HHH Plane Takes Student to Capital Candidate Nixon's
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'Racism' Film ASB Interviews "Walk in NI) Shoes," a film Intemiesss are being taken for V1 hit eplores the world of student positions for the ASH the Black American, will be Commission for Inter-Cultural shown todo at 3 p.m. in Mor- tomorroa from ris Atiditori . The a.m.-12:30 p.m. and Thursdas PARTAN DAILY film is part of the "Racism: from 2-3 p.m. at the College 'the Death of a Nation" film I n ion. SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE series. Vol. 56 onie " SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95114, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1968 Nc, 25 HHH Plane Takes Communist Says: Today's Candidate Nixon's World News Student to Capital At a Glance Complied Front Associated Press "Mr. Humphrey, could you help with Peyton Place's Pat Morrow. me please?" Big Valley's Lee Majors and As- 'World a Stage' WASHINGTON In a tape- recorded Larry McCloud, an SJS senior. semblyman John Vasconcellos intemiew before Presi- (1)-24th District). By RON LENT nomic system is "undemocratic dent Johnson's violence commis- looked to the presidential candi- Instead of returning to campus. Spartan Daily Staff Writer and unrepresentative to the needs sion, Black Panther leader Huey date for help. and marking it off as an exciting "Richard Nixon is like Henry of the people," she said. "Com- Newton predicted his movement Instead of the familiar surround- day, McCloud once again boarded Fonda running for President in a munism is the only valid alterna- would achieve sufficient power to ings of the SJS campus, McCloud the press bus headed for the air- movie, but the whole world is his tive." "oppose the whole institution and addressed the vice president at a port where TIFIH's plane would stage," Communist Party Presi- EXPLOITATION even go to war if necessary." cocktail party in Hilton Hotel in take him to Las Vegas. dential Candidate Charlene Mit- Albuquerque, New Mexico. chell told a sparse crowd yester- Corrununism will attempt to ex- * * * It all started out as a joke. But LAS VEGAS FIRST day in Morris Dailey Auditorium. pose the American capitalistic by CANTON, OHIO Vice Pres- now the SJS senior was serious. Whether it was the champagne, Miss Mitchell, 38, said Nixon economic system, exemplified <i and pro- ident Hubert Humphrey. barn- McCloud hacl spent Friday after- the rush to get Humphrey off to represents the "power elite." Hu- private ownership of land ism by exploitation of storming in the final weeks of the noon anti evening diinking cham- Vegas, or just a slip. McCloud bert Humphrey, she maintained, ductiitity and Chicanos and similarly op- Presidential campaign, claimed ast, pagne, listening to the nation's found himself on one. of tvaii press epitomizes the extension of Presi- Blacks, minorities, she explained. Richard Nixon didn't "know how ter. journalists' impressions of Hubert planes accompanying Humphrey dent Johnson's futile Great Society pressed the C.',aiimunist tn r'norittet the works a peace." H. Humphrey, and being swept for a whistle stop in La.s Vegas. program. According to 90c doctrine, if these changes are to into the hectic whirlpool of a po- "I planned to get off in Los noted * * * its. The Chicago-born woman be made, it will be accomplished litical campaign tour. Vegas, do a little gambling, and the current dissatisfaction with It started at the Hyatt House in then head back to SJS." McCloud by the exploited working class and SAN FRANCISCO In the errs Johnson's policies "crystallizes wake of mysterious unknown San Jose. McCloud jumped in one said. "But one of the guys from oppressed minorities. around Wallace's campaign." The bombing blasts in San Francisco of the press buses headed for a NI3C said lie wa.s sure I etrild get Changes in the American edu- elements of the American Inde- cational system are also essential, and Oakland, San Francisco Mayor press conference following Hum- on the plane again, so I did." . pendent Party's attack "center she said. Joseph Mioto sent a written letter phrey's address at SJS. From Las Vegas McCloud went around racism, ignorance, fear, CHARLENE MITCHtLL addresses a small audience in Morris mechanization of the to Bay Area precincts warning to on to Albuquerque for another and jingoism," she said. "The entire lam CHAMPAGNE whistle stop. However, this time Dailey Auditorium yesterday concerning the relevance of Com- university turns out workers that an "organized effort" against the Inside a dining hall for Hum- the vice president's entourage and munism to the exploited worker and oppressed minorities in ORGANIZE LEFT cart be replaced by the next tech- sabators. philay's invited guests. McCloud the press planned to spend the America today. nological advance," she explained. * * * ROL To prevent this "Rightist take- munched on the, buffet's offerings, night at the Hilton Hotel. The university, as "a tool