" iJ'rTB-W V - s', ..p .. -- " ' . ' fcj " " Sfvilftr '"1VH , W T - ' ')'' ''.T ' f ' .. , - '(---..T.V ...'W.,- .'S'HflnM' ! ' O ' .(,.' , '..Mm.' , . '.'ft &; 'J 'J'!"- vis.

" i f 1 Prom San Francisco: Nippon Mnru Jan. '8 ANY OLD FURNITURE you don't For San Francisco: need advertise it for sale in the Manchuria Jan. 9 Bulletin. There is always some From Vancouver: EvENiNGi one looking for snch things. There Mnkiirn Jan. 8 1TINj is no than "x. better wav to reach them For Vancouver: Bull by a B u 1 1 e t i n Want Ad. Mo.'in.i Fell. 3 A doctor Lost his fob a bulletin ad founmtaski. us about it 2:30 ' EDITION' w VOL. XI. NO. 4203. 6 PAGES. HONOLULU, TERRITORY ,0F&HAWAII, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 100D. 10 PAGES. PRICE 5 CENTS.



Nsw Compromise Plan Complications Continue Jan. 16th Territorial Body Returns In Office of Road Two Indictments This THEJRESIDENT A benefit concert for tbo llnllan suf- A final attempt Tor n compromlso I wcro Keen this morning, and they ferers' relief fund will bo given nt tho who city the trundles between the. thenisehes as opposed to tbo Supervisor Opera llouso on Saturday evening, Morning WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 8. Ihc Senate today instructed the Ju- Mnyv mill tbo Hoard of Supcrvlsois proposed plan. Their view was that .limitary 1R. Tbo program will Include diciary Committee to report on whether the President was authorized to limy be cITectiinlly nettled, la being the Republicans were virtually Riv- "I selected tho men for this offlco tbo best musical and dramatic nrt of Two true bills wero brought In by permit the absorption of the Tennessee Coal and Iron Company by tlx ninilo today. The pioposltlon ema- ing up nothing, mid that tbo most and the Mayor appointed tbcni," said tbo city. Tickets will be on sale Mon tho Territorial (Irand Jury, which was United Steel Company. This absorption was one of the incidents of tho of nates from the Republicans, bcltiR, satisfactory tbiiiR for all concerned John Wilson, Kern's nppolnteo to day forenoon nt tho llcrgstioui Music , in final session this morning. One 1907 panic. In consequence of the auproval of the President, J. P. Mor-n- , however, more of party mcusuru was to have tbo lourts decide tho tube Tiimmto Cummins' place, this Company. them Is against T. Ynmnmoto, charged acting for the Steel Trust, was able to wipe out its only remaining against tbnn unu coming ilircctl) from the (jneMlons which bavo been rnlscd, mornhiR, Wilson mid his men nro with bribery, and tho other lumpctitor. It is believed by many that the conditions thnt started the themselves. The .Major was not seen, but uftlt tn IIia mtlultln tt tttn nfTlpn Talk W'oon KI, charged with nssault panic brought on by the Steel Trust to force the absorption of tho (Irand Jury were V. O. Smith appears tu bo the main Ithodns said that, whllo bo "welting and watching," they say, SUPERVISORS HOLD with a weapon. Tho corporation. will bo Tennessee baikcr of the plan. Ho proposes that had heard nothing about tbo propos- while the old employes aro Inside go- drawn from tbo now panel In Monday. be anil A. 0. M. Koboitsoit for thu ed iiiiiinroiiilFn from anv authorltatlvo ing ahead with their work Just as If Mvorn HOUSE SCORES PBESIDENT ANOTHER The nml report of this body wns giv- ItcpubllcaiiH mill V. A. Kinney and jfcourie, he had beard that there was nothing had ever occurred to disturb SHORT, WASHINGTON, D. 8. The House today devoted time to en to Judge Do Holt this morning, in C, Jan, its 12. M. Watson for tbn Democrats bnvo Isoino plan of tbo kind bolng contem- their serenity. Wilson was asked brought to publio by Presi- which It Is stated that tbn total num- a debate of the secret service as notice the n lonforcni-- at which ii compromise plated. The Major would undoubt- what ho meant by conducting a fight by speak- MEETING ber of cosos taken up was 80, tbo num- dent's message. The President was vigorously assailed several ho The main haul edly bo wIIIIiir to consider tbo mat- ngaiiiBt women, tho stenographer In IIUJT inn arrhed at. ber of true bills returned r,5, and tho ers. for tbo ngrccmeiit l tu be a total wip- ter, and would submit It to his nttor-ncy- s, the ofllco at present being Miss Lucy er I'ltmbcr In which no bills were found, ing out of all tlio art Ion which baa Kinney and Watson. Lloyd. The Hoard of Supervlvirs held pcacoful anil short meeting this, 25. MESSINA SHAKING AGAIN been taken ko far by tbo Hoard. Tbo On tbo whole, It appems that tho "I do not think thnt this offlco Is 1 Tho following wcro tho cases taken Wll-o- n. afternoon nt o'clock, only routine, Mayor la to bo given tbo power of ap- j Democrats aro not at all anxious to any place for a woman," said ex- Supei-vlsor- s, up this morning: MESSINA, Sicily, Jan. 8. An undulatory earthquake shock was pointment, subject, however, to tbo effect a compromise, but prefer to "There nro too many workmen I business being done. All tho except Cox, wcro present. Knlol ami Manna Kalclhcaua, lar- perienced here during the night and panic prevailed throughout the city, approval of tbo Hoard. Tbo rules uro tale the matter to tho courts. Tho passing back and fortlu Anderson, ceny; reported for the special com no bill. The U. S. supply ship Culgca arrived today. to bo revised In pome particulars, mid leaders of tbo party think thnt they my selection for tho position, will Alt Tuck ullnH Chu Tuck, perjury; mittee on offlco quarters, In favor of finally M Chilian, the lone Democrat, I (Continued on Pago 2) hold down tho position of both ste- no bill. leasing tbo upper floor of tbo Mcln-tyr- o POLICE SERGEANT KILLED Is to bo given a seat on tbo Expendi- nographer and assistant clerk, there- Yntsutnkl Aokl, embezzlement; building nt the rate of ?2.ri0 a and tures Committee, Logan being will-I- n by reducing tbo office forco," no'blll. month. A resolution to effect SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Jan. 8. Police Sergeant Nolting of the city C, II la said, to Rive up Ills seat for PSYCHOLOGY AND It was pointed out to Wilson thnt this Kcobokll, burglary; no bill, ' waB Introduced by McUleltan and car- force was shot dead today by Private Jordan of the Coast Artillery. Jor- the purpose, as bo Is chairman of tbo the offlco forco would bo exnetly tho T, Ynmamoto, bribery; trim bill. be- ried on motion by Kane, seconded by dan was intoxicated. Ways and .Means Committee. same under the now regime as Hakimoto Araklchl, violating fishing i ART CLASSES Aylctt. m m While this la the proposition, there fore, Forn having 'added ono man to rights: no bill. U Logan RACE-TRAC- FIGHT BEGINS nro Mill many bridges to be crossed tho garbage department force. J. C. said that the commltteo had 1'hlk Woon Ki, assault with a wea- l'sycbol-OR- y diligence tu a beforo It ran bo carried through. Miss Locke's Class In tbo (Continued on Page 5) used duo strlko better pon'; truu bill. bargain elscwhcr hail been un- - SACRAMENTO, Calif., 8. Today's session of the Legislature I'lrst of all, It does not matter that of James will IicrIii hut Jan. s nblo to do so, ntili the proposition was marked by the introduction of anti - racetrack gambling bills nnd bills nil the Supervisors hnvo Iiiimnry 20th, at 10:30 a. in., at tbo adopted wns considered by business aimed against the Japanese. boon consulted about the mailer, and icsldcncn of .1, M. Dowsett, LEILEHUA WILL BE llr. men ns n vory good one. HAWAII MAY SOON there Is oVery possibility thnt they Btrect, between Wilder and City County Attorney Cath-ca- rt will decline to rovlso the rules. Pur llerctanla avenues, and tbo Art Class and WIFE MURDERER IS KILLED opinion rccommciv-tlln- g thermore, it Is by no means probable will begin .January 22t, nt p. submitted nn SAN QUENTIN. Calif., Jan. 8. Thomas Fallon, who murdered his MO READY FOR TROOPS tbo passage of BE A DEPARTMENT that the Democrats will the C. II. tho resolution wife, was hanged today. accent in., at tbn icsldcncn of Mrs. right' proposition. WutMin mid MiClellan Wood, 'Thurston avenue. granting tho United States n y for a military road from Knlil-kau- a BATTLESHIPS GO TO SMYRNA avenue to tho Knlln road. I la BEIRUT, Syria, Jan. 8. The U. S. battleships Louisiana and Vir Fifth Cavalry Will Reach added that ho believed It would Depot Quartermaster is ginia arrived today, but left for Smyrna on account of the plague at this amount merely to tbo granting ofia oort. I Need ire Protection Here Wednesday license, as ho doubted thnt tho City Now Independent m i nml County hnd Iho power to gra'ut TANG COLLED BACK TO PEKIN Morning franchises, Tbo resolution carried, on Of Coast PEKJN. China, Jan. 8. Special Commissioner Tang Shao Yi has motion by Quliin. bc:n recalled. On motion by tho meeting Knrly Wednesday morning tho U. What, was probably tlio first Btep adjourned until ID a. m. tomorrow. h. Army transport Thomas, bringing toward establishing tho Military De- At Insa nqimilrons of ne Asylum tho first and third tbo partment of was taken several WHERE SUGAR IS PRODUCED Tho Nippon Marti, bringing mall Ilawnll, Fifth United States Cavalry, will reach weeks ago by tho War Department the Coast, will rench hero ut this poit, If tho ship runs on schcdiiln. from when tho depot quartermaster hero o'clock this aftornoou. A wire- "Wo receive practically no Tho Hherldnu sailed from San Fran- r:30 was taken out of tho Jurisdiction of wale' .hcroforu lecoiiiiuolids Hint an appro less wns received from tho ship this BY EUROPEAN FARMERS Irniii tbo public mains, tho Hie pilallou of $10(00 ho If cisco yesterday morning. tho Department of California and made and secured. noon by II. Ilnckfcld & Co. piotectloii for tho buildings Is there to build n new htluctuie. He There villi bo on board tho transport directly responsible to tho nothing. Wo eight troops of cavalry, thu regimental offlco at Washington, loin lino t.ild wmi" i.ih: Mrs. L. L. McCutidlcss' rendbig of waiian Sugar l'lantcrb" Kxperlmen Iwiilnch plpu from the lank, and need 'Tho Insane asylum is Innreasliig Its headquarters ' inil band. All Held Heretofore, tbo local military sta- In; brought liocms by Judge Dolo was ono Of the Mr. Of Queens- Station. storage In which Ki I'nil.v irpilpmont will with tho tion being a part of tho Department Desplace additional tanks avrr.igo of iutiintes at tbo rate of 'Kvcn-Ing- " Mr. Dcsplaco is on a vacation tint at ft but tho will roino In on features at thu "laical Authors' pump wnler." "' for tbn two years." It Is probably hoiscs of California, tho depot quartermaster tho been visiting the Ainerlcan-Ilnwalla- at tho Leugne samo tlmo lias tho freighter Vir Kilohuna Art last lias had to transact all business land Says White Dr. I'ctciton made tho above plate meant by this lh.it In tho past two night. Tho whole program was charm most prominent sugar mills with n s ginian. Two or threo days' mull will nienl In his report n io Iloai.l of rtr-ii- tho uunib-- r of InmatCB lias been through headquarters at San Fran- view Queensland mills bo in probability, on Ing. Among other literary efforts pre- to benefit tho Iiicii'-ium- I 2.'). also brought, all cisco, Considerable Inconvenience has Are Health on t'ondilliius at tho Insane by sented wns a translatldn of nblt of Farmers bo Is connected with. AhjIiuu at I'lrii Is tho vessel, resulted ut times, it Is said, through 4 I'alama. pinlecllon Tho lloird of Health lias abolished iinclent Tahltlnn verso by W. I). Alex- Mr. Dcsplaco Is the manager of one. - Major Fostor anil Captain Sturgcs of lielaj' needed then, without n doubt, for the the- pnsltlnun of Itegistriii' (luucral, the necessary In reaching Wash Success of tbo Queensland Central the Fifth Cavalry, aro already on the ander. ington Government wooden buildings mo mostly all old whfih carries u salary of Sirn per with important business, owing Mills and also Inspector of tho other gioiuid, tho ofUcera having arrived 1 to tbo necessity for passing matters Waril.niuiibor two was condemned IHo inoulli, and of Inspector of I'liimhlug TUB FItENCH ship Thiers, which uilllfa under government control. Dr. ago by hem on tho same ship which brought up to Han Francisco first. M'liiH u committee fiom tb nml House Fowi'is' curiylng a salary nrrlvod hero yesterday afternoon from Maxwell is tho comptroller of that de- llo.iiil of Captain Castner, the constructing That Iho Department or Hawaii will GOVERNMENT AND CORPORATIONS Ilfiltli as being In too bad n of JUKI per month. Tbo s.ilary of the Tasmania, Is ut lit lying out In tho partment whilst also director of tho to quartermaster charged with tho work bo an actual fact within a very short condition lepalr, but uutblng has Milk and Dairy Inspector will probably rtrcinn, The Thiers called hero for LEND MONEY AND Sugar Kxpoilmonl Stations there. of building tbo Lellchiia post. tlmo, Is tho opinion of local Army off- HELP been iluno slnco that tlmo. IVteraon Lo raised fiinu $75 to JIOD per month orders, and It not thought likely Mr. Dcsplano Is very much Imprnsseil All of tho tents needed to house both is icers. Tbo great garrison which will --'J l sho dock. with what ho Iiiih seen, mid states that officers and men bnvo been sent mil to bat will bo located hero, and iho Importnnco of Iho whlto labor condition In tbo nugnr U'llclum and all will bo up and floored post tho not only as a lighting but as Head of One of Queensland Central fields of Queensland Is bottling down, by Tuesday night at tho latest. Sani- DP YOU WANT FRUIT supply will a base, domain), it is bo Mills Finds Much of Interest tn business there nnd Is giving satis- tary nrrangimentr, bavo been practlc-- 1 lo- SHIPPED TO THE COAST Moved, that tho administration bo in Hawaii Returning faction, but to nrriie at it tho Indus- 11 v completed, anil tho .water plant Is on and want the BEST, leave your cated tho ground. Today try has been sperlully legislated for In sat ifi'd iry w irklm? order. Though As tho authority order with .us. of a itcpartmont thu only trouble Is It Is llko most of 1909 (Continued on Paire 2) commander Is, of necessity, much Among thu passengers for Australia such legislation there Is no certainty grontor Island Fruit Co., than that of any post coin by tho Makura leaving today, Is Mr of how long It will bo kept on, FRUIT SPECIALISTS (Continued on Page 2) Dcsplaco, who enmo hero soino four Tbo Queensland system for Iho weeks ago with letters of Introduction maintenance of whlto labor in tbo sug- - Spring Irom Dr. Maxwell, formerly of tho Ha (Continued Styles on Pnge 2) Consider FINEST With Dispatch CAKES A Watchword Of The IN AND JUST Wills tm i TERRITORIAL MESSENGER A Shoe for Consider the advisability of PASTRY SERVICE EMPLOYEES making out a will NOW. the Times NO Think of the necessity of leav- RUBBERS NEEDED, , "iron-bound- ALEXANDER YOUNG CAFE. Wilson Bros, and Cluett ing an " will This new boot, the latest addition one that not even tho clever- 361 to our stock, is one that meet est lawyer Phone will. can smash. the needs of the man who does lots of Shirts Our business is to draw up walking and is troubled with partic- wills in proper legal form. We ularly sensitive feet. do The "CAMBRIDGE" is made of Two of the best ami most reliable brands of shirts it freo of charge, if made one of the executors. soft black vicl kid has a double made today. Stop and take a look at them. Handsome sole, broad toe, and low heel. Patterns, Finest Material, Hip Variety. It has a distinctive style, and is fr Wicker altogether a good-lookin- sensible Hawaiian Chairs, Rockers, and Tables shoe. No. 523, Price $5.00. The Kash Co., Ltd., m Trust Co. NEW LOT JUST RECEIVED. Manufacturers' Shoe Co., LIMITED LIMITED w Cornor of Fort and. Hotel Sts. 1051 FORT STREET. 023 FORT ST. J. Hopp & Co., (LEWERS & COOKE BLDG.) TELEPHONE 282. o. ".'"J- - '

' !"V O V. I ),V .vJu Jta jjUMm, ;l$" ( p. -- "MvjRr 'Xtefv rArfr: 7v W i$m mfmt' ' S$L, 2 EVENING DULLETIN, HONOHTLTJ, T. It, FRIDAY, JAN. 8, 1009.

