Extra-Ordo-nary 22nd Week in Ordinary Time || PSALM WEEK 2 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 22ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Welcome 1/9 Monday 2/9 Monday of week 22 in Ordinary Time At this time of year we welcome many GREGORY THE GREAT, , Tuesday DOCTOR Feast new people into our 3/9 communities and we also welcome old friends back Wednesday of week 22 in Ordinary after the holidays. Wednesday 4/9 Time or Saint Cuthbert, Bishop Being a welcoming community is at the heart Thursday of week 22 in Ordinary Time of our faith and this week, Thursday 5/9 perhaps you could find ways to make someone feel Friday of week 22 in Ordinary Time welcome, particularly if they Friday feel left out or nervous. 6/9 Saturday of week 22 in Ordinary Time or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Saturday 7/9 Mary ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 23rd Week in Ordinary Time || PSALM WEEK 3 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 23RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Learning 8/9 Monday of week 23 in Ordinary Time Monday 9/9 or Claver Our Faith gives us the chance to learn so Tuesday Tuesday of week 23 in Ordinary Time much more than you can 10/9 ever find in a text book. It helps us to learn how to live Wednesday of week 23 in and grow as people. When Wednesday Ordinary Time we learn about we can 11/9 also learn about ourselves. Thursday of week 23 in Ordinary Time Think about the biggest or The Most Holy Name of Mary lessons you’ve learnt in your Thursday 12/9 life and how you’ve changed because of them. What could Saint , Bishop, Doctor you learn this week about Friday your faith? Don’t forget to 13/9 check out the ‘Learn’ stream on NDCYS Live on YouTube! THE EXALTATION OF THE 14/9 CROSS Feast ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 24th Week in Ordinary Time || PSALM WEEK 4 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 24TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Community 15/9 Cornelius, Pope, and , Monday 16/9 Bishop, Martyrs Tuesday of week 24 in Ordinary Time This week we think about or Saint , Bishop, the people in our lives. Tuesday 17/9 Doctor

Our community changes Wednesday of week 24 in and grows all the time and Wednesday Ordinary Time every person who comes in 18/9 brings something special and Thursday of week 24 in Ordinary Time unique. or Saint Januarius, Bishop, Martyr or Saint Thursday 19/9 Theodore of Tarsus, Archbishop of Canterbury How can you look out for those in our community who Saints Andrew Kim Taegon, Priest, we sometimes overlook - Friday and Paul Chong Hasang, and their 20/9 Companions, Martyrs how can we show them they important and valued? SAINT MATTHEW, APOSTLE, Saturday 21/9 EVANGELIST Feast ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 25th Week in Ordinary Time|| PSALM WEEK 1 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 25TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Inclusion 22/9 Monday 23/9 Saint Pius of Pietrelcina

Jesus calls all people to follow him. Our Lady of Walsingham He often caused outrage by being Tuesday friends with the kinds of people 24/9 society didn’t like. He wasn’t afraid to reach out to those people left out by Wednesday of week 25 in the world and he worked hard to find Wednesday Ordinary Time a way to include them in what he was 25/9 doing. This week we celebrate the feast of St. Vincent De Paul. Thursday of week 25 in Ordinary Time or Saints Cosmas and Damian, Martyrs He gave his life to reaching out to those Thursday 26/9 who were sick and lonely and vulnerable. He knew that they needed God’s love and compassion as much as anyone else. Friday 27/9 Saint Vincent de Paul, Priest Think this week about those people who often get left out. How can you show God’s Saturday of week 25 in Ordinary Time or Saint Wenceslaus (Wacław), Martyr or Saints Laurence love and compassion to them? Ruiz and his Companions, Martyrs or Saturday Saturday 28/9 memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 26th Week in Ordinary Time|| PSALM WEEK 2 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 26TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Rosary 29/9 Monday 30/9 Saint , Priest, Doctor Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, This week we enter Tuesday Virgin, Doctor into October - a month 1/10 dedicated to the Holy Rosary. It’s a reminder that The Holy Guardian Angels we can look to Mary not only as an example, but also Wednesday 2/10 as a friend who prays with us when we need her the most. Thursday 3/10 Thursday of week 26 in Ordinary Time Think about who you want to pray for at the moment and maybe take some time this Saint week to come to pray with Friday 4/10 Mary. Saturday of week 26 in Ordinary Time or Blessed Robert Sutton, Anthony Turner, George Douglas and the Martyrs of Leicestershire Saturday 5/10 or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 27th Week in Ordinary Time || PSALM WEEK 3 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 27TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Belonging 6/10 Monday 7/10 Our Lady of the Rosary

Tuesday of week 27 in Ordinary Time This week we’re going to Tuesday focus on what it means to 8/10 belong. We sometimes forget that being connected to the Wednesday of week 27 in Ordinary Time or Saints Denis, Bishop, and his Companions, Martyrs means we’re or Saint John Leonardi, Priest or Blessed John part of something incredible. Wednesday 9/10 Henry Newman, Priest There are 2 billion people who call themselves Christian and 1.1 Saint Paulinus, Bishop, and the Billion of them are Catholic. Thursday 10/10 Anglo-Saxon saints of our diocese Think this week about what you belong to. How does it feel to Friday of week 27 in Ordinary Time belong to something special and Friday or Saint John XXIII, Pope what effect does it have on your 11/10 life? Saturday of week 27 in Ordinary Time or Saint Wilfrid, Bishop and Missionary or Saint Hilda of Whitby, Abbess Saturday 12/10 or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 28th Week in Ordinary Time || PSALM WEEK 4 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 28TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Relationships 13/10 Monday of week 28 in Ordinary Time Monday 14/10 or Saint Callistus, Pope, Martyr

