Arutjun Kotchinian was born in Armenia, he studied music at Tchaikovsky Conservatory with Yevgeny Nesterenko and Helmuth Rilling. He was winner of several important singing competitions, such as “Belvedere” in , ARD in Munich, “Singer of the World” in Cardiff and Placido Domingo’s “Operalia” as well as 1999 Maria-Callas in Athens. After his debut as Ramphis at the Deutsche Oper Berlin he was invited to join the company singing there most of the leading bass roles.

He has established himself as a major artist making his successful debuts at Scala Milano as Wurm under Mo. Maazel with new contracts for “” with Mo. Termikanov and “Luisa Miller”, in Los Angeles as Zacharias with re-engagement for Ramphis and Pimen, in Covent Garden London as Walter in “Luisa Miller”, where he returned as Timur, Ferrando and Mephisto in “Faust”, at La Fenice in Venice as Zacharias being heard there again as Wurm and Raimondo, at Liceu in Barcelona as Don Giovanni with new contracts for “Oedipus Rex” and Pimen, and at Staatsoper Hamburg as Timur, where he sang also Sarastro.

Other contracts include Cologne (Philipp), Trieste (Fiesco, Don Quichotte, Sparafucile), Staatsoper Munich (Gremin), Tokyo (Ferrando), Toulouse (Tireasias in “Oedipe”, Sarastro), Carlo Felice in Genoa (Collin), Bilbao (Ferrando), Cagliari (Sparafucile), Michigan (Orovese), Düsseldorf (Mephisto in “Faust”), Detroit (Timur), Festival Orange (Ferrando).

He sang Pimen in Madrid , Raimondo in Lausanne , Ramphis in Tokyo , Pogner, Alvise, Ramphis, Raimondo, Gremin, Timur, Basilio, Collin in Berlin , Sparafucile in Genoa, “Sonnambula” in Salerno , Fiesco in San Diego, “Faust” in Sevilla with Mo. Prêtre and “Damnation di Faust” in Prague, Fiesco in Toulouse , Sparafucile in Ancona, San Diego and Palermo , Raimondo in Salerno , “Faust” in Helsinki , Vodnik in “” in Nice , Orovese in Lisbon , “Oedipus Rex” in Malmö , Sarastro in Copenhagen , “Luisa Miller” at Scala Milano and “Don Quichotte” in Palermo . Furthermore, he was heard at Opéra Bastille in Paris as Wurm, in Turin with “Luisa Miller" and as Titurel, in Venice as Raimondo, in Helsinki with “Faust”, in Munich with “The Bells” (Mo. Kitaenko) and in Santiago de Chile as Fiesco.

Recent and future contracts include Wurm, Raimondo and Basilio at Deutsche Oper Berlin , Raimondo at Covent Garden, Don Quichotte in Cagliari , “Chowantschina” in Paris , “” in Leipzig , "Rigoletto" in Aix en Provence , Zacharias in Leipzig , a "Rigoletto" in a concert version at Barbican Hall London , "Parsifal" in Bologna , Banquo in Copenhagen 3° Shostakovich in Paris , "Cherwichki" (Tchaikovsky) in Cagliari , Orovese and Ramphis in Yerevan and Mozart Requiem in Paris . He sings 14° Shostakovich and "The bells" with Mo. Fedoseyev in Moscow , Mozart Requiem in Bergen , "Rossignol" with Mo. Noseda in Stresa , Ramphis in Yerevan , "Capuletti ed i Montecchi" in Pamplona , "Iolanta" with Mo. Kitayenko in Zagreb , Timur in Genoa and Ramphis and Sparafucile in Rome .

He sang concerts with conductors as Albrecht, Benini, Fedossejev, Foster, Gatti, Janovski, Jurowski, Lopez-Cobos, Maazel, Nagano, Oren, Rostropovich, Thielemann and Viotti in Paris , Frankfurt , Bilbao , Naples , Munich , Barcelona , Madrid , Berlin , Valencia .

His CD and DVD recordings include “Die Harmonie der Welt”, “Ritter Blaubart”, 13° and 14° Shostakovich, “Luisa Miller” and “Germania”.