'.. ' .1...-, ·~f··'··.I'··~.··'. .. "··N··'·····, ,- ., lJNIES

= c .••

of t.reati.c s and intern..... t i oral, ar-rzer.-.ents


filed and re~orded

:: the Secretariat of the Unvt.ed Nations

duri ng t.he uont.h o-t Novarr.ber 1943.

des . t~ait6s et acccrJs intc~na~i0naux

enr-erist r~s


cLasses et inscrits au r~rcrtoire

pendant. Le noae novornbr-c 1S'·48.



I Trait6s et

po r (;'Ctl">.~ 01.,'..,+ t..:-'r'''dt...;; - durl,...i. i J.r-C!Jot.' t'l..!: \.... uLmont... ~ h of'_. NcvombV '-'.J I.J'r •lQ/ l~i"I Q.....

Echal~fQ d0 notes constitua

la Convontion pour as LJcchc,n,jc of ::-lot,;::; COrl:.stituting an [1gret::muLt I;~odifyln7 .:.:::'ti c I.c l5 of the d61its e~tre la B~lgi

le 17 juin 1()70. Lad on 2.-7 -Junc 18'10. Ent.rc er. vi[;1)~u:, le 7

aux t01~,JS dcsdit~s r.

'I'cxt.os officie::':..s f'nan

: .Lru.stre do S C',ff ~"d (~-\"r"'~ ""~-l 1 .l "IX';' t! ' ,.,I.' ut. .. 1--....,)l. of'f..J...Li ci...... '..._'- u .... ~''''

~'1 ~ (.)1 ~ J.r-e ,--).L.er; st .... ' t ...... on". t c Y ...

No. 302. Et.at.s-Uru.s d lA::J.~riquc

r',.. , ..; r:' ~ 01,::' J,.' ', cn 23 June .l.. / .:.j,..... Entr~ ~n vicu0ur l~ 1

do In rntificntion du

d-JS 2t:lts-Unis c: I J>.Ljr

~~xto of:iciuls n::1fl~

n ; Y\ ,'-", ~ t ... -r ..... 1 v.~( ....y.-r·b .... "_''I vll~1.-, ....',;,--..wv v..I..' , ...rk _ (j'i'('l'_ c"...... c'-' f l' Org:o.n~sntion d t~Gk le 1(;1' novombrc TltE!l TI:GS AND INTEmJA rrrONAL AGRI.:;Et:illJ'IS REG-IS TERED OR FILED MID



rceistered d~ring th~ ~onth of Novenilior 1948

No. 30,1. Bclgique et Echango de notes Noo 301. B81gil~ rnd Sp~in: la Conventic ExchD.n:::;e of :1ot

of Fo ro i.gn '·If'f::.irs of Bo.l.g.i.un, rho rcgi.strnt.Lon teok

:r::1 ,';, c0 cn 1 PovcElbc::r lCJ48• No. 302. Etn.ts-Unis c . . I Accord relutif a No. 302. Urri.t cd 3t"'.tcs ef Lmeric,". and Frrtr_c0:

cn 23 Juno 1942. ' , Entr~ en VI{

do la rutif: its ro..t::'-ficlltion by t h« GCVC.i..'fl.T..10nt cf Fr-ance was g:_Vtm t~ dos Etn.tS-UI

morrt au pror

'I'ext,o of:ic: English and Fz-ench of'f'Lc i.n.L t.ext.s CCT1rlWlic"tc:d by tl:(;: Of,;,"'icc;r

i'1 C~lr'.rgc cf' t.he ~'kw YC.Tk Office ef the United. States L' Or-gru Nissir-n to q~o Urri.ted Hr.t i.cr.s , Tho rugistrrltic!} t ook le lor ET INSCRITS AU REPERTOIRE AU SECRETARIATDEtlCItGANISATION FIL.2.TI AND DES NATIONS ur~IES .rcns


Trait~s et accords internationaux e~registr~s pendant le mois de novembre 1948

No. 301. Bclgique et Espagnc: Echangc do notes constituant un accord modifiant l'articlo 15 de

la Conventior. pour assurur la r~pression dos crimus et t i.c I,e 15 of the d61its e~tre la B01gique et l'Espagnu, sign6e a Bruxellos, pun.ishmorrt of le 17 juin 1&'70. l.~a.drid, 24 janvier 1947. ~- ~ . ...:J 1870 • JilC\.C r'J..u, Entr6 en vi.guour le 7 avril 191+7 par 6changc de notes aux turmus dcsdites notes. accordi ng 'I'cxt.ea officiels franQais et eepagnef, eorr.nrJ.niqu~8 par le .

l.;inistre de s c. ffC1-i 1"0 S 6tranger-os de Bel.gi.que, 10 Linister lfenrG~istrewunt a eu liou le ler novembrc 1948. m. teok

No.. 302. Etnts-Unis d I Arm1riquc et France:

Accord relutif a la cooperation 6conomique. Sien~ a le 28

jl).in 1948. uno 1942. Entrc en vi.gueur' Le 10 juillct 1948, date a Laquo.Ll,o notifica.tion .ot i co of do la ratification dudit ~ccord n 6t6 donn6c au Gouvern0ment

dos Etat.s-Unis d' i;.n-.o rique par 1.;,; Couverncmcnt frf'.I1qais, conrorm~- cccr-crncc wi.t.h ma~t ~u rr0fcucr pnr~grupho de l'articlc XII.

