Per spec PACI FIC J /,(;ITIZEN lives M,mber,hlp Publle"lIon: J,P'""'. Amorleon C,II,e", LN •• 175 W.II .. St., \.., Angel." C.llf. 90012; (213) MA 6.6936 Published Weekly E)(cepl Pirst find Lut Week) of llit' ¥t!~t Second Clan Po.t.oe Paid at Los Angelcs, Calif. By JERRl' E OlllOTO 01'1. J CL President VOL. 68 NO. 26 FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1969 SubscrIption R,t. Per V." U.S. S5, For.rgn $7 TEN CENTS SAcrAmento On~ o( the • 'mbols o( the ,.,cent)." hillhly .llcco",,(ul Wa kamatsu Colony dosigned by lhr AitnWR A $~oeintes tn U.S. NAVY USE S an Fl.'nnelsco. 'fh('sc coins:. which make excellent keep• sakes. are bciuR sold in busi• OF RACIAL SLURS 44 more congressmen join ness houses. with predominRnt outlets bein~ the Bank o{ Tokyo and Sllmitomo Bank. IN MANUAL CITED Commemorative Coin Matsunaga-Holifield bill Elimination Assured in N""t Certain JACLel's .Iso have Special t(l The PaeJfJe CItizen sponsors 01 HR 12220 and 11 Mink o( Hawaii, John Moa them to cU. Revised Edition WASHINGTON - Forty-Cour names on HR 12221. 0/ Cali(omia, Lucien Nedzi of Altho~h the Wakamatsu Congressmen last week (June The bipartisan co-sponsors Michigan, Bertram Podell of 17) JOined in co-sponsoring 01 HR 12220, in addition to New York, Thomas Rees of fund raising project went over WASHINGTON - In concert the Malsunaga-Holifield bill to 1he top. certain exlra (l'xpens(l's Berkeley NAACP Congressmen Matsunaga and CaJifornia, Benjamin Rosen• with NolO'O and Jew ish repeal Title II, the Emergency Holifield, are: Glenn Anderson thal o{ New York. and Ed• necessitate 8 cushion. One un• groups. the Jnpnncse Amer• Detention Act. 01 the Internal o{ , Frank Annun• ward Roybal of California. planned. but vet")' important icon C i II Z. (' n s L~ngue last Security Act o{ 1950, accord• zio of l1\inols, Richard Boil• The co-sponsors of HR extra. IS a halt hour rolor {tim month protosted usc o{ de• votes support of Ing to the Washington OWce ing of Missouri. James A. 12221. again in addition to documentary of the Waka• m!'nning racial and reUtrious oC the Japanese American Byrnes of Pennsylvania, Wil• Congressmen Holifield and matsu program, which is be• references or people in "Be_ Citize ns League. liam Clay o{ Missouri, Frank Matsunaga, are: ing worked uP. with roop• cause o{ You", a US. Novy• On June 3, Congressmen Evans of Colorado. Leonard Harold Johnson of Cali• Marine Corp~ manu(ll used os Title II repeal .. "ration of K;o,.-r,' Channel 10. Spark Matsunaga 01 Hawaii Fabstein of New York, Wil• fornia, James O'Hara ot a Character Educabon Pro• and Chet Holifield o{ Cali• liam Ford of Michigan. Cor• Michigan. Thomas O'Neill of Sacramento. The COins go for gram guideline for chaplnins, Will seek national fornia joined as the principal nelius Gallagher 01 New Jer• Massachusetts, James Scheuer $-2.S0 a piece and I would urge This past week (June 18). sponsors 01 HR 1L825, a bill sey, Henry Gonzalez of Texas, o{ New York, B. F. Sisk of you to pirk one up. One good tho Chie( 01 Noval Operations NAACP involvement to repeal the so-called con• Richard Hanna o( California, California. Charles Teague of 5ug'(!eslion is to drill a hole in and Chiel 01 Choplains for lhe centration camp authorization Orval Hansen o{ Idaho, California, John Tunney of one and usc as a key chain Navy Bnd Marine Corps a~­ statute, and invited their fel• Floyd Hicks or Washing• Cali lornia, Morris Udall of sured this particular manual BERKELEY - The Berkeley good luck piece. chapter 01 the National Asso• low Congressmen to join as ton, Frank Horton of New Arizona. AJ Ullman of Ore• lNAYPERS 158141 was belog co-sponsors. York, Robert Leggett 01 Call• gon, Jerome Waldie of Cali• completely reviewed and that elotion for the Ad vancement TITLE IT ot Colored People unanimous• Last week. 44 members of tornia, Clarence Long o( lornia. and Charles Wilson of a revi!'oo edition would be is• the House 01 Representatives Missouri, Patsy Takemoto California. The Repeal campaign is un• sued without the racially de• ly voted June 12, to support agreed to act as co-sponsors roga lory terms. the campaign to repeal Title der a growing head of steam, II of Ihe Internal Security Act of the bill which has beeD re• now that J ACL sponsored Rear Adm Jame$ W Kel1y, lerred to the House Internal USN. chiel 01 chaplains, ac• 01 1950. Security Committee. bills are belore the Senate aDd JIlEMORIAL RITES SPEAKER-Lt. Comdr Makoto Arolti knowled~ed the unlortunate Ray Okamura, representing More Concressmen are Oriental garden designed by Issei House. Regular mailings are use of the term, "Jap". In the o{ Honolulu, now with the Olliee of the Chiel 01 Nav«1 the J apaneRe American Cit• going out from Ray Oka• expected to add their names manual. adding that its usage Operations 3t the Pen lagon, addresses Washington. D.C. , izens League, made a presen• to the ",owing list of legis• mura's committee. with in• was both inconsistent in con• JACL's 21st annual Memorial Day rite. at Arlington Na• tation to lhe Berkeley NAACP lators wbo want to It-rike structions to all o( us to do text and objectionable In con• tional Cemetery at tbe grave 01 Sit\. Haruo Ishida. Araki executive b a a r d, and the oft tbe statute books t b e dedicated, accepted by Austin, Tex. certain things. The responses tent. emphasi.ed the Nisei who have died In the violence of baltle board quickly responded in proviso that would author· have been fair, they should It was La.1\"Ten('e peiser, suppor t 01 J ACL's .((orts to be Ihe Attorney General to "Iorever challenAe us to keep faith with them They died ~el AUSTIN, Tex. - A labor of People brougbt all kinds of be exceUent. \Vashlngton office director S. 1872 and HR 11826 detain Individual cltl.ens lor lh. American Civil Lib• for the right of every American to enjoy (rcedom" pa.sed by Congress. (5.1872 love-and 18 months of hard nowers to complement the This is a National Project whom he may presume work have brought !samu picturesque scene. erties ("nion, who first cn ll~ And HR 11825 are J ACL-Inl• "wl11 probably engage In to which each chapter has tlated repeal bills.) Taniguchi (uJtillment of a A retired (armer today, ed attention to the use of HUMAN RIGHTS: Phil Hayasaka espionage and sabota,e" long, cherished dream and to Taniguchi came to the U.S. committed itself - it isn't racial slurs in an official M an y NAACP executive against the . Austin. Tex., one of the most in 1916 and lived near Stoek• ~ationals problems" nor its rO \' C rom e n t publication. board members commented on e.n ~ In the Senate, the Inouye beautiful gilts it has received ton, where he fanned for "baby." It is supposedly a Both Dan Inouye and the injustice 01 the J apanese in many a moon. many years. After being in• Rep. Sparks ~lalsuna~a of Bill (5. 1872) sponsored by grass rools eUorl. mandated Seattle Oriental communities form American lncarceration, and Senator Daniel Inouye of Ha• n is the Taniguchi Oriental terned during Ihe war. he and HawaII were informed by the possibilities 01 concentra• by chapter delegates to the peiser on May 6. waii and more than 20 other Garden in ZUker Garden Cen• his family relocated to Har• tion camps 101' Black Amer• Senators is the counterpart ter, which was lormally dedi• lingen where he raised vege• National Convention at San The two Nisei le~islators Jose. ican •. They lelt that they wish o{ the House proposal. cated April 13 in lhe presence tables and cotton. immediately approached the 'ACE': Asian Coalition for Equality to repeal Title 11 for tbeir of Austin Mayor Akin, Japa• No cbapter IS lo the dark His two sons were gradu• Navy Dept. to have the man• own benefit, because Black DR 12220-21 nese Consul General Arao about this campaign. unless ual in question reviewed. It ated from the Univ. of Texas. Seattle t.arry ~1aLauda. AI Nakano. Mtnt'O Americans are the most likely Because o( the rules of the Ohta of Houston and Masao Alan Taniguchi is now dean ils President doesn·t read his. was to be completed by June Kalall'frl, Joe Okimoto. Joe En •. targets at this time. Anzai, chairman, Economic A short lime ago, a smon John LinC'Oln EnR'. and Ra)' House, only 25 names may be o( the Univ. of Texas School or her, mail - or throws it IS. the Navy replied. En,. In addition to contacting lo• included as co·sponsors of any Mission of , who pre• In the section titled "With group o( persons (about a Ko o( Architecture. Izumi Tani• away. Every chapter can use dozenl mel to talk about the To those concerned toward cal congressmen. the Berkeley single biU. Accordingly, 23 sented the cherry lrees. guchi is professor of econom• its resources to write the re• Malice Towards Some". dis• NAACP will now try to get names, in addition to Con• cussion centers against use or ratial injustices in Seattle. bringing about an open socic• Everything for the garden ics at Fresno State. (Izumi is quired letters to their repre• Nothing unusuol about that. ty through the participation 01 thf!ir national organization to gressmen Mat sun a g a and was donated - from the rocks aJso our PC district represen• derogatory terms referring to take . stand and got involved Holified, are listed as co- sentatives, and obtain resolu• Americans of Negro. Italian except that they were ot Chi• orientals. there were many and stones throughout the tative for Ceneral California). tions trom various civic, legis• nese. Fiitpino and J apanes. in Ihe repeal campa i~n . Mrs. rustie setting to the goldfish and Jewish backJ!Tounds. Vet encouraging signs - that ACE M or~' In 1967. the Taniguchi. re• lative and otber bodies lo ancestry and that lhey were is nn organizalion involving Jane Johnson, Berkeley American born in one ot lo the cbalo o( loveiy ponds. tired from farming and mov• in the discussion comparing not interesled in just mNe in• NAACP pre.ldent, staled that tbeir eommuoities. The im• collecting souvenirs and a Chine_e. Filipino and Japa• Americals concentration camps ed bere to 3700 Stevenson. telTeCiUal· discussions on lhe nese acting in unity; that the Berkeley chapter will pre• during World War II. pursuing tbeir bobbies: bon• petus bas been provided and sneak thief (the manual de• subject. pare a resolution for adoption nationwide publicity has been scribed "souvenir col1ee:ting" many I' new" faces were pres• The suit Lo prevent the At• sai, raising flowers and writ• Various concerns were voic• ent: thai the Mexiean Amer• by the dlslrict and national ing Japanese poetry. Mr. obtained. as dishonestl. it recalls an NAACP. torney General tram imple• episode which occurred in To• ed around how and why ori• ican Federation pled~ed co• menting the law was original• Census to count Tanigurhi undertook to creat~ l( chapters can't pick up on kyo right acter the war. but entals have been denied {uU operahon; that you n~ adults ly Ciled on Nov. 18. 1968. Oral the Oriental garden as a these tasks now. it is a sad the manual relers to the J apa• participation in American so• as well as older adults par• (ourt challenqe to arguments were he a r d on "symbol of universal peace" commentary upon the level of nese in the unacceptable term. ciety. the apparenl aloofness ticipated; that new leadership March 13. Judge Bryant con• Spanish-speaking and in appreciation to the city responsibility and commit• Sim.ilarly in its appendix. ot many orientals to become was emerging; and that a Title II dismissed sidered the case for Over two for the service Austin and the ment lo JACL. to show Americans have no involved in Ole human rights sense of urgency was being months, and on June 2, an• University extended to hi. monopoly on kindness, char• struggle, and the necessity {or expressed for acUve involve• W ASH1NGTON - Judge Wil• nounced his decision to dis• WASHINGTON - The Cen• family. The work being don e lo ity, justice or noble ideals. the col1ective act ion to bring ment. liam B. Bryant of the District mJss the case, without com• sus Bureau has decided to About the bridge in the gar• Southern California is notable. about lull equality and jus• take the most comprehensive den, the Togelsu-Kyo (Bridge kindness o( an officer aboard Potent Force Emerdng- Co u r t o{ Wasbington, D.C. ment or opinion. Chicago now seems to be get• a Japanese transport filled tice for all people. Out 01 this dismissed the court challenge Attorneys {or the plaintiffs count o( Spanish-speaking to Walk Over tbe Moon). he ting lo gear. We hope these with American survivors of and subsequent me e tin ~ s It appears promiSing that to Title 11 01 the Internal Se• immediately med a petition people in the United States said 1\ personifies a poetic developments are forerunners Batoan is mentioned but twice emerged the beginnings 01 a lhis group. by lorming coali• curity Act o{ 1950. Sixteen lor rehearing, raising the is• next year. sensitivity of the ancient Orient. "When a man walk! 01 a wave o{ activity through• this officer is referred to lo coaHtion-a coalition of con· tions around issues \\,:ith In• plainti{{s sought to have the sue of Deputy Attorney Gen• n a person has a Spanish• cerned individuals Crom the eral Richard Kleindienst's re• speaklog background. he will ac,ross the bridge, he is ac• out our 92 chapters. the unacceptable