Full frcqtcllcy rCsnonsC 4) to 5.OttO cycles. full w:ts of no -v tniln( fo'in uiisphfir (e nlpare thi. dual speed track —3; and 7½ IPS. special ceramic pencil-type microphone which is ilupervloll' to heat and moisture, electronic tuning eye, three speakers—one 6x9 soofcr and two 4-inch tweCters. index counter for editing and plasback, patch cord for radio- public - -- phonograph output, scoarate individual output for ConnectiOn of external or supplementary speaker in playback, address system or monito! ins while recordinfz: pause switch for case in editing or dictating, five tubes! KEYSTONE K-400 TAPE RECORDER, MADE BY MAGNECORD, COMPLETE WITH TAPE MAGAZINE I. AND 14-MINUTE TAPE, REGULAR $204.50 VALUE, S 9 JANUARY-FEBRUARY SALE PRICED BY BLACKHAWK AT- ONLY ...... FOUR GREAT NEW 2" x 2" SUDE SETS FROM B[ACKHAWK! SPECI.IL PURCIJitSE' AC ET (d{ E:('E TODJt%' BRAND NEW, FIRST QUALITY One of the most colorful slide sets we has c vet offered when measured by some of the spectacular costumes pictured in sonic sljtle. Here's a beautifully photographed group RADIA1T of slidcs showing some of Grcce's ancient wonders such as The Acropolis, the Parthenon, DeLUXE ChAMPION MODEL "KC" the temple of Zeus. Byzantine ( hirchcs. the cities, the countryside and the people. 7his is set No, 56, fotv''etez 2''x2" (!or slides ...... 52" x 70" $6 98 DEADED TRIPOD SCREEN TIlE CAIME CARS OF SAN FRANCSCO

The Champion is of handsome, rugged design, with Here is a new set, just produced, showing the present-day operation of the fabled cablei many convenient operating features. Its brilliant, fine- cars of San Francisco in high fidelity color, and in great detail. Both the Powell and train Hy-Flect" glass headed fabric reflects vividly California lines are shown, together with interior shots of the power houses, where the realistic pictures. Improved leg opening provides cables are driven, and Cite car barns. Photographed by James Morley. lit is Set No. 57, smooth, fast operation. Adjustable for centering pic- ta- cozy 2''x2" c-oior sijdet ...... ture on screen. $298 The 52"x70" DeLUXE CHAMP- GRAND CANYON TRAILS ION regularly sells for $38.95. During Blackhawk's January- the average tourist could never photograph slides like those in this set. Certainly the February Sale, take it away for average tourist could not match their photographic excellence—hut most of all the aver- Daly ...... age tourist would never be able to spend the time necessary to cover the spectacular descents and ascents on Bright Angel and Kaibab Trails—or the distant and out-of-thc- way spots to which these trails heath (This set in supplementary to set No. 32, "The Grand Canyon"). GRAND ('A .\' I ON TRAILS is set No.58, made up for twenty-four 2'r2" color slit/es ...... ...... $3.69 PEAKS, PARKS AND PASSES IN COLORADO

.-\nothcr mo't ttnusttat set, ni;le in the two-mile-high mountain country of Cz,!oradr by Robert Lestaseiia Slit'.ts at all seasons— sprig, sitnimer, fall and winter- --largely oft the beaten track and tinder cotshjtjons that svottld be difficult for the casual photographer. I ovcland l'ass deen in the winIer's snosvs—thc slaroon Peaks at shasvn, just Upped by the rosy glow of the early morning sun -a tiiountain side of yellow aspen in the fall! & Hardy For everyone who loves the mountains of Colorado—this is it! I/is set No.59. (it',!- Laurel l Our 2 r2" color s/itlec ...... $3.69 in three JUST RELEASED 8mm. comedies NEVER RL'Y REFOHE A LIKE TUIS! THE MUSIC BOX (4 reels) THE MLSIC BOX (illustrated). We think this is the funniest comedy this great corned 19fachlucark-li KOIACHROME team ever turned out. It's their adventures as piano movers—delivering a new piano to Professor Billy Gilbert who lives up a flight of ever so mans' stairs on top of the hill. P1H7E PACKAGE

Length four reels of about 150-feet each, 8mm., regularly r 14.98. Special during our January-February Sale, only ...... of .1Imin. sound film!

i'hiis is a prize pack:ige of prize packanes—hut it wouldn't he offered like this at this SCRAM (2 reels) lower than loss price if our purchase had not been for so many. many prints of the SCRAM. In this one the boys are a couple of "vagrants" ordered by the judge to Icave same title. This KOl)ACIJROME 16mm. sound PRIZE PACKAGE is a 1200-foot town within an hour--or else. But they gct mixed up with Arthur Htttsmann--one of suhilect, complete with main and end titles, prints in better than averase general con- the screen's most plastered nien-aboitt-town—and are invited to spend the night with chtion. It's a film that svoitld easily sell for $24.98 to S39.98 -when offered by title—. htm at his mansion. Only it isi't—it's the judge's! We leave it to you! if we had but relatively few prints as - uilable, But because we have so many copies, we were able to buy it right, and we're able to Pell it right. Length two reels of about 175-feet each, 8mm, regularly $7.98. Special during our January-February BLACKHAWK'S 16mm. sound KODACHROME PRIZE PACK- Sale, only ...... AGE, about 1200-feet in length on 1200-foot reel, only. ... THEM THAR hILLS (3 reels) USED 1600-FOOT, I6jiun. REELS THEM THAR hIllS. The doctor--Billy Gilhert----orders 011ie to the niottntttins for a complete rest. Too much "t'igh living" has brought on a bad attack of gout. The hors All too often we get more orders for used 1600-toot 16mm. reels than we have rceT. rent a trailer and move in ott a "camo ground" just vacated by moonshiners. And what's .1 his time we have a HUGE. stock—hundreds upon hundreds as this list goes to press. in the well—well, "It's the iron in it!" Very, very funny. 'The se are all of standard make, in good used condition—all standard die cut, sheet ce1 construction, enamel finished. Length three reels of about 150-feet each, 8mm., regularly $11.98. Special during our January-February Sale, only ...... 1 for S1.19 3 for $2.98 6 for $5.49 - er — --- --