'I'ext.o of:iciels anglzd.s lJt fr~ngn.is comouru.quce pr:.r le Dirccteur

du Bureau de Now-York do la rrission des Etats-Unis aupr~s de States 1 1Organ.csat.Ion d0S r;nt ions Und.;s, L tenragi3trcIUont a eu li~u n. took le lor novcmbro 1~48. :q$},~~l:~~':}""

,'S1gtled.~~tlnke8t\ed'e$$siNewYc>rkon' 2B,1~~rch ,19M~.," Oojne irttoa'oree'oh Jlltugust;t9463 iri~ccio~drinceWith'

Accord rolntif Et English official text. The registration ex-officio took mars 1948.

Dlace on 1 . :Cntr~ en vi

'l'oxtc offic Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands and United KingdorL1 of 10 lur GreJt Britain and Northern :

Treaty to regul~te their collabor~tion ~n ecc~oIT.iC, socinl and . Nc. 304. Bolgiquu, F

cul.t.ura'L mat.t.er-s and col.Lsctdve se.Lf'-edcf'ensc, Signed at Brussels Brctr gno Qt

on 17 :~a:::'ch 1948. Trait~ pour r6g1

CNIlG into force on 25 August 191,.8 in accordance with Article X, et culturel

the instr~ents of ratification having been deposited with the Bruxollcs 1

Belgian Goverr~Gnt as follows: Entre en vi 30 ...... • BQlgium Los Lnst.rur;

2 . • • • • • • • • • • Unitud [ingdom GcuvernOLlon 10 June 1948 · . . - . •••• Luxembourg 30 avrd.L 19

2J July 1943 • • • • • • • .. - !:c:-hurlands 2 juin 1948 .., 25 August 194£1 • • • • • . .. . • t I'c-..nce 10 juin 194

English Ll.nd Fre:1ch officiEl texts communic[l,ted by the Officer

in Cl'.1:rgG of t.hc Pcrr.ancnt. B01gi:'~n Do Icgat.Lon to the United 23 nol1t 194

NatLor;s , Tho regi.strat.Lon took pl.:tce on 2 NovG1Y~b8r 19M3 .. Textus cffi

de Ln i 305. Be'Lg'i.um and ItrJ.~r: d0 IIG Protocol (~~th tho exch~ng0 of notos) concerning tnu rocruiting of 10 2 m It,"'.li<~.n wor-ker-s L.:Ld their sct.t.Lemcnt in Bolgium, si.;:;nod n.t home

on 23 , .ind the J.r_"1C:x to t.hat Protocol, signed at Rome on No. 305. Bul.gd.quc et

26 . Protocclo concer:

The Protocol crx~ into force on ~3 Junv 19~6 ~nd thJ Annex on 26 t1tablis S0b.,;;

April 1947, ns from the respective dLl.t0s of sirnnturc. le 23 juin :

French ~nd It~lian' official toxts cowmQ~icntGd by th<.: Officer in Le Pretcco.L

charge of thu Pormnncnt Bulgian DelGg~tion to the United NntionS. 26 avr:

The rcgistrction tock plnce on 8 Noverber 1948. Textcs


/ 1 :30,3. Nations Unies et,Etats""trnis dtl\.t1.~rique: .Accord rolntif n un emprurrt , Sign6 r.. Lake Success, Ne~T-York, le 2:3

took mars 1948.

:Cntr~ cm viguuur 10 31 aotrt 1948, ccnf'orrndnerrt au paragraph 7.

'I'oxt.e officicl angl.ms, L' cnr-..f/lstr0r:lent ex-officio Cl ou lieu. Kingdom of IQ lur ncvucbrc 194G.

II and Ne. 304. Bcl.gd.que, France, Luxcr.bourg, Pcys-Bas et Royaunc-Unf, do Grf',ude...

id at Brussels Brotr gno et d ' Lr'Lande du Ncrd e

Traite pour r6g1.:;r leur coll'\bcrr'.ticn cm I':""ntiercs 6'c onoruque, socdal,e

. Article X, et culturul1e, et lour 16gitir.:u d6f0nso collective. Sign6 a

d with the Bruxol1cs le 17 ~nrs 1948.

Entr(; cm viguour Le 25 n<:11t 19413, crmfcrr-6:.:l;;:nt n. l'article X,

l~s instrur..~nts de ~~tific~tion ~ynnt 6t6 d6pos6s auprcs du

Gcuvcrncnorrt de 1:1 Be'Lgi.que aux d~.t\3s sui-T.nt0s:

30 avrf.L 1948 e • • • • • • • • Bulgi~'J.G

2 juin 1948 •• • • •• • • • • RCY:1.Uf.10-Uni

10 juin 194C. • • • • • • • • • Luxorbcurg :) Of'f'Lcer- 20 jilillut 1943 •• . Pcys-Bas

