Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, Martinsburg, WV

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Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, Martinsburg, WV Weekly Activities Cancelled 9:15 AM Sunday School PILGRIM Sunday 10:30 AM Worship 5:30 PM Kids Quest & Youth Group PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Cancelled 8:00 AM Men’s Prayer Breakfast Cancelled 10:00 AM Ladies’ Bible Study Cancelled 9:15 AM Sunday School Sunday 10:30 AM Worship Session TE Kirk Blankenship, Pastor RE Rick Wilburn RE Daniel Jones, Clerk “For with the LORD there is steadfast love, and with him is Deaconate plentiful redemption.” Psalm 130:7 Charles Fahnestock- Chairman Geoff Mead- Head Usher Bob Deweese -Treasurer Jeff Jones- Compassion Charles Kemp- Secretary Fund Day Bookkeeper /Church Secretary- Georgia Fahnestock Lord’s Custodian- Rick Wilburn January24, 2021 Church Office 304-263-5362 Office hours Tues.-Thurs. 9 AM-2PM Church email: [email protected] Pastor email: [email protected] Youth email: [email protected] Church Web Page: www.pilgrimpca.org Find us on www.sermonaudio.com 601 Albert Street, Martinsburg, WV 25404 304-263-5362 www.pilgrimpca.org PILGRIM PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH God calls us to give all that we are and all that we have Old Testment Reading: Proverbs 14: 1-14 January 24, 2021 *”Across the Lands” (Song Packet) Let us help one another to quietly prepare our hearts for worship. (lyrics on next page) *Those in the congregation who are able, please stand. We return to Him our tithes and give our offering Welcome and Announcements Richard Wilburn Offertory Focusing Our Thoughts on God *”Doxology” #731 Order of Morning Worship Praise God from whom all bless-ings flow; praise him, all crea-tures God Calls us to Worship Psalm 138: 1-2 here be-low; praise him a-bove, ye heav’n-ly host; praise Fa-ther, *”God Himself is With Us ” #382 (Song Packet) Son, amd Ho-ly Ghost. A-men. (links to lyrics) * Prayer of Dedication *We Confess our Sin Holy God, Father most gracious! Rebuke us not in your anger, nor God shepherds us with His Word chasten us in your wrath! Heal us from our sin, for we are troubled. Sermon Title: The King Draws Near: Herald of the Kingdom Deliver us for the sake of your steadfast love. Our sins trouble us, O Sermon Text: Matthew: 3 1-12 God. We are troubled by how they have hurt others. We are troubled by how they have hurt us. Your ways are right! O righteous God! And We respond with gratitude and thanksgiving whenever we have refused to follow them we have found out how right *”Be Still My Soul ” #689 (Song Packet) they are. Have mercy on us, O God. Holy God, God and Father of our (links to Lyrics) Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us for the sake of your Son, who died to free us from our sins. To you be honor and glory! Amen God sends us out with His benediction *Benediction Psalm 23: 6 God assures us of His Pardoning Grace Psalm 103: 8-13 We respond with Prayer and Praise Sermon Ootline: *Prayer of Adoration and Aspiration 1. The Herald announces the Kingdom (vv. 1-5) *”My Heart Doth Overflow” #169 (Song Packet) (links to lyrics) *Psalm 140 (Song Packet) (lyrics on next page) 2. The Herald becomes the Prosecutor (vv. 6-12) Prayer of the Church Across the Lands Psalm 140 KeithGetty/Stuart Townend The Lands lyrics © Thank you Music Ltd (metrical arrangement from http://psalms.seedbed.com/psalm- 140/#1466804648862-6328d980-2a480081-fece; to the tune of “I Will You're the Word of God the Father Arise and Go to Jesus”) From before the world began. Ev'ry star and ev'ry planet Rescue me, O LORD, from evil, from the vi’lent protect me! Has been fashioned by Your hand. They devise plans in their hearts and stir up evil constantly. All creation holds together By the power of Your voice. They make tongues as sharp as serpents; poison is upon their lips. Let the skies declare Your glory; Keep me, LORD, protect me from them, for my feet they plan to trip. Let the land and seas rejoice! [Chorus] Proud men hide a snare to catch me, they set traps along my way. You're the Author of creation; I cry, “LORD, You are my God,” and for Your mercy I will pray. You're the Lord of ev'ry man; And Your cry of love rings out across the lands. Sovereign LORD, my strong deliver’r; for the fight, Your shield I need. Don’t grant wicked their desires, LORD; do not let their plans Yet You left the gaze of angels, succeed. Came to seek and save the lost, And exchanged the joy of heaven May all those who do surround me be entrapped in their own lies; For the anguish of a cross. Burning coals fall down upon them—thrown in fire, never to rise. With a prayer You fed the hungry; With a word You calmed the sea; Let not slander be established anywhere the land around; Yet how silently You suffered Those who slander—men of violence—may disaster hunt them That the guilty may go free! down. [Chorus] For I know the LORD loves justice, and upholds the needy’s cause; With a shout You rose victorious, And the upright ones will praise You; they will live who love Your Wresting vict'ry from the grave, laws. And ascended into heaven, Leading captives in Your way. Now You stand before the Father, Interceding for Your own; From each tribe and tongue and nation, You are leading sinners home! [Chorus] .
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