TTIF Y(Z 0 Ai[ENPO PTOI01111,it THE CAMERA'S EYE TRAVEL FILMS if ere--tliere--erery'w here with Wendell Niles of 300 to 400-feet each in length This is the most extensive group of good used 16mm. sound It-i'd 1-lere is a series of quarter hour 16mm. sound films that are ideal rental library subjects because they are diverse in subject films we have had in stock for several years. These (tInts we from iiatter and thus so wide in general appeal. This is the type of coverage given in many of the screen magazines and such groups as Castle Travel Parade, LitzPalriek Traseltaiks, "Vt: Screen Traveler" with Andre raVarre, the "Port o' Call' Se-lcs-- novelty reels of years past, such as Pathe Review, Paramount Pictorial, Walter Futter's Curiosities, Believe it or Not and others that are well produced and known to lesser degrees. MSke and Strange As It Seems. They have the advantage of being new films, produced within the last several years. The your selection while stocks nra complete. All prints are B&W. prints, having been used only on television, are in generally excellent condition—and at Blackhawk's price are REAL BARGAINS! Rights of use are limited to home, school and gereral non-theatrical purposes—television rights are spec- Price each ...... -S9.95 ifically excluded. AFGHANISTAN MOVES AHEAD Each subject is about 450-feet in length, AMERICA'S WONDERLANDS 16mm. sound, priced at only ...... ¶ AN ALPINE JOURNEY THROUGH TYROL AND BAVARIA THE CAMERA'S EYE No. 1 THE CAMERA'S EYE No. 31 Contains: 1Li.uiian MeUin Pol: Giant of the Notthwes*, Timberlands of Contains: Tssin Rotor Helicopter: LeadIng A Dog's Life, dude ranch ANCIENT MISSIONS IN OLD TEXAS Or,go; Rapid Buin', Boat tx -li, to Colorado Ri,er Canyon and the for dogs; At Home In The Water, swimming pool for three to ilx ANDORRA (The little-known republic gois-rn;'d Jent:tl)7 , 21 treicherous rupids; Sands That Cure, Na.aje tribes medicine me year olds; Adsetilure In Syria; PIslot Jackin' Mama, Catherine Jones, ad ,,,cred Su',I Painth'g; Rb)thm On Snow, North American skIers. local gante warden. Frwtce and Spain) AN ORIENTAL METROPOI.IS—TOKYO THE CAMERA'S EYE No. 2 THE CAMERA'S EYE No. 32 ANTWERP Cunt;ain.%: Trned kiUer, ruoky firemen and it lakes more than water: Contains; The Eess Have It, artificial plastic eye has come to lIfe; Tralii Them Young. up among the clouds with a 13 year old cperknced Charm In The Making, charm center, model agency; WhUtlIng Pays BERMUDA HOLIDAY (Ike; Sahar., U.S.A., ArabIa of the Imperial Valley; Canine Ht(ch. Off, Rex Werner arttst In mIniatures; Adobe Architect. BITS OF BR1TFANY Wker; Small But Oh Brother, demom of the spcedwa$, Midget raciD. BOYS OF ATITLAND (GUATEMALA) THE CAMERA'S EYE No. 7 THE CAMERA'S EYE No. 33 CALIFORNIA PICTURE BOOK Conrailis; Debut For Del-Mar. the new Del-Mar car; Sharks Beware. Confain: Triumph of F,ngioeer(ng; Croas That T. Sky Writers; Feline shark fishing off Me'iico; They Grow On Yon. hats with real flowers; CARIBBEAN HOLIDAY Vtgdarn(n; We Rahe Thea Sa117 Too, selling in the wtflter weather. Brushman's Holiday, odd brushes; Waler Bus, Thames River water bm. THE CHANGING FACE OF INDTA THE CAMERA'S EYE No. B THE CHANGING FACE OF INDIA (I,;troduct;o,: of Containa: Sure Cure For Baidn€s, Wigs: 1n3* For The Fun Of It THE CAMERA'S EYE No. 34 Western customs) nadn€ bean (Mis.Ouri) Rbathm In Florida. water skiing; Over The Contains; Vent Pockrl Rodeo. Harry HIll'n rcdeo In mlnlatnre; Hobby Heads 01 Most Of Us, wilkiow washeri One Man Pleasure Crnian, Shop Of The Slats, actors hobby market; Flying Hot Rods, midget CITY OF LIViNG RUIN (ANTIGUA, GUATEMALA) O(of hoards. plane races; Supper Time In Syria, local bakery Iboph Monkey Bnsiacsu. CITIES OF NORTH AFRICA COFFEE DEMOCRACY (COSTA RICA) THE CAMERA'S EYE No. 9 THE CAMERA'S EYE No. 36 Cofl(In: He Float, Through The Air, bigh diving: Handy Andys Contains: Pint Shed Power-House, mintadlire engines; Man-Made Toe- DAUGHTERS OF INDIA 5)team MacbiDe, all miieIne in one; Farmnt For Featen. on*rick nado. 845 tornado jet; l)uds For Dudes. hiest In western afylea; Alpine DAUGHTERS OF INDIA farm; Lnicycllst Junior Additioa Nest To The Weather, time piccea. Seashore, artificial ,.ave machine for a nwlinnving pool. DRAVIDIAN GLAMOUR--INDIA THE CAMERA'S EYE No. 10 DRUMS OF THE OR!ENl'—BANGKOK Conlaths: Ride 'em Cowgir, all-girt bor,e thow; Pothhing The Pull. THE CAMERA'S EYE No. 37 CoolalDs: When itmtc;ha Smiles, Tokyo BuddhW festival; Frort. Faainsy. mans, streamlIne bathing ro,line; Rattling The Dr'.fl. h*lng the THE DUTCH IN LATIN AMERICA faIryland on Ice: Gopher Joe, gopher etcternilnntioa; Holiday In Holland, devil fish: A Btt Of Old £aIand. game of rlcket; Origiunla By lone at the beach and the herring vendor; Feathered FrolIc, bird traInIng. ENGLAND 8.e,-rern. Mexican baDdla*fI candles. ESCAPE IN CANADA THE CAMERA'S EYE No. 11 THE CAMERA'S EYE No. 38 FASCINATING yosFMtrE Contains: Wrestling Okinawa Style, great deal of loemallty: Relax 'n Contains: Capitol Sieeplejaek, maintenance nina; AIr-MInded School FLORIDA HOlIDAY Shop, relax and nhop grocezy atore; Wh&s Gut The Bul(ofl; Not So Gb-li, California air college; Birds Of A Feather. Bill and Coo bled acts; WIld Weal, dude ranch; Junior Hot Rods, soap box races. Fantasy In I-or, fur designs; library On Wheels, boolanoblle. FRANCE FUN IN FLORIDA THE CAMERA'S EYE No. 12 THE CAMERA'S EYE No. 39 GARDEN GRANARY—BATAVIA, JAVA Centans: Second Can From The End, fannie's market; A Good Day'a Contains: Out Of The Past, old mitters sveekt The Bigger They Come, Work. blind woiicra of the nallo.; That Ounce Of Pre,eodon. fly lnsucfors of ,lndo; Desert t)esserl, cactus apple orchard; Thai She THE GARI)EN OF ALLAH—ALGIERS I. *Lst In fighting firesi Horseless Carrici, boracksa caarlazc club Blows, Japanese whaling espeditlon. .a a three-day caravan. GLOUCESTER CATHEDRAL THE GOLDEN WEST (Life on a Dude Rand;) THE CAMERA'S EYE No. 13 GRAND CANYON Co.(ains: What Goes Up Must Come Down, dlvti; lie Looks Jiol Like Pupa. bear cubs: Moloreycle Hill Climbers; l.etl Play A Game; A GRAIN OF RICE (It's story in the Orient) By The Beautiful Sea, America at play al the beack. MUSICALS HELLO CHICAGO THE CAMERA'S EYE No. 16 HILL TOWNS OF GUATEMALA Coafaina: Blue Blooded And hard Woekiag. dot shows Neptnnea with headliners from television, HOLIDAY IN THE CARIBBEAN Harsest, mOn harvest lime; Dooey League Champion, running bases Broadway and time night-club circuits (Western Range Cou,;trv) on donkeys Seeing Double, twins convention; DesIgn For Relazailon. HOME ON THE RANGE macb on wh€eIs. ILLINOIS Good used 16mm. sound pri,hts of about 300-feet each INDIANA THE CAMERA'S EYE No. 17 INDIA'S PRIZE CA1TLE Coei.iao: WIngs Of The Wind. glider pi1otu Fishing In Luxury; Arabs Price each ------$5.99 At llo,,.e, Arabian horse, at Kellog r.ancb; Fashions For Nomads, swim IN OLD SPAIN fashions: Beefcteak Reodezeons, cattle. JAMAICA A BIT OF BLARNEY with The Penn Statesmen LAND OF ISLAM—MOROCCO THE CAMERA'S EYE No. 18 CHOO CHOO SWING with The Ki,tg's LICHFIELD CATHEDRAL. Con*aiu: AnUsi.g For BI.5ZDes, odd construclleini; On The Half Shell. Oyskr fleets; Black Gold Boom Town, oil. Otidak, Caflforaja; Holiday CLIFF FRIEND with the composer, The Parker Sisters A LINE FROM YUCATAN On Wings. - and Pecgy Ifealy LIYILE NEW, NEW YORK COWBOY SONGS with Carson Robison and his Buckaroos LUMBERING IN THE PACiFIC NORTHWEST THE CAMERA'S EYE No. 19 CROSBY FAVORITES, Community Sing with MANILA Contains: Thirty Yean Later. history of aviation progress; Fun In Tho The Four King Sisters MADE IN INDIA (Ancient and moe/er,; utetitods) Las Vega, Sun. Heildurado time; Mothets Are Mways Proud, animals; MAORI VILLAGE (NEW ZEALAND) Riding The Wind, kites, Kite Derby Day. FOUR SONGS BY FOUR GENTLEMEN FUN WITH MUSIC with Youn'ma,t and MASSACHUSET1S Volcano Auga THE CAMERA'S EYE No. 21 Van A lexandt'r MENACE OF GUATEMALA—The Coistaim: FloridaFlshlaiid; Twin.Taikd Humniloghlrd. 1-0-13.3 plane; THE GAY OLD DAYS st-ill: l-r,v;k Li,-ther. Jecu,t Lacy rsl EX lCO Stairway To The Stars. telescope 200' giant; PacifIc ASsigIUcul, PacIfic GAY NINETIES SONGS with The Eto,t Boys MODERN MANILA EkcS canter; Beautiful But Dumb, window mannequin. GUS VAN'S SONG SHOP ;s-iilt (;us Von MY FRIEND, THE HARTE—lfldia GYPSY SONGS (Cont,rtu?lity Sii;g) THE MYSTIC EASr, JAVA THE CAMERA'S EYE No. 22 HIT PARA DE HITS ;t-th Joy 1-lodges, Sugar Ka,te MYSTIC lNt)IA Contains; Waterfront Expedition, wild life acdsity, South Africa; Tree HI IS OF THE NINETiES ;titli rite Rhythm Musters NAVAJO I)EMON - Top Tramway, schoolboys short-cut; Toning Up The Air Arm, PF 80 Iwo-seater jet; Cleariog The Top Bar, Dirty Face- the jumping horse; iTS FUN TO SING, Com,nu,tity Sing NEW HAMPSHIRE- Ser.;pbtaok Journalist, desert rat scrspbooh. JOLI.Y JINGLES still; The Jolly festers NEW YORK CllY KERNELS OF KORN vcit/t flurry Ra;ttlt and his Mu.sic NEW YORK, THE WONI)ER CiTY THE CAMERA'S EYE No. 23 LET'S ALL SING TOGETHER, No, 1-ise, Co,;tutunity NEW YORK CiTY Contains: Pasutings In Panlomibe, pneeant of the masters; Watch OCALA (0cala Natio,;al Forest, Florida) That Apple, mclery; R.F.D. Canine Style; Wings To The Rescue, Sing Coast Guard rescue crew. LET'S SING A COLLEGE SONG st'itlt The Gordouairc.c OHIO MERRILY WE SING itji/t Tll;c (jordo,;.oi,es PEOPLE OF THE INI)IES THE CAMERA'S EYE No. 24 MERR'i' MIJStCALS it-it/i Ruth C/aytoet, The Four King PETERBOROUGH CATHEI)R-AT Contains; Dare-Devil t), -ners, midget cars; A Show Is Born, rehearsIng Sister.; RO,-\MIN(i THE SPANISH MAIN for vtww at the Flamingo In Las Vegas; Meet DSuiet Hart. truck driver; RHOI)F ISLANI) in The Depths Of The Briny, deep sea dinng. MUSICAl. SATIRES si-it/I I)ay, Dawn and Dusk Is-IUSIC FOR MoONLIGHT (n-jilt !)m-iI Brooks and ROMANCE OF INl)IA THE CAMERA'S EYE No. 25 J,ifl(J Run;av ROME. EtERNAL CITY Contains; Gold Is Where You lied It; Let's Play Another Game, tnt's OLD TIME BALLi\l)S, No. Two, It-it/i Mturgurt't Speaks ROC MAN IA eye view; Cenlinela Mainliners, complete railroading in minit,ture; and Slix;;l Qvart;.ttc A RUSSIAN CHILDREN'S RAILW.-\Y hobo And His Brahms, trained bull; A Cold Proposition, titaking decorative ire bowls. OLD II M E it N ES it-it/h The 1-our Lad)- Killers and SHANO HAL S,wokv,i SIl\'ER MOUNTAIN COUNTRY—HONDURAS THE CAMERA'S EYE No. 26 RHUIvI B.'\, Rl-1U15.I I\ with IJ'i,ti S/ia;;' SPUN'S ROM\NTIC ISIES Contains; The NOsr Knows, Arizona Stale Prhon bloodhounds; Advo. RI-It] NI BA RI-IYTH M li -i//i lVini S/tatt and Viv-ieu luv ST. PAUI'S (:AFIIEDRAI. cales Of Safety-First, motor truck drivers' safety center; The Not So t;it/t Ke,t,;y Ste-i-c,:.; and STRENGTH OF THE HILLS (Life in the O:arks) Bounding Main, Newrt harbor snossttird sailboats; l)e.sign In Head ROMANCE IN RH\THNl Goes To Feet, block printing; Desert Breakfast, chuck wagon. Tite Six S;i'et't/;e-art; THIS IS JAPAN 1 G11 TI-lE CENTER (AUsrRAI.1 U ROMANTIC BA! .L-\DS u -it/i Dcl Casinc"s Orchestra - TOURING THRO( THE CAMERA'S EYE No. 27 SCOFCH SONGS (Co,it,,ti;;;it' 5ii:g) VENETIAN \!c;TrIs Contains: Road Show At Hottir, career of The legitimale theater: No SING AND BE 1IAI'PY si-it/i The Gordonaires THE \'FIIFi) I) R ()T• 01 1 More Broken Windows, baseball comprtiior; Activated Relics, Easton with ft'rr) lVayne, Lanny Ross vENl(:F Canyon mussle tr-attern club: Music In The stakIng, cutting records; SINGING STARS Weighty ManIpulation, weight liftittg gtti. SNOW!] M E JU HI LEE ti- it/i Ginn - Si,nnis VE R MONT SN OWTIM E SEREN\ I)E it - it/I G lana je'a,t WASHINGTO - THE CAMERA'S EYE No. 28 SONGS OF LOVE li-it/I D'l Casino'.; Orchestra \-'EST PO1N1•. SYNIE()L ()- 0t 1 , - Contains: Nttrscry School For tIafltieappd Ctiiltfren; Tate;;t Fstil,ition, SONGS OF ROMANCE with Emery Dent-cc/i and his WELLS CATHEDRAl. local nrtlsis display their abilities; Nice Work If You Can t)n It, WEST OF THE GRE.-\T DIVIDE photogr.t;ttters and fasltion; Outlaw vs. Outlaw. Tesas prisoti rotteo. Orc/i;a SONGS OF THE SEASONS ti-uI; The Rlzvth,n Masters WEST INDIES THE CAMERA'S EYE No. 29 SoNGS OF YESTERI).-\Y t:itii Jl'hl Bra-/icy and his Band WIN( - I-I ESTER CATI-I EDRAT. Contains: On The Trail Of hitter. jeep posse; Since The Days Of SONGS '(0 RtIslFM IWR ;i-itii The Men and Maids of \VOOI)F.N FACES OF F oNToNIC 5 - The Pilgrims, turkey herds: S% ittt An E;c To The ti,iure, linen to sic - ?t1'lt;dy WORCFS - - - ER, LIFE IN A SoUl I-i .-\I-RI(-\N 1 O\\ thidien gttid;tnee and disrtphit;e; Fasbiotts lit Slb,tiatttre. doll fahiou WORLD AND UIS PEOPI F: CENTRAL. F.UI( tittss; Baitmans ltolid;;y. Eldorado Time, Tomt,.tone Arizona. - SWEET syNc;OP.ATION it - ji/t -Mary Gilbert, Hal Borne 1I11- and his (),c/te.sira THE WORIr) AND TUS I'jOFLE: NI\\IOLNl )L\' THE CAMERA'S EYE No. 30 TiMBERLAND REVELS si/ti, Mark Lewis, The Mu/Is--I V El. LOWSION F Contains: Skyway Acconittiodatiors, cloverleaf airport: Millinery For Sisters YORK C- ' I III )E ltj'tatly, John Fredrictcs h.tis, Svorkiivg t',,c'e; Prr-,s,tre, deep sea It!: Tlu' I- cur lady Killers YSFMtI diing On T!jg .SGse, (hat:e S ought Aircraft ;,laI Itt-in;; moved 'rl's: .T'II'F TUNIS Vt I S L \ H I ODI T 1) I ; V(. CA1/\N


