner, Norma Osgood, Joan Rimback, Donna Holmes, Yovanne McMinn, Sondra McKusick, Natalie Brown, Audrey Seymore, Suzanne Hodgins, Donna Wilkey. Third row: Rita Megguire, Annette Cahoun, Frances Beatham, Elaine Stewart, Car­ lene Merrill, Carolyn Smith, Virginia Call, Barbara Smith, Joanne Welch. Fourth row: Ernestine Braley, Patricia Shepard, Lois Barb~r, Lorraine Canning, Janet Scripture, Eleanor Annis, Ann Emery, Genevieve Perkins. First row, left to right: Thomas Chase, Raymond Hollis Edward Connelly Eugene Merrill, David Douglas. ' ' S econd row: Joyce Maunder, Barbara Sprague, Claire Lewis, Gail Lyons Eda Hay­ wood, Mary McHale, Miss Mary Hodgson, H€len West, Kadimah' Freedman, Frances Ertha, Estelle Gotlib, C'onstance Shiro. Third row: Elaine Kopelow, Janice Rosen, Selma Bell, Charlotte Rolnick, Glenn Geyer, Ruth Pels, Joyce Ever€tt, Judy Fineson, Donna Giles, Yovanne McMinn, Jean White. Fourth row: Rachel Terrill, Patricia Leahy, Priscilla Dean, Nancy Silver, Cecilia Roberts, Rachel Nachum, Joan Whitworth, Jane Brown, Diane Youngs, Shirley Palmer, Shirley Merrill, Pauline Hamilton. F'ifth r·ow: Robert Johnson, Thomas Rogan, Raymond Adams, Stanley Furrow, Steven Perkins, Sidney Farr, David Dearing, Richard Rand.

Speech D epartment

The speech department, under the leadership of Miss Mary Hodgson, has completed a year of sparkling performances. The newly reorganized department combines all the dramatic activities into one unit, governed by a student executive board elected each month.

The new and successful Radio Workshop has been conducting regular broadcasts this year on radio station WGUY. The members have also participated in broadcasts for the benefit of the Community Chest, Red Cross, and other organizations. Miss Mary Hodgson has also coached sev­ eral interested persons in civic speaking.

The first big production of the year was held in December in the form of an operetta, ·"A Waltz Dream." Richard Rand, Marjorie Dudley, Gary Burke, Stephen Perkins, and Elaine Perkins were included in the cast. All-Girls' Speaking Choir appears in assembly

In April Bangor High School entered the one-act play contest at Pittsfield. Their presentation, called "Overtones" starred Claire Lewis, Judy Fineson, Marilyn Clark, and Patricia Leahy.

The very successful senior play was "Cheaper by the Dozen." As Steve Perkins, Father Gilbeth, blew his timely whistle, the entire audience roared to see the "dozen" flock to attention. Everyone in the cast from Carol Bubar, the oldest daughter, to John Wibby, a peppy cheerleader, did excellent work in portraying his part.

The All-Girls' Speaking Choir, which is new this year, has had little opportunity to show its skill.

Students practice for operetta First row, left to right: Constance Schiro, Eda Haywood, Selma Bell, Miss Mary Hodgson, Estelle Gotlib, Kadimah F reedman, Frances Ertha. S econd row: Helen West, Charlotte Rolnick, Ruth Pels, Emma Jean Betterley, Pauline Hamilton, Donna Giles. Third row: Edward Connelly, Robert Johnson, David Douglass. Debate Club The Debate Club, under the guidance of Miss Mary Hodgson, has had a building year after losing eleven of its top debaters at graduation. The debate topic this year has been: "Resolved-That the American People Should Reject the Welfare State." In October the club sponsored the highly successful Debate Club Carnival. The debaters held their annual tournament at the University of Maine in February. The teams from Bangor High were as follows: Ruth Pels and Selma Bell; Robert Johnson and Edward Connelly, Emma Jean Betterly and Pauline Hamilton; and Roger Gillis and Helen West. The club had previously entertained Bar Harbor High School for practice debating. This year, for the first time, the debate class and the All Girls' Speaking Choir pre~ sented an assembly to show the student body the advantages of participating in debate discussions. The many promising junior and sophomore members remaining should make next year's Debate Club even more successful.

Debate members present typical debate Varsity Debators

The Varsity Debate team, under the direction of Miss Mary Hodgson, represented Bangor High School in the Bates League Tournament. Robert Johnson and Edward Connelly, negative; and Eda Heywood and Roger Gillis, affirmative, debated with Bucksport and Bar Harbor losing to each team by a 2-1 decision of the judges.

Robert Johnson and Edward Connelly participated in the Bowdoin Forum debating the following topic: "Resolved-That the Congress of the United States Should Revise the Anti-Subversive Act of 1950 (H. R. 9490) in Accordance with the Recommendations Set Down by the President in his Veto Message."

In February, four teams took part in the annual tournament at the University of Maine.

First row, left to right: Edward Connelly, Helen West, Kadimah Freedman, Eda Hay­ wood, Miss Mary M. Hodgson. Second row: Robert Johnson, Roger Gillis. First row, left vo right: Annette Cahoun, Glen Geyer, Jane Bacon, Allan Crombie, Walter Luro, Robert Stevenson, Barbara Baughman, Joanne Dorsky, Frances Ertha. Second row: Eda Haywood, Patricia Leahy, Mary Murray, Barbara Whidden, Gary • Burke, Emma Jean Betterley, Barbara Tulloch, Sandra Dunning, Sandra Thompson. Thi'!Yl row: Eugene Blaisdell, Charles Low, David Dearing, John Burrill, Robert Simp­ son, Richard Anderson, Robert Levine. Fourth row: Albert Rand, Alexander Vardamis, Kent Newey, Roy Johnson. Spanish Club

The Spanish Club has just finished another active year under the supervision of Miss Margaret Estes. The three classes alternate each month and take charge of the meeting.

In January, the club took in fifteen new members from the first year Spanish class. At the February meeting, a Spanish Valentine Contest was held. The winners of the contest were John Burrill, Eda Haywood, and Pat Leahy.

New members of Spanish Club being initiated The Spanish Club helped make All-Bangor Night a success with its colorful candy booth.

The last meeting of the Spanish Club, which was held in May, consisted of Span­ ish skits of which members of the club gave their inter­ pretation. Latin Club initiates take oath Latin Club The Latin Club took part in various activities dming the year dealing with present day Italy and Roman Culture. The officers for the year were: Consuls, Stanley Furrow and Floyd Warren; Praetor, Arthur Zalkan · Quaestor, Gwenyth Bryant; Tribunes, Anita Ramsdell and Barbara Dearborn; Aediles, Ruth Bowles, Elizabeth Rand, Bernard Miller, and Betsy Tandy. Miss Mary Copeland was the adviser for the club.

