C^dn JoijL Jcnku^r. /d^r. e^^^ . , T







Delectando. . , pariterque monendo.




1825. Printfd at tfir Cambenvell Prets by J. B» G. VOGEL, 1, St. George $ Place. ;







Allow me to offer my sincere thanks to you

not only as a man of literature, and the Author of se-

veral works in more than one language, who has thought this humble attempt worth your notice, and ac-

cepted the dedication of it

But also as a man of feeling, and the father

of a family, who seeing an old soldier in the republic DEDICATION

of letters disabled and forsaken, wishes to refit him a- gain.

Permit me to express a sense of my true and sincere acknowledgement for both, and at the same time to evince ray gratitude by the best means in my power. in praying for the continuance of those blessings you enjoy in the bosom of your family.

I A%

Reverend Sir,

Your most obliged and obedient Servant,



\ith February , 1825. :



It being acknowledged that the study of Radical Words, or Primitives, is the true and best method to learn a language, I need not apologize for this publication ; I shall only mention that neither trouble nor expense has to render this been spared new edition acceptable to the public. It is printed in a larger type than before. The faults that had escaped notice in the former editions have been carefully corrected in the present. There has been also added an Index of the English words by which it in some degree answers the purpose of a Dictionary of the radical words of the five languages ; for instance in the Index the word august 88—21 directs the student to this line

TTorvtoc, 'venerandus, august, venerdndo, venerable

now I proceed to the explanation of the Plan.

The line is an hexameter verse, so far as the Greek words would allow, the Latin coming next, still preserves its quantity; then the English and the Italian, which have : :


also their accent, and chiefly the Italian, whose accent is a great improvement, and yet so seldom acquired by fo-

reigners; the French last, which forms the sixth foot, or the spondee, the whole answering to a Greek or Latin

verse of the same measure : as

or : Arm^ vi|rum que ca|no Tro|jaB qui{prTmus ab|oris.

Thus must be read the following lines

AtjItoq, vehe\mensy san|guine, dr\dentt, v6|hement.

ApuTrreJ, \dildm\dre, toltear, strdcd\dre^ d5|chirer.

When the Greek word has two different meanings, to avoid confusion, I have joined them with a brace, thus

. - - C respiro, to breathe, respirdre, r^spirer. Xa>^a(u, p -^ -^-^ to calm, cdlmdre^ cSlme, appaise. 1^

Sometimes I have lell out the Greek word in the second line ; as,

rKomolo), dor\mire, tolsleep, dor\mirey s'en|dormir. 3 4 I 2 3 ^6 \ sopio, |to cause|to sleep, addormen\tdre, feit|dormir. 12 3 4 5 6

As I have been very particular in marking the Italian accent, the admirers of that language will find in this work not only a translation of the words, but also the correct pronunciation, by laying the stress upon the ac- cented syllable : as, for instance, ; :


la nebbia, la nue ;

cafigine, noirccm ; wiplo\rarC) prle, implore;

felicita, joie ; Divinitd, Dieu nebbia, accented upon the first syllable, is a dactyl, as well as the latin word cdrmtna, and caligine ?iX\A felict\td like arundtne ; and the French having no regular accent the impossibility of scanning a French line, in the man- ner of the ancient^*, is acknowledged by the best writers, therefore 1 have reserved it for the last foot, which may be an iambic as well as a spondee, even in a Latin verse as,

navigliOf navire.

sieio, rameau, tige.

Hscioy piano, plat, uni.

Another difficulty, was the frequent repetition of

Greek words of the same meaning, thus :

Ettoj, dicere^ to speak or say, favelldre, parler, dire. AaXew, garrio, to speak or chat, ciarldre, bavarder.

\iyto, dico, to say or enjoin, dire, dit, enjoint.

<^pa?w, dico, to say or utter, profferire^ parle, (^nonce.

As the verses constantly begin with a Greek word, I have been obliged to use a trochee, or even a molosse, &c.

Gcoc, Disy Deus, Almighty God, la Divinitd, Dieu.

'*^^^^""^? blameless, innocent sans rcprochc. Auvuwv I e, '1 impavidus, lucky, bold, ardito, brave, hcureux. PREFACE.

Those few observations I have thought necessary in order to explain the Plan I have pursued. How far I have succeeded in my endeavours, I leave to the candid reader to judge, requesting indulgence for the few im- perfections unavoidable in a work of this nature, accor- ding to that motto of the great master of poetry,

ubi non ego paucis

off^ndar maculis. THE




A, called alphahy the Greeks, aleph by the Hebrews, im- plies unity, privation, increase, and admiration.

1 'XjLa^w, spirare, to breathe, esaldre^ respirer. 2 "AjSa^, mensa, abacus^ cup-board, armdrioy buffet. 3 *A/3p0C) et tener^ et mollis^ soft, mblle^ doux, gentil. 4 'A]3porrj, nox^ i^ig^t, notte^ serdta^ nuit, soir.

5 ''kya^oQ^ et bonus, et fortis, good, ardito, bon, et brave. 6 'A7aXXa>, ornare^ to dress, abbellirey se parer.

7 " Ayav,vaide, too much,a great deal,mo/^o,beaucoup,trop. 8 'AyavaKrew, angor, I fret, stizzo, je m'indigne. 9 'AyaTTaetv, amare, to love, amdre, bien aimer.

10 'Ayaco, demiror, I stare, stralundre, s'ebahir.


1 (fut. dT»j,rivage.

2 (g. Ko?. 6) a basket. 9 (Ayaaraw), f. ^ta;, to kiss; «-

3 (g. oy, o) ai^^yvo;, to burnish. ydvr), love, kissing ; wya-

4 (g. »)?5 »?•) Ta*, the agapes. 5 (g. oy, o) wise, o(,ye(^v)vUf tO 10 (*J

1 "Ayyapocj bajttlus^ a porter, facchino, porte-faix. 2 'A77IXXW, miito, I send, manddre^ faire tenir.

3 "Ayyoc? ^Jfl* antiquum^ a vessel, wrwc, vase, une urne.

' vador, I stroll about, xa^o, je m'egare. /I A ' 5 ' 1 52/ww/e55e, to crowd, radundrsi, s'assembler. 5 'Ayi\'n,grex,armentum^ViheTd,arm^nto,gra.nd troupeau. 6 "AycpwxoC) durusy high, proud, c?Mro, dur, altier. 7 "Aytoc, sanctusy pure and holy, sacrdto, venerable, 8 'AyKoi, ayjcaXat, w/wce, the arms, brdccia, les bras. 9 ro''Ay»ct(TTpov, ac?wwcM5, ahook, uncino, crochet, croc. 10 "AyKOc, ayictocj vallis, vale, rd//e, valine, fond. 11 ^AyKv\r]f telum, dart, arrow, ddrdo, dard ou trait. 12 'AyicwXoC} curvus, crooked or wry, stortoy crochu, tors. 13 "AyKvpUy anchora, an anchor, un* dncoroy une ancre. 14 'Ayicwv, wvocj cuhitusy the elbow, tV gomito, le coude. 15 'AyXaoc, splendens, bright, splendid, spkndidoy brillant. 16 'AyvoC) castus, innocent, immaculdtoy pur et chaste. 17 'A70P0, est foruntyd. market, il mercdtOy le march^. sacre, Q , C sacer, holy, sacred, sacrdtOy saint. ^ ' ' C scelusy a crime, delittOy crime, offence.


1 (pi. ayya^oi) Persian Post- culty of speech; ayxvAk*, boys. anciliaj small shields. 2 (iXt>>) ayytXog, an angel. 12 (», of) angulus, an angle. 3 (io{, to) ayyerov, a vessel. 13 («?,») ayxy^l^w, to trip up 4 (»?w) p- xa- one's heels.

5 (>j?,»)) a-yeXafw, to assemble. 15 oiyXaia, grace, beauty, joy,

8 '»u»x»^£?, ulna, the length of glory ; ayAaIfa>,to bright- thearm, an armfull. en, to adorn. 9 ayxiOT^ow, to hang upon a 16 (oD, 0) ayvsio, puritj'. hook. 17 Alo what is sold. 10 Also the top of a mountain. 18 As in Latin, sacred and ei(e-

11 (»J?» 'j) also the bending of crable. the arm; ayxvXtov, a difli- PRIMITI VES.

1 "Aypa, captura, a prey, preda, rapina^ line proie. 2 'Aypocj ager,rus, field or meadoWj campOyChamp ou pre. 3 'Ayuta, vicus, a street, vicinia, strdda, une rue. 4 "AyvpiQ, ccetus, crowd or meeting, folia, foule ensemble*

5 "Ayx^*^? suffocare, to choke, strangoldre, s'etrangler.

/^ ^ . ^ ducercy to lead, condur, mener et con d aire. Lfrangere, to break, spezzdr, briser, provoquer. 7 *A7wy^ certamen, fight, combattimentOy jeux, combat. 8 *A8fX^oc, frater, brother, like, frat^llOf frere, ^gal. 9 'AScw, placeoy to please, piacere, veut complaire,

10 'A5t?juov£w, angor, 1 fret, stizzo. je suis triste.

11 "A^»jv & aSSrjv, 5af, ahundcy enough, bdsta^ 9a suffit. 12 'ASivoc, confertus, thick-set, sp^sso, serre, dru. 13 'A^poc^ cra55w^,«thick,powerful^ich,ncco,puissant,riche.

14 "ASctv, satiarcy to fill, sazidre, rassasier. 15 "AcS^Ximcj certamen, fight, battdglia, combat. 16 *Ae/, semper et, always, s^mpre, toujours, a jamais. 17 *ActSwj cantare, to sing, cantdre, chante en vers, 18 *A€ipw, erigere, raise, avanzdrcy leve, 61eve. 19 "AcXXa, turbo, procella, a storm, tempesta, la temp^te. 20 'Ae^cd, augere, to grow, accresceret s*accroitre.


1 (a?, »))oty^6Ufl», £« and

hunt or fish. 12 (*?, •», adj.) from a^Vj)-. 2 (5, 0) also an estate. 13 (aJ'^fno) tostrengtheD,toin-

, 3 (a? a) neighbourhood. crease ; (aJ'ixrk?) maturity. 4 (^, ew?, 13). 14 (ot^w, f. aaw) a

6 (f Iw) avetyayii, »?, the ele- 17 (in proso) a^a;, f. «rw, otl>), vation of mind; ^tay&iy^, w3»), song, poem,

transportation, carriage. 18 (f £^&>) also to take away.

7 (wvo?) also the place of com 20 (f. |*?crw) av^u, and «»»«, f.

bat, spectators. inau ; the same.

8 a^ix^i^w?. », 0, nephew. B 2 ,



1 'Atrocj aquila, an eagle, dquila, I'aigle altiere,^

2 "A^(t>, sicco, to dry, inaridire, fait s^cher.

3 'A2(i>, (tw, veneror, to revere, reverire, r^verer. 4 'ArjBcjv, nightingale, rossignuolo, rossignol. 5 'Ar?p, aer, the air or mist, Jiebbia, brouillard. 6 "AtiTog, "cehemens, sanguine, ard^nte, vehement.

7 ''A^Eiprig, contemptus, mean, sprezzdto, m^prise. 8 *A^iXy

18 'AiSric & aSriC) infernus, hell, tdrtaro, Tenfer. 19 AiSwc, pudor, bashfulness, vergogna, raauvaise honte. 20 'Av^rjocj juvenis, strong youth, giovane, jeunc gars.


1 (a» o) See a^ro?. 11 (a, ov) a^^oov, unforeseen. 2 (afa) soot, or dust, afo, foot- 12 (fcr<<;,aSy^^a) play, diversion.

servant: ocl^ocXeoi;^ dry. 13 (fl^^yp-xft) ; it comes from ««,

3 (af*jTo?) venerable- alas ! as also alavoq, or aU 4 (Luscinia) ocyi^u, ooi;, a?, the

same. 16 (tf, o) cclyioiMvg, a fisherman.

5 (g. «§o?, 6) a£T05, an eagle. J7 (>3?,»j); also a garment ; etl-

7 (adj. g. £0?, 6, »}). yX^Et?, splendid. 8 (^.|ft;,p.p,Ja''a$£^|K,attraction. IS («, o) aii'r/^o?, dark. 9 (g.s^o;, 6, ot^t^i^, and ay^e^t^) 19 (g. 00?, tf); also reverence;

the same; aSe^i^w, to de- aiaio/xa», to revere ; at^or©? spise. venerable. .5


} Aih)^}j aU/ier, aer^ sky or air, aria, I'air pur. 2 Ai^fja, serenitas, calmness, la serenitd, calme,

,^ 3 Ai'^w, ardere, to burn, brucidre, se bruler. 4 AiKoAAw, blandiriy to fawn, lusingdre, flagorner. 5 AiKia, plaga, a whipping, frustatura, le fouet. 6 Atjua, aifiarog, sanguis, blood, sdngue, sang ou race. Sblandus', pleasing, piac^vole, gentil. 7 Al 'X ' I deceptor, false or cheat, /a/^o, faux5trorai)eur, 8 Atvocj cipologus, praise, vdnto, lode, la louange. 9 Atvoc? horrendus, gravis, horrid, orrendo, grave,affreux. 10 AUvvfim^ auferre, to lay hold, prendere, salsir. 11 Ai^, ai'yoq, capra, a she-goat, cdpra, une chevre.

^^^^^ ^^ 'ye/o.r, quick, veloce, leger, vite. 12 'AioXoc I ' Ivarius, changeable, varidbile, changeant. 13 Aiovaw, aspergo, to spinkle, adacqudre, arroser.

-14 AIttvq, anreia, alius, high, great, fiero, tier, altier. 15 Alpetj, capio, to take or choose, eleggere, choisir. 16 A((>w, toilers, to lift up, ahdre, mettre en haut.

17 AW, sor*, fatum, fate, Pdrca, destino, destin, sort. 18 AiWcj fortunatus, happy, fortundto, favorable.


1 (e^o?, o) also the heaven. 11 Also a constellation; ajyi?,

3 (f. era;) ai$o,', £oc, to, heat; *^o?,a goat's skin, ^(^jij.

ar^o?, tf, 0, hot. 12 (j^, Qv) me^a;/)/^. (subtle, cun- 4 (f. A«;, p. Jta). ning. (ta?,^) 5 ai'xi^o/, to beat, to ill 13 (f. o-^y, p. ;ta) atovTK, wa- "se> tering. Also 6 murder, consanguinityt 14 (io?, 6) itTro?, ao?, height. ov) ai>yA»o?, the 7 (», same; 15 (f. ijo-o;) «»^£<7k, choice, he- ai/AwXia, humour, flattery. resy. o) 8 (», also a proverb, pane- 16 (f ^w) also to exaggerate, to gyric; ctUiu, to praise. destroy; a^^»,i/, highly. 10(a7r«»vu^«»)totake, to carry. 18 (adj. a»<7t(tAo?) fatal, decent. PRIMITIVES.

1 ^Aia^avofjLai, sentirCj to feel, sentir^ sentir et comprendre. 2 ^AhifjLow, insumere, to spend, sp^ndere, depense, 3 AWw, irruo, to rush upon, lanciarsi^ sejetter. 4 At dedecus, infamy, shame, vergogna, deshonneur, 6 Air€o>, petOy to supplicate, dimanddre^ demander. 7 Airia, causa^a, cause or crime, caz^^a, cause, crime.

8 ^Kiyjii]^ cuspis vel mucro, , dsta, , ou trait.

9 Alipttf jamdudurriy directly, presto^ vite et tot.

10 At(u, o-5 audire, to hear, udire, ouir, entendre. 11 Aiwv, auovog, oevum, an age, eternitd, tems. 12 Aiojptoj, extollere, to raise, alzdre^ leve, eleve. 13 'AKaXn^^rj, urtica^ nettle, ortica, une ortie. 14 "'AicavSra, C5^ spina, a thorn, spina^ ronce, ^piue. 15 "AKaroc) navigium, a ship, ww naviglio, navire. 16 'AKEOjuai, sanare, to heal, guartre, sait gu^rir. la 17 'Akiij 17C? flcfcj, point or edge, /« punta, pointe. vigour, vigore, Rem de I'age. 18 'Akjutj, cuspis, a point, or 19 'AkoX8:^ocj comes, a footman, sevcidore, domestique. 20 'Akovt?, C05, a whet-stone, cote, pierre a aiguiser.


in- 12 (a»w§a, a?) a swing, exalta- 1 (f. i/^c7o/xai) avaK7$*)To?, sensibie, stupid. ^'on. 13 Also a sea-bird, a fish. 2 (f. o-w) also to employ, 14 (»!?, n) axa»^.?, a shrub. 3 (f, |a,, p.p^a) ^iyh»y impe- x»i,»3)iKaT»ov,asloop. tuosity; a.yK, a storm. 15 (», 6, same 16 (f,c-o^«») we^fl/)A. to expi- 5 (£0?, to) ui^rt, the ; ate^ aMcrrr,^, and ecicx^vo, to dishonour. »j?, «§, that is in a physician. 7 («?, »,) a»Tio?, one ax*;v»j) the same. cause; yTrair.o?, an accom- 17 (aKK and pUce; (p»XaW«?, quarrel- 19 (o^ also convenient like. axo»««tf, to ^QXIXQ, 20 (tj?, »») wh^t, to mcite. 8 (>??, »») also war. expire. 10 Poetic v«rb ; also to 9 ;


1 'A»c8w, audire, to listen, udire, ecouter.

2 'AKpi/3»)cj exaclus, accurate, esdttOy strict, exact. 3 'Akojcj bruchuSf a grass-hopper, locust, /ocM5

4 'AK(>oao/xat, audio, 1 hear, o{/o, j'ou'is, j'ecoute. 5"AKpocj summuSf high, sublime, alzdlo^ relev^.

6 'Aictt), liitusy acta, the shore, /« spiii^ggio,^ rivage. 7 'A»cTtv, tvoc, radius, the sun-beam, rdggio, rayon.

8 "AkuXoc, g^^flw^ iliciSf acorn, ghidnda^ gland de chdne.

O^Axtuv, atcovTOQ, jaculum, a dart, ddrdo, dard ou trait. 10 'AAa^tov, jactatoTy vain boaster, sg^rro, fanfaron. 11 'AXaX/y, bellica voXy huzza, viva viva, cri de guerre. 12 'AXaojuai, errare, to rove, vagdre, s'^garer, 13 'AXaocj ccecusy blind or squinting, c/^co, louche, atcugle. M^AXyoc? €oc? dolor, anxiety, sfortuna, soin, ennui. 15 'AXStw, augere, to increase, crescere, s'accroltre. 16 'AXia, 5o/« calor, heat, colore, chaud, chaleur. 17 'AXtyw, curare, to care^ curdrsi, prendre a cceur. IS^AXfto-ov, sci/phus, a carved cup, boccdle, pot, bocal. 19 'AXct^w, ungere, to anoint, tignere, frotte, oiut. 20'AX'^ V rtrcere, to drive oft", spingere, pousser. I. succurrere, to help, aiutdre, proteger.


1 (oftrw) to comprehend ; tru- 12 (f. 0-o^ai) metaph. to wave;

^ccKHUj ro misunderstand. a^»j, error, anxiety ; aAi;-

2 (adj. £0?) ccK^i^ou, to know /^

exact, «x^i|?£(ce, exactness, 13 (aXawTy?, iJo?, r) blind ; a- avarice. X(%oa, to blind. 4 (f. o-o/Aai) the same as attovu. 14 (aXyiw) to feel pain.

5 (a, ov)axga, ajtgi?, top,8Ummit. 15 (f o-ft?, p. xa.) ^ (>J?» »»)• 17 (f.|«,p.;^a)aAiy»{}) uXa^oviict, 1 (p. ^a.) £9ra^l^x*', to rub over, boasting. to exhort.

11 («XaX»?Tor) toe balwing of sol- 20 (& %u) (ixiKTn^, aAxTTf , defen- diers; (xAaAa^a;, to liollow. der. 8


{rnoloy to grind, macindre^ broyer, moudre. 1 'A\' ' 1 vitare, to shun, schivdre^ fiiit, evite. 2 ^AXri^rjc, veruSf certain, true, vero, veritable. S^AXMi), sanare, to cure, curdre, raaux guerir. 4 'AAr/Kioc, simiits, like, somiglidnte, ressemblant. 5"AXtc3 affatim, sat, enough, hasldnza, c'est assez. 6 'AXtayfO), macnlare, to stain, 502sare, profaner. capio, take or seize, pr^ndere, saisir. 7 'A A' ^ ' Xpunire, to punish, punire^ punit, juge.

8 'AXtrtoi, peccarCf to sin, fallire, le mal faire. 9 'AXt'w, vohere, roll about, rotoldrcj roule et tourne. 10 'AXKi75ro62^r,strength,help or power,/(5rs«,pouvoir,force. 11 'AXXacj lucanicce^ sausages, salsiccia, saucisses.

12 'AX\a(T(TU), mutare,io change, c«wz&/ar e, change, ^change. 13"AXXojuaf, saltarc, to jump, bahdrcy sautiller, 14 AXXoiu), variare, to change, varidre, varie, change. 15 'AXoaw, trituro, to thrash, trebbidre, battre en grange. 16 'AXg, aXoc) sal vel mare, sea or salt, sdle, sel ou mer. 17 "AXtrocj foc) ^«/CM5 sacer, a grove, bosco, bois bocage, 18 'AXvw, languere, to pine, langmre, se chagrine.


J (f. 0-w) a^Eia^, flour, meal. 9 uKivliu, the same.

2 (eo?) aA^T£ta, truth; aA»}T»ko?, 10 (^tjc, 15) aXx^ti? & aXxi^oj, true. strong. 3 (f.ijcrw)axSe|»? & a^So?, cure. 11 (g. a^To?, o) pudding &c. 6 (adv.) aAi^o), to assemble; 12 (f. Iw, p. ;)(;a.) ifea^AaTro;. «^^?, £0?, thick, close. 13 (f. a/xa*) a?i/xa, TOf, the star- 6 (f. »jcrw) aA»ay>3/xa, profana- ting or leaping of a child. tion. 15 (aXt;»aa/) the same. 7 Also to summon; aXya*?, 16 (masc. for salt, fern, for sea) prize, capture. a^io?, of the sea. 8 k'hiTtvu & ccKiTaUw, the same; 18 (f. crw, p. xa.) to rave, to grow aAotTos & aXtT^of, sinner. foolish. 9


1 "AXifurov, ulha farina, oatmeal, farina, fariiie d'orgc.

2 'AAoc5 alhus, white, ulbo, bianco, blanc de ncige. 3 'AXwTT)]^, vulpes, fox, la volpe, le renard. 4*'AXa>c> area,hdiV\\ or thrashing floor, aia, aireou grange. 5"AjLtaX6c, mollis^ tender, weak, debole, d^bile.

6 ^'Afia^a, currus, a car, chariot, carro, charriot, char. 7 'Afiapa, ductus aqucn, channel, sink, ca/2a/e,fosse,(3goat, 8 'Afiapravw, peccare, to err, devidre, se troraper, 9 ^Afxapuaaw, fulgere, to glitter, spl^ndere, brillcr. 10 'Afiavpog, obscurus, dark, oscuro^ sombre, obscur. 11 'Ajuaw, meto, I gather, mi^to, je moissonne.

12 'AjLij3Xvc, obtusus\ blunt or dull, oltuso, mol, obtus.

13 'Afidj5ii), mutare, to change, cambidre, varie, change.

14 'AjUfXyw, mulgere, to milk, mugnere, traire lait.

15 'Afxepyu), exsugo^ to squeeze, succidre, Thuile extraire.

16 'AfiEv(M), transire, to pass, fuggire, s'evanouir. IT^AjutXXa, cerlamen, fight, combattimento, le combat.

18 'AjUdCi tSocj e*^ matula^ a pot, orindle, pot dc nuit. 19 ^Ajuvoc^ ajuv8, agnus, a lamb, agnello, un agneau. 20 'Ajuvtcj agnellus^ lambkin, agnelUto^ agnelet.


1 («, to) aX(piTa, Ta, provisions. 9 a./;^^^^^*?, splendor, glance. 3 (£;to?, »)) aAwTTExia, den, heU 10 (adj. a,oj')a-/^av^o«, to darken.

met. 1 1 a^»3To?, harvest, a/>t>5, sickle. 4 (»jov) a.^ctKou\ to eiface, to 16 (f. <7w) a^iAEycrt/xo?, a passage. abolish. 17 a/>nXAao/>taf, to fight, to dis- tj (»3f, *)) the north, ajM,a|iTo;, pute. high road; k^a,ii\a^ wag- 19 («) a.iJi,vEio<;, the same; a/t^xr?, gon load, „5, «^na.

8 (f. |o, p. ;)(^a)also to miss one's 20 a/xva?, a^o?, the same; a/x,-

aim ; kfAu^'ruXfx;^ a sinner. va/t*©?, grandson. 10


, ,. o' ( obscurusy dark, tenebroso,' tenebreux. 1 A/xoppoc, . • iLsocms^ companion, compag*wo, camarade.J

2 *A/LioC) aliquiSj somebody, qualcheduno, quelqu'un, un. 3 "AfiireXog, uva vitis, vine, vigna, vigne, ou sep.

4 'AfiTTpovy funisf a rope or collar, fune corde ou trait.

5"A^7rv5, -zjeY^a, ribbon, or band^ legume, bande, attache. tenebrosus, dark, oscuro, sombre, noir. fi*A ^ ' ^ 1 dubius, doubtful, incerto^ douteux, foible. innocuKs, blameless, innoc4nte, sans reproche. 7 * A ' J ' 1 fmpai)?c?M5,lucky,bold> ardito, brave, heureux.

Q^kf S succurrere, help, aiutdre, secourir. tulciscor, I revenge, v^ndico, je \enge,

9 'A/iv

10 'Afifply circum, circa^ about, intornoy a Tentour.

11 'Ajri^t

15'AvaS, avaicroc, re^, chief or king, principe, chef, roi. 16 *AvSav


1 (^a/Ao^^aio;, obscure ; oi^o^- voke ; CCfA,V^tq, £0(, & AjtAt;-

jSa?, a^of, a chamber-maid; »)?, tearing, scratching. ;nj»), elfAo^^ttiu, to follow. 10 In composition for aptpa,.

2 (p,i9^a/xo; & a^ocjAOi^ nobody. 11 (^tuy f.v)

5 (xo;) also a wheel ; diAWKu^u, 13 (15?, »j) olvaynoclo^, inevetable. to tie. 15 (0) also lord, father of fami-

6 (I, a, ov) also thin, small, old, ly ; atoffffUf a queen ; u-

weak ; tt^Lv^ou^ to darken. teto'^v, to reign, to com-

7 (adj. S «& ii, o»). mand. 9 metaph. to offend, to pro- 1 ;



1 "Avifioc, rcnlus, wind or air, v^nto, soufile ou vent. 2 ^Av£\pi6c, cognatus, a cousin, cugino, le cousin.

3'Avijp, av^pocj vir fortis, man, udmo, homrae fait.

" ^ ^^^' ^^*' ^^^^^' bloom, ^ore, fieur de Page. 4 1 :& r I forma venustas, beauty,6e//^z2a,fleur,beaute. 5 "Av^poS, carbo, pruna^ a coal, carhone, charbon, braise. 6 'Av^privT?, crabro, wasp or drone, r^^pa, frelon, gu^pe. 7 "AvSfpwTToC) v^V, homo, man or woman, womo, homme ou ferame.

8 'Avia, tristitia, sadness, sorrow, worn, triste ennui, s 9 'Avri, |7ro, contra, against, for, contro, contra, avec.

10 "AvrXoc^ 8> sentina, sink or sewer, fogna, fosse, egout. 1 "Avrpov, antrum, a cave or cavern, antro, caverne, autre. io»A ' K perficio, to finish, iinire, finir, feire. ( diruo, to destroy, aistruggere, detruire. iQ'A ' Uubeo, to command, ordinare, commander.

(. sttmutare, to spur, tnstigare, pousse, anime.

14 'A^tvtj, t?, dolabra, a hatchet, a2;sa, doloire, hache. 15"Agtoc, dignus, worthy, great, d^gno, digne, iUustre. 16 "A'iiiiv, a^ovoc, axis, an axle-tree, dsse, pole, essieu. 17 'AoWriQ, confertus, thick, close, sp4sso, dru, serre. DERIVATIVES

1 (ai/i/xwv>>) the wind-flower; to kill ; oi.vu, ecvvru & vvru, anemone. the same; a,vva^^(;, perfection. 2 (a,o)a»£i|/ia^oy?,a cousin's son. 13 (f. ^u. p. ^ct) avoyiu, the 3 (a^o?, o)ai'^^£»o?,ai'<5'^i)to5, man- same, ccvuyvi & a»u^i^, com- ly, stout ; avar^'^o?, effemi- mand, exhortation.

nate ; ccyvto^f generosus. 14 Likewise a saw, or planer,

4 (to) eivBiu, tx> flourish ; a.>^t- or such instruments. to embellish, itff to adorn, 15 Valuable, precious ; also 6 (ajco?) avS^axia, live coal mean ; «!«», dignity ; es- av^^cMsvct, to make coal. teem, value, a|»(w, to es- 10 (tf, o) ai»TXiov, a scoop to emp- teem worthy. ty a sink; £^ccvt>^su, to emp- 16 Wooden tables, whereon the ty ; i7ravr>isu, tO fill. Athenian laws were writ- 12 Also to accomplish,lo obtain, ten ; path, road. ,



1 "Aoj), ctopocj eUsis, a sword, una spdda, line epee. 2 *Aopr^5 arteria magna^ aorta, aor^e, grande arte re.

Q , . , ( balteus, a belt, pendagUo, ceinture. ^1 cJi/peuSy shield or buckler, scudo, bouclier. 4 'AiraXog, mollis, soft, tender, molle, delicat. 5 AvraS, omnino, semel, once, w«<2 volta^ une fois. 6 'ATraraw, fallo, to deceive, inganndre, decevoir.

7 'ATrarrj, c?o/w5, a fraud or cheat, frdude, vol ou fraude. 8 'ATTEtXew, minor, 1 threaten, mindccio, je menace. 9 "AttcXocj ulcus, vulnus, a wound, ferita, plaie, blessure.

10 'Atttjvtj, tjcj rheda, chariot, carozza^ char, carosse,

11 'A7rT|vi7Cj scBVUS, cruel, inumdno, sanguinaire. IS^ATTtocj longinquus, distant, lontdno, distant, loin. 13 'AttXoocj simplex, candid, simple, frdnco, simple, uni. 14 "Attocj labor, work or labour, travdglio, travail. Caccendoy to light, acc^nder, alluraer. }b "Atttw, '{ nectoy to fasten, attaccdre, fixe, attache. ^^awg*ere, touch or taste,/occare,touche ou goute.

16 'Attvo), resonare, to sound, sondre, resonner.

17 'A7r(/)vcj voc> genitor, father, genitore, parent, pere.


1 (o$, to) also a kind of tripod. 12 (k», »ov, adj.)

2(>!?, >s). 13 Metaph. ingenuous; awXw?, 3 Also a bandoleer. simply, slightly ; airXoVxo^ 4 a. ^, ov) ocjToKvvu, to soften, plain, open. to touch gently. 15 (f. -kj/w, p. ^a) aWTojiAaJ, tO also to 6 (f. »30-«, p. Jjxa) a,'7roi(pu, the be fastened or tied ; taste. same ; awaT*}, deceit. chastise, to feel or 8 (f.*)<7a>) also to boast; ocrett- 16 (f. erw, p. >ta) properly to ^^ & awftAtj/xa, boasting. make a noise ; also to speak, the same. 11 (to?, 0, n). to say ; rw^w, ; 1 ;



1 'Apa,preces, prayers or vows, pregki^ra, voeux, pri^res. 2"Apa/3oc, slrepitiiSy noise or sound, str^pito^ dii bruit. 3 'Apaiog, tenuis, thin or narrow, soltiie, clair ct mince. 4 *Apdaa(v, abscindo, cut off, mozzdrc, couper, fendre. 5 'ApaxvTiC} aranea, spider, rdgno, I'araign^e.

, . , C ulho. bianco^ blanc d^siffne. ^ 8, albus. white, ' 6 Apyog, . . 1 11 1 t. iners, zgnavus, idle, slow, pigro, paresseux. T'Ap'yvpocj argenlunif silver, arg^nto, de I'argent. 8 'ApSw, irrigo, to water, adacqudre, arroser. 9 ^ApiaKWy placeOj I please, pidccio, je plais. 10 'Apirrj, virtus, courage or heart, cuore, coeur, vertu.

11 'ApTjyo), propulso, I prop, sostengo, je supporte. 12"Apr)g,apeog,Mars,ihe god of war, Mdrte,\e dieu Mars. joint, congiuntura, la jointure. 13''Ao^oo /^^^^^"^"*3 ^artus,?L member, limb,??2^m6ro,un des membres. 14 ^Api^fxog,numerus, number, numero, nombre ou quantity.

15 'Api(TTepog, Icevus, left, mdnco, sinistro, a la gauche. 16 "ApLGTov, prandium, a meal or dinner, prdnzo, le diner.

17 'Apjceo*, C arcere, drive off, scaccidre, repousser. &^ApKiij,\suJficio, be content, contentdre, se contente.


1 (a?, »)) a^a, a particle, in- 10 (55?, ri) also goodness, fertility

deed, really ; a^ijr^^, »?§of, oc^sraufio enjoy one's virtue a priest. 1 apriyxvyovaq, & ayo^Oi;, e, a pro- 2 (a^oc^euy to make a hollow tector: ag:i;y/j,help revenge.

noise. 12 Arms, wound ; a^siuv, better,

3 («, ov) d^ona,, uq, ^, the belly preferable; a^Kxroq, best. u^uUu, to rarefy, to relax. 14 (S, o) a^t^|[x*)Too-To?, aumera-

4 (f. Iw, p. xoi) to beat, to strike. ble; d^i^iJi.yiriKV)y arithmetic. 7 (6) a^yu^erov, a silver mine, 15 £7ragto-T£^or»}?, aukwardness,

or coin ; (piXa.^yv^o<;, cove- 16 a^tcTTaw, to dine; a,^Krri^

to drink; a^hvo}, the same; xrj?, content with one's con- d^^xhoUy to soil. dition. 9 ivu^iaroc, one of an easy tem- per. 1 '



1 "ApKToCf ursus et ursa^ the bear, un orso^ grande ourse.

