Centre for Eastern Studies NUMBER 176 | 08.07.2015 www.osw.waw.pl

A game played according to Lukashenka’s rules: the political opposition in

Tomasz Bakunowicz

The Belarusian opposition is currently experiencing its deepest crisis since Alyaksandr Lukashen- ka took power in 1994. Following many months of negotiations, opposition leaders failed to select a joint candidate for the presidential election scheduled for 11th October. The failure of this latest round of talks has proven that not only is the opposition unlikely to threaten Lukashenka’s rule; it will not even be able to demonstrate to society that it could provide a genuine alternative to the present government. The presidential election in 2010 was a painful landmark for the opposition. The repression that ac- companied the election has largely weakened political circles opposed to the government. Against this backdrop, the traditional internal problems of the opposition have worsened, such as its inca- pacity to reach agreement and develop a common, coherent operational strategy, the excessive ambitions of the leaders of particular groups, the low level of political maturity, mutual distrust and frequent personal conflicts. As a result the opposition has for years been unable to gain confidence in society and reach beyond the limited number (20%) of staunch proponents of democratic trans- formations. Given the fact that the Belarusian opposition is fragmented and lacks one clear leader, the readiness to support individual leaders does not exceed several per cent, according to independ- ent surveys. Lukashenka’s present political opponents rather resemble a group of dissidents, than constitute a genuine opposition to the government. The crisis and helplessness of opposition circles are more acute given Belarus’s internal situation since for the first time Alyaksandr Lukashenka will run his presidential campaign in the context of the economic crisis and a forecasted fall in GDP.

The opposition and the political system the loyal nomenclature, officials and an extensive security system. This manner of ruling a state is One of the characteristic features of the author- aimed at eliminating the possibility that another itarian regime established by Lukashenka is the centre of power, besides from the presidential fact that there is no single party with a hold one, could emerge and consolidate. For this rea- on power. In Belarus there are several officially son the very idea of a party system is discredited registered political parties which endorse the in the regime’s ideology as pathogenic and not politics of the government, for example the Be- serving the interests of Belarusian society. It par- larusian Agrarian Party, the Belarusian Patriotic ticularly concerns opposition parties and groups. Party or the Belarusian Social and Sports Party. For 20 years of Lukashenka’s rule the regime has They are however façade parties which do not subjected the opposition to a repressive policy have any significance in the country’s political and referred to it as a ‘fifth column’. life. Lukashenka has based his power on a hier- Repression can take many forms: from prison archical system of verticals which is composed of sentences, frequent arrests, dismissals from jobs

OSW COMMENTARY NUMBER 176 1 or education establishments, to other forms of The Belarusian opposition forces claim to have everyday intimidation. The application of similar several thousand activists. It should however be methods is supposed to warn society against noted that the data provided by the opposition becoming involved and supporting the opposi- parties and movements are usually inflated. tion. The Belarusian government, however, has not decided to wipe out the institutional opposi- tion completely1. Its existence is intended to give Lukashenka’s present political opponents the impression of political pluralism in Belarus, rather resemble a group of dissidents, confirming the state’s democratic and modern than constitute a genuine opposition to character. Furthermore, the legal opposition the government. (which is subject to legal regulations) channels a part of social discontent and thus makes it easi- er for it to be controlled by the security services2. Furthermore, apart from leaders in and However, when it feels threatened, Lukashenka’s in the regions, the majority of the rank and file regime does not hesitate to use direct violence do not actually participate in their parties’ ac- against opposition members. Following the tivity or in social activity. The opposition focus- brutally quelled demonstration after the presi- es its activity above all on subsequent election dential election held in December 2010 seven campaigns (which is manifested mainly in the presidential candidates were arrested. Some of high intensity of leadership meetings), while them were given prison sentences. One of them, everyday work between campaigns remains Mikalay Statkevich remains imprisoned. Sever- relatively less significant. Furthermore, a large al candidates were forced to leave the country part of the activity is Internet-based that often following persecution. Hundreds of opposition serves as a substitute for everyday activity in the activists were victims of repression. public sphere. Another growing problem for the opposition is the lack of intergenerational The present state of the opposition change. Many leaders of the opposition parties have remained in their positions for years3. The opposition in Belarus is quite diverse; The Belarusian opposition parties and move- it encompasses groups which vary in their ide- ments cannot reach agreement in such funda- ologies, ranging from communists and liberals, mental issues as choosing a joint candidate for former members of the Soviet nomenclature to presidential elections or a possible boycott of youth national activists. The fundamental crite- elections. The inability of opposition leaders to rion shared by all is their declared opposition to develop a long-term political and social strat- Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s rule. egy which would be adapted to the situation does not reflect well on their political maturi- ty. Furthermore, the opposition leaders rarely 1 This publication covers the topic of the institutional op- position in Belarus, that is bodies which see themselves establish genuine co-operation with experts in as and which are perceived as being political formation. Belarus. Many of their demands are confined In the broader context, all organisations and persons declaring their opposition to the authoritarian regime of to formulas which have been repeated for Alyaksandr Lukashenka are termed ‘opposition circles’, 20 years (such as ‘the range of participants including non-governmental organisations, civic initia- tives, youth organisations, human rights champions, cultural associations, organisations which represent na- 3 For example, Anatol Lyabedzka has been at the helm of tional minorities and the independent media. the United of Belarus since 2000, Stanislau 2 It is impossible to determine clearly the extent to which Shushkevich has been the leader of the Belarusian Social the opposition circles are infiltrated by the security ser- Democratic Assembly since 1998, Syarhey Kalyakin has vices. However, on the basis of what has been reported been the leader of the Belarusian Party of Communists so far it may be assumed that the opposition is constant- since 1994 (since 2009 it has been functioning as the ly being infiltrated, with varying degrees. Belarusian Left Party ‘A Just World’).