First row, left to right: Stanley Mullaney, Hugh Morrison, Donald Clukey, David Ward, Charles Low, Herbert Hammons, Eugene Merrill, Douglas Campbell. Second row: Elizabeth Rand, Ruth Bowles, Gwenyth Bryant, Jerry Pangakis, Estelle Gotlib, Floyd Warren, Miss Copeland, Stanley Furrow, Anita Ramsdell, Arthur Zalkan, Patricia Wright, Carolyn Moor, Joyce Everett. Third row: Nancy McGouldrick, Wilma Dunton, Jean White, Angela King, Barbara Tulloch, Helen West, Lois Severence, Mary Ella Ginn, Eleanor Zoidis, Ruth Bailey, Donna Giles, Toby Singer, Sue Bockus. Pourth row : Jane Bacon, Marilyn Smith, Janet Gooch, Celia Roberts, Diana Youngs, Janet James, Mary EHen Day, Carolyn Maddocks, Shirley Merrill, Sharon Con­ nelly, Ruth Pels, Jacqueline Doughty, Glenn Geyer, Donna McClean. Fifth row: Sally Rand, Judy Weeks, Rowena Trenholm, Geraldine Neal, Owen Inforati, Howard Silver, Herbert Hicks, Barbara Dearborn, Pauline Hamilton, Frieda Smith, Constance Schiro, Barbara Corey, Felicia Rudnicki. Sixth row: Bernard Miller, John Ranlett, Raymond Adams, Nicholas Khoury, Sidney Farr, Henry Page, Robert Hardy, Ralph Cleale, Ronald Atkins, Thomas Zoidis. LE CERCLE FRANCAIS

First row, left to right: Ray Hollis, Murray Leavitt, Jerome Pedro, Murray Billington~ William Griffin, John Frawley, Jerry Pangakis, Stanley Mullaney, 'Tommy Chase, Douglas Campbell, Paul Empie. Second row: Lois Lyons, Elaine Kopelow, Eleanore Rosen, Janet Burton, Sandra Lacritz, Rhoda Rudman, Ruth Beal, Sue Humphrey, Mademoiselle Beaupre, Betsy Tandy, Jane Vose, Mary Jane Tozier, Pat Wright, Joyce Maunder, Gail Lyons, Donna McLain, Rachael Terrill, Selma Bell, Mary-Anne O'Donnell. Third row: Jean McGinnis, Emily Moore, Evelyn Stevenson, C'arolyn Moore, Joyce Everette, Dianne Eslin, Linda Gotlib, Elizabeth Rand, Betty Harkness, Lois Sever­ ance, Mary Ella Ginn, Eleanor Zoidis, Ruth Bailey, Sue Bockus, Joanne Larsen, Julie Largay, Nancy McGouldrick, Ruth Bowles. Fourth row: Janet Gooch, Elaine Stevenson, Helen West, Dorothy Levine, Janet James, Mary Ellen Day, Jane Brown, Shirley Palmer, Ann Amery, Dianne Springer, Shir­ ley Merrill, Sharon Connelly, Nancy Silver, Hazel Crabtree, Freida Smith, Ellen Hill, Rose Allen, Elaine Perkins. Fifth row: Sheila Kelly, Shirley Connors, Marilyn Clarke, Betty Connor, Shirley Thornton, Carol Collins, Claire Lewis, Herta Jung, Marilyn Kealiher, Carolyn Kealiher, Judy Fineson, Toby Singer, Jean White, Athena Vafiades, Betty Ann Thompson. Sixth row: Harry Foister, John Ranlett, Howard Silver, Robert Gammons, Ralph Pettie, Raymond Adams, Nicholas Khoury, Robert Johnson, Herbert Hicks, Rich­ ard Rand, Robert Vose, John Wibby. Seventh row: Merrill Smith, Katherine Zoidis, Virginia Roberts, C'ecilia Roberts, Dorothy St. Onge, Nancy Bryant, Julie Higgins, Joan Whitworth, Ida Joy Rosen, Charlene Riopelle, Jane Hunter, Geraldine Wallace, Estelle Gotlib, Constance Schiro, Angela King. Le Cercle Francais

Le Cercle Francais, under the capable guidance of Mlle. Estelle Beaupre, has enjoyed another successful year. This club, only four years old, has risen to be one of the largest organizations in the high school.

The year's interesting program included slides of French scenes, movies, speakers, French games and songs, and a delightful play spoken in French entitled "Un Peu Exagere." In March, many members were guests of Le Cercle Francais of the University of Maine.

Among its various activities, the club sponsored an attractive booth at All-Bangor Night and sent a Christmas box to Guy Denier and Odette Auclaire, two French war orphans.

Officers for this year were Susan Humphrey, president; Betsy Tandy, • vice president; Ruth Beal, recording secretary; Rhoda Rudman, corre­ sponding secretary; Jane Vose, treasurer.

Rhoda Rudman recites in classroom scene First row, left to right: Edward Colburn, Gary Burke, Frank Merriman, Mr. Harry Hopkins, David Searles, Stephen Perkins, Richard Rand, Stanley Mullaney. Second row: Jerome Pedro, Gerald Reynolds, Floyd Warren, Bob Simpson, Daniel Gagnon, Donald Pelkey, Robert Chandler, Arnold Viner. Third row: Raymond Adams, Paul Nadeau, Robert Stevenson, Bob Chaput, Alan Atkins.

Alpha Hi?Y The Alpha Hi-Y Club, under the guidance of Mr. Harry Hopkins, met Monday evenings throughout the school year. Among the interesting pro­ grams presented during the year were a talk by.Capt. Arthur P. Wade, numerous basketball games, a discussion group on boy-girl relations by Rev. John Brett Fort, and many other programs to develop the three-fold purpose of the Hi-Y Clubs: body, mind, and spirit.

The officers of this year's club were David Searles, president; Stanley Mullaney, vice-president; Daniel Gagnon, secretary; and Steve Perkins, treasurer.

