One novelty available in magic concentrate on the good? Don’t you caster Bob Hammond told Chick stores is a light bulb that appears to think you are being a tad bit critical that China was won to Commu- be illuminated with no apparent con- here?’’ Most people would trash the nism through cartoon booklets. nection to electricity. The bulb, of bagel and never go near the vendor Chick decided to use the same course, is not an ordinary bulb, but again. method for Christ. In other one rigged with a small battery. When words, Chick tracts are a Com- Some Bible teachers are like the mie plot.’’2 the base of the bulb touches a tiny New York bagel vendor. Error can piece of metallic fabric or foil in the creep into a person’s teaching even if Most of Chick’s tracts, in and of performer’s hand, ‘‘Abracadabra — let the teacher says some good things. themselves, are not too bad. However, there be light!’’ When it comes to the contemporary his work cannot be endorsed for a There are real bulbs and there are Church’s ‘‘Hall of Shame’’ of flaky variety of significant reasons. trick ones. Aberrational doctrine is and tainted teachings, one man’s bust GRAND ‘‘FLAKES’’ like the trick bulb: it only appears to looms large: Jack T. Chick. Chick, be legitimate. now in his 80s, is probably best Over the past three decades, Chick has gained notoriety for endorsing, Apologist Robert Bowman issued an known for his small promoting, and selling resources for alert over a decade ago: format evangelistic tracts or booklets. heretics, charlatans, and known cons ‘‘The church today is plagued, Chick was converted to Christ in and criminals. Over the years, Chick’s not only by heresies and aberra- 1948 after listening to Charles E. message has been unchanged — a tions, but by doctrines which I Fuller’s Old Fashion Revival Hour radio secret cabal plotting to undermine the would characterize as ‘junk-food broadcast. During the 1950s, he Church and kill Christians. And while doctrine.’ Junk food won’t kill worked as an aerospace illustrator. In the plot line never changes, the fac- you, unless that’s all you eat — 1958, with the help of his wife, Chick tion behind this plot has. Since the in which case poor nutrition will created an evangelistic flip chart spin- 1970s, the Illuminati, the Roman eventually catch up with you. off of the radio program, This Is Your , Satanists and Junk-food doctrine is not good, Life. Chick’s version, which later be- witches have all, at times, been the nor is it really bad. One might came known as ‘‘This Was Your Life,’’ principal characters of Chick’s con- call it ‘flaky’ doctrine.’’1 portrayed an unconverted soul who spiracy theories. dies and faces judgment. His life is Last year a radio news item told of then replayed to him on a heavenly Chick first paved the way for John a food vendor on the streets of New movie screen. His flip chart was Todd, who claimed to be an ex-Grand York City who sold a bagel and cream initially used to evangelize prisoners, Druid and a former high-ranking cheese sandwich with a cockroach in and later became his most popular member of the Illuminati.3 Todd it. No one in his right mind would and enduring witnessing tract. gained prominence through Chick’s argue, ‘‘It’s not that grave a concern. full-length comic books, Angel of Light One Chick critic notes: Just think of all the good cream and Spellbound. He said he was privy cheese in that sandwich. Can’t you ‘‘TWYL was converted to tract to the identity of the Antichrist. A sort the bagel from the cockroach and form after missionary broad- thorough investigation of Todd and

October-December 2004 The Quarterly Journal · 5 his claims revealed a history of di- claimed to have literally married Sa- ideas of Wilkinson. As such, they are verse conversion stories, multiple tan and jetted around the world as his 50 or more years behind the times as marriages, deception, and other un- international agent, Brown pretended far as current Bible manuscript stud- Christian behavior.4 Todd was not the to know all the secrets of the satanic ies. For example, the ‘‘P’’ fragments conspiratorial whistle-blower Chick organization.10 As Todd’s and Al- (many dating virtually to the made him out to be, but rather a berto’s stories succumbed to apathy Apostles) have recently acquired great psychotic con man who, in 1988, and the critic’s pen, Brown became distinction within the Bible translation received a 30-year prison sentence for the darling of Chick Publications. arena and have nothing to do with raping a graduate student in South Wescott and Hort, who are classified Carolina.5 Chick gave even greater distinction by those in the KJVO camp as