

JOURNAL WATCH, A to I H-Diplo Journal and Periodical Review www.h-net.org/~diplo/journals/ Second Quarter 2014 15 April 2014

Compiled by Erin Black, University of Toronto

African Affairs, Vol.113, No. 450 (January 2014) http://afraf.oxfordjournals.org/content/vol113/issue450/

. “Neo-patrimonial politics in the ANC,” by Tom Lodge, 1-

. “Negotiating violence: Sudan's peacemakers and the war in Darfur,” by Sharath Srinivasan, 24-

. “Weak legislatures, failing MPs, and the collapse of democracy in Mali,” by Martin van Vliet, 45-

. “Sexual violence in Sierra Leone's civil war: ‘Virgination’, rape, and marriage,” by Zoe Marks, 67-

. “Somalia works: Police development as state building,” by Alice Hills, 88-

. “Agricultural innovation from above and from below: Confrontation and integration on Rwanda's Hills,” by Julie Van Damme, An Ansoms, and Philippe V. Baret, 108-

Briefing . “The politics of Marikana and South Africa's changing labour relations,” by Raphaël Botiveau, 128-

African Historical Review, Vol. 45, No.2 (November 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rahr20/45/2

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. “Moritz Bonn, Southern Africa and the Critique of Colonialism,” by Rob Gordon, 1-

. “Between the Book and the Lamp – Interiors of Bureaucracy and the Materiality of Colonial Power,” by Lorena Rizzo, 31-

. “‘African Churches Willing to Pay Their Own Bills’: The Role of Money in the Formation of Ethiopian-type Churches with Particular Reference to the Mzimba Secession,” by Graham A. Duncan, 52-

. “The Poliomyelitis Epidemic in Johannesburg in 1918: Medical and Public Responses,” by Mary Wade & Nicholas Southey, 80-

. “Debating Some Past and Present Research Frameworks and Methodologies in History on Places and their Peoples in South Africa,” by Elize S. van Eeden, 113-

American Foreign Policy Interests, Vol.36, No.1 (March 2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/uafp20/36/1

From the Archives . “Enduring Realities and Foreign Policy,” by Hans J. Morgenthau, 1-

Articles . “Hassan Rohani and Javad Zarif's Work Plan,” by Hassan Dai, 7-

. “Challenging the “Ever Closer Union”: Political Consequences of the Eurozone Crisis,” Christiane Lemke, 18-

. “Korean Courage to Deal with Japan,” by Leif-Eric Easley, 25-

. “Air-Sea Battle, the Challenge of Access, and U.S. National Security Strategy,” by David W. Kearn Jr., 34-

Summary of a Roundtable Discussion (November 2013) . “Cybersecurity, U.S. Foreign Policy, and a Changing Landscape: A New Generation Speaks Out,” by NCAFP, 44-

. “Central Asia/Caspian Sea Basin Region after the Withdrawal of U.S. and NATO Troops from Afghanistan,” by NCAFP, 54-

Summary of a Roundtable Discussion (October 2013) . “Eurozone Crisis: Is the Union at Risk?” by NCAFP, 61-

For the Record . “Cybersecurity, U.S. Foreign Policy, and a Changing Landscape: A New Generation Speaks Out—Policy Recommendations,” 84-

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. “Central Asia/Caspian Sea Basin Region after the Withdrawal of U.S. and NATO Troops from Afghanistan: Policy Recommendations, 86-

. “Policy Recommendations: A Marshall Plan Moment, 88-

American Historical Review, Vol.119, No.1 (February 2014) http://ahr.oxfordjournals.org/content/119/1.toc

Presidential Address . “Histories for a Less National Age,” by Kenneth Pomeranz, 1-

. “Gender, Soldiering, and Citizenship in the Mexican-American War of 1846–1848,” Peter Guardino, 23-

. “‘Crimes against Humanity’: Human Rights, the British Empire, and the Origins of the Response to the Armenian Genocide,” Michelle Tusan, 47-

. “Decrying White Peril: Interracial Sex and the Rise of Anticolonial Nationalism in the Gold Coast,” by Carina E. Ray, 78-

. “New York City's Spanish Shipping Agents and the Practice of State Power in the Atlantic Borderlands of World War II,” by Brooke L. Blower, 111-

Featured Reviews . “Sophie White, Wild Frenchmen and Frenchified Indians: Material Culture and Race in Colonial Louisiana, by James Taylor Carson, 142-

. “Monica Prasad, The Land of Too Much: American Abundance and the Paradox of Poverty and Michele Landis Dauber, The Sympathetic State: Disaster Relief and the Origins of the American Welfare State,” by Andrew Morris, 144-

. “Judith R. Walkowitz, Nights Out: Life in Cosmopolitan London,” by Laura E. Nym Mayhall, 147-

. “Manus I. Midlarsky, Origins of Political Extremism: Mass Violence in the Twentieth Century and Beyond,” by Eric D. Weitz, 150-

American Political Science Review, Vol. 108, No. 1 (February 2014) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?jid=PSR&volumeId=107&seriesId=0&issueId=04

. “Bones of Contention: The Political Economy of Height Inequality,” by Carles Boix and Frances Rosenbluth, 1-

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. “Judicial Selection and Death Penalty Decisions,” by Brandice Canes-Wrone, Tom S. Clark and Jason P. Kelly, 23-

. “Transforming Power Relationships: Leadership, Risk, and Hope,” by James H. Read and Ian Shapiro, 40-

. “States Held Hostage: Political Hold-Up Problems and the Effects of International Institutions,” by Allison Carnegie, 54-

. “Pre-Birth Factors, Post-Birth Factors, and Voting: Evidence from Swedish Adoption Data,” by David Cesarini, Magnus Johannesson, and Sven Oskarsson, 71-

. “Freedom, Form, and Formlessness: Euripides’ Bacchae and Plato's Republic,” by Arlene W. Saxonhouse, 88-

. “How to Promote Order and Property Rights under Weak ? An Experiment in Changing Dispute Resolution Behavior through Community Education,” by Christopher Blattman, Alexandra C. Hartman, and Robert A. Blair, 100-

. “Opening the Black Box of Social Capital Formation,” by Patricio Valdivieso and Benjamín Villena-Roldán, 121-

. “The Impact of Recentralization on Public Services: A Difference-in-Differences Analysis of the Abolition of Elected Councils in Vietnam,” by Edmund J. Malesky, Cuong Viet Nguyen and Anh Tran, 144-

. “Max Weber and the Ethos of Politics beyond Calculatio,” by Shalini Satkunanandan, 169-

. “ Ghose's Anticolonial Theories,” by Jimmy Casas Klausen, 182- Economies of Violence: The Bhagavadgītā and the Fostering of Life in Gandhi's and . “Administrative Unit Proliferation,” by Guy Grossman and Janet I. Lewis, 196-

. “Against Politics: Walter Benjamin on Justice, Judaism, and the Possibility of Ethics,” by Charles H. T. Lesch, 218-

American Quarterly, Vol.66, No.1 (March 2014) http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/american_quarterly/

. “Entertaining Children of All Ages: Nineteenth-Century Popular Theater as Children’s Theater,” by Marah Gubar, 1-

. “Black Ops: Black Masculinity and the War on Terror,” by Cynthia A. Young, 35-

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. “Exalted on the Ward: ‘Mary Roberts,’ the Georgia State Sanitarium, and the Psychiatric ‘Speciality’ of Race,” by Mab Segrest, 69-

. “Neoliberal Temporality: Time-Sense and the Shift from Pensions to 401(k)s,” by Carolyn Hardin, 95-

. “Strange Sampling: Nina Simone and Her Hip-Hop Children,” by Salamishah Tillet, 119-

Forum . “Introduction: Dimensions of Empire and Resistance: A Forum on the Past, Present, and Future of US (Un)Equal Rights,” by Ernesto Chávez, 139-

. “No More Shame! Defeating the New Jim with Antilynching Activism’s Best Tools,” by Koritha Mitchell, 143-

. “Observations on History, Law, and the Rise of the New Jim Crow in State-Level Immigration Law and Policy for Latinos, by Tom I. Romero II, 153-

. “Unsettling Citizenship/Circumventing Sovereignty: Reexamining the Quandaries of Contemporary Anticolonialism in the United States through Black Puerto Rican Antiracist Thought,” by José I. Fusté, 161-

. “The Unequal Promise of Marriage Equality,” by Meg Wesling, 171-

Event Review . “The Distant Present of Tarell Alvin McCraney,” by David Román, 181-

American Review of Canadian Studies, Vol. 44, No.1 (March 2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rarc20/44/1

. “Staging the Structure of Traumatic Experience in Michel Tremblay’s À toi, pour toujours, ta Marie-Lou,’’ by Olivia Jones Choplin, 1-

. “Both Too Much and Too Little: Sources of Federal Instability in Canada,” by Lawrence M. Anderson, 15-

. “Canadian Political Economy and the Great Recession of 2008–9: The Politics of Coping with Economic Crisis,” by Prosper M. Bernard Jr., 28-

. “Au nom du père? Rethinking the History of Fatherhood in Quebec,” by Peter Gossage, 49-

. “Toronto, an American city: Aspects of its postwar planning, 1940–1960,” by Richard White, 68-

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. “Time to Grow Up? Canadian Understandings of Revolutionary Cuba to the Missile Crisis of 1962,” by Caralee Daigle Hau, 82-

. “Ideological Migration and War Resistance in British Columbia’s West Kootenays: An Analysis of Counterculture Politics and Community Networks among Doukhobor, Quaker, and American Migrants during the Vietnam War Era,” by Kathleen Rodgers & Darcy Ingram, 96-

. “Academic Migration at the Canada–US Border,” by Rémy Tremblay, Susan Hardwick & Jamie O’Neill, 118-

The Americas, Vol.70, No.3 (January 2014) http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/the_americas/

Special Issue: Latin America in the Global Sixties

. “Introduction: Latin America in the Global Sixties,” by Eric Zolov, 349-

. “To the Beat of ‘The Walrus’: Uruguayan Communists and Youth Culture in the Global Sixties,” by Vania Markarian, 363-

. “‘Rock Nacional’ and Revolutionary Politics: The Making of a Youth Culture of Contestation in Argentina, 1966–1976,” by Valeria Manzano, 393-

. “Desbunde and Its Discontents: Counterculture and Authoritarian Modernization in Brazil, 1968–1974 ,” by Christopher Dunn, 429-

. “Catholic Action, the Second Vatican Council, and the Emergence of the New Left in El Salvador (1950–1975),” by Joaquín M. Chávez, 459-

. “‘To Assault with the Truth’: The Revitalization of Conservative Militancy in Mexico During the Global Sixties,” by Jaime M. Pensado, 489-

. “Revolution Beyond the Sierra Maestra: The Tupamaros and the Development of a Repertoire of Dissent in the Southern Cone,” by Aldo Marchesi, 523-

Archivaria, Number 76 (Fall 2013) http://journals.sfu.ca/archivar/index.php/archivaria/issue/current

. “What We Talk About When We Talk About Original Order in Writers’ Archives,” by Jennifer Douglas

. “The Procrustean Bed: A History of the Arrangement of the Al Purdy Fonds,” by Jeremy M. Heil

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. “Safe Space: The Riot Grrrl Collection,” by Elizabeth K. Keenan, Lisa Darms

. “Respect Which Fonds? Personal Archives and Family Businesses in Nova Scotia,” by Creighton Barrett

. “Personal Papers and MPLP: Strategies and Techniques,” by Cheryl Oestreicher

. “Toward the Archival Multiverse: Challenging the Binary Opposition of the Personal and Corporate Archive in Modern Archival Theory and Practice,” by Sue McKemmish, Michael Piggott

Asian Security, Vol.10, No. 1 (March 2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fasi20/10/1

. “Japan’s Shifting Military Priorities: Counterbalancing China’s Rise,” by Bjørn Elias Mikalsen Grønning, 1-

. “Constructing Peaceful Development: The Changing Interpretations of “One China” and Beijing’s Taiwan Strait Policy,” by Dean P. Chen, 22-

. “The Role of Leaders in Intra-Alliance Bargaining,” by Tongfi Kim, 47-

. “Environmental Security and New Middle Powers: The Case of South Korea,” by Iain Watson & Chandra Lal Pandey, 70-

Australian Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 68, No.2 (February 2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/caji20/68/2

. “Pre-1949 Chinese IR: an occluded history,” by Lu Peng, 133-

. “Is international affairs too ‘hard’ for women? Explaining the missing women in Australia's international affairs,” by Melissa H. Conley Tyler, Emily Blizzard & Bridget Crane, 156-

. “Australia–Indonesia cooperation on asylum-seekers: a case of ‘incentivised policy transfer,’” by Amy Nethery & Carly Gordyn, 177-

. “The privatisation of maritime security in Southeast Asia: the impact on regional security cooperation,” by Carolin Liss, 194-

. “Imagining middle powers,” by Allan Patience, 210-

. “Defining the relationship between Australia and the European Union: is the framework treaty enough?” by Donald Kenyon & Pierre van der Eng, 225-

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British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Vol.40, No.4 (December 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cbjm20/40/4

. “The Limits of the State: Student Protest in Egypt, Iraq and Turkey, 1948–63,’ BY Jordi Tejel Gorgas, 359-

. “Hostility and Hospitality: Muhammad Qazvini's Critique of Louis Massignon,” by Wendy deSouza, 378-

. “‘God Wanted Diversity’: Alawite Pluralist Ideals and their Integration into Syrian Society 1832–1973,” by Leon Goldsmith, 392-

