philippine studies Ateneo de Manila University • Loyola Heights, Quezon City • 1108 Philippines Forms of Consciousness in El Filibusterismo Benedict R. O’Gorman Anderson Philippine Studies vol. 54, no, 3 (2006): 315–356 Copyright © Ateneo de Manila University Philippine Studies is published by the Ateneo de Manila University. Contents may not be copied or sent via email or other means to multiple sites and posted to a listserv without the copyright holder’s written permission. Users may down- load and print articles for individual, noncommercial use only. However, unless prior permission has been obtained, you may not download an entire issue of a journal, or download mul- tiple copies of articles. Please contact the publisher for any further use of this work at
[email protected]. Fri June 27 13:30:20 2008 Forms of Consciousness in El Filibusterismo Benedict R. O'Gorman Anderson This sequel to "Forms of Consciousness in Noli me tangere" turns to El Filibusterismo. The article shows that Rizal's new conception of Philip- pine society as a racial "pyramid," pitting indios against chinos and Spaniards, produced an anti-Chinese racism absent in the Noli. It also shows RizalS dificulties in coping with the Philippines' ethnolinguistic variety. A further section considers the reasons for the surprising pov- erty of the Fili's political vocabulary. Finally, attention is focused on RizalS problems in locating a linguistic vehicle for effective communica- tion among his countrymen. The Fili goes beyond the Noli's Spanish- Tagalog binary to introduce a hybrid, urban lingua franca. KEYWORDS: nationalism, racism, Rizal, Chinese, lingua franca In the article "Forms of Consciousness in Noh me tangere," whch Phil- ippine Studies published at the end of 2003, I promised that it would be followed rapidly by a parallel text on El Filibusterismo.