term. dians, Blacks and Mexican law declared unconstutional, or i e n tal communities that Americans will be a potent but the Attorney General med marks threatening to put stu• be asked whether It is Mexi• companied by the re!lectlon We also urge district coun• agreed to be aclion oriented. force in bringing about neces• a motion to dismiss on the dent dissenters into detention can. Puerto Rican, Cuban. o( the moon on the surface of cils to move in their 0 w n A press conference was sary social changes. ACE may grounds that the law bas not camps. (PC, May 9). Central or South American the water as he proceeds," he right. How about obtaining called to announce the forma• rock the boat, bUI you can'l been used. l{ the petition (or rehearing and "other or none of these." related. "In other words. when resolutions !rom State govern• Pill epidemic tion of this commiUee of con• get into the boat without rock• One o( the plaintifls in this is not gl'anted, attorneys for In the column dealing with you step on the bridge and ments? I.e. Assemblies and cerned persons in lhe oriental ing it! case, known as Barbara Bick., the plaintiUs announced they color, race or ethnic grouP. watch the serene beauty of the moon. that same celestial ob• SeDates. communities of Seattle. The For the UuncommittedlJ but et. al. vs. Attorney General of will appeal Judge Bryant's white, Negro, American In• committee was to be called concerned, perhaps the time the United States, was Mrs. decision to the Court of Ap• dian, J apanese, Chinese, Fili• ject reflects itse\! in the wa• FORUM rages in Gardena the Asian Coalition {or Equal• is now, the place is here, and Cail N a k a h a r a Unno of peals (or the District of Col• pino. Hawaiian and Korean ter in order to reveal the ulti• ity-ACE lor short, to bring the vehicle is ACE. Berkeley. Cali I., a Japanese umbia. are listed. mate universal beauty." When you read this. a spe• GARDENA - Three teen• together the members of the cial community meeting in agers (two 01 them Sansei) Chinese, Filipino and J apa• San Francisco provide a pub• who committed suicide after nese communities dedicated to lic forum for Dr. Noguchi and taking pills within two weeks the involvement of winning his attorney, Mr. Isaac, will bere shocked Gardenans who buman rights lor all persons. have beeD held. I bope that read the Gardena Valley News The following reasons were Tak Kako of ABC directs TV programming given for lorming ACE: the occasion belped some con• last week (June 19). A third of the 189 (elony arresls in Four Reasons cerned citizens obtain a clear• the city this year, according By JOE OYA~lA programming and production future was not in small fam• er picture of this issue. I-To caU attention to the at the station, as well as the ny-owned business but in the to Lhe local police, involve New York Early in the sequence of drug abuse. Seattle community 01 the lact creation and development of technical (field). My {ather in thal orientals also sutler !rom Back in the early 1950s, the new programming." a way pushed me into engi• events in the Noguchi case, The News recalled the ad• whole of the American Broad• neering. I was fairly deep in I received a letter of concern dress by Mas Fukai of th.e institutionalized injustices and He heads a staff 01 100 peo• ineqUities. casting Co., was housed in a ple. engineering to a pol n t of from Mrs. Sandra Sakurai, County Commission on Nar• modest old building on 66th cotics before lhe Gardena 2-To aUirm the indivisibil• ;'Smith 500 Rice" change." From engineering he president o( the S.F. JACL ity of human rights by joining St. just ot! Broadway. Tak switched to Liberal Arts at Valley JACL and said "at least Kako, freshly armed with a Women's Auxiliary, about the the Japanese community is with our black, brown and red When World War If broke Columbia University. treatment accorded the Doc• brothers in their struggle tor degr~e in Liberal Arts from out, Tak was a high school I thought the reader would aware of the importance of Columbia Unjversity, joined tor. At that time JACL bad this ever-increasing problem." equality. student in San Francisco and be interested in the glamour adopted a wait and see atti• 3-To call our Asian friends, the company on "the ground the lamily moved voluntarily aspect 01 his job, and with floor" so to speak. characteristic insight that he tude. We are indebted to Mrs. numbering 25,000 in Greater to Denver, where he f.inished A t Columbia. he had CG• high school. has, even before I asked him. Sakurai and other concerned OVER 300 SANSEI 'A' Seattle to participate in the social struggle to build a founded the campus's HamU• Tak's father, Tokuya Kako, he replied, HOh there's no gla• Bay Area J ACLers. including viable and open soc i e t y . ton Film s, "and produced originally came from Nagoya. mour attached to my job. A Ray Okamura, for their STUDENTS IN SO. CAl. America is our land too, and to Son Francisco to specific• person in my pOsition stays .peedy response in setting up we can claim it for our chil• ally open an imparl-export out of talent so as not to lose a meeting so that Dr. Noguchi LOS ANGELES-Names of So. dren only if we invest in it. MANHATTAN firm, importing ware and objectivity - not to get too California's "A" students Hence, we must participate friendly-lack of involvement. and Mr. Isaac could be heard. graduating 1rom public and food trom Japan. He was also ODly time and destiny will fully as equals in the building ECHOES the founder of the (a m e d There is a great temptation to parochial high schools we I' e get involved." tell how Dr. Nogucbi will o{ a Greater Seatlle. "Smith 500" rice, which be• published last week in the Los W ABC-TV's most successful fare. Regardless of Ihal out• 4--Too long have we per• many IiIms, including a docu• came a household word in all Angeles Times. mitted the American Indian o{ the kitchens of the Japa• production has been the 4:30 come, I believe JACL's stand Actually members o( the mentary commissioned by the to be exploited, the Mexican Columbia UniverSity College nese homes up and down the Movie; Guy Lombardo Show will be justilled on its merits. CaJi(ornia Scholarship Fed• migrant to wander the face of West Coast. and as far east and out of New York, the Guy Whether racial discrimination, eration, there were some 340 Alumni Association. He was this land for minimal returns. also president o( the Columbia as Texas. The nome of his Lombardo New Year's Eve or prejudice, is ever establish• Sansei listed among the 12,- and the black man to carry Cather's firm was the Nippon Show. Some of the stars they 000. Montebello High leads University radio station WK• ed (a tougb poinl to prove at the struggle lor human rights CR, DOW WKCR-FM." Co.. which is still operating have cast are Rosemary De• with 34 Sansei, lollowed by and decency on hi. back. We today but under a different Kemp, Gloria DeHaven, Gor• best), the organization's sup• Gardena High with 29. His first job at ABC was as port of a highly placed public wish to acknowledge their ownership. don MacRae and many others. The annual RaJu Shim po suUering and struggle and a{• a F i J m Traffic Controller, oHicial 01 Japanese ancestry. graduation number noted where he was in charge of all Tak was 12-years-old when Anti-Nisei FUm firm OUT empathy with them. he lect the West Coast so he dismissed {rom oUice lo the Gardena High graduated the But we want to do more. We shipments in the film area. He had spent lhe greater part of Back in the early '60s, Tak arbitrary and high-handed most Sansei at 138. said, .. I was bottom man at a want to coalesce with them on his Hfe in New York. His ties Kako was in the ironic posi• .WA~ way 01'. Nogucbi was, only specific issues and projects. 5-man department. Today this with California are tenuous. tion of answering a Japanese Tak Kako (right), director of programming for underscores one basic reason We want to join lo the strug• department represent 100 peo• "My friends in high school or American Citizens League let• TV, "flagship" station of American BroadcastIng Co.. • for its existence - to protect IN THIS ISSUE gle for justice and equality ple on a broad scale," later friends were not Nisei so tel' of protest for ABC, having at New York, heads staff of 100. alongside tbem. The Flagsbip Station cb t t N' . shown "Tokyo Joe." an anti- the rigbts and well being of • CONGRESSIONAL RECORD I have no ~,tla m~n 0 lsel Nisei film. At the time he was Malsuna8a-Hol1tJ~ld • • • persons at Japanese ancestry 8111 ••• ••••• 5 ACE Orpnbed Today the American Broad• per se . .. he said. hIm director for the new WA- "ABC is very active In the picture." A great deal of ibis • GENERAL NEWS On~ In the United States. Radal slur In Navy manual •. . . 1 At this press conference, the casting Co. is one of the ma• "My most pleasant memo- Be-TV. and responsible for all international lie I d. of wu done lo the earl)' 'Il0l. Ties are mainly in upper New (ilm operations. He said. "I • JACL-NATIONAL Rev. Mineo Katagirl (desig• jo,' landmarks in Mid-Man• ABC's major divlliOl1ll ia In "A Samurai tllm dubbed la• :lo.r:.eHgft~fd~Sbrm~ J~~JJa~~t nated to be the temporary hattan. occupying a modern• York and the New England was in very lengthy corres- the rnternational. ABC owu to Englbb In dramatl" tbeor7 ... istic 40-story building cover• a station lo To!<)'o and Osaka. bu greal oImIIarIl)' with 1ha Nisei Week ondo supports TlUe 11 repeat ..•.... 1 spokesman) announced the states." pondenee with the JACL. date, time and place 101' the ing an entire block. Merged, Outer-Inner MoUvated "These films were all fairly ABC is well known lo Japan." WeoIBn. A Samurai pIeture • JACL-DISTRlCT its growth had been phenom• practice scheduled Cincinnati-Dayton hustling lor next meeting. and welcomed In t h I. interview lo his minor pictures. In my judg• When ABC Intemallonal that we dubbed Into Amerian EDC-MOC convention ..... •.• 8 any person interested in par• enal. brings the Japanese exec:u- Westem a1moot worIuiiI, bui Tak recalled. "The day J apartment on the top, 21st ment, the stalf did a reason• LOS A N GEL E S - Mme. • COLUMNISTS tiCipating to a!tend. floor of tbe Morningside Gar- able job of deletion." tives and repreaentaUv"" over, did not qulte worll. It ..... • Tokuyaye Hanayagi is choreo• Enomoto: Commemorative Coin. was hired. as part of the rou· Tak said that be often finoU nobI~ experimml but dllIDl Muaoka; Okinawa 15$ue. Nearly 40 persons respond• tine, J was introduced to the dens Cooperative H 0 u sin g He made the point that this H~ grapher lor the 1969 N i s e i llosokawa: The Unbelievable City. ed and were present at this Complex, where he commands was done "not because be was himaelf lo contact with them. work. qulte IQOd mtJIIIIa; Week ondo dancers as prac• Nlkaldo! Cmss ot ·SQ. top man. Today, a new man loterprete~ t"~ ~~ 1bIs~ ~ Kumamoto; No One Really Ltu meeting - Japanese, Chinese would be lucky to meet the a spectacular view of the city. a Nisei." "8ometim"" u and J tice sessions at the Hirohata and Filipino. The meeting ad• asked wbether he considered "Japan got loto TV lo a sometim"" u an escort. Be was . bui- wilth .. ID'e~~::°'Or:i:n!';~rr:.e~:~onal" department head. II ~ ""!:.~ Parking Lot. 2nd and Cen• dressed itself toward organi• In October last year, Tak himself inner or outer moti- big way." be continued, uJa_ knows mall)' of the 38 J_ be ..til. "It tral, commence Juiy 16, 7:30 I.t.ed by Author. pane~ Doh.t.en: Paraphemalll zation. defining issues and wns appointed Director of vated, he replied very posi- companies are great neM restaunDta In Mmbat- mlcbt make • cIiidan1 ...... P ' ~;'dO Clma· Htl1.ory Documents. recommending goals. To ex• Programming for WABC-TV tively. "Inner motivated, of investigators. There is a """• tan. fDr_- chairman Jim Higashi Cuut Column: Che.ryl Yosh.lmura. Tal< said thai be bad abo "The Seven Probl~m . pedite action. an executi\'e (Channel 7). which is "the course!!! stant flow of people. They added practice sessions a~e Hamanaka: Expo '70 gotten Involved In "ver)' nil- made twfee Ia HaYilaaka: Se.tUe Conlitlon. committee was elected. and na~shlp slation of the Amer• Then he reflected, "Outer come to stucl,11 American TV, ~_ open to the public and will Henry : More Unmasking. the fol1owin~ Filipinos. Japa• motivated. too. My father did .0 m e virtually as students buJoua. Ver)' InIerUlinl ex- .... if'an Broadcasting Company." perimeDIlIl thlnp with Japu YeJSIaM. -::' - meet on Tuesday and Tburs• Marutanl! Male or Ma:te·mol. nese and Chinese agTeed to ha\.e a definite tnDuence on who sta,. fI mont b I or 10. Oyama: Tak Kako of ABC The ne\\.·s release from ABC IUCb u SamuraI tllm aped- ni,.._~l _ day nights until Aug. 14. The Sakamoto- ImpreSloI\'C' Le,racy. serve: me. When J was very l'ouna Othen are bulln.... executives Oath 'l~ at the time flashed. "Mr. Ka• _ta Ia dubbIDI • ~ lit ondo parade i. oet for Aug. VlmauchJ _ Bowline Shoes. DIC'k Ton y IJl7 father decided UW !be and npraenlallvea. 1.,.- RosaU. Del Fierro, Loll flemln(, ko will supervise all \eleviliOD M. Y. Eel: N!seI-QuJ.t Am«I..- 2-PACIFIC CITIZEN Innance, T "'". In • ~he. Friday. June 27. 