
" iJ'rTB-W V - s', ..p .. -- " ' . ' fcj " " Sfvilftr '"1VH , W T - ' ')'' ''.T ' f ' .. , - '(---..T.V ...'W.,- .'S'HflnM' ! ' O ' .(,.' , '..Mm.' , . '.'ft &; 'J 'J'!"- vis. " i f 1 Prom San Francisco: Nippon Mnru Jan. '8 ANY OLD FURNITURE you don't For San Francisco: need advertise it for sale in the Manchuria Jan. 9 Bulletin. There is always some From Vancouver: EvENiNGi one looking for snch things. There Mnkiirn Jan. 8 1TINj is no than "x. better wav to reach them For Vancouver: Bull by a B u 1 1 e t i n Want Ad. Mo.'in.i Fell. 3 A doctor Lost his fob a bulletin ad founmtaski. us about it 2:30 ' EDITION' w VOL. XI. NO. 4203. 6 PAGES. HONOLULU, TERRITORY ,0F&HAWAII, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 100D. 10 PAGES. PRICE 5 CENTS. GRILLING ROOSEVELT i Republicans Work On WILSON SELECTED Benefit GRAND JURY'S FERN'S APPOINTEES FINAL REPORT CONGRESS IS AFTER Nsw Compromise Plan Complications Continue Jan. 16th Territorial Body Returns In Office of Road Two Indictments This THEJRESIDENT A benefit concert for tbo llnllan suf- A final attempt Tor n compromlso I wcro Keen this morning, and they ferers' relief fund will bo given nt tho who city the trundles between the. thenisehes as opposed to tbo Supervisor Opera llouso on Saturday evening, Morning WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 8. Ihc Senate today instructed the Ju- Mnyv mill tbo Hoard of Supcrvlsois proposed plan. Their view was that .limitary 1R. Tbo program will Include diciary Committee to report on whether the President was authorized to limy be cITectiinlly nettled, la being the Republicans were virtually Riv- "I selected tho men for this offlco tbo best musical and dramatic nrt of Two true bills wero brought In by permit the absorption of the Tennessee Coal and Iron Company by tlx ninilo today. The pioposltlon ema- ing up nothing, mid that tbo most and the Mayor appointed tbcni," said tbo city. Tickets will be on sale Mon tho Territorial (Irand Jury, which was United Steel Company. This absorption was one of the incidents of tho of nates from the Republicans, bcltiR, satisfactory tbiiiR for all concerned John Wilson, Kern's nppolnteo to day forenoon nt tho llcrgstioui Music , in final session this morning. One 1907 panic. In consequence of the auproval of the President, J. P. Mor-n- , however, more of party mcusuru was to have tbo lourts decide tho tube Tiimmto Cummins' place, this Company. them Is against T. Ynmnmoto, charged acting for the Steel Trust, was able to wipe out its only remaining against tbnn unu coming ilircctl) from the (jneMlons which bavo been rnlscd, mornhiR, Wilson mid his men nro with bribery, and tho other lumpctitor. It is believed by many that the conditions thnt started the themselves. The .Major was not seen, but uftlt tn IIia mtlultln tt tttn nfTlpn Talk W'oon KI, charged with nssault panic brought on by the Steel Trust to force the absorption of tho (Irand Jury were V. O. Smith appears tu bo the main Ithodns said that, whllo bo "welting and watching," they say, SUPERVISORS HOLD with a weapon. Tho corporation. will bo Tennessee baikcr of the plan. Ho proposes that had heard nothing about tbo propos- while the old employes aro Inside go- drawn from tbo now panel In Monday. be anil A. 0. M. Koboitsoit for thu ed iiiiiinroiiilFn from anv authorltatlvo ing ahead with their work Just as If Mvorn HOUSE SCORES PBESIDENT ANOTHER The nml report of this body wns giv- ItcpubllcaiiH mill V. A. Kinney and jfcourie, he had beard that there was nothing had ever occurred to disturb SHORT, WASHINGTON, D. 8. The House today devoted time to en to Judge Do Holt this morning, in C, Jan, its 12. M. Watson for tbn Democrats bnvo Isoino plan of tbo kind bolng contem- their serenity. Wilson was asked brought to publio by Presi- which It Is stated that tbn total num- a debate of the secret service as notice the n lonforcni-- at which ii compromise plated. The Major would undoubt- what ho meant by conducting a fight by speak- MEETING ber of cosos taken up was 80, tbo num- dent's message. The President was vigorously assailed several ho The main haul edly bo wIIIIiir to consider tbo mat- ngaiiiBt women, tho stenographer In IIUJT inn arrhed at. ber of true bills returned r,5, and tho ers. for tbo ngrccmeiit l tu be a total wip- ter, and would submit It to his nttor-ncy- s, the ofllco at present being Miss Lucy er I'ltmbcr In which no bills were found, ing out of all tlio art Ion which baa Kinney and Watson. Lloyd. The Hoard of Supervlvirs held pcacoful anil short meeting this, 25. MESSINA SHAKING AGAIN been taken ko far by tbo Hoard. Tbo On tbo whole, It appems that tho "I do not think thnt this offlco Is 1 Tho following wcro tho cases