Capt. Wade addresses Alpha Hi-Y members I ~

Beta Hi-Y members during business meeting Betta Hi? Y 'The Beta Hi-Y Club has again held up the fine reputation it has built for the past few years. It has completed another very successful and enjoyable year under the capable leadership of the President, Edward Dudley; the Vice-President, Murray Billington; the Secretary, David Dearing; and the Treas­ urer, Walter Luro. To start the year, the club brought in many new members, sent delegates to the Older Boys' Con­ ference in Lewiston, and pledged money to the Y.M.C.A. World Youth Fund. The club conducted a coat room at weekly Y.M.C.A. dances to help raise the money for this project. The club had many interesting programs during the year, including talks by Harold Westerman, U. of M. coach; Captain Arthur P. Wade, and Master Sergeant William Duncan of the Bangor High R.O.T.C. staff. At Christmas, the Beta boys feted two underprivileged children at a gala Christmas party. On February 22, t!J.e Beta Club very successfully sponsored their second annual Basketball Hop. A delegation from Beta also participated in the Youth and Government Week held at the U. of M. During the spring months, the club took part in a Hi-Y Basketball Tourney, gave a party at Camp Jordan for potential new members, and closed the year with the annual banquet at the Pilots Grill. First row, left to right: Mr. Dana Giggey, Walter Luro, David Dearing, Edward Dud­ ley, Murray Billington, John Frawley. Second row: Robert Vose, Joseph Gould, Richard Russell, Eugene Emerson, George Petrikas. Third row: Thomas Chase, Herbert Hammons, Jerry Pangakis, Ronald Atkins. First row, left to right: Sherwood Sawyer, George Carter, Raymond Goddard, Louis McCluskey, James Pearson, Roy Bailey, Mr. McKinney. Second row: Earl Woodman, Charles Mooney, George Russell, Richard Brown, Roger Leeman, Lawrence Cary. Gamma Hi?Y To help meet the demand for Hi-Y clubs in Bangor a third Hi-Y club was started this year by the Bangor YMCA and advised by Mr. Robert McKinney. The club was named the Gamma Hi-Y club of Bangor. Con­ tinually growing, the Gamma Hi-Y soon entered into the swing of Hi-Y work. The club sent representatives to the Older Boys' Conference in Lewis­ ton and the United Nations General Assembly at the University of Maine.

Being made up principally of sophomores and juniors, the club has high hopes for the years to come.

Gamma Hi-Y members prepare for Hi-Y tourney Current topics being discussed by Public Affairs members and speaker

Public Affairs Club

In October, at an organization meeting, the members of the Public Affairs Club elected the following officers: David Dearing, president; Thomas Zoidis, vice-president; Rhoda Rudman, secretary; and Carol Bubar, treasurer. At the November meeting the club enjoyed two movies, "Divide and Conquer," and a film on brotherhood. At later meetings, dub members heard a talk by Herta Jung on her school life in Germany, and an interest­ ing talk by Reverend William Wright on his visit to the United Nations Organization. In February, the Public Affairs Club went on a joint outing with the Music department. The club adviser is Mr. Robert McKinney of the faculty.

First row, left to right: Elizabeth Rand, Judy Fineson, Thomas Zoidis, David Dearing, Mr. Robert McKinney, Rhoda Rudman, Laur a Sederquist. Second row: Jane Buchanan, Elinor Cilley, Lucille Severance, Dorothy Levine, Hazel Crabtree, Alvera Hendrickson. Third row: Sewell Chason, Ralph Pettie, Walter Luro, William Griffin. F-irst row, left to right: Claire Lewis, Jackie Mortell, Charlotte Despres, Jackie Doughty, John Wibby, Miss Stella Borkowski, Judy Weeks, Jane Vose, Elizabeth Rand, Rhoda Rudman, Marion Gagnon, Rachel Wadsworth. E:' econd row: Betty Weatherbee, Anna Anderson, Gail Kearney, Rebecca Alexander, Beverly Drew, Nancy Silver, Sondra McKusick, Dorothy Levine, Barbara Whid­ den, Sandra Dunning, Laura Sederquist, Joanne Durgin. Third row: Robert Perkins, Edwin Colburn, Gary Karam, Bob Steeves, Alex McElwee, Roland Averill, John Furrow, Ira Hartley.

• Two Outing Club members prepare for All-Bangor Nite The Outing Club The Outing Club, which is fast be­ coming one of the most popular clubs at Bangor High, had a busy year of bicycle trips, picnics, and horseback riding. The biggest event of the year was the outing held at Hermon Pond at which the members enjoyed skating, toboggan­ ing, skiing, and snowballing. The capable guidance of the adviser, Miss Stella Borkowski, added greatly to the success of the dub.

The officers for this year were Pres­ ident, John Wibby; Vice-President, Gary Karam; Secretary, Joanne Dur­ gin; Treasurer, Robert Steeves; and Publicity Chairman, Alex McElwee. BAND JJ'irst row, left to 1-ight: Arnold Viner, Harvey Leavitt, Murray Leavitt, Anita Rams­ dell, Mr. Thomas Hill, Bernard Miller, Doug Campbell, Charles Low, Ray Hollis, Geraldine Neal. S econd row: Marilyn Kealiher, Carolyn Kealiher, Earl Woodman, Sewell Chason, Franklin Western, Richard Rand, Barbara Dearborn, Sharma Kinney, Lois Brusby. Third row: John Ranlett, C'ushman Blethen, Edward Connelly, David Ward, Howard Silver, Roy Bailey, Nicholas Khoury, Robert Herzog.

Music Organizations F'irst row, left to right: Arnold Viner, Robert Herzog, Charles Low, John Ranlett, Bernard Miller, Sally Rand, Shirley Merrill, Douglas Campbell. Second row: Sharma Kinney, Barbara Sprague, Geraldine Neal, Celia Roberts, Bar­ bara Dearborn, Anita Ramsdell. Thi1·d 1·ow: Ray Hollis, David Ward, Nicholas Khoury, Howard Silver, Harvey Leavitt.


Bangor High School's orchestra has offered its services to many school festivities and played at the Eastern Maine Music Festival held in Brewer. Under the able direction of Mr. Thomas B. Hill, the orchestra terminated another year by playing at the graduation exercises. On the basis of active participation, loyalty, and cooperation, members of the organization were awarded letters at the annual Music Assembly.


The Bangor High School Band has once again completed an active and successful year. Mr. Thomas B. Hill, the director, may well be proud of the popular organization which played at the majority of the football and basketball games, the Eastern Maine Music Festival, and the Memorial Day parade. Band members were awarded letters at the Music Assembly at the close of the school year. MUSIC COUNCIL First row, left to right: Barbara Dearborn, Barbara Sprague, Geraldine Neal. Second row: Richard Rand, Duane Lane, Arnold Viner.

CHORUS First row, left to right: Myron Gilmore, William Griffin, Raymond C. Hollis, Jr., David Ward, Bernard Miller. Secorvd row: J aneice Richardson, Ruby Harmon, Suzanne Hodgins, Betty Thompson, Marion French, Rachel Terrill, Jeannine Morrow, June Walsh, Mary Jane Tozier, Mary Ella Ginn, Ruth Bailey, Eleanor Zoidis. Third row: Angela King, Eleanor Cilley, Janet Gooch, Jackie Doughty, Gail Lyons, Barbara Sprague, Eleanor Annis, Hazel Crabtree, Yovanne McMinn, Lois Sever­ ance, Anna Anderson, Marion Gagnon. Fourth row: Jane Vose, Elizabeth Rand, Janet James, Mary Ellen Day, Claire Lewis, Barbara Garland, Gloria Coombs, Shirley Palmer, Beverly Drew, Shirley Merrill, Emma Jean Betterley, Jean Witherley, Pauline Hamilton. Fifth row: Susan Bockus, Geraldine Neal, Barbara Dearborn, Marilyn Kealiher, Sharma Kinney, Carolyn Kealiher, Nancy McGouldrick. First :ow, left to right: Ray Hollis, Thomas Chase, Jerry Pangakis, Stephen Perkins, R1chard Rand, Bernard Miller, David Ward. Second row : Robert Perkins, Frank Merriman Lloyd George Earl Woodman Myron Gilman, Louis McCluskey. ' ' ' Third row : David Dearing, Gary Bur ke, Roy Bailey, Thomas Zoidis.

