September 20,1880
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ^^^—■—^———— ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862.-TOL. 18. PORTLAND, MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 20, 1880. IS2»fflLdrfiS8B| PRICE 3 CENTS.*) THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, ENTERTAINMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. met with ignominious failure. In line, what- that in those barrels was coopered up the Price Published every dity (Sundays excepted) the THE PRESS. of Liberty. by ever influences may have operated on the The worst of it all is that nothing can be PORTLAND PUBLISHING voters to from CO., APRON SALE. prior casting their ballots, done. Here are the facts before us by The Ladles of the MOSDAV MORM'iO. SEPT. 20. spread AT 109 Exchange St., Pobtiasd. that moment everything connected with the the enterprise of The Express; the veil has FIRST BAPTIST SOCIETY been torn away front the meet- Tkkxs: Dollars a election was conspirators' Eight Tear. To mail subeorlb- do uo t straight and honest. The votes will hold a festival in their corner We read anonymous letters and communi- ings; the shocking order to the faithful "to ei> seven Dollars a Tear, If In advance. Vestry, of Con- paid on were counted and stem the tide of gress and Wilmot streets, cations. The name and address of the writer are in received, declared fairly, popular feeling” has actually WEDNESDAY been made public in all its naked THE MAIN E~OT ATE PRESS EVENING, SEPT. 22. DR. all cases indispensable, not necessarily for publica- and in the presence of watchful persons rep- deformity, OLD STEPHEN CUMMINGS and yet the are to let A large assortment of Aprons will be for sale. tion but as a of faith. people, perforce, going » Thursday Morning at 60 a guaranty good both sides. In and the faithful do it! published every $2 Also Flowers, Candies and Refreshments of all resenting Republican They cannot help them- if in advance at a Extract of A'e cannot undertake to return or com- fear, paid $2.00 year. kinds. Doors open at 6 o’clock. Admission Free, Compound. preserve Fusion towns alike had selves. As The Express says, in letters three- tn*t are everybody equal j sept20 d3t* munications not used. eights of an inch loug. "The Democrats are Kates or Advertising : One inch of space, the and the result declared the privileges by Powerless to as Blaine length of constitutes a Act, Controls Maine.” column, “square.” town officers and announced the Associ- $1.60 per square, daily first week; 76 een-s f*er IRISH YS. SCOTCH. by Eveky regular attache of the Pekss is furnished week after; three insertions or less, $1.00; continu- ated Press may be relied upon as an exact TheN.Y. Herald. og every other day after first week, 60 cents. with a Cord certificate signed by Stanley Pullen, Half three Insertions or .Atlxlotic Contest AND account of what the voters did on square, 76 cents; SARSAPARILLA All Monday. less, Editor. railway, steamboat and hotel managers one week, $1.00 : 60 cents per week after. Between Capt. J. C. DALY, Cork, Ireland, and DOCK, will confer a favor us Special Notices, one-third additional. THOS. LYNCH, Boston, Irish Champions; vs. W. FOE THE CUEE OF upon by demanding credentials The Great Talks M. Independent Organ Under head of “Amusements” and “Auction JOHNSTON, Rutland, Vt., and Prof. D. C* of every person claiming to represent our journal. A Word of Caution. Sales,” $2.00 per three inser- ROSS, Scotland, at City Thurs- Sense to the South. square per week; Glasgow, Hall, tele- tions or less, $1.60. day Evening, Sept. 23d, at 8 J*. M., sharp, Pim- Although the .returns received by for the Belt and Medal of Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Erysipelas, Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State Champion America, from all of the State indicate a Press” has a in value $1,000. graph parts (which large circulation every part We desire to call the attention of Southern of the State), for $1.00 per square for first insertion, 1. Wrestling Collar and Elbow, Jolimt >u and Lynch ples, Boils, Carbuncles, Scrofula, Neu- plurality for Gov. Davis of 249 votes, it and 60 cents per square for each inser- 2. Graeco-Roman.Ross and men, of Southern white men, of Southern subsequent Wrestling Daly. be remembered that a tion. 3. Catch as Catch Can should this is very Wrestling and all Dis- men Address all ralgia. Rheumatism, white of intelligence and influence, sin- communications to Johnston and Lynch, j narrow on so a vote and that a 4. margin large and PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. Wrestling Side Hold.Ross and Daly. cerely anxiously desirous to benefit their 5. Back Hold.Johnston and eases of the Blood and Stomach. very small per ceutage of errors (less than Wrestling Lynch. Stat"s, once moie to what we conceive to he C. Heavy Dumb-bell Feats.Ross vs. Lynch. 