taken Wll-o- n. afternoon nt o'clock, only routine, Mayor la to bo given tbo power of ap- j Democrats aro not at all anxious to any place for a woman," said ex- Supei-vlsor- s, up this morning: MESSINA, Sicily, Jan. 8. An undulatory earthquake shock was pointment, subject, however, to tbo effect a compromise, but prefer to "There nro too many workmen I business being done. All tho except Cox, wcro present. Knlol ami Manna Kalclhcaua, lar- perienced here during the night and panic prevailed throughout the city, approval of tbo Hoard. Tbo rules uro tale the matter to tho courts. Tho passing back and fortlu Anderson, ceny; reported for the special com no bill. The U. S. supply ship Culgca arrived today. to bo revised In pome particulars, mid leaders of tbo party think thnt they my selection for tho position, will Alt Tuck ullnH Chu Tuck, perjury; mittee on offlco quarters, In favor of finally M Chilian, the lone Democrat, I (Continued on Pago 2) hold down tho position of both ste- no bill. leasing tbo upper floor of tbo Mcln-tyr- o POLICE SERGEANT KILLED Is to bo given a seat on tbo Expendi- nographer and assistant clerk, there- Yntsutnkl Aokl, embezzlement; building nt the rate of ?2.ri0 a and tures Committee, Logan being will-I- n by reducing tbo office forco," no'blll. month. A resolution to effect SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Jan. 8. Police Sergeant Nolting of the city C, II la said, to Rive up Ills seat for PSYCHOLOGY AND It was pointed out to Wilson thnt this Kcobokll, burglary; no bill, ' waB Introduced by McUleltan and car- force was shot dead today by Private Jordan of the Coast Artillery. Jor- the purpose, as bo Is chairman of tbo the offlco forco would bo exnetly tho T, Ynmamoto, bribery; trim bill. be- ried on motion by Kane, seconded by dan was intoxicated. Ways and .Means Committee. same under the now regime as Hakimoto Araklchl, violating fishing i ART CLASSES Aylctt. m m While this la the proposition, there fore, Forn having 'added ono man to rights: no bill. U Logan RACE-TRAC- FIGHT BEGINS nro Mill many bridges to be crossed tho garbage department force. J. C. said that the commltteo had 1'hlk Woon Ki, assault with a wea- l'sycbol-OR- y diligence tu a beforo It ran bo carried through. Miss Locke's Class In tbo (Continued on Page 5) used duo strlko better pon'; truu bill. bargain elscwhcr hail been un- - SACRAMENTO, Calif., 8. Today's session of the Legislature I'lrst of all, It does not matter that of William James will IicrIii hut Jan. s nblo to do so, ntili the proposition was marked by the introduction of anti - racetrack gambling bills nnd bills nil the Supervisors hnvo Iiiimnry 20th, at 10:30 a. in., at tbo adopted wns considered by business aimed against the Japanese. boon consulted about the mailer, and icsldcncn of .1, M. Dowsett, LEILEHUA WILL BE llr. men ns n vory good one. HAWAII MAY SOON there Is oVery possibility thnt they Btrect, between Wilder and City County Attorney Cath-ca- rt will decline to rovlso the rules. Pur llerctanla avenues, and tbo Art Class and WIFE MURDERER IS KILLED opinion rccommciv-tlln- g thermore, it Is by no means probable will begin .January 22t, nt p. submitted nn SAN QUENTIN. Calif., Jan. 8. Thomas Fallon, who murdered his MO READY FOR TROOPS tbo passage of BE A DEPARTMENT that the Democrats will the C. II. tho resolution wife, was hanged today. accent in., at tbn icsldcncn of Mrs. right' proposition. WutMin mid MiClellan Wood, 'Thurston avenue. granting tho United States n y for a military road from Knlil-kau- a BATTLESHIPS GO TO SMYRNA avenue to tho Knlln road. I la BEIRUT, Syria, Jan. 8. The U. S. battleships Louisiana and Vir Fifth Cavalry Will Reach added that ho believed It would Depot Quartermaster is ginia arrived today, but left for Smyrna on account of the plague at this amount merely to tbo granting ofia oort. I Need ire Protection Here Wednesday license, as ho doubted thnt tho City Now Independent m i nml County hnd Iho power to gra'ut TANG COLLED BACK TO PEKIN Morning franchises, Tbo resolution carried, on Of Coast PEKJN. China, Jan. 8. Special Commissioner Tang Shao Yi has motion by Quliin. bc:n recalled. On motion by tho meeting Knrly Wednesday morning tho U. What, was probably tlio first Btep adjourned until ID a. m. tomorrow. h. Army transport Thomas, bringing toward establishing tho Military De- At Insa nqimilrons of ne Asylum tho first and third tbo partment of was taken several WHERE SUGAR IS PRODUCED Tho Nippon Marti, bringing mall Ilawnll, Fifth United States Cavalry, will reach weeks ago by tho War Department the Coast, will rench hero ut this poit, If tho ship runs on schcdiiln.
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