
㧔 㧕㧩ࡍ࡯ࠫ


୆͈਋̫වͦழ૕͂ίυΈρθȆఘଷȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆġ ijġڠ࣭૽ၣٸ ijġ ࿖㓙ᢎ⢒࠮ࡦ࠲࡯㧔2㧕ޔ࿖㓙⺖㧔2㧕ޔ੤ᵹ࡜࠙ࡦࠫ㧔2㧕ޔᣣᧄ⺆ᢎ⢒ㇱ㐷㧔3㧕ޔ *KVQVUWDCUJK7PKXGTUKV[)NQDCN'FWECVKQP2TQITCO㧔㧴㧳㧼㧕㧔4㧕ޔ⇐ቇ↢࡮ᶏ ᄖ⇐ቇ⋧⺣ㇱ㐷㧔5㧕ޔ࠴ࡘ࡯࠲࡯೙ᐲ㧔6㧕ޔ࡜ࡦࠥ࡯ࠫࠦࡒࡘ࠾࠹ࠖ㧔6㧕

࣭૽ြ඾ࢃ͈਀௽̧ȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆġ ĸġٸ Ĵġ ૑ᚲߩዯ಴࡮ᄌᦝ㧔7㧕ޔ࿖᳃ஜᐽ଻㒾߳ߩട౉㧔7㧕ޔ૑ᚲએᄖߩዯ಴࡮ᄌᦝ㧔8㧕ޔ ㌁ⴕญᐳ㐿⸳㧔9㧕

੨਀௽̧ȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆIJıġ͂ڒĵġ हၣ঩ ࿷⇐ᦼ㑆ߩᦝᣂ㧔10㧕ޔ࿷⇐⾗ᩰߩᄌᦝ㧔11㧕ޔ৻ᤨ಴࿖ߣౣ౉࿖㧔12㧕ޔ⾗ᩰᄖᵴ േ⸵นߣࠕ࡞ࡃࠗ࠻㧔12㧕ޔኅᣖߩ๭߮ነߖ㧔ޟኅᣖṛ࿷ޠ㧕㧔14㧕᧲੩౉࿖▤ℂዪ ┙Ꮉ಴ᒛᚲ㧔15㧕

Ķġ ၎ਘȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆIJĸġ ጁୃ⊓㍳ߦߟ޿ߡ㧔17㧕ޔጁୃߦ㑐ߔࠆ⾗ᢱߦߟ޿ߡ㧔17㧕ޔጁୃ⑼⋡⊓㍳␿ߩឭ ಴࡮ጁୃో⥸ߦ㑐ߔࠆ໧޿วࠊߖవ㧔17㧕

ķġ ਽ৡȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆIJĺġ ࿖㓙੤ᵹળ㙚㧔19㧕ޔዊᐔ࿖㓙ቇ↢ኋ⥢㧔19㧕ޔ᳃㑆ࠕࡄ࡯࠻㧔20㧕ޔ㨁㧾ㇺᏒᯏ᭴ 㧔20㧕

߄ȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆijIJġڠĸġ ੻ ࿖⾌ᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢㧔21㧕ޔ⑳⾌ᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢ኻ⽎ߩᅑቇ㊄㧔23㧕

൲ȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆijĶġڰĹġ ඾ུ͈́ਖ૖ ᣣᧄ⁛․ߩዞ⡯ᵴേࡄ࠲࡯ࡦ㧔25㧕ޔ⇐ቇ↢ߩዞ⡯ᵴേᡰេ㧔25㧕ޔතᬺᓟ߽ዞ⡯ ᵴേࠍ⛮⛯ߔࠆ႐ว㧔25㧕 !

ĺġ ༗࠲Ȇ֓ၷঔ୭ȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆijķġ ଻ஜ࠮ࡦ࠲࡯㧔26㧕ޔભᣣߩක≮ࠨ࡯ࡆࠬ㧔26㧕ޔฦ࿖⺆ߦࠃࠆක≮ࠨ࡯ࡆࠬᯏ㑐 㧔27㧕

൳၌ဥঔ୭̷͈͂΍ȜΫΑȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆijĹġވඤ͈ڠ IJıġ ᧲ࡊ࡜ࠩ࡮⷏ࡊ࡜ࠩ㧔৻ᯅᄢቇᶖ⾌⠪↢ᵴ౒ห⚵ว㧕㧔28㧕ޔࡊ࡝ࡦ࠻࡮࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ 㧔࿖┙⷏ࠠࡖࡦࡄࠬ㧕㧔28㧕

൲ȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆijĺġڰٸهIJIJġ ΑεȜΜȆ ࠬࡐ࡯࠷㧔29㧕ޔߘߩઁߩ⺖ᄖᵴേ㧔29㧕

࣭૽΍εȜΠίυΈρθȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆĴıġٸIJijġ ౷֖͈ ޝ࿖┙࿾ၞߩࡊࡠࠣ࡜ࡓޞ ᣣᧄ⺆ࠨࡐ࡯࠻㧔30㧕ޔᢥൻ੤ᵹ㧔31㧕ޔ࿖┙Ꮢᓎᚲߩᄖ࿖⺆ߦࠃࠆᏒ᳃⋧⺣ࠦ࡯ ࠽࡯㧔31㧕ޔ࿾ၞ࿖㓙੤ᵹ࿅૕ߩ࠾ࡘ࡯ࠬ࡟࠲࡯㧔31㧕 ޝዊᐔᏒ࿖㓙੤ᵹදળߩࡊࡠࠣ࡜ࡓޞ ࿖㓙੤ᵹ࡜࠙ࡦࠫ㧔32㧕ޔᣣᧄ⺆ᢎቶ㧔32㧕ޔࡎࠬ࠻ࡈࠔࡒ࡝࡯ޔࡎ࡯ࡓࡆࠫ࠶࠻ 㧔32㧕ޔᖱႎឭଏࠦ࡯࠽࡯㧔32㧕

࣭ȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆĴĴġܦIJĴġ ഢݳȆ ォዬ㧔33㧕ޔතᬺ࡮Ꮻ࿖㧔34㧕ޔᅤ᳓ળ౉ળߦߟ޿ߡ㧔34㧕

IJĵġ ޽ݢশ͈చ؊ȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆĴĶġ ੐᡿㧔35㧕ޔ࿾㔡㧔35㧕ޔบ㘑㧔35㧕




㧔 㧕㧩Page

1 Introduction࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮ 1 Introduction (1)

2 International Student Support and Programs࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮ 2 Center for Global Education (2), International Affairs Office (2), Student Exchange Lounge (2), Japanese Language Teaching Section (3), Hitotsubashi University Global Education Program (HGP) (4), International Student and Study Abroad Advising (ISSAA) (5), Tutors (6), Language Community (6),

3 Procedures after Arriving in ࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮ 7 Notification of Address or Address Change (7), National Health Insurance (7), Notification of (a Change of) an Item Other than Address (8), Opening a Bank Account (9)

4 Immigration Services࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮10 Extension of Period of Stay (10), Change of Visa Status (11), Re-entry Permit (12), Activities Other Than Those Authorized (Work Permit) and Part-time Jobs (12), Obtaining Family ("Dependent") Visas (14), Tachikawa Branch(15)

5 Course Registrations࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮17 About Course Registration (17), Information Available for Course Registration (17), Submission of Course Registration Form (17)

6 Accommodations࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮19 International House (Kunitachi Campus) (19), Kodaira International Residence Halls (19), Off-campus Apartments (20), UR (Urban Renaissance Agency) (20)

7 Scholarships࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮21 Japanese Government Scholarship Students (21), Scholarships for Privately- Financed International Students (23)

8 Job Searching in Japan࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮25 Unique Aspects of Japanese Job Searching Process (25), Career and Employment Support Office (25), Seeking Employment after Graduation (25) !

9 Medical Facilities࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮26 University Health Center (26), Holiday Medical Treatment Center (26), Medical Information Services in Other Languages (27)

10 On-Campus Services and Facilities࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮28 East Plaza and West Plaza (Hitotsubashi University COOP) (28), Photocopy Center (28)

11 Sports and Extra Curricular Activities࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮29 Sports (29), Extra Curricular Activities (29)

12 Community Support Programs for International Students࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮30 ޝKunitachi Community Volunteers for International Studentsޞ Japanese Language Support (30), Cultural Exchange (31), Consultation Services in Foreign Languages at the City Hall (31), Newsletter by Local Volunteer Groups (31) ޝSupport Programs for International Students of Kodaira Cityޞ Communication Lounge (32), Japanese Classes (32), Host Families & Home Visits (32), Information Corner (32)

13 Moving Out and Returning Home࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮33 Moving Out (33), Leaving Japan (34), Hitotsubashi Alumni Association “Josui-Kai” (34)

14 Emergencies࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮35 Emergencies (35), Earthquakes (35), Typhoon (35)

15 Campus Map࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮36

16 Kunitachi & Kodaira City Maps࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮39

17 Useful Phone Numbers in Kunitachi Area࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮40

͉̲͛ͅ Introduction

 ⇐ቇ↢ߩߺߥߐࠎޔ৻ᯅᄢቇ߳ࠃ߁ߎߘ Welcome to Hitotsubashi University!

 ৻ᯅᄢቇߪޔ ᐕߦഃ⸳ߐࠇߚ␠ળ⑼ቇߩ✚วᄢቇߢ޽ Hitotsubashi University was founded in 1875 and is currently made up of four faculties: Commerce & ࠅޔ໡ቇޔ⚻ᷣቇޔᴺቇޔ␠ળቇߩ  ቇㇱޔ෸߮໡ቇޔ⚻ᷣ Management, Economics, Law, and Social Sciences; and six ቇޔᴺቇޔ␠ળቇޔ⸒⺆␠ળޔ࿖㓙ડᬺᚢ⇛ߩ  ⎇ⓥ⑼ߣ࿖ graduate faculties; Commerce & Management, Economics, 㓙࡮౏౒᡽╷ᢎ⢒ㇱ߆ࠄߥࠆᄢቇ㒮߇޽ࠅ߹ߔޕ ᐕ  ᦬ Law, Social Sciences, Language and Society, International ⃻࿷ޔ⚂  ฬߩቇ↢߇࿷☋ߒޔ߁ߜ  ฬࠍߎ߃ࠆᄖ࿖ Corporate Strategy, and International and Public Policy. About 6,500 students are enrolled at Hitotsubashi University and ੱ⇐ቇ↢߇ቇࠎߢ޿߹ߔޕ 670 are from overseas (as of May 2012).   ᐕߦ⊒⿷ߒޔᣣᧄ⺆ᢎ⢒߿⇐ቇ↢ߩᜰዉ⋧⺣╬ࠍⴕߞ The Center for Student Exchange was established in ߡ߈ߚ⇐ቇ↢࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ߣޔ⇐ቇ↢㑐ㅪߩ⒳ޘߩᬺോࠍᜂᒰߒ 1996 to provide Japanese language instruction and support ߡ߈ߚ⇐ቇ↢⺖ߪޔ ᐕ  ᦬ߦߘࠇߙࠇ࿖㓙ᢎ⢒࠮ࡦ࠲࡯࡮ services with international students. In 2010, the Center for Student Exchange and Student Exchange Division, which ࿖㓙⺖ߣߒߡᡷ⚵ߐࠇޔቇ↢⋧੕ߩ⇐ቇ੤ᵹߩផㅴߦࠃࠆᄢ provides international student services and students ቇߩ࿖㓙ൻߦነਈߔࠆߣ޿߁૶๮߽ടࠊࠆߎߣߣߥࠅ߹ߒߚޕ exchange services at the university were reorganized into the  ߎߩޟᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢ࡂࡦ࠼ࡉ࠶ࠢޠߪޔ৻ᯅᄢቇߦ౉ቇߐ Center for Global Education and the International Affairs ࠇߚᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢ߩߺߥߐࠎߩߚ߼ߦ࿖㓙ᢎ⢒࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ߣ࿖ Office respectively. Their mission is to advance campus internationalization by promoting student exchanges. 㓙⺖ߦ߅޿ߡ૞ᚑߐࠇ߹ߒߚޕ౉ቇᓟߩฦ⒳ᚻ⛯߈߆ࠄޔත This “International Student Handbook” was designed by ᬺ࡮Ꮻ࿖ᤨߦᔅⷐߣߥࠆ੐ᨩ╬ޔ⇐ቇ↢ߩߺߥߐࠎ߇৻ᯅᄢ the Center for Global Education and the International Affairs ቇߢߩ⇐ቇ↢ᵴࠍᔟㆡߦㆊߏߖࠆࠃ߁ߦߐ߹ߑ߹ߥᖱႎࠍឝ Office for international students admitted to Hitotsubashi タߒߡ޽ࠅ߹ߔޕ University. A full of information from procedures after enrollment through graduation/leaving Japan is listed in this  ⇐ቇ↢ߩߺߥߐࠎ߇ޔߎߩࡂࡦ࠼ࡉ࠶ࠢࠍᵴ↪ߐࠇޔలታ handbook to help international students make a smooth ߒߚ⇐ቇ↢ᵴࠍㅍࠄࠇ߹ߔࠃ߁ޔᔃࠃࠅ␨ᔨߒߡ߅ࠅ߹ߔޕ transition to life at Hitotsubashi. We hope that international students of the university will ৻ᯅᄢቇ ࿖㓙ᢎ⢒࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ ቇോㇱ࿖㓙⺖ ᢎ⡯ຬ৻ห be able to enjoy study abroad to the full extend making use of this handbook.

The Center for Global Education and the International Affairs Office, Hitotsubashi University


IJġ ୆͈਋̫වͦழ૕͂ίυΈρθȆఘଷġڠ࣭૽ၣٸ International Student Support and Programs

ΓϋΗȜ Ȫˍȫ Center for Global Education֗ޗȪˍȫ࣭ष

 ࿖㓙ᢎ⢒࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ߪ  ᐕ  ᦬ߦޟ⇐ቇ↢࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ޠߣߒ Originally established as the Center for Student ߡ⊒⿷ߒޔ ᐕ  ᦬ޟ࿖㓙ᢎ⢒࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ޠߦฬ⒓ᄌᦝߒ߹ Exchange in May 1996, the organization has been renamed ߒߚޕ࿖㓙ᢎ⢒࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ߦߪޟᣣᧄ⺆ᢎ⢒ㇱ㐷ޠޔޟ࿖㓙੤ᵹ as Center for Global Education (CGE) in February 2010. ⑼⋡ㇱ㐷ޠޔޟ⇐ቇ↢࡮ᶏᄖ⇐ቇ⋧⺣ㇱ㐷ޠ߇޽ࠅޔߘࠇߙࠇ CGE consists of Japanese Language Teaching Section, ߩㇱ㐷ߢᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢߿ᶏᄖᵷ㆜ࠍᏗᦸߔࠆቇ↢߳ߩᢎ⢒ޔ Hitotsubashi University Global Education Program (HGP) ᜰዉޔࠨࡐ࡯࠻ࠍⴕߞߡ޿߹ߔޕ and International Student and Study Abroad Advising (ISSAA), providing courses for Japanese and English, advising, and support for international and Japanese students. هȪˎȫ࣭ष  ȪˎȫInternational Affairs Office  ቇ↢ߦ㑐ଥߩᷓ޿੐ോዪߪቇോㇱߢޔᢎോ⺖ޔቇ↢ᡰេ⺖ޔ ቇ↢ฃ౉⺖ޔ࿖㓙⺖߇޽ࠅ߹ߔޕߘߩਛߢᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢ߩ⓹ The Educational Affairs Division, the Student Services ญߪਥߣߒߡ࿖㓙⺖ߦߥࠅ߹ߔޕ Division, Admissions Office deal closely with both Japanese  ᧲ࠠࡖࡦࡄࠬ࿖㓙⎇ⓥ㙚  㓏ߦ޽ࠆ࿖㓙⺖ߪᧄቇߩቇ↢ߩ and international students on campus while the International ⇐ቇ෸߮⇐ቇ↢ߦ㑐ߔࠆ᭽ޘߥᬺോࠍᜂᒰߒޔߎࠇࠄߩᖱႎ Affairs Office or Kokusai-ka functions as the university's ࠍឭଏߒ߹ߔޕ߹ߚޔ࿖㓙⺖ߪ⇐ቇ↢߆ࠄߩ᭽ޘߥ⋧⺣ߦ߽ information counter for international students. ⷫಾߦኻᔕߒ߹ߔޕ The office is located on the first floor of the LS/CGE Building on the East Campus. The office coordinates student exchanges at the university and provides useful ࿖㓙ᢎ⢒࠮ࡦ࠲࡯࡮࿖㓙⺖ ࡎ࡯ࡓࡍ࡯ࠫ㧦 information for Japanese students studying overseas. The http://international.hit-u.ac.jp/ office also provides a variety of student support for international students. Feel free to drop in the International Affair Office to Ȫˏȫ࢐ၠρ;ϋΐ check for the latest announcements every time you come to  the university.  ࿖㓙⎇ⓥ㙚  㓏ߦ޽ࠆ੤ᵹ࡜࠙ࡦࠫߦߪޔ࿖㓙⺖߆ࠄߩ߅ ⍮ࠄߖޔ⧷ሼᣂ⡞ޔฦ⒳ࠗࡌࡦ࠻ߩ᩺ౝ╬߇ឝ␜ߐࠇߡ߅ࠅޔ Website㧦 http://international.hit-u.ac.jp/en/ ߘࠇࠄߩᖱႎࠍᓧࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߔޕ߹ߚޔ࠴ࡘ࡯࠲࡯ߦࠃ ࠆቇ⠌ᜰዉ߿ޔฦ⒳ࡏ࡜ࡦ࠹ࠖࠕ࿅૕߿⇐ቇ↢ห჻ߩ੤ᵹߩ ȪˏȫStudent Exchange Lounge ႐ߣߥߞߡ޿߹ߔޕ Student Exchange Lounge is located on the first floor of the LS/CGE Building, where notices from the International Affairs Office are posted and newspapers, English and Japanese, and information about upcoming events and activities are available. Lounge is open to international students as well as tutors and volunteers who support international students on campus.

!G! ࢐ၠρ;ϋΐˍ܁࣭षࡄݪ !܁൐΅λϋΩΑ! ࣭षࡄݪ

ijġ ୆͈਋̫වͦழ૕͂ίυΈρθȆఘଷڠ࣭૽ၣٸ International Student Support and Programs

໐࿝ ȪːȫJapanese Language Teaching Section֗ޗȪːȫ඾ུࢊ   ೋ⚖߆ࠄ਄⚖߹ߢ  ࡟ࡌ࡞㧔ೋ⚖೨ޔೋ⚖ᓟޔਛ⚖೨ޔਛ Hitotsubashi University offers Japanese Language classes ⚖ᓟޔ਄⚖೨ޔ਄⚖ᓟ㧕ߩᣣᧄ⺆ߩ᝼ᬺࠍ߅ߎߥߞߡ޿߹ߔޕ in six levels from beginning level to advanced level (Basic1, Ფቇᦼߘࠇߙࠇߩ࡟ࡌ࡞ߩ᝼ᬺ߇ㅳ 㨪 ࠦࡑ㐿⻠ߐࠇߡ޿ Basic2, Intermediate1, Intermediate2, Advanced1, ߹ߔޕ Advanced2). Five to 10 instruction hours per week are ⑼⋡৻ⷩߪਅߩ⴫ߩߣ߅ࠅߢߔޕߚߛߒޔቇᦼߦࠃߞߡᄌ provided in Summer and Winter semesters. ᦝߦߥࠆ႐ว߽޽ࠅ߹ߔߩߢޔጁୃߩᤨߪ߆ߥࠄߕ HP ࠍ⏕ The following table lists Japanese Language classes ⹺ߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ offered, subject to future change. Please refer to the website for the updated information. ᣣᧄ⺆ᢎ⢒ ࡎ࡯ࡓࡍ࡯ࠫ㧦 http://international.hit-u.ac.jp/jp/courses/japanese/index.html Website㧦 http://international.hit-u.ac.jp/en/courses/japanese/index.html

ᣣᧄ⺆ᢎ⢒⑼⋡৻ⷩ㧔 ᐕ  ᦬ᤨὐ㧕

⑼⋡ 㓸ਛ ㆬᛯ ࡟ࡌ࡞ ✚ว⑼⋡ ⺒⸃ ᢥ┨⴫⃻ ญ㗡⴫⃻ ߘߩઁ

٨ᣣᧄ⺆ೋ⚖࡮ṽሼΣ ⺆٨ᣣᧄ ⺆٨ᣣᧄ ⺆٨ᣣᧄ ೋ⚖೨ ٨ᣣᧄ⺆ೋ⚖࡮ታ〣Σ ೋ⚖ ೋ⚖࡮✚วΣ* ೋ⚖࡮⺒⸃Σ ٨ᣣᧄ⺆ೋ⚖࡮ṽሼΤ ⺆٨ᣣᧄ ⺆٨ᣣᧄ ࡮㓸ਛ ೋ⚖ᓟ ٨ᣣᧄ⺆ೋ⚖࡮ታ〣Τ ೋ⚖࡮✚วΤ* ೋ⚖࡮⺒⸃Τ ٤ᣣᧄ⺆ਛ⚖࡮ṽሼ⺆ᒵΣ ⺆٤ᣣᧄ ⺆٤ᣣᧄ ⺆٤ᣣᧄ ٨ᣣᧄ⺆ਛ⚖࡮✚วΣ ਛ⚖೨ ٤ᣣᧄ⺆ਛ⚖࡮ᢥᴺ ਛ⚖࡮⺒⸃Σ ਛ⚖࡮ᢥ┨⴫⃻Σ ਛ⚖࡮ญ㗡⴫⃻Σ ٤ᣣᧄ⺆ਛ⚖࡮ṽሼ⺆ᒵΤ ⺆٤ᣣᧄ ⺆٤ᣣᧄ ⺆٤ᣣᧄ ٨ᣣᧄ⺆ਛ⚖࡮✚วΤ ਛ⚖ᓟ ਛ⚖࡮⺒⸃Τ ਛ⚖࡮ᢥ┨⴫⃻Τ ਛ⚖࡮ญ㗡⴫⃻Τ ٌ⚻ᷣߩᣣᧄ⺆ਛ⚖ ٤ᣣᧄ⺆਄⚖࡮ᢥᴺ ⺆٤ᣣᧄ ⺆٤ᣣᧄ ⺆٤ᣣᧄ ਄⚖೨ ਄⚖࡮⺒⸃Σ ਄⚖࡮ᢥ┨⴫⃻Σ ਄⚖࡮ญ㗡⴫⃻Σ ٌ⚻ᷣߩᣣᧄ⺆਄⚖Σ ળ⑼ቇߩᣣᧄ⺆਄⚖Σ␠ٌ ⺒⻠٤ᣣᧄ⺆਄⚖࡮ㄭઍᢥ⺆ᢥ ⺆٤ᣣᧄ ⺆٤ᣣᧄ ⺆٤ᣣᧄ ਄⚖࡮⺒⸃Τ ਄⚖࡮ᢥ┨⴫⃻Τ ਄⚖࡮ญ㗡⴫⃻Τ ٌ⚻ᷣߩᣣᧄ⺆਄⚖Τ ਄⚖ᓟ ⺆٤ᣣᧄ⺆ ٌᴺߩᣣᧄ ⺆٤ᣣᧄ ⺆٤ᣣᧄ ਄⚖࡮ㅦ⺒ ਄⚖࡮ቇⴚᢥ┨⴫⃻ ਄⚖࡮ቇⴚญ㗡⴫⃻ ٌ␠ળ⑼ቇߩᣣᧄ⺆਄⚖Τ ⺒⻠٤ᣣᧄ⺆਄⚖࡮ㄭઍᢥ⺆ᢥ ⺆٤ᣣᧄ ⺆٤ᣣᧄ ⺆٤ᣣᧄ *٤ᣣᧄ⺆ A ٤ᣣᧄ⺆ B* ਄⚖࡮⺒⸃Τ ਄⚖࡮ቇⴚᢥ┨⴫⃻ ਄⚖࡮ቇⴚญ㗡⴫⃻ ٌ⚻ᷣߩᣣᧄ⺆਄⚖Τ ቇㇱ ⺆٤ᣣᧄ⺆ ٌᴺߩᣣᧄ ↢ᱜⷙ ਄⚖࡮ㅦ⺒ ٌ␠ળ⑼ቇߩᣣᧄ⺆਄⚖Τ

⋠٤㧦ోቇ౒ㅢᢎ⢒⑼⋡ ٌ㧦ቇㇱᢎ⢒⑼ ⋠٨㧦࿖㓙੤ᵹ⑼

Ĵġ ୆͈਋̫වͦழ૕͂ίυΈρθȆఘଷġڠ࣭૽ၣٸ International Student Support and Programs

Japanese Language Courses (as of Feb. 2013)

