
STATION 1 (refer to pictures) STATION 2 (refer to pictures) Which creature with a backbone roamed the planet first? Which of these organisms had lysosomes? ______By letter ______In what Geologic Period ______Which of these organisms can make a siliceous rock? ______Identify the two Anthozoans by Which two thrived in the ? ______and ______and ______

Which creature had a plueral lobe ? ______Which of these is a desiduous alive today ______

Which went extinct during the -Palocene major Which is pelagic ? ______extincton? ______Which is benthic ? ______

Identify the creature that was on earth first: ______

STATION 3 STATION 4 -- (in the box, or online in pcitures) Identify the 3 invertebrate in the box (or in the picture): Identify the Genus of the large black round (A): ______

A. Phylum ______Class ______Identify the Phylum of the white fossil (B): ______

B. Phylum ______Class ______The small round things (C) are from my front yard. Identify the Phylum and Genus: ______, ______C. Phylum ______Class ______TRUE OR FALSE: All these genus contained plastids. Which of these creatures had a pedicle valve ______TRUE OR FALSE: None of these were around in the . Which of these creatures had a calyx ______TRUE OR FALSE: All of these contributed to Carboniferous coal Which of these creatures used nematocysts ______development.

Quiz 8 – Feb 5 STATION 5 Identify the genus of each A ______B ______C ______

Refer to the following statements for the two questions at the bottom i They lived at the same time ii. They were both herbivores. iii.They had the same hip structure.

Which of those statements is true for dinosaurs B and C _____

Which of those statements is true for dinoasurs A and C ______

Which of these statements is true for dinosaurs A and B ______

STATION 6 Identify the 3 fossils in the box:

A. Phylum ______Genus ______

B. Phylum ______Class ______

C. Phylum ______Genus ______(also #F12)

Which of these creatures had a pedicle valve ______

Which of these creatures had podia? ______

Which of these creatures contained chitin? ______

Which belongs to Class of Invertebrates that is NOT extinct? ____ Quiz 8 – Feb 5 Station 1 A B C

Scyphozoa Cryptolithus Halysites


Hexagonaria Dimetrodon Exogyra


Coelophysis Apatosaurus Pecten

Quiz 8 – Feb 5 A B C Diatoms Lepidodendron

E F D Pinophyta

Station 2

Quiz 8 – Feb 5 Station 3 A B


Quiz 8 – Feb 5 Station 4 B A


Quiz 8 – Feb 5 Station 5 A B


Quiz 8 – Feb 5 Station 6 A B C

Quiz 8 – Feb 5 Station 1. Station 4. E – Lepidodendron C-Halysites, D-Hexagonaria Pteridophyta – fern B- Cryptolithus Anthophyta , Genus- Platanus F- Exogyra True A-Scyphozoa True False

Station 2. Station 5. A. Brachiopoda, Class – Articulata A – Apatosaurus B. Echinodermata, Class-Crinoidea B- Parasaurophus C. Cnidaria, Class-Anthozoa C-Deinonychus Pedicle valce – Brachiopoda True for B and C -- i Calyx – Crinoid True for A and C -- iii Nematocysts - Cnidaria True for A and B -- ii

Station 3. Station 6. C - Blastoid Brachiopoda, Mucrospirifer A Antropoda, Trilobita b-lepidodendron, F- Calamites Echinodermata, Pentremites Desiduous and alive today - E A Pelagic – A C Benthic - C B A