Campbell River Council Agenda

District of Campbell River

Mayor and Members of Council

James M. Lornie Mayor

Dot Andrews Councillor responsible for Public Works, Safety and Traffic

Mary Ashley Councillor responsible for Community Planning and Transit

Charlie J. Cornfield Councillor responsible for Environment, and Air and Water Quality

Bill Harrison Councillor responsible for Economic Development and Air Transportation

Bill Matthews Councillor responsible for Finance and Personnel

Lynn D. Nash Councillor responsible for Parks, Recreation and Culture

Douglas D. Raines Chief Administrative Officer


REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, TUESDAY, AUGUST 27,2002 at 6:45 p.m. in the Municipal Hall Council Chambers located at 301 St. Ann's Road in Campbell River, BC. The agenda presents the recommendations extracted from the reports that comprise the agenda background package. To request a copy of a specific report, please contact the appropriate department.

1. IN-CAMERA BUSINESS: "That Council move In-Camera under the authority of Section 242.2 (1) (c), (h) of the Local Government Act. "

OPEN PORTION OF MEETING AT 7:30 P.M. 2. DELEGATIONS: (a) Kyle Donald, Recipient of the Governor General's Commendation Award - to receive his award from Mayor Lornie on behalf of the Governor General.

(b) Joanne Schroeder, Project Manager - Upper Early Childhood 3 Development Project regarding the Upper Vancouver Island Early Childhood Development Project.

(c) Tracy Deller, Connie Cawley, Paul Skuse and Diane Matheson with letters of 4 support and petition regarding odours/emissions from Renuable Resources.

(d) Sam Wiedeman, Co-ordinator for Willow Creek Society regarding watershed 56 planning for Willow Creek Watershed Management Plan.

(e) Wayne Roberts, North Island Collateral regarding Secondhand Dealers And Pawnbrokers Bylaw 2954, 2002.

(f) Glen Quarmby (Agent), regarding Rezoning Bylaw 2970. [See Item 9(n)] 3. MINUTES: (a) August 13, 2002 Council Minutes 61

"That the August 13, 2002 Council Minutes be adopted. " 4. OTHER MINUTES:

5. CORRESPONDENCE: Items of correspondence presented to Council.

(a) "That the August 05, 2002 correspondence from the Honourable David M. 70 Collenette, Minister of Transport regarding the future of'the Esquirnalt and Nanaimo (E&N) Railway, be received. "

(b) "That the August 06, 2002 correspondence from Howard Kushner, Ombudsman for 73 BC regarding the outcome of an investigation of a road closure, be received. Regular Council Meeting - Tuesday, August 27, 2002 Page 2

(c) "That the August 12, 2002 correspondence from Mike & Colleen Bouchard of the 76 Gold Wing Road Riders Association, requesting a Special Events permit for the 10th Annual Teddy Bear Rally be received; and That the Special Events permit be approved subject to District Policy. "

(d) "That the August 14, 2002 correspondence from Rose Skobin regarding the 80 Centennial Rose Garden at the Foreshore Park, be received. "

(e) "That the August 14, 2002 correspondence from the Mayor and Council of the 81 District of Wells, BC requesting Support for an Emergency Resolution at the 2002 UBCM Convention and AGM to keep rural schools open, be received. "

(f) "That the August 20, 2002 correspondence from Lizzy Christensen regarding ERT 83 road closure be received. "

(g) "That the July 28, 2002 correspondence from Mac & Snow Klein, New Video Scene 85 regarding the sale of fireworks be received. "

(h) "That the August 16, 2002 correspondence from the Honourable Michael de Jong, 86 Minister of Forests regarding the formation of the Tahsis Economic Development Society be received. "

(i) "That the August 14, 2002 correspondence from the Honourable David M. 89 Collenette, Minister of Transport regarding the operation of the Campbell River Airport be received. "




(a) Administrator:

(b) Municipal Services Division: (i) Engineering Services Manager's August 15, 2002 Report regarding Request for 93 Speed Zone Change.

"That the request from Blair McLean, Pier Street Association, for a 35 km/hr speed .,one on Highway 19A between 6th Avenue and St. Ann's Road be referred to the Technical Traffic Committee for consideration and a recommendation.

(ii) Engineering Services Manager's August 21, 2002 Report regarding Brewster Lake 95 Bridge.

"That Council rescind Resolution No. 02-0229; and That additional funds in the amount of $32,000 be provided from the contingency account to replace the bridge deck as recommended by M.M. Johnson Ltd., structural consultants, to maintain the bridge's integrity at its current load level; and That, funds be placed in the 2003 Financial Plan to undertake a Brewster Lake Road Regular Council Meeting - Tuesday, August 27, 2002 Page 3 bridge options study in consultation with BC Hydro. "

(iii) Engineering Services Manager's August 21, 2002 Report regarding Duncan Devlin's 98 Request for Water Service Outside District Boundaries.

"That Council approve, on compassionate grounds, the servicing of Mr. Duncan Develin's properties identified as Sayward District Lots 1545 and 1565 with water from the Gordon Road/Industrial Park water supply main subject to:

1. Receipt of a commitment from Mr. Devlin to pay all costs incurred by the District on his behalf and to abide by the requirements set by all applicable District policies and bylaws; and 2. Receipt of a report from an engineering consultant, retained by Mr. Devlin, and normally engaged in municipal servicing, stating that it is physically possibly to supply water to Sayward District, Lots 1545 and 1565 from the District's supply main without negatively impacting the Gordon Road/Industrial Park water supply and distribution system. "

(iv) Engineering Services Manager's August 22, 2002 Report regarding Downtown 107 Revitalization Proposal - 11th Avenue at Cedar Street.

"That consideration be given to funding the 11th Avenue and Cedar Street revitalization project proposed by the Downtown Business Improvement Association during the preparation of the 2003 Financial Plan. "

(c) Corporate Services Division: (i) Statement of Revenue & Expenses as at July 31, 2002 [Circulated Separately].

"That the Statement of Revenue & Expenses as at July 31, 2002 be received. "

(ii) Bylaw Enforcement Officer's August 12, 2002 Report regarding Peace Officer 112 Appointments.

"That the following persons be appointed as Peace Officers under Section 28(3) of the Offence Act for the service of summonses on behalf of the District of Campbell River; - Victor McRoberts -Dean Williams"

(d) Community Services Division: (i) Inspector Larry R. Stright's August 8, 2002 Crime Statistics 2nd Quarter - April - 113 June 2002.

"That Inspector Larry R. Stright s August 8, 2002 Crime Statistics 2nd Quarter - April - June 2002 be received. " 9. BYLAWS: Bylaws presented to Council:

(a) "That Permissive Exemption frond Taxation Bylaw No. 2972, 2002 (Various 119 Regular Council Meeting - Tuesday, August 27, 2002 Page 4 Locations), receive first, second, and third readings."

(b) "That Permissive Exemption from Taxation Bylaw No. 2973, 2002 (Association for 121 the Mentally Handicapped), receive first, second, and third readings."

(c) "That Permissive Exemption from Taxation Bylaw No. 2974, 2002 (C.R. Fish and 122 Wildlife Association), receive first, second, and third readings. "

(d) "That Permissive Exemption from Taxation Bylaw No. 2975, 2002 (C.R. Winter 123 Club), receive first, second, and third readings."

(e) "That Permissive Exemption from Taxation Bylaw No. 2976, 2002 (Haig-Brown 124 Kingfisher Creek Soc.), receive first, second, and third readings."

(f) "That Permissive Exemption from Taxation Bylaw No. 2977, 2002 (Storey Creek 125 Golf and Recreation Society), receive first, second, and third readings. "

(g) "That Permissive Exemption from Taxation Bylaw No. 2978, 2002 (C.R. Gun Club 126 Society), receive first, second, and third readings. "

(h) "That Permissive Exemption from Taxation Bylaw No. 2979, 2002 (Level Greens 127 Golf and Recreation Society), receive first, second, and third readings. "

(i) "That Permissive Exemption from Taxation Bylaw No. 2980, 2002 (Association 130 Francophone), receive first, second, and third readings."

0) Bylaw Enforcement Officer's July 4, 2002 Report regarding Secondhand Dealers and 131 Pawnbrokers Bylaw No. 2954.

"That Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Bylaw No. 2954, 2002 receive first, second and third readings. "

k) "That Municipal Ticket Information (MTI) Utilization Amendment Bylaw No. 2959, 46 2002 receive first and second and third readings. "

(1) "That Expropriation Bylaw No. 2962, 2002 be adopted. " 149

(m) Corporate Services Director's August 31, 2002 Report regarding Middle Point 151 Industrial Park Property Sales.

"That Council delegate under the authority of 176 (1) (e) of the Local Government Act to the Administrator together with the Corporate Services Director the authority to sign off on Middle Point Industrial Park property sales agreements providing that the offer to purchase is not less than 5% of the current appraised value and that the "Officer's Designation and Establishment of'Powers, Duties and Responsibilities Bylaw No. 2797, 2000 be amended by giving first, second and third readings to Officers Designation and Establishment of Powers, Duties and Responsibilities Amendment Bylaw No. 2982, 2002. "

(n) Planning Services Manager's August 19, 2002 Report regarding 366/380 Twillingate 154 Road - Rezoning Bylaw No. 2970. Regular Council Meeting - Tuesday, August 27, 2002 Page 5

"That the proposal to rezone lands at 366/380 Twillingate Road described as Lot 1 and Lot 2, District Lot 222, Comox District, Plan 13919 from Residential four zone (R-4) to Residential one A zone (R-JA) proceed to Council for consideration of 1st and 2nd readings and proceed to Public Hearing; and

That the agent complete a Public Neighbourhood Meeting 14 days prior to the application going forward for Public Hearing. "





May 29, 2002

Dear Master Donald:

On behalf of Her Excellency the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson, I am pleased to inform you that a Certificate of Commendation has been awarded to you on the recommendation of the Canadian Decorations Advisory Committee in recognition of your actions following an incident in Paradise Meadows, on December 28, 1999.

The Certificate of Commendation was created in 1993 to be issued to those who have made a significant contribution by providing assistance to another person in a selfless manner. It is intended for eligible candidates whose actions are deemed notable by the Committee. The Commendation is not automatic; eligible candidates are selected through a voting process.

His Worship Jim Lornie, Mayor of Campbell River, has kindly accepted to present you with the certificate on behalf of the Governor General; he will communicate directly with you in due course.

Yourselfless actions are an inspiration to others and represent a high form of citizenship of which you can be veryproud.The Governor General takes pleasure in extending to you her warmest congratulations,to which I add my own.

Shouldyou haveany questions,pleasedonothesitatetocommunicate with Mrs. Sylvie Barsalou at 1-800-465-6890.

Yours sincerely, yv+ James C. Gervais Lieutenant General (Retd) Deputy Secretary The Chancellery of Honours Enclosure

Master Kyle J. Donald 3810 Stuart Place Campbell River BC V9H 1J7 SB\pg c.c.His Worship Jim Lornie, Mayor, District of Campbell River


Day Date ,Time sLoctiari?3 '-TYPe Description Namez.". _, Phones neon 12-Aug-02 10:16 AM 17th Avenue Other Smells like feces. Rotten. Do something please. Kelly Whyley 287-9180 Mon 12-Aug-02 10:06 AM 2510 Dolly Varden Other Stinks. Rotten fish. We can't go outdoors to enjoy summer Shauna Heison 286-1428 Mon 12-Aug-02 9:25 AM 2506 Coho Other Stinks. Please do something. Four days now Jacquie 287-9052 Mon 12-Aug-02 10:18 AM Gordon Road Other Can't go to Mystic Woods Nursery. Too stinky. Whole neighbourhood Brenda Fatty 287-3339 Mon 12-Aug-02 12:20 PM 2206 Steelhead Ro Other Very foul smell in the neighbourhood Stanley Critchlo 287-7532 Fri 09-Aug-02 10:15 AM Gordon Road Other Ren Res. Same $%#@ different day. Foul Guy Deller 286-3457 Fri 09-Aug-02 11:00 AM 5 - 5100 Duncan B Other Ran Res Smell is overpowering the aroma of baking bread and cookies Ellen Nutting 287-2365 Fri 09-Aug-02 11:30 AM 14 - 5100 Duncan Other Ren Res smells like human waste? Can't sit outside. Windows closed. Colleen O'Neill 830-0484 Fri 09-Aug-02 11:35 AM 1 - 5100 Duncan B Other Ren Res odour is unacceptable. Geraldine Bake 287-3041 Fri 09-Aug-02 3:45 PM 17th Avenue(fama OtherStinks. (Public Works investigated sani sewer-says its Ren Res odour). Ivy Jacob 287-3320 Fri 09-Aug-02 3:50 PM Rainbow Road Other Can smell Ren Res. Marie Hansell Fri 09-Aug-02 8:35 AM Other Still stinks today. Peggy BarberNone hu 08-Aug-02 9:12 AM Other Odor from Renuable Resources is terrible. Frank Gerlick None hu 08-Aug-02 10:15 AM 5100 Duncan Bay Other Moved to area one week ago. Wouldn't if known about Ran Res stench. Sherry Higgins 850-1536 hu 08-Aug-02 9:00 AM Other Smell is still unbearable. Tracey Deller None hu 08-Aug-02 10:00 AM Other Terrible rotting fish smell. Gordon Ballanti None hu 08-Aug-02 10:00 AM Gordon Road Other Ren Res odour is extremely foul. Gord Ballantyn 830-1151 hu 08-Aug-02 8:30 AM 4863 Gordon Road Other Ren Res smell is unbearable. Attracting bears.Counted 16. Glen Westover 286-1402 hu 08-Aug-02 8:46 AM Other Terrible smell in neigbourhood. None ed 07-Aug-02 12:20 PM 4950 Gordon Road Other Ren Res smells like *&$#, Monday thru Friday. Weekends too but less. Peggy Barber287-2507 ed 07-Aug-02 12:33 PM 5 - 5100 Duncan B Other Had to leave home for a few days due to RenRes stench,3 years of this. Ellen Nutting Wed 07-Aug-02 12:15 PM Gordon Road Other Ren Res problem is a nightmare. Kids must stay inside. Tracey Deller 286-3457 Wed 07-Aug-02 10:15 AM Duncan Bay RoadOther Ren Res stench has us eating BBQ inside when we should be out. Cawleys 287-2341 Wed 07-Aug-02 10:00 AM Gordon Road Other Horrific stench emanating from Renuable Resources. Ruining vacation. Melissa Stiglitz 286-9876 ed 07-Aug-029:02 AM Gordon Road Other Renuable Resources STINKS. Can't go outside on this sunny day. Shala Seman286-1755 ed 07-Aug-029:15 AM Gordon Road Other Unbearable smell. At their wits' end. Diane Matheso None Wed 07-Aug-029:30 AM Other Smell is so bad kids can't go outside. Can't BBQ. Can't sell mobile homes. Tracey Deller None ue 06-Aug-022:34 PM Gordon Road Other Stench from Renuable Resources 24/7. Extremely foul. Losing business. Tracey Deller 286-3457 Mon 04-Mar-02 10:00 AM Rebecca Place Other Sticky,oily smell when inversionexists.Severalyears.Referred to Building Inspec Jamie Alguire923-4020 ue 29-Jan-02 9:00 AM Middle Point RoadOther Smell from Ren Res is bad bad bad. Mike Gage Mon 21-Jan-02 3:45 PM 4950 Gordon Road Other Smell from Ran Res worse than an outhouse. Holding breath. Peggy Barber287-2507 hu 17-Jan-02 11:00 AM 4136 Middle Point Other Smell from Renuable Resources fish mort pile Is nauseating for 6 days Glen Wheeler287-6247 hu 17-Jan-02 11:15 AM TimberWest Other Smell from Ren Res is gross. Fish effluent is now on highway Bruce Storey 286-7321 hu 17-Jan-02 3:00 PM 4431 Middle Point Other Smell from Ran Res is disgusting. Feels it's DCR responsibiliy Terry Anderov Mon 14-Jan-02 12:44 PM 3900 Gordon Road Other Foul smell just north of TimberWest Mill. Renuable Resources Sheryl Brinker286-3366