Courses Intensive Elective Levels Integrated Courses Reading Writing Speaking Others

Kanji 1 ٨ Reading 1 ٨ Basic ٨ Intensive ٨ 4-Skills Practice 1 ٨ *Basic 1 Basic Japanese 1 Japanese Kanji 2 ٨ Reading 2 ٨ Basic ٨ 4-Skills Practice 2 ٨ *Basic 2 Japanese 2

Kanji & Vocabulary 1 ٤ Speaking 1 ٤ Writing 1 ٤ Reading 1 ٤ Intermediate Japanese 1 ٨ Grammar ٤ Intermediate 1

Kanji & Vocabulary 2 ٤ Speaking 2 ٤ Writing 2 ٤ Reading 2 ٤ Intermediate Japanese 2 ٨ Intermediate 2 ٌ Intermediate Japanese in Economics

Grammar ٤ Speaking 1 ٤ Writing 1 ٤ Reading 1 ٤ Advanced Japanese in Economics 1 ٌ Advanced 1 Advanced Japanese in Social Sciences 1 ٌ

Reading in Early Modern Japanese ٤ Speaking 2 ٤ Writing 2 ٤ Reading 2 ٤ Academic ٌ Advanced Japanese in Economics 2 ٤ Academic ٤ Speed Reading ٤ Advanced 2 Writing Speaking ٌ Advanced Japanese in Law Advanced Japanese in Social Sciences 2 ٌ

Reading in Early Modern Japanese ٤ Academic ٤ Academic ٤ Reading 2 ٤ *Japanese A ٤

Speed Reading Writing Speaking ٌ Advanced Japanese in Economics 2 ٤ *Japanese B ٤ For full-time undergraduate ٌ Advanced Japanese in Law students ٌ Advanced Japanese in Social Sciences 2

٤㧦General Education Courses ٌ㧦Department Education Courses ٨㧦Global Education Courses in HGP

ȪˑȫHitotsubashi University Global Education ȪˑȫHitotsubashi University Global Education Program (HGP) Program (HGP)

HGP ߪޔ৻ᯅᄢቇߩోቇ↢㧔ᣣᧄੱቇ↢࡮⇐ቇ↢㧕ࠍኻ⽎ Hitotsubashi University Global Education Program ߣߒߚޔ⧷⺆ߢ᝼ᬺ߇ⴕࠊࠇࠆ⑼⋡⟲ࠍឭଏߔࠆቇ㓙⊛ߥࡊ (HGP) offers interdisciplinary courses in English, designed for ࡠࠣ࡜ࡓߢߔޕቇ↢ߪ␠ળ⑼ቇಽ㊁ߦ߅ߌࠆᄙ᭽ߥ⑼⋡ࠍጁ both international and Japanese students. Students can ୃߔࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߔޕ․ߦ໡ቇޔ⚻ᷣቇޔᴺቇޔ␠ળቇޔ choose from a variety of courses in the Social Sciences. The IT ߥߤߦ㑐ߔࠆኾ㐷⊛ߥୃቇߩᯏળ߇ឭଏߐࠇߡ޿߹ߔޕ߹ program provides in-depth learning opportunities in the fields ߚޔHGP ߩ⑼⋡⟲ߦߪޔ㨪 ࠮ࡔࠬ࠲࡯㑆ޔᧄቇߦ⇐ቇߒ of Business, Economics, Law, Sociology, IT and others. The ߡ޿ࠆ੤ᵹቇ↢ࠍኻ⽎ߣߒߚᣣᧄ⺆⑼⋡ޔᣣᧄ੐ᖱ⑼⋡ޔߘ program also includes courses specifically designed for ߒߡ࠮ࡒ࠽࡯⑼⋡㧔ጁୃ⠪ᢙߪ೙㒢ߐࠇ߹ߔ㧕߇฽߹ࠇߡ޿ exchange students studying for one or two semesters ߹ߔޕHGP ⑼⋡ߩ߁ߜޔᣣᧄ⺆⑼⋡એᄖߪޔ਄ㅀߩߣ߅ࠅޔ ranging from Japanese Language, Japanese Affairs, and ⧷⺆ߢ᝼ᬺ߇ⴕࠊࠇ߹ߔޕ Seminars (courses with a limited number of students) all conducted in English.

ĵġ ୆͈਋̫වͦழ૕͂ίυΈρθȆఘଷڠ࣭૽ၣٸ International Student Support and Programs

௖౴໐࿝ġ Ȫ6ȫInternational Student and Study Abroadڠၣٸ୆Ȇ٬ڠȪ˒ȫၣ Advising (ISSAA) ӱ ΑΗΛέࢹ଼ Ԙ International Student Advisors  ⋧⺣ㇱ㐷ߩᢎຬࠬ࠲࠶ࡈߪ࿖㓙ᢎ⢒࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ᚲዻߩᢎຬ International Student and Study Abroad Advising faculty 㧔 ฬ㧕ߣฦ⎇ⓥ⑼ߦᚲዻߔࠆ⇐ቇ↢ኾ㐷ᢎ⢒ᢎຬ㧔 ฬ㧕ߦ staff consists of five advisors: one from the Center for Global ࠃࠅ᭴ᚑߐࠇߡ޿߹ߔޕ  Education and four from each of the four Faculties.

௖౴৒ ԙ International Student and Study Abroad Advisingڠၣٸ୆Ȇ٬ڠӲ ၣ Office (ISSAAO)  ⇐ቇ↢࡮ᶏᄖ⇐ቇ⋧⺣ቶߢߪޔ᦬㨪㊄ᦐᣣߩඦ೨  ᤨ㨪ඦ Student advising is offered in the International Student ᓟ  ᤨߣޔඦᓟ  ᤨ㨪 ᤨޔᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢߆ࠄߩ⋧⺣ߦᔕߓ and Study Abroad Advising Office (ISSAAO) from 10:00 to ߡ޿߹ߔޕᄐቄ߅ࠃ߮౻ቄભᬺᦼ㑆ਛߩ⋧⺣ቶߪ  ᤨ߆ࠄඦ 13:00 and from 14:00 to 17:00, Monday through Friday on ᓟ  ᤨ߹ߢ㐿ቶߒߡ޿߹ߔޕ႐ᚲߪ᧲ࠠࡖࡦࡄࠬߩ࿖㓙⎇ⓥ the second floor of the LS/CGE Building. Advising hours 㙚ߩ  㓏ߢߔޕ during the summer and winter breaks are from 10 to 1 only.  ᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢߆ࠄߩ⋧⺣ౝኈߪޔീᒝޔ↢ᵴޔੱ㑆㑐ଥޔ Please feel free to drop in and ask for information about ࡆࠩޔዞ⡯╬ߐ߹ߑ߹ߢߔޕߤߩࠃ߁ߥ໧㗴ߢ޽ߞߡ߽⋧⺣ your stay in Japan, whether it be study, daily life, human ߦߩࠅ߹ߔߩߢޔ᳇シߦ᧪ቶߒߡਅߐ޿ޕ⋧⺣ߩઁߦ߽ޔ࠴ relationships, visa status, or employment. The office also ࡘ࡯࠲࡯࡮LC㧔࡜ࡦࠥ࡯ࠫࠦࡒࡘ࠾࠹ࠖ࡯㧕ࡔࡦࡃ࡯ߩ⚫੺ matches you with Japanese tutors or Language Community ߿࠮ࡒ࠽࡯╬߽ታᣉߒߡ޿߹ߔޕ (LC) members. The contents of all the advising sessions are  ߥ߅ޔᢎຬࠬ࠲࠶ࡈߪቇㇱ࡮⎇ⓥ⑼ࠍ໧ࠊߕޔߤߩ⇐ቇ↢ kept strictly confidential. Advising general takes place in the ߦ߽⇐ቇ↢ߩ․ᕈࠍ⠨ᘦߒߥ߇ࠄ㇌ੱቇ↢ߣห᭽ߦኻᔕߒ߹ ISSAAO. ISSAAO advisors also provide advising in their ߔޕ⋧⺣ౝኈߦߟ޿ߡߪ⒁ኒࠍ෩቞ߒ߹ߔޕ߹ߚޔ⋧⺣ߩౝ office during their office hours. When deemed necessary, ኈߦᔕߓߡ⋧⺣ቶߢߩኻᔕߛߌߢߥߊޔᢎຬ߇⎇ⓥቶߢߩ⋧ ISSAAO advisors will also work in collaboration with your ⺣ߦᔕߓߚࠅޔᔅⷐߦᔕߓߡᚲዻߔࠆቇㇱ࡮⎇ⓥ⑼ޔቇ↢⋧ academic advisor, Student Support Center, Harassment ⺣ቶޔࡂ࡜ࠬࡔࡦ࠻⋧⺣ቶޔ଻ஜ࠮ࡦ࠲࡯╬ߣㅪ៤ࠍߣࠅߥ Office, Health Center, and/or other campus resources. ߇ࠄኻᔕߒߡ޿߹ߔޕᐕᐲߦࠃࠅᜂᒰ⠪ߩᄌᦝ߇޽ࠅ߹ߔߩ ߢޔᦨᣂߩᜂᒰ⠪ᖱႎߪࡎ࡯ࡓࡍ࡯ࠫߢ⏕⹺ߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ

ࡎ࡯ࡓࡍ࡯ࠫ㧦 Website㧦 http://international.hit-u.ac.jp/jp/cge/advising/index.html http://international.hit-u.ac.jp/en/cge/advising/index.html

!Gˎ܁࣭षࡄݪ !௖౴৒ڠၣٸ୆Ȇ٬ڠၣ

Ķġ ୆͈਋̫වͦழ૕͂ίυΈρθȆఘଷġڠ࣭૽ၣٸ International Student Support and Programs

Ȫ˓ȫΙνȜΗȜଷഽ Ȫ˓ȫTutors

ӱ ࡢ૽ΙνȜΗȜଷഽ Ԙ  Individual Tutors  ᣣᧄੱቇ↢߿వヘ⇐ቇ↢߇࠴ࡘ࡯࠲࡯ߣߒߡ୘೎ߦᄖ࿖ੱ Japanese students and senior international students ⇐ቇ↢ߩቇ⠌ߣ⎇ⓥࠍࠨࡐ࡯࠻ߔࠆ೙ᐲߢߔޕ࠴ࡘ࡯࠲࡯ࠍ serve you as individual tutors for helping international ೑↪ߢ߈ࠆᦼ㑆ߪޔᧄቇ౉ቇᓟ  ᐕ㑆ߢߔޕᧄ೙ᐲߪᣣᧄ⺆ students with their studies. Tutors are available for the first ߢߩጁୃࠍࠨࡐ࡯࠻ߔࠆ߽ߩߢޔ⺆ቇߣߒߡߩᣣᧄ⺆ߩ਄㆐ one year. The university will cover the expense of the tutors ࠍ⵬ഥߔࠆ߽ߩߢߪ޽ࠅ߹ߖࠎޕ⺆ቇߩࠨࡐ࡯࠻ࡊࡠࠣ࡜ࡓ for up to 120 hours per year (30 hours maximum per month). ߣߒߡߪޔ࡜ࡦࠥ࡯ࠫࠦࡒࡘ࠾࠹ࠖ߇޽ࠅ߹ߔޕ࠴ࡘ࡯࠲࡯ This system is also available for those who are ߦኻߒߡߪޔႎ๔ᦠߦၮߠ޿ߡᄢቇ߇  ᐕ㑆ߦ  ᤨ㑆ࠍ㒢 master/doctoral programs’ students working on a thesis or ᐲߣߒߡ⻢㊄ࠍᛄ޿߹ߔޕ ࡩ᦬ߩ਄㒢ߪ  ᤨ㑆ߢߔޕߒ߆ dissertation for 32 extra hours. ߒޔ ᦬౉ቇߩ႐วߪ  ᦬㨪 ᦬ޔ ᦬㨪 ᦬ޔߘࠇߙࠇ  The ISSAAO introduces students to a suitable tutor and ᤨ㑆߇਄㒢ߣߥࠅ߹ߔޕ߹ߚޔୃ჻㧛ඳ჻⺰ᢥࠍᦠߊߚ߼ߦ administers an orientation. Please contact ISSAAO in case ೎ㅜ  ᤨ㑆ߩ⺰ᢥ࠴ࡘ࡯࠲࡯߇೑↪ߢ߈߹ߔޕ your tutorial does not go well for reasons such as your tutor is  ࠴ࡘ࡯࠲࡯߇⷗ߟ߆ࠄߥ޿႐วߩ࠴ࡘ࡯࠲࡯ߩ⚫੺ޔ࠴ࡘ too busy to meet on a regular basis or is unable to help you ࡯࠲࡯ᵴേࠍᆎ߼ࠆ೨ߩ࠴ࡘ࡯࠲࡯ࠝ࡝ࠛࡦ࠹࡯࡚ࠪࡦߪ⇐ with the field study. A new tutor may be arranged in such ቇ↢࡮ᶏᄖ⇐ቇ⋧⺣ቶߢⴕ޿߹ߔޕ߹ߚޔ࠴ࡘ࡯࠲࡯߇ᔔߒ cases. ߊߥߞߚࠅޔኾ㐷ಽ㊁߇߆ࠊߞߚߥߤߩℂ↱߆ࠄ࠴ࡘ࡯࠲࡯ ᵴേ߇߁߹ߊ޿߆ߥߊߥߞߚࠅߒߚ႐วߦ߽ޔ⇐ቇ↢࡮ᶏᄖ ԙ  Tutors at International Resource Room ⇐ቇ⋧⺣ቶߦ᧪ߡਅߐ޿ޕ࠴ࡘ࡯࠲࡯ࠍᦧ߃ࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ In addition to individual tutors, there are tutors in the ߔޕ International Resource Room available for international students on a walk-in basis. An hour is a maximum per Ӳ ࣭ष঩ၳ৒ΙνȜΗȜଷഽ session. Graduate students serve as tutors from 10:00 to  ୘ੱ࠴ࡘ࡯࠲࡯ߩઁߦޔᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢ߩ⺕߽߇ࠕࡐࠗࡦ࠻ 13:00 and from 14:00 to 17:00, Monday through Friday to ࡔࡦ࠻ߥߒߦ⥄↱ߦ೑↪ߢ߈ࠆ࠴ࡘ࡯࠲࡯ߣߒߡޔ࿖㓙⾗ᢱ proofread your papers in Japanese or to offer advice on your ቶߩ࠴ࡘ࡯࠲࡯߇޿߹ߔ㧔ૉߒޔᦨ㐳  ᤨ㑆㧕ޕᄢቇ㒮↢࠴ࡘ academic interests. The names of tutors, their graduate ࡯࠲࡯߇ޔᲤᣣඦ೨  ᤨ㨪ඦᓟ  ᤨߣඦᓟ  ᤨ㨪 ᤨޔ⺰ᢥޔ program affiliation, and the schedule for availability are posted ࡟ࡐ࡯࠻ߩᣣᧄ⺆ᷝ೥߿ኾ㐷ᢎ⢒ߩࠕ࠼ࡃࠗࠬࠍⴕߞߡ޿߹ on the door of the International Resource Room. ߔޕߘࠇߙࠇߩᦐᣣߩᜂᒰ࠴ࡘ࡯࠲࡯ߣᚲዻ⎇ⓥ⑼ฬߪ࿖㓙 ⾗ᢱቶߩ࠼ࠕߦឝ␜ߒߡ޿߹ߔޕ Ȫ˔ȫLanguage Community Ȫ˔ȫρϋΊȜΐ΋ηνΣΞͻ Language Community (LC) is organized and operated by the students and international students of Hitotsubashi ࡜ࡦࠥ࡯ࠫࠦࡒࡘ࠾࠹ࠖ㧔Language Community: ⇛⒓ LC㧕 University. The LC was launched in April 2010 and it aims to ߣߪޔᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢ߣᧄቇቇ↢ߣ߇⋧੕ߦ⺆ቇࠍീᒝߒ޽߁ promote mutual learning of foreign language among the ߎߣࠍ⋡⊛ߣߒߚᵴേߢߔޕ ᐕᐲ߆ࠄᣂߒߊ㐿ᆎߐࠇޔ members. The application form to be a member of LC is ࡔࡦࡃ࡯ߣߥߞߚᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢㧔ਥߦ੤ᵹቇ↢㧕ߪޔᧄቇቇ available at the ISSAAO. ↢ߣ৻✜ߦޔ⺆ቇ╬ࠍᭉߒߊቇ߮޽߁ߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߔޕ ↳ߒ ㄟߺߪ㓐ᤨ⇐ቇ↢࡮ᶏᄖ⇐ቇ⋧⺣ቶߢฃߌઃߌߡ޿߹ߔޕ

࣭ष঩ၳ৒! ķġ ࣭૽ြ඾ࢃ͈਀௽̧ٸ Procedures after Arriving in Japan

  ᐕ  ᦬  ᣣ߆ࠄࠬ࠲࡯࠻ߒߚᣂߒ޿࿷⇐▤ℂ೙ᐲߩዉ A new residency management system was implemented ౉ߦࠃࠅޔᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢ߪ᧪ᣣᤨߦޟ࿷⇐ࠞ࡯࠼ޠ߇੤ઃߐ on July 9, 2012. Under the new system, international students ࠇࠆߎߣߦߥࠅ߹ߒߚޕ࿷⇐ࠞ࡯࠼ߪᏱߦ៤Ꮺߔࠆ⟵ോ߇޽ receive a Residence Card when they arrive to Japan. You ࠅ߹ߔޕߚߛߒޔᣢߦᣣᧄߦṛ࿷ߒߡ޿ࠆᣇ߇ᚲᜬߒߡ޿ࠆ must carry your Residence Card with you at all times. The ᄖ࿖ੱ⊓㍳⸽᣿ᦠߪޔ࿷⇐ᦼ㑆ᦝᣂᚻ⛯߈╬ߩ㓙ߦ࿷⇐ࠞ࡯ Alien Registration Certificate will no longer be issued. If you ࠼߇੤ઃߐࠇࠆ߹ߢߩ㑆ޔ૑ᚲߩዯ಴ ߿౉࿖▤ℂዪߢߩᚻ⛯ currently have an Alien Registration Certificate, you will ߈ߢߪ࿷⇐ࠞ࡯࠼ߣߺߥߐࠇ߹ߔߩߢޔߔߋߦ࿷⇐ࠞ࡯࠼ߦ receive a new Residence Card at the time of visa renewal. A ಾࠅ឵߃ࠆᔅⷐߪ޽ࠅ߹ߖࠎޕ current Certificate of Alien Registration may be used in lieu of the Residence Card at a local municipal office and Regional Immigration Office.

Ꮢ඙↸᧛ߢ Procedures at a municipal office Ȫˍȫਯਫ਼͈එ੄Ȇ་ࢵ (1) Notification of Address or Address Change

ᣂߚߦ᧪ᣣߒޔ಴౉࿖᷼ߦ߅޿ߡ࿷⇐ࠞ࡯࠼߇੤ઃߐࠇߚ Those who have received a Residence Card at a port ᣇߪޔ૑ᚲࠍቯ߼ߡ߆ࠄ  ᣣએౝߦޔ࿷⇐ࠞ࡯࠼ࠍᜬෳߩ਄ޔ of entry/departure must bring their Residence Card to the Ꮢ࡮඙ᓎᚲߦዯߌ಴ߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ municipal office of the community they live and report their ߹ߚޔ೎ߩᏒ඙↸᧛߳ᒁ⿧ߒࠍߔࠆ㓙ߦߪޔォ಴ߩዯ಴ address within 14 days of settling into the residence. ࠍ⃻࿷૑ࠎߢ޿ࠆᏒ඙ᓎᚲߦߡⴕ߁ߣߣ߽ߦޔォ౉ߩዯ಴ Furthermore, if you move to a different municipality, you ࠍᣂߒߊ૑߻Ꮢ࡮඙ᓎᚲߦߡⴕߞߡ޿ߚߛߊߎߣ߇ᔅⷐߣ must report your move-out to the former municipal office, ߥࠅ߹ߔޕ while you must report your move-in to your municipality having jurisdiction over your new residence. වحȪˎȫ࣭ྦྷ࠲ࢫ༗ࡏ͈͒  (2) National Health Insurance  ૑ᚲߩዯ಴ߣหᤨߦޔᏒ࡮඙ᓎᚲߢޟ࿖᳃ஜᐽ଻㒾ޠߦട ౉ߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ೨ᐕᐲή෼౉ߩනり⇐ቇ↢ߩ႐ว㧔 ᱦᧂ An international student who has completed the above procedure at a municipal office must join the Japan National ḩ㧕ޔޟ◲ᤃ↳๔ᦠޠࠍឭ಴ߔࠆߎߣߦࠃࠅޔ࿖┙Ꮢߩ଀ߢߪޔ Health Insurance scheme. If you are single and under 40 㧝ᐕ㑆ߩ଻㒾ᢱ߇⚂  ౞ߦᷫ㗵ߐࠇ߹ߔޕዊᐔᏒߪ⚂ years old and had little or no income in the previous year, your  ౞ߦߥࠅ߹ߔޕ∛㒮ߦⴕߊߣ߈ߦߪᔅߕᔓࠇߕߦ଻㒾 premium will be discounted to approximately 9,000 yen and ⸽ࠍᜬߞߡ޿ߞߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ 10,000 yen in Kodaira and Kunitachi respectively.  ଻㒾ᢱ෸߮ߘߩ⚊ઃᤨᦼߪᲤᐕㇷଢߦࠃࠅㅢ⍮ߐࠇ߹ߔޕ The insurance premium and period of its payment are ଻㒾ᢱࠍṛ⚊ߔࠆߣᑧṛ㊄߇߆߆ࠅ߹ߔߩߢޔᔅߕቯ߼ࠄࠇ annually sent by mail to you Please submit your payment ߚ⚊ઃᦼ㑆ౝߦ⚊߼ߡߊߛߐ޿ޕߎߩ଻㒾ߢᴦ≮⾌ߩ  ഀ߇ promptly during the payment period. ⽶ᜂߐࠇ߹ߔޕ Subscribers to the National Insurance pay 30 percent of ߹ߚޔᒁ⿧ߒߩ㓙ߦߪᣂߒ޿૑ᚲߩᏒ࡮඙ᓎᚲߦⴕ߈ޔᡷ the medical expenses at a clinic/hospital for any medical and ߼ߡ࿖᳃ஜᐽ଻㒾ߦട౉ߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ੹߹ߢᜬߞߡ޿ߚ଻ dental treatments covered by the Insurance. When you change your address, you must renew your 㒾⸽ߪ೨ߩᏒ࡮඙ᓎᚲߦ㄰ㆶߒޔ଻㒾ᢱߩᷡ▚ࠍᷣ߹ߖߡߊ National Health Insurance account and return your Insurance ߛߐ޿ޕ Card to the municipal office of your previous residence. Then, you should then go to the municipal office of your new residence to obtain a new Insurance Card.

