V O L . X X X I I I M a S O N , M I C H I G a N , W E D N E S D a Y , J U L Y 1, 1 9 0 8 . N O . 2 7 . G E O . H . L E V E R
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VOL. XXXIII MASON, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1908. NO. 27. iDn<Hiw»™ooo€HK»ooooo€ibooiioooaDOoooonooooooooa ONE MORE LINK ADDED Picnic Season GEO. H. LEVERETT ° LOCAL NEWS To the Chain of High School Grad• OPOOODOOaWKKHHKKIODOOOnOU ONE MORE CHANCE uates of the Mason Schools, ..Gash Grocer.. - For tlie 3Gth time in the histoi'y of The Fourth of July usually calls lOc in trade for eygs at A. L. Van- BOTH PHONES Maiion a class has finished its course for a picnic dinner. We are ready (3crcook's. , . * Saturday, July 4, Positively Last Day White Swan Oil, ISC in the Mason High School, lind 1" for it with a large and varied stock BuKI,'ies for sale. C. 11. Wjlliams, 25 lbs Mess Rose Flour, 70C more young people have celebrated of dainty eatables. We'll niention Dansvlllc. 2Cw2]i The remainder of our stock will be shipped to an auction the commencement of their life out• 25 lbs Perfection Flour, 65c a few of the many things.in.picnic New Heatlierbloom petticoats at side of school, and have joined the Salt Pork, per lb, gc house and be sold for what they will bring. supplies which we carry : Mills'.store. * ranks of the alumni, At eight o'clock, My 20C Coffee still leads them all •Jleraoval sale at Quirk's, Depart• to the strains of a march rendered by Imported and Domestic Sardines 2 lbs 15c Coffee, 25c You Know What This Means Mrs. 11,0, lialstead, the graduating Finest Canned Fish and Potted Scrap Tobacco, per pkg, 4c ment Store. class took their places on the plat• Meats , 4 bars Toilt Soap, 9c ' J. G. Dean k, Son will start buying form, before alarge iiudience of rela• All kinds of Pickles and Olives, 10 lbs Graham, 23c poultry July 1st. Nearly Any Price Goes Rather Than Ship tives and friends. Tlie program vvas in bulk and bottles 10 lbs Meal, 20c Mason barber i-liops will be cloi-cci opened by an invocation pronounced Fresh Fruits and Vegetables We have installed our new Slicing all clay the Fouri,b. DETROIT CLOTHING by Rev. J, C. Cook. Mrs. H. J, Bond Watermelons on Ice Machine foi- the Dried Beef and AVe w;int to buy a biisliel of cnnnint' then delighted the audience with a Dried Beef and Bacon, cherries. Who has them ? STOCK BUYERS CO. vociil solo, following which Supt, Ful- Boiled and Minced Ham Yeast Foani, 4c ^ The L. A. S. of Edcii will meet at lerion Introduced the ,'5peaker of the Lemons for the Lemonade the church July St-h. All invited. HALSTEAD STAND. MASON, MICHIGAN evening, Hon, L, T. ITemans, Mr. Baked Good.s—dozens of differ• Fiillerton said in his remarks that the K, C. Dart, real estate, loans and col ent kinds of Fancy Cakes, all very THORBURN program of the evening was distinctly lections. Ofllce in Lawrence Block. * delicious. Mason, wltli Mason music, speaker Kodak school at Liinsinp July], 2 Finest Fresh Bread, Buns, etc Sec notice of black silk coat lost, Mason Loses Injunction Suit. and class, but that all three could Cash Grocer and 3. Ask Longyear Bros, about free Sliirt waists and wash suits are scll- scarcely be excelled by outside talent, tkket., 20w2 Last Thursday at the conclusion I lb Shredded Cocoaiiut, 14c ng cheap at ]\Iills' store, * the hearing in the case of the city Mr. Henians brielly announced his Let us fill the basket and the lunch Dr. 0. Bro(,'an of Stockbridfe; now I lb Black Cross.Tea, 35c Justice Sherwood's term expires Mason against the Jackson & Lansing subject, "Getting Rich," which, he will be a success. owns a new Buick runabout with']S Qt bot Household Ammonia, 8c July 4th, After that date It will be Railway Co., The Lansing-Southe said, was one of the luosfc absorbing horse power. Quaker Wheat Berries, pkg, , 7c Justice Peck, Railway Co. and The Michigan United topics of past and present. Beginning Albion, College lias conferred the de^ Railways Co. Judge Wisner of 'F\in with the time of the fii'St man and W. C. WALTER Pitted Prunes, i lb pkg, 9c Tlie dry goods stores will be closed gi'ce of A, B. upon Miss Amanda who had been hearing the case, an woman, he spoke of the three lines of Raisins, i lb pkg, \ loc all day the Fourth and open Friday The Grocer Fiedler of Holt. nounced in substance that he would development, mental, moral and ma• 8 bars Jaxon or Lenox Soap, 25c evening, the 3d, , terial, which the world has followed. I lb Pure Ground Pepper, 20c Last St}nday-ll tickets were sold at