i1Eiiis OETHE NATIONS For You Railroad ElmS ...... 'I'l-iis is the first time that Blackhawk has been privileged to offer an etcnsive selection of the ftmous Fi1ms of the Nations"- motion pictures that are authentic productions of the cotintrics they picture, having been produced aIrnot THE TRAIN 100% by film production organizations within the respective countries. All narration is in English-American-type Fnglish, Used 16niin. sound prints, about 500-feet in le,igth for the most part-but music is the music of the country being prcsented. These films give an "inside picture" that would be almost impossible if production had been made with, for in- itc,'s a most utiuua1 railroad cui,jcct, produced ill Svcdcn with the co,,per,iion 01 the S,dth Stat, Itai.ays. An c.xpr ess irain is Ihe Stance, American production crews operating as foreigners in these countries of the Nkolld. diaiogue-lust titles if iuisin character. and ,.jlh,,ui a s,,,rd of narration or There is no great depth of prints on any of these titles, so dont delay ordering ..Atid give its aliernate mi,,tc and .soafld effect-the siarv of the tr a in's journey from you possibly can. All prints are in excellent used condition-all 16mm. sound-aH black & hitc except in the instance Si,,cktioi,n to Soedell', norililaUd is shooll. Only a •ery few prinis Or two where color is noted. are a, ailable. only...... AFRICA: LAND AND IT'S PEOPLE LAUSANNE, RENDEZVOUS OF THE WORLD I'rieli each, (300fCct). 1iu5nr)c iN One of (he oldc,t and the hcst (375-feet) . Shows Johannesburg. its art gallery, parks and an international meeting Other good used 16inn ., cound railroad filnt.c the children playing. Finally shows the capture of snakes, kflOSVI) cities Of Switzerland, and vorner of the globe. Situ lit I the extriction of the venum and its use for piopk from tstr\ ?t()t' on /lOfl(1 incliule the folIosittg.' in history and $9 95 on the Lake of (jeneva. the city is rich university and schools FIlE GREAT TRAiN WRECK (100-feet) ...... 3.98 ANGERMANLAND scenic beauty. Lausanne's rrivate $ . . are shown and Swiss folk dnnccs aiitl folk-sones are beautiful part of Sweden. (450-feet). Angermanlarid is a i..attircc...... I MAINlINE U.S.A. (550-feet in Kodachrome). Iountains and rivers form the geographic beauty of this $9 95 (SU'o/u (1,1(1 (/iCS('! (7,1(1 el('('trie irains Jriui one section. Lumbering and fishing are the main sources of corner of the country to the other ...... $29.95 industry. Shows people at work and at play...... LEOPOLDVILLE ON 'Fl-IF 'lRACK (650-feet, }L\V), We have a $12.95 (575-feet). I he i. iital of the Belgian Congo. a city of leo' block and white print c of this l'ei'sihling BELGIUM surprising fllOLicInitV ansI • high st.indard of living. I he itt eras to ili'oails. Lots of (00011 (700-feet). I)cals \ Itli major aspects of Be1iian geography. inchotries, customs and daily hfc arc pictured. . . . filni a lout A .sht.s...... $14.95 I listory, art, iikili'trv, towns, Cities and agriculture ..A fine $14.95 contra ~ t with d LET' S LOO K AT N EW HAM PSH I RE SUNLIT NIGIITS LAND CRL 1SF. (450-feel). the" •- ; of \InU i iii Ii dition Ii t\e Set' de.ic Jifliun in 1 litia of ii:,. 'sittioii 5" rub- piOQitssI\ C citiivfl (4 ftt I hi v LntiII l( sith their niodvi ii industries and ,- 19.9 5 t' ew Hamphirc Li [it l,,!t ...... ' - $19 95 helped to mold the sturdy cbs racter of a. peopl .Ar esume of her hktorv, geography. CONGO ART and her THE VANISIIING F!. (3004cct). Pit , storY of attainiucnt in iiltisIrv, ivriculttire and toililsin. . . - . ii' it' vanished vlei'uted lines , . $ 9,95 (.75-feet). Ded ith the arts of the natiycs of the Belgian . $1 1 95 i'Ve York Cuss no Congo. ...... .. (11 00-feet), The ('hica,Co $9.95 LIFE IN STOCKHOLM \Vl-1 FF1 .S A-ROl I INC, i?ailroiul lii,r f.iCi'ait of 1948-lots of histor- DO YOU KNOW SWITZERLAND'S (75fect) (cneral views of thy city followed by glimpses ic a I (mi/i S a tiel ('c/ilif'flh('Fit ...... S 2-1.95 LARG EST C ITY ? of Stoekhol In. the met jopolis. ihen sum flier a nd s i ii e (400-feet). Shows s icss of a Swiss city and the surround- scenes, including popular sports. includes pictures of the ing Co11i11r side. I-hints are given bitt only at the end (hoes royal family on gala occasioto...... $9.95 the audience know it is Zui'ieh, Switzerland THE SONG OF THE REEL $9.95 075-feet 1. Illustrates ihe tircat s arictv of fishing iii Sosd DUTCH IN LATIN AMERICA LOWLANDS OF SCOTLAND ()lItl1ClI1 ti()tit in quiet bi()OkS to sharks.. tiong tic ., - (4 00 fcet). I'ictLI!es ol. iinert in Scotland Africa, from ( O f t Tht )tlntrS md tIlL pcopl'.s of the NLthLI I irids ...... in<.ltidiii_. th.. bonn. of RohLit I3tiri nd tti. uiiouihu COst . \\, cat Indies the C aiihhcan. of $14.95 in and l)titch Guiana on coiintryle (ilaS2O\V (Jrecn and the Gothic cathedi,!, the in iinh md of South \mu ie'i-tlicir occupations. folk Loch Lomond and SR i lii L C ISIIL tlic Ris ci I sccd ' THORVALDSEN ore ari in ti ti IL.',...... Aidrcsv's golf links and its (cIt ic church, Edinburgh 325-feet). Shoss', thc work of the Danish sculptor. Be: castle and its royal gartIen. and other places.... 'I itorvaldseiu, I 770- 1 844...... EARLY ONE MORNING ' $9.95 (300-feet) ..An aettiah ('hrktnias celebration in Sweden. The AT WORK SUNLIT NIGHTS LAND CRUISE \ hole countr\ side awakens at four o'clock on C'hrjs(riias LUXEMBOURG 4504cet), lr eight days one of the Swedish State Ra1- niorniav and all interest is ccntcrcd on the church and it (47-1cct.). The (jiaih I)ticliy of h.tixemhniiig is a eouI11y 55 ay's most nuodcrii trains is yoni hotel on ss heels.. Cii () niarvelous phice to surrounding graveyard. Pine torches light thc way for inem- of rich history. mighty sccnery. a fiuni Soithiei'n Ss;cden aid 1110.0DO inhabitants like to pro C. this liolidttv trip you start hers of the congregation who have come to the chitich his e, as liery the go above the Arctic Citcle s; ticre the .uimmer sun never horse-diawit $14.95 \ ith their sheiihs. Young voices sing the leaves the sky ...... Swedish glory of the Newborn King, and the vicar repeats MAJESTIC NORWAY $19.95 the story of the miracle birth of Christ ...... ...... the grandeur of 'orway and explains $1 1 95 (2-fcet ). Suioss SWEDES AT WORK AND PLAY cah of their country's inittiral EUROPE AT YOUR WINDOW how Norwettians have put 650-fcct). A simple factual picture of the people of - , . . . . - resources to practic:tI usc.. ...... . . . Sweden as they sroik and as they find amusement. kucludcs (4'O4eet). Shows an American couple x'Isiting Europe $14.95 shots of the Christmas Santa Lucia festival and of King I hey start in Sweden and then travel by bus through Gustav on his 80th birthday...... Denmark, Germany, Holtand and Belgium to Paris ..... . MAPS WE LIVE BY $1995 $14.95 (72-fect). 'Jells of the new frontiers of niap-making and FAIRYTALE TOUR THROUGH DENMARK map use now being explored in advance the welfare and SWEDISH INDUSTRIES (750-feet). 1)cals with the fundamentals of Sss eden's (30-feet). A "film trip with Jean Heisholt to the hand solidarity of the people of the United Nations. . . . of his birth. Scenes which inspired the fairy tales of $19.95 economic life--agriculture, forestry and wood-products, 1-lanc Christian Andersen are lovingly depicted. milling and ntetal-working. Also the silver and glass in- .. $11.95 A NATION OF SKIERS titistries...... GENEVA, THE INTERNATIONAL CITY (875-feet). A lesson and lecture on Swiss skiing shossing $19.95 (350-feet). A tour of the city of Geneva, Switzerland, techniques and illustrating positions of the body, knees, THE SWISS RIVIERA whose history dates back to the time of Julius Caesar legs, and skis by the use of charts and drawings. Part I (350-feet), 'the Swiss Risicra is the section along the The headquarters of international organizations are seen, explains Preliinil)alY training; Part 2 shows more advance shore of the Lake of Geiieva and in the mountains as cm. as well as many historical and cultural points of interest k1H. ...... .... ..... ...... .. looking the lake. The large and the small towns are shown $9.95 $24.95 in their scenic setting ...... GLIMPSES OF PICTURESQUE GERMANY NEW EARTH $9.95 (875-feet). Folkboc festisals along the Rhine, in the llack (7504eet). Authentic records of it reclamation project in THIS IS NOVA SCOTIA I'orest and la'ana. I hc vineyards along the Niosehle the Zuvder Zec of HohlaIi(l, Itefore the completion of (650-feet), "Meet Nova Scotia-its historic sites and modern I he Rhine Riser in all its splen(lor. I he Bavarian Alps the dike, two htie hocks and tweittv-five sulice gates were industrics, its fertile Annapolis \'alley and great coal with a real festival in costume and the famous dances constructed to jeetihate ihe watCr level of Yascl Lake. mules, its daily work and holiday pleasures. To the care- 'ti_coilip ti)imi, t til of Gu m in nitisic fr ni ht_tnning to At the LonLhlsion ilic I)utch ii c shos is h'srs esting their free tourist, the province offers salmon fishing, golfing, I irst crops from their 'new Call hi ...... yachting and most exciting of all the thrill of a battle $19.95 with such deepsea giartts as the tuna. Rich in distinctise HISTORIC SWITZERLAND-THE RHONE $24.95 atnosplierc, Novia Scotia provides picturesque scenes of VALLEY N'GIRI eliooncr-huilding , Luncnhurg and of old forts dahitsg back (32-fcet'. I)cals sith a arid scction of (65' Sw itzcrlaritl. in the hcart of Europe. has been iiiiiitke to the days of the struggle between Englatid and Prance a • (lemocracy the Belgian Congo-the land of the water people who for over 650 \'ears, Because the Rhione for the new world ...... islands of the swanis. Sleeping Rtver Valley has been the setting for mitch of Switier- built little i ll the utktst $19.95 land's rich history, her struggle for independence and sjykn's. it pt'ohlcm in this part of the Congo is cotistantly her THREE TONE POEMS tales of heroism. this film on the Rhotte lotight with the help of }tdgian Government doctors. Valley res cak (300-feet), A series of 3 films art the scenic beauis of mitch of the country's ancient and modern history, its $9.95 Scenery, ('ape Petdnsiila in South Africa and the surrounding villages afl(l cities, traditions, agriculture. work OUR AMERICAN HERITAGE of the pcoplc, archttcctiite and great mcii ]nulividrttl titlet arc: 'slOO1)S IN fl hE FOR PSI'; A D.\Y 1 375-feet. 1-low the t.iiitcd St.ite', (Oi'titillion and the Hill AVt'.-'\KENS; TIlE SEA..,,.,,.,,,.,,,...,.,.. $19.95 of Rights giant frcedoni in iiiclis dual American citi/ens, HOLIDAY TIME IN SWEDEN $9.95 $ .9 (625-feet). Showsthe scenic hcauticc of Se. eden and oppor- VACATION IN EUROPE lunities for recreation and vacationing there. PRODUCTIVE SWEDEN ( In Color) (475'feet). An .Anicrican couple go by bus from Pati', $19 95 650-feet in Cokt - i. I)cals with the tundarnentals of Swedcns tlitouglt France, Switzerland, and lulaty to kome. Ineliids IN AND AROUND CAPETOWN (.'C()nOmic life-agriculture, fisheries. I .apland iron-milling stops in places not easily accessible to tourists who travel , (625-feet). lrieludc's the Rhodes Memorial, native daccc and metal working , foresti y and ssood-products, gold and bytrain...... Swedish glass industiies ...... . old Dutch architecture, wine making. etc. , . . .. $14.95 $19 95 $39.95 VAN MEEGEREN'S FAKED VERMEERS KIRUNA-LARGEST CITY IN THE WORLD ROYAL TOUR OF SOUTH AFRICA (900-fecul .A" detective story" in the field of art, demon- 50-fcet). A visit to the city of Kiruna, Sweden which (35 0-feet). rhe official film spry of the British royal strating the scientific methods used to prove Van Meegeren's lies north of the Arctic Circle, and whose incorporated family's first visit to the Union of South Africa in the contention that he was the painter of the works of art I1 5ir' s include more than ,c,00() square miles, )•t its )OpU. which had previously been accepted as genuine Verniecis 18.0()(). spring of 1947. Includes impressions of the country and ShOSS modern industrial centers, catches the climax of a unique tribal dance in honor of lu' ttttisctitiis and art Critics...... h uge reac t,s Ot ancient wilderness still undisturbed, rapids the reigning monarch...... $24.95 and mountain peaks, glaciers and iron mines--all s ithin $9 95 WINTER IN THE SWISS ALPS the limits of the city...... SCENIC SWEDEN (The Land and The People) (.175-feet). Recreational activities offered the sportsman or $14 95 noyice in the winter resorts of the Swiss Alps including LAND BUILDERS . (700feet). F'rorn the farmlands of Skane to the forcsts i,kiing, skating, tobaganning, hockey, bobsledding, the Swiss (600-feet). A peacetime story of the island of W-alchcrcn and streams of Norrland, Sweden reveals herself as a country of contras(s-the charin1g old ice game curling or merely loafing under the bright win- in Leeland province in the southern pail of Holland castle.s and the modern apartment houses, the cities and the vast stretches tcr Still...... telling the unending struggle of the inhabitants to protect $14.95 the dikes of Lapl-and-an agricullural country and an industrial against the sea. The cultivation of reclaimed WORCESTER, LIFE IN A SOUTH center. ...... ..... land is depicted, the riches of the fertile soil, the harvest AFRICAN TOWN the $19.95 cattle, the houses, the harbors and the fishermen (351)-feet), Portrays Worcester, a typical Cape Province products all of an island reclaimed from the sea. On this SHAPED BY DANISH HANDS town, in many respects quite comparable to a small in- island the unusual Dutch traditional costume is worn by 1475-feet). Examples of applied art in Denmark. Includes clustrial town in America. The progress shown in \\'(,r most of the inhabitants, while working, going to church contemporary ccr:Inists Will their work, furniture de- ccstcr may be regarded as indicative of the advances South and lit hca pirticipating in archery or ring- signers and their work, and examples of woik in precious Africa has made in the fields of education, industry and tilti ng COntCsts. . . . , ...... metals...... . . social service...... $19.95 $14.95 $9.95 .Speeial 8,npn. Cartoon Film in Color! TLIFFY'S EXPLOSION and PUPS ON TILE LOOSE

