Working paper Reclaiming Prosperity in Khyber- Pakhtunkhwa A Medium Term Strategy for Inclusive Growth Executive Summary of Full Report April 2015 When citing this paper, please use the title and the following reference number: F-37109-PAK-2 Reclaiming Prosperity in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa A Medium Term Strategy for Inclusive Growth Executive Summary of Full Report International Growth Centre, Pakistan Program The International Growth Centre (IGC) aims to promote sustainable growth in Developing countries by proviDing DemanD-led policy advice informeD by frontier research. Based at the LonDon School of Economics anD in partnership with Oxford University, the IGC is initiateD anD funDeD by DFID. The IGC has 15 country programs. This report has been prepareD unDer the overall supervision of the management team of the IGC Pakistan program: IjazNabi (Country Director), Naved HamiD (ResiDent Director) anD Ali Cheema (LeaD AcaDemic). The coorDinators for the report wereYasir Khan (IGC Country Economist) anD Bilal SiDDiqi (Stanford).Shaheen Malik estimateD the provincial accounts, Sarah Khan (Columbia) eDited the report anD KhaliD Ikram peer reviewed it. The authors incluDe Anjum Nasim (IDEAS, Revenue Mobilization), Osama SiDDique (LUMS, Rule of Law), TurabHussain anD Usman Khan (LUMS, Transport, InDustry, Construction anD Regional Trade), Sarah SaeeD (PSDF, Skills Development), Munir Ahmed (Energy anD Mining), ArifNadeem (PAC, Agriculture anD Livestock), AhsanRana (LUMS, Agriculture anD Livestock), Yasir Khan anD HinaShaikh (IGC, EDucation anD Health), RashiD Amjad (Lahore School of Economics, Remittances), GM Arif (PIDE, Remittances), Najm-ul-Sahr Ata-ullahanD Ibrahim Murtaza (R. Ali Development Consultants, Urbanization). For further information please contact
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