Boys' Chorus

The Boys' Glee Cluh is the newest addition to the Bangor High Music Department. The club was started at the beginning of the year with Mr. Thomas Hill as director and Richard Rand as president. The boys meet every Tuesday and Friday before school to rehearse. The club made its first appearance at the spring concert which proved to be very successful.

Boys' Glee Club prepares for Spring Concert :?

Bangor R~ 0~ T~ C ~ Unit On Parade

STETSON RIFLES "First ·row, left to right: Clarence Day (Leader), Nicholas Khoury (Guidon), Paul Nadeau, Robert Chandler, Franklin Braley, Harvey Leavitt, Sidney Farr, Alexan­ der Vardamis, John Frawley, Richard Thomas, Walter Shaw, Louis McCluskey, Richard Willis, Richard Mulheron, George Currier, Paul Spearing, Jerome Pedro, Royce Day. Second row: Irving Oakes, Robert Chaput, James Elliott, Theodore Ware, William Whitten, Roy Johnson, Gary Phillips, Albert Rand, Roger Small, Andrew C'aswell, Daniel Andrews, Peter Loring, Theodore Michaud, Dale Anthony, Paul Daigle. Absent: Richard Anderson, Gerald Reynolds, Jerry D'Amico, Ernest Sementilli, Douglas Campbell. · c ' First row: Cadet 1st Lt. Paul E. Nadeau, Cadet Capt. Douglas I. 'Treadwell, Cadet Capt. Richard A. Thomas, Cadet Lt. Col. Clarence L. Day, Jr., Cadet Lt. Col. Sid­ ney W. Farr, Cadet Capt. Walter H. Luro, Cadet Capt. P. David Searles, Cadet Capt. Arlen D. Seymour. Second row: Cadet 2d Lt. Louis A. McCluskey, Cadet 1st Lt. John H. Wibby, Jr., Cadet Capt. David B. Dearing, Cadet 2d Lt. Daniel R. Ahearn, Cadet 2d Lt. Hubert B. Blethen, Cadet 2d Lt. Maynard E. Baker, Cadet 1st Lt. Paul H. Daigle. Third row: Cadet 2d Lt. Stephen J. Vafiades, Cadet 1st Lt. Stephen L. Perkins, Captain Arthur P. w·ade, USA, PMS&T, Cadet 1st Lt. Paul Connelly, Cadet 2d Lt. Harvey W. Leavitt. Officers Club The Officers' Club, composed of all third year R. 0. T. C. students, acted as an' advisory and planning board for all military functions. Their presentation of the Turkey Hop in the fall and the Military Ball in the spring made a welcome diversion from the competitions, inspectioi1s, and drills. Under the direction of Capt. Arthur P. Wade and his staff, the club planned and worked for the annual government ' Capt. Wade and cadets discuss Field Day inspection, which proved to be highly successful from all viewpoints.

Highlighting the year was a trip to Gloucester, Massachusetts, where the cadets and instructors were guests at the annual inspection and the Military Ball. Boys' Rifle Club on the range

Boys~ Rifle Club

Under the watchful eye of Sgt. Louis DeFillippo, the Boys' Rifle Club participated in several matches with sch.ools throughout the country. The boys fired in the Junior National Rifle Association, the William Randolph Hearst Trophy match, and the First Army Intercollegiate and Interscholas­ tic Rifle matches. A number of boys showed promise of becoming fine marksmen and Coach DeF'illippo has high hopes for the coming year.

F'irst row, left to right: Paul Empie, Janness Buck, Steven Vafiades, Richard Thomas, Clarence Day, Maynard Baker, Kent Newey, Arthur Ellingwood. Second row: Sgt. De Fillippo, John Frawley, Royce Day, Robert Gammons, William Whitten, Dale Anthony, Roland Averill. F'irst row, left to right: Barbara Tulloch, June Walsh, Carolyn Clark, Pat Shaw, Natalie Brown. Second row: Master/ Sgt. David McMinn, Eda Haywood, Mary Jane Cromwell, Char- lene Riopelle, Vera Hendricson, Carlene Merrill. ·

Girls~ Rifle Club One of the smallest and certainly one of the busiest clubs in the scho"ol this year was the Girls' Rifle Club. Every Monday night, rain or shine, these "Annie Oakleys" met in the gym for about an Girls' Rifle members compare scores hour and half of real work, setting up apparatus, firing, and cleaning up. The girls . fired in. competition with other schools in the National Rifle Association. '.. The Club has no officers, only an adviser, Sgt. David MacMinn of the Military Department. Maynard Baker, treasurer of the Boys' Rifle Club, acted as treasurer for the Girls' Club also. Top scorers for the year were, in alphabetical order: Carolyn Clark, Mary Jane Cromwell, Alvera Henrick­ sen, Carlene Merrill, and Pat Shaw. Stetson Rifles The Stetson Rifles, the special drill team of the R.O.T.C., again proved to be one of the best fancy drill teams in the state. Started last year in an effort to raise the standing of the R.O.T.C. unit at the high school, the Rifles drilled and paraded many times at public performances. Under the direction of the military department and Cadet Lt. Col. Clarence Day, the Stetson Rifles were highly rated by the reviewing officers at the federal inspection and also at the field day. The Stetson Rifles deserve much credit for greatly lifting the morale and rating of the Bangor R.O.T.C. unit. (Picture on Page 65)

Girls' Drill Team

At the end of the fall term, a new group was added to· the military department of Bangor High School's R.O.T.C. The team was com­ posed of twenty girls and a student leader, Barbara Tulloch. The girls learned ·Colorful and intricate marching movements under the careful supervision of Sgt. Louis DeFillippo. The girls were active in all the regular R.O.T.C. functions throughout the second term. The Girls' Drill Team performed at the Federal inspection, R.O.T.C. Field Day, the Armed • Forces Day parade, and the Memorial Day parade.

First row, left to right: Barbara Tulloch, Beverly Drew, Felicia Rudnicki, Wava Hill, Dorothy McPherson, Charlotte Despres, Mary Ellen Day Rachel Fortier Nancy McGouldrick, Marilyn Doherty, Rubi Harmon. ' ' Seoond row: Mary Ella Ginn, Carole Reidy, Eda Hayward, Sharon Connelly Kadimah Freedman, Norma Taite, Jane Hanna, Janiece Richardson. ' Third row: Sue Bockus, Jean Mcinnis, Janet Gooch, Jan ice Donlin, Janet James Rachel Tenill, Lois Scott, Gloria Guptill, Sue Hodgins. ' Absent: Pat Beach, Marianne Ellis. A scene at annual inspection. A Note of Thanks

For the first time in many years the Bangor High School R. 0. T. C. unit has again been awarded the Red Star, symbolizing a superior R. 0. T. C. rating from the United States Army. At this time we would like to express our thanks to the man chiefly re­ sponsible for the Red Star-Capt. Arthur P. Wade.