. “Hubyar: Alevi Texts,” by Peter Alford Andrews & Hidir Temel, 410-

. “Celebrating Continuity: The Role of State Holidays in Syria (1918–2010),” by Elie Podeh, 428-

. “Population Redistribution and Language Spread in the Medieval Muslim World,” by Ghada Osman, 457-

The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Vol.16, No.2 (May 2014) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1467-856X

. “The Baha Mousa Tragedy: British Army Detention and Interrogation from Iraq to Afghanistan, Huw Bennett, 211-

. “A Micro-Level Analysis of Support in Britain for the War in Afghanistan,” by Ben Clements, 230-

. “The Party Politics of Englishness,” by Andrew Mycock and Richard Hayton, 251-

. “The Party Politics of Post-devolution Identity in Northern Ireland,” by Catherine McGlynn, Jonathan Tonge and Jim McAuley, 273-

. “The Beatles’ Politics,” by Marcus Collins, 291-

. “The Multi-Level Governance of Wales: Layer Cake or Marble Cake?” by Tom Entwistle, James Downe, Valeria Guarneros-Meza and Steve Martin, 310-

. “New Labour, ‘Sleaze’ and Television Drama,” by Steven Fielding, 326-

. “Pursuing National Interests: The 1992 British Presidency of the UN Security Council and the Soviet Permanent Seat,” by Spyros Blavoukos and Dimitris Bourantonis, 349-

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Bulletin of Latin American Research, Vol. 33, No.2 (April 2014) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1470-9856

. “The Final Frontiers of Healthcare Universalisation in Costa Rica and Panama,” by Mary A. Clark, 125-

. “Is Politics Behind Trade? The Impact of International Trends and Diplomatic Action on Brazil's Exports during Globalisation,” by Vinícius Rodrigues Vieira, 140-

. “Is Narco-Violence in Mexico Terrorism?” by Howard Campbell and Tobin Hansen, 158-

. “Internationalisation as a Democratic Tool: Revisiting Mexico's Double Transition,” by Pablo Calderon Martinez, 174-

. “Yucatecan–Mexican Relations at the Time of Independence: The Yucatecan Pronunciamiento of 1821,” by Shara Ali, 189-

Society for Latin American Studies, Blakemore Prize Essay, 2012 . “Between Two Fires: Mayangna Indians in Post-Revolutionary Nicaragua, 1979–1990,” by Nathaniel Morris, 203-

Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol. 27, No.1 (March 2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ccam20/27/1

Critical War Studies . “Jekyll or Hyde: what is statebuilding creating? Evidence from the ‘field,’” by Oliver Richmond, 1-

. “Public and private: change and continuity in economy through two meta-fields in society,” by Vinícius Rodrigues Vieira, 21-

Supranational Governance in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice after the Stockholm Programme . “Introduction: supranational governance in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice after the Stockholm Programme,” by Christian Kaunert, John D Occhipinti & Sarah Léonard, 39-

. “Police, policy and politics in Brussels: scenarios for the shift from sovereignty to solidarity,” by Monica den Boer, 48-

. “EU cooperation on terrorism prevention and violent radicalization: frustrated ambitions or new forms of EU security governance?” by Raphael Bossong, 66-

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. “Whither the withering democratic deficit? The impact of the Lisbon Treaty on the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice,” by John D Occhipinti, 83-

. “Tacit procedural politics: institutional change and member states' strategies in police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters,” by Marat Markert, 106-

. “Tempering the EU? NGO advocacy in the Area of Freedom, Security, and Justice,” by Emek M Uçarer, 127-

. “The EU's growing external role in the AFSJ domain: factors, framework and forms of action,” by Jörg Monar, 147-

. “Exporting EU integrated border management beyond EU borders: modernization and institutional transformation in exchange for more mobility?” by Raül Hernández i Sagrera, 167-

Canadian Journal of History, Vol.48, No. 1 (Spring-Summer 2013) http://www.usask.ca/history/cjh/e/iss/toc/index.shtml

. “The obligations of kinship and alliance within governance in the Scottish borders, 1528- 1625,” by Anna Groundwater, 1-

. “‘Involuntarily we listen’: hearing the Aurora Borealis in nineteenth-century Arctic exploration and Science,” by Shane McCorristine, 29-

. “The quest for acceptability: the socialists' May Days in Bavaria and Brittany, 1920-40,” by Alban Bargain-Villeger, 63-

. “Extracting the best deal for Britain: the assassination of Sir Lee Stack in November 1924 and the revision of Britain's Nile Valley Policy,” by Jayne Gifford, 87-

Canadian Journal of History, Vol.48, No. 2 (Fall 2013)

. “The emergence of concentrated settlements in medieval Western Europe: explanatory frameworks in the historiography,” by Daniel R. Curtis, 223-

. “Bismarck and Blowitz at the Congress of Berlin,” by James J. Stone, 253-

Canadian Journal of History, Vol.48, No. 3 (Winter 2013)

. “License to kill: assassination and the politics of murder in Elizabethan and Early Stuart England,” by K.J. Kesselring, 421-

. “Jacobitism and the historian: some neglected sources on the Jacobite insurrections of 1715 and 1745,” by Karl Schweizer, 441-

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. “1914: a very human catastrophe,” by Ian Germani, 459-

. “The French right,” by Samuel Kalman, 473-

. “Ancient, classical, medieval, and renaissance/ l'antiquite, l'epoque classique, le moyen age et la renaissance,’’ by Monica Bontty, 477-

Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 45, No.4 (December 2013) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayBackIssues?jid=CJP

Presidential Address . “Policy, Politics and Political Science,” by Michael M. Atkinson, 751-

Articles . “The Emergence of Parties in the Canadian House of Commons (1867–1908),” by Jean- François Godbout and Bjørn Høyland, 773-

. “Elite Attitudes on the Centralization of Power in Canadian Political Executives: A Survey of Former Canadian Provincial and Federal Cabinet Ministers, 2000–2010,” by J.P. Lewis, 799-

. “Machiavel et la vertu intellectuelle de prudence : étude du chapitre XXV du Prince,’’ by Jérémie Duhamel, 281-

. “Fair Copyright for Canada: Lessons for Online Social Movements from the First Canadian Facebook Uprising,” by Blayne Haggart, 841-

. “Riding the Orange Wave: Leadership, Values, Issues, and the 2011 Canadian Election,” by Patrick Fournier, Fred Cutler, Stuart Soroka, Dietlind Stolle and Éric Bélanger, 863-

. “Which Genocide Matters the Most? An Intersectionality Analysis of the Canadian Museum of Human Rights,” by Olena Hankivsky and Rita Kaur Dhamoon, 899-

. “Une nouvelle culture émergente ? L'évaluation du positionnement des groupes d'intérêt anglophones face au Cadre stratégique agricole canadien de 2007,’’ by Maude Benoit, Marie-Hélène Cantin and Érick Duchesne, 921-

. “Brand New Party: Political Branding and the Conservative Party of Canada,” by Alex Marland and Tom Flanagan, 951-

Central European History, Vol.46, No.4 (December 2013) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?jid=CCC&volumeId=46&seriesId=0&issueId=04

. “Habsburg Government and Intermediary Authority under Joseph II (1780-90): The

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Estates of Lower Austria in Comparative Perspective,” by D. Godsey, 699-

. “Wealth, Consumerism, and Culture among the Artisans of Göppingen: Dynamism and Tradition in an Eighteenth-Century Hometown,” by Dennis A. Frey, Jr., 741-

. “The Religious Underpinnings of Early Prussian Liberalism: The Case of Wilhelm Grävell,” by by Kris Pangburn, 799-

. “The Specter of ‘Godless Jewry’: Secularism and the ‘Jewish Question’ in Late Nineteenth- Century Germany,” by Todd H. Weir, 815-

. “Alpine Modern: Central European Skiing and the Vernacularization of Cultural Modernism, 1900-1939,” by Andrew Denning, 850-

The China Quarterly, Vol.217 (March 2014) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=CQY

. “The Distribution of Household Income in China: Inequality, Poverty and Policies,” by Shi Li and Terry Sicular, 1-

. “Who Wants to Be a Communist? Career Incentives and Mobilized Loyalty in China,” by Bruce J. Dickson, 42-

. “Dynamics of Political Resistance in Tibet: Religious Repression and Controversies of Demographic Change,” by Enze Han and Christopher Paik, 69-

. “A Grassroots Association on the Sino-Tibetan Border: The Role, Agendas and Beyond,” by Jinba Tenzin, 99-

. “Retaining Judicial Professionalism: The New Guiding Cases Mechanism of the Supreme People's Court,” by Björn Ahl, 121-

. “Structural Power, the Copenhagen School and Threats to Chinese Security,” by Jeffrey Reeves, 140-

. “State-Led Urbanization in China: Skyscrapers, Land Revenue and ‘Concentrated Villages,’” by Lynette H. Ong, 162-

. “Forced Saving in China,” by Richard S. Eckaus, 180-

. “The Partnership between the Chinese Government and Hong Kong's Capitalist Class: Implications for HKSAR Governance, 1997–2012,” by Brian C.H. Fong, 195-

. “The Development of Collective Bargaining in China: From ‘Collective Bargaining by Riot’

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to ‘Party State-led Wage Bargaining,’” by Chris King-Chi Chan and Elaine Sio-Ieng Hui, 221-

. “Segmented Incorporation: The Second Generation of Rural Migrants in Shanghai,” by Pei- chia Lan, 243-

Chinese Historical Review, Vol.20, No.2 (November 2013) http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/maney/tcr

. “Symposium on Family in Chinese History: Introduction,” by Cong Ellen Zhang, 111-

. “A Spring and Autumn Family,” by Anne Behnke Kinney, 113-

. “The Rise and Fall of a Northern Song Family: The Baos Of Luzhou,” by Cong Ellen Zhang, 138-

. “Reviving an Ancient Filial Ideal: The Seventeenth-Century Practice of Lumu 廬墓,” by Weijing Lu, 159-

. “Women and Family Education Reform in Wartime China, 1937–45,” by Helen M Schneider, 180-

Chinese Journal of International Politics, Vol. 7, No. 1 (Spring 2014) http://cjip.oxfordjournals.org/content/vol7/issue1/index.dtl?etoc

Editor’s Choice . “The English and Chinese Schools of International Relations: Comparisons and Lessons,” by Wang Jiangli and Barry Buzan, 1-

Articles . “The Assertive China Narrative: Why It Is Wrong and How So Many Still Bought into It,” by Björn Jerdén, 47-

. “Revisiting China’s Non-Interference Policy towards Intrastate Wars,” by Mordechai Chaziza and Ogen S. Goldman, 89-

. “‘Bereft of Friends’? China's Rise and Search for Political Partners in South America,” by Georg Strüver, 117-

Cold War History, Vol.14, No.2 (April 2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fcwh20/14/2

Europe and the Cold War

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. “Untying Cold War knots: The EEC and Eastern Europe in the long 1970s,” by Angela Romano, 153-

. “The hidden rationality of Sweden's policy of neutrality during the Cold War,” by Robert Dalsjö, 175-

China's Cold War . “Leadership transfer in the Asian revolution: Mao Zedong and the Asian Cominform,” by Zhihua Shen & Yafeng Xiam, 195-

. “China and the Pol Pot regime,” by John D. Ciorciari, 215-

Sino-German Relations in the Cold War . “Business with Beijing, détente with Moscow: West Germany's China policy in a global context, 1969–1982,” by Martin Albers, 237-

. “Defying Moscow: East German-Chinese relations during the Andropov-Chernenko interregnum, 1982–1985,” by Zhong Zhong Chen, 259-

Colonial Latin American Review, Vol.23, No.1 (February 2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ccla20/22/3

. “Introduction: The Evolution of Alva Ixtlilxochitl's Scholarly Life,” by Camilla Townsend, 1-

. “The Last Acolhua: Alva Ixtlilxochitl and Elite Native Historiography in Early New Spain,” by Peter B. Villella, 18-

. “The Outsider: Alva Ixtlilxochitl's Tenuous Ties to the City of Tetzcoco,” by Bradley Benton, 37-

. “Deeds to be Praised for All Time: Alva Ixtlilxochitl's Historia de la nación chichimeca and Geoffrey of Monmouth's History of the Kings of Britain,” by Pablo García Loaeza, 53-

. “Alva Ixtlilxochitl's Colonial Mexican Trickster Tale: Nezahualcoyotl and Tezcatlipoca in the Historia de la nación chichimeca,” by Leisa Kauffmann, 70-

. “The Original Alva Ixtlilxochitl Manuscripts at Cambridge University,” by Amber Brian, 84-

(The Round Table) The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs, Vol.103, No.1 (February 2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ctrt20/103/1

. “Editorial: Mandela and More—2013 and the Commonwealth’s Search for a Good Myth,” by Terry Barringer, 1-

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. “Commonwealth Update,” by Oren Gruenbaum, 5-

. “CHOGM Diary,” by Venkat Iyer, 13-

. “Colombo Notebook,” by Stuart Mole, 17-

. “The Commonwealth after Colombo: Can it Become Meaningful Again?” by Sir Ronald Sanders, 23-

. “The United States in the Caribbean: Thirty Years after American Fury,” by Sir Shridath Ramphal, 41-

. “Journalism and the Invasion of Grenada 30 Years On: A Retrospective,” by Howard Tumber, 55-

. “The Role of Private Electronic Media in Radicalising Pakistan,” by Kiran Hassan, 65-

. “Swords into Ploughshares: The Judicial Challenge of Ghana’s 2012 Presidential Election Results,” by Charles Kwarteng, 83-

