Standing up for Our Schools

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Standing up for Our Schools Members of Scotland’s NEWWN DA G8 LEADERS respond to anti-hunger youth ministry bring their message campaigners in Belfast and to young Catholics in Scotland answer Pope Francis’ call for ahead of national event. Page 5 peace in Syria. Pages 7, 8 No 5523 YOUR NATIONAL NEWSPAPER SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH Friday June 21 2013 | £1 CAMINO DE SANTIAGO FLYING THE FLAG FOR ARCHBISHOP MÜLLER IN MOTHERWELL Before he delivered the annual Cardinal Winning Lecture last Saturday, Archbishop Gerhard Müller, along with Archbishop Philip Tartaglia, Bishop Emeritus Joseph Devine, Mgr Patrick Burke and Mgr Slawomir Sledziewski, paid a visit to Our Lady of Good Aid Cathedral Primary School, Motherwell on Friday June 14, where they were able to see an excellent example of Catholic education at first hand. They were greeted at the entrance by headteacher JOE McGRATH Maria Shields, pupils from the school and various dignitaries tells of the trials and before enjoying a special tribulations he faced service and tour of the building. For more on the archbishop’s on the pilgrimage trail visit, turn to page 3 PIC: GERARD GOUGH Pages 12-13 Standing up for our schools IArchbishop Gerhard Müller delivers defence of Catholic education at Cardinal Winning Lecture By Ian Dunn to educate their children according to sages of hope for the future.” St Andrew’s Foundation, said the Cardi- their desire to pass on their Faith to After his lecture, reverent, a lively nal Winning Lecture had been a ‘tremen- ONE of Pope Francis’ most senior their children.” debate by a panel of academics including dous success’ and Archbishop Müller’s advisers has told Scotland that The archbishop stressed that teach- Papal advisor Professor John Haldane words and visit were ‘a tour de force.’ Catholic education remains ‘vitally ers had a very special role to play in of St Andrew’s University was held. “He explored the philosophical basis important’ despite secular hostility proclaiming the Church’s message. of Catholic education and gave us to it. “[To] equip Catholic teachers with Mass much to ponder,” he said. “I do believe ADOPTION AGENCY When Archbishop Gerhard Müller, this broad philosophy of life is the key Archbishop Müller refuted criticism in that his paper is the ‘charter’ for the the Prefect of the Congregation for the to the mission of the new St Andrew’s Scotland of Catholic education, the work of the foundation. It offers a solid Doctrine of the Faith, gave the annual Foundation,” he said. “This will serve night before the lecture, during a joyful and well-argued underpinning to our Cardinal Winning Lecture at Glasgow the self-confidence of Catholic teachers Mass at St Andrew’s Cathedral in Glas- distinctive approach to teacher educa- University last Saturday, he delivered a in their work in schools and provide a gow, attended by education profession- tion and should assist us in developing triumphant defence of Catholic schools contribution to society as a whole. At its als, students from schools—including rigorous undergraduate and post-grad- saying they provide children with a heart is an ideal of the person as called St Andrew’s Secondary—and the wider uate programmes of study.” vital ‘overarching philosophy of life.’ to love and friendship—with God and community. Mr Franchi, who was presented with The archbishop also brought the with fellow humans as bearing His “The idea that Catholic schools are an icon of St Andrew at the Friday Pope’s ‘warmest greetings’ to all Scot- image. It is a vision that needs to be dangerous because they promote segre- Mass by Michael McGrath on behalf of land’s Catholics and the Holy Father’s heard in the world as the Church seeks gation can be disproved by forming the Scottish Catholic Education Com- blessing for the new St Andrew’s Foun- to serve the world that God loves.” young people who will become model mission, offered his most ‘sincere dation for Catholic teacher education, citizens, agents of unity, promoters of thanks’ to Archbishop Müller and Arch- which was launched at the lecture and Reaction true human well-being—but they will bishop Tartaglia and ‘to all who were at a special Mass at St Andrew’s Cathe- Archbishop Philip Tartaglia of Glasgow, only be able to do this if they are involved in the organisation of both dral, Glasgow, the night before. who introduced the German prelate at imbued with Christ, one with Him, events and to all who attended.’ the lecture and read out a message from formed by His teaching and true friends Cardinal Thomas Winning, former Vital education Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone on behalf of of His,” he said at the Mass. “Today Archbishop of Glasgow from 1974, At the Cardinal Winning Lecture, Arch- the Holy Father to all present, said that then is a good day for us to look afresh died in office in June 2001 following a NEIL ADDISON bishop Müller told a large audience that the visit had been a ‘great success and at our wonderful schools. By making heart attack and is interred in the crypt Catholic education is vital for Scotland his profound hope was that Scotland’s them places of encounter with Christ of St Andrew’s Cathedral, Glasgow. says St Margaret’s has and the Church, adding that the new St Catholics would take the Vatican pre- we are really serving our children, their become focal point for Andrew’s Foundation for Catholic fect’s message of hope to heart. families and our society as well. I Archbishop Gerhard Müller’s teacher education would be fundamen- “Archbishop Müller left an inspirational “We are building for the future. So I address to Scottish priests and visit to religious freedom debate tal in securing its future. message of support for our priests, for our would encourage you, in your school Motherwell primary school, page 3 Page 14 “Catholic education is acknowledged teachers and schools, and for all who have communities, to try to enable in every by both Church and state as a funda- been involved in the launch of the new St way possible that Catholic teachings are I Homilies, lectures and addresses in mental right and primary responsibility Andrew’s Foundation,” he said. “His taught, that the Scriptures are read, that full from Archbishop Gerhard Müller’s of Catholic parents—the first educators words deserve to be pondered carefully in the Sacraments are celebrated and that visit to Scotland can be found on the of their children,” he said. “In accor- the weeks and months to come, so I hope the most Holy Eucharist is ever present.” SCO website http://www.sconews dance with this fundamental right, the people will take the time to read his talks in the opinion section state has the duty and responsibility to and his sermon because they contain Cardinal Winning facilitate the wishes of Catholic parents within them some very important mes- Leonard Franchi, the inaugural head of the I [email protected] SCO, 19 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 6BT I tel 0141 221 4956 I fax 0141 221 4546 I e-mail [email protected] 2 PICTURE NEWS THE SCO SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday June 21 2013 Preparations for St Augustine’s diamond jubilee celebrations are gathering pace year when Archbishop Philip (Above) Parishioners enjoy tea and PREPARATIONS for the dia- home baking at the gala day at St mond jubilee of St Augus- Tartaglia of Glasgow will visit Augustine’s parish in Milton. (Above tine’s parish, Milton, Glasgow, the community for the celebra- right) Children from the parish and kicked off at the church’s bi- tion of Mass. community entertained the guests annual gala day, which was The diamond jubilee Mass with their dance routines. (Right) held on Sunday June 9. will take place on September 8, Parish priest Fr Brian McNaught Members of the local commu- marking 60 years since the ded- joins parishioners celebrating the nity joined parishioners of St ication of the foundation stone gala after midday Mass Augustine’s at the event, which of St Augustine’s Church. PICS: PAUL McSHERRY included a number of fundraising Fr Brian McNaught, parish activities for parishioners and priest at St Augustine’s, was “It was a very successful day their friends to enjoy. delighted to receive so much and it was great to see so many St Augustine’s parish was support at the recent gala day people in attendance,” he said. founded in 1953, an occasion and is looking forward to the “Thankfully, we were blessed that will be marked later this jubilee Mass later in the year. with lovely weather, too.” SCO Year of Faith Prayer for Priests Lord Jesus, we your people pray to You for our priests. You have given them to us for our needs. We pray for them in their needs. We know that You have made them priests in the likeness of your own priesthood. You have consecrated them, set them aside, anointed them, filled them with the Holy Spirit, appointed them to teach, to preach, to minister, to console, to forgive, and to feed us with Your Body and Blood. Yet we know, too, that they are one with us and share our human weaknesses. We know too that they are tempted to sin and dis- couragement as are we, needing to be ministered to, as do we, to be consoled and forgiven, as do we. Indeed, we thank You for choosing them from among us, so that they understand us as we understand them, suffer with us and rejoice with us, worry with us and trust with us, share our beings, our lives, our faith.
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