
- NOTE rn NoI NOTES ,i I cccnt .rSarrlst i \ t:t tC. i l. cloes Preface l. J:rnres Joll, The Anarchisls,2nd etl , (C)ambridge, Nlass.: H:rn'artl llnivet'sin Press, 'i:tlike 19tt0), p viii. .r .rl istic: 2 Sinr:e the literature on this oeriod of soci:rlis( ernd cornrnunist intertrationalism is i.rlizccl immense, it is possible to rite onlr solne rcprL\r'ntJti\c titles here Julius BtaLnthal's ()eschir.hte der Internationale, 3 r'oirs (Flarlno\er: Dietz, l96l-1971 I has bccornc standarcl ' lllrl)l\ on a ccnturl of internationalisrn, though the emphasis is alrnostexclusivclr uporr politir:al . )|S [O :rnd not intern:rtionalisrn. IIore sper:ifir:rllr, on the Setoncl Internatioral, sce Jarnes Joll, The Second InternatiormL, 1889-1911. rcr ed. (l-rtrrdon ancl Boston: r.hil)s, Routledge ancl Keean Paul, 197'1). On the International Federation of Trade flnions before ,11( )ln1C the rvar arrd on its post-rvar rerival. see Joh:rnn Sasst:nbach, I'inlundzuanzig Ja.lLre internationaLer Geuterksthaf tsbelDegung (Anrstcr(1arn: IrrtcrrraIionalcn C]cterlschaf tsbun- .Li aucl dcs, 1926), and Lervis Lonvin, Lobor and Inlernatiortalisrn (Ncl York: N'Iacrnillan, 1929). iltloIls, C)n the pcrst-war Labour and Socialist International, see John Ptice, Tlrc Intcrttational Labour Llouernent (London: Oxford l-iniversitl Press 19.15) On the so-callecl Trro-ancl- ;, lile, a-Half Internationzrl, scc Andr6 Donneur, Hi.stoire de I'L'nion des Pttrtis SetciaListes (tour I'Action InternationaLe (Lausanue: fl niversit6 de ClenEve, Institu t l-n ir crsi Lairc dcs FIaLrtes :;r otlet n -L,tudes Internat.ionales, 1967). On thc Cornmunist International, see, for cxarnpkr, Dom- .,i iclutc's iniclue Desanti, L'InlernatiortaLe Comniunisle (Par-is: Parot, 1970); ]:lnes \\' I{rrlsc. TAa Forming ol the Communist Internatiorral lStanforcl: Stanfnrtl t,uiversitl Ptess, 1964): -,1 phc- GLintlrer Nollau. International Cornmunisrtt and lltorLd Retolutiott (London: Hollis antl , ,1i tir.nl Clarter, 196l) On the Red International of Labour Llriions, see Die Rote Ge*-r:rltsrhalls Internationale (Berlin: Tribrine, 1973), by the Sovicrt histori:rn fl NI Adibt'korv .' l:tallCl 3 Joll, p. 188 , 1u:ir c 4. See Peter Lcisr:he, '-{narchisnrus - \'c'rsuc}r einer Definitiorr uncl historisc}ien 1\po- ktgie," PolitischeVierleljahressr:hrift, vol 15(197'1), rro l:53-73;Peter Lcische, ln.archi.srnus r icleals (Darrnstadt: lVissensch:r[t BurhgeseilsrhafL, ]977), pp. I I5-28

Chapter One l. Onll a fel titlcs lrom t]re exferrsi\c litcraturc ort t]rc First Interrrational can be citecl here. Documcnts covering the entire period of the Intern:rtional iriclrrde J:rr:clues Frelmond, ed, La Premiire Intertmtionale, 1 vols (Geneva: Institut Ilnirersitaire de Ilautes l'-Luclcs Intcrnationales, 1962-71), and, from the point of vieu'of an :rnti-authoritariirn p:rr ticipant in i t, James Guillaume, L'Intr:rnationaLr:: tlocuments e t so uut:nirs ( I 861 187 E ),4 r ols. (Paris: Soci6t6 Nouvelle de l-ibrair-ie et d'Edition and P.\'. Stock, 1905-10). Srudies includc Cl D H. C)ole, A History ot' SociaList Thought,5 rols (London: I'[acrnillan, 1953-6Ll), 2: il[arxism and 1850-1E90 (i954), and Br:runthal, vol l. 2. \'Vhat Nlarx actualll wrote was that "the emancipation of the u'orking class mLrst bc corrclrrered bl the lvorking class thernsehes " Karl N[,atr, PoLitical Ui-ilizgs, r'ol i], The First InternationaL and Alter, ctl Davicl Fernbach (Nerr York: \'intage, 197a), p 84 For anottrer documentarl'collection see Satrl K Padovcr, cd., Karl A'Iarx and. the First InternationaL, Karl Nlarx Library, r'ol 3, (Neu York: NIcGrat-Hill, 1973). Studics of Nlarx and the International include Cole and Braunthal, r:ited above; see also Paul Thorn:rs, KarL X[arx and the Anarchists (London, Boston ancl Henler: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1980), ch 5 3. By 1872, however, N{arx had concludecl that the norkers rnight achieve their e():rls peacefully in certain countries, such as Englarid ancl the-Ltriired States Sec Nlarx, The ['irst InternatictnaL and tllter, p. 321 4. Janes Guillaume, quoLcd in Annie Kriegel, Les Inlernationales Out,riire.; (]861- 1913 I (Paris: Presses Llniversitaires de France, I 96'1), p. I 2. 5. Proudhon regartlecl "the r:apitalist prinr:iple" and "the governmental prinriple" as "one and the samc principle; . . the abolirion oI the exploitation of nan by man, ancl the abolition of the government of man bv rnan, are one and the same formrrla. "Pt ouclhon to Pierre Lerour, l'1 l)cc. 1849 Oorrespondance de P.-J Proutlhott., l'1 vols (Paris: A

ffi ,.THE \VORK} I].S f'HE}ISI.L\-},S

Kegan P:rul, 1956), p. 2fi2. -,r'rote 8. "\\'hat u e p.it it', tt,t placc of political porrcrs ;ue cconotl-,ic folccs." Proudhotr ',\\'hat rve put ill the plai:e oi g.rnt.nrnent . . . is industriai or3:tnizati

t nulnDers ( nlrv lcaqrrer"cll :irlis:rnal stirita ot LJI( arttl trnerrlllitllecl the l::rger sinh secl, atnong u hotn he .iltsLtn[ii lllri! thc ili;ri er of the ljroietariat, I nran ytreci:cil that €terltai;:ical {or q0\ernnlcn[J Lh'al gf.ftnde trnuiiie ltopuiaire," those .,rln)I.-. "io{:irr trild Enqcls crdirLriii! i,:signaLc Dl'.i:hat .sirnr.ijtarlcoLts[1 ' i:ontempiuous and piCioresclue plirase, Ltirn.pett.Proietar-i&1, f he 't ifl-raii'. ics gtit'ti', Archiue s BahounirLe, 2 ( i 965): 1 ?7-8 22. 1\Ihen hlar;< bicckcr-i tire lticl of the rtili:liir:e ci Sot:ialist liemocl:tr:.r, iotrtrtltld Lrr Eakunin, to unrcasot lil;lt lhc {nternationa ti','es inlc Allianct officiall,v dis as a vcr]' uprng ot Bakunin's [r vcl-tire]ess vieu'ihe .{lliance as tlrr' bl Ba qLri:l the NOt !.S 28r

:, :rl-.111 ln a J)OSttrve lnternational, as but onc stcp in thc Russi:rn's cfforts, as NIarx latcr put it, to replacc irr the ltiehest level "the Gener-al CoLrnril rvittr hirnself as rirtual dictator " Frerrnond, 2:269 Ptopjl1rtr, Iir vols., 23 Guillarirrt'. l:220-1 : 1926):339 Gcorg L u kics nr acli' t hi s po ir r t rvi thin the c()n texf oI t he icleo logir:al :nd organiz:rtional !rr\tolnalv political 21 clisprrtes betrveen the Bolsheriks and rarioLrs lc[t-cornrnrrntsts:rs earl,r'as 1923 Scc' -,, rr hich depcndecl Ceschichte und Klassettbr:rL,ussteirt, Georg Luk(tc.s lllarAe (Neul'iecl and Berlin: Luch- .:rrne the doctrine - terhand, 1968),2:171{l For an appreciation oI Lukhrs in t]ris rcaard, sec Miklos MoJnar, : t,r clrarv practical "ProblEn'res icli'ologic1Lrc," irr Bt'rtrancl, ed,.Siluallorz.s rtuolututnnatres :9-!): d rrrdre Charlcs L : rr: en Europr:, 1917 1922 (Nlontreal: Ccntrc Intcr unircrsitairr tl'Etudcs Europi'crrncs, 1977), Routledge llnd pp l4l-50 N{oirrar'. D1'rLin Lu Londre.s - Prorrdhon 25 }liklos Lt de la ['rt:Lniire Irttr:tttaliortale: ronf?rr:nce de rvrote. (Gc'ncla: .i;,,n \\'hat rvc dr:1E71 l)roz, l9U3), p 591[ ]lolrrar's is tlrc' nrost corrtplt'tc:rccoLurt of the London Jtut r ort[t'rcrrcc 26 Ibid , pp. tt.i- 1 21. Frerrnontl. 2:192, 194 ir, 200-l l-orcrtzo r\nsclrno, a clisscnting Spanislr participant, (Barrclorra: r- :1i trfo crtrrc]:ltivc rcc:rlled lris disillLrsionnre'rtt irr El ptoLclariado ntilitatttt: Libreria Espafrola, n.d l:31 l-23 ::\!\lll lhleatcned to ), Flcrrnorrcl. 2:261-ir . r;r Lo r:oJlapse the 28 :,:rilr all oI which 29 Herrr-r Ccrllins artcl flhirncn r\bramsk1, KarL llatx artd tltr Rritish Labour lloterneut: Yetus r;f the lir.sl ,l.rtionl" Oeutre.s, lttlernatiortal(tr-oncion: l'Iacrrill:rn, l9ti5), pp 85,231-lff 30. 'lht Counril s selerlion of The l{agrrt' as llrc c()u3-rcss srlc, rnoreovel, Ialrnrccl delegates s-vrnpathetir to N'Iarx irntl thc Clt'rrcral (lolrncil. ri'hilc u'orking against reprc- Errro;rc, ha<1 ,lr ilttclet rvhatever sentirtion from souLlrt'rrr u,Ircn'Bakrrnirr strorrg suI)p()rt \\'hcthcr for re:rsons ol [inancial r:onstraint or thc dangcr o1 bcing arr('stcd irr transiL in lirancc or f]errn:rnr, - r r: Iorrnd in the Bakunin hirnsell did not attencl i\ cornbinatiorr oI sr nrpatlrt'tir I'rcrrch Bi:rnrlLrists, staLrnclr thernseivcs, a l:rrgc nLrmbt'r o/ dt'lcq:rtcs Irorn tlrt'f)errer:rl (}nncil, ancl ' : ;,t: 1',-ls.sociation lnfhorii:rri:ns a stror)g Gernrarr ( ontirlgent, though thc (lcrrrrurs lr:rtl yrrer ioLrslr pirt tir ip:rted but 1,":i rol (Bcrlin: minimalJl in thc Irrlerr]:ltiorr:rl. ensured:r srrbs[:rntia] majoritr'lor ],Iax at l-hc Hague, 3l parti.Lll:rrl)sinrethctlrororrglillt'rlrsper;rfedltnlianshadscrcrccllclationsiviththcClcnerell (lounr:il alid bo\(otteil thc consless ' :.') !tttt,lnarchisrn 3l T[ret:onrrnitteethargecl rvithinrestig:rtin11 tlre actiriticsolasccrctBaktrninisti\lliante rvithin thc Irrtcrr:rtic>nll irouiralir rerornrnencled (luiilarrrre r crpulsiorr in the ionrittiorr th:rt lrc still bciong,c'c1 t() arr olgan iratiorr u,liost'( onLirlu('(1 ('\istt'rtr r'. tlrr corrrr ittcc clcclareil, :rll | 967), 347 "lras ncrt bccn su[licicrrtlv prorccl " Irrstitrrtc ol Nlarxisnr-l.crrinism. 7-ha Hagtte f,'on.qre.l.s ': ir lcrJlS Of rt ltich -,r( to be summed of Llte F h's! Inlernal.iort.al, Septern.ber 2 7, 1E72: i\lirtutr:s arrrl I)rtr.utne:n ls (\,{oscou: Progrtss 197{i), 181-2 :. t,t of the tnas,ses-" Frrblislrt'rs, pp. NIarr to (1966):irOir -: ,n: Frr.cclorn Pr-ess, ?t2 Ludn ig Kugehrarrr, 2!) |rrlr 1872 Il'erhe,'liJ 33 1b help secttie Bakuttin's crpulsion NIatx sorrelrt to:rssr;ciate him rrr'tlr thc rrisdeerls lhe ;u I 73-4. of vounq atid unscru;rulous relolrrtionan lanrtit Sergei Ncr:lracr,, u hom Birkunin ::-.thcd primary irn- had e:rt-lir-r bcfriencled but sinre teprr

Lulionarl S', ti 35 Quoted in Stic'klou, p 9 Sec Ridler Lr Fr cr mond. 4:ir37 ' 36 53 Pougt't I 37. On rhe iclea of rhe gcneral snike in thi'Filst Inteluatiottal, see t'speti:rllr llobt'rt fhc C /r,r Br6cr,1-a C)rii,e Glntrali en Frattce (Paris: Iitrrdes ct DocLttll('Ilttttiott Itrteltlatiotlltles. 51 5l-r. r l9fi9), rh. 1; also, Phtl H. C.looclsrein, 'l'lte Theort oJ tlte ()t'ncral .Strik( [1o]t] tlte F-rettrlt Qr.rotccl I l. )Ionogr:Lphs, 1982), pp. 32 56. Quotctl Rertolutir.trt to Polanrl (Boulcler.. cblor':rclo: E:Lst lrlopcan 57. Cluilllur 5 :nd rh 3. rl8 Jou)ratrr Thornas, p il1-r2 38. 59. On thc e (]uotcd irr Bratrnthal, 1:262 39. en Frant:e, t,tl l-11nrin has u'ritten (li:rt "the first enticip:rtions of srtrclicalist icleas tttar lre 40. Liyis 1975). l:265-,i fouucl thc disrussions uncl r'csolrrfions of tlre First IllteutatiotllLl bctrvcctr ]868 arrd in 60 See.\pp, 1872 ancl espcci:rlll in rhosc oI its lJakuninist scctiotrs bctrveen 1872 ancl 1,37t].' Loru irr See Johr adcls, horrcrlcr, rhlrt "in its dclinite historic lorlr . srlrc]icalisrrr rlas clalroretecl llcttrct'tr 6l in Edn'alcl ]1, t89l-r arrd 190'f in Ft:Lnre Ettrl'riopacclin rtI tlte Social Sriattr:cs' 1930, s r "Srrrtliteli:m ' l)r l1 Tlre litelaLurc orr Frelr:lr srnrlit:rlism is rt'rr lrlgc Set'Robert liicr, lc (Plincetotr: '\loLn'etttertt On the B Sy,nrliral en Fra.nre, I87l-1921: r:.ssai bibliograpl'Lt.qttr lPtttis: )loutotr. 1963) )lore retent 62. So'tiTlpolit ih .research is c'ffcctire\ rerietcrl (p1r 425-r'r2) in Petet Scltcittler, "Sr rrtlikalisrnLrs in cler Neuere Forschrrngen irr I'ranlueich, Irtglatrcl uttcl :rnd Nerr \or l europ:iisrhen r\rbcitcrbc'rvegung ll, l)ctrtsclrlrrrrcl," in ,lrbeiter tnrcl ,,1rbr:iterbe.Lrcglltrg trn I.'crgleir.lt, etl. Klatrs Tenfelclc 63 C)n Pt F etnortd Pe li, rhilosoyrhet (icotgcs Solcl as the theolist Creation ol r of Clalifonrirr Dilerntn:t ol ;:::i :'l :.'i:f i.i i,!l iil; li,1il' lli J l\: :;l:l i; t() the rrlorill re€icllelltion of :r sot:ictl ( I 963 ):3 79-8:: Ia i'ioLr:ncc (Paris" S-r,ndicalist \l bv bourgeois clecatk'nte. Scc cspe 61 \'al R L BuL is Ncll to d riglttlr saicl: th:rt 1908). it |citcr:rte 1953), p 2i tecl oi the s,rntlicalisL lno\elrcll )ol f,tilrg idt'as tlt:rt luLlr fanrili:r rr itlt 65 Ricller . t tnilitants rvould not h:tr e etrdol 66. Partl I clispat:rgiug alxl oft-quote.l rcmatk l'ltett asked abrtttt Solcl - "I rt'rlrl ', them. Clriffuelhc's l8), 1:23 1 :; ,\lexanclre Durnas" in t'.dorrlld l)oll6ans. Hi.stotrr: tlu ntouttctrt.ent rtut'tiet,lr .l lcf.,otict 6i . NTztt cl l 1E7l-1920 (P:l is: .\lmantl (bl in, 1!)-1u) 2:127) - t'xernlrlifics ecl., r6l. l, 1EJ0-1E71, tctl. 2, dikalisrr tr: Flench activists toualcls hirn.,\ rec:ent stud) noLcs \ct agitin tllat Sorel fhe attitudc o[ LelLn ing, tt| in Francc'. let alorre a follorring Lhere.' J. Roth, \von no,,a;rprec:iablc alcrlti.rn Jack velsit:it C)ld, Tltr: C,ttLt ol f iolenca: Sort:l antL tLLr: Sorali.atts (Belkclcr', Los Arrgeles, Lotrtlon: Llniversrtr cornl)aratl\ ( of (.lalifolnia Press, l!180) p.62. Hc cnjovecl a little rnorc influeucc lrrt].)tlg:t lcrt'Itrllierr See al so I -at I intellectLrals arrd journalists. Intlustrial L' .13. Ferrrancl I'clloutier, Histoirr: de.s Boutscs rJe 7-rai,ail (Paris: Schleicher Frt'res. 1902), irt F p. lo5. Lubor (Philadelph Ltorr Le Syn.di.calisnre II Cottlrc La. gur:tre : c:onltrettr't 'l'1. Jorrhaux. I lrangais. lttilt: :,, 1ul6rrremelr l,rgliteli Rir ii'r c. t9l3), p. I'oliLita c rctar) to srLmntarize s of tlrt'(i(ll- fot' 68. On th, (Lolrclorr: \. our confctenr:e in llrlr "Le Sr trdicalislnc ]lr:rncc stt \\ quotrtion cornes) is a rlg solrlr c tio t t relutionship, scc. fot e "Lc Slnclicafisrnc disser(a colSlrllc(loll R6r'olutionlaire er Proudh()n," ir L'Ac:tualit(: rh I'roud.hon (Btlrsstrls: Editiorrs rle l'InstitLrt (Ncrr \irrk: I 1967),pp.47-66; facclrres.[urilinrd,Fcrttancl cleSor:iologicclcI'fl1irersitiLibrccleBnrxellcs. 69. On tlr, Pelloutier ,as origirte.s dt.L.s\rtdicaLisme d'a.clion direcl.e (Puis: E.tlitions du Scuit. 1971), et (P:rris: II I) pp 205-10. pp 115-b :rr .16. SeeBernarcl H.Nktss,TlteOrigitt.sol LheFrenchl,altrtrllotentertt,lE)0-lc)lllBelkelcl: 'I-he 70 rrl tInivo sitl, oI Califor nia Press, 1976). pp 6-8, ir I I SociaIisnt,' 1i. lrrrile Pouget, La Confbdtration (]trt?ralr du Trai,aiL, 2nd t:d, Bibliot]ri't1utr clrr Rcr ista tle f ]Iour erncnt I'ro16tltien, II iP:rris: NIarc:el Rir iirc, n d 11908?l): 26-7 Bar, la C \ p. 213 '18 .Jouhaur, 1910 l()16 ) 19. Pouge t, La CGT, p. 36. I]llrnan f , 50. PoLrget, Les Ilases tlu :yntl,iculistnr: (Palis: RibliothFqtrc Slrrtlir:rL.istc, rr.d 1, pyr 20- I Harrartl I tt 1or exanrl rl, 51. p. 33 4. For a general rliscussion of tlrc st:rte in stntlir:alist thought, scc Jouhaur, 3-8; llarr tt. R.,J. Helton. "srndic:rlist I.ht:ories of thc State,' Socitlogitul Rettir:u; 28. no. I (l;t'lr. Tzrunrs 1!rl I 980 -2 l. -52. ):5 lSanti:Lgtt.,r r\s F.F. Rirller srrccinctl,r exprcssctl it, sl ndir::rlism constilutecl "a lxrlitit:rl cloclrirtc', goal to br: achittvecl. llrc rrrnrplete (Bar cclorr I contailing:rn anallsis of the social sifuatiott.:r Artattlttstr' tr-ansfolrnatiol of societ\', and:r comprcltclsire srreleg-r'o[:tctiott." F.F. Rid]er', Rcrro- - NOTES 283

lutietrt.nrl, St'tttlir.alisnt in Frattce (Cambridge: Ciambriclge l.Inircrsit.v Prcss, 1970), p 90 See-,ri Ricller"s usclul discussion. pp 88-94 Roller t P,,rrrt, t. t .n (.( ,7. :6. -l-hc I, rL)DltlCS. 51 Charte d'Atniens is reproclur:erl in Appenclix A Iitntlt 55 (]noterl irr Doll6:rns, 2:128 r;p 112- 56. Quotccl in ibicl., p. 130. 5i Ciuillaunle.4:r'ii 58 Jouh:rux, p. ,'10 ,19 On tlre anardrist inflrrx into the Lrnions see Jean NIlitron, Lr: ;l'[ornen.enl, lttarchiste - rltr lle r:ttFrartce, r'o1 l:Dr:soriginr:.sd1911;tol 2:Del911 d,nos jours (I'aris:Franco-is){as1rcro, . jS lrd 1975), l:265-1130. | ()t\\in (j0 Scc .\qrpeuclix -\ { l\\ ('('ll 61 Scc John Boltlirch, "The Cionccltt of l..lan Yital: -\ R:rtionalization o1 \\'gakncss." I I \lll in Echv:rrtl N'Iead E:rrle, L-d.,.l.Iodr:rn lrattce: ]'roblerns ot' tlte Third and Fotuth Rr:publics t i11/:ltl (Princcton: Plinr:efon L'nilcrsitt l'rcss, l9irl1. pp i)3-8 r((elll 6? C)nfheBorl'sr:i,scccspcciall\l)etetSchiittlcr.l)ieEtstahungdtr"Bou'sesduTtai,nil" - rn rk't So.ialpol.itik unri ltan:cisi:thet Stndik.alisttrtt.s arn [.nzle des ]9 lah.rl,Lttnderls (Flankftrrt r:11 trrtrl lLncl Nel \brk: Campus, 1982) i, Lrlrklt' 63 OrrPcllorrtier:rncltltcbourser,scePelloutier,Histoired.csf)outsr:;tht7'tatail;luillard. Ftrttanci PeLl.otttier;.\lan S llaker. "Fern:rnd I'crlloutio ancl the Bourses du Traitail: -lhc Ir()1lSI Crcatiot't oI an Ircle;renclent Frenc:h Labor .\'Iolcrnent" (Ph D dissertation, lTnircrrirr tr rrer ltl of C-lelilorria. 1973); -\lau B. Spitzer,' \nrrchr and CultLrre: Ft'rl:rncl Pc'llorrticr :Lld thir ||/tltq Dilcnrrra of RerolrrLionart Svrrdicalis:rt," IrttetrLutionul Rt"i,ieu, of Social /llslor,- g \( )( 1('t\ (19{ii3):379-88; Jirrncs Charles llutlcr. ":u}d th.'Ernergeucc oI thc Frenr:h l):rr is: Svndicalist NIo'"euent, 1880-1906' (Ph D clissert:Ltion, ()hio Sf:rre Llrliversit\. 1960). - ;11: Llrat 61. \':rl R Lol*in, Tlte French La.bor ][ot,e tttenl (Oan'rblidge: FIarr:rrc] llnirersitl'Prcss, t. thrtt 1953), p 23 .Lr rr itlr 65 Ricller, p. 72 r rcao 66 Parrl Louis, Hisloite (1.1r ttrot.Ll)(nen.l. st'rul.itul en [-ra.tttr:,2 rols (Prris: \'llois, lg17- . r, iircl 18), l:23'1,2:12; .fouhaux, p !.). :rpliIics 67 Ilarccl r:rn cler Linclen, "\'orl:iufiges zur \erglcichenden Soz-i:rlgesr:hir:hte cles S_vr- ,L SOrcl dikalisrrrus,' ttt,lnatr.htsntus itt Kttnsl ttnd PoLitih Zunt 85. ()r:burt;lag ton.:lrthtn' I RoLlr Lc:hrt.ing, ecl Ileribcr t llaurn:rnn, Francis IJullrol. Ciottlricd -\'Icrgncr (Olde:nbrLrg: lini- tt \it\Lt\ \crsitit Oldenbrrrg. l98i). pp ,15-fi3. p. 5I Van clo Linden's .is the tidest-t.rrrging I l:r li:Lu cornp:urtiYe:rnalYsisof thesocioccoilomir ronditionsolsrnrlic:alistardre'latcdr1ro\ernellts Scc also Larrr PeLcrson, "The Onc Big I.rnion in Intcnratioral Pelspectire: Rerolutionarr . l!)02). Irrc.lrrstrial Iirricrnism, ]900-192ri," itt II'oth., Contnu.ttit ,- arLd Pottet: The l-,xperir:nre ol Lnbor irt Europe a.nd Arnl:rit;n, 19A0-192t, ccl. James E. C;onin nnd (iaunen Sir.iani (l'hilaclelplria:'lemple L.lnilcrsitr l'ress, 1983), pp 19-87, and AncLeina l)c C,lernerrti, lri:)). l) ]'olilica e societa'nel si.ndacalisrno ri.itoltLzionotio ]90a-191i (Ronrc: Bulzoni, 19113) ( (,1 lor 68 Orr tlre (()lstruction r\ofkers in Britair scc l{.\\'. Postgete, TlLe Ruildets'Histotl' ,.Lli:nte (Lonclon: N:rriorral Fecler:rtion of Buiklirg 1-r-aclc Operatires. 1923), espcciallr ch 17 On Fr:rnresec\\'illiamEdgerllcNlech:ur,'['heBuilditrgTradeso1 Francc, 1907-.1914"(PhD ,.Llrsntc dissett:rtion, llnivcrsit) ol \\'isconsin, 197,5). For cxarnpJcs of technic:rl clrrnge: in Irr.litut corrstrllctiolr, scc l)cter N Stearns, Littts r.tf Lnltrn: llork ut a. \[atttritt.g Iru!ttstrial Sotietlt ' i rln ntl (New York: Hohles:rnrl ]Ieier, 1975), pp 122-i3 . r971), 69. On the,\mster

ffi"- 2iJ 1 I HE \VOI{KERS TH},NISEL\-F,S

File i, Congres - : e.spa.itola (Buenos Aires: .\lfa, 196'1), Jos|I'cirats, Lo.s anatrlttistt; t:tt la <.risi.; polilitu stcrdam th l 89 rn F:: sccti()Ir thc lnternatioll:il, Quotcd il. Tire sratutcs adopted br the Feclcration, tirc SpiLnish of 1912). This sornri: the lemnla Kalllan. nere in fnct those of llakrrnin s -\lli:rnce rati)er th:rn ol Intcrtr:ttional histor-r'of the Cier rl-- Prcss, 1977), p 74- AntLrchisLs of ;lnrlalnsio.. 1868 190i lPrincctc>n: Princcton LInirersitr to its pt-e-lvitr de r r, :) C,euerkst halts ttet i2 Bar. pp 10ti-7 see Angcla \-ogici (]uoted 7'3. in CLratlrat, p. 2lti l; Fians Manlr ed B 7.+. Aciolfo I,iLrcso, Retttcrdos tlr: un ceneti..sta, rol 1, l)e la Serttanri Ttagica (1909) a heim: r\ Hain '1" (Bar<:eiona: 1 53. la Segunrlo fle2ublitu. fl9ll ) -{.riel, 976), 2 vois. (.Jen:r: C,Li' y)lr 119-229; (]uadrai, c]r 7r. .Scc cspcci:rlh, Bueso, [,'orno ttttttknttrt.: /o C.'\'.]F.1 Bat, Nliiller offers a frrr 9 deutsciren fieu erk. 76 {,uadrat, p 476 der deutschen Gt: pcriod of sr nciical isnr see especialh -{lt:eo Riosa's Il Eindacalisr,o i1 On rhc carlv Italiar fuIatthias anci KL:Lu 'rii,oLuziorLario in Itai.iu e la lotta poiitica neL Partito.Sociaiisl.a rk:ll'ertt giolittiana (N 1t: See also Nliiiler s De Donaro. n.ci l'irirh otfcrs a cletailed stucly uir to i907, ancl Tiromas It. Svkes. !97fil), in TLLe DerteLoPr';' "The 1905-1910" (Ph I) rlissettatio:t, Praitice of Rcroiutiorrarv Srnilicalisrn in Iralr. \'Volfgang i\Ion; I-lnrversirr. l9?.1) the origins and lornration ol nlle l.rSI, scc a]so Dalirl J. [,olunrbia On 1985), pp 239-6,1 D Roberts, '! he 5,,-ndttali.st Ttatl.ition a.nd Itolian Fascistt {Chapel Flill: Llniversitt of und ,lrtteiterdeie < "Rcvoiutionarl Srudir::rlism il Norrh Carolina Press, 1979). rh 3; {lh:iries L lk'rrrand. halismus uttd dtt 19ti9), chs. 1-2; Giorgto Italr', i912-1922" tPh.D. clissert:'rtiorr, Llnilelsitv oi: \\-isconsirr. Kommission zu Bc: (R.ornc: Sot:iale, J95rJ). Ca:rcleloro, trl mot,imento .sincLacaie i./t ttulia Edizioni tli Cultura r, ch. 6 - appearect ' par-t 12" ol ltalia (}iilaD: Gin{[ri:. pp. Li5-79t1.; Llfredo {lir:rdiloire. i, ch. I see Schctttler, ' S\ I] rt sur\e\, l-Iqo Fedeli, {'or';o iil!t), rol.3 of.S-loria del:inditcaiisnto;:rttd 90 The Ftr'd(l : di storia del moi,irnento operaio (ln':l: Cenl ia delia i,ioopelazionc, 195?), (Berlirr: Die Erntg. pp 200-25. Kater, Frett : "i{erolutioliatl Srrlclit:ali:rrl 91. i;. Lln tire encoun{er\ in r'ariit:t sit'. 1borrrs il Srkes. localists, see Partl irrrireItaliar':I-abor\lorernelt: Ilre,!5iraii:riiSni!:esot!907-08intliePlovinr:eo{tru;urna.' Generalkornm ts.l, I I ri I e rna t i on ai lirt' i r:u' o [ .Socrr ] i-'irlrt 1' : i I i .L)?ii ): I Ei)-:l 1 92. Quotcd in B 1r !l5I':, itii.ili to tirir l!1tr3 Svndicalist [,ongless l:l Ti.re circll:rtion iigrrri iriirn tirr 93. Quoted in \ 91 Conilicting : ia[:rorrl "Die ldeenrvelt d. risa I its: Statistih, ser 3 ' :l"i,il: demohratte, p I:: 95 CorresPotle. tiaarr {-irrnehssel, :r ndicalist, ' .1!anl.ilaf 2'i. rtc. ti 9. i !2-::2. iands 23 (25 Oci i"i'rJt-r!alcl:r rt'lrc;tirtsb,-'t'cgi;tq." iti El. A..j.C. Riiier "I)t.\t-titil:inclsi'treiil:eri C* country u,ere tht ot1.r 'r,1.;11';'':-::9r.itit'derti: B:tri:ir:t :l -l ,\'r,r]r:r1ond tt:sstn de natj?n: ecn biltltaga loi ,i:l rhe SPD and the a \\.illrm llarrnirrg, t.rls.2 rols ('\nrsterci:ttn: Fluc!:t,'r::t, l!]ir.l-13) ltl:]: agtI 'krrrier (lha bartebnatt and countless It2 1':rn F.rLel thus descriirecl hinrself :r:c [hr: ran iil'arl;tirle]t' 96. De Arbetci : l)e h'ederLatrrJ.';r. ta]