Page 3 Wiric;Lift; un luCr,lyneu Teet the oaors coming trom RENEWABLE RESOURCES LTD have a NEGATIVE impact on our lifestyle and working environment.


a5 J- a fe . d x-12 G 3rd s. / S t 1L_-- ni Oxbvr I2S5S Q l d 2 5 ti, C U n c`ic

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a r?` 4r_ii AG 8R/6' /,9 A a ? z P2 FROM :TED'S GRA eln FAX NO. :250-287-2365 Aug. 16 2002 04:03PM

eiy butting#5...5I ooDuncan BayRoad, Campbell River, BC. Canada V9H 1 N$ [250] 287-2365 08/16/2002

To whom it may concern: Al Leuschen: Helene Roberge: Any one else in authority at Ministry of Water, Land & Air Protection Vancouver Island Region, 2080-A Labieux Road, Nanaimo, BC V9T 6J9

Hello. It is my displeasure to have to inform you that we are able to smell a most noxious odour, the quality of which is almost indescribable. At the first hint of the smell, we immediately closed all our window and doors, even though the outdoor temperature is about 26*C. We were too late! ! Now, inside our home, it smells of an odorous mixture of old locker socks, doggie doo, cat litter, and dead fish. We are spraying room freshener, but the smell lingers. The wind direction is now a light NE.

We were, earlier in.the day, shopping and moving throughout the town of Campbell River. We could discern nothing really that obnoxious. We arrived at relatives for a visit, and. - you guessed it;- there was `the smell'. That location is south of our residence, by several kilometres. `The smell' joined us for lunch; it was still there as we left to come home. The wind direction was then a medium NW. As you can see, the wind does not necessarily stay constant, but swings from one direction to another, at will.

We are not at all interested in putting the business, Renewable Resources,responsible for `the smell', out of business.. Most of us would not be[and have not been, many, many times] concerned about a `mildly unpleasant' odour. We do, however, get a bit riled when this odour invades our homes, and is far, far beyond `mildly unpleasant'. Today in particular, [as it was last Friday, twice - once in the morning, and again in the afternoon] - I would call the odour `very, veryunpleasant'.It is enough to turn youstomach,after an hour or two_ We have, on several occasions, simply just locked up and gone for a drive for the day.

What we are really aiming .for is to be sure there are very strict guidelines in place, and that they are strongly enforced. As you will realise, with this type of odour wafting through the woods for miles and miles, we now have several bears that reside in our area[where they would not normally stay] and many, many eagles, crows and seagulls that just sit around and stuff themselves on deceased fish. There are huge chunks of the stuff every where, near the site. The smell is heavy with all the resulting excrement of these birds. There would seem to be a few environmental concerns, with just these items.

Thank you for your time and patience. I am lookingforward toa quick sol n tothisprpble

-1, 1 2 P1 :250-287-2365 Aug. 16 2002 04:03PM FROM :TED'S GRA eln FAX NO.


In order to facliltsts°thi'review of odour Incidents, this odour lnctdint report wiii' become. -part 0 1116 public record and a copy, of It, Including your contact information and: corrimints, will be provided to other : partlis Including.- 6 thir persons, agencies, governments and the source(s) of the odour.

QjWng the odour incident;' please call: Fred-.Simpson, Bylaw Enforcement Officer, Cowichan,Valley. Regional District,

te1250.746-2820... .

Your Corttecst:.ff ormstion Name 7' rJ 4 Address City & Postal Code Telephone- 0d'bur,incldi, t 8tart-Date & Time Odour inckis* End- Date & Time,

Location Where You Smelled the Street.ddness

{Meat r..CondltIona

Sunny Partly Cloudy Cloudy Foggy Raining Showing :Wini :8t' m th


Wind Dirsot!

from. N from NE from E .frog from. S from SW. from W from NW

ministry Of ,Vanootrwr pawed Region MaiMg Addrsq_ Tsisvhww.. 250751.4100_ Aug. 16 2002 04:04PM P3

Odour Intensity ($trength.of the odour)

Not Perceptible [0*Very-Weak WeakD VeryStronq.;.[3 Extremely Strong 7S want tp to: w,(tlch .t a odour s p e c ,unpleasant)

Mild>y Unpleasant Very Unpleasant

Odour Character (Describewont odoursmells

8auro....of Odour where the odour Is coming from)

"F:v r.. :wh:v 64be the effects of the odour on youandyour Ma)

A'. odour. incida..to1 easet ax or maii tha comp !ated !ormi t.. Al Leuschen, Environmental Protection Compliance Officer Ministry of Water] Land& Air Protection Vancouver Island:.Reglon...: 2080=A LAbieuxAid,..::. Nanaimo BC V9T.6J9 Tel 250 131-3100; " Fax 250 751-3103



Laurel Klus:"This is a message received this morning at 2:47 a.m. from Real Gagnon of 1935 Pengelly Road

phone 287-7561, um, the first message was basically he said "I hope you're enjoying your sleep.

It's 3 a.m. in the morning and there's a heavy smell of shit here". It was followed up at 2:56 a.m.

with the following message."

"Attached message"

Laurel Klus:"Doug, this is a message from Real Gagnon of 1935 Pengelly Road, phone number 287-7561,

received at 2:47 this morning. His comment was "I hope you're enjoying your sleep. It's 3 a.m.

in the morning and there's a heavy smell of shit here". He ended that and then he called back at

2:56 a.m. with this message."

"Attached message"

Real Gagnon: "Real Gagnon again. It's only a matter of time some day we'll make you people accountable for

your mistakes the same as in high finance."

"End of message" 5 .FROM :TED'S GRA eln FAX NO.:250-287-2365 Aug. 08 2002 04:46PM P1

Eden Notting#s-.5104.U,ncan Bay Road, Campbell River,BC. Canada V9'H 1N5 [250] 287-2365 08/08/2002 1

Al Leuschen, Ministry of Water, Land & Air Protection,Nanaimo, BC V9T6J9

Dear Mr. Leuschen: The smell from the `Renewable Resources'industrial site is at this moment [and has been all morning] overpowering the aroma of my baking bread and cookies, inside my house. j

Thank you for taking the time to read this note. Please do something about the smell coming from Renewaable Resources.

4. 6, 14,Y0 4&- August 16, 2002

Mr. andMrs.Guy Deller Blue Spruce Mobile Home Park S 100 Duncan Bay Road Campbell River, B.C. V9H INS

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Deller:

My name is Bruce Carruthers and I am a realtor with RE/MAX Check Realty in Campbell River. I have a home for sale in your trailer park. Last weekend I held an Open House and thought that you should be aware that the groups that toured the home were absolutely flabbergasted by the stench in the air. They asked if this was a regular occurrence and where it was coming from.I informed them that it was coming from Renuable Resources fish composting operation at Middle Point. Needless to say, there was no interest in purchasing in your park.

In my professional opinion, if this continues to occur, the value of these homes will depreciate and make it very difficult to find buyers.


RE/MAX Check Really

Bruce Carruthers Sales Associate

RF ICheck Realty (117 950 Island Highway Campbell River, B.C. V9W 2C3 Bus: (250) 286-1187 We the undersigned feel the odors coming from RENEWABLE RESOURCES LTD have a NEGATIVE impact on our lifestyle and working environment.


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NAME T ADDRESS PHONE # COMMENTS N T RE l/ D19 331W 6, i i< Lflb ''15bS:sL. I-'..,R. 23-1X29ToT U GoSS ' r

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_ 7y-c o y .v i at2 QI r: ~ i l_C' ca E S 3 ______vfL.c-;.anal xaC j2 2 , uy 71/ i i Thursday, August 22, 2002 5:09 AM To: Attn.- Sylvie From: Sam and Paul Wiedeman, 337 5735 Page: 1 of 5

Willow Creek Watershed Society P.O Box 392 Campbell River, B.C. V9W 5B6

August 22, 2002

Mayor and Council District of Campbell River 310 St. Ann's Rd, Campbell River, B.C. V9W 4C7

Re: Strategic Planning Phase of Willow Creek Watershed Management Plan "Willow Creek Management Strategies for Land and Water Use"

Purpose: 1)Update Mayor and Council on the progress of the WillowCreekWatershed Management Planning Process 2) Request representatives from the District of Campbell River to participate in the WCWS Watershed Management Planning process 3) Request in kind meeting room space

Dear Mayor Lornie and Council members,

In October 2001, the Willow Creek Watershed Society (WCWS) initiated a Watershed Management Planning process, to which the District of Campbell River gave support in principle. A watershed assessment has been completed, stakeholder meetings have been held, and a Willow Creek Resource Manual has been developed. A public forum in January 2002 that allowed us to obtain community input into this process, resulted in clear vision, goals, and objectives for the watershed.

One of the goals established at the public forum was, "To work with landowners, stewards, interested citizens, stakeholders and governing bodies to encourage ecologically sound development with adequate consideration for land, water and people." In order to further the planning for this goal, a project was developed entitled "Willow Creek Management Strategies for Land and Water Use." Funding is now in place to begin this project.

We will be developing management strategies for land and water use within the watershed through a process of public meetings, formation of planning and advisory committees, and input from stakeholders and government agencies. The result will be a series of recommendations that allow for development and growth within the watershed, while recognizing social, economic and environmental values. Measurable objectives, timelines for action items, a budget, and implementation guidelines will be developed.

Process: In brief, the project follows these steps: 1.Planning - Holding meetings for public, planning, and advisory groups (Sept-Dec. '02) 2.Public Review - draft strategies (January, '03) 3. Final document submission to the regulatory governments for approval (March, '03) 4.Implementation (ongoing from April '03)

Willow Creek Watershed Society, P.O Box 392 Campbell River, B.C. V9W 5B6 nursday, August 22, 2002 5:09 AM To: Attn: Sylvie From:Sam and PaulWiedeman, S S7 5735 Page: 2 of 5

Support: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection, Willow Point Business Improvement Association, Georgia Park Neighborhood Committee, Regional District of Comox-Strathcona, Greenways Land Trust, BC Hydro, and the Nature Trust of BC have indicated that they support or will commit to participating in this process. We are in discussions with TimberWest Developments, TimberWest Forest Company, the Homalco First Nation regarding their level of involvement.

The District of Campbell River has to date provided support for the watershed planning process through the involvement of the Habitat Steward, Michael Roth, in the preplanning phase. Planning and Engineering staff have also been helpful with guidance and information. We recently discussed the planning process with DCR Planning Services Manager, Paul Stanton. It is our hope that the information gathered and strategies developed through this process will be useful for the upcoming Official Community Plan review, and may eventually be incorporated into the OCP in some manner.

As such, we request your ongoing support for this process through the provision of District representatives from the Planning and Engineering Departments to attend between seven and nine planning meetings between now and April 2003, in order to provide technical advice and input. Occasional individual consultations between the Society's Planning Coordinator and District staff may also be required.If this is granted, we respectfully request written confirmation of this support, in order to complete our reporting requirements to our funders.

We are also requesting the use of meeting room space at the Municipal Hall for three to five meetings between September 2002 and March 2003.

Thank-you for this opportunity to further our goals.

I am available at your request to discuss this matter further. Please contact me at your convenience.