ĸġ ࣭૽ြ඾ࢃ͈਀௽̧ġٸ Procedures after Arriving in Japan

౉࿖▤ℂዪߢ Procedures at a Regional Immigration Office එ੄Ȇ་ࢵ (3) Notification of (a Change of) an Item Other͈ٸȪˏȫਯਫ਼ո  than Address ౉࿖▤ℂዪߦ߅޿ߡޔᰴߩዯ಴࡮↳⺧ࠍߒߡ޿ߚߛߊ㓙ߦ ߪޔࡄࠬࡐ࡯࠻ޔ౮⌀෸߮࿷⇐ࠞ࡯࠼ࠍᜬෳߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ When you file any of the following notifications or applications below at a Regional Immigration Office, please ේೣߣߒߡޔዯ಴࡮↳⺧߇ߥߐࠇߚᣣߦޔᣂߒ޿࿷⇐ࠞ࡯࠼ bring your passport, photo, and Residence Card. Generally, a ߇੤ઃߐࠇ߹ߔޕ new Residence Card will be issued on the day you file a notification or application. Ԙ ᳁ฬޔ↢ᐕ᦬ᣣޔᕈ೎ޔ࿖☋࡮࿾ၞߩᄌᦝዯ಴ ⚿ᇕߒߡᆓ߿࿖☋࡮࿾ၞ߇ᄌࠊߞߚߣ߈߿ޔ᳁ฬޔ↢ᐕ᦬ Ԙ Notification of a change of name, date of birth, gender, or nationality/region ᣣޔᕈ೎ޔ࿖☋࡮࿾ၞࠍᄌᦝߒߚߣ߈ߪޔ ᣣએౝߦ౉࿖▤ If your name, date of birth, gender, or nationality / region ℂዪߦዯߌ಴ߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ is changed due to marriage or other reason, you must notify a 㧖 ᳁ฬߦߟ޿ߡߪޔࠕ࡞ࡈࠔࡌ࠶࠻⴫⸥ࠍේೣߣߒߡ޿߹ߔ߇ޔṽሼ㧔ᱜ Regional Immigration Office within 14 days of the change. ሼ㧕⴫⸥ࠍ૬⸥ߔࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߔޕߘߩ႐วޔṽሼ⴫⸥ߦᄌᦝ߇↢ߓߚ႐ว 㩷㩷㩷㩷㩷* Although names written in the Latin alphabet will basically be used, a ߦ߽ᄌᦝዯ಴߇ᔅⷐߣߥࠅ߹ߔߩߢߏᵈᗧߊߛߐ޿ޕ name written in Chinese character notation (orthographic) can be added. Please note that in this case, any change in Chinese character notation needs to be reported as well. ԙ ࿷⇐ࠞ࡯࠼ߩౣ੤ઃ↳⺧ ࿷⇐ࠞ࡯࠼ࠍ⚗ᄬߒߚ႐วߦߪޔߘߩ੐ታࠍ⍮ߞߚᣣ㧔ᶏ ԙ Application for re-issuance of a Residence Card ᄖߢ⍮ߞߚߣ߈ߪౣ౉࿖ߩᣣ㧕߆ࠄ  ᣣએౝߦౣ੤ઃ↳⺧ࠍ If your Residence Card is lost or stolen, please apply for ߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ re-issuance within 14 days after you realize your card is 㧖 ↳⺧ߩ㓙ߦߪޔ࿷⇐ࠞ࡯࠼ࠍᜬෳߔࠆઍࠊࠅߦ⼊ኤ⟑ߢ⊒ⴕߐࠇࠆㆮᄬ missing (or after you re-enter Japan if your card is lost or stolen outside Japan). ዯฃℂ⸽᣿ᦠޔ⋑㔍ዯฃℂ⸽᣿ᦠޔᶖ㒐⟑ߢ⊒ⴕߐࠇࠆࠅἴ⸽᣿ᦠ╬ߩ⸽᣿ᦠ (*) To apply for a re-issue, please bring a report of loss or theft report 㘃ࠍᜬෳߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ certificate issued by the Police Department or a disaster victim certificate issued by the Fire Department. Ԛ ᚲዻᯏ㑐࡮㈩஧⠪ߦ㑐ߔࠆዯ಴ ౉࿖▤ℂዪߦ߅޿ߡޔᰴߩዯ಴ࠍߔࠆ㓙ߦߪޔ࿷⇐ࠞ࡯࠼ Ԛ Notification the accepting organization and relationship ࠍᜬෳߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ߹ߚㇷㅍߦࠃࠆዯ಴ߩ႐วߪޔ࿷⇐ࠞ with spouse When you file the following notifications at a Regional ࡯࠼ߩ౮ߒࠍหኽߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕߥ߅㧘ߎߩዯ಴ߦࠃࠅޔᣂ Immigration Office, be sure to bring your Residence Card. ߒ޿࿷⇐ࠞ࡯࠼߇੤ઃߐࠇࠆߎߣߪ޽ࠅ߹ߖࠎޕ When you send in the notification by mail, please enclose a copy of your Residence Card. Please note that a new ٨ᚲዻᯏ㑐ߦ㑐ߔࠆዯ಴ Residence Card will not be issued when you file these ⇐ቇ↢߇ޔ౉ቇ࡮තᬺ࡮ㅌቇ╬ߦࠃࠅޔᚲዻᯏ㑐ࠍᄌᦝߒ notifications. ߚ႐วߦߪޔ ᣣએౝߦ౉࿖▤ℂዪ߳ߩ಴㗡෶ߪ᧲੩౉࿖▤ ࡮Notification of the accepting organization ℂዪ߳ߩㇷㅍߦࠃࠅዯ಴߇ᔅⷐߣߥࠅ߹ߔޕ When an international student changes his or her affiliated organization by enrolling, graduating, or dropping out, ٨㈩஧⠪ߦ㑐ߔࠆዯ಴ it is necessary to notify a Regional Immigration Office in ޟኅᣖṛ࿷ޠޔޟ․ቯᵴേ㧔ࡂ㧕ޠޔޟᣣᧄੱߩ㈩஧⠪╬ޠ෸߮ person or the Regional Immigration Bureau by mail ޟ᳗૑⠪ߩ㈩஧⠪╬ޠߩ࿷⇐⾗ᩰࠍ߽ߞߡ࿷⇐ߔࠆᣇ߇ޔ㈩ within 14 days of the event. ஧⠪ߣ㔌ᇕ෶ߪᱫ೎ߒߚ႐วߦߪޔ ᣣએౝߦ౉࿖▤ℂዪ߳ ࡮Notification of relationship with spouse ߩ಴㗡෶ߪ᧲੩౉࿖▤ℂዪ߳ߩㇷㅍߦࠃࠅዯߌ಴ߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ When you are staying in Japan with the resident status of "Dependent," "Designated Activities (C)," "Spouse or Child of Japanese National," or "Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident" and separate from your spouse by divorce or death, you have to notify a Regional Immigration Office in person or the Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau by mail within 14 days of the event.

Ĺġ ࣭૽ြ඾ࢃ͈਀௽̧ٸ Procedures after Arriving in Japan

㌁ⴕ࡮ㇷଢዪߢ Procedures at a bank / post office ୭ (4) Opening a Bank AccountٳȪːȫ߆࣐࢛ज

 ࿖⾌ᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢ᅑቇ㊄߿ቇ⠌ᅑബ⾌ޔ߹ߚ৻ᯅᄢቇၮ㊄ MEXT Scholarship, “Gakushu Shoreihi” and ᅑቇ㊄ߪޔࠁ߁ߜࠂ㌁ⴕญᐳߦᝄࠅㄟ߹ࠇ߹ߔߩߢޔㇷଢዪ Hitotsubashi University Fund Scholarship are deposited into a recipient's postal saving account. Therefore, it is necessary for ߢญᐳࠍ㐿⸳ߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕࠁ߁ߜࠂ㌁ⴕએᄖߢߪޔ㧶㧾࿖ recipients of the scholarships to open an account at Japan ┙㚞೨ߩਃ੗૑෹㌁ⴕ࿖┙ᡰᐫࠍ൘߼߹ߔޕญᐳ㐿⸳ߦᔅⷐ Post Bank (Yucho). If you would like to open an account at ߥ߽ߩߪએਅߩߣ߅ࠅߢߔޕ other banks, we recommend Sumitomo-Mitsui Bank's Ԙ ࡄࠬࡐ࡯࠻ Kunitachi Branch Office. ԙ ࿷⇐ࠞ࡯࠼ The following documents are necessary to open a bank Ԛ ශ㐓㧔ᄖ࿖ੱߩ႐วߪࠨࠗࡦߛߌߢ߽น㧕 account:  ญᐳ㐿⸳ߣหᤨߦࠠࡖ࠶ࠪࡘࠞ࡯࠼ࠍ↳ߒㄟ߻ߣࠃ޿ߢߒ Ԙ Passport ࠂ߁ޕࠦࡦࡆ࠾ࠛࡦࠬࠬ࠻ࠕߩ ATM ߢ߽೑↪ߢ߈߹ߔޕߥ ԙ Residence Card Personal seal (Hanko): As a legal foreign resident, you ߅ޔᣂⷙᷰᣣ⠪ߪޔᷰᣣᓟඨᐕ㑆ߪࠠࡖ࠶ࠪࡘࠞ࡯࠼ߦࠃࠆ Ԛ can use your signature instead if you prefer. Some ᝄㄟߺ߿ญᐳᒁ߈⪭ߣߒ߇ߢ߈ߥ޿႐ว߇޽ࠆߩߢޔᵈᗧߒ restrictions may apply. ߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ Upon opening your account, you should apply for an ATM card so that you can withdraw your money from ATMs. Please note, however, that withdrawal fees may apply depending on the day of the week and time of the day. The ATM card can also be used at the ATMs of other banks and at convenience stores, but some withdrawal and service fees will be added.

If this is your first stay in Japan, you may not be able to use your ATM for bank transfers or apply for automatic withdrawal for six months after your arrival in Japan.

ĺġ ੨਀௽̧ġ͂ڒहၣ঩ Immigration Services

ࢵ૧ġ (1) Extension of Period of Stay͈ۼܢġ Ȫˍȫहၣ   ⇐ቇ↢㧔࿷⇐⾗ᩰޟ⇐ቇޠ㧕ߣߒߡᣣᧄߦ࿷⇐ࠍ⸵นߐࠇࠆ The Ministry of Justice’s Immigration Bureau admits ᦼ㑆ߪޔᴺോ⋭౉࿖▤ℂዪߦࠃࠅޔ ᦬ޔ ᦬ޔ ᐕޔ ᐕ  international students (Residence Status: College Student) ᦬ޔ ᐕޔ ᐕ  ᦬ޔ ᐕޔ ᐕ  ᦬ޔ ᐕ෸߮  ᐕ  ᦬ߩ޿ into Japan using one of the following periods of stay: 3 ߕࠇ߆ߦ᳿ቯߐࠇ߹ߔޕ months, 6 months, 1 year, 1 year and 3 months, 2 years, 2 years and 3 months, 3years, 3 years and 3 months, 4years, ㅴቇޔㅴ⚖ߥߤߢᒁ߈⛯߈ᣣᧄߦṛ࿷ߔࠆߣ߈ߪޔ࿷⇐ᦼ or 4 years and 3 months. 㑆ᦝᣂߩᚻ⛯߈߇ᔅⷐߢߔޕ౉࿖▤ℂዪߪޔ࿷⇐ᦼ㒢ߩᣣߩ Those who wish to proceed to a higher level of study or  ࡩ᦬೨߆ࠄᦝᣂ⸵น↳⺧ࠍฃߌઃߌ߹ߔߩߢޔ࿷⇐ᦼ㑆ߩ otherwise continue studying in Japan will need to apply for an ḩੌߔࠆᒰᣣ߹ߢߦޔਅ⸥ߩᔅⷐᦠ㘃ࠍឭ಴ߒޔᔅߕᚻ⛯߈ extension of their period of stay. To apply, submit the items ࠍⴕߞߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ ߹ߚޔ࿯࡮ᣣ࡮␸ᣣߪ౉࿖▤ℂዪߪ㐽߹ listed below to a Regional Immigration Office. Applications ߞߡ޿߹ߔߩߢߏᵈᗧߊߛߐ޿ޕᦝᣂᚻ⛯߈ߥߒߢ࿷⇐ᦼ㒢 can be accepted starting 3 months before your period of stay ࠍ⿧߃ߚṛ࿷ߪਇᴺ࿷⇐ߣߺߥߐࠇޔㅌ෰ᒝ೙ᚻ⛯߈ߩኻ⽎ ends. Please note that Regional Immigration Offices are ߦߥࠅ߹ߔޕ closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays. Anyone who stays in Japan beyond the authorized period is  ↳⺧ߦᔅⷐߥᦠ㘃ߣ⾌↪ߪᰴߩㅢࠅߢߔޕ subjected to punishment and/or deportation by the Immigration Control Act. Ԙ ࿷⇐ᦝᣂ⸵น↳⺧ᦠ㧔↪⚕ߪ࿖㓙⺖੐ോቶߦ޽ࠅ߹ߔޕ ߹ߚᴺോ⋭ߩࡎ࡯ࡓࡍ࡯ࠫ߆ࠄ߽࠳࠙ࡦࡠ࡯࠼ߢ߈߹ Required documents and handling fee are as follows: ߔޕ㧕 Ԙ Application for Extension of Period of Stay (Available  http://www.moj.go.jp/ONLINE/IMMIGRATION/16-3.html either at the International Affairs office or at the following ԙ ౮⌀  ᨎ㧔cm˜cm ᦨㄭ  ࠞ᦬એౝߦ᠟ᓇ㧕 site) Ԛ ࿷ቇ⸽᣿ᦠ㧔ቇㇱ↢ߪᢎോ⺖ޔᄢቇ㒮↢ߪฦ⎇ⓥ⑼੐ോ http://www.moj.go.jp/ONLINE/IMMIGRATION/16-3.html ቶ߇⊒ⴕߒ߹ߔޕ㧕 ԙ ID photo taken within the last 3 months (4 cm × 3 cm) ԛ ቇᬺᚑ❣⸽᣿ᦠ㧔ห਄㧕 Ԛ Certificate of enrollment (available at the Educational Ԝ ࡄࠬࡐ࡯࠻ Affairs Division (Kyomu-ka) for undergraduate students ԝ ࿷⇐ࠞ࡯࠼ and at the graduate schools’ offices for graduate-level Ԟ ቇ↢⸽ students) ԟ ᚻᢙᢱ  ౞ ԛ Transcript (same as above) Ԡ ⚻⾌ᡰᑯࠍ┙⸽ߔࠆ⾗ᢱ㧦ᅑቇ㊄ᡰ⛎⸽᣿ᦠޔㅍ㊄⸽᣿ Ԝ Passport ᦠޔ㗍㊄ㅢᏭߩ౮ߒ╬ ԝ Residence Card Ԟ Student ID ̪ߘߩઁޔ౉࿖▤ℂዪߩ್ᢿߦࠃࠅޔઁߩ⸽᣿ᦠ╬ߩឭ಴ࠍ ԟ Application fee of 4,000 yen ᳞߼ࠄࠇࠆ႐ว߇޽ࠅ߹ߔޕ Ԡ Financial documents certifying that the applicant can defray all the expenses incurred during the stay in Japan, e.g. a scholarship certificate, evidence of remittance, and ৻ᯅᄢቇ߆ࠄ⥄ォゞߢ  ಽ૏ߩߣߎࠈߦ޽ࠆ᧲੩౉࿖▤ photocopies of applicant’s bank book. ℂዪ┙Ꮉ಴ᒛᚲߢޔ࿷⇐ᦼ㑆ߩᦝᣂࠍߪߓ߼ޔၮᧄ⊛ߥ౉▤ *The Immigration Bureau may, at its own discretion, request ᚻ⛯߈ࠍߔࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߔ㧔┙Ꮉ಴ᒛᚲߩ࿾࿑ߪ R㧕ޕ submission of other documentation as well.

The Tachikawa Branch of the Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau is located approximately 15 minutes away by bicycle from Hitotsubashi University (Kunitachi Campus). In addition to application for the extension of period of stay, the following applications are processed at this Branch.

IJıġ ੨਀௽̧͂ڒहၣ঩ Immigration Services

་ࢵġ (2) Change of Visa Status͈ڒȪˎȫहၣ঩

 ᄢቇߩ⇐ቇ↢ߣߒߡ⎇ⓥ࡮ቇ⠌ࠍߔࠆߚ߼ߩ࿷⇐⾗ᩰߪޔ Generally, international students who study or research ේೣߣߒߡޟ⇐ቇޠߢߔޕ ᅑቇ㊄߿ᄢቇኋ⥢߳ߩ↳ߒㄟߺޔ at a Japanese university have a designation of as "Student" ߹ߚࠕࡄ࡯࠻ߩㅪᏪ଻⸽ੱࠍ৻ᯅᄢቇ߳ଐ㗬ߔࠆ႐วߥߤߦ for their Residence Status. This student status is required for ߪޔ࿷⇐⾗ᩰ߇ޟ⇐ቇޠߢ޽ࠆߎߣࠍ᳞߼ࠄࠇ߹ߔ߆ࠄޔޟ⇐ various procedures, including scholarship applications and a ቇޠએᄖߩ࿷⇐⾗ᩰߩੱߪޔޟ⇐ቇޠߦᄌᦝߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ㧔 request for the university to serve as guarantor for apartment ᐕ  ᦬  ᣣએ㒠࿷⇐⾗ᩰޟዞቇޠߪ࿷⇐⾗ᩰޟ⇐ቇޠߣߺߥ leases. Once enrolled in the university, those who have status ߐࠇࠆࠃ߁ߦߥߞߡ޿߹ߔޕ㧕 other than “Student” are required to change their status to "Student." (Starting from July 1, 2010, the "pre-college ↳⺧ߦᔅⷐߥᦠ㘃ߣ⾌↪ߪᰴߩㅢࠅߢߔޕ student" status is treated the same as the "student" status.)

Ԙ ࿷⇐⾗ᩰᄌᦝ⸵น↳⺧ᦠ㧔↪⚕ߪ࿖㓙⺖੐ോቶߦ޽ࠅ߹ Required documents and handling fee are as follows: ߔޕ߹ߚޔᴺോ⋭ߩࡎ࡯ࡓࡍ࡯ࠫ߆ࠄ߽࠳࠙ࡦࡠ࡯࠼ߢ ߈߹ߔޕ㧕 Ԙ Application for Change of Status of Residence (Available either at the International Affairs Office or at the following  http://www.moj.go.jp/ONLINE/IMMIGRATION/16-2.html site) ԙ ౮⌀  ᨎ㧔cm˜ cm ᦨㄭ  ࠞ᦬એౝߦ᠟ᓇ㧕 http://www.moj.go.jp/ONLINE/IMMIGRATION/16-2.html Ԛ ࡄࠬࡐ࡯࠻ ԙ ID photo taken within the last 3 months (4 cm × 3 cm) ԛ ࿷⇐ࠞ࡯࠼ Ԛ Passport Ԝ ౉ቇ⸵นᦠߩ౮ߒ㧔ߔߢߦ࿷ቇߒߡ޿ࠆ႐วߪ࿷ቇ⸽᣿ ԛ Residence Card ᦠ㧕 Ԝ Photocopy of letter of acceptance issued by the ԝ ᚻᢙᢱ  ౞ University (if already enrolled, certificate of enrollment) Ԟ ⚻⾌ᡰᑯࠍ┙⸽ߔࠆ⾗ᢱ㧦ᅑቇ㊄ᡰ⛎⸽᣿ᦠޔㅍ㊄⸽᣿ ԝ Application fee of 4,000 yen ᦠޔ㗍㊄ㅢᏭߩ౮ߒ╬ Ԟ Financial documents certifying that the applicant concerned can defray all the expenses incurred during ̪ߘߩઁޔ౉࿖▤ℂዪߩ್ᢿߦࠃࠅޔઁߩ⸽᣿ᦠ╬ߩឭ಴ࠍ his/her stay in Japan, e.g. a scholarship award certificate, ᳞߼ࠄࠇࠆ႐ว߇޽ࠅ߹ߔޕ evidence of remittance, and photocopies of applicant’s bank book Ȳ௾ުࢃ͈తहȳ *The Immigration Bureau may, at its own discretion, request තᬺᓟߦޟ⇐ቇޠߩ࿷⇐⾗ᩰߩ߹߹ᣣᧄߦṛ࿷ߒߡߪ޿ߌ߹ submission of other documentation as well. ߖࠎޕ ᄢቇࠍතᬺߒߚᓟߦޔᣣᧄߩડᬺ╬ߢ઀੐ࠍߒߚࠅޔዞ⡯ After graduation, the international students must not ᵴേࠍ⛮⛯ߔࠆ႐วߦߪޔઁߩᱷ⇐⾗ᩰ߳ᄌᦝߔࠆᔅⷐ߇޽ stay in Japan with a visa status of “student”. Those continuing ࠅ߹ߔޕዞ⡯ᵴേ⛮⛯ߩߚ߼ߦߪޔᦨ㐳ߢ  ᣣ㧔 ᣣ˜ to job-search in Japan will need to change their status to ࿁㧕ޟ․ቯᵴേޠߢߩ࿷⇐߇⹺߼ࠄࠇ߹ߔޕౕ૕⊛ߥ↳⺧ᣇᴺ “Designated Activities” while those have secured employment ߦߟ޿ߡߪޔ᧲੩౉࿖▤ℂዪߦ໧޿วࠊߖߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ in Japan will need to change their status to “Employment”. You can apply for a "Designated Activities" visa, which allows you to stay in Japan for a job search for a maximum of 360 days (a 180-day period that is renewable once). For more information on this status, contact the Immigration Bureau.

IJIJġ ੨਀௽̧ġ͂ڒहၣ঩ Immigration Services

Ȫˏȫ֚শ੄࣭͂ठව࣭ġ (3) Re-entry Permit

 ࿷ቇᦼ㑆ਛߦ৻ᤨ⊛ߦᏫ࿖ߒߚࠅޔઁߩ࿖߳಴߆ߌࠆ႐ว If you leave Japan for a short period of time, you must ߦߪޔ੐೨ߦᜰዉᢎຬߦㅪ⛊ߒޔ࿖㓙⺖ߦߡޟ಴࿖ዯޠࠍឭ report it to your academic advisor, and hand in the ಴ߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ߹ߚޔ࿖㓙੤ᵹળ㙚߿ዊᐔ࿖㓙ቇ↢ኋ⥢ߥ “Temporary Leaving Form” to the International Affairs Office ߤ⥄ಽߩ૑ࠎߢ޿ࠆߣߎࠈߩ▤ℂੱ㧔ࠕࡄ࡯࠻ߩ႐วߪኅਥ (Kokusai-ka). Also, please let the office of the International ߐࠎ㧕ߦ߽ᔅߕዯߌ಴ߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ House / the International Village / the landlord (realtor) of your  ಴࿖ߔࠆ㓙ߦޔ ᐕએౝߢ߆ߟ᦭ലߥ࿷⇐ᦼ㑆ౝߦౣ౉࿖ apartment notify your period of absence. ߔࠆ႐วߪޔේೣߣߒߡޟౣ౉࿖⸵นޠࠍฃߌࠆᔅⷐ߇޽ࠅ Those who plan to re-enter Japan within one year of ߹ߖࠎޕߚߛߒޔ᦭ലᦼ㒢ౝߦౣ౉࿖ߒߥ޿ߣ࿷⇐⾗ᩰ߇ᄬ departure and before the expiration of their period of stay, will ࠊࠇ߹ߔޕ߹ߚޔ᦭ലᦼ㒢ࠍᶏᄖߢᑧ㐳ߔࠆߎߣ߽ߢ߈߹ߖ not be required to apply for a Re-entry Permit. However, ࠎߩߢᵈᗧߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ residents who fail to re-enter Japan within the valid period will lose their resident status. Furthermore, please note that the period of validity of a Special Re-entry Permit cannot be .ͺσΨͼΠ extended while abroad͂خ൲ݺڰٸڒȪːȫ ঩

ޟ⇐ቇޠߩ࿷⇐⾗ᩰߪޔዞഭᵴേ㧔෼౉ࠍ઻߁੐ᬺࠍㆇ༡ ߔࠆᵴേ෶ߪႎ㈽ࠍฃߌࠆᵴേ㧕ࠍⴕ߁ߎߣ߇⹺߼ࠄࠇߡ޿ (4) Activities Other Than Those Authorized (Work ߹ߖࠎޕߚߛߒޔ㘑ଶ༡ᬺ╬৻ㇱߩ⡯⒳ࠍ㒰޿ߡޔ⇐ቇਛߦ Permit) and Part-time Jobs ߅ߌࠆീቇ࡮⎇ⓥࠍᅹߍߥ޿▸࿐ౝߢߩࠕ࡞ࡃࠗ࠻߇⹺߼ࠄ ࠇ߹ߔޕߒߚ߇ߞߡޔࠕ࡞ࡃࠗ࠻ࠍߔࠆ႐วߪޔ੐೨ߦ౉࿖ International students coming to Japan under the ▤ℂዪߢ⾗ᩰᄖᵴേߩ⸵นࠍฃߌࠆᔅⷐ߇޽ࠅ߹ߔޕ resident/visa status of a “College Student” are not allowed to ߎߩ⾗ᩰᄖᵴേߩ⸵นࠍฃߌࠆߎߣߥߊࠕ࡞ࡃࠗ࠻ࠍⴕߞ work in general. However, they may engage in part-time work ߚࠅޔฃߌߡ޿ߡ߽⑌ᱛߐࠇߚౝኈߩ઀੐ߢ޽ߞߚࠅޔ߹ߚ by permission from the Immigration Bureau as long as the ߪ೙㒢ᤨ㑆એ਄ߩࠕ࡞ࡃࠗ࠻ࠍⴕ߁ߣޔᦨᖡߩ႐วޔㅌ෰ᒝ work does not interfere with their studies and the work activity ೙ߩኻ⽎ߣߥࠅ߹ߔޕ․ߦᦨㄭߢߪޔᏁᅱߥᚻญߢ⑌ᱛߐࠇ is not deemed illegal by immigration regulations. ߡ޿ࠆࠕ࡞ࡃࠗ࠻ߦ⺃޿ㄟ߹ࠇޔ៰⊒ߐࠇߡߒ߹߁ࠤ࡯ࠬ߇ If you engage in an activity not authorized by a “College ޽ࠅ߹ߔߩߢޔዋߒߢ߽⇼໧ࠍᗵߓߚࠄޔߔߋߦ࿖㓙⺖߿⇐ Student” status without permission or if you work more than ቇ↢࡮ᶏᄖ⇐ቇ⋧⺣ቶߦ⋧⺣ߒ߹ߒࠂ߁ޕ legally permitted hours (see below), you may be subject to ߥ߅ᣂⷙ౉࿖⠪ߢޟ⇐ቇޠߩ࿷⇐⾗ᩰ߇᳿ቯߐࠇߚᣇ㧔ߚ punishment including deportation. Please contact the ߛߒ  ᦬ߩ࿷⇐ᦼ㑆߇᳿ቯߐࠇߚੱࠍ㒰ߊ㧕ࠍኻ⽎ߣߒߡޔ International Affairs Office (Kokusai-ka) or ISSAAO ಴౉࿖᷼ߦ߅޿ߡޔ⾗ᩰᄖᵴേ⸵นߩ↳⺧߇ߢ߈ࠆࠃ߁ߦߥ (Ryugakusei-Kaigairyugaku Sodanshitsu) if you are ࠅ߹ߒߚޕ wondering whether a part-time job you will apply for is appropriate for a student visa holder or not.  ↳⺧ߦᔅⷐߥᦠ㘃ߪᰴߩㅢࠅߢߔޕ Permission to engage in an activity other than that permitted under the resident status may be given at the port Ԙ ⾗ᩰᄖᵴേ⸵น↳⺧ᦠ㧔↪⚕ߪ౉࿖▤ℂዪߦ޽ࠅ߹ߔޕ of entry except for those who have been granted a period of ߹ߚᴺോ⋭ߩࡎ࡯ࡓࡍ࡯ࠫ߆ࠄ߽࠳࠙ࡦࡠ࡯࠼ߢ߈߹ stay of three months. ߔޕ㧕  http://www.moj.go.jp/ONLINE/IMMIGRATION/16-8.html Required documents are as follows: ԙ ࡄࠬࡐ࡯࠻ Ԛ ࿷⇐ࠞ࡯࠼ Ԙ Permit to Engage in Activity Other Than That Permitted ԛ ቇ↢⸽ Under The Status of Residence Previously Granted (Available either at a Regional Immigration Office or at the following site) http://www.moj.go.jp/ONLINE/IMMIGRATION/16-8.html ԙ Passport Ԛ Residence Card ԛ Student ID