This week we celebrate a Saint Teresa of Ávila, Virgin, Doctor number of special Holy men Tuesday and women. Each of them had 15/10 a special relationship with God. Wednesday of week 28 in Ordinary St Teresa of Avila has an often Time or Saint Hedwig, Religious difficult relationship with God Wednesday or Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin and found a way to connect 16/10 through prayer. She didn’t find it easy though and it reminds us Saint , Bishop, that any relationship we have Thursday Martyr takes time, effort and work, 17/10 especially our relationship with God. Friday SAINT LUKE, EVANGELIST Feast What are the most important 18/10 relationships in your life? How is Saturday of week 28 in Ordinary Time your relationship with God? or Saints John of Brébeuf and Jogues, priests, and their Companions, Martyrs or Saint Paul of the Cross, Saturday 19/10 Priest or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 29th Week in Ordinary Time|| PSALM WEEK 1 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 29TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Encounter 20/10 Monday 21/10 Monday of week 29 in Ordinary Time The definition of an Encounter is “An unexpected Tuesday of week 29 in Ordinary Time meeting”. We can encounter Tuesday or Saint John Paul II, Pope Christ in lots of different places 22/10 but maybe this week we can think about finding Christ in those Wednesday of week 29 in Ordinary Time places we don’t expect to. Maybe Wednesday or Saint John of Capistrano, Priest we should also think about how 23/10 we can take Christ to unexpected places too. We can be the face of Thursday of week 29 in Ordinary Time Christ to other people and by trying Thursday or Saint Antony Mary Claret, Bishop to live our lives like him we can help 24/10 other people meet him, even if they don’t expect it! Friday Friday of week 29 in Ordinary Time Don’t forget to check out our 25/10 Encounter stream on NDCYS Live to see lots of ways to encounter Christ Saturday of week 29 in Ordinary Time or Saints Chad and Cedd, Bishops and Missionaries in your everyday lives. Saturday 26/10 or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 30th Week in Ordinary Time || PSALM WEEK 2 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Saints 27/10


The Saints are a fascinating Tuesday of week 30 in part of our Church history and Tuesday Ordinary Time tradition. A saint is one of those 29/10 men and women who in their life, and often their death, set us an Wednesday of week 30 in example of how to live a life for Wednesday Ordinary Time God. 30/10

They’re were not all perfect Thursday of week 30 in however! Often they made bad Thursday Ordinary Time choices and mistakes in their lives 31/10 too before turning back to God. ALL SAINTS Solemnity They give hope to us all that we Friday can be better people and one day 1/11 become saint’s ourselves! Saturday 2/11 ALL SOULS ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 31st Week in Ordinary Time || PSALM WEEK 3 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 31ST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Equality 3/11 Saint Charles Borromeo, Bishop Monday 4/11 Tuesday of week 31 in Ordinary Time There are lots of places in our Tuesday world where people are not 5/11 treated equally, because of their race, their gender, or just because Wednesday of week 31 in Ordinary they’re different. Wednesday 6/11 Time

Think this week about how you Thursday of week 31 in Ordinary Time can see each and every person as Thursday or Saint Willibrord, Bishop and Missionary a unique and special child of God 7/11 - created in his image and equal to everybody else. Friday 8/11 Friday of week 31 in Ordinary Time

DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN Saturday 9/11 BASILICA Feast ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 32nd Week in Ordinary Time || PSALM WEEK 4 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 32ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Individuality 10/11 Monday 11/11 Saint Martin of Tours, Bishop

Saint Josaphat, Bishop, Martyr God created us all equal - not all Tuesday the same. Each and every person 12/11 is an unique and special creation of God and this week we need Wednesday of week 32 in to celebrate all of the things that Wednesday Ordinary Time make us who we are and that 13/11 make other people individual. We are told that being ‘different’ is bad Thursday of week 32 in and that we should be ‘normal’ but Thursday Ordinary Time there is no such thing as normal! 14/11

Take some time to find the things Friday of week 32 in Ordinary Time you love about the people around Friday or Saint Albert the Great, Bishop, Doctor you and praise and celebrate them 15/11 for their individuality. Saturday of week 32 in Ordinary Time or Saint Margaret of Scotland or Saint Gertrude, Virgin or Saint Edmund of Abingdon, Bishop or Saturday 16/11 Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 33rd Week in Ordinary Time || PSALM WEEK 1 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 33RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Worship 17/11 Monday of week 33 in Ordinary Time or Dedication of the Basilicas of Monday 18/11 Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious This week we remember the Tuesday Presentation of Our Lady at 19/11 The Temple - this was an Act of Worship that all Jewish families Wednesday of week 33 in Ordinary did to give thanks to God for their Wednesday Time child. We also remember St Cecilia 20/11 who is the patron saint of music - another form of worship. The Presentation of the Blessed Thursday Virgin Mary When we come together to worship 21/11 God we are celebrating all that is good in our lives and reminding , Virgin, Martyr ourselves where those blessings Friday come from. This week think about 22/11 something you want to celebrate and Saturday of week 33 in Ordinary Time find a way to give thanks for it. or Saint Clement I, Pope, Martyr or Saint Columbanus, Abbot and Missionary or Saturday memorial of the Saturday 23/11 Blessed Virgin Mary ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 34th Week in Ordinary Time || PSALM WEEK 2 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R CHRIST THE KING T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Youth 24/11 Monday of week 34 in Ordinary Time or Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Monday 25/11 Virgin, Martyr