. “Australia on the UN Security Council 2013–14: A Voice for Small and Medium Countries?” by Melissa Conley Tyler & Eleanor Pahlow, 95-

Opinions . “Trials and Tribulations in the Eastern Caribbean,” by Peter Clegg, 109-

. “Justice for Chagos,” by Stuart Mole, 113-

. “Cyprus and the Peace Process,” by Michális S. Michael, 117-

. “Gibraltar—No Summer Without Crisis,” by Andrea Zielinski, 119-

. “Moocs: Educational Breakthrough for Small Island States or the Next Massively Overblown Tech Bubble?” by Martin Mulligan, 123-

Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Vol.47, No.1 (March 2014) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/0967067X

. “Not much happened: The impact of gender quotas in Poland,” by Frances Millard, 1-

. “Coercive capacity and the durability of the Chinese communist state,” by Yuhua Wang, 13-

. “‘Dear Mr President’. The blogosphere as arena for communication between people and power,” by Natalia Moen-Larsen, 27- . “Determinants of educational outcomes: Analysis of the Republic of Tatarstan, 39-

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. “Prison officers in Poland: A profession in historical perspective,” by Renata Szczepanik, Gavin Simpson, and Sabina Siebert, 49-

. “Transformation of the welfare state in Lithuania: Towards globalization and Europeanization,” by Jolanta Aidukaite, 59-

. “Emancipative values in Georgia: An individual level analysis,” by Natia Mestvirishvili and Maia Mestvirishvili, 71-

. “US democracy assistance programs in Ukraine after the Orange Revolution,” by Povilas and , 81-

. “TelevisionŽielys andRūta protest Rudinskaitė in East Germany's revolution, 1989–1990: A mixed-methods analysis,” by , 93-

. “Mobile entrepreneursMarko inGrdešić post-Soviet Central Asia,” by Rano Turaeva, 105- ______

Contemporary British History, Vol.28, No.1 (January 2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fcbh20/28/1

. “In the Brown Stuff?: Labour Backbench Dissent Under Gordon Brown, 2007–10,” by Philip Cowley & Mark Stuart, 1-

. “The Silent Revolution: A Political History of the Politics of Patronage and Reform,” by Matthew Flinders & Marc Geddes, 24-

. “Bonfires and Barbecues: Coalition Governance and the Politics of Quango Reform,” by Matthew Flinders, Katharine Dommett & Katherine Tonkiss, 56-

. “Judge Dread: Music Hall Traditionalist or Postcolonial Hybrid,” by Jon Stratton, 81-

Contemporary European History, Vol.23, No.2 (May 2014) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=CEH

Forum: Stephen Kotkin's Magnetic Mountain (1995) . “Soviet Modernity: Stephen Kotkin and the Bolshevik Predicament,” by Anna Krylova, 167-

. “Population Politics, Power and the Problem of Modernity in Stephen Kotkin's Magnetic Mountain,” by Clifford Rosenberg, 193-

. “‘Modernity’ and the Making of Social Order in Twentieth-Century Europe,” by Dennis Sweeney, 209-

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H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

. “Foucault in Berkeley and Magnitogorsk: Totalitarianism and the Limits of Liberal Critique,” by Andrew Zimmerman, 225-

Articles . “Managing the Postcolony: Minority Politics in Montpellier, c.1960–c.2010,” by Emile Chabal, 237-

. “Unforgettable 1956? The PCI and the Crisis of Communism in Italy,” by Alessandro Iandolo, 259-

Review Articles . “Something a Bit Peculiar? Sex, the Germans and the History of Sexuality,” by Victoria Harris, 283-

. “Going Places: Recent Histories of European Tourism,” by Tom Williams, 295-

Cooperation and Conflict, Vol. 49, No.1 (March 2014) http://cac.sagepub.com/content/vol49/issue1.toc

Special Issue: Post-imperial Sovereignty Games in Norden

. “Introduction: Postimperial sovereignty games in the Nordic region,” by Rebecca Adler- Nissen and Ulrik P. Gadm 3-

. “Iceland: A postimperial sovereignty project,” by Eiríkur Bergmann, 33-

. “The Faroe Islands: Independence dreams, globalist separatism and the Europeanization of postcolonial home rule,” by Rebecca Adler-Nissen, 55-

. “The Åland Islands: Neither local nor fully sovereign,” by Pertti Joenniemi, 80-

. “Greenland: A post-Danish sovereign nation state in the making,” by Ulrik P. Gad, 98-

. “Imperializing Norden,” by Iver B Neumann, 119-

Review essay . “Worlding beyond the West,” by Gerard Holden, 133-

Diplomacy & Statecraft, Vol.25, No.1 (March 2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fdps20/25/1

Special Issue: Richard Langhorne and Issues in Global Politics

. “Sir David Nairne: Servant and Diplomat,” by Edward Corp, 3-

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H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

. “Diplomacy in the Service of History: Anglo–American Relations and the Return of the Bradford History of Plymouth Colony, 1898,” by Erik Goldstein, 26-

. “Diplomatists, Not Men of Business: The Constantinople Quays Company in Edwardian Economic Diplomacy,” by Keith Hamilton, 41-

. “Edward Dicey, Mass Politics, and International Affairs,” by Philip Towle, 61-

. “Sir Ronald Lindsay and Britain's Relations with Germany, 1926–1928,” by Gaynor Johnson, 77-

. “International Sport and Diplomacy's Public Dimension: Governments, Sporting Federations and the Global Audience,” by Geoffrey Allen Pigman, 94-

. “The Public Face of a Proto-Something ….: Diplomacy and the European Union,” by Geoffrey Edwards, 115-

. “The History and Dynamics of Globalisation,” by Yale H. Ferguson, 135-

Diplomatic History, Vol.38, No.1 (January 2014) http://dh.oxfordjournals.org/content/by/year

Presidential Address . “American Vernaculars: The United States and the Global Human Rights Imagination,” by Mark Philip Bradley, 1-

Articles . “The Pan-American Lobbyist: William Eleroy Curtis and U.S. Empire, 1884–1899,” by Benjamin A. Coates, 22-

. “The Prophetic Conflict: Reinhold Niebuhr, Christian Realism, and World War II,” by William C. Inboden, 49-

. “Shallow Waves and Deeper Currents: The U.S. Experience of Greece, 1947–1961. Policies, Historicity, and the Cultural Dimension,” by Evanthis Hatzivassiliou, 83-

. “‘The Specter of an Expansionist China’: Kennedy Administration Assessments of Chinese Intentions in Vietnam,” by Zach Fredman 111-

. “The Relationship between Diplomacy and Military Force: An Example from the Cuban Missile Crisis,” by Michael E. Weaver, 137-

. “The Palestine Option: Nixon, the National Security Council, and the Search for a New Policy, 1970,” by Simen Zernichow and Hilde Henriksen Waage, 182-

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Diplomatic History, Vol.38, No.2 (April 2014) http://dh.oxfordjournals.org/content/by/year

Special Forum: Transnational Generations: Organizing Youth in the Cold War West, 1945– 1980 . “Transnational Generations: Organizing Youth in the Cold War,” by Mischa Honeck and Gabriel Rosenberg, 233-

. “Little Cold Warriors: Child Sponsorship and International Affairs,” by Sara Fieldston, 240-

. “A First European Generation? The Myth of Youth and European Integration in the Fifties,” by Christina Norwig, 251-

. “International Sisterhood: Cold War Girl Scouts Encounter the World,” by Marcia Chatelain, 261-

. “Culture Clash in the Socialist Paradise: Soviet Patronage and African Students’ Urbanity in the Soviet Union, 1960–1965,” by Sean Guillory, 271-

. “Local Action and Global Imagining: Youth, International Development, and the Walkathon Phenomenon in Sixties’ and Seventies’ Canada,” by Tamara Myers, 282-

. “Intersecting Agendas: Children in History and Diplomacy,” by Paula S. Fass, 294-

Articles . “The Crossroads of the World: U.S. and British Foreign Policy Doctrines and the Construct of the Middle East, 1902–2007,” by Osamah F. Khalil, 299-

. “From Isolationism to Neutrality: A New Framework for Understanding American Political Culture, 1919–1941,” by Brooke L. Blower, 345-

. “The Dilemmas of Divergence: The Crisis in American-Australian Relations, 1972–1975,” by James Curran, 377-

. “A Dissonance in Mao’s Revolution: Chinese Agricultural Imports from the United States, 1972–1978,” by Min Song, 409-

. “Putting the Canal on the Map: Panamanian Agenda-setting and the 1973 Security Council Meetings,” by Tom Long, 431-

East European Politics (Formally the Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics), Vol. 30, No. 1 (February 2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fjcs21/30/1

. “Disciplining the ‘Second World’: the relationship between transnational and local forces in contemporary Hungarian women's social movements,” by Katalin Fábián, 1- 19 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

. “Parliamentary sovereignty and international intervention: elite attitudes in the first Central European legislatures,” by Mihail Chiru & Sergiu Gherghina, 21-

. “Corruption and social responsibility: bribe offers among small entrepreneurs in Azerbaijan,” by Sadigov, 34-

. “The Eastern Partnership: civil society in between the European and domestic level: the case of Georgia,” by Thijs Rommens, 54-

. “The last resort of political regionalism: electoral blocs in Russia's regional legislative elections, 2003–2005,” by Grigorii V. Golosov, 71-

. “Party politics after the colour revolutions: party institutionalisation and democratisation in Ukraine and Georgia,” by Melanie G. Mierzejewski-Voznyak, 86-

. “The construction of success in anti-corruption activity in Georgia,” by Lili Di Puppo, 105-

. “The ethno-violence nexus: measuring ethnic group identity in Chechnya,” by Craig Douglas Albert, 123-

English Historical Review, Vol. 129, No. 536 (February 2014) http://ehr.oxfordjournals.org/content/by/year

. “The Rebel Barons of 1264 and the Commune of London: An Oath of Mutual Aid,” by Ian Stone, 1-

. “The Lion, the Witch, and the King: Thomas Stapleton’s Apologia pro Rege Catholico Philippo II (1592),” by Jan Machielsen, 19-

. “The Religious Marketplace: Public Disputations in Civil War and Interregnum England,” by Bernard Capp, 47-

. “Continental European Soldiers in British Imperial Service, c.1756–1792,” by Stephen Conway, 79-

. “‘Affluence’ and the Left in Britain, c.1958–1974,” by Stuart Middleton, 107-

Review Article . “From ‘Borderland’ via ‘Bloodlands’ to Heartland? Recent Western Historiography of Ukraine,” by Robert Pyrah, 129- ______

European History Quarterly, Vol.44, No.2 (April 2014) http://ehq.sagepub.com/content/vol44/issue2/

. “An Italian Aristocracy in Arms: The Duke of Parma Goes to War 1635–1637,” by Gregory 20 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

Hanlon, 205-

. “‘Le pays où on ne sait pas lire’: Literacy, Numeracy and Human Capital in the Commercial Hub of the Austrian Netherlands (1715–75),” by Gerrit Verhoeven, 223-

. “The Power of the Scribe: Delegated Writing in Modern Europe,” by Martyn Lyons, 244-

. “Political Transition and Democratic Teachers: Negotiating Citizenship in the Spanish Education System,” by Tamar Groves, 263-

Review Article . “ War in the Modern World,” by Jeremy Black, 293-

European Journal of International Relations, Vol.20, No.1 (March 2014) http://ejt.sagepub.com/content/vol20/issue1/

. “Reinventing global democracy,” by Jan Aart Scholte, 3-

. “Corporate elite networks and US post-Cold War grand strategy from Clinton to Obama,” by Bastiaan van Apeldoorn and Naná de Graaff, 29-

. “The best there is? Communication, objectivity and the future of Critical International Relations Theory,” by Matthew Fluck, 56-

. “Cheap talk: Transaction costs, quality of institutions, and trade agreements,” by Leonardo Baccini, 80-

. “Dispute settlement in world politics: States, supranational prosecutors, and compliance,” by Jonas Tallberg and James McCall Smith, 118-

. “Power in discursive practices: The case of the STOP EPAs campaign,” by Celina Del Felice, 145-

. “Thick recognition: Advancing theory on identity change in intractable conflicts,” by Lisa Strömbom, 168-

. “From political judgements to public justifications (and vice versa): How communities generate reasons upon which to act,” by Markus Kornprobst, 192-

. “The satiric vision of politics: Ethics, interests and disorders,” by Ian Hall, 217-

. “The limits of democratizing interest representation: ASEAN’s regional corporatism and normative challenges,” by Jürgen Rüland, 237-

. “Parameters of a national biography,” by Felix Berenskoetter, 262-

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The European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms, Vol.19, No.1 (January 2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cele20/19/1

. “‘We Have Mingled Politeness with the Use of the Sword’: Nature and Civilisation in Adam Ferguson’s Philosophy of War,” by Craig Smith, 1-

. “Secular Advice in Erasmus’s Sacred Writings,” by Erika Rummel, 16-

. “The Christian Peace of Erasmus,” by Nathan Ron, 27-

. “Adapting Catholicism to Confucianism: Matteo Ricci’s Tianzhu Shiyi,” by Yu Liu, 43-

. “Slavic, European, or Asiatic? F. H. Duchinski on the Origins of the Russian People,” by Dmitry Shlapentokh, 60-

. “The Making of a ‘Freud Basher,’ or Reflections of a ‘Supercilious Neurotic,’” by Todd Dufresne, 72-

Review . “Of Darwin, Jesus, and the Tragedy of the Commons: Is there Justice in Evolution?” by Daniel White, 83-

The European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms, Vol.19, No.2 (March 2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cele20/19/2