IJijġ ੨਀௽̧͂ڒहၣ঩ Immigration Services

ࠕ࡞ࡃࠗ࠻ߣߒߡߩ⾗ᩰᄖᵴേ߇⸵นߐࠇࠆౝኈߪᰴߩߣ The Immigration Law stipulates “Student” visa holders ߅ࠅߢߔޕ work for no more than 28 hours per week (and 8 hours per  ోߡߩ⇐ቇ↢ߪ  ㅳ㑆  ᤨ㑆એౝޔ㧔㐳ᦼભᥜਛߦ޽ߞߡ day during university vacations). Even within the  ᣣ  ᤨ㑆એౝ㧕ߩ෼౉ࠍ઻߁੐ᬺࠍㆇ༡ߔࠆᵴേ෶ߪႎ㈽ aforementioned hours, you are not allowed to work in an adult ࠍฃߌࠆᵴേߦᓥ੐ߔࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߔޕߚߛߒޔ㘑ଶ༡ᬺ entertainment services such as a hostess bar or a cabaret, 㧔ࡎࠬ࠻߿ࡎࠬ࠹ࠬߩ޿ࠆࠢ࡜ࡉߥߤ㧕෶ߪ㘑ଶ༡ᬺ㑐ㅪ㧔ࡄ where an attendant serves customers at their table, or a ࠴ࡦࠦᐫޔࡑ࡯ࠫࡖࡦᐫޔࠥ࡯ࡓ࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ߥߤ㧕߇༡߹ࠇߡ gambling establishment, e.g. a pachinko or game parlor. ޿ࠆ༡ᬺᚲߢ௛ߊߎߣߪߢ߈߹ߖࠎޕߎ߁ߒߚᬺ⒳ߩᐫߢߪޔ ߚߣ߃⋁ᵞ޿߿᝹㒰ߩࠃ߁ߥ઀੐ߢ߽௛ߊߎߣߪ⑌ᱛߐࠇߡ If your spouse is staying in Japan with the visa status of ޿߹ߔޕ “Dependent”, and would like to obtain a part-time job, s/he must also apply for the aforementioned permit. The permitted ⇐ቇ↢ߩኅᣖ㧔ޟኅᣖṛ࿷ޠ㧕߇ࠕ࡞ࡃࠗ࠻ࠍߔࠆ႐ว߽ޔ spouse can work for a maximum of 28 hours per week under ౉࿖▤ℂዪ߳ߩዯ಴߇ᔅⷐߢߔޕࠕ࡞ࡃࠗ࠻వࠍᄌᦝߒߚ႐ the same conditions described to the aforementioned วޔᣂߒߊ⸵น↳⺧ࠍߒߥߌࠇ߫ߥࠅ߹ߖࠎޕኅᣖߩࠕ࡞ࡃ international students regarding work. ࠗ࠻ߪ ㅳ㑆 ᤨ㑆એౝ㧔ᤨ㑆㈩ಽߪ⥄↱㧕ߣߥߞߡ޿߹ߔޕ Looking for Part-time Jobs ࠕ࡞ࡃࠗ࠻ߩ⚫੺ Job-openings are posted on the bulletin board of the  ᣣᧄቇ↢ᡰេᯏ᭴㧔ᣥౝᄖቇ↢࠮ࡦ࠲࡯㧕߆ࠄߩࠕ࡞ࡃࠗ Student Affairs Office (Gakusei-shien-ka) in cooperation with ࠻⚫੺߇ቇ↢ᡰេ⺖ߦឝ␜ߐࠇߡ޿߹ߔޕ⥝๧ߩ޽ࠆࠕ࡞ࡃ the Japan Student Services Organization. ࠗ࠻߇޽ࠇ߫ቇ↢ᡰេ⺖߆ࠄߘߩ઀੐ߩ᭎ⷐࠍ౉ᚻߔࠆߎߣ ߇ߢ߈߹ߔޕ

IJĴġ ੨਀௽̧ġ͂ڒहၣ঩ Immigration Services

௼తहȷȫġ ġ (5) Obtaining Family ("Dependent") VisasزȪȶ̵ܙ௼͈ࡤ͍زȪˑȫ

 ⇐ቇ↢߇ኅᣖ㧔㈩஧⠪ߣሶଏߩߺ㧕ࠍ๭߮ነߖޔᣣᧄߢ৻ If you wish to have family members (spouse and ✜ߦ↢ᵴߔࠆ႐วޔߘߩኅᣖߪޔ࿷⇐⾗ᩰޟኅᣖṛ࿷ޠࠍข children) come to Japan and live together with you, those ᓧߔࠆߎߣ߇ᔅⷐߢߔޕ family members need to obtain visas with the status of ᣣᧄߦ޿ࠆ⇐ቇ↢߇ޔ๭߮ነߖࠆኅᣖߩઍℂߣߒߡ౉࿖▤ residence "dependent." ℂዪߢ↳⺧ࠍⴕ߁ߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߔޕ International students already in Japan can apply for dependent visas at a Regional Immigration Office on behalf of  ↳⺧ߦᔅⷐߥᦠ㘃ߪᰴߩㅢࠅߢߔޕ their family members.

Ԙ ࿷⇐⾗ᩰ⹺ቯ⸽᣿ᦠ੤ઃ↳⺧ᦠ㧔ኅᣖ 1 ੱߦߟ߈ 1 ᨎޕ Required documents are as follows: ↪⚕ߪ౉࿖▤ℂዪߦ޽ࠅ߹ߔޕ߹ߚᴺോ⋭ߩࡎ࡯ࡓࡍ࡯ ࠫ߆ࠄ߽࠳࠙ࡦࡠ࡯࠼ߢ߈߹ߔޕ㧕 Ԙ Application for Certificate of Eligibility (Each family http://www.moj.go.jp/ONLINE/IMMIGRATION/16-1.html member needs to make one. Available either at at ԙ ኅᣖߩ౮⌀  ᨎ㧔cm˜cm ᦨㄭ  ࠞ᦬એౝߦ᠟ᓇ㧕 Regional Immigration Office or at the following site.) Ԛ  ౞ಽߩಾᚻࠍ⾍ߞߚኽ╴㧔⇐ቇ↢ߩ૑ᚲޔ᳁ฬࠍᦠ http://www.moj.go.jp/ONLINE/IMMIGRATION/16-1.html ޿ߚ߽ߩ㧕 ԙ 1 ID Photo of each applicant taken within the last 3 ԛ ⇐ቇ↢ߣኅᣖߩ㑐ଥࠍ⸽᣿ߔࠆᦠ㘃㧔⚿ᇕ⸽᣿ᦠේᧄ㧔㈩ months (4 cm × 3 cm) ஧⠪㧕ޔ಴↢⸽᣿ᦠේᧄ㧔ሶଏ㧕ߥߤ㧕 Ԛ Self-addressed envelope with a ¥380 stamp Ԝ ⇐ቇ↢ߩ࿷⇐ࠞ࡯࠼߹ߚߪࡄࠬࡐ࡯࠻ߩ౮ߒ㧔㗻౮⌀߅ ԛ Document certifying the family member’s relationship ࠃ߮⸽ශߩࡍ࡯ࠫ㧕 with you, such as an original of the marriage certificate ԝ ⚻⾌ᡰᑯ⢻ജࠍ⸽᣿ߔࠆᦠ㘃㧔ኅᣖ߇ᣣᧄߦṛ࿷ߔࠆߩ (spouse) or an original of birth certificate (child) ߦචಽߢ޽ࠆߎߣߩ⸽᣿㧦ᅑቇ㊄ฃ⛎⸽᣿ᦠޔᧄ࿖߆ࠄ Ԝ Copy of your Residence Card or passport ߩㅍ㊄ࠍ⸽᣿ߔࠆ߽ߩޔ㗍㊄ㅢᏭߩ౮ߒ╬㧕 ԝ Financial documents certifying that you can defray all the Ԟ ࿷ቇ⸽᣿ᦠ㧔ቇㇱ↢ߪᢎോ⺖ޔᄢቇ㒮↢ߪฦ⎇ⓥ⑼੐ോ expenses of your family member incurred during his/her ቶ߇⊒ⴕߒ߹ߔޕ㧕 stay in Japan, e.g. a certificate of scholarship, evidence ԟ ⇐ቇ↢ߩዬᚲࠍ⸽᣿ߔࠆᦠ㕙㧔⾓⾉୫ᄾ⚂ᦠߩ౮ߒ╬ޕ of remittance, and photocopies of applicant's bank book. ⃻࿷৻ੱ૑߹޿ߩ႐วߪޔ๭߮ነߖࠆኅᣖߣหዬߢ߈ࠆ Ԟ Certificate of enrollment (available at the Academic ૑ዬࠍតߒߡ޿ࠆᣦߩℂ↱ᦠ߽ᔅⷐߢߔޕ㧕 Affairs Division (Kyomu-ka) for undergraduate students and at Graduate Schools' offices for graduate-level ̪ ߘߩઁޔ౉࿖▤ℂዪߩ್ᢿߦࠃࠅޔઁߩ⸽᣿ᦠ╬ߩឭ಴ࠍ students.) ᳞߼ࠄࠇࠆ႐ว߇޽ࠅ߹ߔޕ ԟ Document showing proof of address (copy of rental agreement. If currently living alone, a written proof showing that your accommodation can legally accommodate the family you wish to bring over or that you are actively looking for family accommodation.)

*The Immigration Bureau may, at its own discretion, request submission of other documentation as well.

IJĵġ ੨਀௽̧͂ڒहၣ঩ Immigration Services

 All documents in foreign languages must be  ฦ⹦⚦ߦߟ޿ߡߪޔਅ⸥ߩ᧲੩౉࿖▤ℂዪ┙Ꮉ಴ᒛᚲࠍᆎ accompanied by translations into Japanese. Other ߼ߣߔࠆฦ౉࿖▤ℂቭ⟑ߦ໧޿วࠊߖߡߊߛߐ޿ޕߥ߅ޔߔ documents may be required by the officer in charge for ߴߡߩᦠ㘃ߦ㑐ߒߡޔᄖ࿖⺆ߦࠃࠅ૞ᚑߐࠇߡ޿ࠆ߽ߩߪޔ precise screening. For further information on this matter, ᣣᧄ⺆⸶ࠍᷝઃߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ contact the Immigration Office.

Ȫ˒ȫTachikawa Branch ၑޫġ ၛ୼੄ಫਫ਼ۯව࣭ނȪ˒ȫ൐ Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau ᧲੩ㇺ࿖┙Ꮢർ 㧙㧙 Tachikawa Homu Sogo Chosha ┙Ꮉᴺോ✚วᐡ⥢  ıĵijĮĶijĹĮĸIJĸĺ 3-31-2 Kita, Kunitachi-shi, Tokyo Phone: 042-528-7179

 ੤ㅢᯏ㑐㧦 Access Ԙ JR ┙Ꮉ㚞ർญ߆ࠄᱠ޿ߡ  ಽ Ԙ From Kitaguchi (North Exit) of JR Tachikawa Station

ࡃࠬߩ೑↪ࠍ߅൘߼ߒ߹ߔ㧦ർญ㚞೨ࡃࠬ஗㧔┙Ꮉࡃࠬ㧕 The branch office is within thirty minutes' walk from the ߆ࠄ  ⇟ޟർ↸ޠ㧔߈ߚ߹ߜ㧕ⴕ߈ߦਸ਼ࠅޔޟᄙ៺ゞᬌ႐ޠ station. Bus services are more convenient. Outside the ߢ㒠ࠅߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ Kitaguchi (North Exit), bus stops of the Tachikawa Bus company can be found. At one of the stops, take a No.12-line ԙ JR ࿖┙㚞ർญ߆ࠄᱠ޿ߡ  ಽ bus for Kitamachi, and get off at Tama Shakenjo Mae stop.

࿖┙㚞߆ࠄࡃࠬߪ޽ࠅ߹ߖࠎޕ ԙ From the Kitaguchi (North Exit) of JR Kunitachi Station

The branch office is within thirty minutes' walk from the station. Bus services are not available.

Convenience Store

IJĶġ ੨਀௽̧ġ͂ڒहၣ঩ Immigration Services

Immigration Information Center ࣭૽हၣ Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureauٸၑޫۯව࣭ނ൐ ௙ࣣͼϋέ΁ιȜΏοϋΓϋΗȜ 5-5-30 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo Phone: 03-5796-7112 ᧲੩ㇺ᷼඙᷼ධ 㧙㧙   ıĴĮĶĸĺķĮĸIJIJij Website: http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/ ࡎ࡯ࡓࡍ࡯ࠫ㧦http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/ E-mail: [email protected] E-mail [email protected]

IJķġ ၎ġ ਘ Course Registrations

၎ਘഴ჏̞̾̀ͅġ About Course Registration ġ A special course registration session for exchange students is ᱜⷙቇ↢ߦߟ޿ߡߩጁୃ⊓㍳ߪޔᣣᧄੱቇ↢ߣวหߢⴕࠊࠇ provided during the international student orientation and ࠆࠝ࡝ࠛࡦ࠹࡯࡚ࠪࡦߦߡ⺑᣿߇޽ࠅ߹ߔޕ੤ᵹቇ↢ߦߪޔ course registration guidelines are explained in the session. ⇐ቇ↢ࠝ࡝ࠛࡦ࠹࡯࡚ࠪࡦߩਛߢጁୃ⊓㍳ߦ㑐ߔࠆ⺑᣿ࠍⴕ Undergraduate exchange students must register on a ޿߹ߔޕ੤ᵹቇ↢㧔ቇㇱ㧕ߪోຬᜰቯߐࠇߚጁୃ⊓㍳ᣣߦ⊓ designated course registration day and online registration is not available for them. Specific schedule for course ㍳ࠍⴕ޿߹ߔߩߢޔࠝࡦ࡜ࠗࡦߢߪ⊓㍳ߢ߈߹ߖࠎޕጁୃ⊓ registration day will be announced at the international student ㍳ᣣߩ⹦⚦ߪ⇐ቇ↢ࠝ࡝ࠛࡦ࠹࡯࡚ࠪࡦߦߡ᩺ౝߐࠇ߹ߔޕ orientation. Degree-seeking students register online or at the ᱜⷙቇ↢ߪࠝࡦ࡜ࠗࡦ߹ߚߪᢎോ⺖ߦߡጁୃ⊓㍳ࠍߒ߹ߔޕ Educational Affairs Division, and all graduate students including graduate exchange students register at their own ᱜⷙᄢቇ㒮↢߅ࠃ߮੤ᵹቇ↢㧔ᄢቇ㒮㧕ߪޔฦ⎇ⓥ⑼੐ോቶ Graduate School’s Office. For more information about course ߦߡጁୃ⊓㍳ࠍⴕ޿߹ߔޕฦ⑼⋡ߩ⹦⚦ߪޔቇോᖱႎࠪࠬ࠹ descriptions of each course, please refer to the web syllabus, ࡓ Mercas ࠍෳᾖߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ(Web syllabus: https://mercas. “Mercas” at https://mercas.hit-u.ac.jp/ hit-u.ac.jp/) ġ Information Available for Course Registration ঩ၳ̞̾̀ͅġ̳ͥ۾၎ਘͅ ġ Hitotsubashi University provides students with several catalogs for course registration, so please refer to them for  ৻ᯅᄢቇߦ߅ߌࠆ᝼ᬺߩጁୃߪޔᲤᐕ  ᦬⊒ⴕߩએਅߩⷐ your course planning. Catalogs for degree-seeking students ✁ߦ⹦ߒ޿⸃⺑߇ឝタߐࠇ߹ߔߩߢෳᾖߒߡਅߐ޿ޕߎࠇࠄ are distributed in the orientation. Undergraduate exchange ߩⷐ✁ߪቇㇱ↢ߩ႐วޔᢎോ⺖ਥ௅ߩᣣᧄੱቇ↢ߣߩวหࠝ students must pick up the Catalog at the Educational Affairs ࡝ࠛࡦ࠹࡯࡚ࠪࡦᤨߦ㈩Ꮣߐࠇ߹ߔޕቇㇱ࡟ࡌ࡞ߩ੤ᵹቇ↢ Division on their own. Catalogs for graduate students are available at their own Graduate School’s Office. For your ߪᢎോ⺖ߢޔᄢቇ㒮࡟ࡌ࡞ߩ੤ᵹቇ↢ߪฦ⎇ⓥ⑼੐ോቶߢฃ planning, three types of resources are available for course ߌขߞߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ registration.

ጁୃߦ㑐ߔࠆ⾗ᢱߪ  ⒳㘃޽ࠅ߹ߔޕ Ԙ Catalogs for degree-seeking and exchange students who wish to take General Education Courses, Courses Offered by the Four Faculties, Seminars taught in Ԙ ቇㇱᢎ⢒⑼⋡ޔోቇ౒ㅢᢎ⢒⑼⋡ޔṶ⠌㧔࠯ࡒ࠽࡯࡞㧕 JapaneseψRulebook for Courses, Course Registration ࠍጁୃߔࠆߚ߼ߩࠟࠗ࠼㧔ਥߦ㧘ᱜⷙቇㇱ↢ኻ⽎㧕 Rulebook, Academic Planning Guidebook and Course Timetable (available in Japanese only). ጁୃ࡞࡯࡞ࡉ࠶ࠢ㧘ቇ⠌⸘↹ࠟࠗ࠼ࡉ࠶ࠢ㧘ᤨ㑆ഀ⴫㧔ቇ ԙ Catalogs for degree-seeking and exchange students ㇱᢎ⢒⑼⋡ߣోቇ౒ㅢ⑼⋡㧕 who wish to take Graduate Courses ψ University ԙ ᄢቇ㒮ߩ᝼ᬺࠍጁୃߔࠆߚ߼ߩࠟࠗ࠼㧔⎇ⓥ↢࡮ᱜⷙᄢ Student Handbook, the Course Guide and Course ቇ㒮↢ኻ⽎㧕 timetable (available in Japanese only). Ԛ Course list and timetable of Hitotsubashi University ቇ↢ଢⷩ㧘ጁୃࠟࠗ࠼㧔⚻ᷣቇ࡮␠ળቇ⎇ⓥ⑼ߩߺ㧕㧘ᄢ Global Education Program (HGP) for those who take the ቇ㒮ᤨ㑆ഀ⴫ HGP courses. The program is open to all students at Ԛ Hitotsubashi University Global Education Program㧔એਅ㧘 Hitotsubashi University. Refer to the HGP Website at http://international.hit-u.ac.jp/jp/courses/hgp/index.html/ HGP㧕ߢ㐿⻠ߐࠇߡ޿ࠆ⑼⋡ࠍጁୃߔࠆ႐ว HGP ߩࠨ Also, refer to the Rulebook for Courses for credit ࠗ࠻㧔http://international.hit-u.ac.jp/jp/courses/hgp/index.html㧕 recognition of the HGP courses. ߢឭଏߐࠇߡ޿ࠆᖱႎࠍෳ⠨ߦߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕߥ߅㧘ᱜⷙ ↢߇ HGP ߦឭଏߐࠇߡ޿ࠆ⑼⋡ࠍጁୃߔࠆ႐วߪ㧘⥄り Submission of Course Registration Form ߩᚲዻቇㇱ࡮⎇ⓥ⑼߿න૏ୃᓧ⁁ᴫߦࠃࠅතᬺⷐઙߣߒ ߡࠞ࠙ࡦ࠻ߐࠇࠆ⑼⋡ߩ⒳೎߇ᄌࠊࠅ߹ߔޕ⹦ߒߊߪጁ Ԙ Submission of Course Registration Form (OCR) ୃ࡞࡯࡞ࡉ࠶ࠢߩ⹥ᒰ▎ᚲ㧔HGP ߩ㗄⋡㧕ࠍෳᾖߒߡߊ The course registration form (OCR) for undergraduate ߛߐ޿ޕ students is available at the Educational Affairs Division or at the Graduate School Offices for graduate students.  For exchange students, the form is distributed during the ࿚̞ࣣ international student orientation. Submission of the̳ͥ۾࿒ഴ჏ຘ͈೹੄Ȇ၎ਘ஠๊ͅش၎ਘ ̵ͩ୶ course registration form is required to officially earn  credits. Those who wish to register online, please refer to Ԙ ጁୃ⑼⋡⊓㍳␿ߩឭ಴ ጁୃ⑼⋡ߪޔጁୃ⑼⋡⊓㍳␿ࠍ Mercas at https://mercas.hit-u.ac.jp/ with Hitotsubashi University ID and password. Note that all exchange ឭ಴ߔࠆߎߣߢᱜᑼߦ⊓㍳ߐࠇޔන૏߇⹺ቯߐࠇ߹ߔޕ students are not allowed to register online. ጁୃ⑼⋡⊓㍳␿ߩឭ಴వߪቇㇱ↢ߩ႐วߪᢎോ⺖ߢߔޕ Offices for submission are as follows; ᄢቇ㒮↢ߪฦ⎇ⓥ⑼ߩ੐ോቶߢߔޕWeb ਄㧔ቇോᖱႎࠪ Undergraduate Exchange Students: Educational Affairs ࠬ࠹ࡓ Mercas㧕ߢⴕ߁႐วߪ㧘 https://mercas.hit-u.ac.jp/ Division Graduate Exchange Students: Own Graduate School ߆ࠄ⊓㍳ߒߡਅߐ޿㧔ᄢቇߩ IDޔPassword ߇ᔅⷐ㧕ޕ੤ Office ᵹቇ↢ߦኻߒߡߪ㧘ጁୃ࡮෸߮⊓㍳ߩߚ߼ߩࠝ࡝ࠛࡦ࠹ Degree-seeking Students: Educational Affairs Division or ࡯࡚ࠪࡦ߇㐿߆ࠇࠆߩߢޔᔅߕ಴Ꮸߒߡਅߐ޿ޕ Online