2 per cent, of the whole vote) change Belt and Medal can be seen at A. G. Sclilotter- might the disastrous blunder which they are making. 500 street. Admission 25 the to the other side. Such errors ENTERTAINMEN TS. beck’s, Congress cents; plurality They pretend that the South is solidly Demo- Reserved Seats 50 cents. Reserved Seats can be It will be fouud of great value to those of sedentary habits, and all who are exposed to extremities obtained occur in the transmission tele' cratic. maintain at City Hotel. Referee, John H. Walsh, heat and cold. Also to those whose physical powers have been overtasked, or who have become reduced in might by They this pretence with such of Boston, the well known sporting man. flesh and strength by long protracted illness. or in the where a of that Reasons All Should the Re- graph copying, change vigor possibly they may make it a practi- sep20 dtd Why Use PUBIilCEiY ENDORSED IN 18!W by such eminent physicians as John T. Gilman. Gilman a in the tens or hundreds column cal next as Health Lift. Daveis, Chas. W. Thomas, J. C. Weston, S. L. Labbabee, Wm. W. Sweat and Sam’l H. Tewksbury. figure reality November, they have done EXCURSIONS actionary AND their the CITY PRESCRIBED TO-DAY by successors, physicians of Portland. would make a serious difference in the re- in previous years. But can they not see that HALT, every man or woman in every walk of life. It fur- sult. errors have it is the “solid South” which is the nishes an exercise which may, and should be intro- Two such been already beating Friday A Saturday and duced into Democratic Saturday every house; winch may be practiced at discovered. are not of party? That when Hampton, one 24th A 25tli. all seasons, in all kinds of of Luckily they import- matinee, Sept. weatber, by persons of the best of the Southern and as wise the all or A VOLUME OF but serve as a men, both sexes, ages degrees of strength or weak- TESTIMONIALS CONTAINED IN EACH BOTTLE ance, they hint of what might Through as of Notch, alone or in the to ness, No one can any them, whites company. say too occur. The tabulations and summaries of urges Virginia VIA. much in of and no one can afford to do praise it, remain solidly with the Democratic party, and withont it. All who investigate thoroughly, use it, FOR PRESIDENT, the Associated Press may be Carte’s absolutely «a London OOUbUeril D’Oyley Opera Go and consider it invaluable and indispensable. It is ou^iuawAca uu^iuriutlL' any mail of the members the SUMNER trusted; the only doubt is as to the PORTLAND & OGDENSBURG R. Composed principal of the Orig- safest, simplest, cheapest and most efficient CUMMINGS, accuracy wlio leaves that he a R, inal 5th Ave. party, puts very forcible Theatre Co., will appear in medicine ever discovered. No claim is set np for of transmitted to them wire. commencing this on figures by ami effective in tba city the above dates in the Melo-Dra it which is unscientific or impracticable. JAMES A. argumeut mouths of a matic in two Sole GARFIELD, So we advise our friends not to over written and the Proprietor. be Opera, acts, General.—It is best of rest. It is perfectly thousand Republican speakers? Can they not composed expressly for produc- safe. No harm ever came from its use. It strains OF OHIO. sanguine. Do not Imitate the silliness of see that tion in the United States, by no portion of the system. It directs the vital forces every appeal in Southern journals to ■rm. (HUI to the affected its use the health is the Fusionists nuillTUII linu W. 9. (jiliorri. parts. By easily who roared themselves hoarse stand fast in the Democratic lines, and every 20th, 1880, Author maintained. The of a Lifter and Composer of entitled purchase Reactionary Sept. “PINAFORE,” is the best kind of General Maine. FOR VICE over their fancied on denunciation of i the economy. The convenience of Agents, Portland, PRESIDENT, victory Monday night Independent caudidates And continuing to close of Season one in the is having house very great. au27 F.M&Wly and have been in doleful dumps ever since. South makes Republican votes in the North? mind and Brain.—It invigorates and strength- If there was ens the brain, and renders it more active and effi- Chester A. The indications are strong that Davis has a any principle at stake we should cient in all its operations. Arthur, “Stand THE PIRATES OF plurality; we shall know all about say, fast by all means." If the South- Tickets for the Bound trip to Fa PENZANCE, Sleep.—It is the simplest and safest narcotic.