Wind River Vxworks Platforms 3.8

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Wind River Vxworks Platforms 3.8 Wind River VxWorks Platforms 3.8 The market for secure, intelligent, Table of Contents Build System ................................ 24 connected devices is constantly expand- Command-Line Project Platforms Available in ing. Embedded devices are becoming and Build System .......................... 24 VxWorks Edition .................................2 more complex to meet market demands. Workbench Debugger .................. 24 New in VxWorks Platforms 3.8 ............2 Internet connectivity allows new levels of VxWorks Simulator ....................... 24 remote management but also calls for VxWorks Platforms Features ...............3 Workbench VxWorks Source increased levels of security. VxWorks Real-Time Operating Build Configuration ...................... 25 System ...........................................3 More powerful processors are being VxWorks 6.x Kernel Compatibility .............................3 considered to drive intelligence and Configurator ................................. 25 higher functionality into devices. Because State-of-the-Art Memory Host Shell ..................................... 25 Protection ..................................3 real-time and performance requirements Kernel Shell .................................. 25 are nonnegotiable, manufacturers are VxBus Framework ......................4 Run-Time Analysis Tools ............... 26 cautious about incorporating new Core Dump File Generation technologies into proven systems. To and Analysis ...............................4 System Viewer ......................... 26 succeed, companies must optimize their Message Channels and TIPC .....4 Performance Profiler ................ 26 device software across the entire product Memory Analyzer ..................... 26 Memory Management ...............4 life cycle: from design through develop- Data Monitor ........................... 26 Error Management ....................5 ment, from QA to the remote manage- Processor Abstraction Layer ......5 Code Coverage Analyzer ......... 26 ment of deployed devices. The challenge Operating System Scalability Optional Add-ons for VxWorks for many device developers is in balanc- and Performance Tuning ............5 Platforms ........................................... 26 ing the need for increased speed, greater Small-Footprint Profile ...............6 Wind River Workbench efficiency, and lower cost with an On-Chip Debugging ..................... 26 File Systems ...............................6 acceptable level of development risk. IPL Cantata++ .............................. 26 Wind River Network Stack .........6 Wind River VxWorks platforms meet Technical Specifications ..................... 27 Wind River PPP (PPP, PPPoE) .....9 this challenge with an embedded platform VxWorks 6.8 ................................. 27 Wind River USB ..........................9 solution that combines VxWorks, the Architectures, Hosts, and VxWorks 6.8 Multiprocessing industry’s leading commercial-grade Board Support Packages ................... 27 Technologies ..............................9 real-time operating system (RTOS); Wind Supported Target Architectures River Workbench, the premier open Middleware Technology ............... 15 and Processor Families ................. 27 device software development suite; and Security .................................... 15 Supported Hosts .......................... 27 essential security, device management, Management ............................ 18 Supported Board Packages .......... 27 and connectivity middleware, including Distributed Messaging Partner Ecosystem ............................. 27 drivers and protocols for connected and Services ............................. 20 devices on the factory floor, wireless Professional Services ......................... 28 Bridging and Routing............... 21 peripherals, and other devices within the Installation and Orientation Graphics and Local Interface ... 21 network infrastructure. The VxWorks Service .......................................... 29 Connectivity ............................. 22 platforms are backed by Wind River’s 25 Education Services ............................ 29 Wireless .................................. 22 years of device software industry experi- Public Courses .............................. 29 Wind River Compiler and ence, a world-class support organization, Onsite Education.......................... 29 Wind River GNU Compiler ................ 23 a comprehensive partner ecosystem, and Support Services ............................... 29 Wind River Workbench a specialized professional services team. Development Suite ............................ 23 North America, South America, The VxWorks platforms are optimized and Asia/Pacific ............................ 