Per spec PACI FIC J /,(;ITIZEN lives M,mber,hlp Publle"lIon: J,P'""'. Amorleon C,II,e", LN •• 175 W.II .. St., \.., Angel." C.llf. 90012; (213) MA 6.6936 Published Weekly E)(cepl Pirst find Lut Week) of llit' ¥t!~t Second Clan Po.t.oe Paid at Los Angelcs, Calif. By JERRl' E OlllOTO 01'1. J CL President VOL. 68 NO. 26 FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1969 SubscrIption R,t. Per V." U.S. S5, For.rgn $7 TEN CENTS SAcrAmento On~ o( the • 'mbols o( the ,.,cent)." hillhly .llcco",,(ul Wa kamatsu Colony dosigned by lhr AitnWR A $~oeintes tn U.S. NAVY USE S an Fl.'nnelsco. 'fh('sc coins:. which make excellent keep­ sakes. are bciuR sold in busi­ OF RACIAL SLURS 44 more congressmen join ness houses. with predominRnt outlets bein~ the Bank o{ Tokyo and Sllmitomo Bank. IN MANUAL CITED Commemorative Coin Matsunaga-Holifield bill Elimination Assured in N""t Certain JACLel's .Iso have Special t(l The PaeJfJe CItizen sponsors 01 HR 12220 and 11 Mink o( Hawaii, John Moa them to cU. Revised Edition WASHINGTON - Forty-Cour names on HR 12221. 0/ Cali(omia, Lucien Nedzi of Altho~h the Wakamatsu Congressmen last week (June The bipartisan co-sponsors Michigan, Bertram Podell of 17) JOined in co-sponsoring 01 HR 12220, in addition to New York, Thomas Rees of fund raising project went over WASHINGTON - In concert the Malsunaga-Holifield bill to 1he top. certain exlra (l'xpens(l's Berkeley NAACP Congressmen Matsunaga and CaJifornia, Benjamin Rosen­ with NolO'O and Jew ish repeal Title II, the Emergency Holifield, are: Glenn Anderson thal o{ New York. and Ed­ necessitate 8 cushion. One un­ groups. the Jnpnncse Amer­ Detention Act. 01 the Internal o{ CalifOrnia, Frank Annun­ ward Roybal of California. planned. but vet")' important icon C i II Z. (' n s L~ngue last Security Act o{ 1950, accord­ zio of l1\inols, Richard Boil­ The co-sponsors of HR extra. IS a halt hour rolor {tim month protosted usc o{ de­ votes support of Ing to the Washington OWce ing of Missouri. James A. 12221. again in addition to documentary of the Waka­ m!'nning racial and reUtrious oC the Japanese American Byrnes of Pennsylvania, Wil­ Congressmen Holifield and matsu program, which is be­ references or people in "Be_ Citize ns League. liam Clay o{ Missouri, Frank Matsunaga, are: ing worked uP. with roop­ cause o{ You", a US. Novy­ On June 3, Congressmen Evans of Colorado. Leonard Harold Johnson of Cali­ Marine Corp~ manu(ll used os Title II repeal .. "ration of K;o,.-r,' Channel 10. Spark Matsunaga 01 Hawaii Fabstein of New York, Wil­ fornia, James O'Hara ot a Character Educabon Pro­ and Chet Holifield o{ Cali­ liam Ford of Michigan. Cor­ Michigan. Thomas O'Neill of Sacramento. The COins go for gram guideline for chaplnins, Will seek national fornia joined as the principal nelius Gallagher 01 New Jer­ Massachusetts, James Scheuer $-2.S0 a piece and I would urge This past week (June 18). sponsors 01 HR 1L825, a bill sey, Henry Gonzalez of Texas, o{ New York, B. F. Sisk of you to pirk one up. One good tho Chie( 01 Noval Operations NAACP involvement to repeal the so-called con­ Richard Hanna o( California, California. Charles Teague of 5ug'(!eslion is to drill a hole in and Chiel 01 Choplains for lhe centration camp authorization Orval Hansen o{ Idaho, California, John Tunney of one and usc as a key chain Navy Bnd Marine Corps a~­ statute, and invited their fel­ Floyd Hicks or Washing­ Cali lornia, Morris Udall of sured this particular manual BERKELEY - The Berkeley good luck piece. chapter 01 the National Asso­ low Congressmen to join as ton, Frank Horton of New Arizona. AJ Ullman of Ore­ lNAYPERS 158141 was belog co-sponsors. York, Robert Leggett 01 Call­ gon, Jerome Waldie of Cali­ completely reviewed and that elotion for the Ad vancement TITLE IT ot Colored People unanimous­ Last week. 44 members of tornia, Clarence Long o( lornia. and Charles Wilson of a revi!'oo edition would be is­ the House 01 Representatives Missouri, Patsy Takemoto California. The Repeal campaign is un­ sued without the racially de­ ly voted June 12, to support agreed to act as co-sponsors roga lory terms. the campaign to repeal Title der a growing head of steam, II of Ihe Internal Security Act of the bill which has beeD re­ now that J ACL sponsored Rear Adm Jame$ W Kel1y, lerred to the House Internal USN. chiel 01 chaplains, ac­ 01 1950. Security Committee. bills are belore the Senate aDd JIlEMORIAL RITES SPEAKER-Lt. Comdr Makoto Arolti knowled~ed the unlortunate Ray Okamura, representing More Concressmen are Oriental garden designed by Issei House. Regular mailings are use of the