- NOTE rn NoI NOTES ,i I cccnt .rSarrlst i \ t:t tC. i l. cloes Preface l. J:rnres Joll, The Anarchisls,2nd etl , (C)ambridge, Nlass.: H:rn'artl llnivet'sin Press, 'i:tlike 19tt0), p viii. .r .rl istic: 2 Sinr:e the literature on this oeriod of soci:rlis( ernd cornrnunist intertrationalism is i.rlizccl immense, it is possible to rite onlr solne rcprL\r'ntJti\c titles here Julius BtaLnthal's ()eschir.hte der Internationale, 3 r'oirs (Flarlno\er: Dietz, l96l-1971 I has bccornc standarcl ' lllrl)l\ on a ccnturl of internationalisrn, though the emphasis is alrnostexclusivclr uporr politir:al . )|S [O :rnd not trade union intern:rtionalisrn. IIore sper:ifir:rllr, on the Setoncl Internatioral, sce Jarnes Joll, The Second InternatiormL, 1889-1911. rcr ed. (l-rtrrdon ancl Boston: r.hil)s, Routledge ancl Keean Paul, 197'1). On the International Federation of Trade flnions before ,11( )ln1C the rvar arrd on its post-rvar rerival. see Joh:rnn Sasst:nbach, I'inlundzuanzig Ja.lLre internationaLer Geuterksthaf tsbelDegung (Anrstcr(1arn: IrrtcrrraIionalcn C]cterlschaf tsbun- .Li aucl dcs, 1926), and Lervis Lonvin, Lobor and Inlernatiortalisrn (Ncl York: N'Iacrnillan, 1929). iltloIls, C)n the pcrst-war Labour and Socialist International, see John Ptice, Tlrc Intcrttational Labour Llouernent (London: Oxford l-iniversitl Press 19.15) On the so-callecl Trro-ancl- ;, lile, a-Half Internationzrl, scc Andr6 Donneur, Hi.stoire de I'L'nion des Pttrtis SetciaListes (tour I'Action InternationaLe (Lausanue: fl niversit6 de ClenEve, Institu t l-n ir crsi Lairc dcs FIaLrtes :;r otlet n -L,tudes Internat.ionales, 1967). On thc Cornmunist International, see, for cxarnpkr, Dom- .,i iclutc's iniclue Desanti, L'InlernatiortaLe Comniunisle (Par-is: Parot, 1970); ]:lnes \\' I{rrlsc. TAa Forming ol the Communist Internatiorral lStanforcl: Stanfnrtl t,uiversitl Ptess, 1964): -,1 phc- GLintlrer Nollau. International Cornmunisrtt and lltorLd Retolutiott (London: Hollis antl , ,1i tir.nl Clarter, 196l) On the Red International of Labour Llriions, see Die Rote Ge*-r:rltsrhalls Internationale (Berlin: Tribrine, 1973), by the Sovicrt histori:rn fl NI Adibt'korv .' l:tallCl 3 Joll, p. 188 , 1u:ir c 4. See Peter Lcisr:he, '-{narchisnrus - \'c'rsuc}r einer Definitiorr uncl historisc}ien 1\po- ktgie," PolitischeVierleljahressr:hrift, vol 15(197'1), rro l:53-73;Peter Lcische, ln.archi.srnus r icleals (Darrnstadt: lVissensch:r[t BurhgeseilsrhafL, ]977), pp. I I5-28 Chapter One l. Onll a fel titlcs lrom t]re exferrsi\c litcraturc ort t]rc First Interrrational can be citecl here. Documcnts covering the entire period of the Intern:rtional iriclrrde J:rr:clues Frelmond, ed, La Premiire Intertmtionale, 1 vols (Geneva: Institut Ilnirersitaire de Ilautes l'-Luclcs Intcrnationales, 1962-71), and, from the point of vieu'of an :rnti-authoritariirn p:rr ticipant in i t, James Guillaume, L'Intr:rnationaLr:: tlocuments e t so uut:nirs ( I 861 187 E ),4 r ols. (Paris: Soci6t6 Nouvelle de l-ibrair-ie et d'Edition and P.