L0CA1 AND GENERAL ' ART THEATER t 1 isLsssgrii-:issfctlssssssssPi- IW.n.'Xi u. iffiHC II SMT Don't store the passe furniture HE label on a Wonderful Motion Picture' brink in the barn: two bits' worth 'of B'nl-- 1 if ing to view scenes from many lands e t i n Want Ads. will'seU it for you. Gluett shirt stands and embracing Comedy WEEKLY CALENDAR and Pathoi. the best mnte- - Two chance each week. fill VK ,TAHinBa,a '063 "1J ' . Xfoi JET--5 A was- - TOWN AND''' 4. non born to Mn nnd Mrs. rials, the most careful Monday and Thursday HumburR today. COUNTRT1 IN FOREIGN PORTS DEPARTED I J. S. McCandlcss Is booked to leave workmanshiD. the most -- 4U MONDAY The Bay; Thursday, January 7. Thursday, January 7. Fatal Card; The Circus by tho Manchuria. , accurate - Hawaiian - patterns, color- C.-- 8. Aorangl, Phillips, Van- Stated. The Talc of a Pic;; No More Servants A. W. T. llottomley Is booked ifdV iSHIRTS- SAN rnANCI&CO Arrlvtd Jnn. 7: S. lor t couver, G p. 111. UUNUAY Wanted; Pinkman the Second Unveil- the- - Mnnchurla, leaving tomorrow. jast iadhcs ana tnat ex--' Ilk. Atinlo Johnson, from llllo. Leahl Chapter No. 2 U. S. A. T. Dlx, Ankers, for Seattle, Initiation. ing a StatuerThc Sacrifice j Galvanic It you are looking (or any YOKOHAMA Sailed Jan 7' elusive control of the p. WtJUNUSOAY Fluid; Fresh-Ai- r 'Fiend. monds ko to the "Two Jacks'1 and B. -- . Chljo Mnru, for llon'rittlii. iiu ' patterns which means s6 jou'll flndlhem, (, v SAILING' TODAY ifpur f ! Tolfo carriage automobile much to the man kwIio NECESSITIES-MOVINGJOA- L 1HUHSDAV tt F.RE C.-- 8. 8. Makurn, dlbb, for Col "Honolulu Commandcry ln to' Carriage llnnlg. Co , for I ' ' strives miles, S p. lallon. rspalrs. to escape the in. ii Tho retiring Grand Jury referred ordinary in his attire PfLt Stmr. Claudlne, Dennett, for ; I'mOAV Perfumes to Deputy' Attorney General Sutton and llllo, 5 p. m. $1,50 and more. HAIL'HDAY in very complimentary 'terms. Slmr. Klnnn, Gregory, from Kami CLVBTT, COUTAHY, trans- Sheriff called bn Actios At- mnODT h Mr, N.T. The Q M. coal pile Is being I ortu, a. m, , Lsl Aloha Chapter No. 3 Jarrett Mttw of Arrow Collars torney General Whitney and Acting ferred from Its present site on lower - Stated. BOOKED Mott-Smlt- li street to barges In A PA88BNOER8 ievtai Governor this' morning. Iirt thclinrbor. The best assortment barge was moored Nnvnl wharf All visiting member of the Tho A. M. Diets Jewolry 'Co, has .. t. ' in nt tho j Per P. M. 8. 8 Manchuria, for Sail shown in the city." STALES' f 'morning the ot trans- Order are cordially Invited to moved Into Its new Quarters In the SUPREME tills nnd work I'nntlsco, Jnn. 8, or 9. Q. J. Wnrren, and TO SUIT V Woman's Exchange on Hotel street, COURT ferring tho coal begun. Tho transfer, Crnco Mies Ada attend runnings ot local lodges PRICES EVERY : SHOPPING NEWS Miss Power, Dwjcr, E0DY. Spend New Year's at Royal Annex. was necessitated by tho fire which MIps Helen Lowell, Mra. Armstrong, HaVe your typewriters ana has broken out In the pile. Mrs Alter, Miss Lottlo Alter, MIsJ machine i AND Leave your order for a'box repaired at Will. Nichols Co, Ltd, DISMISSES' APPEAL' Efforts have been mndo lo cxtln- - Iklcnc Ilnjmond, Miss Klnrciicu Hus-bj--. Fort Morchant streets. of Lchnhardt's Candy, Fresh and Tele f,ulsh tho fire without moving tho Miss Pearl L'ngell, McssrB. 1'rnl phone 16. , Ms HARMONY 1. BUSINESS REMINDERS smouldering blnzo Meek, Jos. Smiley, J. K. Webber, Ar-ni- l LODGE, No. 3, 0. 0. F. only Coat your Iron roofs pile, but tho his at with "Arabic" Campbell, Shakespeare, Mr. You will bo 'surprised at Its cooling proven stubborn, nnd not even n thor Dig. Meets every Monday evening at and ough soaking with water pumped by Mafllu, MIsh I). P Smith, Mr. nnd Mrs. preservative properties California Cdunty Attorney Cathcart Sheriff Is calling In all l " Jarrett 7:30 la 1. O. O. 1 Hall, Stroet. Food Co , agents. bny C. L l.ovtHj, child nnd tiurre, Col Port lice commissions, badges and kcjs Is means of n fire cnglno out of tho U. HKNDltV, Secretary. Members ot the Hawaiian Engineer- Fpnldlng, Itufus P. Spalding, Morgan It. Robinson tued under tho County of Oahu. has sufficed to stay tho progress ot Q. CHAMBER'S DRUG ing Association can pay their duos to Loses; Adams, Miss K. Ilchr, Mrs J Scunl DUN. r VICKEIIS, N. Alplno Milk Is a pure, rich milk that tho fire. tho financial socretary at Evonlng tiiul maid, H. Kroger, W. J. Lent niut All visiting brotbeis very cordially ghes everything a flavor nnd Is A dozen or moro carts wcro put nt CO., Dullotln any day between 12 and 1. Dissents better wife, J 8. McCnndtcss, Mr. and Mrs. Invited. Ltd. Mrs. Held, tqnally In and nt work this morning, nnd tho transfer Alexander mother ot Mrs. useful tho kitchen Holmes, Mrs. Duck, Wm. Krese, W. O. Chalmers, Is expected to table. Ask grocer for It. is being mndo ns rapidly ns is pos- llnry Corner King and BtroeU. arrho Tho Supremo Court this morning jour Hiss l"nsp. Leon HnnlgHbcrgcr, Mrs. 0AIIU L0DOE, No. 1, K. of P. Fort today on the Makura 8uprrlor New Zrnlmul mutton, lamb sible. for an extended handed down n ri clslon In tho case of tilt 0. W Harrison. Miss Mubol Th PHONE 131. lslt with her daughter. ii ml rabbits to bo hid from tho BI - II. O. Mlddledltch, trusteo In bank iiil W, S. Shaw, Mrs. Speit Mr. Aug. Meets (.wry first and third Frl- A Chinese, cmployo ot ono ot Metropolitan Meat Co. Telephone 45 WHERE SUGAR 19 PRODUCED the liiptcy v. John W Cathcart, nnd wife, Drclci, Mrs. U T. Ilreler and child. lay evening nt 7:30 In IC. ot P. Hall. lice plantations Pan an foun on at was nnd Percy M. Pond. The dcclslon'of ineso armcu irom Ainirnim ire Mrs. A, Clark, (loo II. Gilo nnd wife, orner Pert anil lldrctcnla. Visiting dead this morning. Deputy Short.' Aorangl. (Continued from Page 1) the majority of tho Court was mHorsi! W I). Wnhlforth, Miss Anna Wohl-fort- brother cuidinllj Invited to attend. Lieutenant Commander Hanford E. Tho Hcrilngllall Mnnl.i safo Is not itr Industry Is very iulurting and It to Cathcart and his appeal was dls A. K, Tlerinn and wife, Mrs I.. . O. DUUIUNQ. C.C., Moses, U. 8. N., llghthouso' Inspector only tho most safe to haVe Is possible for Hawaii to gain tunny Absolutely Certain mlMCd, but Circuit Judga Iloblnson, cnnunlrnt Tlcrinn, Miss" O Bleele. I J. Lea- JA3. V WHITE, K.It 9. for this district, will lenvo In tho office, but tho to valtnblo suggestions from tho experi- Ii this even ' sat on the bench In placo of Jus- also safest trust wife, C. II. II. lug AilMrallnn ther nnd Kith and wife, on thu Claudlne for Kahulul. npln-lort.- with jour monej', deeds, nnd valuable ence of that State. Tho Tou savat tice llallou, rendered a dissenting " A. Pr.itt, vvlfo nnd two children, C. L. HONOLULU LODGE G16, B. P. 0. E. Hobo is lincstlKntlnR tho papers. Thco. II. Davlcs &. Co, hard- practical result has been to turn tlis When you get matter. TfiA syllabus nf tho Court's deci- Ileuter nud wife, J, C. Montgomery, K. Tho local collections for the Italian sion ware department. Front Btigir cctito Into a largo number , Lodgu 13. us to make ls'as"follnn8t M. Lnndlcj and wife, .Mrs K, C. John-sen- Honolulu No. 016, I'. O. relief fund have so far The "Cambridge" Is n new shoo i f farms from fifty to eighty acres ull your clothes amounted to Appeals notice within flvo In that J, Ilodglns and wlfo, MIsa P. Q iS.wlll meet In their hall on King 17,423, of which 16,800 has already das will meet the needs of every man who luttlvAlcd by the white owners at ready-to-we- ar cases of Interlocutory orders: An ap- l'lojd II KmmoiiB, Tong near Tort Street eery Friday oven-lu- been cabled by Consul does n great deal nf walking nnd Tho Ojiconsland pchemo is ono of prices. Scbacfcr. peal allowed from nn order overruling has Phong. Miss M Plojd, Miss M 1) A. B. Arleigh & Coy are-- particularly rcnslllVo feet. It Is a central mills. Tha laud Is cultivated r Our $25. salt Ltd., es- a demurrer must be tiken by filing o Puniilng, Miss Davison, T II. Johnson Uy order of the K. It.: tablished Quarters good looking, eenslblo shoo. Price, $5 by the farmer; who sell Ihclr ciop , have no in their new on of It within five dajg after tho li ind wlfo. A. W T Ilottomlej-- II. A. HENRY O. UASTON. Hotel ut tho Manufacturers' Shoo Co , Ltd. (ho sugar mills or manufacturles as comparison. street, between Fort and Bish- order. Ilccd, L. Van Liak, l P. Llving3tou Secretary. op streets, and ihcj nre called In Queensland. Soma Tuxedo Suits are readv for business. Circuit Judgo Iloblnson's dlstcntlng ind wife. VM. II. McINEItNV, U. It. .uibb uura snmii, wna uccn vis opinion nt thoro mllln mo operated bj tha $30. up. lias rends ns follows: Per stmr. Claudlne, Dennett, for iting with her sister, C, P. I MARINES MUST "HIKE"' Government nnd somo by the private Mrs. Morso. respectfully dissent In my Judg Maul nnd Hawaii ports, S p. m., Jnn. v7m. M'KINLEY LODGE No.8, K ofP. for several months, returns to corporations her ment tho time within which notlco'of 8 M. S. Qrlnbaiim nnd wife. W. G. homo In San Francisco by the Man appeal fhny bo ghen Tho sugar Dills of Quccniland pay every nnd within which LIKE REAJJpHBOifS Hall, V. It. llorton, 8. 11. Mocs, Tong Meets ind and 1th Siturdny churia. Mich Appeal may be perfected by filing i tax of nbotit twenty dollars per ton sugar Chnn, L. It. Parker, C. J, Sliucnlng, evening at 7:30 o'clock In K. ot I. Tho offices nboo the Hawaiian bond and payment nf costs, In caso of of tint h mamifRcturul. Tho Long .ov In A V. Peters. Hall, cor. Fort and nerctanla. Visit- Trust Co. on Fort street are being re- appcnl from n decrco overruling n do When Major reaches hero on eminent turn p.ijs back tn thu ing brothers cordially Invited to at fitted preparatory to use by C. M. ruurror or from nn interlocutory Judg- Friday next, ho will find the local ma farmer, or cane growei, a bonus of 'end. Cooko as tho headquarters of C. if, ment, order or decrco, upon nllownnco rlne garrison In tho best uf condition ibout fifteen dolhrx er ton for ciho EXAMINATIONS IN W. L. I'RAZEE, C.C.. Cooke, Mil, of such nppcal b) a circuit Judge, as Not only Is tho cjnip Itself In fine trim, that is exclusively cu'th.ited by whtlu but tho men nre very fit will labor. Theru Is n of B. A. JAC013SON, K.R.B. Reis & Quihn are 'now located 'at provided by section I8S9, P.. L , runs nnd be scheme district nblo to glvu now Ing tho the Young Sftutd-Phon- e from tho the comers a fow various sections based on u f Hotel Auto date nf tho order allowing' SCHOOJSJONTINUE 199-S- pointers on condition. general avcrago of production HONOLULU AERIE 140, F. 0. E. hort runs SOo"' tnd 1.00-B- y i uch appeal' and not from tho date of under CJ the hour lh'o Judgment, Captain Kay hus been teaching his varjlng conditions of land and cllmatr Tho following Is n report on QEO. A. MARTIN, $5.00 Special rate' for order or decree from medical Meets on the 2nd and 4th WED- shopping s which the apral Is desired. Any men'tho noblo art of 'hiking," nnd not Tho result Is that tho bonus of tho1 examinations In tho various schools Hotel Bt anfltallingr othor or government to NESDAY evenings ot each month at John Lua was this morning commit- vfow1 must, necessarily, limit, ns to rno them would feel tho Slightest each producer avcrdgea turned In lo Superintendent Halibut, 7:3C hcsltntion at going against In the vicinity of n dollar and n o'clock In K. ot r. Hall, corner ted to the Circuit Court this morning time nt least, tho exercise of tho n President lnl! At Mollllll school there were founrleci Itoosov slxij-mll- o per ton of sugar. Herctanla and Fort streots. RYCROFT'S SODAS In tho Police Court'on a 'charge or lar- vested by the legislature In tho ell's walk proposi- cases of trachoma. tion. This morning, before 11 o'clock, Tho former does well nnd Is gsneral' Vlaltlng Eagles are Invited to d ceny In tho first degree. Ho was'u'o-fende- d circuit Judge' In tho matter of tho al- Knllhluka Trachoma, lj conjunct ly contented, may by T. M.'Hnrrison. ' lowance of such 'an appeal, nnd nbrldgd half tho compiny inarched down along 'lho firms be on i; vncclnnttons, 13; certificates Ihe land owned In fco slmplo I W. L. rnAZEE, W., Prest. Purest Flavor Highest Quality W, KrankB was 'arrested for Investi- the time of tho 'appellant nlthln which wntorfront. their captain nt their or lease 17. II. T. MOORE, Secy. Guaranteed Absolutely Pure. gation (his foronoon. Ho Is suspected to glvo notice 'of and perfect np head, travel stained nrid dustj', and cither from tho 'government or n tor Normal Trarhnm'i, fi; conjunctiv- such bowing porntlou. of haing picked up a purso containing peal. i tho offetts of many miles of Tho urea rims from flftj ti itis, 18; vaccinations, Itch, 10; PnONE 270. hard marching. eighty and us a rule ono famllj ill, HAWAIIAN TRIBE No. 1, 1. money, nnd to hnvo kept it. nciis ccitifWates refuted, 131, gt.iutilited 0. R. M. Franks is nblo to Is cmplojcd atFort Bhaftor handle this amount of acre- Hide. 8. .REPUBLICANS WORK age, during the harvest season ono Meett, every first and third Thurs-dio- s Col. Spalding, the Countess Sennl, or Manna Trnchomn, 1; conjunctivitis, EXPENSES OF LAND two additional hclpo.. ..i.iy ho em of eicb month at Knights of Kufus Bpaldlrig'and other Kaual folk, I; scabies, 4; vaccinations, 20; ceillf-'cato- s Our Expert J plnjed or Bovernl farmcrii may com Pythias Hall Visiting brothers cor- nrrlvcd Iri town recently and will leave (Continued from P?ra lefithcl, 21. have a better position blno and help each dially Invited tn attend. for thd mainland "on the Manchuria. lather than other. JInllllll Tiaclinma, II; conjunctiv- ON tho Republicans, Tho government toady tn A 0 ARLEIGH, Tho Countess will return to Italy. aEPICEARE liaslns their bcllor sumls itis 19; vncclnntlotu, 33; certificates Sachem. $9375 on htlp tho fnimer flninc'lallj will, This cvcnlng'al 7:30 o'clock, Dr.-- the following section of tho Mu- It rrfurcil, TS, culargid ghtids, 1 A. E MURPHY, C. ot It. for Instance Haldn.'praflli'ent'oMtie Japanese Charw nicipal Act: advance him money" to Wnllupo Trachoma, G; conjunctiv- Magnetos, build his homo. Tho Interest Ity Ifosliftal) wlll'be entertained at a "Section 138. Uvoiy officer who chatgo Ii itis, G; pcablcs, 1; vucclnntlons, 1, c FXCELLENT LAUNDRY WORK four per cent or dlhncr'to bo given In his honor at the rhall approve, nllow, or pay nny de- and tho terms piymcnc refuted, 7 Commissioner Pratt Has very easj Tho protection of gov- by Shlnrlif tel club, on Vlncjard mand on tho Treasury not authorized tha WulMkl Trachoniu, 9; conjunctiv- done ths street ernment la on Storage Batteries, une rntlchbowl lot Was sold by law, ordinance, or this charter, its lien tho sugar crop itis, 4f vucluatlons, 20; certificates at auc HadirdTfgure. Prlvato corporations ie tion last week: to Henry D. Meyer. thall bo llablo to tho City nnd Coun- also UsslSl thv lused, 31 TRENCH LAUNDRY L. planter with their new FRENCH an employe of th'e Rapid Transit, ty Individually and on his ofllclnl small wllh iidvnnccs, ulthuugh Pnuoa Trachoma, I; conjunctivitis, for Close- - charging a higher ruto of process. and Xoils (lie'sunirof JS8C. Tho lot Is sltuatod bond for tho amount of the domnnd Interest. 5; rcabliB, 2; vaccinations, 33; cerllf Tho Bum paid out each to 257 Brretania St. Phone 1491. just 'off 'Luto street near tUo Queen's to lllegnlly uppruved, allowed, or jcari IcatPB irfuscd, I1!, glands, 1 Land Commissioner PrAtl hnn tho planted amounts to nbotit IS HERE Hospital.1 nnt paid." three I'orty of tho 09 cii-e- or conjutu M- during tho past period, tho sum of millions or dollnra. Mr. Desplaco stntca yitis Oyster "oaves Royal "You will see," said ono of tho cuus at Kaah muiu uchool icoud at Annex. out or hlo incidental expense ap- that tho system lias taken somo tlmo McTsghe Favorite The case uf Jaelntha MlgUcI, l,3iii Icadors thin morning, the Dem- eJ. a propriation of $60d. This means that "that to work out but It Is now n success woman charged with selling ocrats nro risking nothing. If thoy A Specialty is made of repairing he will havo'onlv h lit tin nvnr'tnn m Mnny of tho largo coriioratlons nro cut-lin- g The "Best Whiskey on the Markrt. liquor without a license,' was found by be thl carry ap- nio the rouits to 'right, up STORAOE'-BATTERDZ- 'nlm through until tho now Ibtlr lauds nnd Belling tlienf NEW THOS. F. MoXIGHE & CO., AGENTS. morning n61lo' pros'sed In tho woll and good: nnd If they nro found SPARK GAP MAY Police propriations aro passed. Coiikuiuci... en easy terms to planters under favor 101-10- Court "at tho retinoid of to be In wrong, fin- 5 KING ST. tho license ly thoro will bo a deficiency. the they have no nblo grinding contracts. commissioners. responsibilities BE USEDAT KAHUKU PHONE 140. P. 0. BOX 755. nut Pratt has kept tho expenses of ancial On the other In comparlns conditions In tho Thcrd Is naT prettier blaco of amuse-mon- t unud, Republicans bis offlco rlghf'dowti as 'close as they tho nre spending Islands, Mr. Dosplnre BuyB that ho ASSOCIATED GARAGE.ltd In town tHan tho Gem money Theatre p6aslbly could bo 'kept. Ills total right along, and if thoy are thinks tho cultivation of tho local sug- Conimciclal wlitlobs eeivlco with AN OUTING on Hotel street. The ronjoy-- ladles It travelling expenses for tho period, found to havo been doing so without ar lands under such conditions would tho I'nclfie CoaBt will bo established MERCHANT'S!.1 TEL. 888. because no smoking Is 'allowed.' The trip to Washington nnd warrant by law, oich nf them Is per- bring good results Ho knows enough leforo long, If (ho cNpurlmcnlH vvhkh in a brand new ceven-scatc- Call up very latest films aro ro' shawnand charlge f llrii.hAvn nmniinfji'il V,,l., ITnqno sonally responslbln for tho amount, cf tho Btrugglo Queensland liaB hail to (Icnsrnl Mmngcr J. A. Halch uf tho 191 or 1458 and ask for twice a weok. 'A great" racd horse Appraretments havo cost him a small which will run into thousands ot dol- realize that changes cannot bo brought Wireless Company Is now making, film Is on this week. prove J. M. LEVY & CO., LTD.: loriuno, nnout szooo, whllo the s lars." i.bout nt onco, but tho cultivation of successful. Last month tho op Dlcyclo Officer Howoll last night' C. H. ar amounted to nnnrnlmtnli- - tmall nreaB Is quite practical In his tr.itor nt Knhukti Point wna In BEHN KING ST. NEAR'1 BETHEL. restod thfeo Ja'panose at" Mollllll. Ho $3000. alonu LEILEHUA WILL BE intimation, and tho returns fn Biign with thu Pacific Co ist mu sdmo a, l, a: PHONEYS. heard shots nnd found number Miould bo ns good, twuntj eight dnjs out nf tlilltj one REDUCTION GALE fiom Saturday, of Japancso ' tost neighborhood Of 1500. quarreling. It appears, His Tho who Ilulch Is now can lug on con us THE FAMILY GROCERS, however, trlp'around the 'Islands with (Continued from Pare 1) farmers aro engaged In tho j Eth, LADIES' HATS from up. thaV tho shots 'were fired at n pondence with $2.00 dogs' Reclamation Exnert Noweli t una powerful pump has been Installed lit Mil woik of Queensland nro nf nil n mainland firm rilatlvo by n Chinoso duck rancher In tho n now and tho running expenses of tho land caso It should bo needed, tedta so far nationalities and races oxcept the Or- lo model revolving spark gap. Mclnlty, and prob,-abl- y 1 the defendants will vmco navo bnvn fun) le hod ground iental and tho man. This gives n high frequency speak black bo discharged. amountoI'to 'about JIB00. for tho bcllof The Italians K. UYEBA, iln nn ample vnluino of water bo mo found In fairly lnrge'iiumbsrH which mikes It possible to Hbtll Lindsay can but ion Fordr Judo' nnd Clerk united through gravltj-- . they ns n rule prefer tho mines through atmospheric or static 1028 HUUANU ST. John Marcalllno'nre expected to Euro sHm - iL TOURING CAR, SU85. CHIVUHAKU STARTS Tbo carpenters havo been working peans of all nationalities havo taken on tho Siberia, g and'tlie'wdrk of ut top speed tha past fow days com- up tho farms end lh6y havo made a The spark Btcured with tho lovnlv-in- all' the Circuit 'Courts wll) be Wong Wong, then pleting the work on stnbles and cor-lal- success of it. gap will glvo n snund tn a tele- SOHUMAN CARRIAGE CO., (LTD. renewed.' Lindsay Is making atrlp ON HERMAIDEN RUN Nearly 600 heat! of horses aro phone receiver, not iintlko a nosmilto CONTRACTOR BUILDER. MERCHANT to his wife's and ST, NEAR ALAKEA. homeln the East, whllo coming on tho Virginian and, In mldl-tlo- HAWAII MAY 300N buzzing. It Is claimed, PLUIIE.NG and FAINTING. Marcalllno has been In California the H. Hackold & Co, Hawaiian 'agents thoro will bo tho nmbnlanco This high pitched buzzing biiiui 1 will B, MIYATAacVCO.,..! greater through Ofike: Honolulu Tainting Co., 221 partof his Vacation. for tho Toyo Kteon Kalsha, ard In mules nnd other stopk belonging to (Continued from Paje 1) travel statics that n low CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS,? PATN- - of a 'cablegram from Yokohama ihe regimental quartermaster's depart- muiiiler, It would bo Bj)ark will not, Kng St , P 0. Box 014. 5 possllno for many TERS, PAPER HANGERS'! and- along-cld- Moro Is lying innounclng that tho now twlri screw ment. mattciB of Impnrtnnco to bo bottled experiments will bo cariiid on MASON WORKERS)'. tho Inter-Islan- wharf, loading steamer Chlvo Mnru nnlloii frnm n.,,,u right hero, wero this a department nlong this line, and Hatch feels sure CO1 Hand Lumber, Doors cargo. " they will In WING CH0NG Second ana ' pestetday for this 'port on her maiden All 'court martini findings must bo that result biltiglng thu Sashes Bought and Bold. voyage. w? ' ii r tlmo when n general ICING ST. NEAR BETHEL iii approval by tho department command-c- r commercial ser- ma ST.', PALAMA JUNCTION The Chljo is slated to arrive here on beforo they nro forwarded to vice can bo maintained between hero A Host Excellent Assortment of WE SAVE Wash. Dealers in Mattresses, Phone 094. January 10, but this being herflrrt EYES Ington, With a gnrrlson of several and tho Coast, decidedly closor It All trip. - bo a now Etc.. Etc. kinds of K0A and It Is thought not linllknh- that oho thousand men. It la pointed out that maj that model of aerial will P. H. BURNETTE. may i alfco bo MISSION TURNITUBE Made Tc make a special Bpurt and try til thoro must bo n good many trials. To tested ut Kahtiku In connection Attorney'-at-La- the District I dy removing the first slight eye trou- - with Order. for SUITINGS maku tho run In olght days. Tho rec- ii.. submit nil or tho flndlngu to Sim Fran- tho proposed thango of equip- W9Bte' "' t ..-. - i. Courts; Notary Publioj Draws between bles that grow to bigger ones. cisco, ment. ..i ord hero and San 1'rancluco whurd thty would bo pawed y 1P1 u, LUNCHES and DRINKS i Mortgages, Deeds, Bills of Sale, i held by the Tcnyo Marti, sister ship an officer KKftO. who could not bo thor- .L. mi i to the MBgfo I Ule m03; popular ceases, wius,eic; Agent to urani Chljo, and tho cjptuln of tho oughly In touch with tho cases, would ' Marriace now may Ten-yo'- Sea K,f place in tovn. Licenses. W. W. vessel try and wrest tho s bo both tioiiblesomo nnd Impractic- Wrens, $tOO 79 MERCHANT 8T.',! Ahana Go.', laurels frorn her. able, It Is claimed Motor HONOLULU. The launch with U;j The Fashion Saloon, PHONE 310. LOOTED Chljo brings 1100 tons of gon-er- Motor, $175, Complete. r freight ii - for Honolulu THR INTnn ISLAND steamer No 'HE CHARLES D. Hotel St. near Fort: Bulletin Offloe fl2 S. KING ST. PtTONT- KOR WALKERS, BOAT Business Phone 259. au Is being Inter-Iblnm- overhauled nt tho l AND MACHINE WORKS Jack Scully. Jack Roberts. Bulletin Editorial Room Phone 185. THE BEST "FITTER8" IH 8ale" cards at Bulletin. Kgfllt I0WK. MF"For wharf, King St. opposite South St. t tBuM'lfvr

,i 1 .'x: .

