The of the Nativity 5955 St. Elmo Road Bartlett, TN 38135

Parish Office The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Hours: Mon—Fri 8:30a.m. to 5:00p.m. July 19, 2020 Phone 901-382-2504 Emergency Phone 901-603-3364

Pastor: Father Robert Szczechura, STL [email protected]

In Residence: Father Carlos Donato de Silva

Deacons: Frank Larker [email protected]

Chris Frame [email protected]

Seminarian: Matthew Brewer

Administrative Assistant/ Office Manager: Angie O’Neill Mass Schedules [email protected] Daily Monday - Saturday 8:00 a.m. Weekend Saturday Vigil 5:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. Bookkeeper: 10:30 a.m. Jim Moseley Spanish 5:00 p.m. [email protected] Filipino First Sunday of Each Month (Tagalog/English) 12:30 p.m. Director of Music: Polish Second Sunday of Each Month Kyung-Won On (except July & August) 12:30 p.m. [email protected] Holy Days As Announced

Parish Religious Education: [email protected] Sacraments Reconciliation — Saturday 3:30p.m. to 4:30p.m. Sunday 9:30a.m. to 10:00a.m. or by appointment Director of Youth Ministry: Spanish - Sunday 4:20p.m. to 4:50p.m.(1st Sunday of the month) Stephen Peyton Baptism — by appointment; please contact the parish office [email protected] Marriage — Contact the parish office at least six months before the wedding

Co-Directors Hispanic Ministry: Lyz Candia [email protected], BULLETIN DEADLINE: and Lillian Luciano 901-607-5982 NOON WEDNESDAY for the next weekend E-mail: nativity.bulletin@hotmail. com

July 18 & 19, 2020 Mass Intentions Please Pray for Our Sick

8:00am Weekdays - July Requested By Carey Casad Doris Dalton Lorrrie Hardin Mon 20th James Cummings + Bob & Mary Ann Trainor Patricia Pugh Jean Geoghegan Olivia Occean Tue 21st James H. Stewart + The Morning Group Rosalie Owens Mary Mahoney Shelley Miller Wed 22nd Leo Trainor + Bob & Mary Ann Trainor Fr.Mike Morgera Fr. Robert Ponticello Tina Albright Thu 23rd Fran & Bob Reavey + Gerry & Eileen Fitzgerald Grayson Spellings Gary Robertson Gilbert Lema Fri 24th Mr. & Mrs. M. Campos + Betty Ticer Paul Baker Miller AnneMarie Lee Allen Ellis 8:00am Saturday Archbishop Kurtz Claire Albino July 18th Sarah Sojourner + Father Robert & Staff Dolly Bagaglio Jean Schober Julia Moseley Daughter of June & John Patton Felicya Parsels Ann Cissell Charlene Edwards 25th Fanny Hopson + Faher Robert & Staff Mother of Ralph Hopson Pray for Our Troops 5:00pm Saturday July 18th Barbara Williams + George & Eileen Kuehl Senior Airman Christopher Dill; Pvt. John 25th Barbara Williams + Ken Pierce Dill; A1C Ryan C. Marlin; AO1 Andrew E. Hopson; Commander Derek A. Vestal, Pvt. Maria Witges, 8:00m Sunday Captain Luke Sauber (USMC), Colonel July 19th Parishioners Christopher J. Martindale U.S. Army, Richard A. 26th Jack & Mary Lucille Shirkey + Shelley Teems Martin, Jr., BM1, (USCG) Captain Tami Kerns (US Army-Afghanistan) Captain Kevin Kerns (US 10:30am Sunday Army-Hawaii) Captain Nicholas Burton. SSG. July 19th Barbara Williams + Bear & Julie Bearcroft Carol Hopson, Graven EF Specialist , 26th Parishioners Capt. Eric Wilder, MD, USAF; Cdr. Tim O’Kane

5:00pm Sunday - Spanish July 19th Josefina Esparza Estrada + † From Death to New Life 26th May Those We have Loved & Lost Rest in Peace