On the feast of Christ the King, Tuesday of week 34 in every year, the church focuses on Tuesday Ordinary Time its young people and celebrates 26/11 everything that you bring to the world. Youth is not just about age Wednesday of week 34 in however - it’s about our attitude. Wednesday Ordinary Time Anyone can be youthful if they fill 27/11 their lives with joy and excitement. National Youth Sunday is a chance Thursday of week 34 in to recognise what young people Thursday Ordinary Time bring to the Church of today. 28/11

Think this week about what it’s like Friday of week 34 in to being a young person in today’s Friday Ordinary Time world - is it easy? What difference 29/11 can you make to the world around you? Saturday 30/11 SAINT ANDREW, APOSTLE Feast ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 1st Week in adveNT || PSALM WEEK 1 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 1ST SUNDAY OF ADVENT T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Hope 1/12 Monday 2/12 Monday of the 1st week of Advent

The first week of Advent is Saint , Priest themed around Hope. It’s a Tuesday chance to remember the hope of 3/12 God’s people as they waited for Wednesday of the 1st week of a messiah and an opportunity to Advent or Saint John Damascene, reflect on our hope that one day Wednesday Priest, Doctor Jesus will come again. 4/12

What are you hopeful for in our Thursday of the 1st week of Advent world? If you could have just one Thursday hope for the future what would it 5/12 be? Friday of the 1st week of Advent God gives hope to everyone and as Friday or Saint Nicholas, Bishop we enter the season of Advent we 6/12 should remember that whenever things are difficult we can always Saint , Bishop, Doctor hope in God. Saturday 7/12 ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 2nd Week in advent || PSALM WEEK 2 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 2ND SUNDAY OF ADVENT T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Peace 8/12 THE OF OUR LADY, PRINCIPAL PATRON OF Monday 9/12 OUR DIOCESE Solemnity Tuesday of the 2nd week of Advent God gave himself to the world, or Saints Augustine Webster and Eustace not as a powerful king but as a Tuesday White, and the Martyrs of Lincolnshire tiny baby. He brought a message 10/12 of peace and humility to a world that needed it more than ever. Wednesday of the 2nd week of Advent or Saint Damasus I, Pope Think this week about the peace Wednesday in our world. 11/12 Thursday of the 2nd week of Advent Does everybody live in the peaceful or Our Lady of Guadalupe communities that we do? Thursday 12/12 This week let’s try and remember that during Advent we are called , Virgin, Martyr to bring the peace of Christ to Friday everyone we meet. 13/12

Saint , Saturday 14/12 Priest, Doctor ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 3rd Week in advent || PSALM WEEK 3 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 3RD SUNDAY OF ADVENT T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Joy 15/12

Monday of the 3rd week Monday 16/12 of Advent

The third week of Advent is Tuesday of the 3rd week centered on joy. We celebrate Tuesday of Advent Gaudete Sunday to remind us 17/12 of the Joy of Christmas that is almost here. Wednesday of the 3rd week Wednesday of Advent It’s a great chance to think about 18/12 what brings us joy in our lives and to give thanks for it. It’s also an Thursday of the 3rd week opportunity to reflect on how we Thursday of Advent can bring joy to those around us 19/12 and make the world a more joyful place for everyone! Friday of the 3rd week Friday 20/12 of Advent

Commemoration of Saint Peter Saturday 21/12 Canisius, Priest, Doctor ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 4th Week in advent || PSALM WEEK 4 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Love 22/12

Commemoration of Saint John Monday 23/12 of Kęty, Priest

In the final week of Advent we Christmas Eve focus on love. The love Tuesday had for Mary, the love they 24/12 had for Jesus and the love god showed the world when he gave CHRISTMAS DAY Solemnity us his only son. Wednesday 25/12 Jesus’ birth is the greatest act of love in all of history and it inspires , THE FIRST us to always share that love with Thursday MARTYR Feast other people. 26/12

Who do you love and how do you SAINT JOHN, APOSTLE, show it?! Friday 27/12 EVANGELIST Feast

THE HOLY INNOCENTS, Saturday 28/12 MARTYRS Feast ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary the octave of christmas || PSALM WEEK 1 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R THE HOLY FAMILY T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Family 29/12

6th day within the octave of Monday 30/12 Christmas 7th day within the octave of Christmas is a time when we Christmas (commemoration of Saint remember the Holy Family and Tuesday Silvester I, Pope) it’s a time to think about the 31/12 people we call family too. MARY, MOTHER OF GOD What makes a good family and Wednesday Solemnity how can you bring love and 1/1 support to those people who are close to you? Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Thursday Nazianzen, Bishops, Doctors Mary and Joseph often faced 2/1 struggles as a family - but the faced them together. How can you support 3 January the people you love and bring them Friday or The Most Holy Name of Jesus strength? 3/1 Saturday 4/1 4 January ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary the octave of christmaS || PSALM WEEK 2 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD T H IS WEEK’S Sunday Solemnity T H EME Epiphany 5/1 Monday 6/1 Monday after Epiphany Sunday Tuesday after Epiphany Sunday On the 6th of January celebrate or Saint Raymond of Penyafort, the feast of the Epiphany - Tuesday Priest when the wise men from the 7/1 east brought gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh to the Wednesday after Epiphany Sunday baby Jesus. Wednesday 8/1