) the United 23 ~0flt 1948 o • Fvance · ~ • • • •• abcr- 19M3~ I'ext.cs cfficie:s frn.nqnis I..-t ['.r:gl[l.is corrnmd.quc.s par- le Charg6

de I!"!.. gosti.cn ch~ In d6l~gnticn perrzmcnt,e de BeIgique [l.uprcs

C0 l'Crgr.nis"'.ticn des l:n.tions Unios , L! enrogi.stronent. dting of ,. 10 2 novorbr-c 1948. 18d t:.t Itome

led at Rome on No. 305. Bolgiquo ot Italio:

Protocc10 C0nCGrn~t lQ rocrutur.ent de trnv~i1eurs it~liQns ot 1eur I Annex on 26 6tabliss0b...nt en Bcl.g.l.que (rwcc L' dchnnge de nct.es}, sign{) n Rente

• le 23 juin 191...6 et Annexe U CG Prct.ccol,e, sign6 n Reno le 26 avril 1947•

Officer in Le Prctccole ost bntr6 en vigu.our le 23 juin 1946 et ItAnnexe, le

e Unit ed NatLons, 26 nvril 1947, dos lours dates r~spectivGs do signature.

Tuxtes officials fr~Quis et itnlien cor.nuniqu~s p~r le

Chnrg6 de In. gestion de It\ d~l~gc.tion pCrlnD.nente·de

Belgique nupr~s de 1 tOrg!1.nisnticn .des Nr:.tion$Uni~~h 306. Belgium and ~rnnce:, , :306. BaJiique et Frn3

~chcnge of hotes constituting nn agreement for tho settlement of Echange. de notos ecru

Bc.Lgi.an cLnims on the French l~rmy and of certain French clrdrns on certnines cr~c..n

tho BQ1gi.:m Army .whiG!:. orgin~tcd during the; wcr owing te the pre­ cr~r..nces frnnqrt

sunce ef Frnnch troops in B~leiill:l ~nd ef Bc1sinn troops ~n Frnnce. eu fnit de In p Bruss01s, 30 . t r-oupos bo.Lges

C~nu into force en 30 Octob0r 1945 by the exch~nbe ~nd ccccrding Entr6 en viguGU

to t.hc terns of the s[,~id notes. conf'c.rr.cr.ont n.

French cfficicl text ccmmurrlcat.ed by t.hc Officer in Ch.vrgc of the 'I'exto (;ff:;"cil.:l

Pcrmr.ncnt Bulginn DG1~{'".tion to t ho Urrlt.od lh·_ticns. The

registr.:.ticn took pl.aco en 16 Ncvoober- 19h.8.

307. Belgiuc [l.l1d Fr['.nce:

Frontier cgrooJ:1unt (-vd.th QXm9Xes and .Eroc~s verbal) si[ncd at Ccbl.cnz Nco 3C7. Bl.:l[~quu et Fr~ on 23 . Acc..rd fr-cintr..1icr (~

CN!lO into f', rce on 1 }~~~y 1948 in ccnfc)rrdty: "r.Lth h.rticle 12. 23 llvri1 1948.

Frunch cfficin1 text co~nunicntod by the Officer in Chnrge of Entro en viguet

t.he POrc.':lDunt Bolgi".n rolfjg.:'..ti~m tr: the United NctLons, 'I'exte cf'f'Lci.o.l,

The rez;istr.::ticn t c:... k pl.aco en 16 Ilovcmb or- 1948. de 1.:1 (~61~

l r Or gM i s[ Ho. 308. Be1eiur.:., Luxemboul"'e and United States of .dmeroica: novembr-e : Agreement fer the use of f'unds made ave.ilable in accordance with

paragraph 2\(2) of t~e nemora~du~ of un1erstandinr regnrdir~ No. 308. BGlr.:ique, Luxor

for lend lease, reciprocc::.l air~, pl.an f.., Surplus property, and Acccrd rel~tif n 1 "

dispcsiti(~l claims of Sef,t8mQOr 24, 1946. Signed at B~ussels on 8 Cctober des 1948. . sopt.enbr-e 1946

(~O Car;o into f'or-co on 8 GctobJr 1948 as frem the dat « of' aigllnt,llrf'"7 Pl.nn A, 1:". .

in acco z'danc e ...."'ith .:~rticlc Ih. Bruxo11us 1<.: 8

Fr-ench and "':;ngli3h official texts conrnurri cat.od by the Officer in Entr6 en vi[~uu'

charge of che Perm.:ment Bcl.g.i.an DtJlegEL~ion to the United conf'c rt::.6r:ent ~

nations. The r0gistr:'..tion took place on ,16 November- 1948. Toxtes officio

C~G la gee I de l'Orgn

,/ -'1616 nov ,. , ,\

Ech~nge. de notcs ccnst.Lt.unnt, un nrr::.rigef.lent pour le reglet~ent de

certnines cr~~nces belgGs sur l'nr~60 frnn~niso et French cl~ims on de certninos cr~[I,nces wing tc the prc- f'rnnqad.scs sur 1 t arnce be'Lgo , noes pendant in. gceX'red.u- du fa-it de La presence de t rcupes frnnq:'1.ises en Bolgique et .de troops ~n Fr~ce. tr~UrGS bulges en Fr~nce. Bruxelles, 10 30 ectc~re 1945. '

Entr6 en i.gucur- le 30 1945 116ch£',nge desditos e nnd r.ccc rding v oct.cbre par notes

conf'c.rr.cncnt n Lcur-s clisDC'siticliS... •

frn.n~a.is in Ch~rgo of the 'l'ext.c c;ff:;"cil...:l ccmnuni.qud pr.r 10 Chr.rg6 de In'gestion GC 10. (~616bt'.ti(ln pcrccnont,e de Bolgiquo aupros de ".ticns , The

d8S tTc..ticns Unia$. Lt aftrUgiatr<:;Lunt ~ eu lieu le


~nod at Ccbl.cnz Nc. 3C7. Bul[~quu et Fr~nco:

23 nvril 1948.

