(Issue 1 – first sent out March 2001) Time for Truth News! Have you ordered your copy of the Ministry Years? Issue 55 – April – June 2011 John & Donna’s Newsletter Time for Truth! PO BOX 1146 Kidderminster Worcs DY10 1WG ENGLAND. UK Mobile - 07958 489994
[email protected] www.timefortruth.co.uk Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Tim 2v15 WARNING! If you are a Hyper-Dispensationalist DO NOT proceed any further – you WILL be offended! This newsletter STAMPS out Stam (Cornelius) & exposes the BULL of Bullinger (Ethelbert) … & MILLS Miller (Gary) to a powder!!! (Mat 21v44) Thanks for all your encouragement! We really do appreciate all your letters & emails encouraging us in the work we do, we certainly need it I can tell you! Time for Truth! has had quite a few ‘battles’ of late with some right silly-billy-‘Christians’ plus a few ‘evolutionary-sinners!’ So it’s exciting to get some GOOD letters & emails & we really want to thank you for these, please keep them coming! Do you have an EMAIL address? Many of you are now receiving ‘Time for Truth NEWS!’ via email or reading it on our website! If you have an email address & would like us to email you our newsletter, plus keep you up-to-date with all the latest news, please forward to us your email address. People on our email mailing list get THE NEWS a lot quicker & also receive the EXTRAS that we just can’t put into the hard copy on occasions.