Here are two short cartoons, in a siocle combination reel, from the studios of Rudolf hiatt in a Sf-foul, 8mm. sersion made to sell for S7.50. Our prints are brand new, first quality. I Slackhawk bargain priced at only...... $2.98 AND MORE ON YOUR PROJECThN LAMPS ANOThER RIG GROUP OF We have iii stock soilte thousands of government surplus projection lamps in the 7511-wail. 120.vot, f-1, n,ediurn prefocus type and the 300.72ti. 120-st,tt. r-ll,, mestiu,n i;refocus iyi)e, and we base just FO1JMATION FILMS' been ris,arde,t ta t,id for .cOn'e il,n,i,sands of 1000-11nit. 120-soil, T.12, p,edium prefocus lamiss sf Syleanla g,,d Radiant •ianufacturc. Just like old tiaite.s! All of these ian,ps are brand new and first qualiiy in every nay, and RELIGIOUS 16mm. SOUND FILMS h, an,i large, in most 011anlilies I,, 5,111db they are linied, may be purchased if ,.-ss than i,nt--asii thy rt'giar price. the 750-watt 100-foot, 16mm. .1,01 300-wail Limps are all to their or,ginal ('.cneral Electric and IN KODACHROME, SEPIA TONE and B&W Slsania carlon.s-ntosl of the 1000-oatt tamps are simiioriy in lheir Original printed cartons, h,it solile tie in urat,rancted cartons attluoutth This is another out.tndin lot of eceiieflt used 16mm.sound prints the lamps itiemseiscs carry tits. rcgtntarmay S>isania an,i Radiani br.ludi,,c "SOUNDIES" of one of the most nidely knonn eroups of reiWous films asalla4le on the innip top. today. White this tnal croon is e5tensie, the number of prints are quite PACKAGES limited on most tilLs-nod on some there 211C but one or too priols on SYLVANIA AND RADIANT hand. Thereforc. tuke a gnød lorik and nrcie, what you nant as soon as We say ' Jrrst like old times" for the benefit of our old custo,nr,s s 1000-watt, 115-,olt, T-12 will tcrncn,brr Blackhawk's big offering of 1949 when we acqvii.6 you cnn at these T.l)WEieF YE1 ltlCtiIAWK BtRGAIN PRiCI.Sl virtually the entire library of th Mills' Panoram "Soundlcs"-the r- MEDIUM PREFOCUS PROJECTION LAMPS verse-inisge prints that were uss. 4 in the Panoram movie juke l, . ARRAHIM'S SACRIFICE (700-feet). Produced by "p until 1948. \Vt had in excess of 200.000 print.,, of thosc (Regular puce, $625 each) Image 'Soundics', and all 01 that stock is now cleared, Rev. Hubert Rasbach and cooperating members One for ...... $2.98 of The Lutheran Church. the film pictures the Three for $3.49 Six for $15.49 THE "SOUNDIES" WE NOW HAVE ARE events related in Genesis. Chapter 42. The con- Twelve for $29.98 Thirty-six for $84.98 REaULAR IMAGE PRINTS FROM TELEVISIOI cerat of complete ocdiancc to "divine command" -USED SIX TO A DOZEN TIMES- with assnranc of Gods p1an" for overcoming SYLVANIA ALMOST NEW! all obstacles .Av rdla/ile in B& JV rntiv, at the Yen, this dlllTenl big lot of "Soun,lies" are the prints made up tsr I'ir'at.'t ')ri(e of only ...... $2222 750-watt, 120-i,olt, T-12 teiesi,on use-regular ii,,age prittis like any uti,c-r slan,tard iOsn,o. TFiF BIRTFI OF MOSES (650-feet.) Produced by MEDIUM PEFOCUS PROJECTION LAMPS sound print-and used only a Cm, times for teicslslon purposes. 51,,si C'rtjsadcr Filiii;. The story of Phtroah's daughter of the prillin look like new on the screen. And for $9.99 or $tilt. at ,,hict, special assot-Inlents of ten different prints are priced. you Ccl and the circumstances surrounditg God's plan for (Regular price, $4.50 each) a fuil italf-tlour of lop l6mm. sound musicaLs. thee's what's asailabte; survival of the persecuion of the Jews resulting in O ne for ...... $2.88 the birth and maturity of the grcat Jewish lealer, Three for $7.88 Six for $14.88 GAY NINETIES PACKAGE Moses. Available in B&W oitl. Bargain priced a $22.2 Twelve for $27.88 Thirty-six for $77.77 Such gas light ,mntbers as 'The Rand Played On" with The Men 504 THE BOOK OF RU IH (1000-feet). A scripturally Maids of Mrtod, "The Bo,vcr" with Earl Covert, "Just a tirl lint accurate transcription of the entire book of Ruth. GENERAL ELECTRIC Men Forgot" with Tubby Gareon make up these assortments. Bothdialoguc and narrative use only the Scripture 300-watt, 120-volt, T-10 "CAY NINETIES PACKAGE" of ten, regular from the King James version. Aiailable in B&W image, TV "Soundies" Musicals, slightly used, only. Blc:cAItattk bargain priced it: only ...... 28.83 MEDIUM PREVOCUS PROJECTION LAMPS all different, only ...... $11.11 THE BOY SAMUEL (550-feet). Produced by Crtt- (Regular price, $4.15 each) sader Films. Samuel's early to religious leader- call One for ...... $1.99 WESTERN PACKAGE ship and the religious customs of the time in Three for $5.67 Twelve for $21.99 Such nembers as "Where the MOUfltjiftl Meet the Sky", sung by Dick which he lived. A vailahie in B&W only. 1J&zch- Thomas. "3og Along" sung by Gtcnn Miller's Modernaires and Faida Twenty-four for $35.76 hawk haryai,t priced at only ...... $24.44 Kelly. "Idaho" sung by Connie lt5ifl5, "Pistol Pockin' Uapa" with Red itiver Dose and 'Ccl Aiong iiiii Pony" sub The Wakely Trio THE I)IVINF BAPTISM (550.fect). Ai'ailai,!e in appear In ibis groi,p. li,ese are sa,llple titles only. but as as,,urin,ent, B&W at $22.22, and in full-color Kodachro,ne vary. you Illigilt get all or none of these specific titles in your parilcu- at ...... $44.44 TWO SETS OF OFFWI1L FILMS' lot "5', FSTERN" package. THE GOOD SHEPF{ERD 504eet). A treatment 5)-FOOT, Srniii. "WESTERN PACKAGE" of ten, regular image, of the 23rd Psalm using well-known actors who TV "Soundies" Musicals, slightly used, discuss what the Good Shepherd mcanats Chiist- all different, only ...... $11.11 Ian people. Available in B&IV at $18.88, in sepia tone at $24.44 and in full color Kodaritro,ne a, CAITOONS. $44.44 The following group of TV "Soundirs" packages Is mode up of the THE LIGHT OF THE WORIi) (350-feet). The BHiUVP) 1E', FII(ST QIJiILITI! wide range of material from the orlgi,,al "Soundies" calalog-top toie story of the resurrection of Jesus. .4vailahle in from radio, the ni0hl club,, and tV-grouped according to the original "Soundies" catalog number,,, the depth of stock of each tod,iduat sepia to/he only, at ...... I 6.6 $ CLEVER PUPS and PUP'S ON THE LOOSE Somber 6, so slight that we hove on basis for mentioning iad,idual THE LORD'S PRAYER (359-feet). The Roman (tIles in each package, other than the range of original catalog n.mbet-i Catholic version, with the. narrative presented (50-foot combination) from which the titles are drown. We do, however, guarantee s.stisfac- against an appropriate piCtorial background titan, But on return of partial packages, a charge of 51.98 will be .,4t'aiI TUFFY THE TOMCAT and TUFFY'S EX- made for each tOO-toot TV "Soundies" print relained by you. able in B&W only at the Blaekitatik price of . . PLOSION (50-foot combination) THE DIVINE BAPTISM (550-feet). The story of MUSICAL HEADLINERS PACKAGE Jesus' young manhood. His meeting with John the Price, each 50-foot, 8mm. combination, (Made up of "Soundies" fro,n Nos. 1 to 1999) Baptist and His baptism. Shows his departure into only ...... 99c Galilee when John is seized and taken before King Both combinations for only ...... $1.89 PARADE OF HITS PACKAGE Herod and the meeting with the fishermen who (Made up of "Soundie,i" fratn Nat. 2000 to 4999) become his Disciples. Jesus performs several mir- acles and departs with Bartimacus and his Dis- MELODY AND MIRTH PACKAGE ciples into the hills where He teaches them to pray. (Made up of 'Soundies" from Nay, 5000 to 7999) Available in B& W at $2222 and in full color Kodachroem at ...... ;.... TOP TUNES PACKAGE OUR FATHER'S FAITH (600-feet). I)ocumerjts (Marie up of "Soundies" from Nos. 8000 to 12,999) the spiritual history of America's founding, de- tailing the faith in God of our great leaders: the CAVALCADE OF MELODY PACKAGE Pilgrims, Washington, Jefferson, lincoln, and pres- (Made up of 'Soundies' froin Moe. 13,000 to 16,999) ent-day men of faith holding positions of respons- ibility in our country's government. At-allaN,' in SONGS AND SYNCOPATION PACKAGE D&W at $24.44, in sepia torte at ...... $28.S3 (Made rep of "Sotendies" front Nos. 17,000 to 20,999) PASTOR N1EMOFLLER (350-feet). A message to the people of the world, delivered by Dr. Niemocl YOUR TOP TEN her on a visit to the United States. A vailable in (Made up of "Soundies" from Nos. 21,000 to 24,999) B&W at $14.44, and in fit!! color Kodachrome at $28.8 SUFFER LITTLE CHILL)REN {l 100-feet). Presents BROADWAY MELODIES several incidents in the life of Jesus from birth to (Made tup of "Soundies" front Nos. 25.000 to 28,999) crucifixion and resurrection, with scripture from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Your choice of the above 'Soundies" packages in the A vailable in sepia torte only at ...... . $ 3888 gencrat group, made up of "Sounclies" from No. I to No. THE WAY OF PEACE (700-feet). Shows that the 28,999, each package containing ten good used 100-foot only way to eliminate the dangers of the atom TV prints, price per package ...... bomb and all the othcr horrors of war is by the creation of world order haed on Christtan prin- $9.99 ciples. At-aiiable in 1/&W only, at ...... $22.22 POWELL BOUNCE LITES