.n Chnrge of Ent.rc en vigucur 10 ler nrd, 1948, ccnrc.rnor.ent h 1 t £',rticle 12• fr~nq~is ccr~uniqu6 p~r C~nrg6 :d Nat.Lcns, Texte cfficial 10 de la gcstion d<:; 1~ c61cg~ticn p~n~~n0nte de Bo1gique auprcs de

lrOI'gMis~.ticn des N".tic·ns Unfes, L'etlregistrenent a

novenbr-e 1948. .ance with No. 308. Be1r.:ique, Luxonbour-g et Et<:'.ts-Lnis ('hndrique: , r~g.:trdir.g

rel~tif utilis~ti(n opcrty, and Acccrd a 1 t des f'cnc' s rendus c?ispC'nibles ('~u r..l~r_".orr.n(1ur.l on 8 October des dispcsitd.ons pr.rngrc.phe 2A (2) du d t accord. du .24 pret-b~i1, nic~e . soptenbr-c 1946, en regluLcnt c:'u de I' r..utuollot c.u

Pl.an A, (:0 La vcnt.c c.cs biens on surplus et ':':os cronnces,

Bruxollus 10 8 cctcbre 1948. the Officer in Entre en vi~ui...ur le 8 oct.cbrc 1943, (:~to clr In. signnturc,

the United confr rr:.6r:ent 1. l' r~rticlo 1h.

Cht.l.ri;~ ovember- 1948. Toxtus officiols frnn

de 1 10rgnnis1"tion c:es Nations Urd.es , Lt enrugistrBmontneu:f ,'le 16 nGvQ;lpra 1945.

, . ~,~ . .. ".,.~ ~~~ ri~~I'Jt3~,!l,,+ --e- ,ilt'-..:t ,...... ; __...... -..;...... :.;t' .. No. 309. B.;lgique et Etnts-Unis d f JIJ.:6riquo:

Acccrn rclrtif a In ccoperaticn 6ccncr.rl.quG. (r.vec ~;mGxe et ~chnI1ge de ingc of Not8S) .. notes). Sien6 n Brux,lles liJ 2 juillet 1948.

Entr6 en virucur le 3 ~cOt 1948, date ~ l~quellu notification de rhich notice of In rntificnticn ducit accord par le ~uverr.GMcnt ce ln Bel~ique :ivc~ to the a 6t~ donncc nu Gouverncnent, des I~ats-Unis cl'hMdrique, ccnrcrne­ accordarco with mont au prer ,i~r par-agmphe de 1 rarticle XII.

Textes officiels fran~ais et anglais commuzri ques par le Charge by the Officer de la gestion de la d!16gation perrrlanent€ de Be1gique ion to the United aupres de l'Or~..ti.. 4•• Int~ons Unies. Lfenregistrement ~6 Trover-bur 1948.. a eu Lieu le 26 •••fa lW.

No. 310. Union belfo-l~~embourgeois9 et Portugal:

Echange de notes constitunnt un accord de pRiement. LiEbonne,

le 7 ja~vier 1946. 1ge of the sr~id "Snt1"~ en vi gueur- le 7 jrmv::-er 1946 PU" l' cchango ~Jiesditcs notes.

'I'ext.es officie1s frLlnqnis et port.ugai,s cemmurri.ques par le .cd by the ~li.ni8t8r 1,:inistrc des affc.irlJs 6trr:.ngbres de Be.Lgtque, L' enref,lstrement ;trptiC'n took pl.acc a eu lieu le 30 novomb re 1948.

_ ~ 1'"'\ L . _. I .. ,qo­ it

Treatios and internnt.ional agreements

filed and r(3c'.Jrdod during the ncrrth ef tTover:bcr 1948.

Lg,:,'ocl'](mt cenc cr-rri.nr; t.h e t rnnsf'cr- ef certnin propcr-tLcs , 3L"l:_ d "t

Gcncv-:. c.n 4 lbv 1946 and nt l r.nt.r-cr.L on 1'7 ]/k':'..y L946. et ~, ; or.t.r": .; C[lJl:~ Lnt.o f'crcc n 17 : .~.y 194t1 by signrturc Ln vic cor'dcncc "vit.n

Fr-ench offici·".l text c crrrurric ct.cd b~r the Lugc:1 :.dvis13i.· cl' the

No , :'11)0 United Nat.Loris :'~nd the \ior1d Hcn.Lt.h Cr[;."nizntiun: No. 115. C~g:;.;lis~.til)n ( Pretecel cr nc c rrri.rig t.h« entry Lnto f'or-c.. (~f the ..\grccDent bct.vrccn the Prct.cco.l.c i"c1;,ti!' Unitud Nr'..ticns':'..nd t.ho ~Tcr~cl Ev-:.1th Orbnniz."..ticn.. Sii.~n(]d ,.... t

Paris en 12 f')ovu":,,,bcr 1948.

