'.. ' .1...-, ·~f··'··.I'··~.··'. .. "··N··'·····, ,- ., lJNIES = c .•• of t.reati.c s and intern..... t i oral, ar-rzer.-.ents or filed and re~orded :: the Secretariat of the Unvt.ed Nations duri ng t.he uont.h o-t Novarr.ber 1943. des . t~ait6s et acccrJs intc~na~i0naux enr-erist r~s ou cLasses et inscrits au r~rcrtoire pendant. Le noae novornbr-c 1S'·48. Property of the AFFAIRS THENT OF SECURITY COUNCIL DEPA'R BEFERENCE LIBRARY TRA!TESET AC 2 - ET INSCRITS AU ----- I Trait6s et po r (;'Ctl">.~ 01.,'..,+ t..:-'r'''dt...;; - durl,...i. i J.r-C!Jot.' t'l..!: \.... uLmont... ~ h of'_. NcvombV '-'.J I.J'r •lQ/ l~i"I Q..... Echal~fQ d0 notes constitua la Convontion pour as LJcchc,n,jc of ::-lot,;::; COrl:.stituting an [1gret::muLt I;~odifyln7 .:.:::'ti c I.c l5 of the d61its e~tre la B~lgi le 17 juin 1()70. Lad on 2.-7 -Junc 18'10. Ent.rc er. vi[;1)~u:, le 7 aux t01~,JS dcsdit~s r. 'I'cxt.os officie::':..s f'nan : .Lru.stre do S C',ff ~"d (~-\"r"'~ ""~-l 1 .l "IX';' t! ' ,.,I.' ut. .. 1--....,)l. of'f..J...Li ci.......'..._'- u .... ~'''' ~'1 ~ (.)1 ~ J.r-e ,--); st .... ' t ......on". t c Y ... No. 302. d lA::J.~riquc r',.. , ..; r:' ~ 01,::' J,.' ', cn 23 June .l.. / .:.j,..... Entr~ ~n vicu0ur l~ 1 do In rntificntion du d-JS 2t:lts-Unis c: I J>.Ljr ~~xto of:iciuls n::1fl~ n ; Y\ ,'-", ~ t ..
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