IJĸġ ၎ġ ਘġ Course Registrations

 ԙ ጁୃߦ㑐ߔࠆ໧޿วࠊߖవ ቇㇱ↢ߩ႐วߪ㧘ᢎോ⺖ Ӳ For Inquiries about Course Registration 㧔㧖㧕ߢጁୃߦ㑐ߔࠆ⋧⺣ࠍⴕߞߡߊߛߐ޿ޕᄢቇ㒮↢ ߩ႐วߪ㧘ฦ⎇ⓥ⑼ߩ੐ോቶߢጁୃ⋧⺣ࠍฃߌઃߌߡ޿ For inquiries about Please contact ߹ߔޕHGP ߩጁୃޔୃቇߦ㑐ߔࠆ⾰໧ߪ㧘࿖㓙ᢎ⢒࠮ Undergraduate Educational Affairs Division ࡦ࠲࡯෸߮࿖㓙⺖ߩ HGP ᜂᒰߩᢎ⡯ຬߦ⋧⺣ߒߡߊߛ Regular courses in (Kyomu-ka) (See the map on p36 ߐ޿ޕ Japanese (Buildingԟ)). Courses for Graduate Respective Offices of Graduate 㧔㧖㧕ᢎോ⺖ߩ႐ᚲߦߟ޿ߡߪ㧘R㧔ᑪ‛⇟ภԟ㧕ࠍෳᾖ and Research Students Schools ߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ HGP courses HGP Advisor or Coordinator at ᢎോ⺖߆ࠄߩㅪ⛊੐㗄ߪޔએਅߩࠨࠗ࠻ࠍෳᾖߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ registration Center for Global Education and http://www.hit-u.ac.jp/kyomu/info/news.html#jugyo International Affairs Office Beginners Level Beginners Level Japanese Japanese courses instructor

You can check up-to-date information from the Educational Affairs Division (Kyomu-ka) on the website: http://www.hit-u.ac.jp/kyomu/info/news.html#jugyo


IJĹġ ਽ġ ৡ Accommodations

(Ȫˍȫ International House (Kunitachi Campus ܁Ȫˍȫ࣭ष࢐ၠٛ

 ⷏ࠠࡖࡦࡄࠬౝߦ޽ࠆޔਥߦ㒮↢⇐ቇ↢ߣᄖ࿖ੱ⎇ⓥ⠪ߩ International House on campus opened in 1992 to ߚ߼ߩዬ૑࡮ኋᴱᣉ⸳ߢߔޕනりቶߩ޽ࠆ㧭᫟ޔᄦᇚቶߣኅ accommodate mainly international graduate students and ᣖቶ߆ࠄߥࠆ㧮᫟߇޽ࠅ߹ߔޕ researchers. The Building A has 50 rooms for single  නりቶߦߪ࠻ࠗ࡟ߣᵞ㕙บ߇ઃ޿ߡ߅ࠅޔࡌ࠶࠼ޔ᧍ޔ᫹ students, furnished with bed, desk, chair etc (the shower and the kitchen are shared); The Building B has 6 rooms for the ሶߥߤ߇஻߃ࠄࠇߡ޿߹ߔޕࠪࡖࡢ࡯ޔࠠ࠶࠴ࡦޔᵞữᯏߪ married, which include a bedroom, living room/kitchen, a ฦ㓏౒↪ߢߔޕ bathroom, furnished with beds, a dining table, chairs, a desk,  ᄦᇚቶߪ㧝ኢቶߣࠠ࠶࠴ࡦઃ߈ߩዬ㑆ޔᶎቶ߆ࠄߥߞߡ߅ a closet, a refrigerator and a washing machine and 10 rooms ࠅޔࡌ࠶࠼ޔ㘩ථޔ᫹ሶޔ᧍ޔࠢࡠ࡯࠯࠶࠻ޔ಄⬿ᐶޔᵞữ for families furnished with some above and an extra room for ᯏߥߤ߇ઃ޿ߡ޿߹ߔޕ children. The monthly rents are 19,300 yen for a single  ኅᣖቶߦߪޔᄦᇚቶߣหߓ㑆ขࠅߦሶଏ↪ߩኢቶ߇߭ߣߟ room, 19,900 yen for a double room and 23,200 yen for a ടࠊࠅ߹ߔޕ⸳஻߿ኅౕߪᄦᇚቶߣห᭽ߢߔޕ family room (as of 2012). These rent costs can be changed,  ነኋᢱߪޔ౒⋉⾌ࠍ฽ߺනりቶߢ᦬㗵  ౞ޔᄦᇚቶߪ therefore, you should confirm it at the International Affairs  ౞ޔኅᣖቶߪ  ౞ߢߔ㧔 ᐕᐲ⃻࿷㧕ޕߎ ߩ ㊄ Division when you apply. Among the residents there are four 㗵ߪ੍ቯ㊄㗵ߢ޽ࠅޔᄌേߔࠆ႐ว߽޽ࠆߩߢޔ࿖㓙⺖ߦ⏕ students called "Floor Leaders" who help students from ⹺ߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ abroad adjust to the life in Japan. Also, two staff members  ౉ዬᦼ㑆ߪޔ ᐕ㑆ߢߔޕ౉ዬᏗᦸ⠪ߩ൐㓸ߦߟ޿ߡߪ࿖ are in the administration office (Tel: 042-577-8711) 9:15 to 㓙⺖࠙ࠚࡉࠨࠗ࠻ߢ߅⍮ࠄߖߒ߹ߔޕ 18:00, Monday through Friday.  ࿖㓙੤ᵹળ㙚㧭᫟ߦ޽ࠆ੐ോቶ㧔Tel㧦㧕ߪᐔ Single rooms are mainly for international students and ᣣޔㅢᏱඦ೨  ᤨ  ಽ߆ࠄඦᓟ  ᤨ߹ߢ㐿ቶߒޔ౉ዬ⠪ߩᣣ are available for two years. Announcements for vacancy Ᏹ⊛ߥࠨࡐ࡯࠻ߣળ㙚⸳஻ߩ⛽ᜬ▤ℂࠍⴕߞߡ޿߹ߔޕ߹ߚޔ are made on the website of the International Affairs Office. Note: Residents have to move out by the day ળ㙚ߦߪ  ฬߩቇ↢߇ࡈࡠࠕ࡝࡯࠳࡯ߣߒߡ౉ዬߒߡ߅ࠅޔ specified on the contract for house cleaning for the next ળ㙚ߩㆇ༡߿੤ᵹࠗࡌࡦ࠻ࠍࠨࡐ࡯࠻ߒߡ޿߹ߔޕ residents. You should secure housing well in advance  ౉ዬ⠪ߪޔ౉ዬ⸵นᦠߦ᣿⸥ߒߡ޽ࠆḩੌᣣ߹ߢߦޔㇱደ before you leave the room. ࠍ᝹㒰ߒߡㅌ෰ߒߥߌࠇ߫ߥࠅ߹ߖࠎޕㅌ෰એ㒠߽ീቇࠍ⛮ ⛯ߔࠆ႐วߦߪޔ੐೨ߦᰴߩኋ⥢ࠍ⏕଻ߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ ȪˎȫKodaira International Residence Halls

୆਽ৡ Located in the City of Kodaira, approximately 30ڠȪˎȫ઀໹࣭ष minutes away by bike from the Kunitachi Campus,  ዊᐔࠠࡖࡦࡄࠬߦ߽ޔᧄቇߩᣣᧄੱቇ↢෸߮ᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢ International Residence Halls accommodate not only ߿᧲੩ቇ⧓ᄢቇޔ᧲੩ㄘᎿᄢቇޔ㔚᳇ㅢାᄢቇߩᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢ Japanese and international students at Hitotsubashi ߽૑߼ࠆᄢဳߩኋ⥢߇޽ࠅ߹ߔޕߎߜࠄߪනりቶ߇ਥߢߔ߇ޔ University, but also international students from Tokyo ᄦᇚቶ㧔ሶଏߥߒ㧕߿ኅᣖቶ㧔ሶଏ޽ࠅ㧕߽⧯ᐓ޽ࠅ߹ߔޕ University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo Gakugei  ነኋᢱߪޔ౒⋉⾌ࠍ฽ߺනりቶ୘ቶ࠲ࠗࡊߢ᦬㗵  University, and the University of Electro-Communication. ౞ޔ౒↪࠲ࠗࡊ  ౞ޔᄦᇚቶ  ౞ޔኅᣖቶ  almost of the rooms are mainly for a single students, and a ౞ߢߔ㧔 ᐕᐲ⃻࿷㧕߇ޔᢱ㊄ߪᄌᦝߒ߹ߔߩߢޔ㓐ᤨ࿖ few rooms are available for the married and families. The 㓙⺖ߦߡ⏕⹺ߊߛߐ޿ޕ occupancy period for all types of rooms will be less than 2 ኋ⥢ߦߪฦᄢቇวࠊߖߡ  ฬߩ࡟ࠫ࠺ࡦ࠻࡮ࠕࠪࠬ࠲ࡦ࠻ years. Room rents, including common area charge, are 㧔RA㧕ߣ  ฬߩࠦࡒࡘ࠾࠹ࠖ࡮ࠕࠪࠬ࠲ࡦ࠻㧔CA㧕߇ቇ↢ 10,100 yen for both a single room of individual type, and a ࠬ࠲࠶ࡈߣߒߡ౉ዬߒߡ߅ࠅޔኰㆇ༡߿࿖㓙੤ᵹࠗࡌࡦ࠻ߩ single room for shared use, 16,100 yen for a couple room, 18,400 yen for family room (as of 2012). These fees are ડ↹ߦ៤ࠊߞߡ޿߹ߔ㧔 ᐕᐲ⃻࿷㧕ޕ߹ߚޔࡊ࡜ࠩ▤ℂ subject to change, so please verify at the International Affairs ቶ㧔Tel㧦㧕ߪᐔᣣඦ೨  ᤨ߆ࠄඦᓟ  ᤨ  ಽ Office when you apply. There are several student Resident ߹ߢ㐿ቶߒߡ߅ࠅޔਥߦ⸳஻ߩ⛽ᜬ▤ℂߦ㑐ߔࠆࠨࡐ࡯࠻ࠍ Assistants (RA) student Community Assistants (CA) from the ⴕߞߡ޿߹ߔޕ౉ዬ⠪ߦࠃࠆኰ⚵❱㧔ISDAK㧕ࡎ࡯ࡓࡍ࡯ࠫ 4 universities live in to provide daily support for students. 㧔www.isdak.org㧕߽ߏⷩߊߛߐ޿ޕ Kodaira Plaza Office (042-349-0039) provides administrative and facility services and is open from 9:00 to 18:00, Monday through Friday. Please also refer to the International Student Dormitory Association of Kodaira website (www.isdak.org).

IJĺġ ਽ġ ৡġ ġ Accommodations

ͺΩȜΠ ȪˏȫOff-campus ApartmentsۼȪˏȫྦྷ

 ৻ᯅᄢቇߩ޽ࠆ࿖┙Ꮢߪዬ૑ⅣႺߩᢛߞߚ᧲੩ߩࡌ࠶࠼࠲ The City of Kunitachi, home of Hitotsubashi University, ࠙ࡦߣߒߡ⹏್ߩ㜞޿࿾ၞߢߔޕዊߐߥࠠ࠶࠴ࡦߣࡃࠬ㧔߹ is known as a commuting suburb of Tokyo. Rent for a ߚߪࠪࡖࡢ࡯㧕࡮࠻ࠗ࡟߇ઃ޿ߚ  ট⒟ᐲߩࠕࡄ࡯࠻ߩኅ⾓ 25-square-meter room furnished with a small kitchen, a ߪ  ࠞ᦬ 㨪 ਁ౞ߢߔޕߒ߆ߒޔ⼱଻㚞㧔ᓟࠈߩ࿾࿑ෳᾖ㧕 bathroom (with a bath or a shower) and a lavatory, is around ߩㄭߊ߿ޔ࿖┙㚞ߩർ஥ߪኅ⾓߇ዋߒ቟ߊߥࠅ߹ߔޕ 50,000 to 80,000 yen per month. If you find an apartment  ਇേ↥ደߢ⚫੺ߒߡ߽ࠄ߁႐วޔ౉ዬᄾ⚂ᤨߦߪޔ ࠞ᦬ with the help of a real state agency, it is customary to pay the ಽߩ೨ኅ⾓ߩઁߦޔਇേ↥ደߩᚻᢙᢱ㧔ኅ⾓  ࠞ᦬ಽ㧕ޔᢝ ㊄ first month rent, commission charge for the agency (usually 㧔ኅ⾓ 㨪 ࠞ᦬ಽ㧕ޔ␞㊄ޔ㧔ኅ⾓ 㨪 ࠞ᦬ಽ㧕ࠍᛄ߁ߩ߇ equivalent to one-month rent), deposit (one or two months' ৻⥸⊛ߢߔޕ߹ߚޔ᥉ㅢޔ᳃㑆ࠕࡄ࡯࠻ߦߪኅౕ߿㔚᳇⵾ຠ rent), as well as key money (one or two months' rent). In ߪߥ޿ߩߢޔ౉ዬߩᤨߦߪߘࠇࠄࠍ⾈޿ឥ߃ࠆ⾌↪߽ᔅⷐߦ other words, you should pay for a total of four to six months' ߥࠅ߹ߔޕ rent when you sign the contract. Very often, you need to  ৻ᯅᄢቇߩቇ↢ᡰេ⺖ߣ↢ද㧔ⷐ⏕⹺㧕ߦߪޔ৻ᯅᄢቇ↢ purchase your own furniture and electrical appliances, ߦㇱደࠍ⾉ߒߚ޿ኅਥ㧔ᄢኅ㧕߆ࠄ⋥ធឭଏߐࠇߚࠕࡄ࡯࠻ including light fixtures, heaters, etc. ߩ࡝ࠬ࠻߇޽ࠅ߹ߔޕਇേ↥ደߩᚻᢙᢱ߇߆߆ࠄߥ޿ߥߤߩ The Student Services Division has a list of landlords ࡔ࡝࠶࠻߇޽ࠅ߹ߔߩߢޔ࠴ࠚ࠶ࠢߒߡߺߡਅߐ޿ޕߥ߅ޔ who are willing to rent out their apartments to Hitotsubashi ᣣᧄߢߪ  ᦬ߦᄙߊߩቇ↢߇ォዬߒ߹ߔޕ ᦬㗃߆ࠄࠕࡄ࡯ students. In Japan, apartment vacancies fill quickly in March ࠻ࠍតߐߥߌࠇ߫ޔᏗᦸ᧦ઙߦวߞߚ⦟⾰ߥࠕࡄ࡯࠻ߪߺߟ because many students move in out due to the end of the ߆ࠅ߹ߖࠎޕ academic year. For this reason, we recommend you start searching for your apartment as early as February. ȪːȫUR സঌܥࢹ ȪːȫUR (Urban Renaissance Agency)  UR ߣߪ㧘␞㊄࡮ᚻᢙᢱ࡮ᦝᣂᢱ࡮଻⸽ੱ߇ᔅⷐߩߥ޿⾓ ⾉૑ቛࠍឭଏߒߡ޿ࠆ⚵❱ߢߔޕㇱደᢙ߇ᄙߊኅ⾓߇㜞߼ߩ UR is an organization which offers housings without ‛ઙߢ߽ޔ෹㆐ߣ࡞࡯ࡓࠪࠚࠕߔࠆߥߤߔࠇ߫㧔ᯏ᭴߇ࠝࡈ commission charge, deposit, guarantor, and renewal charge. ࠖࠪࡖ࡞ߦ⸳ߌߚࡂ࠙ࠬࠪࠚࠕ࡝ࡦࠣ೙ᐲ߇޽ࠅ߹ߔ㧕ޔㅢᏱ Because UR has an official house sharing system, if you ߩࠕࡄ࡯࠻ࠃࠅ቟ߊ૑߹޿ࠍߺߟߌࠆߎߣ߇น⢻ߢߔޕࠗࡦ share a 3 bedroom apartment with roommates, for example, ࠲࡯ࡀ࠶࠻߆ࠄ↳ߒㄟߺߦߟ޿ߡ⹦ߒ޿ᖱႎࠍᓧࠆߎߣ߇ߢ you are able to find a reasonable accommodation although ߈߹ߔ㧔http://www.ur-net.go.jp/㧕ޕߎߜࠄ߽ޔ ᦬㗃߆ࠄតߒ the rent is not very reasonable. For more information, please ߚ߶߁߇ࠃ޿ߢߒࠂ߁ޕ check its website (http://ur-net.go.jp). In order to find a better accommodation, it is recommended to search from around February.


ijıġ ߄ڠ੻ Scholarships

୆ ȪˍȫJapanese Government Scholarship Studentsڠ࣭૽ၣٸȪˍȫ࣭๯

୆ݯဓ͈঑ݯ̞̾̀ͅ ӱ Japanese Government Scholarshipڠ࣭૽ၣٸӱ ࣭๯ ࿖⾌ᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢߇ᅑቇ㊄ࠍฃ⛎ߔࠆߚ߼ߦߪޔᲤ᦬৻ Recipients of the government scholarship must come in ࿁ޔ࿖㓙⺖߹ߚߪ ICS ੐ോቶߦߡ࿷☋⏕⹺ߩࠨࠗࡦࠍߔࠆ at the International Affairs Office (IAO) or ICS Office once a ᔅⷐ߇޽ࠅ߹ߔޕߥ߅ޔ࿖⾌⛎ਈߩᡰ⛎ᚻ⛯߈ߩ⹦⚦ߦߟ month and sign a document to reconfirm their status as a ޿ߡߪޔ೎ㅜ߅⍮ࠄߖߔࠆᵈᗧ੐㗄ߦᓥߞߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ student. If a recipient fails to sign, he or she cannot receive the scholarship. Details of the procedures that recipients ಿ̞̾̀ͅ should take will be found on notices delivered to them afterװ͈ۼܢӲ ࣭๯঑ݯ ࿖⾌⇐ቇ↢߇ㅴቇߔࠆ㓙ޔ࿖⾌ᡰ⛎ᦼ㑆ߩᑧ㐳ࠍ↳⺧ߔ orientation. ࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߔޕ ߒ߆ߒޔߔߴߡߩᣇ߇ᑧ㐳↳⺧ߢ߈ࠆࠊߌߢߪߥߊޔ↳ Ӳ Extension of Scholarships ⺧ߒߡ߽ᑧ㐳߇⹺߼ࠄࠇߥ޿႐ว߽޽ࠅ߹ߔޕ Current recipients of government scholarships may, ↳⺧ᦼ㑆ߪᲤᐕ  ᦬㨪 ᦬ߢߔޕኻ⽎ߩ⇐ቇ↢ߦߪ࿖ under certain conditions, ask the government to continue to 㓙⺖߆ࠄ୘೎ߦㅢ⍮ߒ߹ߔޕ provide scholarships for them if they hope to study in a higher level program. ӳ!ܦ࣭ၫ๯! Not all applicants are allowed to apply for an extension. ࿖⾌⇐ቇ↢߇⺖⒟ࠍୃੌߒޔᏫ࿖ߔࠆ㓙ߦᅑቇ㊄ߣߒߡ They will receive a prior notice for extension from the IAO and Ꮻ࿖⥶ⓨ೛߇ᡰ⛎ߐࠇ߹ߔޕᏫ࿖࿾ߪ࿖☋࿖ߦ㒢ࠄࠇޔᅑ apply for the extension of the scholarship in October- ቇ㊄ᡰ⛎ᦼ㑆ࠍ⿥߃ߚᣣᤨߩ⥶ⓨଢߪᜰቯߢ߈߹ߖࠎޕ߹ November during the final year of their degree programs. ߚޔᣣᧄߢዞ⡯ߔࠆ႐วޔ࿖⾌ᡰ⛎ᦼ㑆એ㒠߽৻ᯅᄢቇߦ ࿷☋ߔࠆ႐วߪᏫ࿖ᣏ⾌ߩ↳⺧߇ߢ߈߹ߖࠎޕ ӳ Travel allowance for returning home ኻ⽎ߩ⇐ቇ↢ߦߪ࿖㓙⺖߆ࠄ୘೎ߦㅢ⍮ߒ߹ߔޕ For grantees who intend to return home by a specified date after completing his/her studies under the government scholarship, the MEXT will pay for his/her airfare back home. This travel allowance is not applicable to those who 1) extend their student status after the scholarship has ended, and 2) work full-time in Japan after graduation.

!୆;Ϳσ΃θΩȜΞͻڠ࣭૽ၣٸ !઀໹΅λϋΩΆ͈࿕̧̾

ijIJġ ߄ġڠ੻ Scholarships

Ӵ Restrictions on the transfer of government scholarship !̞̀̾ͅڠ୆͈ഢڠӴ!࣭๯ၣ ࿖⾌ᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢߇ޔୃ჻⺖⒟ޔኾ㐷⡯ᄢቇ㒮෶ߪඳ students ჻⺖⒟ߦㅴቇߔࠆ㓙ߦޔᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢ߩኾ㐷ಽ㊁࡮⢻ജ You are allowed to transfer to other universities with ╬߆ࠄߺߡޔᧄቇᄢቇ㒮߳ߩㅴቇ߇ㆡᒰߢߥ޿႐วߦߪޔ recommendations of your academic advisors in case our ᜰዉᢎຬߩផ⮈ߩ߽ߣޔઁᄢቇߩᄢቇ㒮߳ㅴቇߔࠆߎߣ programs are not appropriate for you, when you pursue your ߇น⢻ߢߔޕ studies in Master’s program, professional school program, or ̪ᄢቇផ⮈ߦࠃߞߡណ↪ߐࠇߚ⠪ߩォቇᏗᦸߦߟ޿ߡߪޔ Doctoral program. ޿߆ߥࠆ႐ว߇޽ߞߡ߽⹺߼ࠄࠇ߹ߖࠎޕ * If you are a recipient of a scholarship who was ୆͈ৃప̞̾̀ͅ recommended by Hitotsubashi University for the scholarshipsڠӵ ࣭๯ၣ ߿߻ࠍᓧߥ޿੐ᖱ㧔଀߃߫ޔઁᄢቇ߳ߩォቇޔᣣᧄએ provided by the government of Japan, you are not allowed to ᄖ߳ߩ㐳ᦼ㑆ṛ࿷ޔߏኅᣖߩ⋴∛ޔዞ⡯߇᳿߹ߞߚ╬㧕 transfer to another university. ߦࠃࠅޔᅑቇ㊄ฃ⛎ᦼ㑆ߩㅜਛߢ࿖⾌ᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢⾗ᩰ ࠍㄉㅌߔࠆ႐วߪޔ್᣿ᰴ╙ㅦ߿߆ߦ࿖㓙⺖߳߅⍮ࠄߖ ӵ Declining a government scholarship ਅߐ޿ޕ If you are forced to decline a government scholarship during the term of your scholarship because you have to transfer to another university, stay for a long period out of Japan, care for a sick family member or obtain a job, or you ࿖⾌ᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢೙ᐲߦ㑐ߔࠆߏ⾰໧ޔォቇ߿ㄉㅌ╬ߦ㑐 are affected by other unavoidable circumstances, you should ߔࠆߏ⋧⺣ߪ࿖㓙⺖࿖⾌⇐ቇ↢ᜂᒰ߹ߢ߅໧޿วࠊߖਅߐ޿ޕ contact the International Affairs Office (IAO) about your intent to decline as early as possible.

If you have any questions about the government scholarship or you need consultations about transfer to other universities, renouncement of a government scholarship, or need any other advice about government scholarships, come to the IAO.


ijijġ ߄ڠ੻ Scholarships

߄ ȪˎȫScholarships for Privately-Financedڠ୆చય͈੻ڠ࣭૽ၣٸȪˎȫজ๯ International Students ߄ഴ჏! ӱ!Scholarships Registrationڠӱ!੻  ⑳⾌ᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢߇ᅑቇ㊄ߦᔕ൐ߔࠆ႐วߪޔ߹ߕޟᅑቇ If privately-financed students apply for any scholarships, ㊄⊓㍳↳ㄟᦠޠࠍ࿖㓙⺖ߦឭ಴ߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ↳ㄟᦠߪ࿖㓙 they must first submit “Application for Scholarships ⺖ߢ౉ᚻߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ↳ߒㄟߺฃઃߪᐕߦ  ࿁ޔᣂቇᦼ㐿 Registration” to the International Affairs Office (Kokusai-ka). ᆎ⋥ᓟߦⴕ޿߹ߔޕ The application form can be obtained at the office.  ᅑቇ㊄ᖱႎߩ⹦⚦ߦߟ޿ߡߪޔ࿖㓙⺖ߩឝ␜᧼ߣ࠙ࠚࡉࠨ They can then apply for scholarships listed below. ࠗ࠻ߦឝタߐࠇ߹ߔޕ As the International Affairs Office receives new  ࠙ࠚࡉࠨࠗ࠻ߪޔ㐳ᦼભᬺᦼ㑆ਛ߽ᦝᣂߐࠇ߹ߔߩߢޔߘ scholarship information, announcements are posted on its ߩ㑆߽ᔓࠇߕߦ⏕⹺ߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ bulletin board and website. ⊓㍳ᓟޔ⇐ቇ↢ߪએਅߩࠃ߁ߥᅑቇ㊄ߦᔕ൐ߔࠆߎߣ߇ߢ Please check the website even in holiday seasons, ߈߹ߔޕ because it may be updated.