The :~grlJon_mt C,:l:~C into f:' rcc en 10 in acc.. r-danc e wi.th

English and Fr-ench of'f'Lclr-L t cxcs , The fi1inr:; and roccr-ding t ock Toxt.os c':ficl pl.ncc en 12 Ncvcr.bcr- 191+8.

No, Ll.c, United H::.ticns r.nd t.hc Un.i,vcr-sal, Pr'sL:1 Union:

Prot.oc cl., 1'1' t if United Nrti'ns ..nc t.hc Univcrs,::.l Pc s-'w1'.l Urri.c.n, Sir-TIed at Par-Ls

1'.... '.~. l~ ,. 1"0 1 T.. ," ... - ., I r f • '-J , ••...l..,', J- 94'--' ~n ace rd-inc» with

1 ' r.rti cL; XV•

...... _-- -11--

11 s ' x;r 1948.

i.zz.t Lcn ;

Si".n8 ~ GCl1(\vo 1~ 4 rnc",i 1946

1, ."., ...... - 01 ' ..... ~ 17 4. i-. ,..1 .1 i .+c, ,

1 1 (l~'.l., LcL. 2. ;.l.~ ef the

butuccn the

rdance Irith 1___ () 1..'..;ui'__ ... _ ll·...; •.-J __-. 048, , cr-nfO··T.r,\. .... ~ ,J. .11 ....."n'. ...\"...0mt... 1'i:'CCG1'd ( st. (;11 virucur

.ccr-d.ing t ock et l'inscription

(:rl-I'rr,'·,"~"->""'C·'- o c s~ ~.7",+-~"'_r."'" 1T-'1 --i " --' -.:. "l(...-"\·;\or.:.-.~ .,.,-'t..-_~,)~J _...J..._~ No. llG. v __ .... l..Jo-....:. (,..L. ).a. _1,'-..... _'v.L'-...... ) \...'M _" __} v : '-' l·I.... d at Par.i.s Sign6 ~ F,'.,ris

d~"ncc with lCJ!;1' ~ /', "

I.' ."Tti C' L:: X1/ • -12-

No~ Scci~~list 117(0. Be1giun and the Urrir-n ef S-virJt Ropub1ics: 117. Dclgiquu et Union c

dd sp.lr.ccd a s a result cf hrst.Ll.Lt.Lcs , Si[r.cd ['.t Brussels en 13 "p(::csonn0S d(plrcc\.

t:nrch 1945.

, Cane Lnt> f:rco cn the dr.t.o of its sif',nO-ture, 13 F':-TCh 1945, in Lntre <..D vi~~ucur J.e

f'crrri.ty with f .. r-ti.c Ic 9.

Frcr.ch cfficio.l text co~~unic~tGd by the Cffic~r in Ch~rbo ef T-3xt:...; cf'f'Lc i.cL frr.r

t.ho Pcrr.L['.n:.;nt Bclci::m Dclcg".ti('l1 t c the United N~ticns.

des Ii,rtic

No. 118. Bv" 1t.. " l' 11I". -'- \..1,.rand ...T....I\...oU"lo."V·...; r.ocurc~~u"-- u.;

Bi.Lat.crn.L 'lgr~3crYmt conccrning the repatriation of their nationals 118.

displaced as a res1ut of tostilities. Signed o.t Brussels on 14

1\1ay 19450 plr.c6s r~r ~~it ~c

Came into force on t.ho dc.te of its e i.gnat.ur-e , 14 Lay 1945, in

conformity ~",rith farllgrr'.ph 10.

Fr-ench official text cornnurricat.ed by the Officer in Char-ge of the

d ~' l l,.;~_(~' D . Permanent Delgin.n De1c;t;tion to the Uni.ted NatLons , I'he ' ...... -,,,t-i...J.-\'An !L.

filin[~ and recording took pl.ace on 16 I~ovemb'~r 19ht~. C.05 r;"'.ti,~ns DJ

C:J.t:1.1 lieu 1, No. 119. Belgium O-nd Czochoslov~kia:

BLl.nt.crn.L !lgreoP."ent concerning t he rcpr:.trio.t:ion of t.hei r

nati.onc Ls displn-ccd as a result of hostilities. Si'~ned at

C"..'TlC into force on t.h« dat.e of its si,::;nu.turc, J6 1.."..3' 191;.5 in Ent r~ en vii,1.1cur c.i

~.u p:~rf1.Gr"..pho 10.