Upon his arrival three years ago, Capt. Wade was greeted by the task of reorganiz­ ing a far from efficient R. 0. T. C. unit. He fell to the job with the enthu iasm and vigor that his training at West Point had instilled in him. Although verY. little progress was made the first year, the stage was set for a dramatic revival of the R. 0. T. C. unit. Capt. Wade's second year at the high school marked the installation of the Stetson Rifles, a crack drill platoon, an R. 0. T. C. field day under the lights at Garland Street, and a general over-all boost in the morale of the cadets. The third year of his stay brought about the organization of a Girls' Drill Team, a

Capt. Wade and Staff definite concrete method of selecting the honor company, and the -receiving of the Red Star for all round excellence at the Federal Inspection. As we go to press, Capt. Wade is awaiting expected orders that will take him away from Bangor High School, but certainly not from the hearts of those who have known him, not only as an army officer hut also as a t e a c h e r, gentleman, and friend. We would like to extend our thanks and appreciation for all he has done for us and to wish him all the success possible in his future years. Girls~ Athletics

GIRLS' ATHLETIC HONOR COUNCIL First raw, left to right: Susan Humphrey, Dorothy St. Onge, Betsy Tandy, V. Pres.; Joan McEachern, President; Anne Lenfest, Sec.; Nancy Bryant, Treas.; Carol Bubar, Herta Jung. Second row: Jane Bacon, Carlene Lobley, Elinor Cilley, Joanne Dorsky, Janet Scrip­ ture, Geraldine Neal, Lois Arsenault. 1 hird row: Ruth Bowles, Anita Ramsdell, Sally Rand, Susan Bockus, Gwenyth Bryant. Absent when the picture was taken were Ruth Beal and Freida Smith. Front row, left to right: Ellen Hill, Eleanore Rosen, Jane Bacon, Captain; June Walsh, Katherine Zoidis. Back row: Ronda Goodman, Joanne Dorsky, J anet Burton, Dorothy St. Onge, Elinor Cilley, Coach Carlene Lobley.

Senior Red Team

This year's basketball season ended in one of the closest races in recent years. The final result was a first place tie between the Red Senior and White Junior teams. The Senior Red Team finished its season with a win over the rival Senior White team and then waited for the results of the re- Time out for the officials maining Junior games, which placed them in a first place tie. The girls racked up the impressive record of only one loss under the leadership of Captain Jane Bacon and Coach Car­ lene Lobley. The girls reached their goal by good team play and the suc­ cessful scoring efforts of June Walsh and Jane Bacon. Junior White Team

The Junior White team played a sparkling brand of basketball and rated right up there with the Seniors as co-champions. The going wasn't easy and all teams fought it out in many close, exciting games.

The valuable assistall;Ce of Captain Anita Ramsdell and Coach Jane Bacon helped the girls wind up the season with only one loss that matched the senior record. The games this year also featured some unusually high scores. Both teams were very evenly matched, as the record shows, and a playoff would have been loaded with thrills, good sportsmanship, and team play.

First row, left to right: Coach J ane Bacon, Ruth Bowles, Geraldine Neal, Anita Ramsdell, Captain; Sally Rand, Carolyn Moor, Ethel Crossman. Second row : Betty Weatherbee, Dorothy Levine, Gloria Coombs, I rene Hall, Carol Caswell. Frieda Smith was absent when t he picture was taken. F1·ont 1·ow, left to 1·ight: Laura Sederquist, Sandra Dunning, Rowena Trenholm, Janet Scl'ipture, Captain; Sally Rand, Geraldine Neal, Anita Ramsdell. Second row: Gwenyth Bryant, Judith Fineson, Natalie Brown, Carolyn Moor, Ruth Bowles. Thi1·d row: Pahicia Shepard, Rhoda Rudman, Barbara Tribou. Freida Smith was ab­ sent when the picture was taken. Junior Field Hoclkey Team The Class of 1952 seems determined to keep the hockey team tr-ophy in their posses­ sion. With the appearance of ease that marks a really good team, the juniors defeated all competition for the second consecutive year. Their hard-hitting attack and close team-play paid off with an undefeated, unscored-upon record. Under the leadership of Captain Janet Scripture, and Coaches Betsy Tandy, Ruth Beal, and Carlene Lobley, the juniors defeated an experienced, hard-fighting senior team and a scrappy sophomore team to win the trophy. Girls' Athletic Honor Council pins members All?Bangor Field Hockey Team

The boys were forced out of Little City Park this fall while flying hockey sticks and balls replaced ftyballs and touchdown passes.

Although the Juniors again outplayed the other teams, many of the Seniors received recognition by gaining berths on the All-Bangor Hockey Team. This honor represents plenty of hard play and devotion to their team. While last year's team was exclusively senior, this year's boasts four members of the victorious junior team.

· To be eligible for a position on the All-Bangor Hockey Team, a girl must have earned her numerals in two or more years of hockey. Her name is then placed on a bal­ lot to be voted upon by the senior members of the G. A. H. C., and Miss Mildred Mc­ Guire. The most outstanding girl for each position is chosen.

The following girls were elected to the All-Bangor Hockey Team: Joan McEachern, Captain; Jackie Wardwell, Janet Burton, Eleanor Cilley, Ellen Hill, Joanne Dorsky, Donna Holmes, Betty Ellis, Carlene Lobley, Dotty St. Onge, Susan Humphrey, Betsy Tandy, June Day, Carol Bubar, Ronda Goodman, Anne Lenfest, Glen Geyer, Kay Zoidis, Christine Caswell, Jane Cole, Jane Hunter, Athena Vafiades, June Walsh, Rowena Tren- . holm, Gwen Bryant, Anita Ramsdell, and Janet Scripture.

Front row, _left to right: Carlene Lobley, Ellen Hill, Donna Holmes, Jane Bacon, Jacquelme Wardwell, Dorothy St. Onge, Joan McEachern, Captain. Second row: Anne Lenfest, Carol Bubar, Glenn Geyer, Christine Caswell, June Day, Athena Vafiades, Jane Hunter. Thir.d row: Ronda Goodman, Elinor Cilley, Betsy 'Tandy, Janet Burton, Susan Hum­ plney, Joanne Dorsky, June Walsh. F'ourth ?'ow: Anita Ramsdell, Gwenyth Bryant, Eleanore Rosen, Katherine Zoidis, Janet Scripture, Rowena Trenholm. Betty Ellis and Jane Cole were absent when the picture was taken. Jayvee Cheerleaders help make impressive entrance for Ram Basketballers

• Jayvee Cheerleaders

The lively Jayvee cheerleaders, led by Sheila O'Brien, gave hearty support to the J. V. Basketball team at all the home games. These sopho­ more and junior girls did justice to the direction of Mr. Malcolm Willis.