4&-- aJ-t- t ' .jJteai v - e.4l ' 'jA.-S- ..EVBKINO .BULLETIN. HONOLULU. T. H.T FIUDAY, 1004. itlMiMIMMtlMI 3 ! hi; it rmiTtifitt itKsoi.VIlt) that ! LEPER PATIENT BY AUTHORITY the following eiiiur, amounting to I Ten Thousand and Fifty Dollars RESOLUTION. (110,050), nie hereby appropriated CLINICALLY WELL to be paid out of moneys In the road eQ Making Appropriations for the Vari tax general fund of the City nnd ous Services of the City and Coun- County of Honolulu, for the building bridg ty of Honolulu, and maintenance of loads and Last Days! es In the tcspcithc districts minted Treatment of Dr. Wayson IIB IT llESOLVIID by tho Hoard herein, said umcnt to be In pio SPECIAL 1909 ot Supervisors of tho City and Coun- lata monthly subdivisions of said Ha6 Wonderful ty ot Honolulu: amount as stated In the Hclfedul'J ! That the following sums, amount- thereof herein contained: Last Days Effect ing to Two Hundred and Fifty-on- e Per Six Thousand Two Hundred and Twenty Month Months ap- After tun of experimenting, (1251,220.00) Dollars, are hereby Honolulu $600.00 13.000.00 joara paid moneys Dr. J. T Vunon lias ilemcmstrnteil propriated to be out ot Kwa and Walanao 700 00 4.200.OO general Treasury that lie linn found uhat In probably the In the fund ot the Walalua 125.00 7fi0 00 Of Our Great January nearest to a euro for leprosy that has ot the City and County ot Honolulu, Koolauloa 176.00 1.0SO.00 yet been exploited In these Islntitls. for salaries fixed by law and other Koolaupoko 175.00 1,050 00 Tlio treatment which Dr. V'aiion Is salaries, wages ot labor, donations and hu it rutin 1 1: iiesolvi:d experimenting with, has far Im and general expenses ot tho said City that the Auditor is hereby authorized Industrial bo proveil one man at the Kallhl receiv- nud County for the period beginning nnd directed to draw warrants on the ing station the hu is now In n condi with tho Fourth day of January, Treasurer for any of the sums named tion, according to Dr. Wujson ami 1909, at 12 o'clock noon, and ending herein, or parts thereor, upon hating President Mark l Itoblnson, to ru with the Thirtieth day ot June, 1909, filed with him schedules of salaries Underwear turn to his home, and this ho will bo said payment to bo made In pro rata fixed by law and other salaries, of do- ullowcd to do If tho Attorney General, monthly subdivisions of said amount nations named herein, of payrolls and to whom the question has been - re- as stated In tho schedule thereof of accounts for material and supplies, ferred, decides that tho Hoard of herein contained: nccompanlcd by original vouchers Edition Sale Health has the power to glu htm his Per Month. Six Months. and certified by the Clerk as having freedom without a reexamination. Salaries fixed been duly passed by the Hoard ot Su Tho patient Is n Hawaiian, and was bylaw 1 12.C70.00 pervisors any meeting, ! ....$2,095.00 at regular or Buy Now Save Money! carried to the rccehlng station on a Major: , nny special meeting called for the H ttretchcr two jenrs ago in a ery bad Material and purpose of considering expendltuies. condition Ills left leg n paralyzed, supplies . . . 160.00 900.00 AND UI3 IT FUKTHKIl ItESOLV- - nud one 'of his arms was In Bitch a Clerk: ED that to nulio expenditures under bail condition that It was found lieces-mr- Ofllce employ this resolution, It shall bo necessary to amputato Almost I ' It mined es '. . 40.00 2,040.00 that all salary lists, Items of dona lately after the amputation, under tho Material and tions,, payrolls. Items of materlnU To be issued by the of Dr. W'ajson, condi- treatment tho supplies . .. 100.00 C00.00 r.nd supplies, nnd accounts of gencr JANUARY SALE of man began to Improtc, tion the and Auditor: a expenses shall before being present' BULLETIN now no In exterior ho is different Office employ- ed to tho Hoard of Supervisors, bo from nny other man. Dr. es 1SC.00 760.00 passed upon by a Committee or Com- Early Year. Wnjton tho man would in the stages that Material and mittees and by such be reported to of pass a clinical examination for tho dis- supplies . . . C0.0O 300.00 the Hoard of Supervisors with ease, but ho Is not certain about a bac- the teriological examination. At any rate, Attorney: recommendation of such Commlttco ho Is so much Improved that Wnjuon Deputies and or Committees, and sums found to be o - lawfully nnd pnyablo may itntes ho would pass quarantine in ofllce in duo then Honolulu plO)CS .... 8S0 00 C, 280.00 be oted upon singly or collectively LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS anil San Francisco. " Tho request to ullow tho patient to Material and as convenient on a call ot tho ayes T will contain a com leturn to his homo without ro examin- supplies . . . 100.00 coo.oo and noes. In the event ot nny such ation has been referred to the Attorney Treasurer: Commltteo falling or neglecting to Oennrnl for his opinion on tho legality Office employ-c- s so pass upon any such matters, or to plete review of the of such action, and a report will bo 125.00 7G0.00 make any recommendation In regard Hoard may I mado at tho next meeting. Material and thereto, tho thereupon SUGAR INDUSTRY MONDAY, JAN. Ilth supplies . . . 1.00 1C0.00 act. Municipal of- AND HE IT FURTHER RESOLV- FAREWELL DINNER fices: ED that no payments under this res- with a Historical State- Ilent 0.00 1, COO. 00 olution shall be mado, nor Indebted- BY Maintenance ness ot the City and County ot Hono MRJESPLACE ot pounds: lulu Incurred, In any month In excess ment of its Develop- Payroll . .... 30.00 1S0.00 of the monthly pro rata Bums herein Mr. Desplaco of Queensland, who lr KngK authorized. ment. has been visiting the Islands for soma n o e r 1 ng Tho foregoing resolution making GAPTTQ weeks, gae a farewell dinner at tho and Bur-- v Appropriations for tho various serv-lic- s I University Club last evening to a o y I n b ot tho City and County ot Hono- party of friends composed of Judge Work: lulu wns, at a Regular Meeting of the Dole, Cleorgo Itoss, A. II. Ourrcy Jr., Payroll , . . i. 425.00 S.CS0.00 Hoard of Supervisors of the City and Shop IM ward Arjultagc, Ilanncy Scott, Material and County of Honolulu held on Tuesday, Also, Reviews of the The Place to Noel Deer, and J. P. Cooke. supplies . A 100.00 COO.OO January 5, A. D. 1909, passed to Tho tablo was decorated with Maintenance print on the following ayo nnd no carna- ' and rawnwii irfmj sprajs of fern, rosebuds, and of Parks:! vote ot tho said Hoard ot Supervi- PINEAPPLE the I tions with small' flags ot America, Payroll ....?. 200.00 1,200.00 sors: Hawaii, and Hngland for Rouvcnlrs Donation: Ayes Ahla, Aylett, Cox, Kane, COFFEE INDUSTRIES, for the guests. Tho menu was a K a p I o 1 a n I Logan, Qitlnn. Total. C. work of art and tho menu cards were Park 700.00 4,200.00 Noes McClellnn. Total, 1. n very artistic nirungement of tho M n I n I HOARD OP SUPERVISORS OF THE HONEY, and all other 'i Territorial Hag of Haw nil and tho nance andf CITY AND COUNTY OF HONO- Rtute Hug of Queensland on n card C o nstruc-t- l LULU. Island Enterprises. decorated with the green of growing o n of Ily D. KALAUOKALANI. JR., ane. it o a u a. City nnd County Clerk, City und A ery pleasant evening was cn- - 11 r I dges County of Honolulu Jojcd nud tho party afterwards went und Parks': 4201-O- t .L. '"A-- JU to tho theater. Honolulu .11,500.00 69,000.00 Ewa k 1,800.00 10,800.00 REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Walanao .... 400.00 2,400.00 mmmmmi Walalua .... 1,875.00 11,260.00 "EXCELSIOR" A SpecialFeature will Entered for Record Jan. 6, 1909, Koolautoa t . . 1,625.00 9,150.00 from 10:30 a, m. to 4 p. m. Koolaupoko . . 1,825.00 10,960.00 Samuel Mupu to Mntumoto I. M a I n t e- - 1909 be Beautiful Illustra- 1 U. Wulhcrs and wf to l.aupboehoa nnnce n f Mosquitoes Sugtr Co I. Police ' Mills, Planta- C. McLennan to Laupahoehoo Sugar Force: Diaries tions of Co L Payroll 0,625.00 39,750.00 follow tlie rain as night the day. SKEETGO will rid Robert Low to Laupahoehoo Sugar Material and Jn all sizes for pocket and tions, Homesteads, and Co L supplies . . . 1,000.00 0,000.00 office use; most convenient you of tlicir buzzing and you won't get "stung" if you Manoel (lantahez to l.aupahochno M a I n t and serviceable. use it. I Sugar Co 1. o f OFFICE DEVICES Individuals who manage i Tcimo Sakada to I.aupuhochoo Sugar rire S Of Every Description. t Co I. and Island affairs. Win Williamson to Thomas Oandall Flro Appu-rat- i: Hawaiian News Co., Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd., '. Knl I'lOTEL AND PORT STREETS. Thomas Oandall to J Kulukulualanl.M Payroll 3,675.00 22,050.00 LIMITED. Yokotako Matsushlro to Ako CM v. Material and YOUNG BUILDING; Alexander Garlo to John T Oan- supplies . . . 600.00 3,600.00 dall He) C o 1 1 o I - wmm Kancoho Hnnch Co Ltd to Charles and KooHIng IIS Disposition The latest and largest assortment .1 II Castlo by atty to Charles Koel ot Garbage: of hand-mad- e ling Can of Agnnt 113 and painted leather ras and Payroll 1,400.00 8,400.00 Siuopta A Oullck to Thos IMwnrds..U postcards in Hawaiian Views, Flow S s M a I n HAIEIWA I'ager I to M L D t Oucrrcro Guerrero.. and ers and Fruits, at Keakahlwu (w) to Louis I'carv U WEEDON'S CURIOSITY Mutton Our Con struc-Ho- n BAZAAR Rabbits, Lamb and Charlotto O llerger to Martha Dor- - Hotel St., bet. Bethel and Nunano. Greets You gcr et al PA o t E 1 o Charlotto O llerger Declrn ctrlo s L Light Sys- No onger Dry Ice Cream Entered for Record Jan. 9, 1909, Fall Millinery from 9 a. m. to 10:30 a. m, tem: Tender and Juicy, from New Payroll 676.00 4,050.00 BEAUTIFUL STYLES is absolutely Pure and v, Henry K Poopoc to Louisa Kconcula BIDGOOD, Manager. NOW ON EXHIBITION. J ST. CLAl'tt nud hsh Itel Material and Zealand by the Aorangi. t make Any Flavor To Order. Martha llerger to August Drcler supplies . - 1,000.00.. 6,000.00 M I e- - MISS POWER'S Ltd AM a n t s Patronize our Cake Depart- o I Fine Wines and Liquors nance f B01T0N BLDG.. FORT ST. ment. BORN Police nnd Flro Metropolitan Meat Co., Ltd. IIUMnuntl In this city, Jan. 8, Alarm Sjb-te- & CO., LTD. LOVEJOY 1909, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Humburg, Phone 45 s Wholesale Dealers a sou. Payroll 125.00 750.00 YOU CAN START THE 002-00- 308 4 Nuuanu Ave. Phone Palm Cafe, Material and HOTEL NEAR UNION. 1S5 editorial roomo 250 buil. supplies . , . 125.00' 750.00 New Year Right nets office. These are the telephone M a 1 n t e- - The Encore Saloon numbers of the Bulletin office. nanco o f H a wall&n by giving us your liand: Try a drink at the new place and To Let Payroll 1,350.00 8,100.00 Jewelry, Watches Joseph. A. have "MATT" HEFFERN serve you. Material and Oilman, COR. HOTEL and NUUANU. supplies . . . 75.00 450.00 and Clocks Kunawal Lane, 1 Bedroom , .$ 7.00 Donation: Delivered to residences Leah I Homo.. 126,00 750.00 SHIPPING AMD COMMISSION MERCHANT. Nr. Fort St. Bridge, 2 B.R., . 8.00 To be Repaired and offices at 25c per Witness Fees. 150.00 900.00 1KSURAN0E FIRE AND MARINE. hundred in 10-l- lots Nr. Fort St. Bridge, 3 B. R. . 15.00 Coroner's In- PRICES RIGHT. or more. quests .... 75,00 450,00 ce W. O. DARNHART, Premium o n 133 Merchant St. Bonds Not J. A. R. Vieira & Co. Agent for ARTHUR SEWALL & CO., Bath, Maine; Tel. 140. pro rated. . 1,550.00 The Weekly Edition of the Evening E. R. 113 HOTEL ST. FARR0TT & CO., San Tranciico. I P. Strauch Bulletin Business Office Phone 250. Bulletin gives a complete summary of Total Bulletin Editorial Room Phone 185, the news of the day, WAITY BLDO. 74 S. KINa ST, ..S251.220.00 ' "" ' m i I vMmmmmmmmm WWiK'wm-- ' i" fim-- x iwii:inpiifiifimm MMfffW - IdjtfUBWM'iJ,, y l.ijtr"i' wyfKrx- WT$f V HT' EVHNINa BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H FIUDAY, JAN. S, 1909. bv a buatd of men ot hich idcnls WW' COEtHOS THOUGHT m'on wild arc'nb6v6. rejjr9ac),JiuUi.it EVENTJSTG BTTSLOiETrN they are not nnd dd not believe In, high AttY and WEEKLY WbtlihtibjlULUtnir PUBUSHWO partiality, because ot tht'lr Own CO.. LTD. FURNISHED HOUSES education which they have obtained a 01 MtWIU. ON AdRICULTURE r iu i"" Buiviuiuiu, icmwrj In Institutions which nre far above tfly every dy except Sunday. Weekly Usntd on Tuesday of tfccfc wmL FOR RENT tho (Oriental) public school s)stem SHOE of Hawaii. The President of the KEMBE1 01 not ASSOCIATED PBXBf. (Just Vacnteil) College, whom I have not ns yet had Si Associates Coolie Labor tho pleasure of mcetln but hope to Wallace R. Farrington - - Editor In a few das when I have completed $32. CO On Young Street With School Teaching my lnestlgntlnns In tho Territorial HTBSCE1PTI05 XATEI PAYABLE IH ADVAHOE. riear Pawan Lane; com- departments, Is n mnn of very lilfh pletely furnished; 2 s; standing In College SALE I Proposal work, and Hawaii liVBNINQ UUIXCTIN WBBKLV DULLBTIN electric lights; Is very fortunate to have his sciv-Ice- s. gas; largo yard; Tcr Month, snywhert In U.B...... S) .711 Per Sli Month.,,, , servants Editor Evening The Instructors nre all highly .Ho Uullettn: ROOM GOODS, ' PcrQu.rttr, nrwhtttlnU.S.,,,, 3,uu Pet Ver, tnyohere tit t) S I.oo 'tpuartcra; artesian water. It. reply to your request for an ex- recommended. All of tho ubovo nre TO MAKE P0R NEW Per Vrr, inrohertlnU.8. M.oo Pei Yer, miywhere In C.naiU ., l,5o pression concerning Hun. S. M. Da determined mako tho youths coin- m Ptr car, po.lp.id, Not REGALS, but other good makes. lortltt la.oo PtrYcar pottpilil, lortljn 3.io mon's Interview In )our bariir ot the ing under their tutorship useful citi- lilt Ihstnht, I Would say that, Jn tho zens of our Hawaii Alohn. Tho lion. MEN AND WOMEN'S OXFORDS OlHCULATIOlt LARGEST OF ANY HEWPAPER PUBLISHED $3r,.00 On lleretanln St. main, he is correct. S. M. Damon Is one ot the tew de AND LACE BOOTS. bed- Interesting children scendants of tho early missionaries l bit Terrltorr of near IMIkol 3 Tho Idea of In li Bimli. St.: All the Styles Black and Tan. $3.00 Shoes rooms; electric lights; agriculture Is excellent, but the at- whom wo HawAllans love, becauso ho Latest in ( nt $2.50; $2.50 Shoes at $2.00; $2.00 Shoes at $1.50. EdltcilrlcU Rooms, 185 gas; good piano; linen; tempt to make them laborers Instead Is n true friend of tho Hawaiian, : Hpl ns though wnro a I Office, 258 servants quarters nnd of training them to be Independent and he loves us he LADIES AND MISSES' WHITE CANVAS TIES. ?Ilbsltie'isi bam. cltlzons, earning lltolr livelihood out native Hawaiian himself. From E lifted t I he Fostoflice at Itottotula reading I see, Is his selling at tecood-tlti- of thelf 'own and out ot the soil his Intervlow, It Regular, $3.00. at $2.50; $2.50 ties $2.00. I u t muter. toll they cultivate Is abominable. earnest desire to have more sons and Regular $2.00, Belling at $1.50; $1.50 tics at $1.00. rrhe of chil- daughters of Hawaii take more in FRIDAY JANUARY 8, 1909 natural tendencies MISSES AND CHILDREN'S SHOES. dren tb drjfl Into arlcd vocations aro terest In their homes. He wants so evident to inculcate Into them to acquire and build homes, nnd Shoes Shoes OLIQARCHIBTS OAHNuT SUCOEBD.' Jr ,he chlld"!I of our Puullc that the $2.50 at $300; $2.00 at $1.50; $1.50 Trent.Trust Co., Ltd. young kulhds tho princlplo which Is out of their holdings to build up scnoois are inugni agricultural Shoes at $1.00. mat now being advocateil to be pressed some Industry whereby they would A cry good of tho vicious labor Is honest, dignified, and remu- f eldenco Into the public school system ot Ha- become Independent and happy cltt MEN'S HOUSE SLIPPERS. Influences Operate to check nerative toll, when well performed, ft that waii, will not produce the result de- ions. And It Is his Idea, ns I Judge, y progress of rtte Territory of lla- - we then have accomplished the dual Some CO Pairs, left over from Christinas, selling at the sired, anil tho efforts In that direc- that those who fall n their training, wall la found In tho Incessant cam- - benefit of raising the standards of la- $1.25 per pair. The regular price is $2,50. $, tion would be dasted, Wlint parent and who cannot be made to appre- palgn to discredit local bor and "cltlzcnUIng" the employer Id willing to have his child educated ciate the value ot Independent ex- preach the dootrlne of oil- - of every Industry In the Territory. heath citizen laborers Of the Terri- 'c ineut, and to bo a cnhe-strlfip- or Irrigator or istence, should be trnlned to be skill " garcltlcnl the people of these Hawaii has becomo so Impregnated tory. rule for any kind of field work, for ful In the handling or performance " Islands, Willi the Idea agricultural The children of the Territory other SHOE STORE, that labor which tho highest wage Is 6 cents of simple works around factories, REGAL cannot succeed. on the sugar plantation be dono should bo taught the pick and Thu campaign It must that to per day, working from 12 to etc.; and those who are fools enough McCANDLESS BUILDING, KING AND BETHEL STS. Ultimate!) from recognlied and proved by tho slow-witte- d coolie, living In shovel wielded In tho sugar field Is It 14 hours per day, and hdthlng for to rcmnln fools, send them to tho Ameinlcs of people, American gov- - barracks, Unit It Is hard for some peo no more degrading than the same i the any over tlmo? And whdsa children fields to work with the Oriental cool- I ji good, ple whose thoughts Coclbo Implements used on the roads. And ornmeiit, and tho Senator uro to bo trained to be "plantation ies. It that Is true, then I heartily ssMsaaassM only possible Is to expresses, to think of a mnn who en there Is much belter promlso or a Thu result retard field laborers," nnd whose to be train agree with our friend, development of the Islands, and Joys tho rights and privileges of citi profitable future In the sugnr field the ed for tho "whllo-khlr- t professions"? Mr. Damon has given me a very Kntlsfy of n un- zenship to contemplate on tho road. the Four minds few a future that than It Is very evident in Hawaii today good suggestion by his Interview, in men sugar Coelho wants happy carries him Into the field or Senator to know that it the purposa of thosa who which I will see carried out In tho Meanwhile, duty patriot- sugar whoso are to be trained to is the of the mill. children havo become wealthy out'of the ka- coming session ot tho Legislature. It NOTICE Is forge regard- As a of gang-labo- r dignity agricultur- ic American to ahead matter fact, the understand tho of nakas' land to force them out ot all Is something which has dono n gicnt system Is Moat certainly-ever- child less of the traitors, whoso criminal rapidly passing from the al labor. chances of becoming Independent cit dcnl of good to the Western farmers GEO. ORDWAY has full charge of Is sugar fields schools. Info purpose and record of Hawaii. The first In the public Tho izens nnd drive them to tho fields. In a few years ago, on tho mainland. MR. hidden by the elaborate defense movement toward Its disappearance American knows no division of raco not Honolulu today, I seo In most offices As you may remember, when tho our Upholstering Department. Tele- the) offer for the purity of, their was when contract labor was wiped or family. The common school Is the strange faces most of them "Joltn- - farms on tho mainland were going to Ideals." out. The movement towaril a larger cruclblo of American citizenship; tnklng the place ot ruin owing to the poor crops pro phone 415 and Mr. Ordway will go to measure of independence for tho man work Is tho great !oelcr of capacity tho young people of Hnwnll. duced, tho Government nt Washing COMPROMISE, BOSH! of toll has been going steadily for nnd ability. It Is not a enso of "who's The best men the world has pro ton became Interested, nnd sent out your homeland give you estimates of the ward, can until today we find many sugar who," but of which citizen do duced the most learned And tho best experts with carloads ot materials cost of the work you Want done. All rnmnroinlsii schemes for straight properties where there Is practically the work and do It tho best. demonstrators of ntnn's Ingenuity In and sccd9 for giving tho farmers per- no day-labo- r. sugar crop Another point which tho Senator enlng out tho difficulties Into Whtcii I The whole nil departments, hctti6r political, sonal Instructions ns to what to do Is produced by men a need care- work done by Mr. Ordway is of the very the Ma)or and Ilbard bf Supervisors who contract to makes Indicates for more commercial, financial, scientific, me- in order to save and Improve their hao brought themselves, are largely cultivate the various fields, and their ful study of the Federal departments. chanical, or agricultural, were men crops, stock, etc. .We all know the best. im buncomh. financial reward Is In accordanco The demonstration scheme carried who were born ot parents 6f poor cir- Vcsult of that assistance. The same with own In on nnd which The point Issue Is: whether tho their success cultivation. out the mainland, cumstances sons of good, honest could bo done hero In n simpler way. at Is copied Is un- COYNE CO., Major should appoint the city and Now it time to take a step fur- might properly be here, tollers. The Legislature provide for the ex- FURNITURE LTD. ther In advance. direction of tho Agricultural M6r-rl- College county employes, by and with the ad- der the Congress, when It passed the ll penditure, and tho ot Hawaii, Wo hnvo young experiment not vice and consent of the Supervisors. men growing up In station workers and Act did not Intend to train tho the Federal Experiment Station and Colleges Agriculture; Dr. Don't befog this with a the Islands they are future citizen!,. the of Wil rising American youthsthose df one tho Territorial II urea u of Agriculture When they leave schools cox, President ailmore, Is tho carnhal fixed up In tho back room of tho they and not class to bo "whlte-shlr- l professors4' send 'Out experts In tho several sub- are become hood- be nny citizen's office, however '.'good" free to workers or man to teen. and those ot another to be laborers jects which Interest the farmers in lums go to In the 'Agri ho may bo. work or Jail. 'And connection with on the dot ton, 'kugfir, and tobacco the several localities of our Islands, College grabs an The Mayor, acting with his politi- Is there any doubt that the future cultural the Senator farms of the South. No. Decidedly nnd spend sufficient time at encb of fifth wheel. Of Su cal advisers, proceeded to appoint ev the child and of the community fs other Tho effort NO. It Was tho intention of Con- place giving practical demonstra by boy to the We have Special erything In sight. Ahd In the esteem best served training the and perintendent Ilabbltt train gress to give tli6 Children ot those tions nnd Instructions free. Field a Table of . girl agriculture Is one many citizens made a silly the In the rudiments of agricul- children In tho who could not afford It, every pos- demonstration docs more eftectlva of sensible ture, teaching equip tho Notice ! mistake. at the same tlmo Impressing line of that will sible Opportunity of learnlng'how to work than room talk. upon boys of capac- Books The Supervisors, not to be outdone, them that the poorest laborer, and girls ambition and nroduce from tho feoll the means by In conversation with Mr. A. F. oven ity to college which we demonstrated to the Mayor and hU tho "coolie" of tho plantation, for advancement the which they coud becomo INDEPEN Judd a few days ago he called my have reduced the price of: Is more deserving standards ihus gain the cduca advisers that they could go to anoth of honor than the and DENT CITIZENS ot the United to n gentleman who passed books tjuitaoie ror JJirthday Gifts; who put In Books extreme if necessary. was, and hoodlum loafor feels that certain tlon that will them command States; and, to those who show ev- by, who Is an expert on For Soys and Girls; Books of cr It the they did. a lines of work nre "beneath" him? ing positions. ery mnrk of fitness for other voca Such a man should be sent at Gov Very 'Best Reading from Late must walk before thoy of the Authors. WJit To the citizen, the obvious Intent Labor with the pick and shovel on Children tions, every encouragement" nnd as ernment expense to Kit la and other the roads of the Territory Is be- - may run, In agriculture as In any places on EMPLOYEESGas WALL, NICHOLS COMPANY, of the Legislature and the desire of not sistance is given to acquire full Maul and other Islands Co., . LTD. Industry. hog-ralsi- the people Is clear. The Mayor other knowledge In buclt arts to which they where Is carried on. Ltd., badges TELEPHONE 16. We nre particularly Interested In I matter up -- should act with the Supervisors. apply themselves. will take this with hich they must show the letter of tho Senator because It President Gllmoro when I call on Itltn Hut since the luw Is so ambiguous j Now, why should the children ot so local sentiment In early when requested. :: :: that It has brought about or made leflects much of the poor Of Hawaii be forced to tho next week. up closely I or possible the present deadlock, the' komo districts nnd lines so fields ns inollcs? That is exactly remain, Customers, real Poultry with Ideas wore rampant oh the by Yours respectfully, cau- buslness-llk- e solution Is an appeal to that what Is meant Sunerlntcndont prospective, are fifty years ngo. Our fellow-citize- COELHO, tho courts Vhether this shall be mainland Habbltt's s)mpathy In the movement W. J. tioned against allow- over the way havo In moro Senator, District, done In n friendly spirit Is not to keep tho children of the public 2nd ing persons to enter recent years found that ugrlculture schools Interested In agriculture.' llonolulu, Jan. C, '09, IMPORTED and ISLAND. of especial moment. Tho declslbn of many premises under the flint tiftti.twilltlfifil Qunrnmn 1u Is more attractive than of the think, and strongly too, Ilabbltt and frtt In many Instances BLINDED BY DUST. pretext of the only proper method of settlement! professions and his Hoard ought'ought to begin right inspecting, morcdlgnlflc'd. eVcry because the Supreme Court has the! now to fire married Woman "Money blinds a great many people,' the meter unless they samo change of sentiment will CLUB last guess In this Instance. IFop Tho teaching under the Department of remarked the mornllzcr. show badge or other STABLES Rent place In Hawaii, and we have husban'd sup- If the decision of the court Is ob- tnke Education whose can "Yes," rejoined tho demoralizer, "It's tho Senator from Maul credentials. :: :: :: :; viously opposed to what tho people ho doubt that port her as well as himself, except In easy to throw 'dust' In their eyes." Fort St. Xuuanu. Valley be 'one of to realize the wish, the Legislature will be In ses- $25.00 will the first the case ot localities where It would error of his doh'cl'uslon and be among be Impossible to secure teachers, as sion, to make the nec'essarV correc- Quarry Street , $22.80 tions. tho workers to promote tho plans for In many places In tho outer districts TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY egrlcullurai education for tho chil- Rainier Beer Tho political advisers have mud- Kirian Street $25.00 on Oahu, Kauai, Maul, and Hawaii. Tako Laxative' Bromo Quinins dren of the schools. Thus ho will aid Tho policy of'ttfo Hoard should have w dled the situation quite enough. The Tablets. All druggists refund It tAti Nuuanu Street ,$50.00 In giving llawatl a stronger and more been, where tho husband re n 4 Mil) or should stick to his text and go THAT the money if it "fails to cure. C. L. Wight, 'iir tollable citizenship, and mako our ceives n sufficient salary to support FOR SALE AT ALL BARS to tho courts. School Street $10.00 plantations hundreds E. W. Grove's signature is on he center of himself and wife, ho alone should be each box TELEPHONE 1331 of prbsper6us homes and an Intelli employed, Manager kaimuid v. .125.00 tho wlfo should not be PARIS MEDICINE CO.. St. Loui., U, S. A DIGNIFYING LIBOR ON loyal population. -- -. '&. gent, citizen made to ttob another lady ot equal, If r i i n PLANTATIONS. Lunalilo Street , $20.00 not ot moro ability, who depends for -- r v her support upon her own Dis Old NO FOB COAST tolls. It Is with considerable satisfaction PUNS cretion should have been used In this Kona Coffee that one peruses the letter of Senator matter. hnt is Hhe use ot having n Normal School vhen married Coelho because In one Instance at For Sale ARtlLLEgLPOSt. YET here, women are kept on In the service, HENRY JKAY & CO., LTD. least he has grasped the hfth wheel who can not pass competitive exami n PHONE 22 r of the ngrlculturnl.-educatlo- propo Considerable speculation Is being nation if they were made to undergo Millinery Nuuanu 11-- 4 an erroneous view Valley, quarter, Indulged regarding the artillery & sition, and voiced acres In it? Let Ilabbltt nnd his Hoard di- Is likely become common, If 112500. Is established at COME AND SEE THE FAMOUS that to Manoa Valley post which to bo, rect that It shall lib 'a part ot the not corrected. Building Lot 1000 Tha't a post 6f largo Upwards. Walklkl lleach. necessary Instruction In tho public LADIES' FELT HATS, FEATHEES, The from Maul )ooks upon 'tnd be established Is certain, but Senator Also lots at Puunul and y,fnipM. slzo will schools that tho clementarles which Pink Slipper the movement to children Wv WlU lie laid out, and how the brine the Beach property at XaaltwW, It Would admit advanced pupils into F0MS. WIRES of the schools in touch With sugar- - buildings will bci 'constructed, is the College ot Hawaii be taught. An Sold at Very Beasonable Friiet. HOW ON EXHIBITION AT THE plantation work ns an effort to force the present tlmo only to known at The Col lego of HaVall Is governed We Beg to Call Attention to Wire Framis Hade to Order. the children Into the fields "as cool the War Department, probably, Oar Large New Stock Orpheum Saloon, ies." All tire tconstructlOn and other pf of That Is exactly what It 1s not. JVaterhouse Trust work at the beach Is under tho direct K. Isoshima, The Influence of coolie's Is now nnd rnnirnl nf Mnlnr Winslow of the. En 30 KINO ST. CONVINCING. COR. FORT AND MERCHANT Clearance Sale always has been to degrade labor. A STS. gineer 'Corps, ami It Ts 'probably to Service man or u boy will refuse' Cer- Job of con Plates "You ought to miiriy, I know tho to d6 a him that the will fall OF tain class of work In barracks and laying out THE very gill." Hawaii because structing tho AND It Is dono by the coolie. If Xhe same" tho grounds. He will not bo In n po- Chas.. R. "Want nothing to do with her." man or boy were In Maine or Califor- sition tb mako any announcement, Shirtwaists Frazier "Sbo Is young," nia, ho would not even Consider the War Department & Company "Then sho Is t.ly " hesitate however, until AND Cups Saucers white men do It there. Future yeats that atteamer four day from has decided upon plans and prepared YOUR ADVERTISERS "lionutlful." "The dangerous." ( wlU see the elimination of the coolie port may now be reached by tne 'spec'lncn'tlonB. These goods were seleoted Phone 371. 122 King St. moio In Hawaii. "Of good family." Shirtwaist Suits with great care and comprise "Then she Is proud." The coolto undoubtedly gets all he t.YMAh tVII88INQ. very the best in the art t of "Tender hearted." Is worth. He Is much of a human Wireless China MONDAY, JANUARY 11TH, Decoration. WAIKIKI "Then sho U Jealous." machine that exercises little lntelll-- 1 The Lyman M. Law, ono of 'the INN AT 8 A. M. Sold singly or by the dozen. "Shq has talont." , gence, I'ut In his place a man pbjsl. largest four-mast- schooners owned lf to Suits for each. 'The Finest 'Bathing on Beach." "Then' bIio la conceited " . cully able to do 'the work, and with fat Haven, Conn., was recently $3.50 $7, $2 the New "And a foitune." the aid of a brighter, trained mind, reported missing. The Law Is In com Shirtwaists at 60o and $1 each. H. F. Wichman & Co,,' Mealt At All Hours. "Introduce mo at onco." 'Jho dqes more In the same time and man'd of Captain Clmtflold and car LIMITED, WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS. does It better. He becomes more val- - ries a crew ot ten men. She sailed AND m. W. 0. BEROIN, Proprietor. 185 editorial rooms busi- unblo and Is certain to command a from Portlhnd on Nov. 7 for Daltl- - Leading Jewelers, 250 EHt-ER- S ness office. These are the' telephone ' for hh labor. better return wore. i , BULLETIN AD8 PAY numbers of the Bulletin office,

