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View Full CV CURRICULUM VITAE Dr. Purity W. Muthima Kenyatta University P.O. Box 43844 Nairobi [email protected] [email protected] _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.0 PERSONAL INFORMATION__________________________________________________ Name : Muthima Purity W. Address : Box 43844 Nairobi E-Mail : [email protected] & [email protected] ORCiD ID : Google Scholar: _________________________________________________________________________________________________-- 2.0. UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS____________________________ o Ph.D. - Economics of Education & Educational & Planning -Kenyatta University, Kenya o M. Ed - Economics of Education -University of Nairobi, Kenya o B. Ed Arts (Honors), Business Studies & Economics - University of Nairobi, Kenya 3.0 AWARDS/FELLOWSHIPS_______________________________________________________ o Fellowship Award in Education- By Association of Commonwealth Universities and British- Nigeria Education Trust (ACU-BNET): 2017-2020 at Bayero University (BUK), Kano, Nigeria o Scholarship Award - Master’s Degree (Economics of Education) by University of Nairobi (UoN) 2005-2007 Nairobi, Kenya 4. 0 RESEARCH EXPERIENCE_________________________________________________________ Purity CV 2021 [Type text] Page 1 o Principal Investigator : -Currently undertaking an impact evaluation study on ‘Enhancing women and girls work readiness through Apprenticeship, Internship and Mentorship in Kenya,” For what works for Women Economic Empowerment in Kenya, Funded by Bill and Melinda Gates-2020 o Researcher: - “Assessment of the Production of Social Science Research by Universities and its Utilization by Policy Makers and Practitioners in Selected Counties, Ministries and Semi-Autonomous Government Agencies (SAGAs) in Kenya, Funded by Kenyatta University Vice Chancellors (VC) Grant , 2016-2019. o Trainer and Qualitative Data Collector: - End line Survey Evaluation of ‘Wasichana Wote Wasome (Let all Girls Read) Programme in Kenya (eg.Kilifi County’) under Women Education Researchers of Kenya, (WERK) in Kenya. 2017. o Trainer and Qualitative Data Collector:- Midline Survey Evaluation of ‘Wasichana Wote Wasome Programme in Kenya ((Let all Girls Read) (eg.Tana River County)’, under Women Education Researchers of Kenya (WERK), Kenya.-2016 o Consultant: - ‘Do Networks Work? Study of the Construction and Governance of Transnational Higher Education Research Collaborations in Kenya and Ugandan Universities’ Funded by CODESTRIA-2015 o Researcher (Ph.D. Thesis): - Private Rates of Return to Investment in Technical Education; Case of Manufacturing Industries in Thika, Kiambu -Kenya. Funded by Kenyatta University -2015 o Research Assistant: - Child Domestic Workers’ Survey in Selected Counties in Kenya, (eg Kakamega, Nairobi Counties Funded by EU -2015. o Research Assistant: – “Effects of Housing to Safety of Children Violence and Housing Evaluation Project in Kenya’. A collaboration between Kenyatta University & Mac Grill University-2013 5.0 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES & WORKSHOPS ATTENDED______________________ 5.1 Outside Kenya o Presenter: - Presented a “Project Plan for Doctoral Supervision” during the First Dialogue on Innovation Higher Education Strategies (DIES) and Centre for Research on Evaluation Science and Technology (CREST) Alumni Networking Meeting for African Doctoral supervision in Stellenbosch University, Cape town South Africa- 2019. Purity CV 2021 [Type text] Page 2 o Participant :- Study Tour on Start-up Development via Collaboration for Entrepreneurial Universities (CEPU), Leipzig University , Germany-23rd to 29th June, 2019 o Presenter:- :Research in Education: Challenges and Opportunities” As an Association of Commonwealth Universities(ACU) Fellow in Education in Bayero University ,Kano (BUK) Nigeria-2018 o Presenter: -Presented a Paper on’ Cost Benefit Analysis of Technical Education in Kenya’ during the 12th International Conference on Education and Development in Bangkok, Thailand, 5th -7th March, 2017 o Participant : -Workshop on Sustainability Practitioner Programme Presented by the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership at Intundla Game Lodge, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa, 5th to 8th August, 2018: o Participant:- Participated in an online Southern African Research and Innovation Management Association (SARIMA) Conference in South Africa ,2020 5.2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES ATTENDED IN KENYA_______________________________ o Participant: - The 6th International Annual Conference on Education and Life-Long Learning held at Kenyatta University KUCC Interaction Hall. Kenya- From 3rd and 4th October, 2019. o Participant: - The International Quadra Helix Summit “on INNNOVATIONS4SDGs – Innovating for the Better Tomorrow ‘at the University of Nairobi Towers Kenya- 2018. o Presenter: - Knowledge Sharing Forum for Practitioners in Peace Building and Academia as a Post Celebration Activity for the International World Day of Peace 26- 27th September.