French of'f'Lc i.e.L t.oxt cor.municnt.od b" the Of'fi cer in Chnrrte of the 'I'oxto :"'fficL...:l fr.:'.l

D61~g·ticn r-:

The filing .".nd rccordlng t.ock pl.cce on l(j November 1948. 1\; ....t i'll1s Unf,.... s

ant 131.1 lieu 1~

TREATIES tUn> nM~fAT!Ol;AtAGREi!2 -nITS mtGISI'ERE1J CR. FILED ANn::, " • -13-

117. Dclgiquc et Union des R~pub1iques seciilistes sovi6tiques:

bi1r~t,t;..'r.1 .S Accord ccncer-nant le rnpat.r-i.ct.cnt; d« Leur-s r-cseor-t.Lssarrts

I 13

1C.L" 3 Lr:;..~S.l..1C1C:;Li).

in Entr~ ..n vi,'~'ucur lIes er. sip:[·.tl1r..;, Le 13 rr.r-s 1945, conrorracmcrrt

~. l'Articl(; 9.

,f T..:xt:..: cf'f'Lc LcL frr.nq'i.is cormuruquo prr le Ch3.rg6 de la gcst.Lon de la

d61eb.:-~ticn pcrr-ancnt.e de BclgiquG auprcs de L' Orgaru.set.Lon

do s I;.rticns Urri.cs , 10 cl:' s scr.cnt. ut 1 t inscription nu

r6p(;,...toil'~ ant 'JU Licu Lo 16 ncvcrrbro 2.91+8.

.s 118• l14


If the


C.C5 l':"'.ti""ns Urric s , Lo cLnascncnt et l'inscription au r~pertoirc

C:1t:::u lieu l~ l6 r.ovcr-br-o 1948.

bil,r~t~:r'i..l co:rCGrn~nt r~D~tric!.'(.;nt Acc..rd le L do Leur-s r(;3sorti3snnts

Ent r~ en vii.,ucur C.C3 sa.. sirn"..ture , Le 16 r".['.i 19J...5, conf'omenorrt

f the 'I'oxt.c :"fficL.;l frr.nqr.is ccrnurri.qud pc.r le Ch:-.rG~ de 1.:\ g\.:sticn de 10.

D61Cg·ticn pI-'IT1::.n .nt.c d·..; Bl-l~;iquu r.urrcs de; ]'Qrgr.nisation des

• I'J ~:ti"ns UnL.;s. 10 cLr.sser-cnt et l' inscripticn au r~pcrtoire -14-

120. Belgium and Netherlands:

Bilat~rnl ~grce88rrG concerning tho rcp~triation of their nationals

displaced as ~ result of hostilites. Signed at

on 2 J~nmry 1945.

Ct1II:C Lnt.o force on the r:nte of its signnturu, 2 Januc.ry 19h5 J T.::::tc (·.ffic:'c1 1'1"11 in c0nfo~.ity w~th Articlo 100

Fre~ch co~munic~ted official text by the Officer in Chnrge of des ~;:~ticns Hr

tho Pcrmcnent Belgian Delogation to t.ho Urri.ted H[',.tior:s o

The filing and recording took place on 26 November- 1948. Crg~ni g~.ti: n interr No. 121. Int crnct.i.onal, Labour, Organd.zat.Lon and the 'world Hca.Lt.h Org~nization:

Internnt~onnl Agreement betwGcn the Labour Crbnnizc.tion and the 'Horld Accord cnt.re 1 1 Ol·f:'l.nis~.:.t Health CrgLnizlltion.

Came into force on 10 July 1948 in accordance vnth Article XI by Ent.r6 en vi ru.rur 1: .\ virtue of approval. of the Gouverning Bedy ef t.ho Irrt.ernat.Lonal.

Labour Cffico and thc 1'Jorld HcaLt.h Organize-tien• .. - . English and French of'f'LcdaL t8XtS ccnmurd.cat.ed by the Legal

Advi.scr- of the Int.cr-nnt.Lcnr.L Labour Office. The filing

and rGccrding tock place on 30 Nove:r.ber 1948.

& a SJS ,S IS s; 622 q S a F 4 a a a ....15....

120. Bolt;:Lquc et Pr.ys-Bns: ~ · ~ c.~ "' ~ ..L- :,t~rr,l c cnccr-nr-rrt 1", r·~rr'..tri ';~E-nt (~e Leurs r-cs sor-t.Ls san... ts AC C "L U.L . tion of their nationals ~ j~n~cr t),r:... fr'.it de f~',:;rr")• Sien6 LondI'cs le 2 1945. .' Signed at London

gnnt.uro, 2 , T.:::::tc ('ffic:-c. 1 fr'nQ~~lB . ccrnn..,I.l,,\M...... urn.quo par--_...L'" C Ch:lrb"'c de 1:1 cccst.Lcn do

he Officer in Chnrge of des tj:'..ticns Unae a, Le c Ir.escr-ent ...,;t l'inscripti0n »u to t.hc United Nntior:s" cc on 26 November- 1948. the 'vvol'ld Hec.Lt.h Org~nization:

Drganize-tien and the World Accord ent.re 1 1 O::'·C·l:nis~.:.tion int orn-iti.one.Lc du 7r',v~il (,;;t 1 I Orgr:.nisc::.t:lnn

er-dance with Article XI by 1 - • ., J ~~ C ~.,~ ...1 I,' Ent.rc cn vi.ru.mr ..:; ....1 U J'Ll.:::"~1 I..Jt lQ,ye, ._cnf'orr')." w .iem.•-..' v ...... _. .",·'rtJ..'cLc- -Xl.-., ing Bcdy ef t ho International