For us it’s an opportunity to think Thursday after Epiphany Sunday about the gifts we’ve been given Thursday and how we use them to serve God. 9/1 It’s also a chance to give thanks for all those who give so much to us Friday after Epiphany Sunday every day. Friday 10/1 Saturday 11/1 Saturday after Epiphany Sunday ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 1st week in ordinary time || PSALM WEEK 1 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD Feast T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Discipleship 12/1

Monday of week 1 in Ordinary Time Monday 13/1 or Saint Hilary, Bishop, Doctor

Being a means following Tuesday of week 1 in Ordinary Time a teacher or a way of life, it’s Tuesday where we get the word discipline 14/1 from. It reminds us that to follow Jesus we have to live like him Wednesday of week 1 in Ordinary Time and shape our lives in a way that Wednesday reflects who he was and what he 15/1 taught. Thursday of week 1 in Ordinary Time This week we celebrate the Baptism Thursday of Jesus which marked the start of 16/1 his active ministry. Saint Antony, Abbot That ministry would go on to change Friday the whole world and just like then, 17/1 we are called to be disciples of Jesus today.every day. Saturday of week 1 in Ordinary Time Saturday 18/1 or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 2nd week in ordinary time || PSALM WEEK 2 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 2ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Inspire 19/1 Monday of week 2 in Ordinary Time or Saint Fabian, Pope, Martyr or Saint Sebastian, Martyr or Blessed Cyprian Monday 20/1 Iwene Tansi, Priest Saint Agnes, Virgin, Martyr The word inspire means “filled with the spirit” and there Tuesday are times when all of us take 21/1 inspiration from the events and Wednesday of week 2 in Ordinary people around us. St Paul was Time or Saint Vincent, Deacon, inspired by a vision of Christ to Wednesday Martyr change his ways and be a better 22/1 person on the road to Damascus - we too can be inspired by Christ to Thursday of week 2 in Ordinary Time change for the better. Thursday 23/1 This week, think about how you can be inspirational. How can you Saint , Bishop, give others a great example or show Friday Doctor others how to live their lives in a 24/1 better way? THE CONVERSION OF SAINT PAUL, Saturday 25/1 APOSTLE Feast ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 3rd week in ordinary time || PSALM WEEK 3 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 3RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Challenge 26/1 Monday of week 3 in Ordinary Time Monday 27/1 or Saint Angela Merici, Virgin

How often do we accept the Saint , Priest, Doctor challenges from God and follow Tuesday Jesus? As Christians, we face 28/1 many challenges along our faith journey and we can look to the Wednesday of week 3 in inner strength that is given to Wednesday Ordinary Time us by God so that we are able to 29/1 follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Thursday of week 3 in Thursday Ordinary Time Think this week about the 30/1 challenges you face and who you can ask for help. Friday 31/1 Saint John Bosco, Priest Saturday of week 3 in Ordinary Time or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Saturday 1/2 Virgin Mary ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 4th week in ordinary time || PSALM WEEK 4 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD Feast T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Care 2/2

Monday of week 4 in Ordinary Time or Saint Ansgar (Oscar), Bishop Monday 3/2 or Saint Blaise, Bishop, Martyr Saint Gilbert of Sempringham, On Sunday, we celebrate the Abbot feast of the Presentation of Tuesday the Lord. This commemorates 4/2 when Mary and Joseph would have presented Jesus to God at Saint Agatha, Virgin, Martyr the temple and made an offering Wednesday for him. It reminds us that Mary 5/2 and Joseph looked out for Jesus and took care of him, just as many Saints Paul Miki and his people look after and take care of Thursday Companions, Martyrs us too. 6/2

Think this week about who takes Friday of week 4 in Ordinary Time care of you and who you take care Friday of. What does it mean to be cared 7/2 for and what difference can it make Saturday of week 4 in Ordinary Time or Saint to your life? Jerome Emilian or Saint Josephine Bakhita, Virgin or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Saturday 8/2 Virgin Mary ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 5th week in ordinary time || PSALM WEEK 1 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 5TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Healing 9/2 Monday 10/2 Saint Scholastica, Virgin Tuesday of week 5 in Ordinary Time This week we celebrate the or Our Lady of Lourdes Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. Tuesday When Our Lady appeared to St 11/2 Bernadette, she called people to her to bath in the water, to repent Wednesday of week 5 in Ordinary and find healing. Today millions Wednesday Time of people visit Lourdes looking 12/2 for the same peace and healing in their lives. There have been many Thursday of week 5 in Ordinary Time miraculous healings in Lourdes over Thursday the years and we too can look for 13/2 healing in our lives through faith. That healing is not always physical, SAINTS CYRIL, MONK, AND sometimes it can be mental or Friday METHODIUS, BISHOP Feast emotional too and as we celebrate 14/2 this beautiful feast let us think about Saturday of week 5 in Ordinary Time the things that we need healing and or Saturday memorial of the Blessed how we can bring healing to others. Saturday 15/2 Virgin Mary ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 6th week in ordinary time || PSALM WEEK 2 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 6TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Happy 16/2 Monday of week 6 in Ordinary Time or The Seven Holy Founders of the Monday 17/2 Servite Order