. .\lt:r, 1964). File 1, Llongres - Beriin 1!)22. Internationaai InstituuL r,oor Sr-rciale {ieschieclenrs, -{m- ster(1am. Fritr K:rter, Frr:ie deutscl'Ler ()eterhsch.ailen (Berlin: Kirter. I r r ter l:r Liot r al, 89 Qrrotcd in Ilerr:inigung ,nrra Kaplan, l9t2). l'his sornetimes irnpassir;nerl brothure bv one intinratclr inrolved ,ln the entire r n s t Jr partisa in Lrct io . ..77 r, p 71- lristor_r of the ilerman slrrdicaiis t olenlen t is illl in tere iirg il high n trocl n to its pre-rvar cleveloprnent. .-(ce aiso Katcr's latel p:rnphlet. Die P)ttittickLttng der deu!.scltan t)euterkschallsbel!)eguns (Beriirr: Der Srndik:rlist, 1921) On the origins of tile Fr,'cl(1, see r\ngcla Vogc1, 1)er tleutsr.he;ltmrcho-Sy'ndi.kalisttttLs iBerlin: K. Kr:rrner, 1977), t:h ,:rin ll9()9; l i: FIans Ianfrcd Bock. Syndi,kalisnnL.s und [.inkskotnnttLnisntus ton i9]8-192] (lli'r'scri- lreim: A FIain. 1964), pp.23-i)4ff. 1\'ilhehn Kulerrann's rnuch olclcr Die Eeruf.ntereinc, ( Lrldrai, ch 2 rois. (Jcna: l--]ustar Fisr:irer, 1908) 2:45ff , 96-i08, rr still rr,,ttir r,)1r\Lritinq Dirk H. l"Iiillcr oifcrs a bricl olerrierr oI ihe l)re-r\':lr nl()venlent in "Der Srnciikalisrnus rrr drr Jerrtscirerrflrrvcrksctr:rltsl)e\reelrnqror l9l.i."irSolidaritatundf,lenscitertutirtle ElaPPert - t,tala..aLi.ttrto tier deut.schtn {)et'erkstiLut'tsgeschichtr: -ton den Anlungert bis zur Gegenurarl, ed. Ericlr Jrlatthi:rs and Klaus Schcinhoven (lScrlin anc[ Borrn: Ncue 1981), :llana (1\ p : {icsc]lschaft. pp.57-68 fii: P. 5\kes, !ee also \'Iiillcr's "Svrdicalism ancl tr.ocalism in the (ierrn:rn Trat[c'['rrion ftlovernelt." ()erntan,-, .1 i.scr t:rtio:-r, ir Tlte L)etelopmenl ot' Trade L-nionistn itt, Oreal Britzin and i[iE0-]911, eC," - : lrlso D:r"i,r, \\'ciligang i l{onmsen anti l{:rrrs-Gcr}rarri Itrlrsung (London: {ieorge Allcn anil tr,nrrirr. (}etL'erhschaftLiclte i r ir lr sit'' r-'f i985), pp.239-b5 ,'"{iilier's richl-v iicrailcd L'ersantmlungsdernoktatie . rtriicairsrn rri 'uriti A'rbeiterrjelegierte utr lt)18: ein Beitrag zur Gest:hicitlc ti.es I:;itaii.sttttti, des 5^;rrdi - -?: | ior grc k-ulismus uttd der cnslehenden flrile bauegurtg, Einzelr elciiferrlicirLrngen rlc'r FlisLui ischcn . ,i rale, 1950'r. liommission zu Eerlin, r ol. '19 (Berlin: [)ollocltrium, ] !1851 - on Lhe * ndir:iriists st:u cspcciailr ':.,:t: {lruifri. r:h 5 - appeareci too izrte to be of use here. For adcliLionai sourcls on Gelrnan srntiicalisnr, F:ilclt, Lol; see r:hcittler, "Srndikaiisnrrs,'" pp 459-69. r,,:iitc.195i), 90 The FVdG publisi'red Friecieberg's adclress: PrLriem.entaristnus unci G.eneralslreik (l3criin: Dic hinigkeit, l.d Ii9041) .r nil:cair:r,i !1 Katcr, F-reie l,'ereiniguttg, p. 22 For [hc centralist persper:tive on relalic;ns rrith tire iocalists, see Paui Llmbreit, 25 deutsch,er tlt:uerkschaltsbeutcgu?lg iE90 islS iBerlir: r lt l>:11 rf; i1,' Juhre {leneralkommission dcr Freien fjeu'erkschaften l)cutschlands, i9l5)- :.: (,rner tsr 'J2 Quoted in Bock, p 32. 93 Quoted in lrogel, p. [J0 ijL,riir 91 Confhi:ting figures are offered, for cr:rnrple. br Bock, p 33,;lid- Etlu:rrd \\'illckc, laitoirr ''Die -. l g:iIl isztita.r: ldeerru-elt des deurschen Srndikalisnrus." iahrbricher jilr t\intianaicihonantie LtnJ i.llLiili 1 t){'i Statisiih, ser 3, 7ii (jLure 1928):871 See also l\'Iiiilcr, Cezr'erk,rchol!.liche Versarnrni.urtg;- : . :,. "i,ht r: - ritmohratie, p 188 35 Carre:;pondenzblatt tltr {}enerailonnttission der Cett.,erh,schaf tsl)eu)egunE Deuisch- lanris 23 (25 Oct. 1913):657. As Katcr notcd in 1912 (Freie Vereinigung, p. 22), in no i,l,l:Lrlt:,lrl c{iuntrt'1[ere the obstacies colrfronting the srncircalists as great as in Lielrnant, \{iLr'lr Lhe PD and the Freie Ceuerhscltajten coaicl mus[er ovcr 125 t1aiJ1 and *'eeklv ]lc\\'sp:tpers ::nd {i)untlcrs tgilatot. Jgfrn>l tr)errl ,16 Ile :l.rbeid,3 Or:t 1913 fhe F-t'dfl also pubiishccl Der Pionier, an ae.qrcssive and rutspoken rteekl,v nhose lssues deaiing rrith:r l'irle ranse oI libertarian topics ircre not intreqnentll {ronfiscated- t?. See Feter lvXcrten, ArLurchisntus unti Arbeiterkarnpf in Iocrtugal (Harrburg: Libertirt' issoziation, 1981), chs. 2-5,'and the work of one of the leading:rnarr:hc-s"ndicalists rir ihe Portueilese rnovement. ft{anuel Joacluin de Sousa, O Sindicali.smo ern Portugai, lttlt ecl iPorto: I'Covimelrto Opelario Pnrtugues, i974). tlJ. Faul Alrir:n, The fltts.gian ;lnarciti.tt.t (P1in(eton: .iliinceton finir.-rsrtr I'ress" r,957), p. 61. See r:h 3 for the best ac{rou',lt of slndir::Llisrn ili prt-rvar R.ussia. 99 "Quoteci in ibid. p ?8. ::(It1 t:rect'/:..: 100" f icroria !," Bonneii, ilrtots oJ R.ebeilion: iYorkers' Politic.c and Organization in lcl tlt,i S!. Fetersburs and,\,!oscou, i900-]91,1 ([3crkeic1, li-os,\nge]es anri.{-ondon; L.lnrversirl . ii': id cdr:- ci Califr:rnia Fress, i983), pp. t67-8, 254. ir)i (in s.,ndlcailsm in pre-'.var tselglurn see lr{axime Steinbel-g|, ",'r i'origine clu com- -. ;ltil: i:tgr:t; rnunisme beige: i'extrOme-gauche r6';olutionnaire d'a'"ant 7914," Cahiers l,farrisies 3. ;ro. 3 (Ilec"n'rber 1970 - janr,rari,'rFebruar_v 1971):3-34,3-16, {--}n the fornarion of thc [on- 'fidbraiion'i'',tntlzcaie 'i:rh 'r/,;l:. Bel-sg see i,';lciion Cu',trilre, I jan. 1914 llhe riecisicn iibid., I June i914) to delal.its first real ccngress to llugust i914, irorveler, meant'!ha'L "*ar arri,,ed beiore the Confederation coulci establish an effective organizational structure \. ,:: s rei)ilt l See Bob Holton, Bri,tish Synri.itaLism, 1900-i914 flondon: Piuto Fress, 1976) ,{ 'r l r'nt bcrsi il;l {ater,"42. brief ovenieu' can be lound rn Roberr j. Holton, "Rclolutionar-v Sl,ndicarisrn anu ir r itir c, i A, the British Latrour Movement," in llommsen and F{usung, pp 266-82.

il|b" :86 I'H I., \\'ORKERS TH[,N'ISEL\'ES'

103 See EirrtrarL Lorcnz, ;lrbeiderbet'egelsen.s historie. F,n inIoring: i\'orsk sosialisnte Ilorker,3 Apr llr. i internasjotmLt perspeh,tir, r'ol. l,llr:1 l7E9 1S)0 (()slo: P:rx Forlag.,\.S., t97'1), pp 81- be the forrn:rtion 97; l.dlard Bv\\, ArbeidarhLassen i Norsh, historir: (Oslo: Ticlen Norsk Forlag, 19"17), pp industrialists of ell 211-27; DavidPhihp,Le l'Iout,etnentOur'r'ierettNrtnti'ge (Paris: EclitionsOurriirrcs, 1958), thc oflicial I\\'\\ i:, chs. 13-4; l{ubelt Iierrato:n, Sl,ndital.i.srne ott-,trier et sor.ial-dtrnocratie en Norir?ge (P:rris: con\ention in seprt: r\rmand Colin, l9tiO), ch. I 3. BuLleLin, 16 F,' 101 See Henrl- Kallsson, ecl . l)ansh arbajderbet,aegelse 1E7179i9 (()openhagcn: Grl- 4 Merrheim to \1 dendal, 1975), pp 20-1,84-5 1961) et Le tnoutet'.. I 05. On tlre or igius of the Sr\C, se c abor e all Lenn:rr t K. Per sson, S^;ndi kalismen i Sret ige general debatt'on t: 190J-1922 (Stockhohn: Federativs Fcirlag, 1975), u u'elt:ome extension of his Licurtiatar- Corporatif (X de ,: lrandlirrg (l9ti8), S'-ndiAalisrncn i Srerige 1908-1917; see also Karl Bergkrist, .St,eriges sr:hisrn, hotter et r' .' At betares Centt'aLorganisati.on f,'[innesbilt 1910-19)5 (Stor:khoJ.rn: Fedetativs Fcir lae, 1935) 5 Robert: La I o ,. arrtl tlre rurrrk o{ the long Lirne-hearl ol thc SAC. ]ollt Anderssot, lled SAC i !)-itrig du Bittiment, \Lt.r ', kantpf: en hislorik (Stockholrn: Fedcrativs Frirlag, 1950) Arbeid, 27 No: l!,' 106. ()n Yotrng Sociulism in Slveclcn, scc Krrrl F€rnstrom, L.'ngsociaLisnterL: L,rt kronika 20 Dec. 1909, pp ' (Stockholn: Feclcratirs Fcirlag, 1950). just entercd the IS\ I 107. Jensen became Scanclinavia's leading stndicirlist spokesrnnn belorc tlrc rvar. rriLing Inlernational. lor the Danish SetLidarite t znd the Norlvegi:rn Slorrn (Yciung SociaJists) atd Dtrekte Aktion 6. Reporting on ti IrIc'alscr eclrtecl Direkte Ahliort lor a tirnc For a brief biographv, see the antholog\ edited cxprcssly dcclarecl ir bv Evert Arvidsson, Synd,ikali.stan Albert Jensen (Stockholm: Federativs Fdrlag, 1977) CGT, XVIIIe Con:' The Sn'e

', .,k so.siaLisme Iltorker,3 r\pr. 1913, recornrncnded the "Let . colgress. adding: its most important \vork 1!l7 lr.pp 8J- be Lhc forrnation of :r connectine link betrveen the revolutiorrar] s)nrlicalists and ri.rq 1917), pp industrialisLs o[ all countrics.'It dismissed the ISNTI]C as a farce, but observed that t )Lrr rcres, 1958), Lhe official I\V\V position on tlie London congress rvould hare to auait its annual \,rrlise (Paris: conven tion in Septernber. 3 Rull' ritt, l6 Fcb. l9l:. :ri rrh:lgelt: C;)l- '1. I,Ierrhcim to Nlonatte, 7 Oct. 1901i. Quo 1961) el le ntotn,ernertl tb'itolutionnaire inler ,rtten i Si,erige general clcbate on [he international clucstion :tr\ Li.enti.t1\- Corporatil (X de la C.G.1-.) (Nlarseillc: CG r-\ r\t. )-iratri!aS schisrn, hou'ever, \\'ele avoided on thc congress floor. :r, ldrlag, 1935) 5 R

!tl?t Bor,r'lnan: ..,r1c (herc,after.

, ltr Fcb. 1913; [, ]tttr:t nazionaLe 9 L'Humanifl, 4 NIar. t9t3 : irrl Statcs borh l0 La Vie Cturiibre (hereaf rer, I/O), 4 Mar. 1913. r,rrcauelcorned I rrrcl aclr.ocated ',, \\ n ith '"r,hich 'ntt. Hisletry of ': rtf the Iltorld, i) oltoting the . Feb 1!113. Bur r rber 1913 The eirore all rvith Bulletin,8 Dcc. 1912; 9 Mar. 1913. Sec also 6 1913. T.rn 1 913). "In 13 Apr. 14. Apr. 1913, pp. Llliccl ruirh rhc ^VO,5 406-7. See also Monatte'i earlier remarks Ibid., 20 Mar. 1913, rderstand lrom pp. 377-8. :)r organlza[ton 1l Dre-.Finigheit,5 Apr. 1913; SlN, Mar.-Apr. l9l3; Cornelissen: Bulletin,6 Apr. 1913. . tbe Industrial 16. Bulletin,15 June 1913.

flm 288 I' HE I,VOR.KERS TH },} S I.]I,\'I1S' i7, Max Ncttlau. Unlrublishcd Niantrst:ript, lil9ir-l9il, llI }i, 11 6L)5, Nettlau.\rchivc, 27, 3C Scpr Intern:rtionaal Instituut voor Socialc flcsciricr. 1915; Georges arcl'fintant, l:122 Folish nror, 2 i. tsuLLeiin,, 7 Sepr t !) i l) .11 (,orzqr. 22. /O,5 Sept 19i3, pp 263-5 Cor:io, hall -, 23 ibicl , 5 ;\pr I 91 3. p 407 rneetiirPr:')' 24. Ibid.. 5 Sept. 1913" pp 2fi6-7 illlissen ill 25 ibid., 20 Sept 1913, p it70 la; ,l\ ltirL' 26. Ibrcl 5 SepL. l9llt, 269-70 I't\ u,\ cori, , 1rp. -l'lrcr' 2i lbid, pp. 268,273 l8 , 28 {lornelissen, BuLietitt,2l ScpL l!} lit ohllr ltol l 29, I'O.20 Sept 1913, pp 3o?-?l). of thc ittri, :i0 [ilrristiaan (ior nelissel, "Strijd, iiti t'r Leeil' 1; '112 ,{tiditionrti itttotrnatir:n on Lhc 2'.1tit I91') cong,ress irnal tlle (!ntro-\'crs\, surr(lllnd.ing iI cair be forrnrl in 1\':lr nr' \\ cstcrglit d-Tlrorl;e. triox 2- l \,' "Tou'arcls a Sy'nclir:rlist Intern:itiorr:rl: The l9l3 {.ontlc;rt {,ottgrt'ss," Internattort.tLL Rcttr:iLt iir!i1 e1 !rir (1978),33-78 of Sctcial lTt.story, XXInI the: efor i .ii r :j I Ar:cor

NO-I-ES 289

\ r llltl -\tclli\ e,

i ir l)rrail skctch : -rr f( ;ln cslll I t . r,i kel)r i1t bis : .rLolt(," Ft()m - r\rlttllail\ le(i ] iilt(i stfider)( '31 i r(l r\;tir Datl.1' Ilera.ld, I i)r:r l9l5 lhe 38 Ibi(l i r( lrt('r 15f L 3L] Soi.itiartdari,.l {)r |,)uIng ali)r)Ltl r llllii

: .i \us lq11_

\ \ iOln|)('ntS :rr irlccl "\\'har Iqo\ef|ll)(.ni 12 ll'oltl.Etrmtl. :r Iiti:ttion to ftir Ailc, i] Oct t!.]l:J 'rtlgtC:s L'{)l -:r i {-) tlici not i' rtion 0I ille -, |\ tae la\\' I| r1r. ll0 )lar

I]l('cliI]E-s rrrt itltti'.lil,rt-t:tt-. srirc]ira.listrr pti\rtci\ orqanirccl in,\m';tcrc]arl :rs tlii {,ot- t ir..,:l ; ii,l.1,1,. 1.,. i,

f,ltl(!n ()n tli(' _trtrl- I lroryrr'. tt)t1(l Ptei)ieir)

, l( s.:iic. i\ totc '' tis:i clillir Lrlt

l titr ietrt,iti\ e .I L' srrrt ireci rliicd rrpol :.\ ilt r,ll)1(iLt5 i.i: in Spain .1l i -i: in it:ril ,lJ -\tolliraa?t, ,rrl. l, 8, ll, : ;n flerrn:rrl il""lrlll!,1"fir's,2b r, : iit 5rredt'l ,r.l . iic;pt !!)i5: ),lt1i(:it(\r.i i)uemria,t,2l irlr rrll 1: !'ai.i ,\,titii !,n:r:rt;,. 27 5c1rt 1i)iii: DaLit: ,\.!ir.rrt" I OrL. illi:i. Itri|'itnlmej I. , | !e(. :1isa 2:r ;ril Ln Britain rn n:ll rcllorl. inten l)11, :ri:o r elror fcrl : ibertad,'iit lr L.'J ilosrner t,,'nd.rc aiist e, I'IIE \TOIIKI.,RS T-IIE}IS}-L\-T-S

llr-rrtrnarr's"rcrrbatlrorrdll(t."Di€Eittigkeit,l8O<'t. l1)l3.rtasrrt:rrgirtallrnrorech:uitable: 15 Oct. l9l3: Lr. "Itishercexpx'sslri'mphasizcrltlratrnateria]clishoncstrnlir\r)()tbcrreditecl tollorvrr:rlr, and La Proleila, ; \ Irr firrarrcial rnatters l)eollle likc Bol'nran are harrnl('ssl\ crrt o[[ ftonr tlie norld Tht'r 67. La Batatlle > spcntl rlone'r so long iis tlrcre is sorrte, rrncl u'hcrt it is gone the\ trust in lroriderrre illustratcs tht'eir. and lct thc rreditors do as tltcr rrlc:rse.' o[ its militants \t: rl. Orr thc f)rrtch-(]cnnan rttituil(, to thc LrSI: Rosrner to Ilolratte, jetrcli soir 12 Or t l. the CGT's policr : \Ionattr' .\rchiles. Institrrt lranr.:ris rl histoire socialc, Itaris: ()n De ,\l)rbris-Kirtet ltttl in 19l3 he oppoic.: Rr:ssoni: Rosrner to llounttr'. rncrrrctli nr:rtin [.] Oct.J, -\lrrrattc Archire; \\'irtclhclff: I O, 68. Bernardo: 1,: 20 Ocr 1913. p. 15l: on Roche: I)ai1t LIctaLd, I Ort l!)13: orr (lortelisserl: Rr)\r'ncr in Syndikalisten. )8 | t I'O.2(l O( t. 1913, p. J5l 69. De Ambri: l:., 52 Rclsrner'sclnirn, I'O,20Ott. l9ll3.pp. 150-l.rliat[rorrrthcbegirrningtuoinaltt'rablt' until his experien,. - gloups lorrnt'rl opposirrg. blocs on all isstrcs oI thc rorrgtess is a stoss exas,-S-elatioll. Tl]c But his propcxal : Dailv- Herald, 1 Oct 1!)13. also rtotccl thc Borlrtt:ur-(lorrrclissc'rt split, u'hirlr rotx'sporrrlecl to Monatte, 2 Ocr . btoadlr to ttariorral diffcrcncc's. ard irttlibutctl tht'slou-l)rogless of tht'rorrsrcss to tlrt: 70. SlN, Dtc l:r. "stlong ildiriclrralisrn of the clclcgatc,s l)irisirnirlrtirre pcrsonalities" of tlte cortgrcss. would permit hin : (:r2 C,rrrnclisseu and \\'esscling: De Arbeid, t| Or:t l9l3: Bcruardo: ,I-c 1)rolr,sla, 5 \or. around thc srndir.'- i9l3; .[enscrr: Sttntlihulistr:rt, 18 Oct. 19I3; C)her kezov, tllough not il de]('gatc, c:ortribtrterl newspaper, L'Iit,,' to cortrircin:r thc Frcnch and othcrs to x ithcLarr tht'ir srrlrport [rorn Dc Anrirris on this 1913). Manr for t r: issrre. Nettlau )IS. nn. li05-6 examplc, Jensen in 63 .S,4N, Dcc. tgtS. tne decl:uation of prinriples is reploclucecl in.\ppendix 13. It following his eh, :; obriouslr cler ivccl fr clrn an agenrla srrlrrnission Ironr lhe I)utch builrling-lr:rclt's feclcr:rtion, supported. lrLrblished befor c thr' c()nqr('ss tn I)e t1t beid, li Scpt. I 91 il Sec \\'estergar cl-l'holpc. 80. Die EinigAe:' "Provisional,\gcrxla," pp. 95n. 102-3 Tanue'r openetl thc linal dat o[ thc consress br Dec. 1913; Sjcj>tr,'::. enrpttasizine that the dccluuation specifirallr'1>r'ecludecl:rll 1;oliLic:rl action, contrar\ to 81. Bernar(lo: -1 r; r :t rnisccrrrcepticn) in the L.ondor press ,llornzrrg ,4dtcrtiser,3 Oct l9l3 Hc rtas obviouslr Les Temps,\-or,: . ; co11ecti1)g the /)ar11, Clnonirlr:',s confused clairn, 2 Oct. I913, that the tleclarurion "tas 82. Jensen: .Slr,; \\orthv ol ttote bcc:rusc it:rdmittetl thc trailc'rrnion rit'u'ol the inrpoltanct'of political FVdG: Die Eirtt:):- artrort" (prornl)ting Jenscn latt'r to quilr: "Political-parlialncntarv \\lrdi(alisml l'trat is 83. Cornelis:el thc latcst sensational nets!' St'rrdikalisten, I8 Oct l9l3). 81. The first i..:,- 61 L'Aclion Out,rilre, I SepL. l9lil. after *'ar br()ke ( )ri "Prorisiorral,.\gentla,' 6o 'Ihc\\restcrgarcl-Thorpe, p. 9li. 66. best soulces on Lhc cliscussiorr on intelrtatiortal ot'ganizatiott atc Dr Arbeid, NOTES 29r

r llrrrt;rltlc: l5 Oct 1913; Les Teml2s i\rotarcau (Ducluc), l8 Orr l9l3; St;ttdikalisten, l8 Oct. l9l3; , llorr tlan and La Protesta, 7 Noi'. 1913. ,r ltl I her 67 La BataiLle Synd,icaListe,5 Oct l9l3; La Protesta, T Nor l9l3 f'he rase of Courur-e l or itlt'rrr t illustrates the cffect the crisis in the CGT had upon the inrernarional rieu-s of some of its militants. \\'hile in NIar 1909 in Le Tra.itailleur du Bllinrcnt ht proposed, againsr ,rl2Octl, the CCIT's policy, the formalion of an inclepericlent International Ior rctolutioll:rr\ unrols, - K:rtrr :trcl in l9l3 he opposed it as jeopardiziltg the unit\ of the Prench org:rnization ,llrLrfi: I'O. 68. Bernardo: La Protesto, T Nov l9l3; on Jensen: Daih Herald, I Oct l9l3; Katcr: R,rsrrcr irr Syndiknlislen. l8 Or t lllli. 69. De Ambris had originalll intcnded ro slrggest London as rhc sear of tlrc Bureau :n:rlti'r abli. until his experiences in Englaud revcaled the deep dir isions ber',,veen Lhc British sr nclicalists. r I r()il I-ll(' Bur his proposal to entrust it to Nlirhelet's Fbdbration in Paris lrnlzctl Rosl]er LcLtcI r ( \ l)Ot)(1('(l to Nlonatte, 2 Oct. l913 - r.5 lo tll(' 70. SlN, Dec. I9l3 VO,20 Ocr 1 913, p 457. - r ILscLrssecl 71. De Ambris had been unhappl rvith thc votine procedures lrom the bcginniug. Later in the day Rosrner encountercd De Antbris, rvho follolr ing his u'irhdr:rrval frorn the r:grrqrcss had had "a bottle of rvine all to himself. Hc is verv hrpp)'. . . . But he is furious irirh Cornelissen aud K:rter! He rvishcs thenr tkad tor tli. peaie 6I thc lrorlcl and thc progress .ilt' La) l)e of s1'ndicalisrn " Lettet ro Nlon:rt[e, 2 Oct ]913. . 1)lii. ln 72 The resolution is Jrroduced in lull in Die Einigket, 11 Oct. l913 Its ren scctrons rr r t'lt'ction werc accepted unanirnousl,r'except thnt assigning ttrc 13rrreau to Ansterdam, tvhich sccured :r, L nglislt nlneteen votes against ten for Paris ir,rl I h:rrc 73. Der Pionier, l5 Oct. 1913. I ( orgl(ss 74- In Britain, see, for exarnple, the conser\,:itive llorning Posl, 3 Oct l9l3 But scc also, in partial contrast, the Nea, Statesntan,4 Oct. 1913. r rlrc (,(iT 75. Justice,l l Oct 1913; CorrespondenzhLatt der Generalkomrnission der ()euterkschaf tett , )rn (loinq DeutschLands,25 Oct. 1913, p. 658; De Ambris, quotcd in VO,20 Ocr 1913, p 460, from ( ,,11[1'111t-,1 L'Internazionale, l1 Oct. 1913. r\ ('lc the 76. Rosmer to Monatte, 2 Or:t I913 77. VO,20Oct. l913,pp 449,158-9.ItsZurichconlerenceinScptemberlgl3rcchristenetl the ISNTLIC the International Federation oI Tradc Llnions (IFTtl). ()eorges Dumoulin I[\( LISSa(l attended thc conference on bchalf of the CGT. In his report, Dumoulin did not rnenrion l 1) l rl. lLlrl the I ondort consress, bLrt alludecl to it, as rvell as to the domestic pressures tliat kcpl the CGT in the IFTU: "To despair, to go elsetvhere, trr c6nlp1,rtnisq our nati,rnal uniir. r \ \1C\\S because the Berlin Secretariat is re{ormist! That rvoulcl be gravclv to deceir,e oursclrr:, L rrith it that wluld be to take the u'rong road and leave ideas that are not ours rvithouL . ' T.nlpt counterweight C)ur revolutionar)r svnd cal'sm cannot climinish itseif in this In[ernational. Ir:rd becrr it can Onlt' penetrate the others. . . Fully declaring that the Interilational Secretariat r r r:rr ht'cl I r d-oes not

t lr beitl, #

.I-HI,: 292 \f OI{K},RS I'HT,NtSI,I VT.]S'

