October 3, 1908
Pubmbeu every Saturday by WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY, Front, Pine an.1 VOL 87. OCTOBER 3, I Depeyeter sta.,N.Y.U.cytiliant B. Dana, Prost.; 1908. NO. 2258 and Sec.; Jacob Seibert Jr.. Ytoe-Prw,t Arnold G. Dana. Prom Addresses 01 all. Office of the Companv. CLEARINGS-FOR SEPTEMBER,SINCE JANUARY 1 AND FOR WEEK ENDING SEPTEMBER 26 September NM. Months. • eirartngs; , Week ending September 28. ' Inc. or Inc. or Inc. or 1908. 1907. Dec. 1908. Dec. 1907. 1908. 1907. Dec. 1906. 1905. $ $ $ New York. 6.782,183,014 $S S Philadelphia 6,030,228,747 +?2.5 54,484,299,162 68.135,495,630 -1.0 1,637.74,807 1,402251,911 416.7 .497,454,925 542,890,97U -8.4 4,318,269,043 5,492,928,770 -21. 1,923.940,039 1,603,904,695 Pit tsburgis 164,838,596 108,828,321 130,397,705 -16.5 P3,428,991 141,483.419 200,669,680 -17.9 1,534,625,560 2,087,716,068 -26.5 37,523,405 52,943,212 -29.1 Baltimore ' 101.886,230 112,529,326 903.103,930 1,110,968,900 48,606,087 46,946,128 Buffalo__ -9.5 -18.7 23,188,768 27,061,070 -14.3 24.972.130 24,592,828 Albany 33,349,354 33,513,374 -0.5 300,906,347 327,249.664 -8.0 7,689,016 8,303,370 24,594,588 21,796,069 .+12.8 202,672,430 269,179,285 -7.4 7,377,035 6,478,460 Washington ______ _ -24.7 7,849,411 5,553,980 +41.3 5,700,851 4,448,883 20,449,426 22,231,868 -8.0 201,118,254 233,062,238 -13.7 4,833,506 Rochester 13,306,437 13,315,133 128,035,355 5 329,579 --9.3 4,638,513 • 4,448,059 Scranton -0.06 139,850,058 -8.5 2,755,632 2:969,347 -7.2 3,585,014 2,800,391 9,207,751 8,799.148 +4.0 84.449,937 85,902,847 -1.7 2,167,457 2,194,934 Symms() 7,510,099
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