litre's u conipaci and versattle 4-ilgt,l unit with four non.i,reakah!e Arthur Conan-Doyle's ,.eremic Sod. 5 Is nidcii sarisri 90 to 100.drteee,, in every direclion. Each BLCKIIAWK'S BUPD DATE light i,a.s :1 lO'iOCti iotitoic for proper aiming. Each Individual light Ca" Ihus te :,inted to 'lac,aitce" lie lighl c'ff ceiling or sick 'v .slk, gising One reel, 16 unfit ..sile'it! a soft, diitiscd ilgitting eiecl, Cii,flitl;lling glare in subject's eses. and And a hot date, tco One red, un,'d i6nsm. sik-ni films, i,,uning clintinating heasy. shari) sllad,,s,s. U"il has fused plug. New 200-foot, 8,ut,u:. film! from ahoni . 225.f,e-t to nearly 400-fret-all in gnod sereiccabte condition-alt cnn,nleie sut,jeci. While mn( of Ihese are Castle Powell Bounce Lite complete with 4-section, 8- Here's a most effectivr one reel film, prepared by F. B. F. from Films in the usual range of spoci;. travels, iin,tties. cartoons, the ticsl ?iatlonai fealure of 1925, based on Couan-Doyle'i greg Westerns, csiniedies, 0cm,, parades, there we a in. of Oflicini, foot stand and fottr photoflood bulbs, as illus- novel of prehirtoric n,,n,sais jound in the rr,ltOie South American Hollywood Film, l'icioriai, SterIi"g and similar uitms of other trated above at left, regularly $29.95, mottles. Ill the cast of the origtnai film sseee Wallace Beery, Lewis produceca in (be lot. You can oe,h-r an aitnost untin;ited number Blackhawk Bargain Pa'ied at only ...... 516.66 Stolte and Bessie Love, who a lso appear to this sttort version Most of prints nttbont hazard of duplication. No choice of tilics or or be Footage however, dents with the mode aspects of the .4. subject matter. sellture-;ul,t it's a resi coilClor's item. Length aboul 200-feet.. 8mm. Blackhawk's BLIND DATE-one reel used Powell Bounce Lite Bar (not including stand or Brand new, first qualify, In original carton. Made to sell for $6.50. 16mm. silent films of 225-feet to 400-feet bulbs), as illustrated at top right with bulbs in i n length, each ...... $2.89 place, regularly $16.95, Blackhawk's bargain price, only ...... $4.98 Blackhawk Bargain Priced at only ...... $9.99 SPORT AND ADVENTURE FILMS on which used ICinin. sound prints are arailable Here is one of the biggest groups of good used 16mm. sound sport and adventure films ever offered by Blackhawk. These cover a wide range of subjects from such producers as I la\vley-Lord, Castle. Official, 5.... Telenews, Pictorial and Sterling. And the prices at which these prints are otfered oiler sonic \'cry worth- while savings! ADVANCFD SV1rs1!IlNG (300-feet), Official $ 7.95 l',\CK \N I) S,A 1)1)1 I 1 1 00-fect). lluntinç' lecr ADVENTURES IN SKIiNG (500-ken, Tc!e-Neicc S 14.95 and nU)O.55' . .. . - . S 9.95 ANTARCTIC ADVENTURE (400-feet), A ustra (Ian PETE .-\N DERSO's: )O( )<.IY (5(X)-feet), A,,,eti LXp'(1itiOfl to Heard !Vl(IIl(/ ...... S 9.95 (.an I'FOJI!,' .S( /ie. . . . S I 4.95 AR(I'IC IHRILLS (300-feet), Castle ...... S 7.95 PHF.\S.\NF I.I-\.i: )( 350-fcc! . I/ac lcv-l.i,,l , 9.95 ARIZONA LION hUNT (400fect) ...... S 9.95 PIIYSIC.-\L T1k.\INI'.(i IN S\\ [I)IN (304eet) 5 9.95 A1T.AN1'IC S.\I.MON (350-feet), Ifcn%-lcy-Lurd . . $ 9.95 PINLI I LEST ($()01e . /t to,,al S 5.95 BASKETBAll. BY T1-IE CODE (I000-fee), Of/ic- POt I.) (HA NI PIONS )U-ieet .S rein in! Spurtc Fl/ins ...... $ I 9.95 (()l:,,nl'ia . . . . . . S 7.95 iASKETBALL TI-fRILLS OF 1950 (300-feet), PI_jPI''• 1 Ro1:I)I I. Th)')-f-ct). Offi-ial ...... 595 1,1 f,Vfl (I /Of/'f'V ...... ' I B.•\SKEIBALL UP-TO-DATE (I I 00-feet), O/Ji in? RACQUET A(.IION 000 feett, ((1St!,' ...... S 5.95 S1'ort ui?,?zs ...... S I 995 Rl1)LES OF RILEY ) O)))-feetl. / /' (.11,1 Army cc- flEACIL SPORIS (300-feet), R.K.O. ...... ... 795 ( /()()/ ,.0 I ii. i lijI, ... S 7.95 'IHE BILL CORUM SHOW-i/i,' Story of Stanl,-v SAIl . OVER ICE (400-fcet . Jilt/i Ca't. Bob lt,ii•!- THIS IS Da,uer and Ilar,I('ss racing (5(U)-fed) ...... S 1 4.95 l:: i/i 1/ic Araic ...... . '5 9.95 BIL.I. 1lI.I)F.NS TENNIS FOR BEGINNERS si:r 55•.VI ER \\ON ))F-.RLANI) (375-feel.), ( 34)0-feet ), Official ...... S 7.95 .... ..... ... S 9.95 BhI.l.Y RABURN vs. JACK II.'G,\N (225-feet), SCHOOl. FOR R.\( LRS (500 feet), /elc-.",en . 5)4.95 Arla.s .Sjart 1-i/ins. ...... ...... ... S 7.95 SEA F)tSCUIF (700-feel )---tlie fanioi.s racc hor.w. -'; I ').95 BIG I.EAGLIE BASEBALl. (300-feet), Official . . . S 7.95 SI).-\RK ON 4 HF-. l.I"I (300 feet) ...... S 9.95 I Icrc 1-...'iii oittstatidiuig group of films from teles isbn ni_I, AN I) BR I I)LE (300-feet ), Pictorial...... S 7.95 SIX ))A'y CRI I) 3(P0fcet) .5 ix i/ac l'ike race ..... 9.95 t)t:ut iS ill liase great appetl to sonic of )out- and 'which BLuE BLOODS (3011-feet), Official ...... • ...... 7.95 5K I N()\' IC E .350-1 Cet I. i/na 1ev-Lard ...... 9)5 has e considerable direct value in school use for Courses in.;i GR.,.SS (300-fceO. I'ictori,l ...... S 5.95 SKI S.\F.\RI (350-fect , ll,i'el,v-l.ord ...... S 9.9 in I it e ra t ut re, speech a ii uI d ra na :u t ics. P mdi iced by I'a at BILE WARRIORS OF THE PACIFIC (350-feet), SK I F H R I I .I.S I i5(l_)c1), Si,n,ncl-:V.Icservv, ...... 9.95 Gregor) . these are I°P fIi:lit subjects of their t)1ae. llar1ev-1.oril ...... 5 9.95 SNOW IUN 300-feet), l'utorial ...... 795 Only a very few prints of cacti issue is as :iiIaNe. Thv BOWS ANt) ARROWS (300-feet), Of'icial ...... S 7.95 SNOW MANS LANI)-NORWAY (400-feet). ate a\ailable for general home, school and t1on-t)ic, Bt.1}FALO lORE (350-feet), Hawley-Lord ...... S 9.95 i-I inter sports ... ...... $ 9.95 pltrp(iseS. but telCvicR)It tights are specifically resers el. .\ll C.\I)ET ('.\GERS (300-fect). Screen Gems ...... $ 7.95 SNOSV SPFI-.)) (30):) fcefl. (i,stle ...... $ 7.95 ate iii very good used eon(ttl iou--a I I I (,nani . souul. CL ASS IN ARCIIERY (350-feet), Howard liii!. ... S 9.95 SPELl) AN I.) SPOK) S )P)l)-fet), lel,'-Ycns .,. S 7.95 (. YCIflNE CYCLFRS (300-feet), Tale-News ...... 9.95 SP1LLS .-\NI) 'Ill -ill I S ( l)l)-feet), CartE' ...... 5, 7.95 Good used I Gunuuu. sound prints, about in length, very specially I),\REI)EVII.S ON ICE (300-feet). Ca,vtle ...... 5 7.95 SPUR II N( R ECOR ) )S ) 391.1-feet). Castle Sport 500.feet A J)OGS 1.1FF. IN THE NORTH WOODS Quiz . S priced at. each ...... " (350-feet). Jlawley-ord I. ...... 5 995 SPORT IN -I I 1 F St N ( 150-feet ) ------S 9')S DORY FISUERNIEN (400-feet) ...... 5 9.95 SPORt SI'FI I RI N I)) RS ( 300-feet). Cale $ 7.95 THIS IS (HARLES [AUGHTON, Program One. ANI't(S 7 lu fiuwy .cide of FAMOUS FIGHTS, No. THREE (300-feet), SPoRt S (30-feel). __5 1 i,i: Ii 1!??! ' by GaY i/u' .%Juizepa.s 5112?! 0/firm! ...... ... s 9.9 ?fl()iifliUi,l c-li/fl htfl(.' ,. kii,,' and eat,'r jouOin' ... 5 9.9 FIGI-I F thRILLS, No. ONE (300-feet), Castle . 5 9.95 SPOR 1 1IIRII .1 S (30)1-feel I, ()f!i(iul .. 5 795 THIS IS CHARLES [AUGHTON, Program Two. , . 1 .Sii,i, I- lSt-IFRNIANS PARADISE (300-feet), Pictorial 5 7.95 STAlKING 1)-IF ROYAI.IT MOOSE (35(1-feet). 1) . i i iii (1,1(1 c;okat/t ' i,-iu,,t 11? 1 i il- li l3(l(sh / 111 1952 500-MILE INDIANA POLlS CLASSIC Hawlev-1_ord ...... S 9.15 (435-feet) ...... . ...... $14.95 STARS IN SKI RI S (4004ect), 1•eIe-Nt-s. )$,men THIS IS CHARLES iAUGHTOU, Prorarn 1hee. FLYING LOW (500-feet), Skiing on snow and sports .star.s ...... I . $ 9.9 S/i irt C a/far' /,v Flu 0 5 C 9i ri.ctian -1 1? . ,-r ii ii) water ...... $12.95 SURF PATROl. (300-feet). ihe life of it lifeguard S 9.9 FOOTBALl. BY TilE CODE (1000-feet), Official SWINGING MAI.IitS (300-feet), Polo .. S 5.95 THIS IS CHARLES [AUGHTON, Program Four. Sports I-i/in ...... ...... $19.95 TAKE YOUR PI('K--Sports (avalcade (350fcct) S 7.95 I i/s/is I'S Aes()[) and Ja,ute.s I /zu/i'u r FOOIHALL H 10 1-ILIGIITS OF 1951 (1000-feet). ilL YOUR OWN FLIE S (350-feet). llaa-fo,dh'. S 9.95 Spurts Vision Productions ...... $1495 1I 1 1NG (350 feet). I1ie i,?z,)orta/ze(' of ti,iing THIS IS CAR[ES LAUGHTON, Program Five. FOOTBALL IODAY (1000-feet), Official Sports in sports ...... S 7.95 1)1 /O?\ (it! JL1,(tiO,?V. (rant I he Film...... $1995 TOP N ( )• lCH F RS (400-feet). lop notc/u'r in t/z( FUNI)AMENTAI.S OF BOXING (300-feet) ...... $ 7.95 sports world 9.9 THIS IS CHARLES LAUGHTON, PrGgram Six. GOAL.S FOR GOLD AND GLORY (300-feet), TRACK M LET ]H R I Ll.S (30))fCct), ('c,.st!e S 7.9 .- I/ic ,Si'is',t .-lges of 51,1/?' fr 'III Football ...... 5 5.95 TROUT FACt DRY 350 fet-tI. Ilaicley-Lord 5 9.95 You I 1k1' It and 1 Jl(,,fla,S )Iolfes ()?1 I ii,!! (i 0. GOLF MAGIC (300-feet), Castle ...... $ 5.95 UNDERSIAN))ING HASKF1 HAl F and SURE- F1oic .-l'usi,t HARNESS CHAMPIONS (300-feet), Castle ...... $ 7,95 BOAR 1)ING (500-feet), Sports on Parade HOOK, LINE AND SINKER (400-feet), Fresh WHALING OFF i.AIIRAI)O}k (450-feet) ..... St 2.5 THIS IS CHARLES LAUGHTON, Program Seve.i. tatcr fishing ...... $ 9.9 WHITE F LIRY (3 50-feet). .4 120-mile boat trip ,, "l •Iui- La,/y of Auto/ut" jioni ,'uJallorvs HOT ICE (300-feet), Hockey ...... S 7.95 Rogue.s Canyon ...... 5 9.95 l,-1 rtizur ICE ('APERS (300-feet), Official ...... $ 7.95 WIll) PLAIN and A QUFI:R CAREER: SNAKES JUMPF.RS (550-feet), All kinds of jumping (550-feet). A 1-o(/jair A dv'ntarc ...... $ 14.95 THIS ISCHARLES LAUGHTON, Program Eight. in sports ...... 5)2.95 WILD RIVER SAFARI (300-feet). ('oat/C ...... 9.95 _.\ mu/i ,)r friiiis 1/ic l'ou ,k of (,e,le.sis JUNIOR BRONC BUSTERS (300-feet), Castle ..... 7.95 WIN IFR SPORTS (31)0-ke)), O!ficial - ...... $ 7.95 MAT MANIACS (300-feet) ...... ... $ 9.95 THE WORLD SERIIS OF 1949 ()300-feet), THIS IS CHARLES LAUGHTON, Program Nine. (41? MODERN FOOTBALL (950-feet), Official Sports Yankees is. Dot1, ri . 519.95 iii ,' .11, 1' V of .5iuulrach . iii e sl:ach ii l- zl,ns ...... 5)995 THE WORlD SER)I:S OF 1950 (1300-feen, Ira,,: Iii C 80(1k of l)aniel MONARChS OF THE RING, No. TWO Yankees i .s. l',illiec . ...... .... S 19.95 (300-feet), Official ...... ...... ...... $ 9.95 WRESTLING iHR)l I S t300-feen . . . S 7,95 THIS IS CHARLES [AUGHTON, Program Ten. ., W)NARCUS OF THE RING No. THREE YUKON JAKF vs. \VILD RED BARRY (300-feet), Ii?,' liuoiilf''ral'Ie IIaI'it ' 10' Ii. I...... izik en and (300-feet), Official . ...... $ 9,95 .A tla.s .Sport 1-11,11 $ 9.95 "Jh ' Ilar/'crs Iu/i' of Ills 1-i/I/i Brother' hoot MONARCHS OF THE RING No. FOUR ZALE-GRA7IAN() hIGH! (300-feet), Castle .... S 9.95 The .4 rahian I\'li?l?ts (300 feet), Official ...... $ 9.95 ZALE-CERI)AN 1-IG1FF (300-feet), ('astli' 5 9.95 THIS IS CHARLES LAUGHTON, Program Eleven. "T/is- i%lu,uuoirs of Cnsanoua" THIS IS CHARLES LA'JGHTON, Program Twelve. ANIMALS, BIRDS, FISH, INSECTS 'i/ic Old Girl' front 'Bleak I/oust-' by Clairicj l)iek ens }'ihns dealing with animals, birds, undersea life and even insects have unusual appeal for many people, and usually the demand far exceeds our suppiy in the line of used t 6mm, sound film prints. However, we have just made several uiui- THIS ISCHARLES LAUGHTON, Program Thirteen. usual acquisitions that contain a number of films in this line-from the circus to the uung)e-lrom the clouds to the hot- ', The Old Girl's Ltirtiu/av" front 'IJIs-ak house by toni of the sea-and from Hollywood to what might be your own E-aek yard. But there is no great dep)h of stock on ( liarles l)icke,t.r most of these, so we recommend that you give us alternate choices whenever you can. THIS IS CHARLES LAUGHTON, Program Fourteen. ANIMAl. ARISrOCRACy (300-feet) ...... S 9.95 IJERMIrs OF CRAEII..-\ND (300-feet). Marine life 'iIuu' Stage Coach" front 'Slarti,z Citazzleuortlu' ANIMAL. CUNNING (300-feet) ...... $ 9.95 in ,ilicraSc()J)iC ,/et,iil ...... S 9.95 by (hones l)ickens and '1rai,tc and the %loon" ANIMAL ODDITIES (300-feet) ------S 9.95 I-lOW 1)0 YOU ZOO? (400-feeU. Trip to tite St bY I/iunitas l5'olfu'. ANIMAl. TME-KEEWAH THE MONKEY l.oid.s zoo ..... ... ...... . S 9.95 KING (500-feet) ... ...... $12.95 THE HLMMING BIRI) (400-feet) ...... 95 THIS IS CHARLES LAUGHTON, Program Fifteen. BAFI1E OF THE CENTURY (300-feet). Life in 1TCIIY sCRArCHY I 100-feet). A bear's life in 'j/te I)iiiiiesl I/orseclot/u' front an old Irene/i a colony of termites ------$ 995 Alaska ...... ... ...... ...... $24.95 Minstrel Tale BIRDS OF THE BARRIER REEF (300-feet) ..... $12.95 KEEWAII THE MONKEY KING (350-feet) ----- S 9.95 THIS IS CHARLES LAUGHTON, Program Sixteen. BIRTH OF A BUTTERFLY (300-feet) ----- ---- KILLERS OF THE INSt-ic F S'0RLD (300-feet) . $ 9.95 S 9.95 lIar/eS Lanibs 'Djs.sC,tatjl)it on Roast Pi'" and BORN TO DIE (300-feet). Stran'e dwellers or the KILLING THE KILI.F.R (300-feet). The Cobra u-s. ( ". -1 Real Japan,'.ce (;hri.ct 5uwv" by Ln/cailio tieiirn /,iiitan of tlue sea ...... 5 9.95 the Mongoose .... .... ...... ...... $ I 2.95 BUSI I I AN D FANTASY (400-feet). Birds, flowers LIFE UNDER THE SOUTH SFAS (300-feet) .,. $ 9.95 THIS IS CHARLES [AUGHTON, Program Seventeen. and aninuols of A ustralia --------- $ 9,95 LION- FIUHI (300-feet) ...... - . . S 9.95 "llO/tlttt Rift from "Our Village" l's tile I seto,ian BUSI1LAND REVELS (250-feet). The Aastralia,t NA]LRF Slt.DY: WILl) .-\Nll\1Al.S (300-feet) . .$ 9.95 :,ugli.s1, ltOi(li'f. Slarv Russell ?ulidford 1-r,' bird ------995 PROFECI YI)tJR IIIRI)S (225-feet) ..... S 9.95 BUSHLAND SYMPHONY (350-feet). Kangaroos . . $ 9.95 RElURN OF IHE BUFFALO (350-feet). The biso,u THIS IS CHARLES LAUGHTON, Program Eighteen. CAGLI) FURY (300-feet) ...... 5 9,95 /a'jo,e and aft er f/i e , out ing of tii' si/u itt- inan .. $ 9.95 '.\l(Isi1' f rom .'(larti,t (.'1t,ile,ia,tIi ' by C/torIes CANII:RA THRILLS OF WILDEST AFRICA SALT Vu.-\TER WONDERLAND (350-feet). lI,iw- l)icki.c (300-feet) ...... S 995 Icy-Lord ...... - 9.95 CAMOUFLAGE (300-feet). A Wild life Film .....S 9.95 SCIIiN( F GOES FIShING (350-feet). Marine THIS IS CHARLES LAUGTON, Program Ninetcn. l)coth of a Gio,,t" bY li'alter lrev-a story CARNIVAL AT THE ZOO (300-feet) ...... 9.95 bio1,,i.'ts ...... ...... 795 CAI(HING Cl-tO(:ODILEs (300-feet) ...... 9.95 SECRE IS OF 1 H F. SEA (350-feet). Microscopic of California gifint r,'e/luoud trees CHIMP ON THE FARM (300-feet) ...... S 9.95 creatures of tizi' si-u . . ... ...... S 9.9 THIS IS CHARLES LAUGHTON, Program Twenty. THE (lflNlPS J.AMBOREE (300-feet) ...... $ 9.95 SNOOKLM BEARS ON A R,•\\IPAGE (300-feet) S 9.95 I ci (cr5 of IlelZjii/Ni/? 1- ,ii,t k (in THE C1IIMI"S VACATION (300-feet) ...... 9.95 TIIREF LIFFLE BRUINS ON A SPREE CLYDE BEAt FY'S ANIMAL THRILLS (300-feet) .. ...... ..... ...... ... S 9.95 THIS IS CHARLES LAUGHTON, Program Twenly•cne. (300-feet) ... ...... $ 995 VAN ISTIING I IF.RI)S (650-fcct). The ca/)tpaii'n to lincolus Gi t!'urg .-I 2/tress and frag,ne,its fioin DEADLY FEMALES (350-feet). Insects ...... 9.95 u-.rpa,ul nor Izerl.c of -(I ill i' a 110051.5 ...... S I 9 95 Li,u -o?n's piilitica/ 5[CCC/tCS, his second i,iauç'ural DENIZENS OF THE COLOR.-\DO DESERT TO t. WOOF FRINGI I) RE F I IF (751)-fec)) .... $ l4.95 adulrcs riiiel a letter (350-feeu ...... 5 995 WIlt) FLL'IL\Nl R()tJN))I)P (300-feet) ...... 9.95 GREY OWL'S LITTLE BROTFIER (350-feet). WILD HORSE AND IIIE LIFFLE BRAVE THIS IS CHARLES LAUGHTON, Program Twenty-two. B eauers ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,.,,,,,,,,,,.,,,. $12.95 (300-feet) ...... $ 9.95 Tltomas Wolfe on 'America' - BLACKHAWK"S 16mm. SOUND FEATURE DEPARTMENT Here at Blackhawk we have consistently the largest selection of good used 16mm. sound feature prints available anywhere. In this issue, some dozens of additional titles have been added—some in color! All prints are complete and in good to excellent used con- dition. Westerns average about 2000-feet in length, other classes of features about 2400-feet. There are, of course, some extreme variations in footage in a few individual cases, from these averages.