1969 ed n.. lsta nt prof•• lor .t Stan• Cro .. belp for exten.lon of I 7-YEAR STUDY ford', anthropology depnrt• 30-dny furlough while at Oyama- wbere there were 1.000 lIIeN ment. She hold. n mOlter's de• home to lecurr hll naturaU• In I bl, Roman room IIId I ------grrr in journuIrsm r rOm Conltoued 'rom Front PI" ,ot waves trom acroa the Weehlngton NewII.".r NEWS '''lIon pnpers. He WAS Iworn room. I'm ,·Islbl •. Seen .eroaa LINKS JOB WITH Southern mlnols lind h •• just I .June 6 before Superior When I mentioned that the camp Ie led (our yean ot lleld L .1' t Judge John B. Coehlnl. the room. Executives wave." first nl«ht I wa. In Tokyo r r told hlm that most Nllel by Mik. MlSl ok. slud y lit ethnotogy tn the Phl• The Fukuoka-born lad had walched "Our Gang" on TV, CAPSULES IIppin ••. Sh. II n doctoral can• been trying to b.come a citi• don't realize thl. positive fac• rll d nl(' ul Ynlt. an old tIlm dUbbed In Japa• tor until tbey vl.1I Japan. IIId SOCIAL CLUB TIES zen when drall.d In 1966, n .... Tak Wal quick to ntort, when told •• a civilian It was he quickly retorted. "Y•• , you e.. ler 10 have II don. while ~~.~~~~gon~~~I~e I~ar~:~:.;. 10 •• your Identity." West Coast Corporat. Politics In tho service. He wa. told He also • a I d that there Okinawa Issue by U.S, embassy In I'm Vlllbt. "mlghl have been some nega• Executives Interv/ewed Rep, ' park J\tAlIuIII", (U• live !actors In hi. being Japa• HaWAII) .ald Ihe new ly-ap• Saigon It had to be don e I asked Tak, "Did you ever furlou~h, n... like not being called to by OSU BUline .. Dean proved C o n g r~ ..lonal dl slrlct• It.l.slde. Durlne hll find race - an advantage?" certain meellng.... but he dee. In a pl nn lor HawaII mnk •• II he check.d wllh San F .. ancll• Immediately, he replied. "I'm not know. leOl likely Ihat he will lenvc co otllclnl. who IUIliOlled tII- glad that you pul It that way." HI don't let it bother me," NEW YORK - S""I.I club 11,. Hou •• nnd chnllonge Stn. 1,,\'" th,. 'lopen at embarkaUon There Is litt!. question that the outstanding poli. mt'mb~r!llhip i!i> 8 llt(,E"S$l ly to :.,.d bl,.' processed In Guam en• He linds race. positive tac• he said. IlIrom (lonl" (R-Hawall ) ror tor. and to his advantage. I a.ked, "What ...·Ith Japan'. lJeal i out' challenging l h tited ' tates-J npnn rcla lJ ons ltelllnR "hend In lh. buslne •• Ihl' Senn l ~ n('xt YCRl', Ho w ~ route back to Vlelnam. Bul it conce rnin~ \\"ol'ld. and that ract irenUy wal through Mr•. Frank Ina• M.etlnJ( with film executive.. It.amed up prosperity, bow at this time IS that the reversion of Oki· eVl'r, M n t ~ 1I 1U1M:n lold the Ho• he said, "They rna,. not re• does it a!f.el you?" He re• lIa\\',\ and the other Ryukyu Islands 10 ,Japan. And, hnndicAps the Cnll'Cl"!II or J~ ws nolulu Ad vcI'1I •• r he would m ..u. longtime Stockton JA• I'lld oth~r minorlUC"!;, a stud..\' CLer who lIecured assistance member my namt or pro.. plied. "!t's Inter.sUn,: In buo• betau e of the militm'Y and ecurilv imp liCA ti ons of the concluded recl'nt1~· enter th c Son ate rncc It for nounce my name righi, but iness image, perlonal lml,*, ~om~ I' cnson Fong d OC'1I not 01 Municipal Judge Chrll Pa• problem to the tlnihid tates ••J apanese.American re· It snlct lhnt ~inr(' .J~\\'.s ofhm pa. 10 txpedile action before they know theyJve &fen me corporat. Imag •• Japan ruba run Cor re-election. Rep, Pnt1i :V b.tore. I utilJze this. I have ott-the Image 01 the JapI• latiolls probably will be more heatedly debaled here CUll' t gC"t into clubs lIsc-tlJ l tn Mink .ald II wa. 100 enrlY I et r.portln~ tor hll .econd tour biJl bUSll1('S$ l"t.'l lationships, of duty In Vlelnam. n • v e r 1.11 a stranger any ne.e businessman ... beln, in the United tntes Ihan al any tIm e since lhe end 10 make n fl I'm d e cI s Ion pI ne•. shrewd-In a total sense-the t h('y m·(O S(,1"iOlisly hnmpered Ihough hel' o.soelnl •• f•• I Bh,' of " 'orld War n hostilities 24 years ago, in 1hoH· ('limb up Ih(\ ~xcc u­ "Race is .omethlng positive very brilliance and awe.. live 1nddt,\, might. HawaII wns rcdlstrlcl • Business and unique In thl. bu.lneu. s! veness . . . and the artIJtry If there is any m ailer a bout which private cilizens ed Into an urban ell slrlo l (IIn• ~ It glv.s me an Identity. For and appreciation ot beauty, se " ~ n -yca l' ~ tutl~ , AI Shlmoruohl, 48. w a aud govl'l'llment officials, including m em bers of on· 'rh(" til• wall Knl 10 AI.a 1 anel rllrRt named Japan Air Lln.s rel• The stereotype 01 the Japa• !!fe. -. will look to Japanese m ericllns a individuals r • .t. d by Ur. Recti M. l'u• district (Wlndwnrd nnd ,'uI'nl Ident ••Ie . manaKor In San nese businessman. Those va• ~nd " (0 11 , n sOCl loloJ",t nlllI tlcun Oahu and Ihe Nr l ~ h bor To• J 0 • • . d.veloplng pas.enger Flowers-Garden lues rub ott." to .TACL 3S an organization for ad\'ire lind guid· or Ohio ' Int. l lnh':' .ohool lands). Mot!;l.1nogo would run AUu1"Iw)' l'rauk y, Chuman. . al •• In the C.ntral Callfomla San Marino Lea(Ue mem• A Firmer al Beart ance. II will be regarding Ihi rather sensitiv(' subject of bu. I" •.• fOll"d th.t Iht In the IIrbnn dlstricl Cabo,"e). S'36 grodu. le of UC• and centrol coaat counties, ~3 m (' lmrl'lers (a t fi' (l r rot1'i, LA and recipient 01 UCLA bero wltn.ssed • special He enjoys lecturing. and be This i a natural alld expeeled reaction because of Ica n ~. Japan!alr 69 preview II b.• demonstration lecture on Me OrleotAls aUll Alumni A.. n .'s "Distinguish• In~ would have liked teaching but the Identity of our ancestry and of the oven\ helming olh(!.r m lnorltlu. School Front planned I.n early Septem• Japanese flower arrangement doesn·t lhlnk that he would ed Community S r r vic e ber at all Bullock'. Fa.hlon June 8 at Ihe Huntington Gar• membership composition of JACL. B05ed on inter\'lI.~w!' with JOt SllitO. llctlve Snnkf" Award" I" t96i ...... ns .Iecled SQuares. according to Robert ba\"e had the patience. He RI" ... Valley JACLer, Is bonrd cr.lU n ~e l dens. D.monstratlng artltts lectur.s at the Columbia Uni• At I he same lime. the responStbtlity of pro\'ldlllg 825 Wl'st roost corporntc exec· J(t'nrrol and member Blaok, pres .. J apan!alr Corp., were lIfurlel L. II10rrell o( the mives Rnd 011 di!lcu~~lons with chairman or the Treaau l" (\r of Ihe UC LA Aillmni Assn. versity Radio and TV depart• appropriate answers is tremendous. for what happens Vnll oy Community Coll eR Lc. Aneel.s. Sbo(u-Ryu, June Selka Toku• ment and IJ otten ealled .. m~mbel s of leadinlZ soc i n I board of director.. Th. a.• So. Calif. Ni sei in vestors of the Ikenobo School to Okinawa. and when. may well deternune Ihe future t'Jubs, the lindinR!!; wl!'re pr~­ educntlon district. which hod Roclntlon hns lounched n con• ,"rna aeminars. Its proposed S382,313 budgel ho ve organized a .econd dtvl• and Shun.l'o Klw.rot Koda• H. Is also a commi~an course of Japan·United t

Care and INTRODUCING THE SECRETS OF ORIENTAL LOVELINESS 5% 5% 5% 0% 5% 5% 5% Appli.nces Hardwar. SHISFlr)f'I Beautu ImpoJted Gift. COSMETICS 1620 POST STREET SAN FRANCISCO 5% 5% 5% are nearby ... Telephone: 346·5010 fuji-ya TOMIKO lool POST • SAN fRANct$(O rig~ cocktails TEL, (415) 9S1·UOl If e'Pery tIDy 100Ics h"ke oS"! ']Cflw: fOllM ida/Tho 90 day waiting period. is a thlng of ~ pasl! at Uwon Fedenl lunch.on (MAIL ORO us ACCEPTED) Savlngs you get day m to day out mterest ~ all. ~ dancing Japanese Record! with DO minimum balance requiRd. ~d no tune ~ You never lose a single day of ~ga, yaa ~ PJm. ROSEHILLS JA'ANEn CULTURAL MORIUARY. .. CEMETERY & TRADE CENTER Tapes, Magazine! at ally time without penalty. Sign up for OlD' nil WEBSTER ST. If your mODf!Y stays for 3 yean, yO!' will earn ~ ~ ~6.o700 Book! & Gift! People care at Rose Hills. Care has inspired PH: boDus in additioD to allregu!arearDIDjJI(DcclaRcl UN FRANCISCO the beauty of the world's most naturally beautiful memorial park ... prOVided the comfort of sympathetic, experienced Na Ba - UNION FEDERAL SAVINGS counselors ... and created the convenience of - every needed service at one place: Mortuary, DEPARTMENT STORES e DISTINCTIV. Glm Cemelery, Flower Shops, Chapel., Kimonos & --- Accessories Mausoleum., Columbarium. At time of need, Distil1ctive Gifts FOLKCRA" • call Rose Hills for "v"ry need. People care. lOOKS UN FRANCISCO 1712 BUCHANAN ST. t'09 BUCHANAN STRUT UN JOSE IIIN FRANCISCO PH, Mi-1tJ9 50 much more-costs 110 more 140 L JACKSON ST. "00 Workman MIll Road a WhltUu. Califomia. 0Xfatd e-wal • Young adults in One way for PACIFIC CITIZEN northwest called Wash line Roger Nikaido PubllahM. "'~P~t.~h~Yti::r .i~tM~:rW:~:rto~a~;I~:::,' L.. IU_ Mr, Warren to 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 d~l~i!~·c.:8l.Il~~ ..... 3Ot. 111 Weller St .• - (113) MA '·SOle by District Council correct his past J:ntued I.. Ind Cl. , Matter at Los AI\l:ol". Cam. -:- SublOfJpUon Jla"O . s~~~!.~) _ b'l:.':O.:~~lt\o~.~· p~ ~.~~lt';~ ....~&O , .. Class of '69 By .IENRY KATO By OHERYL YOSIDMURA "'.M' 61 .lACL M~mb.nhtl' DUll tor )'tal' 5ub,ulPUon PNWDO Governor ·San ...1 Spea"" .tcl"1 !:rtomQ10, Nat') Pre.. -:- Kal\lO t.."'\Inlt.l\llU. FC Board Chmn. PorUand. Ore. NaUan&J J ('L "",aCSQ.uartIH San Fronclaco 11:14 Pool St.. S&n rrlnj respect for them. I am most were randomly chosen with no selection process in• will learn In close situations of pronunciation. The empbasis Japanese endneers to train disturbed over the printing of dicated. Then when one would read further they could tor Cascade Corp. He went to this grossly Inaccurate state- is ever so elusive. Japan to set up the .ales of• see the between-the-line commentary innocently slant• ment as it in no way repre• ed towards a specific point of view. PAOHINKO parlor•• Inane and debilitating as they are, fice for the corporation. Carl 2 5 Ve a rs Ag 0 sents my attitude. are faSCinating to see the highly skilled system same of Its i. now with the Portland The eventual damaging aspect to such a report will Chamber of Commerce. We In the Pacific Citizen, June 24, 1944 LEWIS T. BULLOCK, M.D. probably lie with its readerslUp who will accept the devotees employ in feeding those litUe steel balls. went to Cincinnati. crossed 3875 WUahire Blvd. the Ohio River Into Kentucky Los Angeles D0005 evidence as a verification of what they wanted to see A NISEI OAF. uncoutb but well-meaning. constantly for a day's trip. Maj. Gen. C. H. Bonesteel opposes use of evacuees In in the first place. patronizing night clubs (with his red-headed bakujln wife) (We are happy the state• We left Columbus on the of U.S. Forces in Iceland hospitals and chUd care Insti• and painfully fracturing communications with his pidgin named Western Defense Com- tulion .. ment a..,ribed n erroneous.• • • • lt lOth for a trip home with the Ed.) "nihongo/' depicted in a current umodan movie bouse. car which Kathy had during manding General, succeeds Lt. Northern Baptists Conven• So no _ ....11y u" ...., ...... lust .',nt their "trvtfl" her school year. Chlyo and Gen. Delos Emmons ... Pvt. tion urge return of Nisei to towards the way they individUally see things. It doea "JAPAN UN1IlASKED." a book by Ambassador Ichlro granddaughter left for Boise Yutaka Kolzumi, 22. identified west coast . .. Salt Lake Tele- grieve us though when people close their minds and Kawasa.kI is causing quite a ripple In Japan. The ripple and Ontario by p I an e so I as ftrst Nisei volunteer from grams asks for clOSing of re- Cincip is comingl not allow for this bias either in their own reporting or promises to grow lIlto something more potent as soon as the heiped Kathy drive home. We (Topaz) WRA center to be location centers and return of Japanese comes out. Highly recommended read• came through Indianapolis, killed In action .May 23 dur- evacuees to coast . • . Ulah LOS ANGELES - The A.lan in their acceptance of what others redte. Ing the march on Rome . • . Conference of Congregational American Studies Center Ia Do we catch too much of this in JACL? Don't we Ing for everyone. parUcularly NiseI. Cbarles E. TutUe Co., 5t. Louis. Kansas City. Abi• Honolulu editor (Riley Allen) Church.. back rights of loyal holding a Cincip (Pic:nic speD• ($1.50) avallable In paper-back. lene. (visited the Elsenshower strePes In Washington there evacuees ... General Synod ed backward) July 27 at Grlf• hear the "truth" baled OD the authority of the re• Center). Denver. Salt Lake was not a single case 01 sabo- of Reformed Churches urges tith Park, Area 8. 10 that. all porter? TRIFLE POLITENESS wherever one goes: "lrasshai" City and spent a couple of tage by a civilian resident full freedam for Nisei . .. Oriental. for the fint time (welcome). "omacbl-ltashl-mashlta" (sorry to have you days In eastern Oregon. during attack on Pearl Har- VFW posts In state of Wash- will be invited to eal. ta1k, waiting) even though the service may be quite speedy. and bor. ington want all NiseI relocated share and enjoy the day \0- "arlgato-gozal-muhlta" (thank you) even if It·s a pack of Firemen wanted War Dept. aasured bousing to Islands in Pacific ... Ca- gether. ______gum.. Even the bus driver drones uarigato .. gozat-mashita." and jobs await evacuees n!- II&dlan lIovernment baw blU Padllc anlen Is Growing! And the fare. mind you, Is 30-yen which Is less than nine LOS ANGELES-Special ef• turing to Pasadena ... Emer- to disfranchise Nisei In Cana- d • I Since J,ft. 1, 1968, W. HaY. Gained cents. tort In the minority commu- Ick Isbikawa of York, Pa .