International Student Handbook

International Student Handbook

࿒!!!ষ! 㧔 㧕㧩ࡍ࡯ࠫ IJġ ͉̲͛ͅȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆġ IJġ ߪߓ߼ߦ㧔1㧕 ୆͈਋̫වͦழ૕͂ίυΈρθȆఘଷȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆġ ijġڠ࣭૽ၣٸ ijġ ࿖㓙ᢎ⢒࠮ࡦ࠲࡯㧔2㧕ޔ࿖㓙⺖㧔2㧕ޔ੤ᵹ࡜࠙ࡦࠫ㧔2㧕ޔᣣᧄ⺆ᢎ⢒ㇱ㐷㧔3㧕ޔ *KVQVUWDCUJK7PKXGTUKV[)NQDCN'FWECVKQP2TQITCO㧔㧴㧳㧼㧕㧔4㧕ޔ⇐ቇ↢࡮ᶏ ᄖ⇐ቇ⋧⺣ㇱ㐷㧔5㧕ޔ࠴ࡘ࡯࠲࡯೙ᐲ㧔6㧕ޔ࡜ࡦࠥ࡯ࠫࠦࡒࡘ࠾࠹ࠖ㧔6㧕 ࣭૽ြ඾ࢃ͈਀௽̧ȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆġ ĸġٸ Ĵġ ૑ᚲߩዯ಴࡮ᄌᦝ㧔7㧕ޔ࿖᳃ஜᐽ଻㒾߳ߩട౉㧔7㧕ޔ૑ᚲએᄖߩዯ಴࡮ᄌᦝ㧔8㧕ޔ ㌁ⴕญᐳ㐿⸳㧔9㧕 ੨਀௽̧ȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆIJıġ͂ڒĵġ हၣ঩ ࿷⇐ᦼ㑆ߩᦝᣂ㧔10㧕ޔ࿷⇐⾗ᩰߩᄌᦝ㧔11㧕ޔ৻ᤨ಴࿖ߣౣ౉࿖㧔12㧕ޔ⾗ᩰᄖᵴ േ⸵นߣࠕ࡞ࡃࠗ࠻㧔12㧕ޔኅᣖߩ๭߮ነߖ㧔ޟኅᣖṛ࿷ޠ㧕㧔14㧕᧲੩౉࿖▤ℂዪ ┙Ꮉ಴ᒛᚲ㧔15㧕 Ķġ ၎ਘȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆIJĸġ ጁୃ⊓㍳ߦߟ޿ߡ㧔17㧕ޔጁୃߦ㑐ߔࠆ⾗ᢱߦߟ޿ߡ㧔17㧕ޔጁୃ⑼⋡⊓㍳␿ߩឭ ಴࡮ጁୃో⥸ߦ㑐ߔࠆ໧޿วࠊߖవ㧔17㧕 ķġ ਽ৡȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆIJĺġ ࿖㓙੤ᵹળ㙚㧔19㧕ޔዊᐔ࿖㓙ቇ↢ኋ⥢㧔19㧕ޔ᳃㑆ࠕࡄ࡯࠻㧔20㧕ޔ㨁㧾ㇺᏒᯏ᭴ 㧔20㧕 ߄ȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆijIJġڠĸġ ੻ ࿖⾌ᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢㧔21㧕ޔ⑳⾌ᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢ኻ⽎ߩᅑቇ㊄㧔23㧕 ൲ȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆijĶġڰĹġ ඾ུ͈́ਖ૖ ᣣᧄ⁛․ߩዞ⡯ᵴേࡄ࠲࡯ࡦ㧔25㧕ޔ⇐ቇ↢ߩዞ⡯ᵴേᡰេ㧔25㧕ޔතᬺᓟ߽ዞ⡯ ᵴേࠍ⛮⛯ߔࠆ႐ว㧔25㧕 ! ĺġ ༗࠲Ȇ֓ၷঔ୭ȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆijķġ ଻ஜ࠮ࡦ࠲࡯㧔26㧕ޔભᣣߩක≮ࠨ࡯ࡆࠬ㧔26㧕ޔฦ࿖⺆ߦࠃࠆක≮ࠨ࡯ࡆࠬᯏ㑐 㧔27㧕 ൳၌ဥঔ୭̷͈͂΍ȜΫΑȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆijĹġވඤ͈ڠ IJıġ ᧲ࡊ࡜ࠩ࡮⷏ࡊ࡜ࠩ㧔৻ᯅᄢቇᶖ⾌⠪↢ᵴ౒ห⚵ว㧕㧔28㧕ޔࡊ࡝ࡦ࠻࡮࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ 㧔࿖┙⷏ࠠࡖࡦࡄࠬ㧕㧔28㧕 ൲ȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆijĺġڰٸهIJIJġ ΑεȜΜȆ ࠬࡐ࡯࠷㧔29㧕ޔߘߩઁߩ⺖ᄖᵴേ㧔29㧕 ࣭૽΍εȜΠίυΈρθȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆĴıġٸIJijġ ౷֖͈ ޝ࿖┙࿾ၞߩࡊࡠࠣ࡜ࡓޞ ᣣᧄ⺆ࠨࡐ࡯࠻㧔30㧕ޔᢥൻ੤ᵹ㧔31㧕ޔ࿖┙Ꮢᓎᚲߩᄖ࿖⺆ߦࠃࠆᏒ᳃⋧⺣ࠦ࡯ ࠽࡯㧔31㧕ޔ࿾ၞ࿖㓙੤ᵹ࿅૕ߩ࠾ࡘ࡯ࠬ࡟࠲࡯㧔31㧕 ޝዊᐔᏒ࿖㓙੤ᵹදળߩࡊࡠࠣ࡜ࡓޞ ࿖㓙੤ᵹ࡜࠙ࡦࠫ㧔32㧕ޔᣣᧄ⺆ᢎቶ㧔32㧕ޔࡎࠬ࠻ࡈࠔࡒ࡝࡯ޔࡎ࡯ࡓࡆࠫ࠶࠻ 㧔32㧕ޔᖱႎឭଏࠦ࡯࠽࡯㧔32㧕 ࣭ȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆĴĴġܦIJĴġ ഢݳȆ ォዬ㧔33㧕ޔතᬺ࡮Ꮻ࿖㧔34㧕ޔᅤ᳓ળ౉ળߦߟ޿ߡ㧔34㧕 IJĵġ ޽ݢশ͈చ؊ȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆĴĶġ ੐᡿㧔35㧕ޔ࿾㔡㧔35㧕ޔบ㘑㧔35㧕 IJĶġ ΅λϋΩΑζΛίȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆĴķġ IJķġ ΅λϋΩΑਔ༏ζΛίȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆĴĺġ IJĸġ ࿨ͅၛ̾౷֖͈ഩდ๔࣢ȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆȆĵıġ CONTENTS 