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Monstate.Pdf '.. ' .1...-, ·~f··'··.I'··~.··'. .. "··N··'·····, ,- ., lJNIES = c .•• of t.reati.c s and intern..... t i oral, ar-rzer.-.ents or filed and re~orded :: the Secretariat of the Unvt.ed Nations duri ng t.he uont.h o-t Novarr.ber 1943. des . t~ait6s et acccrJs intc~na~i0naux enr-erist r~s ou cLasses et inscrits au r~rcrtoire pendant. Le noae novornbr-c 1S'·48. Property of the AFFAIRS THENT OF SECURITY COUNCIL DEPA'R BEFERENCE LIBRARY TRA!TESET AC 2 - ET INSCRITS AU ----- I Trait6s et po r (;'Ctl">.~ 01.,'..,+ t..:-'r'''dt...;; - durl,...i. i J.r-C!Jot.' t'l..!: \.... uLmont... ~ h of'_. NcvombV '-'.J I.J'r •lQ/ l~i"I Q..... Echal~fQ d0 notes constitua la Convontion pour as LJcchc,n,jc of ::-lot,;::; COrl:.stituting an [1gret::muLt I;~odifyln7 .:.:::'ti c I.c l5 of the d61its e~tre la B~lgi le 17 juin 1()70. Lad on 2.-7 -Junc 18'10. Ent.rc er. vi[;1)~u:, le 7 aux t01~,JS dcsdit~s r. 'I'cxt.os officie::':..s f'nan : .Lru.stre do S C',ff ~"d (~-\"r"'~ ""~-l 1 .l "IX';' t! ' ,.,I.' ut. .. 1--....,)l. of'f..J...Li ci.......'..._'- u .... ~'''' ~'1 ~ (.)1 ~ J.r-e ,--); st .... ' t ......on". t c Y ... No. 302. d lA::J.~riquc r',.. , ..; r:' ~ 01,::' J,.' ', cn 23 June .l.. / .:.j,..... Entr~ ~n vicu0ur l~ 1 do In rntificntion du d-JS 2t:lts-Unis c: I J>.Ljr ~~xto of:iciuls n::1fl~ n ; Y\ ,'-", ~ t ... -r ..... 1 v.~( ....y.-r·b .... "_''I vll~1.-, ....',;,--..wv v..I..' , ...rk _ (j'i'('l'_ c"....... c'-' f l' Org:o.n~sntion d t~Gk le 1(;1' novombrc TltE!l TI:GS AND INTEmJA rrrONAL AGRI.:;Et:illJ'IS REG-IS TERED OR FILED MID ----- I rceistered d~ring th~ ~onth of Novenilior 1948 No. 30,1. Bclgique et Echango de notes Noo 301. B81gil~ rnd Sp~in: la Conventic ExchD.n:::;e of :1ot<JS constituting an agreement. I~~odifying rrticle 15 of the d61its entr- Convention b~t:\'Gon Belgium and 3ptin to ensur-e the purri.shmorrt of le 17 juin ] cr-imes and offences, 'Sic-;fl(;d :'It Brusao'Ls on :"'7 June 1870. l.il1.drid, Entr6 en vil 2h J~nu::.ry :"'94'7. aux t crmcs c \J~'TrJf"1 ant.o'+"' r or-cc on r1'"I l-.prl.L 19Lj- 7 bs the 8XC hango andd'accor InE 'I'ext.e s offic to tho tcrrus of the sC' not:;s. 1,;inistJ Fr-ench :'.nd Sp:".nish cf'f'Lc.i.i.L t'.'lXt.8 comnuni by the Linistc.r of Fo ro '·If'f::.irs of Bo.l.g.i.un, rho rcgi.strnt.Lon teok :r::1 ,';, c0 cn 1 PovcElbc::r lCJ48• No. 302. Etn.ts-Unis c . I Accord relutif a No. 302. Urri.t cd 3t"'.tcs ef Lmeric,". and Frrtr_c0: cn 23 Juno 1942. ' , Entr~ en VI{ do la rutif: its ro..t::'-ficlltion by t h« GCVC.i..'fl.T..10nt cf Fr-ance was g:_Vtm t~ dos Etn.tS-UI morrt au pror 'I'ext,o of:ic: English and Fz-ench of'f'Lc i.n.L t.ext.s CCT1rlWlic"tc:d by tl:(;: Of,;,"'icc;r i'1 C~lr'.rgc cf' t.he ~'kw YC.Tk Office ef the United. States L' Or-gru Nissir-n to q~o Urri.ted Hr.t , Tho rugistrrltic!