• da for duration of war; Cana- Sen ai Festlva nities to recruit young men win s 123-lb. Nat'l AAU dian Nisei newpaper .... no 2,025 New Rud.,. RESUTORAN'S everywbere: under the elevated tracks. (21-31). a high school gradu• weighUilting tiUe .. . Thirty- justification for proposaL RIVERSIDE - The Riverside on roofs. in basement•• in alleys. If there's space to get In a ate and in good health. for the minute hailstorm ruins 52- Nisei U.S.A.: "The Nisei JACL will assiaI the R!.v..t=:.• acre truck crops farm at Across the Border" (on war- side Plaza Merebanbl ~ cash regisler and a table, rd swear they manage to squeeze L.A. City Fire Dept. opens Heart Mountain WRA Cen- time predlcament of Nisei Ca- sponsor ita aecond SendalF... YOU CAN HELP IT GROW In a "resutoran." (This Is one of the Japanese adaptatlODJ June 30 with written exami• ler ••. U.S. Disl Judge Blake nadiaru!). tlval on FrIday, Aug. I. Pro• Patronize Our Advert/.. ,. H_ of Western words that Ambassador Kawasaki derides. Per- :h!~n~~,:! !~~m~~ ~~esOrl~ Kennedy. Cheyenoe. takes Ni- EdltorialJl: "Western Defense gram tbls year will Indud.e at haps "East Wind" may attempl a brief book review of enlal descent. Applications are sel dran deltnquent cases un- Command" (on change of lea ceremony, \renda, shUll and While You Are Oft Vacation "Japan Unmasked," for while we agree with much of what available at the J a pan e s e der advisement as argumenis rommand); "Neighbors Speak and ikebana demonstrations AII4". Tel. Your'''' he had to say. we strongly disagreed at times with bla pur- Chamber of Commerce, 125 end (June 19) . .. Maryland Ouf' (on Pasadenau ollerinl aJong with Ondo &JUl Iale at pou and QUeitioned ha reaaon!nU)_ Willer St. ltale board at publla _1m jobIlII4 hamal to NiIel). l~ tooda. at lar,. of the dan,eroua Im- ICt. ot labot... or Hplona,. p.atedly durin, lbe war In l"rlday, June 27, 1960 plication, 01 title II and rolly- 1,.lnlt thll Notion, ItIIl many Europe. Senator Danl.l ino• PACIFIC CITIZEN-S CONGRESSIONAL RECORD In, lupport lor • concerted American, a ..umed that their uye, 01 HawaII, wal • member repe.l .tlort. 10yn1U.I we r e queltlonnbl. 01 thla team whl.h won for an)'thlnll like what happened ence I bave dlacUlMd IbowI My dll Ungul,hed coll.a,llo bocnu,e 01 lholr nnc.,lry. J lu.1t the hlghelt commenda• lben happen a g • I n In this that it Is very posaIble flW the from HawaII In the at her .m proud to say lhat I Ipok. tiona ond respcct of a grateful country. That kJnd of hate constilutlonal guarantee at body, Sonator Daniel K . Ino- out a,alnILlhl, ,~o-aallod "pro. countl')'. The team wal the and hyaterl. have no pl ••• In ·'due proceas" to be deIWMI Matsunaga-Holifield Bill uye and 24 other Senatora tectlv. cUILody .t the time, mo. t decorated unit In our America. on lbe but. of clef,. have colntroduc.d olmllar bllIl though I wei In ~ ,mall ml• military annall tor itl .Ile .nd Inltlon of "internal MCUrt~ to repeal the Emoraenoy De- norlty who dOl'cd to do 10. length ot 1.!'VI.e. Opp ....d 1950 But c l ~Ar l..v emergency". It could hlPlllll are unC(\nstll\\Uona1. tJlh, tllle If Will mar. 01' Ie.. tentlon Aot and some of my Thor. weI'. no I r I a I I or I voted a,alnll ena.tment again, qulte ea.Il~1 to _ They bellove thaI court. {or,otlan, Other volunleered tI,. (lOUenllllOI In this body havo henrln,,1 lor tho.. American lor Intelll,ence work In the of titl. II of lbe Internal Se• other se,ment, eltner eUmie when controntod with an AP• alIa dono so. I ,trong\y urlo "IU ••nl, and lamllio. WOI·. up• or political, at the populalloll propl'lnt~ Rumo ... Pel'll.' Pacltlc-nnd .ome were killed curity bill wh.n It was first case will Invalidate othen who ballevc In ju.Uco rooted Irom their hamel and -and this time it would be About 2 ye." ago, however, by their own trooPI In tbe passed in 1950. It waa reLum• tlUe II. How.ver, since 1I11ga• and talr pIny to join In co- taken to the relocation cen• American torces by mlltak•. autborized b)' specific mtut&. Uon On the nlcrlts may not be rumors were rampant that the Iponsorlnll t h I I leglolaUon tora. Thot thl. .ould happen ed to the Congre.. by Pres• Government was aaoln prc• In Calilomla, Inmate. who Ident Truman with the fol• There are many oth.r Ia... o..C.n.d security' SAN FRANCISCO _ How ...... tag., all pel'1Onl of Japanese the IndlvldWlI and 01 hlIr rllCht to matter how much we may here. provlalon aI an OminOUI echo many of lb. lbousands of pea- even before a judge. substi• ancestry on lb. weat coast ec>nOt\tutlo ...1 protecllon. Includ- disagree with them - Is not i f th ltu tlon which allow pIe who will Yosemite tuting Instead a preliminary were forced to I. a v e thetr m. fair beartn, and due p ...... consistent with any of the Tbe elvic organization s 0 e s a - National Park this summer hearing before a departmental I commlted to the principles 01 ed lbe Internment of m 0 r e homes and go into the hlnt.r• IACL Ac ive basi. tenets 01 our country. individual dignity wilb mem- than 100,000 American, of know that Monroe Meadows hearing oUicer. Tbe suspect Is land to be imprisoned In the assumed to be guilty, for there As lbe only national organl- However, as long as tille TI I. barshlp throughout Contra Japanese descent d uri n g lbere Is named for a black only con.entration .amps .ver ution of Ameri.ans at Japa- on the books, it could b. usod, Costa County. World Waz man? George Monroe, lbe IOn Is no presumption of Inno• malntaln.d In American bIs• n. cence. Tbe accus.d need not an.estry, wUb chaplers and some clttzens of an early black miner, was tory. and In 32 States, the would probably be arrested one of lbe'. great stage be con!ronted by the facts ironically. lbose In charg. MfnulOS to OownlOWn .. Int'L AIt\IOIt which led to bls detention, for Japanese American Citizens and detained before its con- TITLE II REPEAL RESOLUTION drivers and be.ause ot his skill of lbat mass movement and League (JACL) Is deeply con- sUtutionality .ould b. ruled and renown, he was chosen the Government Is not requir• internment suspe.ted lbat per• Heated Pool - Efevatot • TV ed to produ.e any evidence. sons 01 only on. ancestry, and aclous of ila unique responsi- on by the courts. C' d C t f SF' to drive President Ulysses S. 41, Condilloned - 24 Hr. S'MtdI,,"," blllties In seeking the repeal What Is at stake, therefore, Ity an oun y 0 an rancisco Grant along the treacherous Tbere is no appeal to lbe not olbers whose racial strains at ibis "concentr.tlon camp" Is the possible tmprisonment "s" .urves of lbe Wawona NISEI OPERA TED courta, only to anolber admin• were traceable to nation. with law. of lbose who are thought to ••• Trail into Yoaemite Valley In istrative hearing board com• whom lb. Unltod States W8S 4542 W. Siauso .. LA. AX 5-2544 posed of members appointed also at war. might be 10 sub• Founded al a national en- be ilsuapecf' for one reason RANCISCO-Th reso- Supervilon of Ul. C)\1 and 00Un· 1879 tlty in 1930, It unsu ••essfully or another-wheth.r In war- SAN F si d ted Iy of San rrancloco do This t8.ot and olbers about de facto, and paid by lbe versive as to require group in• protested the military evacua- time or In a period at height- lutlon unanlmou y a oPS affirm Its op~tlon to S~lI~eh lb. activities of black Amerl• ••••••••••••••••••••• Attorney General, lbe very carceration. Moreover, only tion and Internment of 1942, ened national anxiety about May 12 by the Board of u- ~;n~. DIi.~mar ~IJ' Ac: of cans in lbe Western United those ot Japanese ancestry re• oUidai aulborlzed to detain when most of Its membern freedom of thought or expres- pervlsors of th. City and 1850 and do hereby ur,. ",peal States will be a pari of the the suspect In the first in• siding In a certain area of the L t k 't 1 ar County 01 San Francisco urg- of th. Emera.noy Detention!!.~·dn Act~ Martt·n Lulb.'~ Kin" Jr. Spe- stance. country were conrldered of were euphemistically "relo- slon. e m. ma e Ice ing rep•• 1 of th. Emergency wtth """,,Ial attention . t lab!" sh Toyo Printing The elementary safeguards such questionable loyalty as to cated" as suspect Americans. that the 01 title II In Det.nUon Act was Introduced -onduobn• al~a and 814<1 of - a... ciedaiinCth°lleecstiaonn ..!ranUi cis··.· 0 Pub: Because of that untorgettable no way hampers our m.thod. WUlJ C ' • ~ ' OfIMl - L.t~ - LIaoIJJInI guaranteed by our Federal necessitate lbetr d.tention aI ~ak:'uPervlsor th~~I~tr.:'~veg. U:~tcor.:"h't! and the State constitutions pernonal experience, JACL 01 dealing with the crime of am. 110 Library. 301 S. SAN '!IIRO ST. a group. membern, perhaps more than treason. The Constitution pro- (Thus far the County of Honor, th. lofayor, for approprl- Ov - e - r~6::0:-,0::-0::-O::-:R:-e-ad and our judicial practices to Eugene Rostow, lben dean any other group at Americans, vides a definition and pre- Los Angeles 'and lbe San Jose ate distribution to and ac:tlon by Los An91ff< 12 - MAdl ... 6-IlSJ the most hardened criminals ~l!. . lnt.""".d and lbe most dangerous of ot the Yale Law School, de- know lbe full meaning and scribes the penalty for that City Council have passed oi- "ttlc." and agen- the PC Each Week••• scribed the west coast .vacua- signifi.ance ot "emergency crime, yet requires full and mllar resolution •. ) traitors are denied by title II tion as "our worst wartime detention." They have learned due process ot law for convic- i:·.······ ...... •...•....•. ..•... •. to lbe most innocent of our mistak.," while President Tru- from bitter personal Involve- tion. Tbe text follows: I citizens under mere suspicion man'. Civil Rights Committee ment that no American is sate 1 see no need for the pro- w~~~~ ::f~s:tti~errrl~r during certain emergencies. r::; declared tbat it was "Tbe in his .onstitutional freedoms visions at title n, and b.cause Inwloh'nal._ass.eclhureIIY j\erctgenOlcyI9~ien_ YOUR CREDIT UNION When tiUe n was offered most Itrlldng mass interler- unless all are secure in those of the danger they pose to " Em 85 an amendment to lbe in• ence since slavery with the fundamental rights and liber- American citizens, this section ~r ~~i.~~l'~e olll~\o thp'rote:~!; ternal security bill during right to freedom." ties lbat are lbe hallmark ot must be repealed. Iha~ during period or . Inlenull : : Senate consideration of the Today, all responsible Amer- our American way of life. Holifield's F.ello.. aecurlly .mergency". any person • ••• mearure in 1950, Pat McCar• icans view the 1942 action as who probably wID .ngag. ua, or • i Poro ~ea~~Yag W.IDInCO. 1re0fwt.t!!.loO"~;a ran, lben chairman of lbe a blot on our Nation', history, proposedWhen astitle an IIamendme wall beingnt to My fee Iings on th'IS are, of II.~ DOPacacls' __._ ••• Senate Judiciary Committee, and regard It as a chapter the internal security bill 19 .ourse, influenced by ev.nts r.:- ~~~~~. ~. ';-'::p~;' :J"",.raled : I opposed it as "a eoncentrat:!on ~~~~e~~ ~~O~~d~~= d.~~e~:r::~~nD~~lftg:: ~i N t' I JACL Credl't Unl'on camp measure, pure and sun~ that must never be repeated. years ago, the JACL was i? : a Ion a • It is not SUrPrising, there- the vanguard 01 the OPPOSI- World War II. I was a fresh- IU I be b hi to trial under • pIe." Senator Karl Mundt, n~ut ~~ tonnerly a Member of this fore, that Japanese Amel'icans tion. When a Presidential veto man Congressman then, and I l:w I.. wUl b. !uc!t.d t are found In lbe forefront ot 3PP11 d th J ACL rged by • PreUminary Heartna Officer i 242 S,as 4th E body, .haracterlzed Its author• the d r 1 veto repeal a law lbwaat th e , b· e held U clearly reme.mber that nearly and a Oetentlon Review Board. a e ve t0 e up . 110.000 Japanese living on the wh.reln the cr.tatne. must prove ity "" "establishing concentra• whicb, if enforced, would In- Last year, when the JACL tI 11 bla Inn b t the govemment • tion camps into which peapIe t ocorr~:pt:..~uuctoe might be put wltbout benefit tbatevitably wartime lead totragedy. a repetition of heldconvention its 20th in biennialSan Jose, national Calif., roundedwest coast up were and systemsent to a "relo-ca Y dlll•• nCo. ,~ vlto- i· Sa It La ke CI'ty, Utah 84111 of trial, but merely by execu• .•, - delegates unanimously ap- cation centers" until the war justWbifYe_t.h.. ' d... tl·dntpl~edanudr .. vIo- tive fiat." The distinguished Ur... DC>Y 01 Repeal ~ reached .n end. These people " ,- WIllI _than 200 RatMda and beloved dean of the Following the enactment of proved on August 23, 1968, the had not committed an), crime ~~ :::'t:~~~~I~p~ar:tn~ : Tel. (801) 355-8040 Inns now open or under __, then, as now, the chair· the Internal Security Act in fO~~! r.!~ol~~~~an. ot 1a. -they simply were of Japa- mocracy, and are unnecessary, .s • strucllan, aech tnnchI_ .. happen~d :!