TRANSIT SERVICE Transit services in Glendale include the Beeline local transit system and the services provided by the MTA. These systems combine to provide frequent transit service on many key streets in downtown Glendale. Transit service is offered at least every 10 minutes on Brand, Central south of Broadway, San Fernando, 4 Glendale Boulevard, and Broadway. With service this frequent, riders do not need to carry a schedule, but can depend on the next bus arriving soon after they reach their bus stop. Figure 4-1 shows the existing transit services in the study area, including services provided by MTA and the City of Glendale. Despite this network of high frequency transit services, many residents in Glendale find transit services inadequate, or are unaware of the level of service actually provided. GLENDALE DOWNTOWN MOBILITY STUDY | 4-1 4.1 PRINCIPLES The key principles for improving transit service in Glendale include increasing awareness about the services that are avail- able, and marketing a complete system to riders who can choose whether an MTA or Beeline route serves them best. The Downtown Mobility Study recommends operating a new shuttle route which will be dedicated to downtown travel, and linking regional transit corridors with the commercial, entertainment and employment opportunities in the Glendale core. The shuttle route, which can begin service almost immediately using exist- ing resources, should ultimately be improved and expanded for a long term future that may include streetcar operations. Create and market a comprehensive system of coordinated re- gional and local transit that takes advantage of the relatively high level of service that already exists in Glendale, and emphasizes new linkages where needed. Create and expand on a downtown circulator service that con- nects regional transit nodes with residential, shopping, entertain- ment and employment destinations downtown and promotes a “park once” environment. Create transit infrastructure that supports a positive urban envi- ronment and maximizes transit ridership downtown. Support transit priority treatments on streets with high quality transit service. 4-2 | GLENDALE DOWNTOWN MOBILITY STUDY 4.2 SuMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendation 4.1 Recommendation 4.8 Market the transit resources in Glendale Work with MTA to create an “east- as a single system to show the richness west” connector service operating on of the transit network in and through the HOV infrastructure of Highway Glendale. 134, and provide convenient Recommendation 4.2 connections between this new service Create a downtown shuttle to encourage and the downtown shuttle. non-auto circulation through the Recommendation 4.9 downtown. The route should connect Create amenity standards for regional transit, and key downtown downtown transit stops based on destinations. the number of riders boarding at a. Begin service within existing resources. each location. Maximize amenities including enhanced signage, shelters b. Change downtown shuttle to a hybrid and other amenities along the shuttle bus or other unique vehicle. route and other transit priority c. Implement a new technology for streets. shuttle and other lines. Recommendation 4.10 Recommendation 4.3 Incorporate real time information in Operate the shuttle as frequently as all high amenity bus shelters using possible, with no fare collection and with Next Bus technology. a unique and attractive vehicle. Recommendation 4.11 Recommendation 4.4 Consider utilizing new revenue Implement the recommendations of the generated by the Downtown Short Range Transit Plan including service Transportation and Parking and capital improvements that affect Management District to enhance downtown. shuttle and other transit services. Recommendation 4.5 Recommendation 4.12 Bring the price of all transit fares closer Utilize the Universal Transit Pass to together, charging at least $0.50 per trip encourage transit ridership among on the Beeline. Attempt to negotiate with new downtown residents by requiring MTA for a local Glendale fare that will passes be provided to new residents match Beeline fares within the City limits. through condominium fees. Recommendation 4.6 Recommendation 4.13 Consolidate high frequency services to Develop performance standards for the extent possible on a limited number transit streets that incorporate transit of transit priority streets, which will be quality of service, and go beyond auto optimized for transit operation. level of service. Recommendation 4.7 Consider signal priority for and other operational enhancements on all