Chapter Three 22 Tfre'r th.e rrar an Lr \ i'teecl.orri,Ort 1!ll4 23. rbid 2 On Kropotkin:uul the ir'ar generaill" see iVI:rrtin .! Nfiiier, Ktobettkin (Chicagc: Kongrcss liniversit_r'ol Ciricaeo Prcss, l97ti), irp 220-li? 21 in aci,i: 3 F'reed.orn" Nor l9l l in Gerrn:rir 1. See ftrr er:rrnyrlt'drrrnelissen s i,es Oorrsequen.ce-s l')conr-trniques d'une pai.x aLLernande {)tr supp,,:: (n p: rr p, n ci ) :rril J-c.r /)r:ssolr Lr.otnttnirlut; de la gucrrt: l.es appil.its allemattd.s eL cot l espor r(:.: Les dttoirs de I'l',uropr: octiduttak: (Pairs and lianr:r: Eerger-I-evtault, nd. 11915]) de Santill:ir (rrrnelissrn opposcd an\ srttlcnrent short of rniiit:rrr rirtort, otirel\rise {iel-rnan,, "rrould su por'\enrr retain all ils nriiitarr ;rorrr:r. all its brrrtel Iorc,-' Iis tLnscrLrprrlous audaciti, its arroganre 25. Tire ). r rvonlli increasc, arrci iis r ornircrcill arrcl industr i:i br ig:rntlage t or;lci cor-rtinue :r1l tlri: capaclt\ lri rsrrrst'"1-rs{,'onstqut'nrc:;Ec:attonticlLLas,ll lil.C.lolrlelisselraLeeoritiiilrrejt'ctc'dthcchalse rcprcscn tii li " of p:rtriofisrr, insisling Lh:rt "e\en for ihose t'ho r:rli tlrt'rnsrlvcs intrrnarionaiists'ilt lvere often t:- lire ln()st alrsolutl sense of the l or cl, thert: is a sucrcri riutr : ',hat ol clelending evcrt tlrin-q of thc Ic\\ iF thtl tllt rcr'oiLrtiotrs of Llrc p;rsi hlrrc brought to \\esiern Euro;rr iri nrarrers of cir ic rights' OIganlZa l1( r Il lrOtrr ['etnr:rn rnilrtairsnr antl iirpcrralisrn I-r:r I]er.;otrt iiconctniaut;, p 5,i The ulrirrrate ihel encc.unr sciiuijon f,,ornt'lisscn:rrhor::r[ed:igainst frrturr aggrlssiolr in Eurrrlre u.oulci gain:r rnorr. lSSues as iil- s\mp:rthefic alrcl rriclei ile:rring', irnrnetliatclr after ltie Second \\trrltt \\'ar; a "l--nited Statts threateuur q : c, E,r,'1r'. ;nrd . lrp iy-i't: :lnd Hungar' .l et', lor crnnrpit f,ornelisscn s a!ti{le! iri l-rt RattLllt,2i Juir lglT and 2l ifcb im Conccrl: l!)18, irnti in f.n {)ltitii:tt:, triar 1!iiil Geuerhst ltt (i, ,t'he l;est.orrrrr orr ScluLl;iro is an introchrction br faap Kloosicrnrrrn, Iillcrnation:rai Jul.v l92l , ll institurrt vcxrr Socialr Llcschicrk'rri:, ,.\nrslcrtlain, l.) :i l,!i irnpublislrccl collection oi 26. Cornei; Srh:rpirc;'salticlcsirtlrel!)20sanCl!)30's. IarrinrJtbtlrJto,ilr Kioostclrnanforproliding pitulation r, tirc x iiir n rrrly of his ri otL de Kerensl. 7 i'ire J):u)ers trlel):irecl fcr tfrl abortcci.{lirs}rss rcrr'puLlisired in El (,ongreso ibid.. I llar ttt'oirit.tctrta.rit, in.i.erti.acit;ttti. rj: I'rris. .\aPljarnttrt tlt'lt)t)() (llricttos.'\ircs: l.ibrcii:". 27 Quotec Sociologica, l3ii2l (Milan: As-.,r 8 On tire a.ri\ ir;e! of lhc .!ulriler ljtretr i-ilulr- see esoerrrllr I\'illiarn .J Frshnan, Ea,ll 28. Atman. ?.ricl leutish FltLti!tcis" lUTt-jri1(i c-.nclon: Ilrrri",r'orth. 1975), clr i0; or tht rvork of itrc 91, Inttrii:rliirn:rl Eurt'::ri sct'Feler I'r'ienrnu. Dei 'gi:bc'terte" Rebcli fi.udol.j Fiochet, Lr:btzt 29. Auqust: und'[1"trit (Beriiu: iiarirr i(ltrner. l9Ui), rrrr. 2li]-9 Sr:irauiro crirttll thirtcelr rssues c-,I lh,' Erri,nnerun: {J'u!icliri rlt: l'1ntc:rnottonair: ,'itttlrlLtttr: bi'irrc'r'ir 1908 lind l9li 30 Rar Irc,r !) Quoteri ni lijoosLtrilr:i;r. :; ir (Paris: \'ie O l(-) Dit ;:,itt'gkit, il {}r:t ti}13; Rosmer ro :\i(}n:lrr(.. ti Cr:l 1913], i\iolaLre Archircs in France .. i 1 See tlrc' lorrerrss ailiroLiiiaementt, itt [;,;r:tdrtni, jriir 1!i I sovi6tiquc ir. l?. Ibiti , l',iar i i)1.' i)Iaurice T li, l:i Fllrrosieri an. ir 7 31. 1'.I. Ltr il !.a lJataitit:,.i.tb ilil5. i lrcrc tc,te onh fiitt:rrrr srg,l-rr,,, i . lishers, i96- l5 Ort tire st irisr:: it'r Li'.e ilSX" see {-lha:lrs l3r'rtiarril, "{taiian F-erolrrfiorrarr Sr ndi<:niisnt 32. Alfred l arrtl the t.lrisis oi 1i-,Lelrenticl:,.!nglrsf - 1)tccrnbci, 1i,l l, t..,tt,ut!ttt: j,,ttrttal oj Llistt.t i953), p il l{lDec i9'i5):31!,-ii7; "i ],' i,iri{ti:r Luiro. ;inciac:tlisti ri.,o[uziol:lri nri i9i itet,i..s!,t 'tor,.:t 33. Espatir; iei. rocialtsttLet li) (19u11), rro i2:'111-il? 31. The cir l ij BuiLe tiit, ja,: , l l, r ; .Lvrich, i/ir l7 i!L5, /nari,r'rrJagrru,\',-r.{r', l()il i9i}.r.t 1!., i\,4aximofi,.-' lil jarr i-r-ik Burili:r, i,irtit; tr,',:t. ]t.tttiti.: rt,t!':t,t;rliylg;.,x77 Ta|ol.uiian].ir{.so(.nlisl.(ri, (Chicago: I lql+-l9l;J (.\ilsterrl;rin: i';rrr i,t'r:rrp, 19!i3) 1:,. ?7 L,lii,r:iis;en btieiii discusscs his eiittrti, Eikhenbaur,-r irr Iiolianri in ier ile.rroi.r; !'r crtontiqucs" r]tl .i:i-8 russe (Par r:: 19 i)e Arbtid" 2{r 3cpt . 1il Ocr l3: l 35. I-enrr, 2C Dated lJecrnrbo i!11{i. the riirrijai;rl)J)iarc(L:rr ib;,-i . 20 jan i917 The Gritn:litt 24:22-3 ira.d:iisc ilr:r:l izrturi cn {oll'rinilitrg the infa]liiiilj.lral rrorir begutr:it l-orrdoli. to rrhir:h ?t6 Quo teLr ihriit',.1 t t,','soille:rtlellinilllttireillhl"\'dficccgress(irirr i9i4l B,Lribotl.,UieEinigitett Fress,1955 :rnri tr)r:; tlion.tet rrele srrl)l)r(r\:icd irr r\rLrrust i9i4 Thr tr \ d[] then begari publishiug :. al'l I-e nrn nee[.]i ,'l.fiiicilLtnqshia!t" itslif sLrpl;res:er: aitr:r iolir-ihree tluil]]leis fir,-'st,ndilelist:. The t"ransic: p:rrtrr:rrlat)1- Kati::-, pc;sisiecl lttlt -Flr:archreibet! c.1t rlrr l ,;r.rarr.l,' ttrll .tl:tgLtetler at.Lu itseif rvas ro : '[.'erctne, d.et !reien [,'er<:ittigitttq ileu.!;r.itet {}r:u:erlsr:liaitert t:.nqt:schlosserteri v']rich bega;r he noted rn :ippeillltq tir.iriire l!ii5 Ii leoroilriclri'.ire i{r\S tirr:uio.r orr I Feb. lg17: ifr hI:I , afLe,. {olloweci tr,,: toltl-scrlcil issu.-s, if ri'as aiso snpprcsseii for examDl. 2) N.\.-i llansink:lnd ]-ansinl) io tiie 5-L{i,23 \iol l9l8.,lreriges,l.rberares Cenrrai Anarchis ts otfaanr'satiou r\rchire, Serie EliiiI, "Korrcsironcl,-'rrE rred Intelnaiionai.' Artreit.-r-Assozi- 1,1'iscon sin ation-'I, l91U-t930 '1iris colLtciiuri. in thi' ,\ibetarrcirelsens r"'rkir, Stockhoini, is cirerl from the ar:,-. here:r1 tcr as Sr!{l i\rchir e h.XIii-{ NOTT,S 293

22 The meeting is reported irtDer Sr-ndikalirt, 4 Jan 19l9,.r,vhich Karer {ounded afrer the war and r'vhicli became the official orsan the ;Iuternationalerof FVdG ': 23. Ibid, 22 Ferb., 22 Mar. l9l9; l.Levolutiondr-Svndicalistischer Kropotkin (Chicago: Kongress," l0 May 1919, SAC -\rchive, EXIII-I 24. In addition to those of Scandinavia and The Netherlands, syndicalist organizations in Germanr,, Belgium, Spain, Italy and Argentina planned ro participare in thc corrgrcss. paix --'. t iute aLLe.rnande On support for the assembly and the difficulties in organizing it, see: NAS and SAC ipbAtirc ' aLlemand; et correspondence,24 June to 20 Nov. 1919. SAC Archive, EXIII-I. See also Dieeo :\bad : L.\rauiL, nd !915]) de Santillan, "La Asociacion Intcrnacional de los Trabajadores: su historia, sus i,ltas, :,.! r:e "worrld C;erman\' su porvenir," La Reuista InternacionaL Anarquista I (15 1925):63 - Jzrn. -riidacrt\', rtS arlogance 25. The NAS urged its fellow syndicalist organizations to palticiparr in a rcrorurronar-1, "', ':rkl continue all the capacity in this meeting. NAS ro rhc SAC,24 1919, SAC Archive, EXtrII-I. lr June The ::.,i rejected the charge representatives of the NAS alld Kater of the F\,'dG (revoiutionaries lrom other larions . -. lD ternati()nalists' in ': dLlending ev(,r)'thing ::r:ners of civic r ights" : :.'. p 54 The ultimatc :r: \r oLlld gain a mcxe - : \\'at: a "L]nited States and Flungary. See "Bericht uber den Internationalen Ciewerkschaftskongrcss abgehalren -::r l9l7 and 2l Feb. im'concertgebouu" Amsrerdam von 28. Juli bis 2. Aueust Igr9," Die Inteyttationale Geuerkschaftsbeuegumg: Organ der [nternationalen C]euerk.schaftsbundes, Arrhane II, -i' : rt:in, Interrrationaal July I921. pp. 29. 54-5. : -;:rii:hed coller:tion of 26. Cornelissen, "Les 'Pseudo'-R6volutionnaires," La Bataille, 25 July 1917; "l.a Ca- " '.irr nlan for providrng pitulation de L6nine-Trotsky," ibid., 21 Feb. i918; Nlarcel L-aurent, "l-a R6surrccrron de Kerensky," La Cluiriire, I Aug. 1918; Dumas, ",\llons-nous vers tre bolchevismc?," :.iri.l in EL Congreso ibid, I May 1919. :'.:r,)s -\ires: Libreria 27. Quoted in Comitato Parmenese, ed , Un sindacalista mazziniano: Alceste I)e Ambtis (Milan: Associazione Mazzintana Italiana, n.d 1, pp. 23-4. . ;.iur J Fishrnan, P)a.tl 28. Armando Borghi, tr,'ItaLia tra due Crispi (Paris: Libreria Inrernazionale, n d.), p : on thc u,ork of the 91. ,i', i o I f lloc ker, Le b en 29. ,ir.ugustin Souchy, "Vr.trsicht: Anarchi.st!" Ein t,eben lur clie Freiheil: I?oLitische : : i|| teen issues of the Errinnerungen (Darmstadt and Neur,vied: Luchtcrhand, 1978), p. 33 30. Raymond Lefebvre, L'International.e des sotiet.s, Collcction "\rie Ouvritrc" no 2 (Paris: Vie tJuvriEre, 1919), p. l0 on on rhe Russi . \Ionatte Archives. in France, see Claude Wiilard, ' e la r6volution sovi6tique par le mouvement orr 8 -19ilg," Cahier Maurice Thorez, no. l2-13 (1975), pp. 3lB-30. 31. v.I. Lenin, "The State ancl tr{evolution." collected l,rorAs (fuIoscow: prosress pub- lishers, 1964) 25:4A2, 4A6, 468, 436. ..r r Lorar)' .Sl,ndica1ism 32. , Moscou sous tr bnine: Les origines du communisme (paris: Horar,, ' _JotLtnal of History 1953), p.71. t.: I I{e--ista stotica 33. Espa'iia Libre, 6 Nov. 1960. 31- The chief work informing my discussion of the Russian syndicalist molernent is Avrich, The Russian Anarchists, chs. 5-7. Two participants left valuable accounts: G.F. Maxirnoff, The cuillotine atworh:'fuentyYears ol rerror in Russia(DataandDocuments) : r o rt aire s o t ialisten, (Chicago: Chicago Section of the A,lexander Berkman Fund. 1.g40), and Voline [VM. : i1r:cusses his cfforts Eikhenbaum],1- a fl6uolution Inconnue,19l7-1921: documentation in?dite sur larbaolution russe (Paris: Belfond, 1969) 35. Lenin, "The fhsks of the Proletariat in the Present ," collected worhs . !)17 The Germans 24:22-3. : ,: Loldon, to which 36. QuotedinN.N.sukhanov, TheR.ussianReuolution, l9i7 (London:oxlorclunrversrtv 3 :i i:orln Die Einigheil Fress. 1955r. p. 287. -r .lcsan plrblishing a :r. fhe syndicalisrs, .. .,td flitgLieder aller i.tetne, rvhiclr began -'; 1!,t17: in h1ar., afrer

:<.i -\rbetares C.lentral- .,t;:1le \rbei[cr-Assozi- .' :tockholm, is citeci .'TH 291 I,- \VORKTI{S I'IIE}'ISEI,\IIS'

38. N{irximo[[, p. 3']5. 58. Ibid., pp -, 39 \'oline. n 24i]. 59. CI DoctLtr ' +0 Quotctlln r\r'rich. p. 1'10. 60. I)irk Schrl1 I t Voline's assess rnen t al)pc:r ed in a sct ies of lout at ( icles i n Octotrer- I 9l 7. See Goldberg, 61. E. PataLrtl .11-3. pp [nthcr'ssucr ol 20Ose)r orgarrized that it is dilfir trlt to assc,ss th(,i1 stx'rrgt]r. t 1. rr([5rrr r r r. Ilarimoff (1r. 366) cstirra Lt'd thc n urnlrer of or ganized ularclu>sr ntli<:alist t o-kc'rs ar 88.0C]0 13. ltu?ff0 dt . at the tir]re ol the congress. llrLt:rcldctl that this figunr "rl;rr salcl,r bt'incrt'asecl lrro or 7 4. Borghi, ,11 thrcc tirrcs in ordel to forrn an aclt'qrrate idea of tlrc actrr:Ll srr't'ep of thc rnorc'rnent " 196. The congtr Arrich(p l67n) lrrites: "Thcunionsint'hichtlrc,\rrirr(ho-S1 np I I!-). I)ti-7. Sicgfried Bahtr, +7 . Ou Gr.tlos Trrula's oirposi t-ior r to a l)eacc rr i tlr ()clr nrLn r. sec Yoline, pp. 213 --1. ()o ftr,r 1923) (Dordrech Trttdaatltocatecl a national assembl\ of labour in lie'rr oI the Coustitrrertt '\sst'rnb]r. Ibid., 79. La Vie Ot pp 209-10. 80. On the ea 18. Ibid., p. 2.16n. Maurice Labi 49 "l{6solutionsclcl:rheconfalenccclt'sunalrbo-srnclicalistcsrFLrriciri\'ftrs.3531 \\'rot('that "the great rn:rsses of lteoplt, 81. Monatte t, lrere tapidlt'assirnilating Anarclto-Svrrli< alist sloeans of art econornic as rr ell as :L ltoliticlll les archiues de I nature.'I'htrs,foritrst:rnte,t]reslog:rnof 'The'lhirdl{c'rolrrtion arrit'FrccSoriets',brouehl Chambelland a forth lr-r the neusp:Lper '\'olrr1 Ciolos 1'rrrd:r rapicll,r eained rlle slntptrtlrr o[ tht' 82. See Perts,:, rorkine peoplc. Thev:rctLlalh bccrune tlrc gerrt'rll rd:C)rfonllTriletsitvPrcss. l9ir6), l:2-3 9I. Rocker - 57. Ibid.. p.3. 92. Ibid pp -


58. Ibid., pp 5-7; Hulse, pp t7-20; Lazitch and Drachkovitch, pp 58-65,77-ti. 59. CI Documents, 1:14, 20, 14, 23, 28, 38, 23 60. Dirk Schilp, Dromen tan de reuoLtLtie (r\msterdarn: \fcreldbibliotheek, 1967), p. 100. (,, rlt g lrt'r 61. ll. Pataud and E Pouget, Contrnettt nous t'eron.t la rtuolution (Paris: Tallandier, I : L :L)\(l te(l n.d [19091) :t i )|t tltat 62. Quoted in Dieter N'Iarc Schneider, Reutlutiontirer S)\ndihalismus und Bolcheuismus: r(t:silt(ie Der Proze.ss der ideologischen Auseinandersetzung lranzdsicher Syndikalisten mit den : t lt\\( SSe(l Bolscheutihi 1911-]922 (Erlangen: Palrn and Enke, 1974), p 130. .\. .lll)l)()l t 63. Sce Rat, pp.436-:11ff, antl Nleakcr, pp. 99-108, 122-5ff ,l -Itabajo, l( ;l nl|9, 6'1. Corrfederacion 1.\acional del Memoria del Congreso celebrado en el Teatro de la Comedia de Xlarlrid, Los dias 10 al 18 Diciembre de I9l9 (Barcelona: CNT, 1932), pp 34r-2,345-6. ( nrll irls^e: 65. Ibid., pp 347,350-2. 66. Ibid.,pp.357,359-60 \ t:u rforcl: 67. Ibid., pp.36?-3. 68. Ibid., pp 363,365. 69. Ibid., p.373 . rrrliralistc 10. Bertrand, "Re'olutionar,v Syndicalism i' Ital,v," pp 214-5. Bertrand discusses tne r ctl Les earll,reception of the Bolshevik Rei'olution in Italr in chs. 7-8. rp 91-3 71. Ibid., pp.249-50 I .tt Lllgth 12. Borghi, ItaLia tradue Crispi, pp J06-7. . .ir 88.000 73. Guerra di classe,28 1919. j., June t1 I\\'() ol- 71. Borghi, Mezzo serolo di anarchia (Naples: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 1954), p r\ r,lIellt. 196 Tlrc congress is reported in Guerra di cLosse, T Jan 1920 .rq nilican t 75 "I-es Communaut6s Agraires cn Russie," La Rerue du Trauail I (15 Nov. 1919):120- lr r l)oncts l. ', :r lcsser 76. On the CDS during ther $'ar see Schneider, pp. 100-6. Llrr lac torr 17. Quoted in ibid , p. ll9 r ltIlol lt\ 78. Nlonattc to Jules Humbert-Droz, 3 Oct l9l9 Archiues de JuLes Humbert-Droz, ed Sieglricd Bahne, vol I, Origines et dbbuts des partis communistes des pays latins (1919- ()oLo.; .; I 1923) (.Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1970), 6. rlrlr IIrid. 79. La Vie Ouuriire, 2 Julv 1919. 80. On the earll' post-\\'ar period in France, see especially Schneider, chs. 6-7; see also Maurice Labi, La Grande Diaision des tratailLeurs: premiire scission de la CGT (1911- ,Lr ?r:tcttit- 1921) (Paris: Edirions Ouvrii:res, 1961), pp 113-41; Annie Kriegel, Aux origines de communisme franSais,2 vols. (Paris: Mouton, 1961), 1:282-323. - i )r l)e()[)te 81. Monatte to Trorsky, 13 Mar. 1920. Syndicalisme rtuoLutionnoire et communisme: - r pol itic:rl le.s archites de Pierre Monatte (1914-1924), (cited herea{ter as Archiues Monale), ed. colette . ll ought Cliambelland and . (Paris: Franqois Maspero, 1968), p. 267. ltr ol tlrc 82. See Persson, SyndikaLismen i Sterige 1903-1922, ch.7 Ll \ lllilssc\ 83. SAC to the NAS, 22 July 1919, SAC Archive, EXIII-I. ll' rl:lter isrn 84. The con{erence is reported tn Der Syndihalisl, 4 Jan. 1919. Fr lr Lrr i sc:o: 85. See, for example, Heinrich August \\/inklcr, Von der Retolution zur StabiLisierune: Arbeiter und Arbeiterbeuegung in der Weimarer Republih 1918 bis 1921 (Berlin and Bonn: , ,)|l lal cn.c Dietz, 1984), pp. 159-84. ir Skircl:r, 86 On the trade union policies of the communists in the earll' posr-war period see Freya Eisner, Das Verhtiltnis der KPD zu den Geuerkschaf ten in der Weimarer Republik \ | /l \ t())'l( n (Kciln and Frankfurt am Main: Europdische Verlagsanstalt, 1979), chs. 3-4. t Lcnin'.s 87. Die Internationale, eine Wochenschrilt zur Praxis und Theorie der Marxisrnus, tto t)j\,',(0).\, 5-6 (19I9), p. 6. The KPD(S) followed up by publishing a pamphlet on Syndikalismus und Kommuniszzzs (Berlin: KPD (S), 1919) in which F. Brandr attacked the former and Lir't Par tr . defended the partl', the dictatorship of the proletariat and industrial cenrralization. See also \rogel, ch 2; Bock, chs. 4, 6. '\ton t:ib(1 88. 285; Kater: Der Syndikalisr, no. 42 (1919). ::rr t: Kleil- 89. ee also the symparheric biography of Rocker by There is in English a very brief treatment .l.r r h. l, by graphical Sketch," Journal of Contemporary \ t :Lnlor tl: Hi 90. Rocker later produced the first biography of Most, : Das Leben eznes , itL'cl ltcre- Rebellen (Berlin: Der Syndikalist, 192i1). 91. Rocker, Aus den Memoiren, pp. 67-8. 92 Ibid., pp. l7l-7.

ffi. ..TI] 296 l.- \\'OR.KERS t-H I.-NISELVES

13 \'ictor ' '- Fislrman, I 93 p ?,1 i951). p l1; in ibicl., 25.1. 9+. Q_Lroted p in Pestafra f'reedorn, 9ir Oct 1907 to ihese mrr 96 \\'ienancl, 227. lr 'pp 5-77 | ,\trr- 97 Rot:ker latcr discrrssed his experienr:es irr intcrnrnent it Ifinter StacheltlrahL und tr978); and \., {-litter (Berlin: Der Svrrdikalrsr. 1925) Ten orisrrto ," : 98 Qrrotecl in \\'icnand. p 253 i'1. Lera p Rudolf Rockcr -, 99 to Nlilh \\'itkop, l l tpril. 4 lrrll lglT, Rocker -\rchirc, Intematiouiral I5 Poor he:,..:: Instituut loor Sricialc Gesr Iiec]cn is, Arnsterclarl although ht -- 100 Ibid,8 Aug " l9J7 oI libertarian l0i IbiC., 18 Aug. J917 rvhich no rec , ,: .:' 102 Ibid , 1!l Nor, 1917. I jan 19113 (Cermanr arc i. 103. Ibid., 3l 3 Feh.. 1918. on rlrc u illineress rhe Bolsherik fo Jan., of sovernrrenr eisert'hcre the t c' rcceire rhc Rockers, Rurlolf rvrote, "I arn th:nrkful to Lenin arrr] fiotzkr 16r tltis lobie de Llano. p attitude" 1918), i 13i Jarr actding l:rtcr thar Lenin ancl Tr,rts-kr diJ n,,t Lrrorv th.. l{ockers 16. Sergc.p i - pcrsonallr (10 I;cb 1918), thorrgli there is evicierce that tr,enin lrom tirne to tirne rr'sr'te{ 17. On thc B .': the Jubi)ce Strcet fjlub in I-oncion. Sec. Ior erirrplc, Fishrnan, p ?6.i 'fhe iatel.so\ict Gustat LartL; ; Foreign Nfinister. Chichetirr, (lluL. ol cer.tainlr tr-cquenrc'cl rhe B Nlauret. Cl,, 101. Die Rote ()euerhschalt.s Internationalr:, J5 1g21. .fan \i'avne StaLe L n;r 105 l{ocker, Aus den Xlenniran, p 287 - 106. I{ui . 8. {)omrnuni.st Internation.al, no l1-12 (Junc-Juli 1920), pp 2133-4 tational value T: 9. CI Documcnrs, l:109, 103-4. party "partlclpai-- Congre.s lrtternationtl: proteedinss of petrograd liamentar.v pror t : 7Lh and ol .[uly L9th-,|ugust 7th, 192d (l,Ioscou.: Miller, Das Ptett " natronal, ond CI Congrcss), lisrs the delegates (pp. 1964), p. 96 \. ,.: horvcr,cr, rt olerlooks, for ex:rmple, the Spaniiid in the Reichstae -: l Clarke Carl Schorske, (': 1l \\Iilkens: Le Libertaire,2l-28 Jen l92l; Leperit: ibid, 7-t1.fan t92l But the SPD so,r: 12 Errna ()oldrn:rn, Liring t\I^,; Lile,2 r'ols (Nert York: Knopf, 1931), 2:799-800 NOTES 297