S^ApKucj i^ocj casses, nets, rele, regna, filets, rets. 3 "Apjua, apjuaroc, currus,a, car, chariot, cflrro,chariot,char.

4 ''ApviofiaL, nego, I deny, negdre, refuser. 5 "Apvvjuaf, capio, to take or seize, prendere, saisir.

6 'Apoii), ararcy to plough, arare, labourer. 7 'ApTToSw, rapio, to plunder, preddre, piller, prendre.

8 'ApTTttS, rapaxj rapacious, rapdce, trop avide. 9 'Appa^QfVy pignusy earnest, capdrra, gage ou arrhes.

irtv 4 ' ( mas, the male kind, il mdschio. le male. L generosus, nign, generoso, plem de leu. 1 "Ape, apvocj agnuSf a lamb, agndlo^ un agneau. 12 "Apra/uocj coquus^ a cook, un cubco, cuisinier. 13 'ApTQw, suspendere, hang up, p^ndere, suspendre. 14 'AprcjLi^c? integer, upright, just, onesto, juste, honnete. 15 'Aprlo/Liai, ornare, to deck, abbellire, embellir. 16''Apnoc, perfectus, perfect, perfetto, bon, parfait. 17 "Aprocj panisy bread, pa/ze, pain ou nourriture. {condire, to dress, prepardre^ preparer. ift'A '

^ ' (. ornare, to adorn, adorndre^ pare ou onorne.


1 ^g. », 0, & »|) a^TJKOf, arctic II (o & ^) pole 13 ^f. ^cro;, p. x«,) a^Tootjixa*, tO

4 (^cro/xat) a^vi^aiq, refusal ; a§- hang on high ; metaph. to njTiKo?, negative. be in suspense; a^jj^a, 6 Also to receive, to obtain. any thing that is hung up, 6 a^oa-iq, agriculture; a^oro;, 14 (eo?,©,^) Artemis; A^te/ak, husbandry; a§«§a, a?, fal- to?, Diana. low grounds, corn-fields. 16 (o & r, o»,) a^Tja^w, to play 7 (f. trw, |«, p. «a) metaph, to odd and even. comprehend quickly. 17 (», o) ^a^»^w, to knead.

9 (ft/vo?, o). 18 (f.o-a;,p. xa) a^^t;i'ft;, the same; 10 a^ouf, i»c?, the same, a^rv^ia, seasoning, ifrv^, friendship. 15


1 ^Apvwf haurire, to draw up, tirdre, I'eau puiscr. 2 'Apxvy principium, beginning, principio, principc. 3 "Apw, apto, to fit, adattdre, concerter, ajuster. 4''Apwjuo, aromay perfume, profumo^ douxparfum. 5 'Aaj3oX»?, fuligOj soot, fuliggine, la suiec ^>A AN rlascivus. wanton, lascivo, mou, lascif. Xpctulans, iierce, pert, petulante, petulant. 7 Aa^fiay anhelitusy breathing, respiro^ souffle, haleine. 8 ActkIw, exercere^ to practice, pralicdre, pratiquer.

9 "AtTicoC) uter^ skin or leather bottle, otre, outre ou broc.

10 *A /^/i/5, merry, cheerful, allegro, gai, joyeux.

11 * AoTTaZofim, osculor^ I kiss, abbrdccio^ j'embrasse. 12 AoiriC) tSoc, scutum^ a shield, scudo, ecu, bouclier. 13 Aorrjp, astrum, sidus, a star, /a sidla^ etoile, astre. 14 'AiTTpaTrrw, lucere, glitter, riluc^e, briller, luire, IS^AffTu, aoTfoc, wr65, a city, cittdde^ cit^, >ille, 16 'A, rruererey to fret, doUre, se complaindre. 0'Mt)ew272>,young, gjoi;«we^to,jeuneet tendre 17 *A X^ ' ' XalaceVy vigorous, vigorosoy vigoureux. 18 'ArapjuvKTOC) audaxj intrepid, auddce^ brave, hardi.


1 (f.o-w, p, Kot) d^vcrrt^, a^vtrrU, to be out of breath, to have

any vessel to draw with. a short breath ; a

2 Also authority, command ; the same. a^X'^f & a§%o/^at, to begin, 10 («) ua^iviJ^Ut to do willingly,

to command : a^p^^o/^ai, to 1 1 Also to show kindness, be under command,to obey 12 aaTriS'tov, a small buckler. 3 (f.§w, p.xa.) a^/xevo?, proper, 13 (sgo?) «

fit ; a^Saof, friendship, con- 14 (f. 4^^. p. (peC)fulguroy to ligh-

cord ; ag^ofy,to agree,to fit. ten.

6 (o & ^, £?,) k(Tt\yi\(t, inso- 16 (f. ^•/, p. xa.)

lence, wantonness. 1 7 aTcy'xxw, to bring up with de-

7 laS/Aa, the same ; acrS/xaivw, licacy or tenderness. 16


1 'AratT^aXocj iniquus, wicked, iniquo, vil, iniqiie. 2 'Araw, noceo, wound or hurt, nuocere, nuirc. contristo^ I mourn, pidngo, je m'afflio^e. . 1 / o f c prtvare. to deprive, pnvare, priver, prendre*

4 'Ar/ioC) halitusy a vapour, vapore^ souffle, haleine. 5 'ArpEK^o i^erw^, certain, true, certo, veritable,

6 JArrw, prosilio, leap or skip, balzdre, bondit, saute. > 7 'Aru?w, terrere, to frighten, spaventdr, faire peur. 8 ^Avyrif luxy light, brightness, splendore, jour, eclat. 9 *AvS?7, vo^j voice, discourse, la voce, voix, discours. 10 'Av^evT-ng, dominus, master, maestro, chef ou maitre* 11 AvXa^, sulcus, a ridge or furrow, solco, le sillon. 12 *AvX^, aula, a hall or court, sdla, corte, courousalle, 13 'AvXoc, tibia, flute or pipe, Jlduto, une flute, 14 Avpa, aura, a soft breeze or gale, aura, doux zephir. 15 'AvtTTTipog, rigidus, rigid,austere, austere, grave, austere.

16 'Aur/xi], flatus, wind or breathing, vapore, vent, vapeur. 17 'Aux^w, jactare, to boast, vantdrsi, se vanter. 18 Auxi7v, cervix, neck, brdccio, collo, cou, d^troit. 19 'Avxjuocj ariditaSf dryness, seccherezza, s^cheresse.


1 acrraxia, wickedness; aracr- 12 It equally signifies the court rx'KKu, to act the knave. of a house, or the king's

2 (oJ, f. fi<7u, p. >ca) dru & cturu, court ; auXtxo?, courtier. the same; ar*?, damage, 13 Any thing long and thin;

loss ; acT^cx;, a, unlucky. dvXeu, to play on the flute.

5 (ioq) »'*jT^£)tns, the same; ar- 14 (a?, >)) xau^io*, the neztday;

^EJtEtct, truth. iTratv^ea^ to enjoy.

7 (f. |w, p. %a) aTv^»jXo?, formi- 15 (w, o) adj. av

9 (*)?, h) dv^ocu, to pronounce, glory, vanity.

to speak ; aTray^aw, to de- 18 dvxi*^^Uf to break the neck, fend. 1 ; 1



urare, to burn, bruccidre^ brule, allumc. KAi;uw. sicco, to dry, inaridire, seche et brule. 2*Ava>, clamare, cry out, griddre, s'^crier. 3 *A^auf>6c> zmbellis, silly, weak, imhdle^ uigaud, faible. 4 'Aj^cXt^Cj simplex^ innocent, semplice^ uni, simple.

5 *'k(pvoQ^ C & < census, opes, riches, nccA^z2e,biens,richesses.

"A^cvocj V. 6 'A0poStr»j, Venus, beauty, Venere, Venus, ou beauts. 7 'A^pocj spuma, froth or foam, spuma, de Tecume. 8 'A^vw, haurire, to draw up, tirdre, Teau puiser. 9''Ax3'ocj pondus, onus, weight, burthen, jpe^o, poids, chagrin. 10 'AxXvcj caligo, darkness, caligine, noirceur. 1 "Axocj £oc> rfo/or et mcBror, grief, cwra, soin, ennui. IS^A^vpov, palea, "oel acus, the straw, /a pdglia, la paille.

T^^^ 3 ^P^^fifre, to breathe, esaldrcy respirer.

A / noceo, to hurt, nuocere, nuire.

14''A(urov, ^05, flower or choice, ^ore, fleur ou choix.


1 (f.

flame, to roast ; avTf;, cla- pressed ; axjiifo^f ov,

mour, military exclama- troublesome ; ux^n^^v, o»«?, tion, war. trouble, sorrow.

4 (so?) also frugal, moderate 10 ocx,>^vUf to grow dark.

c«^t^s»a, simplicity, 1 ocx^'^y ^^ he sorrowful. yb (lof and vj) a^vsio? and vso?, 12 ccxvcc' or a;^!'*?, the little straw rich, abundant ^t/tj^Evt?;, ; round the corn; ^x'^i'^** rich, opulent the blade. 6 Also grace, politeness. 13 a»j/Aa, TO, wind, breath: a>?-

7 a^vn, a kind of fish ; ci(p^i(u, To;, exposed to the wind.

to froth. J 4 the best of any thing ; also 8 To grow white. a crown, c 18


B. The Syrians called it Beta, like the Greek ; and the Hebrews Beth.—Single in numbers signifies two.

1 BaKu), ehquor, I speak, prqfferrisco, je dis, parle. 2 Bd^og, profunditas, deepness, profonditd, creux. 3 Baivoj, gradior, to walk, spasseggidre, promcner. 4 Baioc) eociguus, par'VUSj little, piccolo, petit. 5 Baicrpov, baculus, cane, stick, hastone, baton, canne. 6 Bakavuov, balnea, bathing-place, hdgno, bain, lavoir.

glctns ilicis, acorn, ghidnda, gland de ch^ne. 7 v.'\ ( ' \ a bolt or clasp, fibhia, fermoir ou verrouil. 8 BakdvTiov, crumena, pouch, scarc4lla, gibeciere. 9 BaXj3iCj fSoc, starting-place, mosse, I'entr^e en la car- riere.

10 BaXXw, ejicio, throw or dart, gettdre, jette ou lance.

I'l BaXcrajuov, balsamum, balsam, bdlsamo, du beaume.

1 ci x> o / V hcEsito. to stammer, esitdre. b^era ver.

(. baloutio, to lisp, baloettare, grasseyer. 13 BdvavaoQy opifer, mechanic, artigidno, artizan.

14 BaTTTw, i//w, immergere, to dip, intignere, plonger.


1 (f. |w & aut p. ;)^a) to say, 9 Latin, carceres, the place to utter; 0a|K, «o?, ^, word, from whence the horses

discourse ; ^u^a^u, to stam- start; metaph. beginning. mer, ^a/3a|, a prattler, 10 (xw, p. nxoc) to drive into, to 2 (so?, to) also height; /SavSo?, wound; j^o?^Tq,i^oi, a dart. the same. 11 (ou, to) 3 (>jcrojtAa», p. ^B^ftKXy to mount, 12 Also to shiver with cold ;Ital.

to be supported ; i355/xa, ro, bambino, a baby. step, stairs, throne; jSaJ^U 13 (a, o) properly a blacksmith; ^w, to walk. ^a,v[jt,oq, a forge.

5 i3ajtT»)c»a, the same ; also ^uk- 14 (f. 4^*', p.



1 BapiC) navisy a boat or barge, battllo, bateau, barque.

Qg/ ^ pondus, onus, weight, gravezza, pesanteur. i onus, burthen, trouble, cordogHo, souci. 3 Baaavog, tormentum, torture, tormcnto, tourment, peine.

4 Bao-iAfvc> f€^y the King, re, mondrca, roi, monarque. 5 Ba

15 BIXoc? £0C) telum, a javelin or dart,5^rd/e,dard ou fieche. IQ BlXrcpoc; melior, better, megliore, mieux, meilleur.

V trochus, a whipping-top, /9a/eo, le sabot. 17 R' irJ ? ' 1 #z^r6o, whirlpool, a storm, vordgine, ouragant. 18 BrjXoC) Umen, the threshold, limitdre, seuil, entree. 19 Br??, ^r^xoQi tussis, a cough, la tosse, toux, catarre.


10 (p. ^»v(a, f. |ft;, p. xpO to

2 (eo?, to) heaviness, sorrow whisper ; ^ccvkoXvov, narrow j^o^y?, £0?, stupid, heavy. neck'd vessel. {ov, 3 ^) properly touchstone ; 12 (aXAw) to suck ; ^^eXAtf, the

also examination. same ; ^^s>^a, a leech.

4 /3acriA«ia, a Queen ; /3a<7tAe^va, 13 (eaa & yta-ai) $H\>,a, the same.

regal power ; ^oca-ixuoq 14 (o, «& »j, ov) 0e^cn6u, to con- rqyal. solidate.

5 (f. avu^ to envy, to blame 1 Also thunder : jStAov^jja needle

f^aa-Kocvoqy sorcerer. 16 (a, oj") /3eXTtcrro?, theb^st.

6 cu & |



1 Bta, vis, force or strength, forza, potSre, force, effort. 2 Btj3Xoc, /?6er, a book or paper, /firo, papier, livre. 3 BtKOCj urceus, a pitcher, brocca, broc, ou cruche.

4 Btoc, "z^^'^^j life or age, s^colo, lita, vie, un siecle. 5 BtoC) arcusy a bow or bow-string, drco, arc, o\\ corde. 6 BXatoroc, valgus, bandy-legged, storto, crochu, tors. 7 BXa5, ignavus, idle, coward, ozioso, mou, sans-cceur. 8 BXaTTTo), noceo, to hurt, /ar

14: BXrjxpoCj imbellis, weak, frail, imbelle, sot, fragile.

15 BXirrw, (TO), auferre, to squeeze out, spremere, presser. 16 BXv^w, scaturh, flow or spring, coldre, couler, sour- dre.

17 BXwjiiocj buccella, a mouthful, boccone, bon morceau. 18 BXoffKw, advenio, go or come, venire, va et vient. 19 Boaw, cldmare, to bawl, griddre, s'ecrier.


1 r»a?, «) ^toiu, a^w, o/xat, to 9 0Xa,

has life. /3As4/if, sight, glance.

5 (3, o) a bow, or a bow-string. 14 Dull, stupid ; 0^>ix^ov, fern; 6 Also a stammerer, weak &Mxj^ovy a kind of pulse. ^Xea-oif the same. 15 a7ro^A»TT«, the same. 7 (jtof, o) ^KxKtvu, to grow 16 Also to pour out, to spill. idle, 18 (f wau ) to arrive; /3^a>$^o'?,

8 (»!/»;, p. 3, loss, prejudice.' 1 ;



1 Borj^Ew, fuixi/ior, to help, aiutdre^ secourir. 2 BoA/SoVj bulbusy a bulbous root, hulbo, ognon ou raciiie* 3 Bofxpog^ bombus, humming or buzz, ronzo, bruit dc mouches. 4 Bo/z/3o^, bombyx^ silk-worm, bdco^ vcr-a-soie. 5 Bopa, cibus, food or nourishment, cz6o, nourriture. 6 BopjSopoc, ccenunij mud and dirt, fdngo^ f^ngc, ordure. 7 Bo cincinnus^ hair-curl, cincinno, une tressc.

8 Borpi»c? wi)a, racemuSy a grape, m-dct, raisin, grape. 9 BsXj), consilium, counsel, consiglio, conseil.

10 B5Xojua«5 velle, to be willing, vol^re, veut, desire.

1 B5voc> collis, a hill or ascent, monticello, penchant, tertre. 12 B5cj bos, ox or a cow, bue, buessa, boeuf ou vache. 13 Bow, pascere, to graze or feed, pdscere, fairc paitre. 14 BpajSevcj arbiter, arbiter or judge, ar6?7ro,juge, arbitrc. 15 Bpayxoc? raucedo, hoarseness,/raccAez2a, rcnrouement. 16 BpaSucj ^^^c?w5, heavy, dull, lento, pesdnte, pesant, lourd. 17 Bpa^w, bollire, to boil, bollire, bouillir fort.

18 Bpaxiwv, t)25, brachium, arm or force, brdccia, bras, force. 19 Bpaxvc? focj 6reD2> e5^, short, br^te, cor^o, brefou court. 20 Bpax^j strepere, to resound, risuondre, resonner. DERIVATIVES.

1 to protect, to Also defend ; and —o/xa», to deliberate. ^ort%yi,a,y succour; ^oii^nx, 12 (ok, 0, & »)) a stupid fellow;

help. a coin ; exaro/x^t), the sacri-

3 0o[A0iu, to buzz ; ^oia,0vXy), fice of a hundred oxen.

a buzzing gnat. \^ ^da-M, the same: /3oVk, so?, 5 («?> ^) ^of0? or /So^iof, a great nourishment. eater. 16 (fo?, 5) ^^a^urw, to loiter; 6 ^o^jSo^/o;, to spoil with dirt ^^a^yru?, ^ and C^a^o?, to, ^o^|3o^ifw, to be like unto idleness. dirt. 17 C^a^jcrSa*, to boil over. 7 /3o

9 Also consultation ; 0v?^ivaj, 20 f. Iw. hinc English brake. 1 ;; 1



1 Bpt/iw, minor, 1 threaten, minaceio, je menace. anas, a duck or drake, anitra, gj. , S canard. ' Xfastus, pride or conceit, fdsto, faste, orguciK 3 Bp£0oc> infansy a child, bambino, un enfant. 4 Bp£xw> irrigo, to water, adacqudre, arrosser. 5 Bpmv, roboro, to strengthen, rinforzdre, fortifier. 6 Bpf^w, dormio, take a nap, dormicchidre, sommeiller. 7 Bpt3'w, 5wm gravis, heavy and dull, p^so, je suis lourd. 8 Bp6yxo€ & j3povx3*oc5 guttur, the throat, /a g"o/a, le gosier.

9 Bpo vrr), TiQ, tonitru, thunder, tuono, le tonnerre. 10 Bporocj mortalis, mortal, mortdle, mortel, homme. 1 Bpoxocj o, laqueus, net or cord, rdgna, rets, filets.

12 BpvK fc>, mordeo, ^to bite or swallow, morder, mord, avale. 13 Bpvx^j frendeo, gnash one's teeth, grigndre, les dents grince. 14 Bpvov, muscus, moss, grass, musco, erba, mousse ou herbe.

- ^^(^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ sprout, gettdre, jette et pousse, ^ ^ I " ' Xpullulo, to pullulate, pulluldre, pulluller.

16 Bpw/Liocj fcetor, a stink or bad smell, puzza, puanteur.


1 (/^Wjxa) also to boil, to buzz 7 ^§1^0?, TO, weight, heaviness.

(ep6[jLo^f noise ; ah^ofjio^, noi- 9 ^^on-aw, to thunder.

sy, also quiet, still. 10 ^^oTow, to pay the mortal tri- 2 €^£v^t;ecr^at,to be full of pride. bute, to stain with blood.

3 (to) it is also applied to brute. 1 Also a hatter, a snare ; e/i*- 4 (f. Iw. p. x<») also to dip, to ^^oxoi, taken in a snare. dye ; ^^o;!^;;*?, ri, rain, humi- 12 (!&;, p. x^^-) ^^vrru, the same; dity. €^vy[Aot, a bite. 5 (€tfiaa;) also to be powerful 13 (Iw, p. x<^) also to shiver or fe§i/x»5, strength, power; o- quake ; ^^vx/i^oy, with

b^tjt/io?, or o/aS^i^o^j strong, gnashing of teeth.

robust. 14 f^fow, to fill up with moSs.

6 {a-u & |iu,p.>ea & ;){ja) properly 16 (^oVf o) €^u{jt.to), to stink ; Q^ic*

post cibum dormire ; C^»^w, /w-toS^r)?, Stinking, filthy. ^,an interpreter of dreams. 1 ;



, ^ / C manducarc^ lo cat, viatiixidTe. se iiourir.

(. d^pascur, to browse, pascoldre, I'herbc pai- trc.

2 B()ojTf/(>, heluoj a great cater, mangialore^ gros man- gcur. 3 Buac, ^M^o, an owl, civelta, hibou, chat liuant.

4 DwjSAoc, charla^ papi/rus^ paper, c«r/a, dii papier.

depth or hollow, jcf"^' Sf^^^^^y a fondo, fond ou ^ V / creux.

6 BuKavi], buccina, a trumpet, tromba, la trompette. 7 Bupffa, corium, leather, hide, cuqjo^ cuir, ou peau. 8 Buffdoc? bj/ssusj a kind of flax or linen, /«wo, du fin lin.

n n / f ^^;ir<>? to cover, coprirc, couvrir, entasser. c obturoy to stop up, fermarcy boucher, ferme. 10 BwXoc, C & < glebtty clod, s6//fl c?2 terroy une motte. BwXa^, C

11 BwjLiocj «''«? Aa52>, base, altar, alldrey base, autel.


1 (fcjcra;) also the pasture ; ^tC- bursa ; Fr, bourse.

pcyerxw, the Same ; Qpu^dq^ 8 (ou ^) fine India linen ; Qv

^^ofjLcx,y food, nourishment; aivo(;, made of linen.

£|xC^o|xa, breakfast. 9 (crft>, p. xa) >ty4'E^o^f<5^o?> one

3 ^t;^w and <^va-au, to screech that has his ears stopped ; like an owl. Tra^a^u^o?, hidden secret. 4 properly a reed, that grows 10 (oy, ^) also a lump of any

in Egypt, called papyrus ; thing ; a pill or bolus signifies also a book, as teaXaf, axo?, v, the samc €tCAo5, above mentioned. Co^iT»»f, ov. boletus, a kind 5 «€t;So$ and aQva-troq, abyssus, of mushroom.

a bottomless pit. 1 (ov, o) aTToCa^^v?, driven from

7 (>jf, h) from whence come the altar, profane. 1



G. Hebrew, Gimel; old Sj/rian, Gamala; from thence comes Gamma. In numbers signifies three.

1 FaSojuat, gauderCf to laugh, rallegrdrsi, se rejouir. 2 Fatiay opes, riches, ricch^zza, biens, richesses.

3 Fam, 7?}, ^e//w5, the earth, la terra, terre, ou monde. 4 FaT«roc, telum, dart, arrow, ddrdo, dard ou trait. 5 Fatw, ostentare, to boast, vantdre, se vanter.

6 FaXa, yaXaicrocj ^«c, milk, 2*/ Idtte, le doux lait. 7 TaXiriy yaXri, felis, a cat, gdtto gdtta, chat ou chatte. 8 raXrivj], serenitas, calmness, serenitd, calrae.

9 FajujSpocj 8} gener, a son-in-law, genero^ un gendre. 10 FajUEw, maritdre, to wed, maritdre, se marier. 11 Favocj Icetitia, joy, mirth, allegria, joie, gaietd. 12 Fapyatpw, splendere, to shine, rilucere, briller, luirc. 13 FapYoXiSw, titillo, to tickle, soUeticdre, chatouiller.

14 Fa


1 APersian wordjtaken for the joice; 7a»y/*ai,lo look cheer- King's palace and revenues ful. (gw, xa) to palpitate, to 3 (a?, ^) yai^Vo?, yijio?, earthly; 12 p. aywys^i-jor ta^vja dining-rooin multiply. 6 €uTaVo$, a blustering fellow. 13 (o-w, x«) yoL^yxXoq and ya^ya- 6 (to) yahoiKTiu and Tiaa;, to ^jcr/xo'?, tickling. have milk; ya^axri^w, to 14 (£§o?,t^o?, ri) yacTT^K, glutton. be milky-like. 1*^ -yay^ow and ya,v^ia,u,X.o boast; 8 Metaph. serenity of counte- yat/^ixo?, proud. nance; yaMvitf, to grow 16 y»yi'o/xa»,thesame; y/cfo-Kjge- calm; yc^T^vjviu, to render nesis; yiKo^, jo?, kind, race, calm. 17 yercTfl-of, the same, also a sink. 10 ya/t*o?, nuptials. 18 ofo?, 5, yurvjaw, to be a neigh- re- hour, to draw near. 1 (io?,To) pleasure ; yavou, to 1



1 FeXaw, rider e, to laugh, schermre, rit^ s(3 inoquc. 2 Pe/uw, plerms, I am full, riempirsi, sc rcmplir.

3 Ffi/ucj rnentuiriy the chin, mmto, menton, ou raachoirc. 4 Ffpoi^ocj ^rw^j a crane, grwr, grue, danse antique. 5 Thpaqy munusy a reward or prize, pr^sa, prix, honneur. 6 Ptpojv, senex, an old man, ww vtcchio, vicillard. 7 Ftuw, (Tw, gustarey to taste, gustdre, goutc, essaie. 8 r((pvQa,ag^r], pons, a bridge, un p6nte,\)ont, (designe). 9 Fr/^tw, gaudeo, to rejoice, rallegrdrsi, se rejouir.

10 Ffjpac, ^arf/a senectus, old age, vecchiezza, la vieillcsse^

11 Fijpvcj ^OcT, voice or sound, 50/20, ^'6ce, son ou voix. 12 Ftvwo-Kw, cognosco, to know, conoscere, connoitre. 13 FXavKoC) glaucusj azure or blue, azzurro, bleu d'azure.

14 FXa0w,5Cw^ere,carve, engrave, 5co//?^re, grave ou taille. 15 FXei/icocj £oc, mustum, new wine, mosto, mout, vin doux, 16 rXijVT], pupilla, apple of the eye, pupilla, la prunelle.

rX/ 5 luhricusy slippery, guizzdnte, glissant, lisse, t viscosus, gummy, sticking, viscoso, gluant, (poisse.

18 rXixoiiiai^ appeio, to long, desiderdre, desirer.

19 rXoiog, sordidus, ill bred, sordid, sordido, vilain.

20 FXuicucj £oC) dulcis, sweet, merry, dolce, doux, joyeux.


1 yeXu<;, uroq, laughter. 12 yvuirvq, one who knows.

2 (^fcf, xa) 7£jMo?, fullness. 13 yA<»tJ|, y.o<;, an owl, a coin, 3 (fo?, ^) also saw or hatchet. sort of dance. 5 (to?, to) ys^ai^u, ec^u, to re- 15 (to) yA«t;|t,', mixture made compense. of new wine boiled. 6 (ovTo?, 6) also a distaff; ys- 16 Also the eye, honeycomb. ^ovrKx.Uy to begin to doat. 17 Metaph. sparing, sordid, 7 yeyo/Aat, the same. yXtcr;;^;^^?, sordidly,ina slip- 8 yttpv^ou, to make a bridge. pery manner.

9 yJj^o?, joy, gaieU. 19 Also wicked, ill bred, lazy. 10 yrjEato?, an old man. 20 (adj. iiot^ y) y^txaivw^ to 1 yri^v[,nx.f the same. sweeten. m.


1 rXw ginocchio, genou. JO rop7oC) 'oeloop, ready, swift, 'celoce, vif, ardent. 11 Vgaia, anus, an old woman, v^cchia, la vielle.

12 rpaix), scribere, to write, scrivere, peindre, ecrirc. 13 rpaw, comedo^ to eat, mangidre, se nourir. 14 rpiTTocj ^^^^? ^ ^ct) ^^*^^? rdgna, rets, filets. 15 rpvTTocj aduncus, a hawked nose, aquilino, nez courbe. 16 Fvia, arvum, field or meadow, cdmpo^ champ ou pre. 17 rviov5Wicm6rM/72,limb,raember,?w^m6ro5membre (corps). 18 Vvyfivog nudatus, naked, ignudo, nud, sans arraes. 19 Fuvrj, yvvaiKog, mulier, woman, donna, femme, Spouse. 20 Fupoc, gy^^us, a circle or round, circolo, rond, cercle. 21 Fv^, yvTTOQ, est vullur, vulture, avvoltcjo, vautour, 22 Fwvia, angulus^ a corner, cantone^ coin, un angle.


yo/A^»afw, to 1 („^,i)yXwTTa, the same. or grinder; have the tooth-ache. 2 (^vo?, »j) 7Xw;)(;;£5, the beads of an ear of corn. 9 (genit. yovoo? & yai'o?)ya>'oo^a», yvo^ow, to fall upon one's knees. 3 ypoS/AO?, the same ; to give a slap on the face. 10 To^yo<;^ ooq, oD?, r>, gorgone. «o«. the same. 4 yvo(p£^o?, 5, and yvoipa^n?, tog, 1 1 (a$, ^) y^*y?, dark, obscure. 12 {-^o), (pec) also to engrave, y^j»/x», letter, wri- 5 yooq, », mourning, sorrow; sketch; yoa^r?, eoq, yoi^oq, «, doleful. ting. yvioq, 6 (o-w, )ta) yoyyy



A. Called Daldh by the Hebrews; Delia by the Greeks. Four in cypher.

1 Aarjp, levir, a brother-in-law, cogndto, le beau-frerc.

2 Aai^aXocf ingeniosus, expert, perito, fin, habile. ^^^''^ ^^^ genius, spirit, genio, genie, Dieu. 3 Aaifiwv, \ \ genius, demon, evil spirit, diuvolo^ Ahxxou, discere, to learn, impardre, veut apprendre. 4 Aatw I v-ffw, epulor, to feast, festeggidre, festiiicr. 5 AaKVd), mordeo^ to bite, morsecchidre, mordre en chien.

(> Aaicfwjvoc) lttcr?/mce,tears, weeping, Idgrime, dcslarmes, 7 AaKTuXocj digitus, finger, dito, doigt, dattes (aussi). 8 Aafxau), domo, to tame, domdre, dompte, opprime. 9 AavoQ, Savioc, do7ium, a gift, dono, present, don. 10 Aa-navaw, insumere, to waste, consumdre, prodiguer. 11 AaTTfSov, stratum, pavement, pavim^nto, le plancher.' rodere, gnaw or devour, divordre, devorer. 12 Aa r I I dilacerdre^ to tear, straccidre, ddchirer. 13 Aapravw, dormire, to sleep, dorinire, s'endormir.

14 Aoo-ttXtjC) dirus, atrox^ atrocious, atroce, vil, atroce. 15 Aa(rucj£oc, densus,i\\\c\i.'^ei, rough, sp(?sso, dense, ^pais.

16 AcwKocj ov, audax, bold, rash, t enterdrio, hardi.


(tf, o) properly 2 DaDdalus,a fa- the same : ^i^r.rv^, a sub-

mous artist, also labyrinth. duer ; ^/a*)to?, a master 3 (ovo^, o&v) also fortune, des- ^di^Lct^, g. ^dixct^rof;, a mar- tmy. ried woman. 4 Also to divide, to carve; ^a^- 9 (to) also usury, interest; (Atnvy learned ; ^»U, to?, a ^avti^u, to lend. banquet. 10 {ri, expense; ^a- 5 ^xxva,^0 & ojxcci, the same Travjj^oV, splendid.

^'^Ik, £0?, biting. 11 Also land, country ; wo^aTro?, 6 (t/o?, to) ^cch^vov, the same. of what country.

7 Also a dactyl; ^xttrvXioq, a 15 Also shaded; fe^o?, eo?, a ring. grove.

8 Also to kill; ^x^Aoc^Uy^cciAvotUy 16 (o) ^ixt/xoi', an herb. .



1 Aa(f)vt)y laurusj a laurel-tree, /«wro, Ic laurier. 2 Aa\pL\rjg, largus, liberal, generoso, genereux. S ActSw, timeo, to fear, temere, craint, frissonnc. 4 AeiKvvw, ostendere, to show, mostrdre, faire voir. 5 AfiXrj, vesper, evening, la s^ra, soir ou la soiree. 6 AtiXoc, timidus, fearful, shy, timido, craintif.

-, . ^ f alius, high, great, g-raw6?e, perito, grand, habile. 1 terribilis, frightful, spaventevole, terrible, 8 AaTTvov, ccena, cibus, food, a mess, unpdsto, repas, mets. 9 Aao-a, stercusy dung,marl, letdme, du funaier, ou terreau. 10 Acica, valent decern, ten, diece dieci, dix (explique). 11 AtX^a^, porcellus, a pig, porcello, cochon do lait.

12 Ai\(l>ig, delphinuSy dolphin, del/ino, un dauphin. 13 Aijiag, corpus, the body, il corpo, corps (exprimc). 14 AijjLviov, lectus, stratum, bed, letto, lit, couchette.

^15 Ae/JLU), cedificare, to build, edificdre, fait batir. 16 AtvSpov, ScvSpoc, arbor, a tree, ww dlbero, un arbre. 17 Aevvocj p^o&rwm, affront, reproach, opj9r66rzo,opprobre. 18 A^^m, dextera, the right, /« destra, la main droitc. 19 AtTTocj poculum, a cup or vase, mwg tdzza, coupe ou tassc. 20 Atpacj pellis, skin or leather, pe//e, cuir ou peau.


^a,(()vuvf tjvoif a place 13 (^Indec.^ a^sfAoiro^f bodiless. 1 C*??? ^) planted with laurel trees. 15 (^[xu, xa) ^oiMoq, domus, ^ofxv, 2 ^a^V'k^£«»> abundance. ^ajM,a, dome, ^w/Aao, to build.

3 Also to quake with fear ; ^si- 16 (eo?, to) ^et^^uv, wi-o?, a grove. pa, bright; ^iKyLoiKio

mid ; ^eFitto;, to frighten. and aoju-at, to lay hold by 6 Also weak, infirm; ^£iAa»o?, the right hand. the same; ^etWivw, to be 20 (aro?, to) ^e^/Aa, to, the same; fearful, ^e^w, to flea, to publish, to

8 Also to forage : ^uirviu,io sup discover. 10 Jndec. Atxa and Aoyc?, word, decalogue. 20


1 Ae^rj and dn^n}, collum^ neck, il collo, Ic con, col. 2 AiQKw, intueovy see or look, vedcre, regarder. 3 Aecttto^w, dominor, to command, domindre^ commander. 4 AtuKocj dulcedoy sweetness, dolctzza^ la douceur. 5 AcurtpoC) the second or next, secondo^ second, deux. 6 Afvw, irrigo, to wet, to water, bagndre, baigne, arrose. 7 Aiipu), excoriare^ to flay, scorticare^ ecorcher.