, S!$iS-3vttw- '

' , , ; I I il I' II1M li li . , J .l."ki&'vjl 'M' k" ' H'JUtJijff te&sfe:.-- xswa r :.M M',y j'ftt'mm 6iti .v:. Yammiv . v.xiw .rw'cjm-rMi-:mt:"T:T,'- ftviiJi;Ti's.'iwK!T-imii-Aj..jv.jiwi"e,ajiia- f imJrt- - 73XutViiKffv-i.':thu&- b .iV1 n li WBwfe: it; "7 i 'AjMswi. 'imty. aHgaaKgtB.aK in WkLih ... iifcM maBmBmpmuM .., . yft at Ttwmm,mmi mmmimmmmmmmimm -- " ,M " ' 'j ' fip WT "7

' c iT ';fv rmsiym:im& EVEfMO BULLETIN, HONOtAJLU, T. II., HIIDAY, JAN. 8, 1509. - if i 8 ! NEW TOiDAY HPlillitll'STOCHlfCHIi'E

1 MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF INTEN. EONOLDLD. Jan. 8. 19C9 TION TO FORECLOSE, AND OF SallllllUHUllllllllHaf ' v. . ur'TOC, - III Bic SALE. , ' Brrwar Co. t.orxi.uoo 1WH X M.T.AR K NO Notlco Is by un- VI hereby given tho Pwa plantation Ca ... ,mrftt dersigned r. W. Mncfa'rlanc, Trustee, HaiialiaMrrtciCo.... smitf) 101' HtwComft'Sl(C ,. 10 ,1' '"ioi Uhe successor In trust lu title and In Hawaiian Mlar Co... 2jn run 51 terest of V, P. Allen, Trustee, the MotiAmu Suja? Co .. 7"iono lm HcWiaaPtirirCo. Jl tnortgngce named In that certnln IJliiiirrC( ...... lrti Mortgage by Muckley lluichlion Sofir Plant wo 0II0 loo Succcsa In btnincss is the truest sign of public made Klmer 8. KaMiVu Platnatlnii Lit .vr mi rr Soft Felt and Derby. Hats Appreciation Anproral. business and Minnie A. Muckley, Ills wife, da- Kckatia Snr o KHMino loot and Our for the past kl.ilmlnPutOn.... IfPOll 101 in year Ins demonstrate! th.it our system, our shoes, and ted May 2nd, 1902, recorded Mny KnloaSntarCo v)(inn IK - lfnr.lt3UjrCn .... a al 13th, 1902, In Liber 232, pages 436- 1 our prices have m:t with that approval that is reflect- Dilia So ftf Cn (i,ii j rA ed in public patronage. M3S, In the Itcglstry Omce Irk Hono Oitftmta nOaaf Cn m l;iv,o The-m- an who say vant a X Hat," shows CV.iolSnfr Plant Co 20 j'I lulu, Oahu, given to secure tho pay OltSuir Co Ud .... MHNJ1II I that he knows what god form nnd good taste require in a . This year will be no exception; and by honest and ment of the Joint and several promis OlowaluCn.i u rMu 10 Paahaii Sarar rtnl Co V"l,'' M i'( man's headwear, , , . proper attention t the wants of our patrons, we fully sory note of snld Hlnier S. Mucklcj Pacific .SojarMin,. ... 101 expect to close 1029 as successfully as we have 1003. nnd Minnie A. Muckley mort- Pllfl P'atitaliotl Co ,. TVIIMI in everywhere; the to said Pfpf'Veo 5i rar Co... :vi.rim in Knox E a t,s. are the standard Eh gagee, of ccn date with Bald mort- .?Vl ran ton III and wearing quality. Let lis show "l U. lalia ArlcCn...... lriiniiii IW II standard in style,mak, gage, for $3,000., that said W. III i;l can Uriitiktt Sitrar C6j... whe t you need hat, . Macfarlanc, as such subecs-- WalmanaloSax1, Co. 111 i; yoa a Knox a .'....-- Trustee Waltnra Sugar Mill Co liV ion '71 In tor said trust and as present own iiri7iijlMRnil4 i lour" ManH Steam NCo lftitn lor u.-.- cr and hotdci of said note and mort Hawaiian Hiceitie co Winn 10 gage, Intends now to foreclose said HouRTHj t.OnPtTl l,rii,mn III Hon R T (V L Co Com 10 moitgago In nccordaricc with Inw and Mutual Ttlenltooc Co iviin II Ib virtue of tho power of snlo In snld NahlkaRibtitrCo., Mclnerny SHoe Store Paid Up ...... co ceo mortgngo contained, for breach of NalnkaRiitilxrCflAia I ( Toggery, R Silva's Dahu tho condition thereof, t! tho M.Cu ii Ililo K R Co ,..( liMim "7 of tho principal sum of Hon P. ft M Co moo Hawaiian Plaptl Co I U.KI0 iJ.H Elks' Bld.KingSt., 651 said note, nnd the Interest thereon, BONDS near Fort Phone zznsamma llawTpcFlrtCI -- I when due. i It . .,- J MaWTfr4PC &?.$ i Notice li also hereby given that Iliw Tcr U P?....,... ij al lllr lands' In HawTtraHor-- .. in tho nnd premise said mdrti Ilrw-Tt- r l pci.1.... iw gngo and hereinafter described, and Haw Cot 1 ipe i Ca.PKItti RtICo 'pc IoX the Improvements thereon, nnd all riarkuujr:arCo6pc LOCAL' ZNl), SENEtati. rights, privileges Mam. Dllch Co , and nppurtcnances UntK-- PHthfta p connected therewith, Mill be sold at ItawConlASiixCosK 1M X Co o p 1MM brought' into most e, Haw Sut;ar c... WW Christmas public auction by said P. W. Mncfar-lan- HlloR HCo Cm, 6 Tuhgstcn Lamps arc" Superior Gifts PC '0l homes a lot of new thinjrs that will proper- Trustee, at tho auction room of HonakaaSucirco fpc Lf What is morj acceptable than a picture lloo K displace the old. Let a B'n 11 e t i n James V, Morgan, No. 857 Kaahu TM.Crtpc I ly framed? Minuiu rm tni Ad. things. innnti Street, In Co'aaa. Want sell the unwanted in Honolulu, Oahu, Tcr Oabu R A L Co e o c IKU rltory of Hawaii, on Saturday, the Oapu Sncar Co f p c .. loc Olaa Sncar Co ft p e . Tin' good auto-hac- Phono t. WATOK WINDOW Blxth day of February, 1909, at 101 WUI'Pey S I'm. Su;. Mill Co, it . There will bo no Sinphony rehears- Brilliancy, Quality and Efficiency o'clock noon, Palo Planlalton Co ,,,, It OH twclo lu foreclosure Plantar Mill Co nc !. al this evening. KODAK GO0D3 :: DEVELOPING :: Mild The proporty covered by mort Walalua UlCatpc Commercial Ratings. More-Referen- :: AND PRINTING.' gage to bo sold as They specially adapted to stores and show windows and Intended SAIcs Jlctwecn Hoards: 50 Oahu Agcy., 39 Young Dldg. I'hon ire piece where is desirable to give the trne color aforesaid, consists of all that or fir, 129. it value. Sugar, $28.12 Oahu Sugar, -- 1 i. parcel of land situate at Kulaokahua, Inter-Islan- I., lis. U' 2; $11,000 Hllo R. R.) 6s. and O. R. & shipping The. first. cost is soon offset by the saving in current in snld Honolulu, being n portion of 11 J!) I. Session: 10 Olaa, 4.r0;' 25 cooks for salo at tho ill In tin consumption. the land doscrlbcd in Roynl Patent Olaa,4.50; 25 Olaa, M 50; 16 Olaa, offlco. 60 each. ,. . .. Grant No. 3328 to Maria (lordoii'Ka-holw.i- l, $4 50. Co to "The Hoyal Annef. nnd particularly bounded and , Tho Catholic Ladles' Aid Socloty described as follows: Hawaiian Electric Gompanyy Ltd? latest .near .quotation, 3.70 cents will meets thin artcrnoon at 3 ociock Fine Jewelry, ileglnnlng at n point on tho South bt the or 174.4-- iw tiSw ' " ' Concnt side of Wilder Avenue, distant N. 00 y " ry, .; . , Honolulu Lodge 61, U. Ii O. dcg. 45 , 12G.1 feet from a cross Engraving and meet In Elks building, King street, nt "" r- -r In J" a stone past set at the West corner Sugar 3 70 Sents, 7:30 this evening. of Wilder Aenue nnd Kewnlo Street, Mrs Spear, mother of James Dough- Howard Watches and running thence by true meridian Beetsv, 10s 3-- 4f erty, lenves for her homo In Ban Fran- as follows: cisco b) tho Manchuria. 1. N. GO deg. 45' , 77.0 feet The Hawaiian Fisheries Company along Wilder Avenue; Henry Waternousa TrusCCou ) oh artked tho Hoard or Health fcJr 2. S. 43 deg. 05' , 92.0 feet to deliver flili In caita.1 wasH bJjwn; M.R. COUNTER, Jeweler nlong fencer Stock and - Bond' Department Rldo In tho kwnll Studcoakor driven mm 3. S. 40 dcg. 2C 7S.G nlong bj tho expert M. T. Luti. L, feet chaffeur. ' fence; Members 'Honolulu Stock and Bond I'bono 191. Royal Hawaiian Oarage i. I it t ! ta 4 i H M-- resolutions and anchor new with some of soda wa- 1142 Fort Street 4. N. 42 deg. 32' K 111.2 feet Exchtng. AutomoblllstH havo arked Supcrvls. the the FORT AND MERCHANT. STS. ' C)ultin In'tmduco along Lots 1 nnd 2 as numbered ' cr to an ordinance for ter that you know is PURE. and designated on a Subdivision T,ELEtHONH!73o. tho manner In which nutos shall turn Map of Lot No. 377, Kulaokahua corners. ., Lots, to the' Initial point. Contain Flrsti Judicial Circuit, For the first tlmo, slnco ing an aron of 7705 sriuarn feet, be Tcnltorv of Hattall. Mayor Fern and V. C. Achl met yes- ing Lot No. 3, and the same premises terday afternoon nnd talked over tho Consolidated Soda Water WorKs Co., Ltd. conveyed to snld Klmer S. Muckley ORDER OF NOTIC13 THEREON affairs of city government. On day D. On February 13 thcro will bo a Civil by deed of L. C, Abies, dated Mny this 7th of January, A. O. S. LEITHEAD, Manager. PHONE 71. 2nd, 1902, recorded In snld Registry 1909, on roadlng tho foregoing Peti- Sen loo examination at tho Custom In- 373-37- Houso to nit tho position of clerk Ofllco In Liber 234, pages 6. tion. It Is aljii Terms: Cash In United Slates Gold ORDKRKD HY THE COURT, Thnt spector at a salary of $1200. On of $3 'per month you Coin; ten pet1 cent. payabto"dt tlmo a hearing bo had upon tho 21st'day Installments m r.. I). can purchase a White Family Rotary of sale nn'd 'balance "on delivery of of January, A. 1909, beforo said sawing machlao, Denny &"Cof Ltd., deed. Deed'nt expelise"bf purchaser. Court, at Honolulu, in snld District, agents. 12110 Fort St. Phone 488 For further particular, Inquire, of at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon; and Thu Hoard of Health will nfk tliu Monopole-R- cd Top-Chaitip- agnck the underHlgncd 'nt'hls ofllco nt the that notlco thereof be publtahed lu Legislature fur an appropriation of Compnny,,'Ltd.,iKakanko, the1 "Evening Iliillctln," n nawspapsr $30,000 n. Ufa Uhloil Feed for now homo for 'Sisters Most delicious CHAMPAGNE pf the Age. Honolulu, 'or of Smith fi'lx-ivlfl-) Judd printed In snld District, and that all and gills of Knitolanl (ilrls Hbmd. Building,' Honolulu, attornojs for tho known creditors and other perrons In II. It, tlcrry, tho financial bickor of OLD GOVERNMENT PLANTATION CIOAR8 I undersigned. ' interest may appear nt the said (Into tho Autuniatlc Tolephono Company, Only the very best of PORTO RICAN, TOBACCO used in the S t It any rep Dated this day of January, and place, and show cause. It will either return hero or send 'a manufacture of the clean. All sires and colon. 1909. ' .iiil they have, why the prii)cr of tho said rcBcjntntlvo to this city In the near AGENTS 1 W. MACr'ARfcANB! Tnlstoe, petitioner should bo granted. in til re. WANTED Mortgngoo. AND It Is further OtlDKHU!) by A. K. Tloriian mid wlfirof San Fran, Lewis &' (Co., Ltd:, 9; Fran-clico- , 4203 "Jan. 8, 15, 22,-2- Fob. 5. tho Coprt, That tho Clerk shall send elrcii und Mrs. I. Tin nan of S.m GALES y 2 lmMi guests HAWAII' A0EKT3 l,. ii by mall to nil known creditors nip-Ir- s who been at' the SOLE AGENTS FOR . .. of all nationalU-c- i who tsm IN THI2 UNITED 8TATK8 IJIStlllCT of said petition und this order, I'loasniitiiu for u coupla of weeka, 160 KING STREET TELEPHONE 346. are energetic an'l COUItT, TKItlltTOKY OFIlAWAH. addressed to them ut heir places of to tho mainland on tho Man ' are not afnid pf IN HANKUUI'TOV;" I i ' i rtsldcnco as staled. r luu la. - Profitable W03IC. In tliPlMnttcr of Otto Gertz, Ilank- - WITNESS the Honorable Sanford , Thcro was n mass mcoilng'nf Jap- C7v 11. i.nneso, sllmly hold In Maklkl Employment fcr a rupt. Ncm ,, in ( . Dolo, Judge of tho said Court, ami attended, ONLY last night for the conslduratlon of tin," PART cr IIANKRUPTR'KPETITION IXJIl tho seal thereof, nL Honolulu, In bald Filling and Grading ALL of Dlstilct, on this 7thiday of Jnnuary, higher wugo quesllon Tho uioclliig or njsgiiAROK,, , auspices' The wet weather will soon be on. You should haye your crotmii TIME. A. D. 1909, was held under tho of tho Higher Wago filled in before thn winter rains set in. We haye earth filling 'for sale To th1 Honorable SanronfMiJ Dole, (Sgd.) A. K. MURPHY. Association. Tho Qio lu at REASONABLE PRICES. PH0NZ 600 A. V. (IE Alt JutlKe'of the nboo named District (Seal) Clork U, S. District Court. thu qiiartotuinstor's coil ' i pllo on Inner Fort street Ktlll giving KcaHun,unu .t. aaaRfMi Court: in(, A trtt copy, ATTEST: is ill Uoublc. Tho coal Is being shifted OUo Oortir. nfUlnndluluVConuty of A. E. MURI'HY. P. M. Pond; Contractor Hunolillu," and' TCrrltory'of (Hawaii, 420:Mt iibout to roach Iho sourco of the in District,' retipcdttully rcjire-- smouldering, whllo Iho flru dopartment hcnlH tla'yiM'July, occasionally iibcs u husu and wntbr on that' ort'the1 1st last' NOTICE K. OF P. o'eott&s&Q&eQebeQseee'QGSsoft pnt.t, li6 was duly adjudged 'bankrupt tho lie, , 19 V E, Droun yoiitorday loslgnod as under' the netePoP'CongriisB' rdlatlng A Joint installation of tho K. of 1. H chairman of tho Promotion Ba O In bankruptcy: That ho baK duly cd lodges will bo held Saturday evening. Committee fll'K'l A' M'SB"' W. A. Hon on was chosen 5? all his property and rights Jan. 9, 1909. All visiting KnlghtH rlnlnnan. and W. 11. Hoogsvlll flit vacsnej' of property, and has fully compiled nre cordially invited to attend. Jho with, Ip tliu membership of (ho commltteo nil the requirements of said acts H' brder of Coirimlttec. 4202-2- f and of the orders of tho Court touch- Irown will soon mako nn otcndeil UilLfRfttirIttGjarjJ2S3J? ing his bankruptcy. trip nbroid. WILSON SELECTED' "The Hoyal o WIIKRBFORU ho prays that he i Annex" swell meals. ntmitATii Good Talwr may bo decreed by the Court to have , Tho Tenltorlnl Survey Department folks has parties working on u full discharge from nil debts prov (Continued from?areVt) tno Maul at Anderson was also approached oa the tho present time. Ono of Is able against his estnto under said theso it Notice subject, but ho Immediately dlsclalnu Haiku, laying out land (hat Is to bankruptcy acts, except such debt ad the od all responsibility, as did also R. b'o taken up by bomostcadcra thero. nro excoptcd by low dis- - from such V. Surveys aro aUo being chnrgc. Cathcart, who has been solected mado of South 1 bookkeeper's Job, Kona, Hawaii, ! Dated this day for tho SALE 7th January, of position,"1 Thcro will bo u of the Meii'a 1909. "I didn't seek the said mectlns It's a Good Sign Mayor l.cnguo (civic section) at thu church OTTO GERTZ, Andeison. "The appointed me. 1 parloru this evening at 8 o'clock, to fur- Uankrupt. and I accepted the appointment, o If it's painted by to ther discuss tho Mimlclpil Act, II, G did not ask be appointed," Mlddlcdltch, Attorney for Alessra. V O, Smith, Danlol I.ogan and Uankrupt. Although both sides are endeavor ing to conceal the fact, the situation Chaiten L. Rhodes being among Uio Begins Monday1 Morning Stanley Stephenson, has caused considerable feeling. The Hienkcis. An Interesting program is United 8tntes of America, promised. old employes nie doing the" work. o District of Hawaii, ss; At tho nioctllig of Honolulu Com The Paint Shoo. . 1H4 King St while the new appointees are Bitting I, Otto (leitz, the petitioner men mandcry, No. 1, Knights Templar, hi Id o tioned and described in the foregoing In the hallway outside. The question January Hth It: who will get paid? last evening, tho following olnccro o Hotiokiiu Construction and Graying Co. Petition, do horeby make oath that were Installed: W. II. (Joetz. Emlnonl o o tho statements contained therein are Contmandor; A. M, Oimoralls-tlmo- ; WOULD ESTABLISH SCHOOL. Merrill, o LIMITED. true according to tho best of my J. s, McCandleja, Captain (Ion-ora- Representative of Oklaho- GENERAL CONTRACTORS. knowledge, Infarninlon, and belief. Fulton, DaUd Dayton, Treasurer: J. D, 0 ?, ma, has Introduced it bIM In Congress PHONE, OFFICE 281. P. 0. BOX 154. OTTO OHltTZ, Tucker, Recorder; A. Jr., Senior o thed piuvldliiK for the of ji !.! Fort St., 0pp. W. 3. Irwin & P Ltd. Subnet and fuvorn In before i'st:lblslimtit Wanleiij E. IIIikIipi, dilnlor Warden, o o mo qayal' academy olmllai to ntiAun Mi We do all kinds of Teaming; also deal In Crushed Itock.'lWhlto and this "tli day of January, 1909. that P Rnhlncon, Standard llOarur; W 4) (Sgd.) P. H. 11URNETT. npolli, but planned for tho benefit of Starbltd, Sword It. W l'r-Kin- Black Sand, Broken Coral, Garden Soil, Etc SAFE MOVING A SPF Ilcarorr Jordan's A rf i r CIA1TY ' (Seal) Notarj I'ubllc in and for enlisted men. Warder; "J. L. .McLahi, Sentinel OOOOOOCOOOOOG'CdOiSO'OO

l id Srl-S- --- ,., &iHlALl&to.i . 'k.vi..l - - m wmmrnm 4. i'r7? j. mm fzwywif1''',