Tom Marino Beloved Husband of Bettye Marino ~~~Pray for World Peace~~~ Beloved Father of Thomas J. Marino

Irene Czajkoski Bruchas TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Beloved Mother of Janet Sutton

Beloved Mother-in-Law of Robert Sutton By the dawn of the fourteenth century, the sacrament of Beloved Grandmother of Emma, Ellen, Simon & Benjamn confirmation was ripe for a rescue, since vast numbers of the faithful never received it, and when it was celebrated, it was done so in isolation from baptism and Eucharist. A READINGS FOR THE WEEK bishop named William Durandus set out to reclaim this Monday: Mi 6:1-4, 6-8; Ps 50:5-6, 8-9, 16bc-17, 21, liturgy, but he had a creative touch and added some 23; Mt 12:38-42 things into the mix that had never been thought of before. Tuesday: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 85:2-8; Mt 12:46-50 One was a slap. Oddly, he replaced the kiss of peace at the Wednesday: Sg 3:1-4b or 2 Cor 5:14-17; end of confirmation with a slap on the cheek that endured Ps 63:2-6, 8-9; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 to modern times. This “wake-up call” was related in his Thursday: Jer 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13; Ps 36:6-7ab, 8-11; imagination to a custom in the military, wherein ceremo- Mt 13:10-17 Friday: Jer 3:14-17; Jer 31:10-12abcd, 13; nies of knighthood and investiture involved a symbolic Mt 13:18-23 wound as a sign of willingness to suffer. Saturday: 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126:1bc-6; Mt 20:20-28 Within every congregation today there are people who Sunday: 1 Kgs 3:5, 7-12; Ps 119:57, 72, 76-77, have memories of fretting through their confirmation lit- 127-130; Rom 8:28-30; Mt 13:44-52 [44-46] urgies, anxious to know how enthusiastic a slap the bishop would bestow. Durandus loved symbolism and had a reason for every ritual and practice, but his AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES creative spin on the celebration shows how sadly adrift Sunday: Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time confirmation was from its anchorage in baptism, how far Monday: St. Apollinaris off-course from its home port of the eucharistic commu- Tuesday: St. nity. Wednesday: St. Thursday: St. Bridget —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Friday: St. Sharbel Makhlūf Saturday: St. James

The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Nativity Information

July Altar Flowers Donated By Nativity's Blood Drive is TODAY in Stelling Hall from 18/19 Don & Gladys Vestal - in honor of 12-3pm. If you don't have an appointment, stop by their 50th Wedding Anniversary anyway. There are usually open spots with room for YOU! Vitalant provides blood for a large portion of the 25/26 Betty Ticer - in memory of Betty tri-state area and the need is always there. Make plans to Campos’s Birthday donate and see how good it feels to save a life!

Altar Flower Dedication Worship in our church is an experience of SHARBEL MAKHLŪF (1828-1898) beauty. The flowers in the sanctuary are an July 24 important and beautiful symbol of what we offer to God in our worship. Every member of the The convenience store owner chatted animatedly parish is invited to contribute to the beauty of our worship by giving the in Arabic with coworkers, but hardly at all with his altar flowers on a particular Sunday in memory, thanksgiving or American clientele. So soon after 9/11, he probably celebration for people or events that are important to that donor. There will be one dedication per Weekend. The cost for the figured, with my accent, the less said, the better. flowers is $65 or $100. If you would like to make such a gift, please contact Angie O'Neill at 382-2504. Thank you in advance for your That changed when an American customer recog- generosity and for contribution to the beauty of our worship. nized Saint Sharbel’s portrait on the wall: “So you’re Lebanese Maronites!” The owner was happily in- Altar Servers credulous: “You know our saint?” “Not at first,” the All children in 3rd grade or higher and all customer admitted. “But we help the Catholic Near adults are encouraged to participate in the East Welfare Association, and their magazine pub- liturgy. Please call the Church office 901- lished that picture and called Sharbel the 382-2504, leave your name, and phone ‘Paradoxical Artisan of Peace.’ ” number.