Sam Wiedeman Planning Coordinator for the Willow Creek Watershed Society

Phone: (250)337-5777 Fax: (250)337-5735 Email: [email protected]

Willow Creek Watershed Society, P.O Box 392 2 Campbell River, B.C. V9W 5B6 Thursday, August 22, 2002 5:09 AM To. Attn: Sylvie From: Sam and Paul Wiedeman, 337 5735 Page: 3 of 5

Willow Creek Management Strategies for Land and Water Use Backgrounder

1. Project Summary

Problem The Willow Creek watershed is a 23.9 km2 watershed that lies primarily within Statement the District of Campbell River. The creek is an "indicator stream" with high fisheries values but the natural stocks are dwindling. Since the 1930's, 30% of The the wetlands have disappeared (Noble, '96). There are now extreme upcoming fluctuations in water flows and reduction in water quality (Roth, '98). This has further resulted in a steady decline in fish habitat (Bell-Irving,'97). The health of OCP review the watershed is failing. is the key reason why Over time, human activities have seriously impacted this watershed. Further this planning urban, industrial, and commercial development is imminent. Comprehensive must be doneDevelopment plans for a further 1100 homes are in process (Jubilee Heights). on Willow ALR removal has been approved beside the airport. Creekat this As this watershed is developed, the Willow Creek Watershed Society (the time. Society) feels there is a need to ensure that quality of life is sustained for wildlife and for the people who have chosen to live here. They recognize that projects within the watershed can only be effective through a whole watershed approach that will allow for consideration of socio-economic elements, biophysical factors, and public values. They wish to coordinate efforts and gain public support and cooperation to produce a watershed-based vision for land use and development. Justification This project is a research and review process with public and stakeholder's input. It allows the government to proceed with their mandates and the landowners to be informed. It ensures that participation and communication about the future of this watershed is maximized. Project This project is part of a Watershed Management Plan. The purpose of this Land Outline Use Plan is to provide sound data and recommendations to the OCP review process by addressing watershed-based issues about resource use and development for the watershed. It will be a document with measurable objectives, prioritized action items and implementation guidelines.

GIS mapping and meeting facilitation are key components to this plan. Community-based planning will require input and advice from landowners and all levels of government. This is meant to be an open andparticipatoryprocess.

Willow Creek Watershed Society, P.O Box 392 Campbell River, B.C. V9W 5B6

058 Thursday, August 22, 2002 5:09 AM To: Attn: Sylvie From. Sam and Paul Wiedeman, 337 5735 Page: 4 of 5

111. Project Description

Project Title: Willow Creek Management Strategies for Land and Water Use Start Date: July 1, 2002 End Date: March 31, 2003

Project A watershed assessment, stakeholder meetings and a Public Forum have been Preplanning completed. The forum resulted in a vision, goals, objectives and strategies. This and resulted in dividing the plan into three main focus areas - Communication/ Preparation Education, Wildlife and Habitat, and Land Use. The latter is the focus of this application. To enable the planning process, all resources (land, human, water and fisheries) have been compiled into one document, the Willow Creek Watershed Resource Manual, with an informativemapseries. Vision A healthy watershed that maintains its diversity and biophysical integrity with the support of the community, landowners and all levels of government. Project Goals To work with landowners, stewards, interested citizens, stakeholders and governing bodies to encourage ecologically sound development with adequate consideration for land, water and people. To provide strategies for Land and Water Use for the Willow Creek Watershed by following the Watershed-based Fish Sustainability Plan model. (supported by DFO and the Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection) To develop a plan that provides input and advocacy within OCP's and other regulating documentation for 'responsible' development Project To have ongoing monitoring of resources Objectives To respond to changes in management practices and new technology To provide natural areas for wildlife and people To foster stewardship by generating awareness and interest amongst the stakeholders and landowners. Project Landowners, community residents, developers, business people, Beneficiaries other stewardship groups throughout B.C. and all levels of government Benefits Simplifies and speeds up development approvals by reducing potential conflicts and clarifying issues Improves marketability and resale values by setting up a community that is viable and healthy Develops planning, coordination and cooperation skills for all involved Improves linkages between resource/land users to better ensure the best return per dollar invested Relationship-building between government and landowners Improvement of community spirit (a nice place to live today and tomorrow) Creation of greater public support and awareness

Willow Creek Watershed Society, P.O Box 392 2 Campbell River, B.C. V9W 586

059 Thursday, August 22, 2002 5:09 AM To: Attn: Sylvie From: Sam and Paul Wiedeman, 337 5735 Page: 5 of 5

11. Project Description continued

Human Barry Peters - DFO's Community Advisor, Mike Roth - DCR's Habitat Steward, Resources Kathy Campbell - RPBio, Greenways Land Trust's Stewardship Coordinator, Christine Kuta - GIS/GPS Technician, Lucy Reiss - Greenways Land Trust's Executive Director (accounting and business direction), John Andres - MoF Planner, Angela Smailes - Planning Coordinator for the Millard/Piercy Stewards, George Penfold- Qu'West Consulting Services, facilitator, Sam Wiedeman - BSc. Supporting Watershed-based Fish Sustainability Land Use & Development Documen- manual tation Willow Creek Watershed Resource Manual Willow Creek Watershed Management Plan (Phase 2) -Preplanning and Stakeholders Meetings Willow Creek Watershed Management Plan (Phase 3, Step 1) - Public Forum Project The planning process is divided into 4 planning meetings, 2 advisory/planning Activities/ meetings, a public forum and a final presentation to DCR. Planners will divide deliverables into task groups specific to each objective and will research and consult with technical experts. They will formulate recommendations and seek input from the community. A Land Use plan with development guidelines and maps will be submitted for inclusion into the OCP or pertinent bylaws. The final plan will be made available to the public.

Ill. Society's Background Information Society Info Willow Creek Watershed Society P.0 Box 392 Campbell River, B.C. V9W 5B6 Contacts: Chuck DeSorcy (director) OR Sam Wiedeman (Coordinator) (250) 923-3612 (250) 337-5777 desorc Society's The Willow creek Watershed Society is committed to the stewardship of Mission all natural resources within the WillowCreekwatershed. History of The Willow Creek Watershed Society (WCWS) is a non-profit volunteer Organization organization working to improve their community since 1995. Activities are: stewards of the Nature Trust of B.C.'s Willow Creek Nature Trust, enhancement projects, educational programs and public displays. In 2001, they received and award by the District of Campbell River's Stewardship Program in recognition of their environmental contribution to the community. The Society's hope for the watershed is: "wise management through commitment to ecological integrity, biological diversity, dynamic economy, and socialequityfor present and future generations."

Willow Creek Watershed Society, P.O Box 392 3 Campbell River, B.C. V9W 5B6 DISTRICT OF CAMPBELL RIVER COUNCIL MINUTES

COUNCIL MEETING, TUESDAY, AUGUST13, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Hall Council Chambers located at301 St.Ann's Road in Campbell River, BC PRESENT: Chair - Mayor J. Lornie, Councillors D. Andrews, C. Cornfield, Wm. Harrison, L. Nash, D.D. Raines - Administrator, C. D. Lang - Corporate Services Director, A. Linder - Community Services Director, D. Burns - Municipal Services Director, P. Skognes, - Engineering Services Manager, P. Stanton - Planning Services Manager, S. Roy - Planner, W. Rychliwsky - Planner, W.T. Halstead - Municipal Clerk 1. IN-CAMERA BUSINESS:

02-0627 Cornfield/Andrews: "That Council move In-Camera under the CARRIED authority of Section 242.2 (1) (c), (e), (h), (j) of the Local Government Act. "

Council recessed at 7:00 p.m. and resumed at 7:30 p.m. following the In-Camera business.

02-0628 Cornfield/Harrison: "That Mr B. Armstrong of T.A.T. Property be CARRIED added as a delegation. " 2. DELEGATIONS: (a) Julian Rosental, Project Manager, Transportation - Delcan Corporation & R. Fisher - ICBC Manager presented an overview of the Dogwood Street Study. [See Item 8.(b)(ii)]

(b) Jerri New, President of Office & Professional Employees' International Union, Local 378 regarding Don't Wreck Public Auto Insurance' initiative. [Package available from Mayor's Office]

Withdrawn as delegation was not in attendance.

3.MINUTES: (a) July 23, 2002 Council Minutes.

02-0629 Harrison/Cornfield: "That the July 23, 2002 Council Minutes be CARRIED adopted.

4. OTHER MINUTES: (a) July 8, 2002 Development Liaison Group Minutes.

02-0630 Harrison/Cornfield: "That the July 8, 2002 Development Liaison CARRIED Group Minutes be received.

5. CORRESPONDENCE: Items of correspondence presented to Council.

02-0631 (a) Cornfield/Harrison: "That the July 18, 2002 correspondence from CARRIED Stcnrlev Goodrich, Campbell River Environmental Council, to the

.i r, .8 Regular Council Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, August 13, 2002 Page 2 Honourable Robert G. Thibault, Minister Fisheries and Oceans Canada requesting funding for the Pacific region of Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Salmonid Enhancement Program, be received. "

2-0632 b) Harrison/Nash: "That the July 22, 2002 correspondence from John ARRIED D.H. Kingsbury, Mayor of the City of Coquitlam to the Honourable Rich Coleman, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General regarding Proposed Liquor Licensing Amendments be received. "

2-0633 c) Harrison/Cornfield: "That the July 22, 2002 correspondence from ARRIED the Honourable George Abbott, Minister of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services regarding appointments at the upcoming UBCM Convention be received. "

2-0634 d) Andrews/hash: "That the July 25, 2002 correspondence from S.P. ARRIED Lackey, TimberWest Forest Company, regarding the new community contact, be received. "

02-0635 (e) Cornfield/Harrison: "That a letter be sent to TimberWest thanking CARRIED S. Lackey for his service to the community, and welcoming Steve Lorimer as the new contact. "

02-0636 (f) Harrison/Nash: "That the July 26, 2002 correspondence from the CARRIED BC Fisheries Survival Coalition regarding Senior Government Misinformation on Aboriginal Claims be received. "

02-0637 (g) Andrews/Cornfield: "That the July 29, 2002 correspondence from CARRIED Ton Cliteur regarding tax notices be received."



(a) Administrator:

(b) Municipal Services Division: (i) Engineering Services Supervisor and Public Works Assistant Manager's July 24, 2002 Report regarding Perkins Road LIP.

02-0638 Harrison/Andrews: "That Council not advertise Perkins Road CARRIED (Highway 19 to Vigar Road) for reconstruction as a Local Improvement Project.

(ii) Engineering Services Manager's August 6, 2002 Report regarding Dogwood Street Corridor Safety and Traffic Review - Phase I.

02-0639 Cornfield/Nosh: "That the presentation from Julian Ro

02-0640 Cornfield/Nash: "That Council motion 02-603 "That staff be CARRIED directed to implement the localized improvements as listed in Section 5 of the Dogwood Street Corridor Safety and Traffic Review as budget approvals allow" be rescinded. "

(iii) Engineering Services Manager's August 8, 2002 Report regarding Vancouver Island Highway Memorandum of Understanding.

02-0641 Nash/Harrison: "That the District of Campbell River enter into a CARRIED Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Transportation, the Regional District of Comox-Strathcona and the City of Courtenay that recognizes affinities and encourages cooperation with regard to access and land use management along the Vancouver Island Highway corridor. "

(c) Corporate Services Division: (i) Finance Manager's July 30, 2002 Report regarding un-collectible taxes.

02-0642 Andrews/Harrison: "That Ministerial approval to write off un- CARRIED collectible taxes on roll # 85880.095 in the amount of $159.78 be sought. "

(ii) Deputy Clerk's August 02, 2002 Report regarding Special Event Request - Partial Street Closure of Shoppers' Row Arts & Edibles Farmers' Market.

02-0643 Cornfield/Harrison: "That Council receive the Deputy Clerk's CARRIED August 02, 2002 report regarding Special Event Request for Arts & Edibles Farrners'Market and the following response letters: - August 09, 2002 correspondence from Fong Yee, Campbell Restaurant regarding the closure of Shoppers Row for special event; - Correspondence from A. Armstrong - APIInc regarding the closure of Shoppers Row for special event; and - Correspondence,fi-077i B. Armstrong - TAT Properties Ltd., regarding the closure of Shoppers Row for special event. "

02-0644 Cornfield/Nash: "That Council approve the partial closure of CARRIED Shoppers' Row between 11th and 13th Avenues on Sunday September 1, 2002 from 7:00 a. in. to 3:00 p.m for the operation of the Arts & Edibles Farrners'Market, subject to Arts & Edibles reproving all structures and road barricades promptly at 3:00 p.m., following the event and further, subject to the District's policy on

Jt 9 Regular Council Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, August 13, 2002 Page 4 Special Events. "

02-0645 Cornfield/Andrews: "That a policy be drafted to charge for use of CARRIED commercial special events on District property. "

(iii) Finance Manager's August 2, 2002 Report regarding Tax Collections.

02-0646 Andrews/Nash: "That the annual statement of Tax Collections to CARRIED July 31st be received. "

(iv) Finance Manager's August 6, 2002 Report regarding Permissive Exemption from Taxation.

02-0647 Cornfield/Nash: "That Council proceed with the adoption of CARRIED Permissive Exemption from Taxation Bylaws for 2003. "

(v) Clerk's August 8, 2002 Report regarding 2002 Local General Election.

02-0648 Harrison/Cornfield: "That Kaylene Simmons be appointed Deputy CARRIED Chief Election Officer for the 2002 District of Campbell River General Local Election. "

(d) Community Services Division: (i) Building Inspectors Report to July 2002.

02-0649 Nash/Cornfield: "That the Building Inspectors Report to July 2002 CARRIED be received.

(ii) Planner Rychliwsky's August 10, 2002 Report regarding 303 Jacqueline Road Development Variance Permit.

02-0650 Nash/Harrison: "That the Development Variance Permit DEFEATED application submitted by Robert Erickson, President of Pangea Holdings Ltd, for Lot 2, District Lot 75, Sa_yward District, Plan 44531 (303 Jacqueline Road) to vary Section 9.1 of Subdivision Bylaw 1340, and amendments thereto, to not require the subject property to be.fully serviced along the full frontage, be rejected and not proceed to public hearing. Councillors Cornfield, Harrison, Andrews Opposed

02-0651 Cornfield/Harrison: "That the Development Variance Permit CARRIED application submitted by Robert Erickson, President of Pangea Holdings Ltd,,for Lot 2, District Lot 75, Sayward District, Plan 44531 (303 Jacqueline Road) to vary Section 9.1 of Subdivision Bylaw 1340, and amendments thereto, to not require the subject property to be fully serviced along the full frontage, proceed to public hearing. "

ii .g A Regular Council Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, August 13, 2002 Page 5

ii) Planner Rychliwsky's July 4, 2002 Report regarding Development Permit (2595Island Highway).