OSW COMMENTARY NUMBER 176 2 in the political process should be extended’) strengthening Belarusian identity. Even Lidzi- or do not sound very appropriate or realistic ya Yarmoshyna, the chairwoman of the Central (e.g. ‘a million new jobs’). The low level of mu- Election Commission of Belarus who supports tual trust among the opposition leaders does Lukashenka, has been mocking the opposition’s not contribute to the opposition’s cohesion. excessive passivity7. Personal conflicts, mutual accusations of de- structive actions and collaboration with the se- curity services are a permanent element of the The opposition has for years been unable life of the opposition parties and movements. to develop a common strategy for its ac- The above factors have led to a low level of con- tivity. Nor has it reached agreement about fidence and popularity of the opposition in Be- presenting a joint candidate for the presi- larusian society4. This is also linked to the low dential election to be held in 2015. potential for mobilisation of opposition circles, their inability to reach out to a broader social section. Actions and appeals which ‘preach to At present, the opposition forces are basically the converted’, that is proponents of democratic divided into two main coalitions. The first one transformations, in fact cause the opposition to is the alliance of parties which coordinate the constantly seek favours of the same electorate. ‘people’s referendum’. It is mainly composed There is no doubt that the general inertia of Be- of: the BPF Party, the ‘Movement for Free- larusian society, which has been effectively pre- dom’, the ‘Tell the Truth’ campaign and the served by the repressive regime, is an additional Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Assembly). challenge for the functioning of the opposition5. The campaign of the ‘people’s referendum’, A slight majority of declare they would which was launched in 2013, is an attempt to be in favour of reforms intended to improve the reach out to Belarusian society through collect- economic situation in the country, while simul- ing signatures of support for the proposed so- taneously they claim they are not ready to bear cio-political reforms. The proposed reforms con- the costs of such reforms6. The majority of Bela- sist of six questions and include e.g.: the need rusians seem to believe that it is Lukashenka, not to keep access to education and healthcare free the opposition, who has the formula for solving of charge, to limit the president to two terms the country’s present economic problems. Few in office, and support for integration with the demonstrations of social discontent, e.g. by small EU. The authors of the campaign, besides their business owners, were staged by those outside intention to make use of the action in order to the institutional opposition. target a wider social base, have declared they Western donors are also becoming disillusioned wanted to collect 500,000 signatures which with the Belarusian opposition. In the present would then be transferred to the administra- situation they see more benefits in support- tion to be verified and to hold a nationwide ing long-term projects aiming at building and referendum8. On 17 March 2014 it was officially