Price each ...... $79.95 FEATURES SENSATIONS with Eleanor Powell, Dennis O'Keefe, W. C. Fields, Sophie Tucker Prce each ...... $29.95 BORDER MENACE with Bill Cody Price each ...... $59.95 FAST ON THE DRAW with James Ellison, Russell Hayden BACK LASH with Jean Rogers, Richard Travis, Larry Blake FIGHTING MAD with James Newill as "Renfrew' CRIMSON KEY with Kent Taylor, Doris Bowling FLYING FISTS with Herman Bix DANGEROUS MILLIONS with Kent Taylor, Dana Drake FRONTIER TOWN with Tex Ritter DEADLINE FOR MURDER with Paul Kelly, Kent Taylor, GAY LOVE with Florence Desroond, Sophie Tucker Sheila Ryan THE GHOST AND THE GUEST with Florence Rice s James Dunn DON'T LIE with Richard Travis, Sheila Ryan GOLD with Jack Hoxie FOLLOW THELEADER with The East Side Kids THE HEADLINE WOMAN with Roger Pryor and Heather Angel THE GOLDEN GLOVES STORY with James Dunn, Greg Sherwood HAIR TRIGGER CASEY with Jack Perrin, Betty Mack THREE DESPERATE MEN with Preston Foster, Virginia Grey HIDDEN E1EMY with Warren Hull, Kay Linaker HEARTACHES with Sheila Ryan, Edward Norris I RING DOORBELLS with Ann Gwynne, Robeit Shayne RI JACIED with Jim Davis, Marsha Jones, David Brc.ce MURDER IS MY BUSINESS with Hugh Beaumont, Cheryl Walker IN THIS CORNER with Scot! Brady, Anabel Show OUTLAWS OF THE RIO GRANDE with Tim McCoy : JOE PALOOKA, CHAMP with Leon Errol, Joe Kirkwood, PHILO VANCE'S GAMBLE with Alan , Terry Austin, . Elyse Knox Frank Jenks JUNIOR PROM with June Preisser, Freddie Stewart LASH LaRIJE JOURNEY TOGETHER with Lenore Aubert, Alan Baxter . SILKS AND SADDLES with Herman Brix LIGHTHOUSE with Don Castle, June Lang, John Litel SMART GUY with flick Vallin, Veda Ann Borg THE LITTLE BIG HORN with Lloyd Bridges, John Ireland, WESTERNS TEN LAPS TO GO with Rex Lease, Muriel Evans : Mario Wtndcor In 16,,wz. Sound—Good Used Prints of .f /out 200()-fe,'t LIGHTHOUSE with Don Castle, June Lang We have ,wt nia,te several hulk acquisitions of rood wed 16m,,i. sou,,d THREE IN THE SAD1LE with Tex Ritter and Dave G'Brien l,rinfs of the sselt.knoss,, and wclt-ljt,ect Lash LaRui- Westerns. And s,e LOVE FRDI'h A STRANGER with John Hodiak, Sylvia Sydney TURF BOY with Buzzy Henry. James Seay .) • hase not only Ike blgoest tolul number of priuft on hand that wc'sc yet MARTIN EDEN, with Glenn Ford, Claire Trevor had—we have tl,e bigOest selection of titics, tno THE UTAH TRAIL withTex Ritter I MR. WISE GUY. with The East Side Kids Take your choice at only $28.88 each Price each PAROLE, INC. with Michael O'Shea, Turban Bey ...... $39.95 RADAR SECRET SERVICE with John Howard, Adele Jergens, BORDER FEUD LAW OF THE LASH ARSON, INC., with Robert Lowery, , Anne Gwynne Tom Neal CHEYENNE TAKES PIONEER JUSTICE BELLS OF SAN FERNANDO with Donald Woodo, Gloria Warren RAILROADED with John Ireland, Sheila Ryan OVER RETURN OF THE BELOW THE DEADLUIE with Warren Douglas, Ramsay Ames RENDEZVOUS-24 with William Gargan, Made Palmer, FIGHTING VIGILANTES LASH BLONDE FOR A DAY with HughBeaumont. Kalhryn Adams RETURN OF WILDFIRE with Richard Arlen, Patricia Morison STAGE TO MESA CITY BOMBS. OVER BURI.rA with Anna May Wong, Noel Madison RIMFIRE with James !'lillican, Mary Beth Hughes BORDER RANGERS with Don "Red" Barry Pat OMoore Bob Steele Westerns BURN 'EM UP BARNES with Jack Muihall, Lola Lane ROSES ARE RED with Don Castle, Peggy Knudson THE CRIME SMASHER with Edgar Kennedy, Sale Storm Price each ...... $29.95 STOLEN FACE with Andre Morell, Mary McKensie, Jhn Wood AMBUSH TRAIL NAVAJO KID DRUMS OF AFRICA with June Carlson, Flu D'Orsay STRANGE JOURNEY with Eddie Albert, Forest Taylor FALL GUY with Clifford Penn, Robert Armstrong TOUGH ASSIGNMENT with Don Barry, Marjorie Steel THE GUILTY with Bonita Granville, Don Cache TREASURE OF MONTE CRISTO with Adele Jurgens, Steve Brodie Buster Crab be - GUNFIRE with Pamela Blake, Don Barry VARIETIES ON PARADE with Iris Adrian, Jackie Coogan Al St. John Westerns THE ISLE OF MISSING MEN with John Howard, Helen Gilbert LOVABLE CHEAT with Charles Ruggles, Peggy Ann Garner ... $29.95 KILLER AT LARGE with Robert Lowery, Anabel Shaw OLD FASHIONED GIRL with Gloria Jean, Jimmy Lyd'n Price each ...... LARCENY IN HER HEART with Hugh Beaumont, Cheryl Walker REPEAT PERFORMANCE with Louis Hayward, Joan Leslie OVERLAND RIDERS PRAIRIE BADMEN THE MAN WHO WALKED ALONE with David O'Brien, OUTLAWS OF THE PLAINS RUSTLER'S HIDEOUT Kay Aidridge WILD HORSE MILLION DOLLAg RAcKET with Herman Bet; Joan Bàrólay • THE MISSING LADY with Kane Richmond, Barbara Reed Ken Maynard Westerns THE PAY OFF with Tim Brown, Lee Tracy Price $29.95 REG'LAR FELLERS with Carl "Alfalfa' Switzer each ...... ROARING CITY with Hugh Beaumont; Joan Valerie ' THE WHIRLWIND HORSEMAN JUSTICE RIDES AGAIN SECRET INVESTIGATOR with Marjorie Reyüolds, Charles Quigicy SPY TRAIN with Richard Travis, Catherine Craig Dave O'Brien - SWING IT PROFESSOR with Pinicy Tomlin SWING IT SAILOR with Wallace Ford, Ray Mayer un. Newill Westerns THRE ON A TICKET with Hugh Beaumont, Cheryl Walker Price each ...... $29.95 TOUGH TO HANDLE with Frankie Darro, Roy Masoe WEST OF TEXAS FIGHTING VALLEY WILD HORSE STAMPEDE with Ken Maynard, Hoot Gibson ZIS BOOM BAIl with Grace Hayes, Mary Healy, Peter Lind Hayes "Ilopalong Cassidy" Price each ...... $49.95 BEHIND LOCKED DOORS with Richard Carbon, Lucille Bremer Westerns BEHIND THE MASK with Kane Richmond, Barbara Reed wit Ii William Boyd THE BIGFIX with James Brown, Sheila Ryan, Regs Toomey Price each ...... $39.95 BRUTE MAN with Tom Neal. Jane Adams, Rondo Hatton PRIDE OF THE WEST SHOWDOWN CHILDREN OF THE WILD (Story of Eagles, Bears, Wildcats) with Joan Valerie, James Bush Gilbert Roland as DANNY BOY with Robert "Buzzy" Henry DAUGHTERS OF THE WEST with Martha Vickers, Philip Reed "The Cisco Kid" FLIGHT TO NOWHERE with Alan Curtis, Evelyn Ankers Price each ...... $39.95 GAS HOUSE KIDS CO WEST with Carl "Alfalfa" Swilzer, RIDING THE CALIFORNIA TRAIL SOUTH OF MONTEREY Emory Parnell 91 with SIR CEDRIC HARDWICKE THE CISCO KID RETURNS THE GREAT MIKE with Stuart Erwin, Roberl "Buzzy" Henry FREDDIE BARTHOLOMEW INNER SANCTUM with Charles Russell, Mary Beth Hughes, MMYLYDON .JOSEPHINE HUTCHINSON Billy House 1/BILLY1 HALOP'Enest Cossart.Cale Stonn.Hugbl. Green ' JIGSAW with Franchol Tone, Jean Wallace KILL OR BE KILLED with George Courlouris Good (iSe(l 16iaain. Sound Prints THE MASK OF DIIJON with Erich von Stroheim, Jeanne Bates —About 2800-feet in tenyth. MOTOR PA'rRoL with Don Castle, Jane Nigh Specially priced, each oniy. -.. $79.95 , NY DOG SEEP with Lanny Roes ND ESCAPE with Dean Jagger, John Carradine •;3" . RENEGADE GIRL with Jack Holt, Claudia Dell __A RIDERS OF DESTINY with John Wayne .. . SAVAGE DRUMS with Sabu, Lila Baron , SHOOT TO KILL with Russell Wade, Edmund O'Brien SPECIAL INSPECTOR with Rita Hayworth SWEETHEART OF SIGMA CR1 with Elyse Knox, Phil Began THUNDER UNDER THE PINES with George Reeves, Ralph Bird, Westerns Michael Whalen ...... $29. 95 WHAT A MAN with Johnny Downs, Wanda McKay, Robert Kent Price each UNTAMED FURY with Gaylord Penditton, Mikel Conrad GENTLEMAN FROM TEXAS LAW OF THE VALLEY VIOLENCE with Michael O'Shea, Nancy Coleman THE GHOST RIDER PARTNERS OF THE TRAIL LAND OF THE OUTLAWS SHADOWS ON THE RANGE rice each ...... $69 . 95 P LAWMAN IS BORN SIX GUN GOSPEL Gall Russell, Claire Trevor A BACHELOR'S DAUGHTERS with LAW MEN LAW OF THE VALLEY EDDIE DEAN GINGER with Frank Alberison, Barbaca Reed OUTLAWS OF STAMPEDE PASS UNDER ARIZONA SKIES UI DIDDLE DIDDLE with Adolphe Menjou, Martha Scott, WESTERNS June Havoc In 16,iiin. Sozi,id—Good Used FruIts of A bout 2000-jccS HIGH CONQUEST with Anna Lee, Gilbert Roland Zane Grey Westerns HOLLYWOOD BARN DANCE with Ernest Tubb and his Troubadoura Were $39.95—now specially LOST HONEYMOON with Franchot Tone, Ann Richards, Price each ...... $59.95 priced at only ------$28.88 Tom Conway The ,idest an,! ,Iccpest..slocL of those popular EddIe Dean musla1 DM00, THE SHARK GOD with Ron Randall MAN OF THE FOREST with Randolph Scott, Verna Hillie, %elCrfls is floss on hand at Blckhawk-4ke best selectIon we'se rset TALES OF ROBIN HOOD with Robert Clark, Mary Hatchex Buster Crabbe iZId Take your pick ehllr the choIce is rood and the price is lowS THE PRAIRIE with Lenore Aubert, Alan Baxter EVERYBODY'S DANCING with Spade Cooley, Dick Lane, DESERT GOLD with Buster Crabbe, Monte Blue PRAIRIE OUTLAWS TORNADO RANGE Barbora Wooddil THE MYSTERIOUS RIDER with Russell Hayden, Sidney Tolor SHADOW VALLEY WEST TO GLORY 0 I-