Jesus tells us how to be happy in Tuesday of week 6 in Ordinary Time the Beatitudes. These form the Tuesday heart of Catholic Social Teaching 18/2 and they remind us that real happiness is found in the way we Wednesday of week 6 in Ordinary treat those around us. Wednesday 19/2 Time

Think this week about what and Thursday of week 6 in Ordinary Time who makes you happy. Thursday 20/2 We can all bring a bit of happiness to the people around us and your Friday of week 6 in Ordinary Time challenge this week is to do just that! Friday 21/2 or Saint , Bishop, Doctor Saturday 22/2 SAINT PETER’S CHAIR Feast ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 7th week in ordinary time || PSALM WEEK 3 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 7TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Forgiveness 23/2 Monday 24/2 Monday of week 7 in Ordinary Time

This week we begin - a very Tuesday of week 7 in Ordinary Time special and important time in the Tuesday church. On Wednesday, we will 25/2 start our journey towards with our Ash Wednesday liturgies ASH WEDNESDAY [PSALM WEEK 4] and it is at this point that we are Wednesday reminded that God’s forgiveness 26/2 and mercy is always there for us. The Ashes remind us that we Thursday after Ash Wednesday (commemoration of Saints Margaret Clitherow, can begin again and let go of the Thursday Anne Line, and Margaret Ward, Martyrs) mistakes we have made. 27/2

Think this week about what Lent Friday after Ash Wednesday will mean for you, what will you do Friday and how will you experience God’s 28/2 mercy? Saturday 29/2 Saturday after Ash Wednesday ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 1st week of lent || PSALM WEEK 1 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 1ST SUNDAY OF LENT T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Prayer 1/3 Monday 2/3 Monday of the 1st week of Lent

Prayer is something that can Tuesday of the 1st week of Lent be really hard to understand, Tuesday let alone do. Sometimes it 3/3 comes naturally but usually it’s something we forget about and Wednesday of the 1st week of Lent don’t find time for. Wednesday 4/3 (commemoration of Saint Casimir) Prayer is simply a chat with God and you don’t need to use the right Thursday of the 1st week of Lent words, you don’t even need to use Thursday any words, you just need to put 5/3 aside some time to be with God. Friday of the 1st week of Lent It’s amazing what a difference a few Friday minutes a day can make - try it for 6/3 yourself this week! Saturday of the 1st week of Lent (commemoration of Saints Perpetua and Saturday 7/3 Felicity, Martyrs) ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 2nd week of lent || PSALM WEEK 2 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 2ND SUNDAY OF LENT T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Fasting 8/3 Monday of the 2nd week of Lent (commemoration of Saint Frances of Monday 9/3 Rome, Religious)

We often give up things for Lent Tuesday of the 2nd week of Lent but fasting is not just about going Tuesday without chocolate. It’s about 10/3 going without something you don’t need in order to focus on Wednesday of the 2nd week of Lent the things you do. Wednesday 11/3 You might fast from watching TV or going on your phone and spend Thursday of the 2nd week of Lent more time with your family and Thursday friends. 12/3

Friday of the 2nd week of Lent What can you give up for Lent that Friday will help you understand the really 13/3 important things in your life? Saturday 14/3 Saturday of the 2nd week of Lent ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 3rd week of lent || PSALM WEEK 3 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 3RD SUNDAY OF LENT T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Almsgiving 15/3 Monday 16/3 Monday of the 3rd week of Lent

Almsgiving means simply giving , BISHOP, to those in need. It’s about Tuesday MISSIONARY Feast recognising how lucky we are to 17/3 have so much and focussing on Wednesday of the 3rd week of Lent how we can help those around (commemoration of Saint Cyril of us to have the same. It’s not just Wednesday Jerusalem, Bishop, Doctor) about giving money to charity 18/3 however. You can give of your self in so many ways - you can give , HUSBAND OF THE your time, your compassion or your Thursday BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Solemnity love to those in need and by doing 19/3 so truly understand what Lent is all “Friday of the 3rd week of Lent about. (commemoration of Saint Alcmund, This week we think about St Joseph Friday King and Martyr) who gave his trust and his love to 20/3 Mary and Jesus and he is a great example of what real giving can look Saturday of the 3rd week of Lent like. Saturday 21/3 ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 4th week of lent || PSALM WEEK 4 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 4TH SUNDAY OF LENT T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Sacrifice 22/3 Monday of the 4th week of Lent (commemoration of Saint Turibius of Monday 23/3 Mongrovejo, Bishop)

This week we will be thinking Tuesday of the 4th week of Lent about the sacrifice that Jesus Tuesday made for us. His death and 24/3 resurrection are at the heart of our faith and they are the reason THE ANNUNCIATION OF that we have our school and our Wednesday THE LORD Solemnity Church today. We are called to 25/3 make sacrifices too, not necessarily to give our lives, but maybe to Thursday of the 4th week of Lent give our time, or our love or our Thursday compassion. 26/3

