THE LORD OF THE RINGS Linguistic Soundtrack Textbook 2 — LINGUISTIC SOUNDTRACK TEXTBOOK Introduction I have compiled this textbook as a reference while listening to the score of Howard Shore of Peter Jackson’s movie-version of The Lord of the Rings. It is based on information from the Gwaith-i- Phethdain-website, http:\\\gwaith (All my thanks to those who helped to provide these information!), and comprises most non-english lyrics of all three film installments. In the first three parts, the lines that are sung are listed (as many as could be discovered...) with the corresponding times, sorted by film and track. Then follow the original poems, their translations etc. The times given refer to the special limited editions of the soundtrack. Still, they are incomplete and thus I have to ask your help to complete them. Any new hints can be mailed to
[email protected]. All texts here reproduced are ©ed by New Line Cinema. They are from the official booklets, music sheets and websites. I wish you lots of fun in discovering the lyrics! Julian ‘Flammifer’ Jarosch, 29.03.04 Explanations: The marked parts of the poems are those that are sung in the score. Parts in grey are uncertain resp. left out. Parts in {braces} are comments / additions by me. You will find annotations with roman numeralsXXI where help is needed. — 0:05 ----Means that only the endig time of a lyric is known. The structure of the linguistic notes is roughly as follows: attested word part of speech, flection 'english translation'; (SOURCE).