1 Organizatic~n.

co~unicnt8d by the Legal

Labour Of'f'Lc e, The filing

Nove~ber 30 1948. 4u:~ ~n. tcrr:rrt.:.crL~ ' . ] l ~r ~'~;' L,8 cl~s6~nent ... ..'ic'.iOl.."';J- (10 Pur-.;r.u .. eu .L r.va...... ut ~'ir.sc;"ioticn ,1.~J r~pcrt,9irc orrt en lieu le 30 ncver.br-e 1948..

a as Ratificat -15- . des ANNEX A

i.~Qtificc.tictlS, nccossdrns r.nd prorr.gat.Lons to

tre:.ti-.;s and intornQtic:nul ugrc.3(.:l'"':ents

rcgist cr-ed

NO e 296n B..:;l[~i~l, Br'azi.L, C1.11.:"1c.a, CeyLon, Fr-ance, ctc 0

Dccl.r.rr.t :"(11 ccr:'i fi~.~

1 l:C'V3r~b(;r 1948 •••••••• Jnd'ia

r No. 20( o.) Articles c. f Agro0r:unt r f the: Intern'"'..ti"l1Q2.. 1 (llC;tr...C: Fund: L'/.ut:-ichc

and t.h« durx si.t wit h the G(verl1l'c,nt ef the United St"'.tus

~ 1 lCrc'"',nh

F'ir.Lanc: 1~ J."Xl1..''"'..r~,~ 191+3 Aust.r-La en 27 hU.~ust 1945 request nf the Cfficer

1$$ a:: it as 421U' J. £ £ 42 u I. hZ a

.. t' Z~.".....:.. ' •.~ . 0,\ ~~ ...... - .' ,..: Ratificntionst e.dh~S:tort~" prot'og~Lti.onacohoE!rn&4.t

des traitl1s et. accords internntionnux


au 08cr6tn.r:Lnt de 1 lOrgrmi s n.t i cn do s Nationr3 UnL.Js•

..,. etc. 296. Bl"~si1, Crmada., Ccylan, r rance , i~cc('rd rc.::l~tif cu tr3.itf~:·'cnt d~~ 1~ n~·,ticn la plus favcris,1e

IJcur Lcs r6ricns de 111~l1cn[tgn(; occi.dent.nLe seus occupat.Lon

Iristr-or or.t J.(:pcse le

Lcr nr.ver.br'c I9~8 ••••••• lndo

20(~) Acco~d r81~tif ~u Fonus MonGtni~e int0rn~tion~1:

D6clc.r<'.ticn ccrtifi~8 (~U 14. c c t.cbrc 1?48 concer-nant, l~ sig!1atur'e

et In, dtpcsition nu~l'C;' du Cn:UV01"nGLcnt dos Et::tts-Unis cl f An6riqt~e

dos instrUl'....mts d ' :",cccpt~~ticn, QU :1(;8

L:-:. Fd.nl.r.ndo

L' .r.utrichc le 27 notlt 1948

EnrC[;istr~0 1.] 23 ncvcrbrc 1948 sur 1:1 cJ'.;nL':ldc du Diroctcur

du Bureau GO Nm:-Yc-rk ('.13 10. r::issicn c'cs Etn.ts-Unis :luprGs

- fl .... " ". -16... · des ANNEX: A

Rntificc::.tions, acccaed.cns and prorogations to nu Secr6tm tre~tiGs anc intornational agreements Br~sil, rcgister-ed 296. Bo1Siqu0, ( rel~tif trait~ lv.ith the Secretariat ol' the United Nations. tcccrd QU oour Los r6rions de ~

c.:~li tr..iriJ" 3iC116 Bc16iu~, C~lmdn, 296ft Brazil, Ceylon, Franco, ctc o ACCG1Jt[.ticn.. • AgrCO!;lGnt en [lC)st-l'n.v('urod-rmtictl t,rc..c:tmcl1t for areas 0::' 1.Jcstcrn Lnstrur-ent d6~

Lcr noveubro 1948 3cptcnb8r 1948.

Acc8pto.nce: D6c1~rnticn certifi68 0 Instruncrrt clop0slted cn: et l~ dtposition n 1 Novenber 1948 • • • •• • • "

d.0S Lnst.rur.cnts_ d I L:1. Fin1t.ndo 20(0.) Articlcscf Agr-ecncnt cf the Internntional h.cnet.ary Fund: L'.l.utriche Certified stut.cr.cnt. of 14 rogo.rding the signature. EnrcGistI'60 10 23 o.nd the dopcsit ~~th the Gcverm~cnt ef the United 3ta,tes c:.u EuI'c~u de of Al..orica ef tho instrur.:unts of ~ccept~nco cn bchn1f of:

Fir~lan(~ vn l~ J:ll1ua ry 19h8 on 27 August, 19h8

Rogistvrod (in 23 Eovecbcr 1948 r.t tho rcqucst of the Of'f'Lccr-

in Chc.rgc of the 1;c...." Yrry. Office; of t he Urri.t.cd Stntes

lJ.ssion to t.ho Urri.t cd nt~ti(;ns •

... '"


r r " •. :i " - '. ,11:. -.~ Ro;bitication$~ a.dh~aion$, prorogationacenceredt."1t

des trait6s ;::;t. ne-cords int~rnationaux

enregistres s to nu Secr6tarint de 1 t OrgarrieatLcn des NatLons Unios. s 296. Belsiquc, Br6si1, C~da., Ccylan, France, Gtc.