13. Victor Serge, Mbmoires d"un ri,uolutionnaire, 1901-1941 (Paris: Editions du Seuil, I95l), p. 117. On Pestafra, see his autobiographical account, "Lo que aprendi en la vida," in Pestafia, Trayectoria sindicalista (Madrid:l'ebas, 1974), p. 94. On Pestafra, in addition to these memoirs originally published in 1933, see Antonio Elorza's "Prologuc," ibid., pp.5-77; Angel Maria de Lera, Angel Pestaffa: retralo de un anarquisla (Barr:elona: r\rgos, .tacheldrahl und i978); and Xavier Tusell and Genoveva Garcia Queipo de Llano, "I'rologue," in Pestaffa, Terrorismo en Barcelona (mem

;t,tgs of Petrograd -:ir. 1920 (Mosiorv: - ihe dclegates (pp. :rptc. the spaniard 'rl1 l:,99-800. THE \\'OI{KERS'I'HENISEI-\'},S'

Ouotccl rr: s\ndicalis ts sa\\' nothing in cornrr] un is I p:rrliarnen tar) dogrna. clespi te i t s rhe ttx ic, t.l prcven t tll I'estatla comnunist parties from ultimatel-i follou ing the sartte r ouLsc. 62 ' 10. CI I)o, urttrnl:, l:126-j 63. Le Libet' Pesraiia, l\Iertoria, p.66 IScIole the congress cortrened Radek hacl urgecl the Cl 1921, :rncl l-a I 1I. :tnt; Exer:util'e to bar slndicalist delcgates. Rosrner, p 1i7 Lepctit - cltcunls tallct \ ,12 Rosner, p. 10fl most full\ 1t] 43 Second CI Congre.s.i, p. 317 and t 14. Dceras. l:166. thc time, ' a hancl irr .15. Secontl CI Congress, p. 373; sec also Pestarla. Xlettorio, pp ii7-8. had 61, Le Lt[:et t 46. Qucrtcd in Ol Docunents, 1:167, in rvhicb the n|entr'-one poinls:rre reproclucccl (pp. I68-72). 65. Scrge 1r 1921 17 Ibid, p 170 1l-lilFeb thi 18 Cl:rrke: L{/orAer', 18 Sept 1920; Pestaiia: p. 67 [o supPorl '\Icn.oria, r ,19. Pesraria, Xletnoria, pp. 69-72 E:rrlier Pestaiia (p 1l) had tler:larccl to Lozorskii that autobiogt'aph ( a traclc union neetin€i helcl in Russia lvoulcl be of littlc r alue since "the exr essir c itrllttcrrcc lntl-anslgent ) of Lhc Russi:ur (lornrnunist P:ltr lould be irs prejutlicial to the cottlctcttce:rs is the Bolshc'r'iks hr ' rt,r manzanilla tr('c t.J hirn rvho slccps in its shacle 67), Kricgel ( 50 Cctmpta-rendu du CISR, p 109 This rlocument rv:rs :rhnost iclentic:rl t() tlrat inititll\ 6tj. Borghi: presented rn the pre-congrcss sessiotr of thc CII ExecLtt irt' Ibid , pp 20-2 67 Der Slrrri 51 Serge,p ll7 68 Bertcltt,.. De:, 52. Brrrglri, Mezzo secolo, p 234 16 bis 20 p I'r3. lbid., pp 212-3 69 Ibid , Arbc i ter-r\ssoz not replesel)t( ( 70 The st:ttr Lupazton( d.l \\'illiarns. l't,, "Factor\ C.lrll

1966), chs ii , Halen ancl L, the [.lSI rht:r in Itzrly," ch l TL Borghi -r Nlaximoff, p. "1'10. 57. Bericht'l 58. Krolrorkin i mcssage appcared i:nthc Labour Leader,22 !ul: 1920. Kropotkin clisctrsst'd 72 Kreigel e Lo re-establish (ornrrunal councils in Russi:t. George \\roodcock 73. l'iLh Souchr the neetl "The irrrtl Irarr Avakurnovic, 1'he Anarchist Prin.ce: A Biographical Studl' 61 Peler Krrtpotkin Jones, (Lcrnrlon: Boardman, 1950), pp 118-9. Souih,r, Leben, pp. 16-9 Souc:hv regardcd lris lisit lirnergen I C.or rvith Kropotkin to be the highlight of his six rnonths in Russia. Bccctr of the I\\r\\' l+ )ce. 1ll li ancl'Ihnncr also c:rlled upon Kropotkin Solidarrtl, Jul1 l920. h Mezzo sacolo, pp 210- Rouge et Jc rtr, l, Borghi reported a visit he ard Pcst:rfr;r rnade to Dimitlov and Krol;otkin's clcclaration Maurice T lt,' oI support for the clorncsrir: syndicalists againsL Lhose anarchists rvho rvere slrplroltirlg l6l-79; Schnt mernber o[ tlr the Bolsheviks. See also Pestatia, Setenta dias en Rusio: lo que ,uo zr (Bartelona: Oosmos, it, see Per n.d. !92a1), pp. 193-200 Kropotkin profcssecl his support fol slndicalisrn ro F.rnma of (lolclrnan. St Liring Xty Life,2:864. In IIy Disillusiornnent in Russia (p. 100) Goldrnan S1'ndicalist 1' \\'rotc tltat Kroltotkin "hacl r:ome to thilrk that slnclicalism l,:rs likclv to lurnish rvhat 75. Pierrc \ he hatl disprl Russia most lackccl: f he t hannel tl'rlough tvhicb thc irtdustlial and et'onomic rccollstt uction l.a oI the countr,r mav llorr. He rcferled to Att:ttcho-SYndit:alism. I-h:rt and thc co-operatives at an) Pl syndical isle: .rv6uld saye other colntries sornc r>f the blrrndt:rs and suflcring Russia rt'as going through." !'.' In NIar, 1920 Kropotkin der:lared: ''I belier,er rhe slndicalist Inovenclrt .. rvill ernergc Libertatrc as thc great force in the course of the next fiftv vears, lcatling to thc cleatiolt of the 76 Dclegar. rt r;: communist stateless societ) " (2uoted in Auich, p. 227 in Der Sr 59 Some dclee:rtes of thc Shop Stei.r'alds'N{ovcrnent radically:ritered their-r'icrrs in ll'anner itr \ Nlosr:or.. a transformation in which the dircct influencc of Lenin lrcclueutll plal'ecl an Godorrnbch. Germans cott important role. Gall:rcl'rcr recallcd the experien cc in Rrzro I I o n thr: C Lyde (.Lon dort: Larrr en ce arrcl \Vishart, 1936), cb Il, and in l'he Rolling ol the Thunder (I-onclon: John Lanc, of Sotrchi B 1941), chs 8-10. The Executive of the Shop Stervatds' movcment cler:ided upon provision:rl beginnirtg !'r aftiliation rvith the RILI.I Couni:il in Septcrnber ]!)211. Solidarltl (l.ondon), Oct 1920 that Lhe C'tt' \\'hen N{urphv rcturned to E,ngllrncl in Deccrnber he borc l'ith him t}rc lunds to found Augustttl -:, , - ; :r Bririslr burean of rhc RILl,t. \\'alter Kendall. The Rettolutionary Moiternent in Britain, 17. IA.1 R 1900-1921 (l-ondon: \\reidcnleld and tr-icolson, 1969), p. 262ff pp.220-1 60. Sourlrl', Leben, pp.'11-'1; Borghi, .\Iezzo secolo, pp. 235, 238-40; \\'iikens in 1-e 78. Solzrli' 79 Der \' ': Libertaire, I l-18 Feb I 921 NOTT.-S

6l Qrrotccl in Lcra, p. 15ir 62 Pestail:r, Setenta dias ett Ru.si.a, pp. 201-12 63. Le Libertairr:, l2 l)ct. 1920. Scc atldirionrrl lerrcrs in ibid,22 Dec. 1!120,7-l{.lan. 1921. and La llic Outrii'rr,3 Scpt. 1920. The ambiguitl.ol rhe arrirude of Yerg,c:rr and Lepctit -:tnd oI Ravrnorrtl I-efeblre, rvho vanishccl lith thern - altd the m_vstcrious cittrrrnstanccs of thc'ir tlisappeatance eerrcratcd considerablc dcbate in Fr:rnce, discussed rrrost lullr in Kricgcl, Aux oriqirtes,2:i67-8i The suggcsrion o[ the bourecois press :rt thc time, artcl etcn sornetilncs of libertari:rns, that the Bolsheviks eithcr direr:th or intlircctl., lr;r,l ;r lrrnrl ilr rlr, it di.rl,pr'.ll:il)( e i. cxllernrl\ inr1,l;1a.ilyl.. 6,1 [,e Libertaire,7-14 Jan ] !121

68. Bericht iber di 16 bis 20 Dezenr.her

69. Ibid.. p. 2; 1.1 L Arbcitcr-Assor-iatiorr, I not represcntecl in llerlin. tc)gcther represertctl at leasr irnother millirln \\orker"s l i0. Thc standartl tvork on the facton occul):ltion rnot,eillent is Paolo Spri:rno, I-'oc- ttLl:tttziorLe dr:Lla t'abrithr:, setteni.bre 1920 l'I'ut'irt: Einaudi. 1964), brrr scc also Gr.,rn A. : \\'illians, ProLelarian Order (L

st'ndicaLi.sles rtroLutionnaires at industriali,rter, no. I (16 June lg22), p lz See also Lr Libertaire,29 .f ulr'-5 .\ug. 192J.

77. IAA: 10 Jahre, p.4: I{udolf Rocker. "Relolutiorr trncl Rrickfall in die Barberei," pp 220-l,Rocker.\rchire. InternationaallnstituutrrrorSor:ialcGeschiedenis,Amsterdam. 78. Solidarity (Chicag,o), 26 Fcb. 1921. i9 Der Syndiholist, no. 51.'52 (1920) ,.IF{E 300 1\IOR.KERS TF{ENIS LLYE,C''

80 De Arbeid, i Jan" i92l 1956). p1r -y'ie 81. La Am.,rtite, 14 Jan. i92i. His terlr : "rvas 82. f'anner aftern'arti complained that Belinskii's attitude trot at all trell;fLrl" rnri liolaLiol. : nearly destro,'ed the conferinct 15olidarity (l.oncion), 7.fan. rvhile..ldardv nored Solidatttt ,'' ]!f !), "upon that ihe conference nearll broke riorvn at iirnes becausc Belinskii insistcd calling Saxor 5tctr : ilre Germans inappr6priate narnes rvirener.er their attitudc did not suit him" (Solidatity thc auarclt;' prevailed (Chicago),22 Ja;.-i921). Despite some sharp exchanges relative hat'rnony tntil no\ en)en i mi4wa"1, in thi confere..,e, hor"eu"r, :vhen tire meeting las fhro$n into Cisarray br a Vi( tor C;otl',r'.:l blisrering arrack upon souchy launcheci by the Russi:rn delegation, u'hicir_had_just been in Berlin Ir- :: joiled b| one Grebelskaja In the prclonged ciispute Grebeiskaja accusccl_Souchr of bad the FOR\ .,: iaith, of playing a cioulrle gamc b1 having participated in N{oscorv in rhc u-ork o[ tht' thcir org:ttriz- r'l.llU Frovisional Councii, in the narne oI tire Gcrman srndicaiists the prettous summer, lu9?r as weil as in the u'ork of rhe Berlin conference Souchl clenied that he had mlsrepresenfed 9i Q-riotttl :: his authority in Mcscow, insisting that his cooperation rrrtir tirc -Buteart hed lleetr personal -fhe -1928(Ncl\'- and provisional. Gerrnan delegation cielended Souch,v's actions in hloscou. Soiidarity ILussiatr Const (I-ondon), i Jan. 1921; Iler Syndikalist, r'o, 51 i52 (1920); Der '1rbeid, 1 ian. 1921. 83. Det SyndikaList, no.5ir'52 (1920) 'Ihe 81. records of the l{AS Executive meetings sirou' that somc rvithin the organizJiiol} Chapter Fir e had questioned whether Bouwman, a rnember o{ the Executive but also o[ the conrrnrrrtist party, could faithfullv represenI the interests ol the organization at the Berlin conferenr:e. I. De At tt,:;,: Bestuurvergadering, 9 Dec. i920, Nationaai Arbeids-Secrerariaat Archive, internation2al 2 Belinskr L ' ltair Instituut voor Socrale Geschedenis, Amsterdam Geuerksc ''' istische Gei'," E5. De Arbeid, I Jan. 1921. 86. Der Syndihalisl, no 5lr'52 (1920)" Konvulsront-tt.: no 5 (1921, 87. tr a Vie Auuribre, I1 Jan.1921. 3. Sec Artrc: 88. The CSR. declaration is reproduced in ibid., amd in Bericht-l920, pp' 4-5' 4 Zvi Y Cit: 89 De Arbeid, I jan. 1921. the CPSL-. ltt | , Ibid., but see especially Der Syndikalist, no" 51.r52 (1920). 90. 5' For the declaraticn of ihe N-AS, see Bericht-1920, p.3; for thc cornmittee's resolution, Schectman. 91. Aronson, see ibid, p. ?; for an account of the ensuing discussion, see llar syndikaList, no 5l.r Jacr,i Rtunsn,ick. L,,l 52 (1920), but especially De Arbeid, I .|an I 921. il2. Th; phrasi Seterin proposed was "der Macht der Arbeiterklasse." Der Syndikalist, 5" Kloosterrll no. b7/52 (1920). This .ris infelicitcusl.v transiated as "the ciornination of the r.vorking 6. Goldbers (Lontion), ? 1921, and {aorker, 15 i921 But other intercsted ?. Kloostenll ciass,, in solidarity "fan ian II parties rightly took'Mack( to convey the neaning o[ 'power' or 'authority'(or possibly 8. Souchr ;po*"r ntrd authoriry') rather than 'domination', as demonstrated by the rencieling given einer Studtert'. ii in Dutch ('macht', De Arbetd, I Jan. i92i), Itaiian ('potere', Guerra di classe,22 Jar:'. 1. 1921), and Spanish ('poder', La Protesta,29 May t92I). 9. Maxrnrot; 93. The Berlin Declaration is reproduced in ,A.ppendix C. It was unanimousiy accepted 10" Rosmer t. (Belinskii being a fraternal delegate only), except for Tanner who voted against rwo of Russian edittc,r' "R6solurr its six poinrs. One of his complaints was that the document did not sanction proletarian ll. rlicratoiship, which the Shop stewards had already endorsed. The second was that it de 1'aliment:rtr io act in cooperation with the CI. The 12. The crrcul did not call for the trade union International \\ assembly rejected an amendment from Tanner requiring organizations attending the RILI.I 13. The I\\ Kolorr to accept its decisions as binding. 1921: ,,\. congress Ior c' 94. There *6 io-e disagreement {oiiowing the conference regarding the actuai mandate See also, of ihe Bureau. The Britiih Shop stewards' Movement had already affiliated r.vith the the Rertolutto-. Press, i960r c:l RILU Council , and Soliilarit^y (London), 7 Jan. 1921, declared the Bureau to have been "appointed to act solely for information purposes'" The official Bericht (p.9), horvever, 14. Resoluti" cieariy states that the Bureau was also charged with seeking an understanding with_the The Earlt' So'-: RILU Council ("sich mit dem Rat der Roten Gewerkschaft-Internationale in lVloskau o[ Toronto Pr. rr: ins Einvernehmen zu setzen"). 15. QuoteC 95. Bouwman: De Arbeid, 8 and tr5 1921; Belinskii, Die Rote Gewerhschafts- 16. Lenin, I Jan. rr' Internationale, no. I (15 Jan. 1921); Hardy, letter of 26 Dec. 1920 to the lwW,Solidarity 17. Quoted 18. Lenin C (Chicago), 22 Jan. 1921 Souchy, Der Syndikalist, no. 51/52 (1920)- 96. Their task was all the more difficult because some delegates were far more willing I9 Kolonrar to accommodate themselves to Moscow than were the organizations they represented. 2A. Berkuar-, Despite his position as General Secretary of the IW\4r, Hardy's views were rapidly Instituut r oor undergoing atransformation that would carry him into the communist party. Immediately 21. Reprodu: after the Birlin conference Belinskii invited Hardy and Barker to Russia. There Hardy 22. Rosmet I Maxirnor: assured Lenin that he believed in a disciplined party and would work for the communists 23. Reprocirii his return to the USA. Hardy, Those Stormy Years (London: Lawrence and Wishart, 24. upon 25 Le Ltbe': -


1956), pp 133-7- Back in the USA he worked for the affiliation of the IWW to Moscow. term :tlpful" and His of office expired in 1921. Early in 1922 his local union expelled Hardy for violatiorrs of the IW\A/'s constirution and for working against the organization. Industrial Hard\ noted joined :o.rn calling Solidaritl,, lB Mar 1922. He then rhe communisr parr)/ and worked for the Anglo- Saxon Section of the RILII in Europe. Given his background, "ro help to overcome So Lidarity the anarchist :\ alled until and syndicalist prejudices widespread in the international trade union movement. was made my special task." Hard1, p. 164. Like Hardy, Tom Barker and :rurrar by a Victor Godonnbche later found themselves odds the ::d just been at with organizations they represented in ng congress -'uchr of bad o[ the RILU in Moscow Barker again represented th bche the :rork of the CSR, following which rhey were bottr disavowed by .ru! th onnbche: L'Humanitb, 16 July 192I; Hatdy, La Protesta, 4 luly Summel, l9 ::represeD ted r

Jrqainlzatl0n . aOrllmunlst Chapter Five r conterence. I. De Arbeid, I Jan. 1920; Solidarity (Chicago), 22 lan. t92t :rernationaal Konvulsionen des Syndikalis no. I (15 Jan. 1921), itself p marn target, the German us oder die Konfusionen des H

3. See Avrich, pp. I96ff; Goldberg, pp. 49ff. n. ions of the Joseph > resolution, Sch Gresor r-;sr. no 5ll Ar o Sou rh Brunswick, London: Thomas Yoseloff, 1969), p. 408. Stndihalist, 5. Kloosterman, p. ll. the u orking 6 Goldberg, p.208. rrr in[erested 7 Kloosterman, p. 1I-2. or possibly 8. Souchy, Wie lebt der Arbeiter und Bauer in Russland und in der UhraineT Resultat derrng grven einer Studienreise uon April bis Oktober 1920 (Berlin: Der Syndikalist, l92l), pp. 23- asse, 22 Jan. 4. 9. Maximoff, p. 362. r;lr accepted arnst two of r proletarian \ras that it rhe CI. The ng the RILU

:ual mandate red rrith the ro have been 9,. however, 14. Resolutions and Decisions of the Communist Party of the Souiet Union, vol. 2, ing rvith the The Early souiet Period: 1917-1929, Richard Gregor, ed., (Toronto and Buffalo: University , in Moskau of Toronto Press, 1974), p. 66. 15. Quoted in Daniels, p. 126. 'a erhschafts- 16. Lenin, "The Party Crisis," Collected Worhs 32:50. l\-.Solidarity 17. Quoted in Sorenson, pp. l14, 115. 18. Lenin, Collected Worhs 32:53. nore willing 19 Kolontay, p.44. represented. 20. Berkman, "Diary: Russia 19I9-1921," (7 Mar.l920), Berkman Archive, Inrernarionaal *ere rapidly Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis, Amsterdam. Immediately 21. Reproduced in Maximoff, pp. 446-9. fhere Hardy 22. Rosmer, p. 142. communrsts 23. Maximoff, p. 442. rnd \Vishart, 24. Reproduced in ibid., pp. 449-53. 25. Le Liberlaire, 7 -14 and. 2l-28 .Ian. 1921. See also Maximoff , pp. 445-6. ..THIi 302 \\IORKERS THEN{SELVI'S

N{ar l92l; Rr_,r:...: 26. Avrich, p. 225. i: lhat the) u erc both 40. Dagchsti., 27. fhc Kronstadt Provisional Revolutionan Comrnittee, una\\'arc .11. Contple-t": already irnprisoled, reqlestccl that \16linc a1d Iarchrrk be sent t9 Kronstadt t9 rvork I'ith NIar I 92 I , rrr rr f.: : 12 C)uerra clt 13. Ibid. i3 an.: 1+ Rept od LLcc.i :: Comune, n d l1 !r" , 15. Rocker, -l r. ' also have u'ishtd : werc desPerzlleI\ : Stanford fluirtt.;l and in Nlarch l!r-- la Tercera Intet rta 46 Ott Letal, 'c. el 1921," Publictr : 17 This is thc r', during this periotl that the April tnc. as well (iucludirtg Iot exarnple. Parti.i 48. Lucha Soctat '19 Rosmer, p I!' 50. (]odorinbcht \Vilkens u'as an lI{ - "a little presst'cl bv publishing a .. Wilkens hacl sigrr. onll'as Ci, pcrhalr hirn as Aim6 Sal:Ln 26 Ferb. 1921 51. Although o. 21. 30. Le Libertaire, testlmony over 11 \ lflLs.sland und in dcr (iht'aine? 31. Souchl, I'Irie i er und Bauar irt an article (10 Feb 15 l92l 32. Die Role Geu ernationaLe, .Jan ' been a "Ilolstrcrrk of months and th, had written in Ru.' conjectured that \ had not been srtp Le Libertaire r,Il ._ a rnan u'ho hacl. i to Belgium), olt.. slmpalhies. 52 Russran arttl criticizing lhe sor ; charged that he h-: Ramon Merino C'r 53. Le Libet tai, , 54. Wilkens s 't: and continued l ,: to Lenin and Kt ol working and lit rr -3 (Aug. 1922). was a mal oI Ilal : vergadiring, N.'\S, I6 Oct. 1920. Notulen van debcstuunugedering NAS,\rchive), IntelnaLionaal campaign" agattt beids-Secreiariaar Archive (hcreafter, ficantly, his opp Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis, Amsterdarn. ,\rchile. At the c itself Even Arlandis r:-- Bolshevik Rer oi:. skii's oPosed amendrnent by Wilkens are o:, ndepenclent, oPeraLc r.r'oul Rosmer to I' noted that as a lvould 55. 291), Rosmer' ':, not vote fot it. De Arbeid, I Jan 1921 their 'doctrine a. 37 De Arbeid,8 and l5 Jan. 192I. 56. On the Par:' 38. Bestuurvergadering, l9 Feb l92t, NAS Archire. 57 Rosmer to ltl 39. Dagelistiscf,e besttiurvergadering, 25 Feb. 1921; D:igelistisctrc besluurvergadering, 18 NOTTIS 303

l,lar l92l; Bestuurvcrgac.k:ring, 8,\pr. 1921, ibid. \(le lloth 10. Dagclistische bestuulrerg:xlc'ring, l8 \l:rr. 1921, ibid. .,rk rvith 11. Contpte-rendu du CISR. pp 157-60; see also thc precccling article in Het llolk,2I Nlar 1921, in which L:msink explaincd his clerision .l;nqs u ith '12. Guctra di cla.s.sr,25 Sept l1)20. it)oltcs ot 13. Ibi(I.. 13 arrd l7 Nov. 1920. ;11\ eII()ls 41. Rt'lrrodrrced irr .\rrriando Borglii, La rii'oLuzione nran(at(t tNlilan: Etlizioni r\zione lt( ()uItt(ts Cornurtc, n d.f l961l), pp )76-81 .11-r. l rlt I ) \\ ll(,1 e Rrrcker, /us den lletnctiten, p1>. 317-8 Clerrld Nlc'aker suggcsts tllat P('starlr rna\ IlL to tl)e also [rar.c rvishcd to aroirl unclt'nniuing tlrt'morale oI the rerrr:lisla.s at a tirlr rvhen ther 'l-lLe 'Lrl)\('qltel)t \\'er('desper:rt('lv bcle:reucrecl I:leutlutionaty Left itt Spaitt, lSl+-lS2) (Starrforcl: .l )( ( Lllitt(': Starrlorcl tlrrivcrsitr Press, 1!17-1), p.313. Irr Norcrnbc'r Pest:rria prrblishetl Jots )Iernotia, linallr, and in }larclr 1922 the sccon(l piu-t of lris reporr, Lottsid.eraciones l,juir.ios acetta de : [))(]\:ril(,(:l I a Terc e ra I n tcrnar. i o nal , )l)cli:ltl()n 46. Orr Lcral, see Xarit'r P:rrriagna, La risio tle (]:rston Leval cle la Russia Sorietica r,1r 112-3) el 1921," Publicat u ller.r:rques, no 3 (197 1), 1rp 199-2?1 . .rlter tlrc 17. This is thc trrttclusiotr ol (leraltl \Ieaker: on thc (om1r)rrnist-srrrclir exarnplc, Parri:rgua, p, 200; Bar, 11 61ir fhis is {8. Lur.ha SociaL. I 7 }Iar 1922. 19. Rosrner, p 192. 'lrL lrietlin 50. C,

I r lllllCDl S \\'ilkens \r'as an aqer)t of thc Sparrish polire Perhaps, Godorrnbrht'acldt'd, Le Libertaire ri \i)lLLtion - "a little presscd irt the 1;assiolt of tlrc polernic" - llits utilizing suspcct docLrrncnt:itioll ,l rhaL tlrc br publishing:r serics o[ articles on Russil br \\'ilkcns. Le Libetlaire,18-25 Feb. I921. :)( a l)ase \\'ilkens had signcd an article rvritterr in Russin as J. Cialan Casteu identified \[ilkens tl.lr r r aeo), onlv as C;, pt,rhaps becalrse he l'as illcgalh in Fr:rnce. Hil:rrio.\rlandis laLer identified Itirn as '\irni Salan. La I/ic Out'ribrr:,l0 Feb 1922. r;1. Although evcll this was Lrsed agair)st hin). Still ntternpting to rliscreclit \\'ilkens's testim()rl\ ovct a \ear a{tet he'initiated his serics on Russia, La l'it C)ut'ribre published alr article (10 Feb. 1922) in n'hirh Arlarrdis zrrgued that in RLrssia \\'ilkens herl originall.v bet'n a "Bolshevik to his fingcrtips," lnt ha