Think about the people who make Friday of the 4th week of Lent sacrifices for you and what that Friday means to you. Think about how you 27/3 can make sacrifices for others this week. Saturday 28/3 Saturday of the 4th week of Lent ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 5th week of lent || PSALM WEEK 1 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 5TH SUNDAY OF LENT T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Journey 29/3 Monday 30/3 Monday of the 5th week of Lent

Tuesday of the 5th week of Lent Lent is a truly special Journey Tuesday that helps us walk with, and 31/3 get closer to Jesus. By trying to walk in his footsteps we can Wednesday of the 5th week of Lent understand better about sacrifice Wednesday and love. 1/4 Thursday of the 5th week of Lent This about your journey through (commemoration of Saint Francis of lent so far - how hard has it been? Thursday 2/4 Paola, hermit) What have been the struggles you have faced? Friday Friday of the 5th week of Lent This this week about what you’ve 3/4 learnt from your journey and just how Saturday of the 5th week of Lent far you’ve come. (commemoration of Saint Isidore, Saturday 4/4 Bishop, Doctor) ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary || PSALM WEEK 2 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Passion 5/4 Monday 6/4 MONDAY OF HOLY WEEK

This week we hear the story TUESDAY OF HOLY WEEK of the Passion. We hear and Tuesday remember the final moment of 7/4 Jesus’ life and his amazing act of love and sacrifice. We mirror the WEDNESDAY OF HOLY WEEK last few days during the Easter Wednesday Triduum and journey with Jesus 8/4 through the , his crucifixion and his death on the cross. Thursday 9/4 We finish our week with the and as the light enters the Church we celebrate the Friday Resurrection. Reflect this week on 10/4 what this event means to you and to the world. Saturday 11/4 HOLY SATURDAY ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 1st week of || PSALM WEEK 1 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R EASTER SUNDAY T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Alleluia 12/4 Monday 13/4

On Sunday we celebrated the most important celebration Tuesday within our faith, the resurrection 14/4 of Jesus! We celebrate the season of Easter by using a word we don’t EASTER WEDNESDAY use during Lent - Alleluia! Wednesday 15/4 The word simply means ‘praise the lord’ and it’s a reminder that at this EASTER THURSDAY time of year we should be rejoicing Thursday and celebrating that Jesus is risen. 16/4

Think this week about what makes EASTER FRIDAY you want to celebrate and think Friday about how you can show the world 17/4 the joy of the resurrection. Saturday 18/4 ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 2nd week of Eastertide || PSALM WEEK 2 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R (2ND T H IS WEEK’S Sunday SUNDAY OF EASTER) T H EME Evangelise 19/4

Monday of the 2nd week Monday 20/4 of Eastertide

We are called to be an outward Saint , Bishop, looking Church - spreading Tuesday Doctor the Good News just as Mary 21/4 Magdalene did on that Easter morning. Pope Francis tell us Wednesday of the 2nd week of that we should not look in on Wednesday Eastertide ourselves but instead take the Joy 22/4 of the Gospel out to those people who need to hear it. This doesn’t SAINT GEORGE, MARTYR Solemnity mean just shouting bible passages Thursday at people in the street it means 23/4 living our life in a way that reflects our scripture and shows people the Friday of the 2nd week of Eastertide or Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Priest, Martyr very best of what our Church is all Friday or Saint Adalbert of Prague, Bishop, Martyr about. How can your evanglise this 24/4 week? How can you show people what is truly important and set a good SAINT MARK, EVANGELIST Feast example with your life? Saturday 25/4 ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 3rd week of Eastertide || PSALM WEEK 3 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 3RD SUNDAY OF EASTER T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Faith 26/4

Monday of the 3rd week Monday 27/4 of Eastertide Tuesday of the 3rd week of Eastertide Having faith can be tough. It or Saint , Priest, Martyr means believing in something Tuesday or Saint Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort, Priest that you can not know for certain 28/4 and in a world where there is SAINT , almost an answer for everything VIRGIN, DOCTOR Feast this can be difficult. Have a think Wednesday about your faith and what you 29/4 believe in. What makes it hard to Thursday of the 3rd week of believe in God? Thursday Eastertide or Saint Pius V, Pope Asking questions is a really 30/4 important part of growing in faith Friday of the 3rd week of Eastertide so this week make some time to ask or Saint Joseph the Worker questions of the people around you Friday - ask them why they believe what 1/5 they do and through this try and understand your own faith a little bit Saint Athanasius, Bishop, Doctor more. Saturday 2/5 ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 4th week of Eastertide || PSALM WEEK 4 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 4TH SUNDAY OF EASTER T H IS WEEK’S Missionary Sunday T H EME 3/5 Discipleship Monday 4/5 THE ENGLISH MARTYRS Feast

Life wasn’t easy for the disciples Tuesday of the 4th week even after the resurrection. They Tuesday of Eastertide faced challenges every day - but 5/5 they didn’t give up. They were committed to their mission. Wednesday of the 4th week of Wednesday 6/5 Eastertide We face trials every day, as many of our community face exams in the Thursday of the 4th week next few weeks, we have to inspire Thursday of Eastertide each other to stay committed and to 7/5 face the challenges head on. Friday of the 4th week Friday 8/5 of Eastertide