02-0652 AndrewslNash: "That the Development Permit application CARRIED submitted by Adam James Robinson (E&B Helicopters), to permit the construction of Helicopter Hanger at 2595 Island Highway (Lot A, District Lot 67, Sayward District, Plan 7529, Except Part in Plan V1P67083; Parcel Identifier: 005-655-994) be approved. "

(iv) Planner Rychliwsky's July 30, 2002 Report regarding Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning of 2200 Willis Road.(Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 2970, 2002 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2971, 2002)

02-0653 Harrison/Cornfield-:: "That the application submitted by Isedor CARRIED Schrnidt to amend the Official Community Plan.for 2200 Willis Road (That part of District Lot 76, Sayward District formerly included in District Lot 49 of said district and shown coloured red on Plan deposited in DD873901 except parts in Plan 31362,44067, and Plan VIP61503; PID 004-632-419) from `Urban Reserve' to `Service Commercial', be rejected and not proceed to public hearing; and

That the application submitted by Isedor Schmidt to rezone 2200 Willis Road (That part of District Lot 76, Sayward District formerly included in District Lot 49 of said district and shown coloured red on Plan deposited in DD873901 except parts in Plan 31362,44067, and Plan VIP61503; PID 004-632-419) from Residential Infill One (Ri-1) to Commercial Three (C-3), be rejected and not proceed to public hearing. "

v) Planner Roy's August 2, 2002 Report regarding Procedures Report for Public Neighbourhood Meetings.

02-0654 Cornfield/Nash: "I. That, for- Public Neighbourhood Meetings CARRIED for Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw amendments, Council adopt a combination of Option 1,4 and 6 as follows: - that the applicanthold a Public Neighbourhood Meeting prior to Council's consideration of 1st and 2nd reading (Option 1); and - that policies be included to the Official Community Plan to authorize Council to waive requirements for the formal Public Hearing where the zoning amendment complies with Official Community Plan policies and no significant objections or issues were either raised or received at the Public Neighbourhood meeting (Option 4),- and that policies be included in the proposed "procedures" bylaw to improve signage requirements, require newspaper advertising as well as posting notice for Neighbourhood Public Meetings, Public Hearings, where applicable, on the District'swebsite (Option 6)." Regular Council Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, August 13, 2002 Page 6

Mayor Lornie Opposed

02-0655 Cornfield/Andrews: "2. That, for Development Variance DEFEATED Permits, Public Neighbourhood Meetings not be required. " Mayor Lornie, Councillors Nash, Cornfield Opposed 9. BYLAWS: (a) Engineering Services Manager and Finance Manager's August 7, 2002 Reports regarding Local Improvement Initiatives: 1.4th Avenue: Dogwood Street to Lane East of Highway 19A. 2.Evergreen Road: Dogwood Street to Birch Street Birch Street: Evergreen Road to Bathurst Road, and Pinecrest Road to Merecroft Road. 3.McPhedran Road: Evergreen Road to Berne Road Lonsdale Crescent: McPhedran Road to McPhedran Road Berne Road: McPhedran Road to Catkin Road 4.5th Avenue: Dogwood Street to Highway 19A 5.Marina Blvd: South Alder Street to Robron Road Leeward Square: Marina Blvd. To Marina Blvd. 6.Petersen Road: 14th Avenue to Cheviot Road 7.Parkway Road: Galerno Road to S. Alder Street

02-0656 Harrison/Cornfield: "That the Engineering Services Manager and CARRIED Finance Manager's August 7, 2002 Reports regarding Local Improvement Initiatives be received. "

02-0657 Harrison/Nosh: "That Local Improvement Construction Bylaw No. CARRIED 2963, 2002 (4th Avenue: Highway 19A to Dogwood Street) receive first, second and third readings."

02-0658 Nash/Cornfield: "That Local Improvement Construction Bylaw No. CARRIED 2964, 2002 (Evergreen Road: Dogwood Street to Birch Street; Birch Street: Evergreen Road to Bathurst Road, and Pinecrest Road to Mereeroft Road) receive first, second and third readings.

02-0659 Andrews/Cornfield: "That Local Improvement Construction Bylaw CARRIED No. 2965, 2002 (McPhedran Road: Evergreen Road to Berne Road; Lonsdale Crescent: McPhedran Road to McPhedran Road; and Berne Road: McPhedran Road to Catkin Road) receive first, second and third readings. "

(12-0660 Nash/Cornfield: "That Local Improvement Construction Bylaw No. CARRIED 2966, 2002 (5th Avenue: Dogwood Street to Highway 19A) receive ,first, second and third readings. "

02-0661 Andrews/Cornfield: "That Local Improvement Construction Bylaw CARRIED No. 2967, 2002 (Marina Blvd: South Alder- Street to Robron Road and Leeward Square: Marina Blvd. to Marina Blvd.) receive first, second and third readings. " 066 Regular Council Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, August 13, 2002 Page 7

02-0662 Harrison/Nash: "That Local Improvement Construction Bylaw No. CARRIED 2968, 2002 (Petersen Road: 14th Avenue to Cheviot Road) receive first, second and third readings. "

02-0663 Cornfield/Harrison: "That Local Improvement Construction Bylaw CARRIED No. 2969, 2002 (Parkway Road: Galerno Road to South Alder Street) receive first, second and third readings. "

(b) The Bylaw Enforcement Officer's July 4, 2002 Report regarding Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Bylaw No. 2954 was withdrawn.

(c) The Municipal Ticket Information (MTI) Utilization Amendment Bylaw No. 2959, 2002 was withdrawn.

Councillor Andrews declared a conflict of interest as an owner of adjacent property, and left at 7:21 p.m.

(d) Expropriation Bylaw No. 2962, 2002 (445 Old Petersen Road).

02-0664 Nash/Cornfield: "That Expropriation Bylaw No. 2962, 2002 (445 CARRIED Old Petersen Road) receive first, second and third readings."

Councillor Andrews returned at 7:22 p.m.

(e) Planning Services Manager's August 7, 2002 Report regarding Application for Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendment, Discharge of Land Use Contract - 414 and 428 South Island Highway.

02-0665 Cornfield/Andrews: "That the application. for Official Community CARRIED Plan amendment for 414 South Island Hwy (Lot 1, Block D, Section 32, Township 1, Comox District, Plan 4797) to re- designate the subject lands from "Medium to High Density Residential" to "Commercial /Residential" be favourably received, that the corresponding Official Community amendment Bylaw No. 2960, 2002, be read a first and second time, and that a public hearing be scheduled following the holding of the public neighbourhood meeting. "

02-0666 Corn fieldlHarrison: "That the application for zoning bylaw text CARRIED amendment and zone change amendment, for 414 and 428 South Island Hwy (Lots 1 and 2, Block D, Section 32, Township 1, Comox District, Plan 4797) to create a new "Comprehensive development four :one (CD - 4), to re-zone the subject lands from "Commercial five zone (C - 5) " and "Residential multiple three Zone (RM - 3) " to "Comprehensive development four zone (CD - 4)" be favourably received, that the corresponding Zoning amendment Bylaw No. 2961, 2002, be read a first and second time, and that a public hearing be scheduled following the holding of the public 067 Regular Council Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, August 13, 2002 Page 8 neighbourhood meeting.

That District of Campbell River Bylaw No. 2981, 2002, being a bylaw to discharge land use contracts E788 and EG40474, be read a first a first and second time, and that a public hearing be scheduled following the holding of the public neighbourhood meeting. "

02-0667 CornfieldlNash: "That District of Campbell River Bylaw No. 2981, CARRIED 2002, being a bylaw to discharge land use contracts E788 and EG40474, be read a first a first and second time, and that a public hearing be scheduled following the holding of the public neighbourhood meeting. "

10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: In response to the request regarding opportunities to meet with Provincial Ministers at the UBCM Conference, Council determined that the following meetings are necessary:

Minister of Transportation and Highways - re: Hwy 19 through Willow Point, Brewster Lake Road Bridge and Signage on Jubilee Parkway at entrance to Campbell River.

Minister of Competition, Science and Enterprise - re: funding for Tourism NCI and, Community Economic Development funding (including participation from Rivercorp).

11. NEW BUSINESS: 12. INFORMATION: Information items presented to Council:

02-0668 (a) HarrisonlAndrews: "That the Vancouver Island Regional Library CARRIED 2001 Annual Report be received. "

13. ADJOURNMENT: 02-0669 HarrisonlCornfield: "That the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Regular Council Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, August 13, 2002 Page 9

Mayor J. Lornie CHAIR

W.T. Halstead Municipal Clerk

9 Minister of Transport Ministre des Transports

Ottawa, Canada K1A ON5

His Worship James M. Lornie Mayor District of Campbell River 301 St. Ann's Road CampbellRiver, V9W 4C7


Thank you for your letter of June 5, 2002, regarding the future of the Esquimalt and Nanaimo (E&N) Railway.

At the outset, I should clarify that the current uncertainty surrounding the future of the passenger rail service on Vancouver Island arises from the November 2001 decision by the E&N Railway, a shortline operator owned by RailAmerica, to cease rail freight operations in early 2002. This followed the decision by its largest customer, the Norske Canada paper mill at Port Alberni, to shift its traffic from rail to truck.

On December 11, 2001, VIA Rail was notified by RailAmerica and Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) that the Train Service Agreement would be terminated effective March 15, 2002. VIA, RailAmerica and CPR participated actively in two round-table meetings held in February and March, which were organized by the Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities Association, to explore options for the future of rail service on the Island. A official was also present at the meetings as an observer.

As you may be aware, theVancouverIsland Rail Development Initiative has confirmed that arrangements are in place to continue the rail service until the end of September2002. VIA has contributed towards the continued operation of the service and will also continue working with other stakeholders to develop a business plan for the long-term operation of the service.

As you know, VIA is provided with an annual operating subsidy of $170 million by the federal government to maintain the entire national rail network, which includes the western transcontinental service, the Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto triangle service, and the E&N Railway. The subsidy is fully allocated to support all of VIA's services across the country. The loss of freight shipments on the E&N Railway will dramatically increase the cost of providing the passenger service, and VIA's current budget could not absorb that cost. However, VIA is prepared to continue to operate the passenger service at present funding levels as long as the line is operational.

r1_0 I 03-011 OR (97-08) Canada 2

Transport Canada continues to monitor developments and remains prepared to consider the outcome of the efforts to develop a business plan for the future of the rail service on Vancouver Island.

I hope that the foregoing helps to address your concerns. Again, thank you for writing.

Yours sincerely,

Hon. David M. Collenette, P.C., M.P.

C.C. The Honourable Herb Dhaliwal, P.C., M.P. Senator the Honourable Pat Carney, P.C. Mr. Rod Visser, M.L.A. File: 8310-01 NICT

June 5th, 2002

Honourable David Collenette Minister of Transportation House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario K1 A 0A6

Dear Minister David Collenette:

Re: Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway On Friday, May 10th, 2002, a last minute reprieve was given to the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway. The railway will continue to operate until June 15th, 2002 while business proposals continue to be discussed.

The Districtof Campbell River supports the efforts undertaken by local municipal governments and residents to ensure the survival of a revitalized E&N Railway. We therefore encourage the Federal Government to continue financial support of this service until a viable business plan can be developed.

The Federal Government subsidizes other Canadian rail services through Via Rail, including the Transcontinental and the Ottawa-Montreal-Toronto triangle, to the benefit of the country as a whole. British Columbia deserves equal treatment.

Thank you for your consideration of this matter.

Yours truly,

James M. Lornie MAYOR

Copies to:Honourable Herb Dhaliwal, Minister of National Resources and Political Responsibility for British Columbia Honourable Pat Carney, PC, Senator for British Columbia Mr. Rod Visser - MLA

, M/J,wn I enerVACo/Ie,,eun re E & N.dor U -

OMBUDSMAN Please respond to: 931 Fort Street Suite 200, 1111 Melville Street Legislative Assembly PO BOX 9039 STN PROV GOVT Vancouver, British Columbia Province of British Columbia Victoria BC V8W 9A5 V6E 3V6 FAX: (250) 387-0198 FAX: (604) 660-1691 General Inquiries: (250) 387-5855 Toll Free: 1-800-567-3247 TTY Toll Free: 1-800-667-1303

August 6, 2002 File: 02-35885

Mr. James M. Lornie Mayor District of Campbell River 301 St. Ann's Rd. CAMPBELL RIVER BC V9W 4C7

Dear Mr. Lornie: Enclosed is a copy of correspondence sent to Mr. Douglas D. Raines, Administrator, that summarizes the outcome of our investigation into a complaint concerning the District of Campbell River. I have initiated this new process for reporting on the completion of individual complaint investigations to improve the timely transfer of information to authorities. The detailed information contained in the closing summary is now being provided on a routine basis as investigations are completed. Quarterly reports you receive from my office will now consist of only statistical data pertaining to your office. I hope you will find this new method of reporting to be more useful than the past practice of bundling closing summaries with the quarterly statistical data. If you have any questions or comments regarding this investigation or the reporting process, I would be pleased to hear from you. Yours truly,

Howard Kushner Ombudsmanfor theProvince of BritishColumbia Enclosure OMBUDSMAN Please respond to: 931 Fort Street Suite 200, 1111 Melville Street Legislative Assembly PO BOX 9039 STN PROV GOVT Vancouver, British Columbia Province of British Columbia Victoria BC V8W 9A5 V6E 3V6 FAX: (250) 387-0198 .`tiFAX: (604) 660-1691 General Inquiries: (250) 387-5855 Toll Free: 1-800-567-3247 TTY Toll Free: 1-800-667-1303

August 1, 2002 File: 02-35885/MS

Mr. Douglas D. Raines Administrator District of Campbell River 301 St. Ann's Road CAMPBELL RIVER BC V9W 4C7

Dear Mr.Raines:

On May 22, 2002 I wrote to you regarding a complaint from Mr. Ken Seeley concerning the District of Campbell River. I am now writing pursuant to the Ombudsman Act (5.22(1)) to advise that I have completed my investigation. Section 22(1) of the Ombudsman Actstates:

22 (1) If the Ombudsman decides (a)not to investigate or further investigate a complaint under section 13, or (b)at the conclusion of an investigation, that the complaint has not been substantiated, the Ombudsman must (c)record the decision in writing, and (d)as soon as is reasonable, notify both the complainant and the authority of the decision and the reasons for it

For your information I have enclosed a copy of the closing summary. Thank you for your cooperation in the course of this investigation.