8 Af^^o/uof, accipioy to receive, ric^vere, recevoir.

9 A' ( alligo, to fasten, legdre, lie, attache. 1 indigeOy to want, mancdr, a besoin, manque. 10 ArjXiu), decipio^ to deceive, inganndre^ tromper, nuire. 11 AijAoc, perspicuus, manifest, manifesto, clair, visible.

1^ Arjfiog, plebs, populus, the people, 2? popolo, le peuple. 13 Afjvocj consilium, counsel, consiglio, conseil. 14 A^ptcj rixa, quarrel or strife, contesa, debat, rixe. 15 Aiaivwy irrigOy to sprinkle, aspergere, arroser. 16 Aiaira, diceta, diet or living, dieta^ vie, regime. 17 AtSao-Kw, docere, to teach, insegndre, montre, enseigne. 18 At^ujuoc, geminus, twin or two, g-ewi^/Zo, jumeau, deux. 19 AtSw/uf, donare, to give, dondre, donner a.

20 Af^w, queerereJ to seek or search, cercdre, rechercher.


1 (>??, ^) ^«»ga?, a^o?, the top of 10 ^viXxivu, the same.

a mountain ; ^et^o?, a hill. 1 1 ^*jXow, to manifest; ^^XuixXf a

2 ^E^TT/xa, aspect, look. sign ; a^>jAo?, obscure.

3 ^ea-'jrol^ta'Bai, to be undermas- 1 2 ^*j/x,o(r»o?, ^po?, public. ter; J'Eo-TroT*)?, lord, despot. 14 A skirmish; toXi/^jj^Kj quar- 5 Lat. secundus; ^ivre^aToq, of relsome. the second day. 15 ^t»/*t, the same. 7 Also to dress leather, to soft- 17 (^»^a|tf, p. ^t^ax*) ^t^axr;,

en ; h-^su, the same. science ; ^t^'atxTtxofjdidactic

8 ^£XD/xa», the same; ^s)toi^co, to 19 ^ocrxw, the same; ^o/*a, to, a bribe. present; ^oVk, gift. 9 ^eofjiut, the same. 1 j


1 AtK??, lis, law-suit, proc^sso, proces, ou poursuite.

2 ^LKTvov, 8, ro, retia, large nets, rete, grands filets.

-' 3 AiKit), ejicio, to throw, gettdre^ jette, ou lance. 4 Aivj?, vortea^, a whirlpool, vordgine, le gouffre. 5 AtTrXooc? dupleXj double, deceitful, doppio, trompeur.

6 Atc> ^*X"' ^^^' twice, c?we volte, deux ibis, bis. 7 At(7Koc, discus^ a disk or quoit, c?z5co, palet, disque. 8 AicrraZd), duhitare^ to doubt, dubitdre, doute, hesite. 9 Aicftaw, qucero, to search, esamindre^ cherche, ^prouve. 10 Aicp^ipa, pellis, a skin or leather, p^lle, cuir ou peau. 1 Ai^a & di\pog, sitis, a thirst, 5^7e, soif, ardeur. 12 Atw, expello, drive out, scaccidre, chassc, exile. 13 AtwKw, sequor, I pursue, seguitdre, suit, poursuit.

14 Avo<^ocj 8j tenebrce, darkness, night, t^nebre, tenebres.

,^ ^ expecfo, expect, aspettdre, voir, attendre. tobservo, to judge or observe, osservare, juge, observe.

16 AoK£w, censert, to think, pensdre, penser, croire. 17 AoXtxocj ^) «v, /owg-w5, long, lungo, long, prolixe. 18 AoXocj fraus, dolus, a deceit, ingdnno, dol ou fraude. 19 AdvaS, arundoy a reed, /a cdnna, jonc, roseau. 20 Aov£w, agitare, to shake or move, scuotere, secouer. DERIVATIVES.

S'io/xat, 1 Alsocustom,manners;^txafw, 12 Also to stumble; the to do justice; ^Wto?, just, same. 4 ^rpo? and ^e^i/o?, «, the same; 13 To sue to a trial; ^»a>y/Ao? and ^'iw^^



1 /lop^, caprea, a roe-buck or deer, daino, claim, chevreuil. 2 AopTTov & AoQTTog, ccenuy supper, la cena, le soupcr. 3 Aopv, , a spear or , cista, lance ou pique. 4 AovXog, servus, a slave, schidvo, serf, esclave.

5 AovTTog, 8, sonituSffragor, noise, romore, bruit, fracas. G Ar/oKwv, ^()aK(i)vTog, dracOy dragon, draco, un dragon.

7 A(>a(r(7w, arripioy snatch or lay hold, prendere, saisir. 8 Apax/i)?, drachma, a drachm or dram, drdmma, piece, drame.

9 A()aw, (Tw, facto, to act or do, /«re, faire, agir. 10 ApiTTio, decerpo, to pluck up, strappdre, cueillir, prendre. ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^' sharp, agro, sur, apre (au gout). 1 Apiavg, \ Xacutus, sharp, acute, sagdce, tin, habile. 12 Apoaog, ros, morning dew, la rugidda, la ros^e. 13 ApviTTWi dilaniare, to tear, straccidre, dechirer. 14 Apiigydpvog, vis, quercus, an oak, la querela, le chene. 15 Avr], infortunium, ill-luck, sventura, malheur, sort. 16 Avvafiai, posse, to be able, poMre^ pouvoir, est capable. ^^S'^^^^or, to plunge, immergere, 17 Avvw, \ plonger. ' X induo, to dress, vestir, vetir, habiller. 18 A^pov, donum, munus, a gift, un dbno, pr<^sent, don.


1 ^xo?,^) ^o^xa?, a^'o?, the Same. 12 ^^oVcrt, tears; -S'^oo-tjc*©?, cover- 2 ^o^T», 19, the evening ; ^o^- ed with dew. TTucTTo?, supper-time. 13 Also to scratch. 3 ^o^vcro-u, to tight, with a pike. 14 (^) ^^vfAoq, forest. 4 ^o:/X>), a maid-servant. 15 (»5?, v) also poverty; ^vjiw, 6 Also ear-rings, chains, clasps. to throw into misery. 7 ^§a|, ay-o?, a handfull, 16 Also to be in esteem; ^v,ai^i( 8 ^^cc^iJ'.xTQq, the value of a strength, remedy, power. drachm. 17 <^y


E. This letter is called t\pi\6v, short and thin e, to distin- guish it from r}Ta, the long and open.—In numbers makes five.

1 "Eap Km rjp, ver, the spring, primavera, le printems. 2 *Eaw, sino, to permit, permettercy souifrir. 3 'Eyyur?, sponsio, a promise, promesso, la promesse.

4 'E-yyi/c, prope, near or nigh, presso, proche, aupres. 6 'EyEipw, stimulare, stir up, stimoldre, pousse, excite.

6 "Eyjcwjufov, /a2/5, praise, /oc?e, ^loge, ou louange. 7 'Eypr^ywpEw, to watch, veglidre, garde, et veille. 8 "E7x^Xvc5 anguilla, an eel, anguilla, une anguille. 9"E'y^oc5 haita, pike or a spear, mw ds^a, javeline. 10"ESva, c?05, bride-groom's gift, dono, present de Tepoux. IfE^w, manducare, to eat, mangidre, manger, vivre. 12 "E^ojLiat, sedeOy to sit down, assedere, s'asseoir. 13''E3^£tpa, ccesaries, wig, hair, parucca, la perruque.

14 'E^cXw, ^^o/b, T am willing, vogHo, je veux. 15"E3fvoC) wfl^/o, gens, nation, nazione^ nation, peuple. 16 "ES^ocj 'mos^ custom, costume, I'usage, ou la coutume. ^'^ideo, to see, to look, vedere^ voit, regarde. 17 T7"S ' ( seniio^ understand, comprendere, comprendre. 18 El^og, forma venustas, beauty, bellezza, beaute, graces.


1 la^ifw, to spend the spring. 1 1 (p. E^'jj^WKa,) E^a^, l^rjTv^, l^w- 2 to cease, to desist, ^7iy meat, eating.

3 iyyvoq, security; tyyvdu, to 12 £'^^a,a chair ; E^o?,the ground; give security. Byt^^u, ambush. 4 (adv.) tyy^^to, to^approach; 14 SeXw, the same; S/^r/xa, will

eyyyr^?, proximity. 16 Race, line ; b^kjko^, pagan.

6 lyBtfOfjieti, the same; ly^*)

Q lyy.u{ji.ial^u, to praise. 17 ;'^iandJ^«, behold. ^t- 8 8y%tAif, £05, the same. 18 Bv^aX^ofAUi, to resemble ; 9 eyxsia, the same. ^wXoF, image, idol. JO


1 Etjcoaf, viginii, twenty, venti, viiigt, vingtaiiic. 2 EIkw, similus sum, like, somiglidre, rcssemblcr. 3 EtAc'w, premo, to squeeze, spr(^mere, prcsser, amasser*

4 EiX^w, (Tw, vohere, to roll, rotoldre, roule, entoure. 5 EtXwcj sercus, a servant, a slave, schidvo, valet, serf. 6 E'/pyw, f includo, (o shut up, inchiuder, cnfermer.

^<»^j I veto, to forbid, proibire, fait defense.

7 EtpT/vi], 17, /jflJF, peace, la pace, paix, repos.

8 ""ETpoc, ttptov, /flwfl, the wool, la Itina, de la laine. E" y ^2co, to say or ask, domanddre, dit, demandc, I Hectare, to knot, altaccdre, none, attache. 10"Eica(TTocjg'wit'/5jeach,every,c/a5c/ie(^MWo,chacun,cliaque.

1 1 "Ejcarov, centum, a hundred, c^w/o, cent, centaine. l!2 "E/cr^Xoc, tranquillus, easy, tranquillo, doux, tranquille. 13 'Eicvpoc, 50cer, a father-iu-law, suocero, beau-p^re. 14 'Ekwv, sponte volens, willing, pronto a fare, de bon gre# 15 'EXata, olea, an olive-tree, w/iro, Tolivier. 16 ^EXarr], abies, fir-tree, ab^te, le sapin. 17 'EXauvw, impello, to drive, spingere, pousser. 18 "EXa<|>oc, cervus, a stag or hind, ceruo, cerf ou biche. 19 *EXa0p6c, cc/er a^^,we /cviV, quick, rdpido, rapide.

20 'EXoxwcj parvus, little or small, piccolo, petit.


1 !»«<*?, a^of, a score. 1 1 (indec.)£mToaT05, hundredth. 2 (l«,x«) «»«?vhkely ; £tVwK,an 12 exjjXia & eukjjaU, rest. image; e«x*fy, to imitate. 13 exy^a, ^J,, mother-in-law. 3 (aft;,p. xa) I'jAtj, atroop. 14 (ovto?) £xot


1 "EX^ofxai, appeto^ to wish or desire, bramdre, d^sirer. 2 "EXeyoc, ov, elegus, sorrow, raoun,/mw^w/o,chant lugubre. 3 'EXiyxtoy arguo, to convince, convincere, convaincre. 4 "EXfoc, pietas, mercy, misericordia^ piti^. 5 "EXlvS^epoc, immunis, free, libero, franc, libre. 6 'EXc^ac, elephas, ivory, avorio, Tivoire. 7''EX7?, eestusy heat of the sun, calore, chaud, chaleur, otior, to rest, riposdre, 8 'EX ' J se repose. (. differre, differ, differire, differer. O^EXkoq, ulcus, aboil, sore, ciccione, plaie, ulcere. 10 "EXkw, attraho, to loiter, strascindre, se trainer. 11 "EWriVfGrcecuSySL Greek orGrecian,Greco,(Gentil)Grec. 12 "EXoc, iog, palus, a marsh or lake, palude, marais, lac. 13 'EXttic, iXiri^og, spes, hope, sperdnza, Tesp^rance. 14 'Ejucw, vomitare^ vomit, vomitdre, (va) vomir.

15 'EfXTraZofxcUf curare, to mind, curare, prendre soin. spoliare, to strip, spoglidre, depouiller. Ifi 'F / § ' (. maetare, to kill, uccidere^ tuer. 17*Evap7i7C) clarus, clear, bright, chidro, brillant, clair. 18 *Evvoc, annus, a year, mw awwo, I'ann^e, Tan. 19 'Evvia, C5^ no'oem,{\i\ numbers) nine, nove, neuf(exprime).


1 ItX^u^y desire. 9 Ixxew, w, syxow, &/, to wound, 2 £Rnc elegy. to provoke.

3 £A£yx«?j 0, token, proof ; e- 12 e^uo?, marshy; JXtw?, a dor- ^«y%o?j 'oj reproach. mouse. 4 Compassion; but fXeo?, a 13 tXTrifw, tohope; Iatw, togive

kitchen table ; Ixisw, «, to hope, have pity. 14 t/tAETo?, a vomit; ?/iAeT»xof, vo- 3 fAtu^/^to?, a man of honour. mitive, 6 Also elephant. 15 (

7 «»x»), the same ; l»Xf w, to ex- care ; t/xTra*©?, expert. pose to the sun. 17 Ei-a^yn*, evidence. 18 («,o)'/^o? & f'y»o<,a year,yearly. 1 1



1 'EvToi', intus^ in or within, /Vri, dtnlro, dans, dedans. 2 'Evifw, Bellona, Belldna^ deesse dc sang.

3*E^, scx^ in numbers six, s(^i^ vant six en nombre.

4 'Eo()r?), festum, a festival, /e^/a, jour do fT'te. urgere, to push, sospignere, e »p , I pregscr. C hortor, to exhort, esortdre, pousse, anime. G 'E7r»]p£a^w, obsum, 1 hurt, nuoccio, je nuis. 7 'Ettikov^ioc, a helper, aiutatore, protecteur.

8 'ETTtrrj^T/c, idoneusy apt, fit, a/^o, proprc, agile.

9 'ETrra, septem^ in numbers seven, sctte, sept on compte. persequor, I follow, seguitdrej suit, poursuit. 10''E f I dirigo, to govern, governdre, gouvcmer.

1 "Ettw, dicer e, to speak or say, favelldre^ parler, dire. 12 "Epa, telluS) terra, the earth, /a ^erro, terre ou globe.

IS^Epavoc, 8, epulum^ a club- feast, Aa;2c/ie/^o, pique-nique. 14 'Epaw, a?wo, to love, amdr, aimer, d^sirer. 15 "Epyov, opus, labour, work, cosa, lavoro, chose, ouvrage. 16*Ep£j3oc5 ^^' Erebus, Stj/x, Hell, V Inferno, Stix, Enfer. 17 'Epl^w, irritOy to provoke, provocdre, provoquer. 18 'EpEtSw, yi^o, to fix, Jissdr, fixer, etablir. 19 'EpfiKw, frango, to break, 5;pez2are, casser, rompre.


1 (adv.) ^j'Ts^ov, entrails. 9 s'jS^o/ixo?, seventh ; tjS^o/AaxK, 2 avyaXiog, Mars, warlike. seven times. 4 Also solemnity. 10 tVo/xat, the same; to accom- 5 Iffnyit?, one that presses and pany, [p^e.

hastens. 1 e'-tto?, to?, epic poem ; Fr. ^o- 6 frrrt^nccy loss, injury. 12 (aj, n) f^a^t, on the ground. 7 h^t.aitpiliator; tmxov^Ec;, to 13 Contribution; E^ft^a;,to col-

assist ; Irtxa^i*, help. lect. 8 tTTiyji^ijo?, friendly, affectio- 14 (cr«, p. xo.) H^a^, WTO? & s^o?, »,

nate; lv^y^n^^ou^ to do on love ; l^aoT^?, a friend. purpose, to endeavour, to 15 ae^yoqy idle. honour. 17 f^iSi^w, the same. 19 Also to shatter, to bruise. D 2 .



1 'EpciTTw, ruo, throw down, rovescidre, renverser. 2 'EpfVrw, epulor^ to feast, festeggidre, godayer. 3 'EpcWttJ,

4 'Epfax^^^***? ^^ quarrel, litigdre, quereller.

5 'Epluyoi, eructo, to belch, ruttdre, roter (fi)

6 "Ep£u3'oc, rubor, redness, rossore, la rougeur. 7 'Epeui/aw, indago, to search, cercdrcy rechercher.

8 'Epc^w, ^eg-o, to cover, coprir, couvrir ou cacher. 9"Epr^jLioC} desertuSf solitary, solingOy solitaire. 10 'Eptvvuc, furiuj anger or fury, furia, colere. ll^Ep^o Tixa^ quarrel, a fray, contesa, chamaillis. IS^Ept^oc, hcBdus, a kid, capr^tio^ chevreau, chevrotin. 13 'Epjua, fulcrum^ basis, a prop, sostegno, base, appui. 14 *Epjuijvcucj interpreter, int^rprete, trucheman.

15 'Ep/xiicj Mercurius, Mercury, Alercurio, Mercure. IG^Epvocj ramus, a branch or bough, rdmoy rameau, branche. IT^EpTTw, serpo, to creep and crawl, rampicdrey rampe, et giisse.

IS^E/opw, ire dolens, sadly, tristOy dol^nte, s'cn aller.



1 To beat down a wall. 1 1 (t^o?, ri) s^ifw, to dispute ; j^jo-- 2 Properly to graze. Ttxo?, quarrelsome. 3 (xa) the action of rowing; 13 A pillar; metaph. confi-

E§ETt)tr>, the art of rowing. dence ; i^^t,a,t,u, to support.

4 Lat. rixor. 14 Lat. interpres ; l^iAnint/Uy to

6 l§w.&§o?, red ; H^yS^ta«,to blush. explain. 7 i§£»i'a, a research. 17 I^TTETof, 5, creeping animal. 8 (^^Uj^.^oC) l^o(pv), tlie roof; t^o- 18 Also to run to rack, to de- (poq, the same, or a vault. stroy one's self.

9 Also forsaken, alone. 19 ii^



1 'E(>uK(Uj prohiberey to hinder, proibirr, tieiit, cmpechc. 2 'Env(o, trahoy to drag or draw, strascindre, se trainer. 3"Kpxof^iaiy advenio, to come, vcnir, venir, arriver.

4*E()(i)t(u, a

(}'E(T^t(o, cdo, to cat, 7nangidr, manger, se nourrir. 7 'E(7.^Xoc, fortisy good, valiant, vahroso, bon, vaillant. 8 "EoTTtpoc, 'Vesper, the evening star, Espero, Venus.

'1? / J fiicus, the fire-side, fiwco, coin du feu.

(. convivium, a feast, banchdtlOy banquet, fete.

10 'EffYapa, ybc«/5 e^/, the hearth, focoldrcy feu, foyer.

1 ''Eff;!^oroc, exlremus, the last, VuUimOy dernier. 12 'Ero^w, examinoy search, esamindre, rechercher.

J 3 'EroTpocj sociusy fellow, friend, compdgtiOy compagnon. ]4*'Er€poc, alter, another, un dltro, autre, ou qui differe, IS^'Ettjcj amicuSy a friend, amicoy ami, camarade.

16"Ero(/ioc, T?, paratiiSy ready, prontoy prompt, ou pr6t, 17''Erocj cocj annus, the year, tin anno, I'ann^e, l*an.

18"Eru/ioc, 'cerus, true, certain, x


1 i^yKaxa/& y.aKiu, the Same. 12 l^tTu^aj^ the same; i^iraa--

2 t^vofjioii, to protect; i^vfAu, ^oij, inquiry. defence, fortress. 13 («, o) hat^ta, society. 4 Also to (ly into a passion. 14 (adj. a, oy) tTi^or©?, diflerent. 5 (ipwTaw) E^a;T>)/*a, demand. 16 Iroi/xa^a;, to prepare. 7 eV^Xo't»)?, generosity. 17 (ro) airia, the same year; 8 IcTTTf^a, evening^, sun-set. o»tT»)?, equal, of tlie same

9 Household god ; nrrioiuf to age. retire homeward. 18 (o, & ^, ov) iVnTv/xo?, the

1 1 !V;;^aT*5, the end ; £C7-;(;aTia, same ; WnTVfjtiacy v, truth, extremity. 19 («?, i) i^^io? & jv^u^o?, serene. tranquil. 3S


1 EuSw, dormio, to sleep or rest, dormire, dort, repose, 2 Ev^ifg, rectus, strait, direct, just, retto, droit et juste.

3 'Evvrj, lectus, a bed or tent, letto, t4nday lit ou tente. 4 Evpio-KO), reperire, to find, trovdre, trouve, ou cherche. 5 Evpuo ^a^w^, broad, wide, dmpio, largo, grand et large. 6 Evpwcj 52/^5, raouldiness, muffa, relent, ou moisissure. 7 'Evcj Kat r/vc) bonus, all good, 66/zo, bon, hardi.

8 EvxofJLaf., glorior, I boast, gloridrsi, se vanter. 9 Euw, uro, to burn, to warm, bruscidre, brule, et chauffe.

10 'Euw^ta, dapes, feast or banquet, banch^tto, gala, fete.

11''E;(3-ocj foc? odium, hatred, odio, la haine, ou Tenvie. 12 'ExTvocj erinaceus, an urchin, riccio, h^risson. 13 'Ex^Cj "oipera, a viper, /a vipera, vipere. 14 *E;(upocj tutus, safe or secure, 52cwro, sur et sauf.

IS^E^wj or;>(w, habeo, to have, avere, tient avoir. 16 "Exjjw, coquo, to boil, bollire, faire, bouillir.

17 "Ew, ^w»z, I am, 2o 56/20, je suis, me voila. to send, faire IS"F y ^i^^o,. manddr, envoyer, dire. ^ 1


1 y.ai^iii^u, the same. 11 i-x^Y,<^Xy the same.

2 EuStia, ev^v, recte. 13 (£«y?, 0) £';)^K, is the male. 3 tvvoia & a^iw, to sleep. 14 o^v^o?, the same; oyy^uyi.Uj 4 £y^>3/xa, invention. a fortress.

5 ev^o^f eof , TO, bigness ; tf^o?, 15 ix^ofMut, pass, of f'p^w, to un- a, east wind. dertake, to desist; ^Ik, 6 iv^, ev^cJTuiu, to get mouldy. habit of the body. 7 (££05, 0) tv, tvys, cheer up. 17 (Smooth) to go, to come,

8 (f. ^oiA.o!,i) tvx/i, prayer ; £v- &c. Ei£v, be it so; ia-ia, Xou TO, vanity. being.

9 Also to set on fire. 18 (rough) to send, &c. £'»!jLt», the

10 Public entertainment; ivu- same ; »«/Aai, to desire.

p^5(y, to treat, 1



Z. Zf;Ta signifies seven.

1 ZaXr?, turbo, a storm, tempest, tempesta^ la (cuip^tc.

2 Za«/)tX»)c) simplex, simple, sdniplice, simple, tout uni. 3 Zaw, vivere, to live or exist, zivercy exister. 4 Ztvyvvfii, jungo, to join, giugnere, joindre. 5 Zivg, Biog, Jupiter, air or Jove, Giove, Jupiter. 6 Zttpvpoc, zeph^rus, zephyr, west wind, zdjfiro, z^phir.

7 Z£o», fervtre, to boil, bollirf, bout, bouillonc. Q „-^ C zelus. emulation, zeal, st7o, zelc, ardeur.

Linvidia, envy or jealousy, invidia, 1 envic.

9 Ztj/Liia, damnum, a loss or damage, ddnno, detriment. 10 Zrjrtw, qucero, to look for, ricercdre, rechercher.

1 Zo^oc, caligo, dark cloud, scuro, temps convert. 12 Zu^C) cervisia, ale or beer, cervSzia, la bierre.

13 Zu/uT?, fermentum, yeast or leaven, /

f Zwvvvu), (TO), cingere, to gird, cignere, enceindre. I ^ t Zwi/rj, zowfl, fillet, a girdle, zona, zone ou la ceinture.

16 Zio


^oj?, 3 life, fwov, an animal; 10 fy/T>)T»j?, an inquisitor ; ^»7Tn- ^wTixo?, that gives life. ^

t (^w, p, ;i^a) (ivyixoc, conjunc- II fo(pio? and fo^j^o?, ti, dark, tion; fsyyof, to, yoke, har- misty.

ness ; fw^o?, 6, yoke, ser- 1 3 (vfA.6uj to make the dough ;

vitudc. a^vfjioq, unleaveued ; Fr. A ^»a



H. rira, makes height, and admits of different significations.

1 "H/3»7, Uebe, juventus, youth, giovanezza, la jeunesse. 2 'Hyfojuat, prceire, to lead, condurre, conduit, mene. 3 'HSvg, focj dulcis^ sweet, dolce^ grdto, doux, plaisant. 4*^11^0^ moresy manners, uso, costume, moeurs, usage. 5 'H^'w, colore, to strain, coldr, passer au tamis. 6"H'l^eog, juvenis, lad, youth, giovanne, jeune homme.

7 'Httuy, ri'iovog, littus, the shore, la spidggia, rivage. 8 'Hjca, leniter est, gently, dolcemente, douceraent. 9''Hicw, advenio, to come, renire, s'en venir. 10 'HXajcarrj, colus, a distaff, la rocca, la quenouille. 11 'HXaa-Kw, errare, to wander, errdre^ s'^garer. 12 'HXeoC) insipiens, silly, fool, scimunito, sot.

13 'RXi^LOQf stultus, base fool, minchione, sot, et vii. l^^RXiKia, juventus, youth, gio-oan^zza, primeur d'agc. 15 'RXiKocquantunifSLs great,^wdw

IG^UXiog, 8, sol, Phcehus, the sun, sole, le soleil. IT^HXoc, clavus, a nail or clasp, un chiodo, clou, agraffe.

18'^H/xat, Ka^Ti^atf sedeo, to sit, sedere, s'asseoir.

19 'H/xEKTEw,


1 (lo?, ^) r!/3»jT>!g, a young man 13 Also a coward ; ^A»Sw, fool-

n^oiu jio come to ripe years ishly ; /jXtSta^w, to play the

v(prj^oi;, no more a child. fool.

2 (f. cu^jLa.\,^ 7>yB[ji>ovtv

5 {au, Ku) ojSew, riSt^w, the same; 1 £(p»)^^?, nail or clasp. rVos, a strainer. 18 xaT»5/xa», to sit down or lie.

7 (r)) »)wv, the same ; >5oho?, of ] 9 Trt^irjjtAexTJjrv, the same.

the shore. 20 >;/xa^, aro^i the same; vifAt^vc,

9 xaStjxw, to agree. daily ; »)^*)/[*£^»;, »^o?, jour-

1 Also to ride about, nal, cphemerides. 12 ^^K, the same. ;


rniMH I vrs.

l''H/ie(»oc, i/KUisuclusy mild, mnnsuiHo, boii tucile. 2"H^«(Ti/r, dimidiumy the half, lamcta^ hi moiti^. 3 'H/iuw, incumbered to fall, cadcrey tombcr, cheoir.

4 'Hv£icr;c> continitua^ lasting, dtirabilc, durable.

5'Hv(a, ac, frwtwin, a bridle, /a briglia^ la bride.

G^'FlTTaf), hepar, (he liver, il f(?gatOy le foie.

7 'flTTtoci Wi/V/^, kliul, easy, Ira! labile, facile.

8 H^a, Jitnoy the goddess of air, Giunbney reine des airs.

9 'Hp^/iocj placidits, soft, peaceable, cahno, doiix, paisiblc. 10 'Wpiovy inonumentayihc iomh, 5ep6/cro, torabeau, tombe. WHgwqy heroSj {semi-dens^ brave, croe. brave, h^ros.

IS^Herawv, 6, 17, minor, less, minore, le moins, moindrc.

i3"Hcri>xo(,'5 tranquiUitSy easy, tranquiilo, doux, traii- quille.

M^'Hrop, cor, animus, the heart, cubre, cceur, esprit.

15''HTp(ov, 8, slameny the warp, ordito, tissu, fil.

16"H«^atrrroc^ Vulcanus, fire. Volcano, Vulcain, feu. 17''Ht(ocj ecAo, sonus, sound or voice, subno. son, ^cho.

18 'Hwcj «Cj Aurora, dawn, VAurora. I'aube du jour.


1 vfAt^oTr^^f mildness. 10 Kmri^hoy, an empty tomb.

2 ri(/.ivx, r)y half a sextary. 12 rio-a-atofAon, to be overcome. 3 To lean. 13 iia-v^xToq, the same; W;^**,

4 (0, >3, £?) ^i»}»£jt£V, continually. peace, rest ; r.ax.'xjxl^ui, to 5 a,(pY,noi^Uy to shake of the be at rest.

bridle; 3*v»^>) «*iof, of the morn-

9 hftiMt, softly ; r§i/xj&;, to rest ing.

yt^ffji.l^v, to appease. 4^


9. From the Hebrew thet, or (he old Syrian //te/a. Niii€ in numbers.

1 Gmpocj cardo, a hinge, axle-tree, un perno, gond, pivot. 2 QaXafioQ, thalamus^ marriage-bed, l^tto, lit nuptial. 3 QaXaaaa, marcy the sea or salt, mdre^ Tonde amere. 4 OaXXw, florere, to flourish, Jiorire, fleurit, pousse.

5 QoXttu)) t//w, foveo, to cherish, riscalddre, couve, echauffe. 6 Qa/ia^ frequenter^ often-times, sp^sso^ souvent, tres. 7 8ajuj3oc, stupor, amazement, fright, pdura, peur, efFroi.

8 OafJivog, 8, fruticetum, a nursery, semenzdio, pepiniere.

9 GaTTTw, ;//w, sepelire, iohury, seppellire, mettre en terre.

10 Gaptroc, £oc> fiducia, courage, fermezza^ fermete. 11 GaujuaSw, admiror, I wonder, ammiro, j'admire. 12 Oeaofiai, spectare, to look, guarddre, contempler.

13 Oeivii), ferire, to strike, percuotere, frapper. 14 GlXyw, mulcere, to smooth, spidnar, adoucir. 15 GljurjXov, funiameny a base, sost^gno^ soutien, base. 16 Gfjutcj «Soc, JM5, law or justice, /a Icgge^ loi, justice.

17 GIvap, 'yo/fl, palmofthehand, pdlmay creux, lapaume. 18 Geocj -D^*) Deusy Almighty, la Divinitd, Dieu. 19 GfpaTTwv, famuluSy servant, servidore, domestique. 20 Gepocj €estaSy summer, estdde, Tete, la moisson,


2 SaAa^to?, a rower. 14 ^ixynr^ov, pleasure. 4 i^aAAo?, », a green bough. 15 ^E/^EXioy, the same. 5 (pret. (pa) S«X7ro5- heat. 16 ^euir£t}w, to render justice. 6 adv. Sa/A59s, thick, frequent. 17 (to) also the foot. 7 {so;, to) $a/x^£^, to be stup- 18 $£«?, divine; ^iTov, ro, divi- ned, nity. 8 Taipo;, a ditch, a sepulchre. 19 (ovto, o) ^tpccnrtvu) to serve. 10 ^acro? TO, the same. 20 S«g»fa; & $^ija», to spend th« 11 ^a.v^a,



1 Qipio, calfitcio, to warm, scaldarc, chaufre, ^chautie.

2 9£(T/Li6cj ^ex, ritus, the law, la l^f^s^c^ la loi, rit. 3 GtaTTtCj raticinus, prophet, proftta^ un prophete. 4 6/w, currere, to run, correre, courir et atteindre. 5 6£W(>ocj spectator, a gazer, che fissa, qui regardc. 6 OZ/yw, instigate, to excite, stimoldre, stimuler. 7 QijXt}, mamma, the nipple, capp^'zzolo, maminellc.

8 9r/Xi>c> fcemineus^ feminine, femminino, ferniniii. 9 OT)p,^T}pocj / a wild beast, /Vro, b^te fauve.

10 6r?

11 Gmo-ocj thi/asusj choir of danc^, 6rt//o, dansc en choeur.

\^2 iVifir], Jiscella, a basket, canestra, corbeille d'ozier. 13 9t7w, tangere, to touch, toccdre, se toucher. r acervus, a heap or bunch, mucchio, mdssaf 14 8iv, 3'tc>< tas, amas.

C littus, a shore, //dfo, spidggia, rivage. 13 0Xaa>,(TW5 ciidere, to break, rbmpere^ briser.

r i/^w, 0a, premo, to press, prem^re, presse, etreint. 16 OX'/^ lijejro, to oppress or afflict, opprinier, oppresser

17 Qvr](jKii), intereo, I die, muoio, je me meurs. 18 Oo^vrj, cofivivium, a feast, festino, joie, bombance. i^ 19 OoXocj sordisy filth or dirt, fdngo, boue, salet^.


1 Se^/xo?, warm. 10 S»)

3 SicTTri^o.', to prophesy; ^ta- 14 S^v, -^nvof* rampart.

•rrso-io^;, divine. 15 ^Xu^fxa to, SxacTK, v, conlu- 4 («:^ao/xai) $«;?, wo?, a lynx. sion, fracture.

b Biu^Tii^u, spectacle; Sjo^ia, 16 Also to use ill; Sx»^»?iafflic- contemplation, theory. tion.

6 Sij^K, point, activity. 17 (f. $«»-«/*«») also to fall, to 7 S»)Xafw, to suckle or suck {perish. $»jAacrT^'ka, a nurse. 19 SoXoa', to trouble, to spoil

D ^yj^ioi', the same ; ^k^u, wild SoAi^-o^, dirty, nasty, fowl. 44


1 9ooc?«j celer et pro7nptus, quick, vivace, vitc et prompt. 2 Oopu/3ocj strepitits, tumult, noise, ^wmM//o,bruit,turaulte.

3 0opa>5 ^fl/Zo, jump or leap, saltdre, bondit, saute. 4 Opavu), infringere, to break, rompere, briser. 5 Qpuu), assideo, to sit down, assSdere, s'asseoir. 6 QpfojyfTw, clamarc, to bawl, clamdre, tempeter. 7 Gp^vocj lamentum, complaint, lamento, chagrin,plainte. 8 0p»j(TK£vw5 colo, to worship, adordre, r^v^rer. 9 Gpia/xjSocjSj triumphus, triumph, trionfo, le triomphe.