~~'b'e ~~~ :~ed c~~:t~ a~ man of tbe Judiciary Com• 1950. six detention cam p S panese ancutry, from previous nese descent. This : ..lion benefits throush - mittee (Mr. Celler) , led the were prepared and maintain- experience in emergency de.ten· to American citizens withm gUlte to ateguard internal seCW''' : _lusIvtt Ramada IM-stant. fight against this "vicious to• W~t ~~o~~~le s~~~rt~ °l c~lt!i h~'" ed by the Department of Jus- their own country: The Japa- it3"w; such a law has omt•• , ...... t the world's fallest - talitarian, un·American" bill, nee trom 1952 to 1957-two 1950 (Emergency Detention Act). nese were the victims ot a ..... __ lion anct rafeml system. .. u he termed It. in Arizona and one each in to the cl.vH rI,ht. of an Amer· W a v e ot wartime hysteria ~~~ tc lm~~~~'1te~or b~:U~c:t;~ le~~:e::a~ reason~ble P~~rc'fr'd:~: addition to ...lltaDc. President Truman vetoed Pennsylvania) Florida, Okla- the EmerienCy Delen· which swept over putUon tolliltothrye wWollhrld tbrou,h succel.·pr• the bill, but Congress over• homa, and California. tlon Act providr.s Utat, durlna pe· citizens who felt that the se- It rlods of "internat a.eeurtty emer· curlty" of the country neces.. ~ e~e~:~~e:! ~~ ~ technlqu.... the ...... III rod. biB veto In the then pre• ~ in 195~ CoD~r :~~cy'...:rn~~'dIO~ ~~opr~l~t sitated the removal .of Inno- beeause of its approach to jus.. THE LAST RESORT Rlmado'. 'ranch1 •• valent atmosphere of the Ko• ;~~:iraPio~oS~U~d gmainte~ ~e;u.Jnt~:pcor:~ :-t~ett~t ,ram n•• In auch adva .. rean war when being "soft on wUf conspire with other. to cent people from then homes. blps a. the natlon'l __ eemmunlsm" was thought by nance, so these campa were :~et'~~ :htr,,:.t;~r ~/ While ther.e are no records American traditions: DOW, then• Anlhony G. Caponigro, the w.1I known Hollywood Custom many to be treasonable. Ja'Pane~ fORe . !\-;"~, T.ilor is known .. tho 1•• 1 re-' bee.use regr the 1970 Na• drumming up delcgotes tor us, tOI' a very worlhwhile week- cisco J ACL .cholarshlp co-chaIrman, presente Anne Horiko.hi ti:gg::~jlinT;::lshl. rying. and Bel\,)' Tamura Is protecl- end. the 1969 chaptel' scholarship of $250 and the Dr. ~~ ~~~~~~~~ralt:.;t~ ~ Leonart tional Jr. JACL Convention in It's good to see some of the Ramey. Chkllgo. At that time, Carol ~1~Cy~eir Inlcl'ests hcre in Why don't you come and Ternmi Memorial scholarship, administered by Notional JA- .c:.rL Gardenen. Total (June IS): $25,9"1'. !lold timers" mixing in. Re• i2$-~.dO anKJ'o~.l Geor,e told nle some of the pIons member Mas Yamnsokl? A. The YJ As .re the young sec for yourself? CL. Al right ore hcr pnrents Mr. and Mrs. Chuicru HQrlkoshl. S. that \\'"el't! being considered by Doc Yatnbe is to all JACLcrs, ones of the sen lor JACL-they : ln~ :ff ul ~e J:!at~~~n~lI~~'I~'~~~ Valedictorian of her class of 588 at Waabingt.on High, abe ~:~l~~.~de~?W~ ~ the convention committee. so Is Mos to Ihe Dayton Chap• welcome al\ 21 to 30•. Gloria _1_ n_th_ ._u_ n_It.:. 'd~S..:.ta:; ...::: .:::..'_, ____w.::,::U::,I...:m.::::o:tr.:,:le:.:u:.: l:a::te:....:a:.t..: Corncll. ~r . ~~;da~~~jl~OlO~~~ ter ..• oh won, 1\Ias, our mas• roports ten have alt'cndy slRD------~j :;' df{:b~:r. Da':Ja~.;,o · R . '1~: ter-at-ceremonies, c.laims he's ed up to whing ding Inio Cln• Paraphernalia going to show liP at the Sayo• clnnati from Chicago and are 94 golfers compete In ~kl~~ o~n'tlleg~ltt"oun~ nara Ball. Dr. Jim ToguchJ, an"lou. to meet other YJ As JR. JACl PLANNING TRI·DISTRICT JACL. Fletcher r..nd Co., Nor- Dayton, and Kaye Watanabe, MAN First of all, she promised from the eastern and mid• Gardena JACL tourney !j!;,.~~~. ftr.~~: Cincinnati are the sleadying western slales. = GENER!;L LsE: that it M)uld be an uncon• influences and the experts. GARDENA - Cralg Ota fired ~nw~uo,~=ctgo~f~ ventional convention. The Clt:y.lde of Clnay SUMMER CONFERENCE IN CALIFORNIA having survived many other a 67-6-61 to win the second O~ilosa.ku IWllta, Jack J'uku• Jurilors will have something lIIDC conv,,-nUons as VIP's. There are many sides of annual Gardena Valley JACL da. Certltlect Motor Servlce. different in store for them. Tak Karlya, Cincinnati, I. Cincinnati that I have become SAN JOS~Whlle the locale ence, c/O Ben Matsuura Jr golf tournament at Alondra ~dlra~~:nJo~"I:~~r. !:i The t'On\'ention site will be considering recognitions for fond of which I would llke to I. . tUl to b. announced, the 2175 Monterey Ave., San~ Park June II, winning the Su.. Mn:. JamH Nomura. Mr. and Mn. ~EN at the Palmer House down• eVery1>ne but hlmse!!. Dr. Ben describe for you. Jr. JACL leadership In the Clara, Coill. 95051. mltomo Bank trophy. A tleld Kenneth Kanemoto, Mn. Ka(ou. town. It will pro,ide a dorm Yamaguchi. Jr. promJses a Clnclnnati Is a pleasant three district youth council. WIth so mony San a e I of 94 goiters, including distaff, ~,J~~_,g,oopujelroA;,~,o,.kakl.. se~ wing to house all the juniors lively, lovely I u a u fQr the blending of the old and the of CaUfornia has the dates ;!'outh ..,ek ln ~ their ldenllty, participated In the affaJr co- - ~u Tho usa n d Clubbers and new, the South and the North, for its tlrsl blenlal slalewlde \vantine to know where chaJred by Harry N88\l and }lo'l::.""~~:~' Iaamu Uyehara, wruch "ill be separated from friends. Gordon Yoshikawa Is the small town and the bustl• conference for Aug. 23-24, ac• they nrc ..oln., what roles Bruce Kajl. tl5--1erry T. Satoh. Shlaoru the seniors to allow the "old busy Unlng up the banquet. Ing metropolis-a place to live cording to Ben Matsuura, Jr., In soolety they should play Mary Hor! won the wom- ~~,:,ahara~o~:~o ~=, folks" their shut-eye. You see, we haven't forgot• in; a place to work in; and a coordinator. and to underatandlnr Yel• en's title with 86-16-70, and Mr. :;.r Mn. Gar? 1mal, S. Ten~ As the com'entional Nation• place to enjoy life. Outspoken speakers on the low Power, the Jr. JAOL defending champ Shig Maeda oka, Anonymaua. lQW ten our past presidents - we al Queen Contest \\ill not be keep them all Involved. Oh Cincinnati Is history - this principal theme of "Yellow conlerence IB beln, plan• claimed the President's FUght ~~~Tu ~-::'., ~, .~. ~ scheduled, thls may mean that elty became a refuge for run• Pow ~r", Sansei Identity and ned to help snpply some an• trophy with a toss of coin over lao Ikehan, F. Fukumoto. Tetsu .. 475 GIN LING WAY - MA 4-t. yes, we can't forget Fran To• Hew ChlnatDWn - Los AItgeIa an unconventional ugly man jo, Grace Narlta, and Mitzi away slaves during Civil War; Jr. JACL obJectlve. wUl be swers. Jim Sakata, both tiring net ao NarahAra, Mr. and Mrs. Shl- heard and questioned, follow• Banquet Room for All Occaslo8 contest or sla,,,, auction may Kato who are always around Pendleton House - where the IIBy no means do we hope 71&. ~e"no. Mr~~d H~ia. K~~ ed by an opportunity for con• sollcit~ take its place. and giving us moral support first C I v I I Service Relorm to accomplish a concrete detl• Jr. JACLers the Kaml.Ya, FujI TropIcal Tlob, 11<• when important things are Laws were drafted; William feren"" delegates to express nJUon of our SOCiety. We wish door prizes given at the award ken k.. MomJJ. K. Takamura, F. Business meetings "ill be happening her,,-. Howard Tatt - Chief JusUce their own views. to lay a foundation for each banquet chaired by Dr. Paul ~rv~d~~d'!' i~;:'''.!:l: To keep the atmospbere of Indl~dua l eut DOWN to the minimum to and 27th President of the to begin hlB build• Tsukahara. kawa. ~'yHaJl':~~.~'!'nJ'~ allow for more unconvention• Nt;w Faces, Too United S tates of America ... the conference casual and In• Ing ot thoughts and action," Harriet Beecher Slowe, out• limate, 0 private campground Matsuura explalned. Alameda golf tourney J!r~~~ia. ~Ho':;'Ckof H:~~~: al workshops and acti,ities, Among the new faces are Is being sought. Attendance Bob Sherry, who's whee1in' spoken critic of slavery. "But one only appreciates \\'ruch may "cry well include will be limited. being a part of soclety by greets record turnout ~: ~laJ · &u~io.~ . :::~ some sensitivity and non• and deaUn' the Convention Cincinnati Is culture - the Adult JACLers, who may partlclpating in It. The Ori• ALAMEDA _ Under ideal ~. 1(. Nishimoto. Mr. and Mn. "","bal communication ses• booklet between gas and 011 symphony, the tlrst American professional symphony orche... be interested and concerned ental youth wants to be a part skies, a record turnout ot 51 Mr. r::d ~~4.rdw~~~k1. ~ : &ions. A field trip to Chlcago well specula(in'; Jerry Abbott, our hospitality man. who tra to make a world tour; the ... to what direction the Jr. of SOCiety. We want to learn competed in the second an- and Mrs. S. Kawasald. Mr. and chapter's service project site. teaches Japanese to our Ni• Summer Opera, a tradition JACLers will take, will also the right direction. We want nual Alameda JACL golt tour- ~ll ~B~~~ ;;;dNM:.;: be invited, according to Ma• to learn our identity." =: a swap meet of objects repre• since 1920; the Eden Park ~"l1:~e~wal. sei: and Charley Longbottom, tsuura. nament June 15 at the Muul Jim Furuta, Chol• senting each district are also who's scarlet beard Is becom• Playhouse in the Park: the course. Tbe champions were: Hiram H. Toda. Frank Yamane pending tinal decision. ing a famlllar sigbt at Jr. Museum of Natural HIstory "It Is hoped the adulla aandlcaJ>-Yoah Surlvam.a 82· Mr. and MA. Hlrotht Ablko: functions. with its popular planetarium attendln,. 0 u r conference Chicago YJA talent ~!.()?~: N~n;~~~~J;! S:~"'3; Janet Nakai and Steve will rive "" added support Shikami, who have since re• The Jrs. are b,,-Ing led by and the cave; the Krohn Con• fl.nanclall;!,." Matsuura add• '76 : Guest-Don Tsukamoto '78.9. Co",merel.1 Refrieeratloft placed Carol, are currently personable Pat Tanamacru, servatory, on. of the flne9t show slated Aug. 16 69: Guest Non· HancUcap--John Designing • Installation greenhouses . . . ed. "as sponsor. and pa• Bamamura 75. Maintenance making all convention ar• tronl." FLnanalal I1lpport CHICAGO - The Chicago rangements. When I talked Cincinnati is major league fro m the parent dlstrlot Young Japanese Americans Sam J. Umemoto EDC-MDC queen contest sports-the Redlegs; the Roy• counolls and nhaptera Is allO Berkeley graduatel CertifIcate Member of RSES \\'lth San Jose chapter presi• als; the Bengals . . . are searching for talent to be dent Dale Sasaki, he had one belnr solicited. presented a benefit stage show BERKELEY - Sansei gradu• Member of Japan Assn. of SANTA ANA, CALIF, to sweeten MDYC kitty Cincinnati i. education-the Sponsors unable to attend piece of ad,~"" to give to the Aug. 16 at the Francia Parker ates of Berkeley and Albany Refrigeration. (South of Disneyllnd) Urilversity of Cincinnati; the the conferen"" will be pro• School Aud. lie. Refrigeration Contractor Chlcago chapter - "s tar t Xa~er high schools were guests ot CINCINNATI-A.. there \\ill University ... vided the con!eren"" booklet, Berkeley JACL at Its picnic SAM REI. BOW CO. early!" In any even~ expect be no JACL queen contest al \~ Proceeds will be admirils• For a Good Time which contain current in• tered by the Japanese Amer• barbecue at Live Oak Park 1506 W. Vernon Ave. the une>."""ted and the un• 1970 National Convention, th"• formation and views of Jr. June 26. Lo. Angele. AX 5·5204 young lass (16-21) wbo \\ill Cincinnati I. run-Coney ls• JACLer•. Ican Service Committee to ald I conventional at the third Na• mentally retarded Japanese tional Jr. JACL ronvention in reign at the EDC-MDC joint land, one of the ten finest Contributions to support the KAW!~ convention here over the La• amusement parks In the American children in the lo• CiUcago. first statewide Jr. JACL con• cal area. bor Day weekend \\ill be s"-• world; RIver Downs, if you ference are being accepted by Hickory Farms of Ohio lected by public subscription. love horses; the Oruo River Jr. JACL Trl-Dlstrlct Confer------FugetsH - Do according to Dennis Kato, where thousands of boatsmen Car rally-picnic LA. M4 '·9054 . Regional Conferences are and water skiers cavort; the CONFECTIONARY ~ca~sf ~1'la~ ISJ;~ 1401 Meadowbright Lane, con• ~I~ the Thing-It seems as though test chairman. Cincinnati Zoo, one of the Community picnic LOS ANGELES - Starting 115 E, 1st 51" Loll Aqelu U STICK' FoodI and C.ndles C/llJt' PiaWItIftJ finest in the country; the 400 from the Tal Ping restaurant MAcllioD 5-8595 from Around the Wo,ld! ~ Ifollesl the eastern districts have Each chapter ill expected to taken the lead on regional nominate a Jr. JACLer ... acres of clty parks ... SAN DIEGO - Tsune Kane• parking lot at Crenshaw Porb of Coli Vma •• queen candidate. The public Cincinnati i. gtant indus• ko and Bru"" A..akawa are Square, members ot Progres.. WIIarf'. Vma,. conferences. EDYC and MD• co-chalrmen of the annual San sive Westside J ACL engage In YC \\ill have their joint con• \\ill purchase voles at 25 cents tries - P&G; Baldwin Plano; SAN PEDRO, CALIF, each or five for SI to help U.S. Playing Cards; Gibson Diego JACL community pic• a car rally June 29, 10 a.m., vention on Labor Day week• select the queen. Proceeds of Greeting Cards; Cincinnati nic July 4 at Sllver Strand and be di,rected to a picnic £i'JikH. eltlt. end in Cincinnati this year. State Park, sur.lde. The fish• site. Picnic ends witb tro• Drne • D.nC!e • eoclctaJlt this project \\ill be donated to Milling Machine, the world's IQP"YAIU • .lAPANS,S aOOIl. Cc>-chairman Pat Tanamachl the Midwest District Youth largest producer of machine Ing derby opens at 6 a.m. with phies being presented to car 3a E. FIrst Sl and Dennis Kato are the mas• Council treasury. toot..: F . H. Lawson, the old• a 3:30 p.m. weigh-in. rally winners.