Marisol Sepulveda


074 01-Aug-02 BC Office of the Ombudsman Page 1 of 1 11:46 am MMS omb75 Closing Summary


File Number: 02-35885 ClosingDate: 01-Aug-2002 Closing Status: Closed; Investigation; Completed; Findings - Not substantiated (s. 22)

A man complained that the District's decision to close a road was unfair, as it would deprive him of access to his property, which abutted the road. In addition, the complainant questioned the District's authority to close the road, which he believed to be Crown land. Further, the complainant argued that by issuing him building permits for two accessory buildings, the District had confirmed his right to use the road for access to his property.

The complainant has legal access to a public road from the front of his property. The road the District closed was an old logging road that the complainant had been using to access the back of his property with his logging trucks. The District had issued a culvert permit to the previous owner in 1993 for vehicular access from the subject road to the back of the property. However, as the road was part of Crown land until 1995, the District had no authority to issue the permit in 1993, and therefore, the permit was void.

With respect to the building permits for the accessory buildings, we found that there was no mention of road access in the permits. The zoning of the property allowed construction of accessory buildings, and road access was not a requirement for accessory buildings under the Zoning Bylaw.

While the District's position was that it had no obligation to provide the complainant with vehicular access to the subject road, the District proposed an agreement that would give the complainant the right to continue using the closed part of road to access his property with his vehicles. In spite of several efforts made by District officials to attempt to discuss the agreement with the complainant, he refused to sign it.

We were unable to conclude that the District has acted unfairly or without authority in deciding to close the road. Given the District's willingness to enter into an access agreement with the complainant, we found no grounds for further investigation. Gold Wing Road Riders Association Campbell River / Courtenay Chapter BC-B

Mike &Colleen Bouchard Chapter Directors 1620 - 15th Ave Campbell River, B.C., V9W 4J5 (250) 286-6261

August 12, 2002

District of Campbell River 301 St Ann's Road CampbellRiver, B.C., V9W 4C7

RE: 10th Annual Teddy Bear Rally

Once again we are seeking permission from the district to host our 10th annual Teddy Bear Rally on Sunday, September 15th, 2002. Our intent is to leave the Zellers parking lot at 1:00 p.m. and traveling the same route as last year, to conclude at the Campbell River & District Hospital. We have attached directions outlining the route. We have spoken to Shannon Marshall of the Campbell River Hospital Foundation and she will be arranging the insurance coverage that is required for this event. Proof of this insurance will be forwarded to you as soon as it is available.

Please feel free to contact us if you require additional information. Thank you in advance for consideration of our request.

Yours Respectfully

Mike & Colleen Bouchard Chapter Directors

076 GWRRA 10th Annual Teddy Bear Rally Parade Route Sunday, September 15th, 2002 Departure time 1:00p.m.

Leave Zellers, cross Hwy 19a headingsouth on Elm street R onto 16th ave Lonto Petersen rd Lonto 14th ave into Homewood Lonto Ironwood Ronto 16th Ave Ronto Elm st Lonto 11th ave Ronto St Anns and into Alder on Alder st ontoHudson ontoArthur ontoCooper ontoDenman ontoFairfield ontoFairmile ontoErickson ontoHarrogateandcontinueNorth ontoHilchey ontoSouth Dogwood onto2nd ave ontoBirch intoHospital parkinglot

Estimated time about 30 minutes. DISTRICT OF CAMPBELL RIVER SPECIAL EVENT APPLICATION FOR USE OF MUNICIPAL PROPERTY 301 St. Ann's Road, Campbell River, BC V9W 4C7 Tel: 250-286-5700 Fax: 250-286-5760 Attention: Legislative Services Department

'sDC. Group Name/Organization Contact Name

&-x e -1a Ao1 ue . Vq(ey'.T,S'` Contact Address Fax Number Contact Telephone day Contact Telephone *during event

I/WE HEREBY MAKE APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT FOR (specify event): ,O ifiaa( l eclclv490ar PCZAV

AT (location): ON (date/s): SLt NG&.v Q Qf, "02 Anticipated Number of Participants: PLEASE PROVIDE A SITE/ROUTE MAP FOR ALL EVENTS INCLUDED: NO

I/We hereby acknowledge that if approval is granted and a permit issued, that all terms, conditions and regulations of the permit identified on the reverse of this application must be fully complied with.

uu IZIaooZ Date of Application (Applicant see reverse for insurance requirements)

OFFICE USE ONLY YES NO copy attached Insurance Certificate Application to Council Date: Approval Received Date- Applicant Notified of Approval 0


RCMP (286-3983) PUBLIC WORKS (286-4046) FIRE DEPART. (286-6741) TRANSIT (287-7488) AMBULANCE (286-0090) ENGINEERING (286-5762)


Comments: 1:-

Your department's/agency's comments are requested in regard to this application. If no response is received by theLegislative Services Department, we will assume you have no objections.

Ir _1 nnrnl A, r,)T11T Anni it A "1X7 A.., A B C D

NOTE: Map Continued Lower Right


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QUADRA ISLAND FERRY 00 DATE: August 14, 2002

TO: Union of BC Municipalities Member Municipalities and Regional Districts

FROM: District of Wells Mayor and Council


Dear Friends

School District 28 (Quesnel) recently voted to close the only elementary school in our community. Not only does this threaten the safety of our children, who are being asked to bus 160 km daily and spend up to 2 1/2 hours a day on a bus, but it threatens our community economically.

This closure is being made possible because the Provincial Government is not enforcing its own policy. The written policy around the Small Community Supplement is clear that it is to be used to keep rural schools open. The Ministry of Education is ignoring this and turning a blind eye to School Districts who close rural schools and divert up to $300,000 per school into `general revenue'. The Ministry says this gives Boards "greater flexibility". However, these funds were meant to help defray the costs of operating rural schools who do not benefit from the economies of scale found in urban centres.

This disregard of policy is proving very detrimental to many communities in northern and Central BC. Previously, many Boards were operating their rural schools at a profit - the Small Community Grant added to the student per capita grant was more than the cost of operating the school.It is only the ability to shift the entire $100,000 per school per year into general revenue that has made it profitable to close rural schools.

The District of Wells believes that communities around the North need to send a clear message to Education Minister Clark and the Premier that it is not okay to destroy the fabric of our communities.

Please adopt the attached motion and send a copy to Hon. Christie Clark and to Premier Gordon Campbell and support the resolution at UBCM. Thank you.


(original signed by Dave Hendrixson, Mayor, District of Wells)

Dave Hendrixson, Mayor District of Wells

EMERGENCY RESOLUTION for adoption at the 2002 UBCMConvention and Annual General Meeting

WHEREAS equal opportunity to education is the right of all British Columbians, and rural schools are critical to this right as well as to both the social and the economic fabric of rural communities, and

WHEREAS the Ministry of Education's Small Community Supplement was established with the intent to assist School Districts in maintaining their rural schools and the Ministry of Education has failed to ensure that these funds be spent in support of rural education.

NOW THEREFORE, We, call upon the Ministry of Education to ensure that the Small Community Supplement is used to keep rural schools open. z& roo -COOOQ , ,( xozz,,ca""'a "'Ce

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Awe 'i^a - ow ;. Ylv Z/'i July 28, 2002

To: Council Member Cornfield

From: Marc & Snow Klein, New Video Scene

Hi again!

When we spoke at the end of last year you mentioned you would revisit the new fireworks bylaw that permits New Year's Eve fireworks sales. Unfortunately, it also made changes in the amount of days fireworks sales are permitted for Halloween which has traditionally been Oct. 24 - Nov. 1 - now limited to only 3 or so days. Obviously when we wanted to have fireworks sales for New Year's Eve it was not our intention for them to give us one thing but punish the community by taking away from what was already in existence for years. However, because it was the last council session of the year and a special meeting had to be called, it was best to pass the bylaw as written. When asked who wrote the new bylaw it was stated by the fire chief that he and a clerk wrote it themselves. However, if the bylaw had not passed our Halloween sales dates would have remained unchanged. We really feel New Year's Eve and Halloween fireworks sales are two separate issues and the dates for Halloween sales should have remained as they were.

As you know, New Year's Eve fireworks went off with no problems and we are hoping you can now help rectify this injustice as now Campbell River is the only city in British Columbia to have lost 4 days of fireworks sales for Halloween.

Thanks for your help again!


August 16, 2002

His Worship Mayor James Lornie District of Campbell River 301 St. Ann's Road Campbell River, British Columbia V9W 4C7

Dear Mayor Lornie:

Thank you for your letter to the Honourable Michael de Jong, Minister of Forests regarding the formation of the Tahsis Economic Development Society, that is promoting the concept of a Community Forest Agreement (CFA). I have been asked to respond and apologize for the delay.

The Ministry of Forests recognizes the current plight of your community and many other forest resource-dependent communities in British Columbia and supports your community's efforts to diversify your economy. However, the potential benefits of CFAs are currently unproven and as with all forest tenures, CFAs represent a considerable investment of both time and money and are not without risk.

You may be aware that this ministry is considering a new market pricing system. One option under review would require an increased allocation of allowable annual cut to auction sales. While there is no firm decision on this model, it could be selected, if it seems likely to put an end to the long-standing dispute with the U.S. regarding timber pricing in British Columbia, that is currently crippling many British Columbia forest companies and consequently, your community. If allowable annual cut does become available in your area, I encourage you to contact Ken Collingwood, Regional Manager of the Vancouver Forest Region at 250-751-7163 to discuss possible tenure opportunities.

Thank you again for writing.


Don Wright Deputy Minister

Page 1 of 2

Ministry of Deputy Minister's Office Location: Mailing Address: Forests 4th Floor P.O. Box 9525 Prov Govt 595 Pandora Avenue Victoria, BC V8W 9C3 Victoria Tel: 250-387-4809 Fax: 250-387-7065 File: 3040-20/CFOR

May 6th 2002

Honourable Michael de Jong Minister of Forests P.O. Box 9049 STN PROV GOVT Victoria, BC V8W 9E2 Fax to: 250-387-1040 Dear Minister de Jong:

Re: Community Forest Concept

At the Council meeting held on April 23rd, 2002, the District of Campbell River Council passed a resolution supporting the Village of Tahsis with respect to the community forest concept as a means by which communities can stabilize their economies, increase their independence, and return life and energy to ailing North Island communities. Council agrees that it is vital that we let you know how important local control of resources is to our economic stability. We wish to affirm the importance of Community Forests. Thank you for your serious consideration of this recommendation.

Yours truly,

James Lornie MAYOR

Copy to Mayor Sylvia McNeil - Village of Tahsis

G:AIWa wt1 etterc\j ,I,.cis - Cotmuutir 088 Minister of Transport Ministre des Transports

Ottawa, Canada K1A ON5

His Worship James M. Lornie Mayor District of Campbell River 301 St. Ann's Road Campbell River, British Columbia V9W 4C7

Your Worship:

Thank you for providing me with a copy of your letters, and enclosures, of June 26, 2002, which were addressed to the Mayors and Councils of the Cities of Courtenay and Comox, and the Village of Cumberland, regarding the operation of the Campbell River Airport and the proposed construction of new aviation facilities at Canadian Forces Base Comox by the Comox Valley Airport Commission.

I appreciate having been provided with this information and have noted with interest the progress made at the Campbell River Regional Airport since its transfer in to the District of Campbell River in 1996. I have also noted your concerns with respect to the proposed construction of an airport facility at Comox.

Again, thank you for providing me with your views.

Yours sincerely,

Hon. David M. Collenette, P.C., M.P.

03-011 OR (97-08) Canada,IC)r, June 26, 2002

Mayor and Council <> ,,ADDRESS>> <>, BC ,POSTAL_CODE>, Fax to: <>

Dear Mayor and Council:

RE: Canadian Forces Base - Comox and the Comox Valley Airport Commission

I would like to take this opportunity to clarify the position of Council, for the District of Campbell River, in respect to the issues surrounding the Canadian Forces Base - Comox, the Comox Valley Airport Commission and the Campbell River Regional Airport.

First, and of greatest importance, is the fact that we have not, nor has it been our intention, to impede the public's access to safe air transportation from the Canadian Forces Base - Comox. In fact we appreciate what the Comox Valley Airport Commission has accomplished, and as you will recallI was one of the first to publicly congratulate the Comox Valley Airport Commission on securing the services of Westjet to the North/Central Island.I believe strongly that it is a great benefit to the Island from Nanaimo north.

The issue that we have stems back to our transfer negotiations, in 1995, with the federal government, where we were very candid with them, on how they dealt with the Canadian Forces Base - Comox, and our concern that the military infrastructure and operations could become a competitive disadvantage to us. This was a fundamental issue in reaching our agreement and we were assured that there would be a level playing field.

As you know, the Campbell River Regional Airport is owned and operated by the District of Campbell River. Prior to our taking ownership in 1996, the federal government subsidized its operation up to $760,000 per year. In the first six years of ownership we have been able to meet our objective of a non-subsidized operation, and, in fact in 2001, ran a surplus of $82,000.This surplus was returned to an airport reserve account for future needs.The 2002 annual operating budget for our airport is $1.22 million, of which all of these dollars are generated by existing airport user fees.