streets with combined service of at least 10 minutes during peak periods, including all streets with Metro Rapid service. GLENDALE DOWNTOWN MOBILITY STUDY | 4-3 4.3 DISCUSSION OF RECOMMENDATIONS The transit policy recommendations include improvements to local and regional service connectivity, the development of a new downtown shuttle, and improvements in customer experience. Improvements to the Beeline service are based on the Short Range Transit Plan combined with other enhancements that can be implemented as funding becomes available. Figure 4-2 shows the proposed Beeline service network and peak service as proposed by the Short Range Transit Plan. 4-4 | GLENDALE DOWNTOWN MOBILITY STUDY Mountain Figure 4-1 Glendale Beeline and MTA Existing Transit Service Magnolia Bel Aire Olive Ave Kenneth Rd Burbank Verdugo Ave GlenwoodAllen Metrolink Glenoaks Blvd Cumberland Cañada Blvd Cañada San Fernando Rd Glendale Fwy Verdugo Alameda Ave Western Ave KennethHighland Rd 2 Sonora Grandview Verdugo Victory Blvd Olmstead 5 Flower Glenwood Mountain St Lake 7 Randolph Griffith Manor Stocker Pelanconi 7 Riverside 5 Dryden 12 92 Glenoaks Blvd Monterey Fremont Ventura Fwy Kenwood Maryland Howard 134 Jackson Louise Pioneer Isabel Everett 1 Geneva 183 Doran 2 Milford Brand Blvd Central Ave Pacific Ave San Fernando Rd 11 Chevy Chase Dr Lexington Orange 201 Myrtle Verdugo Rd California 3 Salem Glendale Ave Wilson Broadway Ivy 780 5 Columbus 394 Hawthorne 134 Harvard 94 Harvard Oak 4 Beeline Routes Colorado 6 1 Route 1 6 Route 6 Vine 2 7 Pacific Lomita Route 2 Route 7 181 Edison 180 Riverdale 1 90 6 5 780 3 Route 3 11 Route 11 91 Maple 603 Maple 2 4 12 Windsor 11 Route 4 Route 12 12 Garfiled Acacia 5 Route 5 780 Acacia Chevy Chase Dr MTA Routes 201 Palmer Rapid Line 780 2 Other MTA Routes Los Feliz Blvd 85 Glendale Metrolink San Fernando Rd 84 0 0.5 1 GLENDALE DOWNTOWN MOBILITY STUDY | 4-5 Miles Glendale Blvd SOURCE: City of Glendale, MTA and ESRI LOCATION: Glendale, CA GFigurelendale 4-2 BGlendaleeeline P Beelineroposed ProposedPeak PPeakerio Periodd Ser Servicevice e v li O Bel A ire Kenneth rdugo e V d y R v d l Burbank llen w G B len A Metrolink a w oo d 8 G a lenoaks d Cum ñ 12 lameda e b a A v er C land dugo lendale F A r B n e G lv r V d te es a W r Kenneth ono S Rd 2 Grandview Verdugo Vi ct Olms o S tead ry an B 5 Fl lv ow Fe d er rnando Hoover Glendale Glen Hoover High School Mountain St wo High School Community La od Route B k College e Rd Randolph 9 Stocker 3 Pelanconi 8 10 10 Dryden Hoover High School Route A 12 Glenoaks Blvd 9 Monterey Fremont Ventura Fwy 134 Dr Pioneer 11 9 Chase L I H Ken M Jackson G sa y ouise v o en a e Doran The BUZZ b w h r C w P el yland 3 e a 10 v a oo B r 13 d Milford a c r d a S i C f e n an i exington e c L v d Small Bus Deviated Zone n O A F A r Myrtle t B v ange e r V l a e r v nando e California l d r A Daily dugo Salem v e High School lendale Wilson G R Proposed Beeline Peak Service d Civic Center R Broadway d Ivy 4 The BUZZ 5 12 The BUZZ Hawthorne The Glendale 134 Glendale Americana ard Harvard High School Harv Galleria at Brand 11 3 Route 3 Oak 13 Colorado St 13 4 Route 4 Elk Vine 8 Route 8 4 Glendale Pacific Lomita High School Edison Route 9 Riverdale Route 9 C Maple Maple olumbus 8 10 Route 10 Notes About Proposed Service Plan: Windsor L Northern Glendale, La Crescenta and La Canada Flintridge a 10 3 Glendale Community C r 11 Garfield College Adult Training e Route 11 s c A) Route 3 alignment via Glendale/ Acacia 11 e n A t Chevy Chase Dr n a 12 g Route 12 4 O Broadway/Brand is preferred but this A e c v l 11 ’ e e s a can be switched to Glendale/ C 13 Palmer Honolulu n Route 13 12 r e V Fo s i othill t Colorado/Brand. e w B La Canada H A lv w Hoover H.S. “A” ve B d Flintridge y l v Hoover H.S. “B” B) The Buzz alignment via Brand/ d City Hall Verdugo Blvd Colorado/Central is preferred but La C Glendale H.S. Glendale r C es 8 h this can be switched to Brand/ Mermorial c e e v Hospital n y vd ta Jet Propulsion l C 8 Broadway/Central. B A r h Laboratory (JPL) MTA Routes v D eliz e a e F s v e o os r L D G DSP Boundary r Glendale Oak S La Canada Metrolink an High School F C d e a V ñ v r e l nando a r dugo B d a B l v R 0 0.2 0.4 0.8 R d 0 0.5 1 lendale d d Miles Miles G GLENDALE DOWNTOWN MOBILITY STUDY | 4-7 4.3.1 DEVELOPING A COORDINATED Recommendation 4.1 REGIONAL-LocAL TRANSIT SYSTEM Market the transit resources Glendale’s Beeline system is a critical local link in the overall tran- in Glendale as a single system sit system serving Glendale’s residents and businesses.
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