10 9pi|, rpi^^ocj crinis, the hair, /j^/o, capello, cheveu, crin. 11 0pojuj3ocj grumus, a lump or clod, pezzo, grumeau, tas. susurrusy a whisper, bisbiglio, murmure. 19 A '\"\ I *^' ^> 1 clamor, a sound or rumour, romore, bruit, rumeur. 13 Gpuov, uhajuncus, a bull-rush, gionco, jonc, roseau. Cfrangere, to break or smash, spezzdre, cas- 14 OpuVrw, < ser, rompre. ' etiervare, to enervate, enervdre, s'^nerver. 5«/eVe, to jump, saltdre, sautiller. 15 epaxTKtu, x*^5^"5 16 Qvyarnp, esijilia, a daughter, lafiglia, la fille. 17 QmWa, procella, a storm, tempesta, grain, tempete. 18 9vXa£, saccus,^. bag or sack, sdcco, tdsca^sac, ou poche.

19 Gujuiao). sujfire, to perfume, profumdre, parfuraer.


1 ^oaf»j, to move with agility ; 10 (*}) sW^ixo?, without hair; wic- $a»

3 So^w, the same ; S5§o?, impe- 14 ^^t/VTo/x^ijtobe broke ; T^v(pn, tuosity. luxury; r^v(pa,o}, to live in

4 (cT-w, xa) also to ruin. pleasure.

5 To be enthroned ; S^ovo?, a 1 6 (/^o?, r) Syyar^i^S?, a daugh- throne. ter's son. 6 S^o£ft>,the5ame;S^oo?,clamour. 18 (oi;,o)$y>kaHo?, the same. 8 S^)icra£ta, wurship; S^Wxec, 19 (crw, xa) St7xla/x«, «to?, per-

religious. fumf ; ^ifxttcTv^to:,* cenier. 1 ;


J'H I.M in VPS.

mens^ animusy the luiiid, spirit, cuore, coeur, J Bu/ioc,IOC, \ ira, passion, anger, iro, trasporlo^ colere, ire. 2 Qu^Oi januay gate or door, lapoitUy porte, (entree). 3 9u(jwcj cij/pcusy sliield or buckler, scudoy bouclier.

M .., {madare. to immolate, imniolare^ tuc, immoie.

( trriWy to rush upon, lanciarsi, se rucr. 5 Guam, victima, victim or ofiering, zitlima, victime.

rmUrire^ to nourish, to milk, nutrire, nourir, traire. 6 9w, } punire, punish or fine, punir, punir, amender.

(. propcrarfy to run or haste, corrercy courir, se hater. 7 0W17, damnuniy fine a loss, ddnnoy perte, amende. 8 QwulZu), vifidrcy to tie, legdrcy lie de cordes. 9 OwTrrw, asseyiloVy to flatter, lusitigdrcy flagorner. 10 Gw^aS, QKoc, thorax, the breast, il ptlto, scin, poi- trinc.

1 Q(ov(T(T(x), clamarty to bawl, griddre, crie, tcmpete. 12 Owxp, adulatory a flatterer, lusingatorCy flagorncur.


1 (5, o) SiJ/xo?, m;«M the accent 7 Punishment; a^uoq. not oruil-

on thefirst i signifies a small ty ; oc^uouy to acquit.

blister—thyme, onion. 8 Buf/.icra-o), the same ; S^w^»y|, 2 a;, ^. packtiiread.

3 Properly a long shield. 9 (-vl/w, p. (pa) ^uTTivVf to caress

4 (t/crw, Kt,) from whence comes SwTTtia, 17, flattery. tuer, to kill. 10 Likewise a garment or ar- 5 St;/xE'X)), an altar. mour for tl)e breast. Obsolete in the pres. tense (^cu, 6 ; 11 p. ^a) also to fling into signifies from Saw, to nurse, a passion ; ^ovkt^^, >,^{, a to breed, to enioy ; from barking dog. $!•», it imports to run, to fine, to do. 4()


I. From the Hebrew jod, or the old Syrian iota. In num- bers signifies ten.

- 1 'la/vw, caleoj to melt, to warm, scalddre, chaufFejCchauffe. emittere, to throw, gettdre, jette, en voie. 2 'T 'W I I injicio, to strike or beat, battere, trapper.

3 lojujSocj iambus^ iambic foot, jdmbo, pied iambe.

4 laojtiat, medeor^ to heal or cure, sandre, gu^rit, panse. 5 'laTTTw, ferire, to strike or hurt, ferire, blesser, nuire. P C 'lavw, cunctor, to loiter, dondoldre, lambiner. ( dormitare, to slumber, domiicchidre, sommeiller. 7 'la^w, "cociferor^ to bawl out, clamdrcy s'ecrier. 8*lStocj proprms, own, proper, prpprio, mio, propre, a soi.

9 'iSvott), incurvoy to bend, curcdre, plie, ou courbe. 10 'iSoc & t^pwcj sudor, a sweat, sudore, la sueur. c statuo, set or place, sfabilire, raffermir. 11 'tS , " ' X sedeo, to sit down, sedere, fait asseoir. 12 'lapaS, accipiter, the hawk, falcone, le faucon. 13'l€pocj sancius, holy, and sacred, ^aw^o, saint, sacr^. 14 "I^w, colloco, to seat or place, situdre, poser, seoir. 15 *I^vc, reditSy strait, right, diritto, juste et droit.

16 'Iicavoc^ op^z/^, idoneus, able, idoneo, capable.


1 (y6;,p.xa) iaivo^at, to be warm. idiot ; t^iarrfict, a private 2 TaXXo?, scoff, joke. Hfe; i^Kx^w, to live apart.

3 ia^^ifw, to be satyrical ; la/*- 9 t^yoo/^at, to bend, to stoop.

^>jAo$, injurious. 1 1 i^^vjjn & l^^itUf the same ; T^-

4 »a/xa, medicine ; iar^o?, a ^v(jt.a,y structure, building. physician. 13 ic^oy,holy, a victim, a chapel.

6 Also to dwell ; *ayS^o«, ha- 14 (era/, Ka) I^ana;, the same. bitation, stable. 15 (£?«, o) »$tJ*r, to go Strait, to 7 lax^' ^"^ '^X"/**? clamour, fly into a passion; ^&&rv, bawling. same, 5 »^«T»??. a private person, an l^ (^, o») ixay^f, sufficiently. ;


1 'UtVncj ^upplfx-, supplicant, suppiicihite, suppliant.

'2 'Iic/uar, humor, a moisture, umidtzza, la moitcur.

J 'Iicvt(v/(u,& C iT;/i/T, to come, venire, s*cn venir. 'IKv5/ia^ I supplico, to supplicate, supplicdre, supplier.

4 ^\kt\v, ivo^; mihus, kite, il nibbio, milan. ^ 'IktU, t^ocj mustela, a weazle, donnola, belelte. fi^licrcpoc} icterus, jaundice, ittcrizia, jaunisse.

7*1x0;, advenio, 1 come, io vSngo, je m'en viens. 8"lAa(u^', milis, favourable, propizio, propice.

9 "iXAocj «) o, ocidns, the eye, Vocchio, un ceil. 10 'iXucai'ocj lintus, mud or dirt, milma, boue, limou. ll'I/Ltac, Jorum, a thong or strap, striscia, laniere. 12 'Ijuefpw, cupio, to desire, bramdre, desirer. 13 ^Ivtu), vacuo, evacuate or purge, purgdre, se purger. 14 'I?6c, "ciscum, bird-lime, vischio, visco, glu, pipeau. 15 "lov, TO, viol(E, the violet, violetta^ la violette. venerium, poison or venom, vel&noy 16 'V I"* du venin. ' Xjaculujn^ a dart or arrow, durdo, dard ou trait. 17 "Ittttocj equus, mare or horse, ca-cdllo, cheval ou jument. IS" lirraf-iat, volitare, to fly, voldrC) voler, plane.


1 Ikitiww, to pray,to supplicate. 12 Vipo?, desire, love. 3 (f. »|o^a») also to come, to 13 »)rn^/xo?, purgation. arrive, 14 j|ia,the same, me/a/>A. mean. 6 (tf, 6) a certain yellow bird. 15 ia

8 tXi(k){, the same ; i>.a^o<;, hi- 16 »05, »a, i'oi', alone, 'only. Ifiris, gay ; jXaw, to be 17 ^, IWo?, a mare; »VTa?, »^of, pleasant. knighthood ; ^jXtTn-o?, war- 9 tAX*>, to roll one*8 eyes. like, fond of horses.

ll(ai^o?, o) j^ona, a leather 18 (f iTTnatifixn) irnifo?, 5, a bird.

cord ; iy^aa-a-u, to scourge i/Aa4i>, to pull with a cord. 48


1 "liTTU), noceoy to hurt or wound, nuocere^ nuit, blessc.

a herb or flower, irid, iris, fleur. 9"! ?l i^^^h ^' C iris, the rainbow, iride, I'iris.

9 "T y *?) fibra, fibre or sinew, la fibra, fibre, ou nerf. t vis, robur^ strength, forza, potere, vigueur, nerf.

4''I(njjut, eiard), scire, to know, sapere, savoir fairc.

5 'lo-S-juoc? isthmus, an isthmus, istmo, isthme, ou langue de terre. G^IcToc, (Bqualis, par, equal, egudle, pair, egal.

7 *'l(TTrifxi, statuo, put or fix, stabilire, poser, raettre. 8 'laToyg, laropog, doctus, learned, dotto, savant, docte. Q^Io^xtC) Loq, lumbus, the loin, Varnione, reins, ou cuisse. 10 ^\a\voq, velmacer, aut gracilis, lean, mdgro, decharn^.

11 ''layyg, vog, robur, strength, valour, /orza, valeur, force.

12 ''l

15 "Itucj rotunditas, roundness, la rotonditd, rond. 16*101, fortiter et valde, boldly, arditam^nte, fortement. 17 ^ly^vQ, piscis, a fish, un pesce, poisson (poissonnerie), 18*Ixvoc? vestigium, the step, pdsso, pas, vestige. \9'\xu)g,oQ, sanies, gore, blood, marciume, sanie, sang.


1 Ittvo?, an oven. 8 Also judge or arbiter.

2 («j) also a bird. 9 lax^o}), the thigh. 3 Iviq, a son or a child. 10 l(7x«'ii a^o?, a dry fig. 4 j5/aio» & t^^K, knowing. 12 »V;^t;^ifo/xa», to strive. 5 icrS/Atov, a pearl necklace. 13 »t£»), the same. ?T»jTixo? »Ta/*o?, 6 laraToq, the same ; iVor*)?, e- 14 & the same. quality. 16 t(p$t|ixo;, strong, brave. 7 1(rTet(AUi, to stand, to insist. 17 (tJo?, o) also fisl» market, 7 1



K. Ilchrcw, Cap oT Cap/i. CUM, Kappa. In numbers twonly.

I Kay\afTfini', jocus, a loud laugli, cachififio, ris d'eclat.

*^ Kaooc, doUum^ a barrel or pail, Oariie, baril, sceau.

'J Ka^oy moy ornare, to grace, adorndre, emJK'llir. 4 Ka^uinift, purgare, to purge, pingdre, se purgcr.

f) Kaiv^)(:y mvus at que recens^ new, nu&vo^ recent, ncuf*

6 Ka(v('i, mactarcy to kill, amrnazdre, raassacrer.

7 Kaf()oc5 occasion, time, occasione, Ic terns propre. 8 Kaiio, uro, to barn, brucidre, bruler, cchaufTer. 9 Kaicoc, pcrversus, \vickcd, bad, caltivo, mechant, lachc. 10 KaXa.^or;, caluthus, basket, cancstra, un panier.

11 KaXafxoc, calamusj reed or straw, r^i«/2rt, joncou paille,

10T'- \' { annello^ to call, chiamdrc, nommc, apiwlle.

t imploro^ to implore, implorare, prie, implore. 13 KaXovj ligninn, a piece of wood, pezzo di itgno, bois, charpente.

J't KaXoc, pulchery handsome, *^oo(\,he//o^bu6no,hc^\.\ & bon. 15 KaXi^TTTO), ti'go, to conceal, nascondcre, cacher. 16 KaXo^C) funis, a rope or cable, la gumetia, le cable.

1 KdiLia^, palus, a stick or vine-prop, pah, pieu, ou perche. IS KujurjXoc, camelusy a camel, camtlo, un chameau.


1 tayxa^w, cacliinnor. 1 >taAajtA»^fl;,to play on tlie flute.

2 xa^(ov, a small cask. xaXa/xi?, 1^0^', a tishing-rod; 3 ?\octKa,}^u, to deceive. 12 (crw, xa) xA»5Ti^o/, tO SUe.

4 KoiBa^ua, purgation. 13 xaxia, a nest ; wood-house. 6 xotmq, slaughter. 14 xaXAoc, to;, beauty.

7 xar^o?, thread of the woof. 15 xaXf/x/Aa, veil, eyebrow ; xa-

8 (atvo"«, xa) xaycrT»xo?,5,cauStlC. Ai/i, rose-bud. 9 KsiKi^of, to blame, to despise. 16 (o) Kdhuiho)!, ship rope. 10 a hand-basket. 18 xa/A»Xo?, rope or cable. 1



1 KafiLvojQ^ fornax^ a furnace, forndce^ fourneau, flamme. 2 Ka/iva>, enitor, to toil, faticdrsi, s'efForcer.

3 KajUTTTw, ipit)^ fleetarcy to bend, eurvdre, courber, tordre. 4 KovijC) c?5#a, camstrurriy a canister, canestra^ canastre. 5 KavS'apoC) scarabceus, a beetle, scarafdggi, escarbot. 6 Kavwv, canon, rule, canon, statutOy canon, regie. 7 KaTTijXocj institor, a merchant, mercatdnte, trafiqueur.

8 KaTTvoc, ov, 6, fumus, the smoke, ilfumo, la fum^e. 9 KttTrpocj ^W5, «per, a wild boar, cinghidle, sanglier. I^CKaTTrw, haurio, to swallow, inghiotttr, engloutir.

t ^^j 0jij voro, to devour, divordre, d^vorer. 11 KapSia, cor, the heart or the mind, cubre, eceur, esprit. 12 Kaprjvov, caput, the head, capo, testa, tete ou chef. 13 Kapicaipw, resonare, to sound, risondre, resonncr. M KapKtvocj cancer, crabfish, il grdnchio, homar. 15 Kdpog, marcor, heaviness, sleep, il sanno, Ic sorameiK

16 'Kap'!roQ,fructus,m\y fi'uit or the use of, /rw^^o, fruit, usage. 17 KapcTfoc, ohliquus, cross, oblique, obliquo, tors, oblique. 18 Kapvov, nux, a nut or wallnut, noce, noix, noisette. 19 Kap(^w, sicco, to dry, inaridire, fait secher. 20 Kap)/r)(Ttov, sci/phus, a cup, coppa, idzza, tasse ou coupe


1 («, 6) xocfMnisvu, to heat. 1,'i (^w, xa) to make resound. 2 xctjiAaTo?, fadgne, labour. 14 A distemper, sign of the zo-

3, (^a) Kvoui/.icru, the same. diac.

6 (ovo?, o) properly the top of 16 (a, o) also seed, utihty ; xa^ the scales. 7ro6[j(,a.c, to enjoy.

9' Also, a poison. 17 lyy-a^crto?, the same.

10 Also to, breathe, to blow ; xa- 18 («, to) y.a^ta, nu4.-tree ; aaqv- -^a, a little box;. Jtaxn, a xo», medicine partly pvide trough. of nui3.

1 x^a^ta, the same, 19. >f«i§

FKjy, the skull; Fr. crane. ' 20 (oy,To) the scuttle of a mast. 1



I Kaatrircnacy ^tanmrnt, tin, ^f/ts^fiOy p^/fro, Ac lYfarn.

^ Kaatriurt, .«;/o, to hotcli or bond, rnpprzzAre, ravaiMlcr.

3 KavXnr, caufiSy a cabbage stalk, fo nt/'fo, tiger dVhoii. 4 Kuvxnofiaif jaclme, to brag, vanturs}, ?c vanter.

h K/a(>, fc^j), cor, the heart, rz^/^rr, ccciir, courage.

i> K77X(>oc, »*, oj mlium, millet or gratrt, miglto, miWei. 7 Kuftaty Jaceo, to lie do^vn, t^iac6re^ git, rc|)Ose.

8 Kti'(7

^ 9 KAtf8oc» ^trepitus^ noise or sotrnd, suono, son on liruit. )0 KfXrtpu^f.j, strcpito, to murmur, mormorarcy murmurer.

1 KiXev^cCf "^id^ way or road, la strada, chemin, vote. " *""'"-''"' '-'o"^SSi''lore, voltigeur. 12 Ka„e, celes, \ t a race horsc^ corsicre, un coursier.

13 KAXft), appelio, to land safe, sharcdrc, vieiU au jK)rt. 14 KtXEvw,7tt6eo, (o command, ccnntnanddre, commander.

15 Kfvoc, /r? «v, vactats, empty, rawo, vuoto, ride ou vain. 16 KtirraFi, prmgOy to prick or sting, p/tgnere^ piquer. 17 Kl^ja^oc, argilla, pottcr^s clay, argigiia, terre glaise. 18 Ktoavvvf.it^ miscco, to mingle, mischk'ire^ melanger. J9 Kf'pac, cornuy a horn, como, coma, unc come. 20 Kfpaui/oc, fulmen^ thumler, ttibno^ tonnere, foudre.

21 Kc(>Soc, lucrum, profit or gain, /mc?'(?, profit, gain. 22 Kepic>c,(^oc, radius, weaver's shuttle, spola, la navette.


2 (^va-Ujica) y.cicra-VfjLCc, old shoe, 13 (Xw, \(TtJ, xa) to Ulimoor. snare. 14 (KiXtv(T(Aet, To)the shout ofnia- 3 The wood of an arrow ,a quill, riners; K»Xu^y cry, sound.

4 (f.i}0-o/xa»)xaj^;i{;Tj|^a, boasting, 16 (»)

E 2 52


1 KfpKOCjKcpK^, Cauda, a tail, la coda, une queue. 2 Kev^io, occulta, to hide, nascondere, cacher. 3 KetjiaXr), caput, head, la testa, tHe, ou tout le corps, 4 KIw, findere, to cleave, spaccdre, briser, fendre.

5 Kifi^og, cura, care or grief, cura, dolore, chagrin, deuil. 6 KijXew, mulcere, to charm, ammalidre, charme, attire.

7 Kr/Xrj, 11, tumor, a swelling, gonfiamento, une enflure. 8 KrjXlcj 5 ^^cula, a spot, mdcchia, difFormite, tache. toocj Lprobrunif a blemish, disonore, deshonneur.

9 Krjjuocj camus, a kind of bridle, freno, mord ou frein. 10 KrJTToc} hortus, a garden, ^7orc?f«o, jardin, plant. 11 Krjp) fatum, sors, fate or lot, ^a^o, sorte, destin, sort.

12 Knpoc) «j 6, cerfl, the wax, la cera, de la cire. 13 Kripv^, prceco, crier or herald, un ardldo, un herault. 14 K^rocjEocjTo, cetus, a whale, /« balena, la baleinc. 15 Ky]^r)v,r\voQ,o,fucus,?i drone,c«cc/z2owe,bourdon,mouche. 16 KtjSwroc, area, coffer or chest,/orsfere, coffre ou Tarche. 17 KtSapfCj initra, tiura, mitre, tiara, la tiare.

18 Kt3a

19 Kt^ttpa,acj cithara, harp or lyre, drjort, lyre ou harpe. 20 KiKivocj cincinnus, lock of hair, ciuffdtto, cheveux, louffe. 21 Klicvq, vis, robur, strength, f&rza, vigueur, force.

22 Kti/a|3()a, fcetor, a bad smell, puzzo, sen/ore, puanteur.


1 jtf^xw-v]/, longtailed —cunning. 17 A priestly cap. 2 kbvBq(;, Boqy lurking- place, 18 xi^a^o?, the same; yula^iu, 3 {y<;,n) y.e(pa,?.onov, the top. to deceive.

5 K^^o^oci, to take care ; xs^vo?, 19 x'l^ot^K, the same; xtSa^t^w, ov, prudent. to play on the instruments, 6 (»9o-ft;,>ca)jt?ro/>e/7y by music. to sing. 8 (^) also an ulcer, a scar. 20 A curled lock. 11 (^0?, *)) calamity, malady; 21 xtxt^w, to be strong, to make xv)^ocivuj to kill. haste. \Z Kvt^v(T



1 Klv^vvoc^ H, o, periculum^ danger, pericolo, |)

b Ku;, Ktoc, vermis, a kind of worm, vcrnic, ver qui ronge.

''''^^'' ^'^ "magpie, /Tfh^rt, pic gricclie. 6 K/aaa, I P^^' ' I nausea, a disgust, disf^iistOy du degout.

7 Kt(T

9 K/yXtj, tjc, t}, titrdi/s, a thrush, z/« tordo, unc grivc. 10 K/dj, uac/o, logo and jump, andare, saute et marchc.

1 Ktwv, ce/^fl, columna^ a pillar, colonna, la colonne. 12 KA/if^oC) ramus, young branch or shoot, rdmo, unc branche.

13 K\a(^u), frango, to make a noise, strepiture, faire bruit. 14 K/Xat'w, Jlco, to weep or cry, pidngere^ pleurer. 15 K/\ao>, frangcre, to break, spezzdre, briser, rompre. ir L^\/ f r/rtwr/o, to shut up, chiuderc. fermer a la clef. L laudare, to praise, celebrare^ celdbrer.

17 KXfTTTw, ;//(!>, rapio^ to steal, rubdrcy derober.

18 K\t}fxa, paimes, 'A vine-branch, un pdmpano, \\n pampre. 19 KXr;(>oc> sors, lot, portion, porzionc, sort, partage. 2d K.X(/iui'oc, clibanus^ an oven, fgrno, four (a cuire).

21 KXtjUfts, sTfl/rt, ladder or steps, scti^//, ^chcllc, ou degre,


1 xtvS'yitjtifc;, to be in danger. 13 xXa>^»:, clultcriiiy; noiso. 2 (»)crw, Ka) xi»Ja|, nimble. 14 «Aai//xa, tears lanieiUution. 3 xt»y§o;, plaintive. 15 xXa<7/ixa, a splinter, a bit;

4 x^'»xo?, circle, ring. jtXar»)?. one that cuts ; xXokt- 5 xkcrcTT)^*?, «o(j, a pumice stone. raw, to break. H xia-o-aw, to have a disgust. 16 xXj»?&xAicK.^o>,a key or bolt

7 («, t/) xicrcra^o?, tiie same. 19 KXri^uTl,adr. by lots; xAr^-Jxc,-, 9 xtp^Xt^ejk-, to feed on tlirushes. cltTgymt-n, Fr. c/erc. 10 xjjxifc/, to leap up. 21 xA»/xaxr>j^, a stop ur ladder. 1



1 KMviO) inclmare, tu bend, curvdre, j^encht & courbe. 2 HMvocymotus^ a noise or tumult, tumiiUo^ bruit, tunui He. 3 KXv^w, abluoy to wash, lavdre, laver ou nettoyer. 4 KXvMf sentio, understand, comprtndere^ coniprendre.

5 ICAw^, nere, to spin, fUdre^ file en nenagere. 6 KX(^V) ramusculusy a young shoot, rametto, rejeton. 7 KvaTTToi, carmino, to cord wool, carddrcy drap carder. 8 Kvawj scindere, to cut or giiaw, wjossdre, coupe ct ronge. 9 Kvt^acj caligo, darkness, scitro^ sombre, obscure.

Kvriju*j, iibia, log or thigh, la gdmba, jambe, ou cuisse.

1 KviVo-a, nidor, a smell of roast, odore, flair de rot. 2 Kvtu^aXov, bestia^ a beast, animdle, bete, insecte,

3 Koj3aXQc> «> 65 vafer^ crafty, scaltritoy fin, rampant.

4 KotXia, ventery the belly, ventre, ventre, ou pause. 5 KotXocj cflT3w*5 hollow, deep, concavato, creux, concave. Ko*/uaa>, dormhe, to sleep, dormircy s*endormir. /J S t —^^*^,^o?)?'o,to cause to sleep, fl


1 To lean upon, to decline. 15 ra xor^a, tile flanks; y-aXaUu,

2 KXact;, to move to sliake. to make hollow ; ^wTwi^, «- 4 Also to obey— to be ready; ^cs, a deep valley. y.^yTo?, echoing, fanunis. 17 KotvoviKo?, fond of txHnmunity. 5 KXw^w,oy?, Clolho, one of the 18 (a, 0) y.ot^aii^itc^ *?. the sarne; destinies. ft&»^ayiV, to reigQ. 7 yvciTTTw, the same. 1 y (>!?j*») y.oiTo^y the same, sleep,

8 x.yetu & x»75|:a», the same ; kvoh'v, 2 (;rw,xa)#4(s^«cr/Aio?,piintshjneni. the same, also to vex. 22 (axcij, 0) xoAaxEt-'o', to flatter:

10 xjijjfAK, a stoeliing or boot.

J 1 xviffcroq, «, a small feast. .



1 KoAairrw, ttttido, bcfit or knock, pirchidre, frapjic ct hat, 2 KoAtT()cioj, trample uiwri, calpcatdre^ foule aux pieds.

.'i KoAArt.i^/M/^«,£Cum or pa8te,«-/)m7/irt,c6//rt,colIe on gomnic 4 KoAAuotov, fin eye-salvp, coUirin, collyre.

Tj KoAfxor, grnculus,j[iy or jack-daw, grdcchia, gcai, pie.

() KoAov, escoy cihus, food or meat, rdrne, chair ou viande, 7 KoXturaocy statute or colosso, colosso, statue colossalc.

8 KoAmoj, seen, to cut off, mozzdre, couper net. 9 KoAo^fui', fastigia, tops or ends, la sommitd, iaitc. 10 Kr>A7roc,«56,5'ww.9,a bosom or gulph,// 5^«o,sein ou golphe.

11 KoAi7e(3aw, ;?o, dive or swim, nuotdre, nage et plonge. 12 KoXovorjtwmilusjbank or hilI,wo«

. C Ka/i€a», cttrare, to take care, curdre, prendre soin. 1 —— induigere, to cocker, vezzeggidre, choyer, flatte. Ij Ko/iv, rom<^, hair curl, m/2 riccio, houcle de cheveux. 16 Ko/ifior, fticus, a paint, helletto, furd, (parureaffect^e). 17 Kdfiirocyfragor, a cracking or noise, str^pito, du hruit.

18 Koiu;//6c5 exwiitfs, neat, handsome, ressoso, joli, fin. i9 Kovaj3oc» sonilus, sound or noise, suSno, hruit ou son.

!5^) Koy^uAoc}fly'^/cz//?f.v,the nuckle,giw«/?/rfl,nociid,join(urc. 21 Kovtto, feslino, to make haste, ajj'rettdrr, se hater. 22 Kovicjctuc, puhis, dust or pou der, pokere, poussicre.


1 xo^a(po.j, a box on the ear. to be puffed up witii vani-

2 hu.i. proculco. ty ; KOfxrirriq, a comet.

•5 ()?» ^)'«oXXo4', leather or hide. 17 Ko/x-rr^o;, one that brags; 4 («, to) Lat, co//yrmw». KoyLirtUy d^u, to make a

.5 («, o) JtoXoo?, ov uot;, noise. noise, to brag.

8 (, xat) ^»aKo»of, Servant, 12 («, o) KoX«>»i, tho same. deacon. 14 (»)(7ft;, Kat) xofi/^a;, the same. 22 —xo^»s, »^«?, a nit; xo»»*/ & 15 »#|xaw, to let one's hair grow, — »^«j to spoil with dust. 1



1 Koi/rocj contus, a long pole, palo, croc de barque. 2 KoTTpog, stercuSj excrement or dung, conciine^du. fumior. 3 KoTTTU), ccedere, to besii or wound,6«^^ere,frappeetblesse. 4 Kopa^, corvusy a crow or raven, corvo^ le covbeau.

'^^'"'^^9 brush or clean, spazzoldre, vergetter. 5 K ' 5 ( saturare, to fill, sazidre, rassasier.

6 Kop^vgy aggery a heap or hillock, monticdloy petit mont. 7 Koptcjfwcj cimex, a bug, cimicione, la punaise. fiK' ^ ^ gravedoy a cold, r^umo^ fluxion, rhurae. ' Xsuperbia, pride, orgoglio, I'orgueil. 9 Kopu/x)3oC) caulis, a stalk or steam, sU/o, raraeau, tige. 10 Kopuvr?, clava, a club, cldva, la massue redoutable. 1 Kopucj vog, galea, a helmet, elmelto, casque ou pot.

12 Kopv(l>riy "oertex, the top of the head, v^rticey sommet. 13 KopwvTj, corniXy a crow, corvo, corneille ou couronne. 14 KoaKivov, cribrum, a sieve, stdccio, crible, poule(aussi). 15 Koajiiog, ordo, the world or order, ordine, raonde, ordre. 16 KoToC) ^Va vetusy grudge, rancore, rancune, haine. 17 KoruXrj, cavitas, concavity, concavitd, creux.

18 Kov(l)ogj '0071118, empty, vain, voio, vdno, vain, leger.

19 Kocjyivog, 8, 6, corbis, a basket, cofafjo, corbeillc. 20 Ko)^\a^y calculus, a pebble or flint, selce, caillou, pierre.


1(«, 6) xomAo?, the same. 13 (>??, v) y.o^umqy i^o;, a black 2 (a, ^) jtoTT^^v, a dunghill. ship, a cornice.

3 (•4'^j tio?, regular; x.oct--

4 KOTTK, j^o?, a sword ; xoro?, /^sw, to adorn. labour. 16 (», o) xoTfw &— o/>tat, to vent,

5 (crw, y.a) xocii, a gill ; y.o^oq, a passion.

satiety. [head. 17 y.orv^.ri^cvv, mo;, the same. Also all ornament of the 18 {v, ov) xs^ifw, to lighten.

H) (>7?, *)) the knot of a shoot of 20 (xo^, o) xo;^Aos and y.o;)(^^taj, a, a tree. [helmet. cochlea, a snail.

11 (»)) xaf^t;o-(T&;, to arm with an 1



I l

^2 Kofi<5»/, survitlusy a yoiin^ sh(X)t, s/rrcolo, ramcaii. S Koa6») exclainare^ (o hawl, cryiddrr^ s'ecrier.

4 Kimivi'U perjicio^ to perfect, compirr, fait, achrvr.

5 K/)«m(i/\»/, »K'? crapti/dy i^luttony, crapiiln^ dcl)aiichc.

f) K/m/TTvoc, vetox^ swift, ready, vcloce^ l<^g<''r, prompt. 7 K()m(>n, rrt/jw/, the head or top, /« UstOy t^tc et haut.

8 K()a/u/3»h »/Cj »/i brassica, cabbage, cihoh, des choux. 9 K(>n/i/-Jor, aridtfSj hot or dry, iccco, sec, aride. 10 Koaror, rohttr, strength, possanza, jK)uvoir, force.

1 Kotico»,^a>, resofi(ir(\) to sound, risonare^ resonner.

l!s? Kofjtxaoi, suspendo, to hang up, app^ndere, sus|)endre. IIJ K(>^/i/3a/\oi/, a coral or little bell, somigiio^ hochet. 14 Kpr}diiivov, vtlta, ribbon or fillet, fettuccia, bandelette. 15 KQi}fjLvoc^prcecipUium, steep place, /?recty;/:;/o, precipice. IC KoTjvn, fofis, spring or fountain, fonie, jet, fontaine. 17 K()rj7ru;, basis, a foundation, joiiditmcnto, fondenient. 18 Koi^io, sirido, to make a noise, strepitarey tapao-er.

19 Kji/^i), 7/c, hordeum, barley, orzo, I'orge, bled.

20 Kj)//Ltvov,cr«55rt/<7r/wrt, coarse meal, la criisca, son, nirin<\

^?I Kinvov, 8, TO, lilium, ^ ^i^y? g\ij*^'^? un lis.

22 Kpivtoyjudico, to judge or choose, giitdicarc, juge, ^lif.


1 K^x^oq Sc xo%x*a?, a, a snail. 12 x^t^acrij^, r,^o,', any thin^' to 2 The lig-tree or its leaf. hang up. :j x^ayy^, a cry or bawling. 13 (a. to) Lat. crepitacufum.