GIConf MayorllettersiCanadian Forces Base - Comox and the Comox Valley Airport Commission.doc Page 2

This was achieved by the District of Campbell River Council, through clear direction to staff, that the airport will be run as a separate business entity, based on a user pay principle, and at no cost to our citizens through their property tax dollars. Unlike some other communities, Dawson Creek, for example, which subsidizes its airport operation between $200,000 and $250,000 per year; we have never put local property tax dollars into our airport's operation. We strive extremely hard to continue this fundamental principle.

How we have accomplished this has been well documented over the years. The user fees range from a per passenger fee, fees for taxis and limousines servicing theairport,vehicleparking,aircraftlandingfees,generalservicefees, commercial piston aircraft fees, car rental fees and commissions,as well as reduction of services. Attached for your review is the actual Airport Operation, Maintenance, and Management Bylaw for the airport. This brings us back to one of the fundamental issues of our agreement to purchase the airport from the federal government. Are we competing on a level playing field with the Canadian Forces Base - Comox, and the Comox Valley Airport Commission? Is the Commission's current lease for the base at fair market value, does it and its clients pay an appropriate rate for services provided, such as for fire service, runway snow and ice clearing, pavement maintenance, lighting, emergency power, grass cutting, flightway clearing, and so on?

Ithas been suggested that with our agreement to transfer, we received substantial grants from the federal government. What has not been discussed is the fact that these were primarily operational safety projects, as an example, the runway overlay and lighting upgrade cost $2,600,000.In addition, we received funding for seismic upgrades, entrance road paving, storm water drainage improvements, landfill monitoring, security fence rehab, and other improvements. In addition, in 1997 we received an ACAP grant for the parallel taxiway costing approximately $850,000.All of those, with the exception of the taxiway, were included in the original agreement to purchase and were all essential to providing a safe public operation, and are all services provided at Canadian Forces Base - Comox, by the Department of National Defense.It is my understanding that the DND is presently putting $11millioninto a runway pavement and lighting improvement project for the airport, this year alone.The dollars put into the Campbell River Regional Airport hardly compare, but are much appreciated. The issue of greatest concern to us is not that the major goal of the Comox Valley Airport Commission is to operate and manage a modern civil air terminal on the southwest corner of Canadian Forces Base - Comox, but the fact that the federal government has been considering a multi-million dollar grant request, to assist in the construction of a new Air Terminal Building, apron, and public parking area. This "one-time only" special grant goes against the commitments the federal government made to the District of Campbell River in 1995. It appears that only Comox Valley Airport Commission meets the criteria for approval; the other BC airports are locked out.Is this the level playing field we were promised in 1995?

G:lConf MayorlletterslCanadian Forces Base - Comox and the Comox Valley Airport Commission.doc I DISTRICT OF CAMPBELL RIVER PROVINCEOF BRITISHCOLUMBIA BYLAW NO. 2982


The Council of the District of CampbellRiver,in open meetingassembled,enacts as follows:

1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Officer's Designation and Establishment of Powers, Duties and Responsibilities Amendment Bylaw No. 2982, 2002".

2. Officer's Designation and Establishment of Powers, Duties and Responsibilities Bylaw No. 2797, 2000 is hereby amended by adding the following as section 3.1 f)

3.1 f)authority, subject to the consent of the Corporate Services Director, to dispose of land and improvements of the property known as the Campbell River Middle Point Industrial Park, legally described as Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 VIP 69691; Lots 3, 4, 5 VIP 71431; Lot A VIP 71431 and the Remainder of Lot A, Plan 34604 except that part used for the sewer lagoon, all of District Lot 26, Sayward District, provided that the selling price is within 5% of the current appraised value.

Read a first time on the day of ,2002.

Read a second time on the day of ,2002.

Read a third time on the day of ,2002.

Adopted on the day of ,2002.



FILE: 6700 20 ZON-02-05 TO: Administrator FROM: Planning Services Manager DATE: August 19, 2002 PROPERTY: 366/380 Twillingate Road SUBJECT: Rezoning-Bylaw 2970


1. That the proposal to rezone lands at 366/380 Twillingate Road described as Lot 1 and Lot 2, District Lot 222, Comox District, Plan 13919 from Residential four zone (R-4) to Residential one A zone (R-IA) proceed to Council for consideration of ls` and 2°a reading and proceed to public hearing.

2.That the agent complete a Public Neighbourhood Meeting 14 days prior to the application going forward for Public Hearing.

Council Policy: Official Community Plan The property is designated as Low Density 10-25 units per hectare.

Zoning Bylaw 2700 The properties are currently zoned Residential four zone (R-4) which permits: One single family residence, with or without a secondary suite One secondary residence Bed and Breakfast (maximum 2 bedrooms for guests)

Proposed Zoning The applicant/agent would like to rezone the property to Residential one A zone (R-1A) which permits: One single family residence with or without a secondary suite

Summary: The purpose of this Zoning amendment is to permit a four-lot strata subdivision that will have the two existing single family dwellings on the south lots fronting Twillingate Road and two newly created lots to the north for potential development of a single family dwelling on each lot with or without a secondary suite.

Background: There are two existing single family homes located at 366 and 380 Twillingate Road that are 20-30 years old.

I54 The subject properties are currently zoned Residential four (R-4). This zone permits an owner to have a secondary suite and a secondary residence on each of the proposed lots.

Discussion: The proposed R-1A and the current R-4 zones in Zoning Bylaw 2700 permit secondary suites. The R-4 zone also permits two single family dwelling units on one lot with the second residence being limited to:

1. 90 square metres in size; more than 2 bedrooms;

3.must be architecturally compatible with the principal residence and any adjacent buildings;

4.the separation between the principal and the secondary residence must be 3 metres;

5.setbacks are 1.2 metres from side and rear yards;

6.driveway access to the secondary residence must be shared with access to the principal residence unless access to the secondary residence is gained from a rear lane;

7.height of the secondary residence is 7 metres.

The owner of 366 and 380 Twillingate Road is currently permitted a secondary residence on each lot but the owner would have to construct and design each secondary residence to be architecturally compatible with the two existing single family dwellings located on each lot. It may be difficult or not in the best interest of the owner of 366/380 Twillingate Road to build secondary residences under the R-4 zoning because the two existing single family dwellings are older homes (20-30 years old), and have no redeeming architectural quality. The R-1A zone would permit the owner to construct two new single family dwellings on newly created lots without the restrictions of a secondary residence in the R-4 zone under Zoning Bylaw 2700.

Conclusion: The proposed rezoning has the potential to slightly increase the density of the two lots (366/380 Twillingate Road) but it will allow the owner more flexibility in the construction and design of single family dwellings behind and to the north of the existing dwelling units. Planning Services recommends that this zoning amendment proceed to public hearing.

SeanRoy B.A. M.C.P. Planner

Attachments Bylaw No. 2970 Proforma Map Schedule Pictures Comment Sheet Information Sheet



WHEREAS pursuant to the Provisions of Section 903 of the Local Government Act in relation to zoning, the Council of the District of Campbell River is empowered to make regulations thereto;

AND WHEREASa Public Hearing was held in accordance with the Local Government Act and notice of such Hearing has been given as required by Bylaw;

NOW THEREFORE the Council of the District of Campbell River, in open meeting assembled, enacts as follows:

That this Bylaw may be cited for all purposesas "Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2970, 2001 (366 and 380 Twillin_gate Road!'.

2. That Lot 1 and 2, District Lot 222, Comox District, Plan 13919, be rezoned from (R-4), Residential four zone to (R-1 A),Residential one A zone to permit a four lot strata subdivision. Location: 366 and 380 Twillingate Road That the Zoning Map referred to as Schedule "A" of Zoning Bylaw No. 2700, 1998 shall be amended accordingly.

4. That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby empowered to do all things necessary to give effect to this Bylaw.

Read a first time on the day of ,200

Read a second time on the day of ,200 A Public Hearing was advertised in two issues of the on the day of ,200 and on the day of ,200 to be held on the day of ,200

I hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the original Bylaw as passed by two readings of same as outlined above. Dated this day of ,2001 in Campbell River, B.C.

Clerk of the District of Campbell River

Approved under Section 54(2) of the Highways Act this day of ,2002.

For the Minister of Transportation

Read a third time on the day of ,200

Adopted on the day of ,200



SCALE 1:500 All distances are in metres. 4 3 P L A N 5 0 4 3 2

23 May 2002 22.10 22.10


C denotes photo location 0.112 ha N D 980 m2 R-1 A R-1 A

4.50 o r..r m L_

22.10 PLAN 3.2

G A B 10907 866 m2 950 m2 n garage 3 R-1 A > R-1A M 6.12 0) a' deck a, -0.88 v Z O DWELUNG DWELLING 1380 1366 a> 0 - - i CJ v O5


. 4. J


301 St. Ann's Road, Campbell River, B. C. V9W 4C7 Telephone: 250.286.5725; Fax: 250.286.5761

Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application Comment Sheet

File: ZON-02-05 FILE SENT: JULY 10, 2002 CIVIC ADDRESS 366-380 Twillingate Road

The proposed rezoning has the potential to slightly increase PLANNING STAFF the density of the two lots (366/380 Twillingate Road) but it COMMENTS: will allow the owner more flexibility in the construction and design of single family dwellings behind and to the north of Date received: August 19, 2002 the existing dwelling units. Planning Services recommends that thiszoningamendment proceed to public hearing. 366 Twillingate Rd. is subject of unresolved issues related to 15' of BUILDING STAFF fill placed on property. Please have fill removed and COMMENTS: reengineered(permits required) or have covenant placed on property title at time of registration. No building permits will be issued for Date received: August 21, 2002 this property until this matter has been resolved. D. Grant Although existing infrastructure is capable of handling ENGINEERING STAFF increased density from this one development, there could be COMMENTS: a problem with the capacity of downstream sewer and storm drain mains if all the lots along Twillingate Road were to Date received: July 25. 2002 redevelop in a similar manor. The subject properties slope to the northeast. It is unlikely that the rear of the mother lots can be serviced by gravity to the Twillingate Road storm drain and sewer mains. Servicing will present a challenge to the developer. Storm water management problems will increase with increased density due to higher runoffs with the addition of improvements. There are currently no easements in place to allow the problem water to be discharged to the Wayne Road storm drain system. (Wayne Road is the road immediately downhill from the subject properties.) The Engineering Services department does not object to the rezoning provided the above engineering issues are addressed to the department's satisfaction. PD Skognes


Date received:

P:\Applications - Planning\ZON\zon-02-05 366-380 Twillingate\ZONING COMMENT SHEETdoc

4 °'E1 There was not a formal recommendation made at this meeting because there was not a quorum established. Those APC COMMENTS' in attendance were not in favour of the proposed Date received: August 1, 2002 development. SCHOOL DISTRICT 72 COMMENTS:

Date received:

FIRE DEPARTMENT STAFFNo objections, if B.C. B.C. (1998) and District Engineering COMMENTS: Design Standards (1995) are complied with completely. Ian Baikie Date received:July18, 2002 No significant environmental features are noted for the HABITAT STEWARD properties. However, the applicant should confirm that no COMMENTS: nesting trees are located on either Lot. During construction Date received: July 22, 2002 Best Management Practices for sediment & erosion control should be implemented. Mike Roth DISCOVERY COAST GREENWAYS LAND No concerns expressed by Willow Creek Watershed Society. TRUST COMMENTS:

Date received:July26, 2002 Sean Roy CONTACT: Planning Services Department, District of Campbell River 301 St. Ann's Road, Campbell River, BC V9W 4C7 Phone: 250 286-5742 Fax: 250 286-5761 Email:sean. ro C

P:\Applications - Planning\ZONLzon-02-05 366-380 Twillingate\ZONING COMMENT SHEET doc 4:. i1 DISTRICT OF CAMPBELL RIVER COMMUNITY SERVICES Planning Services Department 301 St. Ann's Road, Campbell River, B. C. V9W 4C7 Telephone: 250.286.5725; Fax: 250.286.5761

INFORMATION SHEET- FILE: ZON-02-05 DATE: July 3, 2002 CIVIC ADDRESS: 366/380 Twillingate Road


OWNER! 1212711 Ontario Ltd.

APPLICANT Glen A. Quarmby Lot 1 and Lot 2, District Lot 222, Comox District, Plan LEGAL: 13919 LOCATION: 366 and 380 Twillingate Road

PROPOSAL: Four-lot bare land strata subdivision.

Lot A= 866 M2 Lot B= 950 M2(Proposed lot sizes) PARCEL SIZE: Lot C=0.1 12 HA Lot D= 980 M2 LOCATION MAP: Attached SURVEY PLAN: To rezone the two subject properties from R-4, Residential four zone to R-1 (A), Residential one A zone. There is one single family dwelling unit and garage BACKGROUND INFORMATION: existing on each of the two lots under this application (366/380 Twillingate) that are approximately 20-30 years old. These homes will remain on the properties and are shown on the survey plan submitted for the propose d subdivision. Sean Roy CONTACT: Phone: 250 286-5742 Fax 250 286-5761 Email:[email protected]

P:IApplications - PlanninglSUBISUMMARYSHEET-366-380 Twillingate.doc .t.- 4 Council Agenda Campbell River

District of Campbell River

Mayor and Members of Council

James M. Lornie Mayor

Dot Andrews Councillor responsible for Public Works, Safety and Traffic

Mary Ashley Councillor responsible for Community Planning and Transit

Charlie J. Cornfield Councillor responsible for Environment, and Air and Water Quality

Bill Harrison Councillor responsible for Property, Community Development and Air Transportation

Bill Matthews Councillor responsible for Finance and Personnel

Lynn D. Nash Councillor responsible for Parks, Recreation and Culture A 11

Douglas D. Raines Chief Administrative Officer


File: ZON-02-04 TO: Administrator FROM: Planning Services Manager DATE: August 19, 2002 SUBJECT: Bylaw No. 2953 - Text Amendments to Zoning Bylaw No. 2700

Recommendation: That Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2953, 2002 be amended by revising the proposed definition for "multiplex" from three dwelling units to four dwelling units.

