IN THE ENVIRONMENT COURT ENV-2019-WELLINGTON- AT WELLINGTON IN THE MATTER OF of the Resource Management Act 1991 AND IN THE MATTER OF an appeal to the Environment Court under clause 14(1) of the First Schedule of the Act to the Proposed Taranaki Regional Coastal Plan BETWEEN TARANAKI ENERGY WATCH INCORPORATED Appellant AND TARANAKI REGIONAL COUNCIL Respondent NOTICE OF APPEAL ON BEHALF OF TARANAKI ENERGY WATCH INCORPORATED Dated 18 November 2019 Rob Enright/Ruby Haazen Magdalene Chambers Tāmaki Makaurau & Wānaka E:
[email protected] M: +64 21 276 5787 Auckland offices: Generator, Level 1, 28 Customs St, Auckland To: The Registrar Environment Court WELLINGTON INTRODUCTION 1. Taranaki Energy Watch Incorporated (Energy Watch) appeals against parts of the decisions of the Taranaki Regional Council (Council) on the Proposed Taranaki Regional Council Coastal Plan (Proposed Plan). 2. Energy Watch made a submission and a further submission on the Proposed Plan. 3. Energy Watch is not a trade competitor for the purposes of section 308D of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA). 4. Energy Watch received notice of the decisions on 5 October 2019. 5. The decision was made by the Respondent. 6. The parts of the decision that this appeal relates to are Rules 27, 29 and 31. REASONS FOR APPEAL General Reasons 7. Energy Watch says that the proposed plan fails: (a) to address part 2 RMA by inadequately addressing the adverse effects of the oil and gas industry within the coastal marine area. Notably the plan: i. Does not promote sustainable management of natural and physical resources under s5 RMA.