Comparative Anatomy of the Human and Horse Orbit
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Revista Română de Anatomie funcţională şi clinică, macro- şi microscopică şi de Antropologie Vol. XIX – Nr. 1 – 2020 ORIGINAL PAPERS COMparaTIVE AnaTOMY OF THE HUMAN AND Horse ORBIT Ruxandra Coroleucă1, F.M. Filipoiu2, O. Munteanu2*, M. Enyedi2 University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Carol Davila” Bucharest 1. „Carol Davila” – Doctoral School 2. Department of Anatomy COmpaRATIVE ANATOMY OF THE HUMAN AND HORSE ORBIT (Abstract): Starting from the definition of evolution itself, it describes a process through which a living organism has grown and developed from earlier forms over successive generations. The phylogenetics shows us differ- ent evolutionary development and diversification for different species and this comparative anato- my study aims to highlight the similarities and the differences between human and horse bony orbit. We conducted a study of comparative anatomy of human and horse orbit in which we first observed the two orbits and then identified data about the location, the constitutive walls of the orbits and the differences and similarities between them. The evolution from the four-legged posi- tion to the bipedal position was decisive for the location and the orbital characteristics. Key-words: HUMAN ORBIT, HORSE ORBIT, COMPARATIVE ANATOMY INTRODUCTION modern horses the orbit is located superior and In osteology, the skull is perhaps the most slightly posterior to the terminal portion of the studied anatomical segment of the skeleton, it row of teeth, in contrast to the primitive posi- is also the basis for establishing a biological tion above the first molar. The direction of the and personal identity. The skeleton of the skull orbit is lateral (2). with the distinct morphological structures that In the first hominoids, the viscerocranium it imprints on the face is the main way of rec- was large and located in front of the cranial box. ognizing an individual, having a role in the As the teeth shrank and the brain enlarged, the reconstruction of a person’s identity (1). face became smaller and its position changed. The equidae family has the privilege of ben- Thus, the face of today’s people is located be- efiting from fossils that are 58 million years old low the skull box, rather than in front of it (3). and demonstrate considerable morphological Observing the skulls of human and horse we adaptations. Van Valen, through his research on can conclude that they have the same constitu- the remains of fossils excludes geographic en- ent bones: frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, occipi- vironment and ontogenesis as triggers for the tal, temporal and parietal, with the difference modifications and concludes that any variation that the horse is having in addition an interpa- is in fact a measure of the intensity of natural rietal bone (4). selection acting on a population. Fossil skulls Throughout evolution, the skulls of both express the phylogenetic course of a morpho- species have undergone changes and in modern logical change with major functional impact - species there are a number of similarities and elongation of the preorbital region. The expla- differences that will be highlighted in this article. nation following a craniometry study by Osborn highlights the expansion of the preorbital region MATERIALS AND METHODS as a necessity in accommodating a larger den- Our study was performed by examination of tition, to facilitate mastication. During the evo- dry adults human skulls and horse skulls from lution of the equines, the rows of teeth move the collection of the Department of Anatomy, forward, while the orbits remain in place. In Faculty of Medicine, UMF „Carol Davila” 13 Ruxandra Coroleucă et al. Fig. 1. Orbit location in human and horse skull Fig. 2. Bones that form the orbital rim. A. Human orbit: 1. Frontal bone; 1a. Zygomatic process of frontal bone; 1b. Maxillary process of frontal bone; 2. Lacrimal bone; 3. Zygomatic bone; 3a. Frontal process of Zygomatic bone; 4. Maxillary bone; 4a. Frontal process of maxillary bone B. Horse orbit: 1. Frontal bone; 1a. Zygomatic process of frontal bone; 2. Lacrimal bone; 3. Zygomatic bone; 3a. Temporal process of zygomatic bone; 4. Zygomatic process of temporal bone University. The purpose of this study was to the orbits are arranged anteriorly and superi- evidentiate the differences and similarities be- orly to the terminal portion of the teeth row tween human and horse bony orbit and we (fig. 1). If the horse’s orbit appears in the form highlighted some aspects in the evolution of the of a conical cavity with the anterior base and orbital region, notions about the shape and the tip corresponding to the orbital hiatus, in location of the orbit, bone structure and meas- the human case this cavity is a quadrilateral urements of the two orbits. The anatomic struc- pyramid with the long axis oriented backwards tures were photographed with a