} t ook le lor ET INSCRITS AU REPERTOIRE AU SECRETARIATDEtlCItGANISATION FIL.2.TI AND DES NATIONS ur~IES .rcns I Trait~s et accords internationaux e~registr~s pendant le mois de novembre 1948 No. 301. Bclgique et Espagnc: Echangc do notes constituant un accord modifiant l'articlo 15 de la Conventior. pour assurur la r~pression dos crimus et t i.c I,e 15 of the d61its e~tre la B01gique et l'Espagnu, sign6e a Bruxellos, pun.ishmorrt of le 17 juin 1&'70. l.~a.drid, 24 janvier 1947. ~- ~ . ...:J 1870 • JilC\.C r'J..u, Entr6 en vi.guour le 7 avril 191+7 par 6changc de notes aux turmus dcsdites notes. accordi ng 'I'cxt.ea officiels franQais et eepagnef, eorr.nrJ.niqu~8 par le . l.;inistre de s c. ffC1-i 1"0 S 6tranger-os de, 10 Linister lfenrG~istrewunt a eu liou le ler novembrc 1948. m. teok No.. 302. Etnts-Unis d I Arm1riquc et France: Accord relutif a la cooperation 6conomique. Sien~ a Paris le 28 jl).in 1948. uno 1942. Entrc en vi.gueur' Le 10 juillct 1948, date a Laquo.Ll,o notifica.tion .ot i co of do la ratification dudit ~ccord n 6t6 donn6c au Gouvern0ment dos Etat.s-Unis d' i;.n-.o rique par 1.;,; Couverncmcnt frf'.I1qais, conrorm~- cccr-crncc wi.t.h ma~t ~u rr0fcucr pnr~grupho de l'articlc XII. 'I'ext.o of:iciels anglzd.s lJt comouru.quce pr:.r le Dirccteur du Bureau de Now-York do la rrission des Etats-Unis aupr~s de States 1 1Organ.csat.Ion d0S r;nt ions Und.;s, L tenragi3trcIUont a eu li~u n. took le lor novcmbro 1~48. :q$},~~l:~~':}"" ,'S1gtled.~~tlnke8t\ed'e$$siNewYc>rkon' 2B,1~~rch ,19M~.," Oojne irttoa'oree'oh Jlltugust;t9463 iri~ccio~drinceWith' Accord rolntif Et English official text. The registration ex-officio took mars 1948. Dlace on 1 November 1948. :Cntr~ en vi 'l'oxtc offic Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands and United KingdorL1 of 10 lur GreJt Britain and Northern Ireland: Treaty to regul~te their collabor~tion ~n ecc~oIT.iC, socinl and . Nc. 304. Bolgiquu, F cul.t.ura'L and col.Lsctdve se.Lf'-edcf'ensc, Signed at Brussels Brctr gno Qt on 17 :~a:::'ch 1948. Trait~ pour r6g1 CNIlG into force on 25 August 191,.8 in accordance with Article X, et culturel the instr~ents of ratification having been deposited with the Bruxollcs 1 Belgian Goverr~Gnt as follows: Entre en vi 30 April 1943 .. .. ... • BQlgium Los Lnst.rur; 2 .June 1948 • • • • • • • • • • Unitud [ingdom GcuvernOLlon 10 June 1948 · . - . •••• Luxembourg 30 avrd.L 19 2J July 1943 • • • • • • • .. - !:c:-hurlands 2 juin 1948 .., 25 August 194£1 • • • • • . .. • t I'c-..nce 10 juin 194 English Ll.nd Fre:1ch officiEl texts communic[l,ted by the Officer in Cl'.1:rgG of t.hc Pcrr.ancnt. B01gi:'~n Do Icgat.Lon to the United 23 nol1t 194 NatLor;s , Tho regi.strat.Lon took pl.:tce on 2 NovG1Y~b8r 19M3 .. Textus cffi de Ln i 305. Be'Lg' and ItrJ.