57518 Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 216 / Wednesday, November 6, 1996 / Rules and Regulations ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION implement certain pollution prevention, (BPT), §§ 455.43 and 455.63 (BCT), and AGENCY recycle and reuse practices. Facilities §§ 455.44 and 455.64 (BAT) are choosing and implementing the established in the National Pollutant 40 CFR Part 455 pollution prevention alternative will Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) receive a discharge allowance. permits. [FRL±5630±9] The final rule will benefit the ADDRESSES: For additional technical RIN 2040±AC21 environment by removing toxic information write to Ms. Shari H. pollutants (pesticide active ingredients Zuskin, Engineering & Analysis Division Pesticide Chemicals Category, and priority pollutants) from water (4303), U.S. EPA, 401 M Street SW, Formulating, Packaging and discharges that have adverse effects on Washington, D.C. 20460 or send e-mail Repackaging Effluent Limitations human health and aquatic life. EPA has to:
[email protected] or call Guidelines, Pretreatment Standards, estimated the compliance costs and at (202) 260±7130. For additional and New Source Performance economic impacts expected to result economic information contact Dr. Lynne Standards from the Zero Discharge/Pollution Tudor at the address above or by calling Prevention Alternative (i.e., Zero/P2 AGENCY: Environmental Protection (202) 260±5834. Agency. Alternative). The Agency has determined that the Zero/P2 Alternative The complete record (excluding ACTION: Final rule. will result in a similar removal of toxic confidential business information) for this rulemaking is available for review SUMMARY: This final regulation limits pound equivalents per year at EPA's Water Docket; 401 M Street, the discharge of pollutants into (approximately 7.6 million toxic pound SW, Washington, DC 20460.