Marxism,Marxism, FreedomFreedom andand thethe StateState Zabalaza Books “Knowledge is the Key to be Free” Post: Postnet Suite 116, Private Bag X42, Braamfontein, 2017, Johannesburg, South Africa E-Mail:
[email protected] Mikhail Bakunin Website: Mikhail Bakunin Marxism, Freedom & the State - Page 44 13. A satiric allusion to the reference to Marx by Sorge, the German-American dele- gate, at the Hague Conference. 14. Compare James Burnham's theory in his Managerial Revolution. 15. i.e., 1872. 16. This sentence is, of course, purely ironical. 17. Radicals - the more progressive wing of the Liberals, and standing for social reform and political equalitarianism, but not for the abolition of private property, or of the wage system. Hence they were not Socialists. The Labour Party of today has inherited much of their policy. 18. Written in September, 1870. 19. The Marxists and the Lassalleans. They united in 1875. 20. In a previous passage, Bakunin had said that Mazzini, like the Marxists, wanted to use the 'people's strength whereby to gain political power. Liberty for all, and a natural respect for 21. This is essentially the line put forward today by Labour politicians, especially when, in Australia, they are asking for increased powers for the Federal that liberty: such are the essential Government. conditions of international solidarity. 22. Followers of Auguste Comte (1798-1857) founder of the science of Sociology. In his later writings Comte advocated a Religion of Humanity, to be led by a sort of agnostic secular priesthood consisting of scientific intellectuals, who would act as the - Bakunin moral and spiritual guides of a new social order.