5 =) 1 # 9 1230 4 ' t 9 LOGISTICS ASPECTS OF 9EAPON SYSTEMS MODERNI7ATION Kazimierz KOWAL2KI, Wiktor BIERNIKOWI0Z, Jacek RL0ZLN2KI, MacieB 2ZUKAL2KI ,ULF - general Tadeusz Cosciuszko ,ilitar0 Universit0 of Land Forces, Facult0 of ,anagement, Logistics 1epartment, DroclaA, Republic of Poland, EU,
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[email protected] Abstract 1roblems of logistics support of weapon systems in their life cycle operation and support phase, especially considering its moderni.ation are presented in the paper. In the introduction inevitability of the moderni.ation process of crucial weapon systems was emphasi.ed. Furthermore, the concept of weapon system, life cycle of the weapon system and moderni.ation of weapon systems where presented. A general description of a model of the process of creating the plan of technical moderni.ation of the 1olish armed forces was also presented. The main part of the article presents the areas of logistics that should be newly tailored to the needs of the moderni.ed weapon system. These basic areas includeA processes of operation and maintenance, material and technical supplies, staff ac,uisition, availability of service devices, creation of databases, organi.ation of trainings, computeri.ation, logistics infrastructure, dedicated transport means. The main conclusion of the article is to emphasi.e the fact that the moderni.ation of weapon systems entails not only the costs of moderni.ing a specific type of weapon 3tan), infantry fighting vehicle4 but also the costs of logistic support in operation and maintenance phase of their life cycle. eywords: Weapon system, life cycle, moderni.ation, logistic 1.