“Everyone thinks we’re Muslims,” said the owner, “and some of my workers are. Saint Sharbel helps us live together in peace!” A hermit for twenty-three years, little is known of Sharbel’s life. He died after suffering a stroke while celebrating the liturgy. Mira- cles attributed to his intercession number in the thousands, and in war-torn Lebanon, Catholics, Or- thodox, and Muslims pray together where his incor- Called to Serve: Adults are encouraged to rupt body is entombed. become approved Liturgical Ministers by attending classes held periodically at Nativity. Please call the office, leave your name and How lovely if after our passing, we too could be re- phone number if you are interested in becoming membered for having brought very different people a Lay Minister. to the one God, together in peace. New parishioners: if you are already —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. commissioned as a Lector or Eucharist Minister, please consider continuing your service at Nativity. Contact Angie O'Neill at the church Office for more information.

FOOD FOR THE SICK Prison Ministry If you are interested in preparing food for parishioners in need, please call Susan Hanna at 337-

5745. If you are interested in joining the Prison Ministry please contact Shellie Teems at 901-230-0074. Volunteers are needed to IMPORTANT! visit the women in Jail East to share the ALL MINISTRY LEADERS NEED TO CONTACT Liturgy of the Word. Angie O’Neill BY EMail BEFORE HOLDING ANY MEETINGS OR CLASSES.

July 18 & 19, 2020

Nativity Information Diocese Information ATTENTION LADIES DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION / CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION WOULD YOU LIKE FOR YOUR HUSBAND, The Director of Religious Education works in collabora- FIANCE OR BOY FRIEND TO BE: tion with parish and diocesan staff to design, and imple- ment all facets of the Parish Religious Education program. A better Catholic? This includes preschool through high school catechesis, A better father? Sacramental preparation, and all young adult and adult A better husband, fiancé or boyfriend? catechesis. Using approved curricula and educational re- More active in your church? sources, assist the parish community to build a solid foun- A role model for youth? dation for spirituality, Christian living, ministry and out- reach. If the answer to any of these questions is YES, then urge him to join the Knights of Columbus. Duties (include but are not limited to): · Design and implement appropriate programs based on The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal lay Catholic men’s assessed needs of students at each level of instruction. organization who are the Champions of the Blessed · Communicate schedules, announcements, etc. to atten- Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ and dees, parents, and staff/volunteers. pray her Rosary often. Support the Priest. They are the · Recruit, train, supervise and evaluate catechists and pro- Ushers in church, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, They gram volunteers. are leaders in other ministries in our church and they do · Provide resources for programs, including curriculum fund raising for charities like: Special Olympics, The MR guides, books, electronic media, equipment, supplies, etc. Foundation (an organization that helps intellectually · Implement and/or support policies regarding instruc- challenged persons), Coats for Kids and many more. tional resources and curriculum, certifications and staff training/formation. If your husband, fiancé or boyfriend joins the Knights of · Prepare overall budget for parish religious education, Columbus because you ask him to do so, he will thank including all resources needed by catechists. you after being a member for a period of time. Do it · Maintain Religious Education Office resource center, today, you will be glad that you did! When you see a including study aids and equipment. member of the Knights of Columbus at church (he will be · Participate as required in parish, deanery, and diocese wearing a name badge to identify him as a member), ask meetings regarding religious education. him for a form 100 to give to your man to fill out to join · Provide reports on programs and events as required. the Knights. The only requirement for becoming a · Provide educational, spiritual, and retreat opportunities member of the Knights of Columbus is to be a practicing for religious education staff/volunteers, including dates of Catholic male who is over 18 years old and in good Diocesan-sponsored certification programs, retreats, standing with the Church. workshops, etc. · Attend professional workshops to further training and knowledge in the area of catechesis.