---- - LM An2e1e •• MA 9-3021 ter-minds behlnd the event. Candidates are expected to est company west of the Al• YJA picnic Mik8W8)'8 "J'gniting Indi~dual Involve• submit to Kato a wallet-size legheri\es and the w 0 rid's 150 enjoy luau Sweet Shop menf' is the theme title. photo, their height, weight, largest producer of litter con· CHICAGO - Ifs a BYOS age, hobbies, school. extracur• trol receptacles •. . (bring your own steaks) pic• RIVERSID~D orls Biga and SushI • Hoodl ... BenlD 2.4 E. I st St. PSWDYC, NCWNDYC and Tempura • Sake . 8eer ricular activities, honors and Cincinnati is good govern• nic for the Chicago YJAs June Nancy Takano chaired the re• los Angeles MA 8-4935 CCDYC \\ill be planning a other helpful data. cent Riverside JACL luau at Joint tri-district conference at ment - the largest Counc11- 28. 4 p.m. at Labagh Woods, Manager type government In Section 2, at Cicero and Fos• Norconian Club attended by AKEMI Camp Corolitos in the Santa ---*--- the country!. Life said, "Cin• ter. 150 persons. Miles Hasruda FOOD TO TAKE OUT Croz Mountains. cinnati bas one of the best emceed the evening affair. 238 E. 2nd, LA. 68B·8036 Patti Iwataki, Ben Mat• police forces in the country;" suura, and Tim Kuramaji are 1000 Club Notes the Regional Computer Center Optimist invitational Quon's Bros. acting as cooperative chair• ---*--- In this city, the nation's first LOS ANGELES - The ninth Grand Star Restaurant men. According to program June 13 Report computer installation mutual• annual Japanese American Gardena Okazu-ya chairman Patti lwataki, com• ly supported by government Optimist Club Invitalional B•• utlful 'o"".r MI•• H.w.I~D.I"'ln Thursd., National Headquarters ac• agencies of diUerent jurisdic• swimming meel shall be com• INSIST ON Salmln, Okazu. Sushi, r.rlya kJ Entertlining It th. Pi,no munity awareness and yellow knowtedged 86 new and re• Hawaiian Food-F,I., Sat. & Sun. tions, pro~ding this region prised of 90 events In Novice power will be emphasized. Not newing membership in the rHE FINEST ORDERS TO TAKE OUT 943 Sun Mun Way ( 951 N. BdWy.1 1000 Club during the first with the most modern law en• and Open divisions Aug. 10, to be forgotten will be the forcement and business sys• 9 a.m., al EI Camino College Ed Ind Id. Kunimihu. Owners NEW CHINATOWN - LOS ANGELES Portland workshop also sched• half of June as follows: KANEMASA (Formerly of Honolulu) MA 6-2285 21st Yea..r: Downtown L.A.-Geo. terns ... pool near Gardena. uled on Labor Day weekend. Arat.ani; Hollywood-Artbur T. Cincinnati is Convention Entry blanks may be secur• The focus \\ill be on black Ito; Santa Marta-Haroh1 Y. ShJ· City-the Convention-Exposi• ed from meet chairman Art Brand 14903 S. Weste,. AYe. Ga,dena - DA 3·2379 power and wrute racism. ~ Year: Pasadena-Tetsuo F. tion Center; the finest res• Nishisaka, 2216 W. Jefferson Hopefully, in the near future, IwasakJ; Chicago-Fred Kataoka; taurants-Grammers for Ger- Blvd. until July 27. DownLown L.A.-Tatsu Kushida. i;;'~~'" PNWDYC and IDYC \\ill also 18th Year: San Jose-Dr. ToJdo J.:.'. ·-- :;;; jointly sponsor a regional Iahlkawa. & GARTER: Dr. Frank Sakamoto - TIE 11th Yat: Ven1ce.culver-Ike Tin Sing Restaurant eonference. Masaoka. FUJIMOTO'S 16th Year: San Franclsco-Ha· tsuo A1zawa, WUUam Hoshtyama; (DO MISO, EXQUISITE: CANTONESE CUISINE CA .... rONES£ Praise to Parents - Among p~~an:;;-::~':~to~ct.r..A._Ted Impressive Legacy of Shade AVAILABLE AT YOUR CUISINE Pr1Yatl Parties. CocktAIls, Banquet F.cIllU .. many concerns, Jr. JACL has ~W:~W-a~~rgs. ~ ~~ • • FIIVORITE SHOPPING CENTER 1523 W. 3888 Crenshaw. Los Angel.,. AX 3-8243 con&idered the importance of s ..tue--Geor~e Kaw.chl: MP- Chicago planrilng that is true to its Redondo I. FUJIMOTO & CO. Blvd. parental involvement in the ~~~m O~da~~~ : ~~ I forgot where I read this promises of benefits tor tbe ...... 302·306 S. 4th West GARDENA f organization. Parents general- JS'uzLuJdRt,JUm,AJaanlm :edaCI-Gevelaenodr-G,eeor!k~ article. I think it was written next generation and the next DA 7·)177 ly know very little about their by our National Legal Coun- and the next. Japanese Amer• Salt Lake CIty. Utah U~~lmaYea. r: ~======::::;; food fO Go clilld's activities in their re- Veruce.CUlver-Dr. sel, Bill Marutani, in his nEast ieans who made JACL paso. AlrCondltloned When in Elko ••• Stop at the Friendly Banquet spective cbapter and less ~~~~leLo~r~~c::h ~~;&~ :~~d;ro~~;'~o~~~; o~t ~!i ~I~:~ B~~ IC~ ~~ l~~:~~dm ~~t Rooms about their child's activities -Dr. David Mtura, MR. Barb::a one generation p] a nt s the have been frustrating and dis• 20·200 in their respective chapter rtn~i!~'i;oto~ t r e e 5 I another getting the appointing at times. I'm sure §t()ckrnen~§ and less about its purposes or Portland-Dr. Roy Yamada. shade. they must have to coddle it goals. -l?~ I~: ~I':f.: B~I~~:~D'i. At first thought this appears with tender care until JACL CAFE • BAR • CASINO The national organization Takeshl Mayeda: Downtown L.A. to indicate that much of what could clench its own roots in LU'S bas attempted to orient par- ~~~~ °S:::J~Rw:S ;egjln:: :e~t!~W t~~ 1~~ i~ ~~~lli ra~t a finn ground. Four Seasons Elko, Nevada ents to Jr. JACL through a ~~:uec'htD~~wv~~k::.g~o~ 6: others. This is not at all the I'm sure they bad setbacks mass mailing ot infonnative Shtmamoto; Twin ClUes-Swntko case, really, tor no generation but they did survive. Today Restaurant literature. Accompanying it Teramoto; Chlca,o-Georee R. Te~ is without inheritance of the there are J ACLers across the Open Dally: 11 :30 '.m. · 10 p.m. was a solicitation of monetary raf-lti· Year: Downtown L.A.-Dr. shade provided by the prevl- nations! wit h approximately Marutama Co. Inc. 3980 W. S.nta B.rb ... Ay •. dJronaJtAiocnL to support National ~lkunollli: =j., S~he:aa'l~¥~%~ ous generation wbo measured 25,000 strong. What an im- Fisb Cake ~1aauf.cturer L.A .• AX 6·9228, AX 4·0610 = MJ up to the i r obligation and pressive legacy! I'm proud to Banquots • Orders to T.k. Out We are'happy to report that ~;btn~:ns~~~;~om J . tN· duty. have the honor of being able Los &D,el •• Luncheons .nd Dlnne,. 39 parents .are aware of the ~~ha~a~ a~~,stnce~~~~ti:::~ The JACL organization Is a to participate in such an or- Prop.: K.I'I .. Chu Lee worth and lmportance ot the Frances IshU: San Francisco-Don true example of production ganization as JACL. ,-;======~.:::::======:;" organization an? have con- ~l:N~i: ar l ~le.~u:~-¥g:n KT~: "~-""" ...... ;..--""'.,,;- .....--~--- ....."'""----""".., , I trIbuted approxunately three mura: ~ DYego-Dr. Kjyoshl Ya- hundred dollars. mat•. Major Medical Health Special thanks go to Mr. rJ,J:f:.: Y~~~oe~!fI~~AIf[edri; and and Mrs. George Asakawa of gawa: ChIcago-Frank T. Oklta. HALL OF FAME Yellow Springs, Ohio, for ~um~~asiu.~q~~~~r.~l~~~y~: JACL u°';~ 0 ~~? ~~~~~OV~Je/= theLr Wty doUar donation. K Income Protection Plans Excellent Cantonese These are the following sup- ~o .hlo Trubol; Oran,e County- Over one million euWM dollar of lalel annually Cockhtll and Bar po~r ~d Mrs Tom Bash1moto ~fh u~~~r- San Mateo-Rtrosht ENDORSED Elaborote Imperial 01_ $ettIng DaryU M. Sak8cla, Mr. and Mrs: lWie.'ii~J:'-:Obk~W"!~oto; HARRY MIZUNO :MJke M. tmoto. Mr. and r..1rs. 7th Vea.r: Wew York-Alfred .John Takemoto. T. T. Kawasaki. FunabuhJ' Fresno-Dr Frank Y Banquet Rooms for PrIvah Parties Mr. and MrI. Henry TamakJ., Vic Nlahl' . . 6U yr:~hJ~~o "Uon~. ~: ;~~ 6th °Year: Seatt1e-TSUYO~ 80- 911 N. BROADWAY. LDS ANGnES Mra. J ames Tanouye. rlke, Geor~ S. Kawaguc:ht. · TESTED For R_...... eon '24-2133 y!:u 'rer~r:~' Jim a 8~m~ ~~~:=wt~~' ~or~~:~~ Mr. and Mn.' l<:hlrO Uyekubo: Jr:J. Stockto.n-Harold Ntlt.a. Mr. and Mrs. George AukaW8. s::urn:ear. Cleveland-Paul M. PROVEN :Mrs. Mary C. Cooper. Mr. and Cth Yea.r: Saeramento--Ch.a.rles TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS WHO ARE MOVING Mrs. Don Konl&hJ. Mr. and MR. C. Kobayalhl' Seatlle-Fujltaro i:~eI~'r'~~~' U'4'm:~~ Mrs. Kubota; Philadelphla-Howard K. The Capitol Life Imurance CO. Torno Kosobayu~1 George Okamoto; Oakland-R 0 b e r t N. STAR PRODUCER;.redN~h1~g~: O~ ' d Year: Oakland-Rlcha_rd T. ROSS HARANO CHINN & EDWARDS Mark Nakauchl. Mr. and &In. ~~?O~~:~:.!!.!fed~~~np~~~: General Agents Joe Nlshtmura. Mike M. Kudo. Itt&. M. YamaguchY' San Fran. ZIP ~~~epa~~nm~~i.o . Raymond S. ~o-Joby Vo.hlmun: Mr. and Mn.. K. l1khJ, Yone 2nd Year: San .TOl e-K. Clltford 470 So. San Vicente Blvd. rt~ , ~~~a~~.~~~~a::.e~ ~~~n. T~~!W:;;:;l'-~ Los Angeles, Calif. 90048 653·0505""""" ~~. A~bO~.':k'i~·~. ~m ~ ~1:r!~~~~mSe~~~JyoO:' : 79 W. Mon_, Chicago ~~.:td Mr. and Mr&. Kay m~~t ~::~J~!~a ~~\~~i.ny EICcel/ent Sale. Opportunity lor Coreer Agen" . B. Abe: New York-Dr. Geor,e fbnklln 2-7834 R. Napmat.5u; Sacramento-H.I.tO· .hi Nishikawa: San JOM-Mrs. Be a Registered Voter Muaye Yamada. Th. Foul lin.: Gary Yamauchi CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING PACIPIC CITIZlN-7 FrIday, June 27, 1969 Aloha from Hawaii C•• h "Itt'! O,d.,. 10. ,Ir •• t., $I ",til'•• " ", tMertte•• • I"lIInlONAL • .M'LOTMINT by Rlch.rd Glm. BUlin ... Ind - Shopping for HOU~ ,"mlllllllOllllOlIlIlIllIlIlIIlIIllIIlIlIl/llllllmnnllnllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnllllllllllllllllllll11111111111111111111 rOR CONY HO)DI I DAY Professionll Guide V,lt \.'OU\I\\1:!lhlnu·1\t "'t'lI'cla. a ... Insido tho Capitol RN a. LVN ~~~~f" t:~\~~t:\~~~l,~~~~~~~\"llY , ~~~nr~: , •. Go,', John A. Durns hRs Bowling Shoes a. AIDES nunue) , ·ollll.rolloulo.. U lI. tl t I'IRU'Illd B~rt.rI\1l1 T. K"nbara RI A ,ood place to work 1't(1)l" an(1 Or. K.nlt"hl W .tAn_btI e 'M'LOYMINT -"'fin honored for f'xt'elll"nt:e In RcUng stnlc altorney "onornl TIlMPLE m'_:orarAllIUK '''~t'htn. and H ••• reh. NoUc~. ble .uecoedlnll n.r~ T. Kobaya• Whe" . hoppln, tor a palr 01 I. manulactured at a low at lhe conunf'nctmC!nt WAI th. ab· ohl. Thc nppolntmenl became bow lin It sho... the bOwler ot ,lude rubber which h.. • "n~ Clf • unh'('t Hy l'ffllld(mt. tod!ly ha. a hommdou. ,'A• lend_ncy to wear down quick• History Documcnts AC'tlnr Prtlltdt"nt fttt'hlUd ~ ..... kl\· ertQcUve JUllt I when Kobn• ~):~"f: hj~~~~'I~h"~~~w tt~y b~~dr-:"· ,,~.hi .Inrt,'d n month-long rlet)' 11'001 whlcb to ••Iect . ly and oUler Ume •• the h ..1 II U,'nolulu vncatlon. Kobn)'lIshl h •• bre" MOllulAoturers h a v e flooded warped due to poor con.truc• J\lsttc~ Hufod "l1,t' ",," G~nC!r •• Hab. oft to As."orintc Uon" nnml'd ns nn US!iOcln\C justice the r.tnll m n r ke t with • tlon. ThIs warped Or .oft rub• lI111sajl Marlln\oto tor his de• of the Sln\t' ~llpr('m('- courl. oOllnllo.. number ot .tyl•• ber heel will only cau.e the tormillt'd ellol'l to help J ... SOU. Danltl It. Inouye on priced {rom nbout $7.95 to bowltr to .Ilde unevenly at ...tune (\ R("CllSt'd Uu.... South HnwnU's 18- nnd 19-yenr• Grant M.""oka with hi. Jnp.• old women mn)' nOw gr\ m,ar• $27.05. Because 01 thl. broBd Il,e toul lin.. H. may aloo Flower View Gardens nest" Ame-l'kan R('~("m'('h I"L"OJ• Vietnamese leade.. ot blnck• prIce ... nRe and because 01 "track rubber" and this may FLORISTS n,al1lnll the U .. nnd demnnd• dod wlthoul lIetllnll thetr pnr• 1'01 N.. W.lfeM Ave. ~66--7m ect. Mamllloto witi, tho n\l• thl. l/leot vBrlety. the bowler I~t.J ed that they "shnpe liP or ship enls to sign on the doUed line. be delt"ment.1 to other bowl• Att Ito ... your phone 0f'derI pro ,. a 1 and C('In('\nT~llCC' of i. Inced with a definite prob• ers on the lome lane •. .nd orders for leis "noel.. out." Imlu)'(' told I{TnduRtl"S ot 00\1, John A. Durns on June "ft. Chief JIIsiioe WIIII. nl S. Rich• 9 slgnod Into low n bill which lem In selecting adequate Theae Bre lome fa c to r. hn~ Roose\·cll Hlah School. "Tho foolwenr. ardson senll\tnsQoka 3Si time tor 'Pt'rmlltlng o\1l'~c l ves 10\\ en tho alto or (Ion sent COl w hich bowler ahould can older pages o{ documenl~ l-elating to Naturally. lhe 111'11 otep II 10 be blackmailed by our IX ll'ls to m (\Tl'y in H nwnll. The when PUl cha.lng b 0 \V J 1 n g J apan('~t" migration in ti\e det.l·mlnlng the amount 01 . hoe •. Normally, without In• Ju,tic~ South Vletnnmoso .1110' I. lnw us£!d to rCQulrl:!' pnl'cntnl 1860·. and 18;0·,. lIIa• (llth~r money 10 be spent. MOIIt com• apecllon, lh. chnnce. are that over. \\'e must lell them clenr• COIUU.'l'l\ tor boys or girls ofT~r TUmoto and Chi c 1 Justice undor 20 destrlng 10 mOITy. panle. 