~r: d0 IIG Protocol (~~th tho exch~ng0 of notos) concerning tnu rocruiting of 10 2 m It,"'.li<~.n wor-ker-s L.:Ld their sct.t.Lemcnt in Bolgium, si.;:;nod n.t home on 23 June 1946, .ind the J.r_"1C:x to t.hat Protocol, signed at Rome on No. 305. et 26 April 1947. Protocclo concer: The Protocol crx~ into force on ~3 Junv 19~6 ~nd thJ Annex on 26 t1tablis S0b.,;; April 1947, ns from the respective dLl.t0s of sirnnturc. le 23 juin : French ~nd It~lian' official toxts cowmQ~icntGd by th<.: Officer in Le Pretcco.L charge of thu Pormnncnt Bulgian DelGg~tion to the United NntionS. 26 avr: The rcgistrction tock plnce on 8 Noverber 1948. Textcs Cl / 1 :30,3. Nations Unies et,Etats""trnis dtl\.t1.~rique: .Accord rolntif n un emprurrt , Sign6 r.. Lake Success, Ne~T-York, le 2:3 took mars 1948. :Cntr~ cm viguuur 10 31 aotrt 1948, ccnf'orrndnerrt au paragraph 7. 'I'oxt.e officicl, L' cnr-..f/lstr0r:lent ex-officio Cl ou lieu. Kingdom of IQ lur ncvucbrc 194G. II and Ne. 304., France, Luxcr.bourg, Pcys-Bas et Royaunc-Unf, do Grf',ude... id at Brussels Brotr gno et d ' Lr'Lande du Ncrd e Traite pour r6g1.:;r leur coll'\bcrr'.ticn cm I':""ntiercs 6'c onoruque, socdal,e . Article X, et culturul1e, et lour 16gitir.:u d6f0nso collective. Sign6 a d with the Bruxol1cs le 17 ~nrs 1948. Entr(; cm viguour Le 25 n<:11t 19413, crmfcrr-6:.:l;;:nt n. l'article X, l~s instrur..~nts de ~~tific~tion ~ynnt 6t6 d6pos6s auprcs du Gcuvcrncnorrt de 1:1 Be'Lgi.que aux d~.t\3s sui-T.nt0s: 30 avrf.L 1948 e • • • • • • • • Bulgi~'J.G 2 juin 1948 •• • • •• • • • • RCY:1.Uf.10-Uni 10 juin 194C. • • • • • • • • • Luxorbcurg :) Of'f'Lcer- 20 jilillut 1943 •• . Pcys-Bas ) the United 23 ~0flt 1948 o • Fvance · ~ • • • •• abcr- 19M3~ I'ext.cs cfficie:s frn.nqnis I..-t ['.r:gl[ corrnmd.quc.s par- le Charg6 de I!"!.. ch~ In d6l~gnticn perrzmcnt,e de BeIgique [l.uprcs C0 l'Crgr.nis"'.ticn des l:n.tions Unios , L! enrogi.stronent. dting of ,. 10 2 novorbr-c 1948. 18d t:.t Itome led at Rome on No. 305. Bolgiquo ot Italio: Protocc10 C0nCGrn~t lQ rocrutur.ent de trnv~i1eurs it~liQns ot 1eur I Annex on 26 6tabliss0b...nt en Bcl.g.l.que (rwcc L' dchnnge de}, sign{) n Rente • le 23 juin 191...6 et Annexe U CG Prct.ccol,e, sign6 n Reno le 26 avril 1947• Officer in Le Prctccole ost bntr6 en vigu.our le 23 juin 1946 et ItAnnexe, le e Unit ed NatLons, 26 nvril 1947, dos lours dates r~spectivGs do signature.