Qualifications: · Active member of the Catholic Church, current or willing to become a member of the parish. · Knowledge of and ability to share the Catholic faith. · Organizational skills, including time management, dele- gation, planning, financial management and budgeting. · Ability and experience to design and implement a wide variety of programs. If you would like to watch the mass being · Ability to work with parents and children of all ages. streamed go to · Bilingual English/Spanish preferred. How to Apply: Please submit a resume and letter of introduction to: the times are [email protected] with the job title in the subject line

5:00pm on Saturdays OR apply by mail to: 10:30am on Sundays Director of Human Resources 5825 Shelby Oaks Dr. 5:00pm Sunday - Spanish Memphis, TN 38134

The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Diocese Information

HOLY LAND CRAFTS The coronavirus pandemic has “The Spirit too helps us in forced thousands of pilgrims to leave the Holy Land. The streets our weakness, for we do not of Bethlehem and Jerusalem are empty for quite some time. The know how to pray as we cancellation of pilgrimages ought” having a serious repercussions for many Christian

families. In the past, when the Holy Land experienced wartime conditions, some people managed to Do you approach the temporarily find an economic niche outside tourism.

Lord in prayer with the However, the pandemic measures have affected all business sectors, including olive wood industry, and confident strength given everything to shut down. Even we as Holy Land Crafts & Pilgrimage group; are unable to lend them a hand during this difficult time because of the closures here in by the Holy Spirit asking the U.S.

that He make known your Because our visit to your parish this year is unpredict- able, we humbly ask you to visit our website unique vocation? If God WWW.HOLYLANDCRAFTS.NET and browse through the beautiful hand carved religious items. We value your may be inviting you to support through these unprecedented times. May God bless you and keep you safe. consider the priesthood or consecrated life Volunteer Opportunities: 2020-2021

Teen Advisory Board

Visit: Applications are open to rising sophomores, juniors and seniors at any local high school or home school. Applications are due by the end of August and can be Contact Fr. Robert at the Office of Vocations: 373 - 1244 or at downloaded from the volunteer tab on our [email protected] website

Ongoing: Join us in offering a Holy Hour for Vocations on the 2nd Thursday Food Pantry: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Thursday. of each month 6:30 pm at St. Louis Church Or sign up for a Clothing Closet: 9 a.m. to 12 noon with special sorting hours from 12 noon to 2 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Night of Discernment at the Church of the Nativity by calling 373-1243 Upcoming: 2020 Volunteer Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Great opportunity for families to serve together! July 18rh - October 3rd and December 12th * Men: 1st Monday of the Month (8/3) * Women: 3rd Monday of the Month (7/20) Donation Wish List Drop Off at Catholic Charities donation door Monday- Wednesday 9 a.m. to 12 noon Men’s Clothing Gently worn athletic shoes

Interested Volunteers contact: Mandy Lamey, Volunteer Coordinator (901) 722.4758 [email protected] For more information about us visit our website https://]

July 18 & 19, 2020

Diocese Information MARRIED COUPLES Course on Ethics at the Beginning You Can Help Your Marriage – 25% of surveyed couples say and End of Life they are ‘Happily Married’. For everyone else, there is Retrou- vaille. Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue The St. Martin de Porres National Shrine & Insti- … or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking tute will sponsor a course on ethics at the begin- about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille helps couples rebuild their marriages. ning and end of life. It will be offered on-line through Zoom and also on-site at St. Peter’s For confidential information about or to register for the next Church in Memphis. There is no admission fee. program beginning with a weekend on Sept. 4– Sept. 6, 2020. Call 800-470-2230 or 615-523-0631 or email: [email protected] or visit our web site at Classes in English will be given on Wednes- Note: Due to Covid-19, we will be day evenings, 7-8:30 p.m., July 22 & 29 observing social distancing. and August 5 & 12.

The course will consist of four sessions, two ad- dressing beginning of life issues and two, end of Guiding Star Memphis, the leader in life issues. As a text, it will use the United States life-affirming healthcare for women, will Conference of Catholic Bishops’ manual Ethical open July 1 and is now accepting ap- and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care pointments. Visit guidingstarmem- Services, sixth edition. or call 901-422-5152.