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4) • • • • • & E :j Z 0 Ozz k • : CO) • • :Z CAN : so • • j • o I ) ca I - .-• • i 0.) I 0.) 01 - r.Uu4 I i • - El 116 >> ......

IMPORTANT RLACKIIAWK IJFORMATION SOME COLLECTORS' ITEMS Bead Before You Order! in used 16mm. silent films OUR GLARANJ'EE Ttnis group of used )Omnn. sIlent films is largely materIal with productIon dates frmn aisout IiS to the manly Ibis guarantee provides that If for any reason you do not wih to retain any films or nierchan4ise you order 19205. nut which ltuvue the "(tue (ang" Come-dies In this group were produced. These prints are utot all In from Rtarkbawk, you may ship them hack to us. tza,Lslmr -tatiCn paid, within use days after coo receive thrn. perinel condition. but ttit'y mu-c substanlially complete. and ofter an opporluolly to.- you to obtain some rather and well give you full credit less delivery postage. 01 cOurse. relurited tncrchsukhu,e most be in ,cui,staflhpahty uuni(ilue material In the ranilles tine at a very low price. if It doesn't please you, return II foe credit ufldef the same condition when returned as when you received it. if films are returned or sent for trade-in, it •ill lb.' (cr01.5 of hlaektuawk's guarantee. usually be two to three weeks before enchange merchandise or refund check will reach you. BlN'S \VII.E) 1)RFAM (2.400-fcjt reels). Slap.ctick Cmnedy ...... $5.98 1 rHE COLL1GIANS" (2-400-foot reek). RLACKHAWK NOW PAYS TUE POSTAGE ON MOST ITEMS! OENSON AT (ALFORI) ' l.evtiv, l-.iji/jt' Philli1,.c, I)enrot/ly (;a1liver ...... $7.98 Blackhawk paysthe postage on most Items li0ed in this circula, when remittance in foil .,cc,.smpantes the George- order, but only when the shipment goes to a point served by the U. S. Postal Service. Some Items, such as pru,- BOYS TO BO.\RF) 2-400-foot reels). "Our Gang' 1 (O?fl(dy ...... $7.98 jeclors, screens, tape recorders. projector stands. etc., t,ecuuusc of size or weIght, or bIb, do not qusubfy , for BROKEN WAYS (2-400-foot reels). Blninctite Stsc'et, Harry Carey ...... $7.98 shIpment by parcel post. On these, you pay the tratrvportatl,,uu charges when the item is delivered to yoo h) express or freight, in all cases, we have attempted to call to your attenhiout these non.unailahle Cmiv :11 the CROOKH) (2-400-foot reels). EIea,tor Kin,i, R('giItal(I .Simpsti,i ...... $5.98 point where they are listed, but lnrspectl'ur of this, we do not postpay or pay transportation charges on any IIIE COI3HLFR (2-400-foot reels). 'Our Gang" Comedy ...... $7.98 nitte item too laegz or too heavy, when packed, to go by parcel post. , 1111 CHANIPEEN (2-400-foot reels). "our Gwlg' Cwttedv ...... $7.98 DON QIJIXO'UL (31)0-foot in Color). Fairy Tale' Cartoon ...... $7.98 SlATE SALES TAX ON SIIJPMENTS (1iANTS VS. YANKS (2-400-foot reels). 'Our Gong Cwuiedy ...... $7.98 TO AN IOWA DESI'INATJON THE (;l.ORIOUS F()URIH (2-400.foot recls). Our Gang" Comedy ...... $7.98 Customers ordering filmy for hijmuent to points in the Stale of iowa atust also add 2' 'e for the Slate MJXII) Nti'lS (2400-foot leek). W'itit .Stci,t Liiizri'! ...... • • , . , $6.98 Sales has. ONF SPOOKY NIGH F (2-400-foot reels). 'Our Gong' Conii'd%' ...... $7.98 A FLEASANT iOU RN EY (2-400-foot rcls), 'Our c;ct,m " Coeledv ...... $7.98 C. 0. D. ShIPMENTS SEEING 'THINGS (2-404)-foot reels). "Otir (asig" C'oniedy ...... S7.98 Ulacktutsvvk will glautty make shipn,euuls of uuterduaiudisr on .0 C.O.D. bails to any point in the Uutiled State.s tARZAN 01: THF Al'ES (5-400-foot reels). Vit1t Ll,pt(, f_i,ic!,t, lIIC ori;,tal Or to U. S. tettitories and possessions. I I,wescr . ott Cu). I). sh ip,ncnts. the psi chacet pc'' all irritIsportat ifl &liargcs. j,,stIrancc and C.O.D. lees and m,ne c,,tler fees. in atitlilton It, lh cost iS the i,icral,tincli,c. J11r'U,t ...... S19.99 Becautse of the weight involved, We will itot for,.ard l,eo,eetusrs on ;u C,O. U. l,asls a deposit of S25.00 THUNI)I:RIN(; ftllS 2-400-foot reels). 'Our (an' (5mlc'dv ...... 7.98 iv euuciiused to guarantee Irutusporfalion charges, and then only within continental United States. ()1J1LAWS ROLNI)UL' 2-400-foot reels). Russell Jlctvden 3i1.s1s.rJt ...... $5.98 WIFF iA NI I- RS ( 2-4()l)-ftiit reels). With 1.jt',tel /arrvntore ...... S798 IIIGIIFS OF JJSE ON MOTJON PI(.TL1{ES \\}F ANN \-'lSllS-.1- HF 1:.,\RNI (24h)i).foot reels). ChilcI, t1,t'.s FiI,ti ...... $5.98 None of the mutton picture prints u,lfercd herein. eIther new or used, may he used for ides isiiin or the:ulrir:tt A \VONIAN'S \'}tN(F \N(.F (2-400-foot reels). ftjI/t I-rilzi Ric/gebtliv ...... purll,lses, as tlless' rights are specificallY reserved. All new tflvl,ttv. and tlnvuuu. sl,ort stttujecl print (except oil laurel :uutd hardy r,nuttctl vex. Il) nuttalangucs and Svttvgtni,n,ks iii tine Screetub ttn:vy ftc stuiltpdtl Ins us tin tiltS destination it, the ssorhtl. Certain feature picltvee ntIs. t,olh vised and ness. slid a fey, short ItitjecI oil "hich used prints- are a, ;nitahle, are restricted as to t lie (errit,iries in yshietu they ttt) be used. USED 16mm. SILENT vPIGINTHEPOKEnI ShIPMENTS TO CANADA AND MEXICO I litre's in tissorinletit of ihtce good htseel I OOfoot I 6mm. sdclll stlhjecis-t))ohl (tt s (;ustnnnters iTt (;ifl;itttn lnnnt )tcsico sh,nilid :u,Ini I bY S to thin- liners of ill itunts sitlichi are nn,,ri,ta!i, 1,,,sl1taitl Jul ttte I. tiled Sl:utcs for post1n:utnl nlch.n er to tlittnt. (tin,v,tivtnill it-Ills. (:,nadi.nit aunt iesieain cI shin nuts ts!e:ISC',. hut some front ()tfci:tI, Pictofial, Hollywood Film, Excel and other proclus - Is. stn,,uhtt inquire in ads.innec vs to teaulytnoetatlnu clia ng Cs uuuuless those ch;trges utuay be collected nyu delis cry. SIhjccis tilt.' spOrts, Carl()l)t)-i. cotyledics. l)CWS. Vscsieiti. ttFtvCls -but no choice of ttHeet Itrinuntlanice nIust be in I ;. S. fnutttls. uhitnintInnu order is $10.00. lVl)C or liik. 'i (Ill gnt 11)1CC different 100-foot l6nuti .sile ni filnis iii a ''PIG-IN-I I IF- POKE' for ottly ...... 1-OREIGN SHIPMENTS (Oilier Than To Canada or Mexico) 4)11 sni.11t orniers that hums he shlttilnnd Ivy land Ibost in a single parkte t cn,stontners in all finreittit t-ounllries (ix vs dl as ('antnnla autd ,icicob vunay Itese tnustinad delis cry my adiliug i oc-a to tIne lined's of tIle its inns iltttLi ins up lie .tvl)nttienit. pritsittitig tint- ilcttts tire i,iIh(it tine site timid weight tittiits for parcel Itntst shiptumniits tin Itielt rn. \tiuniinnntnn oniin -r is SI 0_Itt. 16mm. Silent rIODD REELS7'