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    Prairie View A&M University Digital Commons @PVAMU PV Standard Newspapers Publications 10-1948 The Prairie View Standard - October 1948 - Vol. XXXIX No. 2 Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. (1948). The Prairie View Standard - October 1948 - Vol. XXXIX No. 2., Vol. XXXIX No. 2 Retrieved from newspapers/173 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Publications at Digital Commons @PVAMU. It has been accepted for inclusion in PV Standard Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @PVAMU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Page Four THE PRAIRIE VIEW STANDARD October, 191+8 STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP MAN­ AGEMENT, CIRCULATION, ETC., RE­ Prairie View's Board of Strategy QUIRED BY THE ACTS OF CONGRESS THE PRAIRIE VIEW STANDARD OF AUGUST 24, 1912, AND MARCH 3, 1933. VOL. 39 Prairie View A. & M. College, Prairie View Branch, Hempstead, Texas, October, 1948 No. 2 Of THE STANDARD, published TEN MONTHS at HEMPSTEAD for SEPT. 1948 to JUNE, 1949. Local Alumni Club State of TEXAS, County of WALLER. One of Prairie View's Progressive Graduates Prairie View Plans Before me, a NOTARY, in and for the Organizes Big Homecoming state and county aforesaid, personally Prairie View is planning another appeared E, B. EVANS of THE STAN­ The local Alumni Club held its DARD and that the following is, to the first meeting of the season in the "Super Homecoming" for Novem­ ber 6 when the Prairie View Pan­ best of his knowledge and belief, a true Guest House Parlor at 8:00 P.M.
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    of 6 -A d .. .L UNCLASSIFIED 't,. *I ' SWRX W HISTQUCAL RECm OF THE CHEldICU CORPS BC&RD FOR THE m€UoB) 1 JULY 1948 TO 31 1948 I. ADlcnmTRATIObJr A. Changes in Miasion axd Responsibilities; 1. Becarnnsndations mere made to the Chief, Chemical COW, on 30 ~uly1948 as to the revision of Section xn, Aaministrati. Order No, 1, dated 1 Februarg 1947, bringing it up-to-date as to apisrion, ohanger in eonpositicm, categories of Wrs (assigned sad appointed), and rule6 of btornal procedure. - 2. The Board, together with other interested agencies, ua8 assigned the additioaal rerponsibility of rcrpicnrirrg prinoIpp1 oowes of the ChAm(co1 Corps School, relathg to career training of Chdeal Offieem; namely the Regtrlor Basic Course and the Admuwad Come, ~mtspmpaham offborn trained irr theem tu0 eour~osrill ultirrately be assigned to pornitions eo- under their respective ataff su~ion, these agOXlCbS arc) b88t QyIpmbdto date- th, nature and @CopOf the training ZLOCOB~to qualify officers to aem in these positions. Be I-- * B. so- cmeal corps, Arq ~ - _, - UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 7. Masor mlter K. Cathey mas assigned to the Board on r 1948 and was made Pewanent Member for Protection, atwhioh lone1 Lauhon returned to his regu3ar aseignarent as Permanent , Stspa, have been taken to obtain the services of a Dr. Hmrd Brcm (Bacteriologist), in the Agents Division of 9. The Civilian Chief, Agents Division was designated 88 Pmsident aad all Divisions of the Board, -Date 3 JW1948 31 Awmt 1948 30 SWmbr 1948 31 Oetober 1948 30 November 1948 3l Dooaabrr 1948 31 SiJy 1968 1 CIF-2 CAF-2 - - 01 - 15 13 3l Atlgu8t; 19r;S 4-e4 2 - p.5 3-P-4 I 1 - CAF-10 1 - CAP-5 2-w-4 1 - SP5 1 - Cap-3 -1 - w-2 16 1 UNCLASSIFl ED I I .
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