\'. Stock, 1905-10). Srudies includc Cl D H. C)ole, A History ot' SociaList Thought,5 rols (London: I'[acrnillan, 1953-6Ll), 2: il[arxism and Anarchism 1850-1E90 (i954), and Br:runthal, vol l. 2. \'Vhat Nlarx actualll wrote was that "the emancipation of the u'orking class mLrst bc corrclrrered bl the lvorking class thernsehes " Karl N[,atr, PoLitical Ui-ilizgs, r'ol i], The First InternationaL and Alter, ctl Davicl Fernbach (Nerr York: \'intage, 197a), p 84 For anottrer documentarl'collection see Satrl K Padovcr, cd., Karl A'Iarx and. the First InternationaL, Karl Nlarx Library, r'ol 3, (Neu York: NIcGrat-Hill, 1973). Studics of Nlarx and the International include Cole and Braunthal, r:ited above; see also Paul Thorn:rs, KarL X[arx and the Anarchists (London, Boston ancl Henler: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1980), ch 5 3. By 1872, however, N{arx had concludecl that the norkers rnight achieve their e():rls peacefully in certain countries, such as Englarid ancl the-Ltriired States Sec Nlarx, The ['irst InternatictnaL and tllter, p. 321 4. Janes Guillaume, quoLcd in Annie Kriegel, Les Inlernationales Out,riire.; (]861- 1913 I (Paris: Presses Llniversitaires de France, I 96'1), p. I 2. 5. Proudhon regartlecl "the r:apitalist prinr:iple" and "the governmental prinriple" as "one and the samc principle; . the abolirion oI the exploitation of nan by man, ancl the abolition of the government of man bv rnan, are one and the same formrrla. "Pt ouclhon to Pierre Lerour, l'1 l)cc. 1849 Oorrespondance de P.-J Proutlhott., l'1 vols (Paris: A ffi ,.THE \VORK} I].S f'HE}ISI.L\-},S Kegan P:rul, 1956), p. 2fi2. -,r'rote 8. "\\'hat u e p.it it', tt,t placc of political porrcrs ;ue cconotl-,ic folccs." Proudhotr ',\\'hat rve put ill the plai:e oi g.rnt.nrnent . is industriai or3:tnizati<itl. \\ ll:11 1\'c ptrf (1923):302. in the 1rlace of l:trvs arc .orltracts. Or:tttre.s,2 9. aorresPondarLce, 1.1:290. [otIlII] tisil as "tr\'') t:crtrt'latire auttro llcctirisni fhle:itclr(l(rt to iiSJht l:llroLtr ' lo collapst tile irte an hc iatniir', all oI rririrlr trlhotr. arrttilil;lriotrl" Or:tttres' I "2 ( 1923):28 I 12. See, for cx:rmpk:, Aeutrr:s" 3:387-tj, 3!]6 tl. l3: "Folitics is the scienr:e Of iibcrt.v: th{r g.J\ tr1}rnttlt i'-1 rnal i,-. ltr:1tt, :rlrclilr ri llelt"'t'r narne lt riisglises itsejf, is opplession; rhc hieiitrt perfectiotr o1 sl;iii'fr rr li;rtnr'l itl the uniorr of order ancl ;rnarch,r." Oeui're.s' 1'.316 4rtii; !'As;octtt!tott l-r. FCrl the rnoSt iiCt:rilecl a(Iiotrnt, see.Jttlcs I-. Puecii, !'e loroudlnnisnt ln.ternationale tles TrataiiLeuts (Faris: Alcan, 1907) ls. Mor*,o!.ngels,)lSepr. l36T.KarlNIaxarrdFiitrltichEngcis. ilr:rAc,rol ?il (Berlin: ilietz, l 965):3'12-3 16. Guillaumc, l:75 Scten L iJ ii 4 nat r lLi'; tn )i G F. hlaximolf, ,::J " The tsolitical Philr:'srtl-'h1 ai lSrtkunin: t nulnDers ( nlrv lcaqrrer"cll :irlis:rnal stirita ot LJI( arttl trnerrlllitllecl the l::rger sinh secl, atnong u hotn he .iltsLtn[ii lllri! thc ili;ri er of the ljroietariat, I nran ytreci:cil that €terltai;:ical {or q0\ernnlcn[J Lh'al gf.ftnde trnuiiie ltopuiaire," those .,rln)I.