4 According to the surveys conducted on 5th March 2015 by the independent polling centre NISEPI, registered 7 Compare http://www.belta.by/ru/all_news/politics/Ermoshi- in , 18.8% of the respondents declared they had na-konstatiruet-slabuju-aktivnost-bolshinstva-partij-i-ob- confidence in the opposition and 57.4% declared they schestvennyh-objedinenij-v-preddverii-vyborov-Preziden- did not trust it. ta_i_699630.html 5 According to the NISEPI institute’s December 2014 sur- 8 The declarations are rather wishful thinking, even when veys, almost 80% of Belarusians declared they were not one does not take into account the fact that the Cen- ready to participate in mass in case elections tral Election Commission is subordinated to the govern- results were fixed. However, according to the NISEPI ment. In line with the stipulations of the Belarusian elec- June 2015 surveys, fewer than 10% of the respondents tion code Belarusian citizens have the right to initiate admitted that street protests are ‘the most realistic and a referendum; however, the group which initiates the desirable way of making changes’. referendum needs to collect 450,000 valid signatures 6 Compare http://www.belinstitute.eu/ru/node/2534 within two months.

OSW COMMENTARY NUMBER 176 3 announced that 50,000 people had signed the In November 2014 it was announced, in an at- petition, on 4 February it was 90,000, and on mosphere of mutual accusations and allega- 20 May 2015 during an Internet-based confer- tions, that the attempt to reach an agreement ence one of the leaders of the action Tatsyana had failed and the topic of a joint candidate Karatkevich said that 120,000 signatures had and the congress was deemed to be closed. been collected. Contrary to the announce- In consequence, the following persons, among ment and declarations of the campaign’s lead- others, declared they were willing to be the op- ers, it has not made a wide impact in society. position candidate in this year’s election9: Tatsyana Karatkevich – she presents herself as a candidate of the ‘people’s referendum’. The opposition leaders have failed both in In fact, only the ‘Tell the Truth’ campaign and agreeing on a boycott of the election and the BPF Party have declared support for her in jointly supporting the symbolic candi- candidacy. The Belarusian Social Democratic dacy of imprisoned Mikalay Statkevich. Party (Assembly) has announced that it will not appoint or support any candidate (which is odd since Karatkevich, besides her involvement in The second coalition is the Talaka Civil Alliance the ‘Tell the Truth’ campaign is also a member for Fair and Honest Elections for a Better Life, of ‘Assembly’). The ‘Movement for Freedom’, which was established in September 2013. It is led by Alyaksandr Milinkevich, the former can- composed above all of two parties: the liberal didate in the 2006 presidential election, has United Civic Party of Belarus and the post-Com- also announced that he will not endorse any munist Belarusian Left Party ‘A Just World’. This candidate. Despite this it can be inferred from alliance is rather tactical, motivated by the will what the leaders of the parties forming the to find an ally by the parties which have not ‘people’s referendum’ say that the rank and file joined the ‘people’s referendum’ campaign. of ‘Assembly’ and the ‘Movement for Freedom’ The leaders of both parties have announced may become involved in the organisation of the that they will separately seek to be appointed Karatkevich election campaign. a candidate in this year’s presidential election, Anatol Lyabedzka – whose candidacy has been which proves the alliance is ineffective. submitted by the United Civic Party of Belarus of which he is the chairman. The preparations Syarhey Kalyakin– appointed by the Belarusian for the presidential election Left Party ‘A Just World’ of which he is the leader. Also Syarhey Haydukevich, the leader of the The question of choosing a joint candidate has pro-Lukashenka Liberal Democratic Party, has been the main topic of discussions and disputes declared his readiness to run in the presiden- of the opposition in the last two years. Initially, tial election. Haydukevich, who is called a tradi- the two main coalitions were unable to reach tional sparring partner for Lukashenka, already agreement about the way in which the candi- participated in the elections as a candidate date would be selected. After the concept of holding a joint congress had prevailed, negoti- 9 ations about the modes of selecting delegates The election ranking (an open question) of the opposi- tion leaders, developed on the basis of the NISEPI sur- for the congress were launched. The so-called vey, conducted in June this year, is the following: Mika- ‘seven’ took part in them, that is four main lay Statkevich 5% (in the previous survey of March this year, 4.5%), Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu 4.7% (in March this parties forming the ‘people’s referendum’, two year, 7.6%), Anatol Lyabedzka 4.2% (in March this year, from Talaka and the organisational committee 2.9%), Syarhey Kalyakin 3.1% (in March this year, 1.6%), Tatsyana Karatkevich 1.1% (she was not included in the of the Belarusian Christian party. March 2015 survey).