Council Policy: Proposed Definition for Multiplex Currently Included in Bylaw No. 2953 (ReceivedIst& 2nd Reading): "multiplex" a building containingthreeor more residentialdwelling unitseither with individual accesses or common accesses or hallways, and may includeatri-plex, four-plex, apartments, townhouses or row housing, for rental occupancy, or for common ownership in accordance with the Strata Property Act, and may also include a complex of individual dwelling unitsin the form of cluster housing.

Local Government Act: Development cost charges generally 933. (4) A charge is not payable under a bylaw made under subsection (1) if any of the following applies in relation to a development authorized by a building permit: (b) the permit authorizes the construction, alteration or extension of a building that will, after construction, alteration or extension, i) contain fewer than 4 self-contained dwelling units, and ii) be put to no other use than the residential use in those dwelling units;

Summary: Staff are seeking to revise the proposed definition included in Zoning Amendment Bylaw No.2953for "multiplex"to apply to four or more dwelling units, instead of three or more dwelling units as previously presented to Council. The purpose of this revision is to assist with interpretation of permitted uses in the "Residential infill" zones in Zoning Bylaw No. 2700, and for future application of the development cost charges bylaw wherein the legislation exempts requirements for payment of development cost charges at the building permit stage for a building containing less than four dwelling units. In this regard, by making the change as proposed, it will ensure better consistency between the zoning bylaw and other related municipal bylaws.

Background: Bylaw No. 2953 is an amendment to Zoning Bylaw No. 2700, and already includes a series of text amendments. Bylaw No. 2953 has already received ls` and 2nd reading and been to public neighbourhood meeting, but has not yet been to formal public hearing. The Local Government Act allows for minor changes to a zoning amendment bylaw after1Stand second reading and prior to adoption, which does not affect "use or density". Change of this definition is not a change of either use or density since the

H: IPaullBylaw No. 2953revision.doc

16 C;11 Residential infill zones already permit everything from single family residential up through and including multiple dwelling units. It simply changes what we refer to as a multiplex.

Discussion: Including this amendment to Bylaw No. 2953 will not affect "use or density", and is therefore appropriate to include it at this stage so that it can be presented to the public at the public hearing.

Conclusion: It is staffs' recommendation that the revisions to the definition proceed to ensure better consistency between the zoning bylaw and other related municipal bylaws, and that the changes also be presented at the upcoming public hearing.

R. Paul Stanton,M.PL., MCIP Planning Services Manager

Attachments: Amended Bylaw No. 2953

Page 2



WHEREAS pursuant to the Provisions of Section 903 of the Local Government Act in relation to zoning, the Council of the District of Campbell River is empowered to make regulations thereto;

AND WHEREASa Public Hearing was held in accordance with the Local Government Act and notice of such Hearing has been given as required by Bylaw;

NOW THEREFORE the Council of the District of Campbell River, in open meeting assembled, enacts as follows:

1.That this Bylaw may be cited for all purposesas "Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2953, 2002 (map/text amendment)". 2.That Block C, District Lot 1659, be rezoned from Public Assembly One (PA-1) to Commercial Two (C-2), as identifiedon Map Schedule1 to Bylaw No. 2953 attached herein and forming part of this bylaw. Location:1300/1310 Island Highway 3.That Part 2 be amended by:

i) deleting sub-section 4.2 and substituting the following: "4.2 Parks and public utilities, including public utilities maintained and operated by the District of Campbell River as well as those defined in the Utilities Commission Act, may be located in any zone in addition to the uses listed for that zone." ii)deleting sub-section 5.2 and substituting the following: "5.2 Only the following appurtenances may extend into a minimum requiredfront or rear yard,or into a minimum requiredside yardthat adjoins a street.These appurtenances may extend to a maximum of 1.3 metres into the required yard: a) chimneys; b) roof overhangs (including gutters); c) steps; d) awnings; e) balconies, which are not enclosed to add usable floor area; f) porches which are not enclosed to add usable floor area; and g) exterior finish."

iii)deleting sub-section 5.3 and substituting the following: "5.3 In a minimum requiredside yardthat does not adjoin a street, only chimneys, roof over-hangs (including gutters) and exterior finish may extend into a required yard. These appurtenances may extend to a maximum of 0.6 metres into the required yard." iv)deleting sub-sections 10.2, 10.4, 10.5 and 10.7, and substituting the following: "10.2The combined floor area+ of all accessory buildings+ on the lot+ must be less than 160 square metres." "10.4 No accessory building+ may be located in the minimum required front yard, side yard,orside yardadjacent to ahighwayor astreet." "10.5 deleted." -in 7 dP.IP,tP.d_" I 4 Zoning Amendment Bylaw Page 2 of 4

v)deleting sub-section 18.4 and substituting the following: 18.4 The owner of a lot zoned commercial, industrial, multi-family, or public assembly must provide fencing or screening where the adjoining property is zoned for residential use." That Part 3 be amended by:

i) deleting sub-section 33.2 2). ii) deleting sub-section 37.1 a) and substituting the following: "a) single family residence(s) with or without a secondary suite." iii) deleting sub-section 38.1 a) and substituting the following: "a) single family residence(s) with or without a secondary suite." iv) deleting sub-section 39.1 a) and substituting the following: "a) single family residence(s) with or without a secondary suite." v) deleting sub-section 40.1 a) and substituting the following: "a) multiplex' vi) deleting sub-section 41.1 a) and substituting the following: "a) multiplex' vii) deleting sub-section 42.1 a) and substituting the following: "a) multiplex' viii) deleting sub-section 43.1 a) and substituting the following: "a) multiplex' deleting sub-section 54.1 k) and substituting the following: "k) food and beverageretailsale or recreational equipment rental as a secondary use." 5.That Part 5 be amended by:

i) deleting the definitions for "dwelling unit", "highway', "screening", "street', "suite, secondary', "yard, fronf', "yard, rear", and "yard, side", and substituting the following: dwelling unit means a suite operated as a housekeeping unit, used or intended to be used as a domicile by one or more persons and usually containing cooking, eating, living, sleeping and sanitary facilities. highway includes a public road or road right-of-way under the jurisdiction of the Province of British Columbia, as well as local roads or road rights- of-way under the jurisdictionof the District of Campbell River, intended as collector or arterial roads to carry larger volumes of traffic beyond the immediate area. screening means the planting of hedges or shrubs, which masks the view of the area, which it encloses. secondary suite means an additional dwelling unit a) having a total floor area of not more than 90 m2 in area, b) having a floor area less than 40% of the habitable floor space of the building,

G: V3v/ n, sv295 i Zoning Teal Ainendine t /3'h!./og 1 I- Zoning Amendment Bylaw Page 3 of 4

c) located within a building of residential occupancy containing only one other dwelling unit, and d) located in and part of a building which is a single real estate entity. street includes a public road or road right-of-way under the jurisdiction of the District of Campbell River, intended as a local road, to carry lesser volumes of traffic and serving only the immediate area, exclusive of private rights-of-way, easements or lanes. yard, front the yard requirement extending across the full width of the lot between the front lot line of the lot and the setback to any building or r- structure, running parallel with the front lot line. Front


yard, rear the yard requirement extending across the full width of the lot between the rear lot line of the lot and the setback to any building or structure, running parallel with the rear lot line.


street yard, side the yard requirement extending from the front yard to the rear yard and between the side lot line of the lot and the setback to any building or structure, running parallel with the side lot line.

Sidle Side house


introducing the following new definitions into their appropriate alphabetic order: fencing a closed wooden, masonry, concrete, metal, or metal and plastic fenceuniformlypainted,constructedofdurablematerials and maintained in good condition free of advertising materials, displays or notices. four-plex a multiplex containing four dwelling units. lane an unnamed, secondary right-of-way, which may providerearorside yardaccess to a lot multiplex a building containing four or more residentialdwelling unitseither with individual accesses or common accesses or hallways, and may include a four-plex, apartments, townhouses or row housing, for rental occupancy, or for common ownership in accordance with the Strata Property Act, and may also include a complex of individual dwelling units in the form of cluster housing. primary residence a permitted single family residence on a lot secondary residence a permitted second single family residence on the same lot.

IG:ABulaursA295$ Zoning Tern Amcnelme it Bvlmcclm 1 /n L Zoning Amendment Bylaw Page 4 of 4

setback the distance between the lot line and the exterior of a building or structure (see related definitions for yard) measured from the lot line to the exterior face of the foundation, except for those matters and items specifically excluded or permitted as exemptions elsewhere in this bylaw. suite means a single room or series of rooms of complementary use, operated under a single tenancy, and includes dwelling units, individual guest rooms in motels, hotels, boarding houses, rooming houses and dormitories as well as individual stores and individual or complementaryroomsforbusinessandpersonalservices occupancies. tri-plex a building containing three dwelling units with a common wall or ceiling/floor, located side by side or one above the other. use means the purpose or activitiesfor which land, buildings and structures are designed, arranged, intended, occupied or maintained.

Read a first time on the 25th day of June, 2002. Read a second time on the 25th day of June, 2002. A Public Hearing was advertised in two issues of the on the day of ,200 and on the day of ,200 to be held on the day of ,200

I hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the original Bylaw as passed by two readings of same as outlined above. Dated this day of ,2002 in Campbell River, B.C.

Clerk of the District of Campbell River

Approved under Section 54(2) of the Highway Act this day of 20(2.

For Minister of Highways

Read a third time on the day of ,200 Adopted on the day of 1200



G:\B0mcs\2953 Zu,tint Text A,ncadnient i3 hnr.dnc jY Council Agenda

Campbell River

District of Campbell River

Mayor and Members of Council

James M. Lornie Mayor

Dot Andrews Councillor responsible for Public Works, Safety and Traffic

Mary Ashley Councillor responsible for Community Planning and Transit

Charlie J. Cornfield Councillor responsible for Environment, and Air and Water Quality

Bill Harrison Councillor responsible for Property, Community Development and Air Transportation

Bill Matthews Councillor responsible for Finance and Personnel

Lynn D. Nash Councillor responsible for Parks, Recreation and Culture

Douglas D. Raines Chief Administrative Officer

wC'R cPR VRRV(I ATAAFnrn, AC'nun,-ilAoenlnCnvrChew¢ Cnnvnit iea'OtThPwhnle ln-C.meraMeetin'Addendum.wnd MYSTIC WOODS NURSERY 4737GORDON RD CAMPBELL RIVER, B.C. V9H-1T3 phone 250-286-1340 fax 250-286-1380

This letter was written by Corinne Skuse of 4737 Gordon Rd. Corinne was unable to be here tonight, and she has asked me to read this letter on her behalf. To City Counsil and all residence of Campbell River. I wish only to state some FACTS, and let you come to your own conclusion of these events.

1)Fact: For the entire year, Eagles and other birds have been dropping decomposing fish waste on my propery from Renuable Resources. 2)Fact: These fish parts have also been dropped on other area residences from the start of Duncan Bay Rd to half way up Gordon Rd. 3) Fact: Neighbourhood dogs have been retrieving and rolling in this putrid fish waste. 4)Fact: On August 16th 2002 my twelve month old puppy Keeta regurgitated putrid fish that was found on our property. Four hours later Keeta was showing signs of limping in her back legs. Two more hours later Keeta was paralyzed, she came down the stairs on her belly with her legs out behind. She was rushed to the Veterinarians office and X-rays were done as well as blood tests. The Vets were baffeled as all tests proved her to be completely healthy. Keeta's only symptoms were paralysis and excessive salvitation and drooling. 5) Fact: Botulism: This is a rapidly fatal motor paralysis is caused by ingestion of the toxin of Clostridium botulinum. The organism proliferates in decomposing carcass tissue. Botulism is an intoxication, not an infection, and results from ingestion of toxin in food. The signs of Botulism are caused by muscle paralysis and include progressive motor paralysis, disturbed vision, difficulty chewing and swallowing, and generalized progressive weekness. Death is usually due to respiratory or cardiac paralysis. 6) Fact: Keeta died on Aug 19th at 2:30am, than 65 hours after ingestion of fish. My conclusion is that the domestic animals, and wildlife in our area could be in great danger, if this is not investigated further. Botulism is FATAL, there is no cure. What if this should happen to a child? The bears that are currently feeding daily at Renuable Resources could be at danger, this needs to be investigated.

Corinne Skuse

168 Summary Of Changes to Second Hand Bylaws

OLD BYLAW # 2100, Sec.3.8 NEW BYLAW # 2954

- Requires record keeping of goods received - Requires record of articles received (other including date, description of article, serial # than junk), including description of goods, (If known), & name, address picture I.D of including serial #, identifying marks, price seller, if available. paid, date and time of purchase, name of receiver of goods. The seller of the goods must provide name, address, along with pictureID, and signature.

- Records open to inspection by police - Records open to police inspection and during business hours and notification to notification to police witha complete copy police within 24 hours. May be by mail or of the register for the passed 24 hours by delivered in person within 72 hours to 0930 each business day. police.

-Requires dealers to hold received goods for -Requires dealers to hold and not alter, 72 hours after purchase. repair or dispose of goods except large household appliances and furniture or to remove from the premises for 30 days from the date of purchase or receipt. The goods must be kept separate from goods for sale. The goods shall be open for inspection for the purpose of identifying stolen articles during business hours. Must not purchase or receive articles between midnite and 0600. Police may require longer periods of detention by dealer.

-May not take goods from another dealer unless the 30 day detention period has expired unless recorded in his/her reports also.

-Requires that records not be erased or removed without written consent of police.

-Violations dealt with by means of a ticket. -Violations may result in suspension of business license and/or a ticket.

The funnelling of stolen goods through pawnshops/second hand dealers is a serious concern for 2 police in this community. This proposed bylaw is an attempt to strike a balance between the legitimate interests of the business community and the victims of property crimes.