Archtues Monalte, p. 301. "You have sent us quite a team!" an exasperated Rosmer rvrote 73 Ibid.n, ,' (ibid., p. 291) of the CSR delegation as a rvhole to Mon:rtte, who had rernained in Paris. British Bur r..:. :.1. In charges remarkably similar to somc oI those made by the syndicalist against rhe m:ijoritr' that NIanr : .:, delegates at the second OI congress in 1920, Godonnbchc and others cornplained that s,vndicalisrr L{. - the largest part of thc Frcnch delegation, and that most critical of Bolshevik policies, one nl:l\ cloir:,t : acting like tourists at Moscorv, paid insufficient attention to the proceedings of the congress. :rs it mar \l:;:: : Ultimately even the Gaudeaux-Sirolle-Relenk union dissolvcd in hostilit,i', u'ith his forrner diflcrcnces ht i' : cornrades accusing Relenk of abandoning the opposition in fai,our of sel{-promuting Vte Oui t t?t t : and rnercenary approaches to the Bolshevik leaders, charges that the Bolsheviks neither rloctrinal subt:.:: confirmed nor denied. C)n the French delegation in Moscon', see the documents in ibid , 15 a)Ur rlto\ er rt-: ch.7, or the briefer surve.v in Charles, part I, pp. 182-8. Its mandate (ibid., p. 185n) movemen t t-.. : required the CSR delegation to defend the complete independence of the RILI,- from enemr \\ e rh', - : the CI and the autonomy o[ thc unions of cach countr.v, to oppose the reciprocal 71. E Bou\\ rr .: rcpresentation betrveen thc RILU and the CI containcd in thc RILLI's proposed statuLes, le Moskou l'l and to report the results of thc congrcss, without endorsing them, to the CSR for internal 1921), p. l un10n olscussron 75. ISR-PI,,.. -' 58. Hardy, pp. I tt3-4. Hardy, a firm supporter of Moscorv, viewed the choice of \filliams Syndikalistt',: - as disastrous, since \\rilliams could not accept the RILt.r as it came to be constituted 76 IloLrrr rr.i:- - and backed measures to builcl an international revolutionarl. opposition to Nloscorr-. f-he Congris, rtct , - Bolsheviks and thcir supporters questioned wherher \'Villiams actually represented attitudcs 7l Bou\\ lrl.i:r - in thc IW\,V. Thev believed someone such as Bill Ha1'rvood, also in l{ussia at Lhc time Prentiet Crt,i -' . of the consress and a proponent of Nloscou','lvould havc made a bettcr IW\\'dclcgatc. 78. R!solt,: ,.' Souvarinc to Monatte, 9 Aug [1921], Archiues Monatte, p. 320 But Hal'rvood rvas in lutnnattes. \l Russia because he had'jurnped'the bail his fiiends had put up for hirr cluring thc R?soLution: : unsuccesslul appeal of a mass prison se]rtence for the leading anti-\^/ar '\Vobblies'. Dozens dcsignatecl t,, ,:- : of his fcllows reported [o prison n'trile Ha.vu'ood, his health poor, 0cd to Russia in the as harrclecl r,, : : hope of aiding the Revolution Haywood had been told the loss of the bail money tould ( ilti\ e H- be made up by the CI, though this rvas never tlone. Wliat the Bolsheviks and thcir suppc)rters and p:r'tie: ..r :: likc Souvarine did not undcrstand was that Halrvood's tlight had greatly undcrrrined p 192 lris standing in the I\V\\I. Scc Joseph R Conlin, Big Brll Hayuood and the RadicaL 79. ,f S/i-Pr, Union XIotemerzl (Slracuse, Ner,v York: S)'racuse fJniversitl Press, 1969), ch 8 80. Allancli. r 59 From the theses on the role of the part.v adoptcd br the 1920 CI congress. Degras, indepenclen.i : 1:128. of ttrc' arrtorr :: 60. IndustriaL Solidarity, l8 NIar. 1922 "But rr bar gr.-,: .: 61. CI Documents, f'.)66 that it uill r-: : 62. Communisl InternrLtional 3, no. 16-17, 11. rtcrr social :.: :: 63. Fot these and othcr examples of the Bolshevik packing of the consress, see George and not ptr:r.: Williams, 7-he Fir.st Congress oJ the Red Trade Union InlernaLiona.l at illoscou, )92): rnust h.-tr e lr:-:: A Report of the Proceedings by Geo. 14 iLliams, DeLegate from the 1 Lil.I,trI (Chicago: tentarks rr cr. : Industrial \\'or-kers oi the \Vorld, nd. !922?l), pp 4-9, 13-5, 19-25; Lemoine to Monatte, supportecl tL. -- 13 Ju11 1921, Archiues Monatte, p. 319; the Noru'egian paper, Alarm, 13 Aug I921; and 5 (Juh 19!, , Geor-ge Cascaden's report of the congress in the \reekl.\ Alberta Labor l\teus, 14 Jan.- to ernbr;rci e :- - 25 Feb. 1922 for the RII L -( , : 61. Casr:aden reorcscntcd the -Edmonton branch of the Lunber \Vorkers'Industrial ljnion Se{:, for cral-:- of Canade He u'as rLlso questioned on the di<:tatorship of the proletariat, but declined 8l LLtcltLi. to elaborate his vicu's prior to the corlgress Pressure frorn the French and Spanish 82 1SR-Pr, " delegations helpcd hirn to win a deliberative vote in the assernbl-v Alberta Labor Neus, 83 1SR-R.. 4-11 Feb 1922 81. Ibid p:- -'' 65 \\'illiams. o. 9. 85 Buller;': 66. Lucha SociaL, 3 Ma-l 1922; \\/illiams, pp 23-4; BuLLetin du Premier Congris 1921), pp :r.' '.' InternationaL cles Syndicats Rbuolutionnaires (hereaf ter ISR-Premier Congris)no. 5 (Julr thc position : I921), pp. l0-2. 86 \\'illirrr - 67. Harry Pollitt, Seruing My Time (London: Lau'rence zrnd Wishart, 1910), p. 111. Bourr rlarr- f): - - 68. ISR-Premier Congris, no. 4 (13 Julv 1921), pp. 1, 3. l,ozovskii lamented that the 1l-J2(JLrlr t,- Charle conttnued to bc defended {ifteen 1'ears after its forrnulation: "The rvor-ld is 87 \\'illia:r.' : ovcrthrown, only thc Charte d'Amiezrs remains immutable." 88 On tlr. ::: 69. Daniel F. Calhoun. The United Front: The TUC and the Russians 1923-1928 ILalr, see 1-\/? i.' (Cambridge: Carnbridge Universitl, Press, 1976), pp. 12-3, discusses Lozovskii's background 89 \\-illiarr:- : : and character and quotes Scrge 90 "]Ianirt.-' , 70. Rosmer, p. 190. r eprodnce tl : : 71. For Rosmer's address see lSR-Premier Congris, no 6 (Jul,v l92l), pp. 11-21 congtis de r' . ' 72 Ibid, p. 17. luliortrtane '': NOfES 305

' itad Rosmer \\'rote 73 Ibrd., no. 5 (Jult 1921), pp. l2-5. J.T. NIurph; lThe "Reds" irr Corr.qrass (IIan(hcster: lLnlained in Paris. British Bureau, Rcd Intcrnational oI Trade ard Indrrstrial lrnior.ts, n.d,), p. I l) u'r-ote :tirLnst the majorit,v that Nlarrn's "spcech rvas lrxrked for l'ith eag('rness, berause o[ his krng associatiorr rvith :. toml;lained that s1'rrdi<:irlism. His specch rv:rs untloubtedlr ir surprisc to his s1'ndicalist et'n \\ , rlrblies'. Dozens tlcsigrtatecl to deferrd, and lhich rlas to be the r:xrrrrting tesult o[ "thest' painful rlcbatcs." : lo Russia in tlre as handed to hirn in its firral form bl l,ozovskii. to be "uselcsslr antl clangerotrsll .Lil ntoncr l'oulcl pro\ocrtivc." Ilc coultt $in lc' tathcl ttrarr rn:rncl:rtor1. l{osrner'. -:.rtlr rrndcrrnincd r 192. ptd tlte Radical ig lSIl-PrenLier Congris, no 7 (Julv l92I), pp. l8-9. (ll d. 80. Arl:rnrlis derlarccl thc Spanislr cleleg,ation to bc bourrd b-v mandate to clcten. see Cleorse artd rtot pcrlnit an) political part\ r\tratso('r'el to submil us to its will." delcg:rtes '\loscotu, 1921: llrust havc bccn balflecl b,r Arlandis's labrriuthiue logic, hcxvevcr, for hc addecl that liis l ll.TIl (Chic:ago: t'emirrks tverc onlv a dt'clatation oi principle, thilc in practice lris dclegation rr'lmlrletclr ,ine to NIonatte, srrJrportcd ttre Rosmer-NI;rrrn rcsolution, rvhich accordecl rlith their marrdate. Ibicl., no. i \Lrg. l92l;ancl 5 (ful,v 1921), p. 1ir. I'he Spanish delegation, excel)t for the sre:rdlast I-eval, 1;roc:cccltd \cit,s, l.l Jan.- to embract'a t-csolution that brearhcd not a \\'ord about union:rutonom\. Spanislr supltrlrt Ior thc RILII-CI resolution \\'as ()lre oI the gleatcst srrrpriscs for thc'rernaitring svnclicalists. lnchrstrial flnion See, for cxarnple, lannt'r's articlc in Industtial Solidaritt,2.1 Scpt. 1921. :r.rt but declincd ul Lucha SotiaL,24 June 1922. r,Ir :rrtcl Spanish 82. ISR-PTatnier C'ortgri:s, no l5 (Jrrly l92l), pp. 6-7. ':t Lnbor Neus, 83. ISR-Rbsrsltttions.o.6. 8'1 Ibitl , pp 28-30, €iti. 85. Rulletin of tlte Ilt:cttlite Contntillee of thr: Oomrnuttist ]ntertntiorrul, no. I (U Sepr l'.,,ntier Congris l92l), pp. 37-8. Nlurphy also inclucletl it in ''Rrds" irt Oottgre,ss (pp. 16-7) as rep)c\cnrinc .riir no 5 (.f uly Lhe position of tlrt' sr ndicalists. 86 \\'illiarns. p. 3I. \Villianrs reln-oclrrccd thc Cictrnan sr?lrelncnr, pp. 3l-2. Scc also, : r 1!) 10), p. 1,11. Br>Lr',,vnran, I)isscl and Kitsz, /Jet (ongre.t rler RL/1, pp. 6-7; ISR-PIentier Con.qr)s, tro ::|(llf(,d tlrat the ll-12 (lul.v l92l), pp.26-7 and no. l1(.lul,r l92l), pp. I4-ir. I hc rv<>rld is tt7 \\'illiarls. p. 27; Bouuuran. l)isscl Lrnd Kitsz, tlct congres der Rl/l,pp.6-7,21 88. On the dilectires of tl-re RILfI to thc labour orearrizations o[ France, Spzrin and ''iart.s 1923-1928 Ital,r', sec lSl|-Rlsoluti. 53-ir. -. ii > lt:rckground tig \\rilliarns, pp 28-31. ''Nlarrifestc 90. atrx srndir:alistcs-r'6rolutionnaires du rnontlc," Sr\(l '\rchirc, EXIII-I; rcproduccd, Icrr exampr'lc, in Nlichel llelc'rrk,'fro-,taux tLtt r.tLnturadc,llichel |lelenh au : I l-91. congri's de L'I.S.R. de re.st? t'itl?le d la conceptiort du.s),ntlicali.srne t?uo- 'Iloscou,.scul (irsLcr, lutionrruire franqais et d, :ort ntandat (Paris: n.d II921 ]), pp 6- 1 0 306 "THE WORKERS THEMSELVES''

91. "Manifeste aux syndicalistes-revolutionnaire du monde," SAC Archive, EXIII-I; annual colt - - =-- reproduced, for example, in trVilliams, pp.32-4. munrcatloll t. - 92. "Au Bureau des Organisations Syndicalistes R6volutionnaires," SAC Archives, EXIII- Jr. of Holl;r. : I; reproduced, for example, in Bouwman, Dissel and Kitsz, Het congres der RVI, pp. B ureatr. 22. 18. Der .5.,'; : 93. Arlandis and Nin, quoted in Gras, Alfred Rosmer, p. 226, and, Meaker, p. 397, step, perhap. respectively. also l'roldine :: 94. Bouwman, Dissel and Krtsz,, Het congres der RVI, pp 6-8, 21, 23. frcedom of tr... . 95. ISR-Premier Congris, no. l6 (July 1921), p. 16 19. \'ecclti -.,: 96. "Procbs-verbal de la r6union priv6e du 13 aofft 1921," Archiues Monatte, pp. 308- entri' ilrto thr ] 15. The document was published in L'Internalionale Syndicale Rouge, 10 Nov. 1921, to publish :rn . and reprinted in Colette Chambelland, "Autour du ler congrbs de I'ISR," Le Mouuemenl of ,5" 3,,1ihcr:. Social4 (I964), no. 6,3I-44. Charles (part l, p. I90) inexplicably states thatall mernbers 20. Ibid. ir I of the French delegation, except Relenk who was barred, declared in favour of affiliation RIl.[] discu.-r ' to the RILU at this meeting. But even if we set aside Godonnbche and Tommasi, rwo 21. Lozorskr: declared partisans who were not present, it should be noted that neither Claudine nor 22. On tl.rc , Albert Lemoine attended rhe meetine. resolutions c.'l: 97. Rosmer to Monatrc, [July (actuilly August) 19211, Archiues Monatte, p.293. Volontd l() tr' 98. See CorneII, ch. 7. 1922; for tho., 23. Lozor 'kr: endorses it [-, Chapter Six at(itude il) \l'. l. Jean Gaudeaux, Six mois en russie bolchatiste: documents inbdit.s (Paris: Romans rmportallt :tr1(: Nouveaux, 1924), pp. 122-34f1. hostilities a. 2. Le Libertaire,29 July - 5 Aug. 1921. syndicalist rir r 3. Gaudeaux, p. 143. themscht's [r ,:- 4- Paniagua, p.218. had facilitalctl 5. Goldman, Liaing My Life,2:909-lO. Brrt C.lharle. - , 6. Paniagua, p.221. nranY arr

] T\ ( EXIII-I; annual conqress. FAtiD ro rhe sr\c, l6 scpr. l92l. sAcl Ar<'irive, EXIII-I. f'his r:om- rnunicarion issigned nor orllv by Sorrch,i and Kater oI Lhe FAflD, but b1' Berrrard Lansilk .:, irrrcs, EXIII- Jr. of Holland, apparentl) in his capaciti :rs Secretarv oI rhc Internat.ional Synrlicalisr t,'r RVI, pp. Ilr rr ea tr. ]U. l). fhe FAtID's 1921 congress also rook rhe cxceptional I rlrr p 397, stcp, nist ccll-building, of prohibiting FAt.tD rncrnber-s from also lilical parties, as incompatible .l.r'ith the autonomv and freed he orsauizat ion's lc'clerallsrn. l9 Nlari's report o{ their rnission to Rtrssia, in whicl thei ur-gecl rhc LrSI's ;r1c, pp 308- er LLJ, appearc'tl it Gtrcrra di classe,8 Or:t. 1921. fhis prompted Borghi . t 1921, \ov. to ortttl of his cxpericrrces itr Russia irr t!)20, irr an articie sharply critii:al , . \[outernent ot Ibid., 15 Ocr. 1921. ,: rll rnembers 20. Ibid., l5 oct 1!121 Scc also rhe sr:rremenr (5 Nor. l92l) follorring tlre IJSI-pGI- .: rf affili:rtion RILLI discussions. I , nr masi, t.lt,o : (.laLrdine nor

: i93

P.rr is: Romans

thenselrcs fionr the RILII " He adrls th:rt the Bolsheviks realized "that the I;rent:h attitrrcle

::rf,i Prisoners,

P:u isl: Ruedo

:: of the RILt.l .: irnd Sirolle's :r'.:\eS. ho\,vever, Lrfe, 2:913-1 Paniagua, pp. \, ,r k: Boni and )| Tagebich- ' 'ittper, Alarm,

:::ln extensloll ;rrrsecution of -:li of his jacket :r( rt\ bourgcois lL-.. 2pi 1r'5"r, ,.torr for a few I ozovskii later :he Bolsheviks

26. Godonnbche ro lloriarre,28 Julv 1921, Arr.hiues xlonatte, p 303; Rosnrer to Nlonartc ',\tote Monatte f.July 19211, ibid., p.30]. -' \lonatte, pp.

Relenk of the -: discussions" -. D s imminent 308 ..THI] \VORKERS THENISEI-\''I-S' opposed one another as shalply within the orinorit.v:rs revolutionaries:rnd rclorrnists Clclrnrnrrnr.t- deerned tht:i: u-ithin tl're CC}T The honrogcneit.v of this frninoritll()pposition uas rot lcss lragilc ttrarl that oI the entire trade rrnion organization and it coulcl, like the latter, snap a[ [:lctlcs beL:i]l thc first opportunitl." objectiri crii.::, CGT, XXIIe Congr?s national cotporatit' (XVI de la C.G.T (Villencuve-Saint- 48. Quotct::: . 28 ) 49 :: ccr)lees: c(;T. n.d r. 20i. Quotrrl 1, fr ont uniclur :: 29. Labi, pp 191-9; Arum, pp. 427-30 p. 35 30 La Vie Ouuri?re, 22 Jul-r l9?1. 50. A fer' ,,: :: 31 Trotsky to Nlonatte, li) Julr 1921, Archfues XIonatta, p.297. CI (Zinovier,) to the PCF,26 1921, ibid., pp 353-60; CI resolution, pp.360- Internalnrta:.... 32 Jul.v (no. 1. Zinoviev added (p. i357) tliaL "cornrnunists tho pcrsist in the error, accorcling to rvhich 8, l2 \', their trade union action tould be itrdependent of thc partr, shorrld as a general rule and ]{cricar ; .:r : be expelled from the party."'I'his lollorvetl from the fact that some of the leading defenders b-v Moscorr Francc in of syndical autonom\ in France, such as Verdier and Quinton, tlcrc - itt the tradition in \i, of sl,ndicalism that permitted militants to pursue an1 political acti\it)' thev rvished outside 51 . "L'Inter n., : nationale \',':: of the unions - also rnembers of the PCF. See also, Schneider, pp.210-2 -l-he 33. La Vie Ouuriire, I9 Aug l92l On the French delegation's post-congrcss declar-ation, l5-6. B:. see above, p. 192. The Bolshcviks' :rl)parent victorl r-ith the dissidents in thc CSR delcgation (hereafter B1\Rr de guerte a p,-,," provecl to be short-livcd, for Llrcv rvere less than supportil'e of the RILII upon thcir rctrun. ( Rosmer n,rote Lozovskii (21 Nov. l92l) that thel tere damaging the RILtI's intcrests 52 N'Iauricc : privately picLurc Russi:,r "so sombre that our best lriends the LISI's cl:rrr in Franr:e bv drarving a of Soviet (h. " Lozovskii that "Sirolle and delegate to [ ' are troublcd b1 it A month later Clodonniche \\'lote to ( h:rle arrived hcrc rnore:rnarchisr such a nreetine his friends, having lcft Moscorr in a conciliatory spirit, (.irtL. than ever " in Charles, palt 1, p. 190n. 53 llSI Quoted a telegram Ir,ir:: 31 LaVie Ouuri?'re, 19 Aug. 1921. Letters from Nlaun, Andreytchinc and Nin also appear 1922. :r: in this issue On tht the th. ) 35. PicrreBesnardrvlotetoFr:rrrsSeverin(22Jan 1922)thatthe"revolutionarysyndicalist FAIID faction will rcmain the most ilnport:rnt in the rrerv CGI', u'hich I aIn convinced tvill Arciive, l-\III-l by the groLrp over 300,000 rnernbeLs at its start " S,'\C Archire, FIXIII-I Robert \Vohl (I-rench Adrrilr-i: in the hlaking, 1911-1924 Sttrnford l,'niversity Press, 1966], p. to such ar lt\:cr':- [Stanford: B1SR1, rr,, 280) gives Lhc ligures lor 1922 as 350,000 for thc ClGTfl and 250,000 for the CC}T. 54 JuI1 Ibid. pp ' 3ti L'Humanitb,l7 Mar. 1922: 55. 'I'hc di!I):ir' 31 . CGTtl, Ier Congris tenu d St. Etienne du 25 juitt au ler juillet 1922 (Paris: Maison 56. r: des Slndicats, n.d.), pp. l1-2 b1, ths 1s|g1n 38. Third Congress ol the Comntunisl Internalional: Report ol Nleetings held at X[oscou special coltglc-. June 22nd - July l2th 1921 (L<';ndor': Communist Party o{ Grcat Britain, n d ), p. 127. Since thc rettr.r-L regarded particl 39 Lozovskii's appeal'. ArbeLaren,T Jan. 1922; the SAC's ri'ply: ibid.,23 Jan. 1922. 10 Ibid , 16 May 1922. in full' 1s6sld .'.. 4l Alberta Labor Neus, 14 Jan. 1922. Cascaden's report ran through the issue oI 25 similarl-r'dcclnr. February. The lead editorial on 14 Februar)', entitlcd "The New \!'ar on the f.lnions," "an Intt'rnatiol , rejected the RILll. But the General Convention o{ thc Lumber Workers resolved to support likell suppor r r Moscow, repudiated Cascaden, and suspended thc Edmonton local branch that had liad learned oi :' mandated him until it elected oflicers who, among other things, would abide bv "the P, the I\\r\\ arr: aims, purposes, and constitution" of the RILU. See the Britislu Columbia Federationist, 57. Lucha S,':: 20 Tan. 1922. 58 Meaker p ! syndicalist stror: 42 The I\VW's telegram: S;\C Archivc, EXIII-I; the statement of the IWIV Exetutive: = Industrial Solidarity, l7 Dec. 1921. Later,:rfter the RIL[] Executive publicly attacked as lhe comrnun;. Williams, the IWW defended its dclcgate and reiterated its rejection of the RILU in Tfte in fact met in I IWW RepLy to the Red Trade Uniort International (Moscou) by the GeneraL Executiae the communi>i'- Board of the Industrial Worhers ol the World (Chicago: n.p [IW!V], 1922) CNT's affiliaLi,:r 43. La Protesta, (on FATJD congress) l7 Dec. 1921; (on RILU) 24-29 June 1922; (on 28. the ir: : Barker) 4 July 1922. 59. On Manuel B:; 44. Jane Degras, "United Front Tactics in the Comiutern 1921-1928," in International 60. Communism, pp 9-22. Ed. David Footman. (London: Chatto and Windus, 1960), p 9 (Paris: Farnilia 45. Calhoun. o. 15. 61. Quoted rn i 16. Ibid, p. 2. 62. Lucha Sr,:: 17 It has been pointed out that the introduction of thc united front also implanted syndicalists ara, thc concept of deviation in the CI. By abandoning the war on the social democrats that abandoned C: had been a fundarnental purpose in founding the CI, by making collaboration with them Revolution anc contingent upon specific circumstances judged from case to case by the CI itse]f, the series of Cori: ;:: policies o[ communist activists and parties could no lonE;er be judged simply on content, CNT, but the C n.r: for left and right ceased to be distinct positions and became mere "etrots in timing." 63. BISRI. - NOTL.S 309

rlnrsls \\ho resist('(l urited fronr tactics, r\hen thc CII (lrcclucntl\ altcr Lhe facr) :t ilqile aplltoltriate. bet arrte secLlilians; lhosc u'ho in:rlrpropriateh fart)rrrcd srrc]r r.tlJ ilt e oltltottutrisrs. 1-lrc ntorrerttlrr irrtcrpletations of ttre (-iI rlisplaced atrY ria ol orthoclorr and dc." i:rtion. See I)celas, pp. 1?-3, (]rrotetl -\:lIlI- '18. irr Degr:rs, 1r I 1 19 QuoLccl in .Je:trt-Lou is Robert and Daricllc 'l alt:rkol skr , "Internation:rle I'a1ti et frrrrrt rrnirlue." it Cahiet.s d'h.i,stoire rie i'lnstit.ut ][aurit.r: TLLnre:, tro. 1 (No.r'-l)cc. 1972), p35 50. A fcu oI rn:rttr possible exanrplcs include t]rc articles in Die llote (]euterk.schafts- : :160- IntrrttrLlietttale agairisL \\'ilJi:rnrs oI (lrc I\\-\\':rnd thc October lg21 rnceLing ol thc F_\tlll .' hich ,L rult' i |(lcr s !l I Ll()ll , ir t:iclc

r:iLtlOl], l.rtrorl (here:rItclBI.S,lil), no. l11rliJLrne l922),p l4.obscn,edolBrancller'sarticle, "flncdeclaration ', ltll ll. de grrcrre a posleriori, c'cst bon :\ saroir !" r L.l tsts 52. cllantloI 1-a I'ieOui,ri?re (2'1 \'Ier. 1922)liadirnrnediatelvquc,srioncd . :ritncls thc I the CiCil-Ll sLrpportt'c1 sucft a rrrrrsless, brr( thc CClTtr'a fraterna] ..r nrcl deleg ngrcs\. lutti, It.rrll,ttttrLrth,,tizcclb] the(lCi-lLI l,\ecurivt L()prop()se r lrahrsl srrch lcs, parr 2, p. I2ilr. 53. LSI Clircular',8 N,I:rv 1922. Alreadr br li,t trlar rhc S,\Ci ackriorvlcdgecl reccipt of a leleeran frorn Paris the l lrpear shifring corlcrcnte site to Berlin. S,\(.j to the CCiTtl, 18 NIay 1922 On lhe arr:lrgen-rent of the

r Lcal ist tltc Fr\t.lD. thc N,\S, Lhe SA(i, the frSI and rhe U(;TIr,2l Apr. ro 3l N{ar 1922, S,\(l ,1 u ill Archive. EXIII-i. The trarsfo ol tlrc'conference to Bellin nrar u,eli refler:t tht lccugniri,,n I ten(lL by the Atlrninistrative Clonrmittcc ol thc C(iTIi of sh:up opposition within thc organizirri(,n ,,rtj ] lt to suc:lt an assembl\. Sec bclorr, this chapter, p 228 (,C, I. 51 BlS,fil, no 1 (16 JLrnc 1922), pp 3-10, l2 55 Itri

\ ( Lltl\'C: , i tackcd tn The - ' .( Ltlnte

,l!: (on !9 On the irrpatt o{ Pcstarla's l[emorias in Spain, see especiall,v Bar, pp. 569, 620. .,i t tonaL 60. Manuel Buenacasa, El mottimienlo obrero espagtiol, 1886-1s26 (histona y critica) (Paris: '.p 9. Farnilia l amigos del autor, 1966), p. 89. 6l Quoted in Bar, p. 569

r:rlan ted r -lts that ::h ttrem :.rl[, ttre a [ttent, lrning." 63 BISRI, nos.2-3 (Aug. 1922), p. 15. ..THE 310 WORKERS'I'HENISELVES"