Saturday of the 4th week Saturday 9/5 of Eastertide ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 5th week of Eastertide || PSALM WEEK 1 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 5TH SUNDAY OF EASTER T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Vocation 10/5 Monday of the 5th week of Eastertide or Saints John Houghton and Robert Lawrence, Monday 11/5 and the Martyrs of Nottinghamshire

The word vocation comes from Tuesday of the 5th week of Eastertide or Saints Nereus and Achilleus, Martyrs the Latin for “to call” and it Tuesday or Saint Pancras, Martyr reminds us that we all have a 12/5 calling from God to be the person Wednesday of the 5th week of he created us to be. Finding Eastertide or Our Lady of Fátima that vocation and hearing that Wednesday call however can be really hard 13/5 sometimes and it’s often difficult to know what we should do with , APOSTLE Feast our lives. Thursday 14/5 This week spend some time in prayer thinking about what God Friday of the 5th week of Eastertide might be calling you to do with your Friday life. Often it’s not what we expect 15/5 but when you find something that you love that is usually a good sign Saturday of the 5th week you’re on the right track! Saturday 16/5 of Eastertide ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 6th week of Eastertide || PSALM WEEK 2 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 6TH SUNDAY OF EASTER T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Witness 17/5 Monday of the 6th week of Eastertide Monday 18/5 or Saint John I, Pope, Martyr Tuesday of the 6th week of Eastertide To be a witness involves two or St Dunstan, Archbishop things. The first is seeing Tuesday of Canterbury something happen that you 19/5 remember and that has an effect on you. The second is telling Wednesday of the 6th week of others about what you have seen. Eastertide or Saint Bernardine Wednesday of Siena, Priest The first disciples were witness 20/5 to the resurrection and to Jesus’ ascension which we celebrate this THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD week, but we too can be witness Thursday Solemnity to Christ when we recognise him 21/5 at work in our world. The question is, how will you tell others what Friday of the 6th week of you’ve seen so that the Good News Friday Eastertide or Saint Rita of Cascia continues to be heard? 22/5

Saturday of the 6th week Saturday 23/5 of Eastertide ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 7th week of Eastertide || PSALM WEEK 3 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 7TH SUNDAY OF EASTER T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Example 24/5 Saint , Priest, Monday 25/5 Doctor

As a Christian, we are all called Saint Philip Neri, Priest to be an example and to be Tuesday inspirational to other people. If 26/5 only it was that easy! Think this week about who looks up to you SAINT AUGUSTINE OF and of course, who you look up to. Wednesday CANTERBURY, BISHOP Feast How can you be a good role model 27/5 and set a good example to those around you? Thursday of the 7th week of Thursday 28/5 Eastertide

Friday of the 7th week of Friday 29/5 Eastertide or Saint Paul VI, Pope

Saturday of the 7th week Saturday 30/5 of Eastertide ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 9th week in ordinary time || PSALM WEEK 1 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Pentecost 31/5 Monday 1/6 Mary, Mother of the Church Tuesday of week 9 in Ordinary Time The Feast of Pentecost is one of or Saints Marcellinus and Peter, the biggest events in the history Tuesday Martyrs of the Church. The Church were 2/6 part of today can be traced back to that single event when the Saints Charles Lwanga and his disciples, filled with the Companions, Martyrs Spirit, went out into the streets 3/6 and started spreading the Good OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST THE News in many different languages. Thursday ETERNAL HIGH PRIEST Feast They found a new courage and 4/6 a new mission to spread Jesus’ message and today over 1 billion , Bishop, Martyr people are part of the Catholic Friday Church! Think about the Good News 5/6 in your lives - how do you share that with others? Saturday of week 9 in Ordinary Time or Saint Norbert, Bishop Saturday 6/6 or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 10th week in ordinary time || PSALM WEEK 2 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R THE MOST HOLY TRINITY Solemnity T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Reverence 7/6 Monday 8/6 Monday of week 10 in Ordinary Time Tuesday of week 10 in Ordinary Time On Sunday we celebrated the or Saint Ephraem, Deacon, Doctor feast of the Most Holy Trinity Tuesday or Saint Columba (Colum Cille), Abbot which celebrates God in three 9/6 persons. We are called to show reverence and respect for God the Wednesday of week 10 in Ordinary Father, God the Son and God the Wednesday Time Holy Spirit at all times and we can 10/6 do this in many ways. One way is by following the second of the Ten SAINT , APOSTLE Feast Commandments and never talking Thursday about God disrespectfully but we 11/6 can also show reverence through prayer and the way that we behave. Friday Friday of week 10 in Ordinary Time Make an effort this week to be 12/6 reverent and to show respect to God and to those around you. Saturday 13/6 Saint Antony of Padua, Priest, Doctor ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 11th week in ordinary time || PSALM WEEK 3 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R CORPUS CHRISTI Solemnity T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Knowledge 14/6 Monday 15/6 Monday of week 11 in Ordinary Time Tuesday of week 11 in Ordinary Time Knowledge is one of the gifts of or Saint Richard of Chichester, Bishop the Holy Spirit. It might sound Tuesday very simple but you’ll often hear 16/6 people say “knowledge is power”. When you take the time to learn Wednesday of week 11 in Ordinary about the world around you, you Wednesday Time can start to see just what God has 17/6 created for us. When you learn something new you grow as a Thursday of week 11 in Ordinary Time person. Thursday 18/6 Think this week about how much you learn at school and what you THE MOST SACRED HEART OF can learn this week. Take the time Friday JESUS Solemnity to ask a question or read a book and 19/6 improve your knowledge this week. Saturday 20/6 The Immaculate Heart of Mary ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 12th week in ordinary time || PSALM WEEK 4 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 12TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Understanding 21/6