The girls try out in the fall, and are selected at the start of the basket­ ball season.

Lorna Dearborn, Pat Leahy, Nancy Buchanan, Sue Bockus, Nancy McGouldrick, Sheila O'Brien, Barbara Shaw, Charlotte Despres, Dolores White, Beverly Landry. First row, left to right: Connie Richards, Orrelle Keefe, Donna Holmes, Donna Wilkie. Second row: Elinor Cilley, Nancy Goss, Lorraine Canning, Pat Turner, Marie Cox.

Varsity Cheerleaders

This year's cheerleadi::1g squad showed all the zip and fire of their predecessors while leading the ardent Bangor rooters. Their snappy routines and cheers were a credit to the school. The girls were spurred on in their' work by Captain Lorraine Canning and adviser, Mr. Malcolm Willis. · The squad was attractively and originally dressed for both the foot­ ball and basketball seasons. The girls climaxed the year with the Cheerleaders' Dance at which next year's squad was announced. It will be composed of Helen West, Sue Bockus, Elizabeth Rand, Mary Anne O'Donnell, Charlotte Despres, Sheila O'Brien, Gwen Bryant, Jane Vose, Pat Leahy, and the junior members of this year's squad.

Cheerleaders during lull in basketball game Girls' Athletic Honor Council The Girls' Athletic Honor Council completed another successful year with the expert counsel of Miss Mildred McGuire. President Joan McEachern did an excellent job of directing the various activities. Besides their regular responsibility of helping out in all girls' sports, the members of the council helped with the food concessions during football season and ushered at the basketball games. The girls sponsored a booth at All-Bangor Night and took part in Play Day, sponsored by the Women's Athletic Association of the University of Maine. At the annual Basketball Banquet held on May 8th, Rowena Trenholm, Gerry Wal­ lace, Carolyn Moor, and Mary Ellen Day were inducted into the council. Ruth Beal, Car­ lene Lobley, Anne Lenfest, and Eleanor Cilley received second honors. The retiring president, Joan McEachern, received third honors. Miss McGuire was also awarded third honors by the Council in recognition of her willing service to it. This year the council enjoyed having Herta Jung as an honorary member. The officers for 1951 and 1952 are: .President, Gwen Bryant; Vice President, Anita Ramsdell; Secretary, Ruth Bowles; and Treasurer, J ody Neal.


The B. H. S. twirlers, attired in snappy maroon and white uniforms, completed a highly successful season under the competent leadership of Captain Betty Ellis. The girls complemented the sparkling play of our football and basketball teams with a high-stepping display of talent. The girls highlighted several parades in Bangor. The Captain-elect is Carlene Merrill.

kneeling: Carline Merrill and Jean Herrick. Standing: Marjorie Arsenault, Barbara Sprague, Connie Ward, Betty Ellis, Barbara Tulloch, Sandra Brown, Betty Arnold. · Varsity Athletics

B-CLUB Pirst row, left to right: William Thibodeau, Edward Colburn, Louis McCluskey, Frank Hollis, Richard Everett, Charles Mooney, David Searles, Douglas Treadwell, Thomas Zoidis, Keith Conners. Second row: Mr. Norman Perkins, Steve Vafiades, Lloyd Baker, Vern Holyoke, Donald Pelkey, Richard Merriman, Gary Burke, Malcolm Kitchen, Walter Lura, Gordon Treadwell. Third row: Theodore Michaud, David Dearing, Philip Flagg, Gerald Talbert, Robert Simpson, Eugene Emerson, Robert Vase, Larry Ha.ll, John Arsenault. Pourth row: James Hamilton, Robert Stevenson, Anthony D'Amico, Richard Brown, Richard Russell, Robert Chaput, Stanley Furrow, Gerald Reynolds, Carl Green.

F'irst row, left to right: Richard Brown, Frank Hollis, Ed Colburn, Phil Flagg, David Searles (Capt.), Larry Hall, Robert Stevenson, Tom Zoidis, and Gary Burke. Second row: Don Rideout, Marion Rudnicki, James Elliot, Robert Chaput, Robert Lamson, Gordon Treadwell, Dick M~:riman, Dick Russell, Malcolm Kitchen, and Gerry Talbot. Third row: Donald Pelkey, Jamie Hamilton, Gerry Reynolds, Gerry D'Amico, Chet Kuchinski, Jerome Pedro, Tommy Chase, Douglas Treadwell, and Paul Nadeau. Fourth raw: George Currier (Asst. Mgr.), Ralph Carr, Student Ma~ager; Coach Nor­ man "Cy'' Perkins; Assist. Coach Fred Barry, Ray Adams, Assist. Mgr. Football

The Bangor Football team was very hard by last year's graduation as was shown by the 1950 season's record. The Rams, for the first time in over a decade, wound up the year with more losses than wins. Bangor High School, under the capable coaching of Cy :Perkins and Red Barry, came up with some promising .sophomores and a few veterans from last season's fine club. Gary Burke, Tom Zoidis and Ed Dudley, along with Dick Merriman, made up a fairly experienced backfield, while Larry Hall, Captain David Searles, Dick Brown, and Ed Cot­ burn were line stalwarts throughout the year. Much credit is due to Dave Searles for his outstanding leadership and spirit dis­ played throughout the season against overwhelming odds. The season started badly as lady luck and injuries plagued the Harlow-Streeters re­ lentlessly in the first three games, for Lewiston, Cony, and Portland handed the Rams defeats. Bangor gained partial revenge on a previously undefeated John Bapst team as they dumped the Crusaders 27-6. Next, Waterville and South Portland both emerged with victories over the Crimson after close, hard fought battles, hut Rumford went down to defeat 54-0 in the highest Ram score posted in recent years. Closing out the season with a thrilling victory over arch-rival Brewer, the Rams won 32-0 to take the intra-city title again. This football season at Bangor meant the last for many of the boys. Some will go on to a higher school of learning, while others will be taking the field again, not to play football, but as members of the armed forces. To all of these boys the Oracle sincerely wishes the best of luck in their endeavors.