digital camera. and medially (5, 6) As we can observe, the orbit is placed later- RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ally on the head of the horse and that will provide Observing the two orbits, the first element a panoramic visual field exceeding 340 degrees, of differentiation is its location. The horse’s that means that the horizontal visual field of orbit has a lateral position, being located supe- the horse has almost a complete sphere of vi- rior and slightly posterior to the terminal por- sion around its body. The visual fields overlap tion of the teeth row. Comparatively, in humans, anteriorly for almost 70 degrees and that per- 14 Comparative Anatomy of the Human and Horse Orbit Fig. 3. Medial wall of the human (A) and horse (B) orbit mits a binocular visual field, permitting stere- Orbital rim oscopy and the wide separation of the two globes In horses the superior part of the orbital rim provides greater depth perception (5). Because is formed by the frontal bone, the medial part from in humans the orbit are placed anterior to the the lacrimal bone, the inferior part from lacrimal skull, that permits a horizontal field up to 90 and zygomatic bone and the lateral part from degrees temporally, so a total of 180 degrees (7). the frontal zygomatic process and the zygo- The horse orbit is limited by several bones: matic process of the temporal bone (fig. 2) (9). frontal, zygomatic, lacrimal, temporal (zygo- In humans the orbital rim is formed in the matic process), sphenoid and palatine. The or- superior part from the frontal bone, in the me- bit has a complete bony orbital rim, but does dial part from the maxillary process of frontal not close posterior and lateral by a bone struc- bone and lacrimal crest of the frontal process ture, but continues with the temporal fossa. of the maxilla, in the inferior part by maxilla medially and zygomatic bone laterally and the Despite this fact, there is a delimitation of the lateral part is formed by the frontal process of area by a fibrous membrane that closes the cav- the zygomatic bone and the zygomatic process ity and maintains the individuality of the orbit. of the frontal bone (fig. 2) (6). This ocular membrane (thin at the level of the Both species have a complete bony orbital cavity and thick and strong outside the cavity), rim and while the horse’s orbital rim has a more also called periorbit membrane, it is attached cylindrical shape, the human has a quadrilat- posterior to the margin of the orbital hiatus, and eral shape. The bones that contribute to the anterior to the internal part of the orbit (5,8). formation of the orbital margin are approxi- In the human case, the orbit is limited ex- mately the same. In horses the lacrimal bone tremely similar (frontal, zygomatic, lacrimal, forms the biggest part of the inferomedial bor- sphenoid, palatine bones) with the difference der and there is a small contribution from the that in the delimitation the maxillary and ethmoid temporal bone in the lateral part that humans bone also participates, while the temporal bone don’t have, but additionally they have a contri- does not. Human orbit is closed entirely by bution from the maxillary bone. bone walls. We do not notice any fibrous mem- brane - only part of the orbital fascia will sepa- Orbital roof rate the eyeball from surrounding adipose tissue Both upper walls are formed in their ante- and can allow it to move quickly and precisely (6). rior part by the orbital blade of the frontal bone 15 Ruxandra Coroleucă et al. Fig. 4. Laterall wall of the human (A) and horse (B) orbit Fig. 5. Inferior wall of the human (A) and horse (B) orbit (supraorbital margin) and the small wing of the human skull has the trochlear fossa and the sphenoid. In humans, the supraorbital hole is trochlear spine - the insertion site of the supe- located at the junction of the 1/3 medial with rior oblique muscle (6). 2/3 lateral sides of the rounded orbital margin, being located towards the medial, while in horses Medial wall the arrangement is median, having a posterior- The horse medial wall is complete, concave anterior direction, penetrating the base of the and smooth and is formed by the lacrimal and frontal zygomatic process (10). At the junction frontal bones and the orbital wing of the sphe- of the roof with the medial wall, the orbit of a noid and palatine in the posterior part, with a 16 Comparative Anatomy of the Human and Horse Orbit Fig. 6. Apex of the orbit: A - human, B - horse small contribution from ethmoid bone (fig. 3) Orbital apex (9,10). At the apex of human orbit we can identify In humans the medial wall of the orbit is for- the optic canal and the superior and inferior med mainly by the orbital blade of the ethmoid orbital fissure and in horse orbit we can iden- (which represents the lateral face of the ethmoi- tify various foramina in the sphenoid bone that dal labyrinth), anterior by the lacrimal bone, provide conduits between the orbit and other posterior by sphenoid bone (fig.