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The 2006 Presidential Election in Belarus: The Candidates, Results and Perspectives David R. Marples and Uladzimir Padhol Introduction elected directly by the people of the Republic of Belarus for a term On December 16, 2005, the lower assembly of the of five years by universal, free, equal, direct, and secret ballot?”2 Belarusian Parliament, the House of Representatives, Though the question as outlined was ambiguous, voted unanimously to hold the 2006 presidential elec- since it would be possible in theory to answer positively tions in Belarus on March 19, some four months earlier to one question and negatively to the other, many observ- than anticipated. The decision closely followed a sum- ers felt that it was also ominous: the president was seek- mit meeting between President Alyaksandr Lukashenka ing to remain in office for his lifetime, and at the age of 49 and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Sochi. That the (in 2004), he could in theory remain in office for another decision was made by the president, rather than the par- three decades. The timing of the announcement was also liament, seems clear. The latter had been under the close fortuitous. It coincided with the date of the parliamentary control of the former, particularly after the elections of elections, the hostage taking in the Russian Federation October 2004. Now the president was a candidate for at the school in Beslan, and the third anniversary of the an unprecedented third term in office and under the pre- 9-11 terrorist attack on the United States. In this way, vailing conditions, certain to win again.
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