1.3. Freight Traffic

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1.3. Freight Traffic ORGANISATION FOR CO-OPERATION BETWEEN RAILWAYS (OSJD) 1956-2021 Организация сотрудничества железных дорог (ОСЖД) 铁 路 合 作 组 织 (铁 组) Organisation für die Zusammenarbeit der Eisenbahnen (OSShD) R E P O R T ON THE ACTIVITIES OF THE ORGANISATION FOR CO-OPERATION BETWEEN RAILWAYS FOR 2020 Members of OSJD As of 1 August 2021 The Countries and Railways - Members of OSJD Countries Railways/Authorities Republic of Azerbaijan AZD - Azerbaijani Railways CJSC Republic of Albania Islamic Republic of Afghanistan ARA - Afghanistan Railway Authority (ARA) Republic of Belarus BC - Byelorussian Railway Republic of Bulgaria BDZ - Holding “Bulgarian State Railways” Hungary MAV - CJSC “Hungarian State Railways” Socialist Republic of Vietnam VZD - Vietnamese Railway State Company Georgia GR - “Georgian Railway” JSC Islamic Republic of Iran RAI - Railway of the Islamic Republic of Iran Republic of Kazakhstan KZH - JSC “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy National Company” (Railway of Kazakhstan) People’s Republic of China KZD - State Department for Railways / China State Railway Group Со., Ltd. Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) ZC - Railways of the People's Democratic Republic of Korea Republic of Korea KORAIL - Korea Railroad Corporation Republic of Cuba Kyrgyz Republic KRG - “Kyrgyz Temir Zholy National Enterprise” State Company (Kyrgyz Railway) Republic of Latvia LDz - State JSC “Latvian Railway” (Latvijas dzelzceļš) Republic of Lithuania LTG - JSC “Lithuanian Railways” (AB “Lietuvos geležinkeliai“) Republic of Moldova CFM - State Enterprise “Railway of Moldova” Mongolia UBZD - JSC “Ulan-Bator Railway” Republic of Poland PKP - JSC “Polish State Railways” Russian Federation RZD - OJSC “Russian Railways” Romania CFR - “National Railway Company of Romania” SA Slovak Republic ZSR - Railways of Slovak Republic (Železnice Slovenskej republiky) Republic of Tajikistan TDZ - State Unitary Enterprise “Rohi Ohani Tojikiston” (Tajik Railway) TRK - Agency „Turkmendemiryollary” of the Ministry of Industry and Construction Turkmenistan Production of Turkmenistan Republic of Uzbekistan UTI - JSC “Uzbek Railways” (O”zbekiston temir yo”llari”) Ukraine UZ - JSC “Ukrainian Railway” (Ukrzaliznytsia) Czech Republic CD - JSC “Czech Railways” (České dráhy) Republic of Estonia EVR - JSC “Estonian Railway” Railways – OSJD observers DB AG – JSC “German Railway” VR – Finnish Railways ОSЕ – Organisation of Greek Railways ZS – JSC “Serbian Railways” SNCF – National Society of French Railways FPC – JSC “Federal Passenger Company” (Russia) OSJD Affiliated Enterprises: AXTONE JSC (Poland) Mongolian Railway SJSC (Mongolia) OLTIS Group JSC (Czechia) SIGIS Ltd. (Latvia) Grup Feroviar Roman JSC (Romania) Euro Rail Cargo LLC (Latvia) PESA Bydgoszcz JSC (Poland) Baltijas Tranzita Serviss JSC (Latvia) Unicom Tranzit JSC (Romania) JSC “INTERTRANS” (Russia) СТМ LLC (Russia) Post of Russia JSC PLASKE JSC (Ukraine) Beijing Jiaotong University (BJTU) (China) Betamont LLC (Slovakia) South-West Jiaotong University (SWJTU) (China) Dnepropetrovsk Switch Works PJSC (Ukraine) Sinotrans Limited (China) Rail Cargo Hungária CJSC (Rail Cargo Group) (Hungary) Baltijas Ekspresis JSC (Latvia) Freightliner PL LLC (Poland) Ruscon Group (Russia) South Caucasus Railway CJSC (Armenia/ Russia) Gargždų geležinkelis CJSC (Lithuania) PJSC Center for Cargo Container Traffic “TransContainer” (Russia) DBA Group S.p.A. (Italy) Firma TVEMA JSC (Russia) Enteria a.s. (Czechia) UTLC ERA JSC (Russia) International Association of Logistics Business (MALBI) (Russia) Eurosib SPb-TS JSC (Russia) METRANS Group LLC (Poland) Track Tec JSC (Poland) NorthStar Sinogold Exhibition Chengdu Co. Ltd. (China) Northeast Asia Railway Corporation CJSC (China) Frauscher Sensortechnik GmbH (Austria) Non-Commercial Organisation “Association of Transport High Schools” (Russia) CER CARGO HOLDING (Hungary) China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd (China) Gepard Express SE (Czech Republic) Contents Members of OSJD .................................................................................................................................cover 2nd page OSJD Structure ................................................................................................................................................................2 Statistics .............................................................................................................................................................................4 Introduction .....................................................................................................................................................................5 Status of OSJD activities by subjects .....................................................................................................................41 Activities of OSJD Governing Bodies .....................................................................................................................94 Participation of Observers and Affiliated Enterprises in OSJD activities ..................................................99 Cooperation with International Organisations ..............................................................................................103 Activities of the OSJD Committee .......................................................................................................................115 Reference on Participation of OSJD Members in Agreements and Treaties, Being in Force within the OSJD Framework ..........................................................................119 The report was approved on 23 April 2021 by meeting XXXVI of the Conference of General Directors (Authorised Representatives) of OSJD Railways (19-23 April 2021, OSJD Committee, Warsaw, Republic of Poland, using the videoconferencing mode). Approved on 18 June 2021 by XLIX session of the OSJD Ministerial Conference (15-18 June 2021, OSJD Committee, Warsaw, Republic of Poland, using the videoconferencing mode). PUBLISHER EDITORIAL STAFF Committee of the Organisation for Co-Operation Editor-in-Chief: S. Kabenkov between Railways Editor: Yin Qiongyao Secretary: T. Korniluk, A. Głogowska EDITORIAL BOARD Sergey Kabenkov, AP (Chairman) Address: 00-681 Warszawa, ul. Hoża 63/67 Mirosław Antonowicz, Ph.D. Telephone: (+4822) 657-36-17; Zubaida Aspayeva, BSc (+4822) 657-36-18 Yin Qiongyao, BSc Fax: (+4822) 621-94-17; Radovan Vopalecky, BSc (+4822) 657-36-54 Zurab Kozmava, BSc osjd@osjd.org.pl; www.osjd.org Аian Mamytov, BSc Mario Matta, BSc Printed by: PAB-Font s.c., Mykola Nosenko, Ph.D. 03-214 Warszawa, ul. Krasnobrodzka 2/2 Angelina Shurganova, BSc Tel./Fax: (+48 22) 675-65-17 e-mail: biuro@pabfont.pl Submitted: 28 June 2021 Imprimatur: 17 August 2021 List of Abbreviations Used in the Text ADB Automated Database AWG Ad Hoc Working Group AWGT Ad Hoc Working Group on vocational training/education in the field of railway transport CCTT International Coordinating Council on Trans-Eurasian Transportation CGD Conference of General Directors (Authorised Representatives) CIT International Rail Transport Committee DMU diesel multiple units EATL Euro-Asian Transport Links EMU electrical multiple units ERA European Union Agency for Railways ETT Uniform Transit Tariff GNG Harmonised Commodity Code IT Information Technology ITC Inland Transport Committee JWG Joint Working Group MTT International Railway Transit Tariff STI Scientific-Technical Information NHM Nomenclature Harmonisée Marchandises OSJD Organisation for Co-Operation between Railways OTIF Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail PGW Rules for the Use of Wagons in International Traffic PPW Rules for the Use of Coaches in International Traffic PWG Permanent Working Group PWGCI Permanent Working Group on Coding and IT PWGF Permanent Working Group on Finance and Accounting SMGS Agreement on the International Freight Traffic SMPS Agreement on the International Passenger Traffic STEI Scientific, Technical and Economical Information SUE State Unitary Enterprise TSI Technical Specifications for Interoperability UIC International Union of Railways UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNESCAP United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific UPU Universal Postal Union USS Uniform Search System WCO World Customs Organisation 1 S t r u c t u r e of the Organisation for Co-Operation between Railways (As of 1 August 2021) MINISTERS CONFERENCE Governing Bodies GENERAL DIRECTORS CONFERENCE O S J D C o m m i t t e e Executive Body Managing Board Meeting of OSJD Committee Members Working bodies of OSJD Commissions and Permanent Working Groups Plenipotentiary Representatives Meeting g k c y e c Working Bodies affi affi Tr Accountin Tr ansport Polic ansport Law eight Tr Coding and IT Infrastructur Tr Fr Passenger and Rolling Stoc Finance and and Development Strategy Permanent O S J D C o m m i s s i o n s Working Groups Joint Groups with other international Working Groups organisations OSJD Participants s s state state s d railway r participants Affiliate 27 railways Observers (6) International organisation Othe enterprises (40) Railway authorities sector of OSJD member of 29 OSJD member 2 OSJD Committee’s Managing Board Chairman Mirosław Antonowicz Deputy Chairman Deputy Chairman Mikhail Vsevolozhskiy Zhang Qun Secretary Attila Kiss 3 4 Statistics Main Indices of Railways of the OSJD Member Countries in 2020 Passenger Passenger- Length of lines Electrified Freight traffic Tonne-kilometres No. Country Railway Code traffic kilometres km km in tsd. t mln. t-km
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