OSW COMMENTARY NUMBER 176 4 in 2001 and 2006. In 2010, after the govern- As a result of further misunderstandings inside ment had decided to implement the election the opposition, Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu, the leader scenario with the participation of as many as of the ‘Tell the Truth’ campaign and the most 10 candidates, Haydukevich withdrew his can- popular opposition politician in recent years, didacy just before the election. has announced he is leaving the ‘Tell the Truth’ The opposition has not also succeeded in reach- campaign13 and the opposition structures in ing agreement about a possible common boy- general. He has also announced that he is go- cott of the election. This option, which stems ing to establish a new ‘For the from the conviction that the state administra- Statehood and Independence of Belarus’. Nyak- tion, being subordinated to Lukashenka, fixes lyaeu’s initiative is in fact another attempt to election results, is traditionally considered before renew opposition structures by building a so- the elections. This year the concept of a boycott called third force (apart from the government would be linked with the opposition proposing and the institutional opposition). Its objective the symbolic candidacy of Mikalay Statkevich10, would be to transcend the current mobilisa- a candidate in the 2010 presidential election who tion limitations of the opposition, by referring is still serving a prison sentence11. This action to such common values as statehood and in- would in fact be an information campaign on po- dependence, and to gain wide social support. litical prisoners, Belarus’s repressive regime, and the lack of sense of the election process in this situation. Disputes have already appeared at the Falls in support for Lukashenka do not stage of opposition leaders ascribing themselves lead to a substantial increase in the op- the authorship of the idea and then different position’s popularity and confidence in it. scenarios of its realisation. Certain leaders have opted for announcing Statkevich as a symbolic, common candidate of the opposition, and when This is not a new idea. Similar motivations for the registration of his initiative group is refused, establishing a large social movement were de- to call for a complete boycott of the election. clared by: Alyaksandr Kazulin14 who formed the Another section of the opposition leaders declared ‘People’s Will’ movement in 2006, Alyaksandr that they could use the participation in the elec- Milinkevich who established the ‘Movement tion and the collection of signatures in support for Freedom’ in 2006 and Nyaklyaeu himself of a real candidacy to inform society about Stat- since in 2010 he launched the ‘Tell the Truth’ kevich and other political prisoners12 (possibly to campaign. It appears that the newly launched collect signatures in support of their release). Nor movement will encounter the same problems as have talks between opposition leaders led to the its predecessors. It is not enough for someone development of a common strategy in this area. to state they are not part of the compromised opposition in order to gain a better status

10 Thus the opposition would circumvent the ban on open- ly calling for a boycott which was introduced to the elec- toral code following the amendments made in Novem- 13 Andrey Dzmitryeu was appointed the new leader of the ber 2013. ‘Tell the Truth’ campaign. In the 2010 presidential elec- 11 The Belarusian electoral law prohibits a person being tion he was the head of the election team of Nyaklyaeu. registered as a candidate if they are serving a prison After he was detained during a post-election , sentence. Members of the Central Election Commission Dzmitryeu appeared on TV with an announcement jus- of Belarus have unanimously declared that they will not tifying the brutal action taken by the police (), register the Statkevich initiative group. which has sparked a lot of controversy and accusations 12 The Belarusian organisations of human rights defenders in the opposition circles. (the Vyasna (Spring) Human Rights Center, the Belaru- 14 Alyaksandr Kazulin, between 2005 and 2008 the leader sian Helsinki Committee) at present recognise that there of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Assembly), an are six political prisoners in Belarus. opposition candidate in the 2006 presidential election.