IP' " ' ,fif,.T . "" vr iw , BVENINCJ nUM.ETIN, ItONOLfLO, T. II., ITUtUY, JAN. 8, 1900. ? 'J TOUnDDHW THE CIDCT rnilWT WII T A DDE AD 1


E " " f Last Two Days of Standing of Contestants c VOTES COUNTED Contestants may take the trip any time they choose. 3000-FR- VOTES-3- DISTRICT HO. 1. EE 000 OUR ANNUAL SALE AFTER 5 O'CLOCK INCLUDES THE CITY AND COUNTY OF HONOLULU. Miss Kathcnne McCarthy Honolulu 3000 I Miss Ida McKeague Aiea. 3000 Miss Elizabeth Kaai Honolulu 3000 No candidate will be credited with more than one of OF THE CELEBRATED "HOME-MADE- " BRAND OF EACH DAY Miss Bertha Smith Honolulu 3000 these NOMINATING BALLOTS. Miss Nettie Lloyd Honolulu 3000 . Miss Edna P. UUinaele Honolulu auw Miss Augusta Beerman Honolulu 3000 Surprises Looked For,- - sing Honolulu 3000 Nominating Ballot 4 I Tomorrow When Miss Roseline Qoeas . . .Honolulu 3000 Muslin Miss Jean Angus .Honolulu 3000 Good for 3000 Votes First Count Is Miss Mary Dias .Honolulu 3000 Miss Katie Libornio . . .Honolulu 3000 Published Miss Ellen Dwight .. .Honolulu 3000 IN BULLETIN'S POPULAR VOTING CONTEST Duchalsky .Honolulu 3000 r Miss Millie Must be voted on or before SATURDAY, JAN. 0TH, Underwear Miss Amy Awal .Haleiwa 3000 Tho first count of t ho bullots In ..... Please enter 3000 rotes for Miss Helen Bush .Honolulu 3000 I 1 1 1 ' Alaska-Yuko- n tho It u c n s Miss A. Todd Rodanet .Honolulu ...j v..30O0 llxposltlon Contest will be mado this Miss Leila Dinklage . . .Honolulu 3000 Hiss evening and tlio results will lie pub-llalie- il Miss Anna Mossman . . .Honolulu 3000 ' II 1 1 1 1 . Miss Naomi Lazarus . . .Pearl City 3000 Address District No. In Saturdaj u e n j All vntftn runt nflr 4 nVlnnk thin pvp. Miss Amelia Holt . . . .Honolulu 3000 Bird nine will not nnncnr tomorrow lull Milt Lent Kine Wahiawa 3000 w til be Included In Saturdays count Miss Helen Maehado Honolulu 3000 THIS COUPON, if presented at the Bulletin und will appear In Monday's II ti ,Miss Martha Voss Honolulu Emp. Sachs D. Q. Co. .3000 office at Honolulu, T. H., before Saturday, January 0th, let In. The votes will lie counted 'Miss Ethel Angus Honolulu 3000 1909, will be accepted for 3000 Votes in favor of each day and the results w III be pub- - Miss Margie Quinn Honolulu 3000 the contestant from any district outside District 1 nam- llshcd the daj following nil uitcs Miss Helen Peterson Honolulu 3000 ed therein. Alpine Milk rccched up to t o'cock enrh dm w III Miss Nellie McLain Honolulu 3000 Each candidate allowed only one NOMINATING be counted and those coming In after Miss Mary E. Tirrell Honolulu 3000 BALLOT. Unsweetened that hour will bo Included In tho Miss Grace Colbum Honolulu 3000 count tho day follow lug 1 his rulo Miss Nell Hodnett Honolulu 3000 will hold good throughout the con-- ! Miss Sarah Pookela Waipahu 3000 test. Miss Cecilia Anderson Honolulu 3000 The Evening Bulletin Popular in Quality-Fines- t There arc somo who hiue not call- - Miss Grace Hopkins Honolulu 3000 Voting Contest Purest cd as yet and secured subscription j Miss Amy Stratemeyer Honolulu 3000 blanks, and those who huc not done .Miss Julia Spencer Honolulu 3000 Fill in the name of the young woman you wish to vote for in Flavor ko should cnll on tho Contest Mana Miss Lizzie Ten Sue Kau Honolulu mzr. So. Seas Curio.. 3000 and the district in which she lives. Bring or mail to Man- ger nt once and ect all the necessary Miss Orilla Rice Honolulu 3000 ager Contest Department, care ofEveningBulletin, credentials and commence to solicit Miss Freda Asch Honolulu 3000 Honolulu, T. H. Richest in Butter Fat their friends for possible otes. Miss Margarette Finney Honolulu 3000 Tho list continues to grow and Miss Alice Qreen Honolulu 3000 THIS COUPON COUNTS AS ONE VOTE FOR sonic no doubt do not Intend to give Miss Angela Hopkins Honolulu 3000 the contest nny special attention nml ; Miss Eva McComston Honolulu 3000 Hiss , will dopend on their friends to elect Miss Margurette Branco .Honolulu 3000 II. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., them. Those who do not do some MissShizuko Ikeda Honolulu 3000 Distriot- - No thing to help their friends, will And Kiss Hulda Johnson Honolulu 3000 that people llko to help thoso who Miss Eva Hawkins Honolulu 3000 (This coupon is not good after Monday, Jan. 25th) HARDWARE DEPARTMENT. help themselves, und they will soon (Miss Lizzie Kamaka Honolulu , 3000 tiro of doing all tho work and wllllMissMorrorette Lum Honolulu 3000 toon direct their efforts to somo one, Miss Florence A. Kearru Honolulu 3000 who Is doing all In their power to Miss Lizzie Ferreira Honolulu, at Whitne? & Marsh. 30W win n trip, and they will do tho same Miss Madeline Dutra Honolulu 3000 Hon, 1500 votes' " subscription to e NEW AID TO for jou, If jou show some npprot-ln- - Miss Souhie de la Nux Honolulu, Stnog. Wichman Co.. 3000 Five years' th D 1 1 1 n Old sub Hon for tho good work being done by Miss Daisv Bell Honolulu 3000 evening tl GOVERNOR lending them nil our support in Miss Caroline Borges Honolulu 3000 scrlptlon, 10,000 votes; new sub OF iMiss Marv Fraine Honolulu 3000 scrlptlon, 16,000 votes. MOULDINGS The contest Is of short duration Miss Ethel Ludwigsen Honolulu 3000 Ouesyeai's subscription to the THE PHILUPINES 1 1 1 I n u o 1 n Old sub- - nnd thoso who full to nsk their DISTRICT NO 2 Weekly friends for support now w til llnd that scrlptlon ,100 votes; new subscrip- INCLUDES THE COUNTY OF HAWAH. tion, 123 otes. ' , I" 7U Mis, Margaret Scott Hilo 3000 -- 'subscription will not n:" Five years' to the PICTURE FRAMING Miss Louise de Harne Kohala. Hawaii 3000 1 1 1 Is present time, nnd Weekly 11 u o 1 n Old sub- later as It at tho Hiss E. Tuhiliona Fepeekeo, Hawaii 3000 may loose chunco of win- scription, 12B0', votes; new subscrip- )ou jour Miss Violet N. Brown Hilo 3000 ning one of the trips. Noth- tion, 2000 votes. Seattle Miss Elizabeth K. Victor Hilo 3000 Our large, new stock, ordered for Christinas, lias just ing Is easier than winning, It you -- MissHattie Saffery Hakalau 3000 r arrived. , make up mind to win and com- THE PRICE OF THE OAILY AND Mas tim jour Miss Lily Ackerman Kealakeku '. 3000 mence to solicit friends, and WEEKLY BULLETIN 18 jour jou Miss Alice Carvalho Olaa 3000 GOLD, BLACK, BROWN, GREEN, CHERRY, MAHOG- will find they are only too will- A8 FOLLOWS. WmW that Miss Guard Hilo 3000 ing to help jou If you let them know Ruth One month's subscription to the bWff ANY. THE N EW STYLE GREEN. GOLD Miss Harriet Hapai Hilo 3000 jou are desirous of winning. Try Evening nullotln, 75 cents Miss Annie Hatti Kohala 3000 to It for one week nnd tee whnt the re- Three months' subscription the Any picture framed in a manner that will brinp; out Miss Kahino Hookena 3000 sults will bo nnd if jou find tho work Julia Evening nultetln, $2 00. all its tone and color v alue. Look over our large assort- Miss M. Kuhns Kukuihaele 3000 hurd and disagreeable, jou can then Six months' subscription to tho ment. Miss Lillian Mundon Pahoa 3000 II 1 o 1 1 n, 11.00. withdraw from tho rnco nnd glvo Evening ill subscription to home one else an opportunity to take DISTRICT NO. 3. Twelve months' tho 1) u 1 o 1 n, j 00. jour place. INCLUDES THE COUNTY OF MAUI. Evening At 4 ,i:.twsmjiiJJBsW Co., K1e j ears' subscription to Honolulu Photo Supply Hvmember that all votes cast be- Miss Esther M. Hanuna Hana 3000 Evening S40.G0. fore 4 o'clock evcnltiK will bo Miss Nancy Cummings Wailuku 3000 Hu'letln ra5 AA.sVssVssVssVstm this One car's subscription to 1,10 " Everything Photographic" FORT STREET. counted and will appear opposite your Miss Florence Ho Lahaina 3000 MssMkVXfjBWsslsslssfc Weekly J 1.00. tomorrow's II u 1 o 1 1 n . Miss L. K. Hart Wailuku 3000 nuletln, name in Five years' subscription to tho lWM.aU JBiL. Special MissEva Scholtz Wailuku 3000 JMM Nominating: Ballot Weekly n u 1 1 e 1 1 n.g 15 00. Expires This Evening Miss Marv Gohier Lahaina 3000 good 3(100 Miss Hattie Kalino .Makawao 3000 Tho special ballot, for Inspector Dowmnn of tho Hoard of Miss Mollic King Wailuku 3000 votes, which has been published every Health bus found, on bacteriological Miss Mabel Waiaholo Lahaina 3000 day Blnco the first announcement of examination, u largo number of ints ? - Miss Jennie Hansen Wailuku 3000 this popularltj rnce, will bo consplc- In Hilo which died from tho plngno. On Miss Scholtz Peahi 3000 uous by Its absence after tomorrow Carrie December 18, ho found four dead rats 3UUU and those who Intend to nominate Miss Marv Hoffman wailuku near tho City Stnblos, und when ho ex- the nnme of favorite young wo-- Miss Annie Decker Wailuku 3000 New their amined these found that thoj had died Opening man should clip out this coupon NOW DISTRICT HO. 4. of tho plague. Immediately u cry nnd bring or mall It to tho Manager INCLUDES THE COUNTY OF KAUAI. minute examination of all tho prenv of tho Contest Department boforo t Miss Connie Fassoth Waimea. Kauai 3000 iscs in tho neighborhood wns begun, --OF- o'clock tomorrow evening, nnd she MissEthel Wilcox Lihue, Kauai 3000 Iho result being that forty-ilgh- t dead w with 3000 frco rats weru found will be accredited Miss Miriam Mundon Kapaa, Kauai 3000 tinder tho floor of tho I William Cameron FoiIipb, tho new otca ttiiblu. Twenty-eigh- t for a starter. Miss Rose Aea Waimea, Kauai 3000 of thoso wero VIco tiocrnor of tho I'hlllppiuci, SPRING HATS lound to have died MEN'S Until 5 0'Clock Tomorrow Miss Florence Deverill Hanalei. Kauai 3000 from tho pluguo, has been In tho Insular service Manager will bo in tho bacilli still being In oxlstcnco In The Contest Miss Mabel Hasti Eleele, Kauai 3000 slnco 1901 as Bccrctnry of Com- the office tomorrow evening until 5 their sj stems. A thorough disinfec- Miss Gloria Kaai Makaweli. Kauai 3000 merce nnd I'ollce. Ho is u mitho o'clock to gtvo any Instructions to tion of the entlro neighborhood was "The Latest" 1909 Styles .Miss Angeline F. Silva Waimea. Kauai 3000 of Mnssathiisctts and Is thirty-nln- o contestants He will also give then begun nnd so oxtenslvo hus been desired yeais of age He is u gradu- subscription and receive Contestants are not limited lo the district in which they are sntered, tho clean up, that tho people of Hilo out blanks ate of Hiuwtrd nnd was In tho now candidate nominations, At 5 but are allowed to securevotes from .any other District,CountyorStatc. have llttlo or nothing to fear from tho , banking nnd rommeiLlal business q'cloclc tho 3000 ballot special nonil-f.natl- disease. At Iho meeting yestcrdaj-- tho as In Boston for several jenra bofoio FELTSat$I$2.50,$3.50 blank will be discontinued, chaperon, who will bo chosen by the will receive the same trip the joung Board of Health passed a Mito of in- 1 tciclving his nppoiutmenC nt tho 'pnd all who enter utter tomorrow will joung woman securing1 the highest women In Districts Nos. and 2. prulso for Inspector Bowman foi his woman District No. 4 hands of tho I'rcsldoilt. , not receive the benefit of the special dividual vote, IrrcspoctUo of district The joung in prompt action In Hilo. Tho wiluu of icceivlng highest vote will All Shades nominating ballo(. limitation. the reecho tho war ugalnst lata Is ugaln demon Fashionable the same trip und accommodations as itruted. Subscription Blanks You may take the trip any time you INCLUDING THE POPULAR GREENS. the three above mentioned districts. Your should call on (he Con- choose, singly or In groups. "Sy, Want Scltsort Ground?" Candidates Two deaths been rcpoitcd to Manager secure sub- Four Separate Contests, VOTES ON SUBSCRIPTIONS hao test at once and the Attorney General front Muul by are a num- In Is con- AS FOLLOWS scription books, and there Tho Evening flul lot Doputj Sheriff Clem oil. Kinuira DERBY HATS-- our Price, ducting separate and distinct cot.-tes- One month's subscription to the $5 $3.50 ber of things he would like to tell four Nllhora, Japanese, grow tired of thin 11 u l'l e 1 1 n Old sub- jou, In regard to the belt way of se- at tho same time. Evening life and strangled scription, 50 votes; new subscription, himself at tho cud curing votes. Call at once at the The joung woman who receives the of n ropo. Chung Y. Young was C5 votes. tho II u 1 1 e 1 1 n office. highest number of votes In District lctlm of mi accident, being kicked In Thiee months' subscription to the THE FIVE TRIP8 WILL BE APPOR No. 1 will bo given first class transpor- Ihe stomach by a horse. Tho Panamas, at $9, $10, $!2 n Old sub- first TIONED A8 FOLLOWS: tation both waja, and hotel accommo. Evening Uulletl rained death occurred nt Wailuku, nnd scription, 200 votes; new subscrip- District No, 1 includes tho City and datlons while in Seattle and San Fran Iho latter nt Pmincno, 3W IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME TO I County of Honolulu. Unco, tion, 250 votes. ALAKEA STREET! District No. 2 includes tho County The joung woman In District No. 2 Six months' subscription to tho a itapiu Transit car lau Into a of Hawaii. will recoho tho nemo trip to Seattlo Evening Bulletl n Old sub- horse attached to a Jnpnneso cart this District No. 3 Includes the County and San Frartclsco, with the same ac- scription, 500 votes; new subscrip- morning at tho corner of Alnpal nnd it Maul. commodations as tee one In District tion, 700 votes. Klnau btreet, breaking tho leg of tho B. KERR & CO., Ltd. District No. 4 Includes the County No 1. One year's subscription to the nnlmnl, which had lo bo shot. Tho L jnting woman In District No .1 K V II I u g K II I 1 h t I II Old sub- - pollen find Hint llu Inpinosn ' of Kniml Tho (peini.ln Hllpoi'H WuL!) The fifth trip will bo for tho rccoiWug tho hlghost number of lnte scrlptlon, 1200 votes; new substrlp- - Imui hoiwi nt fault.

.. rl r . r i , .. nt Meili u ..Lutex 8rafHWJ "rirmfffrjyi " ; tjr s w - ". "iy "r ,W W "' t "VHB fpPHHHH

EVEiNINO .BUtLBTlN, HONOfcULP, T. If., rRIDAY, JAN. 8, vai'-aBaannasnBa- aiI 1909. ' ' ! riTT' ,, ..,"5? , 1

- -- -'-: .Mayflower - ;. n- ;'- - -- p. K :$ "'r ' '' Mayflower nThe Wheat' the Chaff 1 PRETTY WELL MIXED in this world and it's the ability which a man attains, in distinguishinu ono' & the from the other that counts him in or out on the of sue ABE In a word, shrewdness. Any man is bound to become pick" rich who can the winner every time and shake the loser at'a pnfit. Puunenc and Kihei. 'ind what is - Vi shrewdness? Merely a capacity for careful examination and prompt I- action. Seine ure you're right, then goinp ahead. Investigating a proposition, weighing its rvt . lv" merits, calculating its chances of success, looking at it every which way, and grasping it promptly if wears the it wfnninglfront. The way to roll it up is to get in on a' .pood thing, early the in game, when the price is low. The biggest money is always made on.judgment and foresight, and not on demonstrated facts. By the time the facts are d, there's a big premium on the stock to pay. "Rapid Transit," if you're wise, Find a good one, but be good and sure i& good, then invcst.quickly. ' The "Mayflower" ' is what you're looking for. BUY "MAYFLOWER" STOCK. BUY IT NOW. will put in the "May.'' It you; prosperity rank, in record tiite if you buy it today at 25 Cents. The d. flower" is clean wheat, No. 1, and hand-picke- It will stand examination under the microscope. It cannot be beat - in the realm 'of safe and p:rmanent investment, 'it's a basket 4 where you can put all your eggs and never get one chipped. Call or write for our prospectus. The "Mayflower' is more of an,' industrial enterprise than .a mining proposition The Mill is in place, and the ore proven in the ground. It's simply a case of going ahead and.earning so much money per ton 'milled. In short, it's just a continuous gold-grin- ing proposition. And the ore polarizes pretty high. Are you on for some stock! move up to a Better bunch while it's going, at 25 Cents. The wise ones arc getting 'in' Join the chorus. BUY "MAYFLOWER" STOCK. BUY IT NOW! . . . Ji . i i ,

M. IVAN DOW, .o Fiscal Agent Mayflower Mine , George M. Shaw, Office: Agent, Hilo, Hawaii Suite) 51 & 52 Alexander Young Bid Call, Write Phone a 25 Cents 'or for Prospectus Buy It Now I - PHONE 499

B "MRS. WIGOS OF THE CABBAGE PATCH" ALLEGED NIGHT PERKINS T SENATE RIDERS, SIX OF . WHOM J, FACE' TRIAL FOR RANKIN TRAGEDY ' j SACRAMUNTO, Calif., Jan. 7. Tho Republicans of tho Legislature, In Joint caucus, havo nolectod Rcnat'jr Perkins for reelection, " LOSS IS BiLHON foC? viNPfc.. T '' 'SVfj$Mi ROMK, Italy, Jan. 7. Tho property damage causod by tho earth-quak- o Is estimated nt one billion, two hundred million dollars.


SAN FRANCISCO, Calif , Jan. 7. CnMn, of tho Southern Pacific Railroad, mid llaitcroft. of tho Union Pacific, both high olllclnls, will sail for Honolulu Saturday for ft vacation.


NBW YORK, N. Y., Jan. 7. There wcro pathetic scenes on the deck Hl i 7- - iCv 'Si of tho Uormnnla todny when 400 Sicilian steerage passengers learned of !K2 the dlsnstor at home, . NIGHTRIDERS ARE MURDERERS

UNION CITY, Tcnn., Jan. 7. 8lx nlghtrldera have been found Guil- ty of murder In tho first degree am! two In the scconil.


1 f MESSINA, Sicily. Jan. 7. Relief work Is continuing. Thirteen bun-- dred bodlos were burled today In ono grave. m m COLUMBIA JAMMED WITH ICE PORTLAND, Oro., Jan. 7, Tho Columbia river Is Jammed with Ice, and navigation above Astoria Is auspcmlod.

EARTHQUAKES AT FALMI ' PALM I, Jan. 7. Sevoro shocks of carthquako occurred today, caus- - Ing general panic.