ਠ੻႗๯ Ӳ Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financedڠ୆ڠ࣭૽ၣٸӲ জ๯ ߎߩᅑቇ㊄ߪޔ⁛┙ⴕ᡽ᴺੱᣣᧄቇ↢ᡰេᯏ᭴ߦࠃࠆᅑቇ International Students ㊄ߢߔޕ൐㓸ߪޔ਄⸥ߩᅑቇ㊄⊓㍳ߣหᤨߦⴕ޿߹ߔޕ This scholarship is offered by Japan Student Services ᡰ⛎ᦼ㑆ߪ  ᦬߆ࠄ  ᐕ㑆ߢߔޕ Organization. The scholarship period is for one year from April to March. ⹦ߒߊߪޔᄢቇ࠙ࠚࡉࠨࠗ࠻෸߮ᣣᧄቇ↢ᡰេᯏ᭴ߩ࠙ࠚ ࡉࠨࠗ࠻ࠍ⏕⹺ߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ For more information, check the website of the ⁛┙ⴕ᡽ᴺੱᣣᧄቇ↢ᡰេᯏ᭴ organization at: http://www.jasso.go.jp/scholarship/shoureihi.html Japan Student Services Organization http://www.jasso.go.jp/index_e.html


ijĴġ ߄ġڠ੻ Scholarships

߄ȫ! ӳ Hitotsubashi University Fund (Foreign Studentڠ୆੻ڠ࣭૽ၣٸ߄Ȫܖڠఱޘ֚!ӳ   ߎߩᅑቇ㊄ߪޔ৻ᯅᄢቇ⁛⥄ߩᅑቇ㊄೙ᐲߢߔޕฃ⛎⠪ Scholarship) ߪޔ⑳⾌ᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢ߩ߁ߜޔ⚻ᷣ⊛េഥࠍᔅⷐߣߒߡ޿ This system is unique to Hitotsubashi University, since ࠆᚑ❣ఝ⑲ߥ⠪ߩਛ߆ࠄޔቇౝㆬ⠨ߦࠃࠅ᳿ቯߐࠇ߹ߔޕ the scholarship is offered by Josuikai, (the alumni association of the University). The recipients are decided among the ߄ students who have excellent academic performance and areڠ౬ఘͥ͢ͅ੻ڠ੻ۼྦྷ Ӵ ᳃㑆ᅑቇ࿅૕ߩᅑቇ㊄ߪޔቇౝㆬ⠨㧔ᄢቇផ⮈߇ᔅⷐߥ in need of financial support, by the school screening. ߽ߩ㧕ߣޔ⋥ធᔕ൐㧔୘ੱߢᔕ൐߇ߢ߈ࠆ߽ߩ㧕߇޽ࠅ߹ߔޕ The period of the scholarship is for one year from April. ቇౝㆬ⠨ߩ႐วޔᔅⷐᦠ㘃ࠍቇౝ✦ಾᣣ߹ߢߦޔ࿖㓙⺖ ߦឭ಴ߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕᦠ㘃ㆬ⠨ߩ⚿ᨐޔⵍផ⮈⠪ࠍᅑቇ⽷ ࿅߳ផ⮈ߒ߹ߔޕߚߛߒޔᄢቇផ⮈߇ᓧࠄࠇߚ߆ࠄߣ޿ߞ Ӵ Scholarships Offered by Private Organizations ߡޔฃ⛎ߢ߈ࠆߣߪ㒢ࠅ߹ߖࠎޕ These scholarships are classified into two categories: ⋥ធᔕ൐ߩᅑቇ㊄ߩฃ⛎⠪ߦߥߞߚ႐วߪޔߘߩߎߣࠍ one is screening type which requires the university’s ࿖㓙⺖ߦႎ๔ߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ⋥ធᔕ൐ߩᅑቇ㊄ߦߪޔᄢቇ recommendation and the other is direct-application type for ߢߪ᩺ౝࠍⴕߞߡ޿ߥ޿ᅑቇ㊄߽޽ࠅ߹ߔߩߢޔᅑቇ㊄ߩ which individual student can apply. ᖱႎࠍᓧࠆߚ߼ߦޔ㨬ᣣᧄ⇐ቇࠟࠗ࠼ JAPAN STUDY If you apply for a screening type of scholarship, you SUPPORT㨭㩿www.jpss.jp/ja/㪀ࠍෳᾖߊߛߐ޿ޕ should submit the required documents to the International Affairs Office by the deadline. Please note that the university’s recommendation does not guarantee a scholarship. If you become a successful candidate of a direct- application type of scholarship, you must inform the IAO immediately. In order to get the information for the scholarships, please check Japan Study Support (in English) (www. jpss.jp/en/) since some of them are not offered through the university.

!౷֖͈࣭ष࢐ၠ ! ! ! ӵ ಕփমࣜ ӵ Notes ᳃㑆ᅑቇ⽷࿅ߪⶄᢙߩᅑቇ㊄ࠍหᤨߦฃ⛎ߔࠆߎߣࠍ Most of the scholarship foundations restrict students ೙㒢ߒߡ޿߹ߔޕቇౝផ⮈ߐࠇߚ⇐ቇ↢ߪޔߘߩ⚿ᨐ߇⊒ from receiving multiple scholarships simultaneously. If you are ⴫ߐࠇࠆ߹ߢઁߩᅑቇ㊄ߩᔕ൐ߪߢ߈߹ߖࠎޕᅑቇ⽷࿅ߦ recommended by the university for a scholarship, you cannot ࠃࠅ൐㓸ߩ᧦ઙޔᦼ㑆߽⇣ߥࠅ߹ߔߩߢޔᔕ൐ⷐ㗄ࠍࠃߊ apply for other scholarships until the recipient is announced. ⺒ߺޔℂ⸃ߒߚ߁߃ߢ↳⺧ᦠࠍ૞ᚑޔឭ಴ߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ Eligibility for and period of scholarship vary depending on the  ᳃㑆ᅑቇ⽷࿅ߩⷙೣߣߒߡޔᲤ᦬࿷ቇࠍ⏕⹺ߔࠆߚ߼ޔ foundations. You should carefully read and understand ࿖㓙⺖⓹ญߦߡ࿷☋⏕⹺★ߦ⟑ฬߔࠆ⟵ോ߇޽ࠅ߹ߔޕᲤ guidelines before preparing an application form. ᐕ⚂  એ਄ߩᅑቇ⽷࿅߆ࠄᅑቇ㊄൐㓸߇޽ࠅޔ ߆ࠄ  Recipients of scholarships must sign a document every ฬߩ⇐ቇ↢߇ฃ⛎ߒߡ޿߹ߔޕᅑቇ㊄ߩฃ⛎߇࿎㔍ߢ޽ࠆ month at the International Affairs Office in order to confirm ߎߣࠍℂ⸃ߒޔฦ⥄⚻ᷣ⊛⥄┙߇ߢ߈ࠆࠃ߁⸘↹ࠍ┙ߡޔ your being in the university. ⇐ቇ߇లታߒߚ߽ߩߦߥࠆࠃ߁㗎ᒛߞߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ The scholarships offered to privately-financed students are limited in availability. Please be aware that it is quite ! difficult to compete for a scholarship and design a reliable financial plan while studying in Japan.

ijĵġ ൲ڰ඾ུ͈́ਖ૖ Job searching in Japan

൲ΩΗȜϋ! ȪˍȫUnique Aspects of Japanese Job SearchingڰȪˍ*!඾ུඊඅ͈ਖ૖ 㩷 Process ᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢ߩዞ⡯ᵴേߪޔၮᧄ⊛ߦᣣᧄੱߣหߓߢߔޕ ᣣᧄߩዞ⡯ᵴേ߇⻉ᄖ࿖ߣᄢ߈ߊ㆑߁ὐߪޔᵴേ㐿ᆎ߇ߣߡ International students follow the same job application ߽ᣧ޿ߎߣߢߔޕතᬺߔࠆ  ᐕඨ೨ߩ⑺㧔ቇㇱ  ᐕ↢ޔୃ჻ process as Japanese natives. Perhaps the most unique  ᐕ↢ߩ  ᦬ߏࠈ㧕߆ࠄ⾗ᢱ⺧᳞߇ᆎ߹ࠅޔࠛࡦ࠻࡝࡯ࠪ࡯ aspect of Japanese job search is that it starts very early. By ࠻ߣ๭߫ࠇࠆ㗿ᦠࠍឭ಴ޔ౻ቇᦼਛߪ޿ߊߟ߽ߩળ␠⺑᣿ળ the fall of the third year (or first year for master’s student), ߦෳടߒ߹ߔޕ ᐕ↢ߦߥࠆߣ╩⸥⹜㛎߿㕙ធࠍฃߌޔᐕ↢ students start submitting an application to numerous ߩᄐભߺ߹ߢߦౝቯࠍขࠅઃߌࠆߩ߇৻⥸⊛ߢߔޕߟ߹ࠅޔ companies for screening, and during the winter semester of ᣂⷙතᬺ੍ቯߩቇ↢ߦߣߞߡߪතᬺߩඨᐕ೨ߦߪߔߢߦዞ⡯ the junior year they visit company-hosted information ࠪ࡯࠭ࡦ߇⚳ࠊߞߡߒ߹߁ߩߢߔޕ sessions. In the early part of the fourth year (or second year  for master’s student), students are busy taking written exams ࠗࡦ࠲࡯ࡦࠪ࠶ࡊࠍⴕߞߡ޿ࠆߎߣ߇᦭೑ߦ௛ߊߎߣ߽޽ and interviewing with companies in an effort to secure ࠅޔታ⾰ߩዞ⡯ᵴേߪතᬺ  ᐕ೨߆ࠄᆎ߹ߞߡ޿ࠆߣ޿ߞߡ employment by the summer break. A successful candidate’s ߽ㆊ⸒ߢߪ޽ࠅ߹ߖࠎޕ዁᧪ᣣᧄߢߩዞ⡯ࠍᏗᦸߔࠆ႐วޔ job search process will have ended more than 6 months ߎߩዞ⡯ᵴേࠬࠤࠫࡘ࡯࡞ࠍℂ⸃ߒߚ߁߃ߢޔᣧ߼ߦⴕേࠍ before they graduate from the university! ⿠ߎߒ߹ߒࠂ߁ޕ  Nowadays students also apply for a short-term  internship in the summer prior to start of the job search. In essence, college students in Japan begin their job search !׳൲঑ڰ୆͈ਖ૖ڠȪˎ*!ၣ  almost two years before graduation. If you are planning to find ⷏ࠠࡖࡦࡄࠬᧄ㙚ߩࠠࡖ࡝ࠕᡰេቶ  ߢߪޔ employment in Japan, be aware of this very unique ᣣᧄߦ߅ߌࠆዞ⡯ᵴേᡰេߣߒߡޔ࠮ࡒ࠽࡯㐿௅ޔࠗࡦ࠲࡯ job-searching process and start preparing for it early in your ࡦࠪ࠶ࡊᖱႎߩ౏㐿ޔㅴ〝࡮ዞ⡯ᵴേ⋧⺣ߥߤߦ㓐ᤨᔕߓߡ academic endeavor. ޿߹ߔ ᣣᧄ⺆ߩߺ ޕ㐿ቶᤨ㑆ߪ␸ᣣࠍ㒰ߊ᦬ᦐᣣ㨪㊄ᦐᣣޔ ᴾ 㧦㧦 ߢߔޕ ȪˎȫCareer and Employment Support Office  Because employment in Japan almost always requires ࿖㓙ᢎ⢒࠮ࡦ࠲࡯߇ឭଏߔࠆ̌৻⥸ᣣᧄ੐ᖱΣ̍㧔ቇㇱ↢࡮ a high level of oral and written communication skills in  න૏㧕ߩ᝼ᬺߢߪޔ⇐ቇ↢ߩᣣᧄߢߩዞ⡯ߦߟ޿ߡࠥࠬ࠻ Japanese, on-campus career support is available in ࠬࡇ࡯ࠞ࡯߇ߐ߹ߑ߹ߥᖱႎឭଏࠍⴕߞߡ޿߹ߔޕ Japanese only. Career and Employment Support Office  (042-580-8133) provides advices and information regarding  internship and placement information for students seeking  employment in Japan. The office is open from 8:30-17:15 on .൲ͬࠑ௽̳ͥાࣣ weekdaysڰȪˏȫ௾ުࢃ͜ਖ૖ ᴾ තᬺᓟߦዞ⡯ᵴേࠍⴕ߁႐วޔᦨ㐳ߢ  ᣣ㧔 ᣣ˜ ࿁㧕ޟ․ቯᵴേޠߢߩ࿷⇐߇⹺߼ࠄࠇ߹ߔޕޟ․ቯᵴേޠ߳ߩ (3) Seeking Employment after Graduation ⾗ᩰᄌᦝᚻ⛯߈ߦᔅⷐߥᄢቇ߆ࠄߩផ⮈⁁ߦߟ޿ߡߪޔᚲቯ You can stay in Japan and look for a job after ߩ੤ઃ↳⺧ᦠߦ⸥౉ߩ߁߃ޔ࿖㓙ᢎ⢒࠮ࡦ࠲࡯⇐ቇ↢࡮ᶏᄖ graduating from university for a maximum of 360 days (180 ⇐ቇ⋧⺣ቶߢ㕙ធࠍฃߌࠆᔅⷐ߇޽ࠅ߹ߔޕౕ૕⊛ߥ↳⺧ᣇ days x 2) under the Residence Status of "People Engaged in ᴺߦߟ޿ߡߪޔ᧲੩౉࿖▤ℂዪࠍߪߓ߼ߣߔࠆฦ౉࿖▤ℂ⟑ Designated Activities". To obtain an official letter of ߦ໧޿วࠊߖߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ recommendation to change your visa status from "Student" to  "Designated Activities", you will need to fill out a request form ᴾ and have an interview at the International Student and Study Abroad Advising Office (ISSAAO). For the application procedure itself, please contact the Immigration Bureau.

ijĶġ ༗࠲Ȇ֓ၷঔ୭ġ Medical Facilities

Ȫˍȫ༗࠲ΓϋΗȜ ȪˍȫUniversity Health Center

 ᧄቇߩ଻ஜ࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ߪޔ⷏ࠠࡖࡦࡄࠬߦ⸳⟎ߐࠇޔኾછࠬ At the University Health Center (on West Campus), one ࠲࠶ࡈ߇ߘࠇߙࠇߩኾ㐷⊛┙႐߆ࠄ⋧⺣ߦᔕߓߡߊࠇ߹ߔޕ full-time doctor, six part-time doctors, two registered nurses,  ೑↪ᢱ㊄ߪ߆߆ࠅ߹ߖࠎޕ one dietician and one clinical psychologist are available to assist your medical needs. The services (free of charge) ਥߥ೑↪ౝኈ provided by the Center include: Ԙౝ⑼࡮ᄖ⑼ߩ◲නߥᴦ≮ޔ߅ࠃ߮ᔕᕆಣ⟎ޕ ԘFirst-aid internal or surgical treatment ԙ∝⁁ߦᔕߓߚක≮ᯏ㑐ߩ⚫੺㧔ᣣᧄ⺆߇ਇ⥄↱ߥ႐วޔ∝ ԙReferral to other appropriate medical facilities: a letter of ⁁ࠍ⡞߈ขࠅޔ⚫੺⁁ࠍᦠ޿ߡ߽ࠄ߃߹ߔޕ㧕 referral will be written for patients without adequate Ԛஜᐽ਄ޔ߹ߚߪ♖␹⊛ߥ໧㗴ߦ㑐ߔࠆ⋧⺣߅ࠃ߮ࠞ࠙ࡦ࠮ Japanese language ability ࡝ࡦࠣޕ ԚCounseling and advice regarding physical and/or ԛஜᐽ⸻ᢿޕ psychological difficulties Ԝ  ᦬㧔 ᦬౉ቇߩቇ↢ߪ  ᦬㧕ߩቯᦼஜᐽ⸻ᢿࠍฃߌߡ ԛAnnual physical checkup conducted in April. ߅ߊߣޔߘߩ⚿ᨐߦၮߠ޿ߡޔዞ⡯࡮ㅴቇ࡮ᅑቇ㊄↳⺧╬ ԜBased on the results of the annual checkup, a health ߦᔅⷐߥஜᐽ⸻ᢿᦠࠍήᢱߢ⊒ⴕߒߡ߽ࠄ߃߹ߔޕ certificate (report) can be issued if needed for employment, further education, and application for scholarships.  ଻ஜ࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ߪޔ᦬ᦐᣣ߆ࠄ㊄ᦐᣣߩඦ೨  ᤨඨ߆ࠄඦᓟ  ᤨ߹ߢ㐿ቶߒߡ޿߹ߔޕ㧔࿯ޔᣣޔ⑂ᣣߪ㐿޿ߡ޿߹ߖࠎޕ㧕 The Health Center is open 8:30 to 17:00 Monday ໧޿วࠊߖߪޔTEL  ߳ޕ through Friday. (Closed on weekends, national and university E ࡔ࡯࡞ [email protected] holidays) Inquiries: 042-580-8172 ࡎ࡯ࡓࡍ࡯ࠫ㧦http://www.hit-u.ac.jp/hoken/index.html E-mail:[email protected] Website:http://www.hit-u.ac.jp/eng/campuslife/health/ce nter.html Ȫˎȫݝ඾͈֓ၷ΍ȜΫΑ ȪˎȫHoliday Medical Treatment Center ݝ඾૷ၷΓϋΗȜ Should an injury or sudden illness require urgent  ᄢቇߩ଻ஜ࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ޔ৻⥸ߩ∛㒮߿⸻≮ᚲߪᣣᦐ࡮⑂ᣣߪ medical attentions when neither the University Health Center ભ⸻ߢߔޕᣣᦐ࡮⑂ᣣߦ∛᳇ߦߥߞߚࠅޔߌ߇ࠍߒߚߣ߈ߪޔ nor other medical facilities are open, the Holiday Medical ࿖┙Ꮢߩޟભᣣ⸻≮࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ޠߢޔౝ⑼ޔዊఽ⑼ޔ߅ࠃ߮シ Treatment Center of Kunitachi provides basic internal, ᐲߩᄖ⑼ߩᔕᕆಣ⟎ࠍฃߌࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߔޕ pediatric and surgical services. ૑ᚲ㧦ን჻⷗บ 㧔 ࡍ࡯ࠫߩ࿾࿑ෳᾖ㧕 Address: Fujimidai 3-16-6 (*Refer to map on p. 39) 㔚⹤㧦 Phone: 042-576-2341 ᤨ㑆㧦ඦ೨  ᤨ㨪ඦᓟ  ᤨඨޔඦᓟ  ᤨ㨪ඦᓟ  ᤨ Office Hours: 10:00 to 16: 30; 18:00 to 22:00

؊ݢ૷ၷਫ਼ Holiday Dental Emergency Treatment Centerشݝ඾ভ  ભᣣߩᱤ⑼⸻≮ߦߟ޿ߡߪޔߐߊࠄભᣣᱤ⑼⸻≮ᚲߦ߅޿ The Holiday Dental Emergency Treatment Center ߡᔕᕆಣ⟎߇ฃߌࠄࠇ߹ߔޕ provides dental services on holidays.  ૑ᚲ㧦ን჻⷗บ 㧔 ࡍ࡯ࠫߩ࿾࿑ෳᾖ㧕 Address: Fujimidai 3-16-17 (*Refer to map on p.39)  㔚⹤㧦 Phone: 042-577-0418  ᤨ㑆㧦ඦ೨  ᤨ㨪ඦᓟ  ᤨ  ಽ Office Hours: 10:00 to 16:30

ijķġ ༗࠲Ȇ֓ၷঔ୭ Medical Facilities

ዊᐔᏒߢߪห᭽ߩࠨ࡯ࡆࠬࠍޟዊᐔᏒஜᐽ࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ޠߢฃ Kodaira Medical Center provides emergency medical ߌࠄࠇ߹ߔޕ services on holidays. ૑ᚲ㧦ዊᐔᏒቇ࿦᧲↸  Address: 1-19-12 Kodaira Gakuen Higashimachi 㔚⹤㧦 Kodaira ᤨ㑆㧦Ფᣣඦᓟ  ᤨඨ㨪ඦᓟ  ᤨඨ Phone: 042-346-3706         㧖ዊᐔᏒએᄖߩੱ߽ฃ⸻น⢻ߢߔޕ Office Hours: 19:30: to 22:30 *Residents from other cities can receive medical .services ۾ܥ࣭ࢊͥ֓͢ͅၷ΍ȜΫΑڎȪˏȫ

࡮ AMDA࿖㓙ක≮ᖱႎ࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ߩᄖ࿖⺆ߦࠃࠆක≮ᖱႎ ȪˏȫMedical Information Services in Other ࠨ࡯ࡆࠬ㧔⧷⺆ޔਛ࿖⺆ޔࡂࡦࠣ࡞⺆ޔ࠲ࠗ⺆ޔࠬࡍࠗࡦ Languages ⺆㧕  㔚⹤㧦 ࡮ The AMDA International Medical Information Center  ࡎ࡯ࡓࡍ࡯ࠫ㧦http://amda-imic.com/ provides Medical Information Services in English, Chinese, Korean, Thai, and Spanish. ࡮ ߭߹ࠊࠅ᧲੩ㇺ଻ஜක≮ᖱႎ࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ߩᢇᕆක≮ㅢ⸶ࠨ Phone: 03-5285-8088 ࡯ࡆࠬ㧔⧷⺆ޔਛ࿖⺆ޔࡂࡦࠣ࡞⺆ޔ࠲ࠗ⺆ޔࠬࡍࠗࡦ⺆㧕 Website: amda-imic.com/lng_eng/ ߣㇺౝߩ∛㒮ߩ⚫੺ ࡮Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Institution Information `Himawari’,  㔚⹤㧦 provides Emergency Medical Interpretation/  Translation  ࡎ࡯ࡓࡍ࡯ࠫ㧦http://www.himawari.metro.tokyo.jp/ Services in English, Chinese, Korean, Thai, and Spanish. Phone:㩷03-5285-8181㩷 ࡮ ᧲੩ᶖ㒐ᐡ࠹࡟ࡈࠜࡦࠨ࡯ࡆࠬ㧔ᄙ៺ἴኂᢇᕆᖱႎ࠮ࡦ ࠲࡯㧦ක≮ᯏ㑐᩺ౝ㧕 Website: www.himawari.metro.tokyo.jp/qq/qq13enmnlt.asp  㔚⹤㧦㧔⧷⺆ኻᔕਇน㧕 ࡮Tokyo Fire Department Telephone Information Services (Tama Disaster/Emergency Information Center) Phone: 0425-21-2323 (English Services are not available)

!ఘࡑ! ಍໤ا։໲ ijĸġ ൳၌ဥঔ୭̷͈͂΍ȜΫΑġވඤ͈ڠ On-Campus Services and Facilities

ȪˍȫEast Plaza and West Plaza ڰક๯৪୆ڠఱޘȪˍȫ൐ίρΎȂୌίρΎȪ֚ ވ൳ழࣣȫġ (Hitotsubashi University COOP)

 ቇ↢㘩ၴޔᦠ☋࡮ᢥᚱౕᐫߥߤ߇޽ࠅ߹ߔޕ↢දߩળຬ㧔౉ Cafeterias, bookstores, stationary, a barber and student ળ㊄ߪቇㇱ↢  ౞ޔ㒮↢࡮⎇ⓥ↢  ౞㧦ㅌળᤨߦߪ cooperative offices are located in the East and the West ㄰ළ㧕ߦߥࠆߣޔ㧑ߩഀᒁߢᧄ߇⾈߃ࠆߥߤߩ․ౖ߇޽ࠅ Plazas. The COOP membership entitles students to a 10% ߹ߔޕ discount on all the book purchases (Membership fee is ࡎ࡯ࡓࡍ࡯ࠫ㧦http://www.coop-bf.or.jp/hit-u/shop.html 13,000 yen for undergraduate students, and 9,000 yen for graduate and research student: refundable when you ȪˎȫίςϋΠȆΓϋΗȜ(࣭ၛୌ΅λϋΩΑ) terminate your membership). Website: http://hit-u.coop-bf.or.jp/  ↢දߩ೨ߦ޽ࠆࡊ࡝ࡦ࠻࡮࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ߢޔീቇ߿⺞ᩏ⎇ⓥߦ ᔅⷐߥ⾗ᢱߥߤࠍශ೚ߒߚࠅޔࠦࡇ࡯ߔࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߔޕ ȪˎȫPhotocopy Center ↢දߢࠦࡇ࡯࡮ࠞ࡯࠼ࠍ⾼౉ߒߡ೑↪ߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ᦬ᦐ߆ ࠄ㊄ᦐߩඦ೨  ᤨඨ߆ࠄඦᓟ  ᤨඨ߹ߢ㐿޿ߡ޿߹ߔޕ The Photocopy Center is located in front of the West  ߥ߅ޔᄢቇ㒮↢ߦߪޔ৻ቯ㊂ߩήᢱࠦࡇ࡯ࠞ࡯࠼߇㈩ઃߐ Plaza. Materials for your studies and researches can be ࠇ߹ߔߩߢޔฦ⎇ⓥ⑼੐ോቶߢฃߌขߞߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ printed and copied. Copy cards should be purchased at the Student COOP. The Center is open 9:30 to 16:30 Monday through Friday. Graduate students will receive Copy Cards that allow certain number of copies free of charge. These Copy Cards are provided at their respective Graduate Faculty offices.

ɣୌίρΎ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ɣ൐ίρΎ! ! !

ijĹġ ൲ڰٸهΑεȜΜȆ Sports and Extra Curricular Activities

ȪˍȫΑεȜΜ ȪˍȫSports

 ᧄቇߦߪޔⓨᚻޔᨵ㆏ޔ೶㆏ޔ࠹࠾ࠬޔࡃ࡟࡯ࡏ࡯࡞ޔࡃ During your stay at Hitotsubashi University, you can ࠬࠤ࠶࠻ࡏ࡯࡞ޔ㒽਄┹ᛛޔࡏ࡯࠻ޔࠬࠠ࡯ߥߤ᭽ޘߥࠬࡐ take part in a variety of sports clubs such as karate, kendo, ࡯࠷࡮ࠢ࡜ࡉ߇޽ࠅ߹ߔޕࠬࡐ࡯࠷࡮ࠢ࡜ࡉߩ⹦⚦ߦߟ޿ߡ tennis, basketball, skiing, etc. Details of these sports clubs ߪޔએਅߩࠨࠗ࠻߆ࠄࠢ࡜ࡉߩ⚫੺ࠍ⷗ߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ can be found in the link below. http://www.hit-u.ac.jp/shien/campuslife/group_activity.html http://www.hit-u.ac.jp/shien/campuslife/group_activity.html

 ᧄቇߩࠬࡐ࡯࠷ᣉ⸳ߪࠢ࡜ࡉᵴേኾ↪ߩ߽ߩ߇ᄙߊޔ୘ੱ Most of the university sports facilities are reserved for ߢߪߥ߆ߥ߆೑↪ߢ߈߹ߖࠎޕ୘ੱߢ૶↪ߢ߈ࠆᣉ⸳ߣߒߡޔ club use rather than individual use. However, Josui Sports ᧄቇߩᣉ⸳ߢ޽ࠆޟᅤ᳓ࠬࡐ࡯࠷ࡊ࡜ࠩޠ㧔ዊᐔ࿖㓙ࠠࡖࡦࡄ Plaza (on Kodaira International Campus) and Kunitachi ࠬౝ㧕ߣޔ୘ੱߢ቟ଔߦ೑↪ߢ߈ࠆ࿖┙Ꮢᓎᚲ㓞ߩޟߊߦߚ Community Sports Center, located next to the City Hall, ߜᏒ᳃✚ว૕⢒㙚ޠ߇޽ࠅ߹ߔޕ provide inexpensive sporting facilities for individual use.  ᅤ᳓ࠬࡐ࡯࠷ࡊ࡜ࠩߢߪޔ࠻࡟࡯࠾ࡦࠣ࡮ࠫࡓޔ⃿ᛛ↪ࠕ Josui Sports Plaza offers an athletic gym, an arena and ࡝࡯࠽ޔ߅ࠃ߮࠳ࡦࠬ࡮ࠬ࠲ࠫࠝࠍ೑↪ߢ߈߹ߔޕ㐿㙚ᤨ㑆 a dance studio. The Sports plaza is open from 7-10 a.m. and ߪ᦬ޔἫޔᧁޔ㊄ᦐᣣߩ 㨪 ᤨ߅ࠃ߮ 㨪 ᤨޔ᳓ᦐᣣߩ 6-10 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays;  ᤨ㨪 ᤨޔ࿯ᣣ␸ᣣߩ 㨪 ᤨߢߔޕ೑↪ᢱߪ৻ቇᦼ㑆 3-10 p.m. on Wednesdays; noon-7 p.m. on weekends and 㧔㨪 ᦬ޔ㨪 ᦬㧕 ౞ߢޔቇ↢ᡰេ⺖߅ࠃ߮ዊᐔ࿖ holidays. The membership fee per semester (April to 㓙੤ᵹࡊ࡜ࠩߢળຬ↳⺧ࠍߔࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߔޕ September, October to March) is 7,500 yen. Hitotsubashi ໧޿วࠊߖ㧦㧔࿖㓙੤ᵹࡊ࡜ࠩ㧕 students may apply for membership at Student Support Office  ߊߦߚߜᏒ᳃✚ว૕⢒㙚ߦߪޔቶౝࡊ࡯࡞ޔ࠻࡟࡯࠾ࡦࠣ࡮ on Kunitachi campus or Kodaira International Plaza Office. ࠫࡓޔࡃ࠼ࡒࡦ࠻ࡦޔࡃࠬࠤ࠶࠻࡮ࡏ࡯࡞ޔࡃ࡟࡯࡮ࡏ࡯࡞ޔ Inquiries: 042-349-0039 (Kodaira International Plaza Office). ථ⃿ߥߤ߇ߢ߈ࠆ૕⢒ቶ߇޽ࠅޔᜰዉຬ߽޿߹ߔޕᢱ㊄ߪߔ The Kunitachi Community Sports Center has an indoor ߴߡ  ౞೨ᓟߢޔ࡜ࠤ࠶࠻㘃ޔࡃ࡟࡯ࡏ࡯࡞ޔࡃࠬࠤ࠶࠻ pool, training room, badminton facilities, basket ball courts, ࡏ࡯࡞╬ߪήᢱߢ⾉ߒߡߊࠇ߹ߔޕߚߛߒޔࠬࠗࡒࡦࠣ࡮ࠠ volleyball courts, and table tennis facilities. The Center is open ࡖ࠶ࡊޔථ⃿ࡏ࡯࡞ޔࡃ࠻ࡒࡦ࠻ࡦߩࠪࡖ࠻࡞ߪฦ⥄ߢᜬෳ 9:00 to 21:00 on weekdays and closed on the second and ߒߡਅߐ޿ޕඦ೨  ᤨ߆ࠄඦᓟ  ᤨ㧔ࡊ࡯࡞ߪඦ೨  ᤨ㨪ඦ fourth Thursday of the month (or the following day should the ᓟ  ᤨޔ࠻࡟࡯࠾ࡦࠣ࡮ࠫࡓߪඦ೨  ᤨඨ㨪ඦᓟ  ᤨඨ㧕߹ second or fourth Thursday fall on a national holiday). ߢ೑↪ߢ߈ޔ╙ ޔ╙  ᧁᦐᣣ㧔␸⑂ᣣߦᒰߚࠆߣ߈ߪ⠉ᣣ㧕 Inquiries: 042-573-4111. ߪભ㙚ߢߔޕ ໧޿วࠊߖ㧦 ȪˎȫExtra Curricular Activities

൲ There are over 50 non-sporting clubs at HitotsubashiڰٸهȪˎȫ̷͈ఈ͈ University. These range from an orchestra, photography club  ࠝ࡯ࠤࠬ࠻࡜ޔ⨥㆏ㇱޔ࠴ࠚࠬㇱޔ౮⌀ㇱޔᤋ↹⎇ⓥળߥ and film study club to a tea ceremony club. Detailed ߤ  ࠍ⿥߃ࠆࠢ࡜ࡉ߇޽ࠅ߹ߔޕ⹦ߒ޿ᖱႎߪޔએਅߩࠨࠗ information can be found in Ikkyo Bunka, published each year ࠻ߦ޽ࠆᢥൻ࿅૕ㅪวળߩ⴫ࠍߺߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ by the umbrella group of such clubs. Please refer to: http://www.hit-u.ac.jp/shien/campuslife/group_activity.html http://www.hit-u.ac.jp/shien/campuslife/group_activity.html

!ఘࡑا։໲ ijĺġ ࣭૽΍εȜΠίυΈρθġٸ౷֖͈ Community Support Programs for International Students

ȴ࣭ၛ౷֖͈ίυΈρθȵ ȴKunitachi Community Volunteers for International ġ Studentsȵ  ࿖┙Ꮢߦߪޔ࿾ၞߩᄖ࿖ੱࠍࠨࡐ࡯࠻ߔࠆߚ߼ߦޔ౏᳃㙚 ߿޿ࠈ޿ࠈߥࡏ࡜ࡦ࠹ࠖࠕ࿅૕߇޽ࠅޔએਅߩࠃ߁ߦᄙ᭽ߥ The Public Hall and volunteer groups in Kunitachi ࡊࡠࠣ࡜ࡓߥߤࠍឭଏߒߡ޿߹ߔޕ provide a variety of programs to support foreign residents living in the city.

Ȫˍȫ඾ུࢊ΍εȜΠ ȪˍȫJapanese Language Support ࿖┙౏᳃㙚ߩᣣᧄ⺆ᢎቶ  ↢ᵴᣣᧄ⺆ߩᢎቶ㧔౉㐷࡮ೋ⚖࡮ਛ⚖ޔฦ  ߆᦬㧕ࠍήᢱ Japanese language classes at the Kunitachi Public Hall ߢ㐿⻠ߒߡ޿߹ߔޕᄢቇߢߩീᒝ߿⎇ⓥߩߚ߼ߩᣣᧄ⺆ߢߪ Conversational Japanese language classes (Introductory, ޽ࠅ߹ߖࠎߩߢޔ⇐ቇ↢ᧄੱࠃࠅ߽㈩஧⠪߿ኅᣖߩᣇߦᦨㆡ Beginning, and Intermediate) are offered free of charge. ߥᢎቶߢߔޕ⥝๧ߩ޽ࠆᣇߪޔ⋥ធ࿖┙౏᳃㙚㧔㧕 The classes are not intended for academic purposes or ߦ߅໧޿วࠊߖਅߐ޿ޕ research, etc; but might be helpful for spouses and family members. For further inquiry, contact the Kunitachi Public Hall (042-572-5141).


Ĵıġ ࣭૽΍εȜΠίυΈρθٸ౷֖͈ Community Support Programs for International Students

࢐ၠ ȪˎȫCultural ExchangeاȪˎȫ໲

 ޿ߊߟ߆ߩࠣ࡞࡯ࡊ߇ޔ⨥㆏ޔ⪇㆏ޔᣣᧄ࡮ᄖ࿖ߩᢱℂ޽ Various groups provide cultural exchange activities such ࠆ޿ߪࡂࠗࠠࡦࠣ╬ߐ߹ߑ߹ߥᢥൻ੤ᵹᵴേࠍⴕߞߡ޿߹ߔޕ as tea ceremony, flower arrangement, Japanese and ࿖┙࿾ၞߩ࿾ၞᵴേߦߟ޿ߡߪޔ࿖┙࿾ၞ࿖㓙੤ᵹ࠾ࡘ࡯ࠬ international cooking, hiking, etc. Information and activity ࡟࠲࡯ࠍ⷗ߡߊߛߐ޿ޕห࠾ࡘ࡯ࠬ࡟࠲࡯ߩ࠙ࠚࡉࠨࠗ࠻㧦 calendars are available on the Kunitachi Newsletter for http://www002.upp.so-net.ne.jp/kunitachi/ International Friendship and its website at http://www002. upp.so-net.ne.jp/kunitachi/

࣭ࢊͥ͢ͅঌྦྷ௖౴΋Ȝ΢ȜٸȪˏȫ࣭ၛঌ࿨ਫ਼͈ ȪˏȫConsultation Services in Foreign Languages  ࿖┙ᏒᓎᚲߩᏒ᳃⋧⺣ࠦ࡯࠽࡯㧔 㓏㧕ߢߪޔᏒߩⴕ᡽߿ at the City Hall ⒢㊄ޔ଻ஜ޽ࠆ޿ߪߐ߹ߑ߹ߥࠨ࡯ࡆࠬ╬ߩ೙ᐲߦߟ޿ߡޔ Ფ᦬╙  ߣ╙  ᦬ᦐᣣߩඦ೨  ᤨ㨪 ᤨ߹ߢޔ⧷⺆ޔ㖧࿖ At the Kunitachi City Hall, Consultation Corner 㧔1F㧕is ⺆ޔਛ࿖⺆ߢߩ⋧⺣ࠍฃߌઃߌߡ޿߹ߔޕ੐೨੍⚂ࠍ߅൘߼ available for foreign residents in order to answer their ߒ߹ߔ㧔 ౝ✢㧕ޕ questions on the municipal administration, taxation, and health care on the first and third Mondays from 10:00 to 12:00. Consultation services are available in English, Korean, and Chinese. Reservations strongly recommended .(Ȫːȫ౷֖࣭ष࢐ၠ౬ఘ͈ΣνȜΑτΗȜ (042-580-2112 ext. 178

࿖┙࿾ၞߩ࿖㓙੤ᵹࡏ࡜ࡦ࠹ࠖࠕ߇Ფ᦬ޟ࿖㓙੤ᵹ࠾ࡘ࡯ ࠬޠࠍ Web ߅ࠃ߮࠾ࡘ࡯ࠬ࡟࠲࡯ߢ⊒ⴕߒߡ޿߹ߔޕ ȪːȫNewsletter by Local Volunteer Groups www002.upp.so-net.ne.jp/kunitachi/ “News in Kunitachi” is a monthly newsletter covering community events by local volunteer groups. The newsletter is available in print and on the website at:



ĴIJġ ࣭૽΍εȜΠίυΈρθġٸ౷֖͈ Community Support Programs for International Students

͈ٛίυΈρθȵ ȴSupport Programs for International Students ofފȴ઀໹ঌ࣭ष࢐ၠ Kodaira Cityȵ  ዊᐔᏒߢߪዊᐔᏒ࿖㓙੤ᵹදળ߇ਛᔃߦߥߞߡޔᄖ࿖ੱ߳ ߩ᭽ޘߥࠨࡐ࡯࠻ࠍឭଏߒߡ޿߹ߔޕ Kodaira International Friendship Association (KIFA) ႐ᚲ㧦ዊᐔᏒቇ࿦⷏↸  offers various supports to foreign residents in the city. ቇ࿦⷏↸࿾ၞ࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ 㔚⹤㧦 Address: 2-12-22 Gakuen Nishimachi, Kodaira ࡎ࡯ࡓࡍ࡯ࠫ㧦 Kodaira Gakuen Nishimachi Community Center http://www3.tky.3web.ne.jp/~kodaira/jjj/main01.html Phone: 042-342-4488 Website: http://www3.tky.3web.ne.jp/~kodaira/eee/frame_e.html Ȫˍȫ࣭ष࢐ၠρ;ϋΐ

 ᖱႎឭଏߩߚ߼ߩ࿑ᦠ࡮⾗ᢱߥߤ߇޽ࠅޔߘࠇߙࠇߩᢥൻ ȪˍȫCommunication Lounge ߩੱߣ੤ᵹࠍᭉߒ߻ߎߣߩߢ߈ࠆ႐ߢߔޕᣣᧄߢߩ↢ᵴߦ߅ ߌࠆޔၮᧄ⊛ߥᖱႎ߇ឝタߐࠇߚ࿑ᦠߥߤߩ⾉ߒ಴ߒ߽ⴕߞ This lounge is a place where you find and browse ߡ޿߹ߔޕ publications such as periodicals, books, and resources for information on various cultures of the world, and it is an active place where newcomers are always given a warm welcome. Ȫˎȫ඾ུࢊޗ৒ At the lounge, you can also borrow books on Japan.

 ࡟ࡌ࡞೎ߦಽߌߚࠢ࡜ࠬߢޔㅳ  ࿁ࠍၮᧄߣߒߚᣣᧄ⺆ᢎ ቶ߇㐿߆ࠇߡ޿߹ߔޕ࡟ࡌ࡞ߦࠃߞߡᦐᣣޔᤨ㑆Ꮺ߇㆑޿߹ ȪˎȫJapanese Classes ߔߩߢޔ໧޿วࠊߖࠍߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ Groups are divided into levels depending on your Japanese language ability, and each class meets once a ȪˏȫγΑΠέ͹ηςȜȂγȜθΫΐΛΠ week. Class schedules vary at your levels, so please contact KIFA and ask for further information.  ᣣᧄੱߩኅᐸࠍ⸰໧ߒޔ⥄↱ߦᭉߒߊ੤ᵹߔࠆߎߣࠍ⋡⊛ ߣߒߡ޿߹ߔޕᏗᦸ⠪ߪ↳ㄟᦠߦ⸥౉ߒㇷㅍޔ߹ߚߪ FAX ߢ ↳ߒㄟ߻ߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߔޕ ȪˏȫHost Families & Home Visitsġ

By participating in this program you will experience Ȫːȫૂ༭೹ރ΋Ȝ΢Ȝ Japanese lifestyle in an up-close-and-personal way while by visiting a host family for a day. If you are interested in this  ↢ᵴߦ㑐ࠊࠆᖱႎ߿ޔᣂߒߊડ↹ߐࠇߚࠗࡌࡦ࠻ߥߤߩᖱ program, the office staff will explain in detail to you in ႎࠍឭଏߒ߹ߔޕᖱႎឭଏࠦ࡯࠽࡯ߪήᢱߢޔᲤㅳ᳓ᦐᣣߩ Japanese or English and send/FAX you the application form. ඦᓟ  ᤨ߆ࠄඦᓟ  ᤨ߹ߢⴕࠊࠇߡ޿߹ߔޕᣣᧄ⺆ߢߩឭଏ ߩ߶߆ޔ⧷⺆ޔਛ࿖⺆ޔ㖧࿖⺆ޔࡈ࡜ࡦࠬ⺆ޔࠬࡍࠗࡦ⺆ޔ ࠕ࡜ࡆࠕ⺆ߥߤߢߩឭଏ߽ⴕߞߡ޿߹ߔޕ ȪːȫInformation Corner

Information for your life in Japan and new events is provided at the Information Corner free of charge. (13:00 to 15:00 Wednesdays) Information is available in Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, French, Spanish, and Arabic.

Ĵijġ ࣭ܦഢݳȆ Moving Out and Returning Home

Ȫˍȫഢݳ ȪˍȫMoving Out

 ォዬߩ㓙ߦߪએਅߩ࠴ࠚ࠶ࠢࡐࠗࡦ࠻ࠍฦ⥄ߢ⏕⹺ߒߡߊ Please check the following points: ߛߐ޿ޕ (Before Moving Out) Check Ȫഢݳஜȫ!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ΙͿΛ· ԘCheck the necessary procedures at the International Ԙ࿖㓙⺖ߦォዬߦ޽ߚߞߡߩᔅⷐᚻ⛯߈ࠍ⏕⹺ߔࠆޕ Affairs office that you must complete before your moving غ .out غ  ԙㆃߊߣ߽  ࡩ᦬೨߹ߢߦኅਥߐࠎ㧔ኋ⥢ߦ౉ߞߡ޿ ԙInform your landlord (administrative staff if you live in a ࠆੱߪ▤ℂቶ㧕߹ߚߪਇേ↥ᬺ⠪ߦㅌ෰੍๔ࠍߔࠆޕ dormitory) or the real state agency of your departure غ .(schedule (date غ Ԛ  ࡩ᦬೨߹ߢߦ㔚᳇࡮ࠟࠬ࡮᳓㆏࡮㔚⹤㧔NTT࡮KDDI㧕࡮ ԚComplete the procedure to stop the use of water, gas, غ .electricity, the Internet, and Cable TV غ ޕCATV࡮ࠗࡦ࠲࡯ࡀ࠶࠻ߩォዬᚻ⛯ࠍߔࠆ ԛᏒ࡮඙ᓎᚲߢォዬዯࠍ಴ߒޔ࿖᳃ஜᐽ଻㒾⸽ࠍ㄰ㆶ (ԛSubmit “Move out notification” at the local City (Ward غ ߔࠆޕ Office in the area of your old residence, and return your غ Ԝ  ㅳ㑆ߋࠄ޿೨߹ߢߦޔ៤Ꮺ㔚⹤ળ␠߳⒖ォవࠍ⍮ national health insurance card. ԜInform your mobile phone company of your new address غ ޕࠄߖࠆ .weeks before your moving or departure 2 غ ޕԝࠢ࡟ࠫ࠶࠻ࠞ࡯࠼ળ␠ߦ⒖ォవࠍ⍮ࠄߖࠆ غ غ      ޕԞ㊄Ⲣᯏ㑐߳ォዬవࠍ⍮ࠄߖࠆ ԟ৻ㅳ㑆ߋࠄ޿೨߹ߢߦޔㇷଢዪ߳ߩㇷଢ‛ߩォㅍߩ ԝInform your credit card company of your new address. غ (⢻ࠝࡦ࡜ࠗࡦߢߩ↳⺧߽น)ޕዯ಴ࠍⴕ߁ غ غ .㧔  ᐕ㑆ߪฎ޿૑ᚲ߳ዯ޿ߚㇷଢ‛ࠍήᢱߢォㅍߒߡ ԞInform your bank of your new address ߽ࠄ߁ߎߣ߇ߢ߈ࠆޕ㧕 ԟComplete the procedure online for forwarding your mails http://www.jp-network.japanpost.jp/services/post/forwarding/ to the new address about 1 week before you move out. any mail sent to your old address will be forwarded to the) غ ޕԠ૑᳃⒢ߥߤߩ⒢㊄ᧂ⚊ಽࠍ⚊౉ߔࠆ (new one for about 1 year غ   ޕὐᬌߣ㎛ߩ㄰ළࠍߔࠆޔԡㇱደߩᷡ᝹ غ /http://www.jp-network.japanpost.jp/services/post/forwarding غ .Ȫഢݳࢃȫ! ! ԠSettle the balance of municipal tax that you owe Ԙᣂߒ޿Ꮢ࡮඙ᓎᚲߢᒁ⿧ߒ߆ࠄ  ᣣએౝߦォ౉ዯ ԡClean your apartment, check for damages, and return غ .your keys غ ޕࠍ಴ߔ ԙᣂߒ޿Ꮢ࡮඙ᓎᚲߢౣᐲ࿖᳃ஜᐽ଻㒾ߦട౉ߔࠆޕ 㧔หߓᏒ࡮඙ᓎᚲౝߢߩᒁ⿧ߒߢ߽૑ᚲᄌᦝዯ߇ᔅ (After Moving to Your New Address) غ .ԘSubmit “Move in notification” at your local City Hall غ ⷐ㧕 ԙRe-apply for the National Health Insurance at the City (or غ ޕԚ࿖㓙⺖ߢߩ૑ᚲᄌᦝዯࠍⴕ߁ غ .Ward) Office in the area of your residence غ ޕԛᢎോ⺖߹ߚߪฦ⎇ⓥ⑼ߢߩ૑ᚲᄌᦝዯࠍⴕ߁ ԚInform the International Affairs Office of your address غ .change ԛInform the Educational Affairs Division (or Graduate غ .School Office) of your address change

ĴĴ ࣭ġܦഢݳȆ Moving Out and Returning Home

Ȫˎȫ௾ުȆܦ࣭ ȪˎȫLeaving Japan ġ Check

Inform your academic advisor of your date of  Ꮻ࿖೨ߦߪޔએਅߩ࠴ࠚ࠶ࠢࡐࠗࡦ࠻ࠍฦ⥄ߢ⏕ Ԙ غ .departure ⹺ߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ       ԙCheck the necessary procedures including ΙͿΛ· registration for the alumni at the International غ (Affairs Office for departure. (leaving Japan غ ޕԘᜰዉᢎຬߦᏫ࿖ᣣࠍ⍮ࠄߖࠆ ԙ࿖㓙⺖ߦතᬺ࡮Ꮻ࿖ߦ޽ߚߞߡߩᔅⷐᚻ⛯߈ࠍ⏕ Ԛ Apply for airfares (returning home) at the International Affairs Office if you are a Kokuhi غ ޕ⹺ߔࠆ غ .Government-financed) student) ԛComplete the procedures for moving out of your غ ޕԚ࿖⾌ቇ↢ߪᦼᣣ߹ߢߦᏫ࿖↳⺧ᚻ⛯߈ࠍߔࠆ ԛኋ⥢ߩㅌ෰ᚻ⛯߈ࠍߒޔኅ⾓࡮ࠟࠬ࡮㔚᳇࡮᳓㆏ apartment (dormitory), and adjust accounts for ,your rent, gas, electricity, water, the Internet غ ޕᢱ㊄࡮CATV࡮ࠗࡦ࠲࡯ࡀ࠶࠻ߥߤࠍ♖▚ߔࠆ غ .Cable TV etc غ ޕ⸃⚂ᚻ⛯߈ࠍߣࠆޔ៤Ꮺ㔚⹤ߩᷡ▚ࠍߒޔԜ㔚⹤ ԜCancel your contract of your phone and your غ .଻㒾ᢱࠍ mobile phone contract and adjust the accountsޔԝ࿖᳃ஜᐽ଻㒾⸽ࠍᏒ࡮඙ᓎᚲߢ㄰ළߒ ԝReturn your national health insurance card at غ ޕᷡ▚ߔࠆ غ .੹ᓟᝄࠅㄟߺ࡮ᡰᛄ޿ߩ੍ቯ߇ߥ޿ your local City Hall and adjust the accountsޔԞ㌁ⴕญᐳߪ ԞCancel your bank account unless no further غ ޕ႐วߪ⸃⚂ߩᚻ⛯߈ࠍߔࠆ غ .transactions or payments are expected ԟㆃߊߣ߽  ࡩ᦬೨߹ߢߦኅਥߐࠎ㧔ኋ⥢ߦ౉ߞߡ ԟInform your landlord (administrative staff if you ޿ࠆੱߪ▤ℂቶ㧕߹ߚߪਇേ↥ᬺ⠪ߦㅌ෰੍๔ࠍ live in a dormitory) or the real state agency of غ .(your departure schedule (date غ ޕߔࠆ ԠInform your credit card company of your new غ ޕԠࠢ࡟ࠫ࠶࠻ࠞ࡯࠼ળ␠ߦ⒖ォవࠍ⍮ࠄߖࠆ غ .⸃⚂ߒߡ㄰㊄ᚻ⛯߈ࠍߔ addressޔԡ↢ද⚵วຬ⸽߇޽ࠇ߫ ԡReturn your Co-op membership card and collect غ غ ޕࠆ your deposit money. Ԣ৻ㅳ㑆ߋࠄ޿೨߹ߢߦޔㇷଢዪ߳ߩㇷଢ‛ߩォㅍ ԢComplete the procedure for forwarding your mails to the new address about 1 week before غ ޕߩዯ಴ࠍⴕ߁ غ 㧔 ᐕ㑆ߪฎ޿૑ᚲ߳ዯ޿ߚㇷଢ‛ࠍήᢱߢォㅍ you move out. (any mail sent to your old ߒߡ߽ࠄ߁ߎߣ߇ߢ߈ࠆޕᶏᄖ߳ߩォㅍߪਇน address will be forwarded to the new one for about 1 year, but unavailable to be transferred (outside Japan غ ޕԣ૑᳃⒢ߥߤߩ⒢㊄ᧂ⚊ಽࠍ⚊౉ߔࠆ غ .ԣSettle the balance of municipal tax that you owe غ ޕὐᬌߣ㎛ߩ㄰ළࠍߔࠆޔԤㇱደߩᷡ᝹ ԤClean your apartment, check for damages, and غ .ㅪ⛊వ㧔㔚⹤⇟ภ߿ return your keysޔ㧔ᵈᗧ㧕ォዬ࡮Ꮻ࿖એᄖߢ߽ (Note) Make sure to inform the International ࡔ࡯࡞ࠕ࠼࡟ࠬ㧕ߥߤ߇ᄌᦝߦߥߞߚ႐วߦߪޔ࿖ Affairs Office of your contact address and phone 㓙⺖ߦᔅߕㅪ⛊ߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ number if any change occurs.

”Ȫˏȫශକٛව̞ٛ̾̀ͅ ȪˏȫHitotsubashi Alumni Association “Josui-Kai

৻ᯅᄢቇߩห⓹ળ⚵❱ߢ޽ࠆᅤ᳓ળ㧔᦭ᢱ㧕߳ߩ⊓㍳ࠍᏗ Hitotsubashi University has a very strong network of alumni ᦸߔࠆ႐วߦߪޔએਅߩࠨࠗ࠻߆ࠄ౉ળߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ association called Josui-Kai around the world. You may apply https://www.josuikai.net/ to become a member of Josui Kai (fee required) at the Website: https://www.josuikai.net/

Ĵĵ ޽ݢশ͈చ؊ Emergencies

Ȫˍȫম࡬ ȪˍȫEmergencies In case of emergency, such as accident, crime and  ੐᡿߿‽⟋ޔ∛᳇ߥߤ✕ᕆߩ㓙ߦߪએਅߩ႐ᚲߦㅪ⛊ߒߡ illness, dial the following numbers. ✕ᕆភ⟎ࠍขߞߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ Road Accidents or Crimes (Police): 110  ‽⟋ޔ੐᡿ ⼊ኤ ዪ⇟ߥߒߩ  ⇟ Fire or Sudden illness (Fire station & Ambulances): 119  Ἣ੐ޔ∛᳇ ᶖ㒐⟑ ዪ⇟ߥߒߩ  ⇟ Police boxes, called Koban, are the places where policemen conduct a wide range of security services including ߘߩઁޔ੤⇟ߪ࿾ၞߩࡄ࠻ࡠ࡯࡞ߩ᜚ὐߣߒߡޔ߹ߚ‽⟋ޔ patrolling neighborhoods and filing reports for crimes and ኅ಴ੱޔ⪭ߒ‛ߥߤߩዯߌ಴వ߿㆏᩺ౝߥߤ᭽ޘߥᬺോࠍข missing persons, and lost and found items. ࠅᛒߞߡ޿߹ߔޕ ȪˎȫEarthquakes

Ȫˎȫ౷ૼ In Japan, earthquakes occur frequently. If a big earthquake occurs, most importantly of all, be sure to turn off  ᣣᧄߪ࿾㔡ߩᄙ޿࿖ߢߔޕ߽ߒ߽ᄢ߈ߥ࿾㔡߇⿠ߎߞߚࠄޔ all cooking and heating equipment around you. After that, ╙৻ߦりߩ࿁ࠅߩἫࠍᶖߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕߘߩᓟߢޔ⪭ߜ⌕޿ evacuate calmly to a safe place (a large park, school yard, etc). Pay attention to emergency earthquake warning. ߡ቟ోߛߣᕁࠊࠇࠆ႐ᚲߦㆱ㔍ߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ✕ᕆ࿾㔡ㅦႎ ߦߪචಽᵈᗧߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ Note: How to minimize risks ࡮ Secure safe environment inside. Brace your furniture ࿾㔡ߩᤨߦߪએਅߩࠃ߁ߥᔃ᭴߃߇ᄢಾߢߔޕ around the wall. Heavy objects must not be stacked on top of shelves. Cover windows with shatter-resistant film, ࿾㔡߳ߩᣣ㗃ߩᔃ᭴߃㧦 which will improve your safety. ኅౝߩ቟ోࠍ࿑ࠆޕ଀߃߫ޔኅౕࠍ㊄ౕ╬ࠍ૶ߞߡოߦ ࡮ Prepare an emergency kit containing essential items inside, ࿕ቯߔࠆޕ㊀޿߽ߩߪ᫜ߩ਄ߦ⟎߆ߥ޿ޕ⓹ࠟ࡜ࠬߦ㘧 such as food, water, medicine, valuables, a battery- ᢔ㒐ᱛࠪ࡯࠻ࠍ⾍ࠆޕ㕖Ᏹᜬߜ಴ߒⴼࠍ↪ᗧߒߡ߅ߊޕ powered radio, a flashlight, matches, towels, tissue papers, りㄭߥㆱ㔍႐ᚲࠍ⏕⹺ߒߡ߅ߊޕ㒐ἴᵴേߦෳടߔࠆޕ bank books, cotton work gloves, etc. Place the bag within your reach. ࡮ Discuss and plan evacuation sites and routes at the ደౝߢߪ㧦 time of a disaster among your family members. ߔߋߦἫߩᆎᧃࠍߔࠆޕᚭ߿⓹ࠍ㐿ߌߡ಴ญࠍ⏕଻ߔࠆޕ ࠹࡯ࡉ࡞ߥߤߩਅߦㆱ㔍ߔࠆޕ޽ࠊߡߡᄖߦ㘧߮಴ߐߥ޿ޕ If you are inside: ࡮ Extinguish all fire sources ࠛ࡟ࡌ࡯࠲࡯ߢㆱ㔍ߒߥ޿ޕ࠺ࡑߥߤߦᖺࠊߐࠇߥ޿ޕ ࡮ Open doors or window to secure your escape route ࡮ Stay under a table or other objects to protect you from ደᄖߢߪ㧦 falling objects ࠟ࡜ࠬߥߤߩ⪭ਅ‛ߦᵈᗧߔࠆޕࡉࡠ࠶ࠢ႖ߥߤߦㄭߠ߆ ࡮ Do not rush to get outside as there may be falling objects ࡮ Do not use elevators ߥ޿ޕ౏ߩ႐ߢߪଥຬߩᜰ␜ߦᓥ߁ޕ⥄േゞࠍㆇォਛߪޔ ࡮ Do not listen to rumors or disinformation ㆏〝ߩᏀ஥ߦነߖޔࠠ࡯ࠍߟߌߚ߹߹ㆱ㔍ߔࠆޕㆱ㔍ߔࠆ ႐วߪޔ৻ᤨ㓸ว႐ᚲߦ㓸วߒߚᓟޔㆱ㔍႐ᚲ߳ߣㆱ㔍ߔ If you are outside: ࠆޕ ࡮ Pay attention to falling glass and signboards ࡮ Do not stand near brick walls and other structures which might fall over 㕖Ᏹᜬߜ಴ߒⴼߦᦨૐ㒢౉ࠇߡ߅ߊ߽ߩ ࡮ Follow instructions given by officers when you are on public ࡜ࠫࠝޔᙬਛ㔚Ἦޔ㕖Ᏹ㘩ޔ㘶ᢱ᳓ޔ⮎ޔࡠ࡯࠰ࠢޔࡑ࠶ transportations or in public places ࠴ޔァᚻޔ࠲ࠝ࡞ޔ࠹ࠖ࠶ࠪࡘޔ⴩ᢱޔ࠽ࠗࡈޔㅢᏭߥߤ ࡮ When you are driving, steer to the left side of the road, stop the car, and leave your key in the ignition before evacuating to a safer place ំࠇ߇⪭ߜߟ޿ߚࠄޔ⁁ᴫ⏕⹺ ዊߐߥ࿾㔡ߢ߽ޔ࠹࡟ࡆ߿࡜ࠫࠝߢᔅߕޟ࿾㔡ㅦႎޠ߇᡼ Getting information after earthquake: ㅍߐࠇ߹ߔޕߎࠇࠄߩᖱႎߦᵈᗧߒߡਅߐ޿ޕ ࡮Please pay attention to news flashes of the earthquake, which can be seen on TV or listened to on the radio soon after an earthquake, even when it is quite small. Ȫˏȫర໓ ȪˏȫTyphoon  บ㘑߇߈ߚᤨߪޔ࠹࡟ࡆߩᖱႎࠍࠃߊ⷗ࠆࠃ߁ߦߒߡޔߢ ߈ࠆߛߌᄖߦ಴ߥ޿ࠃ߁ߦߒߡਅߐ޿ޕ㔚ゞ߇ᱛ߹ߞߚࠅߔ When a typhoon is approaching, you should watch TV to know what might happen. You should stay inside as ࠆ႐ว߇޽ࠅ߹ߔޕ much as possible. Train services may be suspended or canceled.

ĴĶġ ΅λϋΩΑζΛίġ Campus Map

CAMPUS MAP ᑪ‛㈩⟎࿑ ࿖┙࿾඙ Kunitachi Campus

Ĵķġ ΅λϋΩΑζΛί Campus Map


Ԙ ⷏቞ⴡᚲ  Security Guard ԙ ゞᐶ  Garage Ԛ ᴺੱᧄㇱ᫟㧔ቇ↢ฃ౉⺖㧕 Administration Building ԛ ೎㙚  Bekkan Ԝ ଻ஜ࠮ࡦ࠲࡯   Health Center ԝ ⡯ຬ㓸ળᚲ  Staff Meeting Hall Ԟ ౗᧻⻠ၴ  Kanematsu Auditorium ԟ ᧄ㙚 㧔ቇ↢ᡰេ⺖࡮ᢎോ⺖㧕 Main Building

Ԡ ╙㧝⻠⟵᫟ 㧔ࡄ࠰ࠦࡦ࠮ࡦ࠲࡯㧕 West Lecture Hall 1 Ԛ ԡ ╙㧞⻠⟵᫟  West Lecture Hall 2 Ԣ 㒝ዻ࿑ᦠ㙚  University Library ԣ ␠ળ⑼ቇฎౖ⾗ᢱ࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ Center for Historical Social Science Literature Ԥ ⚻ᷣ⎇ⓥᚲ  Institute for Economic Research ԥ ᣣᧄ⚻ᷣ⛔⸘ᖱႎ࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ Information & Documentation Center for Japanese Economic Statistics Ԧ ╙㧝⎇ⓥ㙚  Faculty Office Building 1 ԧ ⷏ࡊ࡜ࠩ  West Plaza Ԩ ⏷㊁⎇ⓥ㙚  Isono Hall  ԟ ԩ ╙㧞⎇ⓥ㙚  Faculty Building 2 Ԫ ࠗࡁࡌ࡯࡚ࠪࡦ⎇ⓥ࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ Institute of Innovation Research ԫ ᖱႎᢎ⢒᫟ Computer Education Building ࿖㓙੤ᵹળ㙚  International House ٤ ૒㊁ᦠ㒮  Sano Shoin Hall ٤ ቞ⴡᚲ  East Gatehouse᧲ ٤ ᧄ㙚  East Building᧲ ٤ 㧝ภ㙚  East Lecture Hall 1᧲ ٤ Ԟ 㧞ภ㙚  East Lecture Hall 2᧲ ٤ ࡊ࡜ࠩ  East Plaza᧲ ٤ ૕⢒㙚࡮ᱞ㆏႐  Gymnasium ٤ ᅤ᳓ࠥࠬ࠻ࡂ࠙ࠬ  Josui Guest House ٤ ġġ ġ LS/CGE BUILDINGġ܁࣭षࡄݪ ٤ ΓϋΗȜġ ԫ֗ޗġ ġ ࣭ष ġġCenter for Global Education ௖౴৒ġڠၣٸ୆Ȇ٬ڠġ ġ ၣ ġġInternational Student and Study Abroad Advising Office ġġ࣭ष঩ၳ৒ġ ġġInternational Resource Roomġ ġهġġ࣭ष ġġInternational Affairs Office

Ĵĸġ ΅λϋΩΑζΛίġ Campus Map

ᑪ‛㈩⟎࿑ ዊ ᐔ ࿾ ඙㧔ዊᐔ࿖㓙ࠠࡖࡦࡄࠬ㧕 CAMPUS MAP Kodaira International Campus

Ԙ ࿖㓙౒ห⎇ⓥ࠮ࡦ࠲࡯  International Joint Research Center ԙ ዊᐔ࿑ᦠ෼⬿ᐶ  University Library, Kodaira Branch Library Ԛ ᅤ᳓ࠬࡐ࡯࠷ࡊ࡜ࠩ  Josui Sports Plaza ԛ቞ⴡᚲ  Gatehouse Ԝ૕⢒㙚  Gymnasium ԝࡊ࡯࡞  Swimming Pool Ԟ ࿖㓙ቇ↢ኋ⥢৻ᯅኰ㧔නり᫟㧕  Hitotsubashi University International Student Dormitory Ikkyoryo Building ԟ ࿖㓙ቇ↢ኋ⥢ A ᫟㧔නり᫟㧕  Hitotsubashi University International Student Dormitory A Building Ԡ ࿖㓙ቇ↢ኋ⥢ B ᫟㧔නり᫟㧕  Hitotsubashi University International Student Dormitory B Building ԡ ࿖㓙ቇ↢ኋ⥢ C ᫟㧔නり᫟㧕  Hitotsubashi University International Student Dormitory C Building Ԣ ࿖㓙ቇ↢ኋ⥢ D ᫟㧔ᄦᇚ࡮ኅᣖ᫟㧕  Hitotsubashi University International Student Dormitory D Building ԣ ࿖㓙ቇ↢ኋ⥢ E ᫟㧔නり᫟㧕  Hitotsubashi University International Student Dormitory E Building Ԥ ࿖㓙੤ᵹࡊ࡜ࠩ International Student Dormitory Plaza Office ԥ ዊᐔ࿖㓙ࠥࠬ࠻ࡂ࠙ࠬ Kodaira International Guest House

ĴĹġ ΅λϋΩΑਔ༏ζΛί Kunitachi & Kodaira City Maps

䇶࿖┙Ꮢ䇷㩷 㽲㩷 Ꮢᓎᚲ㩷 㩷 㪚㫀㫋㫐㩷㪟㪸㫃㫃㩷 㽳㩷 Ꮢ᳃✚ว૕⢒㙚㩷 㪚㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㩷㪪㫇㫆㫉㫋㫊㩷㪚㪼㫅㫋㪼㫉㩷 㽴㩷 Ꮢ᳃⧓ⴚዊ䊖䊷䊦㩷 㩷 㪚㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㩷㪘㫉㫋㩷㪟㪸㫃㫃㩷 㽵㩷 ଻ஜ䉶䊮䉺䊷㩷 㩷 㪟㪼㪸㫃㫋㪿㩷㪚㪼㫅㫋㪼㫉㩷 㽶㩷 ଻ஜ⋧⺣ᚲ㩷 㩷 㪟㪼㪸㫃㫋㪿㩷㪚㫆㫅㫊㫌㫃㫋㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㪦㪽㪽㫀㪺㪼㩷 㽷㩷 ਛᄩ࿑ᦠ㙚㩷 㩷 㪤㪸㫀㫅㩷㪣㫀㪹㫉㪸㫉㫐㩷 㽸㩷 ㇷଢዪ䋨ᧄዪ䋩㩷 㪤㪸㫀㫅㩷㪧㫆㫊㫋㩷㪦㪽㪽㫀㪺㪼㩷 㽹㩷 ભᣣ⸻≮䉶䊮䉺䊷㩷 㩷 㪟㫆㫃㫀㪻㪸㫐㩷㪤㪼㪻㫀㪺㪸㫃㩷 㩷 㪫㫉㪼㪸㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㪚㪼㫅㫋㪼㫉㩷 㽺㩷 ભᣣᱤ⑼ᔕᕆ⸻≮ᚲ㩷 㩷 㪟㫆㫃㫀㪻㪸㫐㩷㪛㪼㫅㫋㪸㫃㩷㪜㫄㪼㫉㪾㪼㫅㪺㫐㩷 㪫㫉㪼㪸㫋㫄㪼㫅㫋㩷㪚㪼㫅㫋㪼㫉㩷 㽻㩷 ౏᳃㙚㩷 㩷 㪚㫆㫄㫄㫌㫅㫀㫋㫐㩷㪚㪼㫅㫋㪼㫉㩷 㽼㩷 䌊䌒࿖┙㚞㩷 㩷 㪡㪩㩷㪢㫌㫅㫀㫋㪸㪺㪿㫀㩷㪪㫋㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷 㽽㩷 䌊䌒⼱଻㚞㩷 㩷 㪡㪩㩷㪰㪸㪿㫆㩷㪪㫋㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷 㽾㩷 䌊䌒⍫Ꮉ㚞㩷 㩷 㪡㪩㩷㪰㪸㪾㪸㫎㪸㩷㪪㫋㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅

Ĵĺġ ࿨ͅၛ̾౷֖͈ഩდ๔࣢ġ Useful Phone Numbers in Kunitachi Area

ޛ࿖┙Ꮢౝޜ ࿖┙Ꮢᓎᚲ Kunitachi City Hall 042-576-2111 ࿖┙Ꮢ౏᳃㙚 Kunitachi Community Center 042-572-5141 ࿖┙Ꮢਛᄩ࿑ᦠ㙚 Kunitachi Main Library 042-576-0161 ࿖┙ᏒᏒ᳃✚ว૕⢒㙚 Kunitachi Community Sports Center 042-573-4111 ࿖┙Ꮢ଻ஜ࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ Kunitachi Health Center 042-572-6111 ࿖┙Ꮢભᣣ⸻≮࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ Kunitachi Holiday Medical Center 042-576-2341 ࿖┙Ꮢભᣣᱤ⑼ᔕᕆ⸻≮ᚲ Kunitachi Holiday Dental Emergency Treatment Center 042-577-0418 ࿖┙ㇷଢዪ Main Post Office in Kunitachi 042-572-0001 ┙Ꮉࡃࠬ Tachikawa Bus 042-524-3111

ޛዊᐔᏒౝޜ ዊᐔᏒᓎᚲ Kodaira City Hall 042-341-1211 ዊᐔਛᄩ౏᳃㙚 Kodaira Central Community Center 042-341-0861 ዊᐔᏒ┙ਛᄩ࿑ᦠ㙚 Kodaira City Library 042-345-1246 ዊᐔᏒ᳃✚ว૕⢒㙚 Kodaira Community Sports Center 042-343-1611 ዊᐔᏒ଻ஜ࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ Kodaira Health Center 042-346-3700 ዊᐔᏒᐔᣣḰᄛᔕᕆ⸻≮ᚲ Kodaira Night Emergency Medical Center 042-346-3706 ৻ᯅቇ࿦㚞೨ㇷଢዪ Hitotsubashigakuen-ekimae Post Office 042-344-8660 ৻ᯅቇ࿦㚞 Seibu-Tamako Line, Hitotsubashi Gakuen Station 042-341-0657

ޛ࠲ࠢࠪ࡯ળ␠ Taxi companiesޜ ㌁ᤊ੤ㅢ Ginsei Kotsu 042-575-0458 ੩₺࠲ࠢࠪ࡯ Keio Taxi 042-574-9966 ᄙ៺੤ㅢ Tama Kotsu 042-572-3161

ޛ৻ᯅᄢቇౝ Offices on campusޜ ࿖㓙ᢎ⢒࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ Center for Global Education 042-580-9001 ࿖㓙⺖ International Affairs Office 042-580-8163 ⇐ቇ↢࡮ᶏᄖ⇐ቇ⋧⺣ቶ International Student and Study Abroad Advising Office 042-580-8168 ଻ஜ࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ Health Center 042-580-8172 ࡂ࡜ࠬࡔࡦ࠻⋧⺣ቶ Harrassment Consultation 042-580-8148 ቇ↢ᡰេ⺖ Student Services Division 042-580-8139 ᢎോ⺖ Educational Affairs Division 042-580-8114 ቇ↢ฃ౉⺖ Admissions Office 042-580-8153 ࠠࡖ࡝ࠕᡰេቶ Career Support Office 042-580-8146 ቇ↢ᡰេ࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ ቇ↢⋧⺣ቶ Student Advising Office 042-580-8147 ࿑ᦠ㙚 University Library 042-580-8237

ޛߘߩઁޜ ᧲੩౉࿖▤ℂዪ┙Ꮉ಴ᒛᚲ Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau Tachikawa Branch 042-528-7179 ᣣᧄቇ↢ᡰេᯏ᭴ Japan Student Services Organization http://www.jasso.go.jp TOKYO ENGLISH LIFE LINE 03-5774-0992, http://www.telljp.com ࿖㓙ක≮ᖱႎ࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ AMDA International Medical Information Center 03-5285-8088, http://amda-imic.com/lng_eng/ ᧲੩ㇺක≮ᯏ㑐᩺ౝࠨ࡯ࡆࠬ߭߹ࠊࠅ Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Institution Information Himawari Tokyo 03-5272-0303 (ᣣᧄ⺆), 03-5285-8181 (in English, ਛ࿖⺆䋬 㖧࿖⺆䋬 ࠲ࠗ⺆䋬 Spanish)㩷 http://www.himawari.metro.tokyo.jp/㩷 Emergency Translation Services for medical Purposes 03-5285-8185 (in English/ Chinese/ Korean/ Thai/ Spanish )

ĵıġ ୆ΧϋΡήΛ· ijıIJĴĮijıIJĶġڠ࣭૽ၣٸ INTERNATIONAL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2013-2015 2013 ᐕ 2 ᦬ ⊒  ⴕ ৻ᯅᄢቇ February, 2013 Published by Hitotsubashi University

ޥ186-8601 ᧲੩ㇺ࿖┙Ꮢਛ 2-1 ৻ᯅᄢቇ࿖㓙ᢎ⢒࠮ࡦ࠲࡯࡮ቇോㇱ࿖㓙⺖ Center for Global Education and International Affairs Office, Hitotsubashi University, 2-1 Naka, Kunitachi, Tokyo 186-8601 TEL 042-580-8160㨪8164, 8168 FAX 042-580-8167

ĵijġ ĵIJġ