The request for the 30 day holding period for used goods is to accommodate: - the reporting of stolen goods (many houses are broken into while the residents are on vacation) - the obtaining of serial numbers (often homeowners/victim's have to research the serial numbers of stolen goods from their insurance company or from the point of purchase) and to notice what all is stolen. - allow time for staff to be in place to physically check all the serial numbers forwarded to our office from the second hand dealers, and for the delivery of that data from the dealers. - if stolen goods are sold or returned to the person who pawned them, it becomes necessary for the police to get a search warrant to recover the stolen goods. This takes at least two or more hours to get the warrant, then the subsequent search requires even more man hours.

Unfortunately the history of some of the Pawn Shops and second hand dealers has been one of continued non-compliance with the current bylaw and/or sloppy record keeping. By way of example I have attached several of the sheets which are forwarded to our office. Please note that they are undated. Further on at least two occasions police have discovered stolen goods in second hand/pawn shops where the serial number was not recorded correctly (either inadvertently or intentionally). The end result of this is that stolen goods continue to be sold through pawn shops and second hand dealers. Because the records are often not accurate, police officers are now in the position that will have to attend the pawn shops on a regular basis and to verify serial numbers and run them through CPIC on a ROADS terminal while on site. This will take considerable resources and will no doubt effect the police ability to make a timely response to some calls, although it will be necessary to stop the flow of stolen goods through these outlets. One pawn shop has instituted a computerized system of tracking received goods and the sellers of those goods. Although this superficially sounded like a good system, in practise it has not been very effective. The actual reports submitted by the operator of the system, are frequently incomplete, unspecific and vague, without serial numbers. These discrepancies result in an inability of police personnel to query the goods reported on the police computer known as IPORT or CPIC. IPORT is a computerized system used to query stolen goods where a serial number is unknown but can locate items by other distinguishing marks or descriptions.Further this computerized system of the pawn shops involves taking a computerized photo of the seller at the time of the sale, but the operator has elected to use it only at the time of the first sale. This has resulted in stolen goods being sold through pawn shops where the seller simply gives a last name without providing any identification. One example involves a notorious thief in Campbell River selling a stolen vacuum cleaner after giving a last name only. It turned out the thief's brother's name was on the computer and the goods were entered in his name, not the thief's. Further investigation by this officer, also turned up a stolen lawn mower sold to the pawnshop by the thief's brother. The only reason this was discovered at all was because an alert police officer, while enroute to another call, noted the thief carrying a vacuum cleaner into the pawn shop. Finding it suspicious, she inquired at the pawn 3

shop and a serial number check revealed the vacuum cleaner to be stolen during a burglary. A lawn mower pawned by the thief's brother also was stolen. The serial number on the pawn shops registry for the lawn mower was not correct so an actual inspection of the item was necessary to identify it as stolen goods.She also noted that the name was wrong on the computer system for the seller of the vacuum cleaner, even though there was a photo of the thief's brother on file which was used to register the sale of the vacuum cleaner, not the lawn mower.

D.H. SMITH, Cpl. Supervisor/Investigator Campbell River R.C.M.P. Major Crime Unit Thank you, Mr. Nash For letting me convey my concerns and problems about Renewable Resources. As / am a minority involved in such a wide range community concern from; a business and concerned citizen I am wondering if Mr. Morton has had any formal training in composting fish offal ( which are fish guts and remains). My concern is after a period of time the quality of waste deteriorates-H2S generation may be a major concern which in turn becomes a safety hazard ( toxicity, flammability). I have outlined just a small portion of after effects of not composting properly. What about the massive wildlife attraction caused from the disgusting odor. What about the liability of bears walking around in the industrial park.

Our own personal problems have been outlined in this letter.

I have on numerous occasions tried to find help whether it has been from the Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection, Pollution Prevention Technician, and Ministry of wildlife. Nobody wants to address this massive problem.

Thank you for your time. District of Campbell River

File: 4010-20BYLA

June 26, 2002

Yorel Properties Ltd 4051 Midport Road Campbell River, B.C. V9W 5T9

Attn: Mr. Kurt Leroy


Your letter regardingthe operationof the abovebusiness has been receivedby this office.

While we have no Bylaws regulating damage to vehicles by seagulls, I would recommend you contact the Pollution Prevention Technician of the Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection, Vancouver Island Regional Office at 2080A Labieux Road, Nanaimo, B.C. V9T 6J9.The telephone number is 250.751-3100.

This Ministry office is familiar with Renuable Resources and its' operation. They will be able to advise you if the business is operating within the appropriate legislation.

J. D. Tatasoff, Bylaw Enforcement Officer



G: tBleolrenewable.seagulls.doc

Bylaw Enforcement Officer (250) 286-5703 Direct Fax: (250) 286-5760 301 St. Ann's Road. Camobell River, B.C.. Canada V9W 4C7 Phone (250) 286-57nn Fn' r25rn vnA-cyan Yarel Properties Ltd. 4051 Midport Road Campbell River, B.C V9W 5T9 Canada

Phone 250 - 287 - 9812 Fax 250 - 337 - 8458 Home Phone 250-337-8459

Email [email protected]

June 21, 2002

Ms. JacquieTarasoff Business License Inspector/ Bi - Law Enforcement Officer City of Campbell River, B.C Tel. (604) 286-5703 Fax. (604) 286-5760

Re , Renewable Resources Ltd. 4001 Middle Point Road Campbell River, B.C V9W 5T9

Dear Ms. Jacquie Tarasoff

Following our discussion yesterday,1 now write you this letter, as per requested .It is with great frustration that I send you my thoughts and facts pertaining to Renewable Resources Ltd.

On March 13,2002, my wife and I were pleased to purchase the property next to Renewable Resources Ltd. , where we know own and operate two companies : Yorel Properties Ltd. and Kurt LeRoy Trucking Ltd. , and my father 's business : Ted LeRoy Trucking Ltd. My wife and I have two small sons, and are not only experienced professionals committed to our family - run businesses but are also loving parents dedicated to raising our children in the safe community of Campbell River . Between the companies Kurt LeRoy Trucking Ltd. and Ted Leroy Trucking Ltd.they employ over fifty families in the Campbell River area.

Our sole purpose in purchasing this land was to maintain our trucks and equipment efficiently as well as having a central marshaling yard so the drivers wouldn't have to take their trucks home to their own neighbor - hoods. Our previous site for our business was not sufficient enough as neighbors complained of the noise etc ...The last week we have been actively at our new site on Midport road and our drivers hesitate to leave their trucks there do to the damaged caused by the birds( enclosed are pictures of equipment left outside for one day ) It is common knowledge that if the birds feces sit on paint for more than a few hours the acid from the feces cause bubbling and perment damage .We would hate to see another business move across the street especially one in the service industry where customers are constantly coming and going having to worry about their vehicles getting permanently damaged .

When we purchased the aforementioned property in March , we were aware of the fish composting site next door .What we were not aware of, however , is the extent to which this business would affect our livelihood . In spite of the three acre vacant parcel of land separating our property from that of Renewable Resources , the seagulls,vulture,eagles,bears and numerous other rodents that are drawn to the stench of the malodorous heap are also destroying our property. This is a huge concern for us . This does notonly discouragepresent and future clients from coming to visit ourcompany'ssite, but also poses a safety concern for our employees, Last week, for example, a black bear came right up to our building in the middle of the work day and put our staff at danger.

This is a liability no one should have to worry about.

These stinking carcasses of fish, out in the open air , unconfined , make the site look more like a garbage dump rather than a professional recycling company. Being directly involved with logging camps up and down the coast of B.C., we arewell aware of the laws against unrestricted garbage.It is our responsibility to ensure that any of our garbage does not attract wildlife ! Our actions must never put the lives of people and animals in the area at risk We only expect the same from our neighbors.

Thank youfor your prompt attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Kurt LeRoy Kurt LeRoy Trucking ltd. 2266 Catherwood Road Black Creek , B.C V9J IJ4 Canada

Phone 250 - 287 - 9812 Fax 250 - 287-9914

August 13, 2002

Russ Liberon Pollution Prevention Technician of Water, Land and Air Protection 2080A Labieux Road, Nanaimo, B, C V9T 6J9

Dear Russ,

Re : Renewable Resources ; 4001 Middle Point Road, Campbell River, B.C

I have been in touch with a Jaquie Tarasoff from the City of Campbell River, who suggested 1 contact you. If you read the letter you might understand our problem regarding Renewable Resources Ltd. Ihave also been in contact with a Larry Johnson from the Ministry of Wildlife and he also suggested I contact you. As you will become aware through reading our file, you will understand not only the wildlife problem but also the pollution that is discarded from the different birds . It's not uncommon to see fish skeletons or intestines on our walk way to the office which have been dropped from the seagulls .I have also been contacted from a represantive from the residents from Gordon Road which is about five miles away from us and Renewable Resources Ltd. , with numerous amount of complaints concerning the odor coming from Renewable Resources Ltd. It has been such a concern with residents that their children don't even want to go outside to play ... The direction which we have taken has ended up with an article being printed in our local newspaper about residents and businesses wanting to arrive at some sort of solution regarding Renewable Resources Ltd.

Thank you, Rachelle Kurt LeRoy Trucking Ltd. 4051 Midporc Road Campbell River, V9W 5T9 Canada

Phone 250 - 287 - 9812 Fax 250 - 287-9914

August 6, 2002

Russ Liberon;Pollution Prevention Technican 2080ALabieux Road, Nanaimo, B.C. V9T 6J9

Dear Sir, l had a person here from Aggressive Steal trying to resolve the leaking in the roof and the cause he had found from the leakage was gutters half full from seagull feces and feathers clogging gutters. The working conditions are unhuman and disgusting.The sewage causing pollution and unbarable working conditions made him turn away without fixing the problem ...

Thank you,Rachelle Y'tiL^l'b- Klt7,'e rKIJPl:CS4 ="VIKGdndrLVVtc l U: G Z)1 I= 1 .] 1 W


August 16, 2002

Re: PR-15082

Via Fax: 250 287-8667


Steve Morton, President Vancouver Island Renuable Resources Ltd. PO Box 625 Campbell River BC V9W 5T9

I Dear Steve Morton.

Thank you for meeting with regional Environmental Protection staff on August 12, 2002, to discuss odours from the composting facility.

As discussed, composting is encouraged provided it is carried out in a safe and environmentally responsible manner and in compliance with the Waste Management Act Composting can be an important part of achieving waste reduction by increasing diversion of organic matter from being a waste to a resource, and improving soil quality and plant growth-

As you are aware, numerous odour complaints regarding the composting facility have recently been received. A copy of recent odour incident reports has been provided to you.

Regional Environmental Protection staff inspected the composting facility on August 8 & 12, 2002. On August 8, 2002, weather conditions were sunny with a strong wind generally from the south- On August 12, 2002, weather conditions were sunny with a strong wind generally from the north. A strong unpleasant odour was smelled on-site on both inspections. The main source of the odour was the turning of the compost windrows- Another source of odour was un-covered fish waste. You indicated that the most recent compost turning began on August 5, 2002, and that recent unusual strong and variable winds and hot weather have exacerbated odours. You expect to finish turning the compost by August 16, 2002.

Section 1.1.8 of Permit PR-15082 requires that the composting windrows be insulated with a minimum of 15 cm of cured compost to act as a biofitter, section 1.1.9 requires that the works be operated in a manner so as to control vectors and odours; section 2.3 addresses upgrading of facilities; section 2.6 addresses wildlife nuisance.

Pursuant to sections 1.1.8, 1.1.9, 2.3 and 2.6 of Permit PR-15082, 1 hereby require the following- Effectiveimmediately,upon receipt of fish waste, all fish waste must immediately be mixed with woodwaste bulkingagent,incorporated into the compost windrows, .._/2

Ministry of Vancouver island Region Mailing Address: Telephone: 250 751.3100 Water, Land and Air 2060A Labieux Road Facsirntla:250 7513103 Protection Nanamo BC V9T 6.19 AuG-Ib-oJe w'qb eKUPtit.L£'I V t K ;CnMr L.u LI

Steve Morton, President - 2 - August 16, 2002

and covered with a layer of cured compost sufficient to prevent wildlife attraction and access. An odour management plan must be submitted to the regional waste manager by September 30, 2002 The odour management plan must stipulate how air contaminants from the composting facility will be discharged in a manner that does not cause pollution, and must be certified by a qualified professional as defined in the Organic Matter Recycling Regulation.

Previous communications indicated our concerns regarding odours and wildlife attraction. The large size and infrequent turning of the compost windrows may be causing anaerobic conditions in the windrows and exacerbating odours during turning of the compost. Smaller windrows and more frequent turning (during appropriate weather conditions) may help to maintain aerobic conditions in the compost and reduce odours. Additional directions may be provided pursuant to the permit and theWaste Management Act_

You are reminded that section 1.1 of the permit specifies the quantities and types of materials that may be composted_ Section 3.1.2 specifies compost sampling and analysis requirements. Pursuant to section 2.9 of the permit, I hereby require that the compost be classified and used in accordance with the Organic Matter Recycling Regulation.

The Organic Matter Recycling Regulation (OMRR - available on the world wide web at httpl/ 2002.htm) was promulgated in February 2002. 1 understand you are investigating upgrading options for the composting facility to satisfy the OMRR. These upgrading options may include a roof over the composting facility, static aerated compost plies, and biofilters for odour control.I also understand you are working with the District of Campbell River regarding leachate pre- treatment prior to discharge into the district's sanitary sewage system.

I am supportive of your efforts to upgrade the composting facility and encourage you to continue them. Considering the local government and community sensitivity regarding the facility, I suggest it is in your best interest to expedite these efforts. Please keep us informed of related developments.

If you have any questions or wish to discuss upgrading of the facility to satisfy the OMAR, please contact Bernie Mackay, Compliance Officer at telephone 250 751-3195.

B.W. (Blake) Medlar Assistant Regional Waste Manager Vancouver Island Region

cc: Phil Skognes, Engineering Services Manager, District of Campbell River, 301 St. Ann's Road, Campbell River BC V9W 4C7 fax 250 286-5760 Graeme Faris, General Manager Operational Services, Comox-Strathcona Regional District 350 17th Street, Courtenay, BC V9N 1 Y4 fax 250 334-4358