" A. Jk X . J-- . m. , K

TIIE WEDDING CEREMONY CABBAGE-PATC- 4 IN "MRS. WIOGS OF THE H" Henry Watcrhousc Go., Trust Secral men chnr(je;l with tho murder of Captain Qurntln Rankin, n Tennessro cltlren, nenr Reofoot More ' lako havo hrcn convicted of murder at Union City, Twin.. Six of tlto men In tho nLCom-pan- ) tliuu imo ailmlrer of "Mra . Thoso nro tlio roil uvuiilo of tlio secu Ing plcliires nro charged liming In AVIbsh" has wondorcil how It could liojwliolo pIclo mid tlio iiltumatu fun, and Limited with akenjiart tho ltnnkln murder, which occurred on tho night 'of 10, lop right ijosalblo fur hoi to bo as IntrrcstliiK on pathos which they Interpret with tho Octobor Tho iitisonors nro row, loft to Dob llurtiniu, Hob Leo nnd Sam Applowhlto: lo'wcr row, loft to right K. Cloar, Tom JnluiBon Johnson nnd HaV'ui,. lillcgod tlio Btauo as sho Is In brink form. Thoso tnpldlty of tenl llfo convulse tho audi STATEMENT OF CONDITION, DECEMBER 31, Garret Sam leader of thoNlght 1008. Riders. Tom Johnson, whllo not accused of any part In Is chnrgod whlplliiBM foitunuto enough tu bo at tlio enco with laughter soon to bo tern-poie- tho Rankin murder, with 0om n man whllu masked, Under tho TcnncsBco law thin Is it ery Berloijs gffeiiBo IIoiiso liiat oenliig saw unit under-Moo- with tears. Captain Rnukln, tho victim Assets. ' of tho Iteclfoot lako Night was a of llio how Jlrs. WIkbh of the book nmy Tho tccucry and all tho details of Liabilities. Riders, ctoran war with Spain and was ono of tho best Vunwii nnd Catdi on-- hand and In Capital: most highly men becomo lllumlintod and boautlflod tlio staging and costuming sot a high resected In tbo.Stntn bank C7.96S.03 $200,000.00' when brought to life by such an artist Btandnrd and cntuplcto tho splendid t Subscribed 3 Ilonds 10.2C0.00 ns Ada Dwjer mid her oiy ovcellcnt letting of tho pin), Tho support Is 60pald In ' $100,000.00 ' Piiliport ttho essay "Mrs WIkks of tho BOOll. Stocks and other Invest Sharcsholders' TEN VICTIMS OF 1912 COMMinEE AUTO AMBULANCE Cubabgo Patch " Tho pleco will bo repelled this even- ments ,,. 22,760.47 liability,,. 100,000.00, Mortgages secured by Tho Opera House was teiy well ing and theu is no doubt that tho Undivided prof JanicK V. Morgan, proBldcnt of Hie FOR filled I real cstato S0.H6.C0 . rjNSUMPTION HEALTH BOARD with an tudlonco that was pro' house will bo II led, as It Is seldom its "1C.284.67 Chamber of Commorco, and the ono orblally chilly nt tho outhtt and that a company or such a high Bland Loans demand and tlmo 196,470.80 Trust and ag-- o Wlilfo authorizod to appoint committees nnd warmed and enthused h tho piece nn! of nrt Is soeu In this city. Purnlturo and fixtures. . C.CC7.72 n c y ac- 'Tho Orcat Plaguo" still An nutnmnbllu nmliiilauco In Ihu lat l)w-c- go ahead preliminary Tho Mrs. Wlsgs of Ada r Accrued Interest receiva- counts ,,. 236,202,44 claims more than Its quota of victims with tho iirrnngo ist lnnoviilliiit plamu-- By Ihu IJiuid uton-per- mentH for tho rejcbratlon of Pearl Har- ro.-tli- Is masnincciil. It Is ns If sho BULLETIN AD9 PAY ' ble 2,6Gn,48 Other liabili- In During tlio tun dn)fi of Ilciillh. Tri Iih list uf nsimidles JW this city. past 1912, fiom the book. Intcipicla-Hon- , Other assets 1C, 163.52 ties bor's opening In jcBlcnlay nnlnod coming year Ih one for n liorsi- - Her 8J1.41 ten pcopln hnvo died from tho dread every lino his couimltteo and eomiiieijrcd nctui) Jess ambulance to ro- -i Jjood It and oery action, rop dlseaso. Tho following roport tolls tho li resent n degreo Ip work on tho celebration prollnilnurlcs, -i of perfect art that BY AUTHORITY, $362,288.52 $352,288.52 story: Maieu mat tioVfi- me In tno long run J Tho names nunnmiced b lilm ..... 11..1.1 . .. .. l.. Boldom scon In ilonolulu. Mra. WIbbs niu nvnnn.lun '..! nil: ii.ii'ii. 111111 M. P. Robinson, Hq , president, Terri- Morgan, w.rvH.irv.niiu inn of tho staRQ as well us Sirs. Wigs James T chairman; V. K, h!)le hnrroB to thp hvrvlru NOTICE, torial Hoard of Health, Honolulu. W Dilllnghnni, Ocorgo of tho bonk Is a liberal education In llrown, r R. hh'o died during Hie iast jear' of Hawaii, County of Otihu. Sir: I havo tho honor to report tho Wood. finding tho bright 'nldo of llfo Territory Carter and II P Two chauffeurs v III bo nnplojcil,, when All hnldorB of I'ollco Commissions, numbor of deaths which havo clouds seem tho darkest, I, A. N. Campbell, Treasurer or tho Henry Waterhouss Trust Co., occurred This fnmmlfteo wllliroceod without quo to be on night and tho other on Unilges, 'tho In this city from tho following rou In mapping; n Tho tamo mcanuio of perfection and ICojn issued under tho Ltd., do solemnly swear that above statement Is trua to the best of delay out tontntlvo pro- day dnj) The) will oaih bo paid tho h , taglous dlseaso during tho fifteen gram lo work to found In Helen Lowell's "Miss Hazy." Count) of O.ihu, nro hereby request- my knowledge and belief, dns and decldo upon tho cum of Jfj'i per month. lor running ended December 31st, 1908: Tuber tcopo of tho to Helen Itajiuond's "Mrs. nirlinui," Ous. ed to leturu same to tho Onhe of tho ' " colouration bo attempt- expenses of tho midline, tho Leglsla-- A. N. CAMPDKLL, Treasurer. culosls, 10', ed ' lino ArinstiniiK'n "Mih Lot-H- City ami County Hlieill'f. luro will he asked for sum of $7990 Rdnilt," Subscribed and Hworn lo bpfiiro mo this 31st day of December, 1908, ResiH'clfully, tho & Alter'g "Uiey Mnrj" W. I fin tho jieiiod i i and John r, JAIUIMT, JNO. OUILD, (Signed) I). P LAVlti:NCL .Wclibci'a "Mr. 4203-I- t Bulletin Business OfBce Phone 250. M- -i Stubblus." , Sheriff. ' 1 . ' ( Notary Public, Hrst Judicial Circuit. Reglstrnr Clciioral, Vital Statistics. Ah ( v , .. i . Bulletin Editorial Room Phone 185. n(r"For Sate" cards at Oulletln?ri

It " :m: 3fl-- - V.k ' i iif iWltHitf Bt tmiifrrnP tt&VMiKKbtAHiXs&j ajm v If lift tti J.K itLi' .!.,1, "' .ff :ff$$mi& ?w-- vv'Ys.'jiw'sMHi $ "ik T f &"',' ? 5 V , .W

8 eKNIQnOttgTlN,.pO'NptitrLtT. T, It,, PfcpAVJAN. 8, 190j). ''" n .THREE MEN ACTIVE IN MOVEMENT TO" Oceanic Alexander & Baldwin ,;: SteamsKip Coiiipam CONSERVE THE COUNTRY'S LIMITED. RESOURCES nME TABLE ALAMEDA ESTABLISHED IN 18S8. 8.8. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. The teamsrs of thl Una Wilt arrive and leave thlt port n hereunder: H. P., Baldwin President Leave S. F. Anive Hbn. leave Hon, Arrive S. F. J. B.'Castle Vic President DEC. 19 DEC. 25 DEO 30 JAN. 6 BISHOP & CO. W. M. Alexander. .Second Vice Pre. Jan. 3 Jan. 15 JAN. 20 jan. as J. P. Cooke Jn. 30 Feb S TOD. 10 FED. 1 BACKERS ( ... .Third Vice Pres. and Manager FEU. 20 FDII, 26 MCll. 3 MCII. 9 7. 'Waterhouie Treasurer MClf. MCll. 13 WCH. 19 MC1I. 24 Commercial E. TJ, Paxton Secretary and Trav- W. .0., Smith Director elers' Letters of ' Credit J. B. Oalt .....Director NOTICE. 0u and after June ailh, 1908. the SALOON KATES wM issued on the of W. R. Cattle Director &tit Bank as follows: Hirgle Fare, $65; Round Trip, $110. Family room extra. Lon-do- In connection wlllj the tiling of the above steamers, the agent! art California and The rr " yprepared to litue the Intending passengers coupon through ticket, by Joint Stock Bank, SUGAR FACTORS, any railroad from San Francisco to all points In the Unjted Stltee, and Ltd., London. tlOMMlSSlUN MERCHANTS an. 'irrom New York by any steamship line to all European porta. ' FOR FURTHCR PARTICULARS APPLY TO .Correspondents for the IHSURAHGE A6EHTS American Express Com- ' pany and Thos. Cook & Acents for &3$miM G. Irwin & Go,, L Hawaiian Commercial & Buear Co. 'ixWt Son. Company. ISS1' lrn Haiku Sugar OCEANIC R. S CO. GENERAL AQENTS, Interest allowed on PaU Plantation. I.HHHBH i .,. "mwmmmm0mmmmmmmmm term and Savings Bank Maui Agricultural Company, wLrt MAIL STEAMSHIP Co. OCCIDENTS AND Deposits. Hawaiian Sugar Company, rl'''' 'Han. Kahuku Plantation Company, Kafcului RaCroad Company, CO ORIENT L ST. 4MSIIIP t and T0Y0 KISEN KaISHA Haleakala Ranch Company, aonoiua Ranch. Steamers of the above companies will at Honolulu and leave this port on below mentioned: or about the dates Claus pricket. Wm. O. Irwin. Castle & Cooke, Ltd FOR JAPAN AND CHINA: FOR OAN mANOIBCO: Clans Spreckels & Co. Honolulu, T. H. KOREA DEC. 2S 81DER1A DEO. 36 8HTPPINQ NIPPON MARU JAN. 9 CHINA JAN. 2 DANKER ft. AND COMMISSION HEX. SHIURIA JAN. If. MANCHURIA JAN. 9 UlLAflTS, SUUAK FACTORS HONOLULU, : : : CHINA . IAN. 23 CHIYO MARU JAN. 16 T. H. MANCIIt'RIA .JAN, 29'ASIA JAN. 23 GENERAL INSURANCE 'AGENTS Agent CHIYO MVHU .FE.3. S' MONGOLIA JAN. JO 8an Francisco The Ne representing vada National, Dank of Ewa ASIA VEIL 13 ITKXYO MARU FED. 9 Plantation Co. Draw exchange' on the Nevada Na Waialua Airricultnral Co.. Ltd. Bank FOR GENERAL II.50HMATI0N APPLY TO tlonal of Ban Francisco. Kohala Sugar Co. London The Union of London an Smith' Bank, Ltd. Waimea Sugar Mill Co. H, Hackfeld Co., Ltd,, New York American Eichance Apohaa Sngar Co., Ltd. & National Bank. Chicago Corn Exchange National Fulton Iron Works of St. Louli AMERICAN-HAWAHA- STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Bank. Blake Steam Fumpi Pari Credit Lyonnali, Weston's Centrifugals Weekly Sailings via Tshauntepec. - Honakono and Yokohama Ilnnt- Babcock ft Wilcox Boilers FH0M NEW YORK TO HONOLULU, Banking Corporation. Green's Fuel (freight Company's New Zealand and Australia Economisers received at all tlinea at thu Wharf, 41st Street, Bout. Bank Marsh Pumps Droo'dyn. of New Zealand and Bank of Austra- Steam lasia. Matson Navigation Co. ROM SAN FRANCISCO TO HONO- FROM SEATTLE AND TACOUA;TO Victoria tnd Vancouver Bank of Planters' Line Shipping Co. LULU DIRECT. HONOLULl Brltlat Worth America, MEXICAN, TO SAIL JAN. 14 MEXICAN, TO SAIL JAN. 11 Deposits received. Loins made on approved security. Commercial and Wm. G, Irwin & Go. FROM HONOLULU TO SAN FRAN- Travelers' Credits Issued. Bill of Exchange bought sold CISCO. For further Information apply to and LIMITED. PLEIADES, TO SAIL JAN. 20 II. HACKrBLD CO..LTD., CelUotUn Promptly Aeoeunted Far. .Agent Honolulu. . ' 8UOAR FACTORS and ',1 Freight received at Company's C. P. UORSTJ, COMMISSION AGENTS. wharf, Qrettcwlth Streot. General Freight Agat. The First Wm. G. IKWIN President t"" - f JirO. D. SPRECKELS... V. onfcifiJan-AWBtrail- an lit Pre. The iflectlnK of the Nntlonnl Commlmlon IIih tonscrvntlun of imttinil resouiccs nt WiibIiIiikIoii nttractcil Royal Mali AMERICAN SAVINGS W. M. OIFFARD 2d V. Pres. for tho nttcntlon of tlio n of Importanio bectiiul only to llio oiicnmjt oi Cnrhpaity. H. M. WHITNEY Treasu.tr cntlro and nfsutnd momshlp CmiRress. Tho meetlnB w.-- the, outKiowth uf tho sntlierliiK of Uoveriicirs called latt aprlng 1" Prwlilcnt RICHARD ITERS Secretary unit tonscrvntton of the above line, running In connection with the CANAD- ltoosovclt to illscuxa the protection of forcsti, ltnprucniunt of wntorwnjB, tho Bcnernl 8teamara AND TRUST GO. D. G. MAY Auditor l'lu-cli- IAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. between Vancouver, . C, and Sydney, N. of tho Nntlnn'B tcsourceu. Pronlncnt nnionc tho National firutcs lit the. gathering; wcro alrtord 6. W., calling at Victoria, B. C, Honolulu Suva, FIJI, Ir'e-ban- hcsicl or lliircnu. of Mircntryj Cnrneslc, tho-.slo- Ulnu. nnd Jnmes J. (III!, tho railway and and and OF HAWAII, LTD. Agents for tho Androw are DUE AT HONOLULU on or about the date below atated, viz.: Mr. Hill, od(ll Ib mlvoiato of tho Kcnerul ilovoloiunont anil luiproveinent ol Oceania Steamship Co., San Francis- iiMBiintu. enousli. mi iirdent upoti rullwajs nro retnullnB tho Notion's FOR fIJI AND AUSTRALIA: i FOR VANCOUVER: SUBSCRIBED .CAPITAL.. 1200,000.00 co, Cal. the rhcra. Ho l:mci hla vlnwn In thl wspect tho fact tint the growth by commerce. Ho teca In the improvement of .tho PAID UP CAPITAL.... :100,OO0.O0 Baldwin Locomotive Works, Phila heliiB tinalilo tn handle Its rapldl InereftsliiB 8'AORANGI President ,... Cecil Brown n of UAKURA JAN. .JAN. delphia, Pa. rhcra tolutlon tho problem,, . AORANQI FEH. 6 MOANA . .FEB. t M. P. Roblneon Hakalau Plantation Co., Hilo Sugar Gebigo SabiihTlii .1 (larclii;C'M; 2 ?137p"2f3. DatoifJuly 1. 1908. Will at Fanning Island. I Cahlr ,:.. L. T. Peck tall Co., Honolulu Plantation Co., T IcnucholilH ami 22000 plueaiiplo plana. II H ltentim to t'nlon Mill Co; 1.; Office: CorrierFort and King St. Hutchinson Sugar Plantation Haiku, etc, Hminltinlna. Maul; $300. Mir It P 7771. Kill b7!2. Honoin ikan, SAVINGS DEPOSITS received and Co., Kilauea Sugar Plantation REAL ESTATE II 312, p 103, iiDtwl IKr 17. 1908. ICohala, Hawaii; 21 nt $10 per yr. Through Ticket Issued from Honolulu to. Canada, United State and Interest allowed for yearly doposlt Co., Olowalu Company, Paauhan Mrs l.tlln Kcpnlknl in lulilnuru; L: II 313, p 218. Dated Oct 1, 1908. '.! at of 4H par por Europe. For Freight and Passage and all general Information, apply to the ralo cent SuganPlantation Co., Waima-nal- o laud Market St, Walluku, Maul: W H Rnwell tn Kauai Klectrlc Co ajinum, TRANSACTIflNS ic iJ Sugar Co. yenr-j- : 10 ra at $111 por r. IVj. t.til: I); lalmioof It J 7101 Kul 11210 Iheo. (J. flaTles & l'o (JBMirtl ,Rulee and regulitlon,-- , 11'i lH. ltili. furnished II 212. Nov 13, bljgs, etc. in hill l.unl. Wiilulliu l; upon application. M' - ' jra. 313, p nDted 2 $1 11 1. p 277. C. Brewer & Co., Ltd. JOIS. pi Dated Recorded Doc. 23, 1908. Ibliliivirii (k) In First Natl Hunk of Deo 23, 1908 Y(Jkiliarfia11Spicl8 . imawiMrwi Matson Navigation Company Till bank, QUEKN STREET, HONOLULU, T. H. William () Kmilli to Wm II ICoiiIiiIiiiI WnlliiKil; CM; leaBoliold and lildg. -- . ct nl; ltd; It P 111. Kill 7!)li, Anlu Mniket St. Walluku. Maul; $800. II AQ6NT8 , Hulled FOR: 31L-- i 190C. i Corporation SCHEDULE S. S. "HTLONIAN" Honolulu; 50. n p 108. Dated ri2, lOii. Dated Apr 9. Polices Hawaiian Agricultural Co., Ookala IC In:!) T) ot u $ in the Direct Service Between, Doc. 21, lflliS. Mury Mills nml (II sugar Co., Onomea IC Plant. 8ugar Cs., Wm, II. Keiil'ikiil to l'louccr-Hhl- io Henry Pnopuc; I); hit In P. P 1751 SAN FRANCISCO AND HONOLULU Honomu Sugar Co., Walluku Sugar Co.. (ni(f PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. , EsiabW 1880 ninl Ui.iu Asm of llauall; M; 11 Kul 392. WM mac. I.almlna. Maul $15, ARRIVE HONOLULU , LEAVE HONOLULU Pepeekeo Sugar Co., The Planters P 111. Kill 7fi:. A.il.i, l.lnnulillii; $100 It: HI, pi'liJ. Dated Iki 18, 1908. JANUARY 20', 11909 JANUARY 16, 1909 Line of Ban Francisco Packet. Nutlio Is hereby glcn lu.it W. II. Canltal (Paid uo) 24.000.00 II p HIS. 1!), l'JOS, Recorded Dec. 21, 19CS. FEBRUARY 17, 1P09 FEBRUARY 23, 1909 ..Ten LIST OF OFFICER8: Jli. IMIOll Doc C.istle, I). L. Wltlilligloil, W. A. .- Yen lB.OKO.OAa Anthony N Hiinleo Dower (widow) In MARCH 17, 1909 MARCH 23, 1909 Reserved Fund - b. M. Cooke, President; George Oilman ninl t in Plo Uail Oieeuwell,-nn- A. L. C'aitle, all Special Yea1 nrer IIMk iiiiiI Abbii D," li)t,2l, lilK Hi, Kuuulu 14, 20, 1909 Reserved Fund. 2,000,000 Robertson, Vic Preeldtnt and Mana- l.om (if lluwiill; In Honolulu, Territory of Ha- APIHL 190? APRIL 203. ger; E. F. Bishop, khd Sec- M; (Ir ma, KiiliKiknhul, Honolulu, llimolulii; $550. II 311, p Dated pnrt-iicrnl- Vv I AY ' 12, 19'09 MAY 18, 1909 Treasurer waii, luno entered Into u law ' retary; F. W. Macfarlane, Auditor; P, 200. II 312, i 111 Doc 21 flee 22, 1908. 9. 1909 15, wtsti nveinv vnvnsiui ' Datiil under the name of Castlu & JUNE JUNE 199 C. Jones, C. M. Cooke and, J. R. Gait, 1908. MltHU Wiih.i (w) tn Tiniu ChiiiiK 8. S. "LURL1NE" of'thls linn nails from Ban Francisco for Honolulu . Braneiiea.and.Airenoia: ' Wllhlngtou, nnd will maintain mi ToklO. Naaiaakl. Dlreotore. Ontono RmlrlBiicii nml In Frank Tat; DA; nmlo child, Nolioru Wna direct, "rccclvlnc freight for Honolulu 'and Kahulut. .Kobe. Osaka. nf offlco nt 37 Mctclinut ntrcct, Hono- Neir Fran-cja- R RodrlKiicn; I), Int In pc land, Kn- - ullaH Torn; How Loo, born Juno 7, Una snlla Seattle 22 Ho London, Lyons, York, San lulu. SS. "HYADES" nf this from about Jan. for Hongkopg", Ilhl ltd, Honolulu, $100, II 311, p 2til. 1900. 11 321, p 21. Dated Dec 23, receiving; Domb'ay, flbanchal, W. It. nolulu direct, fright tor Island ports. FIRE INSURANCE Nov 23, lfios 1908. casti.i:, (Innkow, Chefpo, Tientsin, Peking, rated 1). L. WITII1NOTON, Passenger Rates to S. P.: First Cabin, $60; Round Trip Pint Class Knlfkniia nml wf tii I, I, McCnmt U Sllvn nl, by regr; No Newchang, Dalny, Poit Arthur, Jaclntlin cl W. A. oukknw'hll, S110.GW Ici-b- ; M; Ap 2, It P 185. In Reg LilaoynrMukden, Tien-lin- nml lilt It (loo; of decicu of title lu Laud L. ' I1 - A. C.istlo. For further particulars apply to Changchun ,' J58. Wnlkniio- It P 7093 nnd Am 2, II Court Case No! 1 IS. II 321, p 23. D.i . V Dated Honolulu. Dee. .11, 1908. . -- . C4STLE & COOKE, LTD, Agent, if--t: 1082, Kllimwal, Koolnunciko. O.ihu Dee 22, JO'JS. The bank buys end .receives for ., ted 4202-S- t . F. DILLINGHAM CO. Int In It P .108-- ee collection bills of exchange, Issue Kul 1757, Kiipnlama, Arvllla S MrWayno by rcgr, Nntlco; Draft Letter o'f Honolulu; JMC3. I) 312, p 113. Dntuil of decreu ot tlttu in I.nml ItegCourl Ind. Credit, and LIMITEI, Dec u, 1908, ELECTION OF orPICERS. transact a general banking business. Ciibo No. 147. 11 321, p 20 Dated -- A K Wooltoy nml Imb (O L) to L)illa Union Dec 22. 1908. fol- Pacific Daggig Shipping Honolulu Bfakoh, 87 B. Xing Street n. Notlco Is Iiciehy glen that tho : General Agent for Hawaii: a uniniu; AKriut; In io Florence Harlan nnd IibIi (O II) b (11. lowing persons wore duly elected lo i i:nro of por (Ir Miinoa, Mniiiilulu ugtty to Hat N D; II Storage Wood Atlaa Assurance Company of London. rj Denlsou; lior Chi-nc- U i - buvo as oMUorH nf tho United 321, 23. Dated Apr 13, 1907. 5704, Kill 8211, cm- Wilder iihil Oahu Railway nsw York underwriter' Agency. V Ao Society for tho cnsultiR ear, Transfer Co., Ltd. Pkcklng Coal Providence Washington Insurance Co I.J'iIIn k A Knloln to 9 K Woolsey Aunpunl St, Honolulu; $1500. II 311 , s 4th FLOOR, 8TANQENWALD BLDQ 1'iul IibU (O L); Agrmt: ill 10 recon 2(17. Dated Dec 3, 1908. l.: veyanco or por fil President Yce Chin Furniture and Piano Moving 58 Or Manna, Honolulu A F Cooko and wf to Mrs Sarah .1 Time Table. II 321, p Tonp; LIFE .INSURANCE 23. Dated Apr 15, 1907. Draco; D; lot 5, 1)1 It 35, Knliniikl tract Vice Trtsidcnt ...... Lau K8t of Anna Qiccn by uxor to Henry Honolulu; $235. II 311, p 203. Secretary '..... Chang "Kim OUTWARD. Is not a Luxury; It, Is a Necessity. Dated Holmes; A M; nitfc V HarrUon ot nl on Deo 23, 1908. Asst. Secretai? Chong Jack Lai Hustace-Pec- k For Walanae,, Waialua, Kahuku and But you Must have the BEST por Or 177, corner KIiib ami Treasurer Ho Fon Co., Ltd. Way Stations 9:l6a.jn.,,3:20 p. m. and that I orovtded by the famous St Pima John I, lllnlsdell and by tr tt al to hoii Ave, Honolulu, II 307 f, Doo Phone 295. DRAYMEN 63 Queen Strest. P. 0. Box 818. For Pearl City, Ewa Mill and Way and most equitable Law of Massa- - J2500. p I. 0 D; lot I nml lot Aast. Ticasurer Wai Sinn 85 - KIM, Estimates Given on of stations a. m.; a. ra Irt Dated Sept 12, 19u8.- Illk Hill, Pnlolo Vnlloy, Honolulu; $1. CIIANO all kinds teaming, f7:30 ';15 chusetts,. the fc, i ' . 11:05 a.;m., 2:1 p. m.'sto p. m Henry Holim-- to J M Dim act t; A 375, J! .Ill, p 270. Dated Nov 3, 1908 Secict.iiy, United ChlneBo Society. ill Dealers in :1S p. m., tstaOT. m., rii:00 p. m New M; mtB F Hiinlsnii ct nl on por (!r 177 I. O lllaekmiiu mid ( (o Dank of 1202-3- t For Wahlawa 9:15 a. m. and England Mutual coiner King St I Avo, Ho- - 1 FIREWOOD, AND BLACKSMITH Puiuhuu Hawaii, Ltd; M; lot and lot 5 STOVE, J5TEAM COAL. p. m. , i $2500, 11 5:H lUiltilu; 3ir7, n 285. Dated Illk IDIi, Pnlolo Vnlloy, Honolulu; $3 " , INWARD. Ddc 21, 1908 CRUSHED ROCK, BLACK AND WHITE SAND, dalDEN SOU. Life Insurance Co., I'lW. 11 307, ji 200. Dated Dec 21 Legal Notices. Arrive .Honolulu from Kahuku, Maria O KalmNvnl and Imb (.1 K) to 908, OF BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. , HAYOBAIH, CEMENT, ETO , Waialua and Walanae s:30 a. m., Joao 14 iota l! 7 you RoiUilKiiia: M; of nml Captain Cook Coffco On Ltd to Fran PROPOSALS FOR Of-- . ..E;31,p. m. , If would be fully Informed about PRINTING. W' Illk A, Lunallln St, Honoliilii; $200. 11 ilt.cn Donlaj H; por Or 1013, Kalnu Arrive In Honolulu from Ewa Mill these laws, address Deo or Depot and Constructing Quur--t ' 307, p 28B, Dated Dec 13, 1908. B Kon i. Hnmill; $200. n 311, Rait Schooner and Pearl City J7:48 a. ra., 8:S8 teimnBter, Honolulu, H. Jan. 4th, The 1C) T., Manhattan Cafe a. m., a. K Smith nnd lirili (J Ic p 200. Dated Deo 2.1, 1908 lt:38 m.,,l;40lp. m., 4:31 Castle & Cooke, 1909,- - Sealed proposals, In trliillcatc, ' n m...,5;Jl. p.m.. 7:30 p. m, GENERAL AQENT8, Andiow H Cn; M; R P 3l2fi. Kill 2804 Theoplillus O DaUcs niftl wf by nttj Is The Most popular.' will bo iccelved until 10 til in, X: CONCORD Arrive Honolulu from Wahlawa HONOLULU, T. H. bhlgs, etc, l'.uilna Wnlaluii, Oalm; ot ul to Henry II Ronton; I); por O Janu v ary 11, 1909, nnd opened, for K r Sailint tot I;3S a. tn. and B:31 p. m, ?500. II 307, p 288. Dated Dee 21 '850, bldgs, etc, Honojmeo, pnr R P then TORT STREET lulbccllnncouH iust nbfvHOTEL. 1908. 7771. Kul 8712, lildK-s- etc, Hunomakiiu, printing, ruling, and " 11. KAPUNA. HONOIPU, KAILUA and WM.G.IRWif&C0.,Lt7 WILLIAM WARHAM, Prop. Dally. Henry Wittorliouno Tr Co tn ICohala, furnishing thaimpcr and cardboard H00KENA , Ltd Hawaii, $133 33. II 311, p t Ex, Sunday. , Alice Wnj it nl; I); int In 49 bo,, ft -- 7:i. Dated Jillv 1, 190S for Biimo, nceesaarj at Honolulu, II. AGENTS FOR From Sorenion's Wharf. t Sunday Only. AOENTS FOR THE land, corner King St find lllshop Ri Oenrrio I' and t to Ileniy T.. during tho peilod bcBlnnlng Jan EDQEWORTH and' QDOID ' Tho Hale'lwa two Daka Tobaccos Apply on Board. or Umltod, a hour Royal Co. of Liverpool, ng, ISxtn, Honoliilii! SI. 11 311, p 2C3. Dat II Ronton, I); pnr Or 2SI0, lildga, etc uary 15, 1909, and ending Julie 30, b first-clas- s Iniur. train (only tlckots hon ly aaHi' The only two tfood smoking HAWAnAN BALLASTINO CO.. nl Juno 30. 190$ Honnpiion, Kulinla ; $1200. 11 1909. For fitttlii'i' information np-p- ' Aei. ored), leavos Honolulu every Sunday Commercial Union Assurance Co., Hawaii Tobaccos ia the Market. It Momlfii In Ifona Co 190S. tn tlio nflleo ot the undesigned. Telephone 396, Mannakea St., below at 8:22 a. m.; returning, lu Ltd., of Loudon, England. Pnolinmiont ."11.P273 Dated July 1. arrives Ltd, CM; M. r, King, P. 0. Box 820. Honolulu at p. m. Scottish Union & National Ins. Co, of leuselinld ciopi. etc, Onnull II II Ronton In Unlnn Mill Co; L; N. FALLS, Capt. .1 qiiai,leriiia3-to- Br lo:10 The Limited 1, FITZPATRICK BROS, atop only at Pearl City and Walanae. Edinburgh, Scotland. S Knnii, Ilawnll; TOS 03 nml ndv tn pora (Irs 1830 and 2810, llonopuco, poi IT. S. A ..Depot and Couslructlnt; vS MYRTLE STORE, I $1000. n 103. ul)o It K ard CIGAB Mr BULLETIN ADS PAY Q. P. DSNIBON, V. C. SMITH, The Upper Rhine Ins. Co., Ltd ai2, 'ii Dated 19 P 7771. Kul 8712, Iluiioninkau, Kn Qu.il tvunnstor. i B'' 'MB 1908. ,1 Hawaii; 21 yrs at $185 per yr, U 1200 Jan. 5, 0,7, 8, a, J I ssaaaP Mf'l ' t j . t . ' wTl. ., t av..4 f ..i awV'V. tAu- - I &... .,..,'ja',.ii.i.' :i vi: Ik. iV Jf' i;AVaA.A'''' : rT w.'"VmJhSd 4 I em IWlMSfMMMatI IBM IfcSsWIit lllSSIIKt IB Ii ISS ! Hm 111' j((' . i .'.flfc iA. i--. ,t h.w ta1 Kx:fL'j v xmmB'KnBmmiffijamMamsMmaauBrxwva.-.- ..-,.Jt . --- mmlMm i . ;. ,t j. ,jv m.u... "" " "- - """- . lll rsre. u'4l). J.- ti. (&:J-JJMrt- aa."A .- ,. , . r V. BKKKKKEKHEKBBKKIKBKlKKtJBBKEB t'4:., ! . lii- i..is 'flF&Wk nm? 1TIJKp f WiiilPlpillM'jPl