64 Ibid, p 5; scc also p. 18. saddled thr -:-'- 65 Bcrrghi, Llussolini Red and BlarA (London: Wishart, 1935), p 7 argue that r]t- 66. BI.SRI, nos. 2-3 (Aug. 1922), pp. 6-7 had orgartir. : 67. lbid., p 8; Der Synd,ih"alisl, no. 25 (1922); Le JournaL du PeupLe, 18 July 1922. had its orr n - : 68 Le Journal du PeupLe, l8 July 1922 o[ t]re Parle , ,r: : 69. "That u'as tlie end," Souchy rccallcd much later of r\ndreev's negative attitude on The lact tha: :: thc qucstion of rhc pcrsecution of Russian libertarians It rvas onll'after this "that we COnlInUntStr i ' decided to go our o\^rn rvay. And that u,as to break with the RILU and also'r,vith Moscow'." 85 La I'ie ( t .. Augustin S()uchy to the author, 8 and 27 Feb. 1976. at Berlin of t:' 70. Der Syndikalist, no. 25 (1922); BISRI, nos. 2-3 (Aug. 1922), p. 7. exisLcd" Ih,' 7I Le Journal du Peuple,18 July 1922; BISRI, nos 2-3 (Aug 1922), p 7 no. 2-3 ('\Lrg .: 72. B1SR1, nos 2-3 (Aug. 1922), pp.7-8. 86. La I'ie O 73. Rocker, "Revolution und Rr.ickfall in die Barbarci," p. 221; BISRI, nos. 2-3 (Aug. had uoted aq'"' 1922), pp.8-11. in Der St'rrlit ; 14. BISRI, nos.2-3 (Aug. 1922), pp. 12-1. qucstion I'hf F 15. Ibid,p 15. Journal dtt Pt .: 76. Although equitable neither with regard to the legitimacy o[ the Nin-Maurin delegation 87. See Ior ,r- to Nloscorv nor the personal motives of its members, Diez reflected the n'rath felt by 1922, arrcl C-h.::: ln:rany cenelislas concerning the conduct of the delegation when hc declared that the Zaragoza C)ritics at gLrt.r, : confcrcnce had unanirnouslv repudiated the alfiliation ol the CNT with the RILU, and had serrcd a. ( "disavowed the delegates who went to Moscou' rvithout having beren authorized to do Cornmittt'e (.1: so, their duty having been to rcmain at their posts during the pcrsecutions; but they vote taken irr Ii. r,verc afraid, and while thousands of militants \\'erc being assassinated, they were benaying 88 B1SR1, rr,,. thcm lat Moscou,] " Ibid., p. ltl. Bar (pp. 625n, 626) rnistakenly asserts that the CNT 89 l-ozor ski r u,as not represented at the June conference. in /-es Sy'rrdu,,: 77. B1SR1, nos 2-3 (Aug 1922), p.9. Rocker spei:ifically indicted Lenin's State and CGTU i Satrr: Retolution as a chief factor that had.]ed "a certain number of revolutionary syndicalists, PetiLc Bibliorlr- especially in France, to undertake a'revision'ol their ideas." Ibid., p. 8. The Declaration !922?l) He 1.,t of Principles is reproduced in Appendix D. lranzcisische 1' 78 See Appendix D Internatiorral l 79. Lozovskii to Rosmcr, 4 May 1922, Charles, part 2, p. 132. On the apparently decisive lir]sell'clanrct: month oI May, see ibid., pp. 130-l s1ndicalist cor:r 80. See Lozovskii to Monatte, Jan. 1922 and 15 May 1922, Archiaes Monatte, pp. 336- a delibcratir c r 41. Lozovskii stressed as essential the construction of such a bloc before the congress (p. 74) T hcr. to Rosmer, 4 May 1922, Charles, part 2, p 133. orgirnized riol. 81. The CI Executive sharply criticized the inaction o[ the PCF regarding the unions, clicalists, thi-' r; insisting "without that the trade union movement could not realize its tasks the direction )rOuIlS llIlrO]ll'i of the communist unionists by their political party. This influence rvill be conquered appcalarlce allr! only in the open struggle of ideas against the anarchist bunglers, against the adventure that he still lou seekers, against the oligarchic cliques. The party should pass to the offensive all along lts suJ)por t t.rl the line, by exposing and criticizing the confusion and the confusionists, by conquering [tlitions Socirl, for its members the responsible posts in the union movement, by placing the cornmunrsts 90 Borghi . .. in the unions under its control, by educating them in the spirit of the strictest discipline 91. L'Htunar: and by pitilessly driving from its ranks all those who, under the pretext of autonomy, Wohl, pp ?ll- would dare to continue their demoralizing work in the union movement." CI Executive and Nlonrrorr:. to the PCF Executive, 12 May l9?2,.Archiues de lules Humbert-Droz, l:553. "I no longer 92. He acldctr see any progress on the trade union question To the contrary, we see here an uninterrupted Comrnissiotr :t: retreat of the party," Trotsky wrote to the International Secretary of the PCF a few weeks r'vithin the (-(' later "In politics, as in physics, nature abhors a vacuum You evacuate the trade union pays Latitts et i i position, while the masses seek a guide: that is why the syndicalists and libertarians r 983), 212-3 automatically occupy positions to which they have no moral right." He insisted that 93 For thr ci, the decisions of the CI be applied and that party members like Verdier and Quinton, p. 32. For th. who defended autonomy in the unions, be expelled. Trotsky to Antoine Ker, 6 June 1922, PeupLt:,9 JtIt ibid., p. 190-1. Lozor 9.1 'krr 82 La Vie Ourribre, 26 May 1922; Humbert-Droz's report to the CI on the PCF, 30 Lozovskii a1.,, May 1922, Archiues de Jules Humbert-Droz, l:178. The CI had apparently not received th in5ls that Llr Humbert-Droz's report issued when it its directive (ll June) that the PCF rid itself of of thc greate.t , "spiritual brothers" like Verdier and Ibid., p. 560. Quinton. 95 On Lht , 83. Lozovskii: L'Humanitb, l0 1922; the CGTU: Le du Peuple, 15 June Journal June Interttatiott,ti. " 1922, L'Humanitb, 14 June 1922; Monmousseau: La Vie Ouuriire, 16 June 1922. Dezembet 1")) 84. La Bataille Syndicaliste, l5 June 1922, published rll'e Pacte (see above, p. 178), which relationshilr 1,. is reproduced in Archites Monatte, pp. 277-8. The publication of the Pacte inevirably lieutenant lr: \O I E,S 311

saddlecl tlrc libettariarts l'ith a conspiraforial image It also enablctl the (ommLLllists ro arstle that thev wcl e simplr advarrcing thcir o\\'n vieu-s in the unions. jLtst as the libertarrans h:rd organized thernselves to do, althoueh the c()rnnlunists rlirl not observc'that thc PCF I 922 had its ou'rr se{rlet instructions to captule the lcadcrship oI the unr'ons. 1-hc publication oI tltc Pacle ort thc c't. c of the St. E ticn nc congress ob'",iou slr lvorkecl ag:rius t thc iberr.rrians. .iLtitude on Thc fact th:rt the libertarians hacl "thail otganizerd to defencl th('autonom\ oI the unigns, Lhe :lr\ we communists to sLlbor(lin:ttc lltc unions to an oLrtsicle organizatioD. rrlrs littlc notccl : h \lctscou- ' 85. fune 1922. Atrong other thines, Andreer rlcnouncecl the presercc at the Russian Slndicalist N{inoritr., a nrinoritr. Lhat "hlis nerel exi r Bure:ru replierl to rhe der.l:rration point br poirrt in B1SRI, no. | -2. 86. 22 1922. etl rhat the Frerrclt tlelceation :r,rs (Aug. Junt' 2-3 hacl adnrission oI \ l-hc ret)()rt of thc,conlirt,;rcc in D .25 (1922), srarc tc Frenth dicl nut \(rre on this qlres delegation iLsclf d on arrr issrrc lr.hatsocrer. ,l_c Jour |u1., 1922. , -:: rn delegation . 87. See fcrr cxarnplc' l'ierre S a l..ie Ouuiire :]1r. .\rarh lelr. b), , i 1922, and Ch:rrnbcllancl's arrd arr 2, pp. l3b-7. 1 :r -.i rhe Zaragoza ll-: Critics argued that rhe C(]l'tl e bl tlte-facts rt RIL[], and rhat'Iotti hacl scrvecl as Clo-Prcsidcnt of serrcd un thc Nl:rrdate :\trized ro do ':,rn:: Ciornnittec. Clhanrbclland f:rlsclr rhirnccl th:rt thc deleeation hacl parricipatecl irr grrrr but they \,)tc t;rk( n irr Btr lirr. ', cl e betrayinFi 88 B1SR1, nos 2-li (Aug. 1922), p 12. - :hat the CNT 89. r is reprinLccl irt Lrt llie OLti,rii:re,7, 11, and 2l Tuh 1922. errci irr rtitoltftiort: cli.scottr.s prononr:t .1. [,u:ot,.:hy att ,,,n.qr?s tlc la : :n Slate and lnr t (:( , jui'n 1922, sttiri du rressage rLc l'Ittternalionale Slntd.ir:uk llottgc, ,:,, \\ ndicalists, Pc l'Internation:rle Rouec, no. ,l (P:rris: Librairie clu 'Irarail, n.d. Declaration -:, f]922?]) IIc later resumed br's att:rrk or thc llcrlirr ronlcrcncc irt Ftottktcilh ttnd dia franzi)sisclrc Arbeik:rbeueguns irt det Gegetttt'art, Bibliothck cler Rotcrr C,erverksch:rfts- International (herca[ter, BILGI), rol. 13 (I3erlin: Frilrrcr'-\'er.lag, 1922). I'herc hc agirin .rcntl\ decisive f:rlsell'cJaimed tlrat Anclrccl hatl bccn siven onlv a tonsultatirc \ofe in the "anarcho- srttrlir:tli:t r,,1116j1 irr B-rlirr. rrlril- rli- Rrr..irrr \rnrlirrlisr \[irr,,rirr lr:rI lrrrrr eir-rr | :ttte, pp. 336- a tlelibcr:rtile rotc (p 75). The latter ccnsistccl soleh ()l tcLr "emisr;rrrrs" .rnd rhcir faritilics r the congress (p. 7"1) Therc Lozorskii ;rg:rirr dirP;rrltg, rl rhc B,rlin Der:larlition's condernn:rtion oI org:rnized virtlcnce br rexrlrttionarl go\e1nll('rts, and again att:lckccl :rg tha unions, Lhe Clcrnal s.r'n- - clicalists, this tirne disrlissr'ng tht:rr as "p:rcifists:rntI political \.cgetariiu]s" (p. :: rhc direcrion {rx1. Tlr, \oune unionisL Benoit Frachon, a rnerttbcr the PCIF, rritrrcssecl be oi Lozoyskiils dr:rrnatir: conquered apJ)caran(le:rtld fervctlt recel)tion af thc St. Eficrrne (o|sress, .: ihe adventure rvlrich so imltrc'ssecl hinr that he still found it sLrangc, decadcs later, :r.rre along tllat the asscrnblt clicl not lrranirr6rrsly dcclare all its srLppnrt for the RILfl. Frachon, PotLr la c()T': jc)()2-19)1) :r\ Conquerlng nbnoics cle luttc, \p.rrj\: l.lditions Soci:rlcs, 1981), p. 102. :lr COmmUnlStS 90. Borglri's and Diez's acldressc's ale reproclrLt:ed fi Le Libertairc, l!122. : , rr:t discipline 7-l,t Iulr. 91. L'Ht.mtanitl:,28 and 30 .ftrne, I 19?2. On rlrr' \r. Erierrnc ("(,nsre\s, see :rlso . , rt aulonomy, .Julr \\rohl, pp.2iJ2-4. clharles, 2, pp. lliT-9. rcplodrrct; CI Erecutive l)art rhc rrltr:rnr r)oLions rrl Besrr:r.d : ar-rd Nlonrlousscau ' I no longer ,r.rninterrupted t the lrarLl ale irl t in the pro\.er) that the par 'fFafeu'weeks tossibi Htrn,hr'l c :;. trade union ul't l)ru., ,r/1rJ tttttttiste Les .:rtl libertarians dntts ann t Dord l:. rnsisted that 93. l'or the rlcclar-:rtion of the rninoritv : .incl lt sr. Erierrnc, see B].SRI, nos. 2-3 (Aug. 1922), Quinton, p. 32. Fol tlrc appe:rl lor the (,DS 6June1922, t,']lr-rriurl ,r{ rhc ancl its poJicies, stc Le'Jotunal dtt ''r PeupLe ,9 ,JLrl; 1922, and nurneroLrs :rrticlcs thereaf tcr. 9'+. Lozovs itte.s lllonattt, pp. 3,60-2. : the PCF, 30 ,\tr cxasper:rtccl Lozorskii al (.p1t. :r\ not received eitlt, I 12-41, dcclarirlg amo.-q orhcr )[ F Lhings that cltrile ;rg:rniz:rtion erc a perlcct ei:unple rid itself of of fll(' gre:ltc 95 Orr the changes in thc RILL' slrtutcs, see Bescliir,rrr: und. Rr:soLllitnten :: ,pLe, 15 Jtne t]ts 2. qt)9 IttternalionaLen Kon{resses det tet,olutiontirett (}t:iuerk.stlLnf ten torn 19. Noir:nber bis 2. Dezember 1922 in t\'Ioshau, BR(;I, rol. l6 (1923). 62-'1. :r 178), which Tliev irr no ul alrerecl rhe pr:rlical relatiorrship betleen the Rll,l-r arxl :: le inevitably thc CI. Andrcs Nin, aL rhe rirnc Lgzoyskii's chigf licutenant in the RILU, later urotc that "this aere€rnent 1lut an end to orrr dillercnces ..THE \f ORKI-I{S I-HEN,lSEL\-ES

\\ith Frcnch relolutionar\ s\'1ldicalism. AL thc l)oftom tlrc cortct'ssiort \\'as one of prrrc version of the prtt. forrn. Innedi:rte]r after the corg,ress,:rn Action Cortrnittee incllrtling rcpreserltali\es oI nationalism and \l thc two Internatiouals las fornred." Quotecl in Rosmer, p. 257 2 (August 1979):19!, 96 Official affiliaricxi came later, in N,Iart:h 1923. u'htl the Cl(l Ifl forrnall\ eutelecl 13 Addi tional or q thc RILII Louis. 2:99 i.sti.sche Jugend ot 9i Stc De Arbeid, 1Jul1, 1922 Ori the intc'nr:rtional issr.rc uithin thc NAS during (Couture), ancl tht this period, see also llultsrn:r and van dct Tuin, pp.30-l o[ three Dutc]r ote. 98 This resolution lvon 5,826 \otes, agirinst 4,4ir8 lor affiliation rtith the RILt.l 1)c reprcsented the Fcrr :rnd Kolthek the .So, Arbeid, 12 '\ug. 1922 99 Ibid, 23 Dec 1922; ,r"AS, l'er,slag t'art hel NIS irr N'ed.erland rxtet de jaten 1922 bul an anti-parliaill Iq2J-1921 ('\rnsterdam: n.p fNASl, n cl. |925r?1, pp 7l-3 I hc NAS Exerulive in its 20 rnaking voting coll Decernber meeting acceptecl Dissel's resolution br 7-6 The Erecutirc had earlier beerr Bureau. Represeuta split br 9-6, the ratio bl uhich it rec:ornnenclec'l thc'[ormltion of an indcpcnclcnt De Arbeid (13 Jan l{ International, over entrl into thc RILU, at the extlaordinarl'Aruheinr (.nglCSS in j\Iarch "La AIT," part 3 I 1922 De Arbeid..25 Nlarch 1922 ol the numbet of rr 100 BeschLusse und Re,sol.utionen d.es 2. lrtlentationulett Konqres.ses der ret,olulioni:iten De Arbeid's (I3 J,l ()euterksthaften, BRGI, voJ l6 (l92it). ir2 rnost rnoderate oi th

FORA 20( Chapter Seven IWW-C lL CGT-NI :l{ The Bure:ru's letter (l 1922): B1.S/t/, nos 2-3 (;\ug I 922): l,cizovskii's tepl-i I Tulr CNT EOI (28 Jull 19221 Der SJ,ndikalist, no 34 (1922) CGT.P ]5I 2 The Bureau's final letter' (12 Aug. 1!122) is rcprotlur:ed itt Der Sy'ndikult.sl, no i)'1 ( l 922). thc ligure for th (hc But 3 The responses of thc I{ILtl and thc IFTll (it aJso cleclinecl) to Blrreau's ptoposal Del Anarquismo al crrr behalf of ttre Italian ttorkcrs al)pcars it 1)tr Syttdik.alrrl, no. 10 (1922) one scction (the F(- 4. A cop1.o[ the report on Kropotkilt s furrer:rl sun'ilcs in the N{ark }Iratr:hnvi-\tchivcs, entered the I\\'II\ 1or Labadic Clollection, flniversitr ol N{irhigan, Ann r\tbor. The teport uas Publishecl, 1922, and tlie figLrr example, it Freedom, Agrril 1922 For thc protcsfs in rclation to the Nlarti events scc, inflated, to cite bLrt Ior- NIar 1921. example, Lc Libertaite,20-27 have represented I :; hontrnunistische 5. Quotecl in Kloostcrrniin, p. 16. Dit rus;isr.ha Rcttolution uttd die ),1 Le PeupLe, 21 (.Berlin: Partei Der S,indikalist, 1921) was published in hnglisli in 1922 In l92l Rorker Heckert \\'rotc in I), :rlso a public cr iticluc t]re Bolshclik rcgirne See his Der iJankrott des tussischert initiatecl oI b1 the RILU and t Staats-Komrnuni.srnrrs (Rerlin: l)cr S-r nclikalist, I92I ) inseparable union l 6. Rerkman, BoLsheitik,[{ylh, pp 318-!) alternate fform of] : 7. l)clcgates fronr thirteen nations 1)arfi(]ip:rfec:l il thc congrc'ss, rv]riclt arnong olher 15. Der SyndihaIt' thr'ngs commended svndicalisn'r, callcd u;ron an:lrchr'sTs in the labour [lo\emcnt to slrppol't its position. The I\ a a on berh:rlf of irnl)risoned the formation of s_r'ndir:alist Intelnational. ancl urgccl c:rrnp:rign resolved to forego ir 1 (1922), Lhc cc)ne,rcss, a handwrirrcn libertarians in Russia Der Syndihali.sl, no reports :rrul 16. NAS, I/erslag utrnpte-rendrt Fedeli Archires, lnstituut loor Sor:i:rlc' survivcs in thc frg,o Llternationaal 17. Ritter, Nor ak Cl eschiedcrris, AnrsLcrdam. Schapiro: ibid , no (London: Prcss, 1922); 8. Cioldman, 7-he Cru.shing of the Russiatt Reuolution Freedonr l8 Der Syndikali, l3erkrnan, The Rus.sian Tragetllt (A Reuilu and an OutLooA) (Berlin: Der Srnclikalist, and radical rnembt 1922); Berkman , The (l3cr 1in: I)cr 51ndikalist, 1922) Kapp putsch of \l h is im prisonrnent a of journ:r1s, inclucling /-e /- i berLcLire 9 Schapiro discrrsscd in nurnbo , initially opposed rr 1-U Dec 1922 and subseqtrent issues, I)er Sl,ntlikaLisl., no 51 (1922), atrd /-a Proteslo, through did the K published Le Libe'rtaire,6- 21 }la-r 1923 On the Bureau's rcsp()nse, see the circular it but it did so too late I 3 I 922, and various oLher papers. from playing a srgn I)er (1922), letter (dated l2 Oct. 1922) lrorn Lozrxskii 10. SyndikaLisl, no 5l carrietl a communlst parl\ - in to Sandomirskii, noting the role of thc I{ILL'ancl the All-Rrrssian'Iradc t.lnions step rvith the labor reconrrnending Sr:h:rpiro's expulsion from l{ussia war Germanl. On rl l1 La Prote.sta,2l NIal 1923 uon 1920 (Bonn-Be 12. Tu-o o[ its original ollicc:rs offered blief overrieu-s ol t]rc orig.irrs and founding ol Kapp-Littu tt:- P L: the I\VMA: Souchv, "Dic Clrrindung clel Internationalen ;\rbeiter-'\ssoziation," irt ltlA: Reuolution: The C I0 2-9; I{ocker, Anarcho-Syndicalisrn (London: Secker and \\Iarburg, 1938), Jahre, lrp University Press i ! pp. 138- " l'13, ztnd tlus den I'[enroiren,, pp. 301-21. Scc also Arthul Lchnirrg, De] sindicalisrro 19 Der Syndikai: rcvolucionario al anarcosindiralisno: el nacirniento dc la Asociacion lnfernacional d(l 20. rbid. 'Iiabajadores de de Ruetlo iberico, 58 (.fulv-Der:. 1977), pp Berlin," it Cttardertt,os rto 21. Ibid., no 3 l:: 55-75. "Die (IAA) Bcitrag zur Theoric Lehning's Intcrnationale Arbeiter-Assoziation llin 22. Ibid. The del.: rrntl Ideologie der anarchosrndikalistischen Internationale," in Inlernationale I'agung the congress. alth: der Hisbriher tler Arbeiterberuegung. 16. Linzer Kont'erenz 1980, Clcscliichte der Arbeit- the .^nore.. h;d .l elbelvegung I I'H-'l'agungsbcr-iclire I6 (\ricnna: l-uropaverlag, 1982), p1r 76-99, is a rcviscd NOTI.-S 3r3

rl pul'c vcrsion of the prer:eding article. Sec als<.r \{a1'rrc \\Iestcrgaxl- l-lxrrpe, "Svndicalist Inter- '1919-1922:1-he ,li\e) o[ natiorralisrn and Moscoru, Brcath," Oanadiart Journnl ctl Ili.storl'XI\t, 2 (August i979):199-231. 1 l ltt'l C(l 13 Additional organizations given consrrltative st:ttus incluclcd tbe Armrcho-Syndihal- istische Jugend of Cictmanl (Hessbcrg, SLein), thc Ftd?ration du B?ttiment of Ftancc .. rlurillg (Couture), and thc FbdtraLion des Jeunesses Syndir:aliste.s de la Sein.e. Rcpresentativcs of three Dutr:h org:Lnizzltions $'cre seated:rs gr.rests: l{ootlelcldt, Llltee:rtrd Dortrebosch il I t' 1)r reprcsentcd tlte Federatie ran Bouuuakarbeider.s and the I'ederalie uun i\Ie:taalarbeiders,

and Kolthck the Socialrstiiche Partij Holland, whiclr u'as not an or thodox politir al partl , 1 t))a but an anti-parliaricntarl eroup forrnetl in response to Iegislation itr The Nctherlanrls ::l tt: ?0 making voting conpulsor-v. Bart de Ligt r<'presentcd tht' International Anti-lVlilitarist .: l l)('cl) Burcau. ReprcsentaLiotr in the colr'gress is discussc'd in Der Syndikalisl, nos. l-2 (1923). r )( n(lrlll De Arbeid (13 Jan. 1923); Rocker, "Rerrrlutirxr und Rricklall." 1t1>.225-6: Abad dc Santill:rn, :r \Ilr c h "I-a AIT," part 3, la Retista Internacic>nal .'lnarquista 1 (25 Mar J925):10t3. t he rcports of thc nurnber of workers leprcsented, rvhcther br lrersonirl delcgates or not, range lrom De Arbeid'.s (13 Jan 1923) 2,106,100 to Alarm's (20 Jan 1923) 2,313,600. But even the most nrodelitte oI thesc leports is too high. 1-he figures given br I)e Arbeidare:

FORA 200,000 tlSI l-r00,000 FALr-Ci r,000 IW\,V-C] 40,000 NSr' 3,000 AAtrE 75,000 CGT-M 30,000 sAC 32,000 Nr\S 22,500 . r cpll CNT u00,000 I)cnmark 600 cr)s r 00,000 cG-r-P r 50.000 F,\t rI) 120,000 Fi'd. drr Bitirnent 32.000 no li I But the figure for thc FORA l'eprescnts its rnernbcrship bcfore it split (see Alberto llellorri, :, rltOSltl DeI Anarquismo al Peronismo [Bucnos Aires: A Peria l.illo, 1960], pp 29ff-), and orrl,r one section (the'FORA of the Yth Congrcss') attcnded thc Berlin (l)rlBrcss arrd cverrtuallr \r( lli\('S, entered the I\,\:MA. Thc 120,000 attributed t() the FALID is cc'ttain'I1'too higtr lot l:r(c .:r, lot tl, 1922, and the figures given for tlie fl.SI, the CNT:rncl the CDS rnai be ch:rllerrged as lll\ )('C. inflated, to cite but a [eu- examples. A morc realistic estinrate is that t]rc (ongr('ss ma-\ have represented 1,,500,000 workers. 14. Le Peultle,24 Dec. 1922, publishetl Lozr>vskii's article in Paris RILII official Fritz Roc ker Heckert \\,rotc in Die Rote Fahne,23 Dcc. 1922, of thc creation of joint irction comlnitt('(5 by the RILIJ and the CI: "It is to be hoped tl]at ir) not too long a time a lasting and inscparable union betrvcen thc Cominterrr and the RIl-ll rrill gro\\' rrp aneu' frorn this alternate [forrn of] alliarrce " : : otllct (ourse, .,rl)l)()rt 15. Der Syndihalis,, no. I (i923). This, o[ lvas befole tlre NAS Exccutive reverscd its position. l-he I\\'W had intendcd to send a delcgation to Berlin, but irs lasr consress l : i:Oll('(l resolved to forego international affiliation. :'\ I ltl('ll 16. NAS, Zerslag NAS, 1922-24, p.74. : r, rc iale 17. Ritter, Novak, Giovanetti, Gradi: Der SyndihaList, no 2 (1923); Sevcrin, Sarntillan, Schapiro: ibid., no. 3 (1923); Smith: ibid. and Alarm,27 1923. .. | (log l' Jan. 18. Der Syndihalisf, no. 2 (1923). 1-his charge rras not rvithout lounclution. Svntlicalists r i kali st, and radical members of tlrc centralist unions spealheaded tht gcneral strikc asainst the -tlalte, Kapp putsch o[ March 1920 The SPD and thc USPD supportcd the strikc. Thc KPD initially opposed it Only u'hen it llecarrte clezrr that the strike u'as a<:tually bcing carricd through did the KPD desperatel.v reverse itsell and race to catch up u'ith the l'orkcrs, r rr. 6- but it did so too late to pcrmit the national parti' (though not some of its local organizations) from plaving a significant rolc in thc defcat oI the putsch. 'I'hus the lcaders oI the pational ,z,rr skii communist party - the of the proletariat - shorvcd thcmsel\cs to be out of : j' )ni ll) step with the labour movernent at the high-water nrark of mass r,rorkcrs'actiorl irr J)ost- war Germany. On the KPD and the strikc, see, for examplc, George El iasbcrg, Der Ruhrhrieg uon 1920 (Bonn-Bad Godcsberg: Neue Gescllschaft, 1974), pp. 41-2; lohannes Lrger, Der ::LlinS oI KaQp-Littuitz-Put.sch (Dtisseldorf: pp. .n I.).-l: Droste, I967), 200-2; \Verner' .4.rrgress, Stlllbom Reuolution: The Communist Bid Power in ()ermanr-, I92l-1921 (Princeton: Itrinceton : L!)3it), for University 45. ::,.rltrtrlo Press, I963), p. 19. Der Syndikalist, no.2 (1923). :,1lal (lC 20. rbid. l)p. 21. Ibid., no. 3 (1923). I htotie 22. Ibid. The delegates, howcver, had initially invited Lozovskii, tben in Berlin, to addrcss 7 rqiulg the congress, although he did not appear. 'fhe NAS delegation made the chargc that \r : bcit- the congress had abandoned the Berlin Declaration of 1920 a centra'l point in its report. , :, r iSCd


t .,9! rI .THE 31.1 \VORKERS TI{EN,ISEL\''ES "