Special Issue: Richard Rorty's Multiple Legacies

. “Introduction,” by Samuel C. Wheeler III, 141-

. “Irony’s Commitment: Rorty’s Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity,” by Bjørn Torgrim Ramberg, 144-

. “Truth and Freedom,” by Michael P. Lynch, 163-

. “Pragmatism, Idealism, and the Modal Menace: Rorty, Brandom, and Truths about Photons,” by Paul Redding, 174-

. “Rorty against the Ontologists,” by Alan Malachowski, 187-

. “‘Who Are We?’ On Rorty, Rhetoric, and Politics,” by Giorgio Baruchello & Ralph Weber, 197-

. “Rorty’s Virtuous Ambivalence toward Art,” by William M. Hawley, 215-

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. “Pragmatist Cultural Naturalism: Dewey and Rorty,” by Kalle Puolakka, 229-

. “Rorty’s Anti-Representationalism and Poe’s Poetics,” by Filomena Vasconcelos, 240-

Reviews . “‘Every Language Is an Archive’: On Historiography and Linguistic Evidence,” by Karl W. Schweizerm 252-

. “In Search of the True Hegel,” by Brayton Polka, 256-

European Review of History: Revue Europeenne d'Histoire, Vol.21, No.1 (February 2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cerh20/21/1

. “Nineteenth-century statecraft and the politics of moderation in the Franco-Prussian War,” by Christopher Ernest Barber, 1-

. “Dealing with the past and planning the future: the urban renewal of Rome and Barcelona through the Olympic Games,” by Giuseppe Telesca, 19-

. “France, Patrie, Nation: figures de lutte et discours national (XVIème–XIXème siècles),’’ by Annie Jourdan, 37-

. “From English to British liberty, 1550–1800,” by Jonathan Scott, 59-

. “Traumatic echoes of memories in child survivors' narratives of the Holocaust: the Polish ,” by , 73-

. “Antiexperiences-methodology of Michał par excellenc Głowińskie: Richard and Henryk Cobb Grynberg(1917–96) andDana history Mihăilescu-writing,” by Cesare Cuttica, 91-

Europe-Asia Studies, Vol.66, No.1 (January 2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ceas20/66/1

. “The Tyranny of Pragmatism: EU–Kazakhstani Relations,” by Luca Anceschi, 1-

. “Polish Return and Double Return Migration,” by Anne White, 25-

. “Russia's Post-Orange Revolution Strategies to Increase its Influence in Former Soviet Republics: Public Diplomacy po russkii,” by Sinikukka Saari, 50-

. “When Enlargement Meets Foreign and Security Policy: Serbia's Europeanisation, Visa Liberalisation and the Kosovo Policy,” by Denisa Kostovicova, 67-

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. “Soviet Legacies, New Public Management and Bureaucratic Entrepreneurship in the Georgian Protection Police. Agencifying the Police?” by Barbara Lehmbruch & Lia Sanikidze, 88-

. “Workers' Councils in the Service of the Market: New Archival Evidence on the Origins of Self-Management in Yugoslavia 1948–1950,” by Vladimir Unkovski-Korica, 108-

Review Article . “Satisfying Material Desires: The Politics and Experience of Consumerism in the Eastern Bloc,” by Alexander Vari, 135-

Europe-Asia Studies, Vol.66, No.2 (February 2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ceas20/66/2

. “Trans-Regional Security Organisations and Statist Multilateralism in Eurasia,” by Nicole J. Jackson, 181-

. “Prisoners' Wives in Post-Soviet Russia: ‘For my Husband I am Pining!’” by Elena Katz & Judith Pallot, 204-

. “Lustration, Transitional Justice, and Social Trust in Post-Communist Countries. Repairing or Wresting the Ties that Bind?” by Cynthia M. Horne, 225-

. “Promoting Democracy and Promoting Authoritarianism: Comparing the Cases of Belarus and Slovakia,” by Rachel Vanderhill, 255-

. “Chaos in the Field: Soviet Karelia's Food Supply Detachments, 1918–1920,” by Alistair S. Wright, 284-

. “Rethinking the Economic Relationship between Kazakhstan and Russia,” by Yelena N. Zabortseva, 311-

Europe-Asia Studies, Vol.66, No.3 (March 2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ceas20/66/3

Special Issue: Assessing Accession: Power, Influence and Representation—Central and Eastern Europe in the EU

. “Assessing Accession: Power, Influence and Representation—Central and Eastern Europe in the EU,” by Eamonn Butler, 353-

. “Europe, Central Europe and Hungary: 2014, a Year of Anniversaries,” by János Martonyi, 359-

. “Visegrád: The Evolving Pattern of Coordination and Partnership After EU Enlargement,” by Csab , 364-

a Törő, Eamonn Butler & Károly Grúber 24 | Page

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. “Poland, Variable Geometry and the Enlarged European Union,” by Christian Schweiger, 394-

. “The Influence of Newer Member States in the European Union: The Case of Poland and the Eastern Partnership,” by Nathaniel Copsey & Karolina Pomorska, 421-

. “Strategies of Interest Representation: Polish Trade Unions in EU Governance,” by Aleksandra Lis, 444-

. “Central and Eastern Europe: Negotiating Influence in an Enlarged European Union,” by Paul Copeland, 467-

. “The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union: Central European Opt-Outs and the Politics of Power,” by Bogusia Puchalska, 488-

Foreign Affairs, Vol. 93, No.2 (March/April 2014) http://www.foreignaffairs.com/issues/2014/93/2

Comments . “The Mobile-Finance Revolution,” by Jake Kendall and Rodger Voorhies

. “Eastern Europe Goes South,” by Jan-Werner Müller

. “The Indian in the Closet,” by Ira Trivedi

Essays . “Privacy Pragmatism,” by Craig Mundie

. “Failure to Launch,” by Jonathan Alter

. “The Key to Successful Tech Management,” by Clay Shirky

. “As Objects Go Online,” by Neil Gershenfeld and JP Vasseur

. “The Next Drone Wars,” by Sarah Kreps and Micah Zenko

. “Networking Nature,” by Jon Hoekstra

. “(Mis)leading Indicators,” by Zachary Karabell

. “America's Energy Edge,” by Robert D. Blackwill and Meghan L. O'Sullivan

. “Among the Believers,” by Bernard Avishai; Jalal Al-e Ahmad

. “Moscow and the Mosque,” by Robert D. Crews

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Interview . “Reforming Nigeria,” by Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala

Reviews and Responses . “Live and Let Leak,” by Jack Shafer

. “How China and America See Each Other,” by Minxin Pei

. “The First Cold War,” by Deborah R. Coen

. “Maimonides Meets Modernity,” by Jay M. Harris

. “Response: Hypocrisy Hype,” by Michael A. Cohen; Henry Farrell and Martha Finnemore

. “Response: Is Cyberwar Real?” by Jarno Limnéll; Thomas Rid

Foreign Policy, Issue 204 (December 2013) http://www.foreignpolicy.com/magazine#2013

Inbox . The Longitude of Latitude: Could rising temperatures hurt democracy?” by Alicia P.Q. Wittmeyer

. “Leftists for Life: Why the Great Recession's ‘lost generation’ may be lost to the right wing forever,” by Alicia P.Q. Wittmeyer

. “Lethal Autonomy: A Short Histor: How killer robots became more than just scary science fiction,” by Ty McCormick

. “Stockholm's Singles Syndrome: Why the unmarried and childless are singing the welfare state blues,” by Alicia P.Q. Wittmeyer

. “The Things They Carried: The Chemical Weapons Inspector: What to pack for the Syrian front lines,” by Blake Evans-Pritchard

. “Roiling the Waters: Why the United States needs to stop playing peacemaker and start making China feel uncomfortable,” by Elbridge Colby

. “Epiphanies from Kevin Rudd,” by Isaac Stone Fish

. “The Islamic Republic of Baby-Making: How the supreme leader's revolutionary acceptance of cutting-edge fertility treatments is changing lives in Iran -- and unsettling the deeply conservative Sunni Middle East,” by Azadeh Moaveni

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H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

. “Trial by Fire: What crises lie in wait for Janet Yellen?” by Mohamed A. El-Erian

Think Again . “Prostitution: Why zero tolerance makes for bad policy on world's oldest profession,” by Aziza Ahmed

The Magazine . “The Littlest Boy: Twenty years after Hiroshima, elite American troops trained to stop a Soviet invasion -- with nuclear weapons strapped to their backs,” by Adam Rawnsley

. “Closing the Books: Should the world's ‘last Nazi hunter’ give up the chase?” Katie Engelhart

. “Our Man in Africa: America championed a bloodthirsty torturer to fight the original war on terror. Now, he is finally being brought to justice,” by Michael Bronner

. “The Disappeared: Reporting and surviving a war with no rules,” by James Traub

Foreign Policy, Issue 205 (2014) http://www.foreignpolicy.com/magazine#2014

Features . “‘On Va Tuer Les Demons' ('We Will Kill the Demons'): Fear, faith, and the hunt for child sorcerers in Congo,” by Deni Béchard

. “Does the Academy Matter? Do policymakers listen? Should you get a Ph.D.? And where are all the women?” by FP Staff

. “High-Speed Empire: Chinese rail is sprawling, modern, and elegant. It's also convoluted, corroding, and financially alarming. Wanna take a ride?” by Tom Zoellner

. “The Coming Revolution in Orbit: How space went from a superpowers-only club to a DIY playground,” by Zach Rosenberg

Inbox . “The Things They Carried: The Afghan Election Observer,” by Jeffrey Stern

. “Puntland Is for Pirates :Why are convicted high-seas bandits being sent to the Somali region that profits from their crimes?” by Jillian Keenan

. “Al Qaeda Core: A Short History,” by Ty McCormick

. “When No One's Looking: Election monitors aren't stopping violence -- they're just making sure it happens before they get there,” by Alicia P.Q. Wittmeyer

. “The Slow Track to Happiness: Religion makes you poorer. It also makes you happier. If you think that's a contradiction, you're wrong,” by Alicia P.Q. Wittmeyer 27 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

. “Constitutional Confidence: What ‘We the People’ tells us about trust in our fellow Americans,” by Alicia P.Q. Wittmeyer

. “Learning Curve: Why more and more parents in poor countries are paying to send their kids to private school,” by Charles Kenny

. “Zionist Movement: How AIPAC is severing its historical roots -- and weakening its influence,” by John B. Judis

In Other Words . “The Reckoning: After decades of censorship, Burma's filmmakers probe their country's dark past,” by Francis Wade

Think Again . “Climate Treaties: Why the glacial pace of climate diplomacy isn't ruining the planet,” by David Shorr

Foreign Policy Analysis, Vol.10, No.1 (January 2014) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291743-8594

. “Presidential Personality: Not Just a Nuisance,” by Maryann E. Gallagher and Susan H. Allen, 1-

. “Delineating the Scope Conditions of the Poliheuristic Theory of Foreign Policy Decision Making: The Noncompensatory Principle and the Domestic Salience of Foreign Policy,” by Kai Oppermann, 23-

. “NATO Burden Sharing 1999–2010: An Altered Alliance,” by Todd Sandler and Hirofumi Shimizu, 43-

. “Security Commitments and Nuclear Proliferation,” by Dan Reiter, 61-

. “The Effects of Rivalry on Rivalry: Accommodation and the Management of Threat,” by Seden Akcinaroglu, Elizabeth Radziszewski and Paul F. Diehl, 81-

Foreign Policy Analysis, Vol.10, No.2 (April 2014) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291743-8594

. “Military Leadership, Institutional Change, and Priorities in Military Spending,” by Michael E. Flynn, 103-

. “When Domestic Politics and International Relations Intermesh: Subordinated Publics' Factional Support Within Layered Power Structures,” by Felicia Pratto, Jim Sidanius, Fouad Bou Zeineddine, Nour Kteily and Shana Levin, 127-

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H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

. “Does Compensating the Losers Increase Support for Trade? An Experimental Test of the Embedded Liberalism Thesis,” by Sean D. Ehrlich and Eddie Hearn, 149-

. “Foreign Policy as Ethics: Toward a Re-Evaluation of Values,” by Dan Bulley, 165-

. “Constructing Regionalism Domestically: Local Actors and Foreign Policymaking in Newly Democratized Indonesia,” by Jürgen Rüland, 181-

French Historical Studies, Vol.31, No.1 (Winter 2014) http://fhs.dukejournals.org/content/vol37/issue1.toc

Editorial . “Questioning the Global Turn: The Case of the French Revolution,” by David A. Bell, 1-

Articles . “The Royal Lottery and the Old Regime: Financial Innovation and Modern Political Culture,” by Robert Kruckeberg, 25-

. “Collectors, Catholics, and the Commune: Heritage and Counterrevolution, 1860-1890,” by Tom Stammers, 53-

. “Bernard Lazare: Du franco-judaïsme au prophétisme romantique,’’ by Nathalie Debrauwere-Miller, 89-

. ‘‘A Lieu d’Histoire, a Lieu de Mémoire, and a Lieu de Vie: The Multidirectional Potential of the Cité de la Muette,’’ by Alise Hansen, 117-

French History, Vol.28, No.1 (March 2014) http://fh.oxfordjournals.org/content/vol28/issue1

. “Seventeenth-century French travellers and the encounter with Indian histories,” by Michael Harrigan, 1-

. “Censorship through cooperation: the Société typographique de Neuchâtel (STN) and the French Government, 1769–89,” by Louise Seaward, 23-

. “Aviation and propaganda in France during the First World War,” by Bernard Wilkin, 43-