mtaaauumnmmtttmmtmmmttmtmutmm mflinditKiiiiWttratmattttn BUSINESS DIRECTORY Short StoriesFor Evening Hours! 1 Dekorato' wan, tvs tummmmmtttUKtMtmniikuimtmmuumt&uitimttHh&Axiuzttm FOR TINTING And PIANO AND ORGAN. repairing. THE CONSPIRATORS INTERIOR DECORATING i ' WANTED FOR SALE Sheridan Pianoforte Maker Wrnen Wire Msliretses RDaired at James "Of course, I can understand my time thought, bIt, that If jou appeal- No Other Quite So Good. anl Tunor. 1B2 Hotel St. or Ha- the Factory Honolulu Wire Bed AdvtrtlMmtntt Under this Htadlno Adv.rtlsem.nts Under this Heading wife's position In case," tho Judgo ed to your wlfo's Sense of romance. It is a PARIS WHITE prep- waiian News Co. For sale. Very Co., nfU Alapai si. Telephone the ' ! On Word Each No Ad One Cent Per Word Day. Ad- aration that docs not "set," Cnt Pr 0y. Eeh No cheap, slightly used, (nil Grand 635. 3945-t- f' Bald. "She wants Iter 'only daughter vtrts.m.nU Inserted for Less Than vertisements Intirttd for Less Than 'Abble's senso of romance!" the as do the Plaster Paris s, Cent, Ten Cents. ' Decker Plnno, Acolfctn Organs nnd to marry a man with money, and you Judge ejaculated. Ten Upright Pianos, guaranteed. - PLUMBING. Iintcu't nny. So this Is my plan: I'll "You muijt , have some memories As a( result, it can be used A lady, who occupied a now and hand A valuable collection of sumps. This set do n good round sum on you and majio Yee Sing Ke'evPlumher and Tinimith, that would hor feel tenderly 'to- for sevend days after mixing. somely furnished home In Hono- collection Is the property ot the N. M. Emma St., )ou can sny It came from n rich rela you1 Prof. lewis, 102 Smith St., bet. Ilotol and Pauahl. ward tdwnfd uh " Insist upon having DEKO- lulu's best suburb, desires a lady widow of the late II. W. Iloweo, teacher of Plan" ami Organ. Grad- tive; then my wife will bo satisfied; ' "It has been so long, tho Judge RATO used. Sold by lompanlon to make her homo with Kid Is the result ot his effort la uate of Uoston Conservatory. jou can marry Hoxanc and live hap-- )' OSTEOPATHY. murmured, and found himself sud- her during tho extended absence many years of labor; they con be 4101-l- m ever nftcr." denly curlo'us as to when he had ceas of Hawaii. Ad- seen at the Hawaiian News Co., Oh!" face her husband on 8-- Oliver's was bright 6( Dr. Schurmann. Hours 9 ed to think Abblc as the princess & O. office. Young building. 3ll-l- f a. m.; with hope, "you aro very good, Lewcrs Cooke dress "J. a." llulletlu EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. p. m. 224 Kmmn Square. sir." In his fairy When had he'eeas-c- d 4197-t- (ell tale, f . "Hut ou mustn't Iloxnne to write sonnets 'to her rlnirlots. LIMITED House and lot; house furnished or house-hel- where jou got the money," tho Judge TjUsI- For phone White 2891, EDUCATIONAL. odes to h6r eyebrows? 177 S. KING STREET: A ) buna-ma- who has taken a - unfurnished, 7 rooms, four closets, pursued; "Bhe couldn't keep It from aiakiki. uencrai, i;mpioymeni ui' "You sec, I'm rifrnM we're bcyoni PHONE 775. ncs course In any local school, to electric, lights and gas, on main nee. her mother." cor. Pensacola and Derelanla. pfono taught by experienced teacher romance," he murmured "She would take a permanent position In an car line; At a bargain. Addrct ti "Hut I ought not to my fu v in montns; ?;i month (8 lessons) deceive n't Understand." office as assistant bookkeeper. Ad- J'Lerols," Bulletin. 4159-t- t books ot all lodgers, Special attention given to turo wlfe.l! ninnk sorta, adult "It seems tonic'," Bald tho "Wlso TO THE dress "It. Bulletin office. etc., by tho Ilullelln Judge banged heavy on D" manufactured Address "Toachcr," this Tho a fist joung Danlcf, "that a woman Is nev- Ford runabout 1908 Model. In uso Publishing Company, o(Hcc. 4200-t- f his desk. "Don't bo foolish," ho said er too old to resist an appeal to her Holiday-Seekin- g Small furnished cottage, above Here only three months. Perfect condt- - sternly; "It's tho only way." heart." ' tanla .St. preferred. Address with tlon. For demonstration apply "Hut " Then before Oliver could Tho Judgo pondered., "I asked her-- particulars, "M" P. O. l)ox 302. Royal Ilawn. Oarage. 4200-l- proceed tils' objection a with clear to marry mo oh.' October 16, twenty-tw- o mi-t- t olco asked, "May I come In?" years ago." Public Collie pups, flora pedigreed rtock. "Iloxnne!" exclaimed the two "There,' Oliver exclaimed, llanll Ever) body to make Inoney by -- lant Price from $10 to $20; female $10. 'is V men. i For Rent Meats iodtiy ! the' l Ing cocoanuts. Inquire for plants, Hornqr'a Ranch. 4H0-- lliti. and tomorrow She What spot ia' these. Islands can 'ex- - JlSt'-t- 'MrfV stood hcsltntlnR on the thres- an anniversary. Oh1, you've g'til ti llox 102 Llhue, Kau,al. f eed A No. 1 Leghorn No. hold, a slender little thing with her take advantage o'f that, Judge." the great Waime .Plains in White rooster. piiffed scsn-ery- ? econd-han- d lat-to- p 1941 King 4174-t- t fnlr hair out under a plumed "I took he'r t6 ride In my btlggy," beauty, climate and diversity of desk; must b. South St. Fresh, wholesome, and of every hat. City folk in want of, rest and reasonable. "KP.," the Judgo rambled on, sheepishly. "Adr.'- tils recreation - LOST SIX BEDROOM HOUSE ON PACIFIC "Mother Is waiting In the motor." ''There was a big, round nloon " will learn with pleasurt offlca. S9SS.lt variety at silo HEIOHTS. said, breathlessly. "We aro on' Ho stopped suddenly ''Hut, of nai me vyaimea uome oi Mr. jmvio A showcase, about (x2xl On road to Pall, fox terrier, black our way to tho. charity bazaar and I course we've grown scnilhlo since Forbes, late Manager of "Cukuihaels, tecond'haod. want Bordo money." is now in the hands, of Mr. H. Akona, feet. Address with price "P.," this spot on cje and car. Answers to then." he sdld. wistfully. namo ot "Puppy " Howard on re- The Judgo kissed her. "Now It's Ue. n Chefi office. I61-t-f "Well, jou Jdti ask her to go to : : to 4200-t- t Servants' quarters. Stable. Entiro Oliver's turn," he teased. The premises may be rented fur U turn Art Theater. first-clas- THE PARAGON luol row," Oliver recommended, and premises are in s order. Im- "Oh, fulhor," she nished by week or month on' reason- A baby carriage. Stat condition reproached him tho Judgo gave In.' Pass Hook 2499 lost. Finder plcaso mediate possession, i rt sob, able Apply to and price to "J. Bulletin of- with "you know Oliver and I overling he presented terms. K" 4lDD- The next fice. 4070-t- f return to Hlshop & Co. - Beretania, Alakea, and Union. have had to break bur. engagement himself nl tli'o dinner table arme'd H. AKONA, WAIMEA, HAWAE. F, 0. because mother won't hear of It." wHh Address. Kawaihae. -- gold-rlmm- glasses?Re. a long paper box. Clean wiping rati at the Bulletin f- Palr of nose $30. PER MONTH. And she hid her face on the Judge's1 niy dear,' 'Phone 104.. "For ou, he said to fill A FINE LINE OF flce. ward at this office. 4192 shoulder. wife, as s'ho came In with Roxatio The Judgo glanced Olljrer. "Tell hcavy-cjo- at d and pcrislve. GIobc-WernicKe -- FURNISHED ROOM. her," he cdmtunnded, and the boy be- The box, being opened, showed Autos gan a hnltlng tale. rcsy carnations. Clean furnished rooms for working- - Bishop Trust Co. Ltd. As ho' proceeded hoxanc Interrupt--- Book Cases and Filing Repaired ' "The nearest thing I could get td men; Jl week up. Apply 1280 Fart. ed, "You.mcan that somo one has left pinks," the Jddge "explained. Your machine Cabinets No. 924 BETHEL STREET. will be ready for )Ou a fortune?" "Why pinks?" his wife demanded. y One or two rooms, with er without you . LOOSE-LEA- when we say it will be. We Oliver nooded. "Abble," lie reproached, "have you F DEVICES' board. Apply "II.," this offlce. don't experiment on autosj we repair "Where did he tiro?" Iwe'nfy-tw- forgotten that o years ago TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES. them. "I'm not sure," the boy stammer you wore plnkii " SITUATION WANTBD ed. Mrs. Vandlver's expansile features Uy a young lady, position at assist Importers Von Hamm -- Young "I wouldn't Inquire tod closely In- expressed a blank surprise. Office Supply Co.,Ud. "What ant bookkeeper or other offlce or r- - "ifrti.Wlnalow'a to It, Itoxnnc," the Judgo advised, twchly-tw- ""' happened b years ago?" 931 FORT ST. store work. Address "11. this Sitnthfna Slsrenn hurriedly. "The less said about that D" and "I know," Roxane Interrupted. 4125-t- Mfl for orer H1XTV Co., Ltd. offlce. t "two E3 relative of Oliver's the better." "There's the picture on father's desk fnvkiirriTT . GO TO THE Hn rttvTi.itMiii E3 ALEXANDER YOUNG BUILDING. Wllh her face shining tho girl jbu havo on n bide dress and n by expert bookkeeper Designers went swiftly to Position 'and her lover. "Oh, Oliv- Lunch bf pinks you.sald jou looked Address Q. B.," er, Oliver," she '"how Woman's Exchange statistician. "J. said, happy I that way when ho asRed you tq mar- Bulletin office. 4090-t- t UttrtmedjrforDtAltRIlU'A. Soli f Gold Dollars am!" ry him." for r Drurplit. ia rrt of th. 5! For n momont S8rttJi..,nr.,l"i.,'t for Km. m he hesitated, then The blush that stole up toward ZMAS CARDS and TO Rrninin v. E3 ho gathered LXT Dunn's Hat Shop, no other kiad. asXexuktttUt. At Discount her Into his arms. "It's Mrs. Vandlver's gray curls gnvo her BON BON HOLDERS gj a worth everything BERETANIA AND FORT to know that you' a curious look of youth. "Whj'. Furnished and cot-- S aro iiiOWMHlWaHtriiHgiBBi are Just as easy to a rood lob mine, Iloxanc," ho said, huskily; James,:' slie faltered, "'did you rcallj tages. Inquire No. Cottnge ret at "It's of painting at a cheap price. When worth everything to know that remember?" O rove. 4195-t- f )ou arc BUILDING I do work I do it right not cheap. mine." Yes," said the Judge, .feeling that MATERIAL? The rustle of silk skirts In the hall had he never forgotten life would PRIMO Two furnished rooms. Apply Mrs, brought ' OF ALL KINDS. him out of his rhapsody. havo held deeper meanings. D. UcConnell, 1223 Emma St. your DEALERS IN LUMBER. Tom Sharp "It's mother," warned tho Mrs. Vandlver came; around and THE PAINTER BEER Large cot- Judge, and when the rather stout kissed her husband. "Thank you, front room, also Elite Building. Phone 897. lady In tage. 729 King 41S8-t- f ALLEN & ROBINSON. mauve cntorrd sho found two dear," sho said, with n gentleness St. Queen Street :: Honolulu. solemn joung people on each sldo of mado Roxane stnre. :: :: SHARP SIGNS attract that Large furnished rooms. Reasonable. attention tho Judged desk. That Roxanc's After that It wns not hard to pro plumed hat-w- as 732 Kl'nau St. 4l6Ctt slightly over orio car pose a ride by moonlight, nnd Mrs. Corsets Fresh Fruits and M. & golden Phillips Co. KANE0HE BEEF and thnt a hair strayed Across Vandlver, consenting, camo down lit KIND Oliver's coat collar ROOMS AND BOARD. Wholesale Alwavs on wcro details a blue gown thnt becamo her elderly ' fl.50 TO $2.25 A PAUL Importers and Jobbsn Hand. Young Pigs, Poul- which' escaped Vegetables try, Eggs, her. plumpness almost as well as that olh For lady and Wilder 'Ave. EUnOPEAN AND Fresh Bntter and Cheese. "I thought Rpxano centloman. wns novor er blue gown had set off hor girlish near Keeaumoku. Address "X. Y. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money AMERICAN DRY GOODS coming down," sho panted. Blom'S, FortS. - ' FORT QUEEN figure office". 4169-l- t iRefunded. and 8TS. Saiii Wo Co., "I here," ex- Z."tbls Meat found Oliver Iloxnne. Tho Judgo's electric runabout re- CHRISTMAS ASSORTMENT plained, "and, oh, mother, Kins Stre- -t MfcrVet. n rich rel- placed tho buggy of long ago, and ns Bulbs! Bulbs! Bulb's! N TeL.288 ative BRAUNEN NAHOME, YOUNG TIM, Manager. has left him a foriuno." thoy went quickly through tho clljr Various Kinds of Flowering Bulbs. Corner Beretania and Alakea Sts. "A fortuno DAVID DAYTON S. SA1KI, Oliver?'' scoffed the nnd out Into tho country roads that OF AND stout lady. IMPORTER FRUITS . MR. and MRS, "Why, ho hasn't a rich" astuto gentleman refrained from any VEGETABLES Bamboo Furniture Made to Order. relative In tho 137 MERCHANT STREET. world." mention ot Oliver nnd Roxane. All'IMrs.E. M.TAYLOR from California, Vancouver ft Seattle. Picture Framing a Specialty, ' - G. Sakat'a, "The fact remains, my dear." tin- his talk was of things of the past. THE FL0RIE8T, HOTEL Y0UN5 Bid Judge asserted, Qr SALE 5G3 S. BERETANIA ST. blandly, "that he has "How happy we were(l Abblo," hi Telephone 838. LOJ.S TELEPHONE MASSEURS. had a fortune left him by a distant 487. aaiu in iasi, onu nis who responucu, Of XAPiOLANI Sprains . PARK ADDITI01 Bruises, cousin." wistfullj', "Very happj', James." LOQK Tired Feel- "What and other desiraklt localitis. WHEN cousin?" was tho demand. A golden moon liiing ,ubovo the WahYingChoneCo. at th automobile, fcnifiei and ear ing and other "You needn't tell m'c, James." riaget havo overhauled You dark lino of the hills. Tho air was For Bale a' Premises we' recently Want Electric Wiring Done oi ailments quick-J- y "Tilt- int." II. n i,,1 Xint; Itree't, Ewa of Fiskmarket. it Bartain and palnWd T' .""ov ,.,,.l.lunuiiiiiiij, sweet with tho splclncss ot tho pines. two-stor- y Private Telephone Installed or Dry '.1iit nniite.. l.n !.'.? l..t it " at Hauula on the beach, a relieved. The Judge was thrilled with bygond DRY GOODS AND FURNISHING - THE1T 8EX US. Batteries, call the Res. II-lih- a npt accusing house and furniture, at a bsrjaln. 17p7 "I'm atybody," Mri. for-tnb- .GOODS of XVERY DE- UNION emotions, and his arm went com ELECTRIC CO., St. above Vnndlvor stated; "1 merely asked yo'ii SCRIPTION. - about his wlfo's waist. , G9 Beretania St. Phone 310. School. Tele- w'iiat cousin, " Go." James,"- Then rapture oftlio restor- phone 1650." Tho Judgo his fn'mtm.-ul-. Inho For Distilled Water and Assorted W. W. Wright moiiued ation to her place of romance, ot tho Pau Ka liana HONOLULUIRONVOlicS The sudden "arrival of tho ladles of Soda Water, delivered to office and Abbloof long ago ho forgot Oliver I Japanese Cuiios, Silk Kimonos, his household had not ghen him tlmo residence, RING UP 557, ., King Street aear Strath Improved and Modern SUGAR MA- forgot Roxane. Does lo perfect details. everything in the v , TeL 252 " CHINERY of every capacity and de- SI'irts. Pajunas, Shirt Waists. Fanoy He was brought buck with n shock "I'm not sufo of the nnmo, kitchen but cook. scription made to order. Boiler work Abhlo,'' when Mrs. Vandlver said, as they Arctic Lmbfoidercd Goods. he Iver Soda Water Works AT YOUR GROCER'S Mr. and Mrs. and RIVITED PIPES for irrigation stnmmered: "herhans o can turned toward home; "I've been batlsfy jou.'1 1263 HA8KMOTO purposes a specialty. Particular at- thinking of Iloxnne; she really Miller St. M. B. DE SA. Hut Oliver weakened, "I thlhk (f MA'sbkUrs, i tention paid to JOB WORK, and re- K. Fu!ci4roda, loves Oliver I don't know but I Mis. Vnndlver Is fight." pairs executed at shortest aOTEL STREKT NEAR BETHE1 he said, un ought " Auto Hire rheumatism, notice. steadily. for BRUISES, , "Until I can offer satisfac "Of course you ought,'' said thq That Victor! tory proof of my good fortune It will BPRAIN8, .' FOR SALE Judge, promptly; "give them 'MANUEL REI6.-4- JaU FEEL-IN- lie well jour np at any TIBED 4000 Green Roofing Slats KPxlO". for mo to give up Roxane." blessing be as happy as GET I.T N0W! and .ether ICE nnd let them r time by telephone' any one of these COO One Two Prong "Oliver!" The .wall was from his ' ' U-Hh-al and Iron Fence pure distilled wa: we are."' " ' numbers : M0, 200, 1087. ailments quickly manufactured from betrothed. Hut he went on, "Ther6 Posts. ter. Delivered to any part of city by "I nm jifiald that Oliver has bcon RELIEVED. 1 EUj-e- r. may bo some, MUSIC Co., Ltd. KINQ'ST., Drum Commerclat courteous drivers. mistake." been fooletl by some of'thosd firms' BERG8TR6M. 444 FINEST FIT PALAMA "Of tourso,," said Mrs.' Vandlver. Who hunt up lost heirs," the lady 1 with aggravating sourness; and oloth of A-- l quality can be per- - Telephone 137 Castlron Fitting with Flanges, "come pursued. "Of course, Oliver was sin- OAHU ICE AND ELECTRIC CO., on, dragged for 12" Wrought Pipe. itoxnne," anir she her cere, but I don't think much at the chased froas Kewslo. Telephone 628. unwilling T EMMELUTH & CO., LTD., captive from tho room. fortune , Urtlques Left nlone, the conspirators stor" OWL SANQ CHAN, 145 King Street. Phone 211. stared "KB." mendaciously, "It didn't ' at each other, CIGAR M0CANDLS8I BLDG., Chlneee Goods r seem probable."' t 01. ' Telephone 111. HAWAIIAN FERTILIZER CO., LTD. PAPER "Now yoil've Hotjo It," said tho t P.O.Box "You can fettle- - something on them Dealers in FERTILIZERS suitable Judge, disgustedly; "why couldn't M. Co. All kinds In tolls and sheets. after they aro married," said Mrs. A. Gunst & ASSESSMENT Nfl. 0 WirlgrWbTaicfeCo. for all crops, climatio and toil con- jou bluff It odt?" AMERIOAN-HAWAnA- Vandlver. 'Wo any 'one AND KING In the Harrison Mutual Henerolent .PAPER . linieu't to FORT STREETS. ditions. "Not with Roxane's trusting e)es de- CO.. LTD. leac It to hut Itoxnne and nnd It Association due Dec. 1C, 1908, 41 NUUANU ST OFFICE Brewer Building, Hono- SUPPLY on me," said Roxane's lover, Queen would bo nice to have them engugct wife's lips was n silver echo of tho linquent Jtii. 15, 1909. All assess- lulu Tel. 272. , Fort and Sts., Honolulu. "Well, If.you knew Roxane's moth Tel. 410. George Guild, Gen. Mgr. on tHe same day that wo. were, Jlm-mle- ." golden laughter of other days. ments nro payabjo at the Secretary NEW ASSORTMENT OF FACTORY at 0. er ob well as I do," JUdgo growl Iwilel: Tel. 430. tho "We will," sho said, nnd lifted her office, KnplolanI Uulldlng, KlnJ nhd cd, would know "sou that It's (he Jlmmlo! Tho magic ot tho youth fare to him In tho moonlight, "and Alakea Sts Honolulu, only hope," Vies Suits ful nppellatlon mado tho Judge feu1 now let's go right home nnd tell tho Pressed After a depressing -- Either Wth otWithoat Framei. ,1 At Short Notice and Quick Deliver, sllonco Olher ilKu ii colt. " " children, Jlmmlo." L. AYAU SHOE COMPANY Steinway v'entuied: "Perhaps If you npproach-oi- r nw l '.'''l.ct'H got (hem uinw I'lAnUH, differently 'might married, nnd jou PAOrFIO.PICTUItK FRAJlTJra CO., her ynu get bet- It'll Dealers in Fine THAYER PIANO 0,0 , EAOLE DYEING AND n I will go oh nnd 'havo'nnnther THE TICKLE DUN.CH. Footwear and Sport' u?g ter reiults " I - nuiuuiu, 15 riOTKL BTflKBT. CLEANING WORKS, t none) moon," ho pioposod, Jubilantly, Said Sho "Yen, htlio a uVgn mini- ing uoous. Judge Binlled, you Phono 18. Fort Street. Phone Tho "How do "We will havo tho tithe ' 'of our hor of friends In tooloty" i editorial rooms bgsl. 575. mean?" 185 ,10 TUNING QUJltANTEED. Mlies." fluid Ho "TIumi Mm haven't been 1005.NUUANU.ST near Kinc rjess oltlco. These are the telephone - Oliver blushcd."0h, well, I'vo somo In aumummmamamm jjaf- "For Sale" cards at Bulletin, fl'Uc rlpplo that came from lit society long, ch?" ''"" '.. ,:'.,. nOKOLULU.'T. n. numbers of tht bulletin office.