0 good. long-Ioot• the .hoe will be 01 the finest WAREHOUSE MAN KOKUSAI INTERNATIONAL thou~ht ly thnt Wt' will no 101'1 Iter bend tn~ shoe nt n price 01 around Richn.. dson Ih. Proj• to th~ir \ lew or lhhlft:~ \lnd~r Now lh. dlvldln~ IIno i. 20 quality. Yet. even when buy• MUIt have e.perl~ee. TRAVEL, INC. «\ worthy r~ciph.'nts. of copies {or boys And 18 (or girls $11 .95, however, tbe "best of Ina the be.t, make a check ot -x;,~~~ltClnlty 321 E. 2nd St. 1121 626-5214 of thesr original documents the throat thnt the only nllol'• the Unc" usually ••U. nt ap• AU tr\M. 101- Jim Hloashl, BUL Mor. the abovem.llUoned. It can tenon BlVd. and La Cttneta BlVd. Ju~tice n.til'e to their approach I. n proximately $14.95. These In• • DINNER COOK which MarumOlO used CommuniRt tokeo\'rr" Grape. vs. Plneapplcs only llIve you .dded Insurance in prtpOTiru; his essn~" (or in• elude the Brunswick Count NISEI FLORIST 't,,~ or SllllnMl1 Kimurll or the about the proper equIpment. AU. For "Pete" NEWMAN IMPORTING In th. Hem of Lt'l Tokio c:lusion in tht" (ol'thcolnmg 1:\18 1 land hu ,'udot'hed the bO)·· Imperial. AMY Top Liner. and TAHITIAN VtLlJAG& HOTEL Call 871-0500 321 E. ht SI. MA ~ Testimonial Fetes P-8~ . BOWLING SHORTS book b\· Prol. llilary Conroy. cott 11( CaUfornlll·.ruwn .r.p~ •. the Hyde Each I. con• 13&35 Lakewood Blvd. Fred Morlouc:hl • Mtinb Tet.ftore XNl'ly 2,000 t'lua.inr labllr. flO· endar'!l~ ~"Our ~ (Nur ROlC!:cTlnJ) The Hawaii ILWU ha. com• " 1 .I",nll\' {lttort. .tructcd ot the Onest malerlals Pl"obably the number ODe e IUStNIl. O"ORTUNITY ~~~do~!iiua~l~t;;A~~:!:nl1a~:~: fa brine th.. mlnhnuOl m~a'\lre on the market 1.1 Lb. Lind ctUtom Downey DR. ROY M. NISHIKAWA mended Rop. Patsy '1'. ~Unk to provide the mftxlmum In mad, bowlin, thou. nlue are Or Call S34-+144 tor her s.uggestion for n C'On• tet June 5 '''' bid aJoh .. 10 Iftbor ~~or~~I;;a;t g~fl~~'~I~.~'" ~~~'4td"t~ comlort and durability. SALES 23~·t~~,.Jn (~'6L ~: ~Ul:i~~d nt:r t~e ~r ~~ ':!mo gl'eSSlonal walchdog on tbe ~~a~r~~'rk (\t:·U;e Hrl1,~\,tl',. t~f~~~: • IrUn to thl' Rawall Cnpo Boy• Should a bowler choo._ to C'OIt ('omm'U('~ prov1.d.. a p'ace to draw ),our Employment Don't Read This Ad milllar:" - industriAl c-omple" Inl Honolulu t('lr San FranclOllCO purchase. pair ot . hoe. In the loot 10 thlt the aha. can be c:u.. b~mr: Int~maUonal The- lour Ne,roe-t< amon, the 30 Unless You're Lookln. Forll 111,... ~link has urlted that a to an It..WU Imporl~d lower prlce bracket, he mould \1t'~ prt"!'l.. At tht" elo!lf' ot the agrlculturnl workt'l by to ~':='f'~Ut ~e&e~~~.t~O IO~: Representative 1. A uteUm_ career opportunl. congre!'Sional committN' on O\ltt' Co .•• l'ensonftl warkt'" on be aware of n few factors in for rr.. ler tracUon and an inter.. Y national priOlities be estab• f:~' r~~~~: ~~~!~N:~!~h ~ Lan.1 haH not ('n('ountutd any detormlnlng the product'. use• t i AU the protpecb )'OU can • rA('u1 dlK'rhnlnaUun. Twu ottl .. chan,ubJe IOle tor varlou.a condl• e WatlOnville, Cal/f. lished and thai • commission cUstom ur. a 81h from th~ Jl.. ~tJ fulness. Firstly. the .lIdlnl tiona. Proftulonall have put their hancne, • mt:mbe-rsl\tp. d.l. ot the NAACP who vlall('d endonement on. \hI. product by .'~m~~ld advancement to man· or congressmen and private the plnuppll' tl()rTobOrft1Mi RerponaJble for the recruJtment A te.!!timonlal luau tor SUIt' SlIn. . hoe should be soled with TOM NAKAS! REALTY citizens investigate the mili• :!~~!erb~tF~~lt t~~~~ N~rf~: leather and the non-slldln, ~~ ~~ ~~:r ~~A a T3~ and placement ot candldate. for 4. At 1... t S2SO to .... w ...kIy g t~ :On~l()U~!:n'nt~\~ .at~f'~:l ~~~~ .T.... or J.C lenUtlcaUt related technical 'PO. c:omm1J.i1on. Aetug. • Ranehel • Hornet tary-Industrial complex. bla!,"\( workera trom Callt. hut' sl10e with rubber. Jt Ia not ~ ~H~ . ~!; ::~l':,~lCt:eco~ Income tt'r, n an 1cbln~n. luau chalrm"n. ~I~~~ 1t!~~,,~J'orO~~~Ull e!~:n~f~i Torn T. N.use. R.,ltor any dlfrtculU", UH"Y IlI'Ill (rom nece ••ary that the latter b. shOtt and nlAU a' S27 ,G5 ... They SOUNDS IMPOSSIBLE Commencements $AId the tutlmon,,1 \,'U a non· capilli with unat' hllh COllt of UCLA Center for the health act• 1;l\~~ 96 Colleg. Rd. ,4081 n~77 partisAn ttrort. tipped with leather, althoullh have .. Brunawlck hMI on the e.ncel and general LErcM IT. Ih'ln, • 11d.lnt' toot and a complete rub• eampu., Grie,~ances of youth are real Supporters 01 Sen Fon~ .r~ mo.t manulncturer. tend to InstaU Ihls leature. ber 101. on the rilht ahoc, San Jose, Calif • and imporlant. Rep. Patsy T. olannicg " S25-a-plate• Name in the new' bttry blanq are out for the • • Mink told graduates of Kalani Sl~ub Pacl1lc Cout Nlul InvitAtiona1 moni.l dinner lor him AUI( Lillian T. 1'.kauye. 39, 01 "ery Little 1'oul'ft&ln.n\ at Holiday Bowl dur- B,A. In approprilte field and EDWARD T. MORIOKA, Re.l"" Hlgb School at commen..,. 29 at the Honolulu lnlerna• 2713 Huenc St. wn~ scntcnctd 3 yean experlenclI or equIvalent Service ThrC?UGh Expe,lencel ment ex~rci~es Jun~ 8 at the Secondly, the shoe should ~ . etu~fft:.n':n.'ri~h m~~ c~::~: combInation at education and ex- 565 N. 51h SI. - 294-t 204 lional Center arenn. tate eD. .June 9 to serve one month In III comfortably. Th. texture Waildki Shell. She said stu• \Tadsworth Yee i5 chairman jnil with an additional 12 .houl:! "nef thlJ clauto attracUve foerrl~~~t'~111 r~~:f~' l~p~~I::na~ cents demonstrale as the only 01 the material used mould •• . There I.a alao a new one on «lUrch orle-nted lnd.Uutton. of the t\·ent. 'I 'Ve want to pay months In jail .uspended and not be too sUfT since the flex• tap ClUed the Oriental Mixed "'CQ" to I!el anyone to listen tribule to Hiram. who will be five "NITS in probation. r..irs Tea,. Ha.ndlcap Tournament. Thia Apply: to them. he said campus ,~io ­ celebrating hi. decade of serv• Ibility 01 the lootwear can et• competition wUI luture a team Takauye pleaded .IlUllty to lect the bowIe ... • Btyle. Tbe an4 mixed double. eventl with UCLA Personnel Of!!ce, lence po ..ibl~· could have been Ice in the U.S. Senate at the embe21lln~ $355 Irom Local shoe l\.self will stretch very ~: ll:'t:f ::~ ~~~tc~.Er1l:el at the A-328 AdmlnlstraUon Bldg., a,·erted if university prl!S• ume lime H8waii cele.brates 1791. AFL-CIO. Brotherhood idents had gOllen to knOl\' IitUe simply because It Is not 405 HUgard, West L.A. her lOth annh·enory as Q ot Paintl"rs. Decorators and 820·4161 tWLA! 879·1091 tLA) .orne of their students. ~lnt.olm worn Utat often nor is It worn stale," Yeo said . Paperhangers of A mer I C 8. lor long periods ot time. ALso. COD,lTessman '" park :'L )Ja• Barr. 36. former Honolulu where ~he \\.'as employed al a &qual Oppor1unlly Employu tsun_Po told Campbell Higb the Ihlckness 01 the sock that Appliances • newsman. has been appointed secretary in Dec. or Jasl yenr. tho bowler is accustomed to School graduales June 8 to go press seeretary to Sen. Fan!! Dr D.. I lIo Chun. traln!n, dl· on 10 college now that they C~nter, wearing should be taken Into Barr moved into hi. of!!ce rector at the East·\'ie5t conslderaUon when a Otting Is are througb with their hlgb June 16. He succeeds Georl'O on June 'j waa appolntN to sue· @ TAMnUuliA ce~ Ecbool education. "Education W~~. Dr. ' :. Baron Goto al dirt<:· mAde. N. who is returning to tor 01 the cenlt'r', InsOtute for PLANT beyond hll!h • c boo I Is no his old post at the Honolulu Technical lnlt'rchllnar. Goto will Thirdly. the leather on the And CO., Inc. longer a luxury:' he said. "Jt Star-BuIJetln. Barr. a lormer rt'tlrt June 21 It', • 'lrl tor slidIng sol. .hould be care• is a necessity (or survival" Star - BuUetin reporter. ha. :~:-t'::n::~:'c h!r. ··~10~!~- cr:~~ fully In..,.oted. Bowlers who ffh6ritd t:nh·. ot HawaU secretary WU• been wit h the A ..oelated Jantt Nlshlno. ~l' bab,.·', (l'and· prel.r lut or &lick approaches ~".. lud WlUOD. who retb~d this ,·ur. should not purchase a shoe on Ut fjUtni.slu"r FACILITIES \''U awarded the Relents M~al Press both in Honolulu and r;..... ':,lu·~~p~~~ica l ~lrun L'O::dno'n for D~lShed Service durina: In Washington. D.C which there Is a nap on the 3420 W. Jefferson Blvd. 190<13 S.E. St.rk Sf" Portland 97231 S. \1..,.. pres of Hawaiian Prlnt1n, leather. Thl. nap uruallJ' In• Co .. rttth"ed the Punahou Alum• Los Angeles 18 H.n~oIi ~1~5·ttor ni Assn's "0 in Life" award June dtcate. 8 solter leather and ENGINEERS 7 It the 5Chool'. annual reunion will tend to sborten the &lIde. RE 1·7261 Seattle, Wash. LEARN I~~'DTY Elrbe.lberru. M, chair· Conversely. smooth soles usu- • man ot Amlac, I.s; Honolulu', Fa· ally produce a longer slide. "IC __iIOOCIIOCIOC:IOt:lOOCIOCIICI Ch •·e k Sexing \her ot the Year• ..elected an· The heel deserve. a "....t • Imperial lanes ~~!~b:l otre~~~~.~ ~~~ de.l ot Inspection allO. ThIs ~\~tl ~~ ~""·Ft~ T.::-gt~~ lulu Othe.r Fathera of tht Yur porUon ot the .hoe t.s Expert sexors are Dr. Richard Y. ',va, me- mlny lower priced .tyles are more in demand fl~i~e;; ~e,!~dd L~·L~:~~te~!t detective. SomeUrnes tbJs heel Kinomoto Travel Service r:::: Frank Y. Klnometo than ever before! ~~~ °i~U;.ct~~uc~ro~~'O:.o::~~ 521 Main SI .• MA 2-t522 L. K Kamal. police: and Isaac n , Tlg... &quad, will • t ten d IUtf ~~~t" u~!i aJ~~ ~=-. Unlv. 01 Montana and PacUlc TRADING CO. Washincton, D.C • Most reliable School, operating every year Baldwin Unlv .• re.pectively. ... Appllanc:.. TV - Fumllur. since 1937. • :!.. ~~hO:l fo~r~~~~ t;::w:11=~ 341 I. FIRST ST., L.A. 12 Alrlln.. I OA ~-64H FA 1-2123 ~~ ~'!:~e o~e~:a~~J I~~ ~~ a soUd plate-glass restaurant ~~~.tle~. e!~;fm~~t p~:~~~t!!f:; Do" , ouy from us Rent or lease. The name I$ ..I\R,. Rfdce institute of Nuclear':t Studle. 40 or 50 leet beneath the Pa.. Hutet'S. Garbage Disposals, ~ Furnaces maintenanc:e proeram. Auto·Read·I, Inc. We r~ ready when you ore, and at the Un Iv. 0 1 I1Ilnob. He ci!ic. He envisions a larg~ on- - Servlcinl LOl An,.I .. - r~ow? Call 624-3721 ~::'t ~r!r.°~lb~l::.r.fntmen t as sahnoreeSCalPaartokirngdolwnot ftoor thPaetroSUnbs~ AX 3.7000 RE 3·0557 11M KEYPUNCII. SANDIA'S Livermore COM'UTD ~tii~~ T.... ININ. AUlo·Ready. Inc .. 354 Ea.1 Firsl Sireel. to. Angele •. Colifornio Sports scene ::,e;:~ ~~tas~e";Jicnel~!~O~~ Laboratory is engaged ~ " forM .... w ... Playin, June 25-July in design and develop• ...... ~:::::::::::::::::~~;;;~~::ti, 1 ~~ • HighRonald Schooi Autele. quarterback McKInley vot- saidhave thebeen restaurant mentioned. would Fasi be ment research in the I ed Back of the Year for the "unIque" He .aid the idea Kajitsu No Nai Mori ordnance phases of nu• 1968 Interscholastic League 01 had bee~ talked about for sev. Automation Institut. YOUR DATSUN HEADQUARTERS Ay.k.o W,kao, K,iwke Sonol clear weapons. Idwatd To ...... I. DINCtef Homdulu football s~a.on, will era 1 years and that he had EI II Funakoshl, Tak'hlro Tamura " We Specialiu in CourtelY and Service" matnculate at B 0 I S e State discussed it with a possible AND 411 ~C:!:.~~Or ylla ~d~ l (Approved for Vetarans) Unil'. III the lall. V_suo Yorl- developer. Aru Jyoshi Koko I no Wrlte or call for preliminary and Richard Haru, two Ulu IIlau VUI_,e, a re-creat- FEATURING II. Koroku Shitsu Shin application to: "'" 1600 & 2000 Sport. Cart Dept. 6100. • '" 2--door & .. ..cjoor Sedan. Yoko Mln.mlklWa, Marl Atsuml ..... Sf at Ion Wa90n • 0:~~ r:~~::~ t ~~;;;:.c:~81 ~~~e~~~ts~~~~:~~~ii~~lr, Yuklko ." C.mpers & True!t, SR I TO ., Patrol .. Wheel Oflve 1969 Dart · Coronet· MoniCO tempol'arily closed :tOt reloca- RERI,-TY[O Pol. r. - Charg.r • Dod,. T,uckJ tion and expansion. The vU- SANDIA r1Q"',E.S I NC:UR.c..N(' ttl' AufOm.arlC •Trlnwnlulon, Ft1r Aooointmenf Asic I .... r: lege ...peed is now behind Trader ----e---- KAY KURIMOTO Hall·s. outside 01 Kaneohe, on Laboratories 1900 Cren.haw Blvd. a s~ven-acre pro m 0 n tor y MOCIern Service & Parts On. of the Largest Selectlona Oept " Fac;torv Trained 1 los Ang,les Phone 7l4·1141 which overlooks Kane.ohe Bay. M~ehanlc.s . P.O. Box 969 2.21 W. Jefferson, LA ...... • ...... -...... - Continued on P're I 3020 C",n.h ... BlVd .. RE 4·1148 Livermore. Calif. 94550 RE 1-2121 ·o~" 7 day. - 8 . ,m. to 10 p m. ~------I JOHN TV SAITO & ASSOCIATII DOWNTOWN L.A. DATSUN Phone: (415) 447·5100 1600 S, FIGUEROA ST., ur. VE1-4ICf BlVo HOME OF THE ORIENTAL BOWLERS Ext. 2240 T.I. (21l) 7.. ·.951 'aul Saka,"oto, P"ddl n' Nanka Printing 2024 E. 1" St Sandia II an equal oppor• ,,:!tlIIIUltllllllllltlltlltlttltlltlttttttltlltlltlttltlttttttttltltttttttttlltttttttttttttttttttttttllttllttltlltttttttttttt~ l os Angele s. CaHf. HOLIDAY BOWL tunity employeI'I A Plan tor ANgelu, 8-7835 3730 CRENSHAW BLVD., L.A. 11 Progress Company; U.S. Citi• ei /(UIU'r4 zenship required. 1===_ Hovey-Dallas- New & Used Cors Chevroletand Trucks - 1=::=== 1"'- • - ---Z PHOTOMART 1969 CHEVROLET -tn West Covina Shopping Center near Broadway Dept. Store-- 15600 S. We,.ern Ave., Garden •• Calif DA 3·0300 i New & U&.ed Can ~ Truck. I e-.... .-JP~~ HARRY KANADA FRED A. HAYASHI FRE; s ~rYATA 114 .. S. .... It. IIA Re •. 329·5029 Res. DA 7· 9942 ~ ! z.a.a tttllttttlttttlltlltttttlltttttttttlltlll.1' HOLIDAY· STARDUST BOWL 1t;!:,n;~I~,".~~~~:.~I~A~ 1035 W. WALNUT PARKWAY, WEST COVINA 1 479-4411 lu. n'·U45 BRAND NEW PRODUCT For Dependable, Profession')l Service ---.'