. “Beauty and big business: gender, race and civilizational decline in French beauty pageants, 1920–37,” by Aro Velmet, 66-

. “Of colonial futures and an administrative Alamo: investment, reform and the loi cadre (1956) in French West Africa,” by Andrew W. M. Smith, 92-

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French Politics, Culture & Society, Vol. 32, No.1 (Spring 2014) http://berghahn.publisher.ingentaconnect.com/content/berghahn/fpcs/2013/00000032/00000001

. “Hélène Berr et l'écriture de l'histoire,’’ by Nathan Bracher, 4-

. “Undesirable Pen Pals, Unthinkable Houseguests: Representations of Franco-German Friendships in a Post-Liberation Trial Dossier and Suite Française,’’ by Sandra Ott, 26-

. “Black Market Fictions: Au bon beurre, La traversée de Paris, and the Black Market in France,” by Kenneth Mouré, 47-

. “Résistance Oblige? Historiography, Memory, and the Evolution of Le Silence de la mer, 1942–2012,’’ by Brett Bowles, 68-

. “The Joinovici Affair: The Stavisky of the Fourth Republic,” by Jeffrey Mehlman, 101-

. “Ça commence aujourd' hui, Être et avoir et Entre les murs: Une vision diffractée de l'école républicaine française,’’ by Annie Jouan-Westlund, 111-

German History, Vol.32, No.1 (March 2014) http://gh.oxfordjournals.org/content/vol32/issue1/

. “Full Cups, Full Coffers: Tax Strategies and Consumer Culture in the Early Modern German Cities,” by B. Ann Tlusty, 1-

. “Ein Volk, ein Reich, eine Republik: Großdeutsch Nationalism and Democratic Politics in the Weimar and First Austrian Republics,” by Erin R. Hochman, 29-

. “Reconsidering the ‘Unpolitical German’: Democratic Renewal and the Politics of Culture in Occupied Germany,” by Sean A. Forner, 53-

Forum . “Anniversaries,” 79-

Discussion . “The ‘Bystander’ in Recent Dutch Historiography,” by Christina Morina, 101-

Review Article . “Regional History and the Comparative Turn in the Study of Early Modern German Cities,” by Christopher W. Close, 112-

German Politics, Vol. 22, No.4 (December 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fgrp20/22/4

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H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

. “Adapting to Lisbon: Reforming the Role of German Landesparlamente in EU Affairs,” by Gabriele Abels, 353-

. “Politicians' Ideas of Ideal Politicians: Findings from German and Austrian State Parliaments,” by Jens Tenscher, 379-

. “The CSU as an Ethno-regional Party,” by Frédéric Falkenhagen, 396-

. “Standing Committee Assignments in the German Bundestag – Who Gets What in Within- Party Negotiations?” by Tim Alexander Mickler, 421-

. “Unsecular Politics in a Secular Environment: The Case of Germany's Christian Democratic Union Family Policy,” by Josef Hien, 441-

. “Educated in Germany, Working in Turkey: The Emigration Motivations of Persons of Turkish Origin,” by Alexander Bürgin & Defne Erzene-Bürgin, 461-

. “Democracy Promotion and Civilian Power: The Example of Germany's ‘Value-Oriented’ Foreign Policy,” by Jonas Wolff, 477-

German Politics & Society, Vol. 31, No. 4 (Winter 2013) http://berghahn.publisher.ingentaconnect.com/content/berghahn/gerpol/2013/00000031/00000004

German-Polish Border Regions in Contemporary Culture and Politics: Between Regionalism and Transnationalism

. “Introduction: Moving Forward: New Perspectives on German-Polish Relations in Contemporary Europe,” by Freiderike Eigler, 1-

. “Re-imagining the German East: Expulsion and Relocation in German Feature and Documentary Film,” by Randall Halle, 16-

. “Reflecting on the Present Burdened by the Past: German-Polish Relations in Robert Thalheim's Film Am Ende kommen Touristen (2007),” by Meghan O’Dea, 40-

. “Representations of German-Polish Border Regions in Contemporary Polish Fiction: Space, Memory, Identity,” by Irene Sywenky, 59-

. “A Third-Generation Perspective on German-Polish Flight and Expulsion: Discursive and Spatial Practices in Sabrina Janesch's novel Katzenberge (2010),” by Claudia Winkler, 85-

. “The Federation of Expellees and the Impact of Memory on German-Polish Relations,” by Karl Cordell, 102-

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German Politics & Society, Vol. 32, No. 1 (Spring 2014) http://berghahn.publisher.ingentaconnect.com/content/berghahn/gerpol/2014/00000032/00000001

West Germany's Cold War Radio: The Crucible of the Transatlantic Century

. “Introduction: West Germany's Cold War Radio: A Crucible of the Transatlantic Century,” by Yuliya Komska, 1-

. “Culture, Entertainment and Listening Habits in The West German Discourse on Radio During the 1950s,” by Benno Neitzel, 15-

. “Sociology in Place of Socialism: On West German Cultural Radio,” by Monika Boll, 30-

. “Adorno on the Airwaves: Feeling Reason, Educating Emotions,” by Anna Parkinson, 43-

. “Unforgotten Landscapes: Radio and the Reconstruction of Germany's European Mission in the East in the 1950s,” by Inge Marszolek, 60-

. “Troubling Territory: West Germany in the European Airwaves,” by Alexander Badenoch, 74-

. “Sounds of the Apocalypse: Preserving Cold War Memories in Ulrich Horstmann's Radio Play Die Bunkermann-Kassette,” by Gerrit K. Roessler, 94-

German Studies Review, Vol.37, No.1 (February 2014) http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/german_studies_review/

. “‘Welch’ unbebautes und riesengroßes Feld”: Turkey as Colonial Space in German World War I Writings,” by Florian Krobb, 1-

. “Fear and Loathing in Berlin: German Military Culture at the Turn of the 1930s,” by Emre Sencer, 19-

. “The Nazi Denaturalization of German Emigrants: The Case of Wilhelm Reich,” by Philip W. Bennett and Andreas Peglau, 41-

. “Fashion Amidst the Ruins: Revisiting the Early Rubble Films And the Heavens Above (1947) and The Murderers are Among Us (1946),” by Mila Ganeva, 61-

. “Theater at the Iron Curtain,” by Yuliya Komska, 87-

. “Zur Sache, Schätzchen: Visual Pleasure and New German Cinema,” by John Griffith Urang, 109-

. “Störfälle: Literary Accounts from Chernobyl to Fukushima,” by Katharina Gerstenberger, 131- 32 | Page

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Review Essay . “Nazi Ghettos and Concentration Camps: The Benefits and Pitfalls of an Encyclopedic Approach,” by Robert Jan Van Pelt, 149-

Histoire Politique: Politique, Culture, Société, Revue électronique du Centre d’histoire de Sciences Po., No.22 (Janvier-Avril 2014) http://www.histoire-politique.fr/

Le dossier . Historiographies étrangères de la Première Guerre mondiale - ‘‘Introduction,’’ by Robert Boyce, Sabine Jansen, Pierre Purseigle, Marie Scot - “Austria-Hungary and the First World War,” by Alan Sked - “La Grande Guerre : un angle mort de l’histoire allemande?’’ by Nicolas Patin - ‘‘L’historiographie italienne face à la Grande Guerre : saisons et ruptures,’’ by Marco Mondini - ‘‘Écrire l’histoire du Déluge. Histoire et expérience britanniques de la Grande Guerre,’’ by Pierre Purseigle - “Canada and the British Commonwealth in the Great War: an Historiographical Review,” by Robert Bothwell and Susan Colbourn - “What Did It All Mean? The United States and World War I,” by Jennifer Keene - “La Première Guerre mondiale en Pologne : simple prodrome à l’indépendance nationale?’’ by Stephan Lehnstaedt - ‘‘L’historiographie russe (et soviétique) de la Grande Guerre,’’ by Alexandre Sumpf - ‘‘L’impact de la Première Guerre mondiale en Asie centrale : des révoltes de 1916 aux enjeux politiques et scientifiques de leur historiographie,’’ by Cloé Drieu - ‘‘Historiographie turque de la Première Guerre mondiale sur les fronts ottomans : problèmes, enjeux et tendances,’’ by Alexandre Toumarkine

Vari@rticles . ‘‘1914-1918, le gouvernement de guerre,’’ by Anne-Laure Anizan

. ‘‘Le Parti démocrate-chrétien, l’Église et le pouvoir au Chili,’’ by Élodie Giraudier

Pistes & débats . “Faire l’histoire des sciences sociales : le cas de la sociologie française,’’ by François Chaubet

Sources . ‘‘Du CDJC au Centre de documentation du Mémorial de la Shoah, 1943-2013 : documenter le génocide des Juifs d’Europe,’’ by Simon Perego

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Portraits & témoignages . ‘‘Entretien avec Varsori,’’ by Anne Dulphy, Christine Manigand

The Historian, Vol.76, No.1 (Spring 2014) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291540-6563

. “Hitler's Geostrategist?: The Myth of Karl Haushofer and the ‘Institut für Geopolitik,’” by David Thomas Murphy, 1-

. “Uncertain Fates: Allied Soldiers at the Miranda De Ebro Concentration Camp,” by Matilde Eiroa and Concha Pallarés, 26-

. “An Impossible Dream Becomes Reality: A.I. Spiridovich and the Personal Security of Nicholas II,” by Jonathan Daly, 50-

. “Playing with Fire: Woodrow Wilson, Self-Determination, Democracy, and Revolution in Mexico,” by Lucas N. Frank, 71-

The Historical Journal, Vol.57, No.1 (March 2014) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?jid=HIS&volumeId=57&seriesId=0&issueId=01

. “The Religion of Henry VIII,” by Richard Rex, 1-

. “What Really Happened at the Whitehall Debates? A New Source” by Carolyn Polizzotto, 33-

. “The Ottoman Siege of Vienna, English Ballads, and the Exclusion Crisis,” by Anders Ingram, 53-

. “The Occasional Conformity Controversy, Moderation, and the Anglican Critique of Modernity, 1700–1714,” by Brent S. Sirota, 81-

. “Scottish Perspectives on War and Patriotism in the 1790s,” by Anna Plassart, 107-

. “Custom, Identity, and the Jury in India, 1800–1832,” by James A. Jaffe, 131-

. “Humour, Satire, and Sexuality in the Culture of Early Chartism,” by Tom Scriven, 157-

. “Adam Smith as Advocate of Empire, c. 1870–1932,” by Marc-William Palen, 179-

. “Pacifism in Fin-De-Siècle Austria: The Politics and Limits of Peace Activism,” by Daniel Laqua, 199-

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. “The Political Economy of Globalization: the Genesis of Dundee's Two ‘United Fronts’ in the 1930s,” by Jim Tomlinson, 225-

. “Popular Reading and Social Investigation in Britain, 1850s–1940s,” by Christopher Hilliard, 247-

Communication . “Return To Neverland? Freedom of Information and the History of British Intelligence,” by Christopher J. Murphy and Daniel W. B. Lomas, 273-

Historiographical Review . “A Latent Historiography? The Case of Psychiatry in Britain, 1500–1820,” by R. A. Houston, 289- ______

Historical Reflections Vol.40, No.1 (Spring 2014) http://berghahn.publisher.ingentaconnect.com/content/berghahn/hisref/2014/00000040/00000001

Special Issue: War, Occupation, and Empire in France and Germany

. “War, Occupation, and Empire in France and Germany,” by Jean Elisabeth Pedersen

. “Alsace-Lorraine and Africa: French Discussions of French and German Politics, Culture, and Colonialism in the Deliberations of the Union for Truth, 1905–1913,” by Jean Elisabeth Pedersen

. “‘Between Us and the French There Are No Profound Differences’: Colonialism and the Possibilities of a Franco-German Rapprochement before 1914,” by Jens-Uwe Guettel

. “Occupation, Race, and Empire: Maxence Van der Meersch’s Invasion 14,” by W. Brian Newsome

. “‘Huns’ and Other ‘Barbarians’: A Movie Ban and the Dilemmas of 1920s German Propaganda against French Colonial Troops,” by Julia Roos

. “French and German Women’s Colonial Settlement Movements, 1896–1904,” by Krista Molly O’Donnell

. “Adventurers and Agents Provocateurs: A German Woman Traveling through French West Africa in the Shadow of War,” by Jennifer Anne Boittin

Historical Research, Vol.87, No.235 (February 2014) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291468-2281

. “Hiding the truth: exegetical discussions of Abraham's lie from Hugh of St. Victor to Stephen Langton,” by Emily Corran, 1- 35 | Page

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. “Dorset in the period of baronial reform and rebellion, 1258–67,” by Huw Ridgeway, 18-

. “High clergy and printers: anti-Reformation polemic in the kingdom of Poland, 1520–36,” by Natalia Nowakowska, 43-

. “‘To[o] much eating stifles the child’: fat bodies and reproduction in early modern England,” by Sarah Toulalan, 65-

. “The misuse of loyalty? James Dundas and the faculty of advocates’ letter to Queen Anne of 1711,” by Adrian Lashmore-Davies, 94-

. “Pressing the French and defending the Palmerstonian line: Lord William Hervey and The Times, 1846–8,” by Laurence Guymer, 116-

. “‘They seem to have all died out’: witches and witchcraft in Lark Rise to Candleford and the English countryside, c.1830–1930,” by Thomas Waters, 134-

. “Investigating the sixties at a sixties institution: teaching as historiography,” by Lucy Robinson and Chris Warne, 154-

Historical Review, Vol.10 (2013) http://historicalreview.org/index.php/historicalReview/index