-. "io{:irr trild Enqcls crdirLriii! i,:signaLc Dl'.i:hat .sirnr.ijtarlcoLts[1 ' i:ontempiuous and piCioresclue plirase, Ltirn.pett.Proietar-i&1, f he 't ifl-raii'. ics gtit'ti', Archiue s BahounirLe, 2 ( i 965): 1 ?7-8 22. 1\Ihen hlar;< bicckcr-i tire lticl of the rtili:liir:e ci Sot:ialist liemocl:tr:.r, iotrtrtltld Lrr Eakunin, to unrcasot lil;lt lhc {nternationa ti','es inlc Allianct officiall,v dis as a vcr]' uprng ot Bakunin's [r vcl-tire]ess vieu'ihe .{lliance as tlrr' bl Ba qLri:l the NOt !.S 28r :, :rl-.111 ln a J)OSttrve lnternational, as but onc stcp in thc Russi:rn's cfforts, as NIarx latcr put it, to replacc irr the ltiehest level "the Gener-al CoLrnril rvittr hirnself as rirtual dictator " Frerrnond, 2:269 Ptopjl1rtr, Iir vols., 23 Guillarirrt'. l:220-1 : 1926):339 Gcorg L u kics nr acli' t hi s po ir r t rvi thin the c()n texf oI t he icleo logir:al :nd organiz:rtional !rr\tolnalv political 21 clisprrtes betrveen the Bolsheriks and rarioLrs lc[t-cornrnrrntsts:rs earl,r'as 1923 Scc' -,, rr hich depcndecl Ceschichte und Klassettbr:rL,ussteirt, Georg Luk(tc.s lllarAe (Neul'iecl and Berlin: Luch- .:rrne the doctrine - terhand, 1968),2:171{l For an appreciation oI Lukhrs in t]ris rcaard, sec Miklos MoJnar, : t,r clrarv practical "ProblEn'res icli'ologic1Lrc," irr Bt'rtrancl, ed,.Siluallorz.s rtuolututnnatres :9-!): d rrrdre Charlcs L : rr: en Europr:, 1917 1922 (Nlontreal: Ccntrc Intcr unircrsitairr tl'Etudcs Europi'crrncs, 1977), Routledge llnd pp l4l-50 N{oirrar'. D1'rLin Lu Londre.s - Prorrdhon 25 }liklos Lt de la ['rt:Lniire Irttr:tttaliortale: ronf?rr:nce de rvrote. (Gc'ncla: .i;,,n \\'hat rvc dr:1E71 l)roz, l9U3), p 591[ ]lolrrar's is tlrc' nrost corrtplt'tc:rccoLurt of the London Jtut r ort[t'rcrrcc 26 Ibid , pp. tt.i- 1 21. Frerrnontl. 2:192, 194 ir, 200-l l-orcrtzo r\nsclrno, a clisscnting Spanislr participant, (Barrclorra: r- :1i trfo crtrrc]:ltivc rcc:rlled lris disillLrsionnre'rtt irr El ptoLclariado ntilitatttt: Libreria Espafrola, n.d l:31 l-23 ::\!\lll lhleatcned to ), Flcrrnorrcl. 2:261-ir . r;r Lo r:oJlapse the 28 :,:rilr all oI which 29 Herrr-r Ccrllins artcl flhirncn r\bramsk1, KarL llatx artd tltr Rritish Labour lloterneut: Yetus r;f the lir.sl ,l.rtionl" Oeutre.s, lttlernatiortal(tr-oncion: l'Iacrrill:rn, l9ti5), pp 85,231-lff 30. 'lht Counril s selerlion of The l{agrrt' as llrc c()u3-rcss srlc, rnoreovel, Ialrnrccl delegates s-vrnpathetir to N'Iarx irntl thc Clt'rrcral (lolrncil. ri'hilc u'orking against reprc- Errro;rc, ha<1 ,lr ilttclet rvhatever sentirtion from souLlrt'rrr u,Ircn'Bakrrnirr strorrg suI)p()rt \\'hcthcr for re:rsons ol [inancial r:onstraint or thc dangcr o1 bcing arr('stcd irr transiL in lirancc or f]errn:rnr, - r r: Iorrnd in the Bakunin hirnsell did not attencl i\ cornbinatiorr oI sr nrpatlrt'tir I'rcrrch Bi:rnrlLrists, staLrnclr thernseivcs, a l:rrgc nLrmbt'r o/ dt'lcq:rtcs Irorn tlrt'f)errer:rl (}nncil, ancl ' : ;,t: 1',-ls.sociation lnfhorii:rri:ns a stror)g Gernrarr ( ontirlgent, though thc (lcrrrrurs lr:rtl yrrer ioLrslr pirt tir ip:rted but 1,":i rol (Bcrlin: minimalJl in thc Irrlerr]:ltiorr:rl.
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