BIBLE BELIEVERS’ BULLETIN September 2017 Page 1 Bible Believers’ Bulletin Vol. 41 No. 9 “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth” (John 17:17) September 2017 Today’s Bold Talk Radio “Christians” By Brian Donovan should be particularly noticed as it is Contrary to the right-wing, conser- in the context of one of the favorite vative, Republican, “Christian” move- misapplied verses used by politicians ment’s rhetoric, America is not now, trying to sucker Christians for their nor ever has been, a Christian nation. votes today (verse 14 “If my people, Bible believers know that the Lord which are called by my name, shall has lumped all nations together as humble themselves…”). “a drop of a bucket” (Isaiah 40:15) In their self-righteousness, the and that includes the USA. The only Jews must be reminded that they exception to that rule is the nation of were not chosen because they were Israel, which stands out as the “apple” better than the Gentile nations (Deu- of the Lord’s eye (Deuteronomy teronomy 9:4-5), but simply because 32:10) and she enjoys the singular of the oath that the Lord swore to distinction of being His special people keep to their fathers (Deuteronomy that are not Americans (Psalm 125:1- 7:6-8). It is amazing how upset the 2), as a special nation that is not American Laodicean Christians get America (II Samuel 7:23), with a spe- when this is taught and preached. cial city that is not Washington D.C. They will run to their Constitution and (Il Chronicles 6:38), and a special their Bill of Rights (one even said place that is not the White House (II that the historical fulfillment of the Chronicles 7:15). The last reference open door of Revelation 3:7 was not the AV1611, but the American Bill of In This Bulletin Rights!) before they will look up the Today’s Bold verses in a KJV. Talk Radio “Christians” .................1 Now there is no doubt that the USA Things I Have Learned ....................2 has enjoyed the blessings of the Lord God and that it is a country that my- Public Preaching............................16 self and millions of others are thank- A Marriage for His Son ..................23 Continued on 11 Cheap Grace .................................31 New Commentary on Mark—see page 9 Page 2 September 2017 BIBLE BELIEVERS’ BULLETIN Things I Have Learned By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman not “flocking.” “With the ancient is wisdom; 2. “An idle mind is the Devil’s and in length of days understand- workshop.” All you have to do to let ing” (Job 12:12). the Devil run you is put your mind “But where shall wisdom be in “neutral,” and it will run the wrong found? and where is the place of way. You’ll find that in Genesis 8:21 understanding?” (Job 28:12). where a man’s imagination “is evil I will undertake an impossible from his youth.” task here. I am going to try to give 3. “The fear of the LORD is the you everything you need to know beginning of wisdom” (Psa. 111:10; about anything, that I have learned Prov. 9:10). You begin by fearing God. in my lifetime. This won’t cover what “‘Twas grace that taught my heart to I learned about the Bible in 67 years fear, and grace my fears relieved.” of Christian life. These are practical You begin negative, always. If you be- things I have learned in my experi- gin positive, you are sunk before you ence. start. The gospel is 75% negative—1 When I was a young man, I used Corinthians 15:3–4; READ IT! to hunt for what is known as the 4. Wisdom consists of knowing “hidden wisdom.” I read the mate- when to be afraid and when not to be rial by the Rosicrusians. When I was afraid. If you mix up what to fear and overseas in the military, I intended to what not to fear, you will get yourself end up in Tibet with the Dalai Lama in a first-rate mess. and those Buddhist monks there. I 5. “A Smith and Wesson beats four read Madame Blavatsky’s The Secret aces.” No matter how skilled or lucky Doctrine. I checked out the Masons you are, it can all be trumped if the and the followers of “eternal ice” in other guy has a gun pointed at your Germany, and I studied Atlantis and head. God knows what trying to find the 6. “You can always get more with “hidden wisdom.” It wasn’t until I got a kind word and a gun than you can saved and in the Book (AV 1611) that with a kind word alone.” Old “Scar- I found out where to get wisdom. face” Al Capone may have said that, “And unto man he said, Behold, but it’s