Summer Vacation at 6.30


23 Sort it Out 1 Corinthians 5:1-13 - Patrick Wheaton

30 Be Pure 1 Corinthians 6:1-20 - Mani Srimanth

August - ‘Summer Vacation’ Summer Programme

6 Pleasure Cruise 1 - Patrick Wheaton July - August 2017 13 Tummy Ache Jonah 2 - Day

20 Excursion Time Jonah 3 - Jonathan Griffiths

27 Sunburn Jonah 4 - Patrick Wheaton

Cheltenham Minster with St Matthew’s Church Office hours: Mon-Fri, 9.30am-12.30pm T: 01242 519520 E: [email protected]

Summer Vacation at 6.30


23 Sort it Out 1 Corinthians 5:1-13 - Patrick Wheaton

30 Be Pure 1 Corinthians 6:1-20 - Mani Srimanth

August - ‘Summer Vacation’ Summer Programme

6 Pleasure Cruise Jonah 1 - Patrick Wheaton July - August 2017 13 Tummy Ache Jonah 2 - Michael Day

20 Excursion Time Jonah 3 - Jonathan Griffiths

27 Sunburn Jonah 4 - Patrick Wheaton

Cheltenham Minster with St Matthew’s Church Office hours: Mon-Fri, 9.30am-12.30pm T: 01242 519520 E: [email protected] Cheltenham Minster

at 11.00am All-Age Summer Series

July July

23 Keep in Step with The Spirit 23 Title Galatians 5:16-25 - Jayne Seward 44:6-8/Romans 8:12-25 - Diane Bruckland

30 In Step with The Spirit: Love 30 Title Luke 10:25-37 - Warren 1 Kings 3:5-12/Romans 8:26-39 - Robert Sutton

August August

6 In Step with The Spirit: Joy 6 and Sarah: Believing for the Impossible Acts 16:22-34 - Andy Hall Gen 18:1-15.21:1-7/Hebrews 11:20-22 - Gareth Griffith

13 In Step with The Spirit: Peace 13 : Faith for the Future Mark 4:35-41 - Rachel Smith Genesis 48:1-22/Hebrews 11:20-22 - Andy Hall

20 In Step with The Spirit: Faithfulness 20 : Resting on a Trustworthy God Daniel 6:1-28 - Rod Pellereau Exodus 12:21-36/Hebrews 11:23-29 - Clare Dyson

27 In Step with The Spirit: Self Control 27 Anna and : Growing Old with God James 3:1-12 - Jayne Seward Isaiah 52:7-10/Luke 2:21-40 - Andy Hall

Cheltenham Minster

at 11.00am All-Age Summer Series

July July

23 Keep in Step with The Spirit 23 Title Galatians 5:16-25 - Jayne Seward Isaiah 44:6-8/Romans 8:12-25 - Diane Bruckland

30 In Step with The Spirit: Love 30 Title Luke 10:25-37 - David Warren 1 Kings 3:5-12/Romans 8:26-39 - Robert Sutton

August August

6 In Step with The Spirit: Joy 6 Abraham and Sarah: Believing for the Impossible Acts 16:22-34 - Andy Hall Gen 18:1-15.21:1-7/Hebrews 11:20-22 - Gareth Griffith

13 In Step with The Spirit: Peace 13 Jacob: Faith for the Future Mark 4:35-41 - Rachel Smith Genesis 48:1-22/Hebrews 11:20-22 - Andy Hall

20 In Step with The Spirit: Faithfulness 20 Moses: Resting on a Trustworthy God Daniel 6:1-28 - Rod Pellereau Exodus 12:21-36/Hebrews 11:23-29 - Clare Dyson

27 In Step with The Spirit: Self Control 27 Anna and Simeon: Growing Old with God James 3:1-12 - Jayne Seward Isaiah 52:7-10/Luke 2:21-40 - Andy Hall