\ {ctvui, Ko) x^oiaUw, tu finish; 1.5 (e , 5) x^T)/A»lfw, to precipitate. x^itoir, a king, n A slipper, a kind of cake. i\ (r,, 01/) lively, light. Is (^A',;;(:a) to utter a sharp cry. l> ov) roasted, (»j, blasted. 1 !) Also a pimple under the eye- It) (io;» to) victory; xa^To?, to, lid.

the same. 21 x^r»o>, a kind of dance; x^»»a, 1 Ki^Hu), 1 the same : futt it^^u, the poor. IS to rattle as the dying. 22 x^»crK,io,-,judgnicnt,scntence. 58


1 KpioQ, irux^ aries, a ram, un ariete,

g f KpoKTi, ^r

I ri, sabulum, Fand or gravel, art

3 KpoKog, 5, 6, crocus esty saffron, zoj^ 4 KpovoQ) saturnus^ saturnine, old, satm b Kpoaaog, fimbria, fringe or border, /r 6 Kpora^ocj tempus^ the temple, iewzp 7 KpoToc, pulsus^ noise or beating, batteraent. ^ 8 KpouvoC) scaturigOy a spring, scatur 9 Kpoutu, pulso, to beat or strike, perc 10 Kpvoc, frigus, ice or shivering cold, 11 KpuTTTw, occultare, to hide, nascond

ir. T^ r A A f cr?/5^a/^W5, crystal, a

\. glacieSi ice, it gmaci 13 Kpw^a>5 Sw, crocitare, to crow, caw<( 14 Kpw

16 Krcivw, occidere^ to kill, uccidere^ i\ 17 Krtic, pecten, a comb, mw pettin, ui 18 Krlpta, exequicBj funerals, mortorio 19 KTrivogJumentum^ cattle or beast, 6e, 20 Krt^w, condo, build or create, ef?/^c


1 A military machine, a sign 15 (f. y^crofxi of the zodiac. riches

3 )tpo;cov, the same ; also the also h yolk of an egg. 16 (ey&jjxa 4 (a, o) cross, doating. 17 (evo?, h]

7 the agitation of the air, ntu. 1 1



1 Kt/Xoc, »-, oj (irics^ Ji rain, Vuri^te, le b<5licr 2 Kj^a^or, cyalhus^ glass or cup, hicchitre^ gc

J K?'/o/tor, /«^«? '^can or pulse, /di5«, i'cve ou s

4 Ki^tti/oc, cceruleus^ sky-blue, tuTchino^ bleu,

5 Kt;f3i(ivaw, gubernare, rule or govern, g-otJer verncr.

Kvfirjf rjf, j^, caput, tlic licad, /a /^^^w, chel

7 Ku/SnXtc? securis, a hatchet, scure, la hachc t 8 KujSoc, cubus, a cube or die, w/z cw6o, cube

9 KiiSoijuoc? motus, trouble or tumult, moto^ ir gloria^ g'ory or honour, owore, gloin 10 K"^ J ' 1 dedecus, infamy, shame,* rfescwore, d

1 KuKttw, miscerC) to mix, mescoldre, m^le, a

J 2 KukXoc, circuius ^ a circle or cycle, circolo, cir 13 KvXtw, rofoo, to roil, rotoldre^ roule et tou 14 KvXXoo mancus^ maimed lame, %6ppoy boite

15 Kvfia, Jluctus, a wave, d;7C?flr, flutto^ flot ou

IG Ku/LtjSoc, », 6, cavitas, concavity, concavitd, 17 KuTTTw, inclinoy to stoop down, chindre, se 18 Kiipocj £oc» TO, authoritas, command, aw^or; 19 Kt'pToc, curvus, crooked, scrignutOy bossu, :^ Kvpw, incido, get or obtain, acquistdre, trou 21 KvCTTtCj £WC} vesica, the bladder, vescica, v 22 KuTocj €oc, cavitas, cavity, cavitdy cavite,



1 Kv^iXi}, alvearcf bee-hive, arnia, ruche a miel. 2 Kvw, ferre, to carry, portdre, porter, concevoir.

3 Kvwv, 6, canisy a dog, cane, chien (cynique s'en tire),

4 Kw^(i)v, 6, campana, bell, la campana^ une cloche. 5 Kw^-wv, crater, a cup or rummer, cSppa, pot a boire. 6 XwKvw, plorarcy to weep, lagrimdre, pleurer, crie. 7 KwXov, membrum,3. limb,ww TwemftrOjmerabre ou intestin. 8 KwXvw, veto, to forbid, proibire, (nous) emp^che.

9 TLii)\d)Tr]g, stellio, a lizard, lucertola, lizard. 10 KCjjuLa, veternusy deep sleep, sonno grave, sommeil dur. a village or hamlet, villdggio, village. 11 K" S P^S^^9 1 street or passage, strada, rue, passag e.

12 KC)fio(s, luxus, debauchery, lascivia, luxe, exces. 13 Kiovog, conus, a cone or conic figure, cono, cone, en pointe.

14 K(ov(i)\p, musca, culex, a gnat, la %anzdra, cousinjmouche. 15 KwTrr?, remus, an oar, r^mo, rame a fendre Tonde. 16 Ke5pvKocj saccus, a bag or budget, sdcco, sac ou poche. 17 Kwcj vellus, sheep's skin or fleece, vello, tosoyie, toison, peau. 18 KwriXXw, garrire, to prattle, cicaldre, babiller.

in Tr jv ^ est surdus^ deaf, sordo. sourdaud, sourd. L stuLlus, silly , samumlo. sot, nigauu.


2 to kiss ; zveo), the same. 10 (to?, to) lethargy; also de- 3 (yvo?, o) also the dog-star; ceit. nvvv, dog's skin, a helmet 11 (ry?, jj) xa/*^T»)?, a peasant. or cap. 13 (a,o) xw>aw, to cause to burn. 4 Ku)^wv\^u}, to toll or ring the 14 (^u-n-oi;, 6) a little /ly or midge.

bell. 15 {viq, r,) KUTka. & xoTTa, a collar. 5 (wi/o?, 6) nuBmil^u}, to drink 17 (o'o?, to) Kuoii & xwo?, the together. same. 6 KUKVToi; lamentation. 18 (^w, xa) xaTtAo?, a prattler.

8 ajcwX^Tog, free, untied. 19 (>7, ov. A) dull, dumb ; xu(p6-

9 (i^j o) xwAwT*?, a bird. Tr,f,. deafness. fi]


A. I'Vom (h«* llchrow Jjamcdov rather iVom iho (Jhnldcan fjfimbda, in cy|)hcrs, thirty.

i Aru;, Xiuuy lapis, a stone or flint, sasso^ rochcr, pierrc. 2 \a\\n)q,cxt avidusy^^\\\iion, ingordo, i^oiirmand, goinlVr.

3 Aftyiji/oc, lagena, bottle or (i^^^goiXy fiasco, pot, hoiiteille.

4 Auyvni'y lascivusy lustful, lihidinuso, lil)crtii»,

b \aywvy ilia, the ilariks or guts, y?d//ro, flaiics, Jxiyaux. 6 Xa-ywhc, iepus, a hare, la Icprc, Ic lievro timidc.

7 Aa^o/ua/, capio, to take or lay hold, prcndere^ saisir. 8 AaiXa\P, htrbo, procella, a storm, turbo, vent, tcmpete. 9 Am/ioc, giittitr, the throat, gola, gosicr ((aim canine). U) Am6c» IcL'VuSy on the loH, sitiislro, gauche (indique).

11 AuKKor, fossa, ditch or a well, pozzo, pu its ou fosse. J 2 AmAcw, garrio, to speuk or cliat, ciarldre, bavarder.

. c Aa/xj3avw, recipio, to receive, ric&verey re^ois. X accipio, to seize or hold, afferrdre, saisit, tient. 14 AiipiTMy splendere, to shine, rilucere, briller. 15 Aufwpog, lepidus, pretty, a beau, zerbino, damcret.

lb Aaoc, KuX Aco^, popidus, the people, il popo/o^ le ponple.

17 AoTTft^w, vacuo, to empty, votdrc, vide et creuse.

\'S AairiZtU), jactarc, to boast, millanldrsi, se vanter. 19 AtiTTTw, lambefido bibo, to lap, leccdre, lappe et boit.

.^ ypinguis, fat and sweet, grdsso, doux et gras. OQ \ ,

(. diilcis, sweet, agreeable, grdto, plaisant,doux. DERIVATIVES.

1 AaVvo?, made of stones; >.«:;&/, 12 to speak inconsid

3 (tf, ^) Aayyvo;, the same. 1 { (4/w,^«)xa^7ra?,a^of,a lamp; 5.5 f^oi»o?,o\o?, 1^)r xa-ya^o^jsoft, empty. Xa^Tpo?, clear, bright («, o) T^oty-jihov & Xayk^io?, a 16 (v, o) a^^^iAao;, govemor of leveret. the people. (ao^at) the 7 hal^vitui, same. 17 (I*/, p. x«) ^«~«5o^'» a ditch; 9 (y, o) Xuijjioia-au, to eat gree- Xax«^o?, empty. dily. 18 Aaa-jjTn?, vain-glorious, rash. 10 (a,oy) Xatcrmoy, asmallshield. 20 Xa^tuvuy to fatten. — ; ;



i Aapva^, cista, trunk or chest, for%i^re^ cofFrc, bottCc 2 Aapocj grains, agreeable, sweet, piacevole, gentil. 3 Aapvy^, guttur, the throat or larynx, laringe, le larynx, 4 Aamocj hirsutus, rough, hairy, irsuto, h^risse. 5 AaGKw, to speak or revile, cahimnidre, d^chirer. 6 Aarptcj servus, a slave or servant, schidvo, serf, esclave.

7 Aavpocj lat?/s, broad and big, largo, large et gros. 8 Aa<^v(T(Tw, haurire, to guttle, ingojdre^ se goinfrer. 9 Aaxaivo) Ka, fodtre, to dig, zappare, creuser, fouir. 10 Aa^v)), lanugo, the down, lanugine, duvet. 11 Aaa>, TiWeo, see or enjoy, ned^r, voitetjouit. 12 Alyoj, c?2co, to say or enjoin, d{re, dit, enjoint. 13 Atm, prcEda, prey or spoil, pr^da, proic, depouille.

14 AcijSfei, Mo, to offer, offerire, faire offrande. 13 AEifiLjvrpratum, field or meadow, prato, champ, prairie. 16 Aaoc, IcE.visy smooth or plain, liscio, piano, lisse, uni. 17 ActTTw, linquo, to leave, lascidre, quitle ou laissc. 18 Auxo), lambo, to lick or lap, leccdre, lecher, lappe. 19 AeKi^ogyTiy vitellus, the yolk, tuorlo, jaune d'oeuf.

20 A£|Lij3oc, lembus, a brig or pinnace, hrigantino, briganf in. 21 A£7rp6c> scaber, rough, leprous, lebbroso, lepreux, rude. 22 Aottocj eociguus, thin, rddo^ minuto, petit, mince.


3 (7«)?,o) ?^§o?,a voracious'bird. 13 x»}Vrn? or At)r»9?, a plunderer. 4 TJiffiov, full of courage. 14 (ij/w, (pa) hi^u & 6i^aj,the same. 6 Lat. cQUvictor. 15 (6;vo?,o)Xfci/xa;,a^oi, the same. 6 XoS^stJw, to serve, to adore 17 (^u,J/»?, an eclipse; Xw^paia, servitude. eXXttTro;, to leave, to omit 1 {a,av}Xa,v^cc, Street, road. £'aX€i4/k, omission, ellipsis. 8 (!«*%») Xa^^J^tTu?^ a glutton. 18 X»xftafw, the same. egg. 10 (*j?,^) Xa;)^»5aro4, downy, hairy. 19 («, ^) the yolk of an 11 (ff«» >ta)x«^a>, toeiijoy. 21 X£7rga, Leprosy.

12 (!*',%«) to lie down ; htar^ov, abed. 1



I AcVctf, d*coriico, to |)ocI or skin, scortiaire, pclo, ecorce. ^ A^n^Vy s;uru/itas, idle chat, ricMta, liavarilage. 3 AtvKor, alhus,, white, clear, a//;o, chuhn, hlanc, visible.

4 AivncTWy aw, video, to sec and look, vedtre, voit, regarde*

5 AfX(Moc> obliqiras, crooked, oblique, o/>/iVy mo, tors,oblique.

C Acft^i/y XtktvToc, ieo, the lion, leone, Ifi liou.

y . , ( ceMo,ta cease or quit,;rfl/rt5f/Virr,lai8se,ct qiihte. ijinio^ to make an end, por fine, fairc finir.

H Ai|3w, (Tw, /fl/ro, to lie hid, celdre, cele, oubiie. 9 Ai;Vov, s^rata^ scges, corn, ^rawo, farm^nlo, bled, fromcnt 10 Aijictw, erepilure, to crack, crepare, craqucr, brrse.

1 Ar)icv^o<:, iecj/ th us, o'li crvici,^uasi aditta,hiircitc u Thuile.

12 Ar;/L£a, w^w5, animus, spirit, m^aie, spiriiOyncr^, artleur.

13 Aiifiii, bleared iicss, cispositti, cliassie, raal d'ycux. 14 Ai|/Ltv(ffkoc> lemniscus, a ribbon, nastro, un riiban.

15 Avvoc> «; torcular, a winepress, torchio, prcssoir.

16 A^poc, s, 6, nugce, trilles, cidncia, niaiserie. 17 Aia^tjj, separo, to divide, scpardre, separer. 18 A//3ai/ocj libanus, frankincense, inc^nsa, dc Tenccns, 19 Aty-yo), stridere, to make a noise, stridere, tkirc bruit. 20 A/y8iji/,5/r/c^j//?, summarily, .vomwrtWf'/?/r, sommairemeiit. 21 Aiyvi/^', fuligo^ soot or smoke, fuliggine, la suie.

22 Ai^ocj »» /op/i, a stone or flint, pielra, caillou, pterre.


1 (4^, naaTo»r, to give heart.

w»y the same. i 4 Sordes oculorum ; yX^^n, the 6 (a, or) Xt^K^K & Aix^tf»;, side- Same. ways, awry. 15 (», 5) XnmXo;, Bacchus. "7 (^» x:*) '^"l^"' end cessation. 18 (w, o) x.^«»ft»Tc,-, the same. (crw, jt«) 8 ^a»^arw, tO b« Un- 19 (^a, ;^a) X.yt,-, t/'o?, Stridulus. known. 22A.V stupid, hcary; xl^a^ 14> >u»^K, i^?, a crack, a rent. axo,, a stony place. ;



1 AtKjuoc, vannus^ a winnowing fan, un tdnno, un van, 2 Aikaiofiai^ optare, to wish, bramcire, vent, desire.

3 AifjLrjv, portus, a harbour, porto di mare, port de mer. 4 Mfivr], stagnum, a pool or lake, stdgno, Idgo, lac, dtang. 5 AifioQy dira famesihvLUgex or famine,/a??2e, faim, famine. 6 At7rapi7Cj assiduus, diligent, assiduo, soigneux. 7 AiTToc, pinguedoi fatness, grassume, gras (ou graisse).

8 AtTTTO), ;//w, cupio, 1 desire, hrdmo, je souhaite.

9 Ai(j(TOfiai, imploro, to implore, implordre, supplier.

10 Aio-o-oC) Icevis, smooth, liscio^ polito, poli, lisse.

11 Airocj 'I'?/?*, cheap, mean, xile, vil ou simple.

12 Atrpa, /27>ra, pound weight, wwa libbra, une livre.

13 Aixavocj «j index, fore-finger, Vindice, I'index.

14 Aoj3oc> 5, 6, /o6w5, tip of the ear, lobo, lobe ou bout. 15 Aotyoc, pernicies, ruin, distruzione, malheur, mort. 16 AoiSopoc? W2fl/' dicus, backbiter, maldicenle, raedisant.

17 Aot^ocj 85 pestis, the plagite, lap^ste, fieau, peste. 18 Aoio-^toC) ultimus est, the last, Vultimo, dernier. 19 Ao?6cj obliquus, crooked, awry, storto, tortu, croche. 20 Aouw, (Tw, la-oare, to wash, lavdre, laver,, mouille.

r Aor^ocjs, 6, cervix, the neck, il collo, col ou cou.

21 < , ,mons^ collis, a hill, monticelio,mont, colline. ' crinis, the hair, pelo, capello, crin, cheveu. J


^tT»j, ; ^travsia, 1 («, 0) xijtvoi/, the same ; also a prayer Ir- cradle; XiKf^ou, to van. tany. 11 o»)^iTOTy/?, simplicity. 3( ;j»o?, ^) ^t/xvi^w, to be in the (^, harbour.naroour. 1 3 yCix,voq, dainty—glutton ; xi^- vev^jLoc, daintiness. 4 (>5?, ^) ^»/Ava^(W, to stand. 6 (5, 0) Xt/xaivw, to be hungry 15 ^£t;ya^£o;, perniclous, unhap- ?v»/x>5^o$, starved. py, weak. 7 (w?, to) XiTra^o?, lusty, greasy, 16 (tf, 0) Xoj^o^ia, backbiting. handsome, happy. 17 ^o^/>^t>to?, contagious, mortal. 9 A»To/xa»&^»Ta^o/*aj, the same; 18 Xoicr$*j/A«, end, extremity. 1



fAoxoc? agmen, a troop or party, truppa, troupe, ou

1 } bande.

i. insidicE^ ambush, insidie, ambuscade.

2 Avyr/, Tjj tcnt'orcCy darkness, ie tcnebre, ten^brcs. 3 AuySoc, iy^dusy a white stone, pittra bianca^ pierrc blanche.

4 AxTfoQ, vimen, a twi^ or rod, "Jnco, vermenoy jonc, houssinc.

5 A.vypog,'difficiliSy troublesome, affannosOy fachcux, dur. 6 Avtitoy singuUioy sob and cry, singhiozzare, sanglotter. 7 Av^pov, cruor, blood and dust, sdngucy sang, poussi^re.

8 Awkocj s, 6, lupusy a wolf, /m/?&, le loup carnassier. 9 Av/xa, sordesy dirt and nastiness, sporchizza, salet^.

10 Avfiriy luesy plague or ruin, la p^sle, malhcur, pestc. 1 AuTTTj, rfo/or, grief or vexation, cruccioy douleur. 12 Aupa, (^rfl, lyre or harp, una lira, une lyre. 13 Avaora, canum rabieSy madness, la rdbbia, la rage.

14 Av^vog, lijchnusy a lamp, /fl lumpadey lampe ou la clart^. 15 Ava;, sohoy io loose or untie, soherey d^lier. 16 Aw, voloy to be willing, tolircy veut, desire. 17 Awfdfjy probrurriy affront or injury, nojay tache, injure. ^ respiroy to breathe, respirdrcy respirer. ISA th' XpacarCy to calm, calmdrey calnie, appaise.


1 Ta, o) Xopijetw, to lay an am- 1 1 (u?, ^) At^w^o?, the same. 3 (tf, ^) [bush. 12 (a?, n) \v(i\»i, to play on the 4 (tf, •t\')Xvyou & xtyyJ^a/, to bend. harp. 6 (a, 0*) also cross, unlucky. 14 Xvy^via, & Xvxprto*, a candle- 6 (|a;, %a) ^ty/xo?, a sobbing. stick*

(tf, to) 7 blood mixed with dust ; 15 (crar, xa) also to desolve ; i- XvS^ow, to wallow it blood. Xvcrtq, a chain.

8 («, o) XvKQUy to devour, Ainc, 16 huuv^ better ; Aw»«», the same.

Lycaon. 17 (u«, :i) accident, loss ; Xai0xo- 9 (to?, to) Xvi^aivif, to purify, ^at, to dishonour, to take

10 (>)?, ^) Ay/Aa»yojM,a», to destroy. ill. P 1



.Mv, 'from the Hebrew, Mem—Forty in numbers.

1 Mayyavovy juggling tricks, gherminella, fourbe, en- chantement, 2 Moyftpocj coquus, a cook, un cuoco, cuisinier. 3 Mayvrj?, magnes^ the loadstone, calamita, do Faimant.

4 Mayoc, 8> magusy a mage, a sage, mw sdggio, un sage.

5 MaSocj /Gei:JZ5, smooth and bald, liscio^ cdlvo, chauve, uni. 6 MaSa, libuTrif a cake or pastry, sfoglidta^ gateau, pate. 7 Ma^ocjWiflmma sew W5, bosom, the breast, j^wo,t6tton,sein. a wet-nurse, /a ^o/za, nourrice. R M - i nutrixy ' 1 obstetric, a midwife, mammana, sage-femme. 9 Matvojuai, insanire, to rave, delirdre, fait folie.

10 Maicap, /"e//.^?, happy, felice, content, vit heureux.

1 MaXa

12 MaXn, 1), axilla, the armpit, Vasc^lla, c'est Taisselle. 13 MaXKT], torpor, a numbness, intirizzam^nto, froid (main gourde). ^^^' M MaXXocj 'Oellus, a fleece or wool, /awa, tosone, toison, laine. 15 MaXocj €t tener et mollis^ tender, tenero, tendre, ou mol.

16 Ma/Lt/ui], avia, a grand-mother, un dva, la grandmere. 17 MavSaKT), corium, leather, hyde, cuojo, cuir ou peau. 18 MavSpa, caula, the sheep-fold or stable, /a mdndra, pare, stable.


1 (a, to) Lat. incantcUio. 10 (o, h, ro) fxetKoi^ut;, the same. 2 (», o) /xaya^Erov, akilchen. H (!<'» ;i^») /*a^ax*'» mallows; 3 (rTo?, o). fAMXuKo^f soft, sweet. 4 («,o) also a magician. 13 /AaXx/w, to have one's bands 5 ?r, ov) ix,a^oiu, to be bald. or feet benumbed with cold. 7 (>3?,r) /xacrrog, the same. 16 (i,oi>) white, pernicious. 8 A word of respect to an a- 16 (»}?,^)/x.a/x/*a & ^af/x/x«ia, the ged person. same. 9 (f. H/xa») jAotAuf madness. 67


1 Mav^avM, disco, to Icnni or study^ studidre, montre, apprcnd.

'^^^' ih\ii, rddo, soitilt, clairct mince. 2 M ' \ ^^^"^i 3 latiis^ wide, loose, lurgo^ ampioj Urge, ample.

3 MavT(C) £0C) votes, a soothsayer, indovino, \\n dcvin.

4 Mapa(v(o, marcescOf to fade, appassdrsi, sc fldtrir. »^ 5 MapyoQy insanus, foolish, mad, pdzzo, fou, stupide. 6 Ma^r}, tnanusy the hand, mdnoy la main.

7 Map/Wpoj, rutilarey to glitter, scinliildrey reluil, brillc. 8 Mapva/xat, pugnare, to fight, combdttcrey se battre. 9 MapTTw, sumere, to take or catch, chiappdrcy prend, agrippe.

10 MaptruTToC) marsupium, a purse, w/za borsa, une lx)urse, 11 Maprup, /C5//^, a martyr or witness, mdrtire, martyr. 12 Maaao/xat, voro, eat or swallow, inghioltirey mange avale. ^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^' cuocerc, cuire au 13 Uaaaw \ P^'^^^' four. lpre?nerey to squeeze, spremere, presser, ^treint.

14 Ma

16 M.a


(f. 1 f*aSu?, a 7 (<»f«,x*)fAag/*«^o?, glittering. disciple. ll(of, 5 kx] v) ^^ti^to?, the 2 (>}) o>')/Aayu^D(, the same. same. 3 (lo?, o) f4M»rUu, to foretell. 12 (f. va-ofiai,) fuirrv^, the jaw. 4 (aKw, yjtat) pjt^wtr/^o?, wither 1 3 (la;,^*) /txaxTga, a k»e*ding- ipg, Fr. maraame. trough.

6 (»)«, i)) iv^a^m, easy or io 14 (|'»^#?, the same. F 2 ;



1 lasczvus, lustful, MaxXoc, impudico, libertin. . 2 Maxo/Liai, certarcy to fight, pugndre^ se bien battre. 3 Maw, ardeoy to long, desiderdre, d^sirer. 4 Mfya^^w, invideo, to envy, invididre, porte envie.

Cmagnusy high, great, grdnde, potente, grand, 5 Meyac) S puissant. ^ magnus, big, large, Idrgo, grand et vaste. 6 MeSw, imperoy to command, imperdre, commander.

7 McS-u, fiE^vog, vinum, wine, t;z«o, vin, boissou; 8 MctSaw, subrideo, to smile, sorridere, sourire. 9 MetXio-o-w, mulcere, to sweeten, addolcire, rendre doux. 10 Meipa^, pubeVy a youth, adolescente^ jeune, enfant, fjsar^m, to divide, spartire, partager, 11 IVT' (. spoliare, to deprive, privdre, priver, ote. 12 Metwv, minor^ inferior, less, minore, moindre, moins. 13 MlXac, fieXalvay niger, black, wero, noir (on trouve.) f^o/t^ere, to melt, liquefdre, liquefier. 1/i M'"X^ * I bullirCf to boil, bollire, fait bouillir. 15 MeXtdaivo), euro, to take care, curare prendre soin.

,x ^stuUuSj foolish, vdnOy scioccoy sot et vain. IP ' 1 infelix, unhappy, sfortundto^ malheureux.


a 9 (^w, ;i(;a) /ixtixjxo?, sweet, a- 2 i*.otx^y battle ; /xaxat§«> sword. miable. 3 fAcufAoiZ, the same. 10 (ctKo;, 6^ /xE(^axiov, an in- fant. 6 /At*jy», greater ; /x?%»r«?f greatest. 1 1 (^0/, xa) /x£^o? T(i, portion /xo^o?,», lot [AoT^otf the same. 6 (Ae^a & iKihvu, the same. ; drnnkedness fAiSt-s;, 12 /x.not/(r$(x»,to be less. 7 f*/^»j, ; /xeStJ, to 15 fAt\e^fii4,ai,, care, desire; fj^tXt- to be drunk ; make drunk. ^uv & fji,i\t^ut>rif the same. 8 (ijcrw, Kot) fAH^sUf /xii^iotft;, the 16 (a, ov) /xeXicy, to, vain. tame. ;



1 MtXi, fxeXiToc, mel, honey, meiej le doux miel, 2 MiXta, fraxinus, an ash-tree, un frdssino, un frene. 3 MfXt(T(Ta, apis, a bee, un ape, mouche, abeille. 4 MiXXu), cuntor, to delay, tarddre^ tarder, reste. 5 MiXog, versus^ a verse or melody, melodia, ra^lodie. 6 MAttw, canto, to sing, poetdre, chanteet versifie, 7 MefjKpofxm, querere, to complain, lamentdrsi, se lamente. 8 Mivogj mens, animus, the mind, mtnte, spirto, ame, esprit. maneo, to remain or wait, restdre, reste, attend. 9 m/ f

(^ indurare, to last, durdre, continuer. 10 MlpSw, privo, to deprive or hurt, privdre, prive, insulte. 11 MipijuLva, cura, care, anxiety, noja^ soin, souci. 12 Mep/bLaipu}, euro, to think^ pensdre, r^fl^chir. 13 Miaoq, medius, middle, mezzdno, milieu, neutre. 14 McoToC) plenus, full, plenty, piSno, plein, rempli. 15 Meriojpogj altus, high, sublime^ liaut, sublime. 16 MfVpov, mensura, measure, verse, misura, measure, vers. 17 M^SoCf consilium, advice, care, avviso, avis, soin. 18 MyjKaofim, halo, to bleat, beldre, beler—a. 19 M^Kocj longitudo, length, lunghe'zza, la longueur. 20 MiiKwv, fxiiKwvoC) papaxer, poppy, papdvero, pavot.


1 [xi>Ji(7a'iov, a bee-hive. 12 /x/^/xt^o? & ^i^/x,£^to?, curious;

4 fAi7\Xnrvi<;, slow, lazy. /!>t£§|!AE^/f»;,to study to invent (eo?, to) /xeXi^w, 5 to sing; n*/- 13 fxicrrouj to fill. ^icr/xa, song, poem; I/a/ai- 15 (o xat rjoj-) |[>nTio^»^

6 (ij/w, ^a) /Ao^Trr), hymn. 16 (t.-, to) /[xst^jo?, modest. 7 (f. %|/o/xa»). [tation. 17 (lo?, to) /x^^o/Aa»,to take care,

the (jlovt), /^»^jxo?, a physi- 9 lAif/^vuy same ; habi- to think ; 10 (o-«, xa) g-jAe^^u, to consider cian. cr/x£§Jo? & fr/xE^S'yo?, terrible. 18 (f. o-o/ixat) ^Tjxaf*), the same. 11 i*,i^nA.vauj to be under some 19 («o?, to). concern. 1



1 MriXia (/ut^Xov), malus, an apple-tree, mSlo, pomraier (pomme).

2 Mriv, firivog, 6, mensisj a month, un m4se^ mois (on compte.)

3 Mi7v»?, /ui7v?j, /mwaj the moon, /a /mwg, la lune, (astre.)

4 M^vfCj 2V«5 rancour or anger, rancore^ rancune, ire. 5 Mrjvvw, indicoy to point out, mostrdrcy montre, indique. 6 Mijpocj crw5, femury a thigh, /a cSscia, la cuisse.

7 Mnpv w, glomeroy wind, or spin, girdre, tourne et file. S Mi^rrjp, mater, a mother, wwa mddre, une mere.

9 Mrjrtc') consilium^ wisdom, saviezza, sagesse, art. 10 Miix^vriy r/iackina, machine, or art, mdcckinay machine. 1 Mmt vw, inquinoy to corrupt, corrompere, souiller. 12 Miyvvfit, miscere, to mix, mischidrcy mele, allie.

13 M/icpoc »c«t (TfiiKpog, parvus, little, piccolo, petit.

14 MtXrocj «j t7j minium, red lead, vermiglione, vermilion.

15 Mifiiofiaiy imitor, to mimic, contraffdre, contrefaire. 16 Mivvoc, exilis, small, piccolo, smunto, menu, mince, 17 Mtff^ocj merces, reward or pay, guiderdSne, loyer, prix. 18 Mto-oc, ira, odium, hatred, ira, bdio, haine, envie. 19 MirvXXw, seco, to cut, mozzdr, couper en morceaux. niitra, mitre, a turban, mitra, turban, mitre. 90 M/ I ' I balteus, a belt, penddglio, ceinture ou ruban.


1 (a?, i)/x>jXoi/, an apple. 13 (a, oc) /!A»x^oy, almost. 4 (fw?) ^) fAnvluf to hate. 15 (f. vjcto/acc*) p^o?, a buffoon,

5 (crw, x«) fAv>vviJi.cx,, token. mime. /xtvy^o?, 7 (cr^;, x«) fA.r)^vKUjf to ruminate. 16 small ; fx^vvBa), to di- 9 (i^o?, vi) (A^Toqy £0?, the same; minish.

/tA*)r»?T»)?, wise, prudent. H («, o) jM.«cr$io5, mercenary ;

^A.ta,ar^oi. 11 (avo), y%a) ', stain, fjtKr^ou, to hire.

crime; j(*»«go?, foul, impure. 18 (eo?, ro) ixtaiej, to hate; fi»-

12 fAiyvvu, the same. o-»)»jo?, odious. 71


1 Mvao/Liat, memini^ to remember, ricorddrsij sc souvient. 2 Moyoc, cwra, labour, sorrow, lavoro, travail, peine. S MoS-aS, verna, bond slave, schidvo, serf, ou n^ d'esclave. 4 Mo^xoCj mcechus, adulterer, adultero, un vil adult^re. 5 MoAyocj culeus, a budget or bag, bolgia, un sac. 6 MoXlw, venio^ to come or go, venire, venir, va.

7 MoAfjSSoc, plumbum^ the lead, pwrnbo, Ic plomb lourd. 8 MoXoj3pocj voraXy a glutton, ingordoy gros gourmand.

9 MoXocj 7 prce/m, battle and noise, combattimento, bruit, Mo-%c> J combat. 10 MoXvvw, polluoy to pollute, sozzdre, souille et gate. 12^ Movocj solus, alone, deserted, solo, seul, unique. 1 Movov, solum, one, only, solam6nte, seulement. 12 Mop/ivptu, murmuroy to murmur, mormordre, murmurer. 13 Mop/Li(^, ^cnJfl, hobgoblin, folletto^ figure, spectre. 14 Mopvo-crw, jfcedo, to foul, sporcdre, infecter. £w, xo) ^ inquino, to corrupt, corrompere, corrompre. 13 Mop07?, formttf shape, beauty, beltd, forma, beauts, mine. 16 Moaavv, turris, a tower or bulwark, torre, tour et fort.

17 Moffxocj ^ ov,juvencus, a calf, vitello,\eixu, genisse.

6, c. novus recens, new, nuovo, nouveau, jeune. 18 MoTOQy linamenta, the lint, turbnda, la charpie.


1 (f. >9C7o/!*

yiu, to labour^, to suffer ; 1 1 (/.owoff alone ; /xova;^©?, re-

/xo7»?, hardly. cluse, monk ; fAov»?, a)©?, 3 (xo5, o) fxoS»;>, the same. unity. 5 (», o) fAoX7>3?, wicked, mali- 13 (oi/?, ^). cious. 15 («$, ^) /xog^^tK, hondsome; 6 (ijcrw, x«) fAoAio-xw, the same. |xo^9o(7i«, formation.

7 (tf, o) ;*tAi/3o?, the same. 17 Whatsoever is young and

9 (h)o) /xo^k & i^oV'^) tl^6 same. fresh. 1



1 Movca, musa canora, a muie, musaf genie, muse. 2 Mox^oc, cura^ labor, toil, misery, lavoro, soin, mis^re, 3 Mv^aZofiat, aversor, abhor, abborrire, hait, abhorre. 4 MvSaw, putresco, to moulder, muffdrsi, se moisir. 5 MuSpoc, exurens, burning, ardente, brulant, chaud.

6 MvaXocj 8> 6, medulla, the marrow, midolla, de la moelle. 7 Mv£w, initio, to initate, inizidre, initier. 8 Mv?a, C mussOy to mutter, brontoldre, gronder, geindre.

14 MvXt/j »?Cj ?wo/fl, a mill-stone, mdcina, meule a raoudre. CMri)2/5, bent, awry, spzeg'fl^o, pench^, courbe. 15 M A\^ f ' { strabo, squinting, un gudrcio, louche a Toeil qui guigne. 16 Mvvojuat, prcetendo, to pretend, far vista, pretexter. 17 Mu^a, mucus, a snot, moccio, morve ou la pituite.

18 Mvpiog, infinitus, infinite, inftnito, sans nombre.


jxvKr.iAcc, 1 fjiovaou, to put in metre ; ^ot/- 11 bellowing. enKfx;, musical, 12 (also «, 6).

2 lAox^ri^oq, laborious ; (^.o^^n- 13 (»3§o5, o) also the trunk of an 3 (f. arofAui). [§»«, malice. elephant.

|w,y- fjivXiuu, to 4 fi.vla.hm, wet, mouldy ; 14 break with one^s ^aUui to rot. teeth. [fish. 5 Properly a red hot iron. 16 (5, o) but {jivXXti is a kind of

/xtJi'j), 6 /*vt^o£»;, full of marrow ; (avi- 16 pretext, excuse. x

to fill with marrow. ai'o?, the number of ten

7 (



1 MvQfiog, formica, an an(, formico/a, fouriiii. unguetitumj ointment, ungu6nto, dc I'ongucnt '? M I ^ ' I sujitus, perfume, profumo, parfum, boaume. 3 Muproc) mi/rtus, a myrtle, mirto, Ic myrte odorant.

< stelio, to flow or run, coli'trc, coule, epand. 4 iVf' ' (.ejr/ewrfo, spread or (extend, spdrgere, repandre.