true. the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; 7. “Good fences make good and to depart from evil is under- neighbors.” Robert Frost wrote that. standing” (Job 28:28). If you “build bridges,” pretty soon, So here are some things I have everybody will be at each other’s learned in life—practical wisdom. throats. Fences make good neighbors 1. “Birds of a feather flock togeth- because they delineate clearly what’s er.” That’s a law of nature. You won’t yours and what’s the other fellow’s. overthrow it even when you think you When all the fences are down, every- are. It is as fixed as gravity. No mat- body’s trying to claim the same things ter how much you try to mix the birds for themselves. That’s when the riots and “integrate” them, birds will “flock” start, and armed troops have to be with their own kind. If you find birds of called in to break them up. a different “feather” together, they’re Continued on 3 BIBLE BELIEVERS’ BULLETIN September 2017 Page 3 Things I Have Learned Continued from 2 you just gotta use yo’ brains.” My 8. A country gets the government it colored maid Evelyn said that one deserves. That should scare the fire time. That’s a great truth. Don’t worry out of any American with any sense. about the level of education you have. 9. Kingdom builders are bloody Education can mess you up more killers. Any man who set out to “make often than not. Use the brains God the world a better place to live in,” gave you. ended up killing people right and left. 14. “Life is rough, but it’s tougher If you had Charlemagne, Napoleon, when you’re stupid.” The “Duke” Hitler, Stalin, and Marx right here, (John Wayne) said that. That’s true, every one of them would swear on a man. stack of corpses that all he wanted to 15. “That which is highly es- do was “make the world a better place teemed among men is abomination to live in.” in the sight of God” (Luke 16:15). 10. “If it don’t make sense, there’s Nobody in television, the news media, a buck in it.” That’s a “Ruckmanism”— Hollywood, or sports knows that; but a truism with which I’ve come up it is a tremendous truth, nonetheless. based on years and decades of ob- If the world thinks a lot of someone servation. or something, it stinks in the sight of 11. “Men who will not be ruled by God. And the opposite is true too: if God will be ruled by tyrants.” That God thinks highly of something, the was William Penn’s (the founder of world treats it like the “plague.” Pennsylvania) observation. You will 16. The most beautiful things in the either be run by God or the Devil. world are usually useless. A flower Do you know what marked the con- may be a beautiful thing, but what stitutions of the states before the can you do with it? You can look at Civil War? They all acknowledged it; that’s about all. Nine times out of their dependence on Almighty God ten, these beauty queens and sex as Creator (see America’s God and goddesses which TV and Hollywood Country and The Original 13 by Wil- promote are good for nothing when it liam Federer). That wasn’t just “Bible comes to cooking, cleaning, sewing, belt” Southerners (like North and running a household, or raising kids. South Carolina and Virginia); it was You men might want to remember that “Yankees” too (Ohio, Vermont, etc.). if you have to pick a wife. They said any “right” you have came 17. It may be a sin to list the sins from God, not the government. The of the Catholic Church, but it is never minute you go to the government for a mistake. That’ll fly. your “rights,” you have traded God for 18. If you’re lying flat on your face, a tyrant (the government). you can’t fall down. Another “Ruck- 12. The bigger the belfry, the more manism.” If you are in the “prone room for the bats. That’s another position” with your face to the earth, “Ruckmanism.” Nothing is more tragic you can’t fall down. Ruckman’s three or terrible than brilliant intellectuality rules of combat are: 1. Get down. 2. with low morality. Stay down. 3. Don’t get back up. In 13. “If you ain’t got no education, Continued on 4 Page 4 September 2017 BIBLE BELIEVERS’ BULLETIN Things I Have Learned Continued from 3 man died, and someone asked, “What the Bible, that works out as: did he leave behind?” A Christian “Pride goeth before destruction, replied, “He left it all.” When death and an haughty spirit before a fall” comes to take you away, you won’t (Prov.
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