Accord rel~.tif au trnite.:-'cnt de In. nr.ti cn la plus f'avcr-Lsee cns , pcur 1:35 r6fions de 1 lA11cf1agnc occidentnle sous occupat.Ion

c:'Llitr..irc. SiCn6 50 Gencve le 14 sopt.crbrc 194$.

of lJestcrn InstrurG~t d6pcse le icva on 14 Ler ncveubro 1948 .. .. ••• .. .. Inde

20(a) Acco:,'d re1~tif au Fends t'lon6t.nire int0rn3.tion~1:

D6c1nrnticn certifi68 (1U 14 cct.cbre 1948 conccrnent ID. signature

et If'. dcpos.i.tLon [l.u:?l'~f.j du Couverncnerrt des Etnts-Unis clI Ar(6ri~e

des instrm:ont·s d't'.cceptaticn, nu non de:

L:1. Finlt.nde le 14 jnnvier 1948

JT Fund: L'.l1.utriche le 27 no'O.t 1948 icnnture- EnrC[;istr~0 L: 23 ncvcrb r-o 1948 sur 1:1 deriandc du Dirccteur

States du Bureau de Ncw-Ycrk (le In r.rl.s s Lcn des li'+ -rt a-Urri.s nupres ha.Lf' of: de 1IOrg:".nisr-~tir:n des Nat.Lcns Urri.es ,

~he Officer

.::d States A3:tiel~so!'A&~e~ntent·0£· the·Internationa:LEank for·Recop;structi'" arid 'Denrelopment: . et le d~vf,;lcpPQ Certified 8tat~wnt of 14 October 19hj regarding the signRture D~c1ar~tlcn. CC. rt'l1~f'· ~ and t he deposit wi.th the Government. of the United StCJ.t(~S ef ~ ..J A .~ Ct (.;..Le."" L'.-P··~s.i.....L At.er-Lea of t.hc Inst.ru--ent s of accoptance en behr.lt' of:

Fi::11and on 14 JRnup-ry 1948 Le. F'i.nl.nn:' fustrir-, on 27 August 194$

RGg::i stored on 23 Novenb er- 1948 at t.he r-equest. of t.he Officer

in Char-go of the ;·rew York Office of the United St<:tes 1'.U BU~CHl

r l i s si ~"" -t. t'\ the United Nat.Lor.s,

. NOli 186 Prot.ccol. ~i,~f;'.l;d r;.t Lake Success, New YC':::,k, on 11 Docenbar 1946, ~ i I! 1"C.TIT 1'-:)O.6 P•pct '.GC'le S '. no \ a.t:,ending t}'8 iigreet:ents, Conventions and Frotocols on i;r;rcotic r\I-_-.Jnc'r.nt Le s r:.( DrUf,S, concluded at Tho Hr..guc on 2) Janu.:-~ry 1912, at Geneva

en 11 February 1925. and 19 Febr-unry 1925, and 13 truly lS'31; at

.L5<:\l1f-c k 0 1-;: on 2"',' 1.....Nover.bcrv 19'31, _ ,. and ,":t Geneva on 26 JU118 1936•

Sl' L,)«natL ... LJ ur-c._0 :

L •• •• Peru 26 hcvcrab:

f'oLl.oicod by acccpt.anco;"


a hiS: tit I, '.,&1£ it 1 $ 2 a 4 S . 0 s . .:;::;...:;-;; - -~ i'" ~lc;hif C,. ly;

et le d~vlJlcpPQnent: signature D6c1:-tr.".ticn ccrtif'i:1e du 14 oct.cbr-e 1948 re1rtivu .~ In si£naturo .tcs ef ,. . c.'AL6rique. (:0S instrur.cnts cl'''''.cccptrticn nu m..r. (:0:

Le Fi11l1::m(~.G le 14 jr.:lviar 1948

Officer Erlr<;bi.str63 1(J 23 ncvenbr« 19 /0}08 sur It'. c.enande du Directcur atcs c'.U Bureau (~G New-York de 1 ~ r::'issir n des Etnts-Unin

''''.Upl'ts (3 l' C;rgo.nis:',.ticn c'os N.:"'.l.tivns Uru.cs , r.ber 1946, I\Tc. 1<36. PrctvxJe si' nj r.. .urtko Succoes (New-Yc...rk), 10 11 ('ecor~brl; 19/+6, \ :;".l'cotic

Geneva y 19.'31; rrt 19 f ~'I.TriLj.' :.925 et 1(; 13 juil1c:t 1931, ?-. B'l.l'-i: kck le 27 ncvenbre 1931" 1?36. ut ~, C<::n~vc 1~ 26 juin 1936.


\. . . . pprx.voL avcc 1[1. r'~3CrVJ sui.vr.nt.o t "sC'us r-oscrve