hold against tlie claim of the city The front of G, G. Carter's saloon The time of the greatest moral devel• I lb Ground Alspice, 20c this station for the excursion train His holding being that the Lansing Sunday Excursions for July, on Maple street has been painted dur• north and 35 going .south. Southern could build a commercial opment began with the birth of I lb Ground Cloves, 22c Via Michigan Central to Lansing, 25c; ing the past week, railroad through the city of Mason Christ and its influence has extended I lb Ground Cinnamon, 20c Tlie grocers of this city will close at Owosso, Cue; Saginaw and Bay City, Willis Vandercook has built a new connecting the two ends of The Jack and grown down to the present day. Red Alaska Salmon, per can, 12c eleven o'clock on the Fourtli and re $1.40: ti-ain leaves 7;,34 a, m, Jaclcson,, cement walk on the south side of his son and Lansing street railway, The mental development lias had 3 cans Lake Shore Pumpkins, 25c main closed the balance of the day. 45c, train leave's 10:05 a, m., returning property on Mill street, few ijjonths ago the same judge after periods of activity, from the time of Gasoline, ]2c The Loyal Sisters will hold their same day, Henry Willis captured a swarm of a,somewhat extended bearing said the great ancient writers and artists Best Oil, IOC regular monthly meeting at the home Longycar Bros, are, putting up a bees in a maple tree in front of Willis relation to the same facts: down to the time of Raphael and Perfection Oil, 8c of Mrs. Shurger July 10, at 2:30 p. m. new roller awning. Vandercook's last Saturday evening, "Now, of course, it is apparent and Michael Angelo in art, of Shakespeare Lemons, per dozen. 25c At the South StreetPark lastThuns- and Johnson in literature. Fred M. Wells has finished the M, practically conceded that this ne A, G. Lyon sold a four-year-old Per- Pineapples for canning will be in day afternoon the Artillery team beat E, parsonage and is now painting J. company was organized to build the Material development, however cheron gelding to John Sharkey of the latter part of the week,^1,20 the Odd Fellow boys 11) to 0. It was Bellevue Tuesday. K. Elmer's, residence on west Colum• road through the city of Mason be did not really commence till thelOtli per dozen. awful. bia street, cause of the disagreement between century. Taking the state of Michi• Bistourl, the big gray Percheron, Next Sunday will be communion the old company and the common gan in particular,as an example, Mr. stallion, will continue to stand at Sunday at the Baptist church.. Let Lost—Saturday evening, between council of the city of Mason and Hcmans gave a few figures, comparing Butler's barn Wednesdays. 27tf , We are Selling the Best Meats postofflce and Henkle's grocery, pair members take notice and as far as was for the purpose of avoiding the railroads 70 years ago with those of of glasses in old-fashioned case. Re• William Jones of Lansing and'Miss possible be present. Subject of morn• authority that the common council the present year, and giving some for tfie Least Money. turn to A. J:ioolio's or this bltice. *p Hattic Olds of Okemos were married ing sermon; "Love that knows no would have over it under the street astounding statistics concerning de• in this city last Saturday afternoon. end." Nelson Wright was found dead in railway act. Now here is a railway velopment in agriculture and manu• his bed at his home in the east part Mrs. Richard Bohonnon and L, J, SPECIAL SALE SMOKED MEATS Mason sends the following speedy that lies according to the map of i facture in the United States during Acker have built new cement walks of Leslie last Thursday. Neighbors within the city of Mason except 1,200 EVERY SATURDAY nags to the matinee at the mile track the same time. Some of the products having not seen him became alarmed in front of their residences on Colum• in Lan.sing July 4th: Esther, Green, feet,. It is two and twenty-six onC' in particular came almost entirely and broke into the house and were bia street. Evelyn Nesbit, Freeling and McGin- hundredths miles long and-from th from Michigan, such as iron ore from horrified at the result. PALACE MEAT MARKET nes to go in the races. Dillard Online map filed here I find that within the upper peninsula and salt from The Baptist ladies' missionary soci• ety will meet at -the home of Mrs. C. AV. JEWELL, Prop. will go in the free-for-all, There was a hitch in the deal and distance of 4,000 feet it crosses eleve Manistee and other parts of tlic state.