OSW COMMENTARY NUMBER 176 5 in the eyes of society, since society is not quite in 2015 it will decrease by 2.3%, and accord- aware of the details of the opposition’s internal ing to the World Bank, by 3.5%). Foreign trade, schisms. Furthermore, as the surveys indicate, including exports, in this period fell sharply Belarusian society does not have a sense of the (by 28.3%). This was mainly due to the economic state’s independence being threatened. Para- recession in , which is Belarus’s main trad- doxically, also the slogans of independence and ing partner – in 2014 Russia accounted for 50% statehood have been to a large extent hijacked of all trade. Between January and April 2015 real by Alyaksandr Lukashenka who has started in- revenues of Belarusians also dropped by 4.2%. cluding topics underlining the distinctiveness According to the NISEPI surveys of June 2015, of Belarus and the Belarusian nation in the of- 72% of respondents stated that the Belarusian ficial circuit after 2000. This rhetoric has been economy is in crisis and 80.6% feared another intensified over the last year, in the face of the devaluation of the (the previous Russian invasion of and the promotion one took place in December 2014). However, the of the idea of the ‘Russian world’. present economic situation has not contributed to Belarusian society being more prepared to The opposition and its external and engage in protests. Lacking a real alternative, internal challenges many Belarusians see Lukashenka as the guaran- tor of the state’s stability17 and hope he will im- The events in Ukraine have caused many Bela- prove the situation. The Belarusian opposition, rusian citizens to experience a sense of threat out of its weakness, has not only been unable of internal chaos and destabilisation, which has to use the present economic problems to its had a fundamental impact on the opposition’s advantage, it was also unsuccessful during the situation. According to surveys, the majority of economic downturn in 2011 when, following Belarusian society interprets the Ukrainian-Rus- the crisis and two devaluations of the Belarusian sian conflict and the war in the east of Ukraine in currency, support for Lukashenka fell to approxi- line with Russian propaganda15, i.e. as a result of mately 20% (according to the NISEPI data in June protests on Kyiv’s Maidan, and not the Russian this year it was at 38.6%). This decline, however, invasion. The government in Minsk is trying to has not led to increased popularity and confi- use these elements for its own purposes by em- dence in the opposition. Additionally discredited phasising, as part of its propaganda, Belarus’s street protests in the eyes of Belarusian society stability. This is crucial, particularly with regard following the Maidan demonstrations present to the present economic challenges16. Belarus’s another difficult challenge for the opposition. GDP for January-May 2015 fell by 3% (according In the last presidential campaigns the opposi- to the International Monetary Fund’s forecasts, tion presented the idea of a mass protest (often termed ‘Ploshcha’ – a ‘square’) as a fundamental 15 According to the surveys conducted in March this year by or even the only possible way of bringing about the Belarusian Analytical Workroom, registered in War- a change in power in Belarus. Confronted with saw, 65.7% deemed the annexation of Crimea by Russia well-founded and justified, compare http://www.belaw. this new situation, the opposition leaders have eu/?p=1384. According to the survey of March this year, conducted by the NISEPI institute, 58.5% of the respon- dents believed Russia’s annexation of Crimea to be an act 17 Even certain opposition representatives openly admit of historical justice, compare http://www.iiseps.org/reliz. that faced with a tense geopolitical situation in the re- 16 In previous years, there were presidential elections in gion and Belarus’s economic problems, they would not which Lukashenka gained re-election, both GDP and be able to guarantee the security and stability of the Belarusians’ real revenues grew substantially. In 2001 state, compare e.g. https://nash-dom.info/?p=32608: Belarus’s GDP increased by 4.7% and its real revenue by Официальное заявление Гражданской Кампании 28.1%; in 2006 respectively by 10% and 15.9%; and in “Наш Дом” по поводу участия в президентских 2010 by 7.7% and 14.8%. выборах-2015 года.

