Openpiton: an Open Source Hardware Platform for Your
DOI:10.1145/3366343 OpenPiton: An Open Source Hardware Platform For Your Research By Jonathan Balkind, Michael McKeown, Yaosheng Fu, Tri Nguyen, Yanqi Zhou, Alexey Lavrov, Mohammad Shahrad, Adi Fuchs, Samuel Payne, Xiaohua Liang, Matthew Matl, and David Wentzlaff Abstract these frameworks must be highly configurable, be synthesiz- Industry is building larger, more complex, manycore pro- able to FPGA and ASIC for prototyping purposes, and pro- cessors on the back of strong institutional knowledge, vide the basis for others to tape-out (manufacture) their own, but academic projects face difficulties in replicating that modified academic chips. Building and supporting such an scale. To alleviate these difficulties and to develop and infrastructure is a major undertaking which has prevented share knowledge, the community needs open architec- such prior designs. Our framework, OpenPiton, attacks this ture frameworks for simulation, chip design, and software challenge and provides all of these features and more. exploration that support extensibility, scalability, and con- OpenPiton is the world’s first open source, general- figurability, alongside an established base of verification purpose, multithreaded manycore processor. OpenPiton is tools and supported software. In this article, we present scalable and portable; the architecture supports address- OpenPiton, an open source framework for building scal- ing for up to 500-million cores, supports shared memory able architecture research prototypes from one core to 500 both within a chip and across multiple chips, and has been million cores. OpenPiton is the world’s first open source, designed to easily enable high performance 1000+ core general-purpose, multithreaded manycore processor, and microprocessors and beyond.
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