the to the message and testimony of perpetrators ultimately responsible for Chick then moved to promoting a Rebecca and Elaine. Rather than con- the modern day evil versions.14 bogus Roman Catholic priest named fining their tales to comic book for- Alberto Rivera. Rivera described him- mat, Chick published two full-length So Chick’s track record is indeed self as a former Jesuit who was a books, He Came to Set the Captives Free appalling. That in itself makes us secret agent of the Catholic Church and Prepare for War.11 leery of anything he produces. Chick with a mission to infiltrate and de- seems to lack discernment. The regret- stroy Protestant denominations. Riv- Chick regarded the evidence of all table aspect of all this is that he of Brown’s past drug forays and legal era, like Todd, was publicized in a wields influence over many young troubles with disdain, indifference, pair of Chick comic books, Alberto and and untaught believers. and denial. As he did when respond- Double Cross. Rivera claimed he was ing to refutations of Todd and Rivera, Chick’s latest promotion is a 78- not alone in his mission. He alleged he said the evidence had been set minute audio-visual production other Vatican-ordained colleagues forth by a vast satanic conspiracy (available on either DVD or VHS whose mission was to wreak havoc established to destroy their divine video) called The Light of the World.It and destruction within missions. is advertised as giving the whole included Kathryn Kuhlman and Jim story from creation to Christ’s resur- Jones. Both Catholics and Protestants Today, even apart from Chick, rection with narration and more than discounted and refuted Alberto’s alle- Brown continues in a far-out state of 360 images of oil paintings. A bro- 6 gations. paranoia. She says PFO wields great chure touts: control over churches and Christian One Australian-based ministry pro- publishing. The members of PFO are, ‘‘In a day when many Christians vided details of Rivera’s personal according to Brown, ‘‘agents of ’’ are producing watered-down, history. Concerned Christians Growth and she calls for Christians to pray politically-correct films, The Light Ministries published statements from and ask God to expunge the ministry of the World provides exactly several people who knew Rivera as a of PFO.12 what you would expect from young man. Their testimony included — a straightforward, details of his membership in an evan- Chick also is enamored with a Peter biblically accurate, no-punches- gelical church in the Canary Islands, Ruckman-style King James Version pulled presentation of the his study at an evangelical seminary Only teaching. This belief contends with a compelling ap- in Costa Rica, and the average social that only the King James Version of peal.’’ status of his family. The magazine the Bible contains the unadulterated even printed a 1953 photograph taken Word of God. As such, he brands all How much light is in The Light of the in Las Palmas, Canary Islands, show- other versions or translations of Scrip- World, and how much is an illusion is ing Rivera as part of a young men’s ture — including the New King James the question. Obviously there are church group.7 These particulars all Version — as perversions. some things that are correct in Chick’s presentation, but it also contains undermined the claim by Rivera (in It also appears that Chick is un- the Alberto comic book) that during issues not clearly explained and aware that the King James Version points described very poorly. Those his youth, ‘‘In Spain alone, I helped Only teaching was born out of heresy, 8 ambiguous statements can tend destroy at least 19 churches,’’ and the having its recent roots in a Seventh- depiction that his family was of toward heresy. Perhaps the Chick day Adventist teacher, Benjamin G. pamphlet unwittingly admits the un- prominent position.9 13 Wilkinson. Wilkinson loved the mistakable when it pitched that the Chick, who never openly repudi- King James Version for one reason production ‘‘provides exactly what ated the slanderous hoaxes of Todd alone. He believed that it taught and you would expect from Jack Chick.’’ and Rivera, and who apparently defended the false doctrine of soul never learned from his mistakes, went sleep, a key tenet within Adventist — QUICK-CHANGE GOD? and Jehovah’s Witness — theology. on to endorse former drug-addicted Chick’s production lacks precision. physician Ruth Bailey, who went un- When one surveys the landscape of For example, the presentation com- der the alias of Rebecca Brown, M.D. all KJVO exponents, it is obvious that mences with Creation, and God is Along with her sidekick, Elaine, who they are merely regurgitating the described:

6 · The Quarterly Journal October-December 2004 ‘‘There are three parts to God: son. This was being taught from the This is a dangerous pronouncement God the Father, God the Son, and times of the Apostles. God is not just on two fronts: first because it is false God the Holy Spirit. And these one, which is modalism. Neither is He and unbiblical, and second because it three are one. The true and living just three, which is tritheism. Chick’s aids the theology of the Word Faith God. All three are separate, yet view seems to be an interbred version camp. Many prominent Word Faith all three are one.’’ of both. Chick confuses the concepts leaders teach that Adam surrendered of nature and person. the legal rights of the world to This, at first, could sound orthodox Satan.17 Chick teaches the same con- to the untrained ear, but the statement Athanasius declared: cept, but places Satan’s takeover ear- could well be embraced by Oneness ’’... we worship one God in lier. Chick offers no Scripture because Pentecostals. It definitely sounds Trinity, and Trinity in Unity; there is none. No man knows when within the confines of a modalistic (or Neither confounding the Persons; the fall of Lucifer and angels oc- non-Trinitarian) view of God, which nor dividing the Substance. For curred. We do know, however, that is a grave theological anomaly of there is one Person of the Father, Satan never owned the earth. Oneness Pentecostals. This view is another of the Son, and another known as the heresy of Sabellianism. This belief robs God of His omnipo- of the Holy Ghost. But the God- tence and flies in the face of verses It is not being captious to insist that head of the Father, of the Son, such as Psalm 24:1, ‘‘The earth is the a pilot make sure the plane’s instru- and of the Holy Ghost, is all one: LORD’s, and all its fullness,’’ and ments are working. We do not want the Glory Equal, the Majesty Psalm 50:12 where the Lord says, to end up in Mexico when we were Coeternal. Such as the Father is, ‘‘For the world is Mine.’’ The world is heading for Michigan. Definition and such is the Son: and such is the either God’s or Satan’s. It makes a precision are equally — if not more — Holy Ghost. The Father uncreate, world of difference. important when it comes to spiritual the Son uncreate: and the Holy Chick further suggests that Adam Ghost uncreate. ... The Father matters. intruded into Satan’s domain, stating eternal, the Son eternal: and the Satan’s ‘‘territory had been invaded Christian History magazine says of Holy Ghost eternal. And yet they by a new creation called man.’’ Scrip- the term ‘‘Trinity’’: are not three Eternals: but one ture, however, speaks of no such Eternal. ... So likewise the Father ‘‘We owe the word ‘Trinity’ to invasion. Genesis is clear that Adam the African theologian and is Almighty, the Son Almighty: was placed on God’s earth — an earth apologist Quintus Septimius Flo- and the Holy Ghost Almighty. He had just created. God did not give rens Tertullian (ca. 160 - ca. 225). And yet there are not three His earth away, and Adam could not. Tertullian used the word for the Almighties but one Almighty. So Therefore earth never was Satan’s concept that appears everywhere the Father is God, the Son is domain. A domain is defined as a in the Bible but is never explicitly God: and the Holy Ghost is God. ‘‘region under a single sovereign.’’18 named. He coined it in an argu- And yet they are not three Gods: God is the only Sovereign. Later, the 16 ment with a teacher who pro- but one God.” narrator will say that, ‘‘Before the moted modalism — the view that Chick truly lacks precision in defin- devil moves against someone, he the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit ing this fundamental truth of the must first get permission from God are not distinct persons but mere Christian faith. Although the produc- the Father in .’’ So here we appearances (modes) or roles tion is promoted as ‘‘the whole have mixed signals at the very least. played by a single God.’’15 story,’’ the viewer will have to fill in SATAN NEVER The Trinity was not invented by the some blanks. One can only wonder LOOKED SO SILLY early Church because it was ‘‘every- how an unbeliever (the primary target where in the Bible.’’ It was recog- of the presentation) will do so. One Throughout the presentation we see nized, not originated, by Tertullian. also might wonder if this lack of not only simplistic portrayals of Tertullian and other early Church definition is a lack of discernment, or things, but renderings and images Fathers are no more responsible for a move to more widely market the that, for far too long, the Church has ‘‘inventing’’ the doctrine of the Trinity product. tried to abandon. Satan is shown in than Isaac Newton is responsible for typical fashion with horns, SOVEREIGN SATAN? ‘‘inventing’’ the law of gravity. fangs, a red suit, tail, and long dag- As the program continues, the nar- gers for nails. At times, Satan is Down through history, the Church ration states: pictured as half-animal with cloven has held to the Athanasian Creed, hooves. These are really nothing more which is a synopsis of the biblical ‘‘God threw Lucifer and all the than caricatures. Scripture makes clear material on the Godhead. As with rebellious angels out of heaven. that Satan is not like this. Even the Tertullian, this creed did not invent These fallen angels became devils world mocks this representation. The the doctrine, but codified, clarified, and Lucifer became Satan. They inspired Apostle Paul stated, ‘‘Satan and explained that God is one in settled around planet Earth, himself transforms himself into an essence and nature, but three in per- which became Satan’s domain.’’ angel of light. Therefore it is no great

October-December 2004 The Quarterly Journal · 7 thing if his ministers also transform The death of was sovereignly take Pilate’s responsibility, which they themselves into ministers of righteous- designed by God, yet Scripture as- could not anyway. Hardship and dev- ness’’ (2 Corinthians 11:14-15). It may signs culpability. The human astation came automatically to that not have occurred to Chick, but Satan factor loomed large as Peter charged, generation because the rejection of may well be pleased at this portrayal. ‘‘Him ... you have taken by lawless Jesus has links to the later destruction Chick seems to be preoccupied with hands, have crucified, and put to of Jerusalem and its Temple by the Satan and gives him far too much death’’ (Acts 2:23). Likewise, Paul Romans. This Jesus prophesied in does not lay blame at the feet of Satan Luke 19:41-44. We know, too, that credit. In a scene depicting Satan with directly, but says, ‘‘Which none of the according to the first half of the book clawed hands upon Caesar’s shoul- rulers of this age knew; for had they of Acts, thousands of Jews were saved. ders, Chick says, ‘‘Satan moved Cae- known they would not have crucified We cannot dismiss the fact that suffer- sar Augustus in Rome to tax the the Lord of glory’’ (1 Corinthians 2:8). ing is a part of life and many nations whole world.’’ Here he is guilty of have suffered for various reasons. eisegesis at worst or an overactive It seems to be more man’s revenge Suffering is a consequence of the fall. imagination at best. Luke simply than Satan’s. wrote, ‘‘And it came to pass in those Secondly, no respectable exegete Some of the other items mentioned days that a decree went out from would lay the verse on unborn gen- on the presentation concerning the Caesar Augustus that all the world erations. It is not reasonable to say, crucifixion are of little consequence, should be registered’’ (Luke 2:1). but remain wrong. The video says, ‘‘They have suffered ever since.’’ The New Geneva Study Bible offers this Additionally, Chick, who condemns “the soldiers made a crown of poison- contemporary Bible translations, cre- ous thorns.’’ If this were true, Jesus commentary: ates his own ‘‘revised Chick para- probably would not have survived to ‘‘When Pilate seemed reluctant to phrase,’’ adding Satan to the birth the cross. The Bible simply says, ‘‘the act, the people were not afraid to narrative of Jesus. One could far soldiers twisted a crown of thorns say they would take the respon- better argue that a Sovereign God and put it on His head’’ (John 19:2). sibility themselves. Their guilt, moved things in this direction. Prov- THOSE JEWS! Pilate’s guilt, and Judas’s, is not erbs 21:1 reminds us, ‘‘The king’s determined by them but by God heart is in the hand of the LORD, Like There is also an anti-Semitic sugges- (cf. Acts 4:27). According to rivers of water; He turns it wherever tion added to the statement of the Ezekiel, descendants do not He wishes.’’ Similarly, Proverbs 16:4 crowd at the crucifixion when they share the guilt of their parents instructs, ‘‘The LORD has made all for said, ‘‘His blood be on us and on our unless they cooperate in their Himself, Yes, even the wicked for the children’’ (Matthew 27:25). This is sins (Ezek. 18:20; cf. Acts 2:23, day of doom.’’ Perhaps unaware, interpreted by Chick to mean that the 39).’’21 Chick ultimately denies the true sov- Jewish suffering through history is ereignty of God in that he continues the result of their first century rejec- ETHEREAL BLOOD? to ascribe to Satan the sovereign tion. Citing the Matthew passage, the Chick also says that ‘‘the blood that prerogatives which belong only to narrator then offers, ‘‘God took them Jesus shed on the cross that terrible God. It was not too difficult for God at their words. They have suffered day was not human blood; it was to move the heart of the pagan King ever since.’’ As much as Chick de- God’s precious blood.’’ This leads to Cyrus to help the Jews return to spises the Roman Catholic Church, he all sorts of philosophical and theologi- Jerusalem from Persia. picks up one of the ideas it uses to cal concerns: Since God is Spirit, how Chick compounds the strangeness support centuries of anti-Semitism. could God have blood? What is God’s and satanic obsession by saying that Roman Catholic author James Car- blood? Does God need blood to exist? the crucifixion was ‘‘the devil’s mo- roll admits that, especially from the Was Jesus really less than human ment for revenge.’’ Scripture describes time of Constantine forward, ‘‘For with supernatural God blood? Be- the crucifixion in many ways, but Jews, the cross became the symbol of cause Christ’s blood was shed, never as Satan’s revenge. the ultimate cul de sac.’’19 The Cru- poured out, where did the blood of sades of the Middle Ages were fueled God end up since all of God is The crucifixion is described as an by anti-Semitism and anti-Islamicism. immortal? Again Chick adds to the ‘‘offering’’ throughout the book of It is documented that a ‘‘Jewish man Bible. Hebrews. Paul describes it as a was stabbed five times by a group of ‘‘righteous act’’ in Romans 5:18. This Certainly this idea could not be Crusaders ‘in memory of the wounds was not Satan’s handiwork, but rather derived from the Bible. Although the suffered by Jesus.’’’20 Jesus being ‘‘delivered by the deter- Chick video does not specifically state mined purpose and foreknowledge of In exegeting this Gospel passage, it, perhaps he has misconstrued the God,’’ as Acts 2:23 declares. The we must first consider the statement Acts 20:28 statement of Paul when he people of Jesus’ day, being fallen in Matthew 27:25 came out of the says, ‘‘shepherd the church of God sinners, were only doing what they ignorance of the people at Pilate’s which He purchased with His own desired to do in crucifying Jesus. hall. It simply means that they would blood.’’ The words ‘‘of God’’ clearly

8 · The Quarterly Journal October-December 2004 refer to (or modify) the word BUT THERE IS SOME GOOD Rebecca Brown. The greater part of these ‘‘Church’’ and not the word ‘‘blood.’’ reports have been collected and published No doubt, Chick’s supporters will by PFO under the title, Drugs, Demons and The blood in the verse is clearly the Delusions - An Investigation of the Testi- blood of Jesus. Hebrews 2:14 makes argue that the ‘‘plan of salvation’’ is presented and so that justifies all the mony, Claims and Doctrine of Rebecca Brown, abundantly clear that Jesus’ humanity errors and quirks. But again we need MD. This 54-page booklet is available and His identification with us is from PFO (Saint Louis). recall the illustration of the bagel. based on the fact that He shared 11. Chick Publications was responsible for Jesus clearly emphasized not only human flesh and blood (minus sin of the initial printings of these volumes. In evangelism, but discipleship, in the the late 1980s, Brown’s relationships with course). So without being a partaker Great Commission. We are to ‘‘teach both sidekick Elaine and publisher Jack of our true humanity (flesh and everything’’ He commanded and Chick ended. However, these splits did blood), which He ‘‘shared’’ as the teach them to observe or obey (Mat- not cause the books or their fabricated writer of Hebrews says, He would not thew 28:19-20). If this video presenta- contents to cease. Whitaker House pub- lishers now reprints these earlier volumes have been truly the God/man or tion brings converts, it is possible that adequate Savior. There are also ad- as well as Brown’s current eccentric offer- they arrive in the bizarre and con- ings. equate alternate renderings of the spiratorial world of Jack Chick, with 12. For further reports on the deluded Acts 20:28 passage that read, ‘‘the its dubious cast of characters. rambling of charges by Brown against Church of the Lord,’’ which certainly PFO, see ‘‘Rebecca Brown’s Axis of Evil,’’ fit the context more readily.22 The Light of the World does not The Quarterly Journal, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 2, explain important issues fully or 21; and ‘‘Rebecca in Fantasyland,’’ The The bottom line is that the Bible clearly. Others are pictured poorly