Curriculum Vitae Dr. SUNIL KUMAR. RAVI, M.Sc (SLP), Ph.D (Speech Language Pathology) Associate Professor & Principal, Naseema Institute of Speech & Hearing, Bangalore, India. Tel: +91-9620542794 E-Mail:
[email protected] PROFESSIONAL PROFILE 1. Working as Associate Professor & Principal at Naseema Institute of Speech and Hearing, Bangalore from August, 2013. 2. Faculty Consultant for developing curriculum for Bachelor of Health Science (Majors in Speech & Hearing) at Gulf Medical University, Ajman (as per ASHA standards) during April, May, & October, 2014. 3. Guest Faculty at Department of Psychology, University of Mysore, Mysore for M.Phil in Learning Disability Course. 4. Expert Committee member (Speech Language Pathology) in Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) National Task Force (NTF) project titled “Development and Validation of a Comprehensive Clinical and Neuropsychological Test Battery for use in the Indian context for patients with Vascular Cognitive Impairment (VCI)". 5. Ph.D Thesis title: An Event Related Brain Potential Study of Language Processing in Kannada – English Bilingual Aphasics (University of Mysore, Mysore). AWARDS/ FELLOWSHIPS Received Foreign Travel Grant from Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Human Resource Development Group, Government of India, New Delhi for attending and presenting three research papers at International Conference on Bilingualism and Comparative Linguistics, held at Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, during 15th and 16th of May, 2012. (Ref no: TG/6661/11-HRD dated 23.04.2012.) Received Junior Research Fellowship for pursuing Ph.D in Speech Language Pathology program from All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysore for a period of three years. Received best paper award in National Conference on Neurogenic Communication Disorders in Adults held at Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad in December, 2015.