De Arbeid, 13.larr 1923. But it reserved its n:rin attack upon Lhe congrcss until just der IAA. h :'- prior to thc NAS congress, in tlrich the intcrrlafional question u'as to be debated. It soon in Span:-: then unequivor::lll-r urged the affiliation of the NAS with the RILti Ibid, 17 and 24 identicalinc: -' N{ar. 1923 Inter rtationa.': 23. 'I'be Dutch and Srvcdisb rcsolutions ran be found in Der Syndihaliil, nos 2-3 ()923), was taken b. - reslrer:tivel,v; that of the Dutch is also reprot|rced in Dr Arbeid, 13 lan 1923 The NAS Gesellschafts',- t tlclegates nruch latt'r exJrlained that thcir dccisiorr to rvithcltau,from actir"e parliciprriort FZUD) ben.-: ' in thc congress ollctl much to Rocker's observations about Nloscorv's lu.re, u'hich they published 1rr::" : :rs NAS, l'arslag it'lAS, 1922-21, p.73. the RelieJ Fr'.: took -I'hcan assarrlt Lrpon thcir orvn integritl 21 Nonvcsian slnclicalist or?,^^, Alartn) 6 Jan. 1923, recorclcd that the svndicalist Anarcho-Stttd:: Intcrnatiorral hatl bccn foundcd at l1:20 p rr , \\redresday,27 Decernber 1922. 40. On the \>l 25 llesoLuLiortett des Inlernotiortaletr Kongresses der rct,oLutioniiren Syndikali.sten zu 22 July 1923 BerLittuort2S.DezernberI922bi.s2.Januarl92?(n p.:lnternation:rlenArbeiter-Assoziation, 41. The resp.-' n cl.!9231) (lrcrcaftcr, RasoLtttrcnen-|922\, 1>p '1-5 20 Jan. 1923 er.- 26 Dr:r Sl,nclikalisl, no. 1 (1923) very different ;i: 21 Resolutiontn-1922, pp 5-6; Lc JournaL du Pettple, 13 Jar. 1923; La Protesta, 3I the issue. Jart.1923 42. A comPt<-':^ 28 Ror:ket, "Rcrolution rrncl Riickfall," p 228. from putting h:: 29 I\\rNtA (AI'I-IAA) Arrhive, I A, File l: Clongrcss - Bcrlin 1922, FORA subnris:ion, 28 Apr. and l9 l pj the congress Tf 30 Ibid., p. 8; La Protesta,3l .Jar 1923. a 64 page brocl,:- 3 | Abatl dc Santillan, "La AI'I'," part 3, p 109 Berlijn ol ivlosi:' 32. Alarn, 6 Jan 1923 and its Secretan 33. A rrrrnrbcr of govcrnments att('lnpted to irnJrede the travel o[ kno*n rnilitants around 43. The N-\S r. tlre time of tlre congress On the cli{f icultics ol Albcr t Jensen, for example, stc: Le Libertaire, Verslag NAS, l'l 23-30 N{ar. 1923 Foreign delegates arrd obscnc'rs, rnoreover, h:rd to cntcr Cierrnanl,either ballots. urrder [alse prcLcrses or sirn1il1 illcgalll, t'i(lrorrt visas Smith most lull) teported the 44. The pro-Rll crngoing r:onflir:t uittr ttrc police. iu ALarm,6, 13 arrd 27 Jan 1923. I'hc )'ouns Arthur laid responsibil;: Lehning:rttended the forrnding cougress of the I\VNIA, ol rvhir:h he uoLrld latcr becomc of the Berliners ) Sccrtfary. Ovcr [iItr'y.e':rrs later hc sti]l rer:allecl the dranraLic scenes caused by Lhc poJicc, founded bv the p p:rrtirul:rrl1 thc cnorlnous uphearal ol tlrt'ir final intrusiott, in u,hich over:t dozen of van der Tuin. P : thc assernblcrl libcrt:rrians,,r'ere:lrrestcd 'lcmpcrs ll:rred; onl; the intervcntion ol Lhc 45. Quoted in -i stolid lcadcr of rhc F-'\tlD, Flitr Kater, rvho surreecled in calnring the:rssembly, averted NSV. The respon opcn rcsistance. Lehning and llarL de Ligt harl travelled from Holland, crossing tlie borrler of De Arbeid Or on Lbc pretext of holida,ving in Clcrrnarrl Noting this information on de Ligt's visa, Communist Part the poJicc'dcrranded th:rt he explain his prcsencc:rt a r('\'olutiorarv cousress "\Vell," its attitude torr": de Ligt sardonicallr repliecl, "sorne pcople ilmLrse thelrselves one \vav on holiday, ancl Haag: Krusenal othcrs:rrrother " Lrterviet:Arthur Letnring, l9 I,Iar 1976, Arnsterdam Emrna Goldman the schism trso r. attended tlte r ortercss and u'rote of thc intcrruptions b1' the police Letter to Carl Nervlzinder, Geschiedenis der 12 Jan 1923, Cloldman r\rchive, Internation:r:rl Instituut voor Soriale Gest:hieclenis, pro-RILU hisror Arnstertlarn iVlost of lhose arrested rlere Russi:ln litrertarian refugees The EA.I]D organized international cor I)rotests to lt'in the rele:rse oI those being held. \\rithin tlvo rveeks Giolanetti, Clr-adi and Schilp, especiali' C)rlarrdo rvere relcased. On polr'ce intervcr)tion scc also Le JournaL du Peuple,7 lan. of the NSV (ch -'. 1923. The di[[icrrltv rvith ttre police unclerscored the n,eakness of the sl,ndicalists'earlier 46. The Norerr dcrnzrnds th:lt the second RILU riongress be held outside Russia. Lozovskii had long sco{fed represented rhe \ at this dem.in(i. At the CC]-t'LI's St Etienne (ongress, for exarnple, he offcrcd to convcne de la Prensa, stp it in Paris or N'Iilarr il thc synclicalists could erlsure the meetings "But iI r'ou cannot 17. Wohl, p 3l receive us, comradcs, r.rhr cngagc in dcrnagogy?" La Vir: Ouuriirr:, 2l Jull I922. 3). On the comr 34. Statuts de L'ilssociatiott InlernalionaLe des Tror,aiLleurs (Corbevoit: AIT, n.d.) p.4- pp. 343-7; DariC 5 For the Dcclaration of Principles, sec ,\ppendix D. l93I), pp 61-9 3,5. Rockcr, "Revolution und RLickfall," p 227 and PoLitics tn 36. Der Syndikalisf, no 6 (1923). University of Illi 37 ResetLutionan-1922, p;p 13-1 48. Report of L 38 See l)er SyndihaList, no. 5 (1923). As moditicd b1 1935, the statutes specified that Droz, l:4I8. Eat. cvcn provisional aerecnrcnts {or joint action u.ere never "to be r:oncluded tith political of the difficult t partics, th:,rt is, u'ith organizations that ac(eI)t the State as a s)stern of social organization." contact with the Statut.s adopt?s par Le congris de L'A I T. Berlin, dbcembre 1922. X'lodifits par le IV congris pessimistic becar de L'A.LT. NIadrid, 1931 et par le [/ cortgris de L't1.LT. Poris, ]9i5 (Limoges: AIT, n.d.), here, and ther a p l0 Monatte and \Ic 39 The statuLc's also instructed the I\\'NIA to publish an inforrnation bulletin for t]re ibid., 328-9 Tha l'orkers' press, and a reviet, to de:rl u'ith theoretit:al and tactical questions The former- other militanrs r. began appcaring on I April 1923 as the Press-Dienst herausgegeben ton dem Sehretariat 49. La Vie Ot,t I


rLr tll iusI der IAA It also appeared in Fren<:h (.Seruice de la Pres.se), English (Narrrs Sz,rulce), and :r l):ltad. Il soon in Spanish (Seraicio de La Prensa). Thc diflerent laneuager cditions u,ere nor alt'ar s i ancl 2,1 identical in content. The review appcared beln,een Nlarch 192,1 and.Januar'1 1926 as Die Intetnationale:OrganderlnlernationalenArbeiter-Assoziatzon(hercafler Int-IAAl.Itsplace r ,l I 1923), rvas taken by Die InternationaLe: Zeitschrilt t'ir die retolutiorttit'e Arbeiterbeueguttg, I lte N;\S Gesellschaf tshritih und sozialistischen Neuauf bau, published b,v the FAUD (bere:rf ter, 1nt- r r( r ll:ltron ITUD) between November 1927 and Febru:rry 1933. For six monLhs in 1938 thc I\\'I,IA rrr li ther publishcd Internationale: Organe de I'AIT. For lcars it also publislrcd tbe Bulletin of the Relief Fund of the International ll/orking A,Ien's Associatiott for Anarchi.st.s and 'rirliculist Anarcho-Syndicalists Imprisoned or Exiled in Russia. 10. On the NSF: Seraice de la Presse 3 (l Mav 1923), p I; on thc CGT-P: A Batalha, : i\T(II:IL 22 July 1923 -r)/lilllOn. 41. The respective reports on thc IWN{A congless itt De Arbeid br Lansink (13 and 20 Jan. 1923) and the NAS delegation (13 Jan.; 17 and 24 N,Iar 1923) u'crc u'ritfen fiom vcrl' different perspectives The Febrtrary, and March issues carr.v numerous articles o1 l,'t1a,3l tne rssue. 42. A compte-rendu of the congress .rppcars in ibid., beginning 14 April 1923. prevented from putting his case in the sessions, Souchy advanced ir instead iri tl'o articles. Ibic1., ) llL:SlOn, 28 Apr. and l9 May 1923. Seruice de La Press 2, 15 Apr. 1923, pp. 2-3, also reporrcd the congress. The most sustained argurnerlt itr the prolonged con(roversl al4;eaied in a 64 page brochure following this congress, Internationalc rerbindingen uon het N.l.S... Berlijn of MosAou? (Amsterdam: NAS, I923), in rvhich the Presirlenr of the NAS, Lansink, and its Secretary, Dissel, defended the I\\IMA and Lhe RILLI respecrivel)'. i. :il OUnd 13. The NAS referendum result is reported in De Arbeid, 2 J'une 1923, again in NAS, , r(') ltLn(, VersLagNAS, l922-21, p.76, as 6489 (Berlin) to 7302 (N{oscou') u'ith 655 blank or darnaged , rtr t,i ther ballots. rr t('d thc 44. The pro-RILU faction that dorninated the NAS, follou'ing the schism rvithirr iL, :t.\rLhur laid responsibility for the failure of the compromise proposal tholll at the doorstcp , l)(,aolre of the Berliners. NAS, tr/erslag NAS, 1922-21, p. 82. The historians of the neu' or-ganization I ' l)oli(e, founded by the pro-IWMA forces hold the communists chiefly responsible Bultsrna and rl, )1Cll Ot van der l-uin, p. 38. ,ll ol tne 15. Quoted it Seruice de La Presse 11 (5 Julv 1923), p. l, frorn the first circular of the .ri cr ted NS\l The response oI the remaining NAS Executive can be rraced in thc summer issues - :rr l;orcler c:f De Arbeid. On NAS militanrs (such as Fi.J. Bouwrnan and Dirk Schilp) in the Dutch . lt\ \lsa. Communist Party, the party's complicated trade uniol policl,in the earll'1920's, and . . \\'ell, " its attitude toward the NAS, see A.A de Jonge, Het communisme in Nederland (Deln :.t:t\. liltd Haag: Kruseman, 1972), esp. pp. 36-9. A leading comrnunist-syndicalist looks back on (,, rlrlnratr \ ' l:incler, . :trr rlcnis. - ,l qiLlrized t .r.Lcli ancl ,.Jart . . tarlicr 46 The November congress is reported in De Syndicallst, I and 8 Dec. 1923 Lansink ttt \( oLted represented the NS\r at the IWMA's Innsbruck conference at the end ol the year. Seriticio !L)li\Cne de La Prensa, supplement to 19 (30 Dec 1923), pp 2-3 (:lnI1(lt 47 Wohl, p 344 (on the CGTU delegation at the secold RILU congress, see pp 302- 3). On the communist expansion and consolidation of pou'er in rhe CGTLI see ibid., ,l 1r 1- pp.313-7; David Saposs, The Labor Mottment in Post-Ilar France (Neu'York: Russell, 1931), pp 6l-9. Kathryn E. Amdur's valuable study, SyndlcaList Legacy: Trade Llnictns and Politics in Tuo French Cities in the Era ol World War I (LJrbana and Chicago: University of Illinois, 1986), unfortunately appeared too late to be used here. 48. Report of L. Sellier to the Executive Committee of the CI, Archiues de Jules Humbert- r, rl th:rt Droz, 1:418. Earlier, follow.ing the St. Etienne congr.ess, the CI's agent in Parts u,rote :, rlitit al of the difficult task of building a viable parry, when many of its leaders had so little /.1|.)1]' contact with the working class and so little understanding of its lite. "I still remain ,) t1 gt'as pessimistic because I seek those who would be able to form a true communist oartl ,ll rd), here, and they are outside the party and in the trade union motement." He menrioncd Monatte and Monmousseau in parricular. Humbert-Droz to A.NI. Rakosi, 2 Sept. 1922, r fr)l the ibid., 328-9. That too would change in 1923, with Monatte, Monmousseau and various l)I l]]cr other militants who had previousll,resisted, now accepting membership cards in the PCF. : (tlt lQt 49. La Vie Ouuribre. 23 Nov. 1923.

ffi*, ..THE -1-HEMSEI,VT]S" 31ti \\/ORKliRS

50. QuoLed iri Saposs, pp 67-8 repres€r):' : !f 51. La Vie Outri?re, 23 Noi, i923" COmnlltt::' . ll 52. D'Am.iens d Bourges: doruments (Par-is: \rie Ouvrii'rtr, nd.[1923]), pp 3-1 La Vir: ,\At'F ...:' , *r Ouutiire sought rvith tbis brochure to minirnize thc ciifferent:es betrvccn t]re position: state socl,:-:' l adoptcd in three famous congresses in P'rench labotrr histor,r:,\miens, St Etiennc and class thr : Bourges. Althougir: ,t 53 La Vie Ouuriire. 23 Nov 1923 The .!\L : ; 54 rbid. it consi(i.:- : l-r5. For thc lcttcr oI the IWI,IA to the RILU and the strbsequent statement of thc I\\INIA strike as :.' Bureau, sec Nezus Seruite I (l Apr 1923), p I Although the RILLI ignored the IWNIA's thel\\-\l\: I call for joilt action in support of the Ruhr strikers, it proposed joint actr'on to the IFTI-r, vrs-:\-r t: t:- - which ignored its proposal. Calhoun, p 24 7 The \\--: , 56 Quoted in Abacl de Santillan, "La AIT," part 3, p 110. ovcx o|ltIl: 57. The evenrs of 1l Januan. 1921 are reported from the libertarian and comrnunrst and Je:rn B r viewpoints in Le Libertaire antl L'Huntarrill, respectir"ell, l2 Jan. 1924 and follorving. ch ll Oi: i 58. La Vie Ouuribre, ltl Jan. I92'1. ttreor e tr c t:.: . 59. Le Libertaire,6 Oct. 1924 R:ite,' in F 60. Treint's article appcarccl in BuLLetin Comrnunist, 6 Oct 1924 Ttre minoritaires 1970), pp - charged fieinr rvith at least provoking and probably dirccting thc murders oI Polcet '10 Thc 11' I and CIos See the articles rn Le Libertaire, I 1-30 Oct. 1921. forccd. oui : 6t. Le Libertaire,29 Oct 1924. the Intet l:.:: 62. See Saposs, p. 71. A conferencc report appears rn Le Libettaire, ?-iJ Nov 192'1. In 1935 to P:.::- "Ein Blick in den revolutioniren Syndikalismus Frankreichs," Int-IAA, no '1 (Jan. 1925), rcturnecl t, ,- pp. l3-9, Schapiro condemncd the intermcdiate policy of thc IIFSA and questioned lhe: courage of the French syndicalists. He again cri ticized tlleir stlategl' o[ 1924 in thc Su'edish theoretical journal, Syndihalismen, Oct. 1926, in part fivc o[ his series on "De1] franska Conclusion pp. I85-90. s1'ndikaiismens for{:illsperiod," I l-hr\ :l La du 15 Nov.-15 Dec l92tl. 63. Voix Tratail, sirnplr tca.:: On the Lyon congress, see Le Combat Syndicali.ste, Dec. 1926, l'927. The "Motion 64. Jan- o[ the srrtii: d'Orientation" is also reprinted in l-as Buts el l'organisation du syndicalisme rbuoLu- tionnaire (Limoges: CGTSR, n.d.). togcther u'ith Besnard's cornmen[s on the new C/zarle. Reutlutitt''':' InstrLutrott : Financial records in the Albert de Papcrs, AIT', I 1928, shou that the IWM.'\ gave Jong tlLe 'I'ht . . of 26,000 lrancs and 2,500 goldmarks befu-een Decernbcr 1926 and of the CGTSR subsidies L,oruin l: April 1928, partly to underwrite the costs of publishing La Voix du Trauail"I-he IWMA's 1928 congress voted to continue to aid the CGTSR, InI-FAUD, no. 6 (Apr. 1929), p. 2 ]Ioln..: Rrdlcr : 22, but it is uncertain hou, long it received subsidies. 'I'hc I\VMA's report for the pcriod 3 - Lorrt tl-- i933-35, Taetigheit der Internationalen Arbeiter-Assoziation (n.p.: IAA, n.d ), noted that 4 the CGTSR was more or less regularly paying its international dues (p. l3). The Centre 5. \'l L.:: : de recherches d'histoire dcs mouvements socieux ct du syndicalisme, Paris, possesses a 6 \'I L.: : mbmoire de maitrise (1974) on "La Conf6d€ration G6n6rale du Travail Syndicaliste 7 Ibid :: R6volutionnaire: ) travers son journal'Le Combat Syndicaliste' (1926-1937)," b1'Samuel 8 \-.I L.r :: Polio ibi.r Jospin. 65. La Protesta,24 Feb , l0 Mar. 1923. La Protesta largcll,spoke for the FORA, although 9. D:rnicr.: it was not an official FORA organ. The first installment of the congress report began l0 .\nro> P : (Ncrv Har.:. appearing on 31 Jan. 1923. La Protesta's criticisms began immcdiately (l Feb.: "Las vacilaciones de los sindicalistas revolucionarios;" 2 Feb.: "Consecuencias del neutralismo sindicalista;" etc.). 66. Ibid., 7 Apr. 1923. 67 Congreso constituyente de la Asociacion ContinentaL Americana de Trabajadores (Buenos Aires: ACAT, 1930), pp. 11, 2l-3, 13. 68. Industrial Solidarity,2Dec. 1922. The IWW speci{ica111, cited the approval of sabotage and violence by the syndicalists' June conference as preventing the IWW's entry into the IWMA. Despite the IWW's professions of cordialitl', Industrial Solidarity disparagingly remarked that the decision constituted the reply of American industrial unionists "to the invitation of both the Syndicalists and the Communists to join their citcus." 69. As late as 1933 the IWMA published a brochure written by Schapiro - ?he International Worhing Men's Association (I.W.M.A.): Its Purltose - its Aim - its Principles (Berlin: IWMA, n.d. II933]) - intended for dissemination in the United States, that directly addressed the issue of IWW-IWMA relations. The 1934 IWW congress decided to distribute the brochure to its members for purposes of discussing possible affiliation with the IWMA. IWW to the IWMA, 2I Nov. 1934, Taetigheit IAA, p.98 That affiliation never came. The IWMA also for a time had close relations with the AAUE of Germany The AAUE NO fES

10. The I\\'NIA renrl\. si adquar rere(l in Berlin rrrrtil lorccd out o[ thr' ler's r isr ost i]rc rvhole of its retrrrds, thc Intcrnafion:tl 1933 to jJ4 r. Rarcr,lo':r, irr ,\usust l9ll5 to Paris, ar lllilS ro it spenr the uar..c,rrr. trr letunrcd to Fran and latr _Ft.:rircrr's clerth, to Spain.


I l-his lrcclLtentlr exprcssed onr'-clirnensional rierr ol the forrnation oI the I\\'lL\ as

1. I-orrvin, Labor att.d. InLernationalisrn, p. bi7. 5. \''.I. Lenin, "Can thc Bolsheviks Retair Starc Porvcr?" CoLLer.tr:tl II'orks 2tt:101-b. ti. \r.I. I-eni', "f-he Irnme

Action Ouvribre 46, 76 Lilrer taire I 15, 148, 169, 177 , 206, 303, Alarm 313, 314 307 Arbeid 10, 172,2b7,258,281, 300, 3I3, Lucha Soci:rl 175, 2lB 3t5 I-uttc de Classe 216, 227,233,309 Arbeter Fraint 89, 119, 120 Nlanchester Guardian 7I Bataille S1'ndicaliste 62, 287 Nlitteilungsblatt 292 Brand tl7 Molning Advertiser 290 Bulletin de 1'Internationale Anarchiste 292 Nerv Statesrnan 69 Bulletin International des Syndicali- Nervs Servicc 315 ste s R6volutionnaires et Industriali- Nucr.'a Senda 217,218 stes 215, 216,309 Rulletin Intcrnational du Mouvernent Pall Nlall Clazette 7l Syndicaliste 32, 54,61, 6,5, 69, 78, Pionier 292 83,291 Pravda 293 Bulletin o[ the International \\Iorkir]e Press-Dienst 314 Men's Association for Anarchists Protesta 82, 210, 266, 300, 316 and Anarcho-Syndicalists Impris- oned or Exiled in Russia 315 Rabochii Put' 244 Redenci6n 218 Combat Syndir ali:te 265 Rote Gervelkschaftsintcrn:rtionale 309 Rundschreiben an die \iorst:inclc uncl Daily Chronicle 290 Nlitglicder aller der Freien Veleini- Daily Mirror 7l gun g deu tsc'hcr Ger'r.'erkschaf ten an- Direkte Aktion (Norwal) 17, 286 geschlossener \rercine 292

Einigkeit 45, 59, 82, 292 Serr.'ice dc la Pre sse 315 Evening Ner'r,'s 7l Servicio de la Prcnsa 315 Soliclaridad Obrera 131, 175 Germinal i20 Solidaritet 17, 286 Golos Truda 96, 97, 98, 99, 162, 291 Solidarity (Cle veland, Ohio) 288 Guerra di Classe 300 Solidarit,v (L.ondon) 300 Soviet I l3 Humanit6 227 ,233 Storm 286 Slndicalist (Britairr) 61, 62 Iridustrial Solidaritl, I 80, 316 S,vndicalis t (T'he Netherlancls) 258 Industrial Worker 286, 287 Sl,ndicalist (USA) 286 Internationale: Organ der Internati- Syndikalismen 316 onalen Arbeiter-Assoziation 3 I 5 Syndikalist 122, 132, 293, 300 Internationale: Organe de l'AIT i08, Syndikalisten 82, I 16 il4,315 Internationale: Zeitschrift frir die revo- Temps Nouveaux 289, 290 lutiondre Arbeiterbewegung, Ge- Tierra 1, Libertad 217 sellschaftskritik und sozialisti- Travailleur du Bitiment 29l schem Neuaufbau 315 Internazionale (Parma) 37, 38, 291 Vie Ouvribre 51, 58, 62, 64, 65, 66, 70, Internazionale (Verona) 202, 203, 309 77, 81,85, l15, 200, 205, 206,2\6, 227, 229, 232, 233, 287, 303, 305, 309, Justice 80 316 .'-T-HE \IORKERS THl1NISELVES

Abacl cir -lraviril Allmer l \roix du 15, 264,2ti5,316 i\nclr'eer -Iruda Vol'nf i Golos 99, I63, 294 3l () Andler rt \\'ilshire's N'Iagazine 7 l Anido l- \\'orker 300 An sclnr, Ar'lantli- 18r l 3 orj

Bakrrnil 9:i !, 28(). - Bar krr 191. - Rar tr l- . Bebel \ Bc'e'ch ll Relin-i.:

Irrl . Berg \ Ber krr-,: I !ri' Ber r.rr .. t>\ Bt':tt.r:. .) I Jil\ Bi:tr--, Brtur' : - Bl unL: Bon.l Bott- - llor .:: .

Bo: B,,-.- B, t---

B, ,,

B B B INDE\ OF \ \\IE\

,\bad de Santill:in, Diego 24'1, 211 , \2 Brrcttlrrlt..L \l.irrri,, .,- 2'14 rl.tr f .j. i ,- . , '\llrncr BLrklnrrr. \rk, Arrrlrcer' 219, 220, 221, 222, 228, 229, :i0ri 310. 3 U Brrtcher. -\.289 (i.eorgc '\ndrer tchine, I89, 208 Arrickr I5l (l:rrbo, Errsebi<-r I l2 Anschno. l-orenzo 33, 2Ul Clas<:ldcn. (iotckli l8l. 210. .ifll. :ior Arlanciis, Ilil:rrio 110, 1ll, I711, l7ti, C:rspirtsson. R. 116, 201 rfi5. r{)8. 199. 200. 2t7.219.303. 305, (laste'Lr. Scgoncl ii03 :l0ri (ieppe . .|ean 1r l. 299 Clhanrlrellr,rncl, Ilarrrice 229. 309. :11I Bakuuin. Ilikhail 2. 5. 6. 7. 11. 23. :i2. Clhcrkt'res. I[. {)9 93. t)5 gri. lt2. 1r9. 16t. ltig, 2l!). (lbctkezor, \hrlturrn 69, 71, U7. 288. 290 280. 28 l (.hi<'hcr in I63. 2'll. 296 Batkc'r.-l-orrr 151. Iir7. 179. l8-r. l9l. Clluke. -Joltn t29, 1.1 I r95. 2 r0. 299. :i00. :i0 | (ilos. Nicolas 263,316 Bartcls I iirr C.ori<>, Silvio 69, 72, 75, 289 Bcbel, C.ornelissen, (lhristiaan (ps.: C). Rrr- '\r.rgrrst-[{ Becch, Dick 129, 298 pcr r) 32, 33. 38. 53-111, 59, 60. (i l. Bcl inskii, S, l.'r3, 151, 156, ll'r7, 158, 159. 62. (;5. 66, 69, 71,72,73, 71'r, 78. 8? r61, r72,300, 302 83, 88, 89, 90, 96, 281. 288, 289. 290. Berg, A.',an rlt'n 69, 173 291.292 Bcrkrnarr, Alcxarr

t96, 198, 199, 218. 239, 2 10, 2 l 1 Ciorrrtrrc, r\. 70, 7 I, 71-r, 78. 79, 291 Bcrnurdo, Arrtonio 70, 76, 78, 71), lj:i, (lrtxrk, r\lbert 289 2BrJ,2U9 Rt'snarrl, Pierrc l7u. 219, 232, 233, 211. l)'Anclr.r'1. \'ir gilerr I 5 1, 220 215.246.2:11, 260, 261, 262, 2$1,266. I)t' .,\nblis. Alreste :i6, 37, 5!). tiii. til. 30[J, 3l l, 3 r 6 6ir, 69, 70, 72, i3,75.76,7i.18. i9. Bisrnarck, Otto Fiirst vorr ,[0, 21[) 80, 81, 82, 81, 90, 92, 93. 288. 290. Bittner'21{ 291 Blanclui, Auguste 23 I)crnor.rlin, IIutl'rieLr 70, 2U9 P'<'tr.t zv. zi, (llockrvco 21 9, 220 l)crrikirr, Alton lr:rnovicb 197. 19.! Borcliga, Arnadco I l3 Dicz, Gllo 219, 232, 310, 3l I Borghi, Arrnando93, ll2, I I3. l'l{, l{l'r, Dirnitr or', Geot gi 29t3 'l'h. 146, 147, 149, 150, l5l, 163, 173, t7 1, l)issel, I 173. 23'1, 2l t. 2l{i. 217. ,)()2,)rP, ()q() tol ,o9 rol ,)lcl oq() 219. 250, 3 12, 3 1ir

298, 299, 307, 3r 1 I)ornt-la Nieuu'cnl'ruis, Fcrdirrurrrl liS Botovoi, Alcksei 239 i07, r 19, r2r, 2r9, 232 Roui:t, Lorris 3l I Dornebosch 313 B()u\vrn:ln, Bcrtr.rs ll-r{, 1115, 156, lll7, l)urnas, Pit-r're 6{, 92 rl1tt, 172, r73, r86, 189, 216, 299, 300, I)urrrotrliu, Cieorges 61, 291 302,315 Dur1r.rc, .[. Sumrez 70, 83, 288 Bortrnan, C;u1, 5ii, 60, 61, 62, 66, tjg, l)zelzhinskii, Fcliks M6 70, 72, 80, 82,287,288, 289, 290 Br:rntller, Lleinrir h 213, 2l4, 309 llberlcin, Hugo 1Oir Brandt, F. 295 t.clrl'alcls, S. 281) Bliand, i\ristidc 25 l.iklre'nbarrrn. \'.\[ (ps.: \'o]inc r t)ti. !)11 l6u, 197, l9u, 293, 291. :10?