㧔 㧕㧩Page 1 Introduction࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮ 1 Introduction (1) 2 International Student Support and Programs࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮ 2 Center for Global Education (2), International Affairs Office (2), Student Exchange Lounge (2), Japanese Language Teaching Section (3), Hitotsubashi University Global Education Program (HGP) (4), International Student and Study Abroad Advising (ISSAA) (5), Tutors (6), Language Community (6), 3 Procedures after Arriving in Japan࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮ 7 Notification of Address or Address Change (7), National Health Insurance (7), Notification of (a Change of) an Item Other than Address (8), Opening a Bank Account (9) 4 Immigration Services࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮10 Extension of Period of Stay (10), Change of Visa Status (11), Re-entry Permit (12), Activities Other Than Those Authorized (Work Permit) and Part-time Jobs (12), Obtaining Family ("Dependent") Visas (14), Tachikawa Branch(15) 5 Course Registrations࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮17 About Course Registration (17), Information Available for Course Registration (17), Submission of Course Registration Form (17) 6 Accommodations࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮19 International House (Kunitachi Campus) (19), Kodaira International Residence Halls (19), Off-campus Apartments (20), UR (Urban Renaissance Agency) (20) 7 Scholarships࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮21 Japanese Government Scholarship Students (21), Scholarships for Privately- Financed International Students (23) 8 Job Searching in Japan࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮25 Unique Aspects of Japanese Job Searching Process (25), Career and Employment Support Office (25), Seeking Employment after Graduation (25) ! 9 Medical Facilities࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮26 University Health Center (26), Holiday Medical Treatment Center (26), Medical Information Services in Other Languages (27) 10 On-Campus Services and Facilities࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮28 East Plaza and West Plaza (Hitotsubashi University COOP) (28), Photocopy Center (28) 11 