term, "Jap". In the o{ Honolulu, now with the Olliee of the Chiel 01 Nav«1 the J apaneRe American Cit­ going out from Ray Oka­ expected to add their names manual. adding that its usage Operations 3t the Pen lagon, addresses Washington. D.C. , izens League, made a presen­ to the ",owing list of legis­ mura's committee. with in­ was both inconsistent in con­ JACL's 21st annual Memorial Day rite. at Arlington Na­ tation to lhe Berkeley NAACP lators wbo want to It-rike structions to all o( us to do text and objectionable In con­ tional Cemetery at tbe grave 01 Sit\. Haruo Ishida. Araki executive b a a r d, and the oft tbe statute books t b e dedicated, accepted by Austin, Tex. certain things. The responses tent. emphasi.ed the Nisei who have died In the violence of baltle board quickly responded in proviso that would author· have been fair, they should It was La.1\"Ten('e peiser, suppor t 01 J ACL's .((orts to be Ihe Attorney General to "Iorever challenAe us to keep faith with them They died ~el AUSTIN, Tex. - A labor of People brougbt all kinds of be exceUent. \Vashlngton office director S. 1872 and HR 11826 detain Individual cltl.ens lor lh. American Civil Lib­ for the right of every American to enjoy (rcedom" pa.sed by Congress. (5.1872 love-and 18 months of hard nowers to complement the This is a National Project whom he may presume work have brought !samu picturesque scene. erties ("nion, who first cn ll~ And HR 11825 are J ACL-Inl­ "wl11 probably engage In to which each chapter has tlated repeal bills.) Taniguchi (uJtillment of a A retired (armer today, ed attention to the use of HUMAN RIGHTS: Phil Hayasaka espionage and sabota,e" long, cherished dream and to Taniguchi came to the U.S. committed itself - it isn't racial slurs in an official M an y NAACP executive against the United States. Austin. Tex., one of the most in 1916 and lived near Stoek­ ~ationals problems" nor its rO \' C rom e n t publication. board members commented on e.n ~ In the Senate, the Inouye beautiful gilts it has received ton, where he fanned for "baby." It is supposedly a Both Dan Inouye and the injustice 01 the J apanese in many a moon. many years. After being in­ Rep. Sparks ~lalsuna~a of Bill (5. 1872) sponsored by grass rools eUorl. mandated Seattle Oriental communities form American lncarceration, and Senator Daniel Inouye of Ha­ n is the Taniguchi Oriental terned during Ihe war. he and HawaII were informed by the possibilities 01 concentra­ by chapter delegates to the peiser on May 6. waii and more than 20 other Garden in ZUker Garden Cen­ his family relocated to Har­ tion camps 101' Black Amer­ Senators is the counterpart ter, which was lormally dedi­ lingen where he raised vege­ National Convention at San The two Nisei le~islators Jose. ican •. They lelt that they wish o{ the House proposal. cated April 13 in lhe presence tables and cotton. immediately approached the 'ACE': Asian Coalition for Equality to repeal Title 11 for tbeir of Austin Mayor Akin, Japa­ No cbapter IS lo the dark His two sons were gradu­ Navy Dept. to have the man­ own benefit, because Black DR 12220-21 nese Consul General Arao about this campaign. unless ual in question reviewed. It ated from the Univ. of Texas. Seattle t.arry ~1aLauda. AI Nakano. Mtnt'O Americans are the most likely Because o( the rules of the Ohta of Houston and Masao Alan Taniguchi is now dean ils President doesn·t read his. was to be completed by June Kalall'frl, Joe Okimoto. Joe En •. targets at this time. Anzai, chairman, Economic A short lime ago, a smon John LinC'Oln EnR'. and Ra)' House, only 25 names may be o( the Univ. of Texas School or her, mail - or throws it IS. the Navy replied. En,. In addition to contacting lo­ included as co·sponsors of any Mission of Japan, who pre­ In the section titled "With group o( persons (about a Ko o( Architecture. Izumi Tani­ away. Every chapter can use dozenl mel to talk about the To those concerned toward cal congressmen. the Berkeley single biU. Accordingly, 23 sented the cherry lrees. guchi is professor of econom­ its resources to write the re­ Malice Towards Some". dis­ NAACP will now try to get names, in addition to Con­ cussion centers against use or ratial injustices in Seattle. bringing about an open socic­ Everything for the garden ics at Fresno State. (Izumi is quired letters to their repre­ Nothing unusuol about that. ty through the participation 01 thf!ir national organization to gressmen Mat sun a g a and was donated - from the rocks aJso our PC district represen­ derogatory terms referring to take .
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