OSW COMMENTARY NUMBER 176 6 unanimously distanced themselves from the The Belarusian regime has succeeded in impos- willingness to organise the traditional post-elec- ing its own rules of the game on the opposi- tion protests18. This reluctance stems not only tion and in relegating it to the margins of social from the lack of support for the concept of pro- life. However, it is in the regime’s interest for test in Belarusian society but also from the fear a weak, marginalised opposition to take part of Russia’s aggressive position when such pro- in the election. The opposition does not pres- tests break out. The opposition has thus been ent a threat to Lukashenka’s power and its par- deprived of one of the main tools of its activi- ticipation in the election tends to be used as ty. Also due to the new geopolitical situation, an argument proving the democratic character the topic of Russia has not appeared so far in of the political system in Belarus. This is impor- internal debates and disputes of Lukashenka’s opponents in the context of this year’s election. Accusations of Russian financial support be- The Belarusian regime has succeeded tween rivals in the presidential campaigns in in imposing its own rules of the game 2006 and 2010 were an inherent element of on the opposition and in relegating it to election campaigns run by the opposition. the margins of social life. Certain opposition leaders have also used this card of Russian support in their game in order to increase their own rank. Furthermore, unlike tant for Minsk, particularly in the context of the in the previous election campaigns, the Russian attempts made by the Belarusian government, ambassador to Minsk Aleksandr Surikov already on against the backdrop of the Russian-Ukrainian 10 June stated19 that will support Alyak- conflict, to normalise its relations with the sandr Lukashenka in the upcoming election20. West. However, at present, unlike before the presidential election in 2010, these attempts The negative balance sheet are not accompanied by even the pretence of internal liberalisation. On the contrary, So far the balance sheet of Alyaksandr Lukashen- the government is ostentatiously applying ka’s opponents should be assessed as negative. more pressure on political prisoners and in- For years they have not only been unable to dependent circles. This should be expected to threaten his hold on power, they have not even continue during the election campaign proper. moved closer to the realisation of any of their The Belarusian government has drawn conclu- declared fundamental objectives: presenting sions from the 2010 election campaign. At that themselves as an alternative, attractive political time even a controlled relaxation of the inter- option and convincing the broadest sections of nal situation (allowing seven opposition can- society to believe in the idea of democratic and didates to run for the election, granting more economic transformations. space to public canvassing) consequently led to post-election protests and then an internal crisis and Belarus’s deeper isolation in the in- ternational community. The central authorities 18 It should however be stressed that the vast majority of the opposition leaders supported the Ukrainian protests and in Minsk will therefore seek at all costs to avoid Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu made a speech at Kyiv’s Maidan. repeating this situation. 19 For example, before the election in 2010 a Russian infor- mation campaign against Lukashenka was organised: on Russian leading TV channels a series of materials which were critical and full of accusations were broadcast. 20 Compare http://www.interfax.by/news/belarus/1185606


The main opposition political formations:

• BPF Party21, • Belarusian Social Democratic Party leader Alyaksey Yanukevich (People’s Assembly), (not officially registered22) leader: Mikalay Statkevich • Conservative-Christian Party – BPF, (at present he is serving a prison sentence; leader: Zyanon Paznyak (he emigrated in 1996; his deputy is Alyaksandr Arastovich) the acting chairman: Yury Belenki) • United Civic Party, • Belarusian Party ‘The Greens’, leader: Anatol Lyabedzka leader: Alyeh Novikau

• Belarusian Left Party ‘A Just World’, • ‘Movement for Freedom’, leader: Syarhey Kalyakin leader: Alyaksandr Milinkevich (until 2009 – Belarusian Party of Communists) • ‘Tell the Truth’ campaign, • party Belarusian Social Democratic Assembly, leader: Andrey Dzmitryeu leader: Stanislau Shushkevich • Belarusian party • Belarusian Social Democratic Party (organisational committee), (Assembly), leaders: Vital Rymasheuski, leader: Iryna Veshtard Pavel Sevyarynets, Heorhi Dmitruk

• ‘European Belarus’ campaign, leader: Andrey Sannikau (he left Belarus in 2012)

21 Both the BPF Party (BPF) and the Conservative-Christian 22 In Belarus there are 15 officially registered political par- Party – BPF state that they have their roots in the legacy ties. The last registration took place in 2000. Since then of the Belarusian which was established at the Belarusian government has turned down the regis- the end of the 1980s as a social movement. From 1993 tration of new parties many times. With this regard cer- the BPF operated officially as a registered political party, tain parties often operate as organisational committees. and in 1999 it was divided into two parties.

EDITORS: Adam Eberhardt, Wojciech Konończuk Centre for Eastern Studies Katarzyna Kazimierska, Anna Łabuszewska Koszykowa 6a, 00-564 Warsaw TRANSLATION: Anna Kucińska phone: +48 | 22 | 525 80 00 CO-OPERATION: Nicholas Furnival e-mail: [email protected] DTP: Bohdan Wędrychowski The views expressed by the authors of the papers do not Visit our website: www.osw.waw.pl necessarily reflect the opinion of Polish authorities