(A case of Borderless higher education for refugees program)at Silver Spring Hotel. Organized by UNESCO-KNATCOM Nairobi, Kenya- 2017. o Presenter: - a Paper on ‘Refugees Experiences in the Use of Technology to Access Education in Kenya’ during the 4th International Annual October Conference on Education and Lifelong Learning at Kenyatta University, Kenya -2017. o Education Track Presenter: - “Does Gender Matter as Far as Earnings and Enrolment for TVET Graduates are concerned? During the Triple Helix Summit ICT and Data Summit at the University of Nairobi Towers, Kenya -2017. Purity CV 2021 [Type text] Page 3 o Presenter:-“Which Way to go for Technical, Vocational Education and Training Graduates (TVET)? White or Blue Collar Jobs? During the 3rd International Annual Conference on Education and Lifelong learning at Kenyatta University, Kenya - 2016. o Presenter: - “Demand Factors Influencing Enrolment for Distance Learning. Case of University of Nairobi External Degree Program, during the 1st Biennial Conference on the State of Higher Education in Kenya at Kenyatta University organized by Commission for University Education, Kenya-2016. o Presenter: - “Relationship between Lifetime Earnings and Levels of Technical Education” during the 2nd Research Conference at Kiambu Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Kenya-2015. o Presenter: - ‘Why Invest in Technical Education at Higher levels?’ During the 2nd International Conference organized by the School of Education at Kenyatta University, Kenya- 2015. o Presenter:- ‘Female Participation in Engineering Courses in TVET’ during The 2nd International Conference on “Re- Engineering Education for Sustainable Development” at Kenyatta University, Kenya -2015 o Presenter: - : Rates of Returns to Technical Education Investment”, at Kenyatta University, Kenya -2014. o Presenter :- “Application of Research in Decision Making and Policy Formulation in Kenya, at Catholic University, Kenya- 2012 5.3 WORKSHOPS /TRAININGS ATTENDED____________________________________________________ 5.3.1: Entrepreneurship & Innovation Training/Workshops Attended o Participant: - Online Strategy Implementation Planning Workshop IV via Collaboration for Entrepreneurial Universities (CEPU) jointly conducted by Kenyatta University and Mount Kenya University on the Kenyan side and Bonn- Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Leipzig University and Wismar University of Applied Sciences on the German side, DAAD project. Kenyatta University, Nairobi Kenya-1st October to 7th October, 2020. o Participant: - Online Design Thinking Training Course. Kenyatta University, .26th. Kenyatta University, Kenya- 1st October to 4th November, 2020. Purity CV 2021 [Type text] Page 4 o Participant: - Participated in a virtual online training workshop run by the BRECcIA Project & Southern Africa Research and Innovation Management Association (SARIMA) SARIMA over a period of 5 weeks on Research and Grants Management. Kenya -from 15th June –July 2020. o Participant: - Entrepreneurial Universities (CEPU) project Training on HEinnovate –DAAD, Kenyatta University-2018 o Participant :- Kenya National Innovation Agency (KENIA) Stakeholders Launch of its Strategic Plan at Nairobi Safari Club, Lillian Towers –Nairobi, Kenya-2018 . o Participant:-Training on ‘Women Empowerment in Entrepreneurship’ at the American Embassy Centre. Nairobi, Kenya-2018. o Participant: - Participated at the Kenya National Innovation Agency Strategic Plan Stakeholders Forum and Recognition Ceremony for the 2016-Innovation Award Winners. Nairobi Safari Club, Lillian Towers, University Way, Nairobi Kenya- 2017. o Participant: - Student Training for Entrepreneurial Promotion (STEP) Course - Trainer of Trainers (TOT) -Collaboration between Kenyatta and Leuphana Universities, Germany. At Kenyatta University KUCC Kenya -2016. 5.3.2 Curriculum, Pedagogy & Module Development Training Attended o Participant: - Work shop to develop and design Competence Based Curriculum for Middle Schools,” at Masada Hotel, Naivasha –Kenya May 14th to 26th, 2018. o Participant :Work Shop to develop the Scope and Sequence Charts for the Competence Based Curriculum for Middle School at BaoBab Holiday Resort Mombasa –Kenya - April 23nd - 4th May, 2018. o Participant: - A two days’ Workshop Training Workshop on ‘Development of Interactive Modules’ at Kenyatta University. Kenya- 2018. o Participant: - International
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