30 Eclipse .......................................... 24 develop-and-run solutions for a range of Japan ............................................ 30 Project System ............................. 24 devices, from aerospace and defense Europe, Middle East, Africa ......... 30 (A&D) applications to networking and consumer electronics, robotics and Development Suite industrial applications, precision medical Wind River Workbench instruments, and car navigation and telematics systems. The platforms provide Software Partners a robust foundation for companies that Ada Support Advanced Flash Advanced Security need to leverage their investment in Support proprietary intellectual property. VxWorks Browsers CAN Common Internet File System has been deployed successfully in Databases Design Tools Graphics hundreds of millions of devices worldwide. High Availability Java Others Platforms Available in VxWorks Additional Middleware* Edition Wireless Ethernet Mobile IPv4/IPv6 802.1Q VLAN Media Library • Wind River General Purpose Platform: SSL & SSH IPsec NAT/Firewall IGMP/MLD RADIUS and This versatile platform is used for devices Wireless Security Crypto Libraries EAP ranging from aerospace and defense, Diameter Client automotive telematics, and small- SNMP v1/v2/v3 Web Server CLI/MIBway Learning Bridge footprint consumer devices to industrial VRRP Web Svcs-Interop/SEC DCOM CAN/OPC devices and networking equipment. IKE v1/v2 Cavium IPsec ROHC SCTP • Wind River Platform for Automotive Devices: Designed for the development Base Middleware** of applications that require high TIPC Distributed USB 1.1, 2.0 reliability, low power consumption, and a Shared Memory small memory footprint, its targets dosFs Flash Support Highly Reliable FS include both vehicle and security control (TrueFFS) systems (powertrain, engine, ABS, crash IPv4/IPv6 Network Stack PPP and airbag sensors, window/door entry) and in-vehicle systems (digital dashboard Operating Systems displays, navigation systems, telematics VxWorks/VxWorks Multiprocessing systems, and entertainment systems). • Wind River Platform for Consumer Hardware Partners Devices: This offers a fast-boot, small-footprint run-time environment Reference Designs, Semiconductor Architectures ideal for memory-constrained devices. Platform targets include digital video, Services mobile handheld, digital imaging, and Education Services and Installation Platform Customization broadband access devices. System Design Design Services • Wind River Platform for Industrial Hardware/Software Integration Devices: This provides industrial device manufacturers with essential multimedia VxWFigureorks 1: VxWorksplatform platformcomponent componentss and connectivity run-time technologies, * Included in VxWorks industry-specific platforms including drivers and protocols for ** Included in all VxWorks platforms connected devices on the factory floor, Workbench core and improved VxWorks wireless peripherals, and other devices New in VxWorks Platforms 3.8 within the network infrastructure. Targets and multiprocessing platform support, The latest release of VxWorks platforms include industrial automation, building on-chip debugging, and diagnostics tools. automation, and medical, transporta- includes updated and enhanced run-time Wind River’s device management tools tion, and test and measurement devices. components in VxWorks, as well as (add-on products to our VxWorks-based • Wind River Platform for Network industry-specific middleware technolo- platforms) provide a powerful, enterprise- Equipment: This enables customers to gies. These components can also be used wide infrastructure that enables develop- rapidly create, test, deploy, maintain, with the included VxWorks symmetric ment, test, and field engineering teams to and manage high-quality network multiprocessing (SMP) and asymmetric collect and aggregate data to diagnose infrastructure devices. The platform multiprocessing (AMP) technologies to and repair faults in running software at offers an extensive suite of security exploit the capabilities of the latest every phase in the device life cycle. protocols to protect network data. It is multicore processors. ideally suited for wireless infrastructure, This release also includes Wind River enterprise network, core networking, The Wind River Workbench 3.2 develop- Network Stack, using Wind River Advanced network edge, WiMAX/LTE infrastruc- ment suite includes enhancements to the Networking Technologies to provide ture, and broadband access devices. 2 | Wind River VxWorks Platforms 3.8 significant performance, scalability, and • Accelerate time-to-market through BSPs, drivers, and kernel applications feature improvements to the networking enhanced error management developed for or ported to VxWorks 5.5 capabilities
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