' s- - .. ' A t ; A it ' . ', i"iaMeaiawfrYiiiiJffflllsVihiTI liw'Wnr 1.J ''l" 1 I li 'xM. - s yip'-'p'v- )sny iwmrssHMwv. m mKSSMm&k ff' m fsiW t liXStiiwwPmmmmfA - i ivSsT L(.'c mtn Jtimwj-- yTJmmMtmSBkm - - awzmmxmmmi " wv r- i r "ts?wv?5''P'; ."wr "aapviisc TfBraff''v,L' "? I 1 fllKL -- . 1. ., I. ' , - . .. .1U " (fir j TOT ' 1 , ' " iro.r . , . i - ,n io , BVKNiNO BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. It., rillDAY, JAK 8, 1009. u OENTLEMEN SAILORS PINE

Baseball Raoing WILDER WILL.HEAD PROSPECTS BRIGHT QUICK DELIVERY Boxing Wrestling HAWAII YACHT CLUB FOR WALKING RACE RE YOU EVER IN A SPECIAL HURRY for some-thin- g Boating s PORT Rowing t 0 yon have ordered? If it is for something you have ordered from us we can help you out, as wo SLATE IS.BEING MADE UP READY LESSONS TAUGHT BY THE LAST , ' A "hurry-u- p now have a wagon," otherwise known j - . . (i FOR AffNUALjMEETINQ MATCH PROVE PROFITABLE All do is to 'phone your W ' Ji.- f as a Motorcycle Van. you have to V order and state you need the goods once and if in that at Jaeger Will-B- e' Vice Commodore.and Records of All Who Finish Will Bo they do not weigh over 200 pounds the Reading-Standar- d C. A.'G.ANNUAL Rietow.Will Succeed, Hihueil Meet- Kept and Standing of Men Will Thus benzine buggy will soon deliver them at your door. Fancy Fowls Ready For MEETING . . i , i ing Will Be Held This Month Silver He Shown Beyond Shadow oi uoubt. ri r,; r. nA;twt' Pcdestrianism on the Prod HARDWARE, TOOLS, PAINTS, OILS, f: Tho Ch'lneso Athletic Club Cf.i . ' ''Already pf tho Hnwall There. Is every Indication that Sun- HOUSEHOLD GOODS, CROCKERY, AND K" will hold Itw'nnnunl meeting to- - molnbers Opening Of Contest night Vach't Club aro be'glnnlrig to make-u- day's. walking events will cnll out a at the usunl time and en- 3P0RT1NQ O00DS, nt .jr' "" pinto (or the of'ofllcers tho slato for the election of offlcera at representative list of entries. Tho election mce'tlng. ' meeting worked to serve for the ensuing year tho' annual Tho thusiasm which tho Inst race fourth an-- Class 8 Games nnd Gamo Ban-liu- al bjMnws; bo hold somo up, coupled valuable trophies On Wednesday next the i nnd to transact, business of Im- - must, undcrtho with Hnwollnn .tnms: Illnck-brcastc- d red, brown-ro- time this month: the nctual date will been will provo exhibition of tho portancc pertaining to" the wcl- - which havo offered, open In tho'goldcn, and allver duckwlng, birchen, bo announced by Acting Commodore nmplo to cnll out tho Poultry Association will fare of tho club. All members Inducement Ired pylcT white and black. Charles T. nnd events will Nntlonnl Guard shooting gallery. nro requested to nitend. Wilder. most sluggish, tho E. 0. HALL & SON; Ltd. Last Wednesday the entry lists clos- - Class 9 oriental uames.nna wan- It Is generally conceded thnt Vlco doubtless be well filled. Su- - ed, nnd the committeemen In chargo tarns: Cornish and white Indian, Commodoro Wilder, who has beenoct' The entry lists will close tomor- - pant, ot the nrrnnRcmcntB nro now busy niatraB, Malays, and Malay uanlnms, Ing as commodoro for somo timo row, nnd an ono who docs not got getting things Into readiness for the Class 10 Pit (lames: Dlack or English Owls Dlue or powdered will bo elected to succeed Commodorah,),, nnmo dorn on tno books befoio , w opening day. brown-red- sliver or golden duck-- blue, silver or powdered silver, black, Alexander Lylc. Wilder has been nightfall will not bo allowed to com very In tho of club Sonic very attractive prizes havo Ing, or any other color pit Games. red or yellow, nny other color, actlvo affairs tho pete for prizes on Sunday afternoon. (Mid his unscinsh'cnthuslns'm has done been offered by the Association, nnd Class 11 Ornamental Ilantams: African Owls Dlue, black, white, Scvcrnl changes have been mado In much to boost along tho organization, breeder and fanciers aremaklng ov-c- Golden nnd silver Bcnbrights; black nny other color. the minor arrangements for handling is generally considered tho right to get their fowls Into the and whte Hosccomb; booted white; Chinese Owls Any color, tall lie tho race slncctbo Inst meet. For ono effort man to head tho club', and his elec- for the great feath- light nnd dark Hrahmas buff, part owls, spot or fairy. thing, tho courso will bo better po- pink of mndltlon tion Is as a foregone conclu- nro being wash- ridge, white and black Cochin; black Nunto Any color. accepted liced than It was last time. Then ered contest. Birds ded.' , ed bleached, minor defects nro bo tailed, white and black Japanese; Archangels; Trumpeters. , there will be more judges along tho nnd James Jaogcr 111 probably bo chos nnd, possible bearded white, buff-lace- d and 8how Homers Dlue, chequer, of march, and thcro will bo moro Ing searched out where blue en to succeed Wilder as lino POTTIE'S remedied, nnd everything that can Polish. black, black chequer, red chequer, than ono timekeeper. en- Class 12 Miscellaneous: Silkies, k diniculty wns experi- Improvo the nppearnncc of tho silver, white, nny other color; hel Jaeger is nn enthusiastic sportsman Considerable Sultnns, frizzles, Faverollcs, Lakonvcl contest owing to tries Is being done. mets, Cnrneaux, Austrian strnusscrs, i,nd ho Ib considered tho best man to enced nt tho last of- ' stop- following nro prizes ders. black, white, any high g thatUhcro wns iut ono The tho other color, assist Wilder In his duties as' tho map-i.gln- tho fnct Black Douglas Oil Class 13 Turkeys: Ilronze, Narra flyers, availablo'. though fered: Florentine hon pigeon, any liend-q- ( the club. watch Thus, tho The American Poultry Association gansett, buff, slate, whlto and black half-bree- d or cross for squab breed Hay HJctow, port captain, will doubt- tlmo wns kept fairly accurately ou 14 Aylesbury, offers n grnnd prtao silver medal for Clns Ducks: Pekln, ing. less bq reelected to tho position which the first man each time, there wns Itoucn, Cayuga, Call (grey, whlto), regarding tho Is classed as one of the greatest known absorbent. Its tho best cockerel In tho American, Itccord Homers Certificate, ol ho now holds, faeiow has given, care-m- l mure or less guesswork Asiatic, Mediterranean and English East India, crested, Muscovy (color- record must accompany entry (to to tho of club, speed which tho others managed to value lies in its great hsaling power Without Irritating. attention affairs tho classes, competition open to tho ed, white), Indian runner, Swedish. bo Judged by comparison): 200 mile I'lid under his regime., overythlrtK has get up. Scvornl of tho competitors still werked. Emb-de- n, Horses may be treated with it aid world. Class 15 Geese: Toulouse, cock, 100 mile cock, 300 milo cock. gone along in n manner thoroughly nro extremely doubtful as to tho tlmo The'Amcrlcan Poultry Association African, Chlucso (brown, white) 400 mllo cock, 500 mile (or over)' tatisfactory to all of the members. that they (cally made, nnd conse- and stiff and weak in the Horses that stumble are sort offers a diploma for the best male un- wild or Canadian, Egyptian. cock, 100 mile young bird, 150 mllo Tho regatta cOmmlttco will prob' quently nro at a loss to know just legs and tendons, are immensely benefited by it. der ono year old In all standard va- Pigeon Prizes Flvo prize ribbons young bird, 200 mllo young bird, 100 ably consist of T. V. King, A. W. how they will stack up alongside, men rieties, competition open to tho world: will bo awarded, nnd cash premiums mllo hen) 200 mllo hen, 300 mllo hen, Ncoly and It. It. It J croft. with known records. There is no known remedy that will do a hone's legs The Hawaiian Poultry Association will bo paid according to competition 400 mllo hen, 500 milo (or over) Ono of tho most important matters, This uncertainty will doubtless dis- more good than bandaging them with this oil. offers silver cups for tho best "Col- in pigeon classes, viz.: cock, hen, and hen. next to tho cholco offofllcern. which appear nftcr Sunday's race, nnd tho lection" (cock, hen, cocRcrol, and pairs, under the following schedulo: it itf SJ will bo considered at tho meeting, wilt contest on January 17 will bo ou u pullet) In each of the following Single Hlrds Four entries or ov- be tho dnto of the cruise. It is now moro satisfactory basis than tho pre- & Sons, Honolulu classes: American, Mediterranean, er: first $1, second !0c; three entries: Lively Bowling planned to havo tho crulso as soon ceding ones. Thoso who tako part In PottiC and English. first BOc, second 25c; two entries: nftcr the meeting ns can conveniently the contest Sunday afternoon will, TEL. 1189. BOX 620 Tho directors of the Association first 25c. bo arranged. Tho last tmlso planned after tho rnce. havo n fairly clear Tournament owing to offer a hnndsbme silver cup to tho ex- Pairs Four entries or over: first was called off tho Inability Idea as to their pedestrian abilities. hibitor showing tho largest number 11.50, sccontf 75c; thrco entries: first of secrnl of tho yacht-owner- s to bo Promised present, aro of birds In tho poultry classes scor- $1, second 50c; two entries: first and members particularly ACTION VS. WORDS. one "Shall bo held In the ing 90 points or 75c. Somo Interesting tournaments will anxlnus.that oer. Immediate future. Ho took her llttlojinud In his, KIvo prize ribbons will bo awarded, In determining nwnrds, no birds bowling bo held In tho alleys under the Tho reports of tho various officers And kissed her finger tips; premiums will bo paid ac- -- bo nro not in word-J- and cash shall considered that Hotel Daths In the noar future. Teams nnd committees will Aliow tho club to Shu never said a Blnglo ust cording to competition In poultry four" or moro birds. competition with representing tho Naval Stntlon, Rapid bo In excellent condition. Tho pointed to her lips. (which turkeys, ducks bo classes lncludo Flvo dollar will awarded for tho Transit and Fort Shatter will compete, Is growing steadily, nnd the nnd gccso),vIz., Cocks, Hens, Cock- largest and best exhibit of plgtonB, The Publishing Co., Herring-Hall-Marv- in nnd probably ono or two from somo of organization has proven decidedly ben- Bulletin erels, Pullets, nnd PcnB, of all varie- $3 for the second largest nnd best ex tho morcniltlle bonnes of tho city. eficial, not only to jachtlng In theso Ltd.,. it. agent for the best engraving following ties, under the schedule: hibit of pigeons; $2 for tho third lar. Tho ulloys havo been completely jo- - waters, but to sportsmanship in gen- and lithographing company on 8lnglo Hlrds I'our entries or ovor: gest nnd best exhibit of pigeons. fitted aipl refurnished)" nnd tbo equip eral In Hawaii. the Fapifio Coast and is prepared first $2, second, J1.C0, third 1; thrco Tho entry fee for pigeons Is 25 ment Is now of the 'lory best. Only . Sovcial Interesting regalias will to give estimates on high-grad- e Safes entries: nrst $1.50, second Ml two cents per bird. The Pigeon Depart- tho niont modern apparatus has been doubtless bo held carl)' In tho year, ono priating,of every kind. entries: first $1. ment shall bo j;ocrned by tho same Installed, and tho alleys nrc admirably for tho Sea Wrens being practically a Alio prices and samples of the Exhibition Pens Four entries rulas as tho Poultry Department. suited to tournament purposes. certainty, Commcdcro liny Spaulding Very Latest in Engraved Cards, r, or ocr: first second 3, tniru iz; Dlack, blue, red, yellow, The heating nnd doing room In the of tho South Coast Yacht Club, has of. Announcements, and GIVE FAITHF UL. second Pouters three entries: first i, $2; any color. basement, which formerly mndo tho Cored a silver cup as trophy In tho Sea Invitations, in the beat of form EFFICIENT SERVICE, whlto, other regatta. two entries: first $3. Pigmy Pouters Dlack, blue, red, alleys uncoinfortnbly warm, has been Wren for smart functions. bo awarded by moved, now very Illbbon Specials will jellow, white, silver, cream, any oth nnd the nlleys are This safe is not only the most convenient in every way Poultry Association for cool and the Hawaiian color. comfortable. to have in an office, but also the safest to trust with your following Highest scor er At proscnt alloys are being tho exhibits: rantnlls White, red or allow, thu money, deeds, nnd valuable papers. When there is a Are, ing Hawnllan-brc- d In show; opened nt 4 o'clock In tho afternoon, bird tho black, blue, saddle back, nny other and the building goes ; or when the burglar enters the of- but next week they will bo opened two best pen In the American class; best variety. A Large Line of Lightweight fice in the night, the contents of this perfectly-constructe- d pen class; best hours earlier, to glva tho Punahoii In tho Mediterranean Carriers Dlack, dun, blue, white, safe will be preserved to you, perfectly intact. pen EngllBh clnss; best pen In boys n chanco to howl 'beforo other In the any other color, barbs. the gamo class; best conditioned bird people pot tlioro. JncobliiH Dlack, red, yellow, Flannelettes In tho show; d male In tho 8 a . white, mlsmurkcd, any other LOSERS REGAIN fc show; best-shan- fcninlo In tho stock or CAN MONEY T. d PAID H. Davies Co., Ltd. show; best .parti-colore- male In tho color. v OUT IN BETS Short-Fac- e Tumhlors Almonds, show; best parti-colore- d female In tho at IOC per yard. Hardware Department any other color. FltANKFOnT. Kl., Dec. 15. Tho show; best solid-colore- d male In tho bald or beard, Long-Knc- Clean-Le- g Tumblers State Supreme Court today hold that show; best solid-colore- d female In tho the loser of money in a gambling Tu. show; best live capon; heaviest Tom; Dlack, mottle or rosowlng; any other Ahoy, Nuuanu below Hotel gamo can recover (ho money the best 12 white eggs; best 12 brown color mottle or rosowlng; red self, from winner regardless of tho eggs; best 12 duck eggs. yellow self, whlto self, black self, and whether any money was fairly or unfairly won. - Tho entry fco for each specimen In other self, beard, bnldhcad, other v- clean-leg- s. All Is necessary Is tho par- the open class Is $1. Exhibition pen arlety that that snd- - ty must establish proof the (I male Bnd 4 females), 3. Tur- Muffed Tumblers Any color that nny money was lost nnd ascertain tho Monuments. keys, ducks, and geese, $1 each. Hlrds dle, badgo or beard, color mottle name of person entered In exhibition pens cannot or roscwlng, black self, red or yellow the who conducts the any game. ' . compote In open classes. Belf, blue or silver barred, other HMHflBBKstf It Is held, too, personal appli- Class 1 American: llarred, white, arlety. that Reduced Rates r Parlor Tumble Any color, Ori cation or Invitation Is unnecessary Safes, buff, partridge, and sllt-c- pencilled Plymouth Hocks; silver, golden, ental frill satlncttcs, plain heads, to make the plea that tho Invitation - was says white, black, buff, partridge, silver crested, black laced or dark, blondl- Intended, for the court that s; or tho mere furnishing of a place and pencilled and Columbian Wynn-dotte- ncttcs barred, black laced dunn. CeHTIHUOHB SITTING $5 PER HOUK the permission of to black nnd mottled Javas; blue laced, nny other color, bluetto or entranco the sxorrort and calling ?3Pbbhour rose-com- nny color Orlontnl turblt, place while gambling Is going on, Iron Fence single and b sllvcrcttc. SHORT SUm, FXOM 60o UPWARD be regarded Ilhode Island reds; buckeyes. any other vnriety Orlentnl frill. must as an Invitation. tBKSf 'Roaai-the-IsUnd- w5 sweeping opinion camo In SPECIAL KATES " Class 2 Asiatic: Light and dark Turblts Dlack or duh, blue or sil This tho far and Long any suit of Park Roberts of rivars. Beit such Iron Fence Hrahmas; buff, partridge, white and ver, red, jellow, other color. Fort Thomas Sana. Mciset Cart, at Hawaiian and Monument Works Magpies Illack, red, yellow, bluo, to recover $3500 from J. D. Rcspass black Cochins; black and white Lang- - BT01BAM - DAYTONS n YOUNG any of Cincinnati, the and NEXT TO BLDO. 176.190.KINQ 8TREET. PHONE 237. shuns.. other color. noted turfman - Dragoons Dlue, grizzle or silver, owner of Dick Wolls, James Nolan, MPS KARTH1BS '.'V Class 3 Mediterranean: S. C. and wnrroNB "' bluo chequer, yellow, red, black, and Andrew Hennegar of Covington It. C. Drown, S. C. and It. C. White, nny color. in a poker game In Covington S. C. nnd It. C. Huff, black and silver white, other lost Andrew Usher's any col- - last year. duckwlng Leghorns; S. C. and It. C, Hunts Dlue, block, other Royal Hawaiian Garage, ' . Scotch Whiskey SCENIC POST CARDS black nnd S. C. and It. C. white white-face- d black Spanish; K0 8. WELLS Manager. - blue Andnluslans; Anconas. O.V.G. Pretty Island Scenes; Souve- HOTEL ST. PHONE 191. Special Class 4 English: White, silver- - nir Post Cards. gray and colored Dorkings; Ilcdcnps; We rajair any make of auto. We employ the best Reserve mechanic in the Island Server POST CARD ALBUMS. S. C. and It. C. buff, S. C. and It, C. OPERA HOUSE, Jan. 7th and 8th Iroi. black, nnd S. C. and (It. C. white Or- Special given t of Private Automo- in all sizes, made to hold diff- atUstUn the ear & pingtons. , W. 0. Peacock Co., Ltd., erent-size W. D. ADAMS presents biles. All Work Guaranteed. Prices Reasonable. cards. Class V-- , Polish: White-creste- d ' Agents. NE PLUS ULTRA black, golden, silver, white, bearded TYPEWRITING PAPER. golden, bearded sliver, bearded white, "MKS,WIGG!iTBr. CABBAGE PATCH" buff-lace- d, golden, JUST RIGHT! High-Grad- e Parchment Bond. silver, whlto Po ' " Ush. Arrangement with Liebler and Co., New York. ' Sodas and Ice Cream Class C Dutch: Golden and Seats on Sale at" Bergs trom Musio C&, Monday, Jan- . ForiThis Cold Weather & golden and stiver-pencille- uary 4th, at 9 a. m. o AT o Oat jWossman, white and black Hamburgs. 76 Merchant St., near P. 0. Class 7 French: Houdans; Creve-cocur- s; fine Woolen Blankets, white and colored 'Honolulu Drug Co., Ltd. .

" Sheets, Bedspreads and Pillow Cases ' ' SALE FOR KEYSTONE-ELGI- DAYTON WATCHES STODDARD Hotel-Bath- flTh'orobred Bull Terriers INGERSOLL WATCHES s At All Watchdealen. By Hour or Trip, BOWLING4 YEE CHAN & CO., Ltd., Jos. Schwartz, C. Beokley, PHONE 627. KING and BETHEL SIS. Rowat, D.V.S. Agent for Hawaiian Islands, 6. Jr. l.R. Cor, PORT and KING 6ti Honolulu. PHONE 199. OPEN 4 P. M. WEEK DAYS (SATURDAY 1:30 P. M.)

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