SAINTS , BISHOP, AND Monday 22/6 , MARTYRS Feast

Knowledge is one thing, but Tuesday of week 12 in Ordinary Time unless we understand it we can’t Tuesday or Saint Etheldreda (or Audrey), Abbess use it to make the world a better 23/6 place. Understanding helps us take our knowledge and apply THE BIRTHDAY OF SAINT JOHN THE it to our lives. Think this week Wednesday BAPTIST Solemnity about how you could be more 24/6 understanding. How could you empathise and really understand Thursday of week 12 in Ordinary Time what your friends are thinking or Thursday feeling? It often involves making an 25/6 effort and really listening. Friday of week 12 in Ordinary Time How can you better understand the Friday consequences of your decisions and 26/6 actions this week? Saturday of week 12 in Ordinary Time or Saint , Bishop, Doctor or Saturday 27/6 Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 13th week in ordinary time || PSALM WEEK 1 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R SAINTS PETER AND PAUL, T H IS WEEK’S Sunday APOSTLES Solemnity T H EME Wisdom 28/6 Monday 29/6 Monday of week 13 in Ordinary Time Tuesday of week 13 in Ordinary When we put knowledge and Time or The First Martyrs of the understanding together we gain Tuesday See of Rome wisdom. Wisdom comes from 30/6 experience and learning from our Wednesday of week 13 in Ordinary mistakes - it takes time! Time or Saint Oliver Plunket, Bishop, Wednesday 1/7 Martyr Think about the people in your life who are wise, what can you learn Thursday of week 13 in from them? Thursday 2/7 Ordinary Time

How can you use the experiences SAINT THOMAS, APOSTLE Feast you’ve had in the past to help you Friday make wise decisions in the future? 3/7

Saturday of week 13 in Ordinary Time or Saint Elizabeth of Portugal or Saturday Saturday 4/7 memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 14th week in ordinary time || PSALM WEEK 2 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Decisions 5/7 Monday of week 14 in Ordinary Time or Saint , Monday 6/7 Virgin, Martyr

Right judgement is another gift Tuesday of week 14 in of the Holy Spirit and sometimes Tuesday Ordinary Time we call it our conscience. That 7/7 little voice inside of us that tells us when we’re going wrong or Wednesday of week 14 in making the wrong decisions. The Wednesday Ordinary Time Holy Spirit can guide us in our lives 8/7 if we let it and it can help us make the right choice when are faced Thursday of week 14 in Ordinary Time with a difficult path. or Saint Augustine Zhao Rong and his Thursday 9/7 Companions, Martyrs What do you need to make a decision about this week and how can the Holy Spirit help you use right Friday Friday of week 14 in Ordinary Time judgement. 10/7

SAINT BENEDICT, ABBOT, Saturday 11/7 CO-PATRON OF EUROPE Feast ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 15th week in ordinary time|| PSALM WEEK 3 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 15TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Courage 12/7 Monday of week 15 in Monday 13/7 Ordinary Time or Saint Henry Tuesday of week 15 in Ordinary Time Courage is something we will all or Saint Camillus of Lellis, Priest need to find our lives. You may Tuesday need the courage to face an exam 14/7 or test, or maybe you’ll need the courage to say sorry and seek Saint , Bishop, Doctor forgiveness. Wednesday 15/7

The Holy Spirit can give us courage Thursday of week 15 in Ordinary when we need it the most, so think Thursday Time or Our Lady of Mount Carmel about the times and places where 16/7 you need courage at the moment and ask God to help you find that Friday of week 15 in Ordinary Time courage and move forward. Friday 17/7 Saturday of week 15 in Ordinary Time or Saturday memorial of the Saturday 18/7 Blessed Virgin Mary ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive Extra-Ordo-nary 16th week in ordinary time || PSALM WEEK 4 T H E LITU R G ICA L YEA R 16TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME T H IS WEEK’S Sunday T H EME Awesome 19/7 Monday of week 16 in Ordinary Time Monday 20/7 or Saint Apollinaris, Bishop, Martyr Tuesday of week 16 in Ordinary Time Awe and wonder is an amazing or Saint Laurence of Brindisi, Priest, gift of the Holy Spirit. It’s the Tuesday Doctor ability to see the incredible things 21/7 God has created and not take them for granted. How easy is SAINT MARY MAGDALEN Feast it for us to get bored and stop Wednesday appreciating how lucky we are to 22/7 have a beautiful world, an amazing school and people who love us? SAINT BRIDGET OF SWEDEN, Thursday PATRONESS OF EUROPE Feast This week try and look again at 23/7 those things which maybe you don’t fully appreciate. How can you Friday of week 16 in Ordinary Time celebrate what is really awesome in Friday or Saint Charbel Makhlouf, Priest your life?! 24/7 Saturday 25/7 SAINT JAMES, APOSTLE Feast ndcys www.ndcys.com || Watch this week’s video at YouTube.com/ndcyslive