Engcls, Friedrich 5,11,224,280 Jenscn, Albcrt .17, 62, 76.78, 81, 83, Ligt, Bart clt: Erkel, Cierrit lan 38,39, 53,69,83,281, 116, 131,222,286,288,2i19,290,291, Lily'an. Er elr 288 3r1 Lindsturrn t Joncs, A. 289 Lozovskii. \l Fanelli, Giuseppe 32 Jouhatrx, L6ol 1,5, 17, 19, 23, 19-50, r 82, 18:i l Fars^ucs 178 62, 63, 90, 111, 287, 288 203, 201. : Foster, \Villiarn Z. 286 LJ), -J t - Ferrer, Francisco 3,1 Kantor, A. 162 305, 306 :, Frachon, Benoit 31 1 K:rter, Fritz 11, 15, tig, 73, 71, 78, 79. 3l4 Freernan, Paul 129 80, 82, il7, lill, 150, r7I, 200, 2r9, Lunachar:k; Fricdcberg, Raphael 11, 286 214, 285, 289, 290, 29r, 292, 293, 307, Lucluet, \ . 311 Clalan, J. sec: \\rilkens Kerenskl', Aleksandr 92. 97 Makhno \' Ciallachcr, Williarn 129, I 3ll, 29ll Ke ttcnb:rr.h, August 2,14 Nlalatest:r f Ciarnier, F-. 28!) Kirillor,skii, Iakov (ps : Danir'l Novo- 2lB p1u1n. (lauclcirux, Jean 178, 192, l98, 30,1 rnirskii) 46 Tr,r::-_ Clave 178,192 Kitsz, Cornelis 173 185. lft, (]crr,asio ? I 201 Knockacr t, Jcan-Baptiste 7 0, 7 1, 7 5, 7 7, N{anu: ' C)iovarretti, Alibrando 201 , 202, 241. 290 Mari. LLrli 218, 219, 252,253,307, 314 Kok 172 Nlalkilan l Godonnbche, Victor lir3, 154, 155, 178, Kolchak,,\lcksandr 198 NIat krrs :. r . r 87, I 911, 200,205,216, 299, 301, 303, Kollontai,,\lcksanclrzr | 65 NIax Kir, - 301,306, 308, 309 Kolthek, Harrn 313 al, t - Cioldcnberg, l.P. 95 Kropotkin, Pe ter 87.88,90,gti, 120, l2l, 281 Cioldm:rn, Emma 89, 130, 115, l7l, 196, r31, r16, 169, 239, 292, 298, 303, 3r2 NIar"u nr I , 218, 239, 240, 24r, 298, 31.'1 191 1:.- I Cl.onzalez-Nl:rllacla, Avel ino 2 I9 L:rborirre l7B, 192 NIartrn, ':- ' Clraci:r, Ramon Nlerino 303 Labriola, Arturo 33 r6s r,' Clradi 211, 218, 252, 311 Land:n.rcr, G trstav I 3I \l2ri111,: (iravc, Jean 88, 218 Lansink, Bern:rrd Jr 69, 123, 150, lo6, Nlaler I'- (irebclskaja 300 l 57, r 58, | 72, \7 3, 20r, 234, 241, 246, NIet'rhri::- Ciriffuelires, \rictor 1,5, 20,21 ,282,307 2.50, 251, 256,257,288, 303, 307, 3r5 N'Iichele, i Clu6rard, EugEne 56 Lansink, Bernard Sr ti9, 80 291 Clucsde, .f ules 25 Larkin, Jarnes 66 Nlonan. ?- Cluillaurrne, James I l, 23, 281 Lcfcbvrc, Ral rnoncl 93. 299 filI' ' Guilkrt, N{aria 260 Ler:crirr, L

si. Liet, Bart de 313,31,1 Nr'rr, r\rrdr6s 175, l'76,I U7, l89, 192, 208, , l!)l . L.ilran, Evel,vn 71, 289 217,219,3r0,3il Lindstam, E. 244 Nor'ak 2'l'1, 247 Lc-rzovskii, Alcksanclr 133, 134, 141, 114, Ncrvornirskii, Daniil serc: Iakor,' Kiril- i!t-:r0. 182, 183, l8ir, l86, 1 89, 199, 200, 202, lovskii 203, 204, 209, 2r7, 227, 228, 229, 232, 233, 237, 238, 245, 25r, 297, 298, 304, Orl:rndo 211,252,3i,1 305, 306, 307, 308, 310, 31 1, 312, 313, -. 79 314 P:reani 306 , :19. Lunacharskii, Anatoli I 98 Patarrcl, Ernile 33-34, 96, 107 , , ,i07. Luquet, A. 58 Peiro, JLrarr 2J[3 Pellotrticr, I;ern:rnd I5, 2,5, 96. 169, 283 N{:rkhno, Nestor 162, 168, 197, l9u Pirit at, Rar rnond I 1.1 Nlalatest:r, Errir:o il7, ilB, 89, I,5|, I'estar1a, 3l, '\ngel 130, 131, 132, 133, 131, .\()\ a)- 218 136, l 37, 139, 1ll, 114, \15, 116, 117, Mann, lbm 53, tiO, 61, 62, 66, 71, 183. 1.19, 150, l5l, 171, 175,203,204,2r7, 185, r89, 193, 208, 287,288,305 218, 2r9, 297, 298, 303, 309 N{anrrs 2,1.1 l)Lem;rf c'r t, h'rant.241, 317 Nlari, Lulio I71, 189, l9l, I92,201,307 Pirar t, ,\. (i.1 Markmann, I'homas 69, 80, 83, 288 l'illar, Pit'rrc (ps.: Ciaston LcraJl 176, Markus, Scrgci lti3, l7l 192. 196, r97, 198, 199, 2r 7, 219, 303, Marx, Karl 2,3,5,6, 7, 10, ll, 12, 13, 305,306 21, 71,93, 94, \67, 270, 279, 280, Polak, llcnri 39, ,10 , , l2l, 2t]1 Pollit, Hany lii2 , :il2 Maurin, Joaqr:in 94,117,175, 176, 187, Polonsky 302 191, 192, 203,217,2r8, 219, 3r0 I)onc:et 263, 316 Maxirnolf, C; P.96,97,99, 100. 163,161, PoLrgct, Emile lo, 17, I8, 19, 31, 96, 168, r69, 170, 197, 200, 293, 294 107 Maximoff, Olga 197 Plat, Jose 33,218 r l.;(i. NIay er l Bir Pror>s(, Johan (ps : Jansen) 302 , ?16. N{crrheim, Alphonsc 56, tj4, 287 Prouclhorr, Picr rc-.[oseph 3, ,1, 5, 1o. ] 6, i Jlll Michelet, C. 70, 73, 71, 75, 78, 79, 80, 23 , 24, 279, 280 291 Monatte, Pierre 31, 54, 18, .59, 61, 63, Qrrintanilla, Elc'utcrio I10, 111, I l2 64, 1 t5, 116, 153, 178, 205, 206, 207, Quinton, A. 177, l7B, 205, 228, 308, 310 208, 216, 227, 233, 287, 299, 304, 30ri, 307,315 Radck, Karl 139, 111, 213, 298 Monmousscau, Clast.on ll5, ll6, 205, Racr.skii, Nlaksirn 96 208, 216, 227, 228, 232, 233, 259, 26t, Ramsal', Davc 129, 139 _,1 216, 266,3il,315 Reclus, E,lisee 88 Montaca 24.1 Rc'ed, John 129, 139, 140 Most, Johann 119 Rclenk, Nlichel l7B, 191, 30,1, 306 ril qq Nlratchnyi, Mark 197, 200, 219, 220, Rittcr 244, 247 ,250 'i ll3, 22\ 241 Robert, L6on 56 '1. 1:36, Murph1,, J.T. 129, 1811, 298, 305 Roberts, Charles 7l ,;169, Mussolini, Benito 2rl8 Robespierre 122 _:..277, Rochc, Karl 69, 73, 75, 80,288 Naumann, Carl Rudolf 119 Rocker', Rudolf 88, 89, 116-123. 132. Nechaev, Sergei 28l r50, r57, r58, r7l, 175,215,218.219. :'l llil, Negre, Jos6 35, 69, 70, 78, 80, 82, 83, 222,221,225,237,238, 210, 2 11, 2 15. 130, 2r9, 288, 289 246,248,249,25r,296, 310, 312. 31 + Niel, Louis 56 Romero, Jos6 Rodrieuez 3'1, 70, 80 3,18 THE \VORKI-RS THI-NISELYES

Roodeveldt 313 Thomas, Paul l3 Rosrner, Allred 64, 70, 73, 81, 89, 91, Tornlinson, F. 70 r15, r16,127,129,133, r31, r39, l1r, Tornm:rsi, Ll6, I78, I87, 195, Jrisepli Allgcrn 114, r63, 167, r68. 169, 176, 178, 183, r96, 200, 205, 2r6, 306, 309 lanc IU4, 18.5, 193, 191, 1911, I96, 20',3, 205, Tomskii, NI.P. I11, 111 -l-crt Allgenr 216,287,288, 289, 290, 29r, 301, 302, ti 219, 222, 309, 3ll org: 303, 301, 30r1, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310 Trcint, Albcrt 26 1, 316 r\llianc Rossoni, Eclmondo 69, 290 'Iridon, Andr6 73, 288 kult Rousseau, August 173 Trotskr, Lo t01, 107, 108, 116, 122, All-Ru Rtihle, Otto 31 7 132, 136, r37, i45, r65, lii6, t68, 198, cho Rupert, Cl sce: (llrristiaan (irrnelissen r99, 200, 207, 296, 306, 310 I 68. Ts1'peror ich 185 All-Rtr Salan, Airn6 sce: \\Iilkcns I'urncr, John 80 Sanclomirskii 312 TI\ Schapiro, Alexancler 71, 8il, 89, 96, 120, l.lltee 313 All-Ru 301 12r, r16, 150, 162, 163, r61, 167, 169. llrales. Feclcrr'co 217, 218 All-RLr t7 \, 177, 198, r 99, 200, 202, 2r9, 220, 111 222, 225 , 228 , 229 , 238 21+, 216 247 , Yallina, Peclro 71, 89, 289 , 226 251, 25ri, 289, 292, 302,307 Vecchi, Nicolo 171, 192, 201 202,221, , r\ll-RLr Schapiro, Nloses 88 228, 222, 229, 307, 309, 3l l plo Scheidemann, PhiJipp 136, 137 Vcrdicr. Clcorges 1 77, 205, 228, 307, 308, Amerr( Schcrrk, 2'34,214 310 Ja:n 28; Schilp, Dirk 315 Vergeat, Ilarcel 115, 129, 118, 152, 177, Arlster Schlisch 2'11 299 Ltol S<:liuster 24.1 Vc.ririn, C. 64 Anarcl Seeui, Salvaclor l3i \rolirre sce : \iN,I. L,ikhenbaum Anzu'cl Semard, Picrre 205, 3l \ 259, 262, Asocrl Serge, \/ictor 141, 115, 148, 163, 183, \Vcsscling, Cl.I. 69, 76 1o: 306 \\'ilkens (perhaps a pscudonr m of As[urir Serrati, Giacinto Nllenotti 174 Aimt Salan; 1;s.:.f Cialan) 129, 130, Selerin, Frans I16, 150, 153, 156, t,57, 147, 148, 150, \77, I 78, 299, 303 BakLrn 179, 19r, 244, 2\i, 299, 300, 308 \Villiams, (ieorge 179, 185, 190, l9l, Soc Shatov, Bill 89,96,97, 162 195, 20r, 210, 304, 305, 306, 308, 309 Ber n Lo Shliapnikor', Aleksandr 165, 166 \'\'i lls, lack \'.73,71,75, 289, 290 L-n Sirolle, Henri I l11, 116, 178, 185, 187, \Vilshire, Cl.avlord 7l Bet mo r89, r92, 198, 199,30,1, 306, 308 \\'indhoff. Karl 69, 73 Black Sjdstrdm, Gustav 82 \Vinkier, NIax 155 Bologr Srnith 244, 247,314 \\'itkop. X,Iilly 89, ll9, I20, 121., r22, Br istol Sorel, Cleolgcs 282 296 Bri tirf Souchr', Augustin93, 130, 131, 132, 133, \\'olff, (l:rrel 234 r37,138,139, r16, r47, r50, 159,163, \\bltcr. L. 59, tiO Catalc 1 7 r, 21 9, 220, 228, 229, 241, 25r, 267, \\'rangel, Piotr 168 69. 297, 298, 299, 300, 307, 310, 3r5 \\rrobler,r,'ski, A ugustin 289 Centrc St. 122 \\'r.rrster 221 222,22U, 3l I Just , 26r Stcin 313 Comtr Sousa, Manuel Joacltrim de 285 Yvctot, Cicorges 15, 33, 50, 96 Dl Ll Souvarine, Boris 304 Conrir Sr'vasey, Ceorge 71, 80, 289 Zelrn, van234,241 J.G. Comir Zinoviev, Gligorii 100, l28, 132,135, 36 Tanner, 74, 80, 129, 133, 135, 136, 138, r40, r74, r83, Jack 208,209, 308 Comit 139, 152, 151, 158,289, 290, 298, 299, Zonrercn, van 39 Jan :.) a 300,305 2rjr Tarrida del Marmol 288 INDEX OF ORGANIZATIONS

I 9r. ,\llgcrneine Arbeiter lJnion DcLrlsch- Cornit6s Sinclicalistas Rer olucionarios lauds 190 309 ,\llgerreine Arbeiter-Union Einheits- Clorniti's Svndicalistes R6r"olutiotrn:ri- organisation 2'11, 251, 313, 3l 6, 317 res ll6, 150, 152, 153, I51, 155, i57, ,\llinnce of Socialist Dernocrac.v (Ba- 161, 176, 177, r78, 184, 190, t9l, 192, kuninist Ailiance) 32, 280, 281, 281 193, r95, 196, 200, 201, 204, 205, 20ti, I ??. All-Russian Clonledcration of An:rr- 208, 209, 228, 299, 300, 301, 304, 306, I i)8 cho-Syndicalists 99, 100, 163, 161, 307,308 tu8, t69. t7t, l;7. l9; Cornrnittee for tlie Third International Congress o[ Food-Inclus- (Frant.c) I 15, 129 '\ll-Russian (.lornm tr 1 \\'or kcls l 5'1 rrnisI P:rr tv All-Russi:rn Congress of N{iners 166, - o[ the Nerhcrlands 154, 315 301 - of Russia \27,115,155, 162, 165, All-Russian Traclc flnions 98, 132, l3'1, 167, 169, lir, 196, 197, 199, 202, 1 11, r53, 1.59, 171, 2r2, 219. 220,22]., 215,298,303 226,229,241, 21 1,3i2 Cornmunist Youth International l9'1, Railrvar lirn- 296 All-Russian tlniorr of -I-rabalho plovees Confcderagio C]cral do 16, (lE and \Vorkers "16 Amcrican Fecleration of Labor 92, 286, 151, 216, 214, 256, 302, 309, 313 287 Confedcraci6n Gcneral de Trabajado- .,\rnsterdam Intcrr-rational see: Itrtet na- res I 88, 211, 265, 266, 267, 313 tional Federation of Trade flnions Confederaci6n Nacional del Trabajo Anarcirist Red Clross 89 33, 35, 69, 70, 78, 109, 110, lll, 112, An:rrcho-Svndikalistische Jr.rgend 313 122, r30, 131, 133, 134, 141, 151, l6l, (lontinental r\rneric:rn:t dc 174,175, 176, 183, 185, lU7, i90, 191, '\sociaci6n los Trabaj:iclorcs 267 192, 200, 201, 203, 201, 2r7,218, 219, :it o[ ,\sturian Regional (lonfederation I 7ti 223, 232, 235, 244, 256, 297, 299, 307, LiO. ' 309, 310,313 Rakuninist Alliance sec: Alliance o[ Conf6d6ration Gtn6rale du Travail 1, 19r . Sor:ia1ist Dcrnocracy 2, r1, 15, 17, rB, 19, 20,21-28,29, ,. i0!) Bermoncisel, Branch of tl-re National 31, 33, 34, 35,15,17,18, 49, 50, 54, Llnion of Railrva-vnren 289 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 6r, 62, 63, 64, Berrnondsel Trades Council 71,289 65, 69, 70, 74, 75, 77 , 78, 79, 81, 82, Black Cross (Russia) 177 81, 85, 90, 92,91, r 14, I 15, I 16, 133,

Bolog^na Tracles Council 69 t52,153, l7B, i84, 204,205,206,207 , r 22. Bristol Operative Bricklavers 289 208, 216, 226, 227, 215, 259, 264, 269, British Socialist Part1, 80 270, 27 r, 282, 286, 287, 288, 290, 291, 307,308 -fravail (.iatalonian Regional Confederation Conf6d6ration G6n6ralc du 69, 131, 176 S,vndicaliste R6r,olutionnaire 265. Centro Obrero Regional del Par:rgu:r,v 316 266 Conf6cl6ration G6n€rale du Trar:ri1 Comintern see: International, Com- Llnitaire 208, 209, 214, 21 5, 2 I 6, 2 I 9.

rnunlst 22r, 222, 223, 226-235, 241, 215 , 259 . Cornitato dell'Azione diretta 37 260, 26r, 262, 309, 3l r, 312. 31+. 315 Comitato Nazionale della Resistcnz.a Conf6cl6ration Svndicale Bclge 1ti. 28:r liio, JO Confederazione Generale del Laroro Clomit6 de D€fense Syndicaliste 1I4, 36,37,77, 1,15, l5l, l7'1, 201 233, 211, 214, 245, 247, 251, 252, 259, 260, 262, 266, 295, 3 I I, 3 I3 Departmental l.lnion of the Rhirne 263 ...I'HE 350 \\I ORKEI{S THENISE,L\'ES"

Etucliants socialistes revolutionnaires Industrial Slridictrlist Education internationalistes B8 L.eaguc 46, 53, 59, 60, 61, tj2, 70, 71, 287,288 Fagoppositionens Sammenslutning Industrial Workers of the \{orld (Chile) 47,70,150 r51,289 244, 2ri6, 313 Federacdo Regional C)perzrria Brasi- Industrial \\rorkers of thc World (IISA) leira 70, 266 62,71, r29, 133, 135, 138, 139, 141, Federaci6n Obrera Regional Argentina 150,151,157,158, r79, I80, l8l, r82, 70, 78,82, 150, r51, 179, r85, 187, r85, 187, 190, 191,193, 195,201,203, l9l, 193, r95, 210, 244, 252,265, 266, 204, 2\0, 267, 286, 287, 288, 289, 298, 267,299,30r,313,3r6 300, 301, 304, 306, 307, 308, 309, 313, Federaci6n Obrera Rcsion:rl f lruguaya 3r6 188,244,266 Intern:rtional, Communist 100-106, Kottr::- -, - Fedcratie van Boulvvakarbeider s 3I3 107, tOu, 109, 1r0, 1il, 112, 113, l14, D-.-..- -- Federatie van Nletaalarbeiders 3 13 1 15, 1 16, r22, ).23, t25, 126,127 , r28, Kortutr;-:: F€d6ration de la Chapelleric 79 129, r3l,132, r33,134-145, r46, r48, ll'l- ' Fed6ration des Bourses 25,283 r49, r5r, 1112,153, r54,155, 156, r57, Koln:,,::- F6d6ration des Coiffeurs de France 58 r58,159,160, r6l, r67, r68,169, r70, Ktonrt:rt:- F (.orttr: F6d€ration des Jeuncsses Syndicalistcs 17 l, 172, 173, t7 I, 176, t77, 179, r80, ,. de la Seine 313 181, r82, 183, r 84, 185, 186, 187, r88, F6d6ration des Tr:rvailleurs de 1'Haltil- r89, r9l, 192, 193, 194, 195, r97,200, Labor.rr P..:: lcment 92 20r, 202, 201, 205, 208, 209, 2r0, 21 1, Landsor g..: ,_,: F6d€ration du Bitimcnt 260, 313 2r2, 213, 21 1, 215, 216, 2r7, 226, 227, LCagUt trr Leaglre rrt \ F6d6ration Jurassienne 10, ll 232, 233 , 237 , 245 , 246 , 218, 249 , 250 , F6cl6ration Nationale des Bourses 25 251, 253, 2tt9, 261, 269, 27 0, 27 1, 27 2, Lerce:te r l: F6d6ration Nationale dcs Syndicats 25 27 3, 27 1, 27 6, 27 7, 27 9, 296, 298, 300, Le r antin. R F6d€ration Nationale des Trav:rilleurs 302, 304, 3011, 308,309, 310,311, 3r3, Lonclon C.,. de l'Agriculture I l3 315 Londr>n \, .- Federation of Anarchist Groups 176 International, First l, 2-14, 16, 17,23, Federation of Autonomous llnions in 24, 32, ,18, 69, 1il, 112, r83, 251, Marine TI-.: Bulgaria 265 253, 262, 269, 27 0, 27 9, 280, 28 l, 282, L'nion -' Federation of Jewish Anarchists 89 284 NIet:rlrtor k- Forest Gate Shop Assistants 289 In ternational, Labour and Socialist Nloscorr F:- Freie Arbeiter-fJnion (Czechoskrvakia) 279 244,3\3 Interrratir>nal, Second 1, 2, 14,38, 44, Nationa:rl 1 Frcie Arbeiter-Union Deutschlands 48, 49, 50, 53,54,64,85, 86, 87, 92, 10. 1!'. l 123, r33, 150, 155, 156, ).57, 159, 171, 100, l0t, 105, r08, 1r9, 120, 128, 135, I23. I5'l r78, 200, 20t, 203, 209, 210, 219, 223, r36, l83, r84, 2l 3, 2t 5, 251., 253, 269, 187. l9tt rr 241, 247 , 256, 302, 306, 307 ,309, 3 l 3, 270,279 --.f . - 314,3r5,317 International, Two-and-a-Half (Vien- 250. 2.r; Freie Gewerkschaften 40, 43, 44, 45, 48, na lJnion) 213, 215, 279 293 :9! 49,80, 181,285 International Federation of Trade JIJ Freie Vereinigung deutscher Ger,t'erk- flnions (Amsterdam International) Natiorral F sclraften 43, 44, 45, 53,59, 69, 73, 8t, 85, 92,94, 108, r5, 116, 128, \\-orkcI . 76, 83, 91, l17, 118, \22,123,285, r32, r53, 154, 156, r8r, l84, 202, 206, Nederlanc-. 286, 289, 292,293 208, 209, 2r2, 226, 250, 252, 253, 262, glngrn -- 263, 266, 267, 268, 27 1, 27 5, 27 9, 291, NederlanC. General Federation of Trade Unions 293,312,316 258.:.i! (Britain) 59 International Labour Office 206 Norsk Sr nr- Golos Truda 171, 196 International Secrerariat of National 2r9::l Trade Union Centres l-2, 28, 18, 49, Hammersmith Engineers 289 50, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57,58, 59, 60, 61, Parma C-h:r: Havana llnion of Cafe Employees 70 62, 63, 64, 65, 77, 78,79, Br, 286, Parma Tr-.c 287,29r t\itf\

Internation:tl \\-orking )Ietl s ,\)\()Lr- [':rrtL ( otttttlLttti'tr Fl:rrrt-.li. ]l1 I l:. :rtion (First httcrn:rtionel) s('e: llr- I ;7 :0;. ?0.!, !?; ?j? ?i9 ?60 2()r tcrnati()nal, First 263 2tl I i()s ,l t0 :l I I i 1.r Intelnational \\'orking Nletr's Assocl- Plrt ti ( )trr r i, I I- t;rttt,lri. 'li :rtiol (s) ndicalist) 244-268, 269, 270' Par ti Socialiste lhrifi6 - SFIO 22' 2i, 272, 27 1, 275, 277,281, 3i2, 313, 314, 26 315,316,317 Partito CornLurist:t lrali:rrro I 13, 20 I Partito So<:itrlista ltaliano 36. il7 Jubilce Srrec't Cllub 88, 89, t20, 292. 296 l'olish Revolutiottat'r Tracle l'nion .Jur a Fecleration see: F6d6rz'ttion JLrras- Group 289 s 1('ll Ile Rcrl Intcrti:ttional of Labour Uutotrs Kornmuuis tisc he ,\rbci te r-I'ar tcr 101, 121,132, l',]0, l1l, 111, l4r,1 19' DeLrtschlands l3B i 50, 152, | 53, 154, I 55, 156, 157. I r8, Kourrunislisr:]rc P:l tei f)ctrtschlancls r59, 160, r61, 162, 170, l7I, t72, 173, 101, 105. 1r7, 118. 213. 295, 31ll \1 1, 115. t76, t77, 1 78, 1 79, 180. l 8l- Korrsornol 296 188, r89, r90, 191, 192, 193, 191, l9r, KronsLaclt Pr or isiortal RerolLrtiorlirt r 196, I 97, 198, I 99, 200, 201, 202. 203, (lorlmittee 302 201, 205, 206. 207, 208, 209, 2l 0. 212, 2r 3. 2r.1, 216, 21 7, 218.2 I 9, 221,222, q,) ,).)). ,),):, '),)>!, ., )(, 135 1 99t; ')9: 9ort _ ltl, Labc.rur Partr 235, 237, 238, 210, 2 1 1. 2ll, _tl l.andsorganis:ttioncn (Sl-eclen )'17 233, 231, 250, 25r, 2i2, _t; League o[ Inclustriirl Dernocracl' 288 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 259, 2ti0, 261, 262. l-,ll Lcag,ue of Nations 105, 206 253, 256, 257, 258, _;t, Lcicestet Trades Coun<:il 2B!) 26'-!:, 266, 267, 269, 27 2, 27 1, 27 5, 2i 9. 301, 302, 301, 305,306, o0, Levantinc Rcgionzrl Confctleration I 7ti 298, 299,300, ,i j. Lonclon Cooks 289 307, 308, 310, 3l 1, 312, 313, 314, 315, f-ondon Societv of Compositors 289 3t6 l-j. lrl. Marine Transpor t \\Inrket's' lncltrstrial Se:rmen's Uriion (l'he Nethellancls) 6!) l.\:. llnion 267 Stroli Stcrvatcls' Ilolcment 129, 135, Nletahvor kers' f lnion (Russia) 165 r39, 1.11, 150, 152, 1111, liil,29B,300 . ,:.rlr:t Nloscorv Federation rif Anarr:hists 98 So<:iaal Democratisc:hc Arbeiclct s Partij 38,10 Arbetarpartiet'17 11. Nationaal Arbeids-Secrctariaat 38, 39, Socialdemokratiska .- clt 40, 49, 50, 53, 69, 74, 90, 9I, i07, Socialistenbond 3B 186, Par 3l 3 _. L.)J. 123, 150, 154, i55, 156, 172,173, Socialistische tii 2l 6, Soliclaridad Obrer:i 3'1, 35 -- . ltrl) r87, 190, 191, 192, 195, 200, 201, 223, 234, 235, 241, 245, 246, 217, 219, Soh'daritr' (Polancl) 278 Partei Deutscll- : \ icn- 250, 257, 258, 259, 284, 288, 289, 292, Sozialde mokr ?rtischc 293, 299,300, 302, 309, 3 12, 313, 31',l, lands 43,1'1,45, 100,117, 119, l3l, 285,297,313 I r ucle Jt3 Municipal Sozialistischcr .Bund 131, 297 , .; rnill) National Fedcration of -r IrR Workers ('I'he Ncttrerlands) 76 Spartakusbuncl I l6 .Sveriges Arbetar es Cen tt al organisa tiorl _ I ?06, Nederlands Verbond \/an \hkvelccni- : . ttl9 gingen t10 17, 48, 62, 69, 70, 78, 116, ll7, 150, 156, 159, 179,1u7,190, l9l,193, 195, --,'291. Nedcrlands Syndicalistisch Verbond 258,259 201, 203, 209, 2t 0, 2)9, 222, 223, 211, Norsk Syndikalistisk Fccleration l5l, 250, 256, 286, 289, 307, 309, 313 \:i1Oll2l 219,244,256 Syndicalist Athencum of Barcelona 71, - :i lq r3l S1'ndicalist l-eague of North America , .ir), 61, Parma Chamber of Labour 36 286 . 286, Parma'Iiades Council 69 352 I'HE \\'ORKERS THTN,ISEI,\'IiS'

Sr ndicalist flrrion oI N'Iilan 69 Svncli<:at llnique cle Birr'rnent dc la Seinc 261 Sr ndikal is t isk I'ropa.e, ancl:r [or b rrn cl 2'1 4 'l\'anspolt :rntI C]eneral \\br kcr s' Union (Irclantl) 66 lln:rl>li:ineiee Sozialclenrokratis(hc Partci Derrtschlands 117, ll8, 295, 313 linion clcr IIzrncl- uld Kopfirrbcitcr 221 Union des Svndic'ats cle la I'rolince tle Libge 46. 70 []niorr cles Slnclicats n Cleneral cle Tr:rbajadorcs 33, 35 tl n i on o[ r\nirrcho- S.t'rtclic:r I is t l'ropa.e, - lttttilt 1Ru:ri:t r :l(i. 11) I llnion o[ the Russilrn \Vorkcrs o[ thc flnited Statcs and Cauade 96 [,]nionc Sinclacale Italiurna 36, 37, 38, 59, 63, 69, 77,90, 112, ll3, 122, 111, 145, 149, |11, t6l, 173,171,183, l87, l89, 190, r9l, 192, 20t, 202, 203, 201, 2 l 1, 2 l 9, 220, 22), 222, 223, 228, 232, 235,211,248, 2,56, 281, 289, 290,29r, 292, 299, 30ri, 307, 309, 3r3

\\krrkers'Opposition 165, 166, 167. 170, 272

\'oung Socialists (Norr,r-a1 ) 47, 286 Young Soci:rlists (Sl,vcdcn) .17, 131, 286 "The Workers Themselves" By providing the first sustained historical analysis of the contributions of revolutior- dicalism to working class internationalism, '' European labour and radical history. It analyzer the syndicalist movement before and after the Fi dicalist organizations, and the collective syndici tionaiism - especially post-war relations ber Workers Themselves" offers the first comprehe Working Men's Association, which was founde lived of all anti-authoritarian labour Internatir

About the quthor:WayneThorpe (1942), educat holds an M.A. in philosophy from the University of colorado and a ph.D. in histo4 the University of British Columbia. He currently teaches modern European histr,.y ar- McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.

Studies in Social Historv 12 ISBN 07923 0276 |