Special Section . “Responding to Economic Crises in Historical Perspective, nineteenth and twentieth centuries,” by Maria Christina Chatziioannou, 7-

. “Crises and Merchant Networks in the nineteenth century: The Case of German Networks in Lombardy,” by Monika Poettinger, 11-

. “War, Crisis and Sovereign Loans: The Greek War of Independence and British Economic Expansion in the 1820s,” by Maria Christina Chatziioannou, 33-

. “The Crisis of the Long 1850s and Regime Change in the Ionian State and the Kingdom of Greece,” by Sakis Gekas 57-

. “L’économie agricole grecque face à la longue crise de la première globalisation,’’ by Socrate D. Petmezas 85-

. “Fighting the Financial Crisis in Greece: The Privileged Company to Protect Production and Trade in Currants (1905) as International Bank Cooperation,” by Korinna Schönhärl 107-

. “Rebuilding the Future: C. A. Doxiadis and the Greek Reconstruction Effort (1945-1950),” by Andreas Kakridis, 135-

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Articles . “Old Tunes, New Tones: (Re-)Defining the ‘Phanariot Verses’ of the Greek Enlightenment,” by Julia Chatzipanagioti-Sangmeister, 161-

. “Romanticism and Politics: from Heinrich Heine to Carl Schmitt – and Back Again,” by Pericles S. Vallianos, 189-

. “Watchtowers, Mastic Contraband and Rural Communities in the Aegean Archipelago under Ottoman Sovereignty,” by Dimitrios G. Ierapetritis, 219-

. “Greeks in the Russian Empire and their Role in the Development of Trade and Shipping in the Black and Azov Seas (nineteenth – early twentieth centuries),” by Oleksei Shliakhov, 255-

. “A ‘Dynasty’ of Hellenists in twentieth-century Bucharest: Demosthene Russo, Ariadna Camariano-Cioran and Nestor Camariano,” by Leonidas Rados, 265-

Critical Perspectives . “Basil C. Gounaris, ‘See how the Gods Favour Sacrilege’: English Views and Politics on Candia under Siege (1645-1669),” by Yannis Spyropoulos, 297- . “Pierre Briant, Alexandre des Lumières. Fragments d’histoire européenne,’’ by George Tolias, 300- . “Stan Draenos, Andreas Papandreou: The Making of a Greek Democrat and Political Maverick,” by Sotiris Rizas, 306-

Historien Vol.13 (2013) http://www.historeinonline.org/index.php/historein/issue/current

Editorial . “Introduction: Questions and Orientations in History During the Last 20 Years,” 5-

Articles . “Global history in the age of crisis: metanarratives of material progress and the rise of Asia,” by Sakis Gekas, 8-

. “Between nation and empire: revisiting the Russian past twenty years later,” by Ada A. Dialla, 18-

. “Postcolonial criticism encounters late Ottoman studies,” by Vangelis Kechriotis, 39-

. “‘Talkin about a revolution, it sounds like a whisper’: theories and debates on social revolutions,” by Polymeris Voglis, 47-

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. “1968, 1989, 2011: reconsidering social movements, ‘moments of change’ and theoretical framing over time,” by Kostis Kornetis, 57-

. “Trajectories of social history: a report,” by Haris Exertzoglou, 71-

History Vol.99, No.333 (January 2014) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291468-229X

. “Peel, De Grey and Irish Policy, 1841–1844,’” by Charles Read, 1-

. “‘Not getting his meals in the kitchen’: Lord Acton's Quest for Public Office, 1892–1894,” by T. G. Otte, 19-

. “Patriotism, the Great War and the Decline of Victorian Manliness,” by Anthony Fletcher, 40-

. “‘To remove the stigma of the Poor Law’: The ‘Comprehensive’ Ideal and Patient Access to the Municipal Hospital Service in the City of Glasgow, 1918–1939,” by Clifford Williamson, 73-

. “Opposition to the Channel Tunnel, 1882–1975: Identity, Island Status and Security,” by Duncan Redford, 100-

History Compass, Vol.12, No.1 (January 2014) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291478-0542

Asia . “The Making of the Indian Constitution: A Case for a Non-nationalist Approach,” by Arvind Elangovan, 1-

. “Consumption and the Making of the Middle-Class in South Asia,” by Ray Utsa, 11-

Britain & Ireland . “Living in ‘New Times’: Historicizing 1980s Britain,” by Stephen Brooke, 20- . . “‘The Aristocracy in Seventeenth-Century Ireland: Wider Contexts and Comparisons,’” by Jane Ohlmeyer, 33-

Caribbean & Latin America . “Footprints, Frontiers, and Empires: Latin American Tourism Development, 1840–195,” by Evan R. Ward, 42-

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Europe . “Spare Ribs? Early Modern Female Monasticism in the East Slavic Lands,” by Liudmila V. Charipova, 51-

. “Back to the Peasants: New Insights into the Economic, Social, and Demographic History of Northern Italian Rural Populations During the Early Modern Period,” by Guido Alfani, 62-

. “Medieval Inquisitorial Procedure: Procedural Rights and the Question of Due Process in the 13th Century,” Melodie H. Eichbauer, 72-

North America . “Lynching and Power in the United States: Southern, Western, and National Vigilante Violence,” by Kathleen Belew, 84-

History Compass, Vol.12, No.2 (February 2014) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291478-0542

Asia . “The Home and the World: New Directions in the History of the Family in South Asia,” by Leigh Denault, 101-

Britain and Ireland . “The State of the Question Regarding Early Medieval Fortress Construction in Southern Germany,” by Peter Ettel, 112-

Europe . “Why Study Medieval Canon Law?” by Kriston R. Rennie and Jason Taliadoros, 133-

. “The Early Árpáds (895–1095): Consolidation, Christianization, Monarchy,” by Cameron Sutt, 150-

. “Some Perspectives on Societal Impacts of Past Climatic Changes,” by Henry Diaz and Valerie Trouet, 160-

Middle & Near East . “Middle East Historiography: Did We Miss the Cultural Turn?” by Kevin W. Martin, 178-

. “New Perspectives on the Legal History of the Middle East? Rediscovering Jacques Berque, the ‘Field Historian,’” by Anne Clément, 187-

World . “Mapping Space and Mobility in the Red Sea Region, c.1500–1950,” by Jonathan Miran, 197-

History Compass, Vol.12, No.3 (March 2014) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291478-0542 39 | Page

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Asia . “Between the State and the People: Civil Society Organizations in Interwar Japan,” by Ricky Law, 217-

. “Culture, Class, and Revolution in China's Turbulent Decade: A Cultural Revolution State of the Field,” by Denise Y. Ho, 226-

Britain & Ireland . “Political Arithmetic's 18th Century Histories: Quantification in Politics, Religion, and the Public Sphere,” by Ted McCormick, 239-

Caribbean & Latin America . “‘Neoclassical Architecture in Spanish Colonial America: A Negotiated Modernity” by Paul Niell, 252-

Europe . “Origins and Transformations. Recent Historiography on the Nobility in the Medieval Low Countries I,” by Arie van Steensel, 263-

. “Beyond the Crisis of the Nobility. Recent Historiography on the Nobility in the Medieval Low Countries II,” by Arie van Steensel, 273-

. “Noble Identity and Culture. Recent Historiography on the Nobility in the Medieval Low Countries III,” by Arie van Steensel, 289-

World . “After the Revolution: An Alternative Future for Atlantic History,” by David Prior, 300-

History Compass, Vol.12, No.4 (April 2014) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291478-0542

Asia . “The Politics of Knowledge: Or, How to Stop Being Eurocentric,” by Sanjay Seth, 311-

Australasia &Pacific . “Global Advertising Histories: an Australian Perspective,” by Jackie Dickenson, 311-

. “Trends in Religious History in New Zealand: From Institutional to Social History,” by Peter J. Lineham, 333-

Britain and Ireland . “Authorial Intention in Medieval Historiography,” by Justin Lake 344-

Europe . “Overcoming Methodological Nationalism in Nationalism Studies: The Impact of Tourism

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on the Construction and Diffusion of National and Regional Identities,” by Eric Storm, 361-

North America . “Anti-Semitism and the American Racial Context: A Historical Inquiry,” by William Toll, 347-

History and Theory, Vol.53, No.1 (February 2014) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291468-2303

. “The Reflexive Test of Hayden White's Metahistory,” by Adrian Wilson, 1-

. “Entangled Memory: Toward a Third Wave in Memory Studies,” by Gregor Feindt, Félix Krawatzek, Daniela Mehler, Friedemann Pestel and Rieke Trimçev, 24-

. “Löwith, Löwith's Heidegger, and the Unity of History,” by Henning Trüper, 45-

Review Essays . “Modernity: a Problematic Category in the History of Emotions,” by Barbara H. Rosenwein, 69-

. “Drawing the Veil of Sovereignty: Early Modern Islamic Empires and Understanding Sacred Kingship,” by Alan Strathern, 79-

. “Writing, Books, and Africa,” by Shamil Jeppie, 94-

. “Two Contrasting French Approaches to Historiography,” by Georg G. Iggers, 105-

. “Interpretation and Explanation in Cultural Sociology,” by Harvey Goldman, 119-

. “An Open Invitation?: Adding Links To The Epistemology Of Historical Representation,” by Bettina M. Carbonell, 130-

The History of European Ideas, Vol. 40, No.1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rhei20/40/1

Special Issue: The Humanities in Australia: Reflections on the Work of Ian Hunter

. “Introduction: For Ian Hunter, Intellectual Historian,” by David Saunders, 3-

. “The Mythos, Ethos, and Pathos of the Humanities,” by Ian Hunter, 11-

. “Historiographical Myth, Discipline, and Contextual Distortion,” by Conal Condren, 37-

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. “Bringing Metaphysics Back In?” by Barry Hindess, 44-

. Philosophy, Theology, and the Humanities,” by Wayne Hudson, 50-

. “Time After Time,” by Rex Butler, 57-

. “The Burden of Intelligibility,” by Knox Peden, 70-

. “A Thorn in the Side: Ian Hunter, Cultural Studies, and the Humanities,” by Tony Bennett, 82-

. “The Legacy of Ian Hunter's Work on Literature Education and the History of Reading Practices: Some Preliminary Remarks,” by Annette Patterson, 89-

. “Context and Contextualisation: Remarks on the Work of Ian Hunter,” by Peter Holbrook, 96-

. “Judging, in Times of Panic,” by Mark Finnane, 103-

. “Ian Hunter's Civil Philosophy,” by Anna Yeatman, 110-

. “The Philosophy of a Persona,” by Knud Haakonssen, 116-

. “Historian or Philosopher? Ian Hunter on Kant and Vattel,” by Terry Nardin, 122-

The History of European Ideas, Vol. 40, No.2 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rhei20/40/2

. “Jean Bodin on Oeconomics and Politics,” by Anna Becker, 135-

. “Historical Perspectives on the Anglo-Scottish Union Debate: Re-reading the Norman Conquest in the 1610s,” by Rei Kanemura, 155-

. “Bad Arguments: W. G. Runciman's Critique of Leviathan,” by Klaus Hofmann, 177-

. “Aristocratic Reform and the Extirpation of Parliament in Early Georgian Britain: Andrew Michael Ramsay and French Ideas of Monarchy,” by Andrew Mansfield, 185-

. “The Historiographical Misfortune of the Cisalpine Republic,” by Katia Visconti, 204-

. “From Luxury to Consumption in Eighteenth-Century Europe: The Importance of Italian Thought in History and Historiography,” by Cecilia Carnino, 218-

Essay Review . “Veblen, Europe and Utopia,” by Sidney Plotkin, 245-

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Original Articles . “(Judicious) Interpretation: Walter Benjamin Reads the Early German Romantics,” by Bram Mertens, 259-

Essay Review . “Rethinking Modernity, Religion, and Tradition: The Intellectual Dialogue between Alexandre Stourdza and Joseph de Maistre,” by Aurelian Craiutu, 277-

The History of European Ideas, Vol. 40, No.3 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rhei20/40/3

. “The Invention of Savage Society: Amerindian Religion and Society in Acosta's Anthropological Theology,” by Girolamo Imbruglia, 291-

. “Pierre Bayle's The Condition of Wholly Catholic France Under the Reign of Louis the Great (1686),” by Charlotte Stanley & John Christian Laursen, 312-

. “Must We Choose between Democracy and Music? On a Curious Silence in Tocqueville's Democracy in America,” by Damien Mahiet, 360-

. “The Intellectual as Agent: Politics and Independence in the Other ‘Caso Silone,’” by Emanuele Saccarelli, 381-

. “Michael Oakeshott and Hans-Georg Gadamer on Practices, Social Science, and Modernity,” by Edmund Neill, 406-

. “Leo Strauss between Politics, Philosophy and Judaism,” by Carlo Altini, 437-

The History of European Ideas, Vol. 40, No.4 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rhei20/40/4

Special Issue: Interdisciplinary History of Ideas

. “Does the History of Medicine Begin where the History of Philosophy Ends? An Example of Interdisciplinarity in the Early Modern Era,” by Simone Mammola, 457-

. “Meaning in a Changing Context: Towards an Interdisciplinary Approach to Authorial Revision,” by Sara Miglietti, 474-

. “Luxury and Consumption in Eighteenth-Century Italy: Intellectual History, Methodological Ideas and Interdisciplinary Research Practice,” by Cecilia Carnino, 495-

. “‘Who Will Write the History of Tears?’ History of Ideas and History of Emotions from Eighteenth-Century France to the Present,” by Marco Menin, 516-