Quarterly Journal, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 3, would not mislead us. If Christ’s and some lean toward heresy. The 21-23. blood — which at times is literal and verbal additions to the Word of God 13. See further the article, ‘‘The Cultic at other times a metaphor for His are a cultic practice and are not just Root System of David Otis Fuller & King dying or sacrificing His life — was James Onlyism’’ by G. Richard Fisher in explanation or application. The Light of this issue of The Quarterly Journal. Also something other than blood, the writ- the World is really less of a light and see, Roy E. Beacham and Kevin T. Bauder, ers of the New Testament would have more of a hindrance to the untaught. General Editors, One Bible Only? Grand come up with another word and not Rapids, Mich.: Kregal Publications, 2001, Endnotes: confuse us. They constantly used the pp. 44-45. word haima, which would not and 1. Robert M. Bowman, Jr., Orthodoxy and 14. See further, Phillip Wesley Comfort, The Quest for the Original Text of the New could not be taken in any other way Heresy. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Books, 1992, pg. 54. Testament. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker than human blood. Whether he real- 2. Robert B. Fowler, The History of the Book House, 1992. izes it or not, Chick is denying the World According to Jack T Chick.San 15. ‘‘Did You Know?’’, Christian History, essential humanity of Christ and giv- Leandro, Calif.: self-published, 2000, pg. Issue 80, Vol. XXII, No. 4, pg. 3. ing untaught Christians something to 1-6. 16. Gordon Melton, American Religious quarrel over. 3. For more information on the Illuminati, Creeds. New York: Triumph Books, 1991, see G. Richard Fisher, ‘‘The Present-Day Vol. 1, pg. 2. Moreover, Chick’s verbiage is un- Illuminati Theory: The Real or Illusionary 17. See further, Hank Hanegraaff, Chris- forgivably misleading and mystical. Threat of a Secret Worldwide Con- tianity in Crisis. Eugene, Ore.: Harvest D.A. Carson warns against the kind of spiracy,’’ The Quarterly Journal, Vol. 18, House Publishers, 1993, pp. 129-135. 18. The Complete Christian Dictionary for superstitious literalism that makes a No. 1, pp. 5-9. 4. See further, Darryl E. Hicks and David Home and School. Ventura, Calif.: Gospel fetish out of the blood of Jesus: A. Lewis, The Todd Phenomenon - Ex-Grand Light, 1990, ‘‘domain,’’ pg. 192. 19. James Carroll, Constantine’s Sword, The ‘‘[the] blood of Jesus refers to Druid vs. the Illuminati - Fact or Phantasy? Harrison, Ark.: New Leaf Press, 1979. Church and the Jews. New York: Houghton Jesus’ violent, sacrificial death. In 5. See further, G. Richard Fisher, ‘‘Comic Mifflin Co., 2001, pg. 289. general, the blessings that the Book Hero to Convict - The Incredible 20. David Rausch, A Legacy of Hatred. Scriptures show to be accom- Saga of John Todd,’’ The Quarterly Journal, Chicago: Moody Press, 1984, pg. 28. plished or achieved by the blood Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 4, 8-10. 21. New Geneva Study Bible. Nashville: of Jesus are equally said to be 6. See further, M. Kurt Goedelman, ‘‘The Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1995, pg. 1553, Alberto Phenomenon,’’ The Journal of Pas- study note on Matthew 27:25. accomplished or achieved by the toral Practice, (Phillipsburg, N.J.: Presbyte- 22. See further, Adam Clarke, The New death of Jesus (e.g., justification, rian and Reformed Publishing), Vol. V, Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Rom. 3:21-26; 5:6-9; redemption, No. 2, pp. 83-88. Christ. New York: Abingdon Press, nd, Rom. 3:24; Eph. 1:7; Rev. 5:9).’’23 7. ‘‘A Shock for Rivera,’’ Take a Closer Look, Vol. 5, pp. 854-855. Concerned Christian Growth Ministries, 23. D.A. Carson, Exegetical Fallacies. Grand The liturgical exercises of the Ro- Vol. 9, No. 3, April 1988, pp. 12-18. Rapids, Mich.: Baker Book House, 1984, man Catholic system make a magic 8. Jack T. Chick, Alberto. Chino, Calif.: pg. 34, italics in original. For a larger fetish out of Jesus’ blood, as it does to Chick Publications, 1979, pg. 20. presentation of the history and nuances in the cross and His ‘‘Sacred Heart.’’ 9. Ibid., pp. 4-5. The Rivera household blood mysticism, see G. Richard Fisher was depicted as a large home with several and M. Kurt Goedelman, The Confusing Chick’s declaration does not appear servants. World of Benny Hinn, (Saint Louis: Per- too far removed from the metaphysi- 10. Since 1989, PFO has written and sonal Freedom Outreach, 2002), pp. 145- cal blood of Catholicism. published several investigative reports on 154. g October-December 2004 The Quarterly Journal · 9