5 Muc> Aivocj 6, mM5, a mouse, il topo, souris, rat. 6 Mucroc, fwquiiieSy wickedness, cattivdnza, mdcliancete.

r miingOf to snuft, smocoidre, mouchcr la 7 Mv(T(Tti)y J chandellc. [nuire,

tfrustrare, to deceive, inganndre, t romper,

8 M '^ C penetrate, closet, gabimtto, lieu secret. ' ' \freturn, a strait or gulf, /o str^tto, detroit, golfe.

9 Mvd), claudoy to shut, chiudere, fermer, clore aussi. 10 Mwicocj irrisor, a scoffer, heffatore, moqueiir (gouaille).

1 MwXocj pugna, fight, war, pugna, gu^rra^ combat, guerre.

12 MwXuc, hehes, dull, lazy, tristo, haldrdo, sot et lourd. 13 MwXw;/;, vibesc, weal, bozza, bosse on cicatrice. /a6c5, a spot or stain, /« mdcchia, la tache. 14 M 5 1 dedecus, infamy, shame, rergogna, des- honneur.

15 Mwpocj stultus, silly, foolish, sciocco, sot, stupide.


1 lAv^jArt^uv, an ant hillock. 1 vid. Mo^o? & MoSo,-, 7 1. }). 2 (a, 6) ju,t;ppa or a/*;;^»ajmyrrli. 12 (yof, o) also weak, effeminate; (^o;, xa) /xy^o/x«k, the 4 same. ^ojXv^ & iji.JiXvTri<; f «, the

5 Also a muscle ; f^vuv, fleshy same.

part. 14 (a, o) ^ft>ji*£o/x«» , to blame, to (£o?,To) |xyao?,5,a G wicked man. rally ; fAw^r)iJi.a., raillery, re- 8 Ev^o/xfpgo?, interior, secret. primand, the god Momus.j

(^a-(ij KdTci(jLvuy 9 xa) the same. 16 («, o», «rf/.) fjil'^ucriij folly ; 10 (a, i) (AUKaoOf to banter. ^ftv^aua/, to act as a foul. 74


Nv, from the Hebrew, Nun,—In cyphers, fifty.

1 Naia>5 habitare, to dwell, dimordre, demeurer. f att), c decurroy to flow, coldre, couler, s'^couler. 2 Naicoc) vellusj a fleece, tosonCf la toison, (sigoifie). 3 Navoc) pumilio, nanus, dwarf, ndno, nabot, nain. 4 ^aogj templum, a church, tempiOf temple, eglise.

5 NttTTocj saltus^ a grove or forest, hosco^ forest a, bois, for^t.

6 NttTTu, sinapi, mustard-seed, senapcy la raoutarde.

7 Nap^rj5> 6, ferula, a rod or ferule, sferza, la ferule. 8 NapKr?, torpedo, cramp-fish, torp4dine, torpille.

9 Na(T(Ta>, C (square, to level, livelldre, niveller.

<7w, 1 Icevigo, to plain or smooth, pialldre, raboter. 10 Navc) vaocj wflt)z>, a ship, w/z naviglio, navire. 11 NavrrjC) nauta, pilot, nocchiere, nocher ou pilote. 12 NejSpocj hinnulus, a fawn, ^csfwo giovane, faon, daim*

1(3 NttKOCj jurgium, a quarrel or strife, querela, different. 14 Neicpocj defunctus, dead or late, morto^ defant, mort. 15 N£jU£(Taw, tristor, to be angry, adirdrsi, se facher.

16 NtjLiw, partirCi to divide, distribuire, distribue.

17 NevvoC) «, o, avunculus, an uncle, unzio, un oncle. 18 Ntocj ou, WOI5M5 autjwDems, new, nuovo, nouveau, jeune. 19 N£0(T(T0C5 pulluSf a chicken, polldstro, poussin ou poulet. 20 Neupoy, n^rvus, a nerve or strength, nerbo^ nerfou force.

21 Ncvw, C WMO, to nod, accenndre, penche, incline.

(Tw, 1 concedo, to grant, accorddre, donne, accorde. 22 Ncj^oc, £oc, nubesy cloud, la nebbia, la nue.


1 tciu, the same; va/xix & voca- 15 (»}<7fc;, xa) veiA-ia-t^b), the same.

y,o<;, source, hiric. Naiades. 16 {fxu, v>kx) vofjuiu, the same ;

6 (eo(j,to) va^»}, r?, the same. vifji-na-iq, distribution. 6 (yog, to) vocTfua, the same. 17 j-epvo?, uncle; «»»o?,fool,ninny. 9 (also |« & %a) vaa-Tcx;, smooth. 19 («, o) vKTcriflt, a nest. 12 (oy, o) v£^§i$, iJ'o?, the skin 20 (», to) kev^k & i-iy^a, the of a fawn. same. sorrow- |4 (a, ov) vj>tt;?,t;o5, the same. 22 (to) n^iXn, cloud, 75


1 Nc^poc, vc«/)pou, ren^ the kidney, arnionc, reins, ro^ons. o -., f ware, to swim or go, nuotdre^ nageet va. ' \ nere, to spin, fddre^ filer, en menagdrc. 3 NtjSuc, 'center, the belly or womb, t/^ero, le sein. 4 M' 5 infansy an infant, fanciiillo, jeunc enfant. ' Iprocfljr, silly, playful, sc^erzow/e, fou, badin.

5 N^(Toc,-« insula^ an island or isle, isola, une isle.

6 N»i(T(Ta, ajiasy a duck or drake, dnitra^ canard.

7 NrioTic;, jejiinus, fasting, digiuno, (est) ^jeun.

8 NZ/^o), f vigilarc, to watch, vaglidre, veillc, attend,

i/zw, (. tempero, to be sober, astenersi, s'abstenir. 9 NiKCLWy vinco, to overcome, sormontdre, surmonter.

10 NtTTTw, /flro, to wash, la-odre, laver, nettoyer. 11 Ni^a>, ningo, to snow, wei;icare,neiger, mouillc encore.

12 NoS-ocj 8) nothus, illegitimate, spuria, batard.

13 No/Liocj ^e:r, law, custom, more, costume, loi, coutume. 14 N(Joc, voucj Jnens, the mind, spirto, sens, esprit.

15 Noaoc, C morbus, sickness, malattia, maladie.

«, 17, (. vitium, a vice or fault, rizio, d^faut, vice. 16 NooTcoi, redeo, to return, ritorndre, vient, retourne. 17 Nocr^tv, searSim, apart, separaminte, fait a part 18 NoT^c, humor, a moisture, umidSre, la moiteur. 19 Norocj notus, the south wind, dustro, vent du sud.

20 ISivfKpr], sponsa, bride or spouse, /a sposa, I'epous^e.

21 NuS, vuKTo, /20J7, night, la notte, nuit ou les t^nebres. DERIVATIVES.

1 (o) v£^^rTK, sup. vocrof, the 13 vo/Ai^a;, to regulate; fo^j/tw?, nephritic disorder. just. 2 (sfo-fc;, xa)i'«t;<7To?, a swimmer. )4 (G. oo? «& «, »o£a', to think. 3 (uo?, ^) vni'wa, intestines. 16 ilro^, return; »ofi/Ao«, wished 6 (^?, ri) from y/w, to swim. 18(»J'o?, i). [for. 7 (tA;;,o xcLtr)) »n(mv

8 (ij/w, ^a, ). 20 Also a rose-bud ; vy/x^io^-, a

9 viKYJijUy the same ; v/xjj, >(«»/*«, bridegroom. «^o{, victory, Nicasius, a pro- 21 ;^exp?, thesame ; »i;>tTi^K,

per name. a bat; *vx,io<;, nocturnal. 76


1 Nuocj nurus, a daughter-in-law, figlidslra, bru, belle- fiUe.

2 NvCTCTo;, pungo, to prick or hurt, pugnere, piquer. 3 Nvs-a^w, WM^o, to nod, dormicchidre, somraeiller. 4^N<^'yaXa, dapeSy daintiness, squisit^zze, friandises,

5 ^

7 Nwrocj «> 6, dorsum, the back, dosso, schiena^ dos, echinc.


1 (», ^) also a bride. 6 (o xa» ^, £5) vw.9^0?, the same ; 2 (^w,pf^a^ vvaaoLy Lat. mela. voS^^Et^fci & vw^^tawjto be idle.

the end of the race. 6 (0 xat ^, £?). 3 (If, %a) vfcTTaT/AOf, drowsi- 7 vurii^u, to turn one's back, to ness. run away.

S, used in cyphers for sixty.

C carmmo,to comb vvool,carc?dre,carder,peigne. 1 ^aivti), 1 ^ero, to beat or tear, staccidre, bat, dechire. 2 JSav^oC) Jlavusy yellow or flaxen, gidllo, jaune ou roux. 3 ^£voc5 hospesy a guest or stranger, ospite, un hote. 4 Slw, rfl^o, to shave or smooth, polire, polit, racle. 5 Sripocj aridusy arid or dry, ^ecco, sec, aride. 6 Si<|)oc> ensis, a sword, /a spdda, I'epee homicide. 7 ;3i>Xov, 8, To^ lignum, wood, legno, bois (on dit).

8 ^uvoC) communis y common, comuno, en commun.


^ua-{ji,ee., 1 (avw,7xa) lavaw, to be tired share ; scraping ; of combing wool. ^vcTfxog, itching, lousing. fire. 5 ^v)^ocivu, to dry ^y)^ot


O, in rmrnfjcrs makes seventy.

O, with the aspiration, is tlie masculine article.

1 'OfteXog, veruy the spit, menarosto^ tourne-broch(:. 2 "Of^pi/^ov, obrysum^ pure gold, auro^ Tor pur. 3 'OyKaofiaiy rudere, to bray, raglidre^ braire en ane.

. ("Oyicoc, «, 6, tumor, a swelling, tumor e, tumour, poids. X vain pride, orgoglio, vaine cnflure. y fastus y 5 'OSoc, iter, via, way or road, slruda^ chemin, voie.

6 *08ouc> oSoi/Toc> dens^ a tooth, dente, une dent. 7 'O^wvn, <^o/or, pain, pewa, dolore, douleur, raal. 8 'OSupo/xat, lacrj/mare, to weep, pidngercy pleurer. 9 "O^oc, rajnus, a branch, rdmo, wd(/o, une branche.

10 "O^o*,

11 'OifjLuj^to, doleo, to lament, griddre, sc plaint, crie. 12 Om^, gubernacium, the helm, timone, gouvernail.

13 Oiyw, ^(i)f aperirey to open, aprire, fait ouvrir. 14; 'OiSiw, tumeoy to swell, gonfidre, s'enfle et gonfle.

15 'Ot?i)cj cerumna, misfortune, calamitu, peine. 16 OtKoc, domus, a house or family, cdsa, biens, maison. 17 OlicTog, pietasy compassion, compassione, compassion.

18 Ot^j7, ijg, "day road or path, sentiero, sentier, sente. 19 OIvocj olvovy vinum^ wine, rinOy du vin (bois). 20 Oioc, solusy alone, lonely, soloy seul ou solitaire.

21 Oloq, qualisy such as, queili, quclley quel ou tel.


1 (», o) o|JiX'k7ko«, a little spit, II (^w, ;:^a). an obelisk. 12 (axo?,o) oJaxj^w, to gfovern.

3 (f. , uncus, a hook; ©yan- 15 (to?, r) oi'^f^o?, miserable.

^0?, puffed up. 16 (j/,o) oi'Kto.', to dwell; o.'xiro?, 6 («,^) o^£r.'», to walk. domestic.

(>}<7-w iO & o-w) to have a smell, 18 oT/xo?, a road ; also rank, roti,

either good or bad ; o, to rush upon, odour, smell. ,78


1 "OfCj Otoe? ovisy sheep, una pecora, mouton ou brebis.

K^ 2 Olo-rpbc) cBstrus, a dun fly, tafdno^ taon, fureur. 3 OtTocj calamitas, misery, death, miseria, mis^re.

4 Oi'xo/xnf, a6eO; to go away, anddre, s'en aller. V reputo, to revolve, ripensdre, r^fl^chir. ^ ^„ C suspectare^ to suspect, sospettdre, soupyonner. 6 Oliovog, avisy bird, omen, dve, un oiseau, augure donne.

7 'OicXa^w, —flectOy to kneel, inginocchidrd, s'agenouille. C*Okvoc5 segnitiesy idleness, pigrizia, paresse.

1 ——, 8, 6, timor, fear, paura, peur, effroi. 9 '0»cpt/3ac5 avrocj pulpitum, a pulpit, pulpito, pupitre. prosperitasy happiness, la ^oie, 10"n\ft { felicitd, ' 1 census, opes, riches, dovizie, richesses. 11 'OXtyocj exiguus, little or few, pdrvo, petit, peu.

12"OXt 5 1 diruo, to destroy, distrdggere, ddtruire. 14 'OXoXv?w, ululare, to bawl, urldre, crie et hurle. 15 'OXoTTTw, deglubo, to peel, sbuccidre, pele, ecorce. 16 "OXocj i?o^W5, the whole, /wWoj intiero, tout, entier. 17 '0\o<{>vpofiai, to lament, lamentdrsi, se lamente 18 'OjLtaXocj planus, even, plain, /f^cfo, piano, plat, uni, IQ^O/ijSjioc, imber^ a shower or rain, jpzog-g-ia, la pluie. SO^OjurKioc, 0^)565, an hostage or pledge, ostdggio, otage.


2 (», o) fury, passion ; oio-^xu, 13 a7roX>iti/x»&a9ro?^t;w,thesame. to be furious. 14 (|

4 To die ; aix^ew? the same. o^o^w7/Ao?, bawling.

6 o'UiActi & oi/xai, the same; 1 6 oV?, entirely ; oAow, to finish.

oi*)/*a, opinion. 17 («/*«») lamentor. 7 (crw,;ta) Lat. gcnuflecto. 18 ofxaXit^, SOS, the same; ofjM- 8 oxvjw, to be lazy. x»f«, to level.

10 oA^»o?, happy, rich ; ox^jf**, 20 Also blind—Homer, a pro- to make happy. p»r name, 11 (^, o»')o?vtyov, little, almost. . ;



I "OfAtXoc, ceetus, an assembly, assemblKo^ assembl^c.

^ 'O/Kt'xATj, fiebulce, cloud or mist, nube, nne, luiage. S^Ofiwuiy Jurarcy to swear, giurdre, jure, atteste. to wipe, asciugdre, nettoyer. ^'OiiopyvviiiA''^'^^''^''' I imprvno, to imprint, imprimere, iraprimer.

5 '0/ioc> poTj sifnilisy like, somiglidntey tout pareil.

(i 'O/i0«A6c, f/w^o, umbilicus^ navel, ombilico, nom!)ril. T^O^^a^, MDa acerboy verjuice, agresio, du verjus.

8 'O/Li0Tj> ''Dojr; voice, an oracle, ordcolo, oracle.

9 "Ovap, somnia, dreams, e sogni, sommeil, songes vains. iO^Ovei^oc, probrum, reproach, opprSbrio, reproche. ^^ ^^ ^^^' soccdrere, sert on aide. 1 1 "o 5-'"^^» ^^'P ' I objurgo, to blame, biasimdre, donne blame.

J2''Ov^ac5 ov^s, stercus, dung, concime, du furaier. IS^OvojLia, nomen, a name, /a fdma, nSme, nom fameux. 14 "Ovoc, «) asinus^ jackass, ww a^iwo, un ane. 15*0^?, ovuKoc, unguis^ a nail, ww imghia, un ongle. Cflf?/^"^, sour, «^yo, aigre, sGr encore. Ifi'O^' ' Xrapidusy sharp, quick, ready, rdpido, rapide. 17 ^Chra^u), sequor, I follow, seg-wo, je vous suis. ^cr^ /•r*/c^,x(t«. 18 'Ott?;, foramen, a hole, 6?/co, /oro, creux ou trou. 19''0nigy i^or, vindicta, revenge, vendetta, la ver^eance. 20 'Oiri(X(i)y retro, behind, di diitro, par derriere.


1 o/A»x»a, instruction, homily, 14 (oxai v7)^^»'oKOf, a mule. Fr. homelie. 15 ovt/^/fw, to scratch with one's 2 (»>?, ^) ofjnx>^^vt dark, misty. nail. 3 5/xo«, the same. 16 (tr*, u) o4»;, i^o?, vinegar-

5 ojjLocc, to unite ; o^or©?, equal cruet. o/x5, together. 17 oTa^/*,, the ^ same ; eva^i^, a 7 o/A^axK, the cup of an acorn. footman.

9{indecl.) ok«|jo?, dream; o- 19 (»Jo?, ii) ^.'fo^», to hare a vei^wTw, to a ream care. 10 (io«, to) oya^^w, to blame. 20 adv. 07r»«r$tr, backwards. I I Qflva^jHf the same; otoroi^wi to blame. so


1 *'OirXov, arma, arms, drme, armes, intrumens de guerre. 2 'Ottoc, succuSy humour, juice, sugo^ Uquore^ sue ou jus.

S 'OTrraw, torrere, to roast, arrostire, fait rdtir. 4 "O-^TOfiaij aspicio^ to see, xedere^ voit, regarde. 5 "OTTOjpa, autumnus, autumn, Vautumno^ rautorane. 6"Opaa>, cerno^ to see, considerdre, peser, voir. 7*Opyavov, organum, an organ, 6rgano^ organe, 8 'Opyaw, appetOy to long for, appetire^ bruler de .... 9 'Op^r), ira "cel impetus y anger, ira^ colere, ire. to stretch out, stendere, s'etendre. ]0*o ' ^ porrigo, * ' ^ offerrcy to offer, offerire, pr^sente, offre. 11 'Op^o?, rectus, straight, right, retto, diritto, juste, droit. 12 "Op^poc, diluculum^ day-break, lo spuntdre^i^ovni dujour. IS^OpXoq^ jusjurandum^ an oath, giuramento, jureraent. 14 'Op/za^oc, ordoy chain or order, ordine^ chaine, ordre.

^ ^ ^^*' conatus, endeavour, sforzo, force, effort. 1 Tk S ' 1 era, wrath or passion, violenza, feu, violence. 16"0p/M0C) funiculus, necklace, monile, un collier. 17''Opv(C5 ^^^^5 gallina, fowl, gallina, poule, oiseau. iS'Opoc, WZ0W5, a mountain, monte, monidgna, mout, montagne. 19''Opoc, terminus, end or limit, //we, fin, limite.

20 'O/o/oocj 5erz/m /ac^f^, whej, siero, petit-lait. 21 'OpTu?, coiurnix, a quail, /a qudglia, la caille.


o) 1 (a, to) ottA/t*!?, a soldier. 12 («, Ital. lo spuntare del 2 (5, 6) omov, opium. giorno.

s*g^^ (**» °) °?''°'^' ^° ^^"^ 1^^ swear. 4 (f. ij/opa*,) V/**** • "" '^ o^f^aw, to be in a pas- 4/K, eog, vision. 16 C')?, ^) C (crw, xa) o^a^a, sight. sion. ^ 8 (»}o-w,y-a) o^yafw, to animate. 17 (jSo?, o, ^). 18 to) o^aw?, mountainous* 9 (5??, ^) o^7»fw, to provoke. (105, 10 (|w, xa) o^EKTo?, long, ex- 19 (tf,o)o^»'fa;, to limit. tended. 20 (fys?, 6). 11 (^, o'y) I^So'w, to straighten. 1 'Opvfiyacoi, fra^or, a noise, sfn^pito, du biui(.

2 'OpvfTfTiit, ff^f^'o, to cli^, la/ifr/irc, creuscr, fouillc.

3 'Oitcpnifory orphanus, fin ()r{)liaii^ nrfnun, orphclin.

4 "0(^(^1/ /}, I/, tcncbrcKj darkness, night, ohscuritii, nuit. 5 ^Og\t6fxaL, saltare, to jump, balzdre, sante et danse.

G''Oqxoq, hortus, a garden, un giardino, ']i\y(\\\), plant. i^Opw, excitOy stir or move, muovere, trouble, emcut.

i 'OpovWf irruoy to rush upon, hncidrsr, s'elanccr. ^"Oaior, sanctiiSy just, holy, giusto, juste et saint.

9''0(Toc, quantus^ as much, altrettdnto, tant, autant. WOacra, voj:, voice, omen, augurio, voix, presage.

1 1 Oariov, oarovvy 05, a bone, osso, Tos fera. l^''0(TTpaKov, tesfay an earthen vessel, zdso, pot de terre. 13 "Oorrpiov, oslrea, an oyster, un' ostrica, une huitre. 14 '0(T«^pao/uat, o/facio, to smell, odordrCy flaire et sent.

\ii 'Oct^i;^', Hilt-) the loins, ixv?/, viscere, les reins.

16 "OrojSoc, ^^//VT^/^w^; bustle, romore, fracdssoy bruit, va- carme. 17 'Orpvpu), urgerc, to spur, sprondre, pousse, anime. IS'^Ouac, owe, aw/7>, the ear, Porc^cc/no^ Poreille. lO^'OwSac, solum, ground or floor, terreno, sol ou terrc- 20 'Ougoc, o.


a ditch o- oao-o/xai, 2 (l<^> %») °$^yi^*» ; 10 to foretell ; orruocf §1-1, a digger. divination.

ri) /xo^(p»o?, the 4 (»)?, same. 12 of^axifo;, to condemn ; or^a- 6 (f. 'jcro^ai) o^;)(;;»)^p,o?,dancing. KKTfxoqy ostracism.

7 (^w, Ka) o^o-w & o^co^u, the 14 oa-(p^aiV(jiJLai, i\ a,vHf/.xi, the same; o^/ko;, to move. same. 8 («, ok) ocri'a, sanctity. 17 {vuyKoc) also to press.

9 ToVo?, such, so big; roa-Sro;, 19 (aro^.To) also olq, «to,-, to the same. 20 Indecl. «^o,-. lo,-. to. tlie same. s^


1 Ov^ap, uheVy mamma^ bosom, sino^ sein, maramelle.

a r^-i\ ^inles:ery whole, sound, intero. sain, entier. L cnspatus, curled, tnnaneUato, irise (tendre). 3 Ovpa, caudtty the tail, /a c6c?a, la queue des animaux. 4 Oi»{)avocj caelum, heaven, ilci^lo, ciel ou firmament. 'centusy a fair wind, r^w^o secondo, du bon vent. 5 Ovpocj < custos^ a keeper, guardidno^ gardien, garde. 6 Ourati), "oulnero^ to wound, ferire, blesse et frappe.

7 '0<^eiXw, debere, to owe, dovere, doit, il faut. 8 'O^tXXw, augere, to increase, aumentdre^ augmenter.

9"0(^tc5 ^oc? serpens, serpent^ serpente, serpent, mal.

^ { supercilium, eye-brow, supercilio, sourcil. ]0'n//» Xfastus, pride, pomp, fdsto, pompe, orgueil. 11 'OxfTocj canalisy a channel, candle, le canal. 12 'Ox^'fw, indignor, to be vexed, stizzdrsi, s'indigner.

5^ 13 "bx'^'r), r2/7fl, the bank, hdnco, rive ou bord. 14 'Ox^evw, moveo, to move, muovere, mouvoir, WwrZ>fl5, crowd or mob, /o//fl, multitude. ^ ' i cwra, labour, trouble, lavoro, trouble, ennui. 16"Oxoc? currus, a chariot, cdrro, char (on traduira). 17 "Ot//, o\po7rog, "oox^ voice, -yo^e, voix ou chant.

18 'Oi/zl, 5ei"6, tandem, at last, late, dllafine, tard, enfin.

IQ^Ot/zov, 8, opsonium, a mess, vivdnda, mets ou vivres.


1 (aro$,To)Lat.*Mme»i,fecun- 10 (vog.r;) o^^voek, lofty, proud.

(Jity, 12 (rjcrw, xa) o;)(^^i^(y, the same-

2 ovX^f a scar, barley, ovAow, » 13 oxSo?, the same, height, tu- to close a wound. mour. 3 (a?, ^) agJcTov^o?, arcturus. 14 o;^V»fy, to Uft with a lever; 4 (5,o)the palate of the mouth. ox>^iii, a lever. 6 (*)C7«,xa) wTEtxJ), a wound. 15 («, 6) o;)^Ai>to4, popular. o;)(;Ea;, to carry. 7 o(pXft; & o(p^^o>cft;, the same. 16 (6 & to) 17 that has no voice, 8 (^w, xa) to owe ; the same as £^Xo^J/, o(pu}^u. dumb: rvo^l/, harmonious. 1


flMMlTI \ Is.

117, from the Hcbrevv /*//<*, without aspiration, richly.

1 riatZo;, irridercj to joke, hurfdre, sc inoqiicr.

•* ^^ child, faticiulloy uri enfant. 9 n " S P^^^^j ^^y ^ \ servus, a slave, schidvo, csclave ou valet.

.'3 Uaitjf percutio, to strike, percuotere, frapper.

4 llnArt/iTj, palma, palm of the hand, /« pulma, la paume.

3 rioAtufu, illicioy to allure, allettare^ trompe, alleche. 6 n«Xi;, lucta^ wrestling or fighting, lotta, la lutte. 7 llaAXa^, juvenis^ a youth, giovane, jeune hommc. 8 llaWo), xibrOf dart or throw, lancidre, jette ou lance. 9 riaTTTrac, pappa, pater, father, dad, bdbbo, pap^ij p^re. 10 UaiTTaivio, to look about, giwrddre, regarder. 11 llaotia, gencc, the cheeks, le guancle, lesjoucs.

12 riapS'ci/oC} virgo, a virgin, vergi?i^l/a, vierge ou fillc.

13 riac, airaij, fotus, omnis, the whole, il tidto, le tout. 14 Wdaaakoq, paxil/us, a stake, un pdlo, pieu ou pcrche.

15 llaffffto, spargere, to sprinkle, asp^rgere, r^pandre.

\6 Ud(T-)(^b)f pathr, to suffer, patire, patit, souffre. 17 riarodcrw, ferio, hit or strike, fcrire, frapper, dur. 18 Ilarao, calcare, tread upon, calpestdre^ foule aux pieds.

19 riari7j>, f()oc', paler, a father, il pddre, parent, pere. f^cssare, to cease, 20 n ' j cessdre, finit, cesse. ' 1 quieseerCy to rest, riposdre, reposcr.


1 (|w,xz!t)7rary/Aa, play; wat^'ta, 9 («,&) TctTrTroj, grandfather. a(, recreation. 1 (a?> ^) xa^^jTa^rjo?, who has 3 (^^ft') xa). fine cheek.s.

12 (tf, i) TTa^Sfv I ios*. virginal.

6 (ora;, xa) to draw into snares. 15 (^cro;, xa).

^ (»)?» ^) 'TajTrctArj, the same. 16 Tra^o?, lo;, suffering. 7 (o) TraXAaxri, a young girl. 17 (|&;,xa) xaray/w, tO crack. 8(^0;, xa) iraXoj, agitation; 18 TratT^K, »^o;, one's country; wocX(j(,ioq palpitation. TTftT^ia, aq, tamily-house. G 1^ 84^


1 Uaxvri, fvuina, frost or rime, geldta, froid, gelee. 2 Uaxvg, crassus, thick, big, sphso, gros, 6pais.

|»^*^«*'^? to taste, gustdre, goute, essaie. ' SUaoixai, Ipossideo, to possess, possedere, poss^der.

4 ni^tXov calceus, a shoe or sock, /a scdrpa, Ic Soulier. 5 rifSov, ^^rra, solum, earth or ground, sz/a/o, sol ou terre.

6 rj/^"' < planta pedis, the solc,pmw^fl, la plante du pied

7 rift^w, suadeo, to persuade, suad^re, persuader. 8 Ilf/icwjpec^o, to comb or pluck, pettindrc, peigner, tondre. 9 Ilava, esuries, hunger, fdmcy la faim devorante.

' cowsz7iMy72, design, trial, distgnOy plan, 10 n C dessein. 1 conatus, an attempt, assdggio, essai. 11 Oetpw, transadigOy to pierce, (rafordre, transpercer. 12 ntXayocj pelagus, the sea, mdre, mer ou Tocean. 13 n£Xap7oc5 ciconia, the stork, /a cicogna, la cicogne. 14 IlAacj juxta, near or nigh, accdnto, proche ou pres. 15 flcXcKvc, securis, a hatchet, 5cwre, la hache tranchanle. 16 UtXefxiZcoy agitare, to move, muovere, mouvoir. 17 IIeXocj lividus atque niger, black, wero, noir, livide.

18 IltXrr;, pelta, dart or lance, lancia, lance (ecu leger). 19' UiXwp, monsirum, a monster, wo^^ro, monstre affreux.

20 UifiTTii)^ m2V/o,tosend or inform, manddre, mande, envoie,


1 (»j?, ^) '7rocx»oojf to freeze. 14 'TTiKa.tOj to come near; TAaw

3 vda, the same. & —aSw, the same. . 5 (», to) Tsyiov, field, plain. 15 (ew?, r)) iTiKv^, the same. (^,o»)'7r£^U,blackness,b^uise; 6 (*j?, ^) TTtfo?, Fr. jt?«Vffon. 17

7 TTtcTTK, faith ; ttktto?, credible 'TTiXuXf pigeon of a lead

8 (!&>, %a) TTEXO) & TTsareUy in- colour.

xo?, fleece. 19 (

; also •9 (15?, ^) TTstvaAEo?, hungry. 'rrt>iu;^io(;, the same 10 («?, ^) TTEt^aw, to endeavour. wonderful. 13 (a, ^). 20 (^-^u, (pei) Tof^irr), mission. 85


I Uifi*lnKf J^tttusy a piilKor bubble, A/i^/Wn, vent, souffle

'i Wtv^tpoc, socer, a fafhcr-in-law, suocrro, !)eau-|)<''re.

3 riti/^or;, luctus, gv\v\\ sorrow, nffnnno, chaf^rin, deiiil.

4 II(VT£, qiiitujitc, /ivc in iiiiinbcrs, (ifif/i((\, c\iu\ en noinbrc.

f) WiTTipij piper, pepper, pcpr, le poivre uoir on blanc.

t) lltTrXof,-, peplunif veil or garment, ivVo, voile on mix;.

7 ri£7rr^i»,;//w, coquo^ to cook, ^wr /r/ cucinn, f'airc cuire. 5 ne()a) TTtpav, ultra, beyond, oUre, outre, au-dela.

9 lUpac, finis, end or limit, tdrmi/ie, fine, fin, issue.

10 Ilt^)aa>, Iransire, to pass, traprissdre, passer outre.

11 ri£()^<.», vasto, to destroy, desoldre, ddvaster.

lii? llfptflTTcna, colomha, a dove, coloinba, la colombe.

I J llf(>Koc5 ^^ niger nut varius, black, fi^ro, varid, noir. 14 llfpovn, Jibula, a buckle, clasp, Jirmdglin, agraffe. 13 ntpTTtpocj petulans, rash, temerihio, leger, temeraire.

I() ncrrffor, calculus, a man at chess, dama, dame ou pion.

17 llfTftf.j, pando, to extend or open, sturdrc, ouvre, etend.

18 lltro/iat, voUne, to fly, voldre, voler, court. 19 ritrpoc) saxitm, stone or rock, pielra, pierre on roc,

20 WtvKih p^^^t pitch or rosin, laptce, poix, resine. 2\ Wr\yi), fons, fountain or spring, fonte, source ou jet- 22 Ilijyvmi), rompingo, to fasten, attaccdre, serre, assemble.

23 riTiSaw, sidtare, to spout, sgorgdre, saillir, sourdre. 24 nrjSocj remus, an oar, m«o, ranie, bois aussi.


1 (»yo?,*i) vo[A(p6ha^f the same. 15 (a, o») Tri^wi^Ia, temerity. •> ('o?* EC/?, to). 17 (aw, ax) TTiTaf*;, tllO Siimo, H TTirXoK, tf, the same. 18 Trtrao/xat, the same. 8 -TTi^ccT*), u?, bound, limit. 19 (a, o) TriV^a, the same. i)n^ai\uy to put an end. 21 (*)?,ij) 9r*}ya*

11 (o-w, Ka) wo^Seo;, the same. 23 (wo-w, xa) jri^'t'A;, the same; ISti^xv), a fish spotted with Trrj^aXi^?, the helm of a ship. black. ;



1 YlvXr}^, cassis, a helmet, un elmtttoy un casque. 2 JQiiXoc, ccenum^ mud or dirt, fdngo, boue, ordure.

3 lirifia. damnum^ loss or damage, p^rdito, domraage. 4 Ilrjvoc, ^e/«, linen or thread, la tda, tissu, toile.

5 nr^voc, i?5 pera, pouch or poke, scarcello^ la besace. 6 IlrjpoC) mutilus^ maimed, stroppidto, unmanchot.

7 n^x"^ ^^^5 cubitus y the elbow, cubito, le coude. 8 Ili^al, /bw5, spring of water, scaturiggine^ jet d'eau. ' 9 n^c'^a), premo^ to press or squeeze^ spremercy presser. 10 nt^r^?, simia, monkey or ape, ia scimia, le singe. 11 Ui^ogy dolium^ a hogshead, tina^ botie, tonneau, tonne. 12 IltKcptov, butyrum^ butter, burro, butirro, da beurre.

tart, 1 Q TT V f amarus, bitter, amdro. sur, amer. L morosus^ peevish, cross, jantastico^ lacheux. 14 ntXocj pileusy a hat or cap, cappello, chapeau, feutre.

15 Ilifiekri, pinguedo, fatness, grassume, grasou graise.

1/- C a board or table, tdvola. la table. 16UivaZ,tabula,)TT/ y 4 J. 7 .j . ui j I picture or irame, quadro, tableau, cadre. 17 Ilivocj sordesy filth or dirt, schifizza, crasse, ordure. 18 Iltvw, poto, to drink, bere, boire (en bon vivant),

19 ntTTTw, procumboy to fall down, odderCj toraber. 20 liiaaaj pix^ pitch and tar, liquida pece, poix,goudron. 21 YlirvXog, strepituSf noise of water, strepito, bruit d'l'eau. 22 Iltruoov, furfw\ bran, la crusca, son (crasse ct lie)


3 (to?, to) Trrj/xoyJj, the same. 13 (a, 6v) Trm^orvtq, bitterness 4 (», o) 7r^ncr|t/,a, yarn. Trix^il^cj, to grow bitter. 6 impotent; vo^out to maim. 14 7n>.6u & su, io beat, to pound. 7 (o) 7r^;i^t;o? & —%yaro5, acubit 15 (>3?, »;) Trt/AeX*??, fat.

long. 18 TTOToj', drink ; ttoVw?, a feast. 8 (ajio?, o) wtxaxo£K, watery. 20 (*5?, »?) -Trto-aijw, to resemble 9 9ris(^a

10 {r)Ko;, o) also a little man ; with pitch. wiSijxoij, «, the jsame. 1



1 II/tuv, pinits^ a pinc-lrce, un pino, I'arbrepin. 2 Huovj TTiovoCi pingui.s, fat, grnsso, gras (fera).

3 UXuyior, ohiqnus, crooked, awry, dhtorto^ de travers. 4 nXaOor,' humor, too much moLsturo, umore.^ tropd'hu- meur. *^ ^^^^ astray, 5 WXdtio \ ^^^^^^i iravidre, faire errer. < scduco, to seduce, sedihre, seduit, Irompc. G IlAavrj, error, straying, error, lo svuire, T^garement. 7 nXa?^fre, forme feindre. 8 IlAoTucj £oc, ialus, wide, l)road, ft/rg-o, large et ample. IlM^pov, jugerum, an acre, jitgero, arpent.

