CITY of GLENDALE, CALIFORNIA REPORT to THE: Joint El City Council N Housing Authority El Successor Agency El Oversight Board El
CITY OF GLENDALE, CALIFORNIA REPORT TO THE: Joint El City Council N Housing Authority El Successor Agency El Oversight Board El August 27, 2019 AGENDA ITEM Report: Report Regarding Grant Funding for a Transit Fleet Electrification Feasibility Study. 1) Adopt a Resolution of Appropriation to appropriate local transportation funds in the amount of $31,354 from Measure R Local Return funds for FY 201 9-20. 2) Approve a Motion to authorize the City Manager, or her designee, to execute all grant- related agreements, certifications, and documents necessary for the Program. COUNCIL ACTION Public Hearing El Ordinance El Consent Calendar N Action Item El Report Only El Approved for calendar ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION Signature Submitted by: Yazdan T. Emrani, P.E., Director of Public Works Prepared by: Alex Okashita, Transit Associate Approved by: Yasmin K. Beers, City Manager Reviewed by: ____ Roubik Golanian, Assistant City Manager 2 Kathryn Engel, Transit Manager Michael J. Garcia, City Attorney ____________________ Michele Flynn, Director of Finance ______________________ 48/ RECOMMENDATION ____________________________________________ It is respectfully recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution to appropriate $31,354 of Measure R Local Return funds as grant match for the Transit Fleet Electrification Feasibility Study (“Program”); and, approve a motion to authorize the City Manager, or her designee, to execute all grant-related agreements, certifications, and documents necessary for the Program. BACKGROUNDIANALYSIS The Caltrans Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant is a competitive statewide grant that received 198 applications for FY 2019-20 funding, and resulted in the award of only 84 projects for a total of $27.8 million. Grant categories include Sustainable Communities, Strategic Partnerships, and Adaptation Planning.
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