This not-for-profit ministry, located in a Fr. Carmen Mele, O.P. will instruct the course. Fr. beautiful new medical office at 100 Mele has a licentiate in moral theology and a cer- Tillman Street near Poplar and Tillman in Memphis was tificate from the National Catholic Bioethics Center founded by parishioners from Holy Spirit, Incarnation, St. in medical ethics. Francis, St. Louis and St. Michael Catholic Churches. It is financially supported by not only Catholic parishioners, Please contact Fr. Carmen Mele, O.P., if you but by members from other churches in our Greater are interested in participating. He can be reached Memphis community. at [email protected] or by calling 901-578- 6234 or 415-279-9234. “Women of all ages, backgrounds, ethnicities and creeds deserve access to life-affirming healthcare. We provide medical care that supports body, mind and spirit,” says GOOD SEEDS executive director Karen Pennell. Today Jesus continues to speak to his followers Mrs. Pennell continues: “Our medical services are pro- using parables. What a rich treasure we are given vided by Dr. Tina Burns, our full-time physician. She is today in three parables about the kingdom of amazing! And priests from several of our parishes are heaven! The kingdom is likened to a man sowing huge spiritual supporters.” good seed in his field, a mustard seed, and yeast mixed with flour. As they did last week, today the Whenever possible the staff seeks to provide natural op- disciples press Jesus for an interpretation of one of tions that are safer for all women ages 9 to 99. It is so im- the parables—the parable of the man sowing good portant that parents bring their teen daughters to the seed. Lest we think that these parables are simply clinic right at the onset of puberty so that they hear a mes- amusing little anecdotes, Jesus’ interpretation sage that is in line with Christian family values. should be seen for what it is—a warning. Wailing While Guiding Star Memphis accepts all major medical and grinding of teeth in a fiery furnace await those insurance, part of the mission is to also serve women who who are children of the evil one. This parable points are uninsured. to the struggle for today’s believer. Sometimes, through sin, we sow weeds and prevent the love of Please support Guiding Star Memphis. For more informa- Christ from blossoming. Let today’s Gospel help put tion visit or call 901-422- us back on track. Let us recommit ourselves to pre- 5152. paring for the last days, the harvest, by blossoming as the good seeds we were created in love to be. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Offerings for July, 2020

1st Week - Regular Collection: $10,735 Calendar of Events St. Joseph Fund: $ 1,733 IMPORTANT!

Final Monthly Totals for June All Ministry Leaders need to Regular Collections $39,157 ($39,667) contact Angie O’Neill by EMAIL St. Joseph Fund: $ 9,299 before holding any meetings or classes. ONLINE GIVING To set up a recurring giving schedule, visit us online at Locate the Online Giving button and set up your recurring giving schedule. The first time you give, you will select a password that will enable you to log in at any time and make changes to your giving or view your complete online giving history for Online Giving .

Scheduling Events at the Church

To All Ministry Leaders and Nativity Groups: We are a growing and vibrant Parish Community and I ask this special request of you. Please remember that we are a family of worship and share our God given gifts and church space to- gether. And as we continually grow in our ministries, I ask that group leaders please submit your yearly calen- dar by email or in writing to Angie O’Neill . We have July 22nd limited meeting spaces that fill up very quickly and it is most appreciated if all will communicate by email with angie.oneill for scheduling all events.

The Office Calendar is the Official Church Calendar. If there are conflicts in dates and times, we hope all of you are willing to work together to coordinate usage of our building and grounds. Thank you for your patience and understanding and for working together as a very large and faithful family. May God continue to bless each of us and the work we do as The Catholic Church of the Nativity. Fr. Robert



Keep your Information Current If your phone number, work number, cell number, Handicap Section - the first row on the right in the front of address, e-mail address, or name changes, please notify the office 382-2504. church is reserved for those who are handicapped. If you sit Thank-you! there communion will be brought to you.

Bulletin Information FORMED - Become a member it is FREE. You can view e-books, To View the Bulletin online go to or movies, audio books, audio bible, testimonies, inspiring talks and video to . studies to enhance your knowledge of the teachings of the Catholic Church. To set-up an account go to then follow the Go to for scheduled present/future events. instructions. Nativity's code is MV3JPX (all caps).