Buy Anything Offered By Rhickhawk We IhIve a vcry litlItletI tttnsler of good lIxesi 16t1)m. silent ftltns-slitthtly it)(onlnlcl- )t)t, led Cl's a 'nCtdP 11)9 tIOl(i 3h)I)-fet n Iel9t li-odd reels ftotti I so reel cotned es a .ttl On Convenh?nt Moiathly Pa yIIIeDtS! I ii jar I oo reel Sttl'JCeix -1)1111 igel'. I roit feattircy, \Vh lie our suppl y holds out, these I ('ni ti I InsIsts,-,- , iii ('iliilineutt.iI Uttited ,St:ntcs (the 48 slates slid the i)isleict of Cu,lnnttilttal tInn) tHin purcl nave mint). siletti '01)1) RFELS' Cost YOht Cl(h. ittily ...... (thug ii led l,y tllaet,Jt:inik on cn,insenicunt t(nnne tiii nientts. I iii Uninintinre, our c,nnt'.ennlennt tidd.tiii tta inleutl ssrs lee is Zis5iitihhi' to tInn,se of you aIro-tid, ha, hltnt s;iti.Ftnetinrv Ittttn. list:. tnientl tin.eUintnls lii bn)terat(cnt. 1 mis :itkl.o,n sc-ri cc pro' intes (haI ntis :inlihihinnttat in ln'lin t:ntlltnsn - 111:1) lIt s:l,cInI Irotti our ca)atnln:s nir In.nrininn 11,1111- Itlisalic I :nddci)',n,u to Iltit tinerciiminunUse ahre;iiiy Incing itnid for oil tn billie paytilcilt ;nccnlU?nt---in1n Itn ennui hilinit'. i til,ns It;) 1111111 ( 1:11cc iii I I)' ' is lint,.! lInt r Ilt rtnsln Pt' (LOSE-OUT SALE! NAflO1Ai 2"x2' (OLOR SilDE T.,r thnet,- mlllihiIiUnn;nI dentin. %lnntlln)c ln;olnnents svilh cr.ndnntlte unvszlrd ntric:inhinng (liv lilt 111151 tn Inn, .l lImIt .(.,ltiliit' lilt lIne thus t1> nitdint tlCC,ninuit tt(ttr It nt-mit tditii, (if the add-oit mlinohiitt, H ,- IL. are bt:itis] n5ss coIor sisieS-ICn to a set hit' tins i- st lIIn!tttC Of IinItt 11.1) tiltIttyl ni:tde to sell for $1.00 a sd. We base tl\hh- b'\\.'shlN I l)(('n\'-i -.ln(Nl !h '1 Vtit)1t15 (ltttttiittes lfi of the \'ahIOIIS tCs lI'ttsl I'e!osv. To s-ncl it ftp. ltetc's the dcal._. h'\VM ; \T I' \l " I ' I Orders of $ 26.00 to $ 50.00 .....5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 Your choices of titl,'s, per set ...... Otders of $ 50.01 to $100.00. . . .$10.00 $10.00 10.o10 Ovur choicp of titles, Per set (tnlsitnum five sets) , assorted, gnvp • On-dpi-s of $100.01 to $150.00 .....15.00 $5.00 $15.00 to an order) ...... \lIItt. II I V. I 'TOSS ' N.tbS (;sUA A"l) C()I.t.Sittt.:S. I (AL's' Ordera of $150.01 to $200.00 .... $ $20.00 $20.00 2 0.00 'I 20 t 5% 5 (1101 ( t I 'I I IN t'x( I ni 1)151 1-0.11 r .., m i ti stl t AND I I L 55 i's 1510 'tLf Ordera of $200.01 to $250.00 .....$25.00 $25.00 'n.32 N(t tot:I) % I \l'sLI)stTY , $25.00 M-9 T.\ni.&N Orders of $250.01 to $300.00.., .$30.00 $3000 \.,55 KC.NSIIS crlv, smo. $30.00 5,19 'nVlS(l)t'nyi\ t)rb.iS 'n(10 I [ ' ti Tttr t.Srn Otder& of $300.01 to S350.00 .....'35.00 $35.00 $35.00 7561 'I" 31}4 'APPUOpq q sn ipui o; pj!uI si inoA ssjun -i3p.IO iOJ Ut9flfl u!uRieg 51q1 35fl 4ou op noA Wtj puawwoi 3M 'inna UTOxuEj sup woi; ppGjs stur Ile o4 Ajddu .zjniiz 3j5 9U3j3 £In.Iq9 -.ienuf sppj ui pp sizijod pue suLi9j4

. 1 U!DhI.(DU I 1W SU111A :01 )OJ N1 - sIr%ItuJ IIF%IflOS '111109j j: °N Ipjad pasfl Jo MOJ 'iOduAQ voildowns OlYd IVUILdS 9ViSOd S 11 LSI99Ill atv'i )rini

used 16nnn. sound CARTOONS We currently have the biggest and best stock of good used 16 mm. sound cartoons in several years. Not only is there a tre- mendous selection of titles, but we have a good depth of stock in a high percentage of them. Length averages between 225 to 300-feet. Now's the time to buy. So look over the grouping carefully, and fire your order in!

Wailer Lanlz Cartoons (Castle), price each. . $8.95 Willie Whopper Cartoons, price each ..... $1.95 Dick and Larry Cartoons, price each. . . . . $8.95 (Distributed theatrically by Unversal-tnternational) OrLc'inally distributed theatrically by M-G-M HAPPY HOBOES FAIR TODAY PLAY BALL JOLLY FISH HAMS THAT COULDN'T BE CURED SPITE ELITE HOT AND COLD VULCAN ENTERTAINS KINGS UP Mouse Movie Cartoons, price each ...... $8.95 WILLIAM TELL OVERTURE (olumbia Pictures Cartoons, price each . . . $8.95 Originally dLsiribated theatrically by 20th Century-Fox Puppeloons, price each ...... $6.95 Distrihutal iwn-theatrically by Officwl Fil,ns JAIl. BIRDS SOUTH POLE OR BUST SOUTH SEA SWEETHEARTS THE GULLIBLE CANARY KONGO ROO Farmer Al Falfa Cartoons, price each.... $8.95 LITrLE LOST SHEEP Junkie Jinks Cartoons, price each ...... $8.95 Original/v distributed theatrically by 20th Century-Fox MASS MOUSE MEETING MOUSE MEETS LION THE GREAT CHEESE MYSTERY A CLOSE SHAVE IN A CARTOON STUDIO FLYING SOUTH WiLD AND WOOZY WEST THE HEALTH FARM THE MECHANICAL COW Puddy the Pup Cartoons, price each ...... $8.95 Mighty Mouse Cartoons, price each ..... $8.95 PRIZE PACKAGE Originally distributed theatrically by 20th Century-Fox Oristinally distributed theatrically by 201h Century-Fox TRA1LER LIFE HOME WANTED - THE WRECK OF THE HESPERUS Soglow's "The Utile King" Cartoons, SCAT CATS

...... $8.95 . price each ...... $1.95 Fairy Tale Cartoons, price each Terrytoons, price each ...... $8.95 SULTAN PEPPER BREMENTOWN MUSICJANS Originally distributed theatrically by 20th Century-Fox DICK WHITTINGTONS CAT Merrytoons, price each ...... $8.95 DON QUIXOTE BUGS BEETLE ELIZA ON ICE Originally distributed theatrically by RKO JACK AND THE BEAN STALK QUEEN OF HEARTS HOT SANDS A WAIF'S WELCOME IT MUST BE LOVE BARNUM WAS RIGHT SUMMERTIME PARROTVILLE POST OFFICE SIMPLE SIMON RAG DOG Aesop's Fable Cartoons, price each ...... S6.95 THE RASSLIN' MATCH (Amos 'n' Andy) Color Cartoons Originally distributed theatrically by RKO SCOTrIE FINDS A HOME ALADDIN'S LAMP (Fairy Tale in Cinecolor). . $17.95 PUSS IN BOOTS (Fairy Tale Cartoon THE CATS CANARY Woody Woodpecker Cartoons, price each. . $9.95 in Cinccolor) ...... $17.95 CIRCUS ROMANCE Distributed theatrically by Universal-International SIMPLE SIMON (Fairy Tale in Cinecolor)..... $17.95 FROZEN FROLICS JUNGLE JAZZ ACE TN THE HOLE SUNSHINE MAKERS (Merrytoon in Color). . . . $19.95 WOODY PLAYS SANTA CLAUS HUNTING IN 1950 ON THE LINKS Rudolf king Cartoons, price each ...... $8.95 Andy Panda Cartoons, price each ...... $8.95 SUMMER TIME Originally distributed theatrically by M.G-M Originally diytributed theatrically by THE LAUNDRYMAN BARNYARD BABIES Universal-International MARATHON DANCERS LITFLE CHEEZER ANDY'S BLACKSMITH SHOP ON THE LINKS APPLE ANDY Oswald the Rabbit Cartoons, price each. . $8.95 FISH FRY ...... $9.95 AT YOUR SERVICE MEATLESS TUESDAY Wait Disney Cartoons, price each LOVE SICK MOUSE TRAPPERS ALL AMERICAN MICKEY (Mickey Mouse) ____