. “Conceptual Mediation: Philosophy between the History of Physiology and Contemporary Neuroscience,” by Paolo Tripodi, 533- 43 | Page

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. “From Methodology to Ontology: Interdisciplinarity as a Principle of Constitution of Objectivity—Reflections from the Study of American Philosophy,” by Roberto Gronda, 545-

. “Jacob Vernet and ‘The Religious Enlightenment’: ‘Rational Calvinism’, the Pastors of Geneva and the French philosophes,” by Graham Gargett, 561-

Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Vol.28, No.1 (Spring 2014) http://hgs.oxfordjournals.org/archive/

. ““Hrubieszów at the Crossroads: Polish Jews Navigate the German and Soviet Occupations,” by Eliyana R. Adler, 1-

. “Allied Knowledge of Auschwitz: A (Further) Challenge to the ‘Elusiveness’ Narrative,” by Michael Fleming, 31-

. “Remembering Jasenovac: Survivor Testimonies and the Cultural Dimension of Bearing Witness,” by Jovan Byford, 58-

Research Note . “Rescued from Oblivion: The Leyb Koniuchowsky Papers and the Holocaust in Provincial Lithuania,” by T. Fielder Valone, 85-

Intelligence and National Security, Vol. 29, No. 1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fint20/29/1#.U0lUuVcUqSo

. “The Art of the Intelligence Autopsy,” by James J. Wirtz, 1-

. “Left Behind: Boris E. Skvirsky and the Chita Delegation at the Washington Conference, 1921–22,” by Svetlana A. Chervonnaya & Donald J. Evans, 19-

. “Intelligence Contracting: On the Motivations, Interests, and Capabilities of Core Personnel Contractors in the US Intelligence Community,” by Morten Hansen, 58-

. “Signals Intelligence and British Counter-subversion in the Early Cold War,” by Christian Schlaepfer, 82-

. “Secret Intelligence and Economic Security: The Exploitation of a Critical Asset in an Increasingly Prominent Sphere,” by Rory Cormac, 99-

Research Note . “One Community, Many Agencies: Administrative Developments in New Zealand's Intelligence Services,” by James Whibley, 122-

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International History Review, Vol.36, No. 1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rinh20/36/1

. “Travel Along the Mobius Strip: Somerset Maugham and Gu Hongming East of Suez,” by Chunmei Du, 1-

. “Fighting the Cold War or Post-Colonialism? Britain in the Middle East from 1945 to 1958: Looking Through the Records of the British Security Service,” by Chikara Hashimoto, 19-

. “Development and Diplomacy: The Lobster Controversy on Newfoundland's French Shore, 1890–1904,” by Kurt Korneski, 45-

. “From Confession to Corporate Memory: the Memoirs of CIA Director Richard M. Helms,” by Christopher R. Moran, 70-

. “Exercise ALCORA: Expansion and Demise, 1971–4,” by Filipe Ribeiro de Meneses & Robert McNamara, 89-

. “Spying on Friends: British Assessments of French Security, 1945–50,” by Thomas K. Robb & Michael Seibold, 112-

. “Empire and Globalisation: from ‘High Imperialism’ to Decolonisation,” by Martin Thomas & Andrew Thompson, 142-

. “The United Kingdom and the Negotiation of the 1969 New York Convention on Special Missions,” by John W. Young, 171-

International Interactions: Empirical and Theoretical Research in International Relations, Vol. 40, No. 1 (February 2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/gini20/40/1

. “Flip-Flops and High Heels: An Experimental Analysis of Elite Position Change and Gender on Wartime Public Support,” by Sarah E. Croco & Scott Sigmund Gartner, 1-

. “Neo-Kantianism and Coercive Diplomacy: The Complex Case of Economic Sanctions,” by A. Cooper Drury, Patrick James & Dursun Peksen, 25- B. . “Lethal Connections: The Determinants of Network Connections in the Provisional Irish Republican Army, 1970–1998,” by Paul Gill, Jeongyoon Lee, Karl R. Rethemeyer, John Horgan & Victor Asal, 52-

. “Why Target the ‘Good Guys’? The Determinants of Terrorism Against NGOs,” by Amanda Murdie & Craig S. Stapley, 79-

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. “The Demand for Protectionism: Democracy, Import Elasticity, and Trade Barriers,” by Timothy M. Peterson & Cameron G. Thies, 103-

Research Note . “Incentives to Rebel, Bargaining, and Civil War,” by Philip Arena & Brian Hardt, 127-

International Interactions: Empirical and Theoretical Research in International Relations, Vol. 40, No. 2 (April 2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/gini20/40/2

. “Transnational Transmitters: Ethnic Kinship Ties and Conflict Contagion 1946–2009,” by Erika Forsberg, 143-

. “The Durability of Imposed Democracy,” by J. Michael Greig & Andrew J. Enterline, 166-

. “The Impact of Mercenaries and Private Military and Security Companies on Civil War Severity between 1946 and 2002,” by Ulrich Petersohn, 191-

. “Do Democracies Attract Portfolio Investment? Transnational Portfolio Investments Modeled as Dynamic Network,” by Xun Cao & Michael D. Ward, 216-

. “Inequality Amid Equality: Military Capabilities and Conflict Behavior in Balanced Dyads,” by Brian Benjamin Crisher, 246-

Research Note . “From Territorial Claim to War: Timing, Causation, and the Steps-to-War,” by Susan G. Sample, 270-

International Journal, Vol. 69, No.1 (March 2014) http://ijx.sagepub.com/

Scholarly Essays . “Method to the madness of Chairman Kim: The instrumental rationality of North Korea’s pursuit of nuclear weapons,” by Youngwon Cho, 5-

. “A nuclear South Korea?” by Mun Suk Ahn and Young Chul Cho, 26-

. “The Indo-Canadian nuclear relationship: Possibilities and challenges,” by Manpreet Sethi, 35-

. “Why sanctions against Iran are counterproductive: Conflict resolution and state–society relations,” by Ali Fathollah-Nejad, 48-

. “Transatlantic convergence? The archaeology of immigrant integration in Canada and Europe,” by Keith Banting, 66-

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Policy Brief . “No cause for panic: Key lessons from the political science literature on nuclear proliferation,” by Jacques EC Hymans, 85-

The Lessons of History . “The two faces of Charles the Good: Charles de Gaulle, France, and decolonization in Quebec and New Caledonia,” by Robin S Gendron, 94-

Review Essay . “The conundrum of Canadian–American relations,” by Francine McKenzie, 110- ______

International Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 11, No. 1 (January 2014) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayBackIssues?jid=ASI

. “Commercial Islam in Indonesia: How Television Producers Mediate Religiosity Among National Audiences,” by Gareth Barkin, 1-

. “The Rise of Gentry Power on the China–Burma Frontier Since the 1870s: The Case of the Peng Family in Mianning, Southwest Yunnan,” by Jianxiong Ma, 25-

. “Histories in Stone: Stelae Commemorating the Suppression of the Musin Rebellion and Contested Factional Histories,” by Andrew David Jackson, 53-

State of the Field . China Rural Society,” by Linda Grove, 77- “Revisiting the Kankō Chōsa Villages: A Review of Chinese and Japanese Studies of North

The International Journal of Human Rights, Vol. 18, No. 1 (February 2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fjhr20/18/1

. “Syria and the indicators of a ‘manifest failing,’” by Adrian Gallagher, 1-

. “Advocacy strategies to defend France's sans-papiers: contradictions and complexities,” by Amy Hong, 20-

. “To find the needle do you need the whole haystack? Global surveillance and principled regulation,” by Nick Taylor, 45-

. “Human rights NGOs in Israel: collective memory and denial,” by Zvika Orr & Daphna Golan, 68-

. “Positive obligations and Article 4 of the European Convention on Human Rights: a defence of the UK's Human Rights Act 1998,” by Ian Turner, 94-

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The International Journal of Human Rights, Vol. 18, No. 22 (February 2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fjhr20/18/2

Special Issue: Legal Perspectives on Contingencies and Resilience in an Environment of Constitutionalism

. “Introduction: Legal perspectives on contingencies and resilience in an environment of constitutionalism - An overview,” by Clive Walker, 119-

. “Lone wolf terrorism in Norway,” by Catherine Appleton, 127-

. “Managing ‘civil contingencies’ in Australia,” by Michael Eburn, 134-

. “The power to react: review and discussion of Canada's emergency measures legislation,” by John Lindsay, 159-

. “‘Keep Calm and Carry On’: informing the public under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004,” by Rebecca Moosavian, 178-

. “Emergency powers and the withering of the Royal Prerogative,” by Andrew Blick, 195-

. “The governance of emergency arrangements,” by Clive Walker, 211-

. “Terrorism and counterterrorism in the US: the question of responsible policy-making,” by John Mueller & Mark G. Stewart, 228-

. “Homeland security: definitions and accountability,” by Amos N. Guiora, 241-

International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, Vol. 27, No. 2 (March 2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ujic20/27/2

. “The Arab Spring's Impact on Egypt's Securitocracy,” by Juha P. Mäkelä, 217-

. “Hezbollah's Communication System: A Most Important Weapon,” by Carl Anthony Wege, 240-

. “Leadership of the U.S. Intelligence Community: From DCI to DNI,” by Richard A. Best Jr., 253-

. “Smart Intelligence in an Interpolar Age of Incertitude,” by Bogdan Prisecaru, 334-

. “(Mis-) Informed Decisions? on Epistemic Reasonability of Intelligence Claims,” by Kira Vrist Rønn, 351-

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. “Open Source Information and the Office of Naval Intelligence in Japan, 1905–1920,” by Eric Setzekorn, 368-

. “The Future of American Espionage,” by Joseph W. Wippl, 387-

International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 46, No. 1 (February 2014) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayBackIssues?jid=MES

Urban and Rural Spaces . “Revisiting a Dichotomy,” by Farah Al-Nakib, 5- Ḥ ḍar And Badū In Kuwait: Citizenship, Housing, And The Construction Of A . “Seeking Justice: Tribal Dispute Resolution And Societal Transformation In Jordan,” by Jessica Watkins, 31-

. “Household Networks And Rural Integration In Qajar Kirman,” by James M. Gustafson, 51-

Borderlands . “The Burdens Of Subjecthood: The Ottoman State, Russian Fugitives, And Interimperial Law, 1774–1869,” by Will Smiley, 73-

. “Between Permeable And Sealed Borders: The Trans-Arabian Pipeline And The Arab– Israeli Conflict,” by Asher Kaufman, 95-

Egyptian Cultural Domains . “Arabic Theater In Early Khedivial Culture, 1868–72: James Sanua Revisited,” by Adam Mestyan, 117-

. “The Pyramid And The Crown: The Egyptian Beer Industry From 1897 To 1963,” by Omar D. Foda, 139-

Roundtable: The Production and Politics of Public Space . “The Production and Politics of Public Space Radical Democratic Politics and Public Space,” by Kaveh Ehsani, 159-

. “Whose Space Is It?” by Nada Shabout, 163-

. “Gendered Space and Middle East Studies,” by Aseel Sawalha, 166-

. “Speaking of the City: Establishing Urban Expertise in the Arab Gulf,” by Ahmed Kanna, 169-

. “Beyond the Urban,” by Nancy Y. Reynolds, 172-

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Review Articles . “Whence? Whither? The Modern Arabic Literary Narrative: Some Hazarded Speculations,” by Barbara Harlow, 175-

International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 46, No. 2 (May 2014) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayBackIssues?jid=MES

Special Issue: Politics of Benevolence

Politics of Benevolence . “Introduction,” by Amy Singer, 227-

. “Egyptian By Association: Charitable States And Service Societies, Circa 1850–1945,” by Lisa Pollard, 239-

. “Sound Minds In Sound Bodies: Transnational Philanthropy And Patriotic Masculinity In Al-Nadi Al-Homsi And Syrian Brazil, 1920–32,” by Stacy Fahrenthold, 259-

. “‘We Think That This Job Pleases Allah’: Islamic Charity, Social Order, And The Construction Of Modern Muslim Selfhoods In Jordan,” by Dietrich Jung and Marie Juul Petersen, 285-

. “Vakif As Intent And Practice: Charity And Poor Relief In Turkey,” by Damla Isik, 307-

. “ -Asad's Syria: Reading Sociopolitical Transformations Through Charities And Broader Benevolent Activism,” by Laura Ruiz Thede End Elvira Of Theand BaʿthistTina Zintl Social, 329 Contract- In Bashar Al

. “Countering Violence Against Women In Iraqi Kurdistan: State-Building And Transnational Advocacy,” by Yaniv Voller, 351-

Roundtable: Whither Social History? . “Small Is Beautiful,” by Cyrus Schayegh, 373-

. “From Economic History to Cultural History in Ottoman Studies,” by , 376-

. “Gender and Ottoman Social History,” by , 379- Cengiz Kırlı

. “Middle East History Is Social History,” byBaşak Gavin Tuğ D. Brockett, 382-

Review Articles . “The Promise And Pitfalls Of Medieval Islamic Social History,” by Jonathan P. Berkey, 385-

International Organization, Vol. 68, No.1 (January 2014) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayBackIssues?jid=INO

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. “Known Unknowns: Power Shifts, Uncertainty, and War,” by Alexandre Debs and Nuno P. Monteiro, 1-

. “Provoking Preferences: Unionization, Trade Policy, and the ILWU Puzzle,” by John S. Ahlquist, Amanda B. Clayton and Margaret Levi, 33-

. “International Courts as Agents of Legal Change: Evidence from LGBT Rights in Europe,” 77-

. “Not by the Sword Alone: Soft Power, Mass Media, and the Production of State Sovereignty,” by T. Camber Warren, 111-