10 nX^icw, plecto, to lie or fold, piegare, lie, enlace, n UXioc, ay ovy p/enus, full, pie/io, plein, rempli. 12 nXti»pa, /«^w.v, the side, lato, fidnco, c6t<5, (pleur^sie.) 13 nXeoi,

18 nXi'i/cu, vw, KG, lavare, to wash, lavdre, laver a. 19 Ilvtw, ^p/ro, to blow or breathe, soffidre, souffle, aspire.

20 rivtyo, suffoco, to choak or strangle, suffogdre, s'(^trangler. 21 n6a,herba, herb or grass, /W^>ff, herbe, verdure.


2 Trro?, Eoq, fatness, fat. 12 ttAsi^^ov, the same. 4 9rXa^o;,tf, the same; 7rA«^a- 13 (et^aw, xa) tAoo?, contract ^oqy very well. rXot;?, navigation. 5 T^ayxTo?, a wanderer. 14 (|a;, x») TXnmy^, a whip. 6 7rXfl5»'»j?,»jTo?, wandering; ?rXa- 17 TXoto-»o?, rich, opulent. v^T>??, oy, the same; a planet \S{vujKa) 7rXt;vTij^,he who wasiies 7 TrXao-^a, potter's work, fiction 19 7rv£D/xa, TO, breast. J) (tf,To)7r£X£%0F,;?off^thesame. Trvty^o?, 20 «, suffocation ; -nyoi, 10 (!«,%«) 9rx/y/^a, texture. TO, summer's heat.

1 tM^ou, to fill ; vXri^u, to O- verflow. :



1 rio^'ocj desiderium, desire, desiderio, desir. 2 YloUto, facto, to do or make, fare, finir, faire. 3 notJc/Aocj variusy various, varidnte^ different.

4 Iloifir]v, pastor, a shepherd, pastore, pasteur ou berger, 5 noivr/5 pcena, punishment, punizione, chatiment. 6 IIoXejuoc, helium, war, guerra, guerre, ou les combats. 7 rioAfiw, versare^ to turn, voltdre, tourner (vite), 8 UoXiog, canus, gray-haired, canuto, blanc, grisoni

9 U6\ig, twg, civitas, town or city, cittdde, cite, villc. 10 OoAtocj puis, pottage or gruel, min4stra, la bouille. 11 IloXuc, multusj niany, frequent, molti, maint, frequent. 12 riovrocj po7itus, the sea, mdre, la mer ou le pont.

13 non-TTuSw, sihilare, to whistle, j^^cAz^re, siffler.

14 IlopTrrj, fibula, clasp or buckle, fibbia, agraffe.

15 Iloprfc^ '0C5 vitulus, calf, heifer, giov^nco, veau, genissc. 16 riopTTvpa, purpura, purple, porpora, la pourpre. 17 rioCTffSwv, Neptunus, Neptune, Nettuno, dieu des mers. 18 Ilorajuoc; /lumen, a river, Jiume, un fleuve ou torrent. 19 Ilorcpoc, w/er, which of the two, quale, lequel, quelle,

20 Ilorftocj ^*for5, fatum, lot or chance, 5or#e, sort, hasard. 21 YloTviog, venerandus, august, nenerdi^do, venerable. 22 Ilovc, TToSoo pes, the foot, piede, le pied (signiiie).


1 (y, 0) hidden love; tto^eu, ,9 (^) to^/tij?. a citizen, woXt- to desire. t»xo?, politic.

2 (i^cro;, Ka) 'TToirio-ic, action, poe- 1 1 (j?, v) oTToXAoi, the multitude.

try. 14 (i^?, ^) the ring of a shield :

4 (^evoi,o) TTotiJ.oci'vojf to feed, to 'Tro^rra^, the same. lead. 15 (0 xat i) TTo^K & TTo'^-al, the 6 (a, 0) IItoAe/xos, the same same. Ptolemy. 18 (»,6)'7roTa|u,>j^oy,iikc to a river.

7 (»ocrw, K«) to till tlie ground ; 21 («, cv) irorviau, to implore. ^o'Acc, the pole of the earth. 1



1 Wntwtj, iiuutsuclusy mild, adabU*, milt., U^ii, clciiiciif.

*i lIoaTTtSfC, pectus, the heart, ptHo^ cocur on restomar, J \\{)afr6v^porrum. a hiek, iinptWro, le |)orreau filandrciix. or 1 II ' ^ pcrficioK to act do, (iii:ir(\ Wnw. agir.

(. cxercere, to practise, praticdre, pratiquer.

J fI(>£7roi', decorus, decent, pulUo, decent, propre.

^- ,1 / a S senex. an old man, //// vrcchio. vieillard. ^Ic^atus, deputy, depuliUo, lt,'gat, strand. 7 \\i){]^M, ficcendo, to inflame, in/lammure, enflammcr.

S ll^>/jp»/r, promts, prone or inclined, protw. pret, rnclin.

J) n^<'a/ia/, rniOy to buy, coniprare, paie, achete.

10 riptvoc, t/ej?, the holm oak, un the, cliene yeuse.

1 ilptw, (Tit), serrate, to saw, segare, scier du bois.

12 n()o, prius, ante, before, prima, intuinii, devant, loin. IJ noo/3«rov, bah /IS, ovfs, a sliccp, p6cora, brebis. 14 lI()o7^, donum, present or portion, dono, present, dot, 15 llQVfiviHj, extretiius, the last, Puilimo, clernier. 16 UpvTavic, prcefectus, governor, prefetto, prefet, chel\ 17 now), 7nai?e, in the mornings, la mattina, du matin. 18 flpijpa, prora, the prow, prora, prua, p roue ou bee. 19 IWaipio, sternuto, to sneeze, sternutur, eternuer. 20 {Xtcuio, in/pirigo, to stumble, hiciampare, bute et bronchc. 21 YItiovu, calx, the heel, calcdgtio, le talon du pied.


1 'jr^uiiiq, aeoq, the same ; tt^oo- II TT^k^w, the san»e ; Tr^ii^)', fc>o?, T7)?, sweetness. a saw.

3 TT^oca-ui^n^y green, of a leek 13 («,To)any four-fuoied b

7 ((7ft;, xa) 9r^iijo"T>)?, ri^o?, who 19 {ac^u, Ku) wra'^yy^at, liie saruc.

sets tire. 20 (o-ft/, xa) 7rT«r(7ua, hiiliui; a- 8 T^ovytii ihe same, gainst.

y jxTT^ioo;, to redeem. Priam. 21 (»)J, ri) TTJ^iri^a,-, to kick. 1

.n ;o


1 Urepov, ala, a wing, dla, aile, raine aussi. 2 IlrtWw, /72V250, to pound or peel, pestdre, piler, broie. 3 Uroio), terrere, to frighten, spaventdr, epouvanter.

4 Utv(T(toj, plicOf to fold, piegdre, plie, ou fait des plis. 5 Ilrvw, sputOj to spit, sputdre, cracher (rejeter. 6 IIu^w, putresco, to rot, putrefdrsi, se pourir. 7 IIuKa, dense, thickly, often, spesse volte, souveiit, dru. 8 Uv\r}, porta, a door a gate, la porta, porte, entree.

n TT a./ S nosco, to know, sapere, sait, connoit.

(. rog^o, to ask, dimandare. demander.

10 Wv'i, pugno, with one's fist, del pugno, a coup de poing. 1 nop, ignis, fire or fever, fehbre^ feu, fievre ardente. 12 IIvpYoC) turrisy a tower, ^orre, tour an citadelle. 13 Hvgriv, nucleus, a kernel, noce^ granello, grain, noyau. 14 IIupocj tritica, wheat or coxn, frumento, bled, froment. 15 riwytDv, Trwywvoc, harha, the beard, bdrba, de la barbe, 16 IlwXfw, vendo, to sell, v^ndere, vendre et debiter. 17 IIwXocj pullus, a colt, puledro, poulain, jeune anon. r opercula, lid or cover, cop^rchio, couvercle. l%WC)iia,

V. , a drink, liquore, liqueur, ou boisson.

( llCipoQ, luctus, grief, sorrow, sfortuna, chagrin, soin. 1 U(i)pog» ccecus, blind, orbo, cieco, est aveugle.


1 (5, to) 9rT£§y|, the same. 13 (jjvo?, 0) -ttv^Uvij the same. 2 (c-w, Kcc). 14 (a, 0) -Tr^^tj-oc, the same. 3 (jjcrw, no,) fFToiiu, the same; 15 ^ruyunuq, a. bearded. TTTotjiTK, terror. 16 (jjo-w, xa) ^tiS^twwa;^?}^, a

4 (IwjX;*) '»"ry|j t^?c°?> folding, bookseller. 6 (o-w, xa). 17 (a, 0, xal ^) -jtoT^svu, to tame. 7 ae?t;. wyxvo?, solid full. colts. of 9 (f. 'Treva-ofxut'). 19 (a, 0) votTiOclxu^oq, full ID arf». itvy^\i, the fist. misery. 12 (a, o)- ^1

IMll M in VKS.

*lVi, from ihr lltibrcw Resell^ or from the old Syrian Jiue^ hundred.

I 'Pfi/33oc-, tvr^fl, a rod or stick, verga, baton, verge. *2 'PaSfoc, facilis, facile, easy, IrattabUc^ facile. 3'P()a', asper<^Oy tospiinkle, asperger, arro^er. 4 'Paj'w, corrumpOj to corrupt, corrompere^ corroinpre.

.5 'Pajui'oc*, >7^2V?rt rt/^fl, the white thorn, spinu/Oa, I'dpiiir blanche. 6 'PttTTic, virga, the rod, lasftrza, houssineoti baguette. r'PaTTTw, consiiOj to patch or mend, rappizzare, coud refait. [invente.'

, to devise mischief, macchindre del malo, maux

8 'Pa/3w, g-z/ro, to turn round, girdre, tourne en rond.

^'' t'^^^.^'^' ^^ ^?"^ incline, inchindre, pcnche, \2'PtTr(o' ' % incline. HO, ^cupio, to wish, clcsiderdre, (\6slrev. 13'Pho S^^^^^'^ffy to flow or spread, scorrere^ couler. l-fari, to speak. or tell, dire, purler, dire. break, 11 'Vnaaw, \f^^^^S^^ *^ spezzdre, brise et casse. Xjindo, to cleave, spaccdre, fend, divise.

15 'FXyog,wg, frigus, hard frost, cold, gcldta, froid, gel


1 (w, r») pa^^i^u, to whip. ^ (l^> %«) ^otroi^xKrin(iy a cata- 2 (a, o«») pao/F, easier; piro?, ract. very easy. •^ (^Wi %a) pfyxo?* snoring. 3 (avw, xa)fa^&/, Uie Same. 10(|*;,;^«). ^ (


1 'Pi?a, jjcj V, radix^ a root, radice, une racine. c?/r'yM

4 'Pivrj, /zV/zfl, a file, fila^ lima, une lime.

5'Ptvocj ^tv5, pellis, the skin, p^//e, peau, le ciiir. 6 'Ptov, mons, mount, un monte, mont et promontoire. 7 'PtVrw, projicio, to throw down, gettdre, jette a has. 8 'Poa, malus —, pomegranate, melagrdnoy grenadier. 9 'PoSov, rosa^ the rose, /« ro^a, la rose odorante. 10 'PoS-ocj undarum sirepilusy noise, rombo, bruit de Tondc. 11 'PoT^ocj stridor, noise, tumult, stridore, bruit, tumulte, 12 'Po^lw, sorbere, to swallow, assorbir, absorber. C 'Pv7X0C; ro^^rwm, the or beak, ilb^cco, becd'oiscau.

1 , . muzzle or snout, grifo muso, museau, muffle.

14 'PuS-juocj rijthmus, rime or number, rima, rime et nombre.

,^r„, , C dirt, porcheria, I'ordure qu'on iette. ' ^ ' 15 VvTrog,sord€S,\ . ,.. . , ^^ ,,/ (. niggardliness, grettezzo, trop d epargne.

C 'Puw, pvojiim, traho, to draw, stracindre. trainer, tire.

1 , defendo, to defend, difindere, defendre. C,Vwvvv(i)j corroboro, to strengthen, rwforzdre, rendre 17^ fort. ' 'PwjuaXeoc? fortis, strong, robust, /or/e, fort, robuste.


2 pi>tvooix.ui, to be distorted. li foT(^^oq, the same; pojf/o;, to 4{nq,^)pU^, ioiiow. grunt. 5 Also a shield. 12 (vjcru, y.a) fo(pa,u & §o^w, the 7 (i|/w,

same. 16 fo-ft;|xa<, |?yjiAa, drawing; fVfjLV}, 10 (a, To)po$£a;, to be hurried; a street; fv


\'u I M n I vrs.

'^hffia. from tin* Hebrew Sanicch, two humlrcd.

I i!a«'j>oi, vcrro, toswtTp, spazzdre, balayer.

*2 ilaAor, saiuni, mare, tlic sen, viarr, iiier (ac^itation).

ti ^aX-rriy^, tuba, a ti limpet, la trmnba, la trompcttc. ,/4 2av»C) asscr^ a board or plank, asse, planchc ou ais. -Ich 2/^4.

!) S/i(i^,ffa(ik-oc,frtro,tlie tlcsli, fdrwf ,1a chair ou tout lo coryts.

6 ^nTT(t, ^(o, onerare^ to load, caricdre, charger, porte.

7 Sa0?/c, perspiciius, clear, certain, ct'r/o, certain, clair.

er////o;-//e;'<', etcindre. Q. \fa ' ? ejclimruo, to extintniish,

(. suffoco, to stifle, sujfocare^ suttoquer.

9 Sc/Bfcu, veneror^ to worship, venerdie, reverer. 10 2c(pu, catena, cord or chain, catena, frein ou chainc,

11 St/w, (T(u, agitare, to shake, senator, ebranler. 12 StXa^-, fnigor, brightness, splendore, brillant, clair.

13 SfX>;i'»i, t';, ///Wf/, the moon, la lima, lune, eclat. 14 SfXfi'oi', apium, parsley, perscmolo, persil. 15 '2e\u:, ^ pagina, page, I'ma pdgina, une page. icog, rt, I lifiea, line or space, linea, lignc, espace.

IG 2c/xvoc, gravis, holy, grave, grarc, sdnto, grave et siiint.

17 Si]ic6c> stabulum, sheepfold, /a mdndra, Ic bercail.

15 Sfj/ua, signum, sign or standard, stgno, drapeau, signe. 19 S^TTw, pntrescere, to rot, infraciddre, se pourrir.

2() S^evw, /?0A\"fe, to be able, potcre, pouvoir, veut.


I (a§w, xa) o-a^ow, the same; 11 o-iw, the same; o-ncr^o^, agi- cra^ot, a broom. talion, (ao?, to) j-iAa*;, lo shine. 4 (i^o?,r!) the fold in j; of a door. 12 H (|«, X*) o-ocyyix, load, lump 13 (7iA>j»io»,the light of the moon. a^axo?, 10?, shield; craxKO?,y, 15 (»3o?, »)). a sack. 1^ a-iixnTov^ a sacred place.

crt)/ziro», 7 (0 KOkl rt 10?) o-a^w?, clearly. 18 (to?,to) the same ; an- 9 o-E^aro?, august. ^ait-w, to give the signal.

10 («?, *)) tru^gt/c;, to tie; j-n^*)», 19 (4/o',^«)ta)o;,power,strengthw 1 ;



1 Smywv, maxilla^ the jaw, mascella, la machoirc. 2 SmXov, sputum^ the spittle, sputo, scialha, la salive. 3 Styaw, taceo, to be silent, tacercy sait se taire.

4 Si^rjpocj ferrum, iron, steel, ferro^ Ic fer (5u I'acicr. 5 SfKuocj cucumis^ cucumber, citriuolo, le concombre.

6 SfKT^oc, wjucundusy cross, nojoso^ facheux, triste. 7 Stjuoc, simuSy a flat nose, camuso, camard ou camus. 8 StW, /cEC?o, to hurt or injure, far torto^ blesse ou nuit. 9 SiTraXocj deformis, ugly, deformed, brutta, laid, difForme. 10 Stroc, frumentum, corn or bread, pawf, bled ou pain. 11 5twv, tubus, a tube or pipe, sifone, siphon, tube. 12 StojTTaw, sileo, I am silent, tdcco, je me tais. 13 Sfca^w, claudico, to be lame, zoppicdre. boiter, cloche.

14 Sicaiipw, 5a/^o, to leap or dance, balzdre, saute et danse. Id SicaXXw, Xw, to (lig^ zappdre, creuse, enterre. I f^f^if,^^^^

17 SK:apt<^oc, stylus, a pencil, pennello, plume antique. 18 SfccSatu, spargo, to scatter, sparpaglidr, eparpiller. 19 SicfXXw, exsicco, to dry up, seccdre^ dess^cher. 20 SkIXocj crw5, the leg or thigh, la coscia, la cuisse, 21 SictVapvov, , ascia, hatchet, roncola, serpe ou hache. to cover, coprire. couvrir. cache. ^c» ^ / I J ^ (.to protect, prot^ggere, protege.


2 («, to) crioihoc, hog's lard. 14 o-;ta§i'^w, the same. [same. 3 (^crw, y.a) criya,^u, tO hush 15 (^^, xa) aicaT^svu & /c[wj the

cri7*j, silence. 16 (>!'«'', ^a) (Txawavij, digging.

4 (3,o) o-»5'*?^£t!w, to work in iron. 17 ^>ta^Kpio-/xo?, the rough 7 avaat/^o?, the same, squat. draught.

8 (»»&;, Jta) {r/vryy^vhiirtful. 19 crxaX/w, the same j crxEXaTo?,

9 (ijjov) crKpXo?, the same ; ai- dry; a-xsMrov (a-HfAa,), a ske-

(f»,Qu, to dishonour. leton.

1 (wKO?, o) (TKpwvj^o;, to pour out. 22 (-vj/w, ^a) a-)csvaUf the same ,• 12 (jjo-w, xa) C7iw7r^, silence. crxtVri, a garment; axtfrti- 13 (<7ff', xa) o-xaio?, unhandy. c-t?, protector. 1 ;



1 ^K(uor;, vas, a vissoJ, t/iso^ vase, iiii iribtriimcut.

^J }LKi)vrij srcna, accnc or (cut, sccna^ scene ou tentc.

3 2tc//7rT(i», w/Vor, to lean upon, appoirfridrsi^ s'appiiyer.

4 iik-m, umbra', shade or shadow, ombra, ombre, esprit. 5 ^jcoXioc, toriiiosus, windin*]^, sinuoso, tortuciix.

6 i^KoAo;//, palus, a stake, un pdlo^ pieu ou aiguillon. 7 ilKo/>7r/^w, dissipo, to disperse, dispcrgcre, disperse.

8 21*:o()7r/oc, scorj)ii!s, a scorpion, scorpiunr, le scorpion. C Skoroc, caligo, darkness, night, sciiro^ nuit ou sombre. 10 S»cu/S«/\oy, stercus, tlung, stereo, du fumier, pire encore.

1 SkuSjua/Vtu, irascor, I fret, stizzoy jc me fache.

12 SkuXXw, iJej^o, to vex, angoscidre^ vexer, fache. leather, I o ^ / C peliis, skin, pcile, cuojo, cuir ou peau, 1 virga,i\\Q. whip or strap,/rt/nh/n, tbuet, ferule. 14 Sicu«|)oc5 scj/p/iusj a glass or cup, bifchUrc^ vase on verrc, l.J 2/Liapa7(oj, resono, to resound, rimhombure, rctentir. 16 ^^CLM^ abstergo, to wipe, asciugare, nettoyer. 17 Sjiojvoc; examen, apum^ a swarm, sciamo^ un essaim. 18 ^^l\r]j scalprum, a lance, lanctlta, scalpel ou lancette. 19 S/xu;(a), consumo, to consume, consumdre, consumer.

mcmdo, to eat, se noui ir. 20 S ' y manducdre, manger, c verbero, beat or strike, percuotere, frapper. 21 So|3£w, abigo, drive away, scaccidre^ chasse, envoie.


1 (toj, to) a-Kivu Si —al^u, to \0 axv&a,K\^u^ to cast OUt filth.

dispose. 1 1 cr)tv^o[ji.aiy the same. 2 (TitwFo;, JO?, the same. 13 (to?, to) xi^to?, the same; 3 (4/w,^a) (7Kri'jrro[xxi, the same o-xtTaArj, a whip. (T-jtwT^ov, a sceptre. 14 (», o) also axdpoi, «o;, to. 6 (owo?, o). 15 a-fA.ot^(xyl^Uy tlie same.

8 (», o) £7xo^7rta;^»jf, SCOrpion ; Hi (<7-ft>, x«) a-fjutoty a^k^kX^y ^^**' pernicious. same. 9 Also a mist; a-xordu —tl^uSc 19 (I*, ;^a) also to mock. afw, to darken. m


i Sooc, salvvs. saft', sound, sdlvo^ sicuro^ sain et sauf.

2 Sopocj «) loculusy coffin, cdssa da morto, le cercueil.

3 So^ocj "z^^V sapiens^ wise, sdggio^ sage, d'ou sophiste.

4 STTa^r?, rudicula, a spattle, /a spdtola. spatiile. 5 STraipW; palpito, to palpitate, pa/pildre, palpiter.

6 STravocj rarus^ rare, valuable, r«ro, rare oa di<;:ne. 7 S7rapa(7(Tw, lacero^ to tear, straccidre, dechirer. 8 STTapyavov, swaddling clothes, fascia, drapeaux, linges. 9 STrapyaw, tumeOj to swell, gonfidre, se gonfler. 10 STraw, aitraho, to draw, strascmdr, trainer attirer. 11 STTc/pa, spira, rounder circle, spira, rond, spirale.

12 STTftpw, >?ero, to sow, semindre, seme (^pand). 13 STTtv^w, //6o, fo sacrifice, sacrificdre, sacrifier. 14 SttIocj cocj spelunca, a den, spelonca, caverne, antre. 15 Sttepx^), ^oj, ifrgere, to press, premtre, presse, excite. 16 STTfi^Sw, festino^ to make haste, affrettdrsi, se hater. 17 Stti^w, extendo, to extend, stiracchidre, s'^largir.

18 SttiXocj f macula, a spot, mdcchia, la tache.

8.6, ( rupes, a rock, rwpe, rocca, rocher, roche. 19 STTtvSr/p, scintilla, a sparkle, scintilla, I'^tincelle. 20 ^TTKay\vov, 'oiscus, a bowel, viscere, viscere ou entrailles. 21 STrXrjv, splen, the milt or spleen, milza, la rate—a. 22 S7ro77oc? spongia, a spunge, spugna, une eponge.


1 (»3, ov) crow, to preserve. 1 1 o-9rEt^aju,«, the same ; avet^ou,

3 (57, ov)

/?» learned— sophist, 1 2 a-rrt^ixu, seed, progeny ;

6 crwanoc, the same; a-TraVi^u, 13 (sio-ft;) <77ro»^»!, libation. to be in want. 14 (eo?, to) a-v^xotiovf the same.

T (T'n-oc^oc.yijLoc;, rent, or tearing. 16 (nnv^oi/.cn, to exhort;



1 Stto^oc, m, cinis, ashes, c^nere^ cendre, ou chose vile.

2 IStToi^wy sti/ioy to drop, sgoccioidre, d('"^outter.

3 Sra/Lti/oc, urfiHy pitc her or urn, brocca^ pot ou urnc. 4 2rau(j6cj crwr, cross or /^al!o ws,rro<:c, Inforca^ une croix.

.^ 2ra^tC) w^v/ passuy raisins, ?/!•« pdssa, raisins sees.

6 ^raxv^f spicoy an car of corn, una spigGf un (^pi.

^'"' '^^^' ^*^ cover, coprire, couvrc, endure. 7 Sr 1 ' 3 continco, to contain, conlen^re, contenir. 8 SrpctjSwcca/cflre, tread upon,ca//?e5^/re,foule auxpieds. 9 2r£(xw, incedo^ to walk, spassegidre, marche, avance.

10 SrAfxoc, truncus^ the trunk, i7 tronco, tronc de I'arbre.

1 2tIXXo», mittOy to send or fit out, spedire, envoier. 12 St£/x/3w, conxicior, I slander, calunnio, je medis. 13 Srtvoc, angustus, narrow, angusto, juste, etroit. 14 SrfpYOi, £fi%o, to cherish, dilettdre, cherir, aime. 15 2T£pf6c5 solidus, solid, immoveable, solido, solide. 16 2TEp/a>, privare, deprive, privdrc, priver, 6te. 17 Srepvov, pectus, the heart or breast, petto, cceur, poitrine. 18 Srt'^tu, coronare, to crown, corotidre, couronner. 19 Sr7;X»j, columna, a pillar, pildstro, pilier ou colonne.

20 2r»jp(^w, stabilio, to strengthen, rinforzarcy fortifier. 21 Sxt^o), pungOy to prick or sting, pimgere, piquer.


1 ff-TToi'/fft/, to roast under ashes; \Z artiouy to squeeze; 5-ri»af*», erxo^iuy to cover with hot to sigh. ashes. [a drop. 15 (a, o») stereotype.

2 OTa^at^w, the same ; (rra.y^ji.ay crTi^i^w 16 & — !

6 (to?, o) i(;u<;, the same. 18 (4/w, ^a) (rriixf^M, a crown; 8 (>{/&; ,^«) (?-Tk'jSo?,a beaten road. (tti^ojo^ & —»»n, the same. (|w, crri^o; /*», suppgrt. order. 21 j-Ttyfxr!, a moment;


1 SrtAj3ojj fulgere, to shine, risplendere, briller. 2 ^rXsyylgf strigilis, a curry-comb, la str^gghia^ 6trille. 3 Sroa, porticus^ a porch or portic, portico, portique. 4 Srojua, (TTo^aroQ') OS, the mouth, la bocca, bouche,gueule. 5 ^roiuaxog, stomachus, the stomach, stomacho, estomac 6 ^Topiw, sterno, to strew or spread, spdndere, repandre. 7 ^ToxaZofxai^ collimo, to level, livelldre, niveller. 8 SrpayYocj tortuosus^ winding, tortuoso^ biaisant, tors. 9 ^TQciy^^ri, guttOy a drop, una goccia, une goutte.

10 ^TQaroq, 5, exercitus, an army, esercito, arra^e.

1 'S>Tpi(l)uj, C verto, to turn, anddr in giro, tournoyer. — ^(t>, Xfraudare, to cheat,2Wg*awwdre,tromper, gueuse. 12 Srprivocj luxus, luxury, pleasures, pidcere^ plaisir. 13 SrpoYyvXoc, rotundus, rolind, rotondoy rond, en cercle. 14 Srp«^ocj passer, a sparrow, /)fl55er«,moineau,herbe aussi. 15 Srvytw, odisse, to hate, odidre, d^tester. 16 SrvXocj columna, a column, colbnna, la colonne. 17 SrvTTTj, stupa^ tow, stoppa, T^touppe ou le tronc fait. 18 Sru<^(u, adstringo, to bind, legdre, lie, attache.

19 SvjcJj, j^cM5, a fig-tree, /Vca, le figuier, pin encore. 20 SvXrj, prceda, prey or sport, preda, proie, d^pouille. 21 SvpjSrj, turha, tumult or trouble, disturho, trouble aura. 22 SupiWo), sihilo, to whistle, zufoldre, siffler(fliite). 23 Supw,pw, ^ra^o, to draw, tirdre, trainer, nettoyer.

24 Si»c> sus, a boar or a hog, verro, cochon, pore. DERIVATIVES.

1 (j^Uf x'^^ r^J^^ou, the same to twist. r/^i3>3, brightness. 13 (»j, ov)yoyrrt;^o?, tliesame. 2 (i^o$, ^) rs^^yKj the same. 16 (crw,xa) r^yvo? & Tvys^o^, hor-

3 roat, granaries ; rwVxot, the rible, odious ; rv^^ the ri- stoics. ver Sti/x. 4 (», 6) also the throat. 18 rvCptXoq, rv(pho<; and rv^^o^, '*' 6 r^mviu & — vi^i, to extend. rough, severe.

9 (yyo?,^) r^ayyi^Wjto squeeze. 20 (7t;Xa, the same ; a-vXau, to

10 rgaTEtx, expedition ; r^artw- plunder. Tn?, a soldier. 22 (|«;, ;(;«) o-y^ifw, the same.

11 ("vl/w,

r^EjS^o?, crooked ; r^tfihou, same ; also a wild boar. 1 ;



1 S^a^fe), jnaclare, to kill, ammazzdre^ tiic, egorge.

2 ^(l>aipa, sphcera, a sphere or ball, sfera^ sphere ou balle. 3 S^aXXw, supplanto,siipp\iini^dar il gambetlo^suppVanier.

4 20apayocj gultur, the throat, /a §"6/a, gosier, gorge. 5 S(^£vSovr|, funda, a sling, /a frombola, la fronde. 6 20)7v,(T<^rjvoc5 cuneus, wedge, ww c6w/o, coin a fendre. 7 2^97?, vespa, a wasp, mwa vespa, uiie guepe.

8 ^(jiiyyd), stringOf to tie fast, strignere, serrer.

9 S^oSpoc, o, 6v, vehemens, vehement, tjeew2e/2ie,v^h^raent. 10 S0ayic5 *^ocj ^7? sigillum, a seal, sigillo^ sceau, cachet. 1 S<^(>tYaw, turgere, to swell, gonfidre, gonfle, ^leve. ^^' *«^20j ic^P o"^ saltelldre^ bondit, saute. 12 Srfj '2f 5 j^^P) Xpalpito, to palpitate, palpitdre, bat, tressaille. 13 S^vpa, malleus^ a hammer, marttllo^ le marteau.

14 S^aw, scarifico, to scarify, scarificdre, scarifier. 15 S^fSov, prope^ near, nigh, appresso, proche, aupres. 16 SxtVXfoc, miser, a wretch, cattivo, mechant, vil. 17 S^t^w, JindOf to cleave or splits spaccdre, fend, separe. 18 S^oTvocj 8,juncuSy a rash or reed, g-m/zco, jonc, roseau. 19 S^oXr), otiurriy a leisure or rest, «g7o, loisir, aise. 20 SxoX7}v, canaliSf a canal, candle^ canal (ou tuyau).

21 ^Cj^tty corpus, the body, zY cbrpo^ corps on a. 22 Swpocj acervusj a heap, inucchio, mdssa^ tas, monceau.


1 (Iw, ;i(^a)

2 (a^j^y^ifct^ow, to make round. 14 Also to loosen; a-xpt,}^Ui the 4 o-^aA|M,a, TO, fault, sin. same. 5 (*j?}^) cr^£v5'oi/ow & — £w, to Id adv. a^e^ov, tI, perhaps; sling. cr;)(;e5'to?, near. 6 a

wedge. [row. 1 9 a-xo>^»To^f slow ; ax,o>^iov, glass

7 £'^ym.o-

j>io?,5,longandnar- o;)(;;o^af6;, to be at leisure. 8 o-^iy|, ty^o?, the sphinx. 21 (aro?, to) <7w/xaT»xo(j,tf, bodily.

9 o-^o^^a, a great deal. 22

1 1 {^



Tav, from the Hebrew Tau—in numb(

1 TaXavrov, 8, talenttim, a talent, ta

2 TaXau), tolero, to suffer, sofferire, s 3 Tafxiag, promuSy a butler, dispensie

4 TaTreivocj humilis, despicable, ?

5 TttTTrjc, tapes, hangings or carpet, tap 6 Tapao-orw, turbare, to disturb, disturb 7 Tap/3oc5 formido, dread or fear, *pt

8 Tapt^ocj salsedo, brine, salamoia, si 9 Tap0ocj demitas, thickness, spessezi 10 TaCTtrw, ordino, to order, ordindre,

1 Tavpocj taurus, a bull, eV ^oro, taur 12 Tax^Cj ce/er, quick, presto, veiSce, 13 Tiyyu), tingo, to dip or tinge, tigm 14 Tfivw, eoctendo, to stretch, stiracchidi

15 Tttpw, attero, to vex, tormentdre, i 16 TeTyocj rnurus, a wall or rampart, m? 17 TeXXtJjjJio, to do or rise, /or uscire, 18 T£'Xoc& ?^„2^^ the end, or token, /«

19 Tfjuvw, scindo, to cut or cleave, 5eca 20 Tcv^o), roffo, to eat or gnaw, rbdere


1 Also scales. 12 rap/tvo?, 2 (crw, x«) TAaw, v^ca^ to suffer, quick also to venture; raXao?, 1.3 Ttvayo?, miserable. 15 (£^w,xa) 5 (»)To?, 6) TaTTt; & ^ctTTKj the 16 (£o?,to' 101


1 Tipag, signum, a sign, un scgno^ signc on fable.

2 TiQiiOf terebro, to bore through, pertugidre, percer c

3 TipiJ.a, termimis, end or bound, termine, limitc. 4 Tt^TTw, delectOy to delight, dilettdre, charmer, p 5 Tfpcrw, ar'facio, to dry or parch, arsiccidre, fait s^

6 TtTTi^i rauca cicada^ a gross-hopper, griilo, la c 7 Ttux^j fabrico, to work in wood, travaglidre, boi vaille.

8 Tf^pa, acj /?, cinis, ashes, la cenere, la cendrc.

9 Tf^v*!, flr5, art, address, drtCy deslr^zza, art, adi 10 TriKWy liquor, melt or dry, liqusfdre, liquefier.

11 Tij(>£cu, servare, to keep, guarddre^ garder, tient, ^privcy to deprive, privdre, prive, 12 T ' enleve Lpalpor, to grope, palpdvy chercher a tat( 13 Ti^a(T(Tog, cicur, gentle, tame, domdto, doux, pr

14 TiS-Tj/xt, pono, to put or suppose, porre, met, supp 15 TiKT(x},parturio,io bring forth,par/onre,mettre au m

16 TtXXo), C 'z;e//o, to pluck or pull, svellere, pique, arr

Xw, 1 mordere, to bite, mordere, mordre, et Cc 17 Tivao-crw, quartio, to shake or dart, scuotere, brai 18 Tirovocj cfl/j;, lime, plaster, calcina, chaux ou p

19 TiT^bg,TLT^i), mamma, the breast, il seno, sein, ti 20 Ttrpaoj, terebro, to pierce, strafordre, perce en c


2 (^o"ft/, x(x) To^cuw & —£w, the 10 T>3xo/Aa», to waste away same. 12 (^jc*;, x«) rnTufxat, to

4. ^J/M- fiat I ttoitvoc. aprfPfiahm ! nriv*»n : •r*iT*i. r»riva 1 1



1 TtrpwffKw, Icedo, to wound, ferire, blesser (perce).

,. ^, C honoro, to honour, onordre. fete, honoic t pumo, to punish, pumrcy punir, amendcr.^ 3 TolxoQ) murusy a wall, un muro, mur, muraille.

