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FPGA-8086-Poster.Pdf 1001100 1101111 1110010 1100101 1101101 100000 1101001 1110000 1110011 1110101 1101101 100000 1100100 1101111 1101100 1101111 1110010 100000 1110011 1101001 1110100 100000 110001110100 101100 100000 1100011 1101111 1101110 1110011 1100101 1100011 1110100 1100101 1110100 1110101 1100101 1110010 100000 1100001 1100100 0101001 1110000 1101001 1110011 1100011 1101001 1101110 1100111 100000FPGA 1100101 Design 1101100 1101001- Creating 1110100 101110 an Intel100000 1001101 8086 11 00001Microprocessor 1100101 1100011 1100101 1101110 1100001 1110011 100000 1100101 1101100 1100101 1101101 1100101 1101110 1110100 1110101 1101101 100000 1101111 1100100 1101001 1101111 100000 1101110 0100101 1100011 100000 1100110 1100101 1101100 1101001 1110011 101110 100000 1010000 1110010with 1101111 Modern1101001 1101110 Technology 100000 1101100 1100001 1100011 1101001 1101110 1101001 1100001 100000 1100001 1110101 1100111 1110101 1100101 100000 1101110 1101111 1101110 100000 1110000 1100101 1100100 1100101 101110 100000 1000100 1101111 0101110 1100101 1100011 100000 1110110 1101001 1110100 1100001 1100101Independent 100000 1101110 Study 1101001 by: 1110011 Elie Rosen 1101001 100000 1100001 Advisor: 100000 1100101 Dr. Michael 1110010 1101111 Caggiano 1110011 00000 1100011 1101111 1101110 1100111 1110101 1100101 100000 1101100 1100001 1101111 1110010 1100101 1100101 1110100 101110 100000 1010011 1100101 1100100 100000 1101110 1101001 1110011 1101001 100000 1110110 1100101 1101100 1101001 1110100 101100 100000 1110000 1101000 1100001 1110010 1100101 1110100 1110010 1100001 100000 Objective FPGA Hardware MS-DOS The primary goal of this project is to re-create an Intel 8086 Microprocessor • The field-programmable gate array consists of • MS-DOS initially released in 1981. based on an open source implementation of the processor's hardware over 10,000 individual logic slices that can be description language. In order to accomplish this, it was necessary to: 1) create programmed to act as individual low level • It was designed specifically to work and embed a BIOS into static ROM and 2) load the compiled hardware onto the logic devices and gates. with the x86 instruction set used by FPGA device. Once completed, an x86-based operating system, such as MS-DOS the Intel 8086 microprocessor. 6.22, was installed as a proof-of-concept demonstrating that the implemented • By configuring the logic elements to work processor worked. together, large and complex devices can be • The operating system came created (for example, an Intel 8086 Altera DE0 FPGA prepackaged with software which microprocessor). Development Board allowed users to develop their own programs in the BASIC language. FPGA configured to behave like an Intel 8086 Intel 8086 microprocessor demonstrating MS-DOS 6.22 • The release of MS-DOS brought foward a new generation of PC gaming. With the addition of better graphics drivers and support for additional memory, popular games such • First produced in 1978. Procedure as Doom and Rogue changed the PC into a respected platform for doing more than just work and computations. • The first official 16-bit processor capable of supporting up to a revolutionary • Compile Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) 1 megabyte of memory and 64 kilobytes - Performed with OpenWatcom compiler, the BIOS tells the of Input / Output data (I/0). processor where to look for further instruction when turning on. Rogue, a popular dungeon game created by - Provides necessary drivers for running hardware on the board such Michael Toy and Glenn Wichman • Backwards compatable with 8-bit applications to encourage as the SD slot which acts like a floppy disk drive. corporations to switch to the new technology. • Mount operating system to SD Flash Memory • Paved the way to future computing with the introduction of - MS-DOS 6.22 was placed byte-by-byte onto a 128 megabyte SD flash x86 architecture. memory card to allow a visual means to determine that the processor works. QBASIC, a prepackaged IDE • Compile hardware description for the Intel 8086 and interpreter for the BASIC programming language. - The x86 16-bit based processor was compiled using the Quartus II IDE for Verilog; this included all of the necessary components to create the processor such as: the ALU, Register Memory, VGA Drivers, Intel 8086 silicon die - the hardware for this and PS2 Device Drivers. design features over 20,000 transistors • Load hardware to FPGA - The compiled hardware description was then loaded onto the FPGA by using Active Serial programming which saves the description to the on-board flash memory. Acknowledgements • Mount BIOS to FPGA in static ROM - Once all of these steps were completed, the References: [1] Altera Corporation. (2012, Aug.) Cyclone III device handbook. [Online]. Available: http://www.altera.com/literature/hb/cyc3/cyclone3handbook.pdf BIOS was inserted into a static ROM which This project would not have been possible if it were not for the Altera [2] Z. G. Marmolejo. (2011, Feb.) Zet Processor - Source Code. [Online]. Available: https://github.com/marmolejo/zet [3] Open Watcom. (2010, Jun.) Welcome to Open Watcom. [Online]. Available: http://www.openwatcom.org/index.php/Main Page was created on the device at memory University Program which provided both an Altera DE0 and DE0-Nano FPGA [4] M. Toy and G. Wichman, “Rogue (video game),” 1980. [5] Altera Corporation. (2012, Aug.) Altera University Program - Learning Through Innovation. [Online]. Available: location 0x00000. DE0 memory Development boards. http://www.altera.com/education/univ/unv-index.html flashing software.
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