II "hi-m." is In Instant and t!i III ) i :'1'''' "Mil li,t," Nt economic. I Ihing to in Rultor.·8uilde" h!-It'lOY your "'Jchon or on the tabl. ~\J)E~~ 1471 S So. Western Ave., Gardena, Calif. LITTLE 321-3386 324-7545 for better food enjoyment. "hi-m."i. a very unique and (NSTANT SMM'" hi modem type of d.. h/nomo'o Em"!!l!!.!!~!!!f!, which II • strong flavoring agent - HAWAIIAN RECIPE - CO. conlalnlng e ..ence 01 fl.voTi I English and JapaneSt 100 Most Slnlt.,y Whol.... IS HERE! 114 Weller St., LOI Angef4s 12 MA 8.7060 01 me.t. dried bonito, I In instant shrimp and tangl •• Sllmln on the MlrIcet cooking bas. ~'; ;;C;;A~L;;- V~I;;;;;;T A~P~RO;;;;;;D;;;;;;U;;;;;;C;;E;;C;;O;;;;;;.';;;;;;IN;;;;;;C;;.~.-J, Available at food ....ras from the maker In .n aIIr.t:live rod·lop shaker. Available at Your Favorite Shopplq Ceeter ;",:: Bonded CommtuloD Merchants-FrUlt.a • V.getabl•• 01 H AlI.NO.MOTO'" NANKA SEIMEN CO. IH S. Ceolnl ".e L.A .-Wbole.ale T ..mlual Markel = AlINOMOTO co. Of NEW YORK. INC. § alA Z-85S:.. ~lA 1-1038. MA 3-4SGt Los Ante .. ~I11I1I1I1I11I11UIIIIII\tIlI\tI\tDIIUIIIUUIIIUIIIIWlIIIIIUUIIIUltnIltIUIWIIIIIWWlnuIllIllIlWillmlhiS 8-PACIFIC CITIZEN Friday, .Tun~ 27, 19611 \ Photo Highlights of June 1 Rites Campus unrest Okinawa denationalized By Jim Henry affecting U.S.• B1 ALLAN BEEKMAN clusion and Signature 01 the PC Book Editor Pea.. Treaty with Japan, that BOOK SHELF "the United States felt that Japan exchange OKlNAWA. A TIGER BY THI'! TAIL. by At. D. Morr1!l, Haw• the treaty formula would be thorn BookJ, Inc. 238 palel, which be use. Incorrectly in to permll Japan to retain re• Clanc, Suspended ".II •. the quotation beginning this sidual IOverelgnity . , ," Since Japan retained residual IOV• U Amorphous is the only review, and by which lOme More Unmasking at Tokyo', ICU word to de.crlbe the U.S. po• American officials refer to Ja• ereiRnlty, Shiroma was an pan'. clalm to the Wand. allen and guilty as charced. TOKYO - The dlspule con• sition with regard to the Ryu• tinuing at the International kyu.," lay. the author, "The "Only In President Kenne• 'Relldnal Soverelpll17' dy's statement (In 19621, Tok.,vo The Gallup Poll of 1968 Christian Unlveraity may af• American posture on Okinawa The term "residual lOVer• conducted among 10.030 Pl"• appeafl to those at home as which accompanied an amend· Mr, Ichlro Kawasaki's book, fcct the U.S. - Japa.n .tudent elgnity" was officially fixed "Japan Unmasked" ha. pro\'• ~ons IS. sen:'n countl'l\"'!t. numl • exchange program with tho for the duration o{ Ihe Far ment 10 10113 (an Executive ed e~~ingl)' popular amonll b', Ih. U.S, Britain, Un'""~·, po.. lbillty o{ scholarships be• Easlern tensions; to the Japa• Order issued In 1957), wu long before Pres. Kenned7 foreigners bcre, although the Italy. . \\rl~.!it Gl'f• In.: slopped. nele It is residual IOverelgnlty there ever actually mention of employed il In his Executive former amb8,...dor a d mil s many and France shows thut Foreign students have slarl• loon; 10 the Oklnawan. il I. lrecognition' of a Japanese de• Order of 1962. More than 40 b~ h~\'" cam (or siJ:htsN"lng in ed to 1l!DVe for home, appar• reversion eventually " sire for reversion ot the ter .. years of Ule under American tbat he'll probabb' jobless rttory; It is the fint written In a feW' month~. Japan ently dlsgulted with Ihe 5OS• With an area o{ 154 square rule bad failed to divest ShI• penslan of cloues (or several mUe. and a population o{ reference to 'reIidual lOVer .. roma of his conception 01 hl_ The book is quite inter«l• Some 50 per ccnl o{ tho eignlly' of the Ryukyus." seU as a Japanese. a man who I n~ and the Japanese would Amencans ('xprcs-o;:rd II desire months. 746,472 persons, Okinawa i. Already 10 out of 28 slu• the largesl ot tbe 73 Ryukyu Shiroma Case 10 loved wbat be conceived to do well to heed Kawa""kl's to vi"lt Switzerland; 4-1 Pl'I' be his country he was emo• honest appraisal of his race. cent Ireland and Gr~R\ Bri- denls {rom Unlv. 01 California Island., which lie between tain: 4~ PCI' cC'nl Italy; 39 per ___...... mainland Japan and Taiwan. The book contains lOme in• tionally unable to accept the The only legitimate complaint hnve returned home and more teresting and valuable infor• cent France and SCAndinnvia: students arc laid to be pre• Formerly a pre{eclure o{ Ja• fact 01 ber defeat by America. " thal he does go a bit too far pan-a sltuaUon analogous to mation about Okinawa, but In some cases with his criti• 38 PCI' C('nt \Vest Gllnnnny Part of 2,500 al Gold Trail SchOOl group.d .round ~peaker'. paring to ICRve, embarrassing the argument that the Okina- cism of the Japanese people and A u s 1 r I 8; .35 pt'r (cnt the universily aulhorltles. being one o{ the 50 .tates in stand {or June 7 dedication 01 Wokomn ..u Te. and Silk America-the Okimlwa archi• wans are not Japanese be .. as a wbole. Still il is " book Spain, Belgium .nd Holland, ii The university's Dlffendor• cause Japan did not oruclally cc..~nt ~G pl~r Farm Colon),"' ·tnle hlslorlcal landmark Portion of Japa• pelago was wrested Irom Ja• that all Nisei especially should 28 per Cn'ecl': nese (ence Iil~n'mK ns background tor Ute boulder nnd plaque fer Memorlnl Hall has been annex the Ryukyu. until 1879 cent East~rn Europ~ mcluding pan In 1945 in one o{ the most GreetingJ find enlightening. TI~hl, blockaded .Inee May 24 by is a strange one trom a man To be rure, the Japanese are Russia and :!2 per cent India. 10 III sludent militants. savage battle. 01 Ihe Pacilic War whose country gave territorial funny. They claim Japan is a It is no wondrr that more The university dbpute .tart• status to Oklahoma, Alaska, Japane~(' The Japanese peace trealy first-rate nabon. but in some are- 1 c a\' i n g lhe ed in March over student de• 01 1951 gave administration 01 and Hawali after thal date, respects the Japanese show country for sightseeing in (or• mands {or abolition of the And thai the author Is care• bcin~ Ihe islands to America. In !'ifms of 1!! )'ears old. eign countries than (orcHmcrs Ruard system and retraction 1053, America returned the less with facts and reasoOJ CORBEll ~'\ · S Kawasaki. ,~isLtin~ Japan. or punishment." against stu• Amami group of the Ryukyus {rom false premises can be . ince the war the J apanese Mr K,),\\ :1~:tki i~ to be l'Om• dents Involved in a dispute shown from the case o( the h ~ I, · e to Japan; American Mfidals worked hard to attain mended and admired lor his against an aptitude test. have publicly Indicated they United States vs. Usbi Shiro• the """""d hillhest Gross Na• gulS and foresight to caU 'em Presldenc7 Vacan .. intend to return the entire ma, U.S. Dlstrlel Court, Ha• Imports Inc. tional Product (GNP) in the as he see.!; ·em. It one Sl't his archipelago. Bul Okinawa I. waii, Aug. 12, 1954, world behind the U.S. AI the mind to it he could ""rtainly The university authorities, now an imporlant military Shiroma, a native of Oki• Qme time they rank :lOth in fill a much bigs:l~r volume on furthennore, bave been un• base; in lhe presenl state of nawa, bul a resident 01 Ha• per capita income. Japane,e slup,dity Ihan Ka• able to pick a candidate to fill tenltion In Asia, America is waii for more than 40 years. I"01l1l¥ M~nta\ity wasaki's modesl little book. the vacant presidency. reluctant to risk losing any talled to inform the authori• The ICU has the second part of their present full con• ties of his address as required The Japanese are: respons• largest number of foreign slu• trol of this base. by the Alien Registration Act. Ibie for the f .... test train in He was a member of the His• SKY CRAn dents next to Waleda. From this situation, Ihe au• the world. yet they show signs Until Ihe dispute started, sho-kai (Absolute Vic lor y of 1~-year-old mentality. They thor derives his thesis, the Club 1. an organization - in Alarming news for the university had some 200 tenor of which can be glean• cxoort millions of automobiles 10reign sludents frum the U.S" which there were many Oki• vet tr,~ to check imoorts bv ed from Ihe above quotation. nawans-dedieated 10 the be• Roofing Hong Kong, AustraUa, Cana• Much of what he sal'S about r ;tising hi!!h tariffs. 'Then the da and other countries. lief that Japan de f eat e d l: proposes to join capital those planninq Okinawa in particular may be America in the Pacific War. 444 E. Victoria ·,tIl Japan, the Japanese The Unlv. of Calilornia sel extended. by implication, 10 up the California-Japan Can· the Ryukyus In general Shiroma took the view that Govemmen attempts to inter• Japanese victory over Amer• fere with iL This situation is cer Center on the campus four Status ot Okln.waoo 710-1450 to visit Expo 70 "\ years alto. Since then, it has ica made Hawaii Japanese not restricted to the automo• As In the above quotation, territory: hence he was not an bile indus~' aione. lent from 20 to 30 students alien and not required to reg• I Gardena, Calif. G~,' Rea~an e"ery year to the leU for a he applies the term "Japa• The Japanese do not ~ By JOE BAR-\S.\.KA accepls l:irt of Japanese doll arter remarks al year's sludy starling in Sep• nese" only to the Naichijin, i s t e r. His attorney argued, dedication. At left lS James Murakami, chairman of the to realize that but lor Amer• tember when the new te.rm never to the Okinawans. He ~~';,';:' a th;,t~~w:f ~~ ------ican assistance they would nol 0 530'S ba, in, a World Ex• Wak.malSu Centennial Comm'ttee, who made the presen- posiuon in 1970. and the beRins. believes the Okinawans are ha"e attained their present not Japanese "even though United Stales, so Shiroma had prosperity Instead they want alanning npW5 at ~his point At present, only elght 01 the become a United States na• 3~4 28 students !rom the Unlv. 01 their Island was J apanized by to drive American influence is that persons ,1,,'111 be anned force in 1870 ,. tionai "legally incapable of asked to share a washroom at Cal\{ornia are here but they committing Ihe oHense in the SUPERIOR out of Japan. Allbough curricula in Ihe If the U.S. did pull com• a time. arc already preparing to go informa tion.·' "Komatta ne'" A most seri• bome. primary and secondary schools pletely out do they think thai 01 Okinawa are strictly Japa• The court decided the case their Self Defense Force could ous problem has ansen' Affecl Draft falu. revolved on whether Arner• ENGINES attack~ By comparisOn. the Tenno}t nese in system. subject, and ward ort a nuclear It language "the average Ryu• tea n sovereignity extended is well kno,,"'ll that even a Zoo in Osaka has one toilet In addition, students Irom over Okinawa. In its decision, the Univ. of Hawaii have al• kyuan does not honestly care 11528 Garvey third- rale nation could anni• peT iO persons. under whose flag he Hves " McLaughlin presiding. the hilate them. They expect 421.000 persons ready returned home because court commented thai on Sept. per da)' at E.x!>" 70 on "'ee~ - there are no prospects for the Since America has a tiger 5, 1951, John Foster Dulles, 442-5767 Certainly a number o{ Cab• resumption 01 classes at ICU by the tail in Okinawa . .Japan inet Minis1..eT'5 who adv()(:ate consultant to the Secretary of Dr Delmer Brown 01 Berke· would have an even more un• State, and instrumental in ne• an American military pullout manageable li~er by the lail EI Monte, Calif. show the mentality o{ a 12- AREA CODE 206 ley, professor on Japa• gotiating the treaty with Ja• nese his-tory. says that one of it America withdrew econo• pan, had said in a speech at year-old. mic support {rom the Ryu• The Japanese also think the reasons for the return oC the Conference for Ihe Con- their country is one 01 the ends and on holid .. y And lhe Univ. o{ California slu• kyus and handed the archi• most beautiful in the world. those are the da hen the dents is their fear that their pelago back to Japan. Japan How-ever. only a small per- i4: public WashroOms will cre• m ilitary dratt exemption pri• cannot support Okinawa in centage of the world's large ate a lrafhc 13m - and they "iiege may be cancelled unless the style to which America number ot peopie express a fear the bttle k,ds will be they take a certain number of has accustomed it. desire to ,'isit here It stalistics "doing il" aU o\"er the piace. units in lessons while study• "Perhaps the more reason• can be relied upon. And men, lOO, 10 the comers ing in Japan. Otherwise, they able approach would be for =:....:~:..::=....::::..:...=- ____ and narrows 01 beautiful \\111 have to make up for such Japan and the United States buildings. lost time at the Univ. 01 Cali• 10 work jointly toward estab• Best Wishes This in10 comes from no fornJa. lishing a stable, viable eco- Sumitomo to register less an authority t han the nomy in the Ryukyu Islands "Expert on Washrooms" as which migbt eventually lead 'Igeta' mark in U,S. he is called. one Shigeru Fu• h'Y Baker Priesl, slale treasurer, brings greetings at the SPOKANE BENEFACTOR it toward independence from jishima. a fonner Japan Na• State of Cali!ornia al gal. centenniai banquel in Sacramento. both major powers." T 0 KYO - The Sumitomo tional Railway official. To support the proposal or group of companies bas de• Seated are Consul General Shima (left) and toastmasler REMEMBERS HIS SCHOOL "I hope peoples from acrOSS an independent Okinawa. he cided to register its trade• Akiji Yoshimura. * * the ..... orld won't laugh at the TOKYO-The lale Wasaburo attempts to explain away the * mark. the "lgeta" (the iogo term "residual sovereigoity." is used in the Sumitomo Bank Japanese lor their lack o{ Klri. the Spokane disbwasher of Calitomia advertising and manners," he said. :~·t~~nt~fdJ~'r:~\V~lrp~e~ who left a $54,000 estate, has documents), in the United o[ 32 Puklh •• 51. Rllo Pvt. bequeathed $10,000 to the I'd' Gima·- Timothy K. P. F .... r. 18 ...n o[ school he attended in Naga- Jaaan pO Ice pre let States and other countries to So orten in our tra,·eI.!!i. we prevent its misuse. Continued from Part 7 John 0 rosters of 1.9211 Puowalna saki and executor ot the es- SUPREME BROKERS & DEALERS have seen Japanese mothers Dr . we kUl