4 ToXfxa, riQ, audacia, boldness, arditezza, de I'audace. 5 To|ov, arcusy a bow or quiver, la faretra, carquois, arc.

6 ToTToc) 8, /ocw5, a place, uno luogo, lieu ou place, 7 TpaYocj hircus, a he-goat, mw becco, bouc ou puanteur.

8 Tpa7r£^a, 17, mensOy the table, /a tdvola^ la table. 9 TpauXoc, 6«/6M5,a stamraerer,^flr^fl^//dwe, begue (h^site).

10 Tpo^^rjXoc, collum, the neck, ?7 c6//o, coi ou cou. 1 TpaxvQ, asper, rough or harsh, duro,dspro, rude ou apre. 12 TpEtCj Tpta, /re5, three, tre, trois en nonnbre donne.

about, volfdre, aoritc. 1 o m ^ V tJer^o, to turn tourne,

(. evertOy to overset, rovesciare, renverser. 14 Tp£(^w, nutrio, to nourish, nutrire, nourir—a. 15 Tpix^D, curro, to run, correre, courir, (encourir).

Tplw, 7 (7^67710, to tremble or fear, tremdre, trembler, IP ^ 1 Tpe/icu, 3 craindre.

17 TptYiw, C ie/'o, wear and tear, usdre, dechire, use.

^w, ^a, (. to vex or torment, tormentdre^ tourmenter. 18 Tpt^w, slrido, to resound, strepere, rctentir.


{iioi, T^»j%w, to 1 T^w/xa & r^a,i>iJix, wound ; ca- 1 y) be stony. lamity; r^uroq, wounded. 12 T^»%«, three-fold.

2 T»/xaw, the same ; r'.^jiniJLX^ 14 (f. ^^t-vl/w, ^a) S^E-J/t?, educa- esteem. [bold action. tion.

4 roXfjMu, to dare ; ro'h^riiA.a,) a 1.) T^op(^c?, course. T^o/xEo) «& r^t[jt,aivu, the 5 ro^tvu, to shoot an arrow ; 16 Same. Toltxof, poison. 17 (4/w, (pa) 7r^i,'9o?,a beaten road. 7 T^ayl^cj, to smell of the goal. 18 (<7a;, xa) T§tJ{«, to murmur, 9 {r),ov) T^avAi^w, to Stammer. r^vyu¥, a turtle-dove. 10 T^otxrty^i(u, to twist by the neck. 2 ;. 1



Ctriticunif wheat or corn, grdno^ frum^ntoy bled 1 Tpv7»/,< ou grain. ' fruges, all fruit of the earth, fruttOy fruit des champs trou. 2 TpuTTo, ijcj »]j forameriy a hole, mw 6wco, creux ou C conterOy to break or tear, squarciare, rompt, de- 3 Tpuw, < chire. ^ pello, to push or thrust, sospingere, pousser. 4 Tpwyo), mandere, eat or gnaw, mflWg'mrc,manger,Tonge.

5 Tvy\av(jj, C s^^i lam, eo sowo, je suis, ouj'existe. & < obtineOfget or obtain50^^ewere,gagne,obtient. Tuyx"^^) C advenio^ to happen, succedere, vient, arrive. 6 TuXocj callus, a hard skin, ca//o, cal ou durillon. 7 Tvjuj3ocj bustum vel tumulus, tomb, tumuloy tombeau. 8 Twrw, verbero, to strike or beat, bdttere, frapper. 9 Tupavvocj tyrannusy a tyrant, tirdnno, tyran (roi). 10 Tupocj caseuSy a cheese, caczo, formdggio, fromage. 11 Tu^Xocj ccBCuSy blind, cf^co, aveugle, (sourd aussi).

fumum emitter ty to smoke, fdrfumo, fum^e jette. 1 T 'w> 5 ' 1 incendoy set a fire, infuocdre, mettre en feu.

^ f Tw3^aSw, contemno, to scorn, sdegndre, moquer, raille.

X , irrideoy to taunt or mock, motteggidre, mord et pique.


1 (*)?,^) r^vyau, to gather fruit 7 rvix0t1u, to inter. T^y|, yy°?» sweet wine. 8 TfTTTEw —ou & a^a>, the same;

2 (*j?,r)) T^uTTficw, to bore a hole. rv[jLiJiu, a blow ; Tt/wo?, a 3 (crw, xa) r^v^Uf the same. mark.

4 Tg«|, a worm ; t^wxt*??, glut- 9 Tt/§a»v(? & Tv^uvviu, tyranny.

ton ; r^uKTO', rkf the desert. 10 (5,o) To^ou & rv^tvu, to curdle,

5 Tvy^a^w, the same ; Tt5%»), to embroil.

chance; aTy;)(^£a;, to be un- 1 (^, ov) rv^Xoa, to blind.

happy; ivTvyiu, to suc- 12 (f. •^v4'*'> ?''*) Tv^oUf the same; ceed, to be happy. Tf^os, smoke, pride.

6 rv'Ket & Ty^»J,the same ; rv7\.6u, 13 {^ffu, xa) ETriTd/So^iw, to rally. to harden. ;



'Y denotes four hundred.

1 "YaXocj 'oitrum, glass or crystal, 'cetrOj crystal, verre. 2''Y/3pfc> injuria^ dishonour, ingiuria^ injure. 3 'Xytrjg, sanus, sound, healthy, sdtio, sain, salubre. humidusy moist and wet, umidoy humide.. A, ^Y y 1 iubricus, slippery, guizzdnte, glissant, lisse. 5 "YScu, cano, to sing, cantdre, chanter, c^Mbrer. 6*'Yda)p, aqua, water or moisture, Vdcqua, eau, moiteur.

T^\^\og, nugce, trifles, bagatelle, niaiseries.

8 *'Y(6c, filius, a son or offspring, figlio, un fils. 9 'YXatu, latrare, to bark, abbajdre, aboier. 10"YXi?, siha, forest or wood, bosco, for^sta, bois, foret*

] 1 "YiuLrjv, membrana, a membrane, membrdna, peau, mem- brane.

IS^Yvvocj equuleus, a colt or tit, cavallino, bidet (rosse). 13'*Y7rap, visio, a vision or dream, nisione, vision, reve. 14 'YTTcp, super, upon, above, sopra, sus, dessus. 15"Y7rvoc, somnusy the sleep, sonno, somraeil ou repos. IG^YTTTiocj supinus, supine, 5Wp/wo, sur le dos.

17 "Y«?fpocj ) coming after, posleriore, ce qui suit. 18 'Y<^aw, /e>ro, to weave, Ussere, ourdir ou tresser. 19 "Y^oC) altitudo, the height, ait^zza, haut, somraet,

20 "Yw, (TO), Ktt, p/woj to rain, piovcre, pleuvoir.


1 (a,^) yeAo? & y«^»J, the same : 9 (c-w, xa) Ixaoirtid, the same. ideAEo?, made of crystal. 12 iwoq, ymo<;, the same. 2 (£«?,^)t'i3Eifw,to do injustice. 13 (to, indeel.) 3 (6 xa* ^, £?) yyiaivw —a^«, tO 15 («, o)w7r»eft;, tO sleep; nvirnot, be healthy. a dream. 4 (a, ov) yy^or*)?, humidity; ly- 17 (», ov) vri^tuj to be the last quivu, to moisten. Lat. posterior.

5 t'Jfw, the same ; u^»)?, a pool. 1 8 (era;, xa) y^ow, the same.

(> (aTO(;,To) w3)jo?,/iy


$t stands for five hundred.

1 ^o7ttf, manducare^ to eat, mangidre, manger, vivrc. 2 fpaivu), lucere, to shine, brilldre, briller, luire. 3 ^atocj fuscusy brown or dark, hruno^ brun, obscur. 4 ^cLKiWoQ, fasciculus-^ bundle, fardello^ un paquet.


8 aX6ci splendensy clear, bright, chidro, brillant, clair. 9 OapayS, precipitium, a precipice, precipizio, precipice. 10 ^apjuaKov, venerium^ poison, vel4no, poison, drogue. 11 $apoc, palla-, kind of gown, toga, robe ou voile. 12 ^apuySj guttur, the throat, /a g*o/fl, col ou gorge. 13 (pdrr^v, prcesepe,a manger, mangiatoja, mangeoire, auge.

14 ai;Aoc5 pravus, wicked, base, vile,bdsso, m^chant, bas.

-tfi^^ ( luceo, to shine, risplendere, briller. ' 1 intereo, to kill, ammazzdre, assassine.

16 $£j3o/Ltat, aufugio, to run away, fuggircy fuit, s'enfuit

17 ^iyyog, splendor, brightness, splendore, jour, splendeur, 18 ^fiSojuat, parco, to spare, risparmidre, s'abstenir, 19 4>£XXoc> suber, cork or bark, /a buccia, du liege. 20 $£va^, impostor, cheat, ingannatore, croc, iilou. ^1 $lva>, prcedor, to plunder, sacchegidre, saccager.


1 (^ayw & ^ayojiAai) (pxyoqy a 11 Physic, ^u^fJt.uia-a'w, tO poison. glutton. 12 (t^yyo?, 0, ^) also artery.

2 (v«, xa) a(peivr)<;f invisible: 14 (»j, ov) ^Xav^oq, the same. ^wvt^o?, apparent. 15 (^ao?, eo?, to,) light, sunshine. 5 (», o) a run. 16 (po/5o?, fear; ^ojSs^o?, dreadful. 6 (ayyo?,fl) (paXayytov, the same. 17 (to?, to) (piyya^ to enlighten. 7 (a, oy) ^aXax^aj, the bare 18 (£»a-o/xa»)^Et^&>,oo?,^,oeconomy. naked earth. 21 ^((pvu, the same; ^o^yw, to

® (^,ov) also polished ; (poi>iO(;,8f commit murder; (povoq,

0, a small shining shield. murder. 105


1 $£p/3w5 pasco, to feed or pasture, pascoldre, nourrit, pait. 2 ^epvrj, dos, a wife's portion, dote, dot, mariage. 3 ^t'pw, fero, to carry, portdre, porta, obtient.

4 (Pevyu), aufugioy to shun, schimre, fuit, evite.

5 ^iipaXog, scintilla, a spark, scintilla, I'^tincelle.

6 ^Yiyog, 5, 17, fagus, a beech»tree, fdggio, un hetre.

7 )7Xocj impostor^ a cheat, truffatore, faux, fripon. , 8 ^^avw, prcevenio, to prevent, prevenire, prevenir.

9 3f£'yY0juat, affariy to speak, parldre, parler, dire. 10 3f€w, corrumpo^ to corrupt, corrompere^ corrouipre.

11 4>3^ovoc5 invidia (est), envy, invidia, Tenvie.

12 taXr|, D2flf7fl, a glass or phial, caraffina, verre ou phiole.

13 fXiCj canna, reed or flute, cdnna, canne ou flute. 14 ^iXocj amicus, a friend, amicoy ami, amateur.

15 ^t/u6cj camus, a bridle or bit, /a hriglia, la bride. 16 ^Xa^u), clamitare, to chatter, ciarldre, criailler. 17 ^Xaw, frango, 'o break or smash, frdngere, briser. 18 ^Xtyw, uro, to burn, brucciare, bruler, enflammer. 19 (p\i^, vena, a vain, vena, veine, d'ou ph6botoraie. 20 ^Xiojy nugari, to trifle, ciancidre, baguenauder. 21 ^XiSaw, putresco, to rot, infraciddrsi, se pourrir.

22 4>XoT(TJ3oc, murmur, noise of water, rombo, Teau qui gronde.

23 4>oTj3oc5 clarus, clear, bright, chidro, clair (Phoebus).


l(i|/w,(p«)(po^^^,(po^/3Eta',pasture 1 ! ^So^ty, to bear envy. ^ix/w, to 2

3 (pogEWjto carry ; (po^^o?, he that 16 ^ijxouf to put a bit. carries; ^o'^o?, tribute. 17 to devour; (pAa^taw, the same. 4 (|a), X") ^^y^ ^ (pvt,to, the 18 (|w, %») (pxtyi^u^ the same. same; (pvyecq, fugitive. 20

^vu & — v^u, the same, 7 («, o)


1 ^l^oivi'if palma, the palin-lrec, pdlmo, palmier, palinc. 2 4>oAic) squamma, skin or scale, scdglia, peau, ecaille.

3 oproc, onus^ burthen, cdrico, p^so, poids, fardeau. 6 (popv(D, pinsoy to knead, impasture, petrit, mele. 7 <^pd^iOy dicoy to say or utter, projferire, parler, dire. 8 (ppaorcrw, sepioy to hedge in, insiepdre, enceindre. 9 fpparpiay curia, court or assembly, cortCf la cour (fait). 10 ^piapy aroQy puteuSy well or ditch, pozzo, puits ou fosse.

11 p77v, mens, the mind, mtntey sptrtOy I'esprit, la raison. 12 $pt^, fremitus, roaring of the sea, ruggito, bruit dcs vagues. 13 ^povTigy cura, care or thought, pensi^ro, soin, pensec.


15 OkoC) fucusy paint for the face, bellettOy fard, peinture

16 i>Xa(T(Tw, custodioy to guard, custodircy garde, observe.

17 4>uXr7, ^Cj tribusy a tribe or race, stripe, tribu, race.

18 vXXov, 8, foliumy a leaf, fogliay feuille ou page. 19


21 ovi7, I'OJ?, voice, report, /rima, rapporto, bruit, rumeur. 22 ^wp, /wr, thief or a rogue, Iddro, larron, gueux.


1 (»>to^, o) the phcenix. 14 (|a/, ;^a) ^^yyai/oi', a faggot.

5 (tf, o) (po^Ttfu, to oppress. 16 (|&^, %a) (pvXa^, a guard. 7 (<7&;,>£a)(p^a^(xa;, to interpret; 17 (pvXov, the same.

(p^(x,^vi, (p^cc^vjq, wise. 18 (pvXMov, the same; ,?^, 9 («?, ^) (p^xrv)^ & (p^oiru^y of a^oj, a heap of leaves. the same tribe. 19 (ww, xa) (pCa-niJLXy puffing; 11 (evo?, ^) (p^m-?, prudence;

12 (uo?, r))



X denotes six hundred.

1 Xa^o>5 discedo, to retire, ritirdrsi, se retire. 2 Xaivw^ hisco^ to gape, sbadiglidre, s'entr'oiivrir. 3 Xaipw, gaudere, to rejoice, rallegrdrsi, se rejouir. 4 Xatrrj, juba, the mane of a horse, il crine, la crini^re. 5 XaXaZa, grando, the hail, la grdndine, la grele. 6 XaXau), laxo, to loosen, scioglier, lecher, amollir.

7 XaXcTTTw, ;//w, Icedo, to hurt, nuocere, nuit et fache. 8 XaXivog, frcenum, a bridle, hriglia^ freno^ frein ou bride. 9 XaXt^, silex^ a flint or pebble, splice, caillou. 10 XaXicocj cesy brass or copper, rdme, bronzo, bronze, airain. 11 Xapa

,. ,, „ rlaxus^ loose, porous, sciolto, mou, poreux. 14 Xauvoc, i , ' 1,. 7' \altus, high,u proud,^ orgognosOy orgueilleux.11

15 XaAoc, labrum, the lip, ^7 Idbbroy levre indique. 16 XtTjua, h?/ems, winter, a tempest, inv6rno, Thiver dur. 17 Xctp, x^Tpocj manusy the hand^ /a mdno, la main donne. 18 XcXtSwv, hirundoy the swallow, rondinella, I'hirondelle. 19 XiXvg, testudoy a tortoise, testuggine, tortue.

20 Xl/o/ooc, desertus, desert, des^rtOy desert, landes. 21 Xco), fundoy to pour out, i^er^dre, repand, verse.


to gratify* 1 (<7w, «a)%av^av&', to contain. 12 {iroq, h) xa§/fo/xa», Loii. inhiare x*<7"k&», 13 %aT£y« & — »^«, the same. 2 (§w, Ka) ; ^'l ;gat;»oo/xat, to be loose, the same; x'^"'!*^ ^ X'**?* chasm, chaos. 15 (to? to) p^sXyy*) & %e?vwv»j, the

3 %aga, joy ; xagTos, joyful same. ov««, the X»'i^h fare you well! 16 (aro?, to) x»/a«.w, 6 y.a,yxet?iMo, to leap for joy. same. 7 (>|/w, (pa) ;)^a^£9ro?, pemicious. 17 %«gv»j?, a poor man. the same x^^(xtvu,io 8 (5, o) also power. 20 X'^croi, ;

»nark, lie untilled ; xto-o'fc;, to rum 11 (l*^* X*) PC*?***'^*'?' impression. 21 x^"^^*"> to spill. 1 ;



1 f XriXri, forfejc cancrorum^ — claws, artiglio, deaserres,

I rig, ?7, dens, a tooth, un^ dente, une dent. 2 Xrjp, vog, anser, a goose, unoca^ I'oie (male oiifemelle). 3 Xr/pocj ov, viduus, widower, vcdoTo, un veuf.

4 X^wv, ri, terra, the earth, la tcrra^ terre, globe. 5 Xikioi, milley thousand, miglidio, mille en nombre. C XfAocj y 'pabulum^ forage, fordggio, fourage.

5, 1 alimentum, food, cibo, vivanda, nourriture. 7 XiTwv<, tunica, tunic or waistcoat, tunica, tunique. 8 Xiwv, Ktovog, nix, the snow, la neve, frimat, neige. 9 X\aXva, Icena, cloak or garment, neste, vetement.

JO XXfvi], risus, laughter or joke, riso, ris, raillerie.

11 Xkiaivw, tepefacio, to warm, scalddre, fait chauffer. 12 XXtw, deliciis frango, to debauch, svidre, ddtourner. 13 XXoa, gramen, grass or verdure, er6a, gazon, herbe. 14 Xvauw, carpO) to pluck, strappdre, poil arrache. 15 XoLpog, porcus, a hog or pig, un^ porco, pourceau, pore.

16 XoX»7, bilis, bile or choler, coltera, colore.

17 XovSpocj granum, grain, il grdno, grain (ou cartilage) ^ 18 XopSi7, chorda, cord or string, corda, la corde sonore.

^ f chorus, a ball or choir, coro, chceursou danses. 19 Y ' \ , rout or assembly, assembUa, gala, bal.


2 (vo?, xat ^) %>)i'HW, to jest. 12 x^i^^uj, to Hve in pleasure

3 x^^a, a widow. X^^^'>^) %^'^*j/*») dehcacy. also hay 4 ;)(^-&ovto?, terrestrial. 13 ; x^'^'^^^^ & X^°^^°<;* 5 %»A»oa;, to fine a thousand green, verdant. drachms. 14 (^o-UfKot^ x^oo?) S?) sliaving. 6 %^^wT^^, the oat-bag fastened 15 (tf, xalri) %oj^o?, a^'o?, a sow. to horses' heads, &c. 16 p(^o^o^, the same; •/o'h.ipoi,, cho-

ler; ;)(;oXo&; 7 {Jjvo(;<, o) —a coat of armour. & x^^i to make 10 (r;?, ^) also scoffing. angry. 1 fomentation %A»a- 19 ;^o^ja&;i^o^£»«, pudding made ^\\uc-iA.a,y ;

^0$, warm. of milk and honey. 1



1 XopTOQ, fcenum, hay or grass, ^ewo, foin, gazou. r commodo, to lend, prestdre, prete (oblige). 2 Xpa(i),

16 Xwplw, C proficiscor, to give way, cedere, ceder.

. w, ( contineo, to contain, rinchiuder^ enserrer.

|rtrCXwpoc, x*^P"^ locus y a place, lubgo, lieu ou place.

1 , ager^ field or country, agro, champ, pays.


1 ^tj, o) jj^o^Tagiov, the same; 9 ijru, xa) ;j5^^'icr/xa, chrism. yopTot^o', fatten p^o^Tct

|w,a, nourishment ; yp^mota- jtxa, colour, beauty, /xo?, repletion. 1 x^ovi^o;, to last, to linger. 3 (a?, ^) %f»j^w & — »j»'^w, to be 12 (5, o) ;^§v£r£o?,5?,of gold,gilt. in need of. 15 ()9,o»')^fc;^aij'&;&—X£V&;,tolimp 6 («o?, to) %^£&/v, to, death. 17 (s, o) %£<^^iov, the same; x"?*"'' 7 (^«To?, to) yj^Y^LOirtltia^ to utter fxoq, a basket; ^o'^iTJjfj a oracles. peasant.

8 (">l/



^ denotes seven hundred.

1 "Va^vpog, friabilisy brittle, frdle, cassant, fr^le.

2 "i^aKoiQ, ttSocj ros, the dew, la rugicida, la ros^e.

f frcenuniy a bridle orbit, /re/?o, frein ou bride.

' 1 armilla, a bracelet, smaniglia, bracelet. 4 ^aXig, forfex^ a pair of scissars, forbid, ciseaux. 5 ^aXXw, tango, to touch or strike, toccdre, touche et frappe

6 ^dfXfioQ, afxfioi^, arena, the sand, Vartna, sable, arene. 7 ^aa>5 tergo, to wipe or rub, stroppiccidre, frotte, cssuie. 8 ^tyw, culpo, to blame, biasimdre, blame et gronde. 9 ^'eXXocj balbits, a stammerer, scilingudto, bredouilleur. 10 ^£i)8o), fallo, to deceive, pretendere, pr^tendre. 11 ^€^oc, caligOy dark weather, scuro^ temps couvert. 12 ^rjvocj calvus, bald-pated, speldto, pel^, chauve. 13 ^r)(^oc5 calculus^ a stone or pebble, ^e/ce, caillou, pierre. 14 ^la, Icetitia, joy, mirth, allegria, jeu, gaiete, 15 ^t3fupoc, susurrus, whisper, bisbiglio, chuchottement. 16 ^tXoc, tenuis^ thin, smunto, menu, mince. 17 ^tju/uuS^oc, cerussa, white lead, cerussa, fard, ceruse.

18 ^i^, 1], mzca, a crumb, micaj midolla, mie ou miette. 19 ^traicrj, psittacus, a parrot, papagdllo, perroquet. 20 ^oXocj fumusj smoke, ilfumo, fumee, flamme. 21 ^vXXoe, puleXy a flea, pulce, la puce piquante.


1 (a, ov) also weak, rotten. 10 (]/£:;^o/>ca» ,the Same; -vI/Ei/-

2 also a drop; v)/£xa?, the same, 3o?, TO, a lie ; -^v^Uf to feig^n

3 (a, to) iJ/EAAta, the same. 12 (^, ov) •vl/»)vt^6;, to share.

4 (i^o?, ^) also a vault. 13 also a vote ; -^ripli;, the same 5 (aXol, Ka) \fa,'Ky.(X. & i)/«X/*of, v|/>?^t'^w, to collect the votes.

psalms. 16 also naked ; -^iXiu, to strip.

6 (», ^) -v^a/^AaSo?, the same. 17 (a, 6) ^i[ji.[ji.iv^iof, the same. (»?o-w, 7 xa) >l/^;)(;&/, to rub, to flat- 18 (%o?, o) ij/tj)^^, the same; 4"-

ter ; -^eciu & -vj/ai^w, the same. Xiov, a small crumb. 8 -^oyoq, blame, reproaeh. 12


. , V f f anima, the soul, Vdnima^ Tame ou vie.

' Lpapilio, butterfly, la farfalla^ papilloii. 2 "^vxiiii refrigero^ to cool, rinfrescdre^ rafraichir. S ^wa, fcetor^ a stink or strong smell, fetore^ puanteur. 4 ^wjjLog, frustum, a mouthful or bit, boccone, une bouchde.

5 ^wpa, acj 1?) scabies^ the itch or scab, /a scdbbia, la galle. 6 ^wx^j comminuo, to crumble, sminuzzdr, ^mietter. DERIVATIVES.

1 (^?> ^) '4't'%o«^> to enliven. 4 (», o,) -vj/w/xia/Aa, the same. 2 (I^'jX**) ^'^'xco?* cold, frozen. 5 (a?,r)4'ft'§taft;,to have the itch.


Clfi£ya stands for eight hundred.

1 'i23-£(i), trudo, to push or thrust, spignere, piquer.

2 'Q,Kvg,promptuj, active,swift,pre5^6,t)e/6ce,prompt, actif.

3 'ilXlvrj, cubitus, the elbow, il gomitOj le coude.

4 'iljuLog, crudusy raw, cruel, crudo, crud^le, cru, cruel.

5''i2juoc5 5, humerus, shoulder, omero, spdlla, une ^paule.

6 'ilvcojuaf, e/720, buy or market, comprdre, acheter. 7 'Qov, wtov, ovum, an egg, ww mouo, un ceuf. S"Q.pa, tempus, time or age, il t^mpo, terns, espace.

9 'Q>gvo), ululdre, to howl, urldre, crie et hurle.

10 'Hj^eXIw, Ktt, juvare, to help, ajutdre, qui nous aide.

11 'i2xP^^> pallidus, emaciated, smorto, pale et bleme. DERIVATIVES.

1 {jn(TUy >ta) w^tf*;, the same. 8 (a?, ^) u^ouo(;, seasonable. 2 («r«, y) wxt^TTj?, swiftness. 10 (no-a>,xa) vtW. o^ihXu, w^eXtja, utility, help. 5 ( «, o) «fAoa$, «, broad-shoul- ^ dered. 1 1 «x§o?. paleness ; w;)^^o/xa», the

6 ( f. ^aoiJi.on) wvrc^K, a purchase. same. 7 (S, to) w'to>, the same.





INDEX Crowd 3 4 90 16 CorB>ar of 57 6 4 9 t3 IS 17 54> 1» Corarr, 96 33 Cn>w«,to 97 to 91 4 Cnwl ii: CootCy to !iO 18 GorrafC, 37 3 106 10 Cniec, oil ^ H 40 9 19 19 Cnunb 111 13 47 3 SI 9 CramUe 113 6 CoMb 58 17 29 13 j Cry 65 6 Cull no 17 I 10 1 Comb, wool 76 Crrstal Govt 16 13 58 13 ConiMiad, U> 51 14 107 3 68 6 Cub%r 59 11 3 I 3 Cocttmbrr 94 5 13 10 Cumoiiu; 31 11 4i 10 Cup 38 19

90 13 i 50 30 33 9 ! 59 3 36 8 I CD 5 .*4 33 95 14 97 7 1 j Cupboard il 12 j Core a 3 50 14 I 46 4 63 10 Curl 55 15 35 17 Corkd 83 3 54 13 Cnrrycomb 98 3 74 8 Costom 33 16 25 4 75 13 36 17 Cut," to 100 19 58 90 Cutoff 70 19 13 14 36 17 55 3 13 cycle 59 13 3 18 63 5 D. t>4 19 ^7 3 Dainriaci! 76 92 2 4 59 19 39 9 30 17 86 3

^ 6 Duce 16 1 97 4 94 14 56 4 D»rk 9 10 .. 13 34 9 105 Crow, to bi 13 3 wifalfcrr 111 |1 ti INDEX. INDKX. rit a


page, line Fawn 5 4 Fear 78 8

Fear, to 38 3 100 7 102 16

Fearful 28 6 Feast, a 38 10

Feast, to 28 4

Feed, to 31 13 43 18

Feel, to 6

Feign, to 87 Fellow 37 13 Feminine 43 8 Ferule 74 Festival 35 Few 78 11 Fever 90 U Fibre 48 3 Field 3 2 26 16 62 IS 110 17 Fierce 15 6

Fight, to 67 8 68 2 Fight, a 3 7 9 17 73 11 Fighting 83

File 92




Find, to Fine, to Fine, Finger Finish )NDI-:X.

page, line page, line 12 Fry, to 107 14 Gnaw 27 54 8 2 Full 25 100 20 14 69 103 4 87 11 Go, to 20 18 Funerals 58 18 75 2 Furnace 50 1 Go away 78 4 Furrow 16 11 goat, he 102 7 Fury 36 10 she 5 11 God of riches 87 17 — of war 13 l2 Gain 51 21 Goddess of air 41 Gallows 97 4 Gape 108 2 Garden 52 10 Gate 45 2 90 8 Gather 9 11 Gazer 43 5 Gently 40 8

Get, to 58 15 59 20 103 5 Gird, to 39 15

Girdle .. 15 .. 16 Gift 27 9 31 18 Groom, bride 32 10 Give, to 29 19 — way 110 16 Glass 59 104 106 12 Glitter 9

Glory Glutton

Gluttony Gnash Gnat INDEX. INOEX. XI

pagCj line page, line page, line Javelin 19 15 Iron 94 4 Jaw 26 3 Island 75 5 Labour 35 15 82 16 94 1 Isle 75 5 Jay 55 5 Isthmus 48 5 Lad 40 6 53 21 Ice 58 10 Itch 112 5 Ladder .. 12 34 16 Judge 21 14 Lake Idle 20 64 4 to 30 15 13 9 19 57 22 Lamb 76 14 11 Juggling-tricks 66 1 Idleness 78 Lambkin 9 20 Juice 80 Jealousy 39 110 13 Lame 59 14 lllegitiinatc 75 12 110 15 Jump, to 8 13 Ill-luck 31 15 44 3 to be 94 13 Immolate 45 4 .. 15 Lament 53 3 53 10 78 17 immoveable 97 15 77 11 Implore 64 Just 14 14 81 8 Lamp 65 14 Imprint 79 Lance 84 18 108 11 Justice 42 16 95 13 In 35 1 Ivory 34 6 Land 51 13 Incline 91 12 Ivy 53 7 Lap, to 61 19 Inclined 89 8 62 18 Increase 7 15 K, Largeness 30 82 8 2 Larynx 62 Infamy 6 5 Keep, to 101 11 3 59 10 Keeper 82 5 Last, the 37 II 14 64 Ig 73 14 Kettle no 89 15 Infant 75 4 13 Kernel 90 to 69 Inferior 98 12 9 12 Kid 36 ——at 82 18 Infinite 72 18 Kidney 75 1 Lasting 41 4 Inflame 89 7 Kill, to 34 16 Late 74 14 Inform 84 20 6 49 82 18 Initiate 72 7 58 16 Laugh 49 1 Injure 94 8 Kiss, to 15 11 to 25 1 17 Kite 47 Innocent 4 Laughter 109 10 3 16 Knead 107 Laurel 28 1 Inquire 37 5 Knee 26 Law 42 16 Interpreter 36 14 Kneel 78 43 2 Intrepid 15 18 — Knoek 53 suit 30 1 Join 39 4 Knot, a 55 13 Lay bold 5 10 Joint 13 13 to 33 9 31 7 61 7 Joke 83 1 Knowy to 25 12 109 10 48 4 Lazy 73 14 Jove 39 5 90 9 Lead 71 14 Joy 111 14 Knuckle 20 — white 111 17 xu INDKX- Xltl


page, Perfume, a 72 15 —to Permit Persuade Pert Phalanx Phial Phlegm Picture Pie Pierce




vsnt Fine Pine-tree Pinnace

Pilot Pipe, a



Place, to — a Plague Plaguea a PJ^in

Plaster PlanK Play Pbyful XVI INDEX. ITtDEX. xvn

page, line Ruin, to 110 2 Rule, to 59 50 Rumn;ier CO RuiuQur 44 12 ^UD, to 43 4 45 73 102 15 Run away 105 16 Rush, a 99 18 Rush upon 6 3 45 81

Siick 44 §4cre4





Sail, to Salt

Salve, eye Sand

Sanguine jSausjige JBaw Say, to JScab .Scale Scales

Scarify Scalier Sceiw Scisiars XVIU INDEX.


page line Spit, to Stammerci 103 9 Straying Spit out Standard Spittle Star Spleen Splendid Split Spoil Spot

Sport, a


Spout, to Spread XT INDEX. IHHtft. XZI

page, line Tongue 26 Tooth 109 Top 57

Tops £15 Tofmerit 102 Tortoise Torture Touch

Tow Tower

Town Trample Tread upon

Treasure Tree Tremble T^ial %^^^ Tri&utc Tnck Trifle Ti'iumph Troop Trouble xxn INDEX. —

Sfoon will de Published



With the most difficult words trativslated [into English put to each page. This work similar to Telemach us, Numa Pompilius, &c. and the most calculated for the improvement of Youth, is offered to the Patronage of the Ladies and Gentlemen of Camberwell, Peckham and its Vicinity, where the Author has been many Years employed as a Teacher of Languages.


*#* Languages taught in Schools and Private Families by J. AL- PHONSE ROULLIER, of the University of Paris, by whom applications made personally, or by Letters directed for him at Mr. Constable's,

Camberwell Green ; or J. B. G. Vogel's, Camberwell Press, will be attended to. rt*^

t>rlnted at the camberwell press by j. b. g. vogel, 1, st. George's placb.

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