First row, left to right: Herbert Hammons, Robert Colford, Reginald Segar, Robert Segar, Ronald Perkins, Harry Folster, assistant manager, Andrew C'aswell. Back raw: Coach Vincent Cuozzo, Murray Billington, Stanley Furrow, Captain David Dearing, Walter Luro, Duane Whitney, John Frawley, and assistant manager, Joe Gould. Absent when the picture was taken: William Thibodeau, Vernon Holyoke, Stephen Vafiades, Charles Spencer, Alex McElwee, and Manager Charles Katen. Cross Country

To Coach Vincent Cuozzo goes all the credit for making Cross Country at Bangor High School an outstanding sport, regardless of its non-money making status. The full time teacher and part-time coach, well liked by all who have been closely associated with him, began his championship conquest three years ago. Although his dream of winning State Championship never materialized, he has witnessed some great athletic endeavors in his long sports life, as his teams finished third one year, and second another in the State Meet at Orono, while his Harriers finished sixth and tenth in two New England contests in two successive years. Undoubtedly one of the hardest conditioning sports in the book, Cross Country re­ quires long weeks of practice sessions whiCh always consist of "five mile jaunts" for en­ durance, and half mile sprints at top speed to get wind and legs in perfect shape for the gruelling contests on the schedule. This year's team was built around a nucleus of athletic veterans such as Walter Luro, William Thibodeau and Vernon Holyoke. These three along with Captain David Dearing placed among the first five finishers in practically every regular meet, while they more than held their own against the "best" runners in State and New England circles. Led hy Captain-elect Stanley Furrow, next season's squad will start a fresh trail to the State Championship in its attempt to heap more honors on Bangor High. With the spirit and determination shown by Luro, Dearing, Thibodeau and Holyoke and the other standouts of the 1950 Rams, we have no doubt that Coach Cuozzo and his teams will succeed. Going briefly into the season's record we find that the Ram runners made a nearly perfect debut as they trounced Hartland 16-47. They next dumped Old Town 21-34, but ended up in second place in a three-way meet against Lee and Ellsworth. The Maine Frosh kept Crimson hopes at low ebb as the powerful freshmen won 22-34. Next, Old Town and Lee forced the Rams to third place in the six-way Regional Meet. The Queen City Harriers conquered M.C.I. 22-32 to close out the regular season. !CONTINUED ON PAGE 90l

First ·row, left to right: Robert Simpson, Gary Burke, Richard Brown, Charles Mooney (Capt.), Richard Russell, Walter Luro, and John Arsenault. Second row: Manager Robert Vose, Assistant Manager Herbert Hammons, James Hamilton, William Thibodeau, Donald Pelkey, Gerald Reynolds, Charles Harlow, David Dearing, and Coach Frederick "Red" Barry. Basketball

Winning the Eastern Maine Championship and then losing the State Championship in successive weeks, the 1951 basketball Rams again showed the state that they could lose with a smile as well as win. Even when every "break of the game" turned against them, they displayed the sportsmanship and spirit that has marked Bangor High teams down through the years. Summing up the season's high1ights and record, we find that after racking up im­ pressive victories over Rockland, Fort Fairfield, and Presque Isle, the Barrymen took it on the chin, losing to Caribou and Houlton by very close scores. Following this erratic record, the leather-swishers from Bangor really hit a hot streak of 9 wins and 1 loss for an all-season's record of 12 wins and 3 losses. Opposing .the Stearns Minutemen, 1950 Eastern Maine Champs, after the Christmas vacation, the Rams, led by sharp-shooting Charlie Mooney with 23 points, and Bill Thibodeau with 9 buckets in the throws, piled up a 62-36 score to win. The Brewer Witches bit the dust in the next set-to, as Gary Burke racked up 22 points for individual honors. With Dick Russell hitting from his pivot-post and Walt Luro setting up the plays, the Crimson courtsters edged John Bapst 65-59, to end the Crusaders' win streak at six straight. , In the next three games, the Harlow-streeters dumped the Presque Isle Wildcats 48-37; Waterville Panthers 65-63, the first basketball victory for Bangor at Waterville in B. H. S. history; and Houlton 55-50, after being forced into a freeze to gain the verdict. After losing their next game to John Bapst, Bangor knocked off Brewer and Water­ ville, and then toppled Stearns in a thrilling overtime session to end the regular season as top rated team in Eastern Maine. Captain Charley Mooney, Gary Burke, Walter Luro, Dick Russell, and Bob Simpson, along with Bill Thibodeau before his severe ankle injury, were the starters in virtually every game; and all had a hand in Bangor's glory-bound trail. Dick Brown, John Arse­ nault and sophomore Don Pelkey led a strong bench crew.

f i1·st row, left to right: Robert Simpson, Dick Merriman, John Arsenault, Bill Downes, Gary Burke, Harvard Bellatty, Walter Luro, James Hamilton, Philip Pearson. Second row: Manager Dick Everett, Robert Russell, Albion Kelley, Robert Gammons, James DeWitt, Paul Kelley, Jen-y Hayes, Don Rideout, Third Base Coach Lloyd Baker, Coach F red "Red" Barry. Base 1b a ll

In launching their defense of the Eastern Maine Class "L" .crown, the Bangor High baseball team continues to combine formidable fielding with excellent pitching and clutch hitting to remain undefeated in six starts, as the yearbook goes to press. On April 28, the local diamond season officially opened with a bang as the Barrymen,, behind 4-hit pitching by junior Harvard Bellatty, romped to a one-sided win over Houl­ ton 11-1. The Rams tallied three runs in the second inning, and then added single scores in the fourth and fifth, two in the seventh and four more in the eighth frame. First baseman Bob Simpson and sophomore Jim Dewitt wielded the big bats for Bangor, each collecting two of the Rams' eight hits. One big inning in which 9 runs .crossed the plate was all that the Harlow-Streeters needed to crush John Bapst 17-3. Sid Farr, who has since left the team, started on the mound for Bangor, but wildness kept him in hot water in the early stages of the gam€ and he was replaced by Harvey Bellatty, who was, in turn, lifted in favor of sopho­ more Jerry Hayes. Together the Ram trio gave up but three singles to go with the three Cr usader runs. Shortstop John Arsenault, Phil Pearson and Bob Simpson each pounded out two safeties, with Pearson driving in four runs. Jim DeWitt walloped the longest ball of the day, a lusty to left-center. Some nifty relief hurling by J erry "Staley" Hayes and real clutch hitting by left­ fielder "Jug" Merriman pulled the Rams out of a tight spot in their game with Fort Fairfield. The Tigers, holding onto a slim 3-2 lead going into the bottom half of the ninth, were just a single out away from the win, when Merriman doubled to left field, scoring speedy Walt Luro from first base with the tying run. In the last of the eleventh, Luro reached first on a fielders choice, stole second cleanly, and dashed home with the winning marker on Jug's second consecutive doubJe. Hayes, who relieved starter Bob Gammons, walked the first two men to face him in the tenth, balked them to second and third, then struck out two men in a row and forced the third to ground out to second base. !CONTINUED ON PAGE 9 1> First row, left to right: David Dearing, Ed Colburn, Keith Connors, Richard Brown, Jerry Talbot, Robert Chaput, Roy Bailey, Louis McCluskey. Second row: Coach Vincent Cuozzo, George Petrikas, Robert Cust, Dick Anderson, Merle Cronkite, Walter Morrill, Roland Perkins, Theodore Michaud, Head coach Norman "Cy" Perkins. Third row: Douglas Treadwell, John Frawley, Murray Billington, Stanley Furrow, George Levensalor, Charles Harlow, Myles Cray, Bob Whittier. Fourth raw: Manager Paul Nadeau, Lloyd George, Dale Anthony, Gerald Reynolds, Jerry D'Amico, Jerome Pedro, Donald Pelkey, Gerald Turner, assistant manager. Track