of cap- over," a radical, anti-capitalist left MOSCOW Informed Japanese drank champagne, and chatted guys started giv- italism. produces highly skilled but "The security must organize and oppose "every sourres in Moscow said yesterday ing me the eye, and some reporters docile workers." existing political movement," Miss they understood Soviet Premier were sure I would get busted," New Chairman Signs Mitchell said, referring to a quo- PARTY'S GOALS Alexi N. Kosygin was optimistic McCloud said. "I'd broken security AFT To Discuss tation from Marx and Engel's about prospects for a Vietnam three times already. That's when According to Miss Mitchell, the Communist Manifesto. peace. goals are the I decided to go up to Mr. Hum- The present political and eco- Party's educational Chicano Demands phrey and ask for help," he ex- abolition of tuition, increased plained. Strike-Ending Pact number of scholarships, and insti- Study Abroad tutional reform. Under Commun- MTH 'ASTONISHED' The final work contract which tan Booicstore had their wage the university would become Special Election For New Faculty ism, "He really seemed surprised officially ends the 12-day Spartan scale adjusted so that it is equit- a "self-determining community." Members of the American Fed- that I could have gotten that far. able to that paid students working For a Year Miss Mitchell stressed that stu- Cafeteiia strike was signed Fri- For Frosh Seats eration of Teachers (AM He was really astonished," Mc- in the Food Senice. This means dents "must be taught how to will day by Dr. C. C. Carter, newly meet tomorrow to consider Chi- Cloud continued. that the minirnum wage will move Discussion Set think, not how to behave." Humphrey refeired McCloud to elected chairman of the Spartan upwards from $1.65 to $1.86 per She concluded that because cap- cano demand.s for new faculty Conducted Today the top security man, who turned Shops Board. hour. Dr. Thomas P. Lantos, director italism can not meet the "needs positions, out to be the man who oliginally On the basis of a memorandum Russel Roessler, attorney for of the California State Interna- and grievances" of the oppressed Students will go to the polls Contrary to an article published let him on the plane in San Jose. of agretment signed Oct. 18 by the Spartan Shops Board, prepared tional Programs (CSIPi, will and that a small elite governs the today and tomorrow to elect four in last Thursday's Spartan Daily, the Spartan Shops Board and the a resolution which gives monthly majority in America, "the From then on in, it was clear speak before interested students working freslunen representatives and two AFT did not endorse the demands sailing for the wandering Mc- Union of State Employees (USE) salaried personnel, not covered by Left" is "the only alternative for today at 11:30 a.m. in Morris Dai- issued by the Mexican American Cloud. He flew on to Washington, Local 411, Spartan cafeteria em- another formal agreement, perm- the exploited masses in this coun- Academic Council members. Student Confederation MASC D.C. with the entourage, toured ployees returned to work the fol- anent status employment by Spar- ley Auditorium. try." Larry McCloud, Grady Robert- Dr. Eldred E. Rutherford, pres- the capital, and flew home Sunday lowing MondaY. tan Shops Inc. Applicants must be either of up- son, Ron Ross and Roger Lette are ident of the SJS AFT chapter, per- af ternoon. The new contract tertninates State employees on this cam- per division or graduate standing running for the Academic Council sonally endorsed and gave his sup- July 31, 1969. pus are afforded the same status may qualify for a year of "I think this is the first and and 'White Racism' positions. port to the MASC issue in a rally only time this would ever hap- The Board also approved a by the education code. study in Taiwan, Japrot Italy, on Seventh Street last Monday, pen," McCloud said after return- measure calling for the shut-down Germany, France, Spain, Israel or "VVhite Racism," a series striv- Those rtuming for freshman rep- but as yet does not have the full ing. "It's something I never ex- of cafeteria during periods when Sweden, while still remaining en- ing to promote racial understand- resentatives are: Sam Bell, Jeanne Dolphin, Alex Her- concen.sus of Arr members. pected to do." it is determined that the cafeteria Today's Weather rolled at SJS and receiving credit ing, features Thomas Mueller, as- Bonn, Erroll MASC is demanding the faculty "It's funny that all the big wigs would operate at a loss. ASB Trea- ciouo this morning here. sistant professor of philosophy, to. Johnson, Peggy Kelley, June positions created as a result of pay $25 or so to shake Humphrey's surer Dave Aikman reported the light showers deeloping by af- For further infortnation students night at 8 in the High-Rise Dorm's Knight, George Pharris Marshall, the AFT-Association of California hand, and here I am, just a col- projected loss during such periods, ternoon.