. “Stigma Management in International Relations: Transgressive Identities, Norms, and Order in International Society,” by Rebecca Adler-Nissen, 143-

. “International Bureaucrats and the Formation of Intergovernmental Organizations: Institutional Design Discretion Sweetens the Pot,” by Tana Johnson and Johannes Urpelainen, 177-

Research Note . “The ‘Peer-Effect’ in Counterterrorist Policies,” by Eric Neumayer, Thomas Plümper and Mariaelisa Epifanio, 211-

. “Promises or Policies? An Experimental Analysis of International Agreements and Audience Reactions,” by Stephen Chaudoin, 235- ______

International Peacekeeping, Vol. 20, No. 5 (December 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/finp20/20/5

. “China and the Insecurity of Development in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC),” by Devon Curtis, 551-

. “More Than Just Policing: Police Reform in Post-conflict Bougainville,” by Sinclair Dinnen & Gordon Peake, 570-

. “Context Matters: The Conventional DDR Template is Challenged in South Sudan,” by Jairo Munive, 585-

. “Post-war Conflict and the Market for Protection: The Challenges to Congo's Hybrid Peace,” by Timothy Raeymaekers, 600-

. “When Critique is Framed as Resistance: How the International Intervention in Liberia Fails to Integrate Alternative Concepts and Constructive Criticism,” by Neumann & Joel Gwyn Winckler, 618-

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International Politics, Vol. 51, No. 1 (January 2014) http://www.palgrave-journals.com/ip/journal/v51/n1/index.html

. “How hierarchic was the historical East Asian system?” by Feng Zhang, 1-

Syrian Wars . “From Tripoli to Damascus? Lesson learning and the implementation of the Responsibility to Protect,” by Alex J. Bellamy, 23-

. “‘Better one tiger than ten thousand rabid rats’: Russian media coverage of the Syrian conflict,” by James D. J. Brown, 45-

Human Rights in IR . “The Council of Europe as an exporter of democracy, human rights and the rule of law,” by Klaus Brummer, 67-

. “A political trilemma? International security, environmental protection and human rights in the British Indian Ocean Territory,” by Peter Harris, 87-

Beyond Sovereignty . “Before and after borders: The nomadic challenge to sovereign territoriality,” by Joseph MacKay, Jamie Levin, Gustavo de Carvalho, Kristin Cavoukian and Ross Cuthbert, 101-

Fair Trade - or Not? . “Harm, fairness and trade policy preferences: An experimental examination of sincere fair- trade preferences,” by Eddie Hearn, 124-

International Politics, Vol. 51, No. 2 (March 2014) http://www.palgrave-journals.com/ip/journal/v51/n2/index.html

. “The Rise of the BRICS and American primacy,” by Robert J Lieber, 137-

Norms in IR . “IR theory and domestic adoption of international norms,” by Ciaran O'Faircheallaigh, 155-

Libiyan Intervention . “The European Union and the Libyan crisis,” by Sergio Fabbrini, 177-

. “Sweden’s Libya decision: A case of humanitarian intervention,” by Fredrik Doeser, 196-

The Eu and Two Brics . “The EU’s China problem: A battle over norms,” by Ayse Kaya, 214-

. “EU–Russia relations: Between conflict and cooperation,” by Cristian Nitoiu, 234-

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Small States and World Order . “Rethinking weak state behavior: Mongolia’s foreign policy toward China,” by Jeffrey Reeves, 254-

. “Small states and international politics: Climate change, the Maldives and Tuvalu,” by Kevin Jaschik, 272-

International Relations, Vol. 28, No. 1 (March 2014) http://ire.sagepub.com/content/vol28/issue1/

. “The liberal state in international society: Interpreting recent British foreign policy,” by Jason Ralph, 3-

. “Reframing European security: Russia’s proposal for a new European security architecture,” by Samuel Layton, 25-

. “Why bureaucracies matter in the global age: A post-Weberian explanation with the case study of preparing and implementing the United Nations’ An Agenda for Peace,” by Tapio Kanninen and Touko Piiparinen, 46-

. “Competence and Just War,” by Jack L. Amoureux and Brent J. Steele, 67-

. “The accommodationist state: Strategic culture and Italy’s military behaviour,” by Paolo Rosa, 88-

. “Gender and ‘positive’ security,” by Paul Roe, 116- ______

International Relations of the Asia Pacific, Vol.14, No. 1 (January 2014) http://irap.oxfordjournals.org/content/vol14/issue1/

Special Issue: Regional Rivalries and Order in East Asia

. “Introduction to the special issue: regional rivalries and order in East Asia,” by Kan Kimura, 1-

. “Sino-Japanese relations: power, interdependence, and domestic politics,” by Hiroki Takeuchi, 7-

. “Democracy and diversionary incentives in Japan–South Korea disputes,” by Koji Kagotani, Kan Kimura, and Jeffrey R. Weber, 33-

. “Domestic political institutions and the initiation of international conflict in East Asia: some evidence for an Asian democratic peace,” by Benjamin E. Goldsmith, 59-

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. “External threats, US bases, and prudent voters in Okinawa,” by Koji Kagotani and Yuki Yanai, 91-

. “Better a good neighbor than a distant friend: the scope and impact of regional security organizations,” by Han Dorussen and Emil J. Kirchner, 117-

. “Recalcitrance and initiative: US hegemony and regional powers in Asia and Europe after World War II,” by Arthur A. Stein, 147-

Review Essay . “East Asia and international relations theory,” by Masaru Kohno, 179-

International Security, Vol. 38, No. 3 (Winter 2013/14) http://www.mitpressjournals.org/loi/isec

. “Grounds for War: The Evolution of Territorial Conflict,” by Dominic D.P. Johnson, Monica Duffy Toft, 7-

. “Expert Knowledge in Intelligence Assessments: Bird Flu and Bioterrorism,” by Kathleen M. Vogel, 39-

. “The Structure of Success: How the Internal Distribution of Power Drives Armed Group Behavior and National Movement Effectiveness,” by Peter Krause, 72-

. “Strong Armies, Slow Adaptation: Civil-Military Relations and the Diffusion of Military Power,” by Burak Kadercan, 117-

. “Primacy or World Order? The United States and China's Rise—A Review Essay ,” by Yuen Foong Khong, 153-

Correspondence . “Debating China's Assertiveness,” by Dingding Chen, Xiaoyu Pu, Alastair Iain Johnston, 176-

. “Reevaluating Foreign-Imposed Regime Change,” by William G. Nomikos, Alexander B. Downes, Jonathan Monten, 184- ______

International Spectator, Vol. 49, No. 1 (March 2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rspe20/49/1

Opinions . “Egypt’s Future: Yet Another Turkish Model?” by Robert D. Springborg, 1-

Austerity and the Crisis of Traditional Representation

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. “Austerity, A Threat to Democracy?” by Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, 7-

. “‘Broken and Can’t be Fixed’: The Impact of the Economic Crisis on the Greek Party System,” by Susannah Verney, 18-

. “The Five Star Movement: Exception or Vanguard in Europe?” by Lorenzo Mosca, 36-

. “Direct Democracy and Scapegoats: The Five Star Movement and Europe,” by Piergiorgio Corbetta & Rinaldo Vignati, 53-

. “Internet Privacy: Who Sets the Global Standard?” by Agustín Rossi, 65-

. “America’s Mega-Regional Trade Diplomacy: Comparing TPP and TTIP,” by Daniel S. Hamilton, 81-

Europe Forum . “Is Flexible Integration Harming the Prospect of a Common Acquis?” by Filippa Chatzistavrou, 98-

. “Inside-out and Outside-in: EU Security in the Neighbourhood,” by Isabelle Ioannides, 113-

. “Transforming the Italian Armed Forces, 2001-13,” by Fabrizio Coticchia & Francesco N. Moro, 133-

International Studies Perspectives, Vol. 15, No. 1 (February 2014) http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/118516737/home

. “Détente 2.0? The Meaning of Russia's ‘Reset’ with the United States,” by Kari Roberts, 1-

. “Contested Identity and Foreign Policy: Interpreting Russia's International Choices,” by Andrei P. Tsygankov, 19-

. “Whose Interests? US-Russian Foreign Policy Controversies in Russian American Ethnic Press,” by Elena Chadova-Devlen, 36-

. “Toward ‘Best Practices’ in Scholar–Practitioner Relations: Insights from the Field of Inter- American Affairs,” by Mariano E. Bertucci, Fabián Borges-Herrero and Claudia Fuentes-Julio, 54-

. “In-And-Outers and Moonlighters: An Evaluation of the Impact of Policy-making Exposure on IR Scholarship,” by Bradley C. Parks and Alena Stern, 73-

. “On the Policy Relevance of Grand Theory,” by Johan Eriksson, 94-

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. “Bravo for Brevity: Using Short Paper Assignments in International Relations Classes,” by Samuel Lucas McMillan, 109-

International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 58, No.1 (March 2014) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291468-2478

Regimes and International Agreements . “Bounded Rationality and the Diffusion of Modern Investment Treaties,” by Lauge N. Skovgaard Poulsen, 1-

. “Multilateralism, Bilateralism, and Regime Design,” by Alexander Thompson and Daniel Verdier, 15-

. “Before Ratification: Understanding the Timing of International Treaty Effects on Domestic Policies,” by Leonardo Baccini and Johannes Urpelainen, 29-

. “Levels of Linkage: Across-Agreement versus Within-Agreement Explanations of Consensus Formation among States,” by Heather Elko McKibben and Shaina D. Western, 44-

Non-State Actors . “Exploring the Final Frontier: An Empirical Analysis of Global Civil Space Proliferation,” by Bryan R. Early, 55-

. “The Domestic Determinants of Transnational Activity: An Examination of Women's Groups in the United Kingdom, France, and Germany,” by Lori Poloni-Staudinger and Candice Ortbals, 68-

Trade and Globalization . “Political Trade Dependence and North–South Trade Agreements,” by Mark S. Manger and Kenneth C. Shadlen, 79-

. “Globalization, Factor Mobility, Partisanship, and Compensation Policies,” by Wonjae Hwang and Hoon Lee, 92-

. “Trade Policy, Economic Interests, and Party Politics in a Developing Country: The Political Economy of CAFTA-DR,” by Raymond Hicks, Helen V. Milner and Dustin Tingley, 106-

Democratic Peace . “Safe Across the Border: The Continued Significance of the Democratic Peace When Controlling for Stable Borders,” by Johann Park and Michael Colaresi, 118-

. “Contiguous States, Stable Borders, and the Peace between Democracies,” byDouglas M. Gibler, 126-

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. “Under Construction: Development, Democracy, and Difference as Determinants of Systemic Liberal Peace,” by Erik Gartzke and Alex Weisiger, 130-

Balance of Power . “Power, Preferences, and Balancing: The Durability of Coalitions and the Expansion of Conflict,” by Scott Wolford, 146-

. “Power Shift or Paradigm Shift? China's Rise and Asia's Emerging Security Order,” by Amitav Acharya, 158-

State-Building . “Evaluating the Legacies of State-Building: Success, Failure, and the Role of Responsibility,” by Oisín Tansey, 174-

. “Rebels, Rivals, and Postcolonial State-Building: Identifying Bellicist Influences on State Extractive Capability,” by Emizet F. Kisangani and Jeffrey Pickering, 187-

. “Politics and Parasites: The Contribution of Corruption to Human Misery,” by Randolph M. Siverson and Richard A.I. Johnson, 199-

Controversy: Global Governance . “Rethinking Global Governance? Complexity, Authority, Power, Change,” by Thomas G. Weiss and Rorden Wilkinson, 207-

. “Global Governance over the Long Haul,” by Craig N. Murphy, 216-

. ‘‘Response,’’ by Mark Mazower, 219-

. “Dynamics of Global Governance: Building on What We Know,” by Martha Finnemore, 221-

International Studies Review, Vol. 16, No. 1 (March 2013) http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/120118378/grouphome/home.html

. “Civilizational Analysis in International Relations: Mapping the Field and Advancing a ‘Civilizational Politics’ Line of Research,” by Gregorio Bettiza, 1-

. “Democracy-Support Effectiveness in “Fragile States”: A Review,” by Kimana Zulueta- Fülscher, 29-

. “Conflict Management Trajectories in Militarized Interstate Disputes: A Conceptual Framework and Theoretical Foundations,” by Andrew P. Owsiak, 50-

. “Membership Has Its Privileges: The Changing Benefits of Statehood,” by Tanisha M. Fazal and Ryan D. Griffiths, 79-

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Book Review Essays . “Contemporary Left-Right Contestatio,” by Ian Down, 107-

. “Chinese State Responses to Pressures from Below: Old Methods for New Challenges?” by Elizabeth Wishnick, 115-

. “Neoliberal Globalization and the Rise of Private Global Regulation,” by John Mikler, 119-

Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, Vol. 16, No. 2 (March 2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/riij20/16/2

. “Inter-Imperiality: Dialectics in a Postcolonial World History,” by Laura Doyle, 159-

. “Imperial Inheritances: Lapses, Love and Laws in the Colonial Machine,” by Leila Neti, 197-

. “Memorializing Empire, Producing Global Citizens: The British Bicentenary of the Abolition of the Transatlantic Slave Trade (2007),” by April Biccum, 215-

. “Mao Zedong Thought and the Third World/Global South,” by Arif Dirlik, 233-

. “Contemporary Bhakti Recastings: Recovering a Demotic Tradition, Challenging Nativism, Fashioning Modernism In Indian Poetry,” by Laetitia Zecchini, 257-

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