With but two track meets under their belts and a long, hard grind facing them, Coach Cy Perkins' Cindermen are awaiting dual meets with Skowhegan and M.C.I., and then the annual state meet at Colby. In the meantime, a top conditioning program in the form of an inter-class track meet was held. Coach Perkins conducted the meet with the purpose of finding out what events the boys are best suited for. A powerful Maine Freshman squad toppled the Rams in the first meet 77%-3'9% which featured snow, rain, and then sunshine in that order. Despite lack of experience in many of the events, the Ram Thinclads showed promise in each. Gerry Talbot took individual honors for Bangor with firsts in the broad jump and javalin and thirds in the shot put and low hurdles for a total of 12 points. Sophomores Don Pelkey and Gerry Reynolds both showed promise, Pelkey scoring a second and a third in the two hurdle events, while Reynolds took a third in the 440 yard dash. In the pole vault, Charley Harlow soared 9 feet 6 inches to place first, closely followed by Bill Thibodeau. K'eith Conners hurled the discus 132 feet 9 inches to cop first place, while Stan Furrow took a third in the 880 yard dash and David Dearing ended up in second place in the Mile Run. On May 9th, the Harlow street spiksters traveled to windy Mayflower Hill on the Colby Campus to face the dangerous Colby Frosh and Higgins Classical Institute in a three-way meet. And for the first time in many years, the Rams defeated the Mule Year­ lings, scoring 35% points out of a possible 54 in field events. Bangor copped 56·% points, Colby had 46% and Higgins trailed with 14. Keith Conners, a definite threat for state honors, heaved the discus 141 feet 3 inches; and newcomer Dick Brown copped the javalin with a throw of 145 feet 2 inches. Charley Harlow and Bill Thibodeau were one­ two, respectively, again as they took honors in the pole vault for the second straight meet. Sprinter George Petrikas took thirds in the 100 and 200 yard dashes and a third in the broad jump. Petrikas is fast becoming one of the fastest sprinters in this section. Con­ ners, in addition to the discus win, took second in the shot put and third in the javalin. CROSS COUNTRY


With Thibodeau's injury popping up a few weeks before the tourney, things looked black for the Rams, but the worst was yet to come; namely, the injury to Bob Simpson. All of these things-good and bad-made up the background of the picture as Ban­ gor High moved into the tournament as the Number One Team in Eastern Maine. The 1'951 March Classic is now history, b:ut will long be remembered for its many thrilling moments of basketball which finally spelled victory for B.H.S. Who will ever forget Dick Russell's scoring in the Stearns game, Bob Simpson's scoring and rebounding in the Old Town contest, or Gary Burke's hard driving and work-horse ball-playing in every game? And no one will ever forget Charley Mooney running back and fourth near the mid-court line, screening Old Town players so that Walt Luro would have room to dribble the ball in his amazing 3-minute "freeze". These are the memories that will never fade from the minds of Bangor basketball fans or play­ ers., nor will the high-spirited moments of the State final against Westbrook soon be for­ gotten. With injury to Bob Simpson putting Crimson hopes on the "rocks," the Rams went into the State Championship with the same will-to-win they displayed in all of their games. After a spirited fight the Barrymen were on the short end of the score. So, another great season goes into the books marked "successful." Yes, the 1951 season will always be remembered as a great season-a Champion­ ship season. The leading scorer for the Rams this season was Captain Charley Mooney, whose 16.5 points average per game came mostly on his remarkable accuracy with long shots. Charlie scored a total of 248 points this year, making him one of the leading point get­ ters in the state. The hardest driver on the club and always in the thick of the fight in every ball game, Gary Burke racked up a total of 153 points. Captain-elect Dick Russell tossed in his 118 points mostly on pivot shots as he com­ bined a great rebound game to his point getting ability. Walter Luro was, without a doubt, the chief play-maker, ball-handler, and defen­ sive player for the Rams. When he wasn't setting up plays or "freezing" the ball, he was tossing in points, most of which were on "pops" from the outside. Walt's point total for the season was 107 points. Our two dead-eyes, Bob Simpson and Bill Thibodeau, who both ended the season on the injury list, added greatly to the Bangor attack. Simpson added an outstanding re­ bound game to his 94 points, while Thibodeau tossed in those buckets from the side with deadly accuracy. Tall Dick Brown and sophomore Don Pelkey found the hoop for 42 points between them to help the Ram cause and round out the scoring .


In addition to Merriman's two doubles, Phil Peason clouted a double, knocking in a run, while right-fielder Carl Green knocked in the fourth run with a sharp single to right. Old Town met an old nemesis in the person of catcher Walt (Basketball Freeze) Luro, as the previously unbeaten Indians went down to their first loss of the young sea­ son. Luro, making his first baseball start for Bangor, walloped three sharp singles in three tries, knocked in a run, then picked two Indians off base with snappy throws, as the reliable backstop paced Red Barry's crew to their fourth straight win. Gerry Hayes again pitched for the Rams, scattering 7 Old Town hits while the Crimson Pastimers were collecting eight off Indian hurling. Sophomore Jamie Hamilton, also making his first start, rapped out 2 hits in 4 trips to the plate. A young pitching staff of Bellatty, Hayes and Gammons are at present the leading chuckers for Bangor, while a veteran outfield of Carl Green, Phil Pearson and Dick Merriman, from right to left respectively, are doing most of the pasture work. First baseman Bob Simpson, Billy Downes at second, John Arsenault at short and Captain ,Gary Burke at third are also a veteran aggregation. The catching department stands alone with Walt Luro and Jim Dewitt both doing outstanding work. All members of the teain are hitting the ball well, except Gary Burke. The regular third sacker for the last two seasons hasn't yet reached his previous hitting form, but when "Duffy" finds his batting eye, opposing pitchers had better duck because he hasn't b:een a regular for three years for nothing. Coach Barry has a capable assistant this season in Lloyd Baker, last year's ·captain -and second baseman. At present Lloyd is handling the third base coaching chores.


Gerry Talbot won the broad jump with a leap of 18 feet 7 inches and took second place in the javalin. Dick Anderson and Walt Levansalor tied with ·two Colby men for first place in the high jump with a height of 5 feet 2 inches. Gerry Reynolds and Roy Bailey were second and third respectively in the 440, while Stan .Furrow turned in a sparkling performance, winning the 880 yd. run. He was followed closely by Duane Lane, who took second place in this event. The mile run was won by David Dearing to round out the scoring.


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