Sports and Extra Curricular Activities࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮29 Sports (29), Extra Curricular Activities (29) 12 Community Support Programs for International Students࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮30 ޝKunitachi Community Volunteers for International Studentsޞ Japanese Language Support (30), Cultural Exchange (31), Consultation Services in Foreign Languages at the City Hall (31), Newsletter by Local Volunteer Groups (31) ޝSupport Programs for International Students of Kodaira Cityޞ Communication Lounge (32), Japanese Classes (32), Host Families & Home Visits (32), Information Corner (32) 13 Moving Out and Returning Home࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮33 Moving Out (33), Leaving Japan (34), Hitotsubashi Alumni Association “Josui-Kai” (34) 14 Emergencies࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮35 Emergencies (35), Earthquakes (35), Typhoon (35) 15 Campus Map࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮36 16 Kunitachi & Kodaira City Maps࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮39 17 Useful Phone Numbers in Kunitachi Area࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮࡮40 ͉̲͛ͅ Introduction ⇐ቇ↢ߩߺߥߐࠎޔ৻ᯅᄢቇ߳ࠃ߁ߎߘ Welcome to Hitotsubashi University! ৻ᯅᄢቇߪޔ ᐕߦഃ⸳ߐࠇߚ␠ળ⑼ቇߩ✚วᄢቇߢ޽ Hitotsubashi University was founded in 1875 and is currently made up of four faculties: Commerce & ࠅޔ໡ቇޔ⚻ᷣቇޔᴺቇޔ␠ળቇߩ ቇㇱޔ෸߮໡ቇޔ⚻ᷣ Management, Economics, Law, and Social Sciences; and six ቇޔᴺቇޔ␠ળቇޔ⸒⺆␠ળޔ࿖㓙ડᬺᚢ⇛ߩ ⎇ⓥ⑼ߣ࿖ graduate faculties; Commerce & Management, Economics, 㓙࡮౏౒᡽╷ᢎ⢒ㇱ߆ࠄߥࠆᄢቇ㒮߇޽ࠅ߹ߔޕ ᐕ ᦬ Law, Social Sciences, Language and Society, International ⃻࿷ޔ⚂ ฬߩቇ↢߇࿷☋ߒޔ߁ߜ ฬࠍߎ߃ࠆᄖ࿖ Corporate Strategy, and International and Public Policy. About 6,500 students are enrolled at Hitotsubashi University and ੱ⇐ቇ↢߇ቇࠎߢ޿߹ߔޕ 670 are from overseas (as of May 2012). ᐕߦ⊒⿷ߒޔᣣᧄ⺆ᢎ⢒߿⇐ቇ↢ߩᜰዉ⋧⺣╬ࠍⴕߞ The Center for Student Exchange was established in ߡ߈ߚ⇐ቇ↢࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ߣޔ⇐ቇ↢㑐ㅪߩ⒳ޘߩᬺോࠍᜂᒰߒ 1996 to provide Japanese language instruction and support ߡ߈ߚ⇐ቇ↢⺖ߪޔ ᐕ ᦬ߦߘࠇߙࠇ࿖㓙ᢎ⢒࠮ࡦ࠲࡯࡮ services with international students. In 2010, the Center for Student Exchange and Student Exchange Division, which ࿖㓙⺖ߣߒߡᡷ⚵ߐࠇޔቇ↢⋧੕ߩ⇐ቇ੤ᵹߩផㅴߦࠃࠆᄢ provides international student services and students ቇߩ࿖㓙ൻߦነਈߔࠆߣ޿߁૶๮߽ടࠊࠆߎߣߣߥࠅ߹ߒߚޕ exchange services at the university were reorganized into the ߎߩޟᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢ࡂࡦ࠼ࡉ࠶ࠢޠߪޔ৻ᯅᄢቇߦ౉ቇߐ Center for Global Education and the International Affairs ࠇߚᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢ߩߺߥߐࠎߩߚ߼ߦ࿖㓙ᢎ⢒࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ߣ࿖ Office respectively. Their mission is to advance campus internationalization by promoting student exchanges. 㓙⺖ߦ߅޿ߡ૞ᚑߐࠇ߹ߒߚޕ౉ቇᓟߩฦ⒳ᚻ⛯߈߆ࠄޔත This “International Student Handbook” was designed by ᬺ࡮Ꮻ࿖ᤨߦᔅⷐߣߥࠆ੐ᨩ╬ޔ⇐ቇ↢ߩߺߥߐࠎ߇৻ᯅᄢ the Center for Global Education and the International Affairs ቇߢߩ⇐ቇ↢ᵴࠍᔟㆡߦㆊߏߖࠆࠃ߁ߦߐ߹ߑ߹ߥᖱႎࠍឝ Office for international students admitted to Hitotsubashi タߒߡ޽ࠅ߹ߔޕ University. A full of information from procedures after enrollment through graduation/leaving Japan is listed in this ⇐ቇ↢ߩߺߥߐࠎ߇ޔߎߩࡂࡦ࠼ࡉ࠶ࠢࠍᵴ↪ߐࠇޔలታ handbook to help international students make a smooth ߒߚ⇐ቇ↢ᵴࠍㅍࠄࠇ߹ߔࠃ߁ޔᔃࠃࠅ␨ᔨߒߡ߅ࠅ߹ߔޕ transition to life at Hitotsubashi. We hope that international students of the university will ৻ᯅᄢቇ ࿖㓙ᢎ⢒࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ ቇോㇱ࿖㓙⺖ ᢎ⡯ຬ৻ห be able to enjoy study abroad to the full extend making use of this handbook. The Center for Global Education and the International Affairs Office, Hitotsubashi University ࠳ઐ࣒൴! IJġ ୆͈਋̫වͦழ૕͂ίυΈρθȆఘଷġڠ࣭૽ၣٸ International Student Support and Programs ΓϋΗȜ Ȫˍȫ Center for Global Education֗ޗȪˍȫ࣭ष ࿖㓙ᢎ⢒࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ߪ ᐕ ᦬ߦޟ⇐ቇ↢࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ޠߣߒ Originally established as the Center for Student ߡ⊒⿷ߒޔ ᐕ ᦬ޟ࿖㓙ᢎ⢒࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ޠߦฬ⒓ᄌᦝߒ߹ Exchange in May 1996, the organization has been renamed ߒߚޕ࿖㓙ᢎ⢒࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ߦߪޟᣣᧄ⺆ᢎ⢒ㇱ㐷ޠޔޟ࿖㓙੤ᵹ as Center for Global Education (CGE) in February 2010. ⑼⋡ㇱ㐷ޠޔޟ⇐ቇ↢࡮ᶏᄖ⇐ቇ⋧⺣ㇱ㐷ޠ߇޽ࠅޔߘࠇߙࠇ CGE consists of Japanese Language Teaching Section, ߩㇱ㐷ߢᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢߿ᶏᄖᵷ㆜ࠍᏗᦸߔࠆቇ↢߳ߩᢎ⢒ޔ Hitotsubashi University Global Education Program (HGP) ᜰዉޔࠨࡐ࡯࠻ࠍⴕߞߡ޿߹ߔޕ and International Student and Study Abroad Advising (ISSAA), providing courses for Japanese and English, advising, and support for international and Japanese students. هȪˎȫ࣭ष ȪˎȫInternational Affairs Office ቇ↢ߦ㑐ଥߩᷓ޿੐ോዪߪቇോㇱߢޔᢎോ⺖ޔቇ↢ᡰេ⺖ޔ ቇ↢ฃ౉⺖ޔ࿖㓙⺖߇޽ࠅ߹ߔޕߘߩਛߢᄖ࿖ੱ⇐ቇ↢ߩ⓹ The Educational Affairs Division, the Student Services ญߪਥߣߒߡ࿖㓙⺖ߦߥࠅ߹ߔޕ Division, Admissions Office deal closely with both Japanese ᧲ࠠࡖࡦࡄࠬ࿖㓙⎇ⓥ㙚 㓏ߦ޽ࠆ࿖㓙⺖ߪᧄቇߩቇ↢ߩ and international students on campus while the International ⇐ቇ෸߮⇐ቇ↢ߦ㑐ߔࠆ᭽ޘߥᬺോࠍᜂᒰߒޔߎࠇࠄߩᖱႎ Affairs Office or Kokusai-ka functions as the university's ࠍឭଏߒ߹ߔޕ߹ߚޔ࿖㓙⺖ߪ⇐ቇ↢߆ࠄߩ᭽ޘߥ⋧⺣ߦ߽ information counter for international students. ⷫಾߦኻᔕߒ߹ߔޕ The office is located on the first floor of the LS/CGE Building on the East Campus. The office coordinates student exchanges at the university and provides useful ࿖㓙ᢎ⢒࠮ࡦ࠲࡯࡮࿖㓙⺖ ࡎ࡯ࡓࡍ࡯ࠫ㧦 information for Japanese students studying overseas. The office also provides a variety of student support for international students. Feel free to drop in the International Affair Office to Ȫˏȫ࢐ၠρ;ϋΐ check for the latest announcements every time you come to the university. ࿖㓙⎇ⓥ㙚 㓏ߦ޽ࠆ੤ᵹ࡜࠙ࡦࠫߦߪޔ࿖㓙⺖߆ࠄߩ߅ ⍮ࠄߖޔ⧷ሼᣂ⡞ޔฦ⒳ࠗࡌࡦ࠻ߩ᩺ౝ╬߇ឝ␜ߐࠇߡ߅ࠅޔ Website㧦 ߘࠇࠄߩᖱႎࠍᓧࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߔޕ߹ߚޔ࠴ࡘ࡯࠲࡯ߦࠃ ࠆቇ⠌ᜰዉ߿ޔฦ⒳ࡏ࡜ࡦ࠹ࠖࠕ࿅૕߿⇐ቇ↢ห჻ߩ੤ᵹߩ ȪˏȫStudent Exchange Lounge ႐ߣߥߞߡ޿߹ߔޕ Student Exchange Lounge is located on the first floor of the LS/CGE Building, where notices from the International Affairs Office are posted and newspapers, English and Japanese, and information about upcoming events and activities are available. Lounge is open to international students as well as tutors and volunteers who support international students on campus. !G! ࢐ၠρ;ϋΐˍ܁࣭षࡄݪ !܁൐΅λϋΩΑ! ࣭षࡄݪ ijġ ୆͈਋̫වͦழ૕͂ίυΈρθȆఘଷڠ࣭૽ၣٸ International Student Support and Programs ໐࿝ ȪːȫJapanese Language Teaching Section֗ޗȪːȫ඾ུࢊ ೋ⚖߆ࠄ਄⚖߹ߢ ࡟ࡌ࡞㧔ೋ⚖೨ޔೋ⚖ᓟޔਛ⚖೨ޔਛ Hitotsubashi University offers Japanese Language classes ⚖ᓟޔ਄⚖೨ޔ਄⚖ᓟ㧕ߩᣣᧄ⺆ߩ᝼ᬺࠍ߅ߎߥߞߡ޿߹ߔޕ in six levels from beginning level to advanced level (Basic1, Ფቇᦼߘࠇߙࠇߩ࡟ࡌ࡞ߩ᝼ᬺ߇ㅳ 㨪 ࠦࡑ㐿⻠ߐࠇߡ޿ Basic2, Intermediate1, Intermediate2, Advanced1, ߹ߔޕ Advanced2). Five to 10 instruction hours per week are ⑼⋡৻ⷩߪਅߩ⴫ߩߣ߅ࠅߢߔޕߚߛߒޔቇᦼߦࠃߞߡᄌ provided in Summer and Winter semesters. ᦝߦߥࠆ႐ว߽޽ࠅ߹ߔߩߢޔጁୃߩᤨߪ߆ߥࠄߕ HP ࠍ⏕ The following table lists Japanese Language classes ⹺ߒߡߊߛߐ޿ޕ offered, subject to future change. Please refer to the website for the updated information. ᣣᧄ